HomeMy WebLinkAbout19510514_ADJOURNED$44 George EIartzellts request for a. Truck bading Zone on Harket Street just east of his South entrance, was reported by 352.- Olsson. Considerable discussLon had &t no aition tzlcen other tixm request to KP. Olsson to investigate matter &&herr Child's motion, that Public Hearings be set for Uonday, June 11, 19gk on the follow- ing petitions for Blac7&oppjng and/or Oiling, was seconde? by Bredesen and carried: f I \, Brookview Avenue between Vr62nd and W.63rd Streets Chowen Avenue between X,!@th Street and a point 250 feet South thereof. Fairfax Averme between y. 59th 'and W.60th Streets Oaklam Avenue between Tr. Seth and If.59th Streets Beard Avenue between ~~56th and W.5'7th Streets Kellogg Avenue betmen 1:. 60th and t.T.6lst Streets Beard Avenue betmen t.r,!jgth and K60th Skreets Xhdsor Avenue between Normandde Road and Code Avenue T!ent Place between Kent Avenue a.nd.JJindsor Avenue Pork avenue between. V.56th and W. 583h Streets * . Dever Driv-e 811 Streets in Zdinbrook Subdiksion '-- Clkldfs nition, for adjournment of Nay ath Neeting to Nonday, Hay 21, 19%, at 7:30 'PJL, w4s seconded by Bqdesen and I * *. . -- . -.% &nibers answering Rollcz;il were Bredesen, Phd, lf&ens"w&d &&&son, HawLhome came latbr, as kecorded below* Village Engineer Olsson presented the folloving Prelhinav Plats for approval by C&icilt Clerk . The Bora Plat on France Avenue, South of lT&th Street' $he Sonnenberg Plat,: North of Grop S$reet.= . The Cusak Plat between Xerxes ad Pork Avenues between 72nd and 74th Stse Child moved thai the Bora h-eliminary Plat be accepted, w$bh the suggestion that \he klaming Commission arrange for dedication of playground on up ,o&ble grannd before acceptance of Final Plat. Hotion seconded br Danens and carrieds Child" mved for acceptace of Sonnenberg $relimFnary Plat as presented, f.lotion second,ed by Danens and carried. Childimoved for acceptance of the Cusak Prelimin& Pia$ r.rith suggestion to Planning Gomission thzt Playground areas r&Xl be needed in this Imn;odiate picin$ty, -was seconded by- Danens and carriedr * c Deputy Village Clerk reported that the Village has been billed by the Bemepin County Auditor in an amoupt totalling sane @,800, for specid. assessments for improvements abuttbg properties accpired by th,e Village for Paik and Playground Puiioses; %hese assesmen;ts b.eing the portio9 of assessments due- in 1951, on KUa~e pro2erties in Fairfax and Gouldsmith~s Additions. SpecidL Assessments for the year be paid. Hotion seconded by,Danens and carried, Child moved that . The matter of change in Ehmum Lot Size Requirements, as advocated by the Pl&ning Coadssion, was brought-before the Council, and was referred to tha Q%Enmces and Fegislation Committee by motion Child, Seconded by Danens and carried. Hi, Carl N. Hansen's petition for permit to maintFn Tract Office at 5436 Vood- dale Avenue until Xay 31, 1952, was readr Hotion seconded by Bredesen and carried, 3Zr. Ghbert G. Giebink's petition, on behalf of himself, Robert R+ Ciebink, Harris Kneeland, I&, Osborne, and Suburban Developers, Inc., for ekception of that portion of I-Qrror Lakes Addition lying iuithin t&t.area, to be assessed kor . Sanitary Sewer E-1, from the assessment .dist;.rict, vas read. Child mved "c;hzt pet2tion be ,denied. Xo%ion +seconded by Danens and carried. Child moved that pstition be granted. T- I; Petition for ,Curb and Gutter on Halifax Avenue betw4en 53rd ,&d 54th Streets was fils& 3redesen noved accepting. petition and setting Public Hearing for P<Ionday, June 3.1, 192, at 7:30 P&. Kotion seconcled by Child +nd carriedc b * Copy of Attorney Burris' letter of April =th, advising Mr, Don J. 34cClellan of action to follow, providing that he doesaot comply with order to renove equipment by Nay 15, was readr &. McClellan's failure to resnove some equipment as of this date was discussed, and matter was .referred to Police Department for their investigation Clerk Hawthorne arrived at this time. Nr. %Ado E,€iardellts request for control of traffic on Edgebrook Place, and Era Bobb Chaneyts request for speed control on Drexel Avenue were read+ Trustee Danens reported .the requests 'of Kessrs, Odell and Davis for stop signs on. V+54th Street entering ??ooqdde Avenue. plans being made .for an additional patrohan in order that two' patrol cars cad be on theyoad during heavy traffic hoursI and moved its adoption: Cmsiderable discussion was had by Couhci1,with Child offered the follorJing Resolution ' RESOLUTION FOR TRAFFIC CDKl'€XlL BE *IT RESLVED by'the Vi-Uage Council .of -the Yillage of Edinag as follows= L1 That.Edgebrook-Place be, and hereby is, established as a one-way street, traffic to move from North to South only, and, 2* That Edgebrook Place be, and with parking to be permitted 3. kr * That Wooddale Avenue be,and hereby is, is, eskablished as a FOne-Way Parking Zone," West side of the street, and Thet vehicles be required to come to-.full. and conplete stop before entering Wooddale Avenue from lf*54th Street, and vicinity of TL54th Street. 1 establkshed as a Y3lour Zone1[ in +the< BE 31f FURTHER Et2SOLVED that proper sip be postEd for the enforcement of ' tliese Sbove established-traffic regulationss Notion for ado,p-bn of Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on RoUml.1 there were five ayes and no wys, as follo~$s: Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; Mayor Mr. H,C, Utley of Ernst &Erst, Auditors, reported on progress of Audite for Year 19,50. and moved its adoption: a On Mk* Utloy*s recomeridation, Child offered the following Resolution BXSOLUTION FOB lGXQ4BWBm TO .. - L -Gj3mRALmTmD .. Ell3 IT RESOLmD by the Vi.lJ.age,CotbnciL of the Pillage of Edina, as follows: 1. That.Village Water DGpartment repay to'General Fund of this Village the mtmts received by sad ffater Department from the time 03 acquisition of Waterworks to the present date for Repairs to Streets After Water Connections; and 2. T1St Village Sewer Rental Fund repayt to GenerqJ. %d of this Village the amounts received by said Sewer Rental Fund from Janbary 1, 19% to present date for Repairs to Streets after Sewer Conaec%ionq and 3. %hat said Itrater Department and Sewer Bentax Ehnd,:r&ain $2,00 per street opening, for handling charge; and 4. That said l?ater Department and Sewer Rental Fund henceforth reinburse %he l?ater Department and Sewer Rental Fund for Repairs to Streets affiter Water and Sewer Connections, retaining $2,00 per street op*ening, for handling charge *i 7, $ Genexalwd of this Village each year forthe amounts received by said 14otion for adoption of the Resolution was secbnded on RollcriLl there were five ayes and no-nays, as follows: aye; Dmens, I &yor Village Cle I Hawthorne moved for recess to call of Chair. Notion seconded by Bredesen and- Upon reconvention of Neeting, with all rnenbsh pgesent, Hawbhorne moved that, effective June.1, 1951, a Cost of Living Adjustment for Village Bnployees earning less than $490Q0 per year be granted in aomt of 3ib.e percent of base pa.y,exclnd- ing previously granted $25.00 cost of Living adjustment, sqid fiqe percent to be figured to the nearest $5,00,per month unit; said adjustment excluding einployees working at the Edina Mhnicipa3, Liquor Sbdz Store. carriedr Xawthorne moved that galaries pf Village Grader Operators be established at @03*00 per month including previousLy granted $25.00 Cod of Living Adjustment. Motion seconded by Danens and carrieds t carriedr ~ .I -- PIotion seconded by Child and I 846 Bawthorne moved that the firstIoading of an Ordinance Establishing Job Classifications and Conditions of Jhployqent in the Village of Edina bo set ,for Zforidqy, June 11, 2.951a Hotion seconcled bx Bredesen and carried. Hkwthomers Eotion, for the grating of the foll&ing&icensep, for the tern ending April 1, 1952, was seconded by Child and carried: Country Cash Store, 4404 Vaey View Road--%d, Gigarette,Off-Sale Beer Don's Lunch, 53k8 France-Food . -- C&ldrs motion that Village Engineer be instructed to draft plans and specifications for new -mter, tower and tank of 500,000-gaJ.&on capacity in order thqt Cduncil. may' advertiqe for bids, ins secdnded by Danens and carried. t Childfs motion that Village Council advertise for bids for yearts supply of Uater Eeters, yith bids to be taken June II, was, seconded by Dznens and Carrie&, Petitions for Grading and Gravelling of Zexith Avenue between W.57tB and TJ;S$th Streets and of Wa 57th Street between Abbott and York Avenues yere rsviewed, Ijawbhorne's motion, tht petitions be accepted, &hat Village Engineer be directed to prepare Plans and Specifications, and tht Public Hearing on improvenent be set" for Eonday,- June 25, 193, at 7:30 P&, was s&orrcied by Danens and carried+ Engineer Olsson reported on bid; %&en by I& for Eater and 35, Vestern Underground Construction Company being low bidder at cost of $20,&3.69 for bpth kt~proveaents, Kotion seconded by Eaxhhorne ad carried, Ere Olsson pzesented Tabulation of Bids taken Hay Nessras Olsson and Danens recornendad p6rchase of Czry-M.3. r"or Xngixeering Dept. Bredesen moved, awarding bid to Grossman Chevrolet Company, I-Emeapolis, low bidder on CarrpJlU, at bid price of &,32O.80. Notion seconded by Child and carriedr . I Tmproveaerks Nos. 34 Child moved that bid 6e awarded to low bidder, I .I + ior autoinobile or truck. t Hawthorne moved for adjournment. Notion se w. d fiI"ES OF THE l3XXKAR EE&"G'OF THE EDW -'oTI&A@ COqCrL, 'HEIID - AT-THE, EDWA VILLAGE H.lX& - Eiabers answering Rollcall were Bredesen, -Child_aqd. Danens. Child presided until &yor Erickson and-,Clerk IIawtho-me arrived, as recorded below. Enutes of I-Zeeting of Iky 14, 1951 were approved as submitted, by Eotion Bredesen seconded Daens and carried* , &iONDAY, $I@. 283 ~ 19%. &I'q 7: 30- P& Acting Eapr Child notified audience that Public Hewing onRen&g of Word Avenue ~muld not be held, as petitioners for the renaming bd.withdrarsn their petitiont Continmtion of public Kearjng on Proposed Grading and GraveUing of Morth-South Alley between ~~56th and ILflth Streets aid between York and Xerxes Avenues xas had, Era nzeg exp'l,aained.tht owners idshe'd only to have alley opened so that they Ifcould get in and get outll of it* Engineer Olsson explained that bad drainage s5$uatfon can be remedied by canstruction of stom sewer; that it is impossible to effect a r-dy by bringing alley to grade; that &ley can be opened for travel. at a very nominal cost. those neabers of Council present, that alley be merely opened for travels Pursuant tof!.Adveki.sement for Bids4kter >bin Snprovenent iYo+ 36,*1 published in Suburb= Press, Hopldns and in Construction Bulletin, l!&~~=poUs, on Isfay 17 and 24, 192, Affidavit of Publicd5on for which was read, approved as to forn and placed on file, the foUoiJing bids were publicly*opened and read: + t No formal. acCiontsken, but it was consensus of opinion. of FOR TU!! XAIN IZX!ROVEb'IIT WO. 36-4.n Westbrook Lane, TL43th to TT649th Streets Vestern Un6erground .Const, CO., "qeapolis - - -. L $3 1 819.70 Bart Carlone, St, Paul Pichard Us - Ferron, Ninngpolis * 3,e24*35 31 82ks61 - Lmetti & Itmetti,. St, Pal 3978.66 *, Danenst motion, for _referral of bids go Village Er@neer for tabulation and report at n&d meeting, vas seconded by Bredesen and carried, The request of AFenue behieen carriedr . setting Public Steiner Bekcore Hearing 0 IZoppelnan, contractors, for change in grade of Hasrison Lane and l&loney Avenue, was reported, Bredesents notion for June 25, l9fjl, c at 7:30 PI%, was seconded by..Danens and