HomeMy WebLinkAbout19510514_REGULARIfIf service is temporarily suspended because of any of the reasons.set forth above,.-occurring throughlno fault or negligent act on the part of the Company, . such suspension shall not be made the basis of aqy action or proceeding to termi- nate this franchise, same as that sold to the :Conpanyfs customers &n the City of Einneapofismit its pmgagF.:and publicatton. Th6 quaLi%y of the gas sold in the Village shall be the r. - - SECTTON 2. This or&ance shaU take effect and be in force from and after Hotion for adoption of the @Wance was se there vere five ayes, as po&lows: Bredese HaFrthorne, aye; and F;ric$on, aye; and the .. . t" byor * &gihe&r-Q&son presented. estimate of cost for Street G&ding, C&b and Gutter, +detmUr +d Bituminous Surfzce, for K54th Strget from Erame Avenue to .&me- haha Creek, total estimated cost being #15,6$0.59, or &*02 per-assessable foot, if .assessed against abutting properties.only. &. Olsson was requested to . prepare new estimate, following suggestions made @ypCo~cil, Mrm Olsson requested that an additional vehicle be pkhased, for &e by either jhgiqeers or Building Inspector. Trustee hens recommended a ggcarry-dll" for qse of the engineers, .Haidihorneis,motion, ,that Council advertise for bids for one of the following: Pick-up 'Lk.uck, Panel Tmrck*(carry-all type) or Two-Door Sedan, with bids to be--%aken IIonday, kky &, was seconded by Bre$esen.and,carried. . bnenrs motion for adjournmeni' was seconded by w p ** . ". a. . _-*._- .-*----_ 1 _*.. PIembers answering R0UcaI.l were Bredesen, Child, Danens, and &ickson* Deputy Clerk Gretchen Alden acted as Clerk, &nutes of the Regular Neeting of Eiarch 26, 19a, were &ended by the substitxibion of the phrase, !!Attorney Donald Bu.rris,lf for the phrase "Attorney Russell Smi*h,1! as ICr. Paul Denuisonts attorney;. and Mbut,es* of the Regular IbetingB of April 9 and- 23,.-and the Special Xeeting of Apx5.J Ut, 19%, ere approved as submitted, by S4btion Bhild, seconded by Danens and carried, Eapr E&ckson called Public Hearing on propsed Sanitary Sewer I-ilain Extension irr T.Jestbrook Lane between.W,Wh and W.49th Streets._ It was qmounced that the @burban Press had failed to enter-publication for Uotice of Heaping. Childts motion, that Public Hearing be re-set for Xonday, June LI, 1951, at 7:39 P.&, was seconded Public Hearing we belween lT.@th and T?&9th Streets. Affida-$$t of Pubucation of Moteice of Bearing, in Suburban Press, I<op&ins, on April 26 qnd Ngy 3, was read. Engineerrs estimate, in-total amount of. $4,538.43 as against 996,413 assessable fee$, or &&5 per assessable foot, was read. There were no objectors from the floor, and the Glsrk had received no written objections prior to the meeting. Child offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: ,. I Danens and unanimously carriedr I next called on the prol;osed IMer &in Extension in W&tbrook -= .. KESOLUTION OFJIERING I"ROW.IENT TTATEEt.MIH OW^^ ESO. 36 €33 IT IZESOLJED by the Council of-the.Village of Edina, 'EGnnesota, that this Council heretoforq-caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed bprovemen2 consisWng of Construction of Water Efaiu Extension and Appurtenmses in Vestbrook he betxeen W&th and Tf.kS)th%reets, aqd at the hearwg held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully-advked of the pertinent fscts does hereby dekermine to proceed with the c nst cti of said ent; that said improve- merit; is hereby designated/@d %&FabRgomE2@Kir a essed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abukting and fronting upon the streets in wMch said improvement is to be constructed, I Ibtion for adoption of the Resolution VU/% was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall i39 there, were four ayes and no-pays, as follows Danens, aye; grickson, aye; and the Resoluti __ Village Clerk'. Village &ginper recommended that Council adbertise for bids for Water Main Improvement Eo, 36 as quickly as possibly, because of prevailing s-carcity of Water Pipe,. Child offered the following Resolution and mowd its adoption: RESOLUTION LD€%OVING PLANS AND SPIECIF'ICATIOlJS FOgJfATE?. .lW-.Q'I?ROPa NO, 36 -Rnn,.DIREGTJNG . .. . D~TIS~ FOR BIDS . -.- , . BS IT RE3OLVED .by .the Vqlage. Council -of the-Village of Edina: ... .___- -_ - *. 1. The plans and specificakions fok. Mater lJlain Improvement No, 36, heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and-now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. 2. The'Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Suburban Press and the Construction Bulletin the,following notice for bids for the constmction of sdd improvement: MAW-E-AIJj ~QIPROEQENT .NO, 36 ADlBX!!ISm*EW FOR BIDS FOR --..* --* VQL4C2l. OF XDINA, The Edina Village Council yil&.meet at the Village Hall, 4801 IT6 9th Street, Minneapolis, on-Nonday, Nay 28, 1951, at -7~30 otclockqP.M., .to open gd consider sealed bids for the construction oftqater &in Improvement No, 36 in said Village, consisting of Construction of Village Vater lkin Extension and Apprtenances in Westbrook Lane between V,t?.@tB and If.49th Streets, fied in the plans and specifications for said improvement on file in the' office of the Village Clerk, cash payment for the .work. filed with the undersigned before the time of- said meeting and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or.certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of Ten percent of the amount of the bid. -. - - .- - .. ._ _)__ ._ - . - Bmer Hawthorne .t The work on said improvement mst be done as'described and speci- All bids must be submitted on the basis of No-bids will be considered unless sealed and BY ORDER OF TKE VILLAGE COUNCIL. -. .-. . Village Clerk * Edina, Efinnesota 3, Each and all of the ,terms of the-foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby adopted 3s the terms and cond5tions of the award of the contract for said hprovment. Hotion for adoption of the Resolution was Seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there tiere four ayes and no-%nays, as follows: . I ' aye; Erickson, aye; and 1 Hayor r Pursuant to "Notice of Hearing on Proposed Grading and Gravelling of Alley,(' published in,Suburban Press, Hopkins, April .26 and May 3, 19%, Affid.@t of Publication for which yas read, approvsd as to formnand ordered placed on file, Mhyor Erickson called Public Hearing on the proposed grading and gravelling of the alley lying between Pork and Xerxes Avenues and between - W,56th and W.57th Streets, Engineer Olsson explained that m extensive grading pr0;ject c-ot be done without changing drainage flow; that a storm sever is needed; that-he has contacted Minneapolis but that they have no project contemplated for a $om sewer on Xerxes Avenue; that; Village can put its blade in, to open the alley, but that water will still drain toward the middle. Messrs, Elzea, Robison, spoke in support of their petition. Notion by Danens, seconded bx Child, and carried, to continue hblic Hearing until Nay 28, at 7~30~ It was ddcided that Eessrs. Olsson and..DaYiens would meet, in the field, v&th.property owners, before the.2&h2 to work out some solution to this-problem, + &fro Burton Bauernfeind, 5609 St.&drews Avenue, led a delegation of St. Andrews residents requesting relief from. drainage difficulties informed that the matter of the so-called Wolonial Grove-Golf Terrace storm sewer!! has been before the Council for some.time; that it has been tabled until-this meeting because of opposition. Child moved to set Public Hearing on Colonia3 Grove-Golf Terrace Storm Sewer,,for Monday, June ll., 1951, at 7t30 P.N. Motion seconded by Danens and unanimously carrfedr They tvere .. I .l ? Attorney Schnell, representing property owners on melen Avenue, protested St,Louis Park's construction of seper ma5n along lhehaha Creek. 352. Helvin T. Northey, 4384.Thielen Avenue, IZr. 8. I;. Btter, 4380 Thielen, and 1% Robert Schmitt, 4377 Theielen, led the delegation- appearing, %ey protested on grounds that constrmcti,on of sewer .r.rould damage their rear yards and would probably cause seepage of creek waters through the creekbed, Jchus causing water level to lower; and that StoLouis Park expects to have 300 faxilies connecting, whereas it is the belief of those present that Xdina's trunk line cannot handle this additional volume of semgs+ Delegation requested that Browndale Park residerhs connect to Edinats sewer, and* that .the Streetcar Conrpany be assessed for sewer, thus lowering cost to residents.. Xeeting between Edina and B.3huis Park Engineers, Attorneys, ad Chairinen of Mlic Works Committees, with Twelen Avgnue residents, was arranged for Tuesday, 3ky 22, at, 7:30, at the Grange Hall.. Attorney Shaw, representing Nr* Benjainin Hart, 5620 Nomandale Road, explained that Village Health Officer had ordered 3ir. Hartts horses removed iqediately; mdeaslced Earmission to keep horses until Se&@.I.. It4xts explained that the V'age Ordinance prohibits the keeping of horses Bithin 5QO feet, of platted property or a dwelling xithout permit by Board of Hedth. Because of some ambiguity h the phrasing of the Ordinance, 3k.. Hart was.leferred $0 Village Attorney TEndhorst, after adviae that-the Council wishes him to remove horses by- July 1. . . l%-s.Thomas Hadden, President of Edina Wornants Club, inquired as to status of petition for purchase of Tkllace Property for Libraw, -Petitions contaking approximately 300 signakures, against purchasesof library property, were filed with Council. Child move@ that Public Hearing on natter of purchase of library be set for Friday, Eay 25, at 7;30,P&, at. the Edina .Elementaw School at 50th and Wooddale. -I ~ Xr. Gordon Noleen, 691 Behore Lane, presented petition signed by tlaJ.l bGt fourtt* pf the property owers in EIendelssohn Addition, against the proposed amexation - of this Addition to Hopkins* filed id*h the Council for annexation to Hopkins. presentedtonight be accepted. Notion seconded by Bredesen and carried. be repaired after construction of sewer and water improvementsl He was &formed .that YiuZge crew trill repair as soon as weather is right. I&'. Harry Davis requested that Council grant authority to School officials to tie or chain dogs .on school grounds &f -necessary. He explained that his small boy had been bitten, Kir, Sarff advised that school officias are mrried that children will be bitten, wd khat they feel that owners will keep their dogs amy if it is known that . there wiI1 be a penalty if it is necessary to tie a dog. Natter %vas referred $0 O.rdinances and Legislation Conmiittee for study, &, Copley requested study on possibLlity of Sanitary Sewer Extension from Edinbrook Addition to Brookside and kt3iedge Avenues. tatter rezerred-to Engineer Olsson for , Council &xfomed delegation that no petition had been Child moved that petitcion Thorns Eoore, Jr., requested that Wooddale Avenue between W.56th and 57.58th Streets Y c - prelbinary sumye -. ._ Rr, Copley requested infomation on re-installation of Stop Signs on Brookside Avenue, Mas informed that matter had been referred to Police Department for report, 3&, Nelson requested permissfon to grade Xerxek Avenue tm feet between 74th and 75th Streets. Childfs motion, that request be referred to W'iUage Engineer, Erotion seconded by Bredesen,and carried. Pursuat to IfAdverGis&ent for Bids, Water Hain No, 34," and *lAdvert3sement for Bids, firater ETain Improvement No. 35,". in Cogstruct5on Bulletin And Suburban Press, AprU 26 gzd 3iay 3, Affidavits 'for vfhich were approved as. to form gnd placed on-file, tbe folloidng bids were publicly opened and read: c < I Bombined Bids for T7&% 1.W IMETLOVB-~ XO. 344tichmond Hills - T@T@ E@€4 IMPP~l@j" No. 35,"enith Avee,, 57th to 58th Sts. DeGraf f-TTcZff - . __ . . . . -. - . . ~ $=y911*29 Lanetti Q Lametti $22,960.64 ' San$strom& Hafner $?4,176,30 Phelps-Drake. Coinpay $22,363.01 ~chard.I4, Ferron 1 @ny546.5& * Bart Carlone $24,082 020 Xestqn lfnderground Const. Coo fi bee&20&3.69 + &tion by Ghild, referring bids to Ti&lagc$!?or tabulation and report at next meeting, was seconded br Danens and carried. Y 5/ut/a Pursuant to kdvertisement for Bids-Liwor Store Tnsurance, as published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, Kmnesota, on April 26 and.May 3, 1951, thd following bids were publicly opened and read: ANDERSOPS AGENCY, Nhneapol3.s : &,-%%. . $60,000 -e Business Interrupt-ion, Fire and %&ended Govwages - 80% Co-Ins. . . (Rates *ll Fire T- .O& Extended Coverage* - Tfll'AL FIVE BAR €%%E& $375.76 (Rates .135 Fire.- .O52 &%ended Coverage)- TMTSlL FXKG YElfR Pm4. $30SJ.6 ' (Rates .30 Fire - .056 E&onded-Coverage = DEPOSlT PREMe I &O,OOO 2 Business Interruption, Pire and &&ended Coverages - 50% Co-ks~ ' I Both. bids based on net sdes of $75,616,00*- . , - -. t % $lOO,OOO I&&,% of Liability, Stock.Beporting Forb $267,00 S'JBW CONPARY, Ediua .. .. . &jO,QOO - Business Interruption, Fire and Extended'Coverages - 80% Co-Ins* $ 4,000 - F'urzliture & Fixbures, Fire and Extended Coverags - -90% Co-Ins+ I $13,500 - Building, Fire, Zxkeaded Coverage st Vixndal~sm - 80% Co-Ins* Fu1 Coverage --Ext;erior Glass 1 I .. ANn", PLWI. . $.64&0 THRJ@,B&f3 PEZMi ,16~~00 * AFSIVAL Pm* '$1 12,52 TRREELYE@ PREM, 8 3L30 F ma PmL- . $ 24.71 ' T?J€u3E-X%$~ l?KE!4, 8 6L78 ANNURL PF&G - 8 2L62 THREX-yEAR PREX. $ 5Ef*2F) ANNUAL PEEN.. $177*00 $60,000 - Contents, Fire, Extended Coverage & Vandglism, --.90$$ Co-ksa 1 * . ARTHUR R, BYDE&I AGIXEY, IEmeapolis - --1 , @Q,QOO--- .@usiness _&termption, Fire, Exterided Coverage 6c Vandalism-80$ Co-J.nsa THMB YEAR €'REM, $162.00 4 4,000 - knitwe et Fixtures, Fire, &ended Caverage & TJlandalism-90% Co-&sa $13,500 - Building, Fire, Exbended Coverage &t-Vandalism - -80% Co-Insa, . $60,000 - Contents, Fire, Extended Coverage &-Vandalism -..SO$ Co-Inse . Danens moved that bids be referred to Tillage Namger for tabukation and report a% next regular rneetbg, Notion seconded by Child and carriedp Pursuavlt to Advertisement for Bida, published in Suburban Press, Hcpkins, oit April 26 and &y 3, the following bids were publicly opehed and read: - (Renewal) - BIEUAS PEE, $10~07 .. (Renewal) - ANXVX, PREM, 8 19*93, @enewaI> - ANI\JIfi P@BL -$ 27139 N1 Coverage - Plate Glass tmma PrnL . $187+20 ?7rJo=mm~ PzcEr;-*up .- - cp;RraLz SEDAN TSIUCK Anderson Chev, Co, $la 860+10 IKZFEO 81,44?. 50 Barington Ghev. Co, .19?48.00 ,19495.57 .1,300.00 Hartzell $lotor Go. (Plymouth) 1,982.53 - I I 1,326.80 J-,3&LOO 1,178*00 1,474r50 1,539.53 1,194e 90 Dahlberg Bros., .Inc,-- (Ford) - 1,499eOO 1,361,OO Grossman Cgev* Cp, Suburba Chev. Go, Danens rnoved for pefermpal. of-bids to Village Engineer for tabulation aad report at ne& regular meeting, Er, George E, Parsons presented petition against the proposed renaming of Oxford Avenue to' Hollywood Road. Child moved that Public Rearing on matter be set far Eonday, && 28, at 7.:3O P.H. II Mr, George Hartzell asked for pennit Lo e,xtend west end of south wall of his business'and to raise the roofr Building Inspector instructed to issue permit, Erb E.G. Sto~? requested that Sanitary Sewer be provided for his development on the Duggan farm, He was inforpled that-petition should be secured from property owners affected, Hotion seconded by Brsdesen and carried, 4. Notion secmded by Danens and carriedr )L + I Village Attorney Windhorst reported that *"unicipal Parking Lot11 petitfons are The PJLmdks action filed against the Village, by John A. Rugloski, was discussed a% some length, this action being in connection with e, Rugloskits application for permit to build a dwelling on a portion of a lot in Rolling Gceen, moved that action be defended, and thatj in the meantime Council not2fy the Rolling 'Green Association and the Planning Commission that 'Village Attorney is doubtful of Village right to legally refuse permit and that it is absolu-bely essential that new plat recommendations for the vest part af Rolling Green be subnitted to Council before Edeetbg of June 1L -c now ready for cir-qulation, Rpport aecgpted. I +. Child Motion seconded. by Danens and carriedr t I Tillags Attorney Wndhorstts written opinion of this date, "that the oparction of a cement block plant is not so immediately necessary and incidental to the operation of a gravel pi% so as to pe&t the owner of a gavel pit in existence on 1-h;~ 25, 193X3 to erqct aad operate a cement block plank thereafter,1t under Tillage Zoningbdinmce, See. III, was reviewed and ordered placed on file forAutm6 referen&. Er. 14f&horst reprted that lbe TJilliam Gordon has now refused to acdept the Villagets offer bf $30'0.00 for an easement .for, rater =in, across his property, Vmage Engineer Olsson advised that is is most necessary that easenenk be secured at once, Child offered the following, Resolution and moved its adoption: * i of EdGa lay out, copstruct and establish an extension of the existing village water mi3i shten bstwFen West Sunnrslope Road and Edinbnook Additcon to service the property ad jaceht thereto, and t XKE3E43, @ order to accon6lish such purpose, i-% is necessary to acquire a perpet6al. easeme$ of the necessary vidth and depth for the construction, installation, mai&e&nce, .operation and repair of said .r.rater mah in the fo2lowing dkscriljed land located in %he Countx of Hennepin, State of Ennesota, to-wit: The Sot$h Fifteen feet (15') of the North One Hundred Fifty-One and twenty-nine hundredths ..feet (151.29') of Lot Fifiy-5wo (52), Auditor's subdivision NiliImber 176, according to the map or pXat thereo; oa-file and of the Register of Deeds in and for said :- Hemepin County, IEnnesota, . which propeGty is orqed by VXUia.tn Gordon, aad 1-3, The Village of Edina has offered to pwchase such easaerit from the above om-ier at a price deemed by the Council to be favorable, and 1~. The mmer of such land has refused to accept the Village's offer, and la, Th-e Village is advised and believes that the most feasible location ?=B, By-reason of such refusal to sell to the Tillage the land above describsd, it_-has becyme necessary to procure title to such lands by right of emkent domain, NOT< THIBXF'QB, Be it resolved that the Tillage of Edina proceed to procure an ess&ent-& the above described-land under its right of eminent domain 2nd that the Village Attorney be ins$ructed and directed to file the necessary petition therefor and to prosecute such astion to a successful conclusion or until it is abadoned, dismissed o~terminated,bythe Village or by the Court; that the Village Attorney, %he President and the Clerk do all tkxiags necessap to be done in the comencenent, prosecution_ and successfU ternination of this action, EESOLUTTON IT-, It is necessary, admable and in the public interest %ha% the Village ' c 7 r f for the'propopd Mater =in easement is on the land described, ard t Bredesen, and -on Rollcall there Dayens, zye; and z Petition-by TXLliam T, Hoifaan, for permit to move a dwelling from 4504 Valley View Road to Lot 15, Block 1, Peacedale Acres--6233 Peacedale Avenue--was presented, together 16th writken approval. of @.I. properby owners within 500 feet of%he proposed new locationr Bredesen 1s motion grantbg permit was seconded by ehild aad $w5ed, Pztition by*Edina Police Deprtment, €or $15.00 Cost of Livjng Raise, was filed. pfficer Henry lJrob&eski acted,as spokesman for the Reparbnent, and an extra man for the Deprbient. -tias also requested. Officers were informed that these matters muld be acted upon at Xeeting of 2~ky 21. - Report was mde lj$. Police Department that Stop Sims on Brookside at Di-vZsion Street are unnecessary, - - +. .I &-. Les. reported seconded civilian .. Padersonfs request €or rezoning of Lot 3, @ock 1, Edenmoor Addition tms by Er, Olsson, and was referred to Planning Gomission by motion Clad, Defense D+ecior Palen &plainea proposed hs Safety Program, stating that it by Bredesen and carrie& .- * tms the plan to us6 .22 Shorts in target practice, -Child moved. that progran be approved, Xotion semnded by Srsdosen and carried, Hayor Xrickson's 'tentative appointment of Dr, Fiobert D, Tinkhan to the Civilian Defense Council, to po+tio;l vacated by Dr. Ilelby, .was announced and T~S confirmed by ComciL ,. Eayor Erickson*s assigmerit of hed Forces Councfl was confirmed by the TXl.age Council PZih?,l* @omittee \assigrments ,to and accepted by Civilim the Ci& &€ens&*; Defense Director . 5/14/a 143 Naegele Advertising Companyr s application for permit to ere& outdoor advertising sign on the roof of -the Grandview 3Wket, was discussed at some length, offered the following Resolution arrd moved its adoption: RXSOLUTION DIENYII\TG AF'PLICATION t r. FOR. SIGN .P3- . I l?iiW, Naegele Adver$ising.Co.. has applied for a permit to erect an Illuminated sign on the roof of the kdview %rket at 5009 Vernon Avenue, and . lEEE1Efls, Said sign is a very large sign, the dimensions and coinstruction of which .are set forth in said appliczbion, and WHEl33US, The Council is of the opinion that 6he erection of said sign would tend to create or increase a traffkc condition dangerous to the public, and * llHf3REM, The Council is also of the .opinion thzt a sign of a size and location such as that described in said appliccttion for permit would constitub a potential danger to the public because of e,u;posure to high winds, NOTI, TKEREFOPZ BE IT EXSOLm That said appliczhion for permit be and the sane hereby& denied+..- - 7. Notion for zdoption of the four ayes and no nays, as and Erickson, aye; and the by Danens >* V 6. Mayor Child's motion, for paynent of Village Payroll, amount $5,136.91 and Liquor Store.Payrol1, mount $1,181&9, for period May 1 to 15, inclusive, 1951 and ovetrtige for April, 1951, as recorded in detail in Payroll J~umal., and for payment of the foUowing claims, was seconded by Danens and .carried: NoAhern States Power Co, . Oscar Roberts Co, l'illiag Doug Cwlson Mthur P, Bailey l&eapolis Gas company , Northern States Fower Coo Mhur KO Petersen Northern States Power Co, Oscar Roberts Coo -. Suburban Hem. Cy. Releif Bd, -- . Edc Phillips eC Sons Co, Griggs, Cooper & Co*- Ed. Phillips & Sons Co, POOR FUND $ 100.03 w3 mu ? Village Engineer Olsson reported t$at 5n checkhg petition for Garrison Lane improvenents he cannot reach agreement with surveyorr of eight feet between this and County Auditorts office and the plat we havel t.lill consult with Howard Perkins, County Surveyor on this mtter, That there is a discrepancy He I. .' &. Olsson inwired concerning flow of water from Clancy- Drug Store roof, along Halifax Avenue. building to have %@s stopped, Nr, Olsson reported that he has referred claims for damages for light pole, fence, and burned trees to the insurance coinpany, md that they-, will be settled. Mr. Olsson reported-request for the planting of boulevard tree which had been remved by Village. It vas brought out in discussion that the Village has no legal liability to replace a boulevard tree, but it seemed to%e consensus of opinion that the appearance of the Tillage should be mintaiaed providing the cost is not too great, bees replaced, severa3 at a-time, and report back to the Council, He was asked to consult with operators of store and owners of b L * c . M2, Olsson asked to investigate cost of having boulevard $44 George EIartzellts request for a. Truck bading Zone on Harket Street just east of his South entrance, was reported by 352.- Olsson. Considerable discussLon had &t no aition tzlcen other tixm request to KP. Olsson to investigate matter &&herr Child's motion, that Public Hearings be set for Uonday, June 11, 19gk on the follow- ing petitions for Blac7&oppjng and/or Oiling, was seconde? by Bredesen and carried: f I \, Brookview Avenue between Vr62nd and W.63rd Streets Chowen Avenue between X,!@th Street and a point 250 feet South thereof. Fairfax Averme between y. 59th 'and W.60th Streets Oaklam Avenue between Tr. Seth and If.59th Streets Beard Avenue between ~~56th and W.5'7th Streets Kellogg Avenue betmen 1:. 60th and t.T.6lst Streets Beard Avenue betmen t.r,!jgth and K60th Skreets Xhdsor Avenue between Normandde Road and Code Avenue T!ent Place between Kent Avenue a.nd.JJindsor Avenue Pork avenue between. V.56th and W. 583h Streets * . Dever Driv-e 811 Streets in Zdinbrook Subdiksion '-- Clkldfs nition, for adjournment of Nay ath Neeting to Nonday, Hay 21, 19%, at 7:30 'PJL, w4s seconded by Bqdesen and I * *. . -- . -.% &nibers answering Rollcz;il were Bredesen, Phd, lf&ens"w&d &&&son, HawLhome came latbr, as kecorded below* Village Engineer Olsson presented the folloving Prelhinav Plats for approval by C&icilt Clerk . The Bora Plat on France Avenue, South of lT&th Street' $he Sonnenberg Plat,: North of Grop S$reet.= . The Cusak Plat between Xerxes ad Pork Avenues between 72nd and 74th Stse Child moved thai the Bora h-eliminary Plat be accepted, w$bh the suggestion that \he klaming Commission arrange for dedication of playground on up ,o&ble grannd before acceptance of Final Plat. Hotion seconded br Danens and carrieds Child" mved for acceptace of Sonnenberg $relimFnary Plat as presented, f.lotion second,ed by Danens and carried. Childimoved for acceptance of the Cusak Prelimin& Pia$ r.rith suggestion to Planning Gomission thzt Playground areas r&Xl be needed in this Imn;odiate picin$ty, -was seconded by- Danens and carriedr * c Deputy Village Clerk reported that the Village has been billed by the Bemepin County Auditor in an amoupt totalling sane @,800, for specid. assessments for improvements abuttbg properties accpired by th,e Village for Paik and Playground Puiioses; %hese assesmen;ts b.eing the portio9 of assessments due- in 1951, on KUa~e pro2erties in Fairfax and Gouldsmith~s Additions. SpecidL Assessments for the year be paid. Hotion seconded by,Danens and carried, Child moved that . The matter of change in Ehmum Lot Size Requirements, as advocated by the Pl&ning Coadssion, was brought-before the Council, and was referred to tha Q%Enmces and Fegislation Committee by motion Child, Seconded by Danens and carried. Hi, Carl N. Hansen's petition for permit to maintFn Tract Office at 5436 Vood- dale Avenue until Xay 31, 1952, was readr Hotion seconded by Bredesen and carried, 3Zr. Ghbert G. Giebink's petition, on behalf of himself, Robert R+ Ciebink, Harris Kneeland, I&, Osborne, and Suburban Developers, Inc., for ekception of that portion of I-Qrror Lakes Addition lying iuithin t&t.area, to be assessed kor . Sanitary Sewer E-1, from the assessment .dist;.rict, vas read. Child mved "c;hzt pet2tion be ,denied. Xo%ion +seconded by Danens and carried. Child moved that pstition be granted. T- I; Petition for ,Curb and Gutter on Halifax Avenue betw4en 53rd ,&d 54th Streets was fils& 3redesen noved accepting. petition and setting Public Hearing for P<Ionday, June 3.1, 192, at 7:30 P&. Kotion seconcled by Child +nd carriedc b