HomeMy WebLinkAbout19510528_REGULAR846 Bawthorne moved that the firstIoading of an Ordinance Establishing Job Classifications and Conditions of Jhployqent in the Village of Edina bo set ,for Zforidqy, June 11, 2.951a Hotion seconcled bx Bredesen and carried. Hkwthomers Eotion, for the grating of the foll&ing&icensep, for the tern ending April 1, 1952, was seconded by Child and carried: Country Cash Store, 4404 Vaey View Road--%d, Gigarette,Off-Sale Beer Don's Lunch, 53k8 France-Food . -- C&ldrs motion that Village Engineer be instructed to draft plans and specifications for new -mter, tower and tank of 500,000-gaJ.&on capacity in order thqt Cduncil. may' advertiqe for bids, ins secdnded by Danens and carried. t Childfs motion that Village Council advertise for bids for yearts supply of Uater Eeters, yith bids to be taken June II, was, seconded by Dznens and Carrie&, Petitions for Grading and Gravelling of Zexith Avenue between W.57tB and TJ;S$th Streets and of Wa 57th Street between Abbott and York Avenues yere rsviewed, Ijawbhorne's motion, tht petitions be accepted, &hat Village Engineer be directed to prepare Plans and Specifications, and tht Public Hearing on improvenent be set" for Eonday,- June 25, 193, at 7:30 P&, was s&orrcied by Danens and carried+ Engineer Olsson reported on bid; %&en by I& for Eater and 35, Vestern Underground Construction Company being low bidder at cost of $20,&3.69 for bpth kt~proveaents, Kotion seconded by Eaxhhorne ad carried, Ere Olsson pzesented Tabulation of Bids taken Hay Nessras Olsson and Danens recornendad p6rchase of Czry-M.3. r"or Xngixeering Dept. Bredesen moved, awarding bid to Grossman Chevrolet Company, I-Emeapolis, low bidder on CarrpJlU, at bid price of &,32O.80. Notion seconded by Child and carriedr . I Tmproveaerks Nos. 34 Child moved that bid 6e awarded to low bidder, I .I + ior autoinobile or truck. t Hawthorne moved for adjournment. Notion se w. d fiI"ES OF THE l3XXKAR EE&"G'OF THE EDW -'oTI&A@ COqCrL, 'HEIID - AT-THE, EDWA VILLAGE H.lX& - Eiabers answering Rollcall were Bredesen, -Child_aqd. Danens. Child presided until &yor Erickson and-,Clerk IIawtho-me arrived, as recorded below. Enutes of I-Zeeting of Iky 14, 1951 were approved as submitted, by Eotion Bredesen seconded Daens and carried* , &iONDAY, $I@. 283 ~ 19%. &I'q 7: 30- P& Acting Eapr Child notified audience that Public Hewing onRen&g of Word Avenue ~muld not be held, as petitioners for the renaming bd.withdrarsn their petitiont Continmtion of public Kearjng on Proposed Grading and GraveUing of Morth-South Alley between ~~56th and ILflth Streets aid between York and Xerxes Avenues xas had, Era nzeg exp'l,aained.tht owners idshe'd only to have alley opened so that they Ifcould get in and get outll of it* Engineer Olsson explained that bad drainage s5$uatfon can be remedied by canstruction of stom sewer; that it is impossible to effect a r-dy by bringing alley to grade; that &ley can be opened for travel. at a very nominal cost. those neabers of Council present, that alley be merely opened for travels Pursuant tof!.Adveki.sement for Bids4kter >bin Snprovenent iYo+ 36,*1 published in Suburb= Press, Hopldns and in Construction Bulletin, l!&~~=poUs, on Isfay 17 and 24, 192, Affidavit of Publicd5on for which was read, approved as to forn and placed on file, the foUoiJing bids were publicly*opened and read: + t No formal. acCiontsken, but it was consensus of opinion. of FOR TU!! XAIN IZX!ROVEb'IIT WO. 36-4.n Westbrook Lane, TL43th to TT649th Streets Vestern Un6erground .Const, CO., "qeapolis - - -. L $3 1 819.70 Bart Carlone, St, Paul Pichard Us - Ferron, Ninngpolis * 3,e24*35 31 82ks61 - Lmetti & Itmetti,. St, Pal 3978.66 *, Danenst motion, for _referral of bids go Village Er@neer for tabulation and report at n&d meeting, vas seconded by Bredesen and carried, The request of AFenue behieen carriedr . setting Public Steiner Bekcore Hearing 0 IZoppelnan, contractors, for change in grade of Hasrison Lane and l&loney Avenue, was reported, Bredesents notion for June 25, l9fjl, c at 7:30 PI%, was seconded by..Danens and I 5/2s/sr 147 Messrs,, CaCook and Lewis Neer, 5032 aEd 5021 Windsor Avenue, requested regrsding the Council, A delegation of Abbott Avenue res5dents inFired about storm sewer construction in their alley, conplaining th& the * alley is now higher than the rear of their yards and that dr'ainage will not %e &proved by the s$om sewer. Delegatioq was led by Mr. Robert Biel. Delegation -was told .tha,t Commlttee will meet with them, in the field, on Saturday, June 2.* Engineer Olsson was asked to stop Ashworth and Sons operations temporarily, on llbbott Avenue* I@, Earl Hanson, representink Mra Keefe, owner of Lot 1, and part of Lots 2 and 18, Block 5, Tingdde BPOS. Brookside,.petitioned for the rezoning of these lots to Community Store District, Mr. D.S. Dunca, 5316 Xerxes, presented petition for Stop Signs on corners of 55th.and 56th Streets and Xerxes Avenue, to control traffic in both North-south, and East-lfest directions, Child asked for motion, and Bredesen moved that petitih be referred to Public Safety Codttee for study and report at Meeting of June U. he would have to contact ICinneapolis for installation of Stop Signs on I-Enneapolia I side of Xerxes Avenuer l and blacktopping of Windsor Avenue. They were asked to bring a petition before c A Bredesen moved for referral of petition to Planning - Comnis&on for thkr recommendation. Hotion seconded by Danens and *carriedr . Notion sedonded by-Danens and carriedJ Elr, Duncan wm aformed that - J Hessrs, Tkllia 2L &rtenis, 44.01 Ws5Oth Street, and D,C, Hey, presented petition asking the foUo&ng: 1. That Village -Council notify State-Highwar Department that W,5Oth Street from France Avenue to-HZghway 100 is not suited as temporary or couri;esy Highway 2, That VUlage Council request State Highway Department to ~zzn traffic survey to determine how traffgc might be diverted from 'Itf,Pth Street and to establish 25-mile per hour speed zone. 3. That through truck trafTic be prohibited on lJ.50th Street. Petition was accepted and referri5d to Public Safety Committee by Notion Danens seconded by Bredesen and carriedp B, James A. Buehr&g,5929 Fairfax Avenue led a delegation of three inquirGg about status of petition for pennit to construct garages one foot frw the lot line on Fairfax Avenue between We59th and W.60th Streets, construction is in violation of ViUage Zoning Ordinance, and that 'a full representation would be. needed for action, (See_Ehutes of Later in Heeting). I&, Richard Pa3en led Garrigon Lane delegation, call. this. week to see if he can-arrznge a meeting with the County Surveyor to discuss poasibilj.ty of Auditor' s Subdivision of proprty concerned, Ihyor ErAckEon &d Clerk Hawthorne arrived at this point, and Drr Erickson They were informed that such -. 14ka Olsson reported that he IKL~ ,-- . presided for balance of meeting. ?. L Dr. Paul Carson reiteTated request made ezrlier in the meeting, for reduction of assessment for cost of Sanitary Sewer hprovement No, €3-1 against his five-acre tract+ topographyis such that it cannot be platted into as mny as fourteen lotsr H'awthornefs motion, referring mtter to Public Utilites Committee for study, was' seconded by Bredesen and carried5 __ i Petition for the Blacktopping of Lakeview Drive between ITooddale and St. Johns Avenues was presented, together w5th notation from Engineering Department that street should ba graded before blacktopping; pro jec'c is contenplated* Hawthorne's motion, that petition be rejected and returned to sponsors ~&th explanation that it should be returned to Council together wit@ peti'cion for grading, was seconded by Danms and carriedr He stated that he htends never-to plat his property, and that the * I Review was had of pe-bition for -permissiorr to construct garages within one foot of Lot Line on Fairfax ,tvenue between Ys59th znd 11,60Lh r>tree-i;, that petition be granted protiding it is signed bx 100 percent of property owners in square block and providing that no two garages be closer than four feet apart, Notion seconded by Danens and carriedc Hashho-me .requested that it be read into the P'Iinutss that the Tillage Council conducted'an Informal Public Hearing at the Mina Elementary School, Friday, Hay 25, 1951, .on the question of pe-Liitions for and against purchase of Thllace 'Property (&I20 &50th Street) for a Library; that substantial majority of persons present at said He&.rig werepin ppposi%ion to the purchase; ayld that a mjority of those present expressed themselves as favoring an election by the people before any actiok is takene In view of the tone of this Eearing, Hawthorne'moved that ptitions regarding purchase of Wallace Property for Library be tabled indefinitely, Xotion seconded by ChLLd and carried, Child aoved (See Hnutes of later in Pbeting) +v 5/26/T1 v pnrsua@i to notice of Hcarhg-Grading and Ho~kins, on &y 3 arid 10, 1951, Affidadt of Publication for trhich wad read, approved as to form and placed on file, Public Hearing.ws held on the proposed Grading and Gravelling of Fairfa henue between TT* 5&h and ITe5%h Streets, including Tum-hounds Engineer's Estinate of cost, as read, ,ws $1,284,50 as against 1,100 Assessable feet, or $l,ly .per assessable foot. There were no objections from the floor, and the Clerk had received no objections prior to the Hearing. published in Suburban Press, Child offered the fo3Xowhg Reso- lution and moved its adoptcon: t RESOLVTXON CBDERXNG ~*IFBOlEXE3IT sm . n-lPFamdm TtJO, c-12 e E3 IT EE2XXVED by the Council of the DilLage of Edina, l.linnesot;a, that this Col;rplcil heretofore-caused notice of hear- to be duly published on-the proposed bprovment consisting of Grading arid Graveuing of Fairfax Avenue between TL 58th and I%* 59th Streets including Tum-kound, and at the Heaxing held at the tiple and place speci- fied in sa5d notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully adwised of the pertinent facts does hereby detemnine to proceedwith the construction of said improvement; that said iuprovement is hereby designated and sh231 be referred to in all subsequent ppoceedings as Street hprovement 3To.C-12; 2nd the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and %racks of land abutting and fronting upon-the streets in T.Thich said inprovement is to be construct& Ezotion for adoption of Resolution was duly s yere five ayes and no nays, as followst Bredcs I c Child offered the i.fOllothg Resolution ad moved its adoption: RESOLUT!ION APPEZOVINC; PLANS ANi) SPECl2fICATTONS EJOR*EXRBT If.IpRQVB*~,NO. El2 m.REECTIXG z ~DVE~T~SEI.TEUT.MIR BDS . -. .. BE 33 RESOLVED by the Village Council of the ViJlage.of Edina: . . . I* -The _plans and specifications for Street bprouement No, C-12 heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the are hereby approved. 2, The Clerk sML cause to 8be published +twice in Construction iftzlletin the follmdng notice for bids for impronement: . * ADTTERTE3E!4ElXT FOR BIDS c sm. l3rnOrn@@" HO. office of .the Village CPerk the Suburban Press and the the construction of said FOR c-12 * The Edina Village Council ~will.meet at the Village Hall, 4801 TL5Oth Street, Binneqslis, on Ronday, June ll, 1951, at 7<30 o*clock P&, to opan and consider seaed bids for the construction of Street -3nprovement. No. C-12 .in said Villzge, consisting of Grading and Gravelling of Fairfax Avenue between W.58th and the pl&s and specifications far said improvement on file in the office of the * 'Village .Clerk, All bids nwt be subnit%& on the basis of cash payment for the work. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the undersigned before tbe time of said meeting and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, OF 3*59bh Streets, including Turn-Around, -r The work on said iinprovement must be done as described and specified in certifbd amount Of check payable to the Village Clerk in Vne amount of Ten percent' of: the the bid, * 3Y ORDER OF T€E VILUG3 COUNCIL. I ___. - . - . ... -.- . Bower Hawthorne Village Clerk E&a, EQmesotz 3+ Each &d 611 of the terms of the,foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby &opted as the terms and conditions of the award of the contract for said improvment, 9 Hotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Havrbhorne, and on Rollcall. there were five ayes and nrz nays,-.as &wbhorne, aye; and Ericlrson, aye; I w 7' Nayor Tillage Clerk Petition against maintenawe of Tract Office at 5.436 Vooddalo was redeured. ,Child moved tha$ pedt granted Eg Zlst, for wintemnce ox tract office for one year, be rescinded; that pczmit be panted for six months, that owner be notifLed that tract office must be renoved by Decanber I, 1951; and that petitioners be notified of ComciL*s action, .I*Iotion 'seconded by Danens and carried* * a I 5/2ml Petitkon for installation *of SLOP Signs at corners of 57th and- Beard was revhred and referred to Pubsic Safety Committee for investigation and report) ' by Notion Bredesen, seconged by Chiad md carried. Application by Calv- Lutheran Church for construction of two directional signs was referred to Pillage,Engineerlpending specific location for signs, by Vokion Hawbhorne, seconded by CQildr and carried6 Request by I&. Warren F,+t.(Teck,&503 3dina Blvd., for control of dogs in Edina, was r ead and fileda . - QUlage Attorney Windhort3L~s report on procedure for return by Tillage of property acquired .fro& State of 3vLinnesota for. park and playground purposes vas reviewedr adoption: RESOLUTION FOR l3ETURll OF PROERTY: M i. 4 Fawthome' offered the follotving Resolution and momd its TO, STATE OF 14mGSmA If-, By a St+te.deed dated AuBst 10, 1945, filed for record in the office--of -the Regiseer of Deeds in and for Hemepin+ County, EJllinnesota on October 1,1945, and recoyded in 300k 1645 of Deeds, page 469, tkTiillage of MXnnesota pursuant to IEhnesota Laws,1941, Chapt.er 511, to=&%:_ for park and playground'purposes, and is not needed.by_the Vinage for park and playground purposes* Village of Edina be agd,"they are.-hereby.authorized and directed pursuant to Minnesota Laws, 194.1, Chwter 3.1, as mended, to convey to the State of Iclinnesota by a deed of-donveyanee in form satisfactory to the Attorney Genera, the following described'parcel of land located in %he County of Xenneph, State of Minnesota, to-wit: " c Edina acquired the foUdwing described parcel-of land fron the State of - Lot'Eight' (e), Block Two (Z), Goa1dsnithrs Addition. to Minne&polis ~ 6 I- 3I-ERESY The Village Comcil has decided th& the said property NO#, TKEEZFFB, BE 23 323SQLVED That the f4kyor and the Clerk of th6 I Lot, Ei&C (81, Block Two (21, GouLdtsmith's Addition + %o MinneBpolis. -- ? 4 Notion for adoption of %he Resolution was seconded by Child, and, on RoXLcd.1 there were five ayes ma no-*nays, as Damns, aye; Havhhorne," we; and Erickson,. a I* Petition for BlacktoppTng of Beard Avenue between VI 58th and 2f+ 59th Street tqs filed. at 7~30 PsZi,- Notion seconded-by Havhhome and carried. Child moved that Public-Hearing be set-for Nanday, June 25, 1951 * !. *% I ' Petition- signed by EfesSrs, Donsld Le Stein and Dr. G& 31aJ.leny .for blackbopping ofV,5&h Street, was filedo ThJl58th Street between Vooddale and Broomew Avenue, -with public hearing to be held in the mas fu€ure, Blacktopping and/or Oiling of -Ifa 58th Street -between Wooddale and Brookview Avenues for Ifonday, Juhe 25, 1.9.51, at_7:3O'Pd% Hotion seconded by Hawthorne and carried* Supt. Voehler of 1Jater"Bepartment reported that during the summer it is necessary for Vatemorks Crew to' keep one man workikg unbi3. 10 or 11 P.H, each evening ad also all day and &til late in the evenkg QII Saturday and Sunday, to maintain water pressurk, He requested thzt overtime rates be a&lowed his crew. Hatter referred' to Public Utilities Committee and Xoehler for report at next meetkg, vrilth suggestion tha$ e&ra. help be hired for sumer work. Edina Highlands Corpo2ation' s suggestion %hat general contcactor or owner be made responsible for ??epair.of damage to roads *caused by home construcl;ion was qeferred to Trust6e Danens and Attorney Windho~st for draft of an Ordinance, Chdrnian Pubiic Utilities[Child reported inspecbion *$de by Engineer Olsson and himself yit$ regard to street lights requested, on Van Euren Avenue and one on CrescentXDrive, Child ordered these two lights by qotion, seconded by Hawthorne and carried. . &.& Child reported that Hydrant at St.hdrews he., between Lakeview Drive and Southvier Lane must be moved at a sost-of s250,to $300. hydrant be-moved at the expense of the Water Department was seconded by Child and carried+ -- Engineer Olsson recornended the blacktopping of Child moved, setting Public Hearing for the r( f +z+ ... 4. He reconmended hstdllation of one light Hawthorne's motion %hat Y I 3250 5/28/!3. Ghild's motion, for payment of Village Payroll, $5,727*45 and Liquor Store Payroll, mount $630r27, for period ?by 16 to 33., kc,, 'GS recorded in det&l in Payroll Ledger, and for papent cf the follor.rlng cl&ms, was seconded by Danens and ) carried;. 5828 5a9 5830 5833. 5832 5833 58311 5835 5836 5837 5838 5839 5&0 58U 5843 5843 5844 5845 5846 5847 Sgk8 5849 5850 58n * 5899 - ?? 5884 5.885 5386 58W 5888 5889 5890 5891 5892 599k 5895 TU: International Harvester Goz Edina Xorningside Courier Richard Somenberg Litkle Press, Inc, St,Paul. Stamp Vorks ?$anageaent Info. Serve L.S* Donaldson Co, Austin D. Norton Amerhaa Public Works Edina Hardware . Parnhaa Staty. Cp, , Hearne3ros. - J.V. Toi& Business &c&es Yogng Fuel Cor Earner .Harapre Co. monpson Lumber Go, . - Chris I-Etzbyl -+ Bosh&t Equip, Cor Rosenrrald Cooper, Inc. f2epu'olic Creosoting Go. Lyle .Signs, kc, Glenn. Johnson Contracting Coo C1PC;r Drugs, Incr C5.* Treas,, City of ,]1fpls, EUq Q Gay.lson, Xnc. I 3Wer-Davis Go*. Northern States Power Cor Ih. H. Ziegler Cor, Snp &aerie+ Linen Coo . Suburbaa Chev, Go. 1'Jc S. Darley 8c Go. Hennepin Cy, Review Tovm st Country: Hdwe. Goaw H,AI Bogers Cor. Xo$bptern Bell Tel; Go, Oscar Roberts Geo. 4.. Totten Charles Olson & Sons, Inc, Tome 3€ot zko Anderson Agency General Truck & Equip. Co, H& Toll COS + Rihm Xotor Co. 3eSrha-d &os* GO, Phillips Petroleum Co. &rthtsestern Tire go$ l.Erinezpd5s Iron Store Leer Bros., Inc. Firestone ,%ores Relegard Tool Go, 134 LubrLcmt Co., Inc. Electric Yelding Alloy Gorp, Dahlbsg ?rose, Inc& , Brookside Serv. Station .A.S.A. Electric Go. Northern States Power Co. 7.h. H, ZLegler Go,, Inc, &aerie+ Linen Co* . Northwestern Bell Tcl. Coa jlorthern states Paver C& * Howard IXerriman IEckeXs &,smith Co, ?.E. Lm co* Suburban C~V, CO. Totm & GOUZI%~ edtzeo .t- L t i. 6.. ._ I w33 L3.434 u43 5 IJ.436 Ll437 U38 m39 Ll-440 5-12 8/55 TO: Uiller-Davis Boustead Electric et lvffg. Co, Mpls. WatQr l?orks Dept, Control Mfg,.Co. . Centra Supply Go, Xac Arthur Coo Xorthern States Power Cor Xennepin County Revietr- Town &' COG%- Hdwe. X.A. Rogers Co.. Northyestern Bell Telephone Co. Oscar Robert=. Co. I Ni.lton F, Gravender * E.C. PfeiTfer Ed5.m. Sihd & gravel Co, HA Rogers Pfeiffer Const, Coo pscar Roberts Co, First Nation& 'Bank of Npls adland National Bd Val, Bjornson, Trees PE%lA Distillers Distributbg GO* Old Peoria Company HcICesson & Robbbs, Incr ISid-liTest Vine Co, , Faous Brqnds, Inc, Anheuser-Bus ch, - InCe Canada Dry Ginger =e, fnc, Clausen & Son's, Inc. . Coca-Cola Bottling Coa * Cold Springs Distributing COC, Cornelius Beverage Go, 0.24, Droney Bev. CO~ ~ ' Gluek .Brewing Co Gold Kedzil Beverage Co, * Kuether Distributing Cow Massolt Bottling Go+ IKnneapolis Brev*g GO, Norris Distributing GO* Pabst Sales Coo Purity Go., Bc. Rex DistrZbuting GO. Seven-Up Bottling - C 0 P FJ, minn Paper CoC Itorthwn States Power COS a S!T& Bell Telephone CO, Shell Oil Co. &J, Xelson eC Co, Anzerican Linen ~ CO M,W, Bell-Telephone CO. Ninnesoim Form Printing Service - +. h L + (Bonds) A. U.65 12.25 LIQUOR ~ND 94.08 $52,200+60 Discussion was had as to b&ding grades. Hawthorne moved that Village Engineer be dir'ected to establish street grades for dl platted streets in the TJillaget Building Supt. Woehler discussed Council action previously taken with regard to petition for .garages within one foot of lot line, recommending that such construction be prohibited for safety and cleanliness, Hawthorne moved that Council rescind its action permitting construction of. garages within one foot - Motion 'seconded by Danens and carried. * of lot lines. Notion seconded by Child and carriedn Engineer Olsson reported on Insurance Bids for Liquor Store, taken Nay I&, explainingtut all companies hzd option of'biddhg on Stock Beporting Form but that Anderson Agency is the only bidder; that Arthur Rydeen Agency is lour bidaor on $4,OOO FECV on furniture and fixtures and on $13,500 I?ECT6 on building; that the Staiv-Compny is low bidder on Glass Breakage coverage; and 'that Stow and Rydeeg entered identical bids on $5O,OOO Bsjness Intemption+ Havrbhhrne moved that bias be awarded to low bidders in all cases, and that >&ere bids are identical bid be awarded to &he.Stow Company, 3Ioti;on seconded by Child &d mr*ried, 152 0 Matter of allocation+of lump swn settlenent to J.V.Gleason came before Cbmcil. fHawthorneys motion, that Qillage Xngheer qd Dpputy Qillage Clerk be directed to prepare report for Council, was seconded by Chil$i and carried, Engineer ,Olsson repoxdied tilt he hzd contacted Pfeiffe; Con$tmction Company for an estimate of cost on the re-grading of Ve5kth-Stre&; tkt this work needed to be done innediately; .that he did not advise deJar for adGertisment for bids. Haxrthorner s motion, that Eagineer be authorized to anploy Pf eiffer Construction Coo to regrade 8.54th Street, was seconded by Dwey and carried. Ha*&hom&s notion, that the following PQunbing Liceases be panted; ~ks seconded by Danens and carriea: L Tr&n City.Plbg. I% Htg, Co.; 2912 Bloamindon heme Ot Bergerson & Son, 5013 France Ave. South . St.Louis.Pa3c Plbg, & Htg, h.9 4q4 Ikcelsior live* Hawthorne areported tiit he had received comments f rm the bi siness 'm6n that the front of the 3iUnicipal Liquor Store is not qu2te in'kee$ng with the general . modem qpearance of the business district, I?ussell Wd, Narvin,Oreck and Roy Clancy Be appointed .to make surver of the &yout of the liquor,store, with recommendations as to improvements needed, was seconded by Dimems and carried, €lawthome mved thatrVillage Engineer be dibected to investigate costs of removing caopy from Nunicipal. Iiquor Store, together w$th costs of redesigning front and repainting sign, Izotion seconded by Child and Carrie?. 3ktter of Cost-of-&ing increases was brought to {ttentkon of Council by Deputy Clerkr emplo;i.ee. on a nonthly salary shall receive less tkan $lodl0 per month cost of living increase, was seconded by Child and carried. Hawthome's motion, khat Qillage Znginee; be au-$horized to attend the Leame of IXinnesota.X.funcipalities Convention in Rochester, .June lk to 16, was seconded by Hem$ Saa, 9740 Eumboldt Ave, So+ I * Hawthorn&ls motion, that Eessrs, Ha@horne's motion, that it is the potion of this Council that no fulltiae I r . ** Child ad carried* + .. * Child moved for zd joummt, Islotion seconded &6y Hawthorne and carried. t I .. .-- ~ -.. a. - - 3.Tembers answerhg Rollcall vere Bredesen, Ckd and Danens, kth'Child presiding in ayor FwLcksonts absence, and Deputy Clerk.Gretchen+Ald&n acting .. as Clerk, for Jiawthorne. i t &. Chila called HBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED S!COB-f S@,EB NO, 19, wthe Colonial &rove- Golf Terrace area, . affidav&t of Publicatjion .of--Notice.-of Hearing was read, approved as to. forn and placed on file, sed Mo.tice having appeared in Suburban Press on E%y I7 and 24, Xnginecrts Estimate of Cost, in .i;otal amount of $107,616.55, as against 9,715,600 square.feet, for l,ll_cents per square foot, vas read, 3lessrs. Philco, 4505 Lakeviev Drive; Rutherford, 4616 Oak Drive; Weck, 4701 Golf Terrace; ase, 4625 Lexington Avenue; Anderson, 4814 Iiaeview Drive; and Charles, 4748 Lakeview Drive, protested proposed construction on grounds khat $hey are already paying sanitary sewer and water main assessments and can bear no additional costs at this time. ments are more nearly paidtup. There were no speakers in favor of construction. - -No action was taken but audience was informed that it is consensud of opinion of those Council Heribers present that construction be posBponed, and that another Hearing will be held before any action for construction is taken, PUBLIC HE"G ON P~PO~ SANITARY SENZR IN TZSTEIZOOK LANE was called. Affidavit of. Publication of lio$ice -of-Hear@g yas-read,_-apprqved as to ?om and placed on file, s&d Notice having appeared in Suburban Press, Hopbins, on Ihy 17 and 24, 19%. ihgineerrs Estimate of Gost, in-total amount of. $5,088.46 as against 996.48 assessable feet, or. 55.U per. assessable foot, Clerk hzd. received no written objections prior to the'Hearhg. Action postponed until Regular Zeetbg of June 25, 195L. I They asked the Council to postpone construction until other assess- There were no objections from the floor, and f -s