HomeMy WebLinkAbout19510611_REGULAR152 0 Matter of allocation+of lump swn settlenent to J.V.Gleason came before Cbmcil. fHawthorneys motion, that Qillage Xngheer qd Dpputy Qillage Clerk be directed to prepare report for Council, was seconded by Chil$i and carried, Engineer ,Olsson repoxdied tilt he hzd contacted Pfeiffe; Con$tmction Company for an estimate of cost on the re-grading of Ve5kth-Stre&; tkt this work needed to be done innediately; .that he did not advise deJar for adGertisment for bids. Haxrthorner s motion, that Eagineer be authorized to anploy Pf eiffer Construction Coo to regrade 8.54th Street, was seconded by Dwey and carried. Ha*&hom&s notion, that the following PQunbing Liceases be panted; ~ks seconded by Danens and carriea: L Tr&n City.Plbg. I% Htg, Co.; 2912 Bloamindon heme Ot Bergerson & Son, 5013 France Ave. South . St.Louis.Pa3c Plbg, & Htg, h.9 4q4 Ikcelsior live* Hawthorne areported tiit he had received comments f rm the bi siness 'm6n that the front of the 3iUnicipal Liquor Store is not qu2te in'kee$ng with the general . modem qpearance of the business district, I?ussell Wd, Narvin,Oreck and Roy Clancy Be appointed .to make surver of the &yout of the liquor,store, with recommendations as to improvements needed, was seconded by Dimems and carried, €lawthome mved thatrVillage Engineer be dibected to investigate costs of removing caopy from Nunicipal. Iiquor Store, together w$th costs of redesigning front and repainting sign, Izotion seconded by Child and Carrie?. 3ktter of Cost-of-&ing increases was brought to {ttentkon of Council by Deputy Clerkr emplo;i.ee. on a nonthly salary shall receive less tkan $lodl0 per month cost of living increase, was seconded by Child and carried. Hawthome's motion, khat Qillage Znginee; be au-$horized to attend the Leame of IXinnesota.X.funcipalities Convention in Rochester, .June lk to 16, was seconded by Hem$ Saa, 9740 Eumboldt Ave, So+ I * Hawthorn&ls motion, that Eessrs, Ha@horne's motion, that it is the potion of this Council that no fulltiae I r . ** Child ad carried* + .. * Child moved for zd joummt, Islotion seconded &6y Hawthorne and carried. t I .. .-- ~ -.. a. - - 3.Tembers answerhg Rollcall vere Bredesen, Ckd and Danens, kth'Child presiding in ayor FwLcksonts absence, and Deputy Clerk.Gretchen+Ald&n acting .. as Clerk, for Jiawthorne. i t &. Chila called HBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED S!COB-f S@,EB NO, 19, wthe Colonial &rove- Golf Terrace area, . affidav&t of Publicatjion .of--Notice.-of Hearing was read, approved as to. forn and placed on file, sed Mo.tice having appeared in Suburban Press on E%y I7 and 24, Xnginecrts Estimate of Cost, in .i;otal amount of $107,616.55, as against 9,715,600 square.feet, for l,ll_cents per square foot, vas read, 3lessrs. Philco, 4505 Lakeviev Drive; Rutherford, 4616 Oak Drive; Weck, 4701 Golf Terrace; ase, 4625 Lexington Avenue; Anderson, 4814 Iiaeview Drive; and Charles, 4748 Lakeview Drive, protested proposed construction on grounds khat $hey are already paying sanitary sewer and water main assessments and can bear no additional costs at this time. ments are more nearly paidtup. There were no speakers in favor of construction. - -No action was taken but audience was informed that it is consensud of opinion of those Council Heribers present that construction be posBponed, and that another Hearing will be held before any action for construction is taken, PUBLIC HE"G ON P~PO~ SANITARY SENZR IN TZSTEIZOOK LANE was called. Affidavit of. Publication of lio$ice -of-Hear@g yas-read,_-apprqved as to ?om and placed on file, s&d Notice having appeared in Suburban Press, Hopbins, on Ihy 17 and 24, 19%. ihgineerrs Estimate of Gost, in-total amount of. $5,088.46 as against 996.48 assessable feet, or. 55.U per. assessable foot, Clerk hzd. received no written objections prior to the'Hearhg. Action postponed until Regular Zeetbg of June 25, 195L. I They asked the Council to postpone construction until other assess- There were no objections from the floor, and f -s .9 6/W% Pursuant to"Notice of Hbaring-Curb and Gutter,aj published in Sd%urban Press, Hopkins, on,llay 24 ana31, 1951, Affidavit of Publication fdr which was read, approved as to .fornand placed on-file, Mr. Child called PUBLIC HEARING ON l?ngineert s Estiinte of .Cost,. i-11.totaJ.~of.,~2,24~,22 as" agaigst 1,028,4+.assessable feet, or .$2*18 per assessable Toot, was read. There were no objections from the floor, and no written objections had been received prior to the Hearing, Action postponed until. Meeting of June 25. . Pursuant to Wot.ice of Hearings on 3lacM;opping and/or Oiling," published in suburbasi Presd, Hay 17 and 24, 1951, Affidavi5 of Publication for which Notice yas read,- approved as to Tom and placed on file, PUBUC HZhRJXGS were called on blacktopping and/or oiling of several streets as listed b+ow* &xpl&ined that, in some &sty$ the Council deems it unwise to blacktop at the *present time, although Council does have petitions for blackbopping; in these cases +a dusikoat Will be applzed at "a cost of ,&I5 per assessable foot and thereidll Be a Surther Hearislg befdre Bla,cktpipping is done. held dn the 'following projects": PROPOSlZll CUR23 'AND CUI3X.B IN HAI;DD AVXm BmTM Wo53FB-AND.7;1,54TH. STT@?3TS. 0 It was Hearings were R * BROOKVEW Am BEXXEZN 'tJ.62NIY AND IL&&ZH STRTB?S--O-j3XXG (Cost 8.15 per- &segsable-.Foot) *. . No-,objections "frora. the..floor, and no -written objections received-prior" to th'e Meeting. CHOIEN AV?%TtE B?3T@XN tlr.58TH STm BND A PODJ" 250 l33ET SOWN THE3BOF (Cost gr15 ,per. AssessaZle Foot) r. NO .objections from the floor,. and no witten objections received prior to the Xeeting, Pk. Craig, 5@9 Ghowen, asked that oiling be completed as far as street is opened, and Conncil * infomally agreed to conplf; Engineer OXsson having* reconmended it. Assessable Foot).. . . No -+ob j-ections fron the floor, and-no written objections prior to 3feeting. 'f4r. Paige, 5924 Fairfax Avenue, was presentr OBKUllX AklIE B33%& ad.58TH BTD 'IiTi59TE SWS--'OmG (Cost $.15 per &~egsabl~-Ifoot2.)~~ -$lo o@jectioqs ,firom: %he .f&oor, *and-no .written. objections prior to Neeting, . * EBARD AI,Q%EE E@3XEZX Wo56TH AND lL57TH SmS--BUCEOPPSNG (Total Cost, I $1,730e17 as .aga&pst .&24$le6@. assessable. feet, or- &39. per assessable feet). Residents asked for BlacJsLopping procedure, and when they were infomed.*that it will be necessary to advertise for bids and that con- pletion dace will depend upon contractor, Residents requested that r Village lay a dustcoat as soon as possible, pending Blacktopping, They stated they.would be willing to pay additional $1~15 per foot assessment for this additional work. B.B. Dvorak,5629 Beard; spoke for group, and Council info*mally agreed to. conply, 4EZXOGG AVENUE BEX" XL5s(fTH AND W459TH ST€'EE!ES--OILTNG (Cost $rL'5 per Assessable Foot) .. &ssrqo Don Hansqn and If&, BqnneU,. inquired if oil will hold, in v%ew of amount of gravel on -street. Engineer explained that street will be rolled-and put in shape before dustcoat is appli,ed, No oral or written objections+ AbGG AWW B'l?" TGGOTH AIE) W&ST mi-OaING (Cost $*15 per I t c r ' ji - FAIR FB AVENUE BlXC'WEH 'C3;59TH AND Ni6OTH STFLEETS2 (Cost $el5 per I xr . * , ' <* ~ ' * t' * 'f Assessab$e Foot.)*. .*No objections, either oral or mitten.. . .. 2 BZ4El AV'l3& BIkViBEN 3L59TH AMD %60TH ST€iEET!S=-&ltj@opp~~ @&a* Cost; $~,64b.66 as a&Znsr l,Z&G% ildseskible fee%, & $4,J&L.peqyAssessable Foot, No objections, either oral or writteh. applied at extra cost of g.15 per assessable foot, if Bl&ktopping cannot be done until. fall. 1, l! I Agreed that-dust coat?wonld be I + 1 WINDSOR 8- BEIXEEN NOP~d~~~ BOG ALKI CODE AWm-OILmG (Cost $+I5 per .Assessable FOo%) .At ,$his .:time. -peti.tion, - slgged br I owners .in - the ,5000 Block on.M.ndsor Avenue, requesting that Village regrade and blacktop this one block, Bredesen moved that petition be accepted and that fiblic Hearing on project be s6t for Xonday, July 9, 1951 at 7:30 PJ& 'Not'iop seconded by Danens and carried; . inquired as to.. whether Council had received petition for this .work, PORK AUEIdlJb l3EJX@E W056TH AM, W058TH 3~S--BLAC~OPP~G (C6st $3,376.72 as .against. 2,40Zc99 Assessable Feet,. or. @.,&Q per-assessable ,foot. Several persons inquired as to work to be done, and Engineer Olsson informed them tht there was some fine grading to be finished before work can be started, No objection to Blacktopping. I&NT PI&GE--OILIMG i Cbst, $*15 per Assessable Foot)+ G. J, X&nnery ' 'f! DEVEB DRIV%-OILING (Cost, #.15 per .Assessable Foot. No objections, either oral-or.vritten., I . [* FSmWK SUBDIVISION-OILING (Cdst, 8.15 per Assessable Foot. No objections, .. - either. oral.-or .written;. . - ~ I t Action on construction deferred unti3. next regular Neeting, for full*membership of COUZldil. hrsuant to !!Advertisement for Bids-Vater Heters,1! published in Suburban Press, c Hopkins, and..Construction Bulletin, NQmeapolis, i.hy31 and June 7, 1951, affidavit of Publication for which vas read, approved as to form, and placed on file, the fol&owing bids were publicly opened and read: 200 Eore or less, 5/&3/4tt BADGER 3B'J'EFt NFG. COe BmY EE" ENGR, GO.. - @adger Xet ers) .(For BLiffaJ.0 Ueter Go,) A. . $20.86 Ea, . . .. 1520.94 Ea. 50 3/4ll m -30.24. Ea. 3.32 Ea. 25 E !,r IJ 118 - 44.82 Ea. 44.82 Ea. 6 -.. I lT1j2![ G1.4e Ea. 83.20 Ea, 2" .. 123.48 Ea. 124.15 Ea. 2!! Bronze Cased Comljound 3 3 2l.8.40 Ea, t .I k I - Xeters with flanged Cow, Danen's motion, for referral of'bids to Village Engineer for tabulation and report at next Eeeting, PELS seconded by Bredesen and carri6d. 372; Child called for dpenirig of bids for SAwITm SlWEEt IT-!P.ROVEHEN!C NO, 32 in Tistbrook Lane between W048th and Tr.49th Streetsc Clerk.read Affidavit of Publi- cation fdr- l!Advertisemqt for Bids3: which appeared. in Suburban Press, Hopus, and Construction Bulletin, I-beapolis, on Elay 31 and June 7, 19%; said Affi- 1 davit having be& approved .and ordered 'placed on file.. The fo3lowing bids were then publicly opened and read: . T t $3; 459h9 BART CAXLONE, St. Paul, Iz5nn, Begin 10 Days, Complete 10 Days. &:&!it*& W.ECTI, St. -Paul, inn, $3,49$*16 . . .Begin 30.Days, Complete 35 Days. &S~~. IIND~~OuND GONST, CO. , Enneapolis at next Xeeting, was seconded by Bredesen *and carried. ,* i5, 5T6oh.k Danens! -motion, .for referr?l_of bids to Village Engineer for tabulation and report Bids were next read on the Grading and Gravelling of Fairfax Avenue beheen TL58Lh and I--* 59th Streets, including Turn=around--STR;.StT R~P€tOVBEXT NO. C-12; Affidmit of P@lication for Advertisement for Bids, as.%appear%ng in.Suburbm Press and Congtructhh Bulletin on Xay 31 and June 7, 193, having be+ read, approved as to form and placed on file; Bids were as follows: * ** . ' 'd 859.05 'IBEE BR0S.y INC., SteLoLzis Park r+3 CONST, GO., Edina 1,092.50 J. -A* -l?&@NS & SON, INC, , E&a *. t 1,053025 *- Xotion by IXWens-for-referrd. of bids to* Village 3n'gineer for tabulation and report, at ne& Eeeting, was secbn'ded by Bredesen and cmrie'd. 3Ir. Olsson reported that Iametti & Lanetti is low bidder on VATm IXAIN ILPROW ~TT.NO, 36--IJestbrook Lane. bidder, was seconded by-Bredesen and..carried. 3k. Gating of the Rolling Green Association, together with' the Association's attorney, 3.k. .Lewis Child, reviewed for the Council the history of the plat. of BollingGreen, together with subsequent" replat and. division of lotsr Attorney ITiri9orst was asked" to attempt to secure edibnsio't.1 of time 'for ansmP to ipandamus action filed by I&. Rogloski, c Danens' motion, %hat bid be airgded to-lowest b It I Ik. Tom &ple presented preliminary plat of Adolph 60tk~treet and East of France Avenue* I&. Olsson the Planning CoIlzmission had approv'ed this plat subjec$ to-the Homes,'* South of with * new I1[inimum Lot Requirements," and subject to developer's making proper arrangements for draSlago.-Considerable discussion was had, with a dry well suggested for drainage remedy. I-k, Olsson directed to investigate further, and developer agreed to have Twin City. Tes%ihg Laboratories Lake soil borings. 3Ir. Stark, 5~3 f-rooddale, presented large petition against sidewalk on Vooddde Avenue; sugge'stihg "that Council control speed di'onglrooddde rather thq con- structing' sidewalk. Petition accepted by Ibtion Danens, seconded by Bredesen and carried, (See l&nutes of Later in Xeeting for .further action). Pekti,on for biacktoppirmg of ibbokt Avenue between 5ffh 8:. 58th Streefsjslgned% ~earing on petition for lionday, July 9, at 7:30 P. I*IOy r.ras seconded bY Bredesen and carried. x .. 'and Kello Avenue betwee T.59th dY.60th orrners of 6% of the abuk-bining properbies vms filed. Danenst motion setting Public + .L -yG- I Nr. Burdick, 3909 IT. 54th Street, inquired concerning construction on IT6 54th Street, .and was igtomed .that there +will' be no assessment for the regrading an laid, there will be an assessment for such construction, 3frs. Leanerd MZlls presented petition protesting facing of houses on State Highway Department Service Road in block between %63rd and IJ.64th Streets, and informed that no request has come before the Council forhhouses facing semrice road in this block, Bredesen's motion, that Building Inspector be instructed to check into matter and to hold up*building permits if such applications are gsavelling of the street; that, if and when curb, gutter*and sidewalk are -? d + - i. I requesting that houses be required to face Josepme Avenue, 'rtlrs. Itills was a received, was seconded by Danens and carried, 1-Le Robert E. Biel, 5616 Abbott Aveiue, presented'petition requesting that !Jouncil determine the cost of lowering the,street level of Abbott Avenue between 56th and 57th Streets and constructing catch basins at 56th Street which will drain to storm sewer at alley on 56th Street between Abbott and 6 Beard Avenues. Petition also requested that Fill-from grading job be used $0 fill back lots facing Rbbott Agenue. Mk. Biel=was informed that Fill from one street must be used on another; that.Council cannot fill private properties. Motion by Bredesen, accepting petition and setting Public Hearing for July 9th, was lost for want of a second. petition and referring same to nesrtaeeting, was seconded by Danens and carried. le. Harry Davis presented Notice of Intention to Play Bingo'at Legion Carnival to be held.July17 to 22, inclusivz,. Notice filedr - -. Mr. Davis asked that Legion be allowed to &e a sound tkck to advertise Ga,rnivd; truck to be-operated one hour be&ze Carnival each evening except Sunday, from 6:OO to 7:OO P& Permission granted. ?illage Engineer Olsson reported--that Police Depmtment has investigated matter of Stop Sigp for corners of 55th and 56th Streets and Xerxes Avenue, as petitioned for at last Regular Xeetbg, and-that Department recornends stop signs on 55th and 56th Streets, for traffic entering Xerms Avenue from the West. Bredesen's aotion, ordering Stop Signs to be installed on -1L55th and Tr.56th Streets at +Xerxes Avenue, was seconded by Danens and carried, Olsson reported that the Department recommends no Stop Signs for the corner of 57th and Beard. No action,taken. Mr. Wjndhorst rqqrted on the possibility of financing new &iter tank and tower+ Engineer requested to advertise for bids, as perviously directed, Petitiin dated June 1, signed by several residents& the ieighbdrhood of Block 31, Duaes Subdivision, requesting that Council withhold issuance of building permits .in this block until such time as builder ~fll show that development will. not be detrimental to neighbors. was filed. Ur. Endhorst informed Council that it is not possible to delay building pemits..if plans and specifications conform to building code and zoning ordinance* Bredesents motion,.accepting r t +. Office requested to inform petitioners. - I * 'I Further discussion was had with regard to construction of sidewalk on Wooddale &venue between W*!33th and 1+56th Streets. side of 'c5ooddale was discussed in-some detail, with Engineer Olsson redomending that, if--Council. should decide on sidewalk on-tjest side, dedication be secured from Country Club in order that a boulevard space be acquired to facilitate snow @owing,_ Trustee Danens asked to contact Country Club officers to determine their feeling-in the matter. on proposed Sidewalk for I?ooddaJ.e Avenue between W.!jOth and W,56th Streets, for Hont+ay, JQy-23, 1951, at--7:30 P.X., with area to.be assessed to be all properties from Wooddale to -3Ergehaha Creek and from WooddaXe to St, Johns Avenue between ?T..!XIth and ~56th Stree$s. Hotion seconded br Danens .and Possibility of sidewalk on Tlest Bredesen moved, .setting Public Hearing carried* -. I - Danens' motion, for papent of TTillage Payroll, mount @+,687,61 and Liqyor Store Payroll, amount $92&81, for period June 1 to June 15, inclusive and Overtime for $-fay, as listed in detail in Payroll journal, and for payment of the following Claims, was seconded by Bredesen and carried: 5904 5905 TO: Jean Link - dean Link . 4.45 , ... - Suburban Henn, Cy. Relief Bd+ - -. Arthur K. Petersen ' 5902 I P5693 eXorthvqestem NatL Bank of Yfls. ~5691 7 .It Northwestern Natl. Bank of Npls. t Y5681 ~56& First &atL Bank of Hpls. Northwestern' Natl, B& of xpls. Horthwestern Natl. Bank ,of E4pls. Y5683 Northvestern Natl. Bank of &lSB Northwestern Natl. Bank 'of &1s First Natl, Bank of Epb. First Natl. &'of kplsr First Natl. Bank of l*@hB MorthTJestern NatL Bank of Ep1s s Northwestern Natl, B- of irpls. Ed, Phillips & Sons Cos GriGs, Cooper &Co. Griggs, Cooper & Cor - v. - -. m It 11 11 -* - b ~5689 ~5690 $ , 135.26 4,164.85 ll4. ss, 134.02 ' '* I%dland National Bankts Nay 29th notice of exchange of $3,000 U.S. Treasury 1-3/4$ Notes, Series By mturing July 1, 1951, for $3,000 U.S.. Tram-CertifTcates 1-7L8$ maturing April 1, 1952, was read. Bredesen moved con;firming Bankfs action* Motion- seconded by Denens and carried. Complabt by Henry R. Snsell, 5242. 0aklar.m Avenue, that water main contractor has piled dirt in his ygrd, was read. I&. OlssoG reported that dirt, has been clevled up; that he has answered complaint. Naegele Advertising Company* s application for T-tJrpe sign atop Grandview lhrket, reading ytGrandvietr &rketIt only, vas filed. Bredesen moved that permit be issued. E-fotion seconded by Danens and carried. Lutheran Church was reported. seconded by Bredesen and carried. Bruce Construction Companyl.s petition for installa-tion of manhou and drain 'just North of Edinbrook Lane from Hx. 169, idth'manhole to &ah to Ekehaha Creek, rvas read. Bktter tabled until afker Hearing on pmposed vacation of portion gfl;'fr48th Street. * katter of petition filed some weeks ago by Bruce Construction Company, Ton vacation of that part of Vest 48th Street exbending East .from Westbrook-Lane for 135 feet, was reviewed. Bredesen moved that Hearing on proposed vacation be set for Hbnday, June 25, 192, at 7t30 P& Notion seconded by Danens and carried. Petition dated'June 5, 199, for Sanitary Sewer in Concord Avenue between kL59Gh ani Tr,60th Streets, .was filed, carrying signatures of omers of 62% of abuttipg propertiesr It was bronght to Council*s aittention that Concord Avenue is only 30 feet wide in this block, yd that an-additional-street dedication should be secured before project is contemplated. Hotion by Bredesen, that petLtZon be accepted and that Public Hearing be delaxed until necessary street dedica;tion is- secyred, vas seconded by Danens and carriedS 4 .i k x Olssonls written approval of applrications for twa directional signs for Calvary I. c I Dmens's motion for approval of applications was * * t r 7- 4 Nimesota Railway and Warehouse Commission*s Notice of Hearing at 470 State \ Office Building, St.Pau1, June 26, at lOx00 A.M., concennjng Northwestern Bell Telephone Company's gpplication for raise in rates, was reported and ordered f fled. Petitions dated Nay 24, signed by mers of more than of abutting properties, for Sanitary Sewer and Vater Main extensions in Abbott Avenue between W.58th and k60th Streets, were'filed. pIIr, Olsson reported_that water main can be run from 38th, to serve both blocks; t-bt the 5800 Block can bEt served by present district sewer, but that 5900 block must be connected from 60th Street, He recommended that Sewer Extension be laid at this time, on 60th Street fforn France to Xerxes, in order that the newly developed districts in this,area might &e served, Bredesen's motion, setting Public Hearing for Sewer and Prater in Wbbott Avenue between 58th and 60th Streef, &id for the 60th Street District Sewer, for Monday, July 23, *1951, at-7:30 P&., was secbnded by Danens and carried. bsr S.F. Pinkhamrs request for'Stre& Name Sign at Abbott Place was read, afdered ,filed, Engineer Olsson being requested to bvestigase need for same* Hennepin County 'Commissioners t 3%~ 21st notice of Greater Minneapolis Safety Councilfs-annual.Traffic Achieqment Dinner, to be held at Golden Udley Golf Club on.,June lkth. at 12r00 Noon, was read, be authorimd to attend-dwer with expenses.paidr Elotion seconded by Danens and carried. z c> t c P Bredesen moved that Officer Eerfeld I Hennepin County bd Department's notification that the Westerly 4-77/100 acres of that part of Lot 1, lying be%ween the S&i..ne of old road and the North line of the S.10 rods-of Lot 1, Section 9, Township 116, Range 21, (which-V.illage has reeested for Park and Playground purposes) has been repurchased by former owner, was read and ordered.-pIaced on file, . SuperPisoz of Assessments' notice of EI)INA BOARD OF €EVIEN UEZXING to be held Planning 'Commission's recommendation for rezoning to Community Store District &t 17, Blockl, Brookside Heights, was reviewedr Bredesen moved that Public Hearing on petition to rezone be held Eonday, June 25, 1951, at 7:30 P,& Motion seconded by Danens and carriedr.. Petition for rezoning of part of Block-&, Tingdale Brost Brookside Heights yas read. Bredesen's motion, referring petition to. Planning Commission for recommendation, was -,seconded by Danens and carried* ._ Building Inspector WoeUer asked'that Council renibme a portion of Olhger Road to Wouth.Olinger Road,m explaining that north-south and east-west-nmberd meet at Olwger Bo-@ an6 cause con€li&t. Bredesen's motion, thak that part of Olinger wad mnqing East-and-West and lying West of Tracy Avenue be renamed $!South Olinger Road" was seconded by Danens and carried. 'Tho following applications for Fltmbers Licenses were presented, ' and were ' approved by Rotion Bredesen, seconded by-Danens and carried$ Johnson Bros.,. 45l4 Excelsior Blvd, (Formerly St,Louis .Park Plbg, Go,) H,R. Nichols Co .', 936 Eforth-.Prior..Avenue, St. Paul Friday, July 6, was read and ordered placed. on. file+--. . __ *. r* - 'I 1 Bapond Peterson, Warzata Eoute #l, &Enn+ -_ __ -r. Matter Qf construction on W,54thStreet was discussed at some length. moved that Public Hearing be set for Monday, Jay 9, 192, at ?:3O P&*, on proposed construction bf 'Curb,&tter and SidewaXk on South Side. of &54th Street from Frmce'Avenue_to Bridge, and of Curb and Gutter.on Nortb Side ofe &5&th Street-from France to East Side of Haifax Avenue. Hotion seconded Danens * . by Bredesen and carried. 9 -. An expression of opinion, ad 1knalterably opposed to any project risking in any way the future of behaha Creek," was read and ordered placed on fXLe* x I Motion by Bredesen for adjournment was se 1: ,a .,. *r Village Clerk Motion by Bredesen for adjournment was se .. 1: ,a * % f