HomeMy WebLinkAbout19510625_REGULAR958 T-mES OF T€E'REWm BE!X'ING OF Ti33 JursE-25,-1951, .AT 7:30 Po&, &.THE ElDIEJA EDmA VIIfILAm colpcn, w;D.'I.IoNDnp,. c 3- VmF-EJJm *. . - C - -- I." .-- I- +- Eaibers an5vmring RoUcaXl were Ekedesen, Danens and Erickson, with Hawthorne arrrving a few moments later. &utes of Regular 3ibetings of Hay 28 and June ll, 1951, were approved as submitted, by Eotion Bredesen, seconded by Danens and.carried. Public Hearing was called on petition of 1-I.A. Davit% for the rezonkg to Community sore District of Lot17, Blockl, Brookside Heights Addition, Planning Commission I:&&&, recommending said rezoning, were rhad after Affidav5t of Publication of Notice of Hearing in Suburban Press as 02 June 14. There were no objections from the floor,. and the Clerk had received no written objections prior to the Re&i6ga Harhhohe offered for adoption the following Ordinance, moving that Council dispense with second reading of sqe and adopt as read: A -..-. - _- - .. _..*.. . ..- .- - . -- - Sec+ 1, Section IV of ce&ain ordkance adopted on Hay 25, 1931, as heretofore amended entitled IrAn ordinance regulating the locat$on, size and use and height of buildings, the,qrrangement of buildings on lots, and the density of population in the Village of Edin5 and for the purpose of promoting the hdth, safety, osdgr, convenience, propriety'& genera welfare in the said Village, and for said purpose to divide the Village into c3istricts," is hereby further amended - by inserting immediately after paragraph (f-2) a new paragraph to be designated as (f-3), which pmagmph Shall read as r"ollo.srs: '1 .. lr(f-3) Lot 17, Block'l, in Brookside-Heights Addition." .. * Secb 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in'force from and after its passage and publication accgrding to lave Xotion for adoption of the Ordinance was seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and nb-nays, as follows: * I Ekedesen,/aye; Danens, aye; Hawbhorne, Ordinance declared duly c* . &YQZ' - I Public Hearing was next called on the matter of Bruce Const&ction Companyts petition for the. vacstion of a portion of 's.ir48th Street, - kfidavit of Publication of Notice of Hearing, i6 Suburban Press, Hopkins, as of June yC, vas read, objections from-the floor, and %he Clerk had received no mitten objections prior to the Hearing. Havhbme offered the.following Resolution and moved its adoption:' ~ There were no RESOLUTION VACATING STKEET-Tl.4GTH * S-T. 33&"lTNG. EAST FR0f.X WESTBROOK LANE FOR DETAiTCE OF. 135 EZET I-iUXE OR IJES IEiERBAS petition of-a majorit;g.of the owners of, real properby abutting that porttion-of %4&h Street which extends East frolh Ifeskbrook he for a distance of 135 feet mor6 or less, has been duly fQed w%th the Village,kuncil, and saLd Council has heard all interested persons, and it appears in the interest of the public that said portion of s&d street be vacated, now therefore of TIi4&h S&ree% r.rhich extends East from Vestbrook Lme for a disQance of 135 feet more or less, as the sane is noy dedicated and laid-out v&thin the corporaQe limits of said Village, be and hereby is vacatedr e BE M' €WOL?JED by the Village Council of the Vpage of Edina that that poz%ion Notion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Bredese~,Ad on Rollcall there were four qes and no nays, as fo7lorrs: Bredesen, aye;. E$-??, aye; bx&horne, aye; and f /, wp,&>GL---L -L de i,< Hayor 6/25/51 Ik. Olsson reported that he had conferred with Bruce Construction Company, ahd that the developer may’be trilling to construct Storm Drain tvithou% further action by TTillager -. I Pursuant to Notice of Hearing appearing on Suburban Press, Hopkins, on Xay 31 _md June 7, 19%, Affidavit of Publication for &ich was No%ice was read, approved as to form and ordered placed on file, Nayor Erickson called Hearing on - kgineer’s Estimate of 61,650.91 as against_1,227.24 assessable feet, or $1‘35 per assessable foot, was readr E4rt Russell Larson, 5800 Beard Avenue, asked about grades and drainage, and vas informed by Engineer Olsson that street wuld be put to proper grade before start of blacktopping project, There were no objections from the floor, and no written objections had been received. prior to the Hearing, Blackbopping and/or Oiling of ‘E;J;5&h Street from Wooddale kvenue to Brookview Avenue* Mr. Olssonfs recommendation-was for the oiling of.th5.s street, at an assessable cost,,of 8.15 per assessable foot. There were no objections to the projeet, and no,taitten objections had been received prior to the Hearing, Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and noved its adoptionr 1. Blacldopping and/or Oiling of Beard Avenue between Ifa 58th and Wa59th Streets+ 2, RESOLDTION ORDEFZHG DiPRWBNT STREZT 3333Z~JT IWEE A-17 . BE IT RIESOLVED by the Cognsil,of-,the.Village. of Edina, Hnnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing ‘GO be duly published on the pro- posed improvement consisting of Blacktopping of Bead Avenue from T1.53th to 5-a,59th Street, and at the hearing held at the time add place, specified in said - notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent’facts does hereby deternine to proceed w5.W the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby desig- nated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Street linprovement No. A-17, and the area to be specially assessed therefar shall include all lots-and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said improvement is to be constructed, + , Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall there were faur ayes and no n Danens, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Ericks r. Hawthorne offered . ADmImRBII3S ,. - .. .. BE: IT RSSOLVED by :the Tillage .Cow&!, qf. the--Village of Zdina: . tofore pre$ared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are herebx approvedr &d the Constgxction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the construc- tion of said improvement: I DTiBTISBlEE4T *FOR BIDS FOR c . VId&EOFEDDfl.A 50th Street,, Ninneapglis, Sn-Mond-ay, July 9, l.951, at 7r30 o’clock P&L, .to. open +nd considef sealed bids for the.constmction of Street..Improvement No. A47 in saidvillage, consisting of Blacktopping of Beard.Avenue from The work on said improvement must be done as described,and specified &I the plans and specifications for said bprovement on file in the office of the Village Clerk. EL1 bids must be submitted on the basis of cash payment for the work, No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the undersigned before the time of said meeting and accompanied by a cash deposit”, bid bond or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the mount of ten percent of the amount of the bid, . . lq - -The plans and -specifigations for Street Improvement No. A-1’7 here- 2. _The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Suburban Press * t ST%?. Ilj€!RO~~B@- NO. &A7 The aha Village Council-al-meet a$ the Village Hall, 4801 th ‘TnJI58th to VS59th Street* *. * + BY CEDn OF TKE VTILUa COUNCIL. s ~. - BOX32 H&tEI-DEiE .-.. ._ * .__ ~ .7 *.__ ,. =&ge -Clerk 3. Each and dl of the terns of the foregoing advehisemznt for bids are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of the award of,the contraqb for said improvement+ c 2 t ? r .m t. %GO 6/25/51. gotion for adoption of the Besolution was there were four qyes and no.,nays, as follows: ( aye aud Xrickson, aye; and the Resolution was Havdihme o2fered the ‘f allowing Jtesqlution and moveq its adoption= t e- k .. / l-rqror * + .. * t REQLUTIW ORDEZI@G OqnG ‘J3-iEXWB3ljT I!(?,+ O-l$-~J~HOIEIwaTG CONSRUCTXQN. t BY DAY L@OR INDE&~-EXl€33R~ION. OF, VILIAW ~ .- .+. 3iXGIN&B . e - ...- EiE IT EEiiOIZXD by the Village .Gouncil of the VUage of Edha as f:Uovrsz -- 1; ’&s-Council has heretofore cause‘d nitice of hearing to*be du;1-s publiskied on proposed &provemerit coa&pling of the oiling.gf Ib58th Street between Wooddale and BrooWerr Avenues, and at the time and place specj$ied 5,q said notice the Oouncil has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fay advised of the pertinent fact, does hereby de%ermine to proceed with the constmcgion of said improvemnt, which said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Sheet Znprovemen% No, 0-18. 2* %e area to be spec5aU.y assessed .for said iqxov&ent shall include aU. lots and *??acts of-land fronting and abutting.upon the street in r.tklch such improvement is to be constructed. . I I. 1- ‘t 3, The Pillage &&mer has heretofore submitted to the Gounc+ plans and speci- fica%ions and an estimate of cost of each of. said improvenebts, fram which it appears, and it is hereby found ahd determined that the total cost of said improvement ufil be less than $pO,OO; tfierefore, this Council is. authorized br law-and does hereby determine $0 purchase directly the materials for each .of said impr”vements and complete the same by employnent of,day labor, -,, 4. The VilJage agineer, being a Registered Engineer, is hereby authorized and directed-to supervise the vork on said ,improvement, and upon completion, also to s&mi.t a detailed -repor%, certified by ,him3 .and file %he sane with the Village Clerk, showing a detailed XWPOZ%, and &I general the complete cost of the ‘construe tLon of r.roYk, and speciSmJJ.y the followhgt (a) Final Costs of the various ets of work done. (b) Uaterids furnished for the project, and the cost of each item thereofa IC). Cost of labor, cost of eqyipment hired, and supervisory cost,, Sald report sha3.l also contain a certificate by said Engineer that the work was done Xotion for adoption of the ResoXution was seconded by Danens, and on RoUcd.1 there according to plans and specifications thereforr * - .‘I (I- The nexb‘matter to come before the CounciL was the Public Hearing on the proposed Regsading and Gravellbg af Haqison Avenue between- BeSnore Ime and IGCLoney Avenue* Ctffidavit of Publication of Notice Of-Hearing, as it. appeared in Suburban Press, Ffopkins, on 31 and June 7, 1951, was read, approved as to foxq and placed on file,, Eagbeer’s Zstimate of Cost, $n amourzt of $4l9,85 as against 1,195.74 assess- able feet, or 3.35 per assessable foot, was $cads. Ilks. Collins, agent for Steiner and Koppelnan,. petitioners, (who own all property on East side of street) supported the petitiion; and Err D.P. Blomqist, owner of propertie? on Vest side of &A&, opposed it, I.&+ Blomwst maintained that ‘grading vould damage his hroperty, Father than benefit it, because i.“ would be necessary sfor him to move additional dirk if and when he platted his property. Ere Olsson*s opinion, that regrading puld make no change in drainage and woad ben.efitAonly the East side of :tree%, was givenr Eke Olsson stated he believes that East side properties should be llable for entire assessment; and fir, Blomquist objected even so; maintaining his property would suffer by this construction. project my leave Village liable for dw-ages to the Blomquist properties. motion that mtter be tabled, was seconded by Bredesen and carried, I. Attome~7Jin~orsk gave his opinion that such a bwthorne*s Hayor called Public Hearing on the proposed Grading and Gravelling of Xen-ith Avenue &veyes, I Affidavit of Publication of Notice, as “it appzared ip-suburban Press, Eopkins, on I-ky 31 and Jgne 7, 1951, was read, approved as to forlp, and ordered placed on fi3.e. E=ngineerts Estirnate of Cost, in totd mount of @795.42, as agdnst 2,571.30 assessable feet,<.or &3l per as2essable foot, was read. - Xr. Earl between 17.57th and I$. 5&h Streets, and of %I+ 57th Street between Abbott.-and York qL I' I '1 6/25/51 $62 .i Schults, 5629 Zenith Avenue, supported petition, There were no objections from the floor, and .the Clerk had received no written objections prior to the Hearing, Hawthorne offered the following %solu$ion and moved its adoption: STREEX DEROTENEUT NO,CJ.Z, BE IT RESOLVED by the CouriCS,-:of. the- Ktlage. of Edina, Kinnesota, that this Council heretofore-caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the'proposed improvement consisting of Grading and Gravelling of Zenith Avenue between TJ657th and 1?.5&h Streets, and ofIL57th Street between Abbott and York Avenues, and at the hearing held at-the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly- considered the Views of all persons interested, and being fully adxised of.the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvenent is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Street fiprovement No. C-l3 and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said.improve- mentis to be constructed. r Hotion for adoption of Resolution was duly seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: RESOLUTION ORaERING REROTTEMEW Bredesen, aye;.Danens, aye; Havrthonne, aye; an& Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was. declared r * * ' &&home intgoduced the following resolut4on and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION AF'PROVING PiANS AND SPEC~ICATIOivS FOR BE IT RESOEV~D by the Village Council. of the.KLlage of Edina: prepared by the Tillage Engineer and now on,fi&e ia the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. - 2, The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Suburbaa Press and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the cqnstruction of qaid improvement: . ' ' 4 1. The plans and specifications for Street Improv&ent No. (3-13 heretofore 4 ADVXRT~EXXJIENT FOR BDb FOB The Zdina Village ComciX-wiU meet; at the Village Hall, 4801W. 50kh Street, Eheapolis, ononday, July 9, 1951, at 7:30 o'clock P.X., to. open and consider sealed bids for the construction of Street.Irnprpmnent_No. G-13 in said Village, con- sisting of Grading and Gravelling of-Zenith.Avenue between TT. 57th 2nd We- 58th Streets, and of 11. 5'7th Street between Abbott md York Avenues. .. _. The work on said improvement must be done as described and specified in the plans and specifications fortsaid improvement on filerin the office of the Village Clerk, XI. bids must be submitted on the basis of cash payment for the work. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the undersigned before the time of said meeting and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the Tillage Clerk in the amount of Ten per cent ofthe amount of the bid, - r BY ORDER OF THE VLILU%GE CXXINCS C I Bower Hawbhorne Yillage Clerk Edina, Ninnesota 3. Each and a31 of the terns of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of the award of the contract for said improvement. Notion for adoption of Eesolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, *'as follows: Erickson, aye, and the Resoluttonyas adopted, Bredesen, aye; .Child, aye; Haythome, aye; Council reviewed proceedings of pubs; hearings h&d at Heeting of June U, Tor srarious Blacldopphg and-oilling projects proposed, at which hearings there were no objections to such improvements, Hhrbhorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: -_ BE IT H3SOLVED by the Villa&%'C6&cfi'of %%'V~age 'df'E&na as follows: on various proposed improvanentg consisting of the Oiling of the fo22or.Ising Streets * - -. t L-+qhi6 Courrc$l. has heretofore caused aotice of hearing to be duly published Brookview Avenue between I;s. 62nd and t;f,64th Streets Ghowen Bveebetween If, 58th. ,Sti and a Rob% 250 Feet South thereof. Qcilrlarim- Aveaue between 11.5&h and Tf.59th Streets , @XLogg Avenue between 58th and Yl.59th Streets Fairfax Avenue between !{.59th and -1{.6Oth Streets . Rever Drive Hellogg &venue between TJJ.60th and 1f.6I.st Streets ... and at the time and-place specified Yn sdd notice the-Co&cil has duly considered %he aiem of all persons interested, and being fully adyised of the pertinent facts, does hereby determin;!.to proceed t&th the construction of ,each of said improvements, Which'sai$ improvements are hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subs- quent proceedings as follows: OIUXG OF: STREET ~*rnOrn*rnE NO. Ghowen Avenue between T;r,!@-bh Street .qtd a pqint 250 Feet Erookx$ew -+venue be$xreen T;f,62nd and TL6kth Streets A*-.:::,* 0-u- : -- L- 6&am heme between if. 5$th-md TI, 59th Streets Fairfax 4veDue between TI.59th and. Tl,6c>th Streets South Thereof -. 0-12 0-13 . Kellogg Avenue between 1{,5&h and 3{.59th gtseets 0-14 0-16 Pever Drive *I ..I -- 0-17 2. The area to be specially assessed for each of said improvemenLs shall. Hellogg Avenue- between !{.6O$h and ~~61st Streets 0-15 include all, loks and tracts or" land fronting and abutting upon the streets irr which such improvement is to be constructedr v 3* The Village Engineer has heretofore submitted to the Council plans and specifications and an estimate of cost of each of said improvements, from.crhilchit appears, and i% is hereby found and determined "cat the total cost of each of said improveaents will be less than S500,OO; therefore, this Council is authorized br law and does hereby determine to purchase ddrectlythe materials for each of said improrrenents and complete the same by employment of day labor. The Village Engineer, being a Registered Engineer, is hereby authorized anjl directkd to subervise t,he work on, each of sa,id imP,rovaent,s, and upoq completion, --e also to suM~ a detailed repbrt, certified by hin;, and file the same with the VXUake Clerk, show&g in general the complete cost of the construction of work, and spcificef the foUow&g: (a) Final Costs 03 the various units of work done.' (b) I I3aterial.s furmSshed fort the project, and the cost of each itern thereof. (c) Cost of labor, cost of eguipment hired, and supervisory cost, Said report shaL1 also contain a certificate by said &gineer that the work vas done according to pl&s and spec5fications therefor. 4, ' t *- Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adop%ion: .- ' &ESOLUT'I$Xt 0m-G. D+mWbm &FREZT IXPRQVXXENTS XOS. .A-l4., A-15 and 6-16 f . IT RESOLVED by the CounciT of-ths'WEL&ge '03 m&j 'Ektunesota, -tIiat 'this Council heretosoSe-qzpsed notice or" hearing to be duly published on the pqoposed impTovaent consisting of Blacktopphg of. %he Pollowing Streets York Avenue bsbwen VJ. 56th and3I. 5@h Streets Beard- Avenue between- Jf. 56th and- $T, !5'7th_Streets 3eard.Avenue be%weeq JT. 59th and. JT. 60th .Streets * and at the hearing held at t6etS2me"t-and place sgecified*in said ncjtice the Council has duly considered the viem of a1 persons hkerested, and being fully adesed of the perbinent facts does herebr determino to proceed with the construction of said improvement; %bat said Smprovement. is hereby designated and shall be referred to in 273 subsequent proceedings as Street Improvements AWL$, 11-15 and A-lb,Respectively, and the area to be specially assassed.therefor shall include all lots qnd tracts of n 6/25/51 i 163 land abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said inprovanen% is to be Hotion for adoption of Resolution was duly seconded by Bredeson, and on Bollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was adopted, constructed, 'I Y Bredesen, aye;Janens, aye; Hawthorne, .* Hawbhorne introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RZSOLUTION APPROVING FmS AND SECIFICI?TIOXS FOR- Sm ~~j'@OIEXEE$S. 11-14, A-15 eC -8-16 - ANQ - c .DIRECTING ADmTBXma FOR BIDS I BE IT RESOLV%D by the 'Tillage-CounciP of' the Vill&ge of'Ed@a: . . . l.* -The plans and specifications for STREET II4PROVBiBJ3"T-A-14, A-15 and A-16, heretofore prepared by the Village Zngineer. qd. now- on fZe, in-the office of the Village - Clerk are hereby approved+ 2. Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the construction of said improvement: \ The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Suburban Press and the mmrsmEm FOB BIDS FOR ' . e<..+- - 7 :-- . .. * The Edina Tillage Council rvill aeet at the Village Hall, 4801 lL50th Street, Efhneapolis, on Xondaxz July 9, 192, at 7:30 o'clock PJL, to open and consider-sealed bids for. the construction of Street bpzovements Nos, A-U,, A-15 and A-16 in said Village, cor,sisting of blacktopping. of the following streets: (A-l4) York Avenue between I?. 56th and W.58th Streets (A-15) Beard- Avenue between- Jf* 56th and. Nb 57th -Streets [A-1.6) Beard {kvenue between 59th and 1?*60th Streets *. *-c s The work on said &provemen<&mt be done as described and specified in the plans and. specifications for said improvement on file in the office of the Village Clerk* kL1 bids must be submitted on the basis of cash payment for the work, No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the undersigned before the time of said meeting and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to theillage Clerk in the mount of amount of the bid. BY ORDER OF THE l?ILLAa COUNCIL, -..- *-. -.* -- ---- - _.-.__ ._ Bower Hawthorne Tilage Clerk Edina Hinnesota Ten per cent of the * 3.' Each and all of-the terms of tbe foregoink advertisement for bids zre hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of the award of the contract for said improvement,, lotion for adoption of Besolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: and Erickson, aye; and the e . .. ,.. Proceedings of Public Hearing on proposed Sanitary Sewer Ikprovement Nopdi 32, held June U, 199, at Tach Hearing no objections were offered, were reviewed by Council+ Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: ;F%SOLUTION ORIEXgTG IRPFiOVZUEXT SAIJITARY s~m IXPRO~BNT ~0.32 I 8 BE LT €ESOLTED-by the Counc5.X &-;the -ViLlage-&? :&dina, -Eririesota, that this Council hereto-fore- caused notice of hearing to' be duly published on the proposed improvement consisting of Construction of Sanitary Sewer IJain and Appurtenances in IJestbrook Lane between 8, 4&h and wb 49th Streets and at the hearing held at the the and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully-advised of the pertinent facts does hereby deterninz to proceed mith the construction of said improvament; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 32, and the area to be specially assessed'tEer6for shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets h which said improvement 'is to be constructed+ Y 6/25/51 Notion for adoption of Resolution was duly seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follow: Bredesen, aye; _CW, aye; Hay&orne, aye; / Village Clerk I * I fi Hapr Hawthorne introduced the follovring resolution and moved its adoption: IESOLWTO2J APE2OVING PLANS AND SF"1CLaIONS. FOG SAU~ARY. sgm nmo~m rjo. 32 .am. COXFIBEIJG cmw s ACTION m TISI SING .FOR 'BIDS BE JX' ~OL~ by %he Tillage CbtinciL' bf the VCUage-of Ec€ink ' - ' I& The plans and specifications for Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 32 here- - .- . .. -1 tofore prepared by the Ellage Xngineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved, ' - Z* The action of the Clerk in causing to be published txdce in the Suburban Press and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the construc- tion of said improvement, is hereby approved and confirmed: .$ - . LIRBRTISEXBE FOE BIDS FOR * SDInLBY SIglER. ._ ~ _. VIIUGE OF 3DINA a- . The Edina VZU_age 6ok&-&tl meet at the Village Hal, 4801 lT.50th Street, Eheapolis, on Honday, June U, 19%) at 7:30 otclock P.T.T., to open .and consider sealed bids for the construction of Sanitary Sewer Improvement No, 32 in said TiiLlage, con&sting of Constmction of Sanitary Sewer &in and Appur%enances in Testbrook Lane ,betxeen 8, iL&th and T?& 49th-Strsets. The work on said improv&ent must be done as described and specified in the plans and specifica%ions fqr said improvement on file in the office of the Village Clerkr All bids must be*submit%ed qn the basis of cash paymen% for the work, 110 bids r:riU be considered unlesq sealed ant$ filed with the undersigned before the time of said meeting and accompnied by a cash deposit, b5d bond, or certified check payable to the Tillage Clerk in the amount of Ten per cent ofthe amount of the bid+ E - 1 -1 _- BY ORDEZ OF THX VIma COUNCIL.. .. - . *. - I_ .--_ ~ -_. -.* Bower Hawthorne t Village Clerk Zdina, Rixinesott: 3.' Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of the award of the con-bract for said improvement+ Xotion for adoption of Eesolution vas seconded by Bredesen, muon Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as fo&Lows: Eredesen,. aye;%"nild, aye;..Hatrthorne, aye; t ,/ Nayor. . . r Council reviewed proceedings of Public Hearing held June Uth, on proposed construction of curb and gutter in Halifax Avenue between Td.53rd Street and IL54th Street, at ~~hich public he-ing there yere no objections to projosed construction, Is&, -0lssos reported that he would prefer to wa5.t before advertising for bids on this project, in order that advertisements nay be made at the sametiiie for other curb and gutter projects - the following Resolution and moved its adoption: * RESOLUTION ORJXRnTG If*PRO~-WT now proposed+ Hawbhorme : offered BZ I 1T RFSOLXED by heretofore- caused STBEET IL5FROWEXEXC .NO. B-3 0 CURB AND 'C;ruT~ the Council -of. the_Vwage of Edina, Bhesota, .that .this Council noCice of hearing to be duly published 0'. the proposed improvenen% consistGg of Construction of Standard Village Curb and Gutter in Halifax Avenue between 11- 53rd aid I?, SL,th Streets, and at the hearing held a% the %*e and place spcified, in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons in%erested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does heSeby detels;nine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said bnprovenent is hereby designated and shaU be referred to 5n all subsequent proceedings as Street hprove- nrent No, 3-3, and the area to be specially assessedctheqefor shall include all Lots and tracts of Land abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said improvenenk is to be constructed. x . I !I 6/25/51 Rotion for adoption of Resolution was duly seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall. there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredesen, aye;_Daylens, aye;, Hawthorne, aye; and Xrickson, aye; and the Resolytion was. adopted,;^ .* c Ember Hatrbhorne introduced the kollowing resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLITTION APPEOVIXG PLANS &El SPECIFICATIONS FOR STE@T QPROV@E"-NO, E-3 $@ll BIRGCTIEG. . DWTEEbm FOR BIDS. .. 1. E53 ZT RF;SOLJlXD by the Village Council--of -the ViXlage'bf Edina: t * -L -. .- .-- - 1. The plans and specifications for Street Improvement 53 heretofore prepared by the Village Zngineer and now on file i~ the office of the.Village Clerk are hereby approved * Construction ljulletin the following notice for bids for the construction of *said improvement : 7 2, The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the suburban Press and the xu -DVSFLTI~~EM'i: FaR BIDS FOR STREET. 3il?~OV@fEZ$t. NQ..-&3 .? GIB@ .i5IND Gmm * . . VlLLfiGE,OF EDDJA .. * * c ...- I - _. I The Edina Village Council &ill meet at the Village Hau, 4801 If. 50th St*, Ninneapolis, on (date to be set by Village engineer), at 7:30 of clock P&, to open andconsider sealed bids for the construction of Street Improvement 110. B-3 'in said Village, consisting of Construction of Standarc! Village Curb and Gutter in Halifax Avenue between I?. 53rd qnd I?. %th Streets, The work on said 'i;nprovement must be don% as described and specified in the plans and specifications for said improvement on file in the office of the Village Clerk. I\To bids tyi3.I. be considered unless sealed and filed Fiith the undersigned before the time of said meeting and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of Ten per cent of the amount of the bid* Bfl bids must be submitted on the basis' of cash' payment' for the &rkc BY OBDER OF TW VWm COUNCIL, *- *. --_ - - ,. ..." __ Bower Hawthorne Tillage Clerk Edina, 3:Ennesota 3, Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of the award of the contract, for said improvemen'r,, No'r,iondor adoption of Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Ericlcson, aye; and the Resolution .wits adopted, Bredesen, t Council reviewed-Public Hearing held June 11, 1951 on proposed Storm Sever linprove- ment No, 19. October, 1951c. Pbtion seconded by Bredesen and carried, x.Ir.. Patterson, 817 Ronroe Avenue presented petition for the ;Innexation of West Rinneapolis Heights Addition and of the West Ul Feet of Block Sixt;een Xendel- ssohn,' to %he CitF of Hopkinsr Hawthorne moved %hat Public Hearing on petition be set for Iionday, July 23, at 7230 P& Ho-bion seconded by. Bredesen and carried+ It, rms brought to Council*s attention that 30 daysq published notice may be re- quired, by Jjredesen and carried* Hawthorne then moved, setting. Public Hearing for HavGhorne moved that project to tabled until first deeting in h Hawthorne -meved to rescind his motion setting Hearing, Xotion seconded I 4 $Ionday, August 13, 1951*. No.I;ion seconded by Bredesen and carrieda - 1 Harry Jonas presented petition protesting the proposed moving'of a dwe1Uhg eo 4823. VzCLle;F. View Road, cation for noving.-permi.t has not been received. reported- that he has received application for permit to build dwelling at this address, Xatter %abled until such time as applicT'r,ion for ffloving permit is regeivedg Council informed 142, Jonas and'his delegation that appli- Building Inspec-bor IJoehLer , ai! i i 6/25/51. I.k._Elzea comp1aine;d again about drainage situation on York Avenue and 56th Street+ . i-feetkg of Public Vorks Connuittee and Village Engineer was -ranged for Thursday, June 28, at 7:OO P&, for inspeckion of areart Er, E, Dreher, &a0 'T.J;7Oth Street, applied for pemnit to construct Garage in non- conf_qrmance with Village Zoning Qrdinance (too close to lot line)* After con- siderable discussion, Hatfihornets motion, setting Public Hearing-on application for Xondw, July 9, was seconded by..Danens and carried* %yor $rickson was called away from Xeeting at this time, and Trustee Bredesen presided until his return. I 3.k. Bobert El Biel agdn asked relief of drainage difficulties on Ab3ott Avenue between IL56tk and W.57th Street, Petition he presented at meeting of June 11, asbg deternation of cost of lowering street level of Abbott Avenue, .construct- ing catch basins at 56th Street, and filling of Abbott Avenue low lots by using dirt from cut on Abbott Avenue, was revieiJedr Hawthorne moved, directing Tillage Engineer t;o prepare esthte of cost of lowering street level. of Abbott Avenue and constructing catch basins at 56th Street, E.Iotion seconded by Danens and. carried, Council again explained to_&+ Biel that dirt moved from Abbott Avenue cannot be used to fill private property.* Xeeting of 'public Vorks Committee, .Village Zngineer and Abbott Avenue owners vas arranged for Thyrsday,.Jime 28; at 7:30 P& I&* T.:illiam IL Eartenis inquired aboui stat& of pektion recently filed for contTol of TJ&lth Street traffic, 1-k. Hawthorne, as Chairman of Public Safety Cormnittee, reprtedthat Connittee has discussed such control; that I-Wesota Highway ZFe&prtmene has been ,requested to remove signs designating Ve50th Street as a Trunk Highway, dEch the Hi&way Department will do within the next few-?reeks; that WS5Oth Street is kovf being. more strictly patrolled by Edina Police. it is impossible to reroute truck traffi,c because Ife5Oth Street is-most able to carry it, but that Police will continue to patrol the street to keep speed of all vehicles within the 30-mile limit. He explained thag I&* Bobert J, Berres, 5020 T.f.56th Street, requested traffic control signs on V.56th &istalIa&ion of %lor.r" or Watch Out for Children" signs. installation of Sanitary Sewer Exbensions h Brookside-Rutledge arear &gineer Olsson explained ,that he had not prepared such estbte ,because of present negotiations with stt,l;ouis Park which may make it cheaper to connect to their sanitary sewer than to muz the sewgr as orially plahed. Delegation was requested to secure petitions for sewer, in order that Council might proceed in the usual. manner6 7 Street, TT@ or" Nomndale $oad. 1.ktter TBS referred to Village Zngineer for- - .. I - . *_. Ra;y 3, Copley, 44.28 Brookside'Avenue, -led a delegation requesting costs on . I Ere Copley requested traffic control signs for Brookside Avenue, Ihtter referred to Village Engineer for installation of *lSIo.r" or ?Watch Out-for Children" sigps. X-k. Robert Gust requested p-ssion tO*rn&e his ice vkding siation from the rear of the Zdba wre Oil premises to the hd property on Nkrket Street. Hawthorne's motion that permit be granted PELS seconded by Danens and carried. . c - r. Eks, John Caneron, 5432 ITe 70th Street, requested Stop Signs at the corner of 31.7Oth Street and. Cahill Eoad. .Havthornets motion, refeqing matter to Village Ranager and Captain of Police for investigatibn and report at meeting of July 9, was seconded by D&ens' and carriedr I&=,, Ervin of Berry Ervin Ehgiheering'Company requested amrd of bid on I'later Piletors taken June XL, for item on which his compy and Badger Zieter PEg. Cor yere equal.% Public .Utilities Supt. Woehler recommended purchase of Badger Xeters, Badger being ?.ow in all cases except -the one, Considerable discussion foUowed. motion, .that bid of Badger I-feter Hanufacturing Fompany for. Trater Iieters be accepted, R Hawthorne's % I I_ wasr seconded by Dznens and carrieds .- z - %gbeer Olsson presented Tabulation of Bids taken June 11, fp? Street Improvement __ RTo, C-U-Gradhg and Gravelling of Fairfax Avenue between 8.58th and TTa59th S%reets, L. includhg Turn-Amdid, stating that Terry Brothers, kc,, is lmr bidder at price of __ $859*05.. Hawbhorne's motion, that bid of Terry Brothers, Inc. be accepted, vas .li I Bgineer's Tabulation of B&ds for Sanifiary Sewer Improvement No. 32--in Vestbrook __ Im. bidder at .$3,&65r69. ~ ..was seconded by Danens and carried., - seconded by Danens and carried,, *. c * &ne between 1T,l&h and TL49th $treets, was 'presented, Bart Carlone, 'St, .Paul, being &&horae's motion, that bid of Ba;rtt Carlone be-acgepted, 6/25/51 267 k< I Discussion was had of the proposedlL54th Street Sidetdk, Curb and Gutter project, it having been decided by the Pub&ic Works Committee to recommend exbension of Curb and Gutter on the NoAh Side--of W,5&th Street, from Halifax Avenue to I4bnehaha Creek, Report was made that Notice of Hearing had already been published for project as outlined at Meeting of June LI; and Attorney * Windhorst requested that a new notice be published. public Hearing scheduled for Honday, July 9, be cancelled, and %hat new Public HeaFing be set for 'ptonday, July 23, 1951, at 7:30 Pel%, Clerk being directed Z;o publish proper notice+ Motion seconded by panens and carried. Zngineer Olsson asked for confinnation of proposedmethod of assessment for projectr bvkhorne's motion, that it is the intention of the Council to present the following .method of assessment for project at Public Hearing of July 23, was seconded by Danens and carried: HaTrthome moved that 1, Village.v&ll bear, full cost of regrading and black%oppingr Eo assessment * yill be levied for this portion of projecb, 2. Business Establisheiits will be assessed for full. cost of curb, gutter and sidewalk in the Community Store District at W.54th Street. 3. Residential properties abut%ing W154th Street wiIJ be assessed for 1/2 * the cost of curb, 'gutter and sidetdk, $he Horth-side abutting properties to be assessed for sidevdk in the same ratio as the South-side properties. Balance of assessaent for curb, gutter and sidewalk to be assessed against assessment district as otttlined in Notice of Hearing. 4* .I Discussion was had as to problem presented by house-to-hmse solicitors, the Police Department having requested and ordinance prohibiting thanb motion, ,directing Village Attorney to check into regulatory ordinances qpd report to Council,_was seconded by Bredesen and carried, Deputy Clerk reported that approximately $150,000 of contracts for permanent 'improvement projects have been awarded, and that moneys must be secured for contract payments, Hawthorne~s motion, directing Clerk to advertise for bids for approximately &O,OOO Permanent 3nprmemen-t Bonds, with bids to be %&en * iionday', July 23, was seconded by Bredesen and carried, Hawthorne's . 1 c * HaifGhorne's motion, that VilLage Treasurer be directed to secure fkch Tax Settlement from County Auditor, was seconded by Bredesen and carried* Nayor Erickson returned-at this point, and presided for the balance of the + meeting+ Petitions, signed by owners of 54% of abutting properties, for Sanitary Sewer and Xater &,in &&ensions on Ashcroft Avenue between lJ*58th *and-lT&Oth Streets, were- filed* Haythomet s notion, setting Public Hearipg on propos-ed improvement for Nonday, July 23, 1951, at 7:30 P,IL, yas seconded by Danens and carried* Petitions, signed by owners of a majority of properties abutting street, for the Grading and Blackbopping of Drew Avenue between if,58th and IL59th Streets, and for the Grading and Oiling of Drew henue between V.59Lh and ~~60th Streets, were filed, Hawthorqers_motion, setting Public Hewing on proposed improvemen'cl for Nonday, 'July 23, 1951, at 7:3O P.K., was seconded by Danens and carried, Nr, Olsson requested that Public Hearing be held on Grading and BlacLrtopping/or Biling of Lakeview Drive bghween T1ooddd.e and St,Johns Avenues, explaining that @&ition for Blacktopping kias been filed; khat -grad.ing should be done before Blackboppbg job is contemplated, Hawthomet s motion, setting Public Hearing on proposed gradbg and blacktopping/or. oiling of Lakeview Drive between S1ooddd.e and St,Johns Avenues be set for Blonday, July 23, 193, at 7:30 POEL, . * % E 8 r , 1. yas seconded by Danens-and caPriede - ?a t Petition was filed for the Blacktopping of,'tT.'"5Tth Street between Abbott and Beard henueslor€@#j&pnej ~8~9g~&~y~&L&7He&ring on proposed &d..V$ Oris an carr$eac *. improv&ent ,/was s e con 1.k. Nilton Guttersen's complaint as to condition of BZackbopping in Cascade Lazie was read. Hawthorne's motion, referring matter to Village Zngineer and directing him to. notify I&. Guttersen as to what is "co be done, waspseconded by Danens and carriedr Special Judge Rorton's request for expenses incurred at Ebnesota lhnicipal Judges Association Xeeting in Duluth was read. be denied, Request by R.E. Olson, Clerk of Court, for *increase in salary, was reviewed* €-Iar.rthornets. motion, tha: salary of Clerk of Court be increased from $75.00 to ~j100.00 per month, begming July 1, l99L Notion seconded by Bredesen and. carrieds f 8 + I 1. t+ Hawkhome moved that request i-iotion seconded by .Danens and carriedr .r v 8 ** a 16% $f25/fjl 142, G,FI Xartints complaint on condition of St.ihdretrs Avenue was read. Olsson .eql&ned that he has had trouble maintaining street becxise storm waters from Dabymple and vicinity seep through, &g it impossible to secure firm $ips, IZLys Kreckotr' s petition for Council's rewest to Bklroad and Varehouse Conmission Tor Hewing pertainqg to dismanLLing of TTd&th Street Bridge was read. Discussion was had, Hawthorne ntoved that letter be directed to Iksr flreckotr, explainjag that Council fes1;s $hat bridge should be allowed to stand as loEg as Streetcar Co~~anx continues to operate its line to Hopkins; that it is Council's qnderst,,,di?g that track ~iill be removed in the near futuk, and that Council is agreed that bridge should be removed at that time. carried. Zngineer Ratter referred to Vwge Zngheer Olsson for reply to complaint, Uotion seconded by Dane- and Hr. I'loehler reportefd request for permit to build dwelling facing K54th Street, on property known as 5kOO Halifax h.. He brought to Council's attention report khat neighbors object to this plan, ,&.mer Sweeney vias present and presented plan for site and dwell$g, which sh$wed setbacks in confomqnce with other houses on b6%h W.54th Street and Halifax Lane. Har.rl;horne'p motion, that permit be granted accord- @g to plans submif&ed, vas seconded by Danens and carried. I-$. Snetana requested permission to sell farm produce on IT.50th Street, or on the IEckelsen property on South side of Highway No. 169, is disposed to grant permission providing produce stand does not cause traffic congestion on Hightray €To* 169; that he must provide drivewy, off highway property, for ihis customq, produce on I-Eckelsen. property, subject to approval of Tillage I-Ianager aid Captain of Police as to location agd traffic conditions. caraed. Police Departmen% Report of IZonth of Xay 19% kas read and ordered placed on file, &. TToekLer presented request by Paul B+ Gunderson for per@% td build dwelling on a property described by metqs and-bounds, approximately 225 feet south of Tlr70th Street, Ee explained that property described is part of a proposed developent by 1-1. P, Johnson, plat for &ich has not been accepted by Council or placed on recorda asp, that belder T.I.ill build and naintain his own private driveway, from his premises through propzrty owned by another, to T.J.7dth Street. to has-no @owledge of proposed street grades &d will not be responsible to property owner for grades established upon acceptance of plat, be referred to Village Attorney for his opinion as to possibility of prohibiting bmding of thi? type. Xo+ion seconded by Bredesen and carried. He >{as informed that Gom*cU Eawbhorne moved that permission be granted for sale of farm Iktion seconded by Danens and . 0 r The Council. suggested EoefiLer that building permits granted h--such iptances state that the Village Hawthorne moved th& problem Requeqt for Street Signs in IaBuena Vista was read, and by motion HawtEorne seconded by Bredesen wd carried, was, referred to Tmage Engineer, Deputy Clerk repqrted that Auditors have keFested that Garbage Collection Contractor furnish-inventgry of garb?g< collection addresses, in order that -an adjustment may be made for overpayment or underbilling, advocating that he be recpired to furnish Councg with inventory of addresses as of July lo ' Hawthorne's motion, 'that demand be made on Garbage Collection Contractor fdr *inventory of garbage colldction addressed ,as of July 1, 1951, with the understanding that any overpayments as shown by this inventory and reconciliation vitQ accounts billed by Village Office, vKU. be d6ducted from his payment for the month of July. Notion seconded by Bredesen and carried. Village Engineer Olsson reqpisitioned for a one-&y snow plow. Uotion by Bmens,. -, dire$$qg advertisenent for bids for one-way snow plow, with bids to be taken Xonday, July 9> 1951, was seconded by Hardhorne and caTrieds L Ere Hav-bhorne and Engineer Olsson reported that St,Louis Park is vug to give Edina written evidence of the Park's agreement to backfill Einnehaha Creek bed with clay, after sewer construction, tp,,izlI;ure creek bed's rehention of ;raters, Havhhome reported costs received from St,Louis Park Engineer, with regard to various routes of construction, as follows: Ib @mehaha Creek, $18,000; on East side of Creek, $46,000; &Long Streetcar right-of-way, 852,€!00; in,f-iotor Street; $60,000; -in 'T;r,&th.Street, $63,000. If St.Louis Park finds it neceskry to construct a lift station, rather than.to connect to Edina'g sewe5, the cost of such station will be betweeen $&OOO and $30,000. Hawthorne moved dire6ting Village Engineer to prepare estinates of costs. on the various methods by t.Jfiich Edina_can provide sanitary sewer service to the areas Vest of Brookside Avenue from Ndih Village L.imits to approately tT.!jl.st strekt and to. estimate Frhich of the several rays is most advantageous to Edin-a in regard to connection with St,Louis Park &in, Trustee Danens recommended ,acquisitipn of a new motor-driven street sweeper, and moved Ynat Village Clerk be directed to advertise for bids for same to be %taken* July 9, at 7:30 P.1.1. ?.be .. - .. Eotiop seconded by Daqens and carried, L Xotion seconded by Hawthorne and carried. x 6/25/51 169 Council discussed matter of traffic con'bdol on V.50th Street, and Hawthorne moved that Village Engineer be directed to lane jT,5Oth Street from Normandale to France, Ihtter of recent robbepies and break-ins in the suburban areas was discussed, Hawthorne movsd, directing Police Bepartmzzent to notify &dins merchants to bank receipts frecpently during Vne business day and to avoid keeping weekend receipts on hand; dkbcting Polkce Department to so "notify Nanager of Edina lhicipal Liquor Store, and to arrange police escort for Liquor'Store Xanager for banking. Hotion seconded by Bredesen and carried, Dr, Ericlrson reported ~o Council that, because of recent adtion bf the Legislature, it will be necessary for Rural Hennepin County municigalities 60 Srovide public health nurses; that the pzan is. for several municipdlities' to form a "Nursing District," to support ad supervise this sewtie. become a member of progfosk:d~f*PTursing Districtll. Hawthorne's mdtion, %hat Edjna Village Council give the proposed Nursing Dis.f;rict' Pldn ita vote of confidence, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. Vu, Bredesen reporbed that Civil Defense Director Palen is requesting a Civil Defense OrcEnance. Einnesota l%inicipali%ie3 has prepared its final Civil' Defense Ordinance, was seconded by Danens and *carried, Bredesen moved for apprbvaS. of Village Payroll, amount 36,100.63 and Uquor Store Payroll, amount $640,50, both for period June 16 to 30,.inclusive, as-recorded in detail in Payroll jotmnal, and for payment of %he following claims: Hotion seconded by Danens and carried. - He Suggested that Zdina + +s - * Hadhornels notion, that matXer be deferred until League 09 - +. I 4 - CUD1 NO.' 5908 59u 5913 59u 5919 5922 5924 5925 5926 5927 - 5930 5931 5932 5933 5934 5935 5937 5938 5942 5 9L!.3 59% 5945 5947 5948 5949 5950 5951 4 5952 5953 5955 59 56 5957 5958 5960 5961 5963 5964 5965 5966 5967 * 5968 * 5969 5970 5971 5975 5977 5978 . TO: lkmrican Linen Supply Go+ Clancy Drugs, Qc. john R,.c~*, Postmaster Glenn--Jo&Bon Contracting Co. Hennepin Cbuntx Review _. 3iXLler Dayis Go,-. 3Ennesota Fire Extinguisher Co. RepubJ5.c Cteosoting Cor zhompson qtunber Goe ~ Town & Country Hgrdware Go. J, 11, . Voi& Business Brachines Sup Radio Ij. L. Nelgaard St. Paul Stamp Vorks J, A-. Danefis &Son, inc. i. R. Zydeen Agency . Harley_.DavTdsgi Twin City Stamp & Stencil Co* Berg & Faqham - Underwoad Gorpr HationalT@anum CO~ Janney Semple & Co, i3urrougQs Lidding 3facpe Go. Transport Clearings of Tw&n Cities Suburban Press - Igbert Hub& Ronald Pore Philip Bail"ey &rthur. l3ail"ey H, 4. Rogefs Go'. Edlna Hardware Earl SeWX , Xinorel& & Nichols, Inc, &miiber Stores, kc, hericaq City Magaztne Joe Rush .. Ilelvin C, Holter IJiliiam -D.. Carlson 8ichaGd C . Sonnenberg $oser@ald Cpoper, kc. Lyle Signs,#* &c* I Jay TT. Craig. Co* S,C. Pfeiffer Robert P. Savory * - c - De BPOMT H. R, T~ll CO. * To~~z,. Ehg 9c Day, Tne, 1 l*Enne-sota Supply co - .+ ~~ petty Cash . 1. ) 5990 5992 P. Theo, Qlsson 5966 5909 5910 5912 5915 5916 5917 5920 5921 5923 5926 , 5928 5929 5939 594.3- 59% I) . 5955 - 5959 5972 5973 5976 5990 5907 5926 5938 . 5940 5946 5974 5987 5988 5990 5991 5919 5979 59m 598.1 5982 5983 59g4 5985 5986 5948. 5956 5962 5977 5989 5990 . 5993 5994 5995 5996 5997 5998 5999 e- 5990 6000 u54 u55 U56 imerican hen supply cor Dahlberg BrOSa ~iiinq Pare oil Co+ .. Genera Truck &-Equipment Cd, A, 5.1, Co. of Einnesota 't.7. @* Lahr co, kef Bros,, .SIC, %e aar GO, Epls. Iron-Store * Reinhard Bros. Cob * Toym eL Country Hardmre Co. i&, H, zieeer GO., ELC._ pansport Clearings of %&I Cities Standard Spring Go. . kagard Sign Co, David Agency H. R, Toll Coo Brookside Service Stat2on kndersbn Lgency _. Paper Cahensbn Co, Firestone Stores Petty Cash- * .. 3000 14.85 15.64 40 65 7% 50 18.73 3.4l ZLa 66 38.58 93.m LO8 2.44 2.00 ' 13.12 9eOO 230.07 20.90 394.97 7.68 4 I 6/25/51 $71 - mom FUiEl CUiDf &IO. TO: - la459 NcICesson & Bobbins, Trice $2, 129 c 95 XU60 + Xid-West WGe Cog . I 674.76 4 t LI.461 Old Peoria Company, bez 289*74 ~462 Anheuser-Bq ch, kc,. 3%50 c. ~~$63 * Candda Dry Ginger Ale, kc+ 144-a 58 xll464 * Glausen.& Sons, Inga 580.80 c u65 Coca-Cola Bottling Cot + 69,oo + uh68 0, 13. Droney Beverage Co, 675993 w469 Gluek Brewing. Co, 16-4-eI-5 EL470 c Gold Xedal Beverage Cor 49s30 + 4 36e28 U71 u72 lhssolt Bottling Co* - u473 1,I.Lineapolis Brewing Cor+ 1,594*15 c n.474 Eorris Distributing Goa ll2,90 33-475 Pabst Sales Company 445.79 Ll.476 t purity- -Beverage Company 175+ 65 u477 Rex Dis%ributing -Co+ 160 a 50 n C :i Cold Spring Distributing Co, 126.90 t A 200 a $5 U.466 32467 Cornelius 'Beverage Cor , h < I Ituether Diskributing .Co a 34* 50 * . U78 ssven-Up Bot.l;ling_Co. '75.00 IJ.479 Fe J, Quinn Paper Cop 71.17 Ll4EE1 . Victor Carason i$ Sons, Inc, 164* 84 UL&2 Bates Blectric Co%pany . 26q40 ' I. dLi&3 hericq Linen Supply Coo 1L65 U84 Killer-Davis Company . 5110 illlJ.85 Suburban Press 5AO + ' u486 $Iarchant @.lculating Kachine Co. 24r00 - w4m Collect or .of %ternal. Revenue. 27 * 50 U88 &.&omati.c Uaxm Corp. -. - + 25* 50 w90 Ed, @il&ips & Sons Coa 1,47L 11 LIQUOR RJi?JD U491 Llw Hordquist Sign Cow_ 20~65 I ' c-&L!$rSs- Griggs, Gooper &.Go, 19502r84 . Griggs, Cooper _& Coo 292 * 99 4.2271 794*5? - .. .. -. *u (Bredesen moved for ad joument. Notion seconded by Danens and carriedp Ejleeting (adjourned at Us58 P& ... <+ , . *. r c f c 4 + ,.. *.,.. Y " -5 t (>hti,er of Pbn J, ~~~ccI.ellan~ s* continue2 violatzon of V-iUage Zoning Ordinance (vras discussed, .pursuant to Letter by Assistant Village Attorsey- Wrisr Hatdhorne (moyed that Council issue-l order to Don J, 2IcClelJ-an to Cease using h2s property +* [as comerciil garage: Motion seconcea by I)an+ens and carried* - w t+ +MICmES* OF THE &WAR I!bEKC"i! OF THE ED1-m .p&ZAG%. COUNCIL3 I3ZIB. "QfiY, I Ju,LY-9,.1951, AT 7:s PhE;'Z9 AT THF; ._ .. XIIINA V?Va@ HpLfi , I. .".I -- 14e~ers answering Rollcdl were $redesen, Danens and Hawthorneo ;presided mtil the >arrival of Nayor EricFson, as recordsd belowr Hawthoyne moved for acceptance of N&utes 'of June 25th Eeeting as submitted* ' Ebtion seconded by Danens and carriedr Pursuwt to fQTotic6 of Hearing on Proposed Regrading and Blacktopping of Fiintsor Avenue between Normridale Road and- Kent Place,'[ published in Suburban Press, Hopkirzs, on June 21. and 28, Affidavit of. Publication for wlkch was re&, approved as pto fora, and placed on file, Bblic Hewing was held on the above named project. waq read at $693&6 as against 2,057,55 assessable feet, or 8,337 per assejssable foot. entire projecP; &487 per assessable foot* There were no objections from the floor, and the Clerk and engineer had received no written objections prior to "the hearing. Danens moved that 'Village Engineer be directed to advertise f~r bids for the regrading and gravelling of Windsor Avenue betwsen NomandalgeRoad and Kent Placev Xotion seconded by Haw%horne and carried+ Trustee Bredesen Y k Engineer Olssonls Estwte of. Cost for the &grading &d gravellihg His estinzte for the oiling was 8.15 per, assessable foot, 'ma?siag the