HomeMy WebLinkAbout19510709_REGULAR6/25/51 $71 - mom FUiEl CUiDf &IO. TO: - la459 NcICesson & Bobbins, Trice $2, 129 c 95 XU60 + Xid-West WGe Cog . I 674.76 4 t LI.461 Old Peoria Company, bez 289*74 ~462 Anheuser-Bq ch, kc,. 3%50 c. ~~$63 * Candda Dry Ginger Ale, kc+ 144-a 58 xll464 * Glausen.& Sons, Inga 580.80 c u65 Coca-Cola Bottling Cot + 69,oo + uh68 0, 13. Droney Beverage Co, 675993 w469 Gluek Brewing. Co, 16-4-eI-5 EL470 c Gold Xedal Beverage Cor 49s30 + 4 36e28 U71 u72 lhssolt Bottling Co* - u473 1,I.Lineapolis Brewing Cor+ 1,594*15 c n.474 Eorris Distributing Goa ll2,90 33-475 Pabst Sales Company 445.79 Ll.476 t purity- -Beverage Company 175+ 65 u477 Rex Dis%ributing -Co+ 160 a 50 n C :i Cold Spring Distributing Co, 126.90 t A 200 a $5 U.466 32467 Cornelius 'Beverage Cor , h < I Ituether Diskributing .Co a 34* 50 * . U78 ssven-Up Bot.l;ling_Co. '75.00 IJ.479 Fe J, Quinn Paper Cop 71.17 Ll4EE1 . Victor Carason i$ Sons, Inc, 164* 84 UL&2 Bates Blectric Co%pany . 26q40 ' I. dLi&3 hericq Linen Supply Coo 1L65 U84 Killer-Davis Company . 5110 illlJ.85 Suburban Press 5AO + ' u486 $Iarchant @.lculating Kachine Co. 24r00 - w4m Collect or .of %ternal. Revenue. 27 * 50 U88 &.&omati.c Uaxm Corp. -. - + 25* 50 w90 Ed, @il&ips & Sons Coa 1,47L 11 LIQUOR RJi?JD U491 Llw Hordquist Sign Cow_ 20~65 I ' c-&L!$rSs- Griggs, Gooper &.Go, 19502r84 . Griggs, Cooper _& Coo 292 * 99 4.2271 794*5? - .. .. -. *u (Bredesen moved for ad joument. Notion seconded by Danens and carriedp Ejleeting (adjourned at Us58 P& ... <+ , . *. r c f c 4 + ,.. *.,.. Y " -5 t (>hti,er of Pbn J, ~~~ccI.ellan~ s* continue2 violatzon of V-iUage Zoning Ordinance (vras discussed, .pursuant to Letter by Assistant Village Attorsey- Wrisr Hatdhorne (moyed that Council issue-l order to Don J, 2IcClelJ-an to Cease using h2s property +* [as comerciil garage: Motion seconcea by I)an+ens and carried* - w t+ +MICmES* OF THE &WAR I!bEKC"i! OF THE ED1-m .p&ZAG%. COUNCIL3 I3ZIB. "QfiY, I Ju,LY-9,.1951, AT 7:s PhE;'Z9 AT THF; ._ .. XIIINA V?Va@ HpLfi , I. .".I -- 14e~ers answering Rollcdl were $redesen, Danens and Hawthorneo ;presided mtil the >arrival of Nayor EricFson, as recordsd belowr Hawthoyne moved for acceptance of N&utes 'of June 25th Eeeting as submitted* ' Ebtion seconded by Danens and carriedr Pursuwt to fQTotic6 of Hearing on Proposed Regrading and Blacktopping of Fiintsor Avenue between Normridale Road and- Kent Place,'[ published in Suburban Press, Hopkirzs, on June 21. and 28, Affidavit of. Publication for wlkch was re&, approved as pto fora, and placed on file, Bblic Hewing was held on the above named project. waq read at $693&6 as against 2,057,55 assessable feet, or 8,337 per assejssable foot. entire projecP; &487 per assessable foot* There were no objections from the floor, and the Clerk and engineer had received no written objections prior to "the hearing. Danens moved that 'Village Engineer be directed to advertise f~r bids for the regrading and gravelling of Windsor Avenue betwsen NomandalgeRoad and Kent Placev Xotion seconded by Haw%horne and carried+ Trustee Bredesen Y k Engineer Olssonls Estwte of. Cost for the &grading &d gravellihg His estinzte for the oiling was 8.15 per, assessable foot, 'ma?siag the 7/9/51 The be& Public Hesring cdled tms that on Blacktopping and Dr Oiling of’ixbbott Avenue between 7&57th and ?&,5&h Streets and of ICellogg kcreme betwem 11.59i;h and 1fs60th Streets, Affidavit of Publication for,Ifo%ice of Hearing, in Suburban Press, Hopkius, June 21 and 28, 1951, was read, appr0ved.a~ to form and placed on file+ Xngiaeer Olsson recomended+the B1ackt;opphg of libbott Avenue between lIr,flth and tL58th Streets, giving zn estimated cost of $1,73&8 as agbst 1,253,,3 assessable * feet, oy $L38 per assessabxe foot* He recommended that ICellogg Avenue between ‘r.i,r%h and K60th Streek3 be given a dust+coat of oil, at-an estimated cost of &l5 per assesszble foot. the floor, and no T.rritten objections had beep. received prior to $he,Hearingsr Hawthorne1s motion, that Council advertise for bids for the Blacktopping of dbbotk Avenue be$ween TIr 57th and Vs56th Streets, said bids to be taken July 23, 1951, at 7t30 PJL j and that Comcil,-au’chorize Village.Engineer to proceed .with icork of 0-g gellogg Avenue batxeen 11459th and T’I.60th S$reets, said vork to be done br day labqr, was secoded by Dane-ns and carried., Y 4 There were no objections to the proposed projects from e f A% a Gont5.nuation of PubXc,Heming held June 25, for the regrading and gravdXng of Harrison Avenue be$ween money Avenue .and Belmore he, &s. Collins, agent for.Steiner and Koppelman, appeared-to state thah-the petitioners had reached an agreqent with 1.k. BlomqUis;t, otmer of one half Foe property affected; %hat fie will offer no further ob3ecS;ion providing he is got assessed for, thp work done; tfiat it is the plan of the petitioners to do the work themselves, under the direction of, and according to the plans agd specifications dram by the Tillage hgirieer+ Hauthornet s motion, authorizing approval of the regradiag of Ilarrison Avcxme between 14XLoney Aven,ue and Belmore we, bi accordauce with &sa Collinst represeztations, at sue@ time as Engineer Olssoh approves, was seconded by Danens, and carrieda .c Affidavit of Publication far June 28th and July 5th,1951publisations of ltAdvertise- mat for Bids-for Street bprcmvements Nos. A-lW ,to A-17, &ice, in Suburban Press, Hopkins, and in Construction Bulletin, U.nneapoli,s,-vas read, approved as to fom, and ordered placed on file, &I accordance with szid adve&isementa the folloirbg bids were +publicly opened ,and. read: I c + HawLhornefs motion tbt bids be referred to Village Engineer for analysis and report at..nerrt meeting was seconded by Danens- and carrieda Council ne* called for bids for the Grading and Gravellbg of Zenith Avenue between TTe57th and W458th Streets (Street Improvement PJo. G-19, pursuant to Advertisement xor Bids app_earin’g in June 28 and July 5, 19% issues of Suburbaa PressJ Hopkhs, and Constiwction EkCLetin, 3Enneapolisr Advefiisement for. Bids were approved as to form and ordered placed on file, and the following bids were publicly opened and read: I Affidavits of Publication. of said TrnY i3&rn, Exc. co. €’EXFEZ C9l\rsT, (XI* Stre6t Inprovment IJo. C-13 . .‘ . Grading eC Gravelling of Zen5th 5812*46 I Ave+ between ITff 5’7th TL5€kh Sts, 61907 5 50 Danens’ motion, ,*fop amri of bid to low bidder, FPfeiffer Construction Cpmpay, was seconded by €Iav&horne and carried, The following bids were publicly opened and read, in accordivlce with 1~~ldverbisment for Bids--Street Sweeper; Snow Plow,t1 which appeared 5n June 2&h and,July 5th issues of suburban Press, Hopkins, arid Construction Bulletin, l.bneapolS, as evidenced by Affidaylts for sed publications, approved as to foq and placed on file: 7 4 1 9 For belt 'driven controls in lieu of hand hydraulic controls, add .4 Borchert-Ingersoll, Lnc,, St*Faul For electric hydmalic controls, add . &+e00 GOOD ROADS, 110*00 BROS . GOIOO 6 MODEL 112 Ruffqidge-Johnson Ecpip,Co., &IC*, Ehneapolis $ ,627.25 No ALternatp -. -. KGY VIBCOI'I3If$ NEVI FlISCONSJi!I ' &&~ Xm3L.8 * Rosholt Ecpipment Co. , Xpls. kc For electric hydraulic controls, add . m*00 . m.00 For electfic hydraulic controls, add 80.00 > fiternate Bid;- New Wisconsin Xodel €32-&-$5&0,00 FIzm c 1.fQOdL 25SB Win. H. Ziegler, CO., Hinneapolis .-. . .. Complete with electric hydraulic controls $, 817+00- No Alternate Danerms' motion, for referral of bids to Village Zngineer Toq tabula%ion and report..at next ineeting, was seconded by Hawthorne znd carriedr I sw smm Smith-Dunn COEL~~~, ,T*E+@po&fs - 1951 Wayne Eotor Sweeper, Model <-,!+50,. 3 cu,yd+ Capacity: 1O:OO x 16 14 ply: tires; 7'6: sweeping swath, complete with one extra fibre pickup broom;* one ,e&ra set of steel gutterbroom segnents: Totd price F,O+B. Edina, I!hnesota . 99,575*00 12,000.00 Bet Cash FAB. Edina, fbQmesota T7,575*00 Optional Equipment-aLso.quoted in total amount of . 55S.00 Less trad-in ,one 1946 A-T? Sweeper Ha$,hornefs mo$ion, that bid be referred to Village Engineer for analysis and iilecommendation, was seconded by Danens and carriedr Council next took bids on an Bleva%ed Water Tank, in conformance i&thltAdvertise- ment for Bids-Tfater Tank,'! which appewed in. the June 28th and July 5$h publications of Suburban Press, Hop?Sns and Construction Bulletin, Xinneapplis, as evidenced by Affidavits of Publication whicp were approved as to form and placed on file4 The following bids were pub12cly opened and readz -mam ITAm Trn BksE BID: Pittsbur&yDes. IJoines .Steel. Company + $949 ~~,Oo Chicago Bridge and Iron Comp@y $93,950~00 Hawbhorne's motion, that bids be referred to Village Engineer, was seconded by Danens and ca,rriede I&. i3,V.B jorklund of Edina Develo,ment Corporation presented 1lGeneral Plan for ilrrangenenfi or Subdiaision-Edina HigNmds , I* dated April,19&39 together with an explmatory letter of July 9, 1951, which requested preliminary approval of they entire plan+ Letter.aLso sta%ed %@e Development Corporationts vfilingqess to grant to the'Parli Board the south portion of Eas% Error L-zkes,,togeGhsr with the land lmg south of* the lake shore,, constituting in- all, approxiniately fourteen acresr Letter asked that Council and/or Park Board agree to grading Glengarry Parkway. from IError Lakes *Road to the north line of the developerrs property and, also agree. to pay- one-hglf the cost of grading Glengarry Parkway along the lake and park area as designated, Engineey Olsson reported that Planning Commission has recommended preliminmy apprbval of General Planj, Hawthorne moved that Council grant prelimhmy approval of General Plan, and 'chat qgestions of road construction be referred to Public Uorks Committee and Park - Board. Petition dated July 9, for lotrering of corner of 58th and Beard, or installation of storm sewer, to insure proper drainage on Beard Avenue before Blackbopping, was filed, &gineer Oleson explained .to petitioners %hat grade will be established before blacktopping, so that there will be proper drainage to the North* moved that petitioiz be accepted and b? referred to Village Engineer, Rotion seconded by Dsnens and carriedr I Hotion seconded. by Danens and carried, Hai&horne One of the signers or" a petition filed sone the ago for tmr"r"ic control on W,50%h Streek urged that the State Higlmay Deparhent bs requested to eonducL a suryey of the traffic on lf.5Ofjh Street ,between Prance and IJorinm$alee motion, khat Tillage Engiqeer be directed, to ask State I-Iighway Department .to survey traffic on $J,50th Street 'from France to Noriaandale, was seconded by Danens and carrieda Ravrbhornets Llayor Erickson asrived at this tine, and presided for the balance of the IIeeting* 14r+ Ihmk ag&n recgested a Stop Sign at the corner of 55th and Xerxes, for control of spyth-bound traffic. He rms ingomed that the Police Departmegt had recommdecl agaLns't bs~~h installztion, I&+ Duncan was adamant_.in 16s .state;llen-b that the sign is bzdlr needed; and I-Iawthome moved that Police Department be directed to make another traffic survez in this localityo fJotion seconded by Danens and carriedt Attorney Robert 1.1, Bowen applied for permit for John RogL!sld 60 build dn a portion of a 10% _in Rolling Greenc for mnt of a second. No ackion takena Erg George Christopher asked relief from stom water ahage to his properbra Engineer Olgson explained that this is part of the Colonial Gmve-Golf Terrace projeck, yhich has been tabled by the Council. ways ancbmeans uf affordiag relief to Er. Christopher, and &gineer Olsson tms dfxectk& to investigate pssibili'cy of di.v@hg water by ditchingr ~ I&* Patrich, 6240 Peacedale Avenue, requested extension of %&e to finish basement dwelJing, Howe, who w2shes to build a garage ne& smer and to complete the dxelling the smer after that, to tkds plan. Danensr with the new owner for an cxbension of building permit terms, Uotion secopded by Bredesen and carried. County hditorts notification of change of salary for assessor, authorized by L&gisla$ure, T~S read. fromViUage Assessor for change in salary. Irotion seconded by Dmens and carried* Discussion was had 76th regard to proposed. change in llroad rkpGrstf charges to . plunbers mkbg semr and vater connections in village streets. the follos.iing Ordinance, moving that Council dispcnss- with second reading and adopt Ordinance as read: c ? - -~ - Eiawthorne noved tha'b,application be denied+ Xotion lost Considerable discussion IZS had of 3 I ~ -- He exqlmed that he has an opportitniky to ~ll property to 8 Zfr. Lyle ' T2re Patricka stated that there is no objection from his* neighbors meed, authorizing Building Inspeckor to work out an agreeaent h Xzwlihorne noved that communication be Sled pending petition +a I( t €lawthome introduced * irj OIUI~NXTGE ~x.rnmm~ s~criron 3 OF THE ' PLU@XTSG C$DIlJANCI3. OF THE: ?lIXIJim OF IXDIIIA - .: momm ICAY 23, 1949 . ~ 1, r OF *$lBl. 25. .1925, J.$ .AI@XD~. BY AI( f&ifEiGGJCE a' -.. - ' '. The Council of the TiGage of Edina do ordain as follows: .' Section 1. Section'3 or" the plumbing Ordinance of June 25, 1925, as heretofore -anended by an ordinance dated Eqy 23, -l9,!8, is hereby further anended to read as follows: "Section 3* Permits; Feesr (a) Zvery plumber, before connecting any fixbure or ccnstrucTing any . . *.. pltlmbhg wrk, except as herein provided, shall make application at the office of the village clerk for a permit for that purpose, and shall payto said clerk at the the of such application a Fennit fee and an additionel fee for each fixhre to be installed. The definLtion of the word fix-ture includes thc follovjing items.; closet, .- bath, lavatory, sink, l.mndry tub, slop sink, drinking fountain, urinal, built-in shower, floor drain, mter heater, gas coolcing stove (bottle or main), gas clothes dryer, or any rkceptacle 7;.asting to sewer, repairing leaks in drain, soil, waste and vent pipes, or for resetting fixtures, or repairs of faucents, valves or water supply lines. The pernit fee and the fee for each fixbure shall be in such amount as the council.may fix from %he to time by resolution, and the village clerk shall keep such resolution or reso1ut;ions .permanently on file andarailable for public inspection in his office. I Hotreper, na permit shall-be required for (b) Svery plmber, before connecting any plunbing work with a cesspool or the sewer-system, shall make application at the office of the village clerk for a' permit for 'that purpose, and shU pay to the clerk at the time of such appli- cation a conacetion permit fee and also a street res~facing fee, in such anounts as the council my fix from time to*%ime by resolution, and the v5llage clerk shall keep such resolution or resolutions permanently on file ad &wilable for public inspeption in his office. Upon applicztion by the person to whom a permit such as described in subsections (a) or (b) of this section has been issued, such permit shaU- be cancelled3 and a sefund shall be made to the applicant of all fees paid in connection with such gemit in excess of the sum of $2a00, which sum shzll be*tr$$aineb br the viillage clerk, as bookkeeping exper?se.t' , + Xotdon for adoption of tho Brdiria56e 7 was secpnded by Dane6fid on BoUctill there were four ayes and no nays,- as follows: Bredesen, and Erikkson, aye; and tho Ordinance T~S adopted* ATTEST: r, (e) * ' '' L Xayar -7 'i"7- U 7/9/51 % Elawthorne introduced the following Ordinance, moving that Council dispense 1935' xlth second reading and adopt Ordinance as read: +rl .iQJ OEK5UNCE AJXBJJIING SECTION 5 OF THE lTfATmdOw. 03&?ImCS OF THZ VhL€.GB, OF lDI&l OF J&NUABY 24, ,1949 . - The Council .of -the,Tillage of Edina do ordain as follows: Section le -f c Section 5 of flkn Ordinance Prescribing Rates; Charges and Permits for Connections: pees; Settinp ITetir. Regulations for the 'ViQage, of Edina, -TJatemorlcs System1', adopted by the, Tillage Council on January 24, 1949, is -hereb;y: amended to read-as follows: "Section 5* {a) -- .. + * __ Every plumber, before making any connection to the Village waterworks system, shall make application at the office of the village clerk for a permit for that purpose, and shall pay to said clerk, at the time of such application, a pemit and inspection fee and, in cerf;&n cases, additional fees as follows: ex * for tapping main and installing corporation cock, a tapping fee; for street repairs, a resu2facing fee. fee and the addit4onal fees shall be in such aount as the council. may fix from time to time by resolution, and the village clerk shall+keep such resolution or resolutions permanently on file and available for publig inspection b his office. shall be cancelled, a;ld there shall be refqnded to the applicant all fees paid in connection 16th such permit in excess of the sq of $2,00, vhich sum shall. be retained by the village clerk as bookkeeping e4xpenser Provisions for pope: connections of meter, including shut-off vdves on each side of the same, shall be made by the plumber or plumbing contracGor, and shall be ready at the time the watenqrks system is requested (1) (3) (2) for furnishing meter, a meter fee; and eri The psrr;Lii and inspection Upon application by the person to whom a pemnit has been issued, it . (b) 4 to set the Notion for ~ thFre were Hawthorne, metere 1 adoption of the Ordinance &s seconded by Dqens, and on Rollcall four ayes and no_nays, as follows: Brede$ep%ye; Danens, aye; aye; and Erickson, aye; and the HatrtQorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: FBOL'JTION- jXXING EEES JN C0NT;IE;GTION as follows: _____ -. ___ 1. The fees specified in-Section 3(a) of the Piumbing Ordinance of the Village, asopted June 25, 1925, as amended, -shall be as folloxys: (a) permit fee $0.50 (b) additional "fee (pe; f&bure) $0.25 (a) connection permit-fee 2, The,.fees specified in Section 3(b) of sed ordinance, as mended, shall1 be as follows: -- 63 9 50 (b) street resurfacing f:e: ' - blackbpped streets . $20rOlj non-blacktopped streets ~10.00 -r (a1 permit and inspection fee 83.50 I 3* The fees specified in Section 5 of the Waterworks Ordinance of the Village, adopted Januavly 24, 1949, aa amended, shall be as folloys: (b) tapping fee: ~ 3/k-in$h corporation cock $9~00 (c) meter fee cost plus 2900 - - blackbopped streets * $20,0O non-blacktopped streeks $lO,OO I. -inch corporation cock $10150 (d) resurfacing fee: I. Notion for adoption of the "cere were four ayes and no-.nays, as Havrthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the .. C The petition of Re If, Dreher, ha0 ?fe70th Street, for pernit to build garage within one foot os" side lot line, v@s read% Hearing for Eonday, July 23, was seconded by Danens and carrieda Hairbhome*s motion, setting Public I I Petitions for curb and gut-ber on the South side of VO54th Street between Bsard and that pztitions be accepted, and--bhat Public Hearhg be set for itugust 13, 1951, at 7:30 PJI, Petil%on'dated June 24, 1951, €or the blacktopping of TL57ti Street between Zenith -ad 2ibbott Avenues, tas filed, proposed inprovenat for Eonday,. August 13, 1951, at 7t30 I>*%, was seconded by Danens and carried. - Petition was filed for the dustcoating of 'Grove Streek between Tingdale and Code Avenues. &,oust 13,. at 7:3O FJL, was seconded-by Danens and carriedo -- . pew Avenue and for three lots ?Test or Drew kvenue,.>rere filed. -%vhhorne moved Iktion seconded by Bredesen and carried, Havbhorne's motion set&ing Public Hearing on Hatkhorne?s notion se%ting Public Hearing on proJec% for: Xondsr, . I I 3, E3, Copley, 4.423 Brookside Avenue, led a delegation of five which presented petition signed by sj;zby-txo*otmqs of properties in the district immediately ?lest of the Beltline and between the iforth Village Limits and V*52rid Street, asking for Sanitazy Sewer. Considerable discussion..was had, as to connection, method of assessment, etc, Ijavthorme's motion, accepting petition, directing . Tillage Xngineer Olsson to prepare plaazs, specifications and estbates of eost, and ordering Public Eearing for Eonday, August 13, at 7:30 F.H., was seconded b7 Dmens andungnkiiously carried* Tn connection wi%h the above proposed project, Engineer Olsson reported that St,Louis Park is requesting &mediate action from Edina Tegarding permission to run, their-Sjanitary Semr line 8ori.n I.flinnehaha Creek .as originally proposed. The Parkts contractor has already ordered the cast iron pipe to be used on this . project, and Park is amzious to begin'mrk, Cost of Creek set-rer line would be approximately_$l8,000, fir. Olsson state6 that if Park is not allowed to proceed along Creek they r.rill probabu construct a small lift sta%ion at a cost of 822,000; that a~ &ternate route is a tdr fine from Li4th and Thielen, Vest to Cleveland and then Iqorth to StJouis Park, cost of * which could be shared by Park-Ed- districts, dkhough Park r.zill py no more than the Creel; route rKLl cost them, No action takeno Police Report for June, 1951, was submitted and ordered filed+ + _. 9. b Police Captaints reques-l for permission 4io deputize Clerk of Court Richard E+ Olson as a Special Officer to serve at the herican Legion CarrximX.and for other specid Zunctions mquiring an officer, was - presented. Cap%ain of Police be authorized to deputize one special policman, ms seconded by Bredesen-and carried* Engineer Olsson reportied that sixbeen street signs are needed in Lahena Vista; cost of r&ich will 3e approlr'unately $240.00, Danens' motion, that, street signs be installed, was seconded *by Hawthorne and carried* -, Xngheer Olsson reporbed on projilress being made on plat of Edina &nor, stating that devezoper must have 11359th ad fh60th Streets, as now recorded, vacsted bsfore plat can be filedr,- Danens' motion, setting fiblic Hearing on -petition to Rr, Olsson reprted that Police Department has Lnvestigated desirability of St02 Si@ at corner of TLYOLh Street and Cahill.Road, -and recornends against installation, feeling %;hat *i% is unnecessary at t'nls timet Hawthorne's motion, tlnat rewest for sign be denied aid pe-litioners be notified uf Police..Depar%nient's reconmendation, vas seconded by Bredesen and carried. &e -Peter Dorsey conferred with Council-at len&h, concerri&g zction brought by Jo'nn_Rogleski. No action taken. Engineer Olsson presented 8 det-ed report of the proposed %0th Street Sanitary Sewsr hprovenent,11 presentkg a map showing the area proposed to be assessed, and recommending %bat lateral serrars be constructed at this time in order to keep down the cost and in order to supply sewer service to this area, which is now being rzpidTy buZ% upr Haw$horne' s not ion, that i * .* §acate streets, was seconded by Hawthorne and cp&$dd.. . . -*.: I ~. * . t -r ** I. ' ~. I 4 Ilar.si;horne offered the f6llotring Resolution and moved its adoption: .. t I Y. - .. . , .ImNG. T-G the Village Council of the Tillage of Edina desires on its own motion to improve the property tfcthin the following described boundaries by construction of a District Sanitary Sewer therein: Street and-Xerxes Avenue; thence South along Xerxes Avenue.-to West Sixby- , second Street + exbended East; thence Uest to Beard Avenue extended Sou6h; thence North to a. point 4l2.5 feet South of the centerline'of West SMieth Street; thence West to a point 720 feet more or less Tirest of the centerline of France Avenue; thence North to the Southwest corner of Lot 19, Block 2 of the proposed Edina 3Ianor Addition; thence northerly along the :Jest boundwy line of proposed Edina Manor Addition to a point 165 feet more or less Iforth of the centerline of West Fifty-eighth Street; thence Esst to a point 265.75 feet West of the centerline of France Avenue; thence South to Vest Fiftyp eighth Strezt; thence East to France Avenue; thence South to Vest Sixbieth Street; thence East to a point,l6.5 feet Yest of the centerline of Drew Avenue; thence Horth to the Southwest corner of Lot 4.2; Auditors Subdivision Umber 312; thence East to a-poh-b 165 feet East-of the centerline of Drew Avenue; thence Morth to the Southwest corner of Lot 23, Auditors §ubdivision ItJwilber 312; %hence Xast to a .point 165 feet East-of the-centerUne of Chowen Avenue; thence South to Vest Sixtieth Street; thence Zast to the Southwest comer of Lot 13; Block 2, Harriet Xanor Second Addition; thence North to the Northwest corner of kt- 13, Bloclc 5, Harriet l-hor Second Addition; thence East to the Ndrth-South alley between Beard and Abbott &venues; thence North to West Fifty-ninth Street; thence East to North-South alley between kbbott an4 -Zenith Avenues; +hence North to .West Fifth-eighth Street; thence East to North-South- alley between York and lerxes Avenues; thence South to Southwest cornkr of Lot 4, Block 1, Harriet lht%or Second Addition; thence East to ' beginning,? and 1- the ViUage c'ouncil desires on its om motion to improve the follov&g streets by construction of Lateral Sanitary Sewers therein% Xercxes Avenue from W,62nd Street-to a point 230 feet more or less + South of the centerline of JT,58%h Street York Avenue from 11T.6Oth Street to 1J,5&h Street Abbot% ,;vOnue from V.6Oth Street tq X.59th Street GSended west Chowen Avenue extended South, from Td+60th Street to a point-250 feet more or less Southeof the centerline of T?#58th Streeb Drew Avenue from w.60th Street to Xi59th Stmet exbended Vest AI1 Streets as platted iii proposed--Edina Ifanor Addition * r\rorr, .T-GE, BE IT PaSOLvEIcI by the Tillage Council of the Village of *. llCommencing 230 feet South of "the centerline of Nest Fifty-eighth -* * 1 Edina 5ly-b it-gs-deerned necessary and espedient to,n&e the Sanitary Sever Improvements described abofse; and that on the 13th day of August, 1951, at 7r30 o'clock P&, this Council rvill meet at the Village Hall1 in said Village aqd will st said time and place hear the parties Wterested therein in reference to such hproveinent, and ni3,1=decide whether or i10t to undertake such improve- ment in whole or in partc 14otion for adoption of Resolution PELS seconded by Danens, and on EoUcaI.1 there mere four qes and no nays, as follows: Bredesen9,a,7Danc?ns, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Re .. / aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution VB I. Bredesen movsd for papnent of Village Payroll, amount $5,669,48,and Liquor Store Payroll, amount $1,006c05, for-period guly 1 through 15, 1951 and overtime for June, 1951, as recorded in detail in the pa;li.rollledger; and for payment of the f ollowina claims r Y.5694 Suburban Henn&y, Belief Bd+ . k2e75q POOR FUND . ~5695 First Batla Bank ox LIpls, 2,0334 50 . . SPEC&SESS {M-J&~~l) 6005 Northern States Power Gol 94-7 4b GaaPa nrrm 6006 Northern gtates Power Cor 560,50. tJiiT%R FISm 6007 Rorthern States Power Cor 3,42? Si@R RELJTAL FUND -_ 6009 Katherine Eoss 45oOO"\ 6010 Dorothy Hdvorson &5&0 6011 Carolyn E;. iUawrocki 45&0 PARK FUND 6012 Belt Line Eidget Baseball Lesgue 15,OO Y $ 150r00 L1k93 Zd, Phillips &2 Sons Cor 4-9139*42 b? O6390635 . Xotion secmded b$ Havrbhorne 'and carriedr u-92 Griggs Cooper eC Coo 2925Qb93.1 LIr3UOR FuIirl The matter of the proposed bond issue, for psmanent hprovements, PELS discussed, office reporting that attorneys preBer that Council take bids on 1ugt.zst 13, rather than on July 23, and that proposed issue be divided into two issues--one for gew inprovenents and one Tor bdznce of cost on Trunlc Sewer hprovunent Nom S-1. Hautbrne~s motion, Ghat Council advertise for bids on Pernanent kprovaent Bonds to be &ken IIonday, August 13, 1951, Iiotion seconded by Danens and carried, .. Dams* mtion for zdjournment was seconded by Bredescn and carried. adjourned at ll:25 PJI, I-ieeting .. c Village .Clerk EXD. mg& .@r.13, .1951-, AT 7~30 P,L',, J+T .m mnvi vmm HALL . I ' .- - ..I *. . Pursuant, to 118ssessnent No$ice,f1 posted on Wficial Bulletin 'i3oaxds of Village of Edina as of June 30, 1951, the bual Board of Review Heeting covenened at 7:30 P.Z,, Friday, 3uly 13, in the Village Halla The following Council. meiiibsrs tiere present .to act as Board of Rehew: Bredesen, Dmens, and %ric!rsonl fka Roy Naeg, County Supervisor of Assessments, also attendedb, Village Assessor Creighton preseatgd Book of Valuations for the Year 195;1, vhich book co~teins Persod Property Traluat,ions and Valuations for Wew Zeal Estate om; old Zed. Estate hawing baen assessed in1950. Board e;amirred Eook of Vcluations at length. + There' were no persons present who considered theaselves aggrieved by the assessnents, and none who .t&hed to complain that the property of an6ther is assessed %oo low, . Danenst motion, qqrming &mlr of Valuations for the &r 195r, as -presented by Tillage Assessor, xas seconded by Bredken and carried.' Pzotion by Bredesen foil adjourhent was seconded by Dmens cad carrieda Tlfeeting adjourned at 9~30 P.i.1, _. - t C ZEDWEB OF "HI3 SPECIAX, UEETING OF T€E* + 1 EDl??A VIUGE COUNCIG, HETS.THURSDAY, JULY 19r.1951, AT 7~30 PAL AT TIEL - .- EDIfJA WILLAGE HALL .* .. . .* -- 1. Pnrsuant to due cdl'and notice given, Xeeting cmvened for purpose of discussion og the Village of -St,Louis Parkts request for connection to Sanitary Sewer System at lL&th Street and I-hehaha Creek, running in the Creek. Eembers present vfere Bredesen, Danens and Erickson. Eotion was =de by Danens, seconded by Bredesen and carried, that the Council of Edina propose to St.Louis Park that the sewer be run into Edina, Smith from %he Vicinity of Alabama &venue in St.Lou3.s Park to the Street Railray Right-of-way or XIotor Street and thence Easterly dong said Right-of-traF or street to a connection at Rinnehaha Creek; and further that'in view of the fact that the sewer is not run in and along the Creek with its subsequent inconveniences and objections, and t'nat StLouis Park r.Jill not have to build a lift station9 thus eliminating perpetual care?and,cost of its operation, that the Village of St. Lo- Park share in %he cost of construction or" theeewer as ouklined in the . 1( T mount of $25,000.00. i Eotion by Danens for adjoument vas seconded by T t T Village Clerk i