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The matter of the proposed bond issue, for psmanent hprovements, PELS discussed,
office reporting that attorneys preBer that Council take bids on 1ugt.zst 13, rather
than on July 23, and that proposed issue be divided into two issues--one for gew
inprovenents and one Tor bdznce of cost on Trunlc Sewer hprovunent Nom S-1.
Hautbrne~s motion, Ghat Council advertise for bids on Pernanent kprovaent
Bonds to be &ken IIonday, August 13, 1951, Iiotion seconded by Danens and carried,
.. Dams* mtion for zdjournment was seconded by Bredescn and carried.
adjourned at ll:25 PJI,
c Village .Clerk
EXD. mg& .@r.13, .1951-, AT 7~30 P,L',, J+T .m mnvi vmm HALL . I '
.- - ..I *. .
Pursuant, to 118ssessnent No$ice,f1 posted on Wficial Bulletin 'i3oaxds of Village of
Edina as of June 30, 1951, the bual Board of Review Heeting covenened at 7:30
P.Z,, Friday, 3uly 13, in the Village Halla
The following Council. meiiibsrs tiere present .to act as Board of Rehew: Bredesen,
Dmens, and %ric!rsonl fka Roy Naeg, County Supervisor of Assessments, also attendedb,
Village Assessor Creighton preseatgd Book of Valuations for the Year 195;1, vhich
book co~teins Persod Property Traluat,ions and Valuations for Wew Zeal Estate om;
old Zed. Estate hawing baen assessed in1950.
Board e;amirred Eook of Vcluations at length.
There' were no persons present who considered theaselves aggrieved by the assessnents, and none who .t&hed to complain that the property of an6ther is assessed %oo low, .
Danenst motion, qqrming &mlr of Valuations for the &r 195r, as -presented by
Tillage Assessor, xas seconded by Bredken and carried.'
Pzotion by Bredesen foil adjourhent was seconded by Dmens cad carrieda Tlfeeting
adjourned at 9~30 P.i.1,
JULY 19r.1951, AT 7~30 PAL AT TIEL -
.- EDIfJA WILLAGE HALL .* .. . .* -- 1.
Pnrsuant to due cdl'and notice given, Xeeting cmvened for purpose of discussion
og the Village of -St,Louis Parkts request for connection to Sanitary Sewer System
at lL&th Street and I-hehaha Creek, running in the Creek.
Eembers present vfere Bredesen, Danens and Erickson.
Eotion was =de by Danens, seconded by Bredesen and carried, that the Council of
Edina propose to St.Louis Park that the sewer be run into Edina, Smith from %he
Vicinity of Alabama &venue in St.Lou3.s Park to the Street Railray Right-of-way
or XIotor Street and thence Easterly dong said Right-of-traF or street to a
connection at Rinnehaha Creek; and further that'in view of the fact that the
sewer is not run in and along the Creek with its subsequent inconveniences and
objections, and t'nat StLouis Park r.Jill not have to build a lift station9 thus
eliminating perpetual care?and,cost of its operation, that the Village of St.
Lo- Park share in %he cost of construction or" theeewer as ouklined in the
1( T mount of $25,000.00. i
Eotion by Danens for adjoument vas seconded by
T t
T Village Clerk