HomeMy WebLinkAbout19510723_REGULAR7/23/51 179 Ii ]IMS OF THS 12GUL4IR 1 3ETIRG OF TIC EMU Vila, m Ci?uNCIL, I1`LD.T OiTD.1Y,. _ - JULY -23, __19 _ %T "30 Poli., IT . H, ED MA- TILLAGE HIML Members answering Rollcall were Bredesen, Danens, Hauthorne and F,rickson. Iiinutes of the Regular Meeting of July 9th were approved as submitted, by !lotion Bredesen, seconded by Hawthorne and carried, `Mayor Erickson announced Public Hearing on Proposed Sideiral.k in TTboddale Avenue between W. 50th and IT. 56th_,Streets. Clerk read Affidavit of Publication for "Notice of Hearing,!t as it_appeared in Suburban_Press, Hopkins, on June 28 and July 5, 1951. Engineer Olssonts Estimate of Cost for a. sidewalk on.the East side of Tf%oddale Avenue between a point 211 feet South of *50th Street and 1456th Street, was read at "5,95k 5, as against 372 assessable lots, for X16.01 per assessable lot. Assessment to be on a five --year basis.. A delegation including lr. W.H. Campbell-, 5529 T'Tooddale; Xr., and tars. Harry A. Thielvoldt, 5505 Uboddale; Xr. C.F. Stout, 5301 1100dd -ale5 Hr. John* G. Rossman, 5437, Wooddale; 1Ir. Oscar Lang,, 4529 's- Tooddale Glen; and Mrs, Oscar Wahl, 547 Wooddale, objected to sidewalk on grounds that it would actually depreciate their properties whereas taxes would be raised because of "supposed" improvement; that trees and shrubs, planted at - considerable e:menee, must -be removed to make way for sidewalk; and that install- ation of sidewalk would ruin the "rural look" of the street. Mrs. James A* Parker, only spokesman for the pr9ject, requested that the safety of the _ neighborhood children be considered, stating that school busses do not ;top for the children North of 51.Lth Street, and that they use Wooddale as their route to school. Delegation in opposition pointed out that neighborhood c_hi.l.dren, may use Kellogg, Oalaatim or Brookview as far as 52nd Street, having only a short -;t ance to ,travel _ on Wooddale Avenue. Haw'chorne t s motion, that petition for Sidewalk on Wooddale Avenue be tabled, eras seconded by Danens and unanimously carried. Public Hearing rras nestt called f 6 proposed. Curb.,, Gutter ands Sidewalk on Sou'ch - sic ?e• of. TT.54th Street between France Avenue and !.M.mehaha Creek; Curb and-Gutter on ITorth..side or 1.1.51.th Street .between France !venue and Tlinnsiwha Craek. Affidavit of Publication ,for "Notiee of _Hearing, 11 as it appaared in _Suburban r'ress, Hopkins, on June 28 and, July 5, 1951,, vras.,read, approved as to form. and ordered, placed on file# Village Engineer Olssonts Estimate of Cost was read as ,j5,095 *92; of •errhi.ch cost the Business District at 54th and France Yrould pay ,:'10.00 or ;3.21;. per assessalbe foot (the,full cost of construction abutting business properties); the residential-area abutting 1451+th Street would pay )3,436.44 or X1.71 per assessable foot (1 /2 the cost of construction abutting their properties, with nortYi -side 54th Street properties being assessed for sidewalk in sane ratio as south -side properties); and the assessment area established by Council and as set forth in "Notice of Hearing" would pay .u�3,1r36.44, or r.72 per front foot (the remaining 1/2 the cost of construotion abutting residential properties&_ The Village General Fund would pay the cost of curb& radii, as is customary. Ur. G* [i. Burdick, 3909 -54th St., presented petition signed by owners of twenty seven_ properties, objecting to the sidev;.alk and also obJect:in.g to curb and gutter unless cost be spread as general tax levy..* air, Burdick stated, however, that he,;personally, 1z in favor of curb and gutter as a street maintenance measure, and is willing to pay for i.tf, A Ix* Claybaugh, representing Edina Community Lutheran Church, ovmer of 600 feet abutting 11.54th Street, objected to sidewalk 'out spoke_in behalf of curb and gutter. There were no other objections from the floor, although audience requested that petition. be seriously considered before actions Discussion vras then had as to benefit received by non - abutting property oimers.for construction of curb and gutter only, and it was generally agreed that said'owners would receive benefit only indirectly, because of lower street maintenance costm. , Bredesen offered the follovring Resolution and moved its adoption: MSOLU`TIONpp O��T,L�7�,� ING TT�i>TROpVIMMIMT S ~','T. 11'1.C160YS1.'l.ui1�T 1170• B-4 BE IT RL,313CFLUD by the Council: of. the. Village. of Edina, Iinnesota, that this Council heretofore_ caused notice of iieari.ng to be duly published on the proposed improve- - men% consisting of the laying of standard village curb and gutter in both sides of U# 54th utreet between France avenue and Riinnehaha Creel;., and the laying of sidetralk jai the South side of Ti.51',th Street, between France :;venue and lann.ehaha Creel.; and a,t• the& hearing held_ &t the _time and place _specified in said notice the Council. has duly considered the.views of� all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the laying of standard village curb anal gutter in both sides of 1,45kth Street between France Avenue and `Mnnehaha Creek; that said ? ij3rozraxazz ;xc is hex.zby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Street Improvement Rio. B-4. W11 7/23/51 B3 IT MIM I'. n^.OL=, , that the area to be specially assessed for said improvement shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting tha portion of the street to be improved; that said asseppment area shall be, assessed for ti•:c -�th rds of the cost of said improvement; the _cost of curb radii and bna -third 4f the cost of construction of straight curb and gutter to be borne b;- the General Fund of the Tillage of, ;diva; except that busipess properties shall pay for full cost of construction of straight curb and gutter abutting said properties. Motion for adoption of the Resolution w4s seconded by Danens, , and on ilollca11 there were four ayes and no nays, -,as follows: Bredesen, aye- Panens, aye; Haubhorne, aye; and E�s�rtickson., aye; and the Resolution teas. adopted�� "�// , A, Mayor Village Clerk r Bredesen offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: ��OLUTIO$1 APPROV= PWIS AID SPECIFTCATIOUS . . + FOR�S'PRE T It ?ROV T N0. BM4 .AND,DIRECT.U.IG_ , ADVERTIMMIT FOR BIDS :r IT RESOLVED by the Village Council., of,the Village; of.. Edina: . le The plans and specifications for Street Improvement 176* B-I-, heretofore pre- pared by. the Village EneLneer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approve d. 2* The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Suburban Press and the Construction Bulletin the follotring notice for bids for the construction of said improvement: - ADVERTISEIMNT FOR BIDS FUR STr�, ; .II,IPROVETi IT. 140. B-4 VILLAGE OF EDIUA The Edina Village Council u l:l meet_ at .the AVi llage Hall, 4801 W. 50th Street, Minneapolis, on Ilonday, August 13, r 19 51., at 7 :30 0t clock P.M., to open and consider sealed bids for the construction of Street Improvement No. B-4. ,in-said Vi?.lage, con- sisting of. the laying of Standard Village Curb and Gutter in both sides _of 1.7.51;th Street between France Avenue and Minnehaha Creek. The work on said improvement must be done as described and, specifie� in the plans and specifications for said improvement on file in the office of the Village Clerk. All bids must be submitted on the basis of cash payment for the work., No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed frith the undersigned before the time of said meeting and accorapanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of Ten percent of the amount of the bid$ s _ BY ORD+9•1 OF THE VILL.I.GE COUNCIL, Bower Hawthorne t z _ Village Clerk Edina, K#mesota 3. --Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby adopted as the terms and. conditions of toe a -�.zard Qf the, contpact for said improvement, Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Roll call there were four ayes and no nays,_,as follows: Bredesen,, aye • Danens,' aye; . Hawr horne, aye; and. Erickson, aye; and the Resolution teas. adopted "i ATTEST- Village, Clerk _.c Pursuant to "Notice of Hearing on Proposed eater Hain Extension,tt published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, on June. 28 and July 3, 1951,_ Affidavit of which publication rras__read f by Clerk, improved as to fora and ordered placed on file, Council called Public Hearing on proposed Mztension of Village hater I -lain in Abbott Avenue between i7* 58th and 460th Streets* Engineer Olssonrs_Estimate, of Cost, in amount of 59,766,82 as against 2,353156 assessable feet, for :',4.15 per assessable foot for construction, plus :x.25 per assess- able foot connection charge,Ifor a total of 54.40 per assessable foot,.was read* 'wo property o-mers objected on the grounds that their walls are net., and they have no need for village-rater and cannot afford assessment at this time. Three property owr_e-rs spoke in favor of project, one stating that his -•tell is going dry. Council re-vie-wed petition, signed by %risers of 555" of abutting properties* Hwi horne offered the folio -ring Resolution and Moved its adoption: I' , SOLUTIO11 ORDERIKG E- TROVEIMMI f i111T'a M-13 1 MUR MU1 IIO. 37 E IT 1 OLUD by the Council of the, Village of Edina, 3�i esota, that this Council hereto.fo- re= caused notice of hearing to be duly published on-'the proposed improvement consisting of the construction of Village -Dater Main M tension and appurtenances in rbbott avenue bettreen 1058th and 1J.60th Streets, -and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in_ said notice the Council has duly considered the viers of all 7/23/51 persons interested, and being fully advised of th e determine to proceed with the construction of sal ment is hereby designated and shall be referred to as grater Slain Improvement No. 37, and the area to shall include all lots and tracts of land abuttin g in which said improvement is to be constructed.. 181 pertinent facts does hereby d improvement; that said improve - in all subsequent proceedings be specially assessed therefor and fronting upon the streets Lotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Breda ril - -aye; Da„nens, aye; Havrthorne, aye; and Brickson, aye; and the Resol 3to i- -was adopted J f Yx, Tlayor .. Village Clerk Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and roved its adoption: P0SOLUTION AP1MOTMG PU7S ZID SPE,CIEIOATIONS FOR WINTER 111 n'•MROV -10IT ITT. 3.7 _ �?M . ?CSC' i C_ T1 G U17-9321 IS, MT. FOR BIDS B IT R SOLVED by the .Village Council; of ;the. Village .of Edina:. . 1. _ ,The plans and specifications for Water 1-lain Improvement' r1o. 37 heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file_ in the office of the Village Clerk hereby approved. 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Suburban Press and the Construction Buae n' the 'following notice �of bids fon the con -,try. ction of zojyl :u.lrove�ttei�,� a .';D r- ZTISM!SIdT P01 BIDS MR TI A= 1•:41113 n'- MQT � �` 110 - -37 VTLh dB . OF E DIIa . The Edina Village Council will meet at the ViL age - 111,1ll, 4$01 W, 50th Street, 1:tinneapolis, on iZonda.y, ugust 13, 1951, .at 7030 of clock F.,TI,, to open and consider pealed bids for - -the construction of lfater ,•lain Improvement ido- 37 in said Village, consisting. of construction of i�illage .J'a,ter Bain and J1,opurtenances in ;,bbott Avenue between T1.S`th and ?d,.bOth a�treets. The work on said improvement must be done as described and specified in the plaits and specifications for said improvement on file in the office of the Village Clerk. till bids mmst be submitted on the basis of cash payment for the work, No bids will be considered unless sealed mad filed with the undersigned before the time of said meeting and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the Village Clerk Li the amount of Ten percent of the amount of the hid, By oRDm. Or' TIM VIMLT COUNCIL. - _ •_ - _ _ _ Bower Hawthorne Village,Clerk ti ;,dina, r-annesota 3, Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of the award of the contract for said improvement. s•Totion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by B�redesen, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no .,nays., as follows. _Brr d6s %-; aye; Danens, aye; Hawthorne, caye;' and Erickson, aye; and the i sd�v ' °was adopt d. e .................1.a,yor ........ . Village . 'lerk .... .... . .. ..... Public Hearing was next had on proposed, Sanitary Sewer in Abbott Avenue between 3-450th and IT, 59th St-reeta. 1 ffidavit of = Publication of "Notice, of Hearing ", as it appeared in Suburban Press, Hopkins,, on June 28-and July,5, 1951, was read, approved and.ordered placedkon file„ Engineer Olssonts Estimate of Cost,�in total amount of .5,21.3,94 as against 1.,194.00 assessable feet, or A.40 per assessable foot, , iras -read. There were no objections from the floor, and the Clerk „ had received no objections prior to the Hearing, Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: IMSOLUTION ORDERING IlIPROVEI� IT SMUTARY. SLER L-MOVESZNT NO. 0 - BE IT IMSOLVLD by the Council of •th•e Vi gage of _Edina, l annesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improvement consisting of construction of Sanitary Seaver Nain and appurtenances in !Abbott :.venue between 1-1.58th and 111.59th Streets, and at the ,hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons. interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed ii ith the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all *subsequent proceedings as Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 33 and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the street in which said im,,rove -- ment is to be constructed,, 8 V23/51 notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on RolIcall there were four ayes and no nays, - as follows: Bredesen, ayp.; anens., aye; Hatathorne, aye; and Eriickson, aye; and the Resolution zgas adopter TIE : ....... Nayor Village Clerk ..... _ t Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RD SOLUTION APPROVING PIu'"aIIS MM MCIFINT IONS F_ OP SIJ. I� URY SLIM . It -TROY MITT NO- CIRECTi id ADVE9TISMJk FOi BIDS e BE IT RESCUM, by the Village . Council of the Village,of ,Edina: le - The _plans and specifications for Sanitary Sewer Improvement No, 33 hereto- fore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved, 2, The Clerk slidll cause to be published ti-rice in the Suburban Press and the Construction bulletin the following notice for bids for the construction of said improvement: ADMOTISMIENT FOR BIDS FCR A SA474,X . 9-7.�ER. II OVM- IT - 110.33 VIMCE OF EDiM The Edina Village Council will -meet at. t' he .Village Hall-, 4801 I-4 50th Street, Minneapolis,. on T onday, "ugust 13, 1951, at 7:30 otelock. P.IY,, to open and consider _sealed bids for -the construction of Sanitary_Sewer Improvement flog 33 in said Village,consisting of construction of Sanitary Lateral Sewer Main and appur- tenances in libbott 3rvenue between 1;.58th and 11,59th Streets,. The work, on said improvement must be done as described and specified in the plans and specifications for said improvement on file in the office or the 'Village Clerk. I11`bids must be submitted on the basis of cash payment for the zrork. No bids 2131 be considered unless sealed and filed zrith the undersioaed before tYe time of said meeting and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of.Ten percent of the mount of the bid, BY ORDER OF TIM VILL_ACD, COUNCIL. Bower Hawthorne Village Clerk Edina, M nnesota 3. Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of the award of the , contract for said improvement, I-iotion for adoption of the Resolution z >Tas seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no n:ys, as follows: Bredesen, aye- t7an o, aye; Hatrthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution uas.adopted.- ) � r ATTEST: f -f dlayor . Village Clerk Pursuant to I'llotice of hearing on Proposed Sanitary Sewer. and slater Ila.in Extensions n in Ashcroft Avenue between 1458th and : -1. 60th Streets,." published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, June 28 and July 5,. 1951, Affidavit of Publication for -vihich was read by Olerk, approved as to.form and ordered 'placed on -file, Council held Public Hearing on projects named in Uotice. Engineer Olssonrs Estimates of Cost were read.as follows: For the Sanitary Sewer, 'W9,687.00 as against 2,395,6$ assessable feet, or 4004 per assessable foot. _For the, Uate-r iiain, -19,737..28 as against 2,395,6$ assessable feet, or t;.06 per assessable foot* There were no objections to the projects from the floor, and the Clerk had receiv:e� no objections prio.0 to the Hearing. I %., Calvin Katter'spoke,in favor of the projects* Hauthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption; I . " 'SOLUTION ORDEFjl:.G TT-ROIlIZSIT ' 5, 1i1 FY. SE:I; R.Iti TiT 11G. 34 BE IT RESGLVED by the Council of-the--Village of- .Edina, Mzme_sota, that this Council heretofore_ caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improvement consist'ng of construction of Sanitary Lateral Seuer ? -:a.in and appurtenances in Ashcroft Avenue between 11.58th _ nd U,60th Streets, and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly, considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed zrith the construction of said improvement; tl at said inmrove -• ment is hereby desiglated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Sanitary Sewer Improvement 116. 34, and the area to be specially assessed therafor shall 'include all lots and tracts of lard abirbting and fronting upon the straets in z•;hich said improvement is to be constructed, N 7/23/51 183 T- lotion for adoption of the Resolution tira,s seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays,, as follows: Bredesen, `aye; Danens, aye; Hairthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resol:.0 t was adopted, ATTE / r Z +-ayaT...... J Village Clerk. Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: 12 SOLUTION 112PROVING PLUTS MD SPECIFIC 101,13 FOR S.RTI'I' _31MER, _ E•TFOVM,1 ITT NO a _ 34 . i,kTD. - DI1MQTI LTG ADV�TT. uEiJT FOR BIDS BE IT SOLVED by the • Village, Council . of..the - Village .of ,T diva: .The,plans. and __spacifi.cations for Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 34 � heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now -'on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved, 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Suburban Press and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the construction of said.improvement:. ADV�TIKZMgT F(R, BIDS FOR SAI_TI`TARY. -- SE .ERR. aKa 'IT _110 -34 VIMIE We EDMA It The Edina Village .Council will .meet,at -the Village Hail, 4011-1. 50th Stretit, Tiinneapo3.is, on liondey, August 13, .1951, at 7:30 o {clock PX , to open and consider sealed bids__ -for the construction of Sanitary Sewer Tmprovetment No. 34 in s said Village, consisting of construction of Sanitary Lateral Sewer and appurtenances in Ashcroft Avenue between W*58th and.,TT.60th Streets. The trork on said improvement must be done as described and specified in the plans and specifications for said improvement on file in the office of the Village Clerk. All bids must be submitted on the basis of cash payment for the work. No bids i,n_ll be considered unless sealed and filed with the under- signed before the time of said mee=ting and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or if check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of ten percent of the amount of the bid* BY ORDER OF ME VIMAGE COUNCIL, F 3., Each and all of the terms of the hereby adopted as the terms and condition improvement* Bower Hawthorne Village Clerk 14dina, Minnesota . foregoing advertisement forbids are s of the award of the contract for said 116tion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredesen, aye; DanEns, aye; Hatrthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; -and the Res_oll ^ram adopted. 12TE,S^i ' ... I.mayor . + Village Clerk.. . ..........x-,•=.. Haw4horne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption PESOLUT ION ORDERING Eff ROVEMNT 1TATER, TMIN =ROM MT 110. 3$. `� BB IT RZSOLi%D by the Council of _the .Village, of Edina, lannesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly "published on the proposed improveien consisting of construction of Village Uater 1.1ain Extension and %ppurtena.nces in Ashcroft Avenue between 1458th and TT.60th Streets, and at the hearing held at the time and place specified iiz said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said lmproveraent; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Water 1-la-in Improvement No, 3$, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include.all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said improvement is to be constructed. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no,nays, as follows: Tredesen^ ye Danens, alre; Hai-rthorne, aye; and Erickson, . ayej and the Resol a as adopted, f'iPt�➢'YP'1 % � - f� 11iis,al : � _ f TTayor r Village Clerk' ............. 104 4 7/23/51 F Hawthorne offered the • f ollowing Resolution and moved its adoption: } 10 aOLUTIGN APPROVING PIAMS JUID SMC7FIC:ATICi33 c FORyUIUM NMI 31MROia'': t'!` IIO. 38, AUD.DMECTIKG ADIMMIS. i FO , BIDS BE IT RuczOLVED b V711a e i; ci1 of the Villa e of Edina- y th e _ g - -- ,1. _ _The -plans and_ . specifications f or mater Main ltaprovem9at No. 38 heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approvedf ' 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Suburban. Prose and the Construction Bulletin the folloiring notice for bids for the construction of said improvement: . ADVM— IS MMUT FOR BID3 FC R 1�•�ii'O�T_-.�,' VILLME OF EDINA , The Edina Village Council trill meet: atkthe,Village Hull, 1801 N. 50th Street, lanneapolis,_.on Monday, :ngust 13, 1951,ai 7:30 of clock P.1%, to open and consider, .sealed bids for the construction of Mater I in Improvement No. 38 in said Village, Consisting of construction of Village Water Hain Extension and appurtA- nances in Ashcroft _venue between U- 58th and 11.60th Streets. The work on said improvement must be done as described and specified in the plans and specifications for said improvement on file in the office of the Village Clerk. ,l l bids must be submitted on the basis of cash payment for the -work. No bids Lull be considered unless sealed andtfiled with the undersigned before the ti-le of said meeting and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount-of Ten percent of the amount of the bid, x BY ORDER OF TIM V=JI ME COUNCIL. 3. Each and all of the terms of the hereby adopted as the terms and .condition i3�x°o ve.,:rnt ,. Bower Hawthorne Village Clerk Edina, Tamaesota foregoing advertiseaont for bids are s of the airard of the contra,, , fo: said motion for adoi Lion of the Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on Roll call there were four ayes Gnd no nays os follows: bredesen, aye;_ D&.n.engs aye; Haw horne, -:z e; and Erickson, aye; wrsd the Resoluti.on,zras adopted ±� � TEoT • / �- A Village - Clerk Pursuant* to "Notice of Hearing on Proposed Grading and Bla•ektopping/or Oiling," published in_Subrrbala Frees, Hop! - , on June 2$ and July 5, 1951, I_ffidavit of Publication for iirich -w-:as read by Clerk, approved as to f orm and ordered placed on file,- Council held Public Hearing on proposed Grading and Bllacx.topping/or Oiling of Drag Avenue betuaen I:.5uth and 1,460th Streets, and of l keview Drive between ilooddale venue and St.Johns venue. Engineer Olssont s Estimate of Cost for the Grading and Oiling 'of Drew Avenue zras read at x.23 per assessable foot, x.08 being for the grading, and .15 for the oiling. Engineer recommended oil coat, rather than blacktopping„ There were no objections_ from the floor, and no objections had been received prior to the Hearing. .ngineeri s Estimate of Cost. I f the Oiling of Lak.eview Drive between. St.Johns and ,•:ooddale,.Avenues was Q *15 par assessable foot... He stated that the road had merely i;o be shaped before applying oil; that there would be no extensive grading. There were no objections from the floor, and no objections had been received.prior to the Hearing. Danens offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: L, - gOLUTION ORD''RING OIIMIG 11I RUMMENTS 11405, 0 :-21 :SID,0 -22 MID- AUTHORMIIIG THEIR COIJSTFUCTIOTd , DAY _ L. BOR. U MkI- Si7P M-. . VISIO:d OF VIMIGE- MIGIIL BE 11' RMULVED by the Village . Council: of -the ,. Viljage,of,;;diva.as•follows: Ig - -TUs ,0ounci1 has heretofore caused notice of hearing to be* duly published on proposed improvements consisting of the Grading and Oiling/or B1acltoppi-ng of the following Streets: _ Drev, Avenue battraen U. 58th and Z•r.60th Streets iskeviraaw Drive betue'on 1 %oddale and St.Johns !Ivenues and at the -time and.place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all parsons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts, does hereby deteraine to proceed with the Grading and Oiling of Drew Avenue, and the Oiling of Lakeview Drive, which said improvements are hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as follows: GMAD- G .�I D 0=rG OF;. I STR"''.i l EIT:VDVZ i s X10. Drew,Avenue .b_ etua -en - t 58th and 1-7. 60th Streets .: C- X21.... •• .. , Lakeviev Drive between I'looddale and St.Johns Avenues 0-2,2 7/2/51 :185 2,. The area to be specially assessed for each of said improvements shall include all lots and tracts of land fronting and abutting upon the streets in which such improvement is to be constructed„ 3„ The Village Engineer has heretofore. submitted to the Council plans and specifications and an.estimate of cost of each of said iUZprovc�enLs, from which it appears, and it is hereby found and' determined, that the tonal cost of each. oaf said improvements will be less -than ;500.00; therefore, this Council is authorized by lava and does hereby determine to purchase directly. the materials for each of said improvements and complete the same by employment of day labor, l.. the pillage Engineer, being a Registered Engineer, is hereby authorized and directed to supervise the trorlt on each of said in S., and upon com- pletion,, also to submit a detailed report, certified by him, and file the same with the Village Clerk, shp-An.g in general the complete cost of the construction of they work, and specifically the folio -Ang: (a) Final Costs of the various units of i.ork done. (b) Naterials furnished for the project, and the cost of each item thereof. (c) Cost of labor, cost of eWipment hired, and supervisory cost. Said report shall - also contain a certificate by said Engineer that the tnrk was done according to plains end :specifications therefor. Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there were four eyes a-qd no_,nays, as follows: Bredesen aye; Danens, aye; IIaTrthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the,-;,'. e cr t' �on was adopted. r r�EST Village Clerk ........................ The na:dt public hearing t,ras on the proposed Bla.ck1bopping and /or 0Uing of : *57th tip et between -:Abbott gr_Z Bard Rvenues, pursuant to "Notice of IIea.ring" published in Subburban. Press, Hopkins., on dune 28 and July 5. 1951, ?Iffidavit of Publication for which Notice was read, approved as to f orm and. ordered placed on file, Engineer Olsson reco=ended that an oil coat be applied, .estimating E. cost of F.15 per assessable =foot, Ur. I'Tallace C. Benjamin, 5641 Beard :venue, requested a Bla.clt topping jab, stating that petitioners are vrilli.ng to pay for this con- struction,, He asked that street be graded down before application of blacktop, in order that otianers of abutting properties might use their driveways* There ware no objections to the project at the Hearing, and the Clerk had received no written objection'pri.or to the Hearing. Kr, Olsson stated that a combination Grading and Blaclstopping job t.rould cost Inore than 4@500.00, but that the Grading would be less than <: 500,00, Hairtho-rne offered the, folI uvring resolution and moved its adoption:. USOUTLION OMER IG P --TWV. IMITT � STli.;;;i'�?� . =.' 40V.f:Ji�.wiJT ITO, L--19 BIZ' IT " OI;VE'D by the Council .off the,Village of .Edina, 1arLgesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hexing to be duly published on the proposed improvement consisting of Blacltopping and/or Oiling of 1457th Street between ibbott ar,dA Heard :ivanues, and at, the hearing held at the_ V-aae end place specs -fled in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the Grading pnd Blacktopping of 1111#57th Street between 4bbott and Beard Lvenues; that said imprpvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Street Improvement Io# L -19; that the Grading portion of said improvement shall be done by day labor under the direction of the Village Engineer; that the area to be specially assessed for the Grading and iilacl t- opping_ -T prove lent shall include all. lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon,the street in which said improvement is to be. constructed, notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on TollcallAhere. vrere four ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredesen, ajr �: Da�zens, aye; Hat :�'chorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was - All'^E'ST Village Clerk.. .. ....... ....... ' Hatrtlxorne offered the fol I avking Resolution and moved its adoption: MSOLUTION J4PPROVL-bTG PL--1,10 -21D 3PECII'ICi TIOI S FOP, STRurT I11_N0. A-19 .i'D.DU GULAG QVM1IS KMITr FOR BIDS BE I1 RESOLVED by the. Villagee,Loua�cil.•_of .the. Village,of . dina. :. :.. . lt_ ihe_plans and specifications for Streei; Immprovem_ent x_10. ,x--19 heretofore prepared by :the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk- , hereby approved, 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published thrice in the Suburban Press and the Construction bulletin the f ollouring notice for bids for the construction of said improvement: �s 7/23/51 :,D�IL'i,tl iT FOR BID3 FOR STRM T. ETTROMM7, 1100 A-19 VILI A M, OF 10 IIT A The Edina Village Runcil. W11 meet x the Mlage Hal, 4CO .•T, 50th+ Street, L.iiruleapol i Qn- i onday; .IuEtisv 131 1951, •at 1: ; vi clod'k P.i��., t�o 'o osn and consider sealed bids for the construction of street - Mnprove;ient NoA IL-19 in said Tillage, consisting of the Blac'_.topping of ;T.57th Street between slbbott and Beard_,Ivenues, The work on said iraprovament must be done as described a-rd specified in the plans and specifications for said improvement on file in the office of the Villaage Clerk} ,ill bids must be submitted on the basis of cash payment for the trork. No bids wi11 be considered unless scaled and filed iritil the undersigned before tbpe _time of said meeting and acconp��iied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check paw able to the Village Clerk in the anount of ten percent of the amount of the bid, BY OZ Du, , r � �:: ,. Tr .. CLC�'�,r ti . Bower Hai.-thor ne Village Clerk Edina, I- Samesots , 3. Bach and all of the terns of the foregoing adv =drtit .,r °r:t .2,nr ' _ds are hereby ado -oted as the terms aazd conditions of the award of the contract for said improvement, Motion for adoption of the Rosdluiion irs seconded by. Bredesen, and on ollcall U .era Isere four ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredesen, aye.; D;anens; use; %i,,thorne, aye ;. and Erickson, aye; and the %esolution iras. adopted, .STET: .� f / G- . I_ayor, VLage . Clerk Public Hezxinb was conducted on the petition of R. ,I. Dreher, 4800 T..70th Street,_ for perms sion to build a private garage rrit't�i n one _ = "oqt zof his side lot line :ffidavit�of I blicrUon of Ilotice of Hearing as it aiopcx�ed in Suburban. Dress, Hopkins, July_12, 1951, irasBread, ap -proved as to form and ordered placed on _ilea Mrs. Eliza.'oeth F. Z=,ert, ouster of property abutting that cif I:s. Dreher, objected} strenuously to proposed construction, stating tl t I"r. Dreher. has .refused to purchase the property he needs for the construction, and that she feels that construction to iritban one foet of her j: of arty line will devaluate her property. representative for I:r. Dreher pointed out t'rat the Emerts cannot build in line with t'ae proposed garase, but 1:rs. inert i:ws a.dauant in her objections, Hairihornet s- Notion, that application for - parrait be tde-nied, was seconded by Bredesen and carried„ Pursuant to duly published and posted "Notice of Hearing on Petition to Vacate Streets," published July 12, 1951., Public Hearing ti:as conducted on tho..patition of J.E. Boran for the vacwti.on of that portion =of :.59th and IT.60th Streeter within the presently recorded plat of 117dina Uan.or'�,* .Affidavit of Publication of Hotice of Hearing as it appeared in Suburban Pr ss, Hopkins, July 12, was read, approved as to fom and ordered placed on filed Engineer Olsson recomended that said streets be vacated in order t1at proposed plat of ttBorant s' Edina Ilanor" may be fileds There were no objections from the floor, and no objections had been received prior to the Hearing.. Danens offered the followinE; resolution and moved its adoption: FES LUTION VACATIM STK Ts- TITUT FORT ION. OF. � . �92H. MM - Ta 60Th STR E-ES :31IAb OLl SID PI,.t;Trs'ED Iii' IiLIT.OF.21)11111 L ItINOR . SUBDIVIS IOII ;, :u ,1, sS ' petition of a rya jority^ o f_,the,- otmers ; of . real, property . a'utting that portion o'_ IT, 59th and I:.60th Streets as laid out and platted in plat of Edina I -Lanor . Subdivisiow filed in the Office of the tegister of Deeds of Hennepin County, 'siinne- sota, has been duly filed with the Village Council, .and said. Council has heard all interested persons, and it appears in the interest of the public that said portion of said streets be vacated, now therefore I t _ BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Eding that TWI PORTION OF .59TTH. A1.D it. 60TH STRMTS AS LAID -OUT MID PUTTED zrT PLTsT OF EDIPIA ! q�il`4ORC, SUE VhSIw IIU'J' Oil' FILE. III 0- �� ICE 0� mGISTM Or, .DED,DS. OF HSIMITEPITd, COULITY, 13�i�??�MOTA, .be and.l?ereby are _vacated. Lotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Follc� ll there were four ayes and no nays,, as follows: Bradesenp- aye;,Danens-. aye; Hai:-thorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was. adopted # - - ATTEST: t - - t ' Mayor Village . Clerk. � } 7/23/51 =� delegation from Beard - ;venue, between �T.58th and "7760th Streets, asked that `� �� Council direct Blacluopping Contractor to blacktop their street before going to rro-rk on the others, unless *the drainage situation is worseilevnere. Engineer Olsson was consulted, and he agreed that this could be worked out, although it is usual procedure to take the projects in the order petitions are received, He stated that it would pnobably make no more than a week's difference, L-i time, one rray or other. Council agreed that Beard„%venue betIreen and 7.11.60th Streets should be first project begun. I-Ir, Sanford, 5733, Be" and kvenue, -rea.Vested that TT-58th Street, at Beard titrenue, be re- blacktopped. Engineer Olsson reported that this would be done-at the same time that Beard avenue is blacktopped; that there needs to_be some fine grading on,!T.58th Street before Bla,cici,op can be applied, V* Ha A.rJ'mderson presented a petition in protest against proposed seller install- ation in Edina Terrace ddition, Limback Lddition and Beverly Hills Addition* Petitioners were informed that Public Hearing is being. held on project as of I!onday, AuEust 13. Hai-athorr.e's..motion, -referring petition to Public Hearin- of august 13, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. I1r. Tom Hodgson inquired ab ?ut a petition for Sanitary Seller in his neighborhood., � Petitions_for Sanitary Seger in Jindsor .2-venue between-For- mandele and the crest_of, the hill, and to serve Char Lady of Grace Church, and jm. Kent Iivenue Between blwrnandale mad,17aririck Place, and 4.n 1lormandale between Bent ::,.venue and Nin.dsor, ware presented. Havrthornets motion, that Council set public hearing on - petitions for Monday, August 27, 1951., mess seconded by Bredesen and carried. Petitioners ask3c] that construction 'proceed as soon as possible., asking if there could be bids on the sEtme night a; the Public nearing. Attorney Windhorst wtate� tI_ .L this would. be. legal.,. Hai.rthornets motion that Village Engineer be directed to prepare plans and specifications for said project, and tint Council advertise for bids thereon, to be taken Monday. Iiug.?st 27, eras seconded by Bredesen and carried,. � I -Lr. laartenis inquired about Highi..ry survey, of traffic on T,*50th Street. engineer Ol ;son reported that he had talked -uith Engineer': Darrell of the Highs. y Department ir,_edia:tely after the last Council IIeeting; tintIir, Darrell- states Depart.nent is twill ing to make survey and Drill do so just as soon _us possible# Iir* Uartanis ryas informed that it grill proba'gl�r be several, weeks before t�ouncil i�as report, from-., Department. x Er, Robert Bennett, 5612 Concord, protested to being included in the assessment ' district. for the cost of a storm sewer, petition for vrhich is being presented this evening;. Petition -referred to was that, dated July 23, 1951, signed by owners of thirty - three properties, for a storm. sewer to drain the water from the lore lots numbered 3,4 .,5 and 13 in Block 3, Golf Terrace Heights* Hawthornets motion, that petition be accepted and that Public Hearing be. set for 1-Ionday., Au gust 27, 1951., at 7 :30 P.I ,11 was seconded by Danens and carried* Engineer Olsson presented Final Plat of 11Borants Edina 1Ianor, -reporting that it had received approval of the Village Plapning Qommission. Discussion was had as to dedication for park purposes. Hawthorne moved that plat.be accepted on condition that area for park, as discussed, be deeded, to Village, and that there i-eLll be a twenty -foot dedication between Lots. Tight and nine, Block Two, for access to park and for drainage purposes. llotionseconded by .Bredesen and carried, Petition signed by J.L. .Coran., for Sanitary Sewer and TTater Main E::tensions in t1Boran.t s Edina.,, I'Ianor", eras read, Developer eras notified than Sanitary Stirrer has been included in the - proposed 1160th Street Sanitary Sewer Project," on •s•;hich a Public Hearing is being held aw gust 13, Hatirthorne moved that petition be accepted., and that Public Hearing on proposed I-Tater. Main Traprovement be set for Ilonda,y.4 A August 27.9 1951,. at 7.30 ?-K. Ilotion seconded by Danens and carried. Petition signed by J.E. 'loran, fog the Gravelling and Blacktopping of all streets in tBorants Edina Eanor,11 waq read, Hawthorne moved that petition be accepted and that. Public Hearing *on project be set, for Konday, august 27, 1951,,ai 7:30 P.114 Motion seconded by Danens and carried., ,r Discussion s•:as had concerning the work done by various Village departments during and after the recent bad storm., with Mayor Erickson ' suggesting that a letter of commendation be written to Police, Fire., Public .Forks and Public Utilities Departments, and to Mr. Richard Sonnenberg of the Fire Department,, for the fine cooperation and efficient iservice renc'lered to Village residents.,. Hawthorne so moved. Motion seconded by,Bredesen and carried, Affidavit of Publication for 1tAdvertisement for Bids for Grading,tl as .it.,appeared in Suburban Press, Hopkins., and in Uonstruction Bulletin,. Unmeapplis, on July 12 and,19., 1951,, was read* Pursuant to publication IFayor Erickson called for bids on Grading of TTindsor Avenue between Idormandale Road and -Kent Place. Ulerk reported that no bids had been received,' Engineer Olsson recommended against re- advertising because of setitier petition filed_ -with council top_ight. No action taken, 7/23/51 Pursuant to "Advertisement for Bids for Street Improvement No. published in Suburban Press, Iiopkins, and in Construction Bulletin, Minneapolis, on July 12 and 19, 1951, Affidavit of. Publication for which was read by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file, Mayor Erickson called for bids on the Blacktopping of Abbott .venue bettreen 1457th and 1458th Streets. Clerk reported that only one bid had been received—that of Earl Sewall. -.Bid was publicly opened and read, being as follows: For, BT=K OPPMG OF ABBOTT, AVEr' NE BETIMN 17.57TH IIND M58TH STRE"'ES -RPTNG POAD. TAR. TSING . OTBACK ASP&ALT TOTAL. TOTAL. Earl Segall & Sons, St.Louis Park -�l,7 ,q4.00.,: 13.,914 +00.. .... Engineer Olsson stated that this bid is approximately x.02 per square yard higher - than Air. Sewallfs bid of July 9, on a group of blacktopping projects; but that it is still.,lower than the next - lowest bidder at thatrtime. He recommended accepting the bid of Earl Sewall & Sons. Hawthorne moved that bid be.accepted, at price bid on Cutback asphalt, as recommended by Village Engineer„ Iiotion seconded Danens,rcarried,' Fire Chief Chris Kitzel presented'a report of the Fire Department's action in the fire at the _home of Ben Parks, 4509 :'xden ,Ivenue, June 22. Report vas read, and Hawthorne ordered that it be, filed. _Motion seconded by Bredesen and carried. Engineer Olsson presented-Tabulation of Bids taken July 9, on Street Improvements, No,. A-14 to A-17,, -Inclusive, reporting that Earl Sewall & Sons-is loir.bidder, and rshrrorth & Sons neat lorr bidder. He recommended acceptance of the "Cutback Asphalt" i3id of the lorr bidder, Earl Sewall 6 Sons. � Bredesen'B- Motion, that bids be awarded., at the Cutback Asphalt price, to the lotr bidder, Earl Seirall & Sons, was seconded by Hav, horne and carried. Engineer Olsson reported that only one bid was received for Street Sweeper, suggesting that Council ra- advertise for bids„ No action taken.. EngineerOlssonts tabulation of bids taken July 9, for a Snow Plow, ryas presented, together zrith his recommendation for purchase of a ;asau Model - B35:.T equipped with electric hJdraulicY controls, from George T. Ryan Co npan;;, _ at price of ­%36590.00. tr Danens moved that bid be a.rrarded to George Ta Ryan Company, as recommended by Engineer Olsson., was seconded by F- m- -thorn and__carried. Y x Engineer Olsson recommended that brrard of bids on Water Tank be delayed until the return of Public Utilities Committee Chaim- i Child. No. action tal;.en on award. Engineer Olsson presented Preliminary Plat of Gust Johnsonts plat at 58th and t '•looddale; _' Ile e:�, lei nad that IIr. Johnson has agreed .to face all houses ,South, and that Planning Commission has approved Preliminary Plat subject to this stipulation. Ia- rthorne moved for approval of Preliminary Plat. _lotion seconded by Bredesen -and, carried. c c Considerable discussion -w s had on i -mys and :jeans of preventing building. below street grade, Kayor F,rickson advocating action by Council as soon as possible. Attorney'Zindhorst was instructed- to draft an amendment to the Building Code to prohibit such bud ding. r Engineer Olsson presented Preliminary Plat of "Virginia Avenue iidd-ition," reporting that Plann- ng Commission has recom�cended approuwl. Ilatrthorne. moved for preliminary approval. Koti.orr seconded by Bredesen and carried. Preliminary Flat of "I elody molls 2nd Addition" was presented, ;together with the report by i r# _Olsson, that Planning Commission had reoorraended approv" . Kotioh by Hawthorne,_ grasgting approval of Preli inary Plat, :•pas seconded by Danens and carried, .. - • . Final Plat of 111!.�-lody Kfrolls First Addition," was presented by I1r. Olzsson, z. -:ith the. report that Co;, fission, at their I :eeting of July 5, had recomended, approval. I?a.:r'chorne moved for approval of Final Plat in accordance with Pl -anning Commission's recon- Ler_dations.. Iiotion seconded by Danens and carried. R • 5 , • 11 1 Discussion was heal as to the possible recording of I•,.rrill- IIutchir,onts Revised Plat of i-Lolling Gratin Section Two. Ha thorn's notion, d-_+- raccing Village �ttorney Jindhorst to inform. K:. H-utcUnson of the Councilts feeling in this matter, was seconded by Bredesen aaxl carried. "ttoxrney Mndhorst e =, la.ined to the Council the provisions of the Village .Ordinance and the ,l cite Statute rig iy,I ulg s ta giant :sates 11m.- thornet s notion, that ovaiar of vacant lot on 'Wooddale Avenue between rY &53rd and 1•11.54th Streets be inforrsd of the Village 0:?dirkznce =-A notified to remove stagr_ant tira.ter.� Iiotion seconder;. by Drmaans and carried:. N s X 7/23/51 189 .Atoraey Ui r_dhorst presented an Ordinance drafted in compliance with recent S instructians by Lila Council, for control of peddlers, havrl;.ers, transient merchants, etc, Ordinance veys read and thoroughly discussed,. Haiathorne offered for adoption the following Ordinance, moving that Council dispense with second reading thereof, and adopt Ordinance as read LUT ORDI L°%TCF, F O.R-LDIIDING CM rl;J'1I F w CTiczs OF SOaCITORS, 1 DITZRS., I-L•= �.Tiu:,xti,.,, _'1TTii�.�,..t:TTT.I'�r�C���I1� , ? ?D_ TRAI ISM, \7L VENDORS . The Village Council of the pillage of Edina do ordain as follows: erection 1 - The practice of going in and upon private residences in the Village by solicitors, peddlers, hawkers, itinerant merchants and transient vendors of merchandise, not having been -requested or invited so to do by the ovmer or ovmers, occupant or occupants of such private residences, for the purpose of soliciting orders for the sale of goads, %,cares and merchandise and/ or for the purpose of disposing of and /or peddling or hawking the same is hereby decla-rad to be a� nuisance. Section 2 - imy person vrho shall violate the provisions of this Ordinance shall., upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not to exceed X100 or by imprisonment in the county jail for a period not to e:rceed ninety. days,. Section 3 - This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication *_ Iloti,on for adoption of the Ordinance was seconded by Bredesen, and on Rolleall there were four acres and no nays. as follows: _Bred en, , aye; Danens Hawthorne, aye; and 'rickson, aye; and the Re s t� n" was adopted. 1iTT�l� �-� - G- .. x.......Mayor .. Village.Cle ... Discussion was had as to $he. merits of publishing the names of persons convicted in Edina Kunicip al Court for driving iihile under the influence of intoxicants. Hna,ri,horne moved -meat the Captain of Police, or someone appointed by him, be instruc* to notify newspapers publishing Edina news of the names of all persons convicted in Edina Iivnici pal Court of driving while under the influence of into.-icants. _Dotion_seconded,by Danens and carried, Civil Defense Comnitteets Firearms Program was presented in more detail, vrith request that it be formally adopted__by Village Council. Hawthorne moved that real ter' be tabled until Iieeting of d uga.st 13. Iiotion seconded by Bredesen and carried. Y Fluoridation CorxiAtteets ICeport of 42-rd-1 18, 1951, setting forth uppro:dIrlate cost of fluoridation o;: Village ':rater Supply, and transmitting the follot°ri.izg Resolution adopted by`the Committee-- TgJhereas, accumulated evidence indicates a sound basis for the fluoridation of-public grater supplies for the partial control of dental caries, -therefore, bait resolved, that this procedure be recoraraended as a safe and effective method br reducing the prevalence of dental cries," - -vras discussed* Bredesen moved that Council go on record as favoring the installation of equipment for-fluoridation program., and instruct the Village larigineer to make survey of equipment necessary for such progrrn and report ba.ck, to Council so that bids may be taken foe? sajae, and thZA Fluoridation Gaaaitcee be notified of this action. Notion seconded by Petition by Keryl ..Reid, 44,05 Grimes, for the Rezoning to Conauia:ity Store Dist l c t of Lots 30-,A.,3 ­,6, and that part of Lots 9, l0, 11 =.nd 12 lying north, of state highT:- y, in Block L�, Tingdale Bros.. Brookside liddition., ir,,s reported, together rr:th Planning, Commission +s recoliK��endation for said rezoning. Ilvxwthorners notion setting._Public Clearing on proposed Rezoning for Klonday, '.gust 27, 1951, . at 7. 1 P..- ,eras seconded by Danens and ca?-rried# Co1on�L1 HaxiLann H. Strachauer of the 12Luzesota State Guard presented a request for permission to designate the Yilla:. e Hall as ,.a secondary Headgivarters for Heudgaarters First Group, Infantry, and to use the VilLLge I11all in event of eLicrgency* Herrcnorne reeved that reo,uest be granted* I-lotion seconded by Danens amend unanVaously carried. , Trhatee Bredesen reported on ways and means of securing funds from the Go_- crauni'.y (;ileSt for Edina RsCreatiOn Progr m, recorlt`aending that a Recreation Com- mission be esta +blislhed for consultation vrith Uoraraunity Chest officials* He staked that tommediate action is needed,-1a,s Gomraunity Chest is now setting up its budget. Col. Struchs.uer, ii-i his capacity as village P•__rk ;Board x'eraber, eras present during dis cusoi.on. 190, 7/23/511 I-adlancl National Bank's notice of July 16th., of their exchange of VillaZa illote's maturing 1951, for.1-7/8, Certificate of Indebtedn e,,s maturing July 1., 19523 i-ms re-ado HaiAhornels motion., confirming action of Bank,, was seconded by Bredesen and carried* Petition by the Colonial Church of Edina., for the oiling of Le.-dngton Aaenue from 'U'boddale to St.JoIlln's ,orenue, with Church to be assessed for_ entire cost of oil., I-as presented T11 -thorne moved thct oil be ordered in. notion seconded by Danens and Mai, carried, Petition for Street TdCz �t at 1179th and Zenith was read. 1-.otion b,­ Hairtlaorzae., that petition be referred-to Village EngLneor trith autlhori=ation to install 1J4b-t if he deems it necessary, i,-us seconded by Bradesen'and carric-d. Tlae ap plioation of --dLia ;and and Gravel Conpany,, _'or penatt to construct sign at 70th and France., i-,&s 2aviet.: end, by 114awltho5nze, seconded by Dm. ens and carried was referr o" to i:Ulage Engineer for re=zmenda tions ! .m� ounce,,-rznt of S 3ummer Keeting of 12Lmes cita Safety Council, to be held at Duluth., Triday., x-olst 17., -uas noted. 1110 action takano .,n,arican .1utomobile ;zsociationts -recognition of Edinals 1950 record of no loedestrian daaths wap rzviawad snd referred to Police Department. 3dina-l-lorningside School Board1s rafusal to 0?axYc, ease: rrtus on� school praperty at Southview L-ane, for construction of water to-war, inz reviewed., aid ordered filed* engineer Olsson reporter.1 that the Village hasssu'"ficient property on Souuh-TrIew, Lane., at ,..-ell sit;, for said construction if Council irishes to locate "U'lia tow=- at- this site., Council reviewed FiAblic Hearinga held Konday., July 93 •1951,, on the proposed Blaol-ftopping tnd/or Oiling of 'Jdbott !.,venue beti-.,een 'U. 57th and IT. 58th Straets, and of Kellogg .:venue: bet-wraen-1459�h and .,460th Streets.. . Hau thorn_ offered the follow- ing.Resolution z:oved its adoption,- _LJOIT =I ME ,3T T .12T, .GV .7227T 110. L-18 BE M RaZLOUTEM by the Council of the - Vill of Edina�.,-I�Iuanesota., tlr--t this Council h t a qeretofore�,c * aused notice of hearing 9 b duly published shad on the proposed inprove- Ment consisting of the BlracktoppLng of Abbott =Wenue betriaen U. 57th and .x.58 h Streets aaaring held at tee time =d place specified in said notice ., and at the I the Council has duly considered the views, of all peroons interested., and being fully advised of the partinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is) hereby desiEnated and shell be referred to in all-subseq .,ueht proceedings as Street improvement Rfo. and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abu-Muing improvement is to be , and. fronting upon the streets in vLhich said constructed. I-lotion for adoption of the 'R.,esolution,was seconded by Danens., and on Poll call there were four ayes and no nays.,-,as follows.­- BredeBen., aye; -Pdnevs., aye; I3Iawthorna, ayq; ,�nd Erickson., aye; and the Resolution iyas.•adopte ArILM'T. '7 Ilayor Villa :6'. Clev"t Danens offered the folloAng Resolution and moved its adoption: "137-30LUT1101T 1PMWING•I:1,13 AID SPECIFIC,*2100.03 rMlli5Ta,=-.,T -U.TR0V7M31TTP-NO. 18J� D,CQITDIMIG ADVMT=1uMI.T FOR BIDS BZ IT =- LM by the Village Council of the . Village. of Fjdina-. 3�*, _The -plans and ' -spacif#ations for Street improvement Ijo L--18 heretofore prep4red by the Village raZineer and nwu on file in the ,office of�the Village Clerk are harobyapprovad,, I - - , 2. The CleVec'staction in causing to be published ti-rice in the Suburban Press: and the Construction bulletin thevfolloi-ring notice for bids for the construction of said improvement is hereby ratified and confixmed: ADV MMMSIRMITT FOR BIDS FOR STRE32. MROV IM- �7. UO. A-18 OF EDETA The Edina Village Cot nil Vill- meet at the Village Hall ., 4801 T4 ' t 50uh Street, on,Konday., July 23., 1951, at 7:30 otclock to open and consider sealed bids, for the .construction of Street 1mprovement Ho. A-18 in said Village, consisting of blacktopping of ibbott-Avenue.between 1457th and 1458th Streets. 7/23/51 The i-.,oek on said improvement must be done as described and specified, in the plans and specifications -for said improvement on file in the office of the Village Clerk. All bids must be submitted on the basis of cash payment for the work. No bids • trill be considered unless sealed and filed I,ri th the under - signed before the time of said meeting and acconr ..,_amied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the Village'Cle'rk in the amount of Ten percent of the amount of the bid* BT ORMERM TI-M V-7MIGE COUNCIL *_� Bower Ilawthorne Village Clerk Edina., Ilixaneq.ota Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby adopted as the terms and- conditions of the award of the oontraek, for said improvement. Ilotion far adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall theare were four a,7;,---- and no nays., as follows Bred seny--gye; Danens., aye; Hav,thorne, qaje; and Erickson., aye; and the R;:�,s lohixas a ted. JIT TEST: Nayor Village Clerk Dan ens offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: R" M, _TION OME22-MIG OILUNG DI-ROVEIMM NOS _Q-2OJZTD 2UTIY9cU-JUTG COMISTRUCTICY1. B_Iy ULBO.-S, TM SUPMRVISION OF VILLAGE. EINGM 1=41-4 BE IT.220OLVED by the Village. Council o2.the Village of Edina .as follows: l. caus C U U _Th��.Counc�l has hereto-fore e notice of hearing to be duly. pulblished on proposed :1_11_proveofinn consisting of the oiling of Kellogg :,venue betw,—n IT.59th and u. 60th Streets., anl at the time and place specified in said notice' the Council hasJuly considered the vieiza of all persons interested, and being fully advised of -blip pertinent facto, does lieralby determi-ne to proceed with the =nstruction of said irmroveraent,, which said improveralent is hereby desig- nated and shall be referred-to in all subsequent proceedLags as 3traet Improve- iaent ITIo, 0-20, 2. The area to be specially assessed for said Ji-aprovenent shall include all- lots and tracts of land fronting and abutting upon the street in iihich such Iraprovei-i-Lant is to be constructed. h un il 3. The Village Engin;�,,,.r llz�, haratoforD ;x_br,"Ltted to the Co c plans and specif:I.cations and En - estimate of oost o:� said :Uiiprovei�ient,, f52oia i-irlich it alit Gal "s, and it -is hereby found -and dete2miined that the total�cost of --aid Likorovaravant ,dll be less than `,,5500*00; therefore.. this Council is authorized by law and does hereb, daternineto purchase directly yhe na.terials for said improvement and complete t3he sake -,by en, ploymenlu of day labor. 11 4. The Village En&lneer., being a -Registered engineer, is hereby authorized and directed to -supervise the work on said improvement, and upon completion, also to subndit a detailed report., certified by hLa., and -file the same -with the - Village Cl erk., shoi:Ing in' general the complete cost of the work., and specifically the =f ollol, w'-g: Final Costs of the various units of work done,,. (b) Materials furnished for the project, and t7 a cost of each item ­ - thereof. I (c) Cost of labor., cost of equipment hiredg and supervisory cost* Said report z;hal ' I also contain a certificate by said Engld-iaer that tho work was done according to plans and specifications therefor. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Hal-jthorne., and on RoD.Crall there ware four ayes andhno nays, as follows: Bredesen,e; Danens., ape; ; _vAthorne, �Zre; and Erickson, aye; and the 'Reso "V ---Via, s' adopted. LIT23TE Vil-Lage Clerk . ... .... ....... .. . Council reviewed Public Hearing held. July 9,, 1951., on the proposed Regrading, Gravelling end Oiling of,,Uindsor Avenue. Danens offered the followixig Resolution and moved its adoption., F,, ,,&30LUTIOJJ ORDEREIG ST-IM II!F20U=T PLUIS, AT,,TD 3 C�IX210 TS TI FOR, QT CUNFIMITING IDVMTI3Z2,1,-_T MR BIDS M IT RMSOLVED by th?,- -Council of - the Village, of Edina: • 1. This 'heretofore caused notice' of hearing to be duly-published on the proposed iq of the Re- Grading; Gravelling ing and Oiling of provemer brconsiating Windsor :avenue between Morm� andale Road and Kent Place., and at the Shearing hold 192 7123/51 .at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the vievx of all parsons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts sloes hereby determine to proceed with tine construction of said improvement; that said inpro zement is hereby desig-nryted and shall be referred to in all subsem, ent proceed- ings as Street Improvement 116. C -14, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the street in wh -ich said immroverent is to be constructed, , 2. The plans and specifications for Street Improvement No* 0 -1& heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the , of Tice of the Village Clerk are hereby approved# 3. The Clerkts action in causing to be published twice in the Suburban. Press and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the construction of said inprovenment is hereby ratified and confirmed: ADTIMISM-MIT FOR BIDS FOR. GRADING The Edina Village Council mill. meet .at the Village Hall, 4801 W.50th Street, on "Ionday, July 23; 1951, at 7.30 ofclocktP.1.1,, to open and consider sealed bids for the Regrading of Findsor ±venue between Ilox �ndale Road and Kent Place. The work on said improvement must be done as specified and described in the plans and specifications for said improvement on file in the office of the Village Clerk. r'`sll bids must be submitted on the basis of cash payment for the work.. Ho bids will be considered unless sealed and filed frith the undersigned before the time of said meeting and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified cheek payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of Ten percent of the amount of the bid, BY ORDM OF TEE' VLI+.!iGE COUNCIL. , .. Bower Hawthorne _- - Village Clerk Edina, I1imesota 4. Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of the award of the contract for said improvement. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall there-were four ayes and no ,nays, as follows: . Bredesen, aye; =Danens, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was a op d� ti1T 'ST : + a �. LL rr . �,,, 2•ga or Y .Village.Cler #eceipt of Audit Report, by Ernst Ernst, of Village Records for Year 1950, was• reported and noted by Council, Motion by Bredesen, approving Village Payroll, amount s6,209,72p and Liquor. Store Payroll, amount X635.39, for period July 16 to 31, Inclusive, as recorded in detail in the Payroll Ledger, and for payment of the following Claims, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried: r. CLmi 230. TO: t X -IOUNT F„ UND Y'5696 4 " City Treasurer, City of llpls. 6013 Gene Gaddis 6016 Village of Edina, ?.ater Department t 25,00-\ 6066• Dorothy Halvorson 50,00 -^ 6067 James B.• Hancock 120.00,\ 606$ Uarvi.n. Hardy 120.00'\ 6069 Katherine Boss 45tOO'A 6070 Carolyn I- TM "rocla t 50.00' 6071 Lloyd. Bocya 250.00" 6072 Samuel J* Roberts 7.25" 6074 I-Tartin Podany, Printers 52.50 6075 Gregusonts Flursery 102.15h 6001E Toym L Country HdT7e. 7.02 � 6017 Robert Ii} Clet:orth 23.20- t 6018 t Dean Korthof _ A 15.1 . 6019 ili.ssissippi Val-Icy Tank Co. 30.00" '6034 Central supply YCo... 140.72" 6046 Construction Bul-1otin 2L�. I-,O� 6056 t�... il,Rrtin = 3diha. Press 31,15" ; 6075 i . ;�Is B ell Tel, 11, 50 `� 6079 IT e,1.. Bell T1. 11.50'^ 6080 Bergerson -Caswell 1,500.,00" 6004 To,'m L Country %Idwe. 1.66" 6057 northern States. P0:7.-ar Co. 687.53 "\ J.S4D4 jt4l .FMM t;l, 333 -67-,- L,`'t� IG FUIM 2,25 r Pii:�LS FUND 3 S2&.92 Tx.'i'ER FIND 4 MULL 110* 6ogo 6092 6093 60gg 6036 6037 6011;. 6015 6016 6020 6021 6027 6028 6029 6030 6031 6032 6033 6035 6038 6o39 601;.0 6042 601;.3 601,1;. 6046 601;.9 6052 5051;. 6055 6056 6057 6072 6073 6077 607$ u079 6001 6082 6o8,4 6086 6091 60 ^5 6079 6046 6050 6051 6053 6059 6060 6051 7/23/51 TO: iutual General agency TTatorous Co Partts Co. Suburban Press x Suel Publishing Co. Williamson Stamp CQ, I -tarry C. Hansen an, City Nagazine , vil l z *rve of Edina 1-iater De-, :t. }i C'� . :� Electric Coy Ed Ryan, Sheriff Crook & Hanley Co, i�OS "J. ,Tulbber Stamp Co. iTorthlandElec. Supply Ba,rbeau Supply Co„ Edina Laundry 1 Tl. H. Barber Co„ Carl__ Bolander nerican Prin -Mng Co f, Goodin Co. Geo. T. Ryan Co, 11i(in, - Fire Z'-,'X . Co,. F,nrl Seurall ;"l,ddressoeraph .iulti,graph Laerican Linen. Supply Construction Bulletin Hennepin Coun ty ev-iew Jay T;. Craig Co. -, Lyle .Siz s, Inc, ti R,iller- Davis.Co. ilartin- Edina. Press Glenn. Johnson Contr. Co. S-�Mljal J. Toberts Jorge, :�,s� arson Os czar "oberts Co. 1.11 7111". Bell Telephone N. 1T. Bell TelephonQ Oscar 'Roberts Glacier Sand & Gravel Tot. °. Country Ha-rdware Hortharn states. Po-rrFer Tepublic.CreosotLIF Co. i�irinesota I -7ospital Service vssoci,ation Su'aurban. Press Construction Bulletin 3,137 ; Carlone Bart Carlone Tlestei -n Underground .. ast::rn Underground . ashirorth & Son shworth � Son U062 .:14-8sic'0'til u: 3709 n t 61063 ishvox -th n ;:ion 6064 Jxshwortl-1 Son 6065 Ashworth uon 6076 J. C. Boies , 60gg Suburban Press 6022 Hetfield Gueenan, Inc, 6023 Hopkins Motor Sales r 6024 Standard Spring Co. 6025 Anderson Bras. 6026 International Harvester Co. 6044 American Linen Supply 6045 11=17 Company of 11imesota 6047 D. A. Lubricants 6048 Delegard Tool Co* 6053 Leef Bros., Inc, 6078 Northwestern. Bell Telephone. 6079 Northwestern Bell Telephone 6053 The Mnar Co, ,-' 193 ANOUid^1 FUND � MR!-, 1AJ1tiT (C01,M) :;;96.98 r _ 240.23 , 2.53 IN 1Z. 82 "' 2, 81,2. g6 1.00 15.00 G,-, T:!,rZ:y FTNTD j 9.60 Y,. - - 4.00v - 37.48" 154.40, 4.30 6, 85" 5.25 " 9, 60 16831" 3.75^ 194.1;•6 ^ 10.50" 51;..40" 61.33'^ 7;40" 3.75-'\ 309,,16 " S. 8 N 15 4.50" 10.1,0 -1.60- 322, 50" 88.10" - 213.75" 83.90 h 40.00 ^ 77400-^ T 25.15 �\ 17.24 59,00"^ 59 .t0o 105.19 " 408-59'-' 2x20 - 890.81`� �. " cu. 4 * h-.40 h 26.64^ :3,464.00 !..Iel 6 1 41T� 55.60, 7,lgt ;.p60� 7,196.0a'� 6 9 173.86 520,00" ~ 4, 653.82 2, 330.91:•h 757.1,3 55.06 n 1,035.61;.^ 247.17` 15.85`` 123,12, X32,872 «17 15.86 9r28N 25.63-1 7.1.45" 16.659 3.00- 118.95" 112,10v\ 16.00 sn 1.67 r 15.50 15.50"\ 4,56 EQUIPMENT MTAL FUND V Z4 7/23/5I Bredesents motion, authorizing Vi�Llage Treasurer to secure advance of X30,000 from County Auditor as against June Tax Settlement, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Discussion was had concerning the St.Louis Park Sanitary Sewer Connection to Edina. Hawthorn's motion, authorizing Edina-Village Engineer and Attorney to t:ork with St. Louis Park Engineer and attorney for an agreement as to route of sewer and method of connection, eras seconded by Bredesen and carried. Deputy Clerk reported that it,is still impossible to tell whether Petition for Sanitary Sewer presented by IW. Copley.i.s signed by oimers of 51N of the properties, because otraership list is not yet back from County Auditor's Office. Attorney Windhorst advised that Council may order Hearing on its own Resolution., frith affirmative vote of four•of the five, members. Hawthon -Le offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: IWOLUTION SETTING SANITARY SMER IMPROVFLIENT HEE' MIG 3 . ?II�S the 'Village Council.. of . the Village of Edina desires on its otm motion to. improve the property tdthin the following described boundaries by construction of a Sanitary Sewer therein: CLMI NO. T0: MODTIT FUND urns T -RAJ-1.4L FUND (CONTD) 6054 Totm & Country Hardware 7.17 6086 Northern States Power 15.95 6055 Phillips Petroleum Co. 132,09" 6089 Dahlberg Bros. Inc. 17.49 v 6094 W. E. Lahr 90.98 " 6041 Brookside Service . 462.11 '?1.,091.97 SE ER IMTAL 6077 Oscar Roberts Co,. 3.79v 6055 Northern States Power »2. 2� 6.71 LIQUOR MID L1:494 Val. Bjornson, Treas. Pte. '61,26h _ 11495 ladland National ,Bank 145.90 L1496 George Benz, Sons,, Inc. 57.75 v L1497 Distillers Distributing Co. 2,1,13.55,\, L1534 Famous Brands, inc. 2,953.46 M498 The E. Ti. Lohmann Co. - 72.25-\ , L1499 McKesson & Robbins, Inc. 1,097-101'\. 11500 Old. Peoria Company, Inc. 25 532.05'^\ L1501 Sunderland Supply; Co. 63.00v\, L1502 Anheuser- Busch, Inc. 172.10\/\ L1503 Canada Dry Ginger. Ale, Inc. 151.33"\ L1504 Clausen & Sons, Inc. 407.10"\ L1505 Coca -Cola Bottling Co. 59.60".\ 11506 Cold Spring Distr#uting Co. 94.45 A 11507 Cornelius Beverage Co. 248.71%,!,, - L1505 0. X. Droney Bev.,Co. 692.18 v` 11509 Gluek Brewing Co., x250,,30 4t L1510 Gold Medal Bev. C9. 209.60 h I,1511 Kuether Distributing Co. 120.75 11512 Ziassolt Bottling Go. 17.48wN L1513 Minneapolis Brew#g Co. 1,334.05" L1514 Thomas Moore & Co* - 6,51,-\ L1515 Morris Distributing Co. 147,20 A L1516 Pabst Sales Co: 392.10 v\ L1517 Purity Co., Inc. 126.00`\ L1515 Rex Distributing Co; 133.50 11519 Seven -Up Bottling ,Co. \ .65.45 ^' 731520 F. J. Quinn Paper *Co, 27,451] L1521 Northern States Power Co. 34.67-j1 11522 N. IT. Bell Tel. Co. 12.25 w1 1-1523 t Village of Edina- I ater Dept, 3.00 -\ I1524 American Linen Supply Co. 11.65"\' L1525 Miller-Davis Davis Co. 5.00 w� 11526 Liquor Control Commissioner 10.00 Yt 11527 Petty Cash r ` 10.82 L1525 Anderson agency }' 267.00 -F \, 11529 A. R. R<jdeen Agency 57.74 `N L1530 A. R. Rydeen Agency 24,42`' 11531 The Stow Company 125.414 %1532 Griggs, Cooper & Cos 1;305.92'' L1533 Ed. Phillips & Sons Co. 1,U8 o8 r, 316,869.47 Bredesents motion, authorizing Vi�Llage Treasurer to secure advance of X30,000 from County Auditor as against June Tax Settlement, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Discussion was had concerning the St.Louis Park Sanitary Sewer Connection to Edina. Hawthorn's motion, authorizing Edina-Village Engineer and Attorney to t:ork with St. Louis Park Engineer and attorney for an agreement as to route of sewer and method of connection, eras seconded by Bredesen and carried. Deputy Clerk reported that it,is still impossible to tell whether Petition for Sanitary Sewer presented by IW. Copley.i.s signed by oimers of 51N of the properties, because otraership list is not yet back from County Auditor's Office. Attorney Windhorst advised that Council may order Hearing on its own Resolution., frith affirmative vote of four•of the five, members. Hawthon -Le offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: IWOLUTION SETTING SANITARY SMER IMPROVFLIENT HEE' MIG 3 . ?II�S the 'Village Council.. of . the Village of Edina desires on its otm motion to. improve the property tdthin the following described boundaries by construction of a Sanitary Sewer therein: 7/23/51 "Beginning at the Northwest corner of ,Section 28, Township 117, Range 21; th. South along the I,Test line of said Section to 1,4 52nd Street; th. East along 11. 52nd Street to Trunk Highway No. 169 -212; th. Northeasterly along Trunk Highway No. 169 -212 to its intersection with Brookside Avenue; th. North along Brookside Avenue to its intersection w%th the South lot line of Lot 43, Auditor's Subdivision No. 176 if extended 1-Test; th. Easterly along the South Lot Lines of Lot 43, Aud2Drls Subdivision No. 176 and Lot 35, Brookside Terrace, to 1Iinn.ehaha Creek; the in a meandering course along 11innehaha Creek, to 11.44th Street; the 1- Testerly along W.44th Street to the East Lot Line of Lots 8, Auditor s- Subdivision- No. 176; th. Northerly along the East Lot Lines ' of_ Lots Eight, Six; Fiveg Four, Three., Two and One, luditort s• Subdivision No. 176, to the North Village -Limits; th. Westerly to point of beginning." NOtJ, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that it is deemed necessary and empedient to make the - Sanitary Sewer Improvement described above; and that on the 13th day of August, 1951, at 7 :30 of clock P *11., this Council will meet at the Villager Hall in said Village and will at said time and place hear the parties interested—therein—in reference to such improvement, and will decide whether or not to undertake such improve- ment in whole - or *in part. Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rolleall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows :- Bredesena aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution wal do ed ATTEST: / �..� vapor Village Clerk .. , k Y Bredesen moved that Mayor be directed to appoint citizens committee for the purpose of making a study of the "Village Hall Triangle" as a civic center., and to study and make plans for near Village Hall. Motion seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Mayor Erickson appointed Messrs. Harold Utley, Lee Todd, Robert E. Johnson and Peder 2B.ckelsen, and Mmes. Dornblaser, Hodgson and Alden as% Committee. Appointments confirmed by Council, . Bredesents motion for adjournment was seconded by Hairthorn-e and carried. Meeting adjourned at 12 :20 A.M., July 24. Village Clerk MINUTES OF THE REGULAR IMING OF THE EDINA VILUGE , COUNCIL, HELD . MONDAY, . UGI3ST_ 13, _ l?51,_ AT .7 :30 _P.M., AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL _ Members answering Rollcall were Bredesen, Child, Danens, Hawthorne and Erickson. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 23,1951, were approved as submitted, by motion Bredesen,, seconded by-Danens and carried. Mayor Erickson announced PUBLIC HEARING ON PETITIONS FOR AND AGAINST ANNEXATION OF WEST IMTNEAPOLIS HEIGHTS. ADDITION . AND THE _ ZEST 2 41..kW OF _ BLOCK. 16j, I�TENDELS- SOHN _ADDITION TO_ H©PKINS.. _Clerk. read,Affidavit of Publication. for. Notice of _ Hear g.which appeared in Suburban Press., Hopkins, July 19 and 26. -Those speaking in favor of annexation to Hopkins. were as follows: J.A. Patterson, 317 Monroe, wants Sanitary Sewer and relief from drainage problems; H.T. Glubke, 404 Madison, gets no cooperation from Edina Council and wants drainage,problem corrected; John Grady, 414 Madison, believes. Hopkins, as city, has better tax structure; Richard Kartak,322 Monroe, must have Sanitary Sewer; Robert Newqui.st, 307 Harrison Avenue, believes annexation to Hopkins is generally_a good ideas With. the exception of Messrs. Glubke, Grady and Newquist, all the speakers for annexation to Hopkins stated that actual annexation to Hopkins is immaterial to them, providing Edina can take care'of their 'Sanitary Sewer and Drainage problems• Those speaking against annexation were as follows: Robert Lindberxy,. 314 Monroe, believes Edina can solve problems some other way - -by correction of building codes and by more study by engineering department; John Lindberry,319 Madison Avenue, does not need sewer, has lived in Edina a long time and wishes to remain there; Eugene Dorr, 312 Madison, does not.want.sewer because of cost; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Slyce, 368 Madison, believe Hopkins is interested only in commercializing part of territory; Ray Milbrath,'407 Washington Ave., stated Hopkins has given no- assurance of providing the`facilities desired.' Engineer. Olsson was asked about possibility of sewer extension in "Edina mid stated he has .no immediate solution -to the problem but suggested that- Edina`Council' make formal application -to Hopkins for connection to Hopkins sanitary_ sewer. Discussion had by Councils Child moved that Hearing to closed at this time and that Council take no action on annexation. Motion seconded by Hawthorne and unanimously carried. Audience was informed that Council will contact Hopkins regarding sanitary sewer and will await their reply