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*. . ...-- ..* EIembers answering Roll&l. were &edesen, 6hhd; Danens and Ez$kson. Deputy Clerk
Alden acted as Clerk.
Xembers of the P1-i Commission present were Odell, Raugland, "Ryerse and Lewis;
also Planning CgmissiQn.Consultant Nichols and &is ass&stan-h, I-&** Law.
Heath Officer-CapbeG was present to report the ba? drainage situkion in West
3bmeapoli.s Heights. C;hildts motion, that ViUage Engineer Olsso; contact City of
Hopkins with request fqr Edina connection to Hopkins Trunk Sewe;, and that he make
suiiey,of stom sewer problems, with report by next, regular pee6ing if possible,
was seconded by Bredesen and carried.
Disctission was had wit; menbers of the Planning Commission conce&g 'the clari- fication of their reeomendation that developers dedicate five'percent of their .
developaents for park atid playground purposes, 1-5P. Nichols summarized Commission's
thoughts on this-namely, tbt dekication of the recommended f5ve percent of smU
developments has been found to be more of 8 detriment than a heip to the park
progran; that the purpose of the Cannnission's recommendation is to secure reasonably
large playgrounds where possible;-that the Council can expect to receive very few
useable lands through the dedication program, but that it is better to accept l*siab-
marg2naln lands by dedication, with thought to future developnpt, than to have to
condemn lands later; that the only way Council can expect to secye good land for
park purposes is by purchase or condemnation. Developer Elickelsen suggested tht
developers be required.to pay five percent of their purchase pkce of property
developed, in order that Villags have funds for the purchase of'such lands as they
desire bf park and playground development. h f
Pzelininary Plat of the &kelsen=Fronk Sukdivikon, lTalley View Terrace," was
presented, having been recammended-for approxpl br Planning Commission. TUs
subdivision lies between t1.both Street and V'ey Viey Road, -and between Xoodddle
and Concord Avenues. = ChQd moved that Preliminary P$at.+5e approved. libtion
Preliminam Flat of t~Bel-Mr# Subdivision (forqerly n&ed "Edina Homes"), lying
between TW5Oth and FLbZnd-Straets, and between Bepd and king 'Avenues, -was
recommended for appro,val by Commission, the lot-. having been changed to coafom
with Conn;zission*s nedy recommended lot sizes; and the, dr9age problem having
been settled byathe developer' s dectsion to leave undeveloped the Soitt'htrestern
portion of his property, Child moved for approval of Prelh&nEuy Plat. ffotion
seconded by Bredesenad carried. +
Final Flat of flvir&a Avenue Addition,t1 lying betken IL60th and TT.62nd Streets
and between Concord and Parnell Avenues, -.was approved by. r.rotion CWd, seconded
by Bredesen and carried,,after Commission h+d signified its approval.
seconded by Bredesen and carried. + .-
I-&. Carl*1-1; Hasen requested sibtures on his plat of 1fParhod Xnolls 2nd Addition."
He re-affirnedshis agrement of August 13, to &e dminage easement, and to-install -
12" drain tile from trparkrl to ttlakelf. As plat had been approved August 13, subject
to-this agrement, &or siaed plat. . ,.-
Police Report for &nth of July, 19!5l, was reviewed and ordered placed on file by
tbtion Bredesen, Seconded br Child and carried.
CoqlAnents to PoGce and Firs Departments, by Northern States Power Company and
Iabeapolis Powce Department, were revievred and ordered_posted. in respective .
League of 1.Emssota I.Tunicipali.ties* notification of increase in yearly dues from
$164,00 40 $204.00 was read and ordered placed in budget mmoranda.
from extra rmrk in.connecting to sewer.
the sewer contractor's error, which, in turn, resulted fram lack of village in-
spection on the job... Child moved that decision on matter be postponed Until
Heeting of August 27, and that, in the meantime, Village Engineer be directed to
by BE. Sandber !58l& Oaklawn
Village Engineer Olsson reported claim for damages/in am0-t of !k 4.00, _resulting
He stated that this claim resulted from
- approach contractor for payment. Notion seconded-by Bredesen and carried.
H.P. Olsson reported claim of Lester Schrank,5$29 Brookview &venue, for damages
becase of incorrect sewer measurements given by YUage office, Amount @O3.9O,
Child moved that claim be referred to contractor, Vestern Underg.wund Construction
Company, for payment. lrotion seconded by Danens and carried.
Engineer Olsson asked for clarification on Council*s policy with regard to sewer
and water measurenents given at Village 0ffice-is.Village to be responsible for
such measurements, or are thqse raeasurenmts given as courtesy oe?--reporting
that3Emeapoli.s and Columbia Heights do not assume responsibility, I No action
taken, but it was consensus of. opinion that Edina should assume responsibility
for measurtments given out, ~
Mr. Olsson reported claims of L.A. Pertl, 5024 Yvonne Terrace, and of H.J,
hderson,7209 Thomas Avenue South, for damages sufferedto their cars as.rer;;ult
of ho1es.i.n village streets.- Child moved for deferment of action until Attorney
Windhorst is present, Notion seconded by Bredesen and carried.
%ngineer,Olsson presented Tabulation of Bids taken August 13, -for Sanitag Sewer v(
Improvements Nos. 33 and 34 'Water Bhin Improvements Nos, 37 and 38.
that ,on the combined bid for @ai.tazy Sewer hprovement NO4 33 (fCbbott. Avenue
between We5&hand 1?.59th Street) and ?fater Hain Improvemen$ No.:37 (Abbott Avenue
between ?{.58th and J?.@th,qtreet) PhelEs-Drake Co. is low, &th bid of $9,62l.&,
Child moved t6at bid of Phelps-Dgqke Co. be accep%ed* Hotion-seconded by D&em
He stated
+nd carried. .k
Olsqon reported that Latnetti & Lametti is low on combined bid for Sanitary
Sewer hprovement 34 and Water I?lain-Improvemeat 38, at $15,979.88.
that bid of betti & Wetti be accepted, Notion seconded by Danens and carried.
Village Bngineer Olsson reported that V-ge Hall cesspool has caved In; that
estimated cost of -extending Sanitazy Sqer from Dale Drive across lf.50th Street
is #3,450,00; that this sewer could, at a later date, .serve'the Legion Ha31,
the,Grange HaU, and one house. He recommended that sewer be extended at this
the, rather than construction of.new cesspool. Child moved that Council adver-
tise for bids for Sanitary Sewer as recommended bs: Engineer. Motion seconded by
Bredesen and carried. .
Report of Conrmittee appointed Phy 28, for-study of improvenents for Liquor store,
was Ziled;_recomending removaJ. of canopy, installation of sign against flat
front; direct lighting to supplement present lighting; purchase of display ffxtwre
for beer and soft drinks; removal of display backgrpund from windows; painting of
west side of building; installation of additional sign on west side of building.
Report reviewed and ordered filed for future reference,
Bredesen moved that Council set Special H&ting for Mondqy, September 37, for
preparation of Village Budget for 1952. -Hotion seconded by Dana$ and carried.
Mi.. Olsson reported that he had investigatedlocation for proposed Glacier Sand
and Gravel Sign, and tha$ he sees no objection to sign installation, Danens'
motion,that_sign pezmit be granted was seconded by Child and carried. .
Review was had of proposed ssiessment f&? Stbm Sewer West of Beltlbe (Stom
Sewerx Improvement No. le)
Village Storm Sewer plus-Storm Sewer constructed by E.C. Stow, with those properties
partially benefited by the Stpw-Storm Sewer being credited for the cos+ of this
construction, Pbtion seconded Daneqs, and carried,
Child moved 4
Child moved that assessment be calculated on eost of
Child moved for adjoqmmentc Notion seconded by Danens and carrxled. Xeeting
Nr. Child reportedbroken ornamerr.t;aL Ugh$ post at.GrFggfs corner, - .. . 50th and France,
radjourned at 9:N P,E4. /.
/ I.
1 ramova3 of Brookside BrLdge, was seconded by /
.. and Engineer Olsson was instructed to repair. . _. +.
1 Bredisen's motion, authorizing &For Erickson, *M&nager Olsson and Auditor Utley 1 to prepare financial report to taxpayers, was seconded by Danens and carried.
1 Nrs. Richad &iLents.request Tor,repair of the WooddaXe-Garris6n &e Hiil was 1 reviewed, and-EngAneey Olsson requested to eff9ct repair just as soon as possible.
request for renoVal of Brookside Bridge and the possible eshablishment of crossing
* / Mr. Olsson suggested that Twin Cities Rapid Transit Company be contacted hth
/ on grade. Child's motion, d'irecting Zngineer Olsson to present request fir
- c4
1 VUlage Clerk
T x