HomeMy WebLinkAbout19510813_REGULAR7/23/2. ,195 llBeginning at the Northwest corner of ,Section 28, Tormship 117, Range 21; th, South along the Mest Be of said Section to TL52iid Street; the East along I?', 52nd Street to Trunk Highway No4 169-212; th, Northeasterly along Trunk Highpray No, 169-212 to its intersection with Brookside Avenue; th, North along Brookside Avenue to its intersection with the South lot line of Lot 43, Auditor's Subdivision No. 176 if extended Vest; th, Easterly along the South Lot Lines of Lot 43, Audiforts Subdivision RoS 176 and.Lot 35, Brookside Terrace, to ILinnehaha Creek; th. in a meandering course along ffinnehaha Creek, to Wt&4th Street; thz Westeply along W.&th Street to the East Lot Line of Lot. 8, Auditorls. Subdivision No. 176; tht Northerly along the East Lot Lines ofiLo'Zs Eight, Six3 Five, Four, Three, %m* &d One, Auditor*sx Subdivision No4 176, to the North Village-LWtsS th. TTester3.y to point of beginning. .t + NOW, T€IEBEZ'Om, BE IT RES^^ by the ViXLage Co&cil of the Village of * [Edina that it is deemed necessary and expedient to make the Sanitary Sewer Xmprovement described above; and that on the 13th day of August, 1951, at 7:3O otclmk PJL, this CounciL will meet at the Village. Hall in* said Village and will at said time and place hear the parkies interested-thereiwin reference to such improvement, and will decide wheit;her or not to undertake such improve- Eotion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Dams, and on Bdlcall there I - ) ment in whole. or+ in part, . z L were four ayes and no nays, as aye; and Erickson, aye;+and the ATTEST t I r Village Clerk x r Bredesen moved "chat Pwor be directed to appoint, citizens comaittee for the purpose of making a study of the Village Hall Triangle" as a civic center, apld to study and mke plans for new Tillage Hall, and carried, E-kyor Erickson appointed Nessrs. Harold Utley, Lee Todd, Robert E. Johnson and Peder IEckelsen, and Ems. Domblaser, Ilodgson and Alden as* Eotion seconded by Hawthorne Committee, Appointments confirned by Council. 7. -4 Bredesen' s motion for ad jourment was seconded by Bawbhomne and carried. Neeting adjourned at 12r20 A,&, July f. /&-. Village Clerk .- - . -.. . -* .. .- Members answering Rollca3l were Bredese&*Child, Danens, Hawthorne and Erickson. .L Uutes of the Reg&ar Meeting of July 23,-19!5L, &e approved as submitted, by motion Bredesen, seconded by Danens and carried. Mayor Erickson announced PtiBLIC REARING ON PETITIQNS FOR AND AGAIBST ANNEXATION Sam &IDITION TO- XOPKINSS.. -Clerk. read .Affid&t -of Publicatian for. Notice of - Heariqg.Tshich appeared in Suburban Press, Hopkins, Jw 19 and 26. Those speaking in favor of anneqtion to Ijopkins. were as follows: 317 Konroe, wants Sanitary Sewer and relief from drainage problems; H.T. Glubke, 404 Madison, gets no cooperation r"r0mEdina Council and wants drainage,probLem corrected; John Grady, &U+ Madison, believes .Hopkins, as city, has better tztx structure; Richard Kartak,322 Xomoe, must have Sanitary Sewer; Robert Newqpist, 307 Harrison Avenue, believes annexation to IIopkins is ge~eraUy--a good idea. With. the exception of Hessrss Glubke, Grady and Narquist, all the speakers for .. annexation to Hopkins stated that actual annexation to Hopkitls is immaterial to them, providing Edha can take care 'of their Sanitary Sewer and Drainage problemsr Those speaking against annexation were as folJows: Robert Endberry, 314 Xonroe, believes Edina can solve problem some other wap-bx correction of building codes and by more study by engiheering department; John liindberry,319 Madison Avenue, does not need sewer, has lived in Edina a long time and wishes to remain there; Eugene Dorr, 312 Haiison, does not-want sewer because of cost; I&. and Hrs. Fmnk Slyce, 368 mdison, believe Hopkins is interested only in commercializing pa& of territory; Ray WLbrath, 407 T?ashing%on Ave., stated Hopkins has given no + assurance of providing the 'facilities desired. + Engineer. Olsson was asked about possibility of sewer extension in*Edina ad stated he has-no immediate solution to the problem but sugges%ed that Xdina %ouncXL Imake f od application -to Z-Iopklns for conn&tion to Hopkiris sanit*_se*er, Discussion had by Council. Child moved that Hearing to closed at, this time and that Council take no action on annexation. Motionseconded by Hawthorne and unanimously camled* Audience was informed that ' Council will contact Hopkins regarding sanitary sewer and will await their reply 1 1 OF IEST 14I"EAPPoLIs HEIGHjS aDD3TIQN.ANB T@-T4EST I4.l 0F-BW.X. 16, 3ENDET.S- J.A. Patterson, I a- 196 before Public .I 3Blw." 6/13/5l il ta&g any defL&e action regarding the annexation. Hearing was next; &led on the kroposed "60~~ STREEX SplvITARn Sl&m TE.mOW .Affidavit of Publication of Notice of Haaring_ur;rs re+d by Glerk,. gppropdas ) to f om and placed on- file, said Notice having. appeared in Suburban Press,. Hop-, JW 19 and 26, 19%. *Enginepr Olsson explained proposed route of sewers, and gave Construction of ,a Trunk. Ling in tT.58tth St, from the exist$ug it311 sanitary . sewer on TT.58th St. tp Halit2q Ave.; thz S. on HaIifax Ape, to Grimes Am?.; th. Sly on G-es &res from Halifs Ave, $0 T?.60thn St.; th, E. on W.60th St, fron_Grimes Ave. to France, he.; th. -Ne on France Ave. from f.T,&I$h..St.(&rants Edina lhnor &IditLon) to EWIL60th St. between France and Xerxes Aves.; the,. E, on %&th St. from Frapce &e. to-Xe-s Ave. -- the cost. of which tmk line be an estimated @O,ll4.5$.~. Part of the trunk line will serve abutting properties as lateral sewer-=being $hat part in W&%h St, from existing sewer on ?L5&h, to Wi&c Ave; ,in Halifax Avem- from PL5.&l2 St. .to Grimes Ave.; in Grimes Ave. from Halifax Ave, to K6Oth $L3 and ig TL6Oth St, from Frazpe he. to Xems Aver The estimated cost of this line, if constructed to s em as latere only, is, $38,003.79. $80,ll4,58 (Cost of entire trunk) n6rius $38,003.79 (cost of trunk serving as. lateral) will leave &.2,XLOe79 as assessable trunk coste This, assessed over $26,923.59 assessable feet, would be 5$1& per front. foot for all persons in %he area to be s erved by+ the trunk, $2.56 per assessable foot&. Cost of .proposed lateral sewers-in Halifax Ave. from Grimes &e. t0 7kb0th St*; Cik 'We5&h St. fram France to Halifax; -3.n Grimes Lane; and in York, Zenith, &bo%%, Drew, Chopn and Xems Avenues,and in aU. streets in the proposed Z Bel-Aire.Additicn-=pl,us the lateral assessment for the portion of the trunk which sews as Later;iL--was estitnated at #99,476.82, to be assessed against 21,380.59 assessable feet, for, an esthated cost of $4.65 per assessable foot. Pet5tions were presented, opposing congtruction of lateral sewers in York Avenue between &5tSth and lT,&Oth Streets, and in New Avenue between 59th and 60th Streets. Ere Dean. Gregory, 5809 York; Era Martin, Peterson, 5% Xems; and Er. Robe@ -Carter, 59Ol+.Drew, all spoke in objection to laterals in their-respective streets, but had noaDjection,to trunk line. 3%. J.E.Boran spoke in favor of both trunb: and laterals in all streets in Edina &nore the area which can be served by the tmnk line w;uI be assessed for said trunk =e, whether or not laterals are constructed at this the. There were still no objections tothe trrz\xk line; nor were there any objections to laterals in Abbott Avenue from lf.6Oth St, to W.59th St,, and in .streets in Edina Pknor, Trustee Child offered the - estimates as YOXLOWSZ I There will be a #LOO per foot charge for > connection to Joint Sewer District No. 1, making a total assessable charge of Council explained tp audience+ that all persons in followQ~g Resolution and moved its adoption: u KESOLUTION O%EFtING D*3P'8D~~ -- ' SANITARY SE&Zl IMPRO~*EM! NO.% BE IT 'IzEsOIilED by the CouncU, of thk. V@lage,of .E*,' Elinnesota, that this Council heretofore- caused notice of heaxing to be duly published on the proposed improvement cons$sting of the following Sanitary Sewers: I. A District Sewer to serve %he area'.within the following boundaries: ~rCo~e~c&g-2x) feet-south of the centerline of West Fifty-eighth Street and Xerxes Avenue; thence South gong Xerxes Av=nue to West- SMpsecond Street extended East; thence Vest to Beard Avenue .extended South; thence North to a Boint 432+5 feet South oftfie centerline of West Sixtieth Street; thence West to a point 720 feet more-or less.3Tes.t; of the centerme of France Avenue; thence North to the Southwest corner of Lot 19, Bfock 2 of the proposed Edina Hanor Addition; thence hT0q-therl.y along the West boundary.lin5 of proposed Ediq Ebor Addition to a po-mt 165 feet more or less North of the centerline of l?est-Fifty-eighth Street; thence East to a point 265.75 feet, Xest oq the cektkrlhe- pf France Avenue; -,thence South to Vest Fifty-eighth Street; thence East to France Avenue; thence South toJlest Sixt&th .Street; thepce East to a point-165 feet West of. the centerline of Drey Avenue; thence North to the Souiihwest corner of Lot e, Auditors Subdivision Nunrber 312; thence East to a point 165 feqt East of the-centerline of Drew Avenue; thence North to the Southwest comer of Lot 231 Auditor's Subdivision Nmber 312; thence East to a point 165 feet East ofthe centerline,of Chowen Avenue; thence South to West Sixbieth Street; thence ast to the Southwest corner-of Lot 13, Block 5, wiet &&mor Second Addition; thence North-to -the Northwest corner of Lot 13, Block 5, Harriet 3knor Second Addition; thence East to the Nortl-i-South, aUey between Beard and Abbot% Avenues; thence North to West Fifiy-ninth Street; thence East to. North-South alley between Abbot$ and Zenith Awnues; thence North to Ikst Fifty-eighth Street; thence East to North-Soqth-alley +between York and Xems Avenues; thence South to Southwest corner of Lot -4, 'Block 1, Harriet l-fanor Second Adation; thence East to beginningell and - I, '* - 2, - Lateral Sewers in the following Streets: - 3 A, In Xegxes Avenue from W&nd Street .to a pt. 230 fie more or less B. -In York Avenue from :.T.&th-mSt. to i.f.58th St. C, @ Abbott Avenue from 1?.60th St. t-o %S%h St. &ended Westo South of the centerfie cff TT.!j8th Ste , 8/13/51 D. . 250 ft. more or less South-of the centerline of W.5$th St. E. I# Drew Avenue from W160th St. to K59th St. extended West, F. . Addition In Chowen Avenue extended South, from W.6Oth St, to a pt. i ./ - Xn aJ3. streets as platted in proposed Bora's Edina Mano$ ) and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered.the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinen% facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement as follows: hereinbefore o&lined. *. 1, Construction of a District Sanitary Sewr to serve the district 2, Construction of the follodg lateral sewers: -Ar In Abbott Avenue from hL60th St, to W.5sh St.' extended Vest. B. In all streets as platted in groposed Boranfs Edina-or - Subdivision, except those streets directlr s@rved by 'I above named trunk sewer, T The area to be spcially assessed for said District Sewer shall include all lots and tracts-within the boundaries named.above; the area to be specially assessed for Lateral Sewers shall include all lots and tracts of land fronthg and alxztting upon the-streets in which said lateral sewers are to be con- structed; those lots and tracts of-land being directly served by said district sewer shall be specially assessed for the difference. between the cost of the district sewer as constructed and the cost at which it could have been con- structed to serve as lateral. sewer only, plus their proporl;ionate cost of said district sewer* Motkon for adoptLon of the Resolution was seconded by Hatkhorne, and onRollcall there were five ayes and no,.nays, Danens, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and .. . Mayor I ~ ,. VilXage CXe5k . .,.. ,., + Child then offered the following Resolution and mved its adoptions ReSOLUTION appRovzNG PLANS AND SPECIE'ICATTONS _- DIRXC??NG.@~?@V@IX' FOR BIDS . . -. FOR-S~ITA-K rnF~IErnO~_NO, .35-m - BE IT RESOLVED by the Village.Coycil of.the.V~age,ofEdipa: . . . l*- ,The _plans and specifications for S-tary Sewer-Improvement EO, 35, heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now-on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby apgroved. the Gonstruction Wletin the foll6wiag notice for bids for the constgwction of said_improvament: - Y 2, -The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Suburban Press and *ADOF;RTISXMEXT~I?OR BIDS 3QR I 1 s@?rrw.v. mg&o3nB@wi! NO. 35 *' mJM% W'EDIEJB . * The Mina Village Co&&.l.-&ll,sleet at the .Village Hall, +4Wl tlT.5Oth Street, Elinneapolis, &on Ionday, September 10, 193, at 7t30 o!clock P.M., to open and. consider sealed. bids for the construction of the following Sauitw sewers: lr Sewer 531 tf.S&h St. to Halifzq Ave.; th. S. ig XaLifax Ave, to'Grimes Ave.; the Sly in Graes Ave., from Halifq Aver to W.60th St,; th. E, on W&th Ste from Grimes &e.. to_France he,; th. N. on Fr+ce .bet fram W.60th St.(Boran?s Edina &nor A@n.) to3ast-West W.60th St. between France and Xerxes-Aves,; the E. on -.. i A Sanitary District +Sewer in W.5rSt;h St. from exist5ng ltYt *Sanitary frT,60th-Str from France Ave, to Xerxes he. _. .* 2,, Lateral,Sanitayy Sewers as fo&lows: -A. In &bot% Avenue from tJ.60th St, to W.59kh St. exbended Westo B, In all streets as platted in proposed Borants Edina fbor The work on said hprovementmust be done as-described and specified in . Addition, not already served by above named,District Sewer. 'U the plans and specifications Tor said hproment on file in the office of the Village Clerk. All. bids must be submitted on the basis of cash payment for the work, No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the undersigned before the time of said meeting and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of Ten percent of the amount of the bid. W BY ORJXR OF THE VILLM& COUNCIL, .-_ - .-. - .- . __ .-- . . ..-.. - .- *BOIBR HBFJTIIORNE vwage Wrk z =ha, Itinnesota imprbvement .* + It * * 1 .+ 3. %ch andtall of the terms of the iforegoing advertiament for bids are' hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of the award of the contract for said * 198 &tion fo$ adoptios of the 'Reso weze fivg wes ak3 no nays, .as qe; and ErZckson, . . .,. % The next-Public Hearing called was that on Praposed Sanitary Sewer Improvesnent for the area ?Test of. State Highway No. 100 and North of 1:1,52nd Street. .Affidavit of Notice of -Hearing-Arblication, as it appeared in Subgrban Pgess, Hop-, QII July 26 and August- 2, 193, was rea?, approped as-to form,- and orderefi placed on file. 'Engineer Olss6n explaihed to the audience thati this matter has, come up at this tiqe because StrLouis Park has made application to Edina for connection to Edina*s trunk sewer system;- that the Park. is willing, 0n.a t;entative basis, to pntribute toward the construction of-a trunk line in lT&th St., Notor St., or Street Railway Right-of-Iky, Irest from Nina trunk line to St&uis Park-manhole (at a Eint North from &proxigately Clereland Avenue) an qount eq@ to cost of construction of sewer in mehaha Creek to conqect rdth Edina system-which would reduce the cost to Edina residents by some $2O,ooO, and which rjoul*dzmake the cost of the tm& approx@ately 8.76 per assessable foot for Edika residents who can be served by this line. He eqlained that this is a tentative estimate because those people who have been assessed for a district sewer in Sewer District No. 8 and are now included in the presently proposed district must be given,credit for their assessments in relation to the entire cost of district sewers (new district sewer snd district sewer constructed in Sewer Dist. No. 8) and that a proportLonate3y larger share of.the cost must be borne by those residen5s in the proposed district who have not paid Distsict No. S assessments. There were no objections to construction of a Di'strict Sewer. Petition was filed in. opposition to lateral sewers in Hollywood Road, Interhchen BIxd., Word snd Rutledge Avenues from 46th Street South, Terrace property oxqiers requested the opportunity of secqing petitions for later& sewer in the.* street, Child moveathat Council approve the Sewer linprovement providing StekUiS Park will participate in the cost thereof to the.extent now contenpzated., Hotion seconded by Bredesen and carried. following Resolution and moved its adoption: Two Brook@de Child then offeredthe - .'a RE3OLUTION - ORDEING IWl36W-m -. .. SANITAFtY S&?EEt IUPFLOvj3EfBT NO& BE IT RF;sOLVBD by the Council of ~he.Y~age..-o~.Edina,-_E~esota, .that this Council heretofoz+caused notice of hearing to be duly pqblished on the proposed &provement consisting of Sanitary Sewer Xain and Appurtenances to serve the area within the f ollo~g boundaries : * Wegimxhg at the Northwest corne; of Secfiion 28, Township 117, Rangeta; th, South-aLongthe West me of said Section to W.52nd Street; tho East $LongT?.52nd street to Trunk @ghway Roo 169-2I.Z; th. NortheasterQ along !Pr+k Highmy ~0,169- 212 to its.intersection trith €kookside Avenue; th. North along Brookside Avenue to its intersection with,the Sdh lot line of Lot 43, Auditor's SubdivisioqNo. 176 if extended Vest; tho Easterly along the South Lot Qnes of,Lo$ 43, Auditor's Subdivigfon N0..176 and Lot 35, Brookside-Terrace, f;o aehaha Creek; tho in a meandering prse along Xinneh+a Creek to.lf.&th Street; th, Westerly along TT.&th Street .to the East Lot Line of Lot-8, Auditor's Sul$ivision No... 176; th. Northerly +long the East-Lot Lines of Lots Eight,Six,Firre,Four,Three,R.zo and One, liuditorts Subdivision Noo,176, to the North+VillagexT;'imits; th. Westerly to point 09 beginning,* E+$ at the hearing held at the time an$ p$ce qpeci$iecJ in said notice the*Council - has duly-consideTed th? $em of all p$rsons*interosted, and b&g fdy adyised of the pertinent fapts does-hereby Getermine to prqce5d with the &nstmc$Zon of said improyem@; $hat said inprovement is hereby designatgd'and shall be referred to in dl1 subsequent proceedings as Sanitary getter linprovemer)t No. 36, and tlie area to be specially assessed therefor shall include al1,lots and tracts of land &thin th6 boundqies described Gbove, ~ .. I Kotion fqr adoption of the Resolution were five ayes and no nays,-.as follows: Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and,the ATTEST: ' .. +.." $@or + .G ...... "few . He& ptzblic Hearing called was that on Proposed &rb and Gutter'in South Side of IL54th Street between Beard and France Avenues, Affidavit of Publication for Notice of Hearing was read, approved as to form.and ordered placed on file; said publication havkg. appeared in Suburban Press, Hopkins, July 19 and 26, 19%. Engineer Olsson*s estimate of cost was $2,514.76.-as against 1,193e6 assessable feet, or-82.U per assessable f 00%. There were no objections fron the floor, and the Clerk had received no objbctions prior to the Hearing. Eessrs. Neman,3929 IT.54th St., and Lindberg,3605 W054th St.9 Spoke in adoption; .. . favor of the project. Hawthorne offered the-following Resolution and'=? its - 8/13/51 199 RESOLUTIOKi Ol%XRING IXPROTBIBXC STREEZ IMPEOVE"T.NO. B-3 . B?l TI RESOLV%D by the Couqcil of.tbe Vi-ge of Edina, EIinnesotar, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the pro- posed improvement consisting of the Construction of Standard Village Curb and Cfutter in the South Side of IL54th Street between Beard and France Avenues, and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the triews of aL1 persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts' does hereby detezrmine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby desig- nated and shall be referred toh all subsequent proceedings as Street Improve- ment 30. B.5, and the area to be specid-ly assessedtherefor shall include all lots and fracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said improvanent is to be constructed. ) Motion for adoption of the Resolution was duly seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there were five ay-p and no aye; Damns, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and E .- Hawthorne then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION AF'PROVINCJ PLANS SPECIFICUIONS -_ * . , .ADVERTISmT FOR BIDS . . BE IT RBOLVED by the Village CouncXL-qf ,the ,Village of Edina: . - prepared by the Village Engineer and now 09 file in the office of. the Village Clerk are hereby approved, the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the construction of said improvement:. FW-sTm EE'@N@@@-NO. B-5 AN? -DIRECTING. I. I ..I.-..The-plans and specifications for Street ImproveBent No; B.5, heretofore 2. The Glerk shall cause ta be published twice in the Suburban Press and ADIUBTISEE/IEWT FOR BIDS FoIl . mWliC9 -0F.EDINqi . d STwP. w@J=ENT- go.! I I -.,-.. r4 The Ed5na Village Council- w$Q. rpset . at ~ the Village Hall, t!&OINTI 50th Street, Ninneapolis,--on Xonday, August *27,195l, at 7:3p ot clock P&, to open and consider sealed bids forthe-construction of Street bprovement N0.B-5 Scrr said Village, consistjng of con&ruction of Stmdgrd Village Curb and Gutter in the South Side of W.54th St., between Beard pl France Avenues. - The work-pn said improvenent.must be dane as described and specified in &e plans and specifications for said improvement on file in the office of the Village Clerk. . All bids amst be submitted on the basis of cash payment for the work. No bids w$ll be considered unless sealed and filed withthe under- signed before the time of said meeting and: accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of Ten percent of the amount of the bid. BY OFDlB OF THE VIUAGZ COUNC3%. - ._ BCPiJER HAIiTHORlE t .-- - ~ *.., *e_ ~ .. .- --. --. - n-&&ge - Glwk Edina, IQnnesoia. T 3* Each and a3l of the terns of the foregoipg advertisement for bids are hereby adopted as the tern and conditions of the award of the contract for said improvement. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no--nays, as f ay9s Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, Attest: Tz,& Village Clerk Pursuant -to Wotice of Hearing on Proposed Blacktopping and/or Oiling,** published ip Suburban Pyess, Hopkbs, July 19.-and 26, 19!jl,,-Affidavit of Pgblication for which I -* :I was-read, apgroved as to 'form and placed on file,*.&bl.$c Hdaring yas held on the , proposed blacktopping and/or oiling of W.flth Street Between Zenith and Abbot6 Avenues and of Grove Street between Tingdale Avenue ad Code &enue, Engaeer Olsson recommended t@t W.57th Street be Blacktopped, and gave an est-te of @16,12 as against 562.7- assessgble feet,. or $1.80 per assessable foot, There was no objection to this improvement from the,floor, and no objection had.been received prior to the Hearing. Petition for Tingdale Avenue was reviewed, it being for Oiling only;.and33n@eer Olsson recomended-Oiling for this streek, at an estirpated cost of $,15 per front-foot, No objections to this improvement. Hawbhorne offered the follotring Resolution and moved its adoption: k. RFSOLUTTON ORDEEiDlG $-PEOsENT STICZEET. D@?ROVEH"T NO. A-20 . BE 311: RESOLVED by the Council of the Villgge-of Edina, EEimesota, that this Council heretofore-caused notice of hearincto be duly published on the proposed improvement @6n$@ting of the Blacktopping of lf*flth Street bet-en Zenith and Abbott Avenues, and at %he hearing. held at %he the and place specified &n said notice the-Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hkeby detennine to.proceed with the construction-of said improvement; that said improvement is herebr designated and shall. be referred to in all sub-equent proceedings as Street linprovanent No. 4-20, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include a31 lots and tracts of land abutting upon ,the streets in which said improvement is to be constructed. Hotion for adoption of Resolution was seconded byhnens, and on RollcdLl there were five ws and no nays, as follows: Bredesen, aye; .Child,cay6> Daqens, aye; Hawthorne, *age; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolutiop was adop Fd' i 215 .'/ VI $3, ;L;JLt&/* .% L Nkpr . . . . .. V-ge Clerk kwthorne offered the follordng Resolution and moved its adoption: * RE=SOLg!IoN APPROVING PLPNS m sPEcIFI~xo~ F0R-S- Bg?@?lmEq..NO*- $.20..&4?.D&CTING . BDVEEETIXZI=~T FOR BIDS . .. .. BE: Tp HSOLVEI) by the VXUaie Cokcil o$ t$e.Village of Edina: - . . Le -The Plans and specifications for Street fmprovenent No. 6-29,, heretofore preIjared, by the Village Engbeer and now on fi2e.i.n the office of the .Village Clerk are hereby approved? ConstruckLon-metin the following notice for bids for the. construction of said improvement: . 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Suburban Press ani the ADvEIMillsEMENT FOR BIDS FOR 3 sm . IpROrn~. EO? a-20 KCLI+l@3OFEDINr3: . The Edina Village Corn* &fi meeji-at the-tEUage Hal, 4801 W.50th Street, Enneapolis, on Monday, August 27, 19%, at 7t30 of clock P&, to open and consider. sealed bids for the construction of Street Qprovement No. A-20 in said Village, c&sis$i.ng of the Blacktopp+g of t.J.57th StSeet between Zenith and &bott &venues. 61; work on said hprovement ktbe don; as described &d spec&$ in the plans and speciffcations for sed improvement on f5J.e in th? office of the Village Clerk. All bids nust be subanitted on the basis of cash payment for the work. No bids wXL& be considered unless S8ahd and filed with the undersigned before the the of said meeting and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond,pr certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of Ten percent of the axtokt of $the bid, BY O€@ER OF' TEE V'ILLAGE COUNCIL. .--. . *^. ..I 3WEE HAIEHORNE - ^-.-.*_I - - * * .- XWage*Clerk. * Edina, Qnnesok 3. Each and aU. of the terns of the 'foregoing adver?;isenent for bids are hereby adopted as the. terms and conditions of the award of the 'contract for said improvement. ti , L Notion for adoption of the Resolution ms seconded by DanensJc and on Rollcd there, yere five ayes and no nays,.as follows: Hawthorne, aye; andErickson, aye; ATTEST: -. -I %7/A ,&A . : ./* . '.t. , 6 .Nayor . . . . , .' . . .. . . . Vmage clerk.. . . ....*..,. " kawbhorn; offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: €@OWTION OFDERR?G OILING If.IpROvE~ * NO* +23,4@,,A?ZImG.. 3[Ts_ COW3?FWION BY D4Y LABOR W@..SWEWJ3ON -OF. ?Q&WS . . -. .ENGm. . - .."- BE IT EESOLVED by the Village Council .of .the .V&Uage,of Edina as followsz . . , IR,,Th& ,Comtcil has heretofore caused notics of hegring to be duly-published 0; proposed. imprqvement consisting of the Bhcktopping and/or Oiling of Grove Street between TingdLLe Avenue and Code Avenue, and at the time and place specified 5.q said notice the CoupSl has duly considered the views of all pessons interested, and being ful3.y advis@ of the pertinent facts 'does hereby deternine to "proceed with the Oiling of sad Street, which said improvement is hereby designated rjuld shall be referred to in aJ.l.subsequent proceedings as Street bprovenent No: 0-23; and the area to be spec$dJy assessed for the cost of said 5mprovement shaQ include all lots and tracts of land fronting and abutting upon the sheet in which sucg improvement is to be con- structed+ 8/13/51 201 2. The Village Engineer has heretofore submitted to the Council plans and specifications and an estimate of cost of said improaiement, from which it appears, 1 and it is hereby found and determined that the total cost of said improvement will be less than $500.00; therefore, this Council is authorized by law and does hereby deteme to purchase directlythe wterials for said improvement and complete the same by employment of day labor. 3. The Village Engineer, being a Registered Engineer, is hereby authorized and directed to supervise the work on said improvevent, and upon completion, also to submit a detailed report, certified by him, and file the same with the Village Clerk, showing in general the complete cost of the construction of the work, and specifically the following: (a) Final Costs .of the various units of work done, (b) Naterbls furnished for the project, and the cost of each . - iten thereof, (c) Cost of labor, cost of equipment hired, and supervisory cost. + Said report shall also contain a certificate by said Engineer that the work was done according to plans and specifications therefor. . Hotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no-pays, as follo . Danens, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, 1 Village C1erl.k .. .I I Pursuant to ff$dvertisement for Bids for Street Inrprovesnent No, A-l9--Blacktopping of W.57th Street between Abbott. and Bead. Avenues," Affidavit of Publication for which advertisement was read by Clerk, approved as,to form and placed on file, having appeared in Suburban Press and Construction Bulletin July 26 and August.2, 1951, the following bid was publicly opened and read, being the only bid tendered: Engineer Olsson recommended avmrd of bid,. at the Cutback.isphalt price, stating that contractor is already working in this immediate neighborhood and can proceed with this improvement at 'oncer Child moved that bid of Earl SewaQ & Sons be accepted. Notion seconded by HaGhorne and carried. Later the evening, Nr, Benjamh inquired as to whether regrading of streek had been included in specifications and was informed that it had not; MP, Olsson stated it would take ViUage crew approximately half a day for this work. regrade tJ.57th Street between Abbott and Beard Avenues -in preparation for ' USING ROAD TAB USING CUTBACK ASPHALT Earl Sewall& Sons, St,Louis Park .W98*39 1- --: i .$860.95 . . . 4.. Child moved that Village Blacktop@ng. Ihtion seconded- by Hawthorne and- carried. rl Clerk read Affidavits of Publication for ,Advertisements for Bids for Street Improvements B-3 and E4.,_said Advertisenents having appeared in Suburban Press and Construction Bulletin July 26 and August 2. AffidavSs were approved as to form and ordered placed on.file, being the only bid tendered: , The following bid was publicly opened and read, - STRXET DiIP.B-2 s= BPIl3-4 Cuzb & .Gptter. In Ha1ifaqAve.- . 53rd to 54th St. (=uzb & Gutter .In If, 54th St.-France to Phehaha Creek VICTOR CARLSON & SONS, INC. &,463.90-. . . Qs5,lr-52.@ e VQlage_l$ng+eer recommended award of bids to bidder, citing the quality of their TGrk, and the possibility €hat the Village would get no other bidders if they did re-advertise. Child's motion, for award of contracts to.Victor Carlson & Sons, 0 Inc., was beconded b$ Danens and carried. .. -Clerk readufidavits of Publication for Advertisements for Bids appearing in Suburban Press, Hopkins and Construction Bulletin, Ninneapolis, for Sanitary Sewer rinprovements Nos. 33 and 34, -Water %in Tmpnovements nos8 37 and 38, - $aid. sealed bids were then publicly opened and read: Affidavits were approved as to cfom-.and ordered placed on file. The following ( sAN,sEfnsE;R 33JfmEa3 2-m 3.7 sAN.sE;I.JER 34 l$Am Emm 5 AbboGt-,Ave. . Abbott Ave* g*-w *--% 969.20 &hcroft..Ave.Ashcqoft. Ave I- ah- th St, 8th-60th St 8th-60th St.28th-bOth St PrnS-DRAKE GO., ImS* &iQjXj!TI .&. W-TI, STPAKC - 2,984*49----7 7)701849 .7,150*27+.---. 8,829+610 BART. CWOME, ST.PAI& __ - 3,076.60 7,307 *40 9,6@*84 8,050,70 RICHARD J!I* =ON, -!@IS. 2,978*10 7,376.30 7,691.03 8,355.20 ChildJ,s motion,-that_bids be referred to Village Engineer for tabulation qd report at next regular meeting, was seconded by Danens apd mmimously carried. + e- " 20% 8/13/51 ( The Village Clerk presented affidavits showing publication in the Suburb& Press at Eopkins, l.linnesota, and the Commercial Xest at Bfimeapolis, Xixqesota, of natice of sale of $50,000 Enprovement Bonds ,of 19%, Thirg Series, and #lOl,OOO. Inprovenrent Bonds of 199, .First Serzes, bids for which were to be received at . this meeting. in accordance with pre~ous instructions of the Council. The Clerk reported that four sealed bids hadbeen received pursuant to sdd notice,,which Wds,were thereupon opened and publicly read and considered and the highest and be& bid of each bidder was found to be as follows: Name and address of bidder or Interest Rate manager of bidding account FIRST.EDRU.STAI€E BANK, EDINA . ) ,- or &teS 2.-w . ........... -(. Premium - .** -. - -_.- Hakgorne introduced the follo&g Resolution and moved its adoption: t EZESOLUTXON IWIRD~G SAXE OF .$.a,OOO IMPROIEZBNT BONDS. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council .of .the..Vi&&gg.of..Edip, Ennesota, that'notice -has keretoforeLbeqn dnly published of the sale of $50,000 improvement Bonds of 1950, Third Series, and t$lOl.c,OOO 3npmvemexl.t Bonds, of 19%, First Series, both to be dated as of September.1, Us, .and the highest and best bid conforming to law and said notice-of sale is the bid,of NO'fcTfiBm NATION& BANK, HI"E@OLIS, &I lQWiE~-~, INC., ST. PAUL, lJIQ@S~-A,. to purchse-the same.at a- price of par agd qc.cGed interest p&us a. premium og-#25.00, the bonds to-bear interest at the rate of 2.30 percent per annum B3 TT FURTHERRESOLVED that said bid should be and is hereby accep$ed and the liaror. and-,Vil,&age-Clerk are hereby anthorized and directed to endorse such acceptance upon a copy-thereof and to return the same to said purchaser. The' good faith check furnished by the purchaser shall be retained pending delivery of the bonds and pamerit of the purchase price, and the checks of other bgdders shall be returned to them forthwith. gotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded br Child, and on RoUcall there a were *five ages and no mys,-,as follows: Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and-the .... c ATEST: . .t. .. .I.. .. Jkpr ...... ... ............ 4 eaw-bhorne introduced the iollowhg Resolutzon and moved its adoption: RESSlLUTJON 0RI)EZING AM) DqCTING ISSUANCE- ++ OF $!jQaOOO .@P$$@lw BOWS. OF,,1950, -= SmIES, ... PAYABLG- @OI.g_T@. 1950 .&t4@OVEHENT. FU@l": .... ." -. -_..a__. .*.* -. ~ - .. -... ......... I BE IT BESOLVED by the Council-of the. Vhage of Ed-, l.Enneso%a, as follows: .& 1; The Village of -. -..*- . - -* has heretofore issued, sold and delivered to the purchaser.-bhereof its 3nprovementBonds of 1950 in the principdl amount of $%08,000, dated as of Earch 1, 1950, pursuant to and in accordance with the pro- Tlisions of the resolution adopted Harch 13, 1950, &titled "Re$olution Creating 1950 Improvement Fund, Providhg for and Appropriatjng Special Assessments for the Support and Zlahten.gxe Thereof, and Directing Issuance of @provements Bonds,u which resolution- is bx reference Qcorporated herein and made a.part hereof;. and - under the provisions of paragraph 2 of said resolution the Village is authorized to issue additional improvement bonds gayable from said 19% ktrovement Fund, if determinedmecessary to borrow additioqal moneys for the'paynent of the kst of the improvements partially financed by,said Improvement Bonds of 1950, or if the costs of such improvements prove to exc;eed,the am0Un.l; e$&n.ate& in said resolu- tion, pro~ding that the Village shall undertake and agree to levy sp6cial assess- ;i?ents and/or general taxes in excess of the minimum amount of assessments speci- fied in said resolution, and that the mount of all bonds issued in respect of said improvements shall not exceed the total cost thereof or the total amount of the assessments and tams levied therefor. rr * * * 2. It'is hereby fovd and determined that the total cost of each of the improvements partia3ly financed by sad Improvement Bonds of 1950 is not less. 203 i than the anourit thereof set forth in the following tabulation; and that special assessments have heretofore been duly levied for each and all of said improvhents in amounts not less than the respective costs thereof as set foWn below, with the exception Chat the levy of special assessment& for Storm Sewer Improvenent No* 18 has not yet been completed, butthe total cost has been ascertained to be not less than the figure set forth below, and the killage hereby covenants. and agrees that - special assessments will be levied for said improvement in an amount equal to said total cost, which amount does not exceed the benefits to be conferred by said im- provement upon the property liable to be specially assessedtherefor: bprovement e .. . .* Street '"Improvement NO. A=L (blacktopping) ... . Streit IinprovFent N~,'A-z (blackbvimz) . - Street Improveaent No, A-3 (blackt.opping) ~ - Stre& Improvement NO. 'A=& (blac~opping) ._ _I stre& Improvement NO, EM Streit Improvement NO. '13-2 Street Improvement No. El % '(grading and gravelsing) streit Improvement NO. C-2 Streit Improvement NO. IM + (curb and gutter) - (curb ad gutter) . c n 0. (grading and gravellag) (sidewalk) .? Sani{ar$ Sewer Inprovement NOS ' 23 Sanitary sewer hprovement No, 10,710,63' Sanitary Sewer hprovement NO. 13-1 3, 013 J-4 95, 579.63 3,909.94 3,40520 Total a61, 604; 56 the additional sum of $50,000, for the purpose of paying an addition& portion of the cost of said improvements as originally estimated and of paying the mount by which the cost as finally ascertained exceeds the original esthate, by the issuance of its Improvement Bonds of 1950, Third Series, in the amount of @%,OOO, payable.from the 19s Improvement Fund on a parity as to principal and, interest. with said Improvement Bonds of 1950 dated Emch 1, 1950, which bonds may be s+o issued pursuant to the authority reserv6d-.in said resolution of Brch 13, 1950. Said Improvement Bonds of 199, Third Series, having been heretofore duly authorLqed and sold at public sale, sa%d bonds shall be forthwith issued and deliveqdto the purchaser thereof. Said bonds sfiall be 50 in number and nux= bered from 1 to 9, inclusive, each ig the denomiriation of @W, and ala bearing date as of September 1, 1951, and shaU mature serially on March 1 in the years and mounts as follows: $2,000 in each of the years 1953 twough 1955, %,ooO in 1956, $'j',OOO in each of the years 195'7 and 1958, $4,000 in each of the years 1959 through 1961, and $8,000 in 1962. Each of said. bonds shall be subject to redemption and prepayment a%,the option gf the Village on the first day oT Xarch or the first dax of September immediately prece-qing its stated mahrity date, at a price of par plus interest to accrue to the date specified for redemption; Such redemption shall be =de 5.n order of the serial numbers of the bonds, lowest numbers first, and only out of moneys on hand in the S-g Fuml Account of the 19% Improvement Fund in excess of interest to becorne&due on a31 outstand- ing bonds payable 2rom said fund on the then ne& succeeding interest payment ' date of such bonds, .The Clerk is 1c hereby authorized and directed to mail notice Stom Sew& Improvement No, 18 tqater &in Improvement NO. 21 . . ... -_ _. . * .X - 3, Xt is necessary and expedient that the Vkage borrow at this time .. of call. of any of said bonds for redemption to the holder thereof, Zf hown, and to the bank at which principal and interest are then payable, at leas@ 30 days prior to the dake specified for redemption, and to maintain a register showing the names and addresses ofthe bond holders and the serial numbers of their bonds, so far as such izlfomtioa is made avzilable to himr The bonds 02 said 1950 Third Series maturing in the years and bearing the seriaLnumbers Listed below shall bear interest 2t the respective rates per annum listed opposite said m%uritT years and serial nWers: t Serial Numbers ............. .............. 1953 to 1962 inclusive ' 1 - 50 inclusive Interest Rate .............. 2.30 $ Said interest shall be payable semiannually on the first day of Xhrch and the first day of September in each yeax. Both principal and interest shdl. be payable at the main ofgice of the Northwestern National Bank, in Uimeapolis, I.linnesota, and the TTillage hereby agrees eo pay the reasonable and &u@xmarg charges of s&d paying agent for the receipt and disbursement thereof. of the Vil3agg Clerk, in substantially the form specified in said resolution of March 12, 1950,-for said Improvement Bonds of 1950,"-%d%h suitable variations as to aterest papent dates; ser"ial mbers, place of payment, date of issue and coupon amounts; provided that said form of bond shall refer to tfrks resolution as well as. said resolution of EZarch 13, 1950, for the covenantdofthe Village securing the bonds. When so prepare'd, c'he bonds shall be executed on behalf of the Village by the signature of the &pr, attested by the Village Clerk, and the corporate sea3 shall be affixed therb-and the Mierest coupons shall_be'-emcuted and authenticated by the printed, engraved or Ethographed facsimile signatures of said officers. When so executed and authenticated, the bonds shall be delivered by the Treasurer $0 the pup chaser thereof upon payment ofthe purchase price herekfore agreedupon, and said purchaser shall not be 'obliged to see to the application of the purchase price. Improvement Fund ~haU'con%inue to be maintain@ as provided in said resolution'of Barch 13, 199, and all special assessments and taxes heretofore leded and to be levied in respect of each and all of the hprovemen6s referred to in paragraph 2 hereof shall. continue $0 be paid into said SirMng Fund Account, together dththe prdm and accrued interest received on th_e bonds herein authorized, and applied to the papent of the @rin6ipal of and interest on%he bonds of this issue and said bonds dated &rch 1, l9%, without.priority of one bond over any other by reason of date of issue or othe65se; but the full fa,ith*and credit of the Village shall be and is hereby pledged for the prompt and full payment of the bonds herein authorized and the interest there&, ad this Council s%all each year include in the V'age tax levy a sufficient amount to talc? &e of any accumulated or anticipated defi- ciency in the 1950 kpfovement Fund, and the principal and interest of the bonds herein authorized shall. be paid-out of other funds in the treasury in the event that nronegs in the l9!jCl Improvement Fund shall at tiny time be insufficient to meet such payments when due. .In accordaqce with the provisions of 51. So 1949, Section 475.61, as amended by lawsrl9!jl, Chapter 4.22, there shall be and is hereby-levied a direct, annual ad valorem tax on all taxable propertjr within the Village, for the purpose of providing, together with estimated collections of said sEecial assess- ments, mounts not less than 5% 5.p excess of the amounts*needed to meet when due the principal and interest papents on each and aU. ofthe bonds payable fromthe 19% Improdment Fund: 4. Said bond& sha be forthwith prepared for execution under the direction 5. The Construction Account and the SinkiSg fund account of the 1950 c t Year Amount 1951. ~700,OO - 1952 1953 1954 1955 c ,t 1,000.00 900.00 900.00 900,OO Year 19.56 . 1957 1958 1959 1960 r. C r. C < 'L Sad levies shm be irrepealable except to %he extent and in the manner provided by said Fectiion 4'75.61 as amended, and a31 collections thereof shall be credited as receivced to the Sinking Fund Account of the 1950 Improvement Fund. bmtyhditor of-Henuepin County, a certified copy of this resolution and of said . ' 6, The"Village-Clerk is hereby authorized and direci'ed to file with the resoluzion of settitag forth provisions of Ewch 13,-1950, and-to obtain fram said County Auditor a certificate the registration of said bonds in his rel;rister l-tinriesota Statutes, Section &'fi.63. accordance with t'e N I - I. & I 2635 8/13/51 'C 7. The officers, of the Village and the County Auditor of Hennepin County 4 are hereby authorized and directed to prepare and furnish to the purchaser of said bonds and to the qttorneys approving the legality of the issuance thereof certified copies of all proceedings and records relating to said bonds and to the financial affairs of the Village, and such other affidavits, certificates, ad Wormation as may be required to show the facts relating to the legaI+Lty<and marketability of said bonds as the same appear from the books and records under their custody and control or as otherwise known to them, and all such certified copies, certificates, and affidavits, including any heretofore furnished, r+ shall be deemed representations of the Village as to the facts recited thereinr Child and on roll call there were five ayes aye; Child, aye; Danens, aye; hwthorne, aye; resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. < The motion for .the adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by .. * ltayozr. . Village CLerk . . . . . 1 . . . I Hawthorne introduced 'the follorhg 'resqlution and moved its adoption: 1, This Council has investigated the facts necessary to ascertain and does hereby,find, determine and declare that the Village of Edina has duly , determined, after public hearing as rewired bylaw, the necessity oLthe con- struction 02 Vfle inprovenents descrkbed below, and has ordered, received and approved plans and- spekifications and entered into contracts therefor after due advertisement for bids; that the total. benefits resulting from each of said improvements to the lots and tracts of land to be assessed therefor and to the Village at large will be substantially in excess of the total cost of such improvement; that the total cost of. each of said improvements, including all expenses incurred and to be incurred from its inception to its completion and dl fees and expenses in connection theredth, will. be not less than the amount set opposite the amount of the designation of such improvement in the following t tabulation: 1 Base Price Under fmprovenent Ternas of Contract' (blacktopping) ~~ I . , . . . , , ..*... ......... Street Improvement No. A42 4$ 39j6.32 Street Improvements (Grading & GraveXhg) NO, .C-6 and NO. C-9 NO. C-10 ad NO. .,G11 - - . No, GI2 .e . Sanitary Sewers < No. 39 NO* 31 NO, 32 Stork Sewers Not p c NO. U Water Mains .- No+ 28 NO, 29 &C bo. 30 bo* 31 No. 32 Ho. 33 No. 34 & Nor 35 NoIL 36 + c 4- 3, 860 00 1,170.00 859.05 ..,,,...,...,.. Total Contract Cost 8 93,852.16 ' \ Estimated Incidental Expenses 7,508.17 + .. Total Cost #lox, 360.33 that 3.t is necessary and e,xpedient for the Village to borrow at this time the sum of &Ol,OOO, for the purpose of paying eqenses incurred and to be incurred in connection with said improvements, by the issuance of general obligation iaprove- ment bonds in accordance vdth the provisions of 1ti.nnesota Statutes 1949, Section 4l2.47l, *as amended; and that all acts, c0ndLtio-q and thinge required byethe Constitution and laws ofthe State ofN5nnesota to be done, to exist, to happen and to be performed preliminary to the issuance and sale of said bonds have been done, do exist, have happened and have been performed in due form, time and manner as so rewed. t t t 2. There is hereby created a special fund to be designated as the "1953. First Series Improvement Fund", to be held and administered by the ViUage Treasurer: separate and apart fr0rnd.l other,flutds of $he Village. and maintained in the manner herein specified until all og the imprGvement bonds herein authorized and interest thereon shall have been fully paid. 7 In. said fund there shall be maintained two separate accounts, to be designated as.the frConstruction Said fund shall be continued Account1I and the ~rSinkhg hnd A&oqt1I, respectively. Theproceeds of sals of the hprovement bonds- herein authorized, less accrued ineerest -received thereon, shall be credited to the qonstruction Account, from which there shall be paid all costs and expenses of making said improvements, as incurred and allowed, and the noneys in saLd account shall. be used for no other purposes; provided, that if upon completion of . said improvements there shall remain any unexpended balance in said Construction Account, such balance shall be transferred to-the Sinking Fund Account. There sha31 be credited to the Sinking Fund Account a3l collections of -the special assessments herein agreedto be-levied and taxes herein levied and all accrued interest received upon delikry of said bonds, and all 'funds Yemining in said Construction Account after campletion of the improvements and payment of the costs-thereof. The monep in said account shall be held and Fed only for the payment of the principal of and interest on said bonds as such payment9 become due, or to prepay andpedeem th'e same when and as such bonds become prepayable as herein&er,set forth; pro- edgd, that in the event thattit shall be determined by the Council totbe necessary to borrow addition&L moneys for the-payment of the cost of s&d mrovements, or if such cost sm. prove to exceed the amount hereinafter estimated, and if the Village shall undertake and agree to Levy special assessments and/or general taxes in excess of the minimum amount of asse9sm&t'S'herein specified, the Village shall have the right ad power to issue additional improvement bonds payable fron said Sinking Fund Account on a pWty with the bonds of the issue herein authorized, but the amount of all bonds issued in respect of said improvements shall not exceed the totaX.cost thereof or the total. amount of the assesments and taxes levied there= . for, 3* It is hereby determined that the Village shall pay not less than $lOl,OOO of the totdl cost of said improvements by the levy of special. assessments upon all assessable lots and tracts of land lying within the assessable areas heretofore specified 3% the respective resotations ordering saM improvements, based upon the special benefits received by each such lot and tract. The Village hereby covenants and agrees that it will do and perfonn, as soon as mag be, .&L acts and things necessary for the final and valid levy of said special assessments, and said amount of sbechl assessments is hereby irrevocably appropriated to said 19% a First Series Wrovement Fund. In the event that any-such assessment be at any $%ne held &valid with respect to any lot or tract of land, due to an^ error, de- fect or irregularity in any action or proceeZZjvlg taken or to be taken by the Viuage or by this Council or by any of the Villagets officers or employees, either in the making of &ch'assessment or in the perfomxxx of any condition precedent thereto, the Villag; he2eby covenants and agrees that it will forthwith do alltsuch further acts--a.nd t&e z%L such further proceedings as shall be required by law to mke such assessment a valid and binding lien upon said property. Said assessments shall be payable haequal consecutive, anniial installments, the first such installment to be exbended ugon the tax rolls for the year 19% if possible, or if not, <then for the year 1952, and'each of said installments shallbe collectible with general taxes for the same respective years. payable in*not more than five installments, and for the rem;l.ining hproveznents in not mre than ten instdllments. Deferred 5nstbllments shall bear interest at the rate of 5% per annun from the date of the resolution levyhg said assessnent -ti% Au-t l5-0f the year in which the installment is payablet * anticipation of the collection of said special assessments, the Village shall forth- with issue, and- deliver to the purchaser thereof its negotiable ~pponz general obligation+hprovernent Bonds of 193, First Series, to be payable pr-w from said 19% Firs& Ser+es Jinprovement Fund, The assessments for aU street improvements shall Se * - 4. FGr the-purpose of pay5ng in part the cost of said improvement, and in The full faith and credit OX the Village I 8/13/51 1 shall be and is hereby pledged, however, far principal and aterest on said bonds. and if the prompt 6nd full payment of.the at any time the moneys in said Sinking - &rid Account shall be insufficient 't6 pay all principal and interest then due on ' said bonds, the Council shall. provide sufficient morreys from any other funds available therefor, and the Council shall. Zevg on or before October 1 of each year, and cazfse to be extended? assessed and collected, any taxes necessary, together with assessments collectible in the succeeding year, for the full payment ~ of interest and prhcipal to become due withh the %hen ne& succeeding*eighteen months 5. Said bonds shall be'dated as of September 1, 19%, shall be 101 in number and numb6red from 1 to 101, inclusive, each in the denomination of #lOOO, and shall mature serially on March 1 in the amount of $10,000 in each of the years 1953 through 1961, and $11,000 in 1962& Each of said bonds shdu be subject to redemp- tion and prepayment at the option of the Village on Bkrch 1 or September 1 imme- diately preceding its stated naturity date, at a price of par plus interest to accrue to the date specified for rehxnption. Such redemption shall be made in order of the serial numbers of said bonds, low@ numbers first, and only out of moneys on hand in said SWng Fund Account in excess of interest to becone due on d outskanding bonds on the,then_nexb succeeding interest payment da6e. The Yillage Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to maiTnotice of call of -.of said bonds for redemption to the holder, if known, and to the bank, at which principa3 and interest are then payable, at least thirty days prior to the date specified for redemption, and to maintain a register showing the names and addresses of the bondnolders and the serial numbers of their bonds, so far as such hformation is made available to kim, The bonds of said issue maturing in the years and bearing the respective serial numbers listed below shall bear interest at the respective rates per annwn listed opposite said maturity years and serial numbers: Interest Rate Serial Numbers Maturity Years ......,.,.,_ ,,..,I,..*.... .d............. 1953 - 1962 Inclusive -1 - l0i Inclusive 2.30% -- All bterest shall be payable semiannually on Ikch k and September 1 of each year. The principal of and hterest on said bonds shall be payabkq at the main office of Northwestern National* Bank, in Minneapolis, EZinnesota, and the Village hereby agrees7to pay.the reasonable and customary charges of said paying agent for the receipt and disbhsement thereof. - - t 6. Said improvement bonds shall be in substantially the following form: UNITED STATES OF iUXEIUCA __ ~ .STW. oF_l-mn4. * COJINTY_QF. @%!!$PIN .. IcNolT ALL HEN BY THESE I?RESmS that the Village of Edina, Hennepin Co&ty, Mbnesota, _achpowledges~itse~"to. be indebted. -and for veue received promises to pay to bearer out of its 19% First Series Improvenent Fund the sum of ONE on wuch this -bond has been duly called for redaption, and to pay interest thereon from the datethereof until said principal sum be paid or until this bond has been duly called for redemption,'at the rate of per cent ( $) per annum, payable semiannually on the first day of .Masch.and the first day of. c - ' September in each year, interest to maturity being represented by and payable in accordance with and upon presentation and surrender of the interest coupons hereto - attached. Both principdl and interest are payable at or currency of.the Ulited.States of America which on the respective.dates of pappnt is legal tender for public and private debts. For the prompt and full pay- andtpxing powers of the Village are hereby irrevocably pledged. all of like date and tenor except as to maturity, all issued for the purpose of defraying expenses incurred and to be incurred ;in constructing necessary hprov-. ments in said Village, heretofore designated as Street hprovements Nos. A-12, C4, C-9, C-10, C-11 and Gl2, Sanitary Sewer hgrovements Nose 30, 31 and 32, Storm Sewer Improvemen5s Nos. 20 and 21, Water.Ehin Improvements Nos. 28, 29, 30, C THOUSAND DOLURS on the first dar of-lhrch, -19-, or on z date prior thereto, ,in . .. . , inanycoin -mept of such principal and interest as the same become due the Af faith, credit 'This bond is one of & issue in the aggregate principal amount of $101,000, .. 8/13/51. . 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 and 36, and is issued pursuant to and in full conformity with the Constitution atid laws of the Skate of Rbn6sota thereunto enabling, and pursuant to resolutions duly adopted by the Village Counci3., including a resolution adopted 19%, entitled ,"Resolution Creating 19% First Series Improvement Fund, Providing for and Appropriating Special Assessments for .the Support and PTaintenance Thereof, and Directiqg Issuance of _Improvement Bonds", to wU& , . refereice is hereby made for the covenats and reci3als of the Yi.lZage relatirlg to said bonds. Each of the bonds of said issue is subject to redemption and prep-ent at $he option of the Village at par and accrued interest, on the first day of Each or the first #day of Septder Mediately preceding its stated maturity date. 'Such redemption will be made only in order of sersal numbers of the bonds, lowest -numbers fbst, and upon notice mailed, at least thirty days prior to the d&e specified for redemption, to the holder, if known, of each bond so died for redemption, and to the bank at which principal and interest are %hen payable. Bondholders desiring to receive such notice must register their'nanes and zddresses and the serial numbers of their bonds with the Village Clerks tions, &d tugs requtqcd -bg.the Constitution-and .laws of ..%Qe State of Mnnesota to be done, to exist, to happen, and to be performed preliminarg to and in the issuance of this bond in order to make it a vdlld and binding general obligation of said Village according to its terms have been done, do elrist, have happened and have been performed as so rzquired; that the Village has duly contracted for the making of said improvements and will cause the same to be completed with the funds made available by this issue; that said 19% First Series*Improvement Fund has been duly created and provision has been made for the support thereof by special assess- ments to be levied on properties benefited by said improvements in amounts suffi- cient to pay the interest on the bonds of this issue and the principd. thereof as such interest and 'principal ras-pect5.vel.y become due, and the Council. is required to pay the same put of any funds in the Treasury in the event that moneys on hand in said fund are at any the insufficient to meet the payment of mtufig principal and interest; tha4i general i?d valoremtaxes, if needed for said purpose, my be ,levied upon all taxable proper'by in the Village idthout limitation as to rate or amount; and that the issuance of this bond did not cause the indebtedness of said Village to exceed any constitutional or statutory limitation. IN "ESS 3n-F the Village of Edina, Hennepln County, Mnnesota, by its Village Coqcil, .has. caused this bond to be execu%ed in its behalf by the signature of its Uayor, attested by its Village Clerk, and sealed with its official seal, and the interest coupons hereto attached to be executed and authenticated by the fac- simile sigpatures of said officers, and has caused thi September 1, 19% IT IS HEREBY CERTDED, REG=, COVENANTED AND AGBZD that all acts, condi- ond, o be dated as of #a&/& . . ATrm: - .. ' . 3 yor . .. , V-age Clerk C (=I -- -- (Form of Coupon) C 1 _.. NO, "8 p, ... On the lst day of Uwch (September), 19-, the Village of Edina, Hemepin Codty, Wesota, will pay to dearer &t the m&n.office.pf for interest then due on its Improvement Bond of.lY%, Fhst Sel;.ies,.dated September- in , the sum of . . . . . . . . ..I . (Facsimile sfgnature) Village Clerk - .. t- (FacsMe signature) . *- Idfayor i c 7. S&d bonds'shall be prepared under the direction of the Village Clerk ' and shq be executed on behklf of the Village by the sirnature of the E-Sapr, attested by the V-mage Clerk, and the corporate seal shall be affixed thereto, and the interest coupons shall be execu'ced and authenthated by the printed, en- grave$, or lithographed facsimile signatures of said Nayor and Village Clerk. Ihen said bonds have been so executed and authenticated, they shall be delivered bxthe Treasurer to the purchaser thereof upon payment of the purchase price heretofore agSeeduDon, and said purchaser shall not be obliged to see to the applhation of the purchase pric?. t r a J ( '209 ! - Wl3/% 8, For the purpose of providing, together with estimated collections of the special assessments above referred to, amounts*not less than 5% in excess of the amounts needed to meet when due the principal and interest paynents on each arzd*all. of the bonds.herein authorized, there shall be and is hereby levied a direct, annual, ad valorem tax on all taxable property withln the Village for the years and in the amounts as follows: -4. Year Bm0Un.t; - Year jlmount - 1951 $ ~700.00 1956 -$. ' 600.00 f 1955 600.00 1960 600.00 1952 600,oo 19 57 500.00 1953 60~.00 1958 500.00 19 54 660.00 1959 500.00 Y SHid levies,shall be irrepealable except to the extan$ and in the manner provided d by M. S, 1949, Section 475.61 as mended by Laws 1951, Chapter 4.22, and collec- tions.thereof shall be credited as received ko the Sinking Fund Account of the 1951 First Series Improvement Fund, ** I 9~ TheiVillage Clerk is hereby atxthorized and directed to file with the County Auditor of Hennepin County a certified copy of this resolution and to obtain from said County Auditor a certificate setting forth the registration of said bonds in his register in accordance with the provisions of mesota Statutes 1949, Section 475.63, as amended. 10. ihe officers of the Village and the County iuditor of HennepG County are hereby authorized and directed,to prepare and furnish to the purchaser of said bonds and toxthe attorneys approving the legality of the issuance thereof certified copies of all proceedings and records relating to said bonds and to the financial affairs of the Village, and such other affidavits, certificates, and infomation as my be required to show the facts relating to the legality and mrketability of said bonds as the same appear fromthe books and records under their custody and control or as otherwise known to them, and all such certified copies, certificates, and affidavits, hcluding any heretofore furnished, shall be deemed representations of the V'age as to the facts recited therein. .( The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by Child and on.rol1 call there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; Danens, - aye; Hawbhorne,, aye; and Er was declared.duly passed and adopted. ATTEST: Bredesen, aye; i PiUag6 Clerk . . . . , -.- - I &. Norman Dom& inquired -as to the method of Special Assessme& for, cost of grading Southview Lane, and was informed that, @ll cost was qssessed against owners of abutting properties, said cost including cost of condemning property for street. Mka Philip Bailey led il delegation inqiring about status of tS,56th Street West of Code Avenue. &. Olsson informed gentlemen that Mr. S.G. Peawon-expects to complete-pro ject wit- a week, and that the street $ill ,be cut sufficiently to furnish drainage for Mr. Beiley's low lots. Mr. Bailey's group asked to go on record in opposition to any proposed street name. change, stating they prefer TL56t'n Street as a name because it is easy for delivery people to locate, Council infogned them that petition for street name change has not yet been *filed, Mk. Carl 14. EansenpresentedqFinal Plat of "Pazkwood Knolls 2nd Addition,11 which, Engineer Olsson reported, has-been 3pprowd,bythe Plannlng Codsqion. *Dr. Erickson left the meeting& this time, and Trustee-.Child presided, requested that I&. Hansen ~instU a drain from that property shom,on plat as 1lgark" to the territory designated on plat as "laket1', wd an easement fqr ma,j.ntenance of said drain. Engineer Olsson recomended,Utr tile for I&* Hansen agreed to give' drainage eagement and to *stan 1218 tile. Hawthorne moved for approval of finbl plat. 4 C+ x + -' Ha&horne i . Motion seconded by Bredesea and carried* 210 { 8/13/R . Final Flat of "Virginia Avenue Addition,t' between ILbOth and 11.62nd Streets and between Concord and ParneU Avenues, was-presented-for appro-, ha-g been recommended by the Plarming Commission. l%or Erickson returned at this time, and preskded for baawe of meeting. It waspnoted that there is no dedication for park in this plat, and Council delayed action until the "five percent park dedscationm clause can be clerified with Planning Cpmmission, Hawthorne moved that Council set an Adjourned Neeting for @onday, Jii 20, kt 7:3O P.E., that Planning Commission be invited to attend, and that .plats be &ven-considerat&on at that the. Kotion seconded by Bredesen and carried. I Era khllace Bruce of Bruce Construction Company inquired as to status of petition for @om Sewer in Westbrook Lane, eq&&ni.ng that water had formerly drahed over two lots wwch he now owns and which he is filling. I&.. Olsson states he believes that it is Bruce?s responsibility to replace stom drain he plugged, or to find sone other means.& diverting water. Mr. Bruce stated that the drainage district is larger than that comprised by his property, and that he feels entire district beqefited should bear cost of project, 1-fro Bruce will. present another petit5on. Petition for Oiling of York Avenue between W.58t;h and W.59th Streets was presented. Wild moved that petition be-accepted, end that Arblic-HearinE be set for BZonday, September l0,195L, at 7~30 P,& &tion seconded-by Danens and carried, Two Garrison be propehy owners impired as to status of their petition for hproment of Garrison Lane, Engineer Olsson reported that he has contacted County Surveyor and also-a representative from County Auditorts office with regard to possibility of making an Auditor's Subdivision oftbe area, The+County Surveyor has agreed to surver area qd incorporate all parcels of land according to legal descriptions as they now exlst and $ll attrynpt to check then, He eqects to report back to Nr, Olsson T.rithin a week or ten days. He stated tbt an hditor's Replat is possible only on @ition of owners of 1W$ of property concenzed., Eo action taken. Gentlemen asked to keep in touch with Mk, Olsson. The gentlemen from Garrison Lane complained that &. Don IkClCtan has &ped tree stumps and brush onto WooddzXe Avenue near the Lane. The matter of Mr. EfcClellaats infraction of Qulage Ordinances -was discussed at some length. Child's motion, that Village PIanager Olsgon be directed to contact Bttorney Burris with regard to Counc5l*s &xpectations_in the NcClellan matter, WDS seconded by Building Inspector Woehler presented plot and bwding plan for Lot 22, Rolling Green, together with application for permit to build on said lot, Hawthorne moved that permit be granted, ftotion seconded by Bredesen and carried. 3kr Olsson asked for clarification of C~mcil's policy on Rolling Green Building PerpLts, Hawthorne moved Vna% no permits-be issued 5.n Rolling Green $.thou% speciff-ga action blp Council, Mntion seconded by Child wd carried., %. Child reviewed bids taken-July 9th, for I. Caunw accept the bid of Chicago Bridge and_Iron,.~~~-a;f;_~~~,150 plus $1,250 for pickling, Child's motion, for. award of contract to Chicago Bridge and, Iron Company at 892,400, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Petition dated April 26, for Water l&r~ is 1LbO.t;h Street between X0ms and Bear$; yas presented, -3k. Olsson re-eewed for Coqcil pefjition recently-filed for wsrt,er - mains in Bora's- EdQa &nor, and recompded that a Trunk Nater Hain be constructed Street, (including the propsed SBel-Aire't Addition Sust South of 60th Street) might have water service when they need. it: - - In-V.fj€%h Street -from Park Place to Frmce Avenue, and in 11.6Oth Stre& from France Avenue to Xerxes Avewe. pS bran's Bdina 3hor has petitgoned for service, he recoqendedthatthis_line be installed at the same tine. Hawthorne offered the follwring Resolution an4 moved its adoption% 3lWROVEbiE3!I!. €IE&ING i.IREREAs the Village Council of ,thg-&l@ige. of*,E&Ena des5xes on its own motion 6 ' &prove the property-within the boundaries 'hereinafter described: 11Beg5.mtng at the intersection of Park Place and Ih58th Sts.; th. Nom 329.62 ft, -more or less, to the NOP~~ line of thg sEll[lc of sEl/lt of NEl.4 of Sec.19,T02S,R.2; the% along said l/& Section Be a_*&, of -65'7 ft. more or less; th.SoUth 329.89 fh -re 0s less; th.E.358.U ft. more or less; th.South 165 Ft, more or less, to the centerlinebf J{*62nd st.. if extended; thJTest_alongW162nd St. to Park-Place; the North along park Place Do Tta,Wh St. to pt* of beginning;tlf by constructicm-of the following Tater..Xain &$,ensions and Appurtenances: -- % .* *. Hawthorrre and uqanimously carried. _. - ? . VATER TANK, recornending that *I * as follows, in,o@er thgt the district developing in Edina @,nor .ad around 60th RESOUJTION SmING IIXI'EEi T*W w.58th st.; th& aLong W,%h St. to France Ave,; th& along France Avenue to ~[.60th @,; th,E, along )$both $t. to Xerxes Avenue; those along Xems Avenue to 7 / ., r T * \ 8/13/51 lr In TT05&h Street Zrom P&k Place to Frame Avenue, 2. To serve all lots in Boranrs Edina %or not already served . by Water Mains. . 3, In 'GL60th St. from France kvenue to Xerxes Avenue. NOPJ, 'MEREFOF& BZ ST RESQLVED by %he Village" Council of the Village of Ed$a that 'I it -5s. deezpe~.~necessa~..~d- ewedient to make tlie Water Main Improvements described abme, and that on the 27th day of August, 19'51, at 7:30 o'clock Pa&, this Council will meet at the Village Hall in said Village and wiU at.said time and place hear %he partied interested.therein in reference to such improvement,:and Will, decgde whether or not to undertake such improvement in whole or in pa+ " I . . r.,. Motion of adoption of tlie Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, Qfld on Roilcdu there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredeseq we; Child, aye; Damns, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and-t erEeiolution was adopted. . Q!+p--u i 4 * 4 Nayor +Village Clerk Sewer in Tfindsor Avenue and Kent Avenue, zind to serve QUT Lad$ of Grace ehurch. He reported that,.upon survey, he.recomends tlie constgxction of a trunk sewer to serve a district larger'than that cited in the petitio& and explained the route of the sewers proposed to de construc6ed: offered the following Resolution and moved its'adoption: ?ESOLUTION SETTING SmEBY SIMIB It- the Village Gounci.3 of,thelVillage.of Edina "desfres on its own motion to igp~ove the property -within the bouqdaries herdinafter described: ttCommencing at the St? Cor. of *IX>t 24, Stow's Yvonne Teyrgce; th,ET, to State IU&way No, 100; tho N. along the West Right-of Way me of said State Iughway No, loo" to the SE Cor, of ht 9, Block 7,--Tingdale-Bros. Brookside;".th, RLy along the So lot lines of Tingdde Brosb Brookside; th. N. $0 the. NE Cor, of said &ot -7; th. W. to* the SRT Cor, of Lot 4, Block 8, Tingdale Bros. BrQokside; th, IWQ across State Highwq No. 169-212 to the SE Cor, of Lot. 30, Block 3, Grandview Heights; th, 3Ll.Y dong the West Right-of-WaJr line of Highway No.169-212 to %he SE Cor, of Lot-10, Block 4, Grandview Heights;--th, IT, to the SKCor. of said lot; P;h+-N. to the-NE Cor. of Lot 13, Block 1, Brookside Heights;. th. I?, to the North-South alley bet~een William and Hankerson Avenues; th. S, along sa5d alley to the SE Cor. of Lot 18, Block 9, Brookside Heights; th, W. $0 the NE Cor, of Lot 17, Block 8, Brookside Heights; th. S. to the SI3 Cor, of said lot; tho I?. to-the SE Cor. of' Lot 17, Block 7, Brookside Heights; tho N, to the NE; COP* olf said lot; th, ?L.to the NW Cor. of Lot 8, Block 6, Brookside Heights; th, So dong'the West Lig& of Sec.28, T~p.ll7,~Range 21, to a pt. 270 ft. more or less N, of the centerlhe of lk56th St. exten(ied'6'Jestj tho SEly 580 ft. more or less, tB a pt, on a line extended West from the -SF1 Cor, of Zot l4,-Nylund's Place and hnn5ng parallel to W.56th St.! th, E. to the NW Cor, of Lot 1, Stow's Yvonne Terrace; th.'S.*to pt.. of Sjeppning," bp constxyc%ion of,the following Sad-ta3-y Sewer lllains and Appurte- &gineer-Olsson reviewed for Council khs petition previously tendered for Sanitary rr He outlined the district, Hawth6rne 4 * Dm0-T .'rnSNG. 9 and. 10, Block 7, Tingdale Bros. Brbokside to %he SE Corr -of L0.t 7, Block 8, x - In South exbension of Golf Terrace from existing Sdtarg Sewer+& said extension, --to Wbdsor Avenue. In State Highway No.,. 100, from Windsor Aveiiue to Kent Avenue. In Kent Avemle from Stah Highwgy No, 100 to Warwick Place. In Windsgr Avenue from E. lot lide of Ut 26,.Block 1, bilest%hester . YqoUs, to,State Highyay No, 100. &.Windsor Avenue from E. lot line of Lot 26, Block 1; t?estchester . Knolls. to WamJsck Place + - r. x - +nances: 1. 2. 4; * 3.- " 5. NOM, TTHEXEF@, Bi it- -is. de-ged necessarg-and- expedient to nake the Satary Sewer Improvmant de- scribed above; and that on the 27th'day'of August, 1951, at 7:30.o'clock P.M., this Council will meet at the Village Hall in sed Village and wAU. at'said twe and place hearthe parties interested therek in reference to such improvement, and will decide whether or not to undertake such improvement in whole or in part, Notion for adoption of thd Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredesen, aye;'CEld, aye; Dariens, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and .%he ,R /sol @SOLoED..by the 'Village Council of the Viliage of Edina that I. I n'was adopted, &yor . f ' (g-+r> / r- a .. . . Village Clerk I&. bEld and Engineer OlsGon reported che need for 24 new street lights-23 in the Franbe* tb Xerxes and 5Fh to 60th St, area, and one on Interlachen Blvdr Child &ea that. street liehts be approved, Xotioa seconded by Danens and carried, I. 4 * .( * *L 8h3h .L t oiring petitioris were presented, office reportingthat each carried sig- natures of omers of a mjority of the property affected: Zenith Avenues 'and between IJ.58th and 17+59th Sts, Grading and Grqrellipg of St.Johs Avenue between W@th and T'lr59th Sts. 5 (3 petitions) 14 For the Grading and Gravelling of the North-South,Al,leybetw.en York and 2. For Construction of Saxltaq Sewer, construction of ITater Main, ad for 3+ For Curb and-htter in York Avenue between H.55th &d If.56th.Sts. 4.- For Curb and Gutter in Beard-Avenue between T.f,!%th and. >7.59th Sts, 50 Eor Construction of Sanitary Sewer in GbnEokkAMue between T.T.59th and - TLboth Sts. (This petition had previou2l.y .been presented, but Engineer -. Olsson reported at this time that easements for sewer have been received, @om everyone butSchoo1.) Child moveathat petitions be accepted, and the Public Hearings be set for Eon6ayY September 10, 1951, at 7:30 PJL Hotion seconded by Havthorne and carried. &gineer Olsson reviewed Special Assessment Rolls filed with Clerk August l, 19!jl, for the foUowing projects: STREET B-EROVENEBT NO. G6 =-Grading and Gravelling of Oaklawn-Avenue between . . Tf,58th -qd TT.62nd Streets - CostY$2,869.l& Assessable feet, 4,781.91; - Cost per assessable foot, $.60 . STREET. ~lPROYE3E2E NO. C-2 -.Grading and Gravelling of York Avenue between :. ~~56th wd 1f.60th Streets - Cost,$2,659.89; Assessable feet, 4,749.8; Cost per assesspble foot, $,$I . STm IbPROVEI4RlT NO, C-10 7 Grading &nd Gravelling of Word Avenue fram -.lJo&h,&& Line of Beverly Hills dddn,. to Division Street = Cost, $866.20; Assessable-feet, 1,220; Cost per assessable foot, $,ne SAHI'PARY sEI.IER ~lPlWVXt~~'N0. 31 - In Roodcrest Drive, from existi& sewer on -.- ~ Woodcrest-Dqive, -to a pt. 257 ft. S. shereof - Cost, $2,547.78; Assessable feet, 500.9; Cost per as"s6ssable foot, #3.09. STOW SENE33 DlPBD.IENT NO. 21 - (Trunk and Lateral Sewer) Trunk Sewer in * - . Beard .Avqnue.-between. TL 57tX and .th 56th Sts'; in Choven Ayenue between V. 56th St; and 20400t Lane,. .and thenw--Nortbeasterl.y in Lane -.Cost,, 86,062-*-94; assesshbxe square feet, 1,629,825.85; Cost 'par" assessable -square foot, ~ 90 Lateral Sewer in North-South Alley, between Beard 'ana Abbott Avenues-and * between TJ.flll;h arid lL56th Streets - Cost, $l,l@7.7?; psessable square feet, l46,6&3;- Cost p'er Bssessable square' foot, 4LO0~6. + In connection with this Roll, Xr.' Olison reported that upon' survey, 5% was found that sone of the district bqludkd b hprovement Hearing is not served, and that proposed -trict has nok bken.amended.. ' . * MATER I.IBIN IElPROVEt-5EN!C NO. 28 In Oalslarm Avenk between W.59ih &d iI.62nd . . .. .Stzeetb -',Cost, $12,007.58) .. Assessable fekt,' 3, 584.95; Cost per assessap t.JAli'ER 3liUX IkiPROV&34T N0.'22 In Tower Street, &ween St:Johns and'Con&rd --- . Av-wues - Cost, $3,7Wr77; .Assessable f e&, 1,103.99; ' qost .per assessable - ThlTER EATiY JXPRO~kENT NO, 30-- In 'York Avenue from"I7.5%h to &60€h Street - -.-,Co&, l#~,079q20; Assessable feet, Ji,01qr80; Cost p-er assessable f6ot, $4000, (@.a5 per foot of -this cost being for connection, to private water ma@. constructed by Peder IEckelsen,) T'fBTER BAIN Dk!I?€i~.~ NO. 31 - InaW.53rd Street between Oaklawn and Brookview I ..- Avenues, ax@ .in Brookview Avenue between ,Ik53rd and IL54th Streets -*Cost, 57,894.683 'Assessable feet, 1i199.8; Cost. per assessable footr $6*5& ITmm 3w ml?ol!ZHENT no, -.- . -Lots .7.and 8, Block,.2, an?htsP1 ana 2, Block 2, Shady Phes Addition to Voodcrest Drkve; th. South 264.6 feet to South of Shady Panes Addikion - Cost, $3,297.81; Assessable feet, 647.90; *Cost per assessab3.e.f oot, $5.09, I?. T.I1IlN D~ERO~*E24T NO. 32 = In Zenith Avenue from W.flth to IF. 58th. Street - --C?st, $4269647&; Assessable feet, -1,454010; Total cost per assessable_foo'b @*23;. (g.25 per foot of this cost being for. connection to private water main constructed by Peder Mickelsen.) hwthollie moved that Public-Hearipgs on above named assessments be set for Xbnday, - Septeher 10, 19Rt at 7:30 P.N., and that action of Deputy Clerk in advsrtising s&d Hearings in Suburb- Press on August 9 be confirmed. Xotion seconded by Child and carried, - - * Soot, $3.35. $bot, &hac - From dst35g main in Dever Drive, thr6ugh I. .+ CLAIM NO, bloo 6101 6102 6303 6105 6109 6110 61U. 6U.Z 61uC 6115 6n6 6117 61% 6104 6108 6119 6122 6123 6125 6126 63.27 6328 6130 6132 6131 TO: R$.qhard C. Jenson ) - noyd Boycet I Dorothy Hdvorson - + )t Checks - James BI Hancock ) dated Carolyn-K..Nawrocki 1 C Leonard L. Dvorak -. Harry R,-Nelin James Zymn Etizabeth B. Berg Jim Halfaker ~ Robert V. Reid . Howard W, gerriman Howard Yl. Merriman JO~ R."co~~, Postmaster BermrdE. DWn Larry Bacon. Philip. Bacon A ). &obex% D. Brown Douglas ,Carlson Jack Lever Arthur Bailey Ronald Port Everett-% Davies Harry C, Htulsen Richard C. Sonnenberg Curtis M, Holter Narkin L.. Hardy ). dUg&l951 J~hn.t?* simp so^, JT. * 1 6133 First NatL Bank of M@SO 4. 6134 First NatL, Bank of Hplso D%stillers Distributing Co, Famous Brands, hc. Grig'gs,. Cooper & Go. McKesson_& Robbins, Inc, ' RLd-West Wige Cor . Old Peoria Company, kcw Northern States -Power Go, NOW, Bell .Tel. Go, Village of. Edina - General Fund John R, Coan, Postmaster - Ei,nn.~.Mm, Liqpor Stores ksn. Griggs, Cooper & Co. * Ed; Phillip t?i Sons coo Ed, PhiIL5pS & SO~S GO. mom- -00 9.60 kotion seconded by Danens-asd carried. Child moved for adjournment of Meeting to Eonday, August 20, at 7t30 P,M. seconded by Hawthorne and carried* Meeting ad at U:21 P,& __ Plotion Y 4 , ' . . I . . . ViXLage.Clerk. . . . c