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Efembers present vere Dan=, Child and Erickson. +
T.lleetingras called for the purpose oftdiscussing the proposed joint sewer idth *
St,Louis Park, to be located onlfotor Streat and.to serve the area outlined as .
!Sasitw-Sewer Improvement Noe 36," Page 198 of this Book of Binutes.
Village Engineer Olsson reported that bids for construction had been received
by St.Louis Park,. The tabulation of bids shm-d that the cost for St.Louis
Park, with=sewers connecting to Edina, would be $39000 higher4ihaa if a lift
station was constructed, after some'discussTon,.motion was made by Child,
seconded by Danens, that the Village of EcIina33hare of the constructiOn
4 should be $35,932.505 and that of St.Lo@s Park, $22,000. .There werekthree
ayes and no nays, and themotion vms carried. It.was also.agreed that any
extra costs rmuld be shared on a proportionate basis.
- .. .* *. 1:
The mtter of the Sanitary Sewer being the only purpose of ,the Heeting,
motion was made; seconded and carried, to
AUGUST 27, -195!.,. AT ?:i]O~P&I,, AT THE _. EDINAvDi.&Aa.~ .. * c--- . . _-..
Eeabers answering Rollcall were Child, Danens, Hawthorne and Erickson. Bredesen
3Enutes of the Reg- Eieeting of August l3, and the adjourned portion of the
August 13th Xeeting, held hgust 20, l9%, were approved as submitted, by
motion Child, seconded by Danens and carried.
Pursuani to due Published and Posted Notice, Hayor Erickson called Public Hearing on the petition of Hexyl Reid for the Rezoning to CommUnity Store District. of
Lots 3,&9,4, 9, 10,ll and 12, Block 4a Tlngdale Bros. Erookqide, ,Council received
report thsrt Planning Commission recommedded this rezoning as of Julg 161 No one
appeared in favor of the petition. $fro and Nks. Hugh Turnbull, 4.817 I.festbrook
Lane, objected on grounds that they wish to keep %he neighborhood residential
and do not need further commercial development in thh neLghborhood. &Ire and
Xrs. James H01ell,@32TTcstbrook Lane, objected on grounds that their home trill
facethe back of proposqd commercial development. Written objection by Rev,
Enton was reviewed and ordered filed, Child moved that petition. be referred
back to Planning Commission for further qqlanation as to why they recommended
this remllting.
Affidavit of Publication was read of Notice of Hearing appearing in Suburban Press,
€Jopkins, August 9 and 16, 1951, for Public Hearing on Proposed Sanitary Sewr.
fnprovement in South extension ofJGolf Terrace, State High~.myNo. 100, Kent
Avenue, and ITinqsor Avenue. Ek. Thomas.Hodgson spoke for the large delegation
favor of the sewer, stating that Windsor cesspools are already backing up,
ahd that people 5n the entire district trill need sewage facilities r.rithLn a very
short time, 1,k. Olssonfs Estimate of Cost for Trunk Sewer was 8.93 per assessable
foot for construction, for a total of $30,786.00, plus $LOO per foot for gonnec-
tion to Joint Sewer District No. 1; and for the laterals, $4&3 per assessable foe%+ The ow objections raised were those of ffno immediate' benefittf from trunk
sewer; the people onRichond Drive requesting procedure for inclusion for $atera.
The people on Yvonne Terrace also requested that they be inclused, but they were
%old that a lift stztion will be necessary to serve them; that it is not equitable
to assess others for a service for Yvonne Terrace only.
following Resolution and mved its adop'bion:
arrived shortly th-Feafter. ..
i i
& t
Notion seconded by Hawbhorne and carried,
+r * I.
Clad offered the
BE: I2 R3SOLVED by the Council, of- the VQlage- of Edina, Xinnesota, that this
Counci& heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed
improvenent consisting of construction of Sanitary Sewers and Appurtenances as
1, T.n.South extension of &lf,Terrace from existing Sanitarg'Sevmr in said
' 2.
extension to Windsor Avenue. In State Highway No. 100, from IZndsor Avenue to -Kent Avenue.
ww51. 2$7@ 3. fi Kent Avenue from State Highwag No, 100 to Wamkck Place. 4. In l'indsor Avenue from E. lot line of Lot 26, Block 1, Westchester Knolls to State Highway No. 100,
5. In Windsor Avenue from E, lot line of Lot 26,Block I, T?estchest& Itnolls
to Tfarudck Place -
and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council
has duly considered the views of aXl persons interested, and being fully advised of
the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed v6ththe construction of said
hprovenent; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in
.all subsequent proceedings as Sanitary Sewer hproveraent No, 37, and the area to
be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land vAth5.n
J \I -
7 the boundaries described below=
'tCommencing at the Dl Cor. of Lot 24, Stowts Yvonne Terrace; the E. to State
€€i&vq No, 100; th, N, along the lest B;ight-of4fay.Iine of said State-Highway No.
100 to the SE Cor. of Lot 9, Block..?, Tingdale Bros. Brookside;,th. t?ly along the
S, lot lhes of Lots 9..and 10, Block 7, Tingdale Bros, Brookside to the SE Cor. of
Lot 7, Block 8, Tingdale Bros, Brookside; th, N.30 the Cor. of said ht 7; tho
If. to %he S!? Cor. of Lot 4, Block 8, TingdaLe Bras, Brookside; th, my $cross
Stato+HightGg No. 1691.212 to. the SE Cor, of Lo% 30, Block 3, Grzndvieur Heights;
th, st%ly along the West Right-of-lfay_line. of- Highway No, 169-212 $0 the. SE Cor.
of lot W, Block 4,-Gran@view Heights; th, U,. to the SI? Cor. of said lot; th, No
to the NE Cor, of Lot 13, Block 1, Brooksid-q Heights; th, I$, t0,the North-South
&Lley+between WiUiam and Hankerson Avenues; tho S.,along said alley to the SE
Cor. of Lot J8,- Block 9, Brookside Heights; th. *E, to the lXl$ Cor. of Lot 17,-.
Block 8,- Brookside Heights; th. S, . to the SB Cor,, of said lot; th, liT.,to the SE
Cor, of Lot 17, 'Block 7, Broolesiae Heights; th. N. to the,lTB Cor. of said lot;
th, IT, to the I4M Cor. of Lot 8, Block 6, BrooksJde Heights; th, S, along the West
Gne-gf Sec. 28, TuQe 117,-Range 21, to a pt. 270 feet more or less N. of the
centerline-of V.56th St, e&ended West; tb. SEly 5M feet more or less, to a pt.
on a%line extended W, from the §W Cor. of Lot I.&, Nylund's Place and
T Parallel to V.56th st.; th, E, to the Ed Cor. of Lot 1, Stoyts Yvonne Terrace;
th.3, to pt-,. of beginnjng, + -. x I*
&;ion for adoption'of the Rksolution was Aeconded by Bredes&, and on R&ll*calf
there were,five ayes and no nays as follows:
aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye;
Child, aye; Danens,
was adopteds
CMld offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
le Village.Cg.rjcil of .the Vi -. - *I ._
1, The plans and specificatiins fir Sdtary Sewer Improvement No. 37 here-
tofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the VUlago
Clerk are hereby approvedr
Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids forthe construction of said
2. The Clerk shall cause ta be ,publlihed twice in the Suburban Press and the
improvement= dwb
* SAnZnmY SEWER IMJ?Eomm NO-. 37
Street, Enneapolis, on Bhnday, September 10, 199, at 7:30 01clock P.E.X., to open
and consider sealed bids forthe_constructi;on of SanitarJr Sewer Inprovement No, 37
3.n said Village, consisting of construction of Saqitary Sewers and Appurtenances
as folloys: 1, In South extension of Golf Terrace from-existing Sanitary Sewer
in said ebcensioa, to Windsor Avenue; 2, In State Highway No, 100, -from W5.ndsor
Avenue to Kent Avenue;-3. 21 Kentheme from State Highway No. 100 to TpTam.iick
Place; 4. lh Windsor Avenue frgm E+ lot line of Lot 26, Block 1, Westchester
Knolls to State Highmy No, 100; 5, Jh Windsor Avenue from E. lot-,line of kt-26,
Block 1, Ifestchester Knolls, to Warwick Place. .Al$ernate Bids will be taken, ih include sll of the-aboye Sani5ary Sewer Construction, and construction of a
Sanitary Sewer in Richmond Drive, from State Highway No. 100 to Code Avenus.
the plans and specifications for said improvement on file in the office of the
Village Clerk. 811 bids must be submitted on thp basis of cash payment for the
work, No bids .will be considered unless sealed and filed with the undersigned
before the time of said meeting and z?ccompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or
certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the mount of Ten percent of the
idnount of the bid,
The Edina Village &uncii will -meet -at .the Village Hall., 4801 If. 50th I
The work-on said improvanentmust be done as described and specified in
+ . .. ~ *---- . .,-. . I Bower Hawthorne * * Village Clerk - -. -
'Edina, Minnesota
J ww!jl 2118 3. Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids hereby adopted as the terns and conditions of the award of the contract for sa&d
hprovement a
. Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded
there were five ayes and no.,nays, as follovm:
aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the
en, 8nd on Eollcall
2 Child, aye; Danens,
r'i Notice of-Hearing on Proposed Stom Sewer for Blocks 2, 3 and 4, Golf Terrace
-Heights was publicly reviewed, .affidg..t of Publication of Xotiice, as it appeared
in Suburban Press, August 9 and-16, having been read by Clerk. Affidavit -was
approved as to forn and ordered placed on 2iI.e. Vvlage-Engineer Olsson's esthjate
=of cost, amount $22,361.40, or $.032,per Sqare Foot for 680,208 bsessqble Feet,
was read. Engineer Olsson also, reported that.a stom sewer to serve the entire,
original arqa established by the V'ge Engineering Department cost G.002
per Square Foot. Counciltexplain~d to large delegatson that Hewing has been ,
Blocks 2, 3 and 4, At this the petition by mmers of 32m07S of prgpertkes,
aginst storm sewer, was filed.* Those speaMng in favor of project wore 3Ih
Howard Ea;lFne, 5612 St.Andrarsfr BreTHarry hdrews, $03 St.Andrews; Xr. Chester
Nichols,4€313- I;akeview Drive; I@. ..If, H, Grgbble, $05 St, Andrem. botasts were
on the grounds that - 1;. Properties are not benefited because they-are on hi&
land and do not need stom sewer. - 2* All properties draining into storm sewel?
are not to be assessed if Council proceeds to assess only Blocks 2, 3*itnd 4*
Golf Terrace Heists First &Wition - 3, agh land properties sol4 for more than
svmp. properties, and -Itthe people who d the storm sewer should pay for
The persons apealcing in protest to the assessment for storm,sewer were I&?. and Hrs.
Robert Bennett, 56l2 Concord he.; I4r. and Nrs. aC, Ililher, 56U Concord Am,;
l$rm R& Freudenthl, 5616 Concord &eo; Nr. Carol IT. .BaEany,%24-Concord Am.; Cu Gved that Council go on record as wish&ng tqproceed with Storn Sewer
pfovi&ng engineering survey agrees with information firmished to .date.- Xotion
seconbd by Damns and carried.
- . *-.* Wgd as result of petition filed Julya23, by 58.49% of properties in $- --. '-.
At this time'a hrge petition IN OPpcrST2ION TO PROPOSED SOuTmf LANE AND CONCdkD
Sl2B FOR VXLLAGB ITATEB TANL(: was fa@, . , d -dalegation-of abou5 39 -owners of prope*r
neighboring. proposed- site supported the petition, &. Fred V. Rogers,5623 Concord
Avenue, objected on grounds that site would devaluate his ovm properby between
five and ten thousand dollars (and bhose properties of other neighbors accordingly)
and that the tank, at its proposed site, would be an 1fattractive hazard'r to school
children. E4r. Chester Nichols stated that the ne5ghboring Golf Terrace-Heights
area has 8 real property vduation of approximatew $I, 500,OOU-xhich rmuld be
considerably higher than most neighborhoods proposed for water tank, He asked
that the tank be placed on legher ground. Nr. Hawthorne eqiI.ained to %he audience
%hat this pxbicular site is being considered by the Council for three reapom--
will, therefore, entziL no expense, 2. The tank, in its present location, will
ah% residmtial property on two sides only, 3. The cost of water distribution
fron i?. tank at this sLte XU be very much cheaper than from either the Village
Hall Triangle site or other proposed locations. Et?. E, C, Stow volunteered to
dedicate property in his new plat on 66th and Normandale .for tank. There were
more objections fromthe audience on the presently proposed locat~kon. Trustze
Ghild, who had been presiding during Hayor Ericksonrs absence during this info&
hearing, explabedthat although a contract had been awarded for construction of
the tank'this contract does not specify the site; that the Council has no-desire
t6 cause inconvenience or trouble by locatkon of the tulli: at any particular site;
tha% the petition presented and the verba3 protests of this evening r.rill be
considered by the Council; and that the Council. will give serious-consideration
Dr, Erickson ret-ed to the Eeoting tat this time,
Bpputy Clerk reported that St.Louis Park is dous to how Council~s f5.d.
decision regarding joint - St .Louis Park-Edina Sever in P-Iotor Streetr .. Hawthorne's
motibn, that it is the sense-of this Council that the action of the Council taken Friday dght, August 24, is the final action on this matter. Hotion seconded by
Child and carxied. Village Engineer Olsson was asked to telephone St.&uis Park
to notify them ofthis decision.
Public Hearing res nexb called on Proposed Water I-kb Lnprovanedt in Vf58th St&eet
from Park Place to France Avenue; ;in Boran'q Edina Ifauor, and in t?*60th Streot from France to Xerxes Aveme. Affidavit wits read and approved as tp fom, Engineerrs
estimate of wst, in amount of $26,0'&20 against 233566.93 assessable feet, 01:
$Lll pzr assessable foot for Td Kain and $39,889.80 against 12,032.25 assess-
able feet, or $3& per assessable foot for kkerals, was read, 'Engineer explained
that those properties connectable to trunk win would be assessed lateral charge
also. Them were several objections, on grounds that trunk would be of no
It will be gn property already owned by the Village, and properby acquisition
to other possible locations before definite site is established. 'I *
8/27/51 219
irmnediate benefit, At this time it was reported to Council that advertised
aqsessable district !as incorrect in that it d5.d not.include those lots facing
South on 31,60th Street between France and Xe-s Avenues. Child offered %he
following.-Resolution and moved itp adoption: ~b RESOLUTION RI$=smnG %lAm PW mommQ -
,. .* HFARIXG . .-
fdE3l33ffi the Village .Council-qf.the Village of 'Edina desires on its om
motio8 tq -&nprqve the property dtQin the boundaries hereinafter described:
llBegirming at the intersection of Park Place and W.5$th St.; th, North 329,62
ft. more or less, to the North Line of the SEl./4 of SEl/4 of the m/4 of Sec. 19,
Twp.28, Range 24 W; tho E, along said 1/4 S&,ion Line a distance of 657.1 feet
more or less; th.-.South 165 feet more or less; th.-Eo358,1l ft, ,more or less; the
EL165 ft. more or less, to the centerline of IG58th-St.; th.3, along W.5&h St, to
Fqance Ave.; the'$, along France he. to W.60th St.;_th. E.along We6Oth St. ta
the sl.sCor. of Lot 13, Block 5, Harrietlfqnor 2nd Addn,; tho N, tothe NE.JCor, of
saCd-lot; th, E, to the NE Cor, qf Lot 11, Block 5, Harriet Emor 2nd Ad*.; the
S, to V.60th St,; th, E, to the ST Cor. of Lot 13, Block 6, ,Harriet Emor 2nd
Ada; th. No to the Nw Cor, of s&.d_lot; th, E. to the I-E Cor. of Lot 11, Block 7,
Harriet PZanor 2nd Ad&-.; tho S, to ~~60th St.; th. E. to tfp SIT Cor, of I& 13,
Block 8, Harriet Hapor 2nd Ad@-.; th. No to the hX Cor, of said. Lot 13; th, E,
to Serxes he,; th. S, along Xerxes Ave, to -fitr,62nd St. if exbended; tho If* along
1?.62nd St. to Park Place, th, No along Park Place to IJ,5&h St. to pt. of
1. begimxing,lt by. construction of the fot~t~ing.JT.ater 3h-Q Extens&ons and Appurte-
nmces: -
1, In W.58th Street from Park Place to France' Avenue, t. 2. To serve all lots in Boran's Edina Ihor not already served by
Water Ilfains , 3. Iq tf.60th Str from France Avenue to Xerxes Avenue.
NOW, .THEXEBOF&, BE IT RESOLVED-by the Village Council of the Village of
Edinatfiat Tt-.is deemed necessary-and expdient to make the Water 3fqin Improve-
ment described above; and that oq the 2@th day of Septanber,..l951, at 7:30
o1clock Pol., this Council will megt at the Village Hall in said Village and
v&ll at said time and place hear the parthies interested therein in refer-ence to
such hproveqent, and will. decide whetner or not to undertake such inprovenent in
whole or in part. c
Kotion for adqtion ofthe Resolution was seconded by Bredes&, and on Rollcall
there were five ayes and no-,nays, as follows: .L Bredesen,-aye; Child, aye;
Danens, aye; Xawthorne, aye; and Erickson, was adopted.
Abyor c
Village, Clerk . .. .
Affidavit of "Notice of Hearing-Blacktopping, as it appeared in Suburban Press,
Hopkins, on August 9 and. 16, 1951, was read, approved as to form, and placpd on
file. Pursuant to this notice, Mayor Erickson called PuSlic Hearing on the
proposed Blacktopping of all streets in Edina Manor Addition. Engineergs Estimate
of Cost was read, in amount of $10,241rO!j as against.6,,!+09.74 assessable feet, or
$1.60 per assessable footr There were no objections from the floor, and the Clerk
had received no, objections prior to the Hear-ing.
of the improvement,
J,E, Borzn spoke in favoq
€?avrthorne offered the, following Rqsolution and moved its
Council heretofore caused qotice of hearing to be duly pnblished on the proposed
improvement consisting of ,the Blacktopping lof all streets in Edina 3lanor Sub-
division; and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice
the Council has duly considsqed the views of all parsons interesteq, and being
filly advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine %o proceed with the
construction of said improvement, but ~nly after sewer 'and water main improvements aa e; %hat said hprovement is hereby designated and .shall be .referred to in
all subsequent proceedings as Street Improvement No. A-21, and the areii to be
specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting
qnd fronting upon the streets in which said improvement is to be constructed.
Plotion for adopt5on of the Resolution was seconded ky Da31ens1 and on Rollcall,t@ere
were five ayes and no nays, as Sollotzsr Bredes?n, aye;. Cl@ld-j~aye; Danens, aye;
Hawthorne, aye; ,and Erickson, aye; and ,the
I ,....., ~ .... . i Village Clerk "
220 I 8/27/51
Mfidav5.t of Rrblications for f%dvertisement for Bids for Street linprovement No+
.&-20,1* in Suburban Press, Hopkins, and Construction Bulletin, IEnneapoXis, were
reviewed, aFproved 9 to form and placed on filel . Clerk announced $hat only one
bid had been received. SeaLed bid of Earl Sen7alJ.ijt.LoEis Park, was publicly
oDened and read, being as follows:
B@&er Olsson reconmended the use of Cutback Asphalt; and Danenst notion, th&
contract +e amrded at Cutback Asphalt Price, to Earl Sewall, P~S seconded by * Ghild and carriedr 4 t-
Bffidavit of hblicatims .for fLAdvertisemnt -for Bids for Street Enpro~menb 110. 33=5,J in Suburban Press, Kopkins, and Co~s~rucfAon Billetin, l.TinneapoLi.s, were
reviewed, approved as to fom and placea on file, Clerk announced that only one bid had been received. ? Sealed bid of Victor Carlson & Sons, *I.Iinneapolis, was -
T *. I
cpublicly -opened and eread, being as -foltlows:
V&e$or..Carlson 8; Sons, kc~, 35inneapolis - $2, 910.60
ST€EEX Pmm*WT 110, B+ * - 6 "*
.i -.
Child &ved .that ?Ad be amrded to Victor Carlson & Sons. IXotion seconded by :
Daneas and carried.
Xr. Ed. Port 2nd one other gentleman ccanplained about the draizlage eituatim at
60th and-Eernard Place, stating that the pates flow has been changed, withwater
now draining over-their properties; thzt'TTillage can correct by &riding street.
Hawthorne asked if the +job is to be assessed, aad Engineer Olsson recommended
against assessment under the circumstances, stating that the work vrould take
about one day. Hawthorne moved that Engineer be authorized to do the work
rewested* 2Zotion seconded by Child and carried.
Discussion was had with regard to the St.Louis Park-Edina joint sewer, vdth Thyor
Erickson reporting that he had received a-telephone call fron the S%.Louis Park
Council, that St.Louis Park has decided to construct lift ststion qd-nake -
connection withhits 0r.m Village, rather than to construct connecting sewer dong
Xotor Street and connect inEdina.
requested sewer as soon as possible.. Because it 3s estimated tbat there w5.U be
an4ncrease in cost to Edina property owners, over the estimate given at thc
meeting of &gust 13, it was decided that a new Public Hearing should be held
before Council proceeds with construction.
asked council to adveAise for bids the evening of the+-Hearing, in order that
constructionmight proceed at once if Council decides to honor hprovement, .
Danens' offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
I +*
A delegation frathe Brookside-Rutledge area
Brookside-Rutledge delegation -
VHEREAS the Tillage Council of the Tillage of 3-a desires on its om notion
to improve' the property within the follovhg described boundaries by construction of
*rBeginniitg at the Northwest corner of Section28, TO<~nship IX7, Range-21;
th.-South along the TJes% Jhe of said Section to- TL52nd Street; tho East 'Iong'Th52nd
Street .to Tmnk Highway No. 169-212; th. Northeasterly a3ong Tmnk Highway No. 169-
212 to its intersection with Brookside Avenue; th: North- along Brookside Avenue to
i'ts- ht-ersection'wiith the South lot line of Lot 43, &ditor*s Subdivision No. 176
if'exkendedTJest; th. Easterly along the South Lot Ees 'of -Lot 43, Auditorts Sub-
itivision No; 176 -and Lot 35 Brookside Terrace, to 3Edehaha Creek; tho 35 a .mean&&
ing course along Ennehaha'Creek, to W.44th Street;. th. 'TIesterIy'along T?.&th Street
the Xast Lot Lines of Lots Eight, Six,. Five, Four, Three, Two' and One, Iluditorls
Subdivision Ho. 176, to the North Village Umits; th. Vesterly to point of begimk~g.~~
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED 'by the-VilXage Council of the ViUage of JikkEna
tb% 2% is. debed hecessary and eqedient to make the Sanitary- Sewer Improvement
described above; and that on the 2&h day of September,'l951, at 7:30.otc3ock P&,
'this Council iarill meet at the3Xl.lage Hall. in said Y'age and will at saZd time
ana place hear the parties interested therein in reference to such improvement, -
and Mill decide whether or not to undertake such improvement I in whole or in part.
Xotion for adoption of the- Resolution was seconded by Child, and' oh Eollca31. 'tlhke
were fi-e-ayes arid no nays, as follovrs: Bredesen, qe;dhildl, aye; Danens, aye;
Hawthorne, age; .and Erickson, aye; and the Reso%tion-ms adopted.
. *
a Sanitary Sewer there&: *: -
to the Xasii-Lot 'Line of Lot 8, Auditorls Subdivision NOed176; 331, Northerly along ..
(p!/ t,,. c, / Lk-a:&-
' ' &yor ..
- 1 * --- Village Clerk'
Child's motion, directing Village Engiheer to prepare plans and specEications for
Trunk Sewer on Notor Street and for laterals on Brookside, btledge and Division
Streets,as pr petition, and to advertise for bids for said sewers to bs talcen September 2&,195l., was seconded by Danens and carried,
'i &Ira Peder Efickelsen informed the Com+cil that he had not received payment for
the Colonial Grove Third Addition and Woodend Addition connections to the water,
main constdcted by him on France Avenue.+ This matter was referred to Village
Engineer Olsson fpr settlement.
At€o&ey Hax Otto, representing tliose Vest MinneapoI3.s Heights property owners *
petitibning for hexation to City of Hopkins, ^inquired as to status of petition.
-Mayor Erickson reported that he has received wora from the Hopkins Council that,
Hopkibs is %umilling to grant Win& a sanitary.-sewer-connection. Engineer
Olsson stat'ed $hat a Stom Sewer -can be constructed to, dr@n-S;he area West of
lkdison Avenue between Belmore Lane and North Village Limits, for between
$24,000- and $26,000; tI5i.s being-a sewer-himing in Behore Lane to County
Road 18, and then South ik County-Road 18 for about three blocks, and+ then
into Nine-EEle Creek. &. Otto rdnacid C;oiuiilt,hat, upon bexgxtion to
Hopkins, there Gill be a decrease 'fi kwrance 'rates 'from 36# €0 22# per $100.
Village Attorneydfadhorstts opinion of June 2-h wa-s reviewed. Hawthorrie
stated that it is- his 'opMon that this 'CbunciX has; no 'definite proce,dure ~
by which to rexease the-section petitSoEhg, 2nd tkiat he feels that the Council
should not es2ablish'a prpcedent for secess'ioa'from the Village of Edina, and
that he therefore' moves- tMt* petztion for amfezation to City of Hopkins be
deniedf. Ellotion seconded by Danens and carried, with Mayor Erickson voting
Hr. Otto asked that petition for'annexadiioxi be retkkiea .Eo him in order that it might'be presented to Hop-. - Hgiwtliorne-movea that petition be released
to Mr. 15a;X Ot+o on condition that pho$osta%ic'copy is submitted for Edina
Council files.* Hotion seconded by Bredesen and carried.
_. . -_ -. .
- . -< -- - I
-- -.. - -. . __
~ Tim gentlemen made re&est for- pemiT- Eo' construct a four-plex back of filling
Hawthorkie moved that Public Hearing station at 54th 'Street-&d France 'Avenue.
be set for Monday, September 10, 19%, ad %Kat Planning Conmiksion be
requested to give a recommendation to Council before that tim+ Motion
seconded by Child and carried.
Err l&rtenis^aga~$.n inquired abmt status or State Highway Department Traffic
Survey for W.50th Street. Nr. Olsgon repor€ed tha% State Traffic Engineer Darrell
had called& this osfice in response to XP. Olssonfs request, to discuss traffic
on ll.5Oth Street, and had advised that if it is 'necessary to reroute.truclcs from
f'f,!jOth'Street, Vil$age must designate otlier sfireets as strmck routes; that the
Highway Department ?Till be glad. to-niake any 'survey the Council desires but that
Ttr-DarreIl believes our own departrient is able to handle the I~orig5.11 and
des%ination" stirvey suggested by E&&. 2tlart'enis; that the Highway Depahent -cYill'
r&ove courtesy signs as soon as iEo& request has been qceived to do si, but
Mr, Darrell believes there will be objection from business men in Village.
No action! taken.
PIP. S.V. B joruund of Edina Development' Corporation yequested inTomation as to
Council's decision about the.reo,uested grading of GIengarry Parkway'Dom Ifirror
Lakes Road to the north line of developerrs property and also developerrs
proposition that Village agree $0 pay 0rieThd.f cost ,of grading Glengarry Park-
way along Lake and Par@ pea as designated.
on this matter be deferred untiX September 10, and that Village Manage?,
Planning Commission and Park'Board be requested to give Counci1.specifi.c
recommendations at that time, was seconded by Child and carried.
Trustee Bredesen left the meeting at this time.
Nre E. C* Lapp again inquired B;bout'status of Garrison Lane Survey and was
infpmed Isy 'Engineer Olgson that, weather pe?nit%ing, the County Surveyors r.JiU.
The Garrison Lane delegation axso complkried that Donald 3IcClellan has not
yet cleaned up th,e Brush and debris dumped on Village owned property in their
neighborhood. TJo action taken.
Bfr. E. C. Stow present-ed peti;tion for Sanitary Sewer in Yvonne Terrace.
moved that petition be accepted, that Public Hearing on proposedLimprovement be '
set for Xonday, September 24, at 7~30 P.f-f., and that Council advertise'for bids
for project as of September 24.
_- ?
-. - . ..
Hawthorners motion, that action
be,in thp field this next week to check legal descriptions. I
.. .. ...
Notion seconded by Danens and carried, - ..
Hr. Stow r&c€ed Council tk? a bill has been passed offering Federal Aid for-
extension of Sanitary Sewers. He suggested that Council~,look into this hatter,
with regard to extending trunk sewers South on Normandale Road+
I&, Peter Dorsey prksented two reports 'by Nk*- '6Endhorst regarding Codification
of Pillage .Ordinances,
Ordinances and Legislation Committee, with reguest for early report*
Council- referred letters to 7~. Bredeseh, Chairman of
222 0 8/27/51
Claims Ewdamges to automobiles, filed-by LA Pertl, 50% Yvonne Terrace, an&
H.J. Anderson, 7209 Thomas Avenue South, in amounJcs of $63.50 and $2l.82 respectively,
were reported by Village Engineer Olsson.* He stated-that these damages had resul;t;ed
from washoufts in Village streets, resulting from Jidy 20th Stom. Attbrney Dorsey
advised that the Village is not liable unless gross negIigence cah be prove&
Child's motion that Council deny claims, was seconded by Danens and carried.
lk. Dorsey reported that the/case'rEU. come before tlie'court on Septeniber PO,
Discussion was ha&. 'Hawthorne moved that Rolling Green Association'be notified to
get together with Nk. Botzen, Notion seconded by Danens and carried.
Vil?.age Engbieer OXsson reported tha%, in compX5ance v&tK request by Council,' he has
contacted Hk., Barnes of %he Twin City Rapid Transit Company with regard to removal of
Brookside Briage." It was I&. Barnesl--opinion that Edinat should offer to purchase
Cohiw's property across right-of-way 7(or-condeJnn- 'it) if the Village wishes- bridge-
removed 'an& crossing on grade.' The Company TU remove' bridge abutments if property
is condemned, No action taken.
- " Rugloski '
. -\ -- -. . -- .. .- -
Petitions kere'filed for the Grading and Graveuizlg of %both Street between Wooddad
and Fa*fax; ahd between Wooddble and Oaklawn &mues.
be accepted, and the Public Hearing on proposed Grading and-GraveIEng of V'fibUth
Street betiveen Fairfax and OaXLavn Avenues be set f or Eonday, September 24, was
seconded by Danens and carried.
Petition datea August 2I and signed by We- Go Bogen, for water main'exbension into
all of Brookside Heighiis Addition, vas filed.
do& no% contain 'signatures of owners of !jl% of ,affected pkopert3.es.q Hawthorne
moved %bat petition be denied and that petitioner be infomedthdt there is no
immediate prospect of water in this locality, Xotion seconded by . _. Child - and carried.
Pegition was $Zed for the Blacktopping of that portion'of Woodcrest Drive with51 .
Shady Pines Addition. - HawthomeCs motion, settjhg Public Heiirhg on proposed -iThprove-
ment for gondag, September 24, 19!3., at 7:30, was seconded ~ _.- by * Child .* and carried.
Petixion dated August 15 was filed for chatige of street name of Tr656th Street betveen
Nomadale Road and Hansen Road? to tSurrey Xane.1* CouncU wa6 reminded that this
is the petition on which %here was protest at Che-last meeting. Hawt;horne moved
€hat petition be denied'hd that petitioners-be Wormed that "change in name will. be
confusing to Post Office. Xotion seconded by Child and carried.
E. Ulsson reported tbat the School Bard has invited the Council 50 a join%-meeting.
He TE~S asked to notify €he Board that the Council will be glad to meet at any time
convenient to the Board. -
BppIication of Bruce Con&-uckion Company, for permit to- cons'r;ruct- ?'xlO* illuminated
sign South-of Edinbrook Lane on Highway No. 100 vas denied, by motion Hawthorne
seconded by Child and carried.
Petitions kor the Gravelling fLnd the Blacktopping of Vestbrook Lane between TL48th
and lT.49-Lh Streets were filed.
proposed bprovements for donday, September 24, at 700 P.lL, was seconded by Child
and carried.
Child's motion, tha€ petitions
- - - . - -. -..
It' was reported tkiat'this petktion
-- ___ -
-.- - - -*
-_ * ~
._ _. .I - -#. . --
c* . ".. .- .I
Hav&horneIs motion, Settkig'Public Hearing on -
-* - ~ I- -.
Store Uhnagerrs request for increase in sale for Robert hciahl, Clerk, was
repoAed, Hawthorne?s motion, ~ that request be referred to Liquor- Commission for
recommendation, was seconded by Child and carried.
EXat%er of additional assessments for actual costs over estimates, for the Bhcky
iiopping of streets. c s e&.*
Eawthorne' s motion, t~~~~~~i~~~iid&iji%i ~~t~~~~ &@Gag &tk&P$ Bm; ad
The ma.tter ofthe allocation of %he compramise settlement 50 J,V. Gleason was dis- cussed at some lengfih, Hawbhorne moved that it is $he sense' of this Council that
any-portfon of the compromise settlement which'is no% assessable be paid from the surplus account of the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Eotion seconded by
Child and carried,
Engineer Ol'sson reported that School Board is adous to have High School Driveway
sealcoated before school begins,
€0 have'driveway sealeoated, billing School for work.
Xotion by Child, for payment of Village Payroll, amount $6,333;77 and Liquor Store
Payroll, amount $635.39, for period Augpst 16 to 31, iriclusive, as recordea in detail
in payroll ledger, and for payment of the following cla;imS, was seconded by Danens
andcarriedz *
I .. -
Parlamod Knolls an .I. r r Lakes A ditqns P
at 7:30, tras seconded ~- by Child and carried. .. - --- . 1 _--
I - .. "f
Har.rt;horne moved that Village Engineer sje authorized
Hotion seconded by Danem and
.. + - _-
ClXDl NO, TO: 'r mhwestern Be31 Tel. Co.
6li+2 Northerg States Power Go, + 6l45 PfeiZfeF Const, Co-.- . '
>EdlandrSoap & Chemical Co. 63-46 ,6u9 Park Fqd ' - - 6151 Grossmq ChevroleZ Co, , Inc,
6152 Schaub Office SuppXy-Co,: 6153 H.Q, Jolpston Culvert Go. 6155 DietricQ Liver GO. 6156 Berg &Farnhan Co. 6157 E&uriceFL. Rothschild & Co; 6161 League gi EG.iu3, WnicipaUties
6162 International Ctty fktagers Pbsn,
Glacier :Sand & Gravel. Co. 6164 6165 E&l Se&l ' 6167 l!!e~icaq Linen-Supply Co,
6171 Bury & €&&son, Inc; 6176 Gle~ J~hnson-Const.' Co, 6177 * s Hennep% 'Coun%y' Review 6181 ~ , LyleSigns, Inc;
6182 NiUer'DavZs Go, 6183 Carlbloq Harness Store 6184 Little qress, l5-i~~~ - 6186 IEnn, Fjre Extin&isker Co.
6190 Jay 16, @sig-Co.
6192 Repbliq Creosoting C6, 6193 RosenwaAd-Cooper, Inb, 6194 Rosholt-~EquLpnent Go. 6196 Suburban Press 6199 Town'& C,ountry Hdwe,
6200 H, A. Bqgers Co.
.. 1
~ - ._-
Os-wr'BQberts C6, -.
6201 Youilg' me1 co-, c
Jorgen H, Bnderson - *, 6l-48 .I
+ 6137 City Trqas. ,- Bpls , 3h, * 6139 Northwes,tern Bell Tel, GO.
6U.l Nortfierq- States Power Coo
6168 Badger qeter Bg. Go, 6177 Hemepin County Review '
Town & C,ountry Hdwe, Go,
Northmkern Bell Tel, C6. *
Nortliem. States Power Co.
firm, H, Ziegler Coo; Incl
6154 E*EssZSSQP'~ Valley Tbk CO.
6199 .. - .
63.42 . ..
6u3 Reinhard Bros. Co.*
6U 6U7 Chas-, Olson-& Sons, EIC,. * 6159 Gopher Xquip.-Cor*
6160 Dependahle Motors, Inca * 6167 herick Lirien Supply Cor *
6173 + D-A Lubiricant Co., Inc. 6174 Edim- Pure Oil 6erv.- ' 6175 General Truck'& Eq~p, CO. 6178 6179 David Agezicy
6180 Leef Bros,, 1Cnc. 6185 The 'Minar Go,
1.31s. Iron Stare
Morthwestern TjIre Co.' 6191 Phill-ips Petro'ieum Coi 6195 Suburban ChevYolet Go,
6ucO Northez% States Power Cor
6158 Lyon Chemicals, kcr
6163 Edina Hardware
6166 Alton F, Junge
6169 A-11 CO, I~c. Of EEJIII, a
Ha 11, Toll ..
6187 6188
Tom & Country Hdwe, Co.
I ' 39b40 157380
67.15 &36
' 7;64
9Z94 50;02
57234 13.66
" 11.10
13 20
. t. *
+ SmmT
cudr NO. t a5 Pfeiffer'Const, Co.
* L
869 6U8 Jorgen H, Anderson - . 31.05
6150 Victor CArYson & Sons, Inc. = 609; 50
6x70 Jorgen H. Anderson 49; 80
6172 Constiuction Bulletin 24;w-
6190 Jay If, Craig Go. 645;OO
f 10.92 6196 Subukban Press *
6200 H, A, Rogers Co,
6202 Te&y Excavatirrg Go, T - 867;93 6203 Bart Carlone t 2;683;62' 3,957eu
i - 725; 54
6204 Bart Carlone *
6205 Phelps-Drake Co. *
6206 Pfeiffer Const, Coo 1,176;60 *
6208 Phelps-Drake Co a A U+O;05
6210 Lamett5 &. Lametti 3; 525&
r 31;23 * *
6207 EarI-SewaZ'L et Sons 8tp;Oo '
6209 Bart Carlone . " 1,104;35
6m Earl- Sed2 6t Sons 2y071;02 PoIoBo FUND 6212 Phelps-Dr&e Coo 4 137.61 618,678.29 -.
U5k9 1E.and Na&onal Bank $l.46;10 - 60; 54
.) 230.19 32.5% u551 knheuser-Busch, Inc, - U-552 Canada Dry *Ginger Ale, kcr t u3 ;78
, * 637i4.4
J3.553 Clausen 6t Sons, Inc, ' - 7J-554 Coca-Cola Bottling GO,, Inc;
Cold Spring Distributing - Co* 153; 58 W556 Cornelius Beverage Co. L 253;77 =555
0. X. Droney Beverage Co. 54647
u557 U558 Gluek Brewiing Co.
u559 Gold Xedal. %Beverage Coo '
u560 Kuether Distributing Coo
- 26230
Ill561 * Void
~~562 HAssolt Bottling Coo .
I*iinneapolis: Brewing Co; T - 1,439102
+" 286i4.6
EL564 . UbrriE Distributing Coo
-* 209.70 J3.565 Pabst 'Sales Go..
" - 16L7O. W567 Rex Diskributing Coo '
* 23;99 I11568 Seven-Up Bottling Co.
U.569 F. J, QuZnn Papr Go.
The National Cash Register Co, 13.63. urn Northern States Power Co; - 4a35 n57a
U572 Anerican'Linen Supply Coo d u;65 n573 I.liller-Davi?s Co 1 - 4;70
Ill575 Famous - Brands, Inc * ' 1 1;097.00 - n574 '
.) 2,656;21 Ufl6 Griggs, Cooper & Co, n577 HcKesson & Xtobbins, Inc. c 637;65 LIQUOR FUND
Engineer Olsson reported claim of Bonnan Plumbing & Heating Go., amount $298.66, for
mrk'done in connecting sewer at 59th and tboddale because of errhroin sewer construc-
tion, Xessrs Olsson and Voehler recommended that clah be paid, Child moved that *
Val. B jornson, . Treas a PERll
31;40* *
lOL90 *. *
13566 Purity Go.,* Inc.
Village of 23di.na-GeneraJ. Fund - 1;5&3 .
t 274.92 $10,226.75 .- L + - -. Ed. Phillips & sons co* ..
* I cla-im be allowed, %tian seconded by Danens and carried-. .+
Claim, i.n amount of $84.90, filed by lfapard Sandberg far exbra. work done by plunber
in connecting to'sewer *at 5841 Oa3cla$m Avenue, vas reviewed. Haivbhorne moved that .
cla,im be allowed, Kotion seconded by Child and carriedr -
1-k; Danens reported tbt Village Toolhouse neada an*exLension in order that machinery
may be-aliept' out of the weather,
to prepare plms and specifications and advertise for bids for extension to Village
Toolshed, was seconded by Child and carrieda
Child mved for adjourhent. Xotion seconded by Danens and carried. Keeting
Hawthorne*s mobion, %ha% Village Engineer be directed
--- u
adjourned at l2:21-A.I.I, , * Tuesday, August 2% c * 1.
i *
#/ .