HomeMy WebLinkAbout19510910_ADJOURNED240 (Continued from P.239) Griggs, Cooper & Go. 6236 Arthur E. Petersen 6218 Boman Plumbing et Htg.Co. 6219 Hapard R. Sandberg lumum . 585.98 $ 40.00 8 298;66 84.00 6217 First Hational Bank y5700 Suburban Hem. Cy. Relief Board Petition dated A~igust U.,1951, in protest to Sanitary Sewer construction 51 Xerxes Avenue between W. 58tB and TT.60th Streets,was filed. be accepted and placed on file, and that Village Engineer be directed to check with City of KLnneapolis on connection .to City sewer, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. . l-iayor Erickson returned to Heeting a6 th5s time. Codification of Village Ordinances was reported on br &.Bredesen,who recomnended that Public Hearing be held .on Zoning Ordinance. Child's motion, setting Public Hearing on Village Zoning Ordinance for Eonday,October 8,19Tl,at 7:30 P.11., was seconded by Hawthorne and carried. The hour being late,@hild moved for adjournment of NeeZin to ~~onday,Septe~er.-~7,19~~ yLtj& Village Clerk a€ 7:30 POX. Hotion seconded. by Hawthorne and d.X, Tuesday, Septembzr U. Hawthomet s motion, that petition ' I 'edd 4eet' g adjo rned at 12:15 XI"TZS OF ADJOUFNED PORTION OF SEmm 10, JBZR T.~OND~~,S~~ 17, 1951, AT 7~30 P.14. . 19% RE(2UIAR EEEXING OF Th EDINA VI~4~'COUNCIL, 31embers ansurerieg Rollcall iIere Bredeben, Child, Danens and Erickson, xXh Havrbhorne coming hter as recorded below. Engineer Olsson reported on bids for Sanitary Sewer Construction, taken September LO,' listing Lametti & La&ett'i,St.Paul,as low bidder for SNTrARY SEER R-FBO~~~fl NO. 35, in morn% of $60,094.77,*and Bart Carlone,St.Paul,as low bidder on Sanitary Skrer Improvaent for Village Hall (from Dale Drive, across IT.50th St.,),at $2,502.20. Ghildts motion,th& bids be awarded eo low bidders,and that Eayor and Clerk be directed'to enter. into contracts with respective bontractors,ms seconded by Bredesen and carried. Bk.Olsson reviewed Sids taken September 10,for addition to ViUage~TooShouse,recommend- ing that bid be awarded to Jacobsen and Quist,lor.r bidder,at $1,975.00. Danens' motion, that low bid be accepted,and tha-b 1.Iayor ad CTerk be directed to enter into contract in name of Village for this work, was seconded by Child and carried. I It was reported that the business an$ professional men located on l-krket Street vish the street's name changed back to H.49; Street. Office advised to iiiom 1Tarket'Street ohers and occupants thafi an inforrnal hearing vfll be held on this reqyest on Septenber 24, at 9:30 or 1O:OO P.X. Council reviewed several letters from Golf Terrace area, requesting drainage relief,and in favor of large storm sewer project for this area. Resolution ad moved its adoption: Child'offered the follovag R%SOLUTIOIJ SETTING PU3LIC €IEiRING -1) a I PROPOSED STORM SE.53, IfP.NO.19 1- the Qillage Council of the Village of Bdina desires on its own motion to * improve the property vithin the following described boundaries bf construction of a Storn Sewer and apphenances to serve said property: South on Kellogg he. to IT. 56th' Street;thence East on W. 56th Street to Oaklapm Avenue; thence South on Oaklavrn Avenue if extended South to 59th Street; thence Uest on TT.59th Street to Ashcroft Avenue; thence South on Ashcroft Avenue if extended to Valley View Road; thence Vest on Valley ViewRoad to Nomandale Road; thence North onNormnda3.e Road to Yvonne Terrace; thence Vest on Yvonne Terrace to a point agproximtely 700 feet Vest of Normandale Road; thence Iqorth on a he parale1 and TOO feet distant to Nomandale Road to the centerline of TT.53rd Street if exLenaed; thence East on center- line of W.53rd Street if extiended to Kellogg Avenue which is the point of beginning.f1 lJo[T, T=O;S1F;,BE IT WOLm by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that it is deemeh necessary ad expedient to make the Stom Sewer lbprovement described above; and thzt on the 8th day of October,l9!&'at 7:30 o'clock P.T.I., this Council will meet at the Village Hall in said Village and irill at .said the and place hear the parties interested therein in reference Bo such improvement, and TU decide whether or not to undertake such improvement in whole or in part, Hotion for adoption of the besolution was seconded by-BreGeseV, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: nBeginning at the intersection of Kellogg 3venue and T.h.53rd Street; thence Bredesen, we; auld, aye; Dwens, we; and '\/ Eric ion vas adopted. /. ATrn I v\ '&ySy q/ . Village Clerk "ihyor 9/10/51 Clerk Hawthorne entered the fleeting at this time, 241 Discussion was had with regard to licensing real estate developers and builders- for-sale, Council can consider an ordinance rep-laking developers and builders, was ,seconded by Danens and 'carried* Nanager Olsson reported requests *for salary increases by Robert Obemeyer, Richard Oberrneyer and Jack Keredith, members of the Engineering Crew, said I requests being to $1.75 per hour for Robert Obemeyer, 2nd to $1.50 per hour *for the other two,. Considerable discussion was had as to advisability of granting raises in the middle of year, with some members advocating no raises until&muary 1, 1952, and with Mr. Danens recommending requested raises as an expediency, inasmch as at'least one man has another position in view+ Hawthorne reqyested a recommendation 'from NP. Olsson. ?Ira Olsson suggested that r;Council recognize requests and grant wage _increases to $1.60 per hour for ~obelica Ner edith / and grant said raises td be in effec$ from October 1, 173 toJanuary 1, 1952, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. €iatrl;horne's motion, that Village Manager arid Deputy Viilage Clerk be directed to submit proposed Job Classification and Sa3ary.Schedule at the October 26th Cquncil Meeting. . Notion seconded by Child and. carried. Budget for Year 1952 was drafted and discussed at considerable length. It pias decided to postpone adoption &til Dieeting of October 8, ' Hawthorne' ; motion, that the Village Attorney, Village lhager and Ordinances and Legislation Committee be directed t6 prepare information so that \ *r 1; I * There being no further business to come- before the-lketing, Child moSed for adjournen%, Hotion seconded by Bredesen and carried. 14eeting adjourned at c v uiage EllWl!ZS OF THE REGULAR XEE?ING OF THE * mINn VILL!!GE CQIJNGIZ, I%EZD IIOJIDAY, + hL ~ SZ@TB.!lBER 24, 1951r .AT 7:30 P.M~..~T I* C . THE DINAYV~~ H&X '> c * Itembers an&ering Rollc~ll were *BGedesen, Child, -Danens and Erickson. Rinutes 09 the Regular Heeting of September 10, and the adjourned portion of thf: Septenber lOth*&?eting* held September 2%, 1951, were approved as submitted; by I4otion Child, seconded by Danens and c&ried. - Hawthorn? arriye$ immediately after approval of the Minutes and before any other matter of businFssa , Fgrst matter of busiGess wassthe taking of bids for several construction projects. 4ffidavits of Publication for Advertisements for Bids in Suburban Press, HopUhs, form, and placed on file, said.advertisements covering the projects named below, Bids on projects were then publicly opened and read, as follows: SAN.SEXLE3 ? +T 'i* r ff * ' * and Construction Bulletin, IYZnneapolis, we$e submitted by-clerlc, approved as to ~ SftN,~~ SAN.Sm?;llER S4.",SBm SAJJ.SE'tBf3 SAN.SEtR DRB? &: EVJXG