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SEPTE3BER 10, 19%, 1~30 PA,, BT .I THE.EDINA VILUGE HALL, -. -. . I_ -- . . _.
l%3nbers answering Rollcall were Bredesen, Danens, Hawthorne and Erickson.
EZiuutes of SpeciAX Eeeting of Aukst 2&,*X95L-~il Rewar Heeting of AuguS€ 27, 1951, were approved, by motion Hamthorne, seconded by Bredesen and carried.
Pursuant to "Notice of Keering on Petition So Ehi-iId Four-Ples in Non-Confomaxice
with Zoning Ordinance," publ'ished in Suburb& Press September 6, 1951, AffLdavit
for Which publication was read-by Cleric, Eyer Erickson cUed Public Hearjng'
on the petition of Uan Garrison to build a Four-Plex'on the Sl%L/t$'of Lot 18,
Block 1, South Harriet Park Secona Lda%ion (3906-1U 'W.54th Street) i Planning Commission*s-recodatiofi of September 4, approfig site arid recofmiending
approval'of project by Councja. subject %oXomEssion*s approval. of plans, was
reviewed, There were no obaections from the floor, and the Tillage- Clerk had
received no objections prior to the Hearing. Hawthorne niovGd*that permit for
construction of Four-€'lex a% 3906-10 tG54th Street be grated, sutiject to
conditions recommended by Planning Cormnission. Notion semnded by Danens and
Public Hearing wiis cued on proposed Sariitary Sewer Iinprovement in Concord .
Avenue between TJ859th and M.60th Streets, Ufidavit of Publication for Notice
of Hearing, as it appeared- in Su%ur%an Press; Hopkiszs on &ugust- 16 and 23, was
read, +proved as to fo&n ad placed on fire. Ehgineer's EsZimate of Cost was $6,40€k23 against 1,178r51. assessabxe fees, or $5e& per assessable foot.
There were no bbjections from the floor, and the CXerk-had received no protests
prior to the Hearing,
adoption: *
SdNITm SEliEB IbE%09EXENT 10.38
BE IT RESOLVELI by the Council .of the Village of- Edirra, I~hesota, that this Council
heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed-improve
ment consisting of Consthetion of Sanitary Sewer Extension and Appurtenances in
Concord Avenue between W.59th and W.6Oth Streets, and at the hearing held at'the
time and place specified in said notice We Council has duly considered the View
of all persons interested, and beirig fully advised of the pertinent facts does
hereby determine to proceed with %ke corktraction of said improvement; khat said
improvement is-hereby designa2ed ana shall be referred t0-h all subsequent pro-
ceedings as Sanitary Sewer Improvement No, 38 and the area tdbe specially assessed
therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abu€ting and fronting upon the
streets in which sdd improvement is to be constructed* ._
Hotion for adoption of Resolution was duly seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall
there were foui. ayes and no nays,'as foIXbws:
Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was dydared duly passed
and adopted.
- . _. . -. _. -
_- - ~ -.-
- - -. -. -- .' -
Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its I
- t
Bredesen, aye; Danens, axe;
AT'ifEST: s &T 7q' ,~,JL4L?bfi~ -
Q Napr Z7/& Village Clerk
Hawthorne introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
BE IT RESOLVE1D by the Village Council. of. the Village .of Edina: . - -
1, The plW and specifications for Sanitary Sewer Improvement No, 38 hereto-
fore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office ._ of the Village
Clerk &re hereby approved.
2, The Clerk shall cause to be'published twice in the Suburban Press and the
Construction Bulletin the f6llowing notice for bids for the construckion of said
improvement :
'1 * . VmaOFmINA
The Edina Village Couiu5.l will .meet at the Village Hall, 'l&Ol IJ. 50th Street,
f.linneapoX.s, on Konday, September 2&, 193, -at 230 o'clock P.H., to opb and con-
sider sealed>bids for the construction of Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 38.b
said Village, consis€ing of'construction of Sanitary. Latzral. Sewer and Appurtenances
in Concord Avenue between If8 59th and 3T. 60th Streets.
tl *
-. 1
Tlie work on said improvement must be done as described and-specified in the
plans'and specifications for sai? improvement,on file in %he office ofthe Village
Clerk, 811 bids must be submitted,qn+the basis of casQ payment for the work. No
bids will be considered unless sealed and fQed with the undersigned before the tinie
of said meeting and accompanied by a dsh^deposit; bid bond, or certified check pay-
able to the Village Clerk in the pount of Ten per cent of %he amount of the bid*
E \ Bower Hawthorne
+ c Village Clerk ~ Edina, I~iinnesota .-- -
-- - 3. -Ea& and all -of the terms of the foregoing advert'isenent for bids are hereby-
adopted as the terms and conditions of the award of the contract for said improvement. -- . . _- .. - - -.
3Oticq for adopKLon of Resolution was duly seconded 7jy'I)ariens, e ad on Eollca3.l- there
were four ayes &nd no nays, as follows: Bredesen,
and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution vas declared Am: t
* I
* - ._ -. - -. Villdge Clerk
CIerk reaa Affidavit of Publication for Wotice -of Hearing- on- Proposed ;Sat&& '
Semr, TTa€er I.-, aid Grading and Gravelling 'Inprovenen%s,ll for St,Johns Avenue-
between-% 58th and TL 59th- Streelk, said- mo?;ice. hawing' appeared in Fuburban Press,
Hopkins; August-16 and 23, 1951, Affi$avi% was approved as to form 'and placed
on fae, and r.fasor called Public Hea;ripgs iti conformance with notice read.
&gineer~s+Esthates of Cost; as 'read, were as follows: - .-_ . .
'For SarXitwy Sewer - $5,628.69 as agaipst 1,000 dssesskble Feet or 85.63 per
For Water &in ' - $5,303.88 as against 1,197 Assessablb Feet or $4.43 per,
For'Grading and Gravelking - $l,l4'7.50 as against - 1,197 .. Assessable -. Feet or
*. - .. Assessable Foot.
Assessable Foot. *
8,96 per Assessable Foot. . - ..
There were no objections from the floor to any oT the above named imprOvesnents, and
the Clerk had received no objections prior to the Hearing.
Hawthorne offered the folloxing Resolution and Loved its gdoption:
BE: IT m0L' by the Gouncil of the .V-ge of Edina, .I.Iinnesota, that this' Go-irncil
heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improve-
meng consisthg of Construckion of Sanitary Lateral Sewer in St. Johns Avenue'
between T'T, 58th and If. 59th Streets, and at the hearing held at the time and place
specified in said notice the Council has Wly considered the views of -all persons
interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent'facts does hereby determine
to proceed with the construction of said improvemenk; that said improvement is
hereby designated and shall b6 referred to in all subsequent procee-s as
Sanitary Sewer Znprovement XO. 39 and the area to ,be specially assessed therefor
shaIl include all lots and tracts of Iand abut%% and fronting upon the streets in which said improvement is to be constructed.
Xotion for adoption of Resolution'was duly seconded by Danens, and on Itol.XcaU~
tliere were four ayes abd no nays, as follovrs:' 3redesen,--aye; Danens, aye; Hawthorne,
aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution vas d cQrC & Wly passed and adopted.
' d&* ATTEST: K'4 1 ( x:. L:;&/h*Y Z/&. 4Iayor
Village Clerk *
Hawthorne introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption:
I33 33 RZSOL~~ by the Village Council of the Village of Zdina:
lr The plans and specifications for Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 39 hereto-
$ore preparedabby the Village Engineer and now on file in the office _. of the Village
Clerk are hereby approwd. r
,2* Tae Clerk s&U cause to be publishes twice in the Suburban Press and the
Cohstruction Bulletin the follothg notice for bids for the construction of said
improvement: * ADVERTXSB-& FOR BIDS FOR .
SANITf2Y mm I34PRom.m NO, 39 VImm OF ED33.A
9/10/51 T L r”’
The Edina Village, Council trill aeet at the Village Hall, ‘4801 If, 50th Street,
Ninneapolis, on Honday, September 2&, 1951,’ at 7:30 of clock P.N., to open and con-
sider sealed:bids for the construction of Sani%ary Sewer Imp-rovemen% Nor 39 iq
said Ellage, consisting of construction of Sanitary La€eral Sewer and Appurtenances
in St. Johns Avenue between 2.L 58th and W. 59th Streets.
i. The work on said improvement must be done as described and specified in the
plms.”and specifications for said impro$ement on file in t€ie office of the Village
Clerk, All bids mst be submitted on the bash of cash papent for the work.
bids VU be considered uhless seaed and filed vdth the undersigned before the the
of said meeting and accompanied by a-cash deposit,-bid bond, or certified check
payable to the Village Clerk in the mount of Ten per cent of the amount of %he bid,
Bower Hawthorne
I Yillage Clerk
* Edina, T.Iinnesota
3. E%ch and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids. are hereby adop€ed as the terms and conditions of the award of the contract for said
.- -- I improvement*
Notion for adoption of Eesolut5on was duly seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall
there were four zyes and no nays, as foU*owsi
Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolut-ion tras’zeclared duly passed and
Bredesen, aye; Danens, ayb;
_I Nayor
Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
BE IT F&SOLVED by %he Council .of the Village of- jklina, 1-finnesota, that this’ Council
hei.etofore caused notice of hearing to be ‘duly-published Qn the‘proposed improveam-it
consisting of Construction of Water %in and Appurtenances in St. Johns Avenue
between ?if, 58th and TT. 59th Streets and at tkie hearing held at the .time and place
specified in said notice tlie Council has duly conszdered the views of all persons
interested, and being fully advised of the pertirient’facts does hereby de’cermlne
to proceed with the constru’ction of said irhprovement; that said improvement is
hereby designated aid shall be referred to in831 subsequent proceedhgsas Water
include-all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets h which
said improvement is to be constructed*
- Eain Iinprovemenzi No, 40 and &he area to be specially assessed therefor shall
~ .. ~ - .-. .. -_
Kotion €or adoption of Resolution was duly seconded‘by‘Dariens,+and on EollcaXI*there
were four ayes and no nays, as follows:
and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution ATTEST: I
Mayor .
Village‘ Clerk . . .. . +
Hawthorne introduced the follotring resolution and moved its adoption: 3
BE IT EESOLVXD by the ViUage Council, of the Village of Zdinat
1. The plans ahd specificat2ons for Water 3iin Iinprov&ent-No. -40 heretofore
pkepared by €h& Tillage EnginFer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk
are hekeby approved; + P r
Construktion 3ulletin the follotichg notice for bids forthe constructiQn ofcsaid
improvement: + lr
__ - . -.
2, The Clerk bhall cause to be published tTvice in the Suburban Press and the
The Edina Village. Council meet at the Tillage Hall, -4803. I?. 50th Sbreet,
Ximeapolis, on &onday, September 24, 1951, at 7r30 orclock PJL, to open and
consider sealed bids for the construxtioii of ffater Kaih Improvement No. 40 in said
*Village, consibting of construction of water main extension and appurtenances in
'228 [ . *.
9/10/!3. 1
St. Johns Avenue between 11. 58th and IT. 59th Streets.
TEe tmli in s@;improvement must be -done .as described qnd specified in the
plans-and sBecifications for said improvement; on file in-the office of the Village
Clerk, All bids must be sukmitted on the basis of cash payment for the work. No bids .rKll be conszdered ui-iL.9~~ sealed and,filed with %he undersigned before the Zime
of said meeting and accompanied by a cash deposi%, bid bond, or 'certified check pay-
able to.the Village Clerk in the anount of Ten per cent of the amount of the bidg
* Efotier %w%Eorne * Village Clerk
- ma, Ximesota - **
E. 3. Each and all 02 the ten& of the foregoing advertisement for bi6s ai-e heresjy- adopted as the tern and conditions of the award of the contract for said improvement.
Xotion for' adoption of Resolution vas duly sdconded Ey * Ilariens, - ana 6n Rollca3l' there
-- . -- - --
ikre four'ayes:&d no nays, as follows: . Bredesen,
and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was declared
' Vwage Clerk ,
Hawthorne offered the folloxkng Resolution and mov2d i$s adoption:
$3" IPPROlTBBN!C.NO; G1.5 '-
EE IT EESOLTTED by the Council- of the Village of-Edina, Uesota, that this Council-
heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on-tkie proposed improknent
consisting of Gradbig and Gravelling of St, Johns Avenue betiken' "I; ?j&h' and Tf,?j9%h
Streets arid at the hearing held at the t&ne'&d place specified*in said notice the
Gouncjl has duly considered the views 'of all persons bterested, and being fully .
advised of the pertinentt facts does hereby determine to proceed 16th the construction
of said improvement; that said jqprovement is herebydeszgnated imd shall be re-'
ferred to in all subsequent proceedings as Street- Improvement No. Gl5, and the area
to be specidly assessed therefor shall incluae aJXXots and tracts of lad abutting
and fronting upon $he streets in which said improvement I_ is to be constructed.
Hot5on for adoption 02 Besolution was duly seconded Ejy'Danens~'ari3 on TCoKkXf.- tki6re
were four ayes-and no nays, as follows: ' Bredesen,
and Erickson, aye; and the Besolution ~ras. declared
. .Village'Clerk . T
Henbp- Hawthorne introduced the following resolu%ion and moved its adoption:
E3 fT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina:
_. -. --
- I lr' Tkie plans and specificakions for Street Eprov'ement'No. C-15 heretofore pre-
pared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are
hereby' approved.
Construction Bulletin the folloT@g notice for bids for the construction of said im-
2. The Clerk shall cause to be published tt~dce in the Suburban Press and the
STREXT. Dmm*m KO* C.15
The Edina klagi%* Council wiu meet at the YLllage Ha, '4801 If. 50kh She%, .
Nhneapolis, on Honday, September a, 1951, at 7:30- 01 clock P&li , to open ana con-
sider sealedbids for-the construction of Street b$rovenent No, C-15 in said
Village, consisting'of Grading qnd Gravelling of St, Johns Avenue between TI.* 5%h
and TL 59th Streets.
The work on said improvement must be done as 'described and specified in the
plans 'and specifications for said improvement on-file k- %lie office of the Vmage
CJerk. KU bigs must $e EuWttted on the bas'is of - cash payment for the work* $10 - -
bids .i.rill be consi$$r$ unless sealed and filed with the undersigned before the time
of said meet,ing and accompanied by a cash deposi-b,-bid bond,," or certifi%d check
payable to the Village Clerk in the mount of Ten per cent of the amount of the bid,
* .
c J 9/10/51
Bower Hawthorne
-Village Clerk .
. - .- Edina, Ninnesota
3. Each and aXl of the %em’ of the forego-ug advertisement for bids are
hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of the award of the contract for said
Rotion for adoption of Resolution was-duly seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall
there were feu+ ayes and no n ,’ as PoUows:
Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the resolution a emared duly passed
.* . _. __
Bredesen, aye; Danens, aye;
- and adopted. .-- * ----??““ J..f
ATTE3T: @T <Li+&i&~
Ihyor *
-. .. -. -.
7T-J- Village Clerk,
Public Hearing was nexb’called on the proposed Oiling of Work Avenue between We
‘ 5&h and W.59th Streets. Affidavit ’ofWotice ~T’Hearing~f appearhg in Suburban
Press, Hopkins; August 16 and 23,1951, was read; approved as .Eo form and ordered
placed on file. &gineer.’s Estimate of’Cost was fifteen cents per front foot+
There were no objections from’the ’floor, -and the Village Clerk had recei&d no
protests prior to the Hearing. Hawthorne offered the following Resolw.kion and
moved its adoption:
BE IT RXSOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Ed5na as follows:
i, This CouncQ has heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published
on proposed improvement consisliing of-tlie oiling of York Avenue between I$. 58th and
If. 59th”Streets, and at the time &d place‘ specified in- said notice the ‘Council
has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised
of the pertinent’ facks, does hereby -determine ’to proceed with the construction of
said improvement, which said improvenent is hereby-designated arid shall be referred
to in all subsequent proceedings as Street Improvement No. 0-19.
lots and tracts of l&d’fr&ting-and abutting upon the street in which such
improvement is to be constructed.
.- ,. - .-
2. The area to be specially 6ssessed for said WprovemenE shall‘include all
I* - -
3. The Village-‘&gineei? has heretofore. sub-inittee! to the Council plans and -
specifications and-an estimate of cost of said improvement, from which it appears,
yd it is hereby fourid and tietemined that the total cost of said improvement will
be less thm $500.00; therefo&e, %his Council is authorized‘by law and does hereby
detemtine to @rchase directly the materials for said improvement and complete the
same by employment of day! labor, L
.. +
4. Tge Village Engineer, being-a Registered Xngiaeer, is hereby authorized
and directed to supervise the work on said irrlprovement, and upon comple%ion, also
to 8ubmit a detailed report, certified by him, and file-tlie same with the,Vill.age
Clerk, shoting in general the complete cost of the work, and specifically the
(a) Final. Costs of the various uni%s of-work done,
(b) 3htierials fuhished for the project, and the cost of each
item thereof,. . -
(c) Cost of laborc, cost of equipment hired, ad supervisory cost.
Said report shall a3so contain a certificate by said Engineer that the work was done
according to plans and specifications therefor,
Kotion foq ado&ion of Resalution vras duly seconded by Danens, - and on Rollcall- there
were four ayes and no nays, as foll,ows: Bredesen, aye;,Danens, aye; Hawthorne, aye;
and Erickson, aye; aqd the Besolu-bion was decl mrJy&&y passed ,and adopted+
e fo3.lovLi.ng: *e *z 1
.- -
* y-. dLA
Nayor -
r Proposed Gpading and Grairellbg of‘that North-South Alley between York and Zenith
and between ?Ir,5IEth and W.59th Streets was ne& considered at Fub1i.c Eearjag, In
conformance With- JWotice of Hearing“ appearing in Suburban Press, H6pHns,
August 16 and 23, .1951, ‘Affidavit of Publication for which was read, approved as to ’
form and placed on filer Znginees’s Estimate was $310.77, or $-,,26 per Assessable fir ...
I !-There were no objections from the floor, and the Clerk had received no objections
@or to the Hearing. The owners at 5840 Pork spoke in favor of the project*
'Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
Y DA7 LABOR UNDER StJlWtVISION OF V'ILMm EldEtNBR BE IT RESOLVED by tbe Village Council .of the Village of Edina as follows: .
on proposed hproveaent consisting of the gradbg'and gravelling of that alley
between Pork and Zenith Avenues and between TJe58th and V.59th Streets, and at the
tine and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the ~evrs
of EU persons interested, and being Sully advised of the pertinent facts, does
hereby determine to proceed with L he constlircthn of said iniproment, which said
hprovement" is hereby designated arid shall be referred to in dil subsequent pro-
ceedings as Grading Inprovanat mo, C-16.
2* The area to be spediq. assessed for *said hprovgiient shall include all
lots and tracts of land abutting upon the alley in which-such improvement is to
. . be eonstruc%ed.
3. The Village Engineer has heretofore s.ub&tted to the Council, plmdand -
specificztions and an estimate of cost of said improvement, from which it appears,
and it is hereby found and determined that the total cost of said hprovement wilI
be less than $500.00; therefore, this Council is au-bhoriaed by law and does herebr
determine to purchase'directly €he materials for said improvement and-complete the
sane by employment of day labor.
and directedto supervise the work on said improveaent, and upon completion, also
to subnit a detailed report, certified by him, and file*the same with the Village
Clerk, showing in general the complete cost of the work, and specifically the
(a) Find costs of the various units of-work done.
(b) Xaterials furnished for the project, and the cost of each item
thereof. -
(c) Cost of labor, cost of equipment hired, and supervisozy cost.
1. This Council bas heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly'published
-1 *
t '. i
' 4. The Village Engineer, being a Registered Engineer, is hereby authorized
f 0llovTing: -I
.. ~
Said report sn& also contain a certificate by said 'Engineer that the work was
.done according to plans and specifications therefor.
Bb%ion for adoption of Resolution was duly seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall
there-vere four ayes and no nays, as follows:
&wbhol7nLe, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the resolutionyr.nrs-de5lared duly passed
and adopted.
Bredesen, are; Danens, aye;
4 1 v
c j.fi/e*+
' Hayor
c %Zd/. ' Ellage Clerk +I
Trustee Child entered the meeting at this time;
?-byor Erickson called Public Hearing on Proposed Curb and Gutter, pursuant to *
"'Xotice of Hearing'* appearing in Suburban Press', HopZcins, August 16 and 23, 1951.
Affidavit of Publication for said Notice urns read,. approved as tb form and
York Avsnue between tL55th and tJ.56th Streets, 'Engineer's Estimate of Cost was $1,995.40 as against 720 assessable feet, or $2,63 per assessable foot. There
were no objections+to this project'from 6he floor, and no objections had been
received by Clerk prior to Hearing.
Ehgineerrs Estimate of* Cost for Curb" and Gu€ter in .Beard Avenue'from TJ.58tki to TTe55%h Street vas read, in amount of $3;013,08as against 1,227.2.4 assessable '
3eet, or $2&. per assessable foot. &,'Russell Larson, 5@00 Beard Avenue South,
stated that he is n6% opposed to project; but that there Zs now water s~anding
in this block in Seard, that he has been told that the grade is not proper, and
that he wants to kn0t.r .i.rfio'r.rill stand the eeense of regrading' the stre'et'if it
is fdund that, grade is impsoper after curb and gutter has bzen.ihstallbd, *Attorney
Viudhorst explabed that this is a ~olicy question rather than a' legal one,-and
GouncXL was of opinion. that Village her& Rmd would stand expense's constraction
work needed correction, which, they believed, vsuld not be %he case,
also asked to go on Gecord as objecting to paying for the st'okm sewer on 57th and Be-m in case there uiill still be poor drainage on his street. Hwthorne offered
the folfowing Resolution and moved its adoption:
' ordered placed on file* Fublic Hearing rvas held first on Curb and Gutter in
E?. Larson
BE fp R&3OLXFLD by the Council of the Tillage .of Edina, E&mesota, that this- Council
heretofore caus9d notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed'iaprovenent
consisting of Construction of Standard Village Curb and Gutter-in Pork Avenue between
If. 55th and 17. 56th Streets uld at the hearing held at theL time and place specsied -
1 ,
1 -c
. ..
in said notice the Council has duly considered the dews of all persons interesbed,
and being fully advised of the pertilient fact's does hereby determine to proceed wkth
the construction of said hprovement;-that said improvement is hereby desighated-and
shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Street Improvement No. i3-6,
and the area to be- specZally- assessed ttierefor shall: include &ll lots and tracts of
land abuttihg and fronting upon the streets in which said improvement is to be
Notion for zidopt;ion of-=solution 'Was duly seconded' by'Danens; ad'on Rolldl €here
were five-ayes'and no nays, as follows: Bredesen,-aye; Child, aye; Daiiens, aye;
Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolutionwas declared duly passed and
._ -_ --. . . -- . ..- - ~ . - - .- +
adopted. .
-Village Clerk - ... - - -_ __ ~
Hawthorne introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption:
BE IT RZ3OLD"rs by the Village .Council of the. Tjlage of Edina: - *-. - -. .. -, . -.. - . . . . . . . . . .. .
I --
prepared by the Village Ihgbeer and now on file in the office of. the Village Clerk
are hereby approved.
CTonsthctXon Wletin the following notice for bids for the construction of said
1; Tkie plans ahd specifications- for Street Improvement No,-B-6 heretofore
2. The Clerk shall cause to be published tivice-in tki6 Suburban Press and the
1 improvement: .1+ I
The Edina 'Village - CounciX . wiU- meet' at the Village Hall, * @OI 17. 50th Street ,
Xinnellipolis, on Honday, September a, 1951, at 7:30 o7clock +. &,'to open and
cnnsi'der sealed bids Tor the construction- .of StreeC Tmprovemen'c No. E-6 in said
Village, consisking of consthction of Stahdard Village Curb and Gutter in York
Avenue between If. 55th and X. 56th Streets. .. . -. , _. . ._
The ivork on sai& hprovement mlst be ?lone as described and specified in the
p1ans:and specifications for said improvement on file in %lie office of the Village
Clerk. All. bids must be submitted on the basis of cas€i payment for the work* No
bids WiJl be considered d-ess sealed and filed with the undersigned before the time
of said meetkfig and accompanied by-a cash deposft, bid bond, or certified check '
payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of Ten per cent of the mount of ti.le bid*
Bow& Hawthorne
_. Village Cle2k
- Edina, *%.nneso%a
3. Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids.are hereby
adop€ed as the terns and conditiolzs of the award of the contract for said improve-
Motion for adoption of Resolution was duly seconded' by'Danens; and' on IlollcaXL there
were five-ayes'arid no nays, as follows: Bredesen, aye; Child,-aye; Danens, aye;
Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Reso
. ..
c t < Vyy& C
Village Clerk
Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoptgon:
SW IHl?Rc?mw N0.B-
HE lflf RESdlED by.the Council of the Village 6f:EdiaaY lE.nnesota, thit this Council
her&ofore caused notice of, heaTing' to be duly published on the proposed improvement
consisting of co?+stkuction of Stan&rdTil!lage Curb and Gutter in Beard Avenue be-
$ween IV. 58th and 17. 59th Streets ahd at the 'hearing held at .the time and place
specified in sqid notice %lie Council has duly considered the Views of a11 persons
interested, andbeing fully advised of the pertinen% facts does hereby determine to
proceed With the construction of said improvement; that saZd jmprovement is hereby
designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Street Tmprove-
t+ t
ment No.
iots Bnd
9/10/51 I
B-7, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shdl include all
tracts of land abuttsg and fronting upon the streets in vhich said in-
.. - .- proveaent is to be constructed.
No%iGn ?or adoption of Besolution was duly seconded 'by Danens, and on RollcaU-
%here were five ayes and no nays,-asLfollotrs:
aye; Hai-rbhorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution wa% declared,duly passed
.- - . -
Bredesen, aye; Child, aye; Danens,
and adopted. -7J/',- PLTTEST: p,fL */
Hawthorne introducedthe Tollovring resolution and moved its adoption: I RESOLUTION AJ?I?ROV"G PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS
'€33 IT RESOLOED by the Village Council of the Village of Ema:
1,' The p1ms'and specifica%ions for Street Jmprovement No, EL7 heretofore pre-
paredby the Village Fingheer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are
hereby approved.
Construciiion Bullet@ the following notice for bids for the construction of said in-
provement :
- __ - -. ... _,_ . - .. ..
. 2. The Clerli shall cause to be publSshed twice in the Suburban Press and the
.- The Edina. VilIage- Council will meet at the Village Hall, '4801 TL 50th Street,
Himeapolis, on Ronday, .September 24, 1951, at 7:3D otcIock P.N.I;, to open *and con-
sider sealed bids for the construction of Street Improvemen€ 80, B-7 in said Village,
consis%ing of construction of Staqdard Village Curb and Gutter in Beard Avenue
between TI. 58th and IT. 59th Streets,
Tie work in s-a-id jmprovement.must be done as des-cribed and specified in the plans
and specificakionp' for said improvement on file iri-the office of the'village Clerk.
All bids qst be subbitted on the basis of cash payment for the work. 'No bids will. be
considered unless 'sealed ad filed with tfie'undersigned, 3efore"the $be of said meeting
and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified cieck payable to the Village
Clerk in the mount of Ten per cent of the amount of the bid.
-- -. ..
.. -
* 3. 3ach and all of the terms of the foregoing adopted as the terms ad conditions of the award of
Rotion for adoptzon of Resolu.tion was duly seconded
. . I. - L.
- .-I
Bower- Iiawbhome Ir
Village Clerk .
Edina, Xhnesota
advertisement for bids are hereby'
$he contract for said improvement.
Ey'Danens; and'on RollcaLI €here
- .- - __
were five-ayes'and no nays, as. follows: Breaesen, a6; Child; aye;Dariens, aye;
Hawthofie, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was declbed duly passea and
ATTEST: (j?-!2j,&*L
q.bpr. . . . . -. .. /J& . /-
.Villdge Clerk . .I
FWrsuznt to lWotice of Heming on Assessments for Street Improvements Nos. e-6, E9 .
.&ad C-1O,Ir published 5.n Suburban Press, Hopkins, on August 9, 1951, Affidavit of hbli-
cation for which tes'read, approv9d as to form and ordered placed on-file, Hayor . '
Erickson called Publfc Hearingon proposed assessments to cover the costs of these
three projects, as follows:
STIIkEX' ItE!ROVlBEXi! l?O. C-6'- Greding and Gravelling of OaUawn Avenue between TIa58th
and IL62nd-Streets. Engineer's Tabulation of Assessment, in tot@ amount of $2,869,&
as against 4781.91 assessable.fee'e, or $,60 per assessable foot, was read,
owner claimed that the road is now higher than the lots at 6120 and 6125 OaKLavm~
&@mer Olsson maintajlled that this is not the case, CIUd noved that proper field
survey be made to determine that gentleman's claims are not correct,, Notion seconded
by Bredesen and carried, There liere no objections to the assessment from the floor,
and no objections had been received by the Clerk prior to. the Hearing,
One property
STRTEEC lEPROvZMl3NT EJO, G9 - Grading and Gravelling of York Avenue between $T.56th
and %60th.Streetsr Engineprts Estimate of Cost, in tot& armoun% of $2,659,*89
as against 4,749& feet, or $e56 per assessable foot, was read+ There were
incpiries from audience as to whegher street was yet at proper grade; and Ere
Al. knderson, 5608 York, reminded Council that oiling was scheduled for this
block, stating that he understood there was to be,no assessment until the street
urns improved by gurfacing* Hawthornets moS;ion, that, in vietJ;of condition of
this project the assesslizent be postponed until assessment for blacktopping is
considered (which will be in 1952), was seconded by Child and carriedo
STREET E-@ROVBBIi!2 NOI C-10 - Grading and Gravelling of Oxford Avenue between
the North Lot Ijne of Beverly Hills Addition and Division Street. Engineer*s tab~lation of assessment in total amount of $866*20 as against 1,220 assessable
feet, for $.7L per assessable foot, was read* There were no objections from the
floor, and no objections had been received prior to the Hearing*
Hawthorne offered the following Regolution and moved its adoption:
NOS, E6 .W E10
BE REXILm by the ViUage .Council. of ,the Village of Ed*, E.nnesota, as:
I 1. It is hereby found, determined and declared that the proposed
assessments for Street Improvements Nos+ C-6 and (3-10 and each of them, have
been properly calculated in accordance xith the provisions of Rinnesota St.zt&s
$ection &12.4.41; that qotice has been duly published, as required by law, that
this Council would meet to hear and pass upon all objeckions, if any, to amend
said proposed assessments as might be necessary, and to adopt the same by
resolution; that said proposed assessments have at all times since*their filing
been open for public inspection, and opportunity has been given to all interested
persons to present their objections; and that each of the lots, pieces and - parcels of land enumerated in the respective assessments was and is specialy
benefited by the construction of the improvements for which such assessment is
levied in the amount set opposite the description of each such lot, piece and
parcel of land, respectively,
The amount$ so set out are hereby levied agdnstthe respective
lots, pieces and parcels of land described in said respective assessments, and
said proposed assessments are hereby adopted and coilfirmed as the proper spzciFl
assessments for said improvements, respectively, The assessment against each lot,
tract or parcel, together rdth the interest accruing on the full a3potmt thereof
from time to time unpaid, at the rate of five percent per anum from the date of
tihis resolution, shall be a lien concurrent with general taxes upon the property
described therein ad: a11 thereof. The total am0Wr"c of each such assessment shall
be payable in equal annual. installments e,Utending over a period of Three years,
the first of said installnents, together with interest on the entire assessm4nt
from the date hereof to August 15, 1952, to be payable with general taxes fQr the
year 1951, and one of the remaining installments, with one yearts interest on
that and all subsequent instdhents, to be payable with general taxes for the
years 1952 through 1953, collectible in,the respective ensuing years*
Prior to certification of the assessment to the Cpnty Auditor,
the ovmer of any lot, piece or parce1,of land assessed hereby may pay the whole
of such assessment or any instSLlment thereof without interest to the Village
Treasurer and thereafter such payment my be made idth accrued interest, to the
County Treasurer; providedthat if any assesments or installments thereof be
prepaid.to the Village Treasurer, he shall rprbmp%ly notify the Village Clerk and
County Auditor, and the assessment or installment so prepaid shall be cancelled
on the books oftthe County Auditor,
4, The Clerk shall, as sooneas may be, prepare and transmit to the
County Auditor a certified duplicate of said.assegsnents, with each then unpaid.
installment and interest set forth separately, to be extended upon the proper
tax lists of the County, and-the County Auditor shall thereafter cause said
assessnents to be collected in the manner provided by law,
be denignated as the "Assessment Roll for Street Improvements C-6 and C-10, and
all amounts collected,in respect of the assessnents therein contained shdllbe
similarly designated-by the County Treasurer and remittedto the Village Treasurer
and by him credited to the Sinking Fund Account of the 1951Fbst Series
Improvement Fund, -
Said duplicate shall
The motion for the adoption of the Resolution was secone&p by Child, and on Rollcall
* there were Sive ayes and no nays, as folloTwsr Sredes.en, "aye; Child, 2ye; Danens,
* aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye;
.. f Nayor
Bffidqyit of Publication for Asst 9th Suburban Press PuMication of Wotice of
Hearing, for, Sanitary Sewer Improvement Nor 31" res rehd, approved as to fom and
ordered placed on f3.e. Pursu3nt to this Public&ion, 1fayorErickf;on called Public Hearing on Assessment for- the above named project, being the Construction of Sanitq
Sewer &in and Appurtenances in Voodcrest Drive from N.55th Street to a pojxrt 257 .
feet, more or less, South thereofr Zhgineer Olsson read his Tabulation of Assessment,
total amoullt of &54?;78 against. !5%90 aksessable feet, or $3*09 par assessable
footi, There vere no objections from the floor, and no ;mitten objections had been
received prior to the Hearing, Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
r np12om.m~ NO.. 31
EE IT ~OLVED by the Village Cowcil of. the Village of: Edina, f+Ennesota, as folXows:
for Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 31 has been properly calculated in accordancd with
the provisions of IEnnesota Statutes Section k12a44.1; that notice has been duly
pnblished, as 'required by law, that this Council would meet to hear and pass upon dl
objections, if any, to amend said propesed assessments as might be necessargi., and to
adopt the same by resolution; that said proposed assessment has at all times since
its fi3ing,been open for public inspection, and opportunity has been given to all
interested persons to present their objections; and that each of the lots, pieces
and parcels of bnd enumerated in the assessment tms and is specially benefited by
the construction of the improvenent for which such assessment is levied in the amounb
set opposite the description of each such lot, piece and parcel of land, respectivelys
2* The anounts so set out are hereby levied agaiqt the respective lots,
pieces and parcels of Xand described in said assessment, arid said proposed assessment
is hereby adopted and confirmed as the propsr special assessment for said improvement.
The assessment against each lot, tract or parcel, together with the interest accruing
on the full amount thereof from time to time unpaid, at the rate of five parcent per
annum from the date of this resolution, shall be a lien concurrent with general taxes
upon t'ne property described therein and LLl thereof, The total amount of such assess-
ment shall be payable in ecp& annual installments exteading over a period of Ten
years, the first,of said ins.t;'allments, together with interest on the entire assessment
from the date hereof to August 15, 1952, to be payable,with general taxes for the year
lgfjl, and one of the remaining installments, with one year's interest on that and all
subsequent jnstalhents, to be payable with general taxes for the years 1952 tbrcugh
1960, collectible in the respective ensuing yemsJ
owner of any lot, piece or parcel of land assessed hereby my pay %$e whole of such
asses-sme& or any instjlhent thereof without interest to the Village Treasurer and
thereafter such payment may be made with accrued interest, to the CoUnty Treasurer;
provided that if any assessments or installments thereof be prepaid to the Village
Treasurer, he shall promptly nottify the Village Clerk and County Auditor, and the
assessment or installment so prepaid shall be cancelbed on-the books of the County
Countyhd5.tor.a cerZified duplicate of said assessmen-b, with each then unpaid in-
stalbient and interest set forth separately, to be e,+ended.upon the proper tax
lists of the Cou-L;r3 ad the County Auditor shall thereafter cause said,assessments to be collected in the manner-provided by law. Said duplicate. shall be designated as
the *'Assessment Roll. for Sanitary Sewer Improveanent No, 31" and all amounts collected
in respect of thg assessments therein contabed shall be similarly designated by the
County Treasurer and remitted to the Village Treasurer and by him credited to the
Sinking Fund .',ccount of the 19% First Series Improvement Fund,
The motion for the adoption of the Resolution tms seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there rqere five ayes and no nays, 3s foUoIvs: Bredesw, -ay+Child, aY9; DanenS,
aye; Hawthorne, are; and Zrickson, aye; and the
.' -_-_ - la-. .It is, hereby found, determined and declared that the proposed assessrcent
c 3* Prior to certification ofthe assesgment to the County Auditor, the
4. The Clerk sha31, as soon as may be, prepare and transmit to, the
c I esoa' %&on was adop edr
ATTEST: *. -. . (p?/f2$&k- ----77 -4
'1 v L 1.1ayor
Village Clerk
Clerk reid Affidavit of Publication in Suburban Press, Hopkins, August 9, 1951, of
11Not-ice .of Hearings on Assessments for TTater I&& Improvement .Nosr 28,29,30,31,33, and 35," rddch Affidavit IWS approved as to form and ordered place$ on fileo Ikyoor.
Erickson called Public Heaxings on these projects, as followst
?%!E€% XAIlf lX€BOm-EhT 1% 28. In OaXLavm Avenue between t.rr5$th ad Ws62nd Streetsr
Engineer!s Tawlation. of Assessment, in total amount of @.2,009,5$ a,s. against 3,584.95 assessable feet, for $3.35 Fer assessable foot, vas read+ There was no objection from
the floor, and no written objection had been received prior to Hearingr
ITATEXL NUN IMPRO&W NO, 29 - In Tower Street between St,Johns and Concord
$3,7%'e7'21 as ag&nst 1,103*99 assessable feet, or $3.44 per assessable foot, vas
read. Dr. Lloyd Westman, 5611 Concord Avenue, inquired as to mount of his assess-
ment, inasmuch as he has paid Consumer's Deposit to Villagee He was informed that
he will be assessed for difference in cost between original assessment for TT,ter
&lab kprovement No, 29 and his Consunerrs Depsit, There were no objections to assessment from the floor, and no written objections had been received prior
to the Hearing.
WATER T*lA?AJ DTPRolEEENT NO. 30 - In York Avenue from K59th Street to TJa60th Street,
Engineer Olssonls Tabulation of Assessment in amount. .of $4,079*20 as against
1,019dO assessable feet, for &,OO per assessable foot,, was read. There were
no objections frons the floor, and no tsritten objections had been received,prior
to the Hearing,
WATER HAIN DEWVJQm NO. 31 - In t?,53rd Str between Oaklam and Brookview Avenues,
and in Broowew Avenue between 8.53rd and -%54th Streets, Engineer Olsson's
Tabulation of Assessment was read, in total amount of $7,894*68 as against L,199*8
assessable feet, for $,6.58 per assessable foot. There were no objections from
the floor, and no objections had been received prior to the Hqaring,
IJAT& mm ~1rnomm-m NO. 33 -,From existing Nain in Dever Drive, through Lots;
'7 and 8, .Block 2, Shady Pines Addition and hts l,and 2, Block 2, Shady Pines,
Addition ko Woodcrest Drive; thence South 26&.6,feet to the South line of Shady
Pines Addition - Tabulation ofJssessment was read in total amount of $3,297.81
as against 647.90 assessable feet, for &5r09.p~r-assesqable foot. There were no
objections.flrom the floor, and no written objections had been received prior to
the Hearing,
XATEk ljiATN IMFRO"!l NO: 3 ' - In Zenith Av&uebetween W.57th and Wt5&h Streets.
Tabulation of. Agsessment _in Zotal +out of $4,696,74 aga_inst 1,454.10 assessable
feet, for $3.23 per assessable foot, was read, There were no objections from the
Hawbhorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
i Engineer Olsson read kis Tabulation of Assessment in total mQmt of
floor, and no -mitten objections had been received prior to the Hearing. 1
"'TS 28,29,30,31,33 LQiB.35.
BE IT RESOLPED by the Villagp FCouncU .of the Village of Edina, Ihesota as follows:
ments for Water Xain hprovenents Nos, 28,29,30,31,33 and 35, and each of thm,
hqye been properly calculated in accordance with the provisions of IGnnesota
,Statutes Section 4l2&!& that notice has been duly published as required by law,
that this Council would meet to hear and pass qpon all objections, if any, to
amend said proposed assessiilents as might be necessary, and to adopt the same by
resolution; that said proposed assessments have at all times since their fjliqg
.been open for public inspection, and opportunity has been given to all interested
, persons to present their objections; and that each,of the lots, pieces +nd parcels
of land enumeratgd in $he respective assessments was and is specially benefited by
the constructipn of the improvemeyts for vhich such assessment is levied in the
aount set oppos2te the description of each such lot, piece and parcel of land,
lots, pieces and parcels of land described in said respective assessments, and
said proposed assessments are hereby adopted and confirmed as the proper spec$d+
assessments for said improvenents, respectid.., The assessment agabst each lot,
trace or parcel, togetherrwith the interest accruing on the full amount thereof
from time to time unpaid, at the rate 0% five percent per mnun from the date of
this resolution, s'hall be it lien concurrent with general taxes upon the property
described therein and all thereof. The.tota1 amount of each such assessment
shall be payable in equal annual insta2.lments exbencling oves a,period of Ten*
years, the first of said instalments, togetherbwith interest on the entire ,
assessment frmthe daix hereof to August 15, 1952, to be payable with general
taxes for the year 1951, and one of the rmaining instdhents, 16th one yearrs interest on Yna% aihd all subsequent installments, to be payable -with general .
taxes for the years a952 .through 1960, collectible in the respective ensuing,
the owner of any lo*, .piece or parcel of Land assessed hereby my pay the wh?le
of such assessment or any instdtlment thereof withou-b interest to the Village
Treasurer and thereafter such paynent maybe lrrade with accrued hterest, to the
County Treasurer; provided that if any assessmnts or inst&lments thereof be
prepaid Lo the Village Treasurer, he shal1prornp"cLy notify the Village Clerk and
County Luditor, and the assessment or installment so prepaid shgU. be cancelled
on the books of the County Auditori
, ____ IC .It is hereby fotqd, determined and Geelared that the proposed assess-
2, The amounts so set out are hereby levied against the,respective t
i i
I;$ '1 yearsc ._. I ,
3. Prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor,'
z 1 c
236 i 9/10/2
\ + *
4* The Clerk shall, as soon as my be, prepare and transmit to the County
Auditor ta certified &plicate of said.assessments, with each .then unpaid insOal hent
and interest set forth separately, to be ex%ended upon the-proper tax lists ofsthe
County, and the County Auditor shall thereai'eer cause said assessments to be
collected in the manner provided by l~tr.
llP.ssessment Roll for Xater I.iain Jinprovement!s Noso 2€!, 29, 30, 31, 33 and 359 and a31
amo-znts collected in respect of the assessments therein contained shall be sWarly
designated by-the County Treasurer and remitted to the Village Treasurer and by him
credited to the Sinking F'md Account of the 19% First Series Improment Fundr
EotLon for adoption of the Besolution was seconded by C&Id,-and on'RollcaU there
vme five ayes ad no nays, .as follor~: Bredesen, .a e; Child, aye; Danens, aye;
Said duplicate shall. be designated as Vne
t T X -
Fhwthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolutig/tas
+. . Nayor
t- a: < Pursuant to Advertisements for 3idsIv~hich appeared in SubuEbm Press, Hopkins, ad in
Constr\rction7Bibletin, Einneapolis, on August 30 and September 6, 19% aq substantiaBed
by affidavits of Publicztion presented, Epproved as to form and placed on file, the
following sealed kids were publicly opened
< sm.smm BP. NO, *35
*c Western Underground Const.Co. $95,O0le94 *
Victor Gwlson & Sons. Co.
Jacobsen and Cuist
Bart C2rZhe $80 069 '77
Phelps-Drake Gonpany 4 $72,961*30
-wetti& het%i %o,Q94*77
8. *
Danens' motion, referring bids to Village Engineer for tabulation and report at ne&
meeting, was secmded by Hatriktorne and carried.
ILfayor Erickson announced that the Public Hearing on Proposed Blacktoppbg for that
portion of Voodcrest Drive in Shady Pines.&dion, scheduled for this evening, would
be postponed until lbndax, September. 24,. a$. 7r3.9 P&.
Petition tras filed by IZr. and Hrs3 Gust Bethke and4Xk. and Bs~ Klois He &is, protest-
ing the opening of a street fromtthe TJood.EndTDrive Turn-Around to I&%h Streets
Engineer Olsson =de detailed eqlanaeion of plan of.'Gust-Johnson to open streetr
Hathhorne moved, ref erring petitior, to Planning Commission' f or *their recommendation'
Iliotion seeonded by CMld and carried,
Erm D. V. Pepper, 5028 Bedford Avenue, presented petition for the Grzding and Gravelling
of the alley between Bedford and Oxford Avenues and, between Interlachen Blvd. and I&
$Is% Streete Hawthorne's motion, -that petition'be accepted, .and that Council set
ptablic Hearing on proposed improvement for Ifonday, October 8, 3.951, advertising for '
bids to be taken the sane evening, was seconded by Child and carriedr
Drr Brickson was called amy from the meeting at this time, and Trudee Child presided
until his return.
Ilk. S. V. BjorEund of Edina Developnent Corporation requested action on the Corporation's
JnPy 9th request for acceptance of proposed Park Dedication; the grading of Glengarry
Parkmy -from I-iirror'Lakes Road to north line- of developerrs propertg at Village eqense;
md the grdding of- Glengxrm Parkmy along lake and park =ea, with Village to pay one-
half the expmse,' .Park bard's recomkndat5on of September 10, signed by Hessrs; Lewis,
Scoggin and Strzckauer, was read as follows: r
That Glengarry Road be graded as 5qdicated.
That the- Village assume half the cost of the work ubere Glengarry Road
runs equally between l?'Slage-or.ined property and primtely owned property.
That the Village asme the entire cost at some future time of Glengarry
Road where it runs entirely through Village-owned property.
That Glengarry Road be graded through Village-ovmed property on the west
end of East Rimor Iake at such f'uture time as it is considered necessary
and desirable on the part of the Village Council.
That subject to dedication by Spring Realty Company of some l4 acres in
the southern portion of East Hirrar Lake Basin, the entire Village-owned
property in the Xast Nirror Lake Basin area be developed for park and
playground purposes at such time in the future as this development 2s
needed and funds are available.
Haw-bhrnets motion, that Council adopt the recommendation of the Par$ Board in principle
ad kstruct Village Engineer to prepare cost of: improving Glengam Road from Vfie north
line of developer's property to Apshire Blvd., 111s seconded by Daneng and carried.
Mr. Stanley Nessheim, omer of basement dwelling at 423 Jackson Avenue, requested
extension of time in which to complete his honer He appeamd at meeting ifi answer
to an order to build, He explained that he cannot get 8 loan at this time, that -
he pl&s*to frame hb hou&e 5.p the spring. Hawtnorne moped that Order be permitted
to staad on the record, directing Village Hanager to’use his discretion in
enforcing it. IJlotion seconded by Bredesen and carried,
Fhe owner of 5029 Y$onne Terrah objected to paying for Village Stom Sewer in
that area. He was informed that Public Hearing on Storn Sewer Assessment will
be Honday, Septembe* 24; that the-.plan is to assess .the drainage area for the
cost of the Stoh’Setrer r.ihich &. E,G; Stow cdnstructed in Yvonne Terrace plus
the cost of the Tillage-constructed Storm Se-wer, crediting the Yvonne Terrace
lots (or Err Stow) for the cost of the sewer constructed by him.
that assessment roll Ms not yet been made up because Mr. Stow has neglected to
present evidence of cost of sewer constructed by him,
Petiklon signed by owners of 57 percent of abutting properties, for Curb, Gutter
and Blacktopping on Yvonne Terrace, was presented.
there is a petition before it for Sanitary Sewer, which w5.U. delay blackt
Hearing be set for Holiday* October 8, 192, at 7:30 Pelf., was seconded by
Bredesen and carriiid. I
t4 **
Office reported
Council was reminded that
Hawtihornets motion, thatcpetition be accepted; and that
Mr+ Benjamin Hart Jr. presented request for permit to build a temporary shelter
for his horse, at South end of Benton Avenue. As thiswshelter v&ll be within
500 feet of platted property, and the building thereof will require a permit by
Board of Health, Hawthorne moved granting a temporary permit, subject to approval
of Board of Health, with understanding that shelter will be remove& by May 1,.
1952, Motion seconded by Bredesen and carried.
A delegation from the”Go1f Terrace Heights First Addition ares requested Comcilts c
decision on proposed’Stom Sewer*,for Blocks 2, 3 and 4, this Additionr Ek* Child
reported that an info+ meeting had been held with School Board this date,. at
which meeting the Schobl Board seemed reluctant to grant permission to drab+
mter into the school gmmds; that if the School Board denies Counc5.l’~ request,
Ccuncil will probably give no fufiher consideration to this project. He sta&ed
that Council is in fa$or of the proposed large sewer project, but has not
ordered it in because’ it has a grekt many opponents and few proponents. I%?*+
Bennett, who is very mukh opposed to the small sewer project, expressed himelf
in agreaent with the large project, as did some others in the delegation.
Dr, yestman inquired about poss5bility of public transportion for Normandale
’without result, but that Twig City Rapid Transit Company claims they are now
making a study of all“ suburban.deve&opments, with suburban extensions in view.
Dr. Arnold L. Narth, 52l.6 Kellogg Avenue, asked Council to intervene to prevent
the building up of .a lot adjacent to his,
between himself and the build&; that if he suffers damages because of change of
water flow, he has‘recourse’Irl the Courts; that Village has no ordinance pro-
hibiting change’ of lot level&
He tds infomgd that CouncCL has contacted various Suburban bus companies
He was-informed that this natker is
- Drs Ifartin bqdired aboat “Edinat s flnnridation program and was informed that
Engineer has been directed to seclure estiaa%es of cost. Engineer Olsson explained
that water pumped mst be metered, and that installation of metering equipment
will be expensive, Dr, lhrtin cited health advantages of flnonidation and
recommended its usags here.
and once again reipested action on the Garrison Lane survey matter. lk, Olsson
e,xplained that he now has composite easement for-roadway, but that engineers
have not had time to check legal descriptions; that this id11 be done just as
soon as it is possible to do it.
Planning Commissibnts recornendation for Rezoning of Lots 3,4,5,6,9,10,ll and 12,
Block 4, Tingdale Bros. Brookside vas reporlied, together with a more recent
request from Chairman Krafft that this petition be referred back to Commission for further studyr Hawthorne*s” motion, that petition for rezoning be returned
to Planning Commission for additional study, was seconded by Bredesen and carTied.
Lzpp fron; Garrison Lane expressed his approval of work done on Vooddale Hill,
Preliminary plat of “Iversont s Fourth Additionff was presented, together with
Cods siont s. recomrnendatio_n for approval..
Preliminary Plat of YCverimn’s Fourth Addition11 was seconded by 3redesen and carri @de -. .- -
Hawthorne t s motion, approving
I 9/10/51
Petition, sibed by owners of 48 percent of abutting propertie$, for Oiling of E-g
Avenue Setween f;1,58th md V*60th StFeets, was filed.
petition'and setting PubE-c Hearing for Iionday, October 8, 199, at 7:30 P.X., was
seconded by Danens and carried.
Petiticz by BOGr Themell CoGstruction Go*, Inca, for Sanitary Severs, "I'laCer 3.fains - gind Blacktopping in &-zing and Drew Avenues between TLbOth and 1~,61st Street in pro- @ posed Ir13el-&r1* Bddition, was filed; petitioner being the owner of more than %$$ of
I?) abutting properties. Hawthorne moved that petition be accep_t;ed, that PubT-ic Hearjag
on all improvements be set for I.ionday, October 8, 1951, at 7:30 PI&; $ha% Council
advertise for bids on proposed Water &in kp$ohm6nt to be takep on September a,
1951, vL%h bids Tor proposed IL~Oth Sreet Trunk Zater Ifain pro jectp said advertisement
to be made subject 60 confirming opinion by.9'illage Attorney, Xotion scjconded by
It i2as reported that proposed EvJ5ng-Drew project is contiguous to the project on w€dch
Council accepted bid; this evening. Engineer Olsson inquired as to ?ðer these
lateras can be considered an er;ti?nsion to present bid; to which inquiry Hi-, IJindhcwt
gave a negative answer*
Lateral Sexrers in &.ring andsll$ew Avenues between ?l*60Vn and t.J.6lst Streets for
acc:ptance September 24, 1951, PELS seconded by'Child and Earried.
In connection with the proposed tIe60th Street Trunk Vater 1ki.n project mentioned in
pssragr&ih 2 of this page, I&+ Olsson reminded Council that he Bad not had direction
to advert2se for bids inasmuch as the hb1j.c Hearing on same has been delayed to
September He advocated taking bids on September 2l+, ad asked for clarification
of X~.,Hawthorne's motion,
advertise fos bids for construction pf Tlater Nain Extension and %ppurt'enances in the
following Streets; said bids to be taken Septenber 24, 19%:
Hawkhornets motion, accepting
f. [ Bredesen and carried. . -.
i s I Havrbhornefs motion, that Gouncil advertise for bids for
Hawthorne then moved, directing K!.&age Ehginder to
1 1, In West .Bth Street from Park Place to France Avenue.
2* ~ In @lifax Avenue fpm tJo58th Street to Xe60th Street,
3*. In Brhes Avenue from Halifax Avenue to TT.60th Street.
4* In Grimes he from Frulce Avenue to Halifax Avenue,
5, In lL60th Street from Halifax Avenue to France Avenue, 6, Ln nape Avenue from w*60th Street to lL6Oth Etraot in Boranfs mina lifculor. 7. In Y.60th Street from France Avenue to genes Avenue, e,, Ia @-ping Avenue from IT&Oth Street to If,, 61st Street.
9, In Drew Avenue fron ?7,6Otii Street to 71,.61st Street. ,
31otion wqs seconded by Bredesen, and was unan&ously carried,
Attorney T?ind.horst reported on ways of enforcing Wrders to Remove fJuisa.ncesg* issued
August 30,. to George C. Trisler,&O5 France Avenue, and to 1-k. Frank Ts Nelson,395l.
Hinnehaba Avenue (for Lots 15 and 16,~10ck &,South Harriet Park)* Harhhorne moved,
that Councjl hold bothmatters in abeyznce for the kine beipg. -1-Zotion seconded by
Bredesen and carried.
The mtter of supplemental assessment for Blacktopping of all 'skreets 5.n Eirror %kes
in' Edina Addition was discussed, with office presenting Tabulation of Assessment-
~~hich includes cost of preliminary construction by JIV, Gleason, Hawbhorne moved,
that Council rescind i-bs motion of August 27 with regard to the re-assessment for
BlacMtoppjng l.€irror Lakes Addition, and that suY;pl&ental assessment be made on
the basis of cost of work done by Ashworth and Son ,axid JeV. Gleason, making total
cost $2.15 per assessable foot, or 8.29 per assessable fook for supplemenkal assess-
Attorney T.r'&orst reported that he v6ll know by Thursday, Septerhber 13, vdieYner
oimers of -Skyline lWushroom Cave11 (which Council is now' considering condedg as
izp attractive nuisance) will sell or rill apply for penzit to get effective barricade
over mouthof csve. -
Council question was directed at Building Inspector TToeUer vkth segardbo setback
of Tour houses on Weview Drive.
fromthe street, wnich is more than sufficient to Eonforn to Village Zoning speci-
fjcations and which also conforrms with platted deed restrictiops.
Police Report for August,l9!jl was filed and was referred to+ Public Safety Committee
-by motion Hawthorne seconded by Danens and carried* ,
Police Departmentfs reconmendation for automatic trdfic signal at 50th Street and Halifax.Avenue was readr Engineer Olsson reportedtqat automatic si&als are much
in demand and that it KLll be impossible to secure one before spring. Hawthorne's
motion, that Council advertise for bids for automatic &-war signals fod 50th Street
and Halifzx,$venue, was seconded by Bredesen snd carried.
Engineer 9lsson recommended that Stop Siws be installed on 52nd and Mifax, sigs
to be on W@nd Street, to stop East-TJest Lraffice
.I I
Hr. 1;ioebler stated that they are' forty feet back
t *
9#10/51 239 Nawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
llQ~@TICIEiT OF.W.52ND ST, AIm HALIFI1x A.m EE IT RESOLm by the Council of the Village of Edina that Stop Signs be
installed on V.52nd Street at its intersection with Halifaxilvenue, for the
control of East-T?est Traffic at thia intersection, and khat the Edina Police
Department be directed to enforce said signs:
Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Bredesqn, and on Rollcall
there were four ayes and no nays, as
Hadhome, aye; and. Child, aye; and
1 Itfayor Village Clerk
Engineer Olsson recbmended installation of five-minute parking in front, of ice
house on gkrket Street.
- Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its
€32 lTIf RESOLXED by the Council of the Village of Edina that present Five-
Minute Parking Restriction on the North Side of-Narket Street b6, and hereby is,
exbended West from France Avenue a distance of feet. '
Hotion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by- Bredesen, and on Rollcall "cere
were four ayes-and no nays, as follows: Bredesen, aye; Danens-ye; Hawthorne,
.- %$or. Village Clerk/
Hawthorne advoca%ed khat Statement of Policy be posted in Edina Eunicipal Liquor
Store. Child's motion, that Hawthorne be delegated to .draw up code of ethics and
present it to Council at next regular meeting,was seconded by 3redesen and carried.
Council reviewed letter of December 29,1950, from Christ C. Lee & Sons, &c., dedi-
cating water and sewer mains in Dever DrZve to the TTiUage. .Xngineer Olsson report-
ed that water and sewer mains are acceptable to the Village and that street has been
put to grade. Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
'I:JHEEzEAs, Christ C.Lee & Sons, Inc., by-letter dated December 29,1950, offered
to the. Village Ifatemains and Sewer .Hains installed in Dever Drive, Shady Pines.
AddifSon, together with graded and stabilized street, copy of-such letter being
set forth below:
installed in Dever Drive, ShaCy Pines Addition.
according to village specifications, and was inspected by a representative of your
office during const'rmction, All costs in connection with this work have been paid.
We further submit that Dever Drive has been brought to grade and stabi-
lized in .accordance Irri-th village policy..
We ask that the Village accepli the watermains, sewer mains and street
described above, and henceforth t5e operation and maintenance of saxe
done by the village in the usualmanner.tt
'1-i.Je hereby dedicate and 'donate the watermains and sewer mains as
This work was accomplished by us
Respectfully submitted,
CHRIST C, KEE,& SONS, 3TsC. (Signed) M.E. Lee, President
NOW, THEXWOE3, BE TT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina that
said offer is hereby accepted, and the Village does hereby accept ownership of
said improvements.
Notion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by' Bredesen, and-on Rollcall there
were four ayes-and no nays, as follows:
aye; and C . d, aye; and the Resolution was adop e*''
Village ATmsT:z/&. Clerk Xayor
Office reported applica.€ion of Farr Plumbing Company for Plumber's License; that
all papers are in order.
Bredesen and ca-rried. ..
Hawthorne's motion, approving payment of Village Payroll, amount $5,U.97 and
Liquor Store Payroll, amount $1,151.42, for period September 1 to. 15, inclusive
and overtine for August, and approving payment of the folloFing Clahs, was
seconded by Bredesen and carried:
L1579 Distillers Distributing Go . $1,956 i 74
. 637.42 I11580 Famous Brands, Inc.
U581 Griggs Cooper & Go.
U582 IJlcIZesson 8t Robbins, Inc. L1583 Ed-tlest Wine Coo L1584 Old Peoria Go., Inc. 860.95
Bredesen, aye; Dmens, aye; Hawthorne, +-+</> *&&,L*-,*~ I,
' Hai&harme*s motion granting license was seconded by .
mm CLIl3~1 NO, TO: j!"T -
1,522 57
193 70
240 (Continued from P.239)
Griggs, Cooper & Go.
6236 Arthur E. Petersen
6218 Boman Plumbing et Htg.Co.
6219 Hapard R. Sandberg
. 585.98
$ 40.00
8 298;66
6217 First Hational Bank
y5700 Suburban Hem. Cy. Relief Board
Petition dated A~igust U.,1951, in protest to Sanitary Sewer construction 51 Xerxes
Avenue between W. 58tB and TT.60th Streets,was filed.
be accepted and placed on file, and that Village Engineer be directed to check with
City of KLnneapolis on connection .to City sewer, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. .
l-iayor Erickson returned to Heeting a6 th5s time.
Codification of Village Ordinances was reported on br &.Bredesen,who recomnended that
Public Hearing be held .on Zoning Ordinance. Child's motion, setting Public Hearing
on Village Zoning Ordinance for Eonday,October 8,19Tl,at 7:30 P.11., was seconded by
Hawthorne and carried.
The hour being late,@hild moved for adjournment of NeeZin to ~~onday,Septe~er.-~7,19~~ yLtj& Village Clerk
a€ 7:30 POX. Hotion seconded. by Hawthorne and
d.X, Tuesday, Septembzr U.
Hawthomet s motion, that petition '
'edd 4eet' g adjo rned at 12:15
JBZR T.~OND~~,S~~ 17, 1951, AT 7~30 P.14. .
31embers ansurerieg Rollcall iIere Bredeben, Child, Danens and Erickson, xXh Havrbhorne
coming hter as recorded below.
Engineer Olsson reported on bids for Sanitary Sewer Construction, taken September LO,'
listing Lametti & La&ett'i,St.Paul,as low bidder for SNTrARY SEER R-FBO~~~fl NO. 35,
in morn% of $60,094.77,*and Bart Carlone,St.Paul,as low bidder on Sanitary Skrer
Improvaent for Village Hall (from Dale Drive, across IT.50th St.,),at $2,502.20. Ghildts
motion,th& bids be awarded eo low bidders,and that Eayor and Clerk be directed'to enter.
into contracts with respective bontractors,ms seconded by Bredesen and carried.
Bk.Olsson reviewed Sids taken September 10,for addition to ViUage~TooShouse,recommend-
ing that bid be awarded to Jacobsen and Quist,lor.r bidder,at $1,975.00. Danens' motion,
that low bid be accepted,and tha-b 1.Iayor ad CTerk be directed to enter into contract in
name of Village for this work, was seconded by Child and carried.
It was reported that the business an$ professional men located on l-krket Street vish
the street's name changed back to H.49; Street. Office advised to iiiom 1Tarket'Street
ohers and occupants thafi an inforrnal hearing vfll be held on this reqyest on Septenber
24, at 9:30 or 1O:OO P.X.
Council reviewed several letters from Golf Terrace area, requesting drainage relief,and
in favor of large storm sewer project for this area.
Resolution ad moved its adoption:
Child'offered the follovag
1- the Qillage Council of the Village of Bdina desires on its own motion to *
improve the property vithin the following described boundaries bf construction of a
Storn Sewer and apphenances to serve said property:
South on Kellogg he. to IT. 56th' Street;thence East on W. 56th Street to Oaklapm Avenue;
thence South on Oaklavrn Avenue if extended South to 59th Street; thence Uest on TT.59th
Street to Ashcroft Avenue; thence South on Ashcroft Avenue if extended to Valley View
Road; thence Vest on Valley ViewRoad to Nomandale Road; thence North onNormnda3.e
Road to Yvonne Terrace; thence Vest on Yvonne Terrace to a point agproximtely 700 feet
Vest of Normandale Road; thence Iqorth on a he parale1 and TOO feet distant to
Nomandale Road to the centerline of TT.53rd Street if exLenaed; thence East on center-
line of W.53rd Street if extiended to Kellogg Avenue which is the point of beginning.f1
lJo[T, T=O;S1F;,BE IT WOLm by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that
it is deemeh necessary ad expedient to make the Stom Sewer lbprovement described
above; and thzt on the 8th day of October,l9!&'at 7:30 o'clock P.T.I., this Council
will meet at the Village Hall in said Village and irill at .said the and place hear the
parties interested therein in reference Bo such improvement, and TU decide whether
or not to undertake such improvement in whole or in part,
Hotion for adoption of the besolution was seconded by-BreGeseV, and on Rollcall there
were four ayes and no nays, as follows:
nBeginning at the intersection of Kellogg 3venue and T.h.53rd Street; thence
Bredesen, we; auld, aye; Dwens, we; and
'\/ Eric ion vas adopted. /. ATrn I v\ '&ySy q/ .
Village Clerk "ihyor