HomeMy WebLinkAbout19510924_REGULAR9/10/51 Clerk Hawthorne entered the fleeting at this time, 241 Discussion was had with regard to licensing real estate developers and builders- for-sale, Council can consider an ordinance rep-laking developers and builders, was ,seconded by Danens and 'carried* Nanager Olsson reported requests *for salary increases by Robert Obemeyer, Richard Oberrneyer and Jack Keredith, members of the Engineering Crew, said I requests being to $1.75 per hour for Robert Obemeyer, 2nd to $1.50 per hour *for the other two,. Considerable discussion was had as to advisability of granting raises in the middle of year, with some members advocating no raises until&muary 1, 1952, and with Mr. Danens recommending requested raises as an expediency, inasmch as at'least one man has another position in view+ Hawthorne reqyested a recommendation 'from NP. Olsson. ?Ira Olsson suggested that r;Council recognize requests and grant wage _increases to $1.60 per hour for ~obelica Ner edith / and grant said raises td be in effec$ from October 1, 173 toJanuary 1, 1952, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. €iatrl;horne's motion, that Village Manager arid Deputy Viilage Clerk be directed to submit proposed Job Classification and Sa3ary.Schedule at the October 26th Cquncil Meeting. . Notion seconded by Child and. carried. Budget for Year 1952 was drafted and discussed at considerable length. It pias decided to postpone adoption &til Dieeting of October 8, ' Hawthorne' ; motion, that the Village Attorney, Village lhager and Ordinances and Legislation Committee be directed t6 prepare information so that \ *r 1; I * There being no further business to come- before the-lketing, Child moSed for adjournen%, Hotion seconded by Bredesen and carried. 14eeting adjourned at c v uiage EllWl!ZS OF THE REGULAR XEE?ING OF THE * mINn VILL!!GE CQIJNGIZ, I%EZD IIOJIDAY, + hL ~ SZ@TB.!lBER 24, 1951r .AT 7:30 P.M~..~T I* C . THE DINAYV~~ H&X '> c * Itembers an&ering Rollc~ll were *BGedesen, Child, -Danens and Erickson. Rinutes 09 the Regular Heeting of September 10, and the adjourned portion of thf: Septenber lOth*&?eting* held September 2%, 1951, were approved as submitted; by I4otion Child, seconded by Danens and c&ried. - Hawthorn? arriye$ immediately after approval of the Minutes and before any other matter of businFssa , Fgrst matter of busiGess wassthe taking of bids for several construction projects. 4ffidavits of Publication for Advertisements for Bids in Suburban Press, HopUhs, form, and placed on file, said.advertisements covering the projects named below, Bids on projects were then publicly opened and read, as follows: SAN.SEXLE3 ? +T 'i* r ff * ' * and Construction Bulletin, IYZnneapolis, we$e submitted by-clerlc, approved as to ~ SftN,~~ SAN.Sm?;llER S4.",SBm SAJJ.SE'tBf3 SAN.SEtR DRB? &: EVJXG 242 9/24/51 Childrs motion for award of bids for Street Improvement No,.C-l5 to Pfeiffer Const. Company, st low bid of $l,@5r00, was seconded by Bredesen and carried, * Danensl motion, that Curb and Gutter Bids--Street Improvements NosI 3-6 and 3-7- be awarded to Vicbor Carlson and Sons, Inc,, at bids of ,3145.00 and :32,986,29 respectively, vas seconded by Child and. carrieda Child's rnot%n, that Sewer and TTater ?bin Bids be referred to Village Engineer for tabulation and reprt later in the evening, T~S seconded by'Bredesen and carried,, public Hearing was called by Rayor Erickson on proposed Lateral Sanitaq Sewer extensions in several skreets West of NormanddLe Road, as set forth in Notice of Hearingyublished August 30 and September 6, 19%; Affidavit of Publication for which Notice was sub&%ted by Clerk; approved as to form and. placed on file* Because there was"some difference of opinion among affected property owners, and because petitions had not been filed, for some of *these imprqvenents, &yor Erickson asked that Hearings be had'in order of listing in Notice, and business was conducted accordingly, as follo.r.rs: * la SBNLTARS SEI.IER IZXTEXSION (IKCLUDING LIFP STATIOX) IN YBONNE: TERRAC33 FEOU "Dm ROAD.TO TL56TR STFLEB!. Engineer Olsson'.advised that--he hag been wable .to secure. degztifed plgn?. and specifications for a Lift station to serve this street, and had, therefore, prepared no estimate of costtr Those persons at Hezring were informed that they must bear cost of lift station, without benefit from other prope'rty otnners in this area, because Yvonne Terrace is only street benefited thereby, lhgineer Olssbn recornended a continuance of Fublic Hearing on Yvonne Terrace portion of Hearing until IJonday, October S. Hawthorne so moved; motion seconded by Child and carried* At this time Engineer"O1sson presented Estimate of Cost for all-Sanitary Sewer Bxkensions listed in Notice of Hearing, except Yvonne Terrace; &M..m.zte being 3~5,726~55 as against 9,136,60 assessable fee%, for $6,09 per assessable foot. Trunk Sever Assessnent levied in total. estimated amount of ;$1.93 per assess- a31e footr SANITm SEXBE EXIBJSION IN lJ.56~~ Sm FR0T.T HIGHWAY N0.100 TO 32ELROD TItclCKS. &J. Bezres, 5020; E,H; Ad-, 5048; DdLNolader, 5016; De Rgcfieford, 5033.. Those. in favor were ITs J, Rawitzes, 5037; TLP, Jacobs, 5036; 3arry GHmsen, 522b Sa5d kudience was remindedthat there will dso be a 2. go .Pe$it&on for -t;his .Ecbension) +. Thcge. ohdecting. ype Erlf~Nylund, -5005; . __ . , 3. SXtIiTAIbP sEG.JER 3iXlEliSIOl~ TmECK PUCE &OX TL56TH ST, TO KENTI ? @oo.Pe&it%on for $hi.s.Exbension)-i* _. No,Objec&ions, &%her oral- or. vaitten, a 5% SlXEMXRY EZXER ZX!IEl?JSION IN CODE ATTENUE FRO14 TJa56TE ST, TO RICHf.IoND DRIVE+ (go .Petition $or this .EAension) e Engjneer Olsson reported-+objection-.by SA Pearson, owner of property on West side of streetv ikKi3I.P SETEX lZXE3XSION IN RICHIiOND DFLIVE FRO14 NO€"DAZE ROD TO CODE AVENUE+ fPe%ition filed, signed by large ma jorgty of .affec$ed property.omers) a objections; either oral or written+ I *L t 6, no .I - F .? Y c I 4. I SawITBRY SmBR EXTENSION IWRICHCDND GIRCLF;. (Pekition filed, wikh petition for *. $wer - ip1 Qic'qond, Drive) a. NO. objections, - either oral or written, $e? S&JITAI?X SEI.TER EXENSION IN1 RI'CHNOND LANE, (Petition filed, with petition- for Sewer &n Richpjond. Drive) . Ho, objections, either. oral or vri%tsn* J,N.Ellis, ' 5404, 21 favor of'project,, a ' SmITm sET.TER EDEIl'SION IN NOR"Dm ROAD FFiOH ?XEXC AlBNlE TO YVONIXE TERRQCE. - (No-Petitioq Tor _%his .E,-;te~sic& . .1:9k+ E,C,SPlovr, and. one .other, ex;paessed..&hem= selves as being in favor of project, but only 5.f sewer is extended in Yvonne Terrace, 4 k .* 4 .. . * Hawthorne's motion, that matter of Sanitary Sewer Exbensions be tabled until after Public Hearing pertaining to extension of Sewer in Yvonne Terrace has been held, vas seconde5 by Child and unanimously carried, * I x f* *r k ' I* Public Hearing was next called on ProposedWater.Main Extension as follows: 1, - In V*58th Street from Park Place to France Avenue; - 2* To serve all lots in Bofats Edina Emor not .&Lready served by Irater Hains, - 3* In rf&oth Street €rom France Avenue to Xerxes Avenuea Affidavit of Publication of Notice of Hearing, as published in Suburban Press Lugust 30 and September 6, vas submitted, approved as to form and ordered pbced on filer 3hgineer's Estimate of Cost for the Trunk Water >fain, to be assessed 6ver entire district as set forth in Notice of Hearing, was $26,07lS20 as against 23,5693 assessable feet, or $1.11 per Assessable Footo Eis Estimate of Cost for lateral water mains, to be assessed against abutting properties oay, was $39,€%9&0 as against 12,03Zr25 assess%ble feet, or (i3e32 per assessable footr There were no objections at this time, either oral or written, Mr* J+El Boran, developer of Boran's Edina Emor, spoke in favor of project, asking that it be completed as soon as possible. I&* E.G, Thernell, developer of Bel-Air Addition, requested that this project be expeditedz and that Lateral Water EIIains for TSrew and &&ng Ayenues between W.60th and tfS61st Streets be includ6d in project. on these two laterals together with other laterals proposed for project, inas- much as his p3tition for same represents signatures by owners of all the property in Bel-Air, but that Formal Public Hearing must be held on October 8, to make these two Laterals a part of_prese&ly proposed project, following Resolution and moved its adoption: He was informed that cfouncil has taken bids Child offered the RESOLUTION 02XIEEtIPJG tt&I'ER .MAIN R*PRO~~, &?ROVING PLQTS-~AUD SR3CIIiICATIONS AND CON- b hereto$ore-caused ndtice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improv& ment consist%ng of construction of the following Water Hain Extensions 'and kppurte- names : In W,58th Street from Park Place to Francs Avenuee To serve all lots in Boran*s Edina Elanor ndt already served by In tfc,60th Street from France Avenue to Xerxes Avenue ' 1, 2. 3* lrater bins* 1 and at the hdaririg held at the t&e ahd place specified in said notice !he Council has duly considered the views of all person; intckested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said bprovement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Water Main Improvement No* 39, and 'che aDea to be specially assessed therefor shall include.al1 lots and tracts of land within the boundaries hereinafter described: I t1Beginning at the intiersection of Park ?lace and W, 5&h St, ; th, $forth ' 329.62 ft, more or less, to the North line" of %he SEX/,$ of Sm/4 of m1/4 of Sew 19,T*28,R124 TI; th. E,' along sai& 1/4 Section Line a distance of 657*1 ftp more or less; tha South 165 ft, more or less; th. X,35$,ll ft, more or less; th' Se 1-65 fta more or less, to the centerline -of %fp5&h St,; tho% along W,,5&h St, to France Asre*; the S. along France liver to TL60th St.; th. El dong 't.J*bOth 'st, to the ST Cor, of Lot 13, Block 5, Harriet" E@or 2nd kddn,; th, N, to the NU Cor. of said lot; th, E, to %he BE Cor. of Lot 11, Block 5, Harriet Planor 2nd Addn*; %1?+ S, to I1.60th St.; th, E, to SkJ Cora-of Lot 13, Block 6, Harriet Ifanor 2nd Addn.; th, Ne to the IW Cor, of said--lot; th* Eu Yo the Cor, of Lot 11, Block 7, Harriet Emor 2nd Addn,; tn. S, to 7~60th St.; th, E. to ,517 Cor. of Lot 13, Block 7, Harriet %nor 2nd Addn,; th, S, to Ve60th St.; th+ Er to BLCor+ of Lot 13, Block 5, Hakriet Na.noyC 2nd &ddn+; th, N, to .the PRJ Coro of said Lot 13; Lhr E, to Xerxes Avenue; the S* along Xerxm Ave, to 1.~~62nd St, if exbended; th, T?@ along 1~62nd St, Lo Park Place; th,-N+ along Park Place to W,5&h St, to Eoint of beginniagrlr BE IT FlJ€iTHER RES'OLVED, that The plqs and specifications for Vater Nab bproveinent Nol. 39, heretofore prepa'red by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village" Clerk are hereby approve&. Press and the ConstrucLion Bulletin, is hereby approved and confim'ed: c *I " . . I. * 2, The following Advertisement for Bids, publCshed tirice in the Suburban ADVERTISEPBITIT FOE BIDS FOR 'WATER IifAIH IE'ROmW-NOa 39 TTILklGE PF EDINA I The Sdina Tillage Counc'il ~fll .neet at the Village Hall, 4301 W,5Oth Street, Iblinneapolis, on Xonday, September 24,l95lJ at 7:30 otclock PA, .to open and consider sealed bids for the ,construction of Water 1;Iain Bprovernent No* 39 in sa'id village, consisting of construction of Uatsr Kain Exbensions and JLppurtenanczs Jr in the n 'following stre"e'ts: - x c 1, 2* 3. 4, 5. 6, * In France Avenue from V,60$h St. to JL60th St, in Boutan's 3d%a Nanor ;ld&n* 7. Sa 9. In 1Tes.t 5&h Gtreet fron Park place to France Avenue. In €Iali$ax Avenue fron tJ.58th Street to M.60th Street, In Grimes Avenue fronr Malifax Avenue to TJ,60th Street, In Grimes Lane from Fpnce Avenue to Halifax Avenuea? * In TT,60th Street fro? Halifax Avenue tq France Avenue. ~ In 11.60th Street from Futance Avenue to Xerxes I;venuem Id Ewirig Avenue from fu'+60th Street to w,61st 'Street. In Drew Avenue fro; TZ.6Oth Street to 7J.6lst Street.' L r .. ,I 9/24/51. The wrk on said improvement must be done as described and saecified in the plans and specifications for said improvment on file in the office of tile Tmage Clerk. All bids mst be submitted on the basis of cash ppnent for the ifqrk. I46 bids I-;iu be considered uriless*sealed and filed with the undersigned before the tine of said neeting ad accompanied by a cash deposit, bid'bond, or certified ch6cZc payable to the Village Clerk in the a&~oy% of Ten percent of the amount of the bid, 3Y ORDER 03' TiB VILL€-GE CO'I?NCzZ, -- -. - B~~ Hi%lEEODE ' I 'C Valage Clerk c Edina, 15~~~ * 3. Each and all of the terns o€%herforegoing advertisenent for bids ure hereby adopted as the terms and condif+ons of the avard"of the contract for said improvement* Hotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconqed by Daens, and on EollcaU there were five ayes and no nays, as follow: Ha;.rthorne, are; and Dickson, aye; and*the Resol %ian was adop ed, % . *r f Bredesen, ay6; CHld, aye; Danens: aye; = ATTEST: .. g//J/..w7 i' B I %,/&- I-hyor I .. Village Clerk ? Pursuant to Notice of Rearing, published in Suburban Press, Kopkins, August 30 and Septznber 6, 1951, liajror Eric'kson cued Public Hearipg on proposed Sanitary Sewer 3ktensions as follows: - lo -From termination of present Sanitary Sewer on fbore . Avenue and I-Zotor StTee-6, "Zst to Rutledge Avenue, this being a Diskrict Sewer. 2, &lateral semr in Brookside Avenue from Interlachen 31~3, to NorthVillage r;lmits, 3. A lateral sewer in Rutledge Avenue from Ebtor Street to ?Te4&h Street. 4. A lateral sever in Division Street from Rutledge Avenue easterly approhat ely 175 feet b Affidavit of Publication of Notice of Heahkg was submitted, approved 'as to €om and placed on file, Xngineer's Estimte of Cost for Lateral Sewers, to be a'ssessed to those properties frmting .said sewers, was $35,206,98 as again& 5,'54Gr4.0 assessable feet, or $6.35 per assessable foot, Era Olsson explained that this Estimate does not include an sssessmenk Tor the Xi.meapolis, Northfield and Southern Railway Propert~which borders Brookside Avenue on the East; that if such an assessment is contmplated, cost per assessable foot rJiU be less than quoted above. Attorney %indhorst7s opinion &s gfven, was that Village- can legally assess Railway Compny .property if they so wisho There were no objections to the laterals, eiLher oral or mitten, 1.5r. Olsson*s Esthte of Cost for District Sewer vias as foX6~rs: Total Estimated Cost -*of DT'strict Sewer, $46,659,,67, to be assessed to propzrties not already assessed for a District Sewer in Sewer District No. 8, Tor $Le29 per asses'sa6le Toot €or all pFoperi3es as outliried in Notice of Hearing except thdse propertids alrkady bearidg a'ssessment for Dist'rict Sewer' Nd. 8. Added to this cost for Dis'trict Sewer r.rill be' $LOO p'er front Ydot fok. each for conrlection t'o Joint Sevrdr District ivd, 1, There were no ob je'ctSons 30 the District Sewer: Child offered th"e foXLoving Resolution and moved its adoption: -. RESOLuTIfOI~--ORD~G ShmTm SIXEB - feet and $1.00 €or each five .feet thereafter, ' * CL t + I t C a.momm$~ N0.36, mmovq~ PUN$ e BN9, SPECIFICI1TLOB, %.IF CONFImG a c .a . 'ADvERTI~~IT!2 FOB .BIDS.. * . BE Dm RESOiXED by %he %OL~CU 'of ,the Village' of.3diria, Elimesota, that this Council heretofore- caused not'ice of hearing 'to be dully published on'the proposed inphvement cons'isting of constdction of' the follordng Sanitary Setfers: Frob tePmiriaPtion of present Sanitaky 'Sewer in Noora Avenke and Xotor Street, Vest to Rutledge Avenue, this being a DisCrict Sever. A lateral sewer in Brookside Avenue from Ihterlachen.Blvd. to Horth Village Limits. A &te$'al sever in Butledge Avenue from Eotor Street to VakrSl;h Stree't, A later& sever in Division Street from Rutledge Avenue,-Easterly appro,dmateLy 175 feet, -1 1. 2. 3. ,?+* * 6 I and a6 the hearing held at ths time and place specified in-said noiice the CoiUZci.1 has dulr considerzd the view of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improve- ment; that said improveixent is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subse- quent proceedings as Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 36, and the area to be specially assessed therefor "SKI., include all lots and tracts of land r.jithin the follovring boundaries: ' "Be&q.ning at the lorthkrest corner of Section 28, Township ll'i, Range 21; the South-along the Vest liae of said Section to V.52nd Street; th, East aXong'TLZnd Street to Trunk Yighrray Eo. 1694.2; tho Northeasterly along Trunlr Highway N0~169-212 to its intersection wibh Brookside Avenue; th. IJortQ along Brooksidz heme' to its intersection uith the South line uf Lot 43, AudrLtorls Subdivision No, 176 if sxbended flest; th, Xasterly along the South Lot Lines of Lot'43, Auditor's Subdivision 3T0.176 a,nd Lot 35, Brookside Terrace, to Xinnehaha Creek; th, in a meandering course .along IIinnehaZlz Creek to ff,&th Street; the %sterly along TL&th Street to -&he Easb Lot Bine of Lot 5, iluditp's Subdivision Lots %i~ht,Si=c,Bi~e,~o~,~~ae,~.~o and One, Auditor's Subdivision No. 276, to %he Eorth Village Linits; the Vesterly eo point of begjn@-ng,*r z t c ? 176; tho Nartherly along the East Loti Line of 4 *. 9/24/51 BZ IT PUnTHEFL IWOLJED, that 1, The .plans= specsications for Saaitary Sewer Tmprovement No, 36, heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the 2, Construction Bulletin as f ollotvs , is herebg appro&d and confirmed: f Tillage Clerk are hereby approv9d. \ The aclvertisement for bids, published twice in the Suburban Press and the DVEFLT$SEK@JT FOR B3DS FOR f SAB1TA;RY .@iBR WROlDXERi! N0.36 1 . _VIJX@E- OF ?DIN.& The Edina Villaie Council yill meet at the Village Hall, 4GOl T.S.5Oth Street, l-eapolis, on lfondaya September 2&,19a, at 7:30 of clock PJl. ,--to open and consider sealed bids for the construction of Sanitary Seyier hprovement 1~0~36 in said Village, consisting of Construction of Sanitary Sewer Excensions and Appurtenances in the following streets: 1, From terinjnatioE of present Sgitaky Sewer on Hoore Avenue and 'ii'iotor Street, ??est to Rutledge Avenue, this being a district sewer. 24 12 Laterq Sewer @ Brookside Avenue fron literlachen Blvd. to North Village LQits. 3. 4, A Lateral Sewer in qivision btreet from Rutledge Avenue Xasterlg., approximately 172 feet. kteral Sewer h Rutledge AGenue fron 12Io't;or S-breet to We5&h Street, The ~mrk on said improvement must be done as described ad speciiied in the plans and specificatioims for said improvement on file in the office of the Village Ckerk. All bids must be subaitted on the basis of cash payment for the work, IJo bids v~l.11- be considered &less sealed and filedwith the undersigned bsfore the time of said Eseting and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bone, or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the mount of Ten percent of the mount of the bida ' BY ORDm OF Ti33 VmGE C0UiKJ.L. -_ -1 .-- - - _- . BaiaR IiAIJTHOrnB Yiklage Clerk Edina, Pk$mesota 3. hereby adopted as the tern and conditions of the award of the contract @or said improvement, IIotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall-there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Xach and all of the tpms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are - Bredesen, w,e,wd, aye; Danens, aye; Havhhorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and. Hayo r Tillage Clerk ' Ek, Harvey Hansen requested &ension of Lateral Sewer, from teraina%ion of Trunk Line on XIo'cor Street md,Rutledge, Vest on Eotor street to Cleveland iiVenu-ea C&Sd*s notion, that Public Hearing--on plooposed &%era1 Sewer be set for ?donday, October 22, and that bids be taken at that time,,ivas seconded by Danens and carried, Mfidavit of Publication in Suburban Press, Hopkins, August 23, 3.951, of "Notice of Wearing on Assessment for Storm Sewer-hpcovcment No, 18," vas read, approved as to fom and ordered placed on -file, this Kotice, against *625,027+96 assessable feet, or $,00655 per assessable square fook, vas readr Xi-* E*G,Stow and I&* Clarence Owens spoke for a delegation of Yvonne Terrace residents objecting to any Storm Sewer a$sessmen.l; for Yvonne Terrace, aaintaimd that he had built the so-called Yvonne Terrace Stom Sewer on the recomuiendatiomof the Village Zngineer at the time 'chis plat 'GGS developed, at a cost of $568,00; that the Storm Sewer constructed bjr the Village does not benefit .Yvonne Terrace because his storm sewer takes the surface water draining from this particular area. property they were infomned by the developer that Storm Sewer TVZS paid for; and %ha% Yvonne Terrace is still being damaged by waters draining into it from the Iforthh* Previous action by $he Council, initiating proceedings for Storm Setrer, vas reviewed for the audieme, aad considerable furbher discussion was fiad, during vwch a credit of $$25+00 per lot for Yvonne Terrace owners vas proposed, Err Stow agreed thct credit should go to new owners. rather than to him, for the cost of the ?rYvonne Terrace" storm sewero Hathornets raotion, khat it is the sense of this Council that %he assessment for the cost of Stom Sewer Impromment Iqo. 18 be spread ecpally over aU property in the area set fodh in Notice of Hearing, and that the lots on Yvonne Terrace within this drainage area be Grmted $$25*00 credit per lot for Vne storm sewer constricted by lb'e StOT.J, was seconded.by Bredesen and carried, Hawthorne moved that Fublfc Hecring on Le-g hsessnent in final forma 1Zotion seconded bJr Danens carrieda As resnrlt of above Hearing, Child moved that Council a%low no further private development in Village Streets; Notion seconded by Bredesen and carried6 Bhyor Erickson called Eublic Hearing p%rsumt to Zngineerts Tabulation of Assessment, in total mount of $4,09ld@ as lk. Stow Nr, Owens stated that t&en Yvonne Terrace mmers purchased their 7 ' I ' 'i3ssessment be contiaued-to October 8,19!jll for the pupose of adoptkg %solution K , 246 a 9/24/51 1 Tuolic Hearing tm field on Proposed Grading and Gravslling of ~~60th Street bebzeen >'airfax and OakJapm &venuesr Af2idavi.t of Fublicztion of Eotice of Hearing, as published in Suburban Press, Hopldrs, August 30 and September.6, 1951, vas submitted, approved as to form and ordered placed on file, Engineer's Estimate of Cost, in total. of $3,337,20 as against 1,603~8s assessable feet, or $2,38.per assessable foot, vas read. One gentleman inquired as to why cost is so hi.&, and @r* Olsson explained that more fill is naeded on tXs jcb than on nbst grading projecks, Clad offered the foUoriing Resolution aid noved its adoption: EZSOLrJTIOR 03DIBlG X-maG-EW heretofore-czused notice 02 hearing to be duly published on the proposed iaprovement consisting of Grading and Gravelling of 1~60th Street between Fairfax and Oalclavm ,\venues, and at the heaing held at the time and place specified in said ootice -the Council has dul$ considcrzd the Views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent f'acts does hereby deternine to proceed with the constructLon .of said hproqment; that said hprovment is hereby designated ad ahall b3 referre3to in all subsequent proeeebgs as Street kprovenznt 130, C-17, and the area to be spccjally assessed therefor shall include all lots and Gracta of knd abutting and fron"r;ing upon Tlotion for adoption of Eesolution PELS duly seconded by Danens, ad on Itollc~CLl there mre five ayes and no nz;is, as follows: HawkhQrne, aFe; and Erickson, ago; and.the Resoluti i s adopted. I the streets in xbich s&d improveneat is to be constructed+ J Bredesen, apj CHldcaye; Dwens, aye; d;!&LL&- IilrtyQr d TXlage Clerk " Child offered t& following Resolution and rnoved it5 adoption: FtBOLUTIOlis &PiX"G PULTE ?ID SFECII?IC LYIOPTS FOE. S'T!F@Zl I$?XOVEZ~, XL C-17 JIkI .DECTIII:G . AD?~RTLX~LXHT FCB BIDS . . . BS IT IBJEOL~ED by the TLUage Councilaof the Village pf Edina: . pared by .-&e Village Znsineer aid now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. Comtmction 'J?uUetin the following notice for bids for the construction of said iinpro vexent : t . 1, The pkns and specifications for Street hprovment Ho. C-17 heretofore pre- 2, The Clerg shall cause to be published twice in ;he Suburban Press, and the DVXRTISEtBWI! POFL 3DS FOR 4 STFLBT. DI1TP~~~Sr B0.C-12 lTILlXcT;4: OF 3DEA The Edirra Village Council r.riU. meet at the .Village Hall, .4801 IT. 50th Srset, ~ IZinpeapcCLis, on Xonday, October E, 1951, at 7:30 o~clock P.&, to open apd consicier sealed bids for the construction of Street Improvaent IJo. C-17 in said Villsge, consisting of Gradins and Gravelling of TT.60t;l Street between Fairfax znd Oaklawn 3.renues plans md specificztions r"or said improvement on file. in Vne office of the Village Clerk. 4.U bids must be submikted on the basis of cash papent for the work. bids ~dll $e considered unless szaled and filed vith the undersigned before the time of said xeeting ad accompanied by a cash deposit; bid bond,'or certified check pyable to the Tillage Clerk in %he anaunt of Ten percent of the amount of ,the pid. The work on s&d improvement must be done as described and specified in the I\To . .* BY OA2DSFt OF TI-ZZ 'VIl;LhGE: COUCCIL, ** I .-- ._ BBWm HA.Yi!HOFdJX YUage Clerk Edina, I-Ennesota -I 3, $ach and *all of the tern of the foregoing advertisement for ,bids are hereby adopted as the terms ad conditions of the award of VIe contract for said iaprovemente llotion :or adoption of the Resolution tms seconded by Danens, 'and 6n Bollcall there were five- ayes and no nqs, a5 follows: Bredesen, aye; Child, -aye;3wens, aye; Hatrborne, aye; and Erickson, asre; ancl the Resolution tm3 ado ed ATXBT: c- %/-- /---@?/DL;,L -' ' L Ihyor .i 'd Village Clerk hrsumt to *%otice of Hearing on Proposed Gravelling and Blackbopping,l! published in suburban Press Septmb=r 6 ad 13, 1951, affidavit for which publication vas' submitted by Clerk, approved as -Lo ;om and ordered placed on file, Ialayor &ic$on called public Iiezrbg on &avc&&g and Blackbopping of -Westbrook Lane between '13. kfkh and f.:.l%fi Streets, I&, OLsson's Estimate of Cost, qomt $1,6$0*4e as agEinst 1,179.99 assessable feet, for 4;lL+lp3 per assess8bl.e foot, vas read. Engineer Olsson recommended delaying this >roject..until 1952 because of recent sewer and mter nah instaUatiom- There were no objections from tho floor, and an written objectiqns had been received prior to the hearing, '1 * 9/2.!i./a * _-- -3- Child offered the follow&g Resolution and moved its adoption: R33SOLUTION OFDERIIVG IXPXOV?GENT 241 s- lm?Romvm NO, A-22 BE E RESOLWD by the Council of .the Village of Edina, Wnnesota, that this Council( heretofore-caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed hprove- ment consisting of Gravelling and BlacKcopping of Westbrook Lane between T?&$th and IT&9th Streets9 and at the hearing held at thetime and place specified in said -notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinen.$ facts does hereby determine to proceed vdth the construction of said improveaent; that said kprovement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings a5 Street kprovement No. 11-22, ad the area to be specially assessedtherefor shall include all lots and tracts 02 land abutting ad fronting upon the streets in. which said improvement is to be constructed. Elotion for adoption of Besolution T~S duly seconded by Damns, and on Rollcall t'fiere yere five ayes and no nays, as Ditnens, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and ATTEST: . 1 *^ - 1 ' Xayor Villa'ge Clerk ' I Affidavit of Publication for Notice of Hearing on Proposed Blacktopping, published in Suburban Pyess, Hop'sins, August 30 and September 6, was subaitted, approved as to form and ordered placed 09 file. Erickson callet: public hearing on prozosed Blacktopping of that part of Woodcrest Drive in Shady Pines Addition. as against 683.25 assessable fee$, for $1.63 per assessable foot, was read, There were no objections to the improvement, either oral or mitten. offered,the following Resolution and moved its adoption: IX.ESOLUTION ORDEEING II'iPROVE2ENT. 33E'lT REXiOLVED by'the Corn$&& of the-Village of Eddy BEnnesota, that this Council-heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improvemen% consisting of Blacktopping of that portion of IToodcrest Dlfive in Shady Pines liddition, and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in saic! nptice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facti does herebk determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that 'said improvement 5s hereby desig- nated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Street Improvement Nol A-23, and the area to be-specially assessed therefor shall iqclude all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said hprovb ment is to be constructed, Xotion for adoption of Resolution vas duly seconded, and on Rollcall there tmr8 five ayes and no nays, +* follows: Bredesen, aye; Chilaeye; Danens, aye; - Fursuant to said Notice of Hearing, Nayor Xngineer's Est5mate of Cost, in amount o$ $;l,l09,35 I -%-I- Bredesen t -. Sm IttlPF1OMm.NO. A-2 by Child, Hawthorne, aye; ana Erickson, aye; and the P / -_ 1- ' Ifayor Village Clerk Public Hearing on Proposed Ass'essmeit for cost of construction of Storm Sewer ~pruvement No. 21. was had, _after Mfida-iiik of Publication fok Notice of Hearing, as published in Suburban Press, was submitted, approved as to form and ordered placed on file, Letter from C.TI,SLocum, owner of Lot 22, BXock 4, Hdrriet Ehor 2nd Additioq suggasting @arming survey for-entire 'drainage area, tias read. Xre-CraZg, 9309 Chowen, stated he objects to assessment because his ,storm wLter-drains South and not into 57th Xtrezt storm sewer* and 5933 Beard Avenue made same objection. Hawthorne's motion, that Fublic Hearing upon proposed assessment be postponed until first mesting in June, 1952@ ' * OtJners of 5324 PIPs i3ie1,5616 Abbot%, objected alsot Rotion seconded by Child and carried, I * Informal Public Ne,?ring was had on proposed change of name of *Warket Street" to 1W*J*49& Strtyrb+" &sociation in the Post Office Building, ob;jected, and t'ne petition setting- forth reasons for name chFnge 'EELS read, with Ees Hartley Cravens supporting the ;,. pe-i;ition. dispense with second reading thereof and movewits adoption as read: Hessrs. ..Fred V, Bo,dgers of Camp Lincoln and Swburn of ,the Loan Cud offered $he following OFdinance, aoving that the Council 248 9/24/51 1 Section le That Ordinance adopted by the Xdina Village Council Uay 27,1935, entikled Ordinance I!zming and Renaming Certain Roads, Strae-bs and Avenues in the Village of Edina,lt is hereby wended by inscrt5pg therein an wiuberzd pas- graph vrhkh shall raad as follows: "That 1krket Street, extending betmen France Avenue and Halifa;x liveme, shall be renmed Tiest Forty-Rine and One-Half Street." - ' Section 2. This O&lbance shall be in-force and effect frorn a-id ai'ter its passage ad p-'Jfi&,lon accmd.ing to law+ Xotion €or adoption of Ordinance vias seconded by Bredeseq and on Rollcall there mre five ayes and no nzys, as 2ollor.r~: Danerrs, aye; and Erickson, are; and the Resolutio v@s-ado>tedo Bredesen, ay6; CTuld, are; €Iaviihome, aye; ., gp5xA;A-&- '* I \ -K " '. t I Iiayor Vilhge Clerk Child's motion, thxL Villags Engineer be instructed to post sips designating the newly 'renbed tl.ForLy-1Ene and One-Half Street as both Warket Street'land WrFor-Ly-lZne 2nd One-Haf Street*', ~ ms. seconded by Havhhorne and carriedr Fhal Plat of ~*Eel-Air~~, as appro7ted by the Planning Conmission, was presenteda HawthroEe moved for approval of Final. Plat of Bel-liir* ad carriedr ' * Uotion seconded by Child 1.2, Peder lEc!i&en presented plans for ba-senent of Edina Cormunity Lutheran Cllurch, to be located at a05 Tlic54th Street. ;ras seconded by Child and carriedc I&, 1Fiic'l;elsen presented plans for filling station to be constructed on Lots 1.4 and 15, Block 1, Grandview Eeights (fir7 Hi&v;ay N0,169). be approved ad pernit be granted. IJ&* Xickelsen requested palY.;irission to build it Drive-ln at 5003 EEghiay 569, Lot 2, Block 3, Grandvie;.r Seights. seccaded by Ctlild and carpied. Hawthornels motion, Lha% permit be granted, Hawtkorne moved -that plms Liotion seconded-by Danens ad carried. r Bredesents motion, granting permit for Drivs-lb, vas r I-k, John H. Dorek,7&96 ITorth Street, St.buis Park, former manager of Edins Eowling AlleF, and Off-sale Beer Licenses for Edina Bowling Center,5030 France Avenue South; stating that he rrill be taking ovsr thc business. of all licenses except the tvo beer licemes. unanimously carried, Era and labsr James P. Boviell made application for pew6 for km-famil~r dwelling at 4832 TTestbrook Lme, Cornmiasion, xas seconded b3- Bredessn and carried. I&* Dahl, 6157 Franc% iivenue, objected to 60th S-Lreet Trunk Yater &in assessrrient, &aiming that, since tis lots we -two blocks awy from proposed trunk main and s-hce the streets ara not sanea Ihtter cxplzined by Village -4ttoYney T.lindhorst. Xka Olsson presented tz?xla-bion of bids take; earlier this evening* bid considered ins that for tkter Z%in Jjilprovment 1Toa39. that the low bidder is Phelps-Drake Company; that according to bid seading date is 200 days from date, yhereas.tho nqd-1or.r bidder, Lametti Lasuetti can start . in 10 dap and complete in 90 days. Nr. Guy Drake, Jr., who was present at the letting, stated t'mt he can begin this project just as soon as Lametti Ct he%%& sewer contractors, are out of the tray; that equipmen% and materials are available immediately; thzt he had in error reversed his starting and completion date on his bid and should be beginning date 60 days frosz date; completed within 200 mrking days thereafter. contractor intends to caaskruct the -ater main on each street as soon as the sewer main on tht street is conpleted, low bidder, Pfielps Drake CO., Inc+ carriedr applied for Eovrling Alley, Food, ,Cigarette, Pinball &chine, %-Sale Eser . Hwthome moved Zor approval 1.1otion seconded by Child and Hinhlnorne's motion, ref.ei.rhg application to Planning cut through, his lots v&llL receive no benefit from " q The Tirst Eke Olssan. ezglainecl \.J ,\ Zaekti & 'metti1s representative stated that this . Bredesenl s notion, that project be awarded to at $Y-,50%3lj rvas seconded by Da.nens and t I 9/24/51 289 I&, Olsson reported that Phelps-Drake Co., Inc, is low bidder on ITater Main 'i Xmprovernmt No, 40, with 6 bid of $4,35OS20. Hawthorne aoved for award of bid to Phelps Drake Co,, fnc, Xotion seconded byBredesen and carriedr Bids on Sanitary Sewer Improvenewb,Brew and Xw55g Avenues between 'C.JI60th and W, fl 61st Streets were reviewed, Yt. Olsson reporting that Lametti eS hetti is lo^ bidder, sdth $4,540,19. Hawkhome' s motion, that bid be awarded- to low bidder, was seconded by Eredesen and csrried. lilr, Olsson reported that Bart Czrlone is low bidder on Sanitgry Sewer lmprovement ~ No, 38, wit11 bid of $3,799*45. low bidder,. was seconded by Bredesen and carried. Richard P, Wolff being low bidder for Sanitary Sewer kprovement Ho. 39, Hawthorne moved for ayard of bid to Richard P1 IzTolff, at $3,681.90, Notion seconder$ by I&. Olsson reported th& Orfei & lhriani is $ow bidder on Sanitary $ewer Improve- ment _Xo, 36, at $71,307.39, Phelps-Drake being nexf;-low, with $72,797025. Reporb was made that low bidder has. been difficult to deal*with in other Edina projects, and Child moved that award of bids be delayeg for two weks, pending investigation of contractor's imrk in-other communities, by Village Engineer, Motion seconded by Hawthorne and carried. t Sewer Improvement No, 37, at $3&,331,U, Child's motion, for award I. of contract %o Phelps-Drake Go., Inc,, was seconded by Danens and carzied. 3I'I.- Olsson reported %ha% Phelps-Drake Go,, kc.+ is low bidder on Sanitary Sewer Improvement No, 37 Alternate at $33,897,00,. Child $oped that award of contract be delayed until after Pubqc Hearing of October 8. and carriedr *- - 3Tr. Child reported that: location for Water Tank had been found near football lights on school grounds . property on friendly condemnation. pro2erty and get toget'ner with school board and 142. Windhorst for possible First Edina State Bank's September 20th transnittad of $110,000 U.S. Treasury 1-3/4$ Series B. Notes..due December 15,1955, as collateral to cover deposits over $325,000 in Edina Bank, was reported, Besolution and moved its adoption: .I* Hawthorne's motion, that contract be awarded .t;o Child and carried, . .. -- . . c - Tabulation of Bids shoipred Phelps-Drake Cot; Inc.<to be low bidder on Sanitary r' .s Notion seconded by hx&l.xorne* Attorney Vwdhorst recomended condemning the Engineer Olsson instructed to stake out acquisition of site recomended, .* Child offered the following . RESOL~ION &PPROV&G ASSIGNNENT OF + SECWJTBS-IN LIEU- Ox. BOND FIRST I3lIIJA STAT3 BANK 13E IT RXSOLVED, that the Tillage Council of the Yillage of kdina approve the assignment b~r its depository, the Fimt Edina State Bdc of Xdina, E1Tinnesota, of the foUoiJing, togethez -with those-securities pledged Jmuary 8, 1951, as good and sufl"icient collateral $or the KUage of Edina .Public Funds <for the balance of the year 19%: U,sdb -Treas& Series B, Notes -1-3/&$ - &e 12/15/55 - @XIO,OOO Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall "C -1). I Tillage Clerk Pet5tion'for Rezoning of Lot 3, Block 1, Edenmoor Addition camk before the Council, hvi~g been approved by the Villgge $'laming Commission. motion, that Public Hearing on petition be set for ILTonday, October 8, fms seconded by Danens and,carriedr + Resignation of Irving Cummings fcuom Police Deparwent was presen-bed, moved Lht resignation be accepted, -Notion .seconded. by Child and carrieds Besirnation of Thomas Hodgson from Civil Defense Copittee was repo9'ed. Haldhorne moved that resignation be accepted. Xotion spconded by 8Ud and carriedo C Matter of Rezoning bf Lots 3,4,5,6,9,10,ll &+U, Block 4,'Tingdale Bras* Brook- side, came once again before Council. decided informally to table petition until plans for Trunk Highways 169-100 are HatSi;horne's . Hadhome * * I x No formal action taken, but Courlcil 4 complet ed ** c 250 9/24/51 . Application by Brede, hc., for permit-to+install lO'x40' sign on State Highway No, 169 1/2 I-Ele East of Vest boundary line of Village, was submitted. Hawthorne's notion, that application be referred to Village Nanager for investigation and recsmmendationj ms secanded by Child and carried. . . Application by balaer Display Company for permi'E to construct sign at about 5600 Highiay ITo. 5 was presented, together with office report that application is not clear as to exact location. location is not clear, * Child noved for approval and payment of Village Pziyroll, anout $6,08'7,5l., and Liquor Stare Payroll, amount $648.17, for period Septemb.er.16 to.30, hc., and the Haidhome novedthat pernit be denied for reason that Xotion seconded by Child and carried. .* z followbg el-, was secohded by Danens and carried: cum EO* TO= 1. I b liliOrniT ,m - . * IJidlmd IJationdl -Bank - . $-.lL6~,90 . . . - .- L. .. =5w I2588 n589 LY-590 n591 U592 us93 U59& =595 U596 a597 n598 u599 U600 U601 1x602 I3603 Ll604 n605 U606 u607 Ix608 I3609 U610 ~611 u6l2 ' ~613 U6U U615 1.~616 32617 U618 IJ.619 I3620 ILL621 I;r6U, 6229 6230 6231 6233 6234 6236 6237 6238 6241 6242 6% 62-48 6249 6250 6251 6252 6257 6262 6266 6270 32622 1~623 6220 6253 6263 6271 Val, Bjornson, Trcas. PEita Distillers Distributing Goe * The EL E. hhmann Co+ - hheuszr-Busch, Inca Canda Dry Ginger Ale, Inc. Glausen.& Sons, Inc, . Coca-Cola Bottling Co, Cold Spring Distributing Cor Cornelius Beverage Go.- - 0. 1.1, Droney Beverage Co. * +* Gluek i3ret.ring Co. Gold Xedd Beverage Go, Kuether Dis%ributing-Co,+ linneapcdis Brewing Go. 3Enneapolj.s City Club Distributing Co. liorris Distributing Co. ?ahst Sales Company - writy_Co., Inc. Rex* Distributing Co . Seven-Up Bottling -Go. I?. J. @inn Paper Cor Borthern States Power Co. IT. .:;T.< Bell Tell." Go. Foqqan Ford & Co. . The National Cash Register Co. Refrigerator Service Go. . &erican L.inen Supply Go. Crook & Hanley, -Inca @iller-Davis Cos. Shai~-TkCLker Uoid ._ Victor Adding Ihchine Go. Griggs,-Cooper & Co. - IEd-Vest TEne Go. Griggs, Cooper & Co, I-lassolt Bottling Coo ~ ** I ~ c Ed* Phillips &"sons-Co. - - J. pi. Dziens & son, hcb - Earl* Sevmll Glacier Sand & Gram1 Coo Continen+&l, Inc. &ague of X-. Iiimici~alities Wicipal Equipen% Co. Berg EZ Famham Co. . Dick Palen Pfeiffer Consfxuckion Cor &I Fyan, Sheriff of Hennepin County Faqhau Stationery &. School Supply Co, Underwocd Corporation - 1 1-Torell & ITichols, Inc, k & k Zlectric Co.. Dietzick Lumbzr Co. Crook eC Hanley Jcr?c, Bmtelson Britsc,. American Enen Supply Co. pncy Drugs, mc, Eine Safety Appliances 'Cow Suburban Press . @\ Glenn Johnson Cont ."Cop N, A. Bogers Co. (3scz.r Boberts Go. n . 67.60 . 797.57 ** a95.59 c 7 - 377.43. 202.75 ' 598.93 . ' 93.20 l5l.SS U6.38 456 lie= 227.3L, ' 33 €33 184. 55 26.34 1,776. $0 ' UC5.27 239 52 508.04 192 . 40 152 97 86.00 51.10 44-32 12.35 22.50 7.45 29 50 ~65 U.28 34.35 4.50 6,%7.62 223 . 28 2,232.08 .. 3.50 r. 4,185.85 , 661.36 186,56 154.89 1575 164.00 59 00 12.20 22.4.0 30 71 3.86 2.20 1224 m.75 32.00 4.05 10.00 95.60 7.50 8.26 93 66 U.04 76.71 g0,oo , 563.02 .". c- 9/24/51 261 1 BUNO. a: 6272 Paper C-enson &" GO, C t 6276 6277 6223. 4223 6224 6225 6%7 6258 6263 6270 6279 ,6280 6222. 6232 I 6235 627s 6281 6226 6227 6228 6239 6240 6245 6%6 6253 6254 6261 6264 ,6265 6267 6268 6269 6273. 6274 - 6275 6277 + 6243 6255 6277 6256 6259 6260 Wakner Hardware Company 6*57 GENERAL FUND k.26 .Sk, 779.43 ,- Town & Copntry Hardware Village of 'Edina Terry Bros.; Tnc; Terry Bros.; Inc. Terry Bros.,-Inc. ' Delaney Bros . Construction Bulletin Subur3an Press ' H, A. Rogers Cor Pfeiffer Const. Cor Phelps-Drake Phelps-Drake Pfeiffer Const. 'GO, ' *. Int<rnai$onal Harvester Co. Brookside Service Station Brooksida Service Station Dependable Motors Globe Haufacturing Coe- Astleford Equipmen%, Co . , In& Scandard spring Go; -_- American Linen Supply Co. A-If Go., bc,, of 3besota Carl W. R. Carlson Delegard Tool Co.- D-A Lubricant Go., Ihc, . Lee$ Bros., Inca IGnneapolis Iron Store iforthwestern Tire Cq. Phillips Petroleum Coo Rosholt Xquipment Coo Tom & Country Hardware Go, RihmMotor CO. - t B9rgerson Caswell Inc, '- 363.39 City of M%,meapolis; City Treasurer 4,220.48 SEt~"lXEHT~ Badger Weter Mfg, COS 2y083i'?3 ?qATEX FUND Town & Country Hardware 1.27 'I $ 2,468,39 ). 3 4,220tM 77*36 , 'PARKS FUND * 20.40 . $ 97.76 V;ictor Carlson &. Sonsp &Edrt;est Badg9 & Novelty Co. * 6263 Suburban Press +* 3.4. 58 ,1951 ITPRO~~S $ U*58 c 'i *L I&. Alex Creighton, Village' &seesky, requested salab, increase to $12.50 per day for himself,.$lO.OO. per. day for one of: &is deputies, and $LOO per hour for those deputies working on personal. property taxes, L No action taken, Natter of cmge in Water Rate was discussed briefly, vritg further discussion to .be had next meeting. Petition for water-main in Interlachen Blvd. betiqeen Hankerson and Oxfogd, and in Oxford, Bedford, IElliam and Hankerson Avenues* between Tnterlachen B1,v$. and W.52nd Street, was fihed. be posgponed as to in$tiation of legal procedure until petition is inveskikatbd . -. ghild movpd that petition be accepted but that action - as to perpentage of petitioners+. t * 9. Child moved for adjotirniment. adjourned at 12:20 B.f4., Tuesday, September 25. Motion seconded byt Bredesen and carried. Neeting "