HomeMy WebLinkAbout19511008_REGULAR252 _- *- - . **- . .. Nember's answering Roll.'&l were Bredesen, Ghild and Ericlrson, with Ekwthorne coming later, as recorded below, Ximtes of Regular Xeeiting of Xonday, September 24, mre approved as submitted, by Xotion Bredesen, se"conded by Child qd carried, First matter of business on Agenda was the taking of bids for various construction projects. Kayor Erickkon announced that bids would be taken on proposed Stom Sewer No, 19, and proposed Grading and Gravelling of illley betveen Bedford and Oxford and between rJrt'erlachen Blvd, and W.5lst Street; subject bo outcome of Public Heasings to be "neld later this eve@& Affidavi% of Publ'icaI5on of ttAdvertisement for Bids for St-orin Sewer Improve- ment No. 19;" as pubXshed jn Suburban Press, Hopkins, and Construction Bulletin, I-finn~Sp~liIs on Septenb'sr 27 and October*3,199, fomn and ordered placed on file. bids were publicly op9md and read; *+ i were submitted, approved as to Pursuant to said Advertisements, the folloxrhg Orfei & Ilariani; St,Paul. - $120,83&+30 STOmi SEZR IXPBOVElE3IJT HO, 19 ITestern Undergroad Const* Go*, Nplse . .I $U, 589.77 I . Phelps Drake Co., kc., T.lpzs, a x13,14S,06 Lamethi Et kett$, St, Paul c 124,321d6 Child-moved tkt bids 'be referred to ViUge Engineer for tabulation and report .. later this evening. Hotion seconded by Bredesen and carried, Pursuant to Advertisemen% for Bids for Grading+& Gravelling, Uey appearing in Suburban Press, Hopkhls and Construction *BulleCin, I.linneapolis, Septenber 13 and 20,199, Affidavits of Publication for which were subinitted, zpprofred as to Tom and placed on file, the- folloxdng sealed bid vas publicly opened and read, being the only bid received$ .r I ' WDiG eC GMmTm3G OF ALLEY EiZTXBDT BEDROBD ,IED OxFOFiil AXT-ES SC mm xmac:m! 9LXD,O 11. g23! ST. Pfei€fer Construction CO.3 Edina .. * $r -l,OOS,75 Child nroved that bid ire referred to Village &gineer for 'recomendation later in evening, / * , MficIav.5.t of Publicahion for 1IAdvertisement for Bids-Street kprovenent C-1'7,'' in Suburban Press, Hophs and Construction Bulletin, I:Enneapolis, on Septenber 27 and October 3,1951, rrere submitted, approved as to form and placed on files The folloving sealed bid was then opened and read, being the only bid received: Kotion seconded by Bredesen and carriedr F Sm 33PlXlVB.E~ XO. G17 , - Terry Bros., InCi I * *- $ 2,835.00 Ckiild'moved that bid be rzferred to Village Engineer for recommendation later in evening. Eotion seconded by Bredesen-and carried* 9 Public Rearing was ne& had on FBOPOSD STORH SE%B ItiPPO'VEI-ma NO. 19. Haidhome entered the Xeeting at this time+ Affidavit of mblication of Votice of Hearing!' in Suburban Press, Hoplrins, September 13 and 20,1951, was submitted, approved as - to form and ordered placed on file, Reques.l; of Reuben L, Anderson, Chaiman of Lake Harvey hprovaent 2ssoci&ion, for postponement of Public Hearhg, was 1, Golf Terrace Heights, was reviewed, as.ms ,the file of written requests for hprovment, by L,T,Gartner,7 Voodland Road; Howard L, ape, 5612 St*hdrets; 1.larcus Ifeffelfinger, 5615 St,Andrevm; Edmund V*Lienke, 5611 Unity he. j Robert C1 Tood, 27 Woocllurd Road; G,F .I{atZn, 56D St .hdrer.rs . of Cost, in total mount of $113,333,7& as against 9,715,600 Sqa Fk., was read; being Ga0117*per aqure foot. *A pztition, signed by owners of sixty-five affected properties, opposing improvaent for following reasons was presented; I __ -. pubLicly readc, The mitten ob'je'cgion of '6'IIC.Schneider,omT;ner of Lots 1 and 2,Block trillage Engineer s Zstima.rce l.-That the cost thereof at the present tjme r.;i1ll. be excessive* 2*-That the present and prospective burden of taxation should not be increased at this time, 3,-That said hprovaent is not so vitally hportant that it mst be carried out at present, Ilks H, JpCharXes,474S Ikkeuicur Drive, and 1.3. Kerle S. XX,se,4625 Lexington Avenue were SFokesnen for the delegation opposing project; _De= Br Tripp, 5613 Stdndrmrs; Eomrd L. Bqne, 5%2 3-b.hdrer.s; Andrew3,5603 St~,hdreus; ad Brmdall,l;blL, We- view Drive, being spokesinen for thz smaller delegation in 2avor of the hprownent+ Corxiiderab2.e discussion TSS had, with Bginegr Olsso e4xpl.i.nnn&.&he $posepVoute of the Storm Sewer, and presenting the ;mq~@&&&~ €iawthorne offered the folloving Resolution and moved its adoption: an &t%& &E%!$ % + STORU s~m DCPEO~IGBXT gro. 19 *, d BE ITJRE3OL~D by the-Counc&l .of the Village-of Edina, KnneCota, that Chis Courki.1 heretofore cwsed notice of hearing to be duly published on the*proposed improvement consisting bf .construction of Storm Sewer and Appurtenances to serve the area ;cLthin the fol3owjng boundaries: Beginning at the intersection of Kellogg Avenu; and tL53rd Stre&; thence South on Kellogg Avenue to. Wa 56th Street 5 thence East on lJ* 56th Streeb -bo Oaklawn Avenue; thence South on Oaklawn Avenue, if exbended South, to IL59-bh Street; thence West on 1'1.59PIh Street to Ashcroft Avenue; thence South on Ashcroft Avenue -exbeded to Valley View ifoad; thence 7est on Valley View Road to Nomandale Road; thence Uorth on Normandale Boad to Yvonne Terrace; thence Yest on Yvonne Terrace to a point zpproximately 700 feet %est +of Nomi1ddl.e Xoad; thence North on a line parale1 Lo and 700*xeet distant to Nomandale Eoad to the centerline of ?fe53rd Street if exbended;t thence East on centerline of TiJa53rd Street if exbended', to Kell6Gg Avenue; which is the point of beginning; 1 and at the lisarhg held at the time and place specified in said notice tho Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts do'es hereby deternine Lo proceed with the construction of said improvenrent; that said improvement is hereby desipated and shall be referred to in all. subsepent proceedings as Storm Sewer Improvement ?do. 19, and the area to be specia,lly assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land within %he above named boundaries.which are shown as benefited on map dated lO-lk9 and entitled "Edina Storm Sewer Areas!!. Motion €or adoption of rtesolution there were four ayes and no nays,. as Hawbhorns, aye; and Erickson, aye; I Y Hayor 1 Public Hearing on PROZOSED LgW&r EZXZFiS PCFL SANTTkn'K SEY~ IImOm#SBE NO&' was next called, t&is being- a. conkhuation of the Public Hearing held ^rIonday, September 24, Cost of Yvonne TerEace Lift Station - $5,G16s00, or @,25 per Assessable foot if assessed again& Yvoqne Terrace residents only. Cost of Laterals on Yvonne Terrace, not including lift station,' + Engineer's Estimate of Cost was as follows: . $4,23 per asssssable footv . t 14rs Olsson stated that, should the cost of %lie lifi station be assessed over the entire Sanitary Server District No. 3'7, it would increase the cost of the' TrunPJjne assessment_about .&J2 perrassessable foot, from 5.93 to &05. Fifr, E.CrStow, ad I&, OCrens,5017 Yvonne Terrace, requested that the cost of the lift station be assessed over the entire district. Upon inquiry by the Council., Engineer Olsson&ated that if Yvonne Terrace is to be included in the district the Zmulkline must be lowered considerably, or a lift station must be installed; that it is considerably cheaper to instal1 a lift station than to nake the deep cut necessary&o serve Yvonne Terrace from the trunk qine. Yvonne Terraceiowners again informed the Council of their immediate ' need of sewer service because of cesspool failures. stated that, if Yvonne Terrace is to be included in the assessment district" for Sanitary Sqrver hprovement Nor.37,: it will be necessaw to have another Public Hearing for this entire district, Hawthorne offered the follordng Resolution and moved its adoptions c ., Attorney Wiqdhorst K t __ RESOL~ION SETTING PUBLIC HEXRING SANITA3Y Sk*R D~I~E~O~~E~IE~E. NO,. 31 TmW the VillageACoun@l-of the Village of Edha desires on its own motion to improve the property within the following-described boundaries by construction of a Sanitary Sewer .and Appurtenances to serve said properties: . State Irighmy i!b+ 100: +he -N, along the West Right of "Tay line of said State Highway No, 100 to the SE Car,- of Lot 9,.-Block 7, Tingdale Brosr Brookside; Broolpide to the SE Cor. of Lot 7,-Block 8, Tingdale Bros. Brookside; th, I\Jp to the IKE Cor* or" said Lot 7; th, 51, to the SI+? Cor* of Lot 4, Block 8, Tingdale Bras* Brookside; th, NtIly- across Stage Highway-No+ 169-212 to $he SE @or. of Lot 30, Block 3, Grandeew Heights; the Say along the West Right-of- ?fay line-of HighJay lrs0+169-212 to the SE Cor. of .&ot 10,Block 4,. Grandvie%? Heights; the If. to the SF? Cor. of said-lot; th. 3J. to the IUE Cor. of Lot 1.3, Block I, Broolrside H6ighgs; thr 71, to the Noi-th-South alley between l?illiam and Hankerson Avenues; th. S, along said alley to the SE Cor, of Lot 15, Block- 9,' Brookside Heights; thr 11, to the NE Cor, of Lot 17, Block 8, Brookside Heights; th, S, to %he SE Cort of said lot; -the W, to-the SE Cor. of Lot 17, Block 7, Brookside Heigh5s; the Ne to the NE Cor., of said lot; th. Id.,to the Ill! Cor, of Lot 8, Block 6, Bookside Heights; th, S. along the Xes% Iiwe of Sece2S,!kp, J.17, Range 21, to a ptr 2.70 ft. more or less N, of the ceaterline of W,56th St;+ Commencing at the SE Cor. of Lot-2.4,Stow's Yvonne Terrace; thr E. to , th. Illy along the S=, lot lines of Lots 9 and 10, Block 7, TingdaAe Bros. .. I 254 a * % ti: . exbended Vest,; th, SEly 580 ft. more,or less, to a pt,, on a line extended Vest from the SI3 Cor. of Lot U., llyltmd's Place and runrun g para;llel to tL56th Stc; t&, my to the 33 Cor4 of Lo* 3-4, lJylundfs Place; th, SXly to the Nf.J Cor. of Lot 12, btozrts Yvonne Terrace;.%h, EEly to the $.lot line of Lot l4, Stowts Yvonne Terrace; thc East along the South lot lines of Lots @,-bo 24, inclw&ve, Stovts Yvonne Terrace, to the SE Cor, of zopl 2.4, Stovrfs Yvonne Terrace, which is the point of beg-g, said Sanitary Setre; f.Zains and appurtenances being as follows: 1. In SoutB extension of Golf Terrace from existing Sanitary Sewer in said e-xbension, to Irindsor Avenue. 2, In State Highway No, 100, from Tlindsor Avenue to Ken; Averi$e;Agt $$Bf$gdsor more 4.. In T:Tindsor beme from Ep 10% 1be of Lot 26, Block 1, Westchester Ik~olls, to state Eighway Bos 100, - 5. In 1:'indsor Avenue &om E. lot line of Lot 26, Block I, gestchester 'Ilnolls 3. In Kent Avenue from State Highway goe 100 to ?-Jamrick Place. 0 S . I per Assessable Yoot, :* . There were no objections to eitper project, and audience was told %ha% nei&h&r project could be done un%iz after the mat%er of the Sarlitarry Sewr in Yvonne Terrace is settled; that if Sdtay Sower is constructed, i% v6L1 be sometine in 1952 before curb, gutter and blacktopping can be properly donea Hawthorne offered the following to l@rwick Place, In State H5ghvay No, 100 from Kent 'Ave?iue to Yvonne Terrace; In Yvoivne Terrace fro; State Highway ZIo. 100 to 7Tamd.clc Place', including Lift Station. 6, I ITOW, T€EREFOm, 3E IT RES0LP"ilD by the Village Council of the Village of Edina thak i% is deemed. necessary and eqedient to make the Sanitary Sewer hprovaenP, described above; and that on the 12th dzy of Uovember, 1951, at ?:SO o'clock P&L, this Council will meet at the Village Hall in said Village qd T.rill at said time and place hear the parties int?rested therein in reference to such bprovement, and will decide whether ort not to undertake such improvement in whole or i~ part. - + IIotion for adopti6n of the Resolution was secondFd and Erickspn, aSe; and the pesolution ys xere four axes and no nays, as follows: and on Rollcall there aye; Navbhome, aye; w I 1.1ayor VKLlage Clerk // here"cfore:c&sed notice 0; hearing to be duly. pub$ished on $he proposed improvement consfs-tGg bf Construction 02' St+dard Vihaga C+wb. and Gutter in Yvowe Terrace ( between Domnaale &!!adr +d ?Iamiclr: Place, and at the hparing held at %he the and 1 place specifTed 3n said notiqe the Co,mcil has duly considersd %ha vips of all qersons interested, and baing fully advised of $he pwbinent fzcts dogs hereby determine to proceed with the constructioh of +id, improvezent; thal; said inprovenent. is hereby - designat'ed and sMk be referred to in dll subsequgnt-proceedirfgs as Street kjrovmen% Ro, E-$, and the area t~ be specidly assessed therefor, sh.a hclude all lo%s and tracts $3, of kd abuksing ad fronting upo~ the stsee@ in which saig ipprovement is to be con- q- c* structzd, c* < i ** %< 1 Notion fo$ adop;i;ion of the kesolution was d$, seconded by Bredesen, vd on Ro;Llcall 1 "Ehere*&re fop ayes and no nays, as $ollovm: Bredespn, aye;, Child, aye; Hawbhorne,aye; I- t Erickson, aye; and the Resolution &as + Village Clerk Hawiikorne offered BZ IT ‘RESOL’c7ED bs 255 i the followingftesolution and moved its adoptianr EESOLUTION. -ORDERII\JG ibmOWENT ‘\ . STRTCET BEROIIEHE~T. tJ0.A-24. the Coqncil..af the Village of Edh, l!-finnesota, that this Council heretofob caused notice of hearing to be duly published-on the pro- posed improvement consisting of Blacktopping of Yvonne Eerrace between 1Jormandal.e Road and Ifamvick Place, aad the hearing held at the time and plzce specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby desig- ‘2. rnent No. A-24, and the areq to be specially assessed therefor sh$l include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in r&ich satd improvement is to be constmcted, Eotion for adoption of Resolution was duly seconded by Bredesen, and on Eollcall i i& nsted and shall be referred to in a31 subsequent proceedings as Street Improve % ,; (I I I there were four ayes and no nays, Hawthorne, aye; and Ericlcson, aye; and %he as I 1 I c ‘M3.YOS t Village Clerk‘ 1 L.34- / Public Hearing on Proposed Gradink an& Gravelling of he; @etweent@edford apd Oxford Avenues and. between kterlgchen Blvd, and V.5lst Street was had, with’ Rffidadt of hblication of .Notice of Hearing, in- .Suburb@ Press, Hopkins, September 13 and 20,1951, being sybmitted, approved a$ to form and placed on file, as against l,&09,36 Assessable Feet, Tor G.83 per Assessable Foot,, There were no ob j ections to the ~ improvement,, an$ the, Clerk had received no objections paor to the Hearing, adoption: Engineer’s Estimate of Cost for proposed jzn;prove&eat was $1,175,85 Child offered the following Resolution and moved its HBOLUTION ORDEEENG mmomi-iEra GRADING DIPEOVDXENT NO, 618. BZ IT IEESOLD by‘the Council .of khe-:Tfil&age. of Bdina, Xinnesota, that this Council-heretofore caused notice of he.aring to be duly published on the proposed improvement consisting of Grading and Gravelling_of that aUey lying betken Bedford and Oxford Avenues and between Interlachen EZvde and 11.51st Street, and at the hearing held at the “ce and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the Yiem of all persons interested, and being fully advised Gf the pertinent facts d-oes hereby deternine to proceed with the construction of said inprovenent; that said improvement is heqeby+designated and shall be referred to iyl all subsequent proceedings 8s Grading Xmprovement No, C-18, and the area to be specially assessed thergfor shall include all lots and-tracts of land abu’cting upon the aIZe$x in wkich said improvement is to be constructed. 1-lotion for adoption of the Eesolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no-+nays, as Hatrbhorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; Village Clerk Child ozfered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: rcESpLuTIOrJ APPROVIKG PLAW 3fJD S E”ICIZTI0NS - FOR STFGXT D@ROmW.. NO? C-18 AND. COKFRJ4IIG ZWERTISECZNT FOE BIDS. BE IT BE30LJED by the TLllage Council.qf the Tiuage of Ed5.m: prepared by the Tillage Zngineer and now on file in the offbe 02 Is The plans and specifications foy Street kprovernent I%), C-18 her&orc”ore am hereby approvede The action of the Clerk in causing to be publtshed twice Press azd the Construction Eulletin the following notice for bids stmction of Faid- bprovernent: 2* .JD93RTBBEFR FOB BIDS FOE r GEXQQTC & ES~~J&.%W< . .VIXL.GE .OF- XDZEJA - - the Village Clerk in the 3uburbm for .tile con- The Xdina Tillage Council -Will meet at. the Village Hall, 4801 TJL 50th StreeL, I-iipeapolis, on Nonday, October 8, 1351, at 7t30 otclocl: P,TL, to open and consider sealed +bids for the Grading and Gx-avelling .of tkmt Alley lying between Bedford ad OxTord Avenues and between Interlachen Blvd, and W, 5Lst Street. 10/S/53. The work on said improveraent must be date 6s described &d specified in t??e plans md spscifkxbions for said hprovement on file in the ofFice of the Tillage Clerk, -!lbids must be submitted on the basis of cash payizent for Vne workr, before the time of said meeting and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in -the amount of Ten percent of the amount of the bid, igo bids v&Ll be considered unless sealed and filed xnth the mdorsigled BY OEDZR OF THE DTmE CCUICIU;, .- - -_ - .. Bower Har.rf;'aorne t Tillage Clerk - Edina, Ehnesota 3. Each and all of the terms of the fmegoing advertisement for bids are hereby gdopted as the terns and conditions of ths award 0% .the contract for said improvement+ Eotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Brcdesen, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Brepseny aye; Child, aye; Hawthorne, zye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution wy a d sd* - ( iTk4J+ ' Ilayor TUige Clerk &yor Erickson ne& announced Public Hearing on proposed Sanitary Sewer, Vater 1kin and Baclcbopping hprovcments for Etring and Drew Avenues between i;f,both and f~61st Straetsc Affidavit of Publication of Notice.of Hearing, in Suburban Press, Hopldns, Sq$m&er 13 and 20,1951, vias submitted, approved as to form, and ordered placed on file, Zngineer Olsson*s Estimates of Cost xere as follow: Assessable Foot. Assessable Foot, < / Sanitary Sewer - &,903,4l as against 1,571J8 Assessable Feet, or $3*12 per %la$er I-Iain - 56,681.65-as ag&nst 2,502.10 Assessable Feet, or $3*07 per Blacktoppbg - $&,lG2.71 as against 2,502,lO Assessable.- Feet, or $1.67 per - Assessable Foot. h There were no obijections from the floor+to any of the above inproveaents, and no objections had been received prior to Hearings Child offered the following Reso- lution and noved its adoption: 233 l?T PB5OLg"lls by the Coun-cil of She.Y@lage- of Edina, liinnesota, that this Council heretofore.. cgusedaotice of heking to be duly published on the proposed inproveraent consisting 02 Construc5ion of S&tq Lateral Sewers and appurtenances in Ewing and Drew Avenues between 11.660th and v.6ist Streets, and at the hearing held at the tke t R%sOLTjTIoiJ ORDXING ItPBOVSI*XlT S.MTARY SEEB lWil!OVBZXl 1<0&0 * L ad plaqe specified,% said notice the Council-has persons interested, arid being fully advised of the determine to proceed TriVn the construction of said ment is hereby designated znd sldlbe referred to Sanitary Sewer Improvenent Eoe 40,. and the area to shall inClude all lots and tracts of land abutting which said hprovement is to be constructeds * duly considered the views of all per-binent facts does hereby improvement; that said hprsve- in all subsequent proceedings as be specially assessed therefor and fronting upon the streets in Hotion for adoption of Resolution was duly seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall there were Fcur ayes ad no nays, as ZoUoim: aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution ATTEST: I Hayor -. VZKage Clerk Child offered the I"ollow5xg Resolution and inoved its adoption: IE%sOLuTIOlT ORDER?XG ADDITIOIJ TO heretofore- caused notice of heming to be duly published on the proposed hprovenent. consisting of Construction of Water llain and Appurtenances in Ewing and Drew Avenues betyeen T.T*60th_aad 1~61st Strqqts and in i.TI61st Street between Euing and Drew henues, and at the heashg held at the the and place specified in said notice the Council hashly considered the views of dl persons interested,,and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the bnstruction of said improvenent; that said improvenmt is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subse2usnt proceedings as a part of 'Eater I-Iain Improvment Noa 39, and'the area to be specially assessed therefor shmll-&nclude =.lots and tracts of lad abutting and frontfig upon the streets irrirhich said improvement is to be constructedb Ibtion fog adoption of Resolution \as duly seconded by Br&d&sen, and on Izol3.ca33 there were Four ayes and no naTs, as:follovrs: 9 Brede n;! %tm Child, aye; Hawkhome, was ado@& /zbx Lr ,I' 15yor r\ 257 r Child offered the following Resolution and moved its aikoption: BZ IT RESOLWD by, the Council of the Village of Edina, Piimesoba, %hat this Council heretofore caused notice or" hearing to be duly published on the pro- posed hprovment consisting of Blaci.;topping of Ew5ng and Drew kvenues between ti,both and W,61st Streets, and at the hearing held at the the and place speci- fied in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of a13 p., arsons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby deternine P;o proceed with the construction of said hprovement; that said- improvement is hereby designated and shall be referared to in all subsequent proceedings as Street hprovement Noe A-25, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots gpd tracts of land abutting and fronting upon th's streets in which said improvement is to be ucnstructed, REso&mIm OrnrnrnG EECrnbZTJT smm mmovzam .?IO. A-25 T? Xotion for adoption of EesoluQ-ion was duly seconded by Bredesen, and on*BollcaU there were Four ayes and no nays, as follom: Hawthorne, aye; and Zrickson, aye; and the Fjsop$iams adopted* B~edes&,;e; Child, aye; . Fublic Hearing was had on proposed Oiling. of Ewing hmue between T,5&h and Y,6O.i;h Streets, Xfidavit of Publication of BoLice of Hearing, in- Suburbm PL-IXS, Ho$:b@, Septexber 13 and 20,1951, vas submitted, approved 8s to fom, and ordered placed on filea Engineer Olssonfs Estimate of Cost, in amount of [Je15 per front foot, ms reported, Sever@ spectators requested that work ba done thi~ fall if possjble, md Zngineer Qlsson stated that work could be done if weather stays good, - Hm'chorne offered Yne Zollotring Resolution and moved its adoptLon: f RSSOLWIOr3 OBDBING. OILING: E~OKJEI~ PJO, - C-24 kAl'D. AUTBIORZ?DJG COUS~RUCTIOIJ BY DAY LIBOR LIJljZ. STjTERVEfGIJ OF VILUGE - - ENGXra. . .-- IT ZGX,lLlED by the Village Counci3.of the Tillage of Edina as follows: 1+ This Council has heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on proposed iritpravement consisting of .the Oiling of Ewing Avenue betireen I?,55"ch and !Je60th Streets, and at the time and place speciiied in said notice the Council has duly cqnsidered the views of all persons interested, and being.fully ad~sed of the pertinent fact^, does hereby deternine to proceed rrith the construction of said improvenents, which said iuzprovemznt is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent procezdings as Street Improvement No, 0-a. lots and -I;r+cts of land fronting and abutting upon the street in w'hicil improvement is to be conslrv-ctedr specificakions aad an estimate of cost of said improvement, from which 2% appears ad it is hereby found and determined that the total cost of said improvement will be less than $500,00; therefore, this Council is authorized by law and does hereby deternine -bo purchase directly the materiah for said improvement and complePIe the 2* The area to be specially assessed for said improvement slmI.1 include all 3. The Village Engineer has heretofore submitted to the Council plans .and same by employnent of day laborr L. 4* The Village Engineer, being a Registesed Engineer, is hereby authorized and direcked to supervise the work on said improvemnt, and upon completion, also to submit a detailed report, certified by him, and file the same with %lie Village Clerk, showing in generaL the complete cost of the smrk, and specifically the follovring : *(A) (B) . thereofr, * (C) FinaL Costs of the various units of lark doneo Ihteri@s fucnished for the project, and -the cost of each L%em Cost of Labor, cost of equipment hired, and supervisory cost* Said report shall also contain a certificate by said Engineer that the mrk vas done according to pkms and specifications therefor, IC Notion for adop-Lion of the Besolution was seconded by Child, and on RollcaJ.1 there t.rerc-four ayes and no nays, -as follows: Bredesen, 3pyf3G%d9 aye; ~awthorne, &ye; E Public Wearing on PE3POSZD SUPPU2EIflA.L !LSS%S~~?~IT FOR BLACKTOPFINGSW3 IK€%OTl"/mfl ITO, 5.2. wag -had, Suburban Press, I-Ioplcins, Sept_ember 20 and 27,1951, was submitted, approved its to form, ad ordered placed on filep $3,030610 as against 10,507.13 assessable f ee-ii, was read, being s.29 per assessable foot* There were five ob jec'cors to the assessaent, including :l-l;'corney Tiillian G. Kelly, for Suburban Developers, Incu assesszble foot represents comprozise sett1ernen-t; to, J,V,Glcason Company; which objectors stated, was of no benefite to th~m, 4ncP L-hr:nr+h ,?- ' +fffidavit-- of -@blicaLian- of.?To.Licg-_of Hearing, in Tab$&ation of Assessment in amount of ' 1% was notrd that &1'7 per in 258 i 10/8/51 contract exeeeded bid priceg Considerable discussion was had by Council with regard . to assessment for the Gleason portion of the contract, with objectors mintainitlg that no benefit is had by them from the work by Gleason. in anount of $1,259.28 as agqinst 10,507,13 assessable feet, or G.12 per assessable foot, T~S presentgd. Those in the audience agreed that this amende& assessment, for work done by Ashworth i& Sons Cor only, is fair and equitable; Attorney Kew stating he npsttz;ib to his clients before making definite comilnent. the following Besolution and moved its adoption: Anended Assessfiient 3011, Hav&Jna;me offered I RE30LUTION JiDOPTILJG’ TAD *CONFIR”G SwPmSna .RSSBSI~DE FOR 5- E-P?OVEEITI’ KO. 52 I33 IT R.lBOLYXI by the Vilhge Council of the Village of Xdina,, E.Ennesota, as foilom: r”or-additionaZ.costs necessarily incprred in connection Kith Size& hprovenent 110~52 has been proprl.3 calculxbzd in sccordance irith the provision of Ilin;?esota Statutes Section l+E.&&l; that notice has been duly published, as required bTla.r, that this Council T;puld nest $0 hear vd F~SS upon all objecsions, if any, to amend the c&d proposed asses&eF& as Lcht be‘ necessary, and to adop$ the same by resolution; thzt said proposed assesmenk has ’at all tines since its filing been open Por public inspection, and opportunity has been given to all interested persons to present ‘eneir objections and t’nat each of the lots, pieces and parcels of land enmerated in the assessmeat was and is specially benefited by the constmction of the bprove- meat for rdfich such.assessnent is levied in the amount sct opposLte the description of each such lo$> piece and pxcel of land, respectively. 2: The momts so set out ($.I2 per front foot) are herebx levied against the respective.lots, pieces and parcels of land described in said ilssessmen~, and said proposed apessnent is hereby adopted and confirmed as the proper special assess-.I nent for said bprovenent. The assessment against each lot, tract or pzrcel, together with the interest accruing on the full mount thereof from %he to tins unpaid, at the rate of five percent per amm from Vie date of this resolution, slid1 be a lien concurrent with general taxes upon the property described therein and all thereofr The total mount of such essessment shall be payable in eqyd annual installnzents exbending over a period of five years, the first of said instdtlments, together irith iaterest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to iLumst 15, 1952, to be payable vfi$h general taxes for the year 1951, and one of the remaining &nst&ents, w5th one gear’s interest on %ha% and all subsequent installnents, to be payable with IC It is herebjr found, determined and declared that the proposed assessment I %he respective ensuing County Luditor, the pay the whole of such Village Treasurer and the County Treasurer; c general t&es .for the years 1953 through 1956, collectible in years, .3, Prior to certific9tion of the assessment to the owner of any lot, piece or pace1 of land assessed hereby nay assessment or any installment thereof without interest to the thereafter such &nen$ may $e made with accrued hterekt, to provided Vast if my assessments or installnents thereof be prepaid to the TTillAge- Treasurer,he shall prompKLj notifs the Village Clerk and County Auditor, and the assessment or instalhent so prepaid shall be cancelled on the,boolcs of the County Auditor. + Auditor a certified duplicate of said assessment, v&th each then unpaid instalhen% and interest set Zorth separately, to be exbended upon the proper-tax lists of the County, and the County Luditor shall thereafter cause said assessment to be collected in the manner provided by lav, Said duplicate shaU be designated as the Supplexental Assessment for Street Imprommt Nor 52, and all amounts collected in respeat of the assessmqn-b %herein contained .shall be similarly designated by the County Treasurer , and reaitted to the Village Treasurer and by him credited to the Sinking Fund Account 4. The Clerk si~al.l, as soon BS may be, prepare and transmit to the County or“ the Pement kpronernent Revolving Fund of the Village. C. Rotion for the adoptioq of the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nay;?, as follows: aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution v+ 4 Hawthome, . \ Village Clerk Public Hearing was caled on Proposed Supplemcrtal Assesasnt for Bhckkoppbg- Stre& Inprovaent ?To, 53 (Parlrtr0o.d Affidavit of Publication of Notice of HearLng, in Suburban Press, Ifopk;as &QXECT@S submitted,-approved as to form and ordered placed on file, Havkhorne’s motion, that Public Hearing be pontinued to ’Tpionday, “Vovember l2,1951,. at 7:3O P.E& Il‘otion seconded by Child and unanimously carriedr Public Heming-tqs had on petition for Rezoning to Cornunity Store District of Lot 3> Block 1, Edenuoor Addition (524.l Eden :lvenue). Affidaoit. of PublicaMon of Hotice of Hsaring, in Suburban Fress, Hopldrus, Sc?ptember 2?,195l., was submitted-> approved as to form and ordered placed on Zile, 1-iotnan, ovmers in Edenmoor Adbition, ob jected to pro jcct- bemuse they want Eaknmo-or to remain residential* and suggested tczt objectors meet witkt Planmg Co;msission before that tb& seconded by Brsdesen md carried+ I.Irsr J,F, EcGwire, Frances ESuire, and Henry h’aihhorne aomd that hblic Hearing be contimed to Octobzr 22, Xotion r' 259 Ik, Dick Hromadlro requested permission to build a ski-tow on the George Vesse $ farm on Highway No. 169, Ibtion seconded bi Bredesen and carrieda 1 Hawthorne moved that matter be referred to Village '. , .1 Ifwager and Police Departnent for recomendation. 91rr 7T.P + Weck, Jr,, 4701 Golf Terrace, complained about installation of street light on his comer after he had been informed by this office that it would be installed on opposite cornerc light; was told- to secure petition for same inasmuch as ornament& street lights are assessed; qnd stated that, although he is ~dlling toqpay his share of cost he cannot get his neighbors to agree, directed to inves+igate possibility of moving one or nore of the mused ornzinentaj, street lights on Golf Terrace to TIr, PTeck*s cornerr and cari-igd, T Eke John Dorelc 'requesked licenses *for on and off-sale 66er 206 Edina Bowling Center. Off-Sale Beer Licenses be granted to John H, Dorek dba Xdina Bowling Center; subject to conditions agreed upon by IC%., Dorek and Captain XcGary. seconded by Bredesen and carrieds He requested installation of ornaaental street Bredesen moved khat Tillage Emage$ b& ', 3Iotion seconded by Havkhorne Captain TilcGa~*s report on matter was read, Hzwthorne moved Lliat On and Hotion + ,I?ICessrs. Forester and Palen requested information concern$ng Garrison Lanee Nr. Olssan stated that Soag easeEents are being prepared Tor signa%ure. iit tliis time the Council thoroughly reviewed plans an& specif $cations prepared by the Village Engimer for Storm Sewer kprovement &Tot 19, upon which bids were taken earlier this evening, moved ita adoption: Hawthorne offered the r"ollowin$ Resolution and RESOLUTION tlPmCjVmG PWNS $'XD SPECIFICATIONS + FOR -.STORl$S@@l @P3O~~~l?' XO: &q .&El .DI€BCTI@ *, 4 A.D~TI~GbIT FOB' BIDS ~ -. BE IT EXSOLVn, by the Village-Couqcil of $he YKllage of Edjna: . 1.- The plans and specifications for Storm Sewer Bproveqtent No, 19 hereto- fore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on-file ip the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved, Press and the Construction E&dletin. the follov+g notice for bids for the con- struction of said improvement: 2,. The action of the Clerk in causing to be published ticice in the Suburbaa mmqspErsr FOE EIDS FOR I STOBi ~B,IZR QII?RQV@IEIlT .P1U.L-19 I TIbAGX OF EDIIqA The* Edina Village CounciLwillrm~et a$ the Village Hall, 4,SOl W. 50th Street, I-Emeapolis, gn Plonday, October 8, I9%, at 7:30 B'clock PJL; to open and consider sealed bids for the-construction of Storm Seyer Ziprovement Bo; 19 in said Tillage, consisting of construcLuion of St<m Sei!er and Appurtenances to serve area within following boundaries : frBeginning at intersection of Kellogg Rve, and TT.53rd St,; th. S, on ICellog;g.Ave, to W.56th S't,; th, E, on TL56th SLIt to Oaklam Lve,; .th. S. on Oaklawn Ave* -if exkqqded S., to V.59th St,; th. We on M, 59th Zt, to Ashcroft Ive,; th. -3, on Ashcroft rive, e:=tended to Valley View €bad; tk?, on I\Jommdal.e Ed, to Yvonne Terrace; th, M, on Yvonne Terrace to a point approximately 700 fts Ifs of Nomandale Xd,; th, N. on a line parallel to and TOO Tt* distant to Nomfandale to the centerline of U,53rd St. ir" e:&,ended; th, %. on centerline of fT153rd St. if exbended, to I'Lellogg Lve,,, w~ch is Vne point of beginning, The imrk on said hproveinent aust be done as described and specifi'ed in the plans and specifications of said iuprovernejnt on file in -%he ocfice of the Villzge Clerke thz work, RO bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the under- signed before the time of said meting and accompzhied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the Tillage Clerk in the am\punt of tgn percent of the mount of the bids on Valley View Rd. to Ifomandale Ed,; th, :z1L bids must be submitted 03 the basis of cash pqment for '4 BY OPDEE QF THE VJXLIGE COUTTCZL, Bower Hai&?florne,Pillage Clerk zma, I-rinnesotz, 3* Each and a11 of the terns o$ the foregoing advertisment for bids are hereby adopted as the ternis aiid conditions of the award 09 %he contract for said improvement, IIotion for adoption of the &solution v@s seconded by Bredesen, and on Fzollcall there were four wes and no- nays, as follows: Brgclejwae; Child, age; J 260 I' Ezi,&neer 't 0-sson presented -tabulation of bids taken this everdng for Stom Sev:er P hprovemeiit TO, 19, sttz'r;ing %li& Phelps-Drake Conpay, kc.9 is Low bidder, Tdth $ll3,14&*06; Vestern Underground Construc-Lion Company ne& low bidder; r.ritn $w, 5$ya77* Child's motion, that b%d be zwwded to Fhelps-Drake Conp~y, and -that f,k~or agd Clerk be au-bhorized to enter into Contmct r.cL$h Company ii~ the nwe of the Village, %;as seconcled by Eaw-bhoime and un&ously carrieda *- ri Efigincer Olsson racomenddad that bid for Grakinf; and Gsavelling of Alley (Graclbg Y kprovemen% 250, C-18) be wnrcled to Pfeiffer Construction COZQXWY, at bid price of, ?1,00@,75, Child so zov& Kotion seconded by Sredesekr and carriedla Xngineer Olsson stahd that the Tfillage rdll have some fill for V,&h Street; tha% bid my be awarded a% unit prices, xdth uhderstmding %ha% contractor ~Lll &low for TLll provided byTillagea Child noved that bid for Street kprovmant No. C-17 be awarded to Terry Bros., Inc,, providing Tillage Ziigineer can arrange vai-tn the2 to t&t? into consideration Lila fill zlready provided, XXokion seconded by Bredesen and +4 cam5.ed * Council reviewed bids %&en at last Regular ?2.fcethg, for SZ.;nitar;F Sewer lhpromrtent ?Joe 36, xents of fmlty lq-drants installed in Las% contrac-b with village, Ee recomended amrd 02 bid to low bidder* 36 be awarded to Orfei 2: Zhriani, low bidder, at $'&307*39* Rotion secoaded byr Hawthorne an6 carriedr h I .. c Engineer Olsson reported that Orfei h I4khni, lot; bidder, 5s mkhg replace- Child Goved that bid for Sanitary Sewer bproveinent 110, Claim of Lester Schrenl;, 5829 Srookvsierr heme, for $203.90--$103.90 being for actual repairs ad $100 2or estbzixd future repairs--for damzges sufferea. because' or" incoryect Irreaswenents given br village for semr connection, was reviewedp Engineer Olsson recobmended paynent of 5103,90, Child liloved for payment of claim in womt of $103p90 upon receipt of full release. Kotion seconded by Bredesen and carriedp Hawblnorne advocated a decrease in m.3xh.m speeds for State Highways Xosr 1.69-23-2 and 100; and move& that Tillage Iknager be directed to corjfer wi%h the proger officials of St,Louis Park, Golden V&ley, Robbinsdale, CrFstal., ZicWidd, and the State Highmy DepGEezt, -Lo discuss highway engineering, traffkc control, speed _limits and enforcexen-b of speed lMts on state highways through these commnities.t 3Iokion seconded by Ckild ad carried, IEdland 1Tational Banl;ts Oc-Lobsr 1st notice of U,S,Treasury Deprtnent's .exchange offer of l-7/$ Gertizicates of. Indebtedness due .October 1,1952, for the l-l/&$ Treasury Notes mtwing October 15 and Uovmber 2, 193, vas reportedr motion, %ha% exchange 02 $21,003 1-1/4$ U ,S .Treasury $Totes nxiw-ing Novmber 1, 1951, for $21,000 1-'7/S$ Certir"ic&tes of Ihcebtedness due October 1, 1952,. be xpproved, vas secondea by Bredesen and carrieda KmLhorne offered the follo-t&-ig Resolution and moved its adoption: Hai.rthOmers . - €?BSaWIOIf Ca?CmDIG PEFii%JBQ DPBW*%iE. ;t .c rn0LrnG mfD m.v2ac~: TAXES CO~CTIm + *. .T~A 19a G~IL EWERTY. TAXES ._ - - YliZRILG, the Villzgc CQU~C~I. .of the yillsge_o$. Edina has, by Resolution adopted Hovei&8r..&,1947, levied a specijl'ad valorem tax for the pqmen-b pf princiFa1 and hterest of its Fernanent &provemen% Revolvkg Fund Bond Issue 6erie-s Decenber,l947, sai& ad vzI0k.a $ax in the I amom. of $23,940.00 being. collectible with and as a part of other general property taes in said Tillzge forthe year l94-l; and Tm&G, the Tillage Council of the Village of Edina has, by Resolution adoptbd Augast 9,. 19.48, lexied a special as valorem tax for the payment of .principal and interest of,iks Permanent hprovement Revol+ing Fund Bond Issue of 1948; said ad vSLor& tax- in the mount- of $Us 500 being collectible with and as a part sf the general property taxes in said Village Cor the year 19%; and June 27,1949, levizd a specid ad valorem tax for athe payment 02 principal and interest of its Permanent &proveaen% Zevolving hd Bond Issue of 1949, said ad v&orem tax in the anopt ~f $Yi"7400 bekg collectible with and as a part of other general property taxes in said Tzillage for the year -3.951; and 7*-, Zinneso2a Sta;tu%es, Section 475.26, permits the cancellation 02 said levies.pro,yiding moneys are on hand for payment of principal and interest for said bond issues; and it has baen determined by this Council that the nequirad moneys are on hand for tbe papient of said principal and interest, those ad valorem tax levies made by Resolutions of-this Village Council a6opted Itovenber 6, 1947, August 9, 19.48, and Jme 27, 1949, in the mounts of $23,9&Q, $18,500 and $7,400, respactively, and collectible with and as a part of, other general property taxes in said village for the year 1951, be and hereby are cancelledr €33 IT FURE3X&!!OLTED that the County Auditor of Hennepin County, IEnnssota, be authorized and directed to.cance1 the-above described ad valorem-tax levies and Lo dele-be said levies from taxes to be spread for the year 1951, I - TJiB?XaS, the Village Council of the Village of Edina 'has, by Resolution adopted c1. NOIJ TIBRZFOPS, BE IT l335OI?TTE;D by the 'Village Council of the Village of EEtina that -: 10/8/51 2@1 Notion for adoption of Resolution wa were four ayes and no nays, as follo aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolutio i VLllage CPerE Hawbhorne offered the following Besolution and moved its adoption: SOLUTION C,QJCELLING BSSESSP5bTT FOR SmmmY--SEm. 3IIP€W%~T N0.24 FP, IT BESOLJBD by the Village~Counci&.of the Village-of Edina that the foZlotlring propergy is not benefited by the construction of Tillage Sanif;2ry Sewer bprove- ment Ita, 24: Plat 32319, Parcel 8340, DescrSption: Comgh at the STT Corr of Ne378-35/lO0 Ft. of S,3/4. of SEl/4 of "l/4; th, Ea to'SE Cor, thereof; th. N, to NE Cor, thereof; th, ttr, along-P,he No Lae to. a-pt, l45 Ft. E, from the NrnT Corr thereof; th..gI 213 fta; th, Th l4.5 Ft, to the E.' Line Vlereof; $he Bl3 i2 -FLXT@R IBSOLVXI that the assessment 1ed.d again& the above named property for-said improvemeat, in prjncipal mount of $954.,00, payable* in the years 19% to 1960, inclusive, is hemhy caglceLledo E.lotion for adoption of the Xesolution was seconded by Child, and on RoUc$L there trere four ayes and no-naJs, as fol Havthorne, are; and Srickson, aye; and the ' * 3, to Pt. of- Beginninga, Secr 19, Tiq, 28, Range %TJ. - , t I 1 TTillage Clerk . " Child% notion, for payment of Village payroll, amount $5,r&05066 and Liquor Store.Payrol1, aount $1,334.36, fpr period October I to October 15, bclusive '* and overthe for September, S9!jl., as recorded in detail in Payroll Ledger, and for paynent OX the following Clabus, was seconded by Bredesea and carried: WlIB AKOW - CUB; EO, TO: - $38 *&3 Blake 3 38*43 G.ZBUL EUSD 6290 95702 .. jztliur K, Petersen Suburban H&mepin County Relief Board L -. Ll625 George i3snz Sons, Inca 34-4010 mi26 Distillers Distributing Co, 4,325e4.4 IJ-627 FEXX~US Brands, ZncP 3,012 1) 33 ~628 XcKesson & Xobbins, he, 2,990, 55 ~629 X.Ed-?Test Yine Co, . 30~)~ 55 Ll630 Old Peorig Coqany, Inca *4 1,668.37 L1631 Ed, Phillips 8: Sons Cos 36%04 I3632 1J.V. Bell Telepllone Co. 1235 Criggs, Cooper Co, 78,76 lJ-633 U-634 3L Phillips & sons Co, 14.94 68 U635 Eds Phillips G Sons Co. 1,303e09 $is, 4.67L31 XIfyOI3 Fuim Engineer Olsson reported that the Federal Government has refused requested allocation of steel for Village Yater Tank, on grounds that tank is not necessary to national defense, No action taken, IIr. Olsson reported that Edina-Korningside School Board is requesting Council' s afi2roval of single-ade school busesb After some discussion as to effect of . heavy buses on surfaced streets, Child goved that Council approve use of single- a2I.e school buses on Village streets, Notion seconded by.Bredesm and carrieds YE,, Olsson repoi.led Telephone Company's request for change in name of Wnity Lvenuet1 to either W-dty ilvenue South? or I1South Unity L.Zvenuott to save-&-up in Bobbinsdale-Zdia addressesc .13avtclho.rne?s motion denying request was seconded by Eredeson and carried, Building: &spector TIoehler reported request, for two building permi-i;s in l"York ISilLs , yt preliininary ~l~t for rrhich has been approvedr issuance of pemits be delapd until approval of final plat, TES .seconded by Eredzsea avld carri2d, Hau%lrorriey s nct'ion, that ' ao/s/n , "%re Xozhler regorted ?afi Eussell Lundts request 1 for pcdt to build 2 comercia1 buitldhg on the Kort'a side .of TJr49, Street, on Ghe former Koreau proparty, EO actLon tdrene Discussion 13s ii~l on nezd 32 s&ecia,l assessinent clerk for Pillsge adxhistrztion officee emplor a ca~pkenk assessment clerk, ms seconded by Child and carried. Petition signed by me of ai:&,een proparties on Broolnriew Averiue beti;een V.54th I and TTr55th Streets, for vatw rain, vas presented, &wbhomets notion, tkt peki+ion be-accepted ad -tht Public Hearing be set for Ibnday, ITovder 12, 19%, vas seconded br Sredesen and carriedr Kawbhornets ao-tion, that Deputy Q'aage Clerk be authorized to seek and ' - Rr* TIoeIiler reported -%hat installation of ?.r-ter min is urgen6 on Br0okqjei.r Avmue beczuse sone .r-rel.ls haire gone drr. directed to prepare plans and specificathns .for this project, m-d, that pi& for sane be ta?sen fIondsy, IJovaber 12, TWS seconded by Chikd apd carried, ~ Peti'cion, signed by oEiccrs of United Service, & Res.earch, Inc,, apd bi &I* $?amtvedt, for Smitaq Sewer, Vater Hain and Blackbopping in Concord Avenue betmenV*60tfi and ?J.&?nd Sts; Virginia P,vae , between 1~60th 2nd W,62nd Sts; 60th St I betmen Concord end ATirginia Alves4 ; Valley View 3oad between Concord and Parnrll !~ves., Tirg3nia Lme between "iirginia Am, and Concord Live,, was filed, be set €or Ifonday, ITove&er 12, l95L, at 7:30 PA, was seconded- by Child and carpied* t Ha.c.rthorne's notion, tk.a.% VKUzge Zngkeer be 'I .c f L' FIxEiorne's motion, that petition be accepted, and that Public Hering Civil Defanse Director presented GiVil Defeme CodtteeTs *'Firearns Training Progrzm" for Cowwilt s approval, EIotion by Hawthorne, ref erring progrm to PolLce Department TOE recornendation, was seconded by Bredesen and carrieds kasign&ion of Richard Oberineyer ,as Engineering kid vas read md acccptedd Bequest by Detsrs Plumbing Company for renewal ,of Plumber's I;icen;e 'IWS reviexed,t &n&horr?e moved tlixt; License be granted, 1Fotion seconded .by- Sredesen and carrieda EavriAorne*s notion, %ha% t'ae following sui& of money be raised by-tar, &on the txcabl~ 2roprty in the Village for the follot5ng purposes, for the yea?? 1952: -I -. mm mmim PURFOSZS $196, ?eke79 ' PlmS +,. - l4,220+03 $?rmLIC IEQXH XUkDIG * , 3,500c03 F-JtSELm- . 711.03 FC3X FLQSD -. ~ 2,llo.oo was seconded by Bredemn' and unanimously carried" Havthorne offered Lfiz following Resolution and noved its adoption: FESOLUTIOif X*PLOYING,EXECTsTIgE ' OF??ICEE fJD 333 IT XFSOLTED by the Tillage Council of the,Village of Edina that KrB Si~e~-l~~~c~el-~e.~ployed as of Decznber 1, 1951, as Executive Officer and Village Engineer for tis Tillage, at a salary of $3,400 per yeare moath-$oaonth bssis, a6 Assistant Tillage Engineer, at his presevt salary* Eotion for adoption of the Besolution was seconded,by CHd, and on Rollcall there vere four aTes and no nays, ES foll Hawthorne, aye; an5 Zrickson, aye; and t ,a,'f"lT: V-ke Cleric' - There behg no further business to cone bdore the Council, ;;lotion vas made Ly Bradesen for adjournment. Eotion seconded br Child.and carried. IIeeting a6journed at l:l5 AX., Tuesday-, October 9.. El3 IT FUETRZZ E3OLVED that 1!ka P, Theodore Olsson be retained, on a $ *t s. J I .. 1 t Vilhge Clerk 1 z!/-. + - r 1