HomeMy WebLinkAbout19511022_REGULAR263 ww5l -- I 3ENUTES OF RJ3GW iYJEE2m OF TNE EDINA.UI;LA@Z COU&%U;, flELD HCWDAY, * * . . . --, THE EDmA VWq HA&& OCTO@E@. 22, 1951.3 AT- 7t30- P& , .m _. .. .-- . _-" Nembers answe&g Rollca were Bredesen, C&d, Danens and Erickson, Hawthorne arrived later, as recorded below* Kinutes of Regular Heeting of October 8, 19%, were approved as submitted, by Notion Child, seconded By Bredesen and carried* Public Hearing was had gn Proposed Sanitary Sewer Extension in-&&or Street between-Rutledge and Cleveland Avenues, pursuant to Notice of Hearing published in Spburban Press, September 27-and October 4, 19%. Affidavik of Publication * was reviewed, and it was reported that this is an erroneous advertisement basmuch as it lists the proposed sewer to be a l*Laterallr sewer, whereas this is constdered by the Engineer to be a trunk line-extension. Ilk. Olsson reported that,the Estimated Cost of Construction is $3,001.86, which will add 8,344 per assessable foot to the estimted assessment.for the trtank line in Sanitary - Sewer Xmprovement No. 36. Mo'one appeared either for or against the project. Childfs motion, that project be tabled until Spring, inasmuch as it has been improperly advertised, was seconded by Bredesen and carriedr Pursuant to Advertisements for Bids, Sanitary Sewer Extension in Xotor Street strmction Bulletin October kth-and llth, 1951, one sealed bid. was received- that of Orfei and Ekmiani, St, Paul, Child's motion, directing Clerk to return bid unopened, was seconded by Bredesen.and carried, I&. Hawthorne entered the Neeting at this time+ Xapr Erickson announced Continuation of October 8th Public Hearing on Petition to Rezone Lot 3, Bloqk 1, Memoor (5243 Eden Avenue). Mrs.. J.F+EScGuire and Mr, Francis PIcGuire reiterated objectionslmade-at last meeting,,.presenting a petition signed by several bmediate neighbors who also object to this proposed rezoning. Plwing Commission's October 16tp recommendation for rezoning was redewad. Childfs motion, that Council take no action at this time, was seconded by Hawthorne and .carried. Later in the evening petitioner Anderson and Mr* Leonard Gebo appeared to 0bi;ai.n Cou.ncU.'s decision, and stated that the lot directly to the East of Lot 3,Block 1, had been purchased as a future parking site for the proposed office and display room to be situated on Lot 3. They were informed of Council*s earlier action; Council explained that rezoning tmuld be necessary before public parking could be permitted, that before further action is taken it will be necessarg to have full. understanding with Plannhg Commission, petitioners and objectors. HPr Leonard Olson, 45ll. Wooddale Avenue, requested permit to place garage within eighteen hches of lotl.&e, presenting written approval of FJ,F.E3we, his neighbor to the North, whose buildings are not within twenty feet of liner Bredesenfs motion, authorizing Building Inspector to issue permit, was seconded by Danens and carried. P &, Richard Hkomdko requested Council's action on proposed ski-tow at Vessey - Fam, €&ghwayJ?o. 169. Engineer Ulssoa reported that be had inspected the ground with Captain IScGary, that lfr. Hro~padko has promised that all parking will be on the farm, and not on Highway No. 169; and that, though there will be considerable traffic from No. 169 into and out of the fann, he and Captain McGary can gee no serious objection to the project. Child movedthat request for ski-tow be granted. N&ion seconded by Bredesen and carriedr Itr. Joe Halhan,k!32 Oak Drive, requested that Council grant one yearts ekension pf time on permit issued to Carl M. Hansen for tract office on Kooddale Avenue, eqlainingthat UP. Hansen allows him and one other residentto..use part of the grounds for a garden, $fr. HalLman. explained that. there is no objection to tract= office on the part of his Oak Drive neighbors. Hallman and Hasen a petition filed this spring by 1dooddal.e and Kellogg neighbors, objecting to tract office. Mr, Hansen stated that he still has ten lots to dispose of in the Golf Terrace Heights area,.. that he ~cill. be out of the office within the next year. Child movecithat exbension of time on Wooddale Avenue tract office be granted for one more year, with the understanding that this is the final extension and that the tract office will be moved off the property within one year from date. Notion seconded by Bredesen and carried. , between Rutledge and Cleveland Avenues, appear*g in.,Ssuburban Press and- Con- k c I Council reviewed for EBsrs. Discus\sion was had with Er. iia;Llman on the function of the Liquor Control Commission; and a request by 1-k. Harr;g; J. Casey, Assistant Nanager of the Liquor Store, was referred by Council to Conmission for-recommendation-request being for remuneration for overtime work while Wager Izippley was ill. Hr, Ha?lman reported that Commission will have recommendation at next remar Comcil Ifeetbg, Hk. Carl 1.L Hdsen presented Preliminary Plat of Parkwood Knolls 3rd Subdivision, together with an oral request. for the rezoning of- that parf; of the plat which TJill abut Trunk Eghway No. 169. Planning CommQsion*s October 16th recommendation for approval of preliminary plat (with no comnitment .on request for rezoning) ies reviewed. Hawthornets motion, that Prel5ninary Flat of Parkwood Knolls 3rd Sub- division be approved, 3Iotion seconded by Child qd carried. I .I , Ere E, J. Jarnig,6128 Ridgeway Boad, headed a delegation of four,. including I&. IKLliam Van KLeef,62k1 Crescent. Drive, requested road repairs in Countryside and Valley View Heights. Engineer Olsson reported that roads are in vergbad shape; that patching is mo$ nepessary; that roads should be sealed if weather permits this fall; that, otherwise, a majQr repair project ~~i3.3. 5e necessary next year. Child movedthat matter be referred to F'ublicTTorks Committee for action as soon as poss$ble, in the hterests of the V-ge. $rotion seconded.by Bredesen and carried, Above delegation requesied street signs and street lights, Engineer Olsson reported that he has already ordered ten street signs for this district; that they are steel and very slow 5n coming through, referred to Public Utilities Committee for investigation, ias seconded by Bredesen and carriede L + Bevised Zoning 'O@dinance was read and thoroughly reviewed, with discussion centering on Section IfI,.Paragraph 4, of Zoning Ordinape. Hotion seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredesen, aye; Child, aye; Danens, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, .aye; -and the. motion was unanimously carzcied. Bredesen offeredthe following Ordinance and moved its adoption: I Child's motion, that matter of street lights be i Child moved that Council dispense zdth second read- t AN O@X"?CE REGULATING THE LOCATION, SIZG, i USE AND. HEIGV -OF-,BIJI@~B,. TJB- cl@R!kN~~-OF EEELll- VIQfUZ OK. @D?A,, AMD .DIVIDING -T@ Vm IPi'O SE@Y,. ORDEFt> COWMCE, PRO~PEEEJ!Y AND (;ENEBAL v D$G§ ON I&",$ arJD,TKE:.DXNSqY OF P(IPU&ATfON IH7THE: _- . DISmCTS,. FOR THE. PURPOSE. OF P3OI*iOTlXG THE. €EALTH, " -. .--. 'IWARE.3N.TIjE VI&@@. '. . _-. Section I, - The short form title by vrhich this ordinance may be referred to shall be For the purpose of _this . ordinace-the _YuGge. sf -@ha is divided into ':The Zoning Ordinance of Edina". _. - Section 11. DISTRICTS ESTABLBHED e T the foUowing distrjcts, and the uses of structures and lands, the height of buildings and the area of premises for buildings are to be uniform in each distrid: 1. Open Development District. i 2. Codty Store District. 3. Commercia -District& + or premises shall be erected or used for any purpose that does not comply vdth the use, height and area regulation of the district in vach such building or premises is located, 1. Uts of District. For the,purpose .of ,~lais_ordinance..and..for no other pur- pose, all of the.incoL"porated territory of the Village within the County of Henne- pin shall be and the same is hereby established as and placed in the Open Develop ment pistrict, except such portions of such terrikory hereinafter specifically placed in and established as some other district. premises may be erected, established,.&tered, enlarged, used, occupied or main= tained in the Open Development District under the provisions of this ordinance for the following purposes, if and vhen a building permi& shaU have been issued by the village clerk, and no person shall erect, establish, alter, enlarge, use, occupy or maintainany building, structure, improvement or premises without first.having obtained such permit: I These districts and their boundaries are hereby established. No building . A Section III, OPEN DISTRICT . I' I 2. Structures Penoitted Therein. Bny building, structme, improvement or 1 h* i, . ,- I -I t * 26% r (a) Cowntry estates and other single family dweXLings; provided, that upon application to the council a special permit maybe issued forthe erection of a ttm=f&ly or multi-fay dwelling, subject to a32 other provisions and restrictions contained herein, Mo such special pedt sh&l.l, be issued unless approved by a majority of the members of the council. Notice of application for such special permit shall be mailed to the owners of allpropeptiy situated within 500 feet of the property on which the proposed two-fay or multi- family dwelling will be located, Such notice shall specify a time and place at which such application for a special permit will be heard and at such hearing the council shall consider the obgections, if any, raised by ot.raers of other properby located withlnthis Village. such as miniature golf, or a'public bowling alley, Grounds for colleges and seminaries. Farming, truck gardening and orchards. (b) ('c) Golf courses. (d) Polo fields. (e) (f 1 Fraternity houses. (g) (2r) Private and public forests. (i) Horticultural nurseries and greenhouses. (j) Conservatories for plants and flowers, (k) Public libraries, schools, churches, parish houses, grange halls. (1) Parks, public recreation buildings, playgrounds and museu~lls. 4 (m) Private greenhouses. (n) Transportation rights-of-way. (0) Inconspicuous real estate rental or for sale signs of not mre than 4 sqpare feet in area. (p) Office or studio of? a professional man accessory to his dwelling. + (q) Houses or dwellings iii &ch there are carried on customsry home - occupations, including boarding and rental of rooms to not more than (r) Name plates not exceedhg one square foot shall be permitted, and such name plates shall contain only.the nwe and occupation of an occupant of the premises, (s) "Accessory wildings> including private garages, when located not less than thirty feet from the front line of lot or plot and not less than five feet from aky side line; and one building t'o be used as a dwelling for servants, provided the aggregate ground this covers shall not exceed fifteen per cent OX the total area of the lot or plot; no pad of the main building or accessory buildings to be nearer than thidy feet to the front line oY such lot or plot. When the width of the thoroughfare or way or road is not established of record, the council, by a four-fifths vote, my determine, for the purpose of the inter- pretation of the provision of this ordinance, 'the location of said front line. Private stablhs, if situated in unplatted areas, unless otherwise provided by ordinance, Country Clfibs and club grounds, .except those carried on as a business, ' rl ' three people, . . (k) * 3tn the even% no pubfic street, no thoroughfare, no way or no travelled . or used road abuts a tract on which it is intended to erect a dwelling and accessory building, said tract not being a lot or plat as defined herein, then and in that event no part of the maih building and no part of any accessolcy building shall be nearer than sixby feet to the boundary line of said tract towayd which the main building faces or is intended to face, platted or subdivided.and the plat .is recorded, .a single famil$ dwelling my be erected or altered and used by one family on any lot if'suchlot conforms to the reqyirements for platting or subdividing set forth herein; provided, however, that if the lot on which it is proposed to erect a single fdly dwelling does not conform to these requirements, and if it would work an unreasonable hardsMp on the applicant to obtain the necessary properby so 3. Single Family Dwellings; Naiver of Requirements. %?here the land is I , as to conform with the requirGents set forth therein, the council may waive the requirepents of this brdinance ab applied to said lot and permi% the erectbn or alteration and use of a single family dwelling on any Lot, I' F P z 4. Sise, Frontage and Depth of Lots, (a) No 1and.shall be,platted.os subdivided which, at the time of appli- catio; for approval of the plat, is provided dth public water and sewer connections or in which public water or sewer connections are contemplated,- unless such plat or subdivision meets all of €he following requirements: * Each lot shall have a frontage on a public street of not less (1) than 75 feet. subdivision shall be not less thah 120 feeto (3) The area 6s each lot 'in the proposed plat or subdivision shall be-not less than 8,250 square feet, . (2) The average minimum depth of any lot in the proposed plat or (b) No land shall be platted or subdivided which at the time of application for approval. of the plat is not provided with public water and sswer connections and in which public water or sewer connections are not contemplated, unless such plat or subdivision meets all of the following minimum requirements: (1) Each lot shall have a frontage on a wblic street of not less than 90 feet. f (2) The average lnrinimum depth of any lot in the proposed plat or subdi- &ion shall be not less than 125 feet. (3) The area of each lot in the proposed fiat or subdivision shall be not less than 11,250 square feet. Jill. lots contained in land hereafter plaibd or subdivided shall have side lines as nearly as practical at right angles to the'street line. -5. Size of Lo% in Relation to Sw&a Thereon. The minimm standard of residence-requirements in the open development district. shall be a lot or premises of 8,250 square feet for a one-family divelling, 10,000 sware'feet for a two- family dwelling, and for multiple family dwellings housing more than two families, 10,000 square feet for the first two fkxilies and 2,000 square feet additional for each family in excess of two, No two-family.or multip1e'fmi.I.y dwelling shall be erected except in accordance with thk procedure set forth in paragraph 2(a) of this section. 6. Platting of Corners. Vhehever land is platted into building lots; the corner at intersecting streets s.halL"be rounded off to a radius of 10 feet, or cut off diago&aUy on a line connecting two points measured 10 feet on each street from the corner. lots, no permit sh~l.be.issued-.%or.any,b~~g or house on the adjoining unplatted land nearer than 50 feet to the platted area, except by unanimous vote of the council, building go existing or,hereafter,eregted shall not be so reduced or diminished that the yards or lot area shall be smaJler than required by this ordinance. a rear yard and--tm side .prpS .provided .for.all .dwellings, Eo rear yard shall be less than 25 feet in depth. No garage or other accessory building shallbe * 7. Structure Adjacent to Platted Lots. PJhere lahd is platted into building 4 8. bducing Pard Space and Lot Area Prohibited. The open spaces about any 9. Yards Required: Set-Back of Buildincr: Front, There shall be a front yard, less than 30 feet in depth, excepting where on one side of the street- between two intersecting streets there are already buildings, no building shall hereafter be erected or be extended so as to project beyond a Line drawn between the nearest front of the first adjacent building on each side, There this rule as to front yard works a hardship because oT the unusual placement of the older buildings, the curved line of the street, Che contour of the hd, or the size of the lots, the Village Council shall decide the depth of the front yard. No building here- after erected by itself or together with other buildings then located on any lot shall occupy more than 30 per cent of the area of any interior .lot or more than 35 per cent of the area of any corner lot. * loa Set-€kck of Building Front on Corner Lots. On a corner lot the width of the side gard.abutting upon a street .sm .be .not less than the minimnun front yard depth recpired on an adjoining interior lot fronting upon the same street butthis shall not reduce the buildable iddth of any corner lot to less than 32 feet at the ground story level. No land shall be platted or subdivided hereafter so as to create any corner lot having a width less than five feet in excess of the minhmm width of 'other Lots 5n the same block which are not corner lots* streets aqd a .line joi.@ng points .on .such .lines 25 feet distant from their point of intersection or, in the case of a rounded corner, the point of intersection of the tangents, no building or structure may be erected and no vegetation (other than shade trees trjnrmed up to a distance of at least 10 feet above the curb line) nay be mktained above a height of three feet above the curb grade, for the to the garage doors U. Structures at Stieet Intersections. Between the lines of intersecting p$pse of corner visibility. 12. Projections into-OFn s&%eTc&rni;es and-eaves-G~~f~%cio< io exceed 30 inches into a required open space, fireplaces and chimneys may project not to exceed 18 inches into a required open space, provided that no such projection shall extend over any lot line, 13. of the ground and canopies not supported by posts may project into the front or side yard a distance of not to exceed three feet, and a bay window may project into the front yard a distance of not to exceed three feet. one-half stories in height in the Open Development District provided that for institutions on large grounds the village council may in their discretion perinit buildings which conform to other district regulations to be extended to a height beyond the height limit of this section. Church spires, belfries, chws, . architectural finals may be permitted to exceed the maxim provision of this section when erected in accordance with the ordinance of this Village. Proches: Bay Window. Entrance steps not more than 30 inches above the level 1 i l4. Height Limit on Buildings. No building shall be erected to exceed tr.ro and - II -- __I-__ 1 i 'r 1 F' 267 154 kcation of Public Buil-&&s and InstitutLonst For the purpose of main- taining the opeh development. character of the distridt, no pubfic, semi-public or institutional. buildings shall be located except upon premises facing or adjoining a public park, playground, school ground, college grounds, public institutions, church, socia center, railway station or other institutional buildiprgs, or on land entirely surrounded by streets and alleys, or on land at least three aides of which abut on public streets,* or upon prdses facing, adjoining, or across an alley or street from a railway right-of-way; provided, that if the public, semi-public or institutional buildings use or occupy not to exceed 30 per cent ofthe area of the lot or premises and do not exbend nearer than 30 feet to an adjoining ownership used for dwellbg, the above restriction shall not apply. 3.6. Location of Hospitals, Cemeteries, Etc.; Hearinp, Because of the necessiky- for hospitals, sanitariums. ahd cemeteries, .and .&so because they may be inimiciil. to the health, sa,fety and general welfare of the community if located witIiout' due consideration to the conditibns and surroundings, no hospitdl., sanitarium or cemetery shall be permitted in the Open Development District except after a publ3.c hearhg and upon the unanimous vote of the council. Tne council shall on request of the applicant fix a date, which sha3.l not be less than ten days or more than thirty days away, for a hearing on the necessity and convenience to the community and whether it will be c detrimental to the health, safety and general welfare. Notice of such hearing shall - bel 17 am- I SECTION 17 (Original Ordinance) OMITTED FROM PEL;ESENT ORDINANCE S&tion IV. COMMUNITY STO'EEE DISTRICTS r Community Store District Boundaries.-,The.conpy@tx store districts I. *. are established as follows:. ,. . ... (a) In the northeast corner of t$e Village, a square area measuring (b) On France Avenue at 50th Street, a strip of land I25 feet deep 125 feet on France Avenue and 125 feet on the north v5Uage limit line. and exbending from 50th Street north 230 feet and south 330 feet; a strip of land 125 feet deep on each side of 50th Street and exi;ending west from France Avenue a distance of 520 feet; and a plo$ of gound described as follows: Begkming at a point on the south line of 50th Street distant 520 feet west of the easterly side.line.of France Avenue, thence west 80 feet, more'or less, to the easterly side line of Halifax Avenue; thence south along the side line of Halifax Avenue a distance of 100 feet; thence in an easterly direction parallel with the south line of 50th Street a distance of 80 feet, more or less, to a poht-520 feet west of the easterly side line of France Avenue; thence north to the place of beginning; and a plot of ground described as follows: South 25 feet of the north 150 feet of the east 95 feet of the west 160 feet of Lot 43J Auditor's Subdivision 172, according to the plat thereof on file-ad of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Hennepin County, Ennesota; provided that within-said plots of ground and said strips of land fronting on tho north and south side lines of 50th Street no buildings shal3 be erected nearer than 40 feet to the center line of said 50th Street, (c) Three squares of land at France Avenue and 54th Street, being the three comers in the Village of Edina-measuring 125 feet on France Avenue and 125 feet on 54th Street. (d) The triangular piece-of ground at the intersection of T&terlachen Boul'evard-and Nain Street neasuring 125 feet on each street, J 268 10/22/51 (e) Lots €3, 9 and 19, Block 21, and Lots 11, 12, 13 and l4, Block 22, Fairfax Addition, and the miscellaneous triangular piece of land containing approxi- mately 1/38 acres lying south of Vest 62nd Street and east of Wooddale Avenue extended, (f) The land on the nortleast corner of Hi&way No, 5 and Poor Farm fioad measured 1%. feet on Highway No, 5,and 150 feet on the Poor Farm Bad. - between .said. State Highway #I69 -and the old road horn as men Prairie Road, and east of Blake-Road extended- to its intersection with said state- Highway. #169, in said V'age of Edina. -. Lots-28, 29, 30, 31, and 32, mock 3, Grand View Heights, according ta the Gp-or plat thereof on file and of record in the oxfice of the Register of Deeds in and for Hennepin County, Binnesata. The south 170 feet of _the south half of Lot 35, except che east 13 feet thereof 3. Auditor's Subdivision No, 172, Hennepin County, Ximesota. The east twenty-two (22) fee% of the south one hundred shy-five (165) feet of,Qt Thirtps3.x (36), Auditoyts Subdivision No. 172, according to the map or plat %hereof on file,and of record % the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Hennepin County, Itinnesota. The tract- of land wg between the north line of 50th Street aud a line 137.5 feet south of ajld parallel to the south line of 49th Street, md lying between the west line of France Avenue and a line 630.0 feet west of and aparallel to the west line of France Avenqe, and 125_feet_~.~est of the west line of France Avenue to a line parallel with and 150.38 feetwest of said west line of France Avenue, and extending south from a line parallel with and 125 feet south af the south line of ?'Test 50th Street to a line parallel with and 462 feet south of said south line of-West 50th-Street; a strip of land extending l5O.38 feet west fromthe west line of France Avenue and lying between a line parallel with and 462 feet south of the south line of West 50th Street and a line parallel with and 590 feet south of the south line of Vest 50th Street; a strip of land lying between a line parallel with and 125 feet south of-the south line of Irest 50th Street and a line parallel with and 175 feet south of'the south line of liest 50th Street, and extending from a line parallel -dth and distant 150,38-_feet west-of the west line of France Avenue to a line parallel with and distant 520 feet west of the west line-of Fragce Avenue, Block 4, a31,i.n Grandview Heights Addition to the Village of Edina, of the Southwest Quarter (S@ of Section Nineteen (19), Topmship Twenty-eight. 28), Range R-renty-four (a), Hegwspin County, Hnnesota, facing east on Wooddale Avenue and south on Valleyr - View Road, and running north a distance of Three Hundred'Feet (3001) from the corner of said Valley View Road and Wooddale Avenue, and extendingawest a distance of Three Hundred Feet (300'). from Wo-gddale Avenue. 2.- General Character of Disd<ict* In the Community Store District no build- ings ?r premises shall. be used, . and .no .building shall be ezected .or altered 'excep% fm purposes customarily necessaryto serve a residential. cormmxnity having access to the larger market of an adjoining city. Specific Uses Permitted in District, The following uses are permitted, if and when .a .buil$ing .pe*t .shall .have .been issued by the village clerk, and no person shall erect, alter, enlarge, move, demolish, use, occupy or mint& any building, structure, improvement or premises without first having obtained such (g) That part or parcel of land which lies north of State-Highivay $169 and (h) (i) (j) . (k) (I) A ,strip of land 25.38. feet wide, &ending- from a line parUe1';cLth . (m) I&s 1,2,4,5,6,25,26 and 27,BLock 3, and Lots U,l2,13,l4 and 15, (n) Bu that par& of the Southeast Quarter -( 4' . (0) Lot 17, Bhck 1, in Brookside Heights Addition, 3. Au. uses permitted in the Open Development District; esement places; - bakeries; barber shops, beauty parlors; catering establishments ; comfort stations; conservatories; dressmaking establishments; electric repair shops; financial institutions; fire station or police statiom; furniture stores; a gasoline filling,. stations; hotels; . lodge halls; -messenger or telegraph service stations; millinery shops; offices; painting and decorating shops; photograph galleries; plumbing shops; 10/22/51 269 post offices; printing shops; public garages; recreation buildings and structures; sales or show rooms; show repairing shops; skating rinks; stores and shops for the conduct of retail business with or without flats above; studios and theaters; tailor shops emplosing not &ore than five (5) persons, , x T restaurants; ?. + * 4. Height and Lo&inkAreas-of Buildin~s~ No building shall be erected to a height greater than 4.0 feet, and..each building shaEl be so arrarlged on its grounds as to permit of all loading and unlaoding on its own premises and not from the street. Storage of Haterials, No premises shall be used, wholly or in part for the storage of any .materi=al whatsoever except where such materials ai6'stored in a building and where the character of such building confoms &th the generh development of a community store district, . 6. Nechanicai Power Pedtted. No building or premises shall be used for any kind of manufacture, rspairing, .alteration, converting or finishing wbich uses mechanical power aggregating more than five (5) HorseRower per 2000 square feet of ground area, - -.. Section V CONHEEWXL DiSTRICT :. . . .- I. Boundaries of Commercial District. .LThe.Comercial District is established as.follovrs:_ . . . . . . , . (a) The west one-half of Block 2, Brand View Heights, the mis6ellaneous - tract of land immediately south of the west one-half of said Blokk 2 and north 62 the Eden Prairie Road. (b) A strip of land 600 feet wide extending from the Eden Prairie Ro&d .( to the sou6heh line of Section 28, the center line of-said strip being the main line track of the T&i.meapolis, Northfield &Southern Railway, * Lots 4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10,Block 2, &id Lot 7 and the north one-half - of Lot 8, Block 3, Grandxriew Heights Addition. + 2, Height-and Loading Areas of Buildings. go building shall be-erected (c) to a greater height than 40 .feet .along.State Td Highway No. 5 and the Hopkins Road for a distatke of 100 feet back thereof,. otherwise there are no height * restrictions in the commercial district. arranged on their grounds as to pedt of all loading and unloading on their+ own premises and not fromthe street+ - if and when a building permit .shall. have been issued by the village clerk, and no person shall erect, alter, enlarge, move, demolish, use, occupy or maintain any building, structure, improvement or premises without first having obtained such permit: All buildings shall be so placed and 3. Specific Uses Permitted in District, The following uses are 'permitted, (a) * (b) c 1 ,All uses permitted in the Open Development District; all uses permitted in the Comtmi-ty Store District; coal tipples and storage %der cover; lumber yard in buildings; building material yards; public garages for repairing and storing cars; battery and tire service establishments; blacksmith repair, machine shop or tinsmith; carting, express or moving van with storage yard connected+therewith; ice plants; steam laundries; milk distributing stations; storage. warehouses j + loading facilities for stock; feed mills; freight stations; gasoline and oil stbrage depots, subject to approval of the village council as to location, arrangement and qukntity, dry cleaning establishments, subject to approval of the village council as to location and arrangement; or other enterprises or business which in the opinion of the village council are no more obnoxious or detrinentcil to the welfare of the comunitythan the enterprises or business enumerated 5a-t;hi.s section, .\ * - * Section TTI DEFINITION For the p&pose of this ordinance certain..tqms and words are defined as follows: .- c 270 10/22/51 ( I. Words used in the present tense shall include the future; words in the singular Qclude the plural, and the plural the singular; the word llbuilding" shu include the word llstructurell; and the word lllot't shall include the word 1'plotn; and the word rrshall" is mandatory and not directory. - - 2. ?!Accessory Building" - h subordinate building or portion of the min build- ing which-is located. on the same lot as the main building and the use of which is clearly incidental to the use of the main building. l%ll.eytt - A public thoroughfare less than thirty (30) feet in width. "Boarding HouseI1 - Any dwelling other tha a hotel where meals or lodgings andmeah-for compensation are provided for five or more persons, pursuant to previous arrangement and not to anyone who may apply, Quildingl - hny structure for the shelter, suppoi% or enclosure of persons, animals, chattels or property of any'kind, and when separated by parQ waUs'Withcut openings, each portion of such building so seaparted shall be deemed a separate I .. 3. 4. 5. building, more streets, . -1 6, llCorner Xlotf' - A lot situated at the junction of and frontbg on two OP lrCurb Level11 - The curb level is the level of the established curb in front -7 .. 8.1. -* I. , 2. U-. .I -- c -I 7. of the building..measured.at the center of'sach front. Where no curb level has been established, the village engineer shall establish such curb level or its equpxalent for the pxrpose of this ordinance. and the mean rear lot line. The greater frontage of *a corner 10% is its depth and its lesser frontage is its width. 1fDepth of Rear Yard"' - The mean horizontal distance between the rear line of the building and--the center line 0% afi alley where an alley exists, othemise a Tear lot line, I "District" - A section of the Village for which the regulations governing the heighg, area, use of buildings ahd premises are the same. Wwelling't - Any building or part thereof which is designed or used exclusive- ly for residential,purposes by one or more human beins eX$h& permanently. or 8, "Depth of Lot" - The mean horizontal distance between the mean front street 9. 10, U.. transiently, 13. ~QmlJ.ing11- Ttm families: A building desigued for or occupied by two families.-. a. 12. Qwelling11- One 4amily: 'A 6uSding designed for or occupied exclusively by one family. l4. Wwelling"- $fore than iwo-fkULes: A building designed or oceupied by more than,tm familie:, including enement houses, apartment houses, and apartment hotels. 15. fr??dytt - Any number of individuds living together on the premises as a single housekeeping unit, as distinguished from a group occupying a boarding house, lodging house or hotel as herein defined. 16, !%'armingf* - The cultivation of the soil and all activities incidentTthereto, except that said term sh- not-include the raising and feeding of hogs by feeding garbage thereto, other than garbage produced by the residents or ocmpants of the *. . farm, 17. WaragaI* - Private: A garage tdth a capacity of not more than four power driven vehicles for storage-only and which is erected as an accessory buflding. h private garage may exceed a four vehicle capacity providedthe area of the lot thereon such a private gazage is to be located shall contain not less than ZOO scpare feet for each vehicle stored. community-garage, used..for,the storage or care of power driven vehicles, or where any such vehicles are equ5pped for operation, repair, or kept for remuneration, hire or sale. A neighborhood, cdty or group garage for any number of motor vehicles yhere a33 service and selling facilities shall be within the building and shall be for the use only of owners and tenants of such garage. 20* lodged with or Without meals, in tJhich as a rule the roans are occupied singly for hire, in which provision is not made for cooking by individuals, and in which there are more than twenty-five (25) sleeping ro01~~. "Lodging House" - d building or premises where lodging is provided for compensation for five or more persons but not exceeding twenty-five persons, IfLot11 - One unit of a recorded plat or subdivision occupied or to be occupied by a-building and its accessory buildings and including as a minimum such open spaces i~6 are required under this ordinance and having frontage on a Fblic street. br this ordinance to be provided for each family in a dwelling. ' 3 18. 1Garage" - Public: Any premises except those described as a private or I t I 19. rlGaragelr - I;ommunitg: l*Ho%elll - Any building occupied as a biding place of persons who are 21. 22, 23. a. 25. 26. !!I& interior" - A lot other than 8 corner Lot. 27. 1tLo-t Area" - The lot area is the land area within the lot lines, 50% pea,per.faaily1l - The lot area per family is the lot area required *Zot corner" - See Corner Lot. ','Lot, Through!'- &i interior lot having frontage orrtwo streets. I I I" 10/22/51 2711 28. "Lot LinesII s The lines boundkg a lot as defined herein, When a lot line abuts-on a-street, avenue, park or other public property except qn alley, such line shall be known as a street line, and when a lot abuts on an alley, it shall be+known as an alley line, and occupied and used or intended to be occupied and used as a hone site and improved or intended to be improved by the erection thereon of a dwelling and accessory buildings and having a frontage upon a public street or upon a thorough- fare or upon a way or upon a traveled or used road and including as a minimum such open spaces as are required under this ordinance, yards for a. dudling. on the same Jot ivith,a building between the rear lines of the building and+the rear line of the lot, for the full width of the lot, between the building.and the side line of the lot, and extending from the front lot line to the rear of the back yard, . .i 29. lIPlott* - Atract other than one Unit of a recorded plat or subdivision 90, Vrwniseslf - A lot or plot with the required front, side and rear 31, I'Rear Yard" - An open space unoccupied except for accessory buildings "Side Yard1' - An.open unoccupied space on the same lot with a building W.ngle family dwelling" - See Dwzlling, One Fmily, !!Streetrr - A public thoroughfare thirty (30) feet or more in width. !Width af Lottr - The width of a lot is its own mean width measured IrYardll - hy space in the sane lot with a building open and unobstructed - 32, 33. 34. 35. 36. at right angles to iks mean.deptth, from the ground,to the sky. Section VII. ADMINISTRATION 1, Prospective Operation. of. Zoning .Ordinance. Any building which on or before my 28, 1931 was used or beQg constructed, moved or altered under the authority of a building permit issued by the Village, in a manner or for a purpose rMch did not conform with the recpirenents ofthis ordhance, but which was not prohibited by any other existing ordinance of the Village, my continue to be so used, any district, which is partially .destroyed. by fire, Fad, earthquake'or cqlosion, my be restored to its fomer dse and physical dimensions; proviced, that any such building vahich does not conform to the-use, height andtother restrictions of the district in which it is locaaed and is thus destroyed, according to the estimate of the village council or some official designated by it, to the exbent of fi%y per cent or more, may not be rebuilt or recon- structod except in accordznce with such restrictions,- 3. hblic UtikitY BuildiaRs; Exceptions, public utility buildin& to be used for purposes of rendering se-ce to the copmmity, and not for warehouse purposes or for the storage of bulw materials, when the village council shaU, deem them to be clearly necessary for the public convenience, may be permitted in my district. Such variation from the height and'area district regulation ,may be allowed for .such building by the village council as it deems necessaryr 4. Pardlikgulations. All yard regulations shall be waived in the Commercial District; but in the Comnnurity Store District any building erected or altered that is within 50 feet of the l&ne dividing the Codty Store District must have the same front yard as is required in the Open I)evelopment District. a 5. Frontage to be Retained. Every building shall front on such-t as provided : by the original plat, and in the absence of evidence to the contrary, it shall be presumed), hat a building shall front on that street on which the lot on which it stands hqs the k2: !i east number of fmnt feet. If a lot abuts on two or more streets or alleys, on appli- ca%ion a qecial permit may be issued by vote of a majority of the members of the Council, permitting alteration of an existing building or construction of a new bilding on such lot so as to front on a different street or alley, on the same notice and hearing as se% forth in Section 111, paragraph 2 (a) of this ordinance for permits to erect tho-family or p&@----t@iywd~eUng s . 1' + 2, Reconstruction of Non-Confbrming Buildings, Any buildhg located itl - ' ' . . 4 1 u- - - be posted in at least three conspicuous public places in the village, At the 'I time and place fixed in the published notice the council shall hear a11 objec- tions and recommendations relative to such amendment, supplement, change-or repeal of the existing-provision, provisions of this ordinance.through the.proper legal channels, but may delegate the duty of administering it to any employee as it may deem proper. Any person objecting to the ruling of any official on-the administering of the provisions of this law shall have the right to appeal to the council at any regular meeting. in or upon which a violation of ang.provision of this ordinance has been comitted or shall exist; or the lessee of the entire building or entire premises in or upon which violation has been committed or shall exist; or the owner or lessee of an2 part of the building or premises in or upon which such violation has committed or shall exist, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a Zinc of not more than One Hundred Dollars ($lOO,OO) for each and every day that such violation continuese Any such person,,who having been served with an order to 7. Delegation of Administration. The village council shall enforce the . 8, Violation a Esdemeanor; Penalty. The owner of a building or premises yeen 272 10/22/!jl remove any such violation, shall fail to comply with said order idthin tea days after such service, 6r shall continue to violate any provision 02 the regulations made under authority of this ordinance in the respect named in such order? shall also be subject to a civil penalty of not to exceed Oag Hundred Dollars ($lOO.OO), 98 Interpretation. In interpreting and applyingthe provisions of ordinance, they shall be held to be the minimum requirements for the promotion of the public safety, health, convenieace, comfort, prosperity and general welfare. It is not the intention of this ordinance to interfere with or abrogate or annul any easements, covenants or other agrekment between parties; provided, however, that where this ordinance @poses a greater restriction upon the use of building or prdses or upon height of building, or requires larger open spaces thw are imposed or required other ordinances, rules, regulations,,or permits, or by easements, covenants or agreementki, the provisions of this. ordinance shall, govern, 10. Partial Invalidity. If any sec&ion, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of-this .ordinance is fqr any reason held to be unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this qrdi- nance. Hotiqn for adoption'of Ordinance was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall (here were five ayes and no nays, (?s follows: Bredesen, aye; CiniIif, aye; Dqnens, aye; 3 Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and L- 'filasor .. . . -_ Discussion was had with regard.'to tmending Bicycle Ordinance and flDogff Ordhance insofar as license expiration dates are concerned. -1% was suggessed %h$ air- ation be established as Xbyl, in order that licenses might be obtained before the close of the school year. LLso suggested that 3.25 be charged for transfer of a bicycle license, following-Eiheapolis procedure. Petition for permit to conved .s-e dwelling to double dwelling at 4832 'L.jastbrook Lane, together 16th Planning Commission*s recommendation that permit be gr_slnted, was reviewed. Hawthorne1.s motion, that,Public Hearing on petition be set for Eondw, ,Hovembcr 12, at 7:30 P.1.l; Petition by A.H. &is, foi su6division of I*North 70 ft, of =/2 of Nl/2 of E1/2 of $1/4 of SELL/& of EEl/4, Sec.?9,T+28,R1~,Y',rtms reviewed, together with Pla@ng Comtissionrs October 16th recommendation. Hawthorne's motion, that matter ,be tableduntil November 32th Heeting, for preparation of regular plat of proposed Subdivision, was secmded by Bredesen and carried. Final Plat of 1rOrrin Thornon's Edina Terrace" wzs presented for Cquncil approval, havf$ng-received.approsral by Planning Commission as of October 16,' Wrilding Inspector Woetiler reported t@t Edina +already has one !tEdina Terrace" &v&hornels motion, that Plat be referred badk to developers for renaming. Bredesen and carried. F&al Plat of "York Hillslr was presented, together with $1,000 certified *check, specifications. Planning Commission* s October 16th recommendation for app$ovbl p b was reviewed, Notion b;F Whorne for approval of final plat of York Hills /r 4 Engineer OlssQn presented a proposed subdivision of t6e 'I.!illard A. Cooper fot at the corner of Interlqchen BPvd. and Cooper Avenue, together with Planning Commission's recommendation that 1Ut AQ (an €&-foot lot to the North of the present old homestead) be approved, as a-building &tea Childts motion that Council approve %ot All as building site, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried. on mbott Avenue, and for street lights on Abbott Avenue at 56th ad 57th Streets, was read. Hawthorne's motion, that matter of *tS16w-Childrenty signs be referred to Village Eilanager and Csptain of Police with pgyer to act. Xotion seconded by Child and carried. 1-k. Olsson repprted tha$ street lights had ',aread$ been ordered. Request of J.E,?&est ,4817 lf.Sumyslope Road, for Wrive Slotrly-Caution'* signs on Sunnyslope Road, was read. Village Mager and Gaptah of Police with power to act, was secoFded by Bredesen and carried. I Treasurer John Duggan recpssted installation of Wchool Stoptt sign at 70th and Cahill Rmd. Child's notion, that Village Zanageg be directed to consult with CW School Princip al on this matter, was seconded by Hadhorne and carried. Assessor Alex Creightonrs recommendatighs of October lqth, for remuneration for Notion seconded by Bredesen and carried. Iktion seconded ~JT . I, posted.as pananty for completion of street gradipg in accordance with village I r i *- Robert El Biel's request for nSlow-Childrenll kgns between 56th and 57th Streets r Hawthornefs notion,.that request bo referred to \ Assessor and Deputy Assessors, as 10/22/% follows: - Alex Creighton, $12,50 per day; 1.273 Deputies*A.C.Stringer,Edwin Y. Daniel and.lJinifred Crei'ghton,, gl0.00 per day each; Deputies Luella Swan, W'Lola Dot~r, Frances I$. Hidd, Phyllis C, Broom, Rrs. Roger Fischer, $j8.00 per day each-=was reviewed. accepted,. Hotion seconded by Bredesen and carried. Announcement was made of Rosholt Companyts "Open Farunt' .to be held Wednesday, October 3l* Hawthorne moved.for authorization for village mechanic to attend, Eotion seconded by Danens and carried* Child moved that recommendation be Engineer Olsson reported Twin City Rapid Transit Companyts agreement to+ grant sanitary sewer easement across Como. Eopkins right+f-my, provided' no assessment is made for sewer. 1-b. Olsson reported that there is no bediatp need for such easement. No action taken. &yor Erickson reported that the Streetcar Right-of-3kjr is available for acqui- . sition by suburban commw5ties, for street;--bhat Couqty will build road if communities acquire right-of-my. Discussion followed. No action %kenr %he tfFiream Training Programt! under immediate spongiorship of Civil Air Patrol at direction of Civil D_ef+ense Committee, wits reviewed. Captain McGwyts . recommendation w+s read. + Civil Defense Director Paen request-ed that Council waive "Firearms Ordinance" in favor ofthis progrgitn, +Haw'bhorne so moved. + ~ . l\ Hotion-seconded by Child .and carried, . \. ' I&. Palen presented Civil: Defense Ordinance, rcquestingthaq Cqm$il adopt as soon-as possible. I&. Palen reported on proposed Mbtual Aid'Program for Bivil Defense, -for the commmities in the Southwest Fire Leagp. -Legal Committee for program cons5stra of St,Louis Park, Hopkins, and 3dina Village $ttameys. Ordinance referred to Ordinances and Legislation Co~ttet. I * < Nr. Palen asked if Council will authorize Cikl Def ense I%nibe&, to 1 apply for milhage for attending Civil Defense Schools. No-action taken, Ivlr. Olsson reported request of Police Department ;or itreet light at 62nd and Normandale, Child's-motion, that said street light be authorized, wzs seconded by Bredesen andcarried. Petition was filed for FJater to Hanson Road. Petition was- filed for Blackhpphg of OdLLaim Avenue between W&th and \S,6lsk Streets. Hawthorne moved that petition-be accepted and that Hearhg I* be set for the second meeting in April, 1952. Peti6ion by Brede, Inc. To; permit. to inst& 10lrs. 40t sign, *%eve's %rkettt, on Highway No, 169, .1/2 mile East of West village limits, was-reviewed, Mr, Olsson reported Lhat,location confoms+iJi.i;h provisions of ordinance. Because some of the merabers were of the opinion that there are dwellings within 500 feet of proposed sign, Br. Olsson was asked to make a thorough recheck and report back Lo Council at its ne& regular meetbg. Offer of Johnson Tree Service, Enneapolis, to ripaii and remoGe &tom-drunaged trees in the Country Club, being 135 in all, for $1800 to $2000, ks read, CounciJ. asked .Manager -0Lsson to secure bids of seyera2 local. >.I companies for this work, * Policd Report was filed; and was referred So Public Safety Cormnittee by motion & =ension on Windsor, Avenue from Code Avenue Child's.motion, that Public Hearing be set for Monday, November %, was seconded by Bredesen,.and carried, .. .L T. \ * * Child, seconded by Bredesen and carried. *_ I It ys reported that p&ition filed some time ago by2i.G. Bogen, for sewer and water in Interlachen Blvd., Oxford, Bedford, William md Hankerson Avenues, is not signed by owners of 51% of affected prpperties. Child moved that petition be rejected f6r time .being. Motion secsnded by Bredesen and carried, Ijlr. Voehler requested Ifleetbg with Public Utilities Cowstee for discussion on Fter rate increase; eqlaining that h9s report will necessarily be long and detailed ad will take considerable time. I&, Olsson reported that the State Board of Health will not recommend the type of lift station he has- proposed for. Yvonne Terrace; that the lift ststion the Board recommends will *cost approximately $2,200 more than the one originally proposed; that he xi12 need additional time to make nore study of this matter. , + - 274 1 -. 10/22/51 It was reported that Herbert and John Bloomberg haqe not get paid the s.25 per .front foot connection. charge for connection'of water main to the private water main constructed by Peder IEckelsen. papent Council request that Attorney .T.rrite for e " Notion by Child, for payment of Village'Payroll, amount $6,044.15 and LfsUor Store Papoll, ansount G763.20, for period October 16 to 31, inclusive,..and for pagment of the following Claims (except No+ 6354 issued to E.C,Pfeiff&r, which is to be held until project is completed) was seconded by Bredesen and carried: - TO: ~10ui~ - - =. Qacier Sand & Gravel Co. 8. 37.28 . .1 6293 . 6296 6297 6295 6298 6300 * 6302 . 6303 6305 6306 . 6309 6310 6311 6312 63u 6315 6316 6317 6319 6322 6324 6325 6326 6327 6330 6333 6334 6336 6337 ' 6338 6339 63@+ 6354 6355 6357 6291 6294 6299 4307 6326. 6321 6330' 6335 6336 6355 6357 6358 6301 6305 76304 6308 6334 63u 6342 6343 6344 6345 6346 ' 6347 6348 6349 F.L, 3.Iarshall 5000~ Earl Seidl 3.9032 Ed- _Hardwars . 2.12 Village of Edina 21.60 Northern Photo Supply Cor 17.50 Burroughs Adding 1.iachfr;e Co. 69 Terry &os,, &c. 438.00 Ernst & Ernst. * 2880.00 John B. Coan, Postmaster Berte&son Bras, 12.20 Donald T.T, Harstad . 248.00 Jean Liqk 12.20 61.25 10.00 Rr. E. L, Fitch Treasurer af Hem. Cty, Schaub Office Supply Coo i02.50 Qahlberg &OS., I#c. 39OOoOO Rorsey,Cob,Barker,Scott & Barber lW9.54 Crook eC Hanley, kc. 10.50 A, & A, Xlectric.Co, 42.50 L, V.-T-Liller 7.20 Chris Fdtzel 108,OO I!. IT. Bell Tel. Co. 75094 N. Bell Tel, Co. 67r95 Nor&hern States Power Cob 823.72 Victor Carlson &.Sons ~ + 275.52 Suburban Press - 3.06 qeinhard Bros, 4.88 Victor Carlson & Sons 78.12 Victor- carlson t~ :oris 77.83 Victor Carlson & Sons 79.80 ?$orthew States P&er Coo 892o91- qorthern States Power Go. 20 .I2 E*Uer Dayis 60.. ' 430.00 Dick Palen ab% 90.1,s . *. E. C, Pfeiffer 1694.55 E. C. Pfeiffer f!&$boo* 'Electric Trelding moys Gorp. Power Brake & Equipment, &agar& Sign Go, Standard Spring Go, N. Bell Tel. Coo g, ![. Bell Tel. (30, lJor&hern States Power Co, 'I?& 3, Ziegler Co. - Reinhard Etros. Co. &orthem states -Power CO~ Northern States Power Co. I.iiller Davis Co.-. David Boulay Ernst & Ernst crane CO. of inn. Jorgen Ha Anderson Suburban Press Ashrrorth & Son Ewl Sewall& Sons + Bart Carlone Earl Sewall & S,ons Victor Carlson & Sons Earl SewaU. & Sons Victor Carlson-gt Sons Victor Carlson & Sons Victor Carlson 6; Sons v U 111.1. . 10/22/51 63 n 6352 6353 6354 6305 6323 6326 6327 6329 6356 6320 6331 6332 L1658 u659 U660 U661 I IJ.662 L1663 Ll.664 32.665 U666 U667 33.668 m569 I3.670 U671 , 32.672 U.673 I3675 32674 TO: metti eC Lanetti Western Underground Const, Cor Phelps-Drake Co. metti.& Lanetti E, C, Pfeiffer Ernit & Ernst Cambridge Brick Co. Northern Sates Power Cos mller Dayis Co,.. - - Ernst & 'Ernst *. @. W. Bell Tel. Go, NOtK* Bell TeL COa . Vor&hern States Power Coo Northern States Zower Co. P,I.R, F&d Poucher L -. ,Printing & Litho. Go. E, J. Etchdl ++ * ... -* .. - -* - Poucher Printing & Wb. Cor ..' ., __ - Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund .. -7 c Howard If; Merrhan ~~~a;nd National B& Val, Bjornson, Treas, PER& ?fcKesson & Bobbins, Old Peoria Cdirnpayly, Inc, knheuser-Busch, Inc., Clausen axid Sons, Inc. Coca-Cola Bottling. Cor Cornelius Beverage $0, Canada Dry- Ginger &e, Em Void - 0.31. Droney Beverage Go+ Gluek .Brewing Co, Gold TjCedal Beverage Co, rheapolis Brewing Co. Ibeapolis City Club Distributiag Co. Norris Distributing Go* Pabst Sales Go, Rek Distributing Co4 Seven-Up Bottling .Coo Carpen$er.Paper Company Einneapolis I3re-g Cot F. J. Quinn Papes Cot Northern S%a$es Poyer Co, Shell Oil .Company Village of Edina, Mater Deph Floyd's Lock and Safe Service Petroleum Service .Coo . American men supply io, Ernst & Ernst - Automatic Alarm Corp. Distillers Distributing Coo Pamous Brands, Inc. Griggs,. Cooper & Cor HcKesson & Robbins, kc* Old Peoria Company - * Cold. Spring -Distributing Co , Griggs Cooper Cos Griggs Cooper Go, Kuether Distributing,Co, 7.1 rkssolt Bottling Go. ~ t , LIQUOR FUND a733s.25. . . 276 . E Trustee Danens moved that Council advertise for bids to be taken November U,l95L, for one Duirtp Truck, tjfh alternate bid for exbra heavy rear end and rear axle, yith bidder to submit Trade& Allowance on @IC Dump Truck; and for one one-way snow plow for tmck,, I-Xotion sewnded by Hawthorne and carried. Bredesen's motion for adjoument vas seconded br Child and carried. * Cf + BIeeting adjourned . .. VUage' Clerk '.i - HIIil OF' TfiE SPECIAL 35BTING OF THE EDINL a AT- 7~30 P&, .H T@ ,EDgiA*VILL&E: Ktll;G - CQUNC&L,-Hm;D, NONDAY, @XYElE8 29, lY'!jl,* #.I . * ,.a ** _** . .--. I.. 3feeti.ng'wasE convened ubon due call and notice by the Nayor. Xembers present were Erickson, Damns and Eawthorne. $Ira V. J, Schweiger, 5109 11, 56th Street, hppeked eo compzain about trees which PearsonT.Brothers had pushed across his pro2ehy from a neighboring lot, pushing $hem onto Village property, with some of them remafig on his property. stateCPerson had informed him that Village lknager Olsson had given him permission to place trees on Village property. Hawthobe ikoved-to direct Village Attorney to . notify EP. Pearsoato remove trees rui.f;hin ten days and that if Pearson will not remove them. the Tillage do so at Pearsonts expense. Notion seconded by Danens and cc~rriei3. - The appi.aisa dated October 24, l9.%, on property proposedto be acquired for T'illage-HaIl purposes, was revLeiTed, Discussion was had on the matter of, purchasing. property. immediately West of the present Village Hall property. Havrthome moved to authoriie proper Villa,gs officials to purchase property at a cbst. not to exceed $2,000, this being a one-acre tract. HaWlorne moved, direc€ing Village Attjmey to re-Apply for authorikation for metals for new water tank. 3tion seconded by Danens 5nd carried. There being no further'business to come before the Beeting, ik was adjourned at * I *A+ +- . He ' Hotion seconded by Danens and cwrieda I w c 8:50 P*X* i + -r - + * + ' Village Clerk _i .. -1 .. .. . _..- Eerobers answering RoX&,U. irere'Bredesen, C&d,s*Il&ens, -Har.rf;horne and Erickson. . .* BinUtes of Regular -3feeting of October 22, &d Special Neeting of October 29,19fn, were approvgd as surntted, by Hotion Danens, seconded by Hawthorne and carried. 3Iayor Erickson 2,nnowlced Public Hearing on Proposed SkaLtary Sewer Improvenent %os 37, being held pursuant to "Notice of, Hearing;# qpearing in Suburban Press, Eopkins, Einnesota, on October 18 and 25. . AffLdaUit of Publication was read by Clerk, appmved as to 9orn and ordered plzced on file, It was explained to the audience that this is a.supplementay public Rearing on this project,. to ccnsider the possibility or" addhg Yvome Terrace to the previously ordered Sznitary Sewer lmprovement no, 37; that Yvonne Terrace has petitioned for Sanitary Sewer because of serious cesspool trouble; that this street cmot be served for sone years unless it becomes a part af Itrlprovement No. 37. Engineer Olsson explained that, in order to serve Yvonne Terrace as a part of hprovement PITO, 37 it will. be necessq to do one of two things: 1, Lower the cut of the Trunls Sewer, at a cost of approxbatelr 820,0003, or, 2.-Constmct a Xft Station in Yvonne Terrace, at an estimated cost, of $7,668.00. Cr>nstruction.. of Qft Station, if assessed against Yvonne Terrace residents oply, will cost them an estimated $3.90 per front foot. whereas, if cost is assessFd against entire Sanitzzy Sewer Improvement No. 37 assessable area, the cost of %he trunk plus the, lift station will. total an estimated ,$l.lO per assessable $Dot as against $693 for the trunk sewer only; this last estimate being based on a assessable,area af 35,138 feet (including Yvonne Terrace) as against a total estimated Trunk4if.t; Shtion cost af $38,454.00. At this. time ZIessr,. d.F,Cooney, 5033 Kent &e.; James "E. Lytle, 3.12 Ifindsor Avenue; E,lT. Nylund, 5005 PT, 56th gt. ; V.J. Eawitzer, 5037 .IT. ~6tti SL ; and Daed Seltzer, 501'7 lladsor Avenue, all entered their-objections to pamg for a part of .a E@ ststion which F~U. serve Yvonne Terrace only* /* 4 *.( I.