HomeMy WebLinkAbout19511029_SPECIAL276 . E Trustee Danens moved that Council advertise for bids to be taken November U,l95L, for one Duirtp Truck, tjfh alternate bid for exbra heavy rear end and rear axle, yith bidder to submit Trade& Allowance on @IC Dump Truck; and for one one-way snow plow for tmck,, I-Xotion sewnded by Hawthorne and carried. Bredesen's motion for adjoument vas seconded br Child and carried. * Cf + BIeeting adjourned . .. VUage' Clerk '.i - HIIil OF' TfiE SPECIAL 35BTING OF THE EDINL a AT- 7~30 P&, .H T@ ,EDgiA*VILL&E: Ktll;G - CQUNC&L,-Hm;D, NONDAY, @XYElE8 29, lY'!jl,* #.I . * ,.a ** _** . .--. I.. 3feeti.ng'wasE convened ubon due call and notice by the Nayor. Xembers present were Erickson, Damns and Eawthorne. $Ira V. J, Schweiger, 5109 11, 56th Street, hppeked eo compzain about trees which PearsonT.Brothers had pushed across his pro2ehy from a neighboring lot, pushing $hem onto Village property, with some of them remafig on his property. stateCPerson had informed him that Village lknager Olsson had given him permission to place trees on Village property. Hawthobe ikoved-to direct Village Attorney to . notify EP. Pearsoato remove trees rui.f;hin ten days and that if Pearson will not remove them. the Tillage do so at Pearsonts expense. Notion seconded by Danens and cc~rriei3. - The appi.aisa dated October 24, l9.%, on property proposedto be acquired for T'illage-HaIl purposes, was revLeiTed, Discussion was had on the matter of, purchasing. property. immediately West of the present Village Hall property. Havrthome moved to authoriie proper Villa,gs officials to purchase property at a cbst. not to exceed $2,000, this being a one-acre tract. HaWlorne moved, direc€ing Village Attjmey to re-Apply for authorikation for metals for new water tank. 3tion seconded by Danens 5nd carried. There being no further'business to come before the Beeting, ik was adjourned at * I *A+ +- . He ' Hotion seconded by Danens and cwrieda I w c 8:50 P*X* i + -r - + * + ' Village Clerk _i .. -1 .. .. . _..- Eerobers answering RoX&,U. irere'Bredesen, C&d,s*Il&ens, -Har.rf;horne and Erickson. . .* BinUtes of Regular -3feeting of October 22, &d Special Neeting of October 29,19fn, were approvgd as surntted, by Hotion Danens, seconded by Hawthorne and carried. 3Iayor Erickson 2,nnowlced Public Hearing on Proposed SkaLtary Sewer Improvenent %os 37, being held pursuant to "Notice of, Hearing;# qpearing in Suburban Press, Eopkins, Einnesota, on October 18 and 25. . AffLdaUit of Publication was read by Clerk, appmved as to 9orn and ordered plzced on file, It was explained to the audience that this is a.supplementay public Rearing on this project,. to ccnsider the possibility or" addhg Yvome Terrace to the previously ordered Sznitary Sewer lmprovement no, 37; that Yvonne Terrace has petitioned for Sanitary Sewer because of serious cesspool trouble; that this street cmot be served for sone years unless it becomes a part af Itrlprovement No. 37. Engineer Olsson explained that, in order to serve Yvonne Terrace as a part of hprovement PITO, 37 it will. be necessq to do one of two things: 1, Lower the cut of the Trunls Sewer, at a cost of approxbatelr 820,0003, or, 2.-Constmct a Xft Station in Yvonne Terrace, at an estimated cost, of $7,668.00. Cr>nstruction.. of Qft Station, if assessed against Yvonne Terrace residents oply, will cost them an estimated $3.90 per front foot. whereas, if cost is assessFd against entire Sanitzzy Sewer Improvement No. 37 assessable area, the cost of %he trunk plus the, lift station will. total an estimated ,$l.lO per assessable $Dot as against $693 for the trunk sewer only; this last estimate being based on a assessable,area af 35,138 feet (including Yvonne Terrace) as against a total estimated Trunk4if.t; Shtion cost af $38,454.00. At this. time ZIessr,. d.F,Cooney, 5033 Kent &e.; James "E. Lytle, 3.12 Ifindsor Avenue; E,lT. Nylund, 5005 PT, 56th gt. ; V.J. Eawitzer, 5037 .IT. ~6tti SL ; and Daed Seltzer, 501'7 lladsor Avenue, all entered their-objections to pamg for a part of .a E@ ststion which F~U. serve Yvonne Terrace only* /* 4 *.( I.