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Trustee Danens moved that Council advertise for bids to be taken November U,l95L,
for one Duirtp Truck, tjfh alternate bid for exbra heavy rear end and rear axle, yith
bidder to submit Trade& Allowance on @IC Dump Truck; and for one one-way snow plow
for tmck,, I-Xotion sewnded by Hawthorne and carried.
Bredesen's motion for adjoument vas seconded br Child and carried.
* Cf + BIeeting adjourned
.. VUage' Clerk
'.i -
AT- 7~30 P&, .H T@ ,EDgiA*VILL&E: Ktll;G
CQUNC&L,-Hm;D, NONDAY, @XYElE8 29, lY'!jl,*
#.I .
,.a ** _** . .--. I..
3feeti.ng'wasE convened ubon due call and notice by the Nayor. Xembers present were
Erickson, Damns and Eawthorne.
$Ira V. J, Schweiger, 5109 11, 56th Street, hppeked eo compzain about trees which
PearsonT.Brothers had pushed across his pro2ehy from a neighboring lot, pushing
$hem onto Village property, with some of them remafig on his property.
stateCPerson had informed him that Village lknager Olsson had given him permission
to place trees on Village property. Hawthobe ikoved-to direct Village Attorney to .
notify EP. Pearsoato remove trees rui.f;hin ten days and that if Pearson will not
remove them. the Tillage do so at Pearsonts expense. Notion seconded by Danens and
cc~rriei3. -
The appi.aisa dated October 24, l9.%, on property proposedto be acquired for
T'illage-HaIl purposes, was revLeiTed, Discussion was had on the matter of, purchasing.
property. immediately West of the present Village Hall property. Havrthome moved to
authoriie proper Villa,gs officials to purchase property at a cbst. not to exceed
$2,000, this being a one-acre tract.
HaWlorne moved, direc€ing Village Attjmey to re-Apply for authorikation for metals
for new water tank. 3tion seconded by Danens 5nd carried.
There being no further'business to come before the Beeting, ik was adjourned at
* I *A+ +-
Hotion seconded by Danens and cwrieda
w c
8:50 P*X* i +
-r - +
* + ' Village Clerk
_i .. -1 .. .. . _..- Eerobers answering RoX&,U. irere'Bredesen, C&d,s*Il&ens, -Har.rf;horne and Erickson. . .*
BinUtes of Regular -3feeting of October 22, &d Special Neeting of October 29,19fn,
were approvgd as surntted, by Hotion Danens, seconded by Hawthorne and carried.
3Iayor Erickson 2,nnowlced Public Hearing on Proposed SkaLtary Sewer Improvenent
%os 37, being held pursuant to "Notice of, Hearing;# qpearing in Suburban Press,
Eopkins, Einnesota, on October 18 and 25. . AffLdaUit of Publication was read by
Clerk, appmved as to 9orn and ordered plzced on file, It was explained to the
audience that this is a.supplementay public Rearing on this project,. to ccnsider
the possibility or" addhg Yvome Terrace to the previously ordered Sznitary Sewer
lmprovement no, 37; that Yvonne Terrace has petitioned for Sanitary Sewer because
of serious cesspool trouble; that this street cmot be served for sone years
unless it becomes a part af Itrlprovement No. 37. Engineer Olsson explained that,
in order to serve Yvonne Terrace as a part of hprovement PITO, 37 it will. be necessq
to do one of two things: 1, Lower the cut of the Trunls Sewer, at a cost of
approxbatelr 820,0003, or, 2.-Constmct a Xft Station in Yvonne Terrace, at an
estimated cost, of $7,668.00. Cr>nstruction.. of Qft Station, if assessed against
Yvonne Terrace residents oply, will cost them an estimated $3.90 per front foot.
whereas, if cost is assessFd against entire Sanitzzy Sewer Improvement No. 37
assessable area, the cost of %he trunk plus the, lift station will. total an estimated
,$l.lO per assessable $Dot as against $693 for the trunk sewer only; this last
estimate being based on a assessable,area af 35,138 feet (including Yvonne Terrace)
as against a total estimated Trunk4if.t; Shtion cost af $38,454.00. At this. time
ZIessr,. d.F,Cooney, 5033 Kent &e.; James "E. Lytle, 3.12 Ifindsor Avenue; E,lT. Nylund,
5005 PT, 56th gt. ; V.J. Eawitzer, 5037 .IT. ~6tti SL ; and Daed Seltzer, 501'7 lladsor Avenue,
all entered their-objections to pamg for a part of .a E@ ststion which F~U.
serve Yvonne Terrace only*
/* 4 *.(
11/12/51 /!a7 Engineer Olsson stated that the Yvonne Terrace lateral sewer will cost approxi-
mately $4.23 per assessable foot, against an estimated cost of 36.09 per assess-
able foot for the other laterals proposed--this diffqrence being due to cost af
blacktop replacmen% on other streets. There was considerable discussion by
nembers of the Council as to possibility of equalizing the trunk and lateral
assessments for all lateral sewers to be constructed in Sanitary Server Improve-
ment No. 37 at this time, and Child offered the following Besolutgon and moved
its adoption: .. \- .. X;ESOLPIOJT i@U&ZZEJG TRUNK AND
' Lg@R&L.$rnqR &sgslaTs IN .
llH$W, it has beer?..eWt~ted.~hatIcost of a Lift Station in Yvonne Terrztce,
if assessed_against Yvonne Terrace properties only, ,will .be approximately $3*90
fiEE"S, it has been estimated that cost of sa5d Lift Station, if assessed
as par% of the cost of the Trunk Sewer cost, ov3r the entire assessable area in
Sanitary Sewer Tnprovement 80, 37 . (including Yvonne Terrace) will add apprpxi-
mtely h.17 per.assessable foot to the cost of the Trunk Sewer in this assessable
area, ma5erially reducing the cost to Yvonne Terracz properties, and
L YHEmiS, it has been eslimted that the cost of proposed Lateral Sczni$ary
Sewers &n Yvonne Terrace is less 'chm the co'st of proposed Lateral Sanitary
sewers in the other streets in Sadtary Sewer Improvement Noe 37,
NOV, TKEREFOR;4;, BE IT P.E3OLN"rJ, that, if the cost of the Yvonne Terrace
Lift Station is assessed.Fg&@ the entire assessable area in Smitary Sewer
hprovement No, 37, the assessments for the cost of the Lateral Sewers in this
assessgble area shall xw be equalizedo *
Xotion fok adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Bredsaen, and on Rollcctll
there were five ayes and no_-nays, as follo
t per assessable foot, and . *.
aye; Child, aye; Danens,
n was -adopCeda *.
Village Clerk
The mayor next announied Co$&ation of September &,1951 Public Hearing on
proposed Lateral. Sanitary-Sewers for Sanitary Sewer &provegent No3 37*
w2s had of the foregoing Resolution adopted byrathe Village Council, which ..trill.
somevrhat reduce the Pil$age Engineerls EstQate of &,OS pe? assessgible fpot for
Lateral. Sewers, Because there are a,.number of Later& Sewprs under,consideration,
the Hayor asked that audience be polled as to stTeets, with regard to their
recommendatipis andx.ob jectipns, Polling was as follows:
Lateral Sewer in Yvonne zerrace, from Nomandale Road, ia W956%h Street -
Ho objections from the floor, and. no wz5tten objections, Recommend~ation from
Mr. Ed+ Stow, for construction,
2. htera3 Sewer in Fr+56th Street from Nomandale Roid to 14N&$ Railroad
Tracks. Ere E&. Nylund,5005 W,56th Street, stated that .he believes We56t12 St,
does not yet need a lateral sewer, but tnat he will withdraw his om objections
providing assessment is levied according to Council Resolution adopted this
evening; that he has been requested to recore Vne objection of T,K Rocheford, 5033 W,56th St,, who cannot be present $his evening, Roy E,Stmn,5032,spoke in favorr
No objections, either oralpr written,
Ressrs. James E, &,le, 5112, and Eax?l'R. 3KLtn,5120 Windsor, stated .thq believe
that most of the residents on thig street object to-tne project.
costs providing laterals are not constructed until Later; and Tfillage*Engineer
explained that costs would probably be greater because of necessity of moving
machinery in for smaU, jobo
Lateral $eyer in Code Agenue from W.56th Street to Richmond. Drive, -
No Objections+ ~ In Rickxnond Drive, from Somnandale-Road to bode Ave&eo - No objections.
Petition had previously been filed for this lateralr_ . 7, Lateral-Sewer in Richmond Circle, No objections*
t * '.
Lateral Sewer in l?arwick.Place from tf,56th Stxeet-to Kent Avenue* -
Lateral Server in IEndsor. Avenue from 'Kent Avenue to E!@s&S Railroad Tracks. -
They asked about
8, Lateral sewer in Richmond &mer No objectionsr
9. Lateral Sewer in qomandale Road from Kent Avenue to Yvonne Terracer
No objections, ~
Child ofzered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: - RESQLTJTION ORDZRING ADDITION TO
SANIz&RY, SE'bm. QPROlEkEiVT. NO e. 37
aE IT RESOLVED by the Council cjf-,$he-Village- of Edina3-.tGmesota, that this Council
heretofore-caused notice of hearag to be duly publlshed on the proposed improve-
ment consisting of the construction of Lateral Saitary Sewers ;in the following
streets: -
In -Yvonne Terrace, from Normandale Road to-Wo 56th Sireat In W.56th Street from Nopandale Road to It4Nscs Railroad Tracks In Vamkck Place from W,56th Street to Kent' Avenue
In 6,Endsos Avenue from Kent Avenue to NN&S lkilroad Tracks
k Code Avenue from TL56th Street to Richmond Drive .
In Richmcnd Drive from Normandale Rod to Code.Aveaue
In Tzichond Circle
In Tzichmond be fron Iljndsor Avenue to Richmond Drive In 1Jomandd.e Road from Kent Avenue to Yponne Terrace
and at the hearing held at the. time-and place specified in said notice the Council
has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully adesed of
the pertinent facts does hereby deternine to proceed with said lateral sanitary
sewers; that said improvement.is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all
, subsewe& proceedings as Sanitary Sewer Improvement 110. 37, and the area to be
spec.;ially assessed for said 1ateral.sewers shall include all lots and tracts of land
abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said improvement is to be constructed,
fore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on fQe in the office of t-he Village
Clerk ere hereby approved,
Suburban Press and the Construction Bulletin is hereby approved and confimerl,shid
advertisegent for bids readiag as follows:
The Edina Village-Cour_cil ~&l& meet. at the Tmzge Hall,' 4301 TL 50th Sk.,
Enneapolis, on Xonday, September 24, 1951, at. 7:30 otclock P.I&, to open and con-
sider sealed bids for the construction of Sanitaq Sever Improveaent Itor 37 in =id
Village, consisting of construction of the following Sznitary Sewer Hains and
. .Aa. ~ The- p3.r-is.. and specifications for Sanitary Sewer Improvement No, 37 hereto-
I B. The advertisement for bids for said improvement, published tdce in the
2, 3. 4.
In So, Ext;ension of Golf Terrace from-existing Sanitary Sewer in said
Exbension to Irindsor Avenue.
State High!+y No. 100 from Rndsor Avenue, north 506 ft, more or less.
Ih gent Avenue from State Hig&.zay No, 100 to Vamiick Placee
In Itkdsor Avenue from E. lot line of Lot 26,. Block I, lfestchester TCnolls
to State Highway No. 100; lh Vindsor Aver, from E, lot line of Lot 26,
Block I, Vestchestzr fcnolls t;O Uanrick Place.
ALTENA93 BIDS will include, in ad@tion to. above construction, the following
Sani&ar,y Sewer Extensions and Appurtenances:
Rd, -t;o We$6th St.; in f.T, 56th St. from homqda3.e Rd4 to I-DJW RFL Tracks; 3h
Code &er, from 77. 56th St. to .Richmond Drive; in Richond Depe from .
Nomaydale Road to Code Ave+; I$ Richmond Circle; *Richmond Lzne from
'ItTindsor Ave. to Richmond Drive; in Nornandale*Rd. from Kent Ave, to Yvonne
flr.errae- - P L
Vne plans and spzcifications for said iaprovement+on file in the office of %he+
Vilkge Clerk. All bids mst be submitted on the bash of cash payment fur the
~mrk. Xo bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the*undersigned
before the time of said meeting and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or
certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of Ten percent of the
amount of the bid,
In Yvonne Terrace from Momanclale
The work on said improvement must be done as described and specified in
-. - .-.. .. - -. - ._ Bo'(.;rER ?XTEKOSZnrE --. --- . Village Clerk
Edina, l-keso&
Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement forTbids are-here-
br adopted as thewterms and conditions of the amrd of the contract for said .- - improveaent e
Motion for adoption of the Resolution
were fkve ayes and no nays,. as follows:
Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and.the
.. - -- . .
Tillage Clerk
Child offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
@em AUGI.&T 27,19& ORDmIpsG.
I c . x
" A
SLU~~Y, SBBR IT*P30VB*Z! .N0.37
I-, the Council of the, Villagepf _l$Wa, $@esota, heretofore caused notice of
he+eg to be-ciuly published August 9 aqd 16, 199, for Hetiring to be hdd August 27,-
19%, on proposed impravenent consisthg of construction of Sadtary Sewers and
Appurtenances in several streets named in said Notice of Hearhg, and-at the hearing
held at the time .and place specified in said notice the Council considered the views
of all persons interested, and pursuant thereto adopted !!Resolution Ordering Sanitary
Sewer hprovment No, 37," {as recorded on Page 216, Boo&.~f Kinutes_No. 16 in the
-27s -
u/12/51 Office of the Village Clerk) ordering said improvement and establishing the
assessment district therefor, and
IEEREAS, this Council, since said Public Hearing, haE received a petition from the
residents of Yvonne Terrace for Seitary Sewer Servic?, which petition has been
accepted and found to have been signed by-owners of more than fl% of the properties
affected; and this Council has determined that it is necessary and expedient, for
puUUc3ealth and safety, to provide said Yvonne Terrace resident= with immediate
Sanitary Sewer Service; *and
la, thiis Council &s been informed by its Village l&gineer khat, in order to
grovide said Yvonne T6rrace residents with inmediate Sanitary Sewer Service,
Yvonne Terrace properties mst be incltrded in proposed Sanitary Sewer Improvement
Nop 37; which may be a'ccomplished by either lowering the cut of $he proposed Lnmk
Sewer, or by construction of a lift station in Yvonne Terrace, either of irhi,ch
procedure ~v5.I-l. add to the assessment for Yle cost of the trunk sewer, but the
latter of which is cheaper;
NOW, THEREFORX, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edha, that this
CoqxilFheretofore caused-notice of hearing to be duly published' October 18 and 25,
19%, for Hearing to be held November 12, 19a, on proposed improvement consisting
of construction of Sanitary Sewers and Appurtenances as followst
1. EI South extension of Golf TeFr-ace from existing Sicnit+ry Sewer in '
said. extension, to 'Cfindsor Avenuet
2. In State Highwax Noa 100, from Wndsor Avenue to Kent Avenue and from
t'jindsor Avenue North 506 feet more or less*_ 4. EI Kent Avenue from State Highway No, 100 to Wamuick Place+ 4* In Ifindeo2 Avenue from E* lot line of Lot 26,B10~i~ l,.t?estchester
Knolls -to State Highway go. 100
5. In Tiindsor &venue from E, lot line of lot 26, Block l,.Westchester
Knolls to 1Tarf.Jick Placer 6. ZI St&e Highway No, 100 from Kent Avenue to zvonne Terrace; In YvoMe
Terrace from Stat73 Highway Mor 100,to Warwick Place, including Lift Station
* / 4-
4nd at the hearing held at the time and pla-ce specified in said notice the Council
has duly considered the view of all persons interested, and being fully advised of
the pertinent facts does hereby detemnine to proceed with the construction of
Sanitary Sewers and Appurtenances as set forth in items Nos. 1 to 5, inclusive
of the above named Notice of Hearing, and wi%h construction of Lift Station in
Yvonne Terrace; that said improvement is hereby designated w-d shall-be referred
to in all subsequent proceedings as Sanitary Sewer fjnprovaent Xo, 37, and the area
to be specially assessed therefor shall include all.lots and tracts of land within
the boundaries described below:
Wommencing at the SE Cor, of Zot 24, Stowts Yvonne Terrace; th, E, to State
Highway 110. 100; th, N, along the West Right-of-Way line of said State Highway
No, 100 to the SE Cor. of Lot 9, Block 7, Tingdge Bros; Brookside; th. ?fly along
the S, Lot lines of Lots 9-and 10,Block 7, Tingdale Bros, Brookside to the SE Cora
of Lot 7, Block 8, Tiagddle BrosI Brookside; th, Hi to the I!B Cor. of said Lot 7;
th,-TJ, to the ST Cor. of Lot- 4, Block 8, Tingdale Brosr Brookside; thc Ntfly-across
State Kighway No, 169-2~2,to the SE Cor, of Lot 30, Block 3, Grandview Heights;
tho I?* to the SW Cor, of said lot; -th* IL to-the NE Cor, of Lot 13, Block 1,
Brookside Heights; 'th. 11. to the pIT.".s Alley between William and Hankerson Avenues;
th, S. along said alley-to the 33 Cor. of Lot 18, Block 9, Brookside Heights; th*
ITa to the NE Cor, of Lot 17, Block-$, Biookside Heights; thr S, to the SE Cor. of
Lot'I'7,Block 7, Brookside Heights; th..N. to the NE Cor. of said lot; thr Ift to
$he PIDT Cor, of Lot 8, Block 6, Brookside Heights; th, S, along the West line of
Sec. 28, Twp.117, Range 21, to a pto 270 ft. more or less, N. of ceqterline of
tf.56th St, *extended Vest; th, Say 580 feet more or leas, to a pt. on a line
extended West from the SE Cor, of Lot ut, Nylund's Place and running parallel to
t&56th St.; tfi, 331s to the SE: Cor.,of Lot 14, Nylundts Place; th. SEly to the NY
Cor. of Lot 12, Stow's Yvonne Terrace;, th,SEly to $he S..lot lin6 of -Lot
Yvonne Terrace; th, East along. the South lot lines of Qts U to 2&,_inclusive, I
Stow's Yvonne Terrach, to the SE Cor. of Lot 24, Stow's Ykrpe Terrace, which is
the point of Eeginning.
BE IT FURTHER LWGLXED that this Resolugi6n is an*amc?n&ne~t, to that l'Resdlution
Ordering.~Sanitar;g- Sewer Improvement N0*37,~~ adopted August 27,19510 -__
fbtion for adoption of the Xesolutio,r, was seconded by Bredesen, and on 3ollcal1
there were five ayes and no- nays, as 'follo
aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; an
Stoyrf s
- .a-
t. '
j Child, aye; Danens,
ion was adopted. .
' trayor . XI- .......I %
Village Clerk .
Engineer Olsson reported that, although advertisement for 11,41ternate Bids" in Saxit&
Sewer hprovenent fJo, 37, talcen by Council Septeniber 24,1952., had specified Lateral.
Sewer in Yvonne Terrace , this particular Lateral Sever has not included in proposals
by contractors, forthe reason that Yvonne-Terrace had not yet been included in
Sanitary Sewer hprovaent No. 37 at the time bids trere taken and specifications had
not been rea6y for this particular later& He reported that Phelps Drake Conpay
is low bidder for lateral sewers in the following streets, with a bid-of $33.,897a00,
the next low bidder being Bart Carlone, with bid of $37,672.10:
State Highway No. 100 from Kent Avenue to Yvonne Terrace Lateral Sewers in -
Child's notion, that bid
low bidder, Phelps Drake
1~56th Street from State Hightw X0,100 to B.R. Tracks
Code Avenue from Richmond Drive to 3.56th Street.
Ifindsor Avenue fw,m Code Aveaue to gent Place
Richmond-Drive from State Highway No. 100 to Code Avenue
Richmond he
@ichmond Circle.
for the above named Sanitary Lateral Sewers be awarded to
Company, and that Nayor and Clerk be authorized by Council
to sign contract for same in the name of the Village, vas seconded by Hawbhorne and
nnanimously carriedr
37re Olsson recomended "that Council now advertise for bids for Sanitary Lateral
Sewer ad for Lift Station in Yvonne Terrace.
for bids to be-tzkeq I-Ionday, Plovernber 26, 1951, ,vas seconded by Danens and umausu
Nexb Public Hewing announced by Naybr Erickson was that on proposed IJater Xa,h
Impropnent in TJhdsor Avenue between Code Avenue and Kansen Road,
Publication of Notice of Hearing, as it appeared ih Suburban Press, Hopldns, "on
October 25 and November 1, 1951, was reviewed, apprbved, and ordered. placed on filei
Bigineer Olssonts estimate of cost was $8,167,20 ab against 2,305.89 assesszble feet,
for $3.48-per assessable foot.
Clerk had received no trritten objections prior to the €Baring.
follox&g Resolution and moved its adoption:
TJAm 3rAEg Ic*Il?Rom~m no. 4.2
Child'ls motion, that Council advsrtise
i 42
@fidavit' of
There were no objection& from the floor, and the
Child 0r"fered'tlie
4 #
BE IT REsOLm by the Comcil of $he,yillage, of. Edina, ,IEqnesota, that this Council
heretofore, haused notice- of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improvement
consisting of construction of Village Water Main Wension and Appurtenances in
IEndsor kvenue between Code Avenue and-Hansen Road, and at the hearing held at the
time and-place specified in ?aid notice. the Copu.xi1 has duly considered the views of
all persons interested, and being fully advised of the psrtinent facts does hereby
determine to proceed trithtlie construction of said improvement; that said improve-
nent is hereby designated and shall be referred to in'all subsequent proceedings
as Vater I.lain Inprovment No. 42, and the area to be speciallfr ahessed therefor
shag include-all lots and tracts of land abutting ad fronting upon tila streets in
s;lxtch said i~provmer~k is to be constructed.
Kotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by;Bredeaen,*and on l30llcd.I %liere
yere five axes and no nays,- as follows:
Hawthorne, aye; and Ericltson; aye; and-the ResOlu i"
t .+ 5
Bredesen, aye; Chil$ aye;'Dmens, aye;
was adopted. +* .
ATTEST: -1 .- . . -. .' ,/' y/L2& J +.
-*I + c ' Playor
.& Village Bl'erk
It was decided that the-above project shduld be scheduled for spring woPk*
Ptzblic Hearing was announced on proposed Vater Erain kprovenent in Brookview Avenue
bet>;een7V.54th and If.55t;h Streets. hffld6avit of hllblication of Notice of Hearing,
is it, apgeared in Suburban Press, Hopkins, *October I8 and 25, was reviewed, apprdved,
and ordered placed on file,- Enweer Olssonts estimate of cost, forllhter
Construction, was $7,328.34 as against 1,020.30 "assessable feet, or @7+16 per
assessable foot; for Sunmer Construction, $5,195*12 as again& 1,020.30 assessable
feet, or 55.09 per assessable foot, Kr, F,IL Kuckuk,54OL, Brookview, expressed
himself as being in favor of the inprovemenk but in opposition to winter &onstmctionr
Two other property oirners asked that Public Hearing be recessed until after opening
of bids which are to be taken this evening, in order that property owners may have
some idea of actual 5id prices.
carried. 9
Pursuant to 1121dvertisement for Bids for Water &in hprovaent,lt published in
suburban Press, Hopkins, and in Construc-&ion Bulletin, 1-iinneapolis, October 18 and 25, the fallor.(ing sealed bids were opened, for construction of Flater-PMn Improve-
t. 7 t
* *b
Child so moved. Uotion seconded by Hawthorne and
sent in Brookview Avenue between V.54th and ?'L55th Streets: --
Richard 31. Ferron Gonst a Cor, - .$3,83'7.40 -. .Construction Inmediately
Phelps IIra3ce Company
DeGraff %olff Conpany - $3,j~.50 - Spring ConstAction &
- $3,976.00 - Construction &mediately, contingent
on frost+
l.l/12/51 281 At this time Public Hearing on improvement was resumed, with TTillage Engineer
Olsson and Trustee Danens recommending spring constrxction.
agreed that they would prefer spring construction,
the improVement, either oral or written.
and moved its adoption:
Those in the audience 4
There were no objections to
Child offered the following Resolution
9E TT RESOLVED by the Cqgncil of the- IJ$llage of -Edina,, Einnesota, that this Council
herekofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improve-
ment consisting of Construction of Tillage Vater Ekin Extension and Appurtenances
in Brookview Avenue between U,54th and V,%th Streets, _and at the hearing held at
the time md place specified-.in said notice the Council has dulygonsidered the ,
Vriem of all persons iaterested, and behg fully-advised of the perbinent facts
does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said hprovsnent;
that said improvement is hereby designat& and shall be referred to in all sub
sequent proceedings as Water %in 5hprovement Bo. a, and the area to be specially
assessed therefor shall.-include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting
upon the streets'in which said improvement is to be constructedr
Notion for adoption*of Resolution was duly,secolzded by Danens, and on Rollcall there
were five ayes and no ngys, as follows:
Hawthorne, aye;. and Erfckson, aye; and-the ResoJxtW
Bredesen, aye. FWd, aye; Danens, aye;
tms-a&opted. . .. -
' Mayor
-. (&q?>A 1.
. Village' Clerk ' '
Child offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
1 FOR_T@F& l&Q!l- JHPRO~ENT NO. @ AND. COIFl3~-
. l3E TT F8SOLm by the Village Coq?iIIiliq$lthe .Q&llage of Edina:
fore prepared by the Village Engineer and .npw on fi1e.h the office of the Village
Clerk are hereby approved,
Press and the Construction l$lletin the following notice for bids for the-con-
struction of said improvement is hereby confimed:
,T&lk& OF EDINS.
. 1, .The plans and specifications for Water lkin Improvement No, 41, hereto-
* .
2, 'The action of t'ne Clerk in causing to be published twice in the Suburban
*r * - .--
The Edina Village .Couqcil_w&Q. meet at the Village Hall,' 4€Dl W, 50tk;
Street, Pikqeapolis, on Xonday, November 12,1951, at 2:30 01 clock P&. , to open
and consider sealed bids. for the construction of Village Water $hip Exbension
and Appurtenances in Bxookview Avenue between IC* 54th and s.J, 55th Streets. t The work on said iraprqvement mst be--done as des-cribed and specified
in the plans and specifications for said bprovement on fils in the office of +
the Village Clerk.
the work. Bo bids w&ll be considered unless sealed and filed with the under-
signed before the time of said meeting aad accompanied by a cash deposit, bid
bond, or certified check payable +to the Village Clerk in the amount of Ten
per cent of the amount of the bid.
ALL 'bids nus% be submktted on tihe basis -of cash payment fsr
BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUBTCIL. .--_ -*. . - ._ Bower Hawthorne -- ..
B . -- Village Clerk
Edina, IQmesota
3+ Each and all of the terns of t'ne foregoing advertisement for bids are
hereby adopted as the terns and conditions of the award of the contract for said
Elotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall
there were five ayes and no-,nays, 3s
aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Ericlcson,
.., Village Clerk . ..
Child moved that bids taken this evening be awarded to low bidder, DzGraff-
TTolff Company, at $3,'7,&50, subject to check by Village Engineer. .Notion 'seconded
by Bredesen and carriedr _. -
Publication dated October,25 and November 1,1$%, which appeared in Suburban Ppss,
entitled lllJotice of Kerning on Pet$tion for Permit to Convert SMgle Dwelling. to
Double DxeUing,1' was read, approved as to f?m and ordered placed on.file. Pursuwt
to sai6 Publication, Council held Public Hearing on petition of James P, Howell to
add to zlis signle dwelling at 4832.Westbrook he, thereby converting i. ko a double
oral or written, Danens moved.that special permit for conversion of single dwelling
to double dwelling,at 4832 Treestbrook Lane be granted, Xotion seconded br Hawthorne
and carried, "
I&+ Howell spoke for his,,petition, ..and there were no objections either
IJiaX Otto, Attorney for those persons in'lrest H5.nnehpLLi.s Heights petitioning for
,hexation to City of Hopkins, asked that CogncXL- reconsider its action of August 27,
denging the petition, He presented the Coqncil with an Ordinance initiated-by City
of Hqkins for annexation of the property. Nrm Donald BlaDmquist,6615 Bslrnore Lane,
led. a delegation in oppwition 30 seaid anneqtion. %k.. Boomquist stated that-he has
contacted otmers of some ten percent of the property affected, whose names appeared
on tne petition for gmnexahion but who now wish to withdraw from it,
heated discussion followed.
as they took on August 27, was seconded by Bredesen and carried,
Ere and 3%~. U.V; ,Olsck,5109 S&t Avenue, requested that J.A. Daiens and Son be
reqired- to construct a high board fence to screen their property from the residential
property Sehd then. h agreement was found, signed by Berlin Balfanz, agreeing to
so fence this properby, and the Village Attorney ruled that this was not binding on
the purchaser unless he Imew of it at the time he purchased fron Balfanz; that it is
stLU bind5ng on Balfanz providing the minutes of th5s Council do not show otherwiset
1.k. Balfanz was present and stated that he had not purchased the property at the time
of his application for rezoning and that the agreement was signed wLth the Councilfs
howledge that he did not yet otm,the property,
made of the linutes of the Council. pertaining to this matter, and that report be
made at the first meeting in December. Xotion seconded by Bredesen and carried.
Xavrtliorne' s motion, that Council take the. same action I
Cad moved that investigation be,
Pursumt to Adver-bisement for Bids, Dump Truck-Snow Plow, pubILshed in Subdban
Press, Hopkins, and Construction Bulletin, I.WeapoLis, on October 25 and Novertber 1,
1951, Affidavit of Publication for which was reviewed, apiroved as to form, and
ordered placed on file, the follovring bids were publicly opened and read; thfs
tabulation being supplemented by detailed tzbulation in office of Billage Engineer:
~VXO g: mum I.DTOTZS ~rn ~~.I.ioToiis I.ZR,CO. 1.nt.m CO. CO,-. RYAN CO,
&del, Hod& .. ' Uodel Nodel -t I4odel. SJodel - Ifodel-
6182 HCV45l TA 130 V. 130 F-22A 620H e F8
$4078,78 . . 4025r0.0 - f _. ~4777.00
-.- 1(Doage)+.'TzT IpEm 'm .
Spec, (Day B.
Xquip, 133.77 807eOO - .157..75
$4212;55 4.025.63 4832.00 4513.09 4594.75 5907.90
................................. .......*....... . ................
............. ....... .....(... ......................... B39T . . - -* $700.C
Danens t rnotzon, 'that bids be ref erred to V&age Zngineer and 'Public barks Departmest
€or tabalation and report at the ne& regular meeting, vas seconded br Child and
Xr. Verlhg Balfanz, proprietor of Edina Taxi Company, appeared to support his
Movember 2nd petition for increase h taxi, rates, making them 359 for first 1/4
nile and lo$ for each additional 1/2 mile-the sane rates as charged by Uhneapolis.'
cab companies,
drivers necessitate this increase. Xr. Bdfmz also requested that he be granted
licenses for four additional taxicabs.
increase effective IJovmber 15,1951, and authorizing Village Office to issue up %o
four additional taxicab licenses to Edina Taxi Company, vas seconded by Danens and carried.
18 '4
He explained that increase in maintenance costs and competition for
Hawthorne's motion, granting requested rate
11/12/53. 283
I Continuation of October 8,19!jl. Public Hearing on Proposed Supplemental Assessment for Blacktopping all Streets in.Parkwood Knolls Addition--Street Improveient No*
53--v~as had.
?lard, Attorney for the Parkwood Iholls property owners, objected to this assessment
on the groqds that the-entire cost of surfacing Schzefer Road has been charged to
Parkmod Knolls, whereas 1/2 the cost shorilcj. be assessed to the properties on the
East side of the road.
supplemental agsessment not 50 exceed $5,580*44, providirg they can be sure that
they will not be again assessed for blackbopping in=this Addition, Etnd providing
$he Village will make repzirq necessary to effect good road surface.
offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
, Tabulation of assessment in total of $$,0$0.44 was yeviewed. I&.
Tk, Ward stated that his clients are willing to pay a
SUPPrn@WB& .&SWSI-T Fm s-
BE IT FlSOLP by the Village- Coqncil of th?Village ok Edtia, Hinnesota, as follows: . -. 1, .It is liereby Sound, determined aylq declared that the proposed assess-
ment for - Additional Costs nTecessar5.J-y Incurred in Connection with Street Improve-
ment No. 53, in total mount of $6,680*&, has been properly calculated in accord-
ance viththe provision of Rhnegota Statutes Section 412,443; that notice has been
duly published, as required. by>law, that this Copcil tntuld meet to hear and pass
upon all objections, if any, to mend said proposed assessment as might be necessary
and to adopt the same by resolution; that said proposed assessment has et all times
gince its filing been open for public inspection, and opporfiunity has been given to
all interested persons to present their objections; and that each of the lots,
pieces and parcels or" land enumerated 5.n the assessment was and is speciaqy
benefited by the construction of the improvement for which such assessnent is ievied
in the amount set opposite'the desdription of each such lot, piece and paycd. 02
12 r~ d., respectively,
pieces and parcels of land described in said said assessment, and said proposed
assessment is hereby adopted and confimed as the proper.specia1 asgessment for said
interest accruing on the full amount &thereof from time 'to time unpaid, at the rate
of five percent per annum from the date of this resolution, shall be 8 lien con-
current with genera taxes upon the property described therein and a11 thereof,,
The total amount of such assessment shall be payable in equal.annua1 instalhents
extending over a period of four years, the first of said installments, together . with interest on the entire assessment fromthe date hereof to August 15, 1953, to
be payable wtth genersltaxes for the year 1952 and one of the remaining install-
ments, with one yesr's interest on that +d all subsequent iYrstallments, to be
payabfe with general.taxes for the years 1953 through 1955, collectible in the
respective ensuing years.
ower of any lot, piece or parcel of lad assessed hereby may pay the &ole of
such assesbent or any installment thereof w5thout interest to the Village Treasurer
and thergafter such paynent may be made with accrued interest, to the County
Treasurer; provided that if any assessments or installnents thereof be-prepaid
tothe Village Treasurer, he shall promptly notify the Village Clerk and County-
Auditor, and the assessment or installment so prepaid shall be cancelled on the
books of the Countr Auditor.
Auditor a certified duplicate of said assessment, with each then mpaid instal&ent
and interest set forth separately, to be extended upon the proper tax lists of the
County,, and the County Auditor sh+L thereafter+ cguse said assessment, .to be collected
in the manher*prbvided by law. Said duplicate-skrall be degimated as $he Supple-
mental Assessment for Street $brovement No* 53, apd all amounts col1,ected.i.n
respect-of t& assessme$ thep$n contained shaI.1 be similarly designated by the
County Treasurer and remitted to the Village Treasprer and by hin cremted to the
Sinking.Fun?i Account of the Perkanent hrovement Revolving Fund or" $he Villager
Hotion' for abofition of tne Resoiution secoAdp&*.by Hawthorne, md- bn Rollcall
there were five aTes and no- nays, as follows; Bredesendye; Child, aye; Danens,
2. The amounts so set out are hereby levied against the respective lots,
The &ssessment against each lot, tract or parcel, together iiith the
3. Prior to certification of the assessment to the Countyliuditor, the
4. The Clerk shall, as soon as may be, prepare and transmit to the County-
.I c-
aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, ?ye;
/" < Nayor
Village *!/&. Clerk
HavrthorneFs motion,'that Viilige ,?ittorney be .@&iped and diyec;ter$ io prepare
letter to-lfr, lfard, explaining Tillage policy on blacktopping and maintenance of
blacktopped- streets, pointing out that after a stregt is blacktopped the Village
.vKLl maintain it witllout additional assessmellt but that when general. reconstruction
. of street is necesssrythe cost of said work is assessed, ~ms seconded by Child
and unanimously carried,
284 ll-/12/!a
Village Attorney FEndhorst reported that at least $4&3,000 will be needed to
fiaance construction projects on which contracts have been or are to be awarded; ) that, bonds mst be sold by Deceaber 3 if moneys are to be in this office before
January,l, 1952,
be taken I4onday, November 26,1951, was seccqded by Danens and carried.
Hawbhorne!s motion, authorizing Deputy Clerk to prepare advertise-
ment for bids for $+3S,OOO more or less of Permanent hprovement Bonds, with bids to I
Village Attorney llindharst reported that he has consul%ed wi.th Xr. Herbert Bloom-
berg, developer of ColoniaL Grove Third Addition, with regard to 3.25 psr front
fDot connection- charge due E?. Peder Uickelsen for connection to private water
nain constructed by hin under Village frmc'hise, Kr, Irindhorst reported that I-k.
Bloomberg is willing to pay immediately the front €oot-,chzrge Tor all lots on which
he has erected buildings; and that he will pay connection charge on the remajnder
of the lots at the the buildings are constructed thereon, whether or not he oyms
the lots at that time, Xi-, Windhorst recomended this settleinent. Child moved
for settlement with I&, Bloomberg as recommended by Village Itttorney. 1.Iotion
seconded by Hawthorne and carried.
I -Claim filed b3- Richard DuFour, in amount of $ljOOO, for damages allegedly'suffered
to automobile aqd to person as result of the.miring of his automobile at the detour
at 60th and France, was reviewed.
Discussion vas had as to acquisition of properties for proposed :few Tillage Hall.
Attorney lljzdhorst reported that; to secure clear title on the property, it will
probably be necessary to initiate condemnation proueedings against School District
No, 17,
proceedings for acquisition of School property,
Fiilal plat of Ozriri Thompson's Edina Addition was presented by Znginee Olsson, who
re2orted that gratles have beeg satisfactorily established although grading is Dot
yet completed; that Planning Commission has approved Find Plat. Eotion by
Hawthorne, that Final Plat of Orrin Thompson's Edina Addition be approved for
record, was -seconded by Bredesen md, carried. c
ZIT# Olsson presented Final Plat of Bones Addition, wbtich has been approved by the
Plamihg Comission, Bredesents motion, that Final. Plat be approved, was seconded
IT0 action taken.
HaTAhorne noved, authorizing Village Attorney to initiate condennation
I.lotion seconded by Child and
<* 4
by Danens _end carried, -
Find Plat of Xelody lfn01l.s 2nd Addition was presented, together with Planning
Commission's recornendation for approval.
Hotion seconded by Danens and carried.
Application by St.Peter*s Lutheran Chtirch IXenls Club for permission to* sell
Christmas trees at-Frznce Avenue, directly across from Church, was read.
poved for grant of pemnission, I-lotion seconded by Hawthorne and carried,
Child moved for approval of-plat,
Application of Enute X;n of Colonial Church of Edina, for pernit to sell Christmas
trees, xias reviewed,
of Colonial Church to sell Christmas Trees on the lot nexb to the Edina Theatre,
was-seconded by Bredesen and carried..
Deputy Clerk presented list of Election Officials for Village Election to be held
Tuesday, Decmber 4, 1951, as follows: -
Hawthorne's motion, that permit be granted to Enute Ilen
DISTRICT KOa I - Judges: &es.L,A.Dyregrov,Ch.; C-e IZortiUn; A. :
3333&&! IfO; 2 .- Judges: I.hes.Ealeagor Irizarry,Gh*; Edna Peterson; LsSlSe :
RoZsiter * Clerks; Claice Hollingsworth; H,GXeber. -
DT.STKCCf 110, 2 - Judges: Ihes. Russell Smith, Ch,; George Zipoy, E,F, 'Volk
C2erks I. &es H&ea Pdmer, Zleanor Oren.
. DB"I NO. 4 - Judges: Ihes, C.0, Nattson, Ch,; F,A.Schzuss; D.G,Beard.
Clerks;. Ih~s. R.C, Hallberg, LC.Dillner.
DIS&,ICT 110; 5 - Judges: mes. J.C. Delaaey; E;O.Amndson, Chr, Sigrid
Vegf;pberg+ Clerks: lkes, Gladys Caneron; La Engler.
DISTRICT NO. 6 - Judges: Nines. Olaf Bye, Ch.; Lewis, Jones; LL,. i1odl-h.
Cl~r9 ;, Xntp .Roy Qhr; Earl Spencer.
DISTRICT NO. 7,- Jug"% Ikes, Nellie Strate, Ch,; Dorothea 0beme;t.er;
&@.on -B&iley. Clerk&: 1@es, .dances Synenberg; Fred IKLLson,
DISTRICT ROO 8 - Judges: lhes, Lois Lpis, Ch,; O.C,Iiiqk; H, 1-lcGraney,
Clgrks;, l&es. I.fl,F, Stark; V.F. Ewer
,Glerks;!ks. d.H,Senn; 2.1-r~. Parker Kidder,
Bredesea moved for.approval of list of election officials as presented. .14otfon
seconded by Danens and carried,
Depty Clerk reported that Cahill School tviI.3. not be available this year as a Palls;
that St.Patrick*s Catholic Church and the Lutheran ChurchEat Cahill are both
available for use; that parking facilities-are better at St.Patrick's Church.
Eredesents motion, that St,Patrick's Cathalic Church be established.as the
official9olling Place for voters in Voting District No. 5, was seconded by Danens ad unanimously carried.
l3./12/.53. 285 Child moved for payment of Village Payroll, amount $5,?&60, and Liquor Store
Payroll, amount $1,073.16, for #Period November 1 to. 15, inclusive, - and overtime
for October, 1951, ascrecorded detail in Payroll Ledges, and for payment of
the following Claims. Child's motion seconded by Bredesen and carried.
$! mm CTJ1lN NO. TOt AlKxm!r -
6362 - Atrqrican Linen Supply Co+ $73
6366 Clancy Drugs, Ince 1.20
6363 City Tress+, City of XgLs. c 90.00 6364 Construction Bulletin . at40
Glenn Johnson Const, Cab' 724.38
6371 6376 ' H.A. Rogers Co. 6378 lh, .Fire E@Lxqpisher Co, 6.58 6381 Phillip Bacon 108.00
. 6382 Phyllis E, Broom I@DOO 6383 Wsa Roger Fischer . 328,OO
6385 Francis-M, Kidd 176 00
Edwb Y, Daniel 185900
* 6384 Luella Swim- 72. /30
6386 Viola Doty - 296.00
63m 6388 1%. C, Stringer
370.00 c
?$inifred D. Creighton 1200 b 00 &ex Creigbton + GEWR4L Fulw 1994*00 6391 Joan Lblc 3.00 E5,798*34 -
6362 American Linefi Supply GO. 3e00
D-A Lubricant Cq,, Inc, 56,05+
Edina Pure Oil-Service 1.00 6367 6368
Firestone Stores 32 31
1.99 6369
Gene TPUCk-et Equip. Cb. + 6.30 6370
IL E..Lahr Co. W* 51
le83 Lf *
6373 6374
6379 Northwestern Tire Co. *122,88 $ . 3$2**50. - 6377
6364 6376
6372 HUlI.-DObbS CO.
1 Leef Bras+, +kc.
18+40 . The Einar Co, 7 4
Mpls. Iron Store a.23
Construction Bulletin 234*40
6380 Lester Schreqk 103a90
110*37 P.I& FUNiI H.A. Rogers Co. fj .448*67 .
6365 Badger Heter Xfg, CO. $< I 225a75.
6392 Arthur IC, Petersen $1,650,6a . -
Y5701t Suburban Hemepin Cty,Relief Bd, 3 -92.39
d676* Distillers IkstribuICmg Company 3296,62 U.6'77 Zbin Brothers Company, I 57oa47
U.678 Fanous Brands, Inc, 332.60
13.679 Griggs, Cooger SC Co, 284-0 46
Li.681 Eid-Vest tribe Conpany 353.23
L1682 Old Peoria Company, Inc. 299a20
Ll683 Ed, Pahillips & Sons .Go, 8629.92
12685 Griggs, Cooper SC Cos- 25.24
U.680 lIclCesson_& Eobbhs, Inc, 2817 . 68
U684 N.W. __ Bell Telephone Co . 12.25
~1686 Griggs, Cooper & GO, 5908.15 LIQUOR PUND
32.687 Ed. Phillips % Sons Cc, 11.78 $25,0'?7*60 -
There being no further business to come before the Council, Bredesen moved for
adjourned at L2:45 BOIL, Tuesday, .November 13~~
- - <
U ad joument, Xotion seconded by Dmens and unanimously carried, ffieeting
Tillage Clerk
.. %/J.!!.