HomeMy WebLinkAbout19511126_REGULAR286 .. *.. . ..- Pkmbers answering XoUcaXL weie Bredesen; C@d, 'DGens and Bickson, with H&ihhorne coming later, as recorded bexovr.. Hnutes of the Regular lafeeti& of November 12,* 395$,* were approved as submitted, by Xotion Child, seconded by Breflesen and carried. &yor &ickson announced that: bids would b& received for Lateral Sanitary Sews andq Lift Station in Yvo*me Terraqe+ Affidavit of Publication-of Advertisement for Bids, appeariag in Suburban Press, +Hopkins, and in Cpnstruction Bulletin, Xhneapolis, November 15 and 22, 193, vmq read, approved as to form and oyder&d placed on file+ The following bid vias publicly opened and read,being the only one received: * v.. xvomr- TSFEACZ ZA! smm .I I AID. LIET STATION - Plielps Drake Go,, kc, $24,729.75. . 6 evening, was seconded by Dangns and carried* Child's motion, that bid be Eefcrred to Village Engineer for repdrt 'later in the a I With regard to bids taken at-the last regular meeting, for Truck and Snow Plow, Trustee Danens reported that*= old plow can be rebuilt. He movsd that Council reject all Snow Plow bids. 3Jotion seconded 6y Child and carried. Trustee Dan& reconmended t$zt Bid for Truck be awarded to International Harvester Company, .for One Hodel Ll84 Truck, at $4,365*07. accepted, was seconded by Brgdesen and, carried; v His motion, that this bid be part of H,R* Rosendahl's requestrfor permit to build two hokes on Lots 19, 20 and/21, was reRd, Hr.. Rosendahl, whp was present to support his re-@pest, stated that the Building hspecgor had approyed permit but that action 02 the Council is necessaky because lot 2l has been di-ui$ed+ secondehby Bredesen and carried. . Affidavits arere presented s(owing publication in the Suburban Press at Kapkhs, Emesota, and the Comerciql %est, at Ninneapolis, l*Ehnesota,. of notice of sale of $5OO,OOO Znprovement Bonds of she Village, bids for which viare to be received at this meeting, .Said notice was examined,. and upon motion duly made, seconded, and carried, the terns of the bonds and of the sale thereof as set forth in said notice were approved, and said affidavits were directed to 6e plfaced on file in the office of the Clerk. Sealed bids received pursuant to said notice were then presentedto the CouncrS, urhich bids were thereupon opened md puELic3y read and considered, and tpe _highest and best bid of each bidder tras found to be as folldws: 2Torthwestern Uatianal Bznk, Hinneapoiis) First Xa%iona3. Bank, EEnneapolis > 2.40% $1,55Ol0O Danenst motion2 that permit be'granted, was Name and liddress Interest Rate of Bidder or Rates Premium Bonds 3hturing 1954-1962 and Associates 1 Pahe, Webber, Jackson Er. CGtis, Enneapolis) . Jnrvl &*koody, St,. Paul e *r 2r 50% $ gr00 2.60% P;alman 8 Conpanx, IEnneapol~s, ) Bo5ds kdm5ng 1963 I Trustes Child offered the following resolutibn and moved its adoption: ' e. RESOLUTION ASfmmG S-rifiF: OF $500,000' npg~@min _@oms - BE TT iBSOLXl3D bi the, Council of. the -village of Edina, 3bmesotz, that Vfie highest arrd-best bid receiyed for the purchase df $5OO,OcO Ituprovaent Bonds of the Tillage to be date& Decaber I, 1351, pursudt to law znd the notice of sale hereto- fcre duly published, .is the bid of NOlXIXRESWq NATIOUZ B.!!E, lI.ilT3EkPOL1S, FIRST ~WXCIGLZ BBK, f?mT&OLIs, AID ASSOC@!l'~,. to purchase- the same. at 3. price of par and.accrued interest-$o d+ke-of deliveg,+plus a premium of $1,5'90, the bonds to bear interest at the rate of Z&O$ per,apnum, and said bid shall be and 2s hereby accepted, execute a coxbract fpr the sale of said bonds on the part of the Tillage in accordance withthe terns of said bid, heretofore furnished by said purcbser pending delivery of the bonds and payment of t'ne purchase price, and shall forthwith return the checks of oLher biddersr The notion for the adoption of said resolution vas duly secon2ed by Bredesen, and on BcUcaJ.l there vere four ayes and no nays, as I"o1lows: .Bredesen, aye; Child, aye; The Eayor ad the Village Clerk are hereby authorized zxid'directed to hake! and The Village Clerk shall retain the gocd faith check Danens, aye; and Xrickson, aye; whereupon said declared duly passed - Eayor Village Clerk U/26/3. 287 Child then offeredthe following Resolution and moved its adoption: t HISOLUTION CRB-TIXG 19% SECOHD smms DP&GWrJrs j?UND, PBOVDXI?G FOE &'D. AP- SUF'PORT AND NXIXTEPJfiJCE T-XBBEOF, AND DJ$BCTING ESJQNm OF lXl?ROW:E" BONDS PROPELIT~TG SPEC: ASSZSS$Ej!J'j!S FOB TW BE ?3 EESOLm by.the.Council of the Village of EdBns?, liT-innesota, 1. as follows.: . , ** and does hereby find, detemine, and declare that the Village of Edina has duly determined, after public hearing*as required by law, the necessity of the construction of each of the improvements described below and the area proppsed to be assessed therefor, and has ordered, received, and approved pbns and specifications and entered into contracts therefor after due ad- advertisement, for bids; that the total benefits resulting from each of said improvements to the lots and tracts of land subject to assessment therefor and to the Village at large 1Kl.1 be not less than the total cost of such hprovenent; that the total cost of each of said i-iprovements, including all expenses incurred and to be incurred from its inception to its completfon and all fees and expenses in connection therewith, is estimated to be tho amount set opgosite the mount of the designation of such improvement in t$e following tabulation: I!*-uc . - 53,900 33 . $ 2,900 A-16 1,900 35 66,000 36 76, GOO 37 89,000 4,000 39 4,900 $13,500 40 $256,600 This Council has investigated the facts necessary to ascertain Street Improvementi . Sanitary Sewer (blacktopping) hprovements A-15 + &a900 34 . 7,900 A-17 1,900 *!@E? ' 2,100 A-19 A-20 qoo I 4, 000 900 38 Q Water %in . ! Strset Iaprovements (curb and pptter) hprovcments B-3 $2, 700 37,. , . $ 7,600 B-4 5,900 38 9,700 B-5 a 3,200 39 56,200 a-6 I 2,000 40 B-7 Street Improvements (grading and gravelling) C-13 4$ 900 c-15 , 1,150 c-16 350 C-17 3,100 41 . Stoma Sewer hprovemmt 19 . $124,006 .. c-18 ~ 1,100 $ 6,600 and the aggregate cost of said iaprovements is estimates as follows: Blacktopping $13, 500 Curb and Gutter 17,000 Grading and Gravelling 6,600 Sanitary Sewer9 .r 256,600 Yat er $fains 32,300 storm $ewers 121&,000 $500,000 that it is necessary and expedient for the Village to borrow at this,time the sum of $500,000, for the purpose of paying expenses incurred and to be incurred in connectiom with said improvements, by the issuance of general obligation improvement bonds in accordance with the provisions of Xinnesotz, Statutes, Section l+l2*471, as amended; and that all acts, condi$ions end things required by the Consti-tution and laws of the State of IbEnnesotz, to be done, to exist, to happen and to be performed preliminary to the issuance and sale of said bonds have been done, do exist, have happened and have been performed in due form, time, and manner as so required. There is hereby created a specia& fund to be designated as the 2, "1951 Second Series Inprovment Eund," to be held and adminisked by,the Village Treasurer separate and apart from all other fynds of the Village* Said fund shall be continued and maintained in th? mmer herein specified until all of the improvement bonds herein authorized and interest thereon ahh have been fully paid. specid Sinking Fund Account, .and a( separate- Construction Account for each of said improvements.- The proceeds of sale of the, improvement bonds herein, authorized, except accmed interest received thereon, shall be credited to the respective Construction Accounts in amounts proportionate to the respective v In said fund, there shdl be mintaed a .I 8 288 ) 2 estimated costs of the improvements, and from said accounts shall be paid all costs and expenses of ma&g said improvements, aS; incurred and allow, and the moneys in said accounts shall be used for no other purpose; provided, that if upon completion of each of said imprpvements there slmll remain any unex- pended balance in the Construction Account therefor, such balance may be used for the completion of any other improvenents herein designated for which the funds herein provided may prove insufficient, and upon completion of-all of said hprovements any unexpended balances in said Construction Accotmts shall be transferred to the Sinking Fund Account. There-shall be credited to the Sinking Fund Account all collections ofthe special assessments herein agreed to be levied, and all accrued interest received upon delivery of sa5d bonds. The moneys in said account shall be held and used only for the payment of the principal of and interest on said bonds is such payments become due, or to . prepay and redeem the same when and as such bonds become prepayable, as here- . inafter set forth; provided, that in the event that it sliall be determined by the Council to be necessary to borrow additional moneys for the paymen.1; of the cost-of said improvements, and if such cost shall prove to exceed the amount hereinabove estimated, and if the Tillage shall undertake and agree to levy special assessments and/or general taxes in excess of the amount of assessments herein specified, the Village shall have the right and power to issue addition- al improvement bonds payable from said Sinljng Fund Account on a pity with the bonds of the issue herein autlnorized, but; the amount of all bonds issued in respect of said iaprovenerbs shall, not exceed the total cost thereof or the total. amoun$ of tho assessments and taxes levied therefor. - t 3. It is hereby determined that the entire cost of said inprovements shall be paid by the levy of special assessments upon all assessable lots and - tracts of land lying~;i$A-dn the assessable areas heretofore specified in the respective resoXutions ordering said improvements, based upon the sFscial bene& fits received by each such lot and tract. agrees thaLit ?rill do and perfom, as soon as may be, all acts and things nec- essary for the final and -did levy of said special assessments, and all.col- lections of said assessments are breby irrevocably appropriated to said 1951 Second Series Improvement Fund, In the event that any such assessment be at an7 the held invalid with-respect to any lot or trac% of land, due to any * error, defect or irregularity in any action or proceedjag taken or to be taken b;r the Village or by this Council or by any of the Village's officers OF em- ployees, either in the making of such assessment or in the.perfomance of any condition precedent thereto, the Village herebr covenants and agrees that it will forthwikh do all such further acts and take all such further proceedings as shall be rewired by law to make such assessments valid and bin&g lien upon said property, Said assessnents shall be payable in equal, consecutive, annual in- staUplents,cthe first of which shall be certified to the County Auditor for col= lection with general taxes for the yeer 1952-if possiblej or if not, then for ' the year 1953= and the renaining inst-ents for collection with the general taxes, for each subsequent consecutive year until the'assessment is paid. es%hted that the collections of said special assessments vfiU pwduce, prior to the respective due dates of all principal and interest payments on the bonds herein authorized, amounts not less than 5s.h excess of the required auounts of such payments. . In the eventthat said assessmeats, &,en levied,.'should not be - sufficient to- produce said anou@s, the Villaie hereby recogniqes its statuto= obligations, in accordance with 13. S, 1949, Section 675.61, as amended by Lars The Village hereby covenants and Ft is 1951, Chqher 422, to levy an ad vajorem taxaX_upon all t-ble property lathin the Tillage sufficient to rep& Such def iaiency, t 4. For the prpose of payingthe costs of said inprovements, and in aticiPa;t;iofi of the collection of said special assessments, the Yillege shzLl forthwith issue and deliver to the purchase-thereof its negotiable coupon genera obligation Improvement Bonds of 1951, Second Series, to be payable prinarily from s&d 1951 Improvement Fund, The full, faith and cred2.t of the Village shall be and is hereby pledged, however,. for the prompt and full payment of the principal ad interest on said bonds, and if at any time the moneys in the Sinking Fund Account of said rUnd shall be insufficient to pay all principal and interest then due on said bonds, the Council shall provide sufficient moneys from any other funds available ther&r. 5. Said bonds shall be dated December 1, 192, shall be 500 in nurnber and numbered from 1 to 500, inclusive, each in the denomination of $1,000, shall bear interest at the rate of 2&0$ per annum, payable semiannudly on June 1 and December 1 02 each yew, and shall mature serially in order of serial nrubers, lowest nunbers first, on December 1, in the amount ofA$25,000 in 1954, $50,000 in each of the years 1955 through 1958, and t$55,000 in each of the years 1959 through 1963. Each of said bonds shall be subject to redmption and prepayment at the option of the Village on the first day'of December or the first day of June &mediately preceding its stated maturity date, at a price of pa-r plus interest to accrue to the date specified for redemption, Such redemption shall be mde in order -*-, a, ?, , 11/26/51 289 of the serial numbers of said bonds, lowest numbers first, and only out of moneys on hand in said Sinking Fund Account in excess of the swi of -&he interest to become due on all outstanding bonds on the then next succeeding interest pay- ment date. The Village Clerk is hereby autliorized. and directed to mail notice of call of any of said bonds for redemption to the holder, if knoim, and to the bank at which principal and interest are then payable, 2% least thirty days prior to the date specified for redemption, and to maintain a register showing the names and.addresses of the bondholders and the serial nmbers of their bonds, so far as such information is mde mailable to him, The principal of and interest on said bonds shall be payable a.1; First NationaLBank, in Ilinneapolis, Einnesol;a, and the Village hereby agrees to pay the reasonable and customary charges of said pa*g agent for the receipt and disbursement thereofa i 6, Said improvement bonds shall be in substantially the following f om: UNm STArnS lAXERICA * I - -.- VIL~A& 'OF -ED~& IICPRO~I%IE~P -BOID-OF i9~ .-- . -. . -. ->.c__7- SECQV S@XE$., NO c e*..,- : Cn-.-*_-. $1000 * IDCW AJ;L ?,EN 3Y THESE F"TS that the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Ibegota, .acknowledges itself. 40 be indebged and for -value received promises to pay to bearer the sum of OPE THOIJS,4fJD DOLUBS on the first day of December, 19- or on a date prior thFr9to on.v#ich-tA@.s ,bond shall have been duly called for redemption,.and to pay interest thereon fromthe date hereof until said principal sum be paid, or until this bond has been duly called for redeinption, at the rate of Tt:rg AID 40/100 per cent (2,40$) per annumj payable semiannually on the 1st day $ June and the 1st day of December of each year, interest to maturity being represented by and payable in accordance with and upon presentation and surrender of the interest coupons appurtenant hereto, Both principal and interest are payable at FIRST NATIOIJAL BANK, in HiI5IWQLIS, ITtiTfaSWA, in any coin or currency of the Urtiged States .of- i;rerica which-on..the gespectiye dates of payment is legal tende? for public and private debtsr For ihe prompt and full payment of such pi-iiacipl m6. interest as the same become duz and payable the full faitn, credit and taxing powers of the Tillage are hereby irrevocably pledgedB This bond is one or" an Zssue 5x1 the aggregats principal mount of $500,000, all of like date ad tenor except as to maturity, all issued for * the purpose of defraying expenses incurred and to be incurred in constructing necessary street improvements, sanitary sewers, stom sewers and water mains in said Villagz, and is issued pursuant to and in full confomL-GySxi-Lh -&he Constitubion and lam of the State of E-nnesota thweunto enabling, ad pur- suant to resolutions duly adopted by the Village Council, inclucting a rcsoltion adopted November 26,1951, entitled "Essolution Creating 195.1 Second Series hproyeni5nt Fund, Protiding for qd Appropri$xi.ng Special &ssessments for the Support! and. Qaintenance Thereof , and Directing Issuance OB 3rtproveineint 3onds,ff to which reference is. hereby made for the covenmts and.recitals of the Tillage relating "0 said bonds, primarily from the 1251 Second Series Improvement Fund of the Village, to which fund there have been pledged and. appropriated dl specia assessments to be levied, in respect of said improvements, but the Tillage Council is required to pay the same out of any funds in rVne Treasug in the event that, moneys on hw-d in said fund me at any time insufficient to meet the payment of maturing principal and interest+ This bond is payzble Each of the bonds of said issue is subject to redemption ,ad pre- pap& at the opticn of the Village, at par and- accrued interest, on the first day of June or the first daysof December immediately preceding its stated maturity date. nuriibers of the bonds, lowest numbers first, and upon notice mailed, at least thirty days prior'to the date specified for redemption, to the holder,if lanown, of each bon& so called for redemption, and to the bank at which principal and interest are then payable, rewstar their nmes and addresses and the szrial numbers oftheir bonds with the Tillage Clerkr : Such redemption.will be nade only in order of serial Bondholders desiring to receive such qotice must 4 290 \ ( IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED, R,ZCm, COlBK.A?m AGR?BD that all acts, conditions, and %ms recpired. by. .the, Constitution and 1.q~- of. the State of 1-iinnesota to be done, to exist, to happen, and to be performed .preUnimry to and in the issuznce of this bond in order to make it a valid and binding genera obligation of said Village according to its terms have been done, do exist, have happened, and have been performed BS so rzquired; that general ad valorem taxes, if needec? for the payment of principal of and interest on this band, may be levied upon all taxablp properby in the Tillage without Wtztion as to rate or amount; and that the iss,uance of this bond did not cause the indebtedness of said 'Irillage to exceed any constitutional, or statutory limitation, . f311 YlTNZSS XIBEOF the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, IBmeso'ca, to be executed and by its Tillage. Council_, -has -caused this bond to be executed in its behalf by the signe'cqe of its I-Iayor, attested by its Tillage Clerk, and sealed r.ritia its official sed, and the interest coupons her authentFcated by the facsimile signatures o cers, aad has caused this s of Decmber 1, l95L. Xayor T$lla.ge Clerk (=I 110 0 -.. 7 $ x .- 1 (Form of Coupon) On the list day of June (December), 19 , the Village of Edina, .. Hennepin County, I-Emesota, tfl pay to bearer ai; the sum of for in%erest then due on its 3nprove;nen.t Bo~d-9s-1951, Second Series, dated (Facsi&le signature) (Facsimile signature) 1 -. I%tyo r ,in . , DOm lawful nomy of the United States - December 1, '1951, No. -. VLUage Clerk -.I 7. SaLd bonds shall be prepared under the dirsction of the Village Clldrlc and shall be executed on behalf of the Village by the signature of the Kayor, attested by the Tillage Clerk, and the corporqte seal shall be affixed thereto, and the intesest coupons shall be executed and authenticated by the printed, engraved, or lithographed facsimile signatures of'saic$ myor and Tiillage Clerk, Then said bonds have been so executed and authentica$ed, they shall be delivered by the Treasurer to the ppchascr thereof upon payment of the purchase price heretofore agreed upon, and said purchaser shall not be obliged to see to the application of the purchase price. € The Village Clerk is hereby mthorimd and directed to transmit a 8. certified copy of $his resolution to the County Auditor of Hennepin County for certification tliat the bonds herein authorized have been duly registered* 9* Tne officers of the Tillage and the County Auditor 02 Hennepin . County are hereby autborieed and directed to prepre and furnish to the pxrchzser of said bonds and to the attornep approving the legalitjr of %lie issuance thereof cedified copies of all proceedings and records relating to said bonds and to the finmCLal affairs of the Tillage, and such other affidavits, certificates, and infomation tas may be required to show the facts relating to the legalitg and mketability of said bonds IS the same appear from the books end records under their custody ad control or as otherwise Inoim to then, and all such certi2ied copies, certificates, and affidavits, includkg any heretofore furnished, sliall be deemd representations of the ?illage as to the facts recited therein. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was dul3 seconded br Trustee Dznens, and on rollcall, there were Four ayes ad Iu'o 1533, as fol3.01~~: CHd, axe; Bredesen, aye; Pz~zns, aye; and Eric~~son,~~~;-.~ei~g~~on s&d . i 8 resolution vas declared duly passed and ado2$ed+ ' !- (PI, 4L#L * . -, * ,Ifayor. irilf;tge'Clerk ' ' - t lk* Olss& regorted bxk on t'le bid received this &mxing for Yvonne Terrace Lateral Semr and Lift Station, recomaending that bid be awarded even thugh i-i; is higher than %is estimate, awarded to phelps Drake Coqpny, ad thatXayor and Clerk be autQoriezd %o si@ 1 contrack in- name or" Tillage for this projeck, ' carrieds Child's motion, tha$ LzteriL Sewer alzd Lift Station bid be Kokion seconded by Bredesea and. 11/26/51 2911 Breds Sign Companyts representative, Eire Schranek, presented written permission from all neighbors .v~thin five hundred fe9t of proposed 10*~&0' *VIove's .lhrketll sign to be installed on the Cemak property on Highmy NorJ69* ,He explained that sign will be well back from the highmy and will not constitute a traffic hazard* seconded by Danens and carried* The following improvement peti'cions were presented for Council consideration: Bredesents motion, that application for sign permi'c be grmted,was .t -* Petition for Blacktopping--f)aklatm between 60th and 61st Streetssb Petition for Grading and Gravelling OP Xestbrook Lane, Petition for Blackbopping-Parkod &oUs 2nd AdditLon Petitions for Blacktopping,. Curb and. btter, BJing jive, from T.J;57th to Child:, motion, that petitions be accepted*but that action on them be deferred until second regular meeting of 1952, was seconded by Bredesen and carriedo npplication of Bernice PI* Suetter, 60% Kellogg Avenue, for pe-t to operate a beau-by parlor in basement of her dwelling, tsas-filed, together with written Notices of Claims in amounts of $50,000 and $7,500 respectively, filed by Bonnie Jo Nelson, a minor, and by Vernon G, Nelson, her father, for injuries suffered to Bonnie Jo Melson and medical expenses incurred by her father as result of an accident at Beard Avenue and 60th Street on October 27, 1951, were reviewedr Child's rnotion,.th& iYo<ices of Claim be referred to Village . Attorney for whatever .action he deems nebessary at this time, was seconded by Danms and carried* I Claim 02 Virginia If* Beard, for destrucPlion of tree on Brook&ew Avenue, was reviewed. received by-Counoil and that mat3er has been referred to Tillage 2ttorneyr €or investigation as to whether bond of sewer contractor is still in force, was seconded by Danens and carried& Pe%itions by Peder MickeLsen afid Christ hrson, for the rezoning oT-cert&fi proprties, were revieT;ed+ Child's motion, that petitions be laid over until after January 1, 1952, YEIS secrjnded by Danens and carried, Clerk Hawthorne entered the Meeting at ihis time. ' Notification by the Rolling Green Association, that the remainder of developer Iferrill Hutchinson's prpperties in Rolling Green had been purchased by members of the Association, was, read and ordered placed on file+ Application by Sternem;, Inc,, Winsted, Minn'esota, for Plumbing License, was , ~ reviewedr Childrs motion, that-license be granted, subject to submission of the required sewer and Enter bonds, was seconded by -3redesen and carrieda Sunnyslope Association1; November 7th notification of their action favoring more rigid enforcement sf 3O-IPH speed limit on 59th street, and their recommendation for presarvatiog.of present speed pegdations on both Nomandale Discussion vas had as ti the possible adopt$on of -an ordinance to proh2bit minors from lingering iTn beer joints. $Tatter referred to Tillage Attorney for his in-Leerpretation of SAate Statute and-his recommendationregarding proposed Police Report for Nont< of October, 195i, was reviswed, and ordered placed on file, Public Utilities Supt . irToehler requisitioned parts for the raising of twelve fire &@.nts, necessary supplies, taas, seconded by Hawthorne and carried, It was reported that Smtt Stores has constructed an inciner"a%or behind their building, withoat a busding permit therefqr. Hawthomior s motion, tha6 Fixv+ Chief and a representative of the Fire Department designated by him, inspect fire hazard conditions .in the business district, yith pwticular attention to the alleyway west of the stores facing Fraqce Avenue and the alie6mmF behind Scott Stora, and offer recommendations, ttas secpnded by Bredesen aad carriedr The matiter .of overtime for ksst. Liquor Storg 'fiIzwnager Casey was discussed, in view of the Liquor Conaission's recormendation $hereon. No formal action was taken, but it was sense of Council that PIP. Casey be requested to take time of2 after the first of the yeaz, rather than receive overtime compensation for exbra time work during absence of Xanager ICippley, - W, 58th Streets. + consent of several of her neighbors. No action taken, Y k,, P1 . Child's motion, that &sr Beard be notified that her letter has been a- Road and 50th Street,lwas read and ordered pJaced on file. ..( OTdinWce. - Child's.motion, that ?ylr. Woehler be authorized to order the c 292 11/26/51 Isra%ter of reiuburseslent for riders of Lhe-vo~unteer Fire Depahment for year was discussed. 'Hawthohe dff ered the following Resolution and .nowe.: its adoption: i i. tFCEOZUTIOPJ ESTABLISXING Sum FOR IZ3IBERS OF EilIHA TrOLUNTZER FEZ DH?A.€TiBJT BE r?l RE3OLTTED that salaries of menbars of the Edina Volunteer Fire Department be,. aqd. hereby are, established as f ollws: Cbiel" of Dept, - 850.00 per Year Salary and , 1.75 per Hour per Fire Atkended ibsta Chief . - Q.50 per Hour per Fide Attended - Fjrmen ?- $1.25 per Hour per Fire %t%ended I and L75 per Drill Attended and ' , lr 50 per DriB Attended and , .75 per Drill Attended: I I.Iotion for adoption of the Xesolution was seconded by Bredesen, and onRolldall there were five ayes and no nap, as follow: aye; Hawthorne, aye; Zrickson, aye; and t Bredesen,/aye; Child, aye; Danens, \, Pillage Clerk I c C c Liquor Go&ssion*s Report of Eovember 21, suggesting several improvements for store, was refiewed ad ordered placed on file& 4 .1 Bredesen! s mation, that Village Payroll, amount $6,032.55, and *Liquor Store Payroll, .amount $987.52, for period November 16 to 30, 1951, as-recorded in detail in -Payroll Ledger, be approved, was seconded by Danens band carfied, Bredesen's motion, for approval and payment of the following Claims, was seconded by Danens and carried: CL411.I NO, - 6395 ., 6396 I i t -? TO: &$om . FuIm Yillage of Edina, General Fund $700,00 pPm mlD If It If If n ' . 1,000.00 $l.,po.oo - *- - Jawisen-& wist 8 2,161.16 Dick Pden Photos 8.60 John E. Bloomberg 129 . 31 Edina Lam- 2.50 Edina Eorningsi.de Courier 3.00 man Office &chines CO. 3.50 Schaub Office Supply Co. 1.20 Berbelsen Bros. ~ c* 16.62 Hoot en Cleaners 3,OO x r.Iankat0 Izrg, Go. 12% 50 Terry Bros,, Inc. 343 50 Eodern Sanitary Supply CO, 33. 55 B & B Appliance Go, 7.50 Dietrich Luniber Co. 4.05 J, H, KLgare Lumber Co, 80.00 A & A Electric-Co. 84. 50 American Linen Supply Go, 4.50 City Treasurer, City of klpls. * 174.99 852 . 04 Jw tL Craig Co, 315.70 City Treamrer, City of Kpls. First National Bank of LCpls. 30.00 Clancy Drugs, kc. 1.20 Ronald E. Port. 2.40 Glenn Johnson Contract- Co, W-*91 1.20 1.20 Curtis 2.1. Holter Ernest Hansen Harry C. Hansen 3.00 Public Employees ReUrement Assn. 2166.35 GlacLer Sand & Gravel Go, I 5~22 E, C. Pfeiffer 709 . 00 It. TL Bell Tel. Co. 73.15 ' Northern States Power Go. 983.46 Uinnesota Hosp. Sem. Assn, 4.40 Suburban Press 17 . 82 Republic Creosothg GO; 318,08 Tovm & Country Hdwe. ' 22.15 Phillip Bmn 1.80 I *. -_ c CUIlvr NO, 6398 6399 6400 640 5 6417" 6426 6429 6433 6b35 6467 6470 6394 - * 6a6 6421 * 6425 6430 6467 646rt 6469 6474 6480 6406 6k28 6439 6k47 64.48 644.9 6450 6451 6452 6453 6455 6456 6457 6460 6461 64-62, 6463 6464 6465 6466 6472 6478 6394 6425 6471 11/26/51 TO: ' Brookside Service Station Brookside Service Station Baldwin Spply CO. - 24arshall E. Lindskog Twin City" Bolt & Supply Co. American Linen Supply Co. A & $1 Go.; 1nc.-of Itinn. Dahlberg Bms., Inc. D-A Lubri'cant Co., Inc. Iy.W. Bell" Tel. -Coo . Nort hem Sbat e s -Power C o . ~ohn R. cban, postmast& City Treas. ,City of Npls. Raymond V. WvLd Addressograph-Ntiltigraph Corp. Badger Neter Nfg, Coo N. If. Bell Tel. Co, Phelps-Drake Go. - Northern States Power Coo Young Fuel Go. Town 6e Country Hdwe. John R. Coan, Postmaster Dr. C. V. Rockwell+ Ers. J. L. Pe&gton R. J. Hatcher Raymond V. Buivid - * Addressograph-Ndtigraph C0rp-e J, A. Daylens & Sons Berg & .Famham Foe Glenn Johnson Contracting Coo Harvey L. Werner Earl Sex&. -. - -. ~. - --- -. Phelps-Dr e Co. Phelps-Dr e Co . Glacier Sand & Gravel Go. Earl SewejEL& Son It If 11 tt If Victor Ca 3 lson & Sons - !! !! !! t' !.! ?! !! .. Phelps Drake CQ. Richard Nolff e Pf eiff er Const . Co. Pfeiffer Const;. eo. West ern Underground Const . Go . Lametti & Lanetti Construction Bullet in Suburban Press John R. Coan, Postmaster Addressograph-$4tiltigraph Corp. Northern States Power Co, '- 16 . 67 * 175.20 3.68 8.03" 150.25 l,U4*Ur. 11.50 494.86 53.93 5.63 87 . 60 1.50 1.50 2.52 495.00 7.63 31 82 78.65 - ll1.80- 6 83 5 O& 3,712077' 2,097.70 305.55 300 . 06 189.00' 252.00 21,742.65 * 876 . 10~ 250 . 00 1.50 1.50 1,9680'75 83 00 2,571.75 472.50 1,lJ-0*73 26 347 74 12.40 35.64 87.60 . 2.52 1.31 ,. . llidland Natio ral Bank $ 238.20 meuser-Eusch, Inc. ~ 267.65 Clau-sen.& Sons, In$. . 487 . 68 Val Bjornson, Treas. PERQ , 78.03 Canada' Dry Ginger Ale, Inc. 183 . 20 Coca-Cola Bottling Coo 70.10 Cold Spring Distributing Co. 73.89 Cornelius Beverage Co. lJ-7 27 0, M. Droney Beverage Co. 431 54 203 09 33.20 Gluek Brewing Co, . Gold Ned& Beverage Coo Kuether Dis-l;ributing Co. 46-15 Massolt Bottling Co. - 16.28 Rinneapolis Bre-g Coo 1,067.50 2l2.n Plorris Distfibuting Coo 216.92 Pabst Sales Go. Seven-Up Bottling GO. 107*40 Npls. City Club Distributing Co. Rex Diqbribding Co. 383 56 125 . 28 I 1 I GARBAGE FUND #. 96.12 . .. pP.1.R. FUND $69,638.28 - I -. TO: ' Carpenter Paper (30, Northern States Power Co. Nordopist Sign Go; American Linen Supply Go. IUer-Dauis Co. ' Coflector of Intehd. Revenue Famous Brands, In'c. Griggs, Cooper et Go. Ed-TTest_lZne Co,' - ola Peoria Co. ,- Ec - - Ed. PELIips et Sons Go. - * I &.la 17 15 11.65 6,20 * 15.00 " 304.84 " 6,400.00 . '456.42 1,266.03 3,115.99 - mal . .. I LIQUOR mTND $16,020.96 . .. t .. Bredesen' s motion for adjournmebt vas seconded by Danens and hxxkmously carried. Eeeting adjourned at 10:&5 P.U. * * Village Clerk * * .. l.iUNW&S OF -THE ItWTING OF 'I€iE EDINA CANVASSING NARD, -HELD FJEIXESDAX, THE EDIHA KII&AGE HAILL *a* DECETJ'EBR 5, 1951, AT- 7:30 .p.u., AT .v9 _. . -- . -- -. - Yienibers of the Village Council bonvened at 7:30 P.K., as a Canyassiig Board to . review the results of the December 4, 195L, Village Election. Lists and Returns of Election were reviewed by all members of Board, and motion was duly made, seconded and carried; that the following be accepted and- recorded as the official returns of the DecembeY 4,195l Village EleCkibn, Ta3-l~ Sheets, Poll - OFFIEILIL RETURNS-VIUA~ ELl3CTION OF Total Votes $9 70 . '9 153 112 54 a37 1-46 812 -or, Reuben F, 'Erickson Everett Garfison Cain Elliott Alex Creigtaton T. L._Todd Bob Heinrich Gene Cooper Zierle Else Carl Hansen George Xellenia ' Fred Prouse Trustee TEiZSC, Eunnen Re& -EL Chad: 1 John E, Person Jacques Beaulieu *- Treasurer John J, Duggan Vernon Conor.ray Horace Davis Brt Stringer Constable Hilding Dah1 James Thorne 'Uoyd mler Leo Iblan Bert 'fierf eld Harrg Casey Ekwus V. Swerson I 49 135 109 u 129 I-40 1 1 1 1 * I .I 2 '3 a4 2 1 1 754 1 i 1 1 1 5 4 2 1 220 * 521 60 1 802 - 49 139. u1 Lk 127 133 158 1 . 1 *1 1 1 1 . m .. '2 .I i 1 1 1 79 I 2 1 1 1 1 757 - There being no further businesk to come before the'Board, Xeeting vas adjourned, *' Clerk