HomeMy WebLinkAbout19511210_REGULAR12/10/5l 295
.. _. .. . I --
Bxembers answering Rollcdl were -Bredesen, D&ens and Erickson. Deputy Clerk
Alden ,acted as Clerk,
Minutes of Regulap Neeting of November 26,1951, were approved as submitted,
by motion Bredesen, seconded by Danens and carriedr
Nr, and T-bs, FTilliam Olson returned to hear the report concerning the fencing
of'the rear of 'the Danens prope.lrty huhich backs up to Sdt Avenue.
Clerk reported that .she has searched the Minutes of the Council Neetings, but'
cki find nothing thich relieves Verlin Bal3anz for the liability for' said
fencing, No action by Council,
14ra Job Saltzman,']'700 Newton Avenue South, agent for Roy Cottrell, Mora, 1finn.,
asked ffr pem6.k to sell wood, by measurement;
had checked nth State Weights and Xeasures Dep6. and could find no complaint
?minst *h&p?vendor.
S'redesen-and carrid,
glr, €Id-&-~m of the Liqyor Commission iequested that Nanager be given authority
to hire off-duty policeman for Liquor Score duty the days befdre Christmas and
New +yearse
X4+mor Store Ihiager Kippleyrs applicakon for raise for, Clerk Joe Deneen, from
6225 to $250 per mqnth, was read and discussed with Mk, Hallman,
evening,.Bredesen movedthat the pay of Deneen be raised to the epivalent of
+that of Clerk Lindall, providing is is not over $250 per month.
- Deputy
* .
't i
Office reported that Police
Danens' motion that permit be granted was seconded by
..I . Bredesen so moved. -Notion seconded by Danens and carried,
I *.
Later id the
Motion seconded
by Danens and carriedp \,
Fire Chief Etzel reported on:fire hazards in the Business District, citing
the Stow Building, vihich has only one exit from second.floor, as one example;
the incinerator back of Scott ts Store 'as another,
of rubbish in the alley behind the Stanchfield vbuildings, and dated that some-
thing should be done about laxness at the Edina School at 50th and l?ooddal.e.
Nr, F?indhorst sggested that mitten repor-b be made by fir? chief, and transmitted
to school and to owners of firedhazardso
&fr6 NitcheU. reported .that $he State Highway Department has irlfomned him of
their receipt of) the Vumyslope Associationt stl comunication regarding enforce-
ment -of speed limit s on Highways 100 and 169 and on 50th Y5treet; that Department
points out that speed &forcement here is the duty of the Village Police,
- He suggested compulsoq- .pickup
Nr, Nitchell reported that Edina Morningside School has requested that Police
be on duty; at bas??etball games; that he has directed Captikin NcGary to station J
one off-duty pollceman at the school game nights, with the, Squad Car and the
on-duty men to be there unless needed elsewhere; that he has asked for additional
help from Hennepin County Sheriff and State Highway Patrolr
as to this action,
Council conf3urred ._ 1
The "Road Conditions" Neeting held by Federal Housing Administration Deqember 7,
was reuiewed by Nr. Ifitchell, who stated-that its outcome ~15.11 probably-be a
uniform code for road building. He will attend another meeting in January.
2k. 3fit chell requested policy of Council as to aid in securing priority for
machinery+fcsr contractor working for village. Opinion was that this &;auld be
limited to certificate of contractP
CorreGpondence on priority for water tank was reviewed by Nr, Mitchell, with
Nr, :rihdhorsL adding that there is probably nothing further to be done until
fu&her reply is received f mm Washington.
&-aer&ip of streetcar bridge -vests in Street Railway Company, 1-5. B%t cheU
stated, speaking of the Bmokside bridge. Possible grade right-of4my was discussed, 1rithou-b action, _I -
- \- - %TO applications for sign permits at th? Grandview Brug Store, Highway N0.169, were discussed, ik being reporbed that signs were constructedkfore applic a 6' ions
xqere presented.
gate and report back at .next meeting of Council, was seconded by Bredesen and
Danenst motion, that Er0 Etchell and Police Department investi-
Comcil was informed that Pearson Bros. has covered the trees they were ordered
to move from Village property. 31r. Dapens stated that he wmld like to be sure
the trees are moved off the pToperty, inaspch as there is a nice natural slope
there, &ich would be ruined by covering the trees. Danens and Ifitchell to check
fui.ther on this,
1.k. I4itchell requisted Council policy as to maintenance of, streets. He rvas
informed tliat it is the policy of the Village to maintain the streets when they
have byen accepted; that developer. shea@ grade, gravel and blacktop streets (or
sign petition for black€,opping) before final plat is accepted, *but that maintenace .
thereafter is done by Villsge without cost being assessed. I
Employment of T.ksr Lj.llie 14. Berry as office secretary was reported by 1-Tr. Eitchell,
Reo IEtchell requested that Council athorize Inspector for construction projects, +
Discussion was had.
survey crew and train him for inspection work, suggesting that George Thompson be
as Inspector at $230.00 per month. 'Notion seconded'by Danens and carried.
Ur. Xitchell recommended that we take one of the menbfrom the
Bredesen moved that Et-. Xttchell be auVnoPized to employ George Tllompson
Uessrs, Gebo and Anderson inquired as to action take; by CounCil concerning their
petition for Rezoning. They were informed that Council and PZanning Commission will
discuss matter further some tine in Januaiy. January 21. established as tentative
date €or discussion.
I,&. E.C. Stdw asked once again for Council action as to sewer and water'for his
proposed plat on the Duggan Farm.
that 1-k. 1.ii-tchell be directed to make preliminary study of area in connection s.lith
possible sewer an6 water, vas seconded by Bredesen and carried.
Delegation of Bemrd Street residents complained heatedly of: bad road conditions,
They were informed that Bernard Place wuld be put into as good condition as possible
this winter, with completion of project after spring thaws.
Report of Village Attorneg, that Village is not liable for destruction of tree ovaed
by &s, Virginia Beard, T~S read, Bredesents motiori,that &ks. Beard be so notified,
was seconded by Danens end carried.
Considerable discyssion ensued. Danensr motion,
Petition for Oiling of Fairfax Avenue between Z.58th and "T.59bh Streets, vas fi;ted,,
Hotion by Dmens, that petition be accepted and action be deferred until 'second,
meeting in Januazy, vas seconded by Bredesen and carried.
Frank E, Trafzerfs proposed subdivision of Lots ll,12;13,1L, and 15, 'Block 1,
Peacedale Acres, .TBS presented, toge8her with Planning Commission's recommendation
of December 4. Bredesents motion, that Council accept proposed lots 8 to I&,inc.,
Block 1, Ln the 'proposed .subdivision, 7ms seconded by Danens and cerried,
Danenst motion, that Ernst & Ernst be authorized and directed to audit the Village
records for the year 1951, in accordance with their letter of December 5, ,was seconded
by Bredesen and carried. -
. Attorneyrs report on tIPzohibition of Entry of NEnixs into Beer Joints after Certain
Hours,If vas reviewed., Danenst motion, for referral of repoh to, Ordinances and
Legislation Committee for study and report to Council, was seconded by Bredesen and
carri edd
State F5re Xarshalts notification of proposed "Fire School zt University of XGnne-
Eota, April 28 to -Eay 2, inc., was read and ordered placed on file.
Recommendations of Planning Codssian, with regard to petitions of H.R. Burton
and or" Yo~g Fuel Company for Rezoning, were revLmed, xsrith Council withholding
action mtil after proposed meeting of January 21,
I- _.. *.
Police Report for Month of l$ovenber was reuiewed and ordered placed on file.
Danenst motion, for payment of the following Payrolls and Cl&s vas seconded by
3redesen and carried: 1 . FireEenG Papoll for Year ll/30 $0 to-ll/30/9 - $1,399.65
Village .Papoll - December 1 to 15, Inc.
Village Payroll - Decenber 16 to 31, .kc* . Licpor Store Payroll-December 1 to 15, Inc.
:$5,669.20) All as'recorded
G6,813049] .in detail in 8 788.961 Payroll ledger,
Liquor Store Payroll-December 16 to 31, .kc. $ 635.39) .
-. .I .-
CLfixm NO.
Y 5705 6483
6@5 6486
6524 6525 6 526
6529 6531 6534 6535 6537 6539 6%0 '
6% 654.2 6543 6% 6 545 65k6 6547
6%8 6549 6550 6551 6552 6553 6554. 6555 6556 6557
6559 6558
6560 6561 6562
6563 6564 6565 6566
6567 6568
6569 6570 6571 6572 6573 6574 6575 6578 6578 6579 I 65a -4583 .
6585 6588
6589 6590 6591 6600
6605 6608 6610 6615 6616 6618
6619 6620
6595 6596 6 597
Suburban Hennepin County
Jay W. Craig Company
Jean s;ink 3 k30
Dick PaLen Photographs 1.120
Genera1 Xlectric Company 83.10
Federal Laboratories , Inc, 18.02
Mer Stores, fie. . 34.51
Central Supply Company 13e18
Edh Sand & Gravel Co, 382.26
Bertelson .Brothers - 16.95
Mzrie C. Dyregrov 12.88
Camille K. Kortura 10.88
Elizabeth 3i. fiehr 10&8
&ita S, Serin- * 10188
Ez;rrian-K, :Kidder 10.88
Zleanor. E.- Irisarry 12&8
&Jar jorie .S . .Rrissiter
&eUa B. ;tle@ber
Clarice, Ai- Hollingsworth 10.88
Edna C, Peterson 10.88
Ida La Wth 12+88
hth, N. _Zipoy 10.88
Tl;uth Mo TOUS lo&
Helen V, Faher 10.88 D. aeanor Oren 10.88
Xrst C, 04 Mattson 13r44
Dora Schyss ll.&
VirgiqiaBeard si..&
Florence B. Hallberg " ll.44
Jordis S.:Balfany m.44
Eleanor-hdson 13*25 .
Ceil Delaney U.25
Sigrid Westerberg 11.25
Gladys y, - Cameron L25
Mary Rose-&gler De25 Ws, Olaf41, Bye 10.88 .
ps. go Lr-Macllin 10*88
10.88 &s. ROY lf@r . ws. garl:J$. Spencer 10.88
gellie &Strate I 13e25
&bel J$. V&Uson 11+25
Frances Sonnenberg L25
Qorothea S. Obemneyer 11.25
&ria e. -Bagey &25
E, bis.Lou5.s 13.25
Ethel S.,wnk 3.3.*25
@ez A. Stark U.25 . Bertha-.I. McCraney XL.25
11.25 Gertrude C.. Fwe r
Ha Re Toll Cob 5.97 Gitr Treasurer, City of Mpls. 15.35
Oscar, Roberts Company 789,94
Mrs. Red Asplund 5.00
-. Construction l3uJ.leti.n 10.80 - Wheeling Corrugating Co, 173.80
Young Fuel Company 56.86
Thompson Luqber Company 50 60
Glacier Sand & Gravel Cos 25224
Eosenwald-Cooper, Inc. 42.00
Hennepin County Review 40&0
Varner Hardware Go. 3*73
&iller Davis Cornpiny 608J.I.
Glenn Johnson _Contracting Co* 322*98
Norton .Salt Co, .. 181.60
American Linen 4.50
T$innesota- Hospital Service hs'n
Rosholt Equipment Co. .. .* 34J9
The George T, Ryan-Co~ 380*5(3
. H, A. Rogers CQ, 74*&
Petty Cash - 19808
Town & Country Hardware 5* 97
1-hesota Fire Equip. Go. 17.57
. Republic Creosoting Cor 37.60
mesota.Fire Exbing. Cor 2a50
*so Lewis %. Jones
TO: c .-
:.Si&Land TTa<ionaJ. Bank . s i57.00
Til. Bjornson, Treas. PERA. + 52.60
George Berm Sons, Inc. 68~05
Distillers +Distributing Coo 5,532.19
Ebin Bmthe;rs Company - 609 90,
Famous Braqds, Inc. 1,365,26
EcKesson & Jlobbins, Inc. 454. $4
IGd-Xest f'jine Co, I 572032
Ed. Phillips & Sons Co. 948.86
Swiss IlineJiouse 49 *,90
Anheuser-asch, Inc. 14?p42
Canada Dry,Ginger Ale, Inc. 119.40
Clausen et Sons, Inc. 560 $33
Coca-Cola IjotKLing Co, 43.33,
Cold Spring Distributing CO. 81.50 A
Cornelius Beverage Co . 42.19"
0, 1.1. Droney Beverage Co. 483495,
Gluek Brewing Company 162.76
Gold XedaLBeverage Company 35.70
Kuetker Di&xibutkg Cor 52q96.
Collector cxf Iniernal Revenue 4, '974.91
Einneapolis Brewing Co, 1,261.50,
IXmeaplis City Club Dist. Co. 221.04
Thomas 1.foore 8: Co. 3.73
IZorris Distributing Go, 103 $4
Pabst Sales Company - 1s. 71
Rex Di&ributir_g Company 57. $8
Seven-Up Bottling Coo 75* 60
Carpenter Paper Company 44.53
Liquor Control Conmissioner 1.00
F, J. Cpinn Paper Company 53 0 43 N. IT. EelLTelephone Coo 12p45.
Underwod Corporation .) 12024
American Lken Supply Coo U.65
X-Tiller-Dads Company 37.50
The Nixtiorsl Cash Register Co. 18.61
Ed. PhiEps (3c Sons Co, ;5;64i5,74 :.
Griggs, Cooper Ei Co._ 6,240oll
T ....
Tnere being no further busiqess to cme before the CounciJ,' Bredeserrs motion
for adjournment was seconded, by Danenrs and carried.
K *
z t
J~Y N. Craig company.
Plielps - Drake Co,
Phelps - Elrake Co,
Lametti & .Lametti
Oscar Bobarts C0,
Lametti 8c Lametti
Construction Bulletin
Suburban Press
Glacier Sand & Gravel Cow
H. A. Rogers Compary
, , ..I.
6488 .
6533 6579
6484 Delaney Brothers 6487. Japs - Olson Co, 6586. Berg & Famrhaii Coo
6590 6595 6609 Badger Meter Efg. Co, 6620 PettY Cash
GLzcier _Sand & Gravel Co,
To1.m & Country Hardware Co,
6584 Suburban Press, Inc.
- -
6487 Japs - Olson Co,
6526 Lumber Stores, Inc.
6595 Town & Country Hardware Co;
6487 Japs - Olson Co. *6576 Art K, Petersen 6613 Iks. G.. A. Saunders
6490 6527 6530 6532 6577 6587 6592 6593 6594 6595 6599 6603 6604 6606 6607 6610 66U 6612
66l.4 6616 6617 661% 66%0
Brookside Service St ation
Dependable Jaotor s, -Inc,
Leef Bros., Inc, .
Rihm E&ors
He R.,Toll CO+
Standard Spring Cop
Kpls. Iron Store-
IJ. E. Lahr Co,
Northwestern Tire Co,
Town SC Country Hardware Go,
Paper, Calpenson & Co. -
. Edina +re Oi Service
?hillips Petroleum Co,.
The 5Enar- Co,
American Linen
Reinhard Bros. Co,
TnJin. H. Ziegler Co,, Inc,
Firestone Stores
Ro sholt EquQment Co
Suburban Chevolet Co,
The George T. Ryan CO.
Petty Cash .
-- . A. W. @mpanp -L _c. of Mirm,
80 6L,
. 30.00
30.00 1,667 .&o
..... ....
1951 DPR. 2nd Series $ . . .8,64
13305k’ 19.57
104 52
153 4 46 9.56
97 74
3.00 Cre
- 131.72
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