HomeMy WebLinkAbout19520114_REGULARl/U/52 I4I"m OF THE REGUMR j%%Xt.NG OF THE EDINA VIUGB COmCU, HELD. HONDAY, JfQlUARX. l.4, '1952, AT- 7:30,P.M, , AT THE mrm ~~GE HALL -. ,-.. .... Members answering Rollcall were Bredesen, Child, Danens and Erickson. Clerk Hawthorne came later, as recorded beloiv. Architect Liebenberg of Liebenberg & Ilaplan requested permit for construction of a dwelling'on the Northerly l.44 fset by 310 feet of Lot 5, Auditor's Sub- division No, 312, presenting writteii permission by owners of abutting.lots Planning Commission Recommendations of Jazluary 2 were reviewed. Notion by Child that permit be grmted was seconded b;Fr Sredesen and carriedr * 4,5,7 and 8, ' 3- i! f I k Attorney Johnson, representing I&. Alfred E, Keil, applied for a license to sell wood at 7130 Harmandale Road, this property being in open development dSstrict. Discussion was had during which it was brought out that Nr, Keil intends to operate a nursery, with wood sales as his winter iricome. Child moved that Mr, Keil be granted licesne to sell wood from 7130 Nomandale Mad during the balance of this license period, which expires April 1, 1952. __ Motion seconded by Danens and carried. Claim for $54.50, filed by $,J. PerreauLt, Jr., a6 result of his vehiclers- running into a drainage ditch, was reviewed, Ra&ger Etchell made report to Council of his investigation, Childr s motion, th& action be postponed-until Village Attorney could make report, was seconded by Bredesen and carriedr Fire Underwriters Inspection Bureau's December 20th notification of increase on file* -.. terrhtory accorded Vlass 8'' Insurance Rates was reviewed and ordered $laced .- 'Nr* C, J. Swalenls request for Driveway Plowing in Sunnyslope was discusqed, Manager 3Ktchell.being instructed to explain to Mr. SwaLen that it is the Council1s policy to clean no driveway entrmces. Park Board's request for '$1,000 free grant,, for skating rink operations, was sead, After considerable. discussion, Bredesen moved that request be denied, on the basis that such moneys would have to b6 repaid to General Fund, Eotion seconded by Child and carried. Planning Commission Einutes of Meeting of January 2,1952 were reviewed for Council by Nanager'Nitchell, . Y Mo action necessaryI * Hopkins Plumbing and Heating CompanyIs request for Plumbing License to April 1, 1952, was filed. Dana and carried, Grandview Drug Store's application for pemnits to corsskruct two signs (filed *2 .t; a previous meeting) was reviewed, Iknager Nitchell reading Police CAptain PllcGaryIs sign ordinance. Child moved %hat request be granted. Notion seconded by 1. . report, Child aoved that licenses- be granted providing signs meet provisions of 'Notion seconded by Danens and carriedd, t Police Repor& for lfonth of December was reviewed and referred to Public Safety Committee, - Notification by Northern States Power Company and Minneapolis G&s Company of increase in rates, Wch 1 and Februaq 1 respectively, were reviewed and ordered placed on file,, x State Public Examiner's reminder of annual finaxial statement return was reaa and ordered placed on .file* Hennepin County Auditor's Wotification of Ba-g-@h 18 Presidential Primary" was reviewed. and ordered placed on file. Liquor Store Hmager Kippley's request Tor Council determination of prices to be used at Liquor Store was readl, Bredesenrs'motion, that Liquor Store Phnager be instructed to use OPS Liquor Prices in liquor sales was seconded by Child and. carried. Village Atto&ey Windhorst reported at some length on negotiations for properby ') for new Village Hall. Atto*mey requested to meet with School Board this evening School Board will make no protest to acquisition bx-Village, . .. Clerk Hawthorne arrived during the discussion, to secure their ccoperation, Later in evening.&. Windhorst reported "chat i .J I 8. . Proposed 1rOrdinmce Prohibiting IEnors from Loitering in Beer Jointslt was discussed at some length, and referred to next regular meeting, Hotion by Sredesen, that Nanager Etchell be axlthorized to work with Police Csptzin I.kGary in appointing a Tavern Inspector unknown to local oimers of establishments seUing beer,'with szid appointee to confer with Attorney Burris for corrobora4iion of epidence, isas seconded by Danens and caiYPiedr . - *L Liquor Store Iknager ICippleyts comparative financial reporb for 1949, 1950 and 1951 LiquorStore Operat ions was reviewed and filed. r -- I Sumnafy-of Utilities Billings for years 1950 and 193, and report of Bading, Sewer, Xater, 'Plumbing and Cesspool Permits issued during 1951, as presented by Utilities Superintendent IIoehler, V~B, reviewed and filed* Utilities Suuerintendent IJoehler's report on survey of water meters, showing that .. , i all but two if the 2,008 accounts re& had been metered, vas read anc? orddred placed a Au*. on file. I Ccmcil CalT-et! for sealed bids for Legs Publications for Year 1952. * The following bids were rprblicly opened and read,-being.the only bids received: STJQUIS PABK DISPATCH - 81.20 per folio for First Insertions EMU-IiOEJIHSGSDE: COKRIER - SAWTORY RA'IZS (same as Above) -e- 8 .60 per folio for SQbSequent InsertiGns $ &O pep folio Addition for Tabular Uatter _. \i -, ! Atto-ey Qonad.Bugis, repregentbig the .Edjna CJiourier, eqlained that it is expected that the Courier rdll be ceriZfied for legal pyblications within the next week or I . I 1 ten dayse. Hatter of awarding bids for Legal Publication referred to next meeting, mmms Bpmaa rnCHF;T;fi: -.- I&.. - _-* ITLtchell-presentedp showing proposed route of new gas qn, +,lhrougll Emas Hawthorne's motion, that proposed route, as shovrn on Hap dated January be approved by Council with exc6ption that ma511 shall be laid in the State Highway Fdght-of-Vziy from Olinger Road 80 Bhke Road &ended, and that proposed route through Farhmod 'y;nolls Third AdC?Ltion is in accordance with PrelimSnary Plat but that Council has no assurance that -this will be location of s>reets in final plat. Eotion sgconded by Child and carriede right-of-way ad approaches are owned by the .Village and bridge is ovmed by Stree't Railvqy Company, actual ownership of the right-ofhay. Hatter referred'to next regular meeting for report* system. t i 1952* % I&, Hitchell presented preliminary plan of Brookside Avenue, explaMng that I&. IEtchell was requested to investigate further as to the &. Witchell reported on his plans for overtime system and centralized purchasing b ,Report by Nre Z.Iitchell, that EJimneapolis intends to fill Xerxes Avenue between 56th and 58th Streets was received with interest. Danens be authorized to negotiate with owner Peder IJickelsen with regard to'fill Bredesen's motion, that Trustee from %nth Street propertibs for Xcrxes Avenue, was secondkd by ChjUd and carried. Highway 169 intersection, vrhich has been receiving recen* unfavorable publicity in the city papers* Ee was inforn&Ly directed to consult with proper &@IEL~ 1 / i 3&*- k5.tcheI.l asked for Council instructions as to the If. 50th. Street-EIighway 100- ; 1 Department officia3s for progress report on proposed Grade Separation and &-Ww TrafTic Sipa;Ls+ Er. I.iit&ell's recommendation for purchase of considerable, street equipment, including Grader, Roller, anti sever& small items, was reviewed and discussed at t - I !I some length. No action taken. It A schedule of comparative salary figures, for Edina, Richfield, Hopkins and 3Egneapolis and St .Louis Park, was presented bp Ihnager Eitcliell. discussion was had bith regard to the proposgd Vob GTassification and Conditions of Employment" Ordinance. Hawthorne moved that, effective Jvluarg 1, 1952, a Considerzble i ii 1 L_ ut __"- Cbst of Living Increase in the amount of five perbent to the nearest tjl.OQ be granted to all Tillage employees except the Village $Tanager, Assistat Village Engineer and employees in*the Edina I.runicipdl Liquor Store, and that the employees b3 notified that Hanager and Council will complete Job Classification and Conditiods of Employment Ordinance for action as soon as possibler Hotion seconded by Child and czrried. + Y I/Lk/52 a Mr. Ifitchell asked for an engineering field party of three men--Instmxmant Man, Rodman and Chainman, for establishing street-grades as ordered by Council, . Notion was made by Hawthorne, seconded by Child and carried, that Village Manager be authorized- to spend a mafdmum of $4,000 within the next six Months, for a crew to establish'street gradesI lfotion seconded by Child and carried. Hawthorne's motion, authorizing employment of an additional engineering field' crew, on a month-to-month bas5s at salaries commensurate with the salaries now being-paid by the Village for shilar mrk; subject to gJob Classification.. 0rdinmcelt and subject-to preparatibn of an analysis of ehgineering costs ana income, was seconded by Brddesen and carried* Building Inspector-Woehler asked Council action on his having future building permits printed to &ncl.ude the following statement'; ', and for a Rodman-and Chainman.for ganeral survey work throughout the Village. r' C * ' "Agreement--This permit is granted upon the express condition that the +person to whom it is grantsd, and 'his agents,employees,tsorkmen,in all work done,shall be according to plan and surveys on file in Village of Edina office, It dml..l. be tfle responsibility of the builder to check street grade,sewer depth and set grade of house accordingly; minh grade above finished street shaU be not less than 1$ feet, of Edina shall be released from any responsibility for the elevation of this structuresll * The Village Child's motion that statement be incorporated into Building Pemni.1; was szconded by Bredesen and carried+ Child offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:. C RE+LUTION DZSIGI$ATING* DEPOSITORY . (3EUXAND NATIONAL BAIXK) . BX IT HEFBBY EESOLP, that -3Edland.NationaJ. Bank of EEnneapolis be, and hereby is, designated as an official depository for the Public Funds df'the Special Assessments and Poor Funds of the Village of3d- for the caZei3dS.r Notion for adoption of Resolution was sec there were five ayes and no nays, as follo Daneris, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Zrickson, L*C - -. ,e. year 195& -.. w Villagd Clerk I/& Child offered the folloaving Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLWION APPilDvmG BSIaaBW OF . MfIUM NATIONAL BmK OF -3XINMQPOk SECmITES- JX .LEU OF. EOND RE;joLW, that the Ti.Uage- Council of the-villgge of-Ed2na approve the assiggment by its deporsitory, the IEdland National Bank of Minneapolis, of $75,000 Federal Land Bank Consolidated 2-1/&$ Bonds due February I, 1955/53 as good and sufficient collateral for Village of Edina Public Funds deposited in the said depository, Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Bredssen, tIlere were five ayes and bo nays, as follows: Bredesen Danens, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, c gredeskn offered the following Resolution and moved iti adoption: SIGNATORY RXSOLU!i!IOH MIDIJ&D.N;iTIONAL BANK OF &m&OLIs BIZ IT l?ESOLm, that the persons, holding office as Hayor, .Mayor Fro-Ten, Treasurer or Clerk-or Deputy Clerk df this Village be, and they hereby are, authorized to act for this Village in the transaction of any banking business with Kidland National Bank of I'!i!ieapolis (hereindter referred to as the bank) such authority including authority on behaXf of or in the name of this Village . from tine to time a,nd until written notice to the contrary to the bank, to sign checks against said account, which checks shall be signed by the Mayor or Eayor Pro-Tern, Village Clerk or Deputy Village Clerk, and Village Treasurer. The bank is hereby authorized and directed to hon'br and pay any check against such account which is signed as above described, &ether or not said check is payable to the order of, or deposited to the credit of, any officer or officers of the Village, including ths signer or signers of the checks* I E .4 1 BredYesen offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: IlESOLUTION DESIGNATING DEPOSITORY (FIRST TDINA STATE BANK) . BE IT EEE33Y IZESOIYED tbt the First Edina State Bank, Edina. Ninnesota. authorized to do a-bmking busin6ss in NiFesota, be and l&eby i;, designatid as 'bfficia depository of the Public Funds of the-General, Ecpiprnent Rental, Sewer Rental, Garbage Collection, t.laterr.rorlts, Liquor, Permanent Improyement f2evolving, Permanent Improvement Revolving Deb5 Service, and all. Permanent Imlpro.eement~Punds of the Village of Edina, County of Hennepin, E-Epnesota, for the calendar year 1952. BE 3cT FXRTHER RlBOLT%D, that this designation is subject to the right of said Village of Edina to modify, &hate, and revoke same according to lm. 24otion for adoption of the Resolution'was seconded by Dantns, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as foUor Danens, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, ViilZge Clerk' . Child offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: , RESOLUTION AFT'EOVING ASSIGNXENT OF 1 -- sECURmIES-.-a I;fEU-OF.BOND ~ - + BF, IT I?ZSOLTT%D, tha% the Pillage Counca of %he.ViU.age of Zdina approve the assignment by its depository, the Fii-st Edina State Bank of Edina, I.bnesota, of the following, as good and sufficient collateral for the Village ofJ3dina Public Funds deposited in said depository: FIR23T.DIN.A STATE BANK U.S.A. Treasury Bonds - 2% - Due 9/15/53-51 ~l.00,000) ~ v.S,A, Treasury Bonds - 2% - Due 12 15 54 U.S.A. Treasury Bonds - 2@ -Due 9 15 59-56 @50,000) aao, 000) F53 000 $3-?5,000) // U,$,A, Treasury Bonds - 2$$ -Due 3/15/58 Uotion for adoptton was seconded by Danens, and and no nays, *as follows: Bredesen, qye; Cud, an6 Erickson, aye; and the Resolution vas-adop re were five ayes e; Haythome, aye; i Vill&g& Clerk Bredesen offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: ' SIGNBTORY RESOLUTION F&ST EDINA STATE BANK OF E;DINA BE IT RESOLm, that %he -p-e~sons. holdjllg office .as -or, &yor Pro-Tern, Treasurer, or Clerk or Deputy Clerk of this Village be, and they hereby are, authorized to act for this Village in the transaction of a;ny banking business with First Edina State Bank of Edina, Mnnesota (Hereinafter referred to as the Mk), such authclnity including authority on behdf of or in the name of this Village from time to time and until. written notice to the "contrary to the bank, to sign checks against said account, which checks shall be signed by the Elfayor or 3wor Pro-Tern, Village Clerk or Deputy Village Clerk, and Village Treasurerr 2he bank is hereby authorized and .directed.to hohor and pay an$ check sgainst such account which is signed as above authorized, whether or not said check is payable to the order of, or deposited to the credit of, any officer or officers of the Village, including the signer or signers of the check, Hotion for adoption of the Resolution was secon were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredes Gawkhome, qe; and Erickson, ap; andathe Reso on Rollc&l there e; panens, aye; I. l&or Erickson recommended the appointment of Trustee Child to act as Hsy-or Pro- Tem for the year 1952, and Bredesen offered the following Resolution and moved its. adoption: L . ~OWJTION APPOINTING UAYOR m0-m.r FOR VILLAGE OF E3)DIA FOR EGlR 1952 .. BE RESOLm, that Trustiee Fred-S, CWd.be appointed liayor Pro Te& of the Village of @Ens for the calendar par 1952* Xotion for adoption of the Resolution YEIS seconded wre four ayes and one no vote, as follows: Brede .aye; a ollcall there or i" Xayor Xrickson'recommended Council Corr;mi.I;tees for the year, and Child offered the folloiJing c0nfQ-g Resolution and moved its adoption: RES13LUTION ESTaBLZSHING GOEMITTEE - BSSIGEFS __ - - $$'@ &C!j!cZn; lmm FUR Village Coqcil-for the ygar 1952 ;hall be a's foU&"wst . 13E I!f EZSOLVED that Cormnittee Assignments for the members of the Edina COa-ETm OB ORDI1TAKE3 'AND I;EGI%~319N - . Bredesen,--Gh&mm;. Child and Danens caamm 0N.PUBLIC u!rmIEs . c Child, Chairm-; Hawthorne anh Danens .Hawthorne, Ghziignan; Bredeseri .and Ericks on . Danens, Chairman; .Hawthorne and Child, CONKITTEE ON PUBLIC S.AFETY AND 3@$FA€E - commm on PUBLIC worn - BE IT-F&THE3R RESOLfJED, that it shall be the policy of this Council that its Comitteeg shaQ_Sunction as advisory bodies to the full Council, and that administrative orders shall be issued only by action of the Councile Danens offered the foeowing Resolution 2nd moved its adoption: KESOLUTION GRANTING TENTATIVE AF"ROTf& . TO BlJDGe ADOITED IN 19% FOR Ti3 2952 BE IT RESOL?Fs, that the.budget-adopted by the 1952 VUage Council., for the year. 1952, -be _t entatively approved as f ollours: TGWL ESTIT.ZATED EXF'ENTIE!PURES FOR C-m FlNQ - $265,324.79 . LE33 EST33!%.TED m@%%.L FlJlSlIJ RZGEIPTS .__ . 68,5iQ,00 -FI.llaTIOX FOR @@GXL FUN@ ._ . b96,7%79 . l4,220aOO 3, TO0,oo 1 --r - ~. $219,725.79 . rr APPROPRIATION FOR PARK- PIJE1pO3ES APPJ$OPRIATI3N FOR POOR FUND* - 2,llO*OO) APPROPRUTION FOR PrJB-m ,aTH NURSING ~OF'€$IXTION FOB EImm-'S-RF 711eOO ApPFtOP'W-RTION EOR DEBT. SEFtVIGE-~~~ -. . . DPRO-mT. FUNDS, 2 9 400,OO Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconde &yor Erickson*recomended the f ollotving <appointne@s for the new year, and Bredesen offergd the following confirming Resolution and moved its adoptLon: c RESOLEION APP0I"G VI&4GE: ATTOZNEY $SSIST@ TlJLLAa ATfORNEY, * CLEa 07 COURT ,3,ll'D.lKlXLA& HEALTfI OFFICEiR BE IT P3SOLSED th& .appoiqtments be-made. and salaries- established as hereinafter set-forth, said appobtees to serve for 6he year 1952 and un-bil their successors hrs duly appohted ad- qualified: ~ John I?* WLndhokb Village Attorney OFFICE OF:. Donald Burris Asst, Village Attorney 50,OO Dr. Lowell Tilr Campbell Tillage Health Officer 30d0 Motion for asoption of Resolution- was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as folllm~s: Danens, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; adopted. Ric'mrd Ea Olson Clerk of lkmi&ipal Court lOOaOO Bredesen, \ .. I Hawthorne offered the. following Resolution and moved its adoption: RZSOLZTTION ESTABLBHING SALARIES FOR f*m*m QF EDINA YDLUI- FIRE DIP- aE IT F~OLVXD that salqies ,of ambers of the Edim Volunteer Fire Demrt- - merit be,.and hereby are, established as follows: - Chief of Fire Dept, - $50,00 per Yr. Salary &st, Chief Firemen and 8 1.75 per Hr. per Fire Attended and 8 1.75 per Drill Attended - 8 1.50 per Hri per Fire Attended and 1.50 per Drill Attended - 8 la25 per Hour per Fire Attended .. and $ s75 per Drill Attended ..l4btion for adoption of Resolution w& seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: HawAhorne, aye; and Erickso’n, aye; and. the Bre Bredesen offeredthe following Resolution and moved its adoption: IZESOLTiTION BP0Ih”rING EXl3CUTIVE OFFICER, t l*LQJACZB, .VILL&CZ ZiTGU’JEER, AND BTABLISH- * ING S,URY FOR SAD OFFICI3 ... XESOLoI”;D, that ‘Sidney R. I-Etchell is.-hereby*appointed as Executive Officer and.Hpmger for the Village Council of the Village of Edina and all of its comittees, and Village Engineer for the Village of Edinz. l?&33LVB, further, that he shall have charge of -and direct all the minis$er@l functions and activitks in charge of each Cormnittee in its absence, RESCLVED, further, that nothing herein contained qhll be or is to be construed-as a delegation of legislative or discretionary administrative porrer of the Village Council. RTSOLTTEI), r”u&her, tha€ the salary for the above named office is hereby established as $8;&lO ’per year. Notion for adoptiok of the Resolution was seconded by Danegs, and on Rollcall there were five ayes azd no nays, its follows=: aye; Hav&horne, ape; anc! Erickson,’ aye; and th + Village Clerk * BredGsen offered the follorJing Resolution and moved 5ts adoption: ? RESOLUTION ESTAEILEHIHG SAwIilES OF THOSE EIECTED. OFFICIALS .T$-KSE E$ZAlUXS €IA= HOT AZ!&&DY EEEN ESTBB;LISHED BY STATE STATUTE Xotioa for ‘adopt ion .- ~ . . OR-VII%,& bBDI”GE that the saI.&es-of-Elected-Village Officials be year 1952: ) established Reuben F. ,Ericlsson, f-&or $80.00 per 1-fonth Eomr Hawthorne, Clerk .8O,CQ per 1.Ionth Fred S. Child, Testee 60,oo per I-lcmth Joseph A. Danens, Trustee 60.00 per Ronth Arthur CI Bredesen, Jr., Trustee 60.00 per Ronth John J. .Duggan, Treasurer. 50,OO per IConth Philip Xeville, Judge IGimicipjl Court- 75.00 per IIonth 4usti.n D, Norton, Spec.$& Judge ’. 20.00 per r.reelc,with maximum 75.00 per Xonth of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on RoUcaZl ..= there 1rere”f i<e ayes and no- nhys, as follows: aye; Hauthorae, qe; and Erickson, aye; and th Villzge Clerk Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: &/&L r . RESOLUTION ~zpPOS3?TING FSILPLOYE;ES AM) ESTABLISHING SALARIXS BE IT IEESOLOED, that employmen$ of..~he.~ollo~J~_Earsons, to hold the positions specified ater-each nzme and at the &.aries listed, shall be continued until their successors are duly appointed and qualified or until further action by the Edina Tillage Council: N&?lE P. Theodore Olsson - Gretchen Alden Bernice Johnson Lillie Berry ?%argot Peterson Eelene Fa Hozis Shirley Nelson Laura Wright Fred Jonas Robert Obermeyer Jack Neredith George Thompson Raynard Nyberg Lloyd.McGqry Hilding Dah1 Itilliam V, Hoffman Henry,l'l, 'Chbleski Bert Merfeld Charles Ploog Robert Christy -George Butler William. -_ S. Heydt Harry Jonas Peter Dahlgren 31, J1 Nerfeld John Tracy Arthur G, Jensen Wayne Tracy .. Joseph. Natole John Paul Blake Charles Johnson Gordon Beck TilTdlter Iljltiski Jacob Shmak dames ItcNellis Pabl Bboks Bernhard t'boehler - Samuel JI Roberts David Roberts F%&k gppley Jean Link Joe Deneen, 'Jr. Pzul Flesher Gordon Nicolle William 0 * Connor Tom Hines. Eugene Herem John Unland, Jr* Jim Cocoran Reginald hcDonald .. x I Harry Casey i i *a d * 4 ? t .1 c POSITION &sstn .YiUage Engineer Deputy Clerk Deputy Treasurer Secretary Clerk Typist Utilities Clerk - Clerk Special Assessments Clerk Gsst. to Engrc Wgr. Aid Const Bspector Flbg. Inspector Captain of Police Patrolman Patrolman Patrolman t. PatroZnran patrolman Patrolman patrown" 'Night Dispatcher Janitor-Village &all S;treet Commissioher @chine Operator Truck Driver Truck Driver Machine Operator Utility Nan Vachine Operator 1ilechhi.c * *Truck Driver Truck Driver Utility 14m Park& Laborer Parks Laborer Parks Laborer 3upt. of Public Utilities Utility 14an--Wat er Dept, &aborer=Water -Dept, . Littor Store Nanager Liquor Store Bookkeeper Asst. Mgr,-Liwor Store Clerk Clerk-Part Time Clerk-part Time Clerk-Part Time Clerk-Pa+ Time Clerk-Part Time clerk-Part Time Clerk-Part Time Clerk-$'art Time Enma Aid I 4 SAURY r $500,00 per Month .33f,OO ' 7 I 5 Notion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Child, and on RollcaXl there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredesen, .aye; Gwaxe; Danens, aye; Hawbhoriie, aye; and Erickson, aye; 'and. thmolution&3cbpted* .. ChiXd' s' motion, .that Xc. William 'Lev& 'he appointed ,to <Board of -Park Commissioners for three-yea- term begirqing Januaryl,E952, was seconded by Bredesen, carried+ Child's mot5on, t-hatMessrst Leonard Ode=, D,Dz Ryerse, ad h,H. Hiatt be appointed to the .Planning Conrmission for $threeyear terms begim-7hg January 1,1952, * I t * a was seconded by Dqens and-carried** t- &wthorne's+motion, thak Council advertise for bids for year's requirements for GasoXne and for*Sand,Graveiand Rock, was seconded by Bredesen and carried* - Discussion was had as to moved %ha% the matter of for their specifications meeting of January 28 if c advertisement for bids .for Village -inskin ce+ Child insurance be referred to Ernst and Ernst, ,kditors, as to Fnsurhce required; that report be made at possiblet Motion seconded by Bredesen and carriedr ,e 1/U/52 Childts notion, that Pillage Payroll, amount $7,22228, and Liquor Store PayroU, amount $1,736,97, for period enhg January 15 and &cluding.overtime for Decexiber, 193, be appfoved. I-lotion seconded by Danens and carriedo Childts motidn for papent of the following Cl&s was secoaded by Dmens and carried: c I. * . GAPLBAGZFW . $X,682.80 66 54 Arthur K, Petersen =_ .mm mJ1w * c I 6655 Dura-Test Cor$ . %29a40- POOR FT.JND X5731 Suburban Hena, Cy, Relief Bd. W3aOl *- *l~.~~I*I.#l mm L $16,00 15732 . First HatL Bank * .T k+ Ebin Bros. $75*36 992.06 2259.45 1192e69 3aOO 94.08 Edina Commercial Club 100.00 1082.45 n76k I3.766 U-767 U768 u769 n770 3x773- U772 a773 Famous Brands Griggs Cooper 8; Cog HcKesson SC Robbins Hid-West Vine Co., Inc. Village of Edina-!later Dept. Ennr Form Printing Service U765 t 1 c .I + * 4 Ed, Phillips & Sons Cob * 1846.70 LIQUOR mm Griggs-Cooper 8; Co, u774 Ed. Phillips 6: Sons Co. 1280.15 @9,167* 90 + 'There being no ikther' business to come before Council Danens moved for adjGum- ment, Notibn seconded by Child and Carrie * _I " 8 T 1 OF THE RXGUUR 2*EEXIKG OF THE DIYA V1U-m .CQUNCIL, HZX,il iIONDAY, JaNU&RY. 28, 1952, AT- 7:30-P,If., .AT THE 4 - ... mmA VILLBrn HALL. E -- __ Ifembers answering RollcaJ.1 were Bredesin, Child, Daaens, and Erickson. Clerk HarsZhorne entered the IXeeting later, as recorded below# I.linutes of the Regular-Iketings of December 10, 19% and January ut, 1952, were approved as submitted, by Ilotion Child, seconded by.Danens ulc! carried. Pursuat to ''Advertisement for Bids-Sand, Gravel. and Rock," published in Suburban Press, Hophs and in Construction Bulletin, Etnneapo?.is on January 17 and 24$ affidavit, of publication for which was read, %he folloldng bids were publicly TOWEDO) e n. l. opened and rezd: GLACIER OSCB LWW,lIOfi- mBZ23G I.ZAFZ0 SQG CO. ROBERTS co. B~u,c~~. mmmm SG co. gfo $:$& &.* $& $ -?? &' g:g 335 &5 * '@F--+' DEL*. la20 1.68 1.35 .le89 1.35 , - L20 1.68 1.30 1.82 BUCKSHOT)FW~- - - lyq -2.52 1.80 7 1.65 2.31 1-90 2.66 c - 2.15 3 e01 2*45 3a GWa $Dam - - 2.30 3.22 2.30 CkUSiin> )PLW- 1.55 2,17 1.90 2,52 1.p - 1.65 2*31 - - ROCK )DZa 2.05 2a87 2.30 3.22 2.30 - 2.15 3 .01 - - m ., ) PIANT- ._ - .. 1.80 2.52 1.80 1.71 2.39 - CASH .DISCOTJE$ Net 5% FIT.BUN 1 €'LU"- 1,70 e98 b80 le12 - +70 498 *70 ,98 wT& )DXLs 1.20 1.68 1.35 1.89 - - 1,20 *1.68 L25 1,75 wm )nL. .-x -2 2.30 3.22 2.30 2.21 3.09 - 5SlOth Pt Net 5SlOth XO* Ho%ion bi-Ghild, that bids be referred to Village Engineer for analysis and report at next; meeting was sl;conded by Danens and carrieda