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Childts notion, that Pillage Payroll, amount $7,22228, and Liquor Store PayroU,
amount $1,736,97, for period enhg January 15 and &cluding.overtime for Decexiber,
193, be appfoved. I-lotion seconded by Danens and carriedo
Childts motidn for papent of the following Cl&s was secoaded by Dmens and
. GAPLBAGZFW . $X,682.80 66 54 Arthur K, Petersen
=_ .mm mJ1w
c I 6655 Dura-Test Cor$ . %29a40-
X5731 Suburban Hena, Cy, Relief Bd. W3aOl *-
*l~.~~I*I.#l mm
L $16,00 15732 . First HatL Bank
k+ Ebin Bros. $75*36 992.06
2259.45 1192e69
Edina Commercial Club 100.00
U-767 U768
u769 n770 3x773- U772 a773
Famous Brands
Griggs Cooper 8; Cog
HcKesson SC Robbins
Hid-West Vine Co., Inc.
Village of Edina-!later Dept.
Ennr Form Printing Service
U765 t 1
4 Ed, Phillips & Sons Cob * 1846.70 LIQUOR mm Griggs-Cooper 8; Co, u774 Ed. Phillips 6: Sons Co. 1280.15 @9,167* 90
'There being no ikther' business to come before Council Danens moved for adjGum-
ment, Notibn seconded by Child and Carrie *
JaNU&RY. 28, 1952, AT- 7:30-P,If., .AT THE
4 - ... mmA VILLBrn HALL.
E -- __
Ifembers answering RollcaJ.1 were Bredesin, Child, Daaens, and Erickson. Clerk HarsZhorne entered the IXeeting later, as recorded below#
I.linutes of the Regular-Iketings of December 10, 19% and January ut, 1952, were
approved as submitted, by Ilotion Child, seconded by.Danens ulc! carried.
Pursuat to ''Advertisement for Bids-Sand, Gravel. and Rock," published in Suburban
Press, Hophs and in Construction Bulletin, Etnneapo?.is on January 17 and 24$
affidavit, of publication for which was read, %he folloldng bids were publicly
TOWEDO) e n.
opened and rezd: GLACIER OSCB LWW,lIOfi- mBZ23G I.ZAFZ0
SQG CO. ROBERTS co. B~u,c~~. mmmm SG co. gfo $:$& &.* $& $ -?? &' g:g 335 &5
* '@F--+' DEL*. la20 1.68 1.35 .le89 1.35 , - L20 1.68 1.30 1.82
BUCKSHOT)FW~- - - lyq -2.52 1.80 7 1.65 2.31 1-90 2.66
c - 2.15 3 e01 2*45 3a GWa $Dam - - 2.30 3.22 2.30
CkUSiin> )PLW- 1.55 2,17 1.90 2,52 1.p - 1.65 2*31 - -
ROCK )DZa 2.05 2a87 2.30 3.22 2.30 - 2.15 3 .01 - -
m ., ) PIANT- ._ - .. 1.80 2.52 1.80 1.71 2.39 -
FIT.BUN 1 €'LU"- 1,70 e98 b80 le12 - +70 498 *70 ,98
wT& )DXLs 1.20 1.68 1.35 1.89 - - 1,20 *1.68 L25 1,75
wm )nL. .-x -2 2.30 3.22 2.30 2.21 3.09 -
5SlOth Pt Net 5SlOth XO*
Ho%ion bi-Ghild, that bids be referred to Village Engineer for analysis and
report at next; meeting was sl;conded by Danens and carrieda
1/28/52 12
Mr. Mitchell asked once again about p~y for Village sewer inspector, explaining
that he would recommend $1.60 per hour for this man from the time he began work
ia this position+ Bredssents motion, that Village 1'la;nager be c2utliorized to
increase sewer inspectorrs pay to &60 per hour, effectjve January 1, 1952,
was seconded by Hawthorne and carried.
Nr. NitcheU reported= tha5, pursuant to Council's authorization at last
regular meeting, he has*hired an engineering field crew to establish street
grades, and has filled the regular surveying crew.
* *
Report was made by Eilr, li-i;cheLl that surveying instruments, level and transit,
have beer, rented at a cost of $40,00 per nonth. -I
Hr* Mitchell requisitkoned a new tmevrriter for office use, reporting that
an Underwood Standard can be purchased for $137*50.
Council pwchzse one additional typewriter, with cost to be charged to Police
Department, was seconded by Danens and carried,
Child's motion, that
The following petitions were presented for Council action:
lr Klsctopping of. Oaklawn Avenue between "S.Tr60th and ?+f&.st Streets
2. Blacktopping of Fairfax Avenue between W.58th and )?. 59th-Streets 3. Blacktopping af EarWood-Kholls 2nd Addition. 4a Blacktopping, GGb and Gukter, in Bdng Avenue betlieen W.57th If+ 58th Streets * *
secure datz necessary for estimates on these projects., ,Hawthorner s
that Public Hearings on petitions be set for the Third Nonday in
at the Edina Elementaxy School, was seconded by Child and carried,
14.r. Mitchell asked that. Hearings be deferred until he. can ascertain
.< '
x 1
Discussion was had as to date for Joint Planning Cormnission-cZouncilr~eeting
on Zoning.
Notion by Bredesen, for+ payment of ViWage Pwroll, amount $7,710,51, and
Liquor Store Payroll, mount $;637+94, for period January 1 to 15, inclusive,
and including. overtime +for December, 1851, and for papent of the follotdng
Date to be 2brdqy, L 5
claims, was seconded by; Child andxarriedt
CWf DIO* - TO: momu!. . - -* FUND
-. 6656
66 57 6658
6660 6661 6662
6663 6664 6665 6666 6667 6665 6669 6670 6671 6672
6673 6674 6675 6676
6677 6678
6681 6682 6683 6684 6685 6686
6687 6688
. 66P;O
Jack Lev%
Edierd Shwmn
Arthur Bailey 4. 8. NiUer
Bertelson BrOSa
Edina Morningside Courkx-.
BEnneapolis S.t;ar & Tribune
U, S. Post-Office
Rosenwald-Cooper, Inca
Ifaurice L, -Rothschild Cor
Warner Hzsdware C0npm-y
IIennepin Gaunty Review
Lyle Signs, Inc*-, *
Xurphy Motor.Frt,, Inc*
Adler Steel Products
Thonipson Lumber Company
'E. C. Pfeiffer
Tictor- Carlson & Sons, Incr Jean Link- -
Underwood Corporation
hgf ord Electric Company c. w. Kra
Dr. E,.LIFit~h -
Senco Oilu Company
Young Fuel. Company
Modern Sanitary Supply
Clancy Drugs, bc,
Niller-Davis Company -
Town SC County-Hardware
Norell& Nichols, Inc*
Pmericaa Linen Supply
Minn, Hospital Sere ASSOC~
BumoLIghS Add. IlaChiiIe Cor
.+ ** -
$5,25 ' 3e85 * - 4a5O
9r00 7+15
9*45 33449 lozoo aoo,6o
6684 6685 x
6687 d 6689
6691 6692
6693 6694 6695 * 6696 6697 6698
6713 6?uI 6715 6716 67x7 6732 6735
6690 -
12. W.'bell Telephone Company 4~.06 ,
N. ?!. Bell Telephone Cornpar@
N. 11. Bell Telephone+ Company
69,05 974,55
Nort;hern States Power Co* 947a *
Village of Edina 16,,2S Village bf Ed5.m. 25a00
State Treasurer 6.50
8. S. Jones. c 2.73
John F,. Coan, Postmster 10.06
Bernice 23. Johpson 22.u
TOTAL - $ 9,74&64
Glacier Sand & Gravel Cos 1,049,65
fntemztional Harvester Co, 4,365.01
.t ..
Xiller-Davis Company 6 6v50
Tom & Country Hardvrase . 4*43
lwrican, Linen Supply Go+ 3sOO
Brookside- Service Station 509848
Phillips Petroleum+Compzny 1274.3
kef Brothers, hc. I437
H, a. Toll Company 9.45
I?, W. Tire Company 160.80
Delegard Tool Company 9.18
Ddberg Brothers, kc* 22.13
D-A LUbriCmt CO*,.~C, 92.25
Earington Chevrolet.Coa 19.37
Astleford 'EquSpmnt Go. be00
Brede, Inch 6,OO
Reinhard Bros,, Inc, 232~93
Edinz Hardmire . r. ,9Q
l-Iimeapolis Gas .Company 176.52
PT* ?-I. Bell Telephone Cor 150 9
N, We Bell Telephone CO~ 15s 50
Nortfiern States Power Co, 35.60
Northern Stateu Power Cor, 23Q08
A, C. Gamison . 17+52
In.t;ernati,onal Harvester COS t4o
Central Supply 38-55
* TOTAL - $ l;531.57
. _. _-
+ L
IEUer Dqvis Compng. 8
Town & Country Hardware
tlmerican ,Vat er t.Jor"xs, Assoc
Addressomaph 3Ql.t. Corp,
Pockrandt Lu@btz &Fuel Golr
N,IT. Bell Telephone cob c
IJ.?-I. Bell Telephone Caa
Itorthem +States Power Co.
Northern ,States Power Coa 501r2J-
Young Fuel Compwr 63a36
*- TOiAL - 8 1,347.96
A Sr A Electric Qoqq 8 3b50 . . Park *
EBna 3forningsi$e Pub,Sch.. l,OOOeQO . + Fund
Ems Hardware . +w
Northern. States Power Co, L7.%
Village of Edina- 25aOO
Poucher Printing & Lith.Co.$ 234.00 bprovements 6712 . I?, 7f. Xational Bank 1h.29 Fund 6709
Affidavit of Publication in Subnban Fress, Hopkins, as of January 17 and 24,
1952, for tlAdvertisement for Gasolinefl was read, and the Council publgc1;Y. . opened and-read the only bid received, after discussion as to propriety of
accepting only one bid and a motion by Child, seconded by Bredesen, that such
bid be opened. Bid was as follows=.
BIu3O:';SIDE Sm%CCE STATION (Robert Soelberg) - &03 per Gallon Discount . . .- > I. . from going Retail Prices.
Xotion seconded by Danens and carried, Child's motion that bid be accepted*
Mr* Ralph Mormsbecker of Df Amy LeGk Construcbn Company requested, pemission
to run Sanitary Sewer and.Vater Hains from their present termini to the proposed
plat, "Hollywood Hanor" at,-66th and France (this being the formFr 11Ennis-Rohr"
Subdivision) at the Contractorrs om expense=
expected that 167 new homes will be constructed in this-area ki the very
near future; that sanitary sewer and water are necessities to having the
plat accepted with its presently planned lot sizes*
an affirmitive opinion by the Council. Mr. Ititchel,$ ep&aine$. that t ;sCal
trunk sewer; that it might be necessary to provide a lift station; that it
might even be possLble that present trunk sewer will. reach its capacity
before this plat can be included, At this time IiLzyor Erickson and Trustee
Bredesen spoke in favor of a dedication for parks in this development.
Matter of sewer and water referredto NIanager Wtchell for further study,
Mr, A. G, Bogen presented a petition, signed by owners of 54 percent of the
abut?;ing properties, for Water 1;lai.n in Interlachen Blvd, between Hankerson
and Oxford Avenues; and in Oxford, Bedford, William ad Hankerson Avenues
betwesn Interlachen Blvd, qd FJ,52nd Street,, . Child moved that petition be
referred.to Public Utilities Committee for recommendation. Hotion seconded
by Danens and carriedai . f
lessrs. $rank and Allan Garrison xequested permission to 'convert their, four-plesr
atTrJl54th Strset to a "five-plex" by adding one apartment in the basement of
they had purchased an additional 950 square feet.of ground9 to provide sufficient
ground for this extra apartment (they were unable to secure the full 1,000 sqaure
feet required),
Building Inspector Igbehler; that if lk, Woehler approves, application be
grarLted, .Motion seconded by Bredesen. and carried+
He explained that it is
E&* fFformsbecker, requested
project would take some study because of the plat's -relati,on/-co OPO o& ra 8 p esen &Y
They explained that, at Building Inspector Woehlerrs insistence
Child moved that Xanager Mitchell be directed to confer with
Application for Off-sale Beer License at ,Grandviev Drug Store was referred to
next meeting, +for report by Police Departmente
State Highway Department f s notification of permit granted to Edina-Elorningside
School Board, for operation of a signle-afle schoolbus,along a route prescribed
by the Highvay Department was reviewed and ordered placed on fileo
Petition for Sanitary Sower in Townes Road, signed by owners of 100 percent of
the abuttzng properties, was filedr Child's motion, that petition be accepted
qnd the Public Hearing be set for Konday, February 2& 1952, at 7:30 Polas,
was ,seconded by Danens and carriedc
I *r.
qettor from Interlachen Park Association, commending Councilts viewpoint on
proposed through-highway. along Street car Right-of-Way, was reviewed and ordered
Council ievietued Financial Rep'ort if Edina Volunteer Fire Department Relief
Association, order>hat one copy be forwarded to State Insurance Cornmissioner
at oncee
Village Attorneylfindhorst reported that it is necessary for the Village to file
an entirely new aFplication for priority for water tank; that such application
has Seen prepared by Emager Mitchell and will go forwarded very shortly,; that
it will probably be necessary to personally contact Washington if we expect to
d placed on filer __ .- I
have this priority issued. No actioq takenv -_
Village Attorney Windhorst reported on the matter of a claim by A, J, Perreault,
Jr,, for automobae damages jn amount of some $5&s00, Child's motion, that
Tillage Attoriiey be directed to settle with
best advantage, was seconded by Bredesen and- carried,
Mr, H.C, Utfey, of Ernst & Ernst, Auditors, reported that Village Insurance
coverage needs cmsiderable revision; specifically,. that fire coverages are
now much top low and that Liability Coverages should be increased to $loo/
$200,0,00. Mr, Everett Davies of Davies and Davies Agency corroborated Nr*
Utleyts statement that an insurance survey should be made. Mrr Davies stated
that ix insurance counsel would cos$ Village approximately %l,OOO; that varieas
fnsurerers have service departments which will provide this service freel
Perraault to.the Villzgefs
I *
It wastbrought to Councills attention that some policies expire the first week in
Earth, and E.lr, Davies volunteered to write specifications so that Council may
zdvsrtise for bids for these policies.
Kayor Eric'aon explained the procedure for Rural Hennepin County Public Health
Nursing, and Bredesen offered the TollowingjResolution and moved its adoption:
FJHEEEAS: Pursuant to Section l45.08 and 145.12 Einnysota laws of 1949
as amended, provisions were made for the establishment of a public health
nursing district in that portion of Hennepin County outside of the City
of ErneapOlis*
v2,llages and cities of rurd Hennepin County in a meeting at Robbinsdale,
I~Gnnesota, established-a public health nursing district pursuant to
Sections l45,OS aad l45.12, hrus of*f949+as amended, and proceeded to
elect a Committee its pzovidedl for in this act to administer tha atfairs
of such Diskrict.
1 h
On January 4, 1952 the representatives of a number 02 toims,
Now, therefore, be it resolved by the governing body of the Village of
Zdha that this political subdivision be included in the public health
nursing district of rural Hennepin County as organized on Januaqr 4,1952,
and that it participate in the benefi%s thereof, and agrees to support
on an apportionment basis its pro rata share of the cost ofthe adnin2- *
stration of such ciistrict,
exceed ir; any one year thirty-seven. cents per capita on the basis of the
official 1950 Federal census, T
Xotion for adoption of the Besolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there
were four ayes and no nays, as follors:
and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was
Provided, however, that this cast shall not
Br aye; Denens, aye;
Uessrs+ Nitzel, 3IcXelli.s and Davies of the Fire Department reported that the
Rinneapolis Savings and Loan Company rdl present the Fire Department with a
First Aid Panel Truck, fully equipped, to the milximum cost of $10,000, for the
privilege of having its name on said truck, Child's notion, that the offer of
the Eimeapolis Savings and Loan Company be accepted with many thanks* Xotion
seconded by Bredesen and unaniuously carried.
-1 .- Nr,, --. ItiiJ;chell_regorted - that Attorney Vindhorst has been asked to aid in checking
the ownership of the Brookside Avenue RIV.
With regard to the proposed fill for Xerxes Avenue between 8.56hh and 1Tr58th
Streets, E@. ,Hiitchell reported that ErqeaRolis has already done most of this work.
1I.r. Danens stated that he has contacted 1-k. Peder, IEckelsents attorney; that Krr
Eickelsen is unwilling to furnish the necessary fill because he needs the dirt for
his om low lotsr 1-k. 'HitcheU. to have estiraate of yardage needed at ne& neeking.
Ilk. Eitchell reported thzt he has contacted County Engineer Zhe& regarding
Interlachen Boulevad, but wikhout reply to date, Xr, Child asked that 1.k. EEtchell
ascertain whether the County has Interlachen inaintenmce in its budget for 1952, and
zre %hey contempleting my temporary improvement at Coopr Avenue.
the Councilr After some discussion, Danens movedthat Street Commissioner Jonas
be instructed to continue snowploving.as in other yearsr Uotion seconded by Child
and carried.
- I
The matter of plovcbg snow in the Cahill Catholic Church Driveway came b-f ore
Snowplowing in CahU and School District No, 17 drives and parking lots was
discussed at some len&h+ Bredesen?s motion, that Street Commissioner be instructed
to plow school drivevqys as soon as possible, and to plow parldng areas when other
ploxing is conpleted, was seconded. by Child and carried. A
Hr, ?Xitchell s-abnitted a list of some timety buildjng contractors, who have been
beginning dwelling construction vdthout building permits,
letters be sent to all contractors, calling attention to fact that this procedure.
is illegal and stating that Comcil is considering adoption of an ordinance carry-
hg heavy pen.&ty for this offense, was seconded by Bredesen and carriedo Discussion
was had oa ordinance licensing building contractors and real estate operatars- .
Clerk Eaviikrorne enkered the neeting at this the,
1 '-
Child's motion, that
c .
CUE4 EO, - TO: :+ * . @40rnT FUND -.
6710 Eberhardt Company $ -1.16 Pp,I*R.
t C
6721 Village of Bdina $lOO,OO Sewer Rental
6713 George E. Thompson $ 37.43 Construction 6723 Phelps-Dr ake I Compmy 8&0*00 Fund 672k Phelps-Drake Cornpany 16,780 . 81 6725 - Phelps-Drake Company 12,350+96 6726 &-metti & Lametti 1,567,00 6727 Lametti & Lametti 1,797~15 ' 8 6728 Lanetti & Lametti 1,859*& 6729 Laxnetti & Lametti 8,982.05
6734 Glacier Sand &: Gravel 9.03 ,I TOTAL - $ 44,301~62
6730 Pfeiffer Construction Cor 97.35
Liquor Fund
Y5733( JSD#l) City Treesurer $ 1,281+78 Y5734(Sew@k Prudential Insurance 10 e32
D#13> .
u775 Anheuser-Busch, Inc. 3 206.76 IJ-176 Canada Drj Ghger-Be, &IC. . I 210.67 I
* u777 Clausen & Sons, Ins, . 496.53
. 90a81
32779 ._ Cold Spring Distributing Con 5620 U.780 ,Cornelius Beverage Co. 186, 37
' La781 Gluek Brewing Company 100.54 U782 . Kuetiier Distributing Cor 71e00 u.783 Massolt Bottling Conpany 15.20
n785 14Zmeapolis City Club Dis,Co, 226,56 32.786 Pforris Distributing Co, 1~?3.83.
jJ.787 Pabst Sales Company 297w89 U788 Rex Distributing Company 111, !3
jJ.790 0, E. Droney Beverage Go. 486r91 U791 Shell Company 620 51
' u.778 Coca Cola Bottling cob of: Prinn, Inc,
U784 14inneapolis Brewing Co, I, 102 96
U789 Seven-Up*Bottling Co. 102.72
c rJ-752 : Automatic Alarm 25.50 C u793 Northwestern Bell Tele, Cor 12645 =79r, Northern States Power Co, k26m ' a795 Killer Davis Company 3~50 m796 herican Linen Supply Coo 11.65 fi1797 Petty Cash 18o13 3J.798 3Eidland National Bank 239.60 L1799 'Ennesota Hosp, Bsstn 3eOO
Ll.800 Val, Bjornson,Treas~~ 73.3.5
L1801 - Zd* Phtllips & Sons Go. , 73 511.86 +
Ills02 P-fcfces son & Robbins 186*!3O tu803 + clld Peoria Col, Inc, c 1,355.58 *- +
u.804 i Griggs, Cooper &:.Go. e 2,763.49
3J-804 Zbin Brothers Co, 52.25 r 1
US06 Distillers Distributing Cos 2,530*19
LI.808 Northwestern Bell Tdlephone Co. 12.25
m807 George Ben5 Sons r 1~3~00
L1809 Northern States Fmer Co* 50.41
&TAL - 8 19,024063
There being no further business to come before the Council, Mseting was
adjourned at 1ltw P,M., by motion Br '