HomeMy WebLinkAbout19520211_ADJOURNED2/1Ef/52 I FIIIm OF THE ADJOURNED PORTION OF TEE I lZEUmY ll, 1952 "ING OF THE EDINA *- 'PILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD BIOFAY, I33BRUAB.Y 18, C L 1952, AT 7:30 PoMo, AT TKE EDINLL VILJ;AGE HJGL ._ Nembers answering RoLLca3l were Bredesen, Child, Danens, Hawthorne and Erickson, Plmning Conmission members attending the meeting were Krafft, Odell, Thorpe, Hiatt, Bprse, and Lewis; and Planning Consultants Nichols and Law were also present I. The petition of Iik* Carl M. Hansen, for permit to construct several double bungalows in his plat, "Parkwood Knolls Third Addition," was discussed at some len&th, bungalows inasmuch as Final Plat has not yet been presented and it is not known what Nr. Hansen intends for the area immediately adjacent to the double dwellings. Bredesen and carried,. The Gust Johnson plat, ~Y3outhwood Acres: was discussed in relation to Nr, Johnson's request for allowance of an exception tQ the Building Code Ln order that he might. begin construction of a dwelling before approval of final plat. sultant Nichols recommended that Council establish no such precedent, for the reason that one dwelling in an unapproved plat tends to restrict any changes which the Council. and Commission'might later deem advisable. lfr. Johnson's request for dwelling permit be denied until after final plat is approved. The Planning Commission stated that they would-not recommend double Hawthorne's motion that petition be denied was seconded by Planning Con- Child moved that I Motion seconded by Hawthorne and carried, ttYfinimum Lot Requirementsa for new subdivisions was the subject of considerable review by- both bodies, of developers in platting lots on curved streets; stating, that in his opinion, a seventy-five foot frontage on an outside curve is too much to require. also maintained that a depth of UO feet is sufficient in view of the more recent architectural dwelling designs, Child's motion, that Council reconsider its action of October 22, 1951, with regard to adoption in the Zoning Ordinance of +~l~~um Lot Requirements,?' and that matter be referred to Planning Commission and Village Attorney for further recomendatioas, was seconded by Hawbhorne and carried . Bk. Nichols asked that Council reconsider the problem He ' Village Manager Nitchell reported that IZRegistered Land Surveysn are now being received at this office, these surveys being subdivLsions of unplatted property prepared for the convenience of the Begister of Titles and County Auditor in describing properties for tax purposes. in conformance w2th Village Zoning Requirements, sale of individual tracts is misleading to purchasers in that they cannot always secure permits to build thereon. gation and report, Because tracts are not always subdivided Hatter referred to Village Attorney and Planning Commission for investi- .The Planning Commission reviewed for the Council its study and plan for the rezoning of certain areas in the vicinity of 50th Street, Highway No. 100 and Highway No. 169, Block 4, Tinsdale Bros. Brookside, and a small tract at the intersection of Interlachen Blvd. and Brookside Avenue, immediately North of the present Brook- side Bervice Station, Considerable discussion followed concerning the State Highway Departmen%rs plans for the 50th St .-No.lOO-No ,169 intersection, The Council asked that .the Corrrmission consider the S-batels plans when recommending the use of prope;rty for Block 4, Tingdale Bras.-Brookside and the other small tract North of the highway. convene in formal meeting for discussion and action. The plan, as presented, included two tracts Eorth of No, 169-- Chairman Kraff% asked that the Planning Commission I With the consent of all members of the Planning Comrkission then present (being Krafft, Odell, Thorpe, Hiat-t, Byerse and Lewis) a Special Meeting of the Commission t.ras held at the Village Hall at 8:l5 PdL, Monday,, February 18, for the purpose of discussion and action on formes recomendat'ions made to Council with regard to rezoning of certarin properties, Chairman Krafft presided, After some discussion, Lewis moved that the Commission reconsider its recommendation for the rezoning to Community Store District of Block 4, Tingdale Eros,. Brookside and Lots 48 and 49, Auditorts Subdivision No, 176, recommending to the Council that these tracts remain in.the Open Development District but that all other %racks shown on plan presented this evening to the Village Council be rezoned to Community Store District, voting Eor Lewis moved that Commission recommend to Council that a Fublic Hearing for Rezoning be held on the basis of revised plan proposed by'Comdssion, Notion seconded by HiatP; and carried, with Thorpe voting No, The business of the SpecizL Pieeting of the Commission haying been conducted, EiIeeting was adjowned at 8:45 P.M., by common consent of those present.. Notion seconded by Ryerse and carried, with Thorpe 4 - 2/18/52 Hawthorners motion, that Council conduct Public Hearing on 5iarch 24, 1952, at Yr3O P.T.I., at the Village Hall, on the matter of the Plaqg Commissionts recomendaf,ion for Rezoning to Commun$ty Store District, was seconded by Bredesen and maninously 20 MINNEAPOLIS, MINN., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2 I, 1952 __.. ._ - Edina residents March 24 be fdina zoning presented with a zoning proposal growing out of tmo ye& of study by the village pIanning commission. The proposal is designed to meet community store zone needs of the next decade. The map shows the present community store zone and extent of the proposed enlargement. Planners Propose Enlarged Edinu Communify Sfore Zone Two years of Edina planning commission study have pro- duced a proposal for an enlarged community store zone southWest of the Belt Line, Fiftieth street and Highway 169 intersection. The proposal is designed to fit state highway department plans to revamp the intersection and install stop and go lights. . 1 p.m. hlarch 24. t. several moves in 1951 to en- Petitions of Christ L of two tracts of ae~dina commd~ storeinpaq, for Rezoning to Comercial District at Fiftieth street andafter Public Hearing on proposed Rezoning to Codt. avenue S. were denied it after the Edina planning com- Illission recommended that the community store district there be held within its present The new proposal is 1. 21 The request of Liebenberg 8t Ka2lan, for permit to construct dwelling at an angle, on part of Lot 5, Auditor's Subdivision No. 325 (Ridge Road) was reviewed by Planning Commission and Council. well back from road and that plan conforms with.topogr3phy of-lsnd, sa^ no objection, and Hawthorne moved that permit be granted. by Bredesen and carried. le, Mitchell reported the request of Mr. Gilbert Barthel; 7100 Cahill Road, for permit to construct basement apartment in his dwelling. and Cormoission informally recbmmended that request be denied, Hotion seconded by Bredesen and carried. ''+ i It was reported that house will be situated Notion-seconded Comaission Plan was-reviewed, Hawthorne so moved. Mr. Bredesen reported the request of a Er. Lundgren for permit to face his dwelling on Grove Stseet, whereas lot. is platted. to race Bernard Place (Lot 1, Block 2, Benton Park). Bredesen and carried. Hawthorne~s motion, that request be denied, was seconded by The matter of insurance bids was discussed at some length, ahd office was informed that specifications be corrected to read that IIVehicles trayel principally in the Village of Edina". Child's motion, that office be directed to inform all prospective bidders that bid& .must be exactly in accordance with specifications; that any other bids will not be considered, was, seconded by Hawthorne and carrieda BTOORSIIIE Am RIGHT-OF-WAY: can find no record df the Village's ever'having owned the Right-of-Way for Brookside Avenue across Twin City.rZapid Transit Property, was noted and dis- cussed by cbuncil. directed to secwe by easement the Brookside Avenue Right-of-Way, or, if this is not possible, to initiate condemnation woceedings for same, was seconded by Bredesen and unanimously carried, PATTING FRANCE ATTEN&: Company's intention to take up its tracks along France Avenue immediately upon initiation of proceedings to pave this street, to work with State and County Highway, Enneapolis and Xorningside officials *in expediting this paving, WATIB TANK: that verb& approval had been received from Washington for second-quarter priority for steel for water tank. Discussion had, with Gomcil requesting report on actual location for proposed tank. E-. 'Ititchell's report, that Attorney Windhorst Pfotion by Qavhhorne, thst Tillage Attorney be authorized and It was reported that it is the City Rapcia Transit Council-directed Mznager Mitchell n Manager Mitchell conveyed to Council Attorney Xindhorst * s report PUhP HOUSB-UWSCAPING: Chairman Child of the Public Utilities Codttee ' *commented on the lack of landscaping at the Village pumphouse on 57th and South , 'Tier Lane. pumping stations, and Child hoved tkt Tillage Pianager be directed to establish a landscaping program for all pumphouse property. Motion seconded by Hawthorne and carried. This initiated a discussion as to the appearance of the other Three-Year Vublic Bnployees Blanket Position Bond", amount $10,000, with renewal premium of $265.57, w~s presented for Council's approval, Child! s motion, that bond be renewed with Charles ITD Sexton Company, at the above named premium, was seconded by Danens and carl*ied, - Child's motion, that office investigate cost of $500 Vublic Employees Blanket Position Bond," for employees of the Village Hall, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. Renewal of the foUowing insurance coverage 'was authorized by motion Child, seconded by Bredesen and carried: Village Toolhouse - $ll,OOO - Tri-State Mptuals (Mutual Gen,Agency) Prem,$101.29 Village Hall (Bldg,) - $@,OgO - St,P&ul Nutuals (Rydeen Agency) hem. $25.15 Village Hall (Cont ents)-$5,000- St ,Paul Kutuals (Xydeen Agency) &em. $25.60 - 5th Year of 5-Year Annual Pay Policy. 2nd Year of.5-Year Annual Pay Policy 2nd Ye? of 5-Year Annua.1 Pay Policy I &, Ever&t Davies of the Edina Volunteer Ere Depatment presented the Council with Ninneapolis Savings and Loan Company's check I?oD 4633, dated Felj*mary 12,1952, in the amount of $3,900, in payment of the First Aid Panel Truck origndly purchased, by the Village for the Fi*e Dapartmeit, which th3 Company is now purchasing from the Village for donation to the Department,' Check accepted by Council and thanks extended to the Company. Village Attorney Windhorst with regard to procedure for purchasing any equipment for this truck which is later to be paid for by the Company; that it is Counc$l'S opinion that purchases must be authorized by Council if they are ordered,in the name of the Village; that if not so authorized, they must be ordered-in the name of the Company, Fr* .Darks vas dhectea to see - - 22 2/18/52 There being no further business to come before this Neeting, it was adjourned at ur45 pa&, by motion Bredesen, seconded by . 4 . 1.IINuTES OF THE %%XLAR HSETDJG OF "€33 BDDTA-.VIIJAGE COTCIL, HELD ~ I.IDI~AY, ~U&Y 25, 1952, AT- 7:30 P.N, AT TIjE EDIXA m4GE H41J; _. . ._ . _- . 7.. Kembers answering $ollcall were Bredesen, Child, Hawthorne and Erickson, IGnutes of the February llth Keetiqg and oP the Adjourned portion of the February llth Neeting held February l&h, vere approved as submitted, by mot?on Hawthorne, seconded by Bredesen md carried, Tkyor Erickson called 'public Hearing on Proposed Sanitary Sever for Tovmes Road from 11, 49th Street to approximately SO feet. North thereofl. ASfiClavLt of Publicakion of Notice of Hearing appearing in Edina-Norningside Courier, February 7 and 14, 1952, 1;s read, Village Engineer 1.Etchell's Estimate of Cost was given as $2,027.70, or $3.38 per assessable foot, Simpson advocated_ that sever be installed by Uay 7, if po5sible, Engineer DIitcheU. advocatgd that Council approve project but delay advertising for bids until other jobs can be advertised, in'order to ezfect lower costs for all concerned, offered the following Reso-lution and moved 53s adoption: There vere po objections from the floor, and Ur. Benjanin Child * R&5OL~TION OlUBRING D~OlDK!&T SANITBRY SlWEE .D*Pmm*XIIT NO. r;L BZ IT ~EXILTfSD by the Council 03 the_ViJJ+ge of Edina, Ennesota, that this Council heretofore-caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed imyovement consisting of Construction of Sanitary Lateral Sewer and Appurtenances in Townes Road froBW,4%h Street to a point approxi&tely 280 feet North thereof, and at the hearing held at -tihe time and place spcified in said iiotice the'C0unci.l has duly considered the view of all parsons interested, and being filly aduised"of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to poceed with the construction of said iqrovenent; that said improvenent is heseby desQnated and shall be referred to in alL subsequent proceedings as Sanitary Sewer Improvement Ro+ &L, and the arca to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land'abutting and froriting upon the streets in which said inyorovzEent is to be constructed. I.Sotion for adoption of the Resolution was duly seconded by HaThhorne, afid SA €Lollcall *I there were. four ayes and no nays, as follms: -aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolutior, V~S / &apr * Villa&eTlerk . 1 I TbG OFtBIDS-Ii~SW12CE: Pursuant to 2dvertfsement for Bids-Insurance, r.;hich appeared-in Edina-I.Iorningside Courier February IL, an8 21, 1952 as confirwd by Xf5davit of Publication read by Clerk, lbyor caSled"for bids on Comprehensive, 110rkmEKirs Compensation and Group Accident coverages accordkg to specifications prepared far and appmved by the Council, Sealed bids were receive&from the' following, ana were publicly opened and read: Shelby T+@tua3. Casualty Company of Shelby, Ohio - Office, St .Paul, agent Betty Doolittle Anderson agency, Yhe aplis Rydeen Agency, 1iLinneapoIi.s - on Workments Comp&nsation only Hardwae Eutuals of Stevens pt., lJis^conson - Agent R, K. Stensrud Because of the detaU of the bids, Child nioved that bidsbe referred to ViDge Nanager for tabulat5on znd report at another meeting to be arranged later, Hawthorne and carried, The County Auditors s notifieaiion that Lot 1, Block 3, Sunnyslope Section is .now classified as tax forfeited land, vas reviewed. EIatter-referred to Eoard of Park Gomissioners for their,recmendation as to possible use for park and plagpound purposes1 .c David Agency, $rime apolis - Xarsh & NcLerJnan, Nimeapolis - r -- 4 -I Kotion seconded by 1 14 $.Ira Lerne, mmer of 5901 OaUavrn Avenue, requested prmit to rent out his tldouble dwellinglt. to house-two fdies. ments for two-fdy dT.relling. He explained that house has been rented for years, that it vas constructed Council was informed that property does not meet zoning reqpire- Attorney tJindhorst ruled that present use of property