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x** Kembers answering
entering later as
I- -- * .. Rollcall were Bred&&, Cdd; Danms and Erickson, with Hawthorn8
recorded below.
EnUtes of the January 28th lfeeting were approved as submitted, by motion Child,
seconded by Danens and carried*
Xr* Jacdbs presented petitions for Grading, Gravelling, Sanitarg Sewer, Water Ebin
and Blacktopping, for streets in Virginia Avenue Addition. 3hager r.litchell reported
that cerbab easements have yet.to be secured before full street right-of-way is in
the name of the Village, and recornended that nothing further be done until said
easements are in, Danensf moticm, $hat Council act in accordance withManager*s
reeomendations, was seconded bJa: Chjcld and carried*
Clerk Hawthorne entered the meeting at this time.
Final Plat of !%icbnond Hills Third Addition'! was presented, together vith Planning
Commission Becoimneridations that .Council approve it. I-kmager EEtchell eqlaned that
Final plat does not agree with Preliminary Plat as presented; that one tract included
in the-pre- plat has been removed from final plat; that four lots facing Hansen
Boad were not included in preliminq but have been included as part of final plat.
After reviewing Planning Conmission Recommendations, Hawthorne's motion that Final
Plat of Richond Hills Third Addition be approved for record, was seconded by
Redesen and carried. I
I) I
Xdina-Horningside Courier's notification of theh approval. as a %econd=class news-
paper" was filed trith Council. .Assistant Editor .Hanson corroborated this .with letter
from Washington. Havhhorne*s motion, that EcEna-3fombgside Courier be designated as
2Xtbar-s Official Publication for balance of year .1952, subject to their grant of ten
percent discount from bid price, .for cash, was.seconded by Danens and carried,
The matter of contract for relief adminigtration for Edina for the year 1952 was
discussed, and Child offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption=
4l Born *
BE IT BESOIYED. That the contract.submit;ted by the Suburban Hemepin County -~ -
Relief Board of - the'County of Hemepin for ,the administration and supervision of
poor relief in the Village of Edina be accepted and approved: and
BE ITP mfIETHER RESOLVED, That the proper officers of said Village of Edina be
direc%ed.to execute said contract in duplicate and when executed to return one of
said contracts to the Suburban Hermepin County f3.elief Boardt
The question was on the adoptioi of the resilution and the roll being called there were
five ayes and no nays, as follous: Bredesen, aye; Child, aye; Danens, aye; Hawthorne,
aye; andErickson, aye; and so the Resolu$ion.w
The following license applications were received, appJicants having been approved by
Police Department:
~ Ferdinand A. Hollen, dba Graukev Drugs, 5poiVernon Bvee - Okf-Sale 3*2 Beer
to April 1, 1952
, .Food, Cigargtte ----- to April 1, 1952 -
Herle P. aer, dba Purity D&y. Store, 5018 @ance,Avem Sodff-Sale 3.2.Beer,
Iiawthornets motion, that licensis be granted, was sgconded by Damns and carried.
Claim of Virginia Burnett, in alpount of $10,000, for injuries allegedly suffered to
leg and ankle ia a fall on the pider.ra;Lk at 3940 Vest 492 Street, was filed and, by
motion Hawthorne, seconded by Dwens and capied3- was referred to Village Attorney
Windhorst for investigation. .
&mager IEtchell presented Fjnai Plat of llCarolane", situated Vest of Cahill School
and South of U.7Oth St*reet.
reviewed, but Jir. Nitchell reported to Council that a drainage problem exists here.
Hawthorne* s motion, that action be deferred pending discu6szon between Village
Manager and Developer with regard to correction of drainage problem, was seconded by
Danens and carried.
I( Y
FTanning Commission recommendation for approval was
Request was made from the audience, for street lights on Kellogg Avenue between
Ill,5&h and 3L62nd Streets*
that Manager 3Etchell check with 3bgineer Ulssen to see if these lights had not
alreadybeen ordered, with report at nextaeeting.
15r' Ifitchell presented Final Plat of a portion of *V'&ley View Terrace" together
with Planning Commission* s Februazy 6th recommendation for approval,
that public utilities easements are not shown thereonr
Final Plat be approved, for record, subject to, placing of utilities easements
thereon, was seconded by Hawthorne pnd carried*/
. Mre Russell Lundts request for ped% to erect a 99rfront building directly Hest
of the Edina-Theatre on 11,50t;h Street, wi$h setback-.to be six feet from present
sidewalk lbe, was discussedr Hr" Lund explained that this building will have no basement. Hawthorne's motion, that perntit be'approved subject to buildingts.+
compliance with all building regulations, was seconded by Child ad carried., .
Mks. Bernice Suetter, who wishes to establish a beauty parlor in the basement of
her home at 6024 Kellogg Avenue, requested that Public Hearing be held to enable
her to proceed wigh her plans. Attorney Ffindhorst ruled that a beauty parlor
is definitely a ltComercial use of propertylr and that to enable this useage
the Council. must-either rezone the Suetter property or amend its ordinancg. An
objection to the beauty parlor was raised fromthe floor, and Hrs. Suetter with-
Chairman Child of Public Utilities Conwittee requested
He, reported
Bredesents motion, that
+, +
' drew her request for permit,
Mr* A&. Bogenrs petition% for Water in Brookside Heights was discussed at some
length, with E~bnager Mitchell reporting that connection to the present water
system Vrill give Brookside Heights properties a malo'mum of twenty-five popnds
water pressure--which 9s insufficient for fire fighting purposes at any time
and which would also be insufficient for domestic use during periods of great,
water consumption elsewhere. He reported that a new thkand pump will be
necessary to give these people the service they desire; and Council r,eviewed
for audience the difficulties it is experiencing insecuring steel priority for
water tank now approved for construction, stating that it will undoubtedly be
sone years before Brookside Heights can be served. After further discussion
with Bogen, Hawthorne moved to refer matter to Village Engineer f0r ftwGher
study and a report at the next meeting* Hotion seconded by Child and cpried.
Revised Preliminary Plat of Gust Johnson's "Southwood Acres" was presented,
together with Planning Comaission's recommendation for approval providing the
North 165 feet of Lot 7, Block 3 be dedicated to the Village together .with all
of Outlot rlA!. M2, MitckiiU, reported N2. Johnsonts xequest that exception to
Building Code be allowed, to permit construction of a dwelling on Lot 5, Block 3
of "Southwood Acres" immediately, together with Planning Commissions s recommen-
dation for such exception, Building Inspector Woehler recornended agdnst
such procedure, statingthet a building peMt here will establish the plat on its present basis; that any ature change will be difficult with a building
already situated on one tract.
after Joint Planning Commission-Coulncil Heetiug sf February 18, Eotion seconded
by Hawthorne and carried. T
Child*s motion, that approval be withheld until
&. E&, Stow reported that a large hole is predent in the business district
on Highway 169, presenting a definite hazard to children. Hawthorne's motion, tbt Village lhager be directed to investigate and to take whatever .action is
necessary to have this hazard resnoved, was seconded by Danens and carriedr
Application for Plumber's License for Lmd & Spetz, 5820 Logan Avenue South, to
April 1, 1952, accompanied-by necessary bond, was rev5ewed.
license be granted was seconded by,Hawthorne and carried..
Request of Nr. &gwbice Orvis, for 20 M)?H signs in his neighborhood, was reported
by ISanager 1Etchel.l.
inform Mr, Qrvis that State Highway Department will not allow establishment of
20 MPH Zones, and that Police Department be directed to endeavor to enforce the
30 MPH regulations in this area, was seconded by Bredesen and carried.
r Manager Hitchell and Chairman of Public Works,Danens again reported the need for
a new Road Patrol. Hawthorne's motion, that Counci$ advertise for bids for new
Road Patrol, with bids to be,taken Xondqy, March 10, was seconded by Danens and
Child's motion that
r t
Hawthorne's motion, that Village lkiager be directed *to
Supt. of Public Utilities Tloehler and Chairman of Public Utilities Child reported
the need of a clean-up, paint-up job on the old water tank.
directing the advertisement for bids on this project, with bids to .be taken
Monday, March 90, was seconded by Bredesen and carried*
Child's motion,
\ Nanager Elitchell reported on Sand, Gravel axxi Rock bids taken at the last regular
meeting, as follows: t + -*
The bids of Glacier Sand and Gravel Company and Hedberg Freidheim ad equal as to
Torpedo Sand--$.98 per Yard at Plant, $1.68 per Yard Delivered; but the Village saves
a six-block haul by purchasing from Glaciere Hawthorne's motion, that bid for
Torpedo Sand be .awarded to Glacier Sand and Gravel Company at $a98 per Pard at +
Plant, $1.68 per Yard Delivered, was seconded by Danens ahd carried.
The bid of Hedbbrg-Freidheb is low on the folloving: . Buckshot Gravel, 0 $2.31 per Yd, at Plaf;, $3.01 per Yd, Deliveredp
Crushed Rock , 0 $2.31 per Ydr at Plant,&.Ol per Yd. DeLivered
Pea Gravel , 0 $2.39 per Yd. at Plant,$3.09 per Yd. Delivered
Hawthorne's motion, that,Hedbe$g-Freidhe@ be awarded bid on the three item listed
above, was seconded by Child and carriedo *
* t
3h-0 $Etchell recommended that all bids be rejected on Pit Run Gravel, and Child so
m0ved.t Notion seconded by kwthorne and carriedo _.
Discussion was had with regard to burning of garbage.
that Garbage Collection Ordinance gives power to the Village Engineer to order
garbage collection where he deems it necessary,
list of "garbage burners11 from Health Officer Campbell, for action by Village
Bugheerr -
Proposed Ordinance to License Builders and Developers Wag'discussed at some length,
yith Attorney Windhorsf, reqrzesting further instructions from Councilo Attorney to
It was, reported by office
Office was instructed to secure
- -3
*I 4 present first draft of ordinance at earliest opportunityr 1
Hrsr W.F. Ewers February Uth letter, setting forth her difficulties in securing
aid on Sunday, the loth, to repair sewer back-up, was filed. Public Utilities
Supt. V'oehler reported that, as there is usually no-one at the Village Hall on
Sundam., he believes Hrs. &re called Ninneapolis and that this caused the delay
she spoke of. Village E.ianager EIitchell directed to talk with Plrs. Ewe in an effort
to get mtter straightened outo
Petition for Water Ha5.n in St.Johns Avenue between IL59th and V.60th Streets was
filed, together with office report that it had not yet been checked as to percentage
of s-igners. Hawthorne's motion, that petition be referred to Village Hanager for
study and report at next meeting, vas seconded by Child'and carried.
The petition of Indian Hills residents, for one 'street light at the entrance to the
subdivision, and their written objection to the 5nstallation of any street lights
in the subdivision, was filed. Village mager Hitchell asked $0 m&e report at
next meetbg with regard to street light requested for Indian Hills, and also
as to street-fights for Valley View Hei&ts and Countryside Additions, requested
fate in 19%.
pflanager liiitchzll reported the request of Harley Hopkins School, District No+ 135,
for pellnissionto operate single rear axled%usses on Interlachen Road, Blake Road,
*'Schaefer Road and Naloney Avenues Child's notionr that request be grml&, wag
seconded ?qy Danens and carriedc
Edina Board of Pask Commissioners* notice of February 8, that Ur. Hemann +€is.
Strachauer t&U be Board Chaiman for 1952, with Xr. 3ElliaplFr+ Ladis the %ad
representative on the Planning Commission, was read and ordered placed on file,
Police Depahent Report for Bhth of January, 1952, and the Yearly Report for 1959,
were submitted and ordered placed on file.
The matter of fill for *Xerxes Avenue between I!* 56th and IL 58th Streits was' again
brought to Council1s attention by llk&ager Nit-chell, who rdded Council that a
drainage problem exists in this area; that a culvert will be needed.at 57th and
line, and recommended that northing further be done for the immediate present.
No action taken.
Child's motion, that Council approve payment of Village Payroll, amount; $'7,635.929
and ILquor'Store Payroll, amount $1,155.61, for period Februarg 1 to 15,. inclusive,
1952- and Overtime for January, 1952, as reqorded in 'detail in Payroll Ledger, and
that Council approve payment of the fol&owing claims, was seconded by,Bredesen
and carried: 7
c t
1 -I
He stated that Pl[inneapolis had Sill& practically to.the West street
1 c T r.
17 TO:
6743 Arthur IC, Petersen
cm NO. - 2/21/52 _. FUND
$1,694.00 - ( -
Suburban Chevrolet Coo $ 92.70 . 23062 6744 6746
6747 6748
6745 Edina Sand & Gravel Ca.. -96.35
WoEo Lahr COO 160.62 EQuIP032Em Win, H, Ziegler Coo, Inc,
Brede Truck Body & Equip, Coo ' 4O2.52 $ 67946. -
Edina Sand & Gravel COa 206.38
Alfred S+ Jones 13.79 6745 6755
6756 * William F0 McGiU
67 50
6753 67%
I'liorthwestern Matlo Bank of Npls.
Northwestern Bank of Mpls.
Northwestern Natl, Bank of Mpls*
Northwestern Natl. Bank of jdlp3.s. -
First Natl. Bank of Hpls.
First Natl;. Bank of Mpls.
129 5 073
Y5735 First Natl, Bank 02 Hpls.
First Natl. Bank of Mpls.
Suburban Hennepin Cohty Relief Board
Distillers Distributing Corn
&in Brothers Go.
Famous Brands, Iuc.
Griggs,. Cooper & Co. McKesson & Robbins
&id-West Wiqe Coo, Tnca
Distillers Distributing Go+
Ebin Brothers Co.
Famous Brands, Inc.
Griggs, Cooper & Co.
Ed, Phillips & Sons Co.
IJIanager XEtch&l.preseqted --.--- ..- to Council a report showing that the capacity of Joint d
Sew& No. -1 will have been'reached before full development of property originally
proposed to be served by this trunk sewer and properties outside the original
area which have recently been assessed for 1fOutIet to Sanitary Sewer No. B-ln,
I%?, Etchell presented original survey of Toltz, Erig gpd Day, Consulting Engineers,
dated November 18, I948 and entitled 'Beport on Sanitary Trunk Sewer," showing the
mea originally proposed.for connectiQn to Joint-Sewer No, 1, w@ch they name
"Area All. lfr, Ititchell reported as follows:
1. According to State Board of Health and Mpls. Sewer Dept. figures, Joint
Sewer No . 1 will have reached its capacity at- 2,974. connections
2. "Area At* already has 1,952 connections to Joint Sewer ,No. 1, and there is
a potenkial of 1,800 additional connections in this =ea. 3. Joint Sewer No.. 1r.rill be almost 800 connections over its capacity, for
"Area A" alone, providing property is developed to its maximum potentialc 4. Added to this is 11Outlet for Sanitary Sewer B-111, which exLends beyond
the boundaries of-:Area All, aqd which contains a potential of 1900 connections for Jout Sewer Nos 1, Y
Thus, Joint Sewer No. 1, serving both "Area 8" and the area assessed for
"Outlet to Sanitary Sewer E-131, will be-gossly overloaded at maximum
potential developens of these two areas.
Council should reach a decision immediately, with regard to areas outside
the above'two areas, which wish to secure sewer service,
Considerable discussion was had, and Hawthorne offered the following Resolution
I and moved its adoption:
<i ,
* 38 2/11/52
JOT SEtEEt NO, .1 TO CWml S€!l$CIy ,.. Frn ARE;As -. .
fJHa"rzFLs, that Edina !Trk Sewer which cokect;-&th the Eaneapc$L&s Setrer Systen
at V:54th Street and Xerxes Aveque and r.rhich is otherwise h0T.m
No. '1 vas originally plauned_and constructed to serve a certain area within this
TiiUage Limits described as ylArea Art (refer to November 18,1948 IzeFort on Sdtary
Trunk Sever, by Toltz, Ring agd Dayl; and
Joint Sewer
** c TXW, at the advice of its Yillage Engineer, the Village Council did, on April
23, 1951, levy an assessment for Sani-f;arySetrer aghst certain properties outside
the'boundaries of said*'gArea At*; said assessment having besn levied for Wutlet to
SanitaYy' Sewer Improvement B-J? (for boundaries, see Zinutes of Febmarg,12,1951>,
and'.r.rhich poprties are proposed to be connected to said,Joint Serrer No, 1 in the
fGture; and ."
TZIEEZAS, it is apparent to this Council that the capacity of said Joint Sewer No. I
_- r.Tilz hatre been reached before potential nw&.uum development of l*Area A" gad "Out-
NOV, THEREF$dE, k3 IT &%DLm by the CounciL of \he Village of Edina that -
conhections to Joint.Sewgr-No. 1 ba confined ~&t&.in the boundaries of "Areas A
and Outlet to Sanitarg Sewer Zuprovement and that petitions for sanitary
sever from properties Qutside. said areas ceceive no' conqideration from this
Cotincir with regard to connection to said Joint Sewer Nq. 1,
+ x
-9 . I Tet to Sanitary Sewer Ihpvement B-1," -_
I.lotiorl for adoption of the Resolution vas seconded by'child, and on Rollcall there
we2e five ayes and no nays, as follovs: B
Hawthdnis, aye; and Erickson, aye; and-the
; Danens, aye;
Y +
Kanager Ei-tchell reprted that ~*Hollyr.rood Kanor1f 3t 66th and France is outside
Sewer Areas *tAl' and flB-lll, and that, therefore,,a saaitaxy sewer connection is
inadviseable,-,He reported that a water line to serve this subdivision is feasiblec
The matter of insurance for the Tillage ~ras*discussed at some length, v5th m.
Everett Davies offering several recommendations.
Hawthorne's motion, appointing Ek. Everett Davies of. Davies & Davies fnsurance
Agency as.Agent of Reeord for Village Pump Eowes, vas secozded bg Bredesen and
cwried. - d
I *
1.k. Davies recommended the Liquor Store Business Interruption Insurance be carried
with .better. knovm undenmit ers . Child' s mot ion, t 4at $his hsurance be allowed
.to lapse at July 1, 1952, was seconded.by Bredesen and carried.
HawthorneTs motion, that Council advertise for bids for a Comprehensive %ability
PoScg, but specifically excluding *lproducts liability1I was secor;ded by Bredesen
and carried. c 'I -
Hawthorne!s motion, that Council advertise for bids for Group Accident Policy
for Edina .Volunteer Fire Department, .with &O.OO -weekly inde&iy; &O.OO non-
disabling .injury benefit; $3,040 death benefit; and with $1,000 meha1 'benefit
providing this is not covered by llorkmen's Compensation policy, was seconded 'by
Bredesen and carried.
In compliance with request by Council, Supt. of F'ublic Utilities lloehler presented
schedule of proposed prater rates, Hatter referred to Pub=& Utilities CormiEtse.
I&. Everett Davies request that Coukcil finance installation of car radio (rgceiving-
trwdtting .set) for First kid Panel Tqck,
authorize installation-of Po@ce.Radio in First Aid Panel Truck, vas seconded by Bredesen and czsried. ..-
I4atter of radio-phone for fire department squad truck iias referred to Tillage Eanager
for study, by motion Hatrthorne, seconded by Bredesen and carried.
1-k. Ben Voehler reported requkst by Liebenberg B Ilaplan fpr pdt to construct
dwCli.ng at an angle on park of Lot 5, Auditor's Subdivision no, 325.
motion, that matter be laid over-to mee%ing of .February 25, was seconded by Bredesen
and carried.
Bredesen' s motion for adjournment
Hawthorne* s motion, that Council
age Clerk