HomeMy WebLinkAbout19520225_ADJOURNED26 { E: 6792 6813 68% 6815 6816 6817 6818 6822 2/25/52 To: Badger $let& Efg. Co, Northern SCates Power Co . N. W. Bell'Telephone Co. Young Fuel 'Co. City Treasdrer S1.B. Skindr Go, Pratts ZxpYess Co, L Bates ElecXric Service Go. I&terous C6mpanr B eC 3 ApplZance Go. Totm & CouUitry Hdwe. Rex Distriljuting Co . ?ZaneapoliS Brewing 00. Cold Spring Co. Clausen & Sons, Inc. Pabst Sale5 Go. Weuser-Xsch, Inc. Npls . City' Club Distributing Go 1-forris Disfiriblrting Go, 1-kssolt Bo€tling Go. Cmada Dry'Ginger Ale, Inc. Thomas I.foo5.e & Coo. Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of Hnn. Inc. Kuether Dis'tributing Co. Gold I4edal "Beverage Co . Eller Davis Go. Victor Adding &chine Co. Bates EZectric Service F.J, Quinn'Papsr Co, Gnarles IT. 'Sexton Go. Gaspenter Paper Co. %ell Oil Co. American Linen Suppl6 Co, Northern SZat es Power Go . Petroleum 'service Seven-Up Bbttling Co . min Brothers Co, Sunderland' Supply Go, t KcTCesson st' Robbins Val.. Bjorn'son, Treas. €!ERA Erin. Hos& Serrr. Assn. _._ Gluek Bret3ng Co. 0. I& Dro~ey Beverage Co. Griggs, Cobpr & Co. F~OUS Brahds, Dice AXOUNT 31,668.80 ' 584.43 u. 70 62.90 81.25 340% 4*& 33.30 * 393.07 4.60 52 ' 55.@ 1,181.39 56.60 550.72 385 .u* 196.72 222o76 137.68 35 032 . 3.47.78 27.90 43 084 45.76 107 e30 . 6.00 20.00 - 89.75 + 21.54 265 57 2l.89 * 63.89 11.65 4 43 030 5oCO 63.00 1,061.74 877.39 49.00 ' 300,oo 62.44 3.00 235 51 501.40 1,065 074 CI I WATEB FUND $2,882.25. The hour being late (&45 P.N.], Bredesen nroved that Neeting be adjourned until Saturday, 3Iarch 1, 1952, at 330 PAL I: .. h 3femberp answering BoLlca3.1 were. Bredesen, Child, Danens and Hav&hoxne* Nayor Pro Tern Child presided in Hayor E;rickson's absence. Reports on Insurance bids taken February 25, 1952, tere presented by Ehnager PEtchell and Everett Davies. Reports showeb the following: *.* 'IXEWE3VS CO3EENkATION - Low Bidder, Hazatae Pzutuals ofStevens Point, T'Esconsin. Bredesents xotion, that llorlanen's Compensation Policy be awarded to Hardware &futuals, wai seconded by Hawtfiorn*e, and &&ousIy+ carried. ($1378.27). COWREHEXSIVE HATERIBL DAFIA(;E - L0.r; Bidder, Shelby IIutual Casualty Go. of Shelby, Qkb--&sr B?tty Doolittle, Agent. 3% Davies pointed out that this, Company may be unqg to accept this coverage^ at qyoted bid, inasmuch as'khey are not low bidders qnthe other policies. Brededen's motion,"bhat Comprehensive Material Damage Coverage be awarded to Shelby Hutual .CasuaLty Co, provided they are willing to accept this policy alone, was sec6nded by Hathhorne and carried. ($498.49) a 3/1/52 nm C@ll?REmSm LIABILITY aETD COIdPRlXE3~ AUTONOBTIE RXCCES. Identical bids 4t by David Agency, Anderson Agency and Harsh-& Nchnnan (for American Associatkd __ Insurance Companies) at premiums of $1,316.69 and $l,W%U+ respect.ively;? the ' alternate bid of David Agency -for Comprehensive Automobile, under a Pestrictive endorsement, "automobiLe equipnent is used principally in the Village of Edinalt . having been wikhdrah prior to this meeting, - +. - I Hawthorne moved that Comprehensive Liability and Comprehensive Automobife Policies be awarded to David Agency, and- that, if Shelby Eutual Casualky qo* is unwilling to accept Comprehensive Material Damage policy, this @so be awardedvto David Agency. Hotion seconded by 3redesen and carried, with Child not voting.. T* I&, Everett Davies presented his statexnent for services as ksuranee Counsel, in amount of $&&m. seconded by Danens and, carried, with Bredesen not voting, Hawthomets motion, that dLaim be approved, was Heated discussion follcwed, between Council and lbO Davies, as to "restrictive endorsementff bid by David Agency; and, ,as a result Chereof, Hawthorne moved that Council reconsider matter of' award of Comprehensive Liability and Comprehensive Automobile Policies, Notion seconded b@'anens. and carried, with Bredesen not voting, c* " e Bredesen moved that Comprehensive Liability and Comprehensive Automobile Policies be awarded to hderson Agency,, &otion lost for want of a second* Hawthorne moved that Tillage Council askc for time extension riders on present policies covering Comprehensive Liability and Automobile Liability, reject all bids taken February 25 on specifications for these coverages, and advertise for bids on Compqehensive Liability and Automobile Liability spedfications to be taken Monday, April U, advertisement to-include Comprehensive Xaterial Darnage coverage if' Shelby Eutual Casualty Co. will. not accept award made today. &tion seconded by Damns and carried, with Bredesen not voting. 7 It was noted that no bid had &en entered for the February 25 letting, 'on the Edina Volunteer Fire Department Group Accident PoEcy, which expires as of this date. Manager MitcheU presented a bid by Aetna Life Insurance Company, Prenium a64.50, epregentsd by the Co~pany after Februarg 2% Some discussion followed, wikh Mr. BEtcheU pointing out that Council. must fwhich does not meet'preseiit specifiwtions) or accept this one bid. . ' - either-secure an immediate rider to its present policy with.Fred Le Gray 'I Hawth&ne moved $ha% Volunteer 'Fire Department-Group BccPdent Policy be awarded to Aetna Ufe Insurance'Company at premiun quoted3 Hotion seconded by Danens; and carried. The €%--.Plat of- Wouthwood Acresu by Gust Johnson was review; and discbsed, with Efianager Etchell recommending-that it be approved, subject to dedication for park usee Hawthorne's motion, approving Final Plat of %ou$hwood Acresft subject to park dedication'; was _. seconded by Panens and carried, * I viuag6 gttorneyts bpinion, that ~ouncil cannot -raise water- rates as of April lbilling because this would constitute a retroactive raise, was reviewed. Discussion was had as to propriety d raising rates during smer quarters* Hawtho-mers motion, that Council reconsider its action taken Febzyary 25, and refer matter of water races raise to Mayor, Public Utilities and Ordinances and Legislation Committees for farther studyy was seconded by Bredesen and carried. t PAXXNG FRANm AVEMVE. finager plitchell reported on his meeting of February 29, with Twin City'Rapid Transit Company representatives, wfiich cane about as the result of a streetcar accident onFrance Avenue on the 2&h* TCRT Co. will cooperate in maintaining France Avenue to the exbent of repairing its tracks, but not to the extent of paving; that the Company expects eventually to substitute bus service for its present streetcars, but that this will not be for about three years. I&. Mitchell reported the rpmest by W. Fred Ossanna of the Company for a meeting with the Council t,Ms next week, Hawkhorhe moved as follows: - 1* That ViUage Manager- Wgineer be directed'to prepare plans and specific&ions for the Paving of France Avenue from W&th to W.49th Street and'from W&st to lJ*!%th Street, inclqding plans and $pecifications for Curb and, Gutter for that abutting property which does hot already have Curb and Gutterr - 2, That the ViUage of Morningside, City of 'Minneapolis, County of Hemepin, State oflanesota, and Twin City Rapid Transit Company be inv5ted to participate in this program. 3, or, if the Cornpan? is unwilling to participate fully, to<remove its tracks between W&&h and tJ.54th Streets, repaving that portion of the street between We49th and W0fjrst Streets, substituting bus service along the present France Avenue line and furnishing extended bus service into 'Edlna. , > He stated that That Twin City Rapid Transik Company be asked to pave between its tracks, 41 That Village 28 3/1/52 c Council conduct a Public Hearing on the mtter of Paving France Avenue as of lionday, April @I.,' 1952, at 7:30 P,EI,,. at the CoponUn,ity Room of the Eaina High School, IIotion seconded by Bredesen and unanimously cardeb. A We Klein's proposal to grade down VUge-or.med street right-of-way in return for fill for his abutthg low property was reported by Ikmager Ifitchell and declined by Council. . Hawthorne moved -for adjournment . Hotion seconded by Bredesen and carried. Neeting adjourned at 5:20 PI& =. I Village Clerk L c I ct 1 I-Iembers answering Rollczill were Child, Danens, Hawthorne and Erickson, Ninutes of the Regular Neeting of Febz%a-W:25;?1952.knd the Adjourned Portion of the February 25th Heeting held Saturday, Fkch 1, were approved as read, by Hotion Child, seconded by Danens and carried. First Hatter of Business ims taking of bids oq Bituminous Surface Pfaterials. Clerk read $ffidavidi of Publication in Edina-Norningsidide Courier and Construction Bulletin for 1rAdverti;sement for Bids-Road Oil and Tar," pubushed in those two publications February 28 and Narch 6, 1952, and the following sealed bids+ were publicly opened and read. c BMN&ITWIS .& ASPHoCOo RS2 (Tank*Cars) E32 (Tank Trucks) SSl (Tank Cars) SSL (Tank Trucks) cT&ck Lots) mcms OIL bo. (At Plant) (At Plant) * BLACKTOP SEXVICE CO. * Eb31L SB?E&L & SONS (At Plant) SflELL'IE OIL GO. . (Tankcars) EXUISI- CUTBACK FIJm . AspMlALT ROADTAR ROADOIL ASPHALT HOTREADYHOTREADY - -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 8.1600 ' . -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- . -0- Si1025 ,125 -0- -0- -0- I ? %0900 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- * -0- $4.70 $4.60 0% I -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- $4.70, $4.60 -0- Child's motion, that bids be referred to Village Hanager for tabulation and report at the nexL regular meeting, was seconded by Danens and carried. Clerk read Affidavit of Publication for "Advertisement fo$ Bids, Cleaning, Painting. and Repairing Village Irater Tank and Tower,Ir appearing February 28 and Earch 6,1952, in Edina-Norningside Courier, and in Construction Bulletin; and the following sealed bids were publicly opened and reaa: * C &Brn BID c ORXGIN& (SAND BLAST BD b,5'75JQ e HissisSippi Valley Tank Goa, IIinneapolis f4idBest Tank & Painting Go!, Edina $1,185.00 * $1,485.00 Master- Cleaninip Service,. Eheapolis - $2, 293Jm Speehon Elevated Tank Service, Rockford, Ill1 " if 62~~50 -0- Feighner Co,, Fremont, Ohio . 8 6m.00 $1,180.00 Sullivan & Sons, Hound, Elinn. $1,45Oe00 $1, 850.00 banens moved next; regular c for referral of bids to Village lbnager for tabulation and report at meeting, Hotion seconded by Child and carried. r * -, c