HomeMy WebLinkAbout19520225_REGULAR22 2/18/52 There being no further business to come before this Neeting, it was adjourned at ur45 pa&, by motion Bredesen, seconded by . 4 . 1.IINuTES OF THE %%XLAR HSETDJG OF "€33 BDDTA-.VIIJAGE COTCIL, HELD ~ I.IDI~AY, ~LJ~Y 25, 1952, AT- 7:30 P.N, AT TIjE EDIXA m4GE H41J; _. . ._ . _- . 7.. Kembers answering $ollcall were Bredesen, Child, Hawthorne and Erickson, IGnutes of the February llth Keetiqg and oP the Adjourned portion of the February llth Neeting held February l&h, vere approved as submitted, by mot?on Hawthorne, seconded by Bredesen md carried, Tkyor Erickson called 'public Hearing on Proposed Sanitary Sever for Tovmes Road from 11, 49th Street to approximately SO feet. North thereofl. ASfiClavLt of Publicakion of Notice of Hearing appearing in Edina-Norningside Courier, February 7 and 14, 1952, 1;s read, Village Engineer 1.Etchell's Estimate of Cost was given as $2,027.70, or $3.38 per assessable foot, Simpson advocated_ that sever be installed by Uay 7, if po5sible, Engineer DIitcheU. advocatgd that Council approve project but delay advertising for bids until other jobs can be advertised, in'order to ezfect lower costs for all concerned, offered the following Reso-lution and moved fits adoption: There vere po objections from the floor, and Ur. Benjanin Child * R&5OL~TION OlUBRING D~OlDK!&T SANITBRY SlWEE .D*Pmm*XIIT NO. r;L BZ IT ~EXILTfSD by the Council 03 the_ViJJ+ge of Edina, Ennesota, that this Council heretofore-caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed imyovement consisting of Construction of Sanitary Lateral Sewer and Appurtenances in Townes Road froBW,4%h Street to a point approxi&tely 280 feet North thereof, and at the hearing held at -tihe time and place spcified in said iiotice the'C0unci.l has duly considered the view of all parsons interested, and being filly aduised"of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to poceed with the construction of said iqrovenent; that said improvenent is heseby desQnated and shall be referred to in alL subsequent proceedings as Sanitary Sewer Improvement Ro+ &L, and the arca to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land'abutting and froriting upon the streets in which said inyorovzEent is to be constructed. I.Sotion for adoption of the Resolution was duly seconded by HaThhorne, afid SA €Lollcall *I there were. four ayes and no nays, as follms: -aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolutior, V~S / &apr * Villa&eTlerk . 1 I TbG OFtBIDS-Ii~SW12CE: Pursuant to 2dvertfsement for Bids-Insurance, r.;hich appeared-in Edina-I.Iorningside Courier February IL, an8 21, 1952 as confirwd by Xf5davit of Publication read by Clerk, lbyor caSled"for bids on Comprehensive, 110rkmEKirs Compensation and Group Accident coverages accordkg to specifications prepared far and appmved by the Council, Sealed bids were receive&from the' following, ana were publicly opened and read: Shelby T+@tua3. Casualty Company of Shelby, Ohio - Office, St .Paul, agent Betty Doolittle Anderson agency, Yhe aplis Rydeen Agency, 1iLinneapoIi.s - on Workments Comp&nsation only Hardwae Eutuals of Stevens pt., lJis^conson - Agent R, K. Stensrud Because of the detaU of the bids, Child nioved that bidsbe referred to ViDge Nanager for tabulat5on znd report at another meeting to be arranged later, Hawthorne and carried, The County Auditors s notifieaiion that Lot 1, Block 3, Sunnyslope Section is .now classified as tax forfeited land, vas reviewed. EIatter-referred to Eoard of Park Gomissioners for their,recmendation as to possible use for park and plagpound purposes1 .c David Agency, $rime apolis - Xarsh & NcLerJnan, Nimeapolis - r -- 4 -I Kotion seconded by 1 14 $.Ira Lerne, mmer of 5901 OaUavrn Avenue, requested prmit to rent out his tldouble dwellinglt. to house-two fdies. ments for two-fdy dT.relling. He explained that house has been rented for years, that it vas constructed Council was informed that property does not meet zoning reqpire- Attorney tJindhorst ruled that present use of property 2/25/52 23 will depend upon the use to which it was originally; Le., the building permit issued. Mr. Lerne was advised to ascertain from Village Assessor Creighton the terms of the original building permit, which he thought Final Plat of Edina Heights was presented: Hadhornel s be referred to Planning Commission and Village Engineer Motion seconded by Child and carried. -e ' was ished in about 1940. motion that Final Plat for recommendation. c Mr. Bogen pequested further information concerning possibility of water main extension into the Brookside Heights area. reviewed, and matter was deferred until after Rezoning Hearing of March 24. .Engineer Mitchell' s report was , Attorney Windhorst regprted that Mr. A. J. Perreault, Jr. is unwilling to compromise on settlemel-it for glamages to his car, and recommended full payment of Mr. Perreault's $54.50 claim, inasmuch as the Village is somewhat at fault. Hawthorne's motion, that claim be allowed, was seconded by Bredesen.and carried. - Chicago. Bridge and Iron Companyls notification of receipt of Priority for Water Tank Steel (2nd Quarter) was reyiewed by .Council, and Attorney Windhorst commended for his efforts in securing priority. . .. u I. I. Attorney Windhorst ruled that Council must take aation againcthis evening, to set Public Hearing on Rezoning. Hearing on the propose4 Rezoning to Community Store District of that area secommended. by the Plannii.lg CoMssion for such Rezoning, Hearing to be held Monday, March 24, 1952,. at 7:30 P.M., in the Cornunity Room of the Edina High School, was seconded by Child and unanimously carried. DiscussAon was had as to improvements at the Village Liquor Store and a general. cleanup of the 50th Street business district. Village Manager to make study of conditions in business district, making recommendations as to liquor store improvements overhanging signs, jog in street, posting of signs along the street and such other general recommendations The following applications for short-term licenses were submitted, and Hawthorne's motion that licenses be grantedas seconded by Bredesen and carried: Hawthorne's motion, that Cpuncil conduct- Public i. Hawthorne moved, directing , . as he deems advisable. Motion secpnded by Bredesen and carried. S. S. Adair, Jr., dba Edina Texaco Station, 5400 France - Cigarette - 2/26/52 - 4/1/52 * 2/26/52 - lc/1/52 , I Vern J. Welin, dba Midwest Plumbing Co. - 10901. Russell Ave. , Bloomingtbn - L. Minneapblis Gas, Company' s February 2,Oth inquiry a*s to probabil$tx of Villager s vacating old Eden Prairie Road between Olinger and Blake Roads and opening Blake Road to %ghway No. 169, was read. Hennepin County Highway Department 1s March 9, 1949, proposal, entitlgd "Changes in the road systems of Hennepin County and the Village of Edina"' was 'revieied. anager be directed to approach Hennepin County Highyay Department for the re-instatement of their March 9, 1949 proposal and specifically for item No. 3 in said proposal. I Motion secondec by Child and carried. Midland National Bank's Pebpary ath notification of their exchange of $3,000 l-7/8$ U.S. Treasury Certificates of Indebtedqess maturing April 1, 1952, for a like amount of 1-7/8$ Certificates dated March 1, 1952 and maturing February 15, 1953, was read. Hawthorne and carried. I Mr. Everett W. Davies of Davies & Davies Insurance Agency spent an hour with the Council, with recommendations for additional fire insurance ooverage with the Village. No action taken. Mr. Harold C. Utley's letter, with regard to Liquor Store Operations vas sub- mitted t,o the, Council, knd Child moved that iet'ter be approved for pub2itation. Motion seconded by H%wthorne and carried. Manager Mitchell adjocated advertisement fdr bids for Bituminous Srfackz Materials, recommending that Council include emlsified asphalt in advertise$ent this year, because of its use in wet-weather application. that Council adveqtise for bl;ds for Ektuminous Surface Materials in accordance with Manager's recoqmendations, with bids to be taken Monday, %arch 10, at * ?:3O P.M. Motion seconded by Bredesen and carried. Mr. Mitchell reporbed that the petition for Water Main in St. Johns Avenue between W. 59th and W. 60th Streets has been signed by ovmers of 70 percent of affected properties. He advocated holding public hearing as soon as possible. Hawthorne's motion, that Council conduct Public Hearing on proposed Water Main at 9:OO P.M., March 24, 1952, at the Village Hall, was seconded by Child and carried. Haidhorne moved that Village l% Child's motion, approving exchange, was seconded by il, - - I * Hawthorne's motioq, 1 2/25/52 I&. Mitchell presented petition for Sewer and Water in Wooddale and Fairfax Avenues between I?. 60th and M. 61s$ Streets, signed by ?-Eckelsen-Fronk, owners of 100 percent of property affected. possible. Construction, for Ifonday, March 24, 1952, at 9:OO PA, at the Village Hal, was He recomriended that Council conduct public hearing as soon as Hawthorne1 s motion, setting Public Hearing on proposed SGwer and $later seconded by Child and unanimously carried, -_ I LC Chaiman Child of the Fublic Utilities Cormittee presented to the Connc5l Sup%. Woehler*s report of February ll, 1952, containing a schedule of propsed water rates, ?>ire Chilc stated thst because of the forseeable need of future well and tank construction be finds it necessary to' recommend the water. rate increase, although he is reluctant to do so, I Child offered the folhfing Resolution and aoved its adoption: . ltEsOLUTL0N ESTk3LISHiXG WATER RAlsEs BIZ I?: B230LoE;D by %he Comcil of the V.lage of Ediha, that Tkter Bates in the VUage be established as folloxs: t I On the basis of meter rsadhgs at the following rates: 1 NET-(If Paid Within , GROSS 1 Disc. Period) PER 100 cu, FT, I?%& 100 Cu, FT, For First 3,000 cubic feet (i.198. lj.18 For Ne& 3,500 cubic fest $e187 3.17 For Ne& 4,500 cubic feet S.176 3.16 For &cess over -ll,OOO cubic feet $465 $15 except %hat water coiisumed in the district described as the East side of Beard .-venue from 54th Street to Fuller Street and both sides of Abbott Place from W.54th S-keet to Beard Ayenue will be charged at the rate of 3.233 pEr 100 cubic feet gross, or 8.21 per 100 cubic feet if paid within the discount period presented, A ninimUm chqe of $LOO per quarter sill be nade where water consumption amounts to less* BE IT FTJRTFllR RESOLVED, that these rates fill be in effect with the April 1, 1952 biUing* Notion for adoption of the Besolution was seconded by Havbhorne, and on Rollcall Laere were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Br Hawthorne, aye; on, aye; and the Besolution yas adopt Village Clerk Xessrs, 3Btchell and Child reported the need for hbreet lights at the following int-ersections: Valley Vier Bd* & Olinger Rd,; Valley View Rd, & TIestrigge Blvd*; Westridge BlN, & Crescerrl; Drive; Westridge Blvd, & Crest Lane; Hillside Ed. ZC Crescent Drive; Tracy kve. B Higzlland Rd.; Tracy Ave, & Grove st,; Tracy Ave, at Pole $4570-1/2 B1, S, of &ove St.; Gleason Rd. & Indian Hills Pass. that spd lights be ordered installed, vas seconded by Bredesen and carried, Ben FIoehler reported that he had conferred with Xrs, &-re, &509 Browdale, with regard to here complaint on sever back-up; that he has investigated and has found that she called 'fSzmeapolis Police on Sunday, Februq10, instead of the Xdina Police; %ha-& she received service itmediately after Rimneapolis notified B3ina of this emergency; -&at Zks, Eve is still of the opinion that she talked trith Nina+ . - Child's motion January 31,1952 Inspction Report on Sanitary Sewer No. 35 tfas presented by Etchell, and ordered placed on file. .. 3ir* E.tchell presented Captain EIcGaryts request for new Police Car, together 75th accompanying report. Eaw-bhorne's motion, that Council advertise for bids for one new police car, on same specifications as for last police car purchased, kith trade- in allowance to be specified for either 1950 Chevrolet or 1942 Ford, vas seconded by Bredesen and carried, IJ~. fbiitchell reported Captain I-icGwy's request for a ~~vKLki.e-talkien €or khe plice depdkent, cost approhtely .1;275 .GO. EngiIneer for his reconmndation, vas seconded by Bredesen and carried, then stated that he would recommend purchase of this equipment, and CKL& suggested that matter be laid over to the next; meeting for further study. taken, Child*s notio; for papen% of Village Payroll, amount $7,549.96 and Liquor Store Payroq, amunt $51524, for period February 16 to 29, inclusive, as recorded in det&il in Payroll Ledger, vas seconded by Bredesen and carried. Child's motiolz for papent of the follox&ng clahs, vas seconded by Bredesen and. carried: Havbhorne t s xotion, referrbg to Village I 1.k. 3&tchell No further action '- 2/25/52 . I CLAD1 NO. 6757 6758 6759 6760 6761 6762 6763 6764 6765 6766 6767 . 6768 6769 6770 6771 6772 6773 6774 6775 6776 6778 6719 6780 6781 6782 6783 6784 67-85 6786 6737 6788 6789 6790 6791 6792 6793 6821 6822 6777 6790 6731 6793 6794 6795 6796 I 6797 6798 6799. 6801 6802 6803 6805 6800 6804 6806 6807 6808 6609 6822 6810 6819 6820 6822 . 67*72 6793, 6821 6789 6823 ,6824 6825 6826 x TO: J. H..Kil.gore Lumber Co, 'Ilhornp{on Zwer co . Clancx Drugs Berte%son Bros, Constqction Bulletin Suburban Fress Ib. "Fire Extinguisher Co, Nortoq Salt Co. Minn. Hosp. Service Assn. A & A "Electric Co. . PlehQ Heating Co. F.H. Geiger Sales Co. Int. Issoc. of Fire Chiefs Dick Falen, Thotographs If. S. "Darley. & Co. Mpls.,School Supply St . PayJ Stamp-Works Jean Link Shaw lfalker Ydlley-Davis Co . Joyce 1) ksurance, Inc . Stow Company Mpls,,Star & Tribune Geneeral Electric 90. Crook,& Hanley, Inc. Georgq Tholilpson . Alfred S. Jones Harry, C. Hansen Richqd C. Sonneaberg Albert 7T. Huber . Jack &ener H. :'L.,Rogers Co, heripan Linen Supply N.W. Bell- Telephone Go, Young Fuel Coo Northgrn States Power Co. Oscar* Boberts Go, Tom @ Country Hdwe. him kotor CO, AMOUNT $ 39.50 * 14.30 .79 4.15 * . ' '13.20 10,80 " 11.25 300.2b 4.80 I* 15 00 3-50 I;o,oo 21.00 2.10 23 73 *132.00 6.94 + 6.00 102 . 65 399*68 " 37.50 50.00 4* 90 23 .ji 13 079 3.75 3 *75 3.00 2u. 83 4* 50 69.15 98-39 954*80 3.00 * - 4.4.. 66 GEJERAL FUND 9 L3 $3,009.35 . 5*69 3 .OO &ieriucan Lihen Supply Itorthyestern Bell Telephone Co. North-ern States Power Go. NutuaJ General Agency IE~pne~polis Gas Company Hartz-ell Motor Co. Leef Bros., Inc. Suburban Chevolet Co. Paper Calemson & Co. FJm. H. Ziegler Co. W. E. Lahr Co. N. I?. Tire Co. A. 31. CO., Inc. Motor Parts.Service Co. Standard Spring Co. Phillip Petroleum Coo H. R. Toll Co. Deleg&d Tool Coo me apolis IroK Store Town & Country Hdwe. I Mrs. J. G. Nulher'an I + City Treasurer Lyon Chemical Coo .: Town & Country-Hdwe, 1 &1plS School Supply CO~ PIIorthern States Power Co. Oscar Roberts Coo * J3.A. Rogers $0, +J.L DZJ.-BIS sc Son Phelps-Drake Coo Bart Carlone .r Phelps-Drake Co . J, FUND - L 4.0s $1,129 75 GARBAG23 FUND 8 3.75 26 { E: 6792 6813 68% 6815 6816 6817 6818 6822 2/25/52 To: Badger $let& Efg. Co, Northern SCates Power Co . N. W. Bell'Telephone Co. Young Fuel 'Co. City Treasdrer S1.B. Skindr Go, Pratts ZxpYess Co, L Bates ElecXric Service Go. I&terous C6mpanr B eC 3 ApplZance Go. Totm & CouUitry Hdwe. Rex Distriljuting Co . ?ZaneapoliS Brewing 00. Cold Spring Co. Clausen & Sons, Inc. Pabst Sale5 Go. Weuser-Xsch, Inc. Npls . City' Club Distributing Go 1-forris Disfiriblrting Go, 1-kssolt Bo€tling Go. Cmada Dry'Ginger Ale, Inc. Thomas I.foo5.e & Coo. Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of Hnn. Inc. Kuether Dis'tributing Co. Gold I4edal "Beverage Co . Eller Davis Go. Victor Adding &chine Co. Bates EZectric Service F.J, Quinn'Papsr Co, Gnarles IT. 'Sexton Go. Gaspenter Paper Co. %ell Oil Co. American Linen Suppl6 Co, Northern SZat es Power Go . Petroleum 'service Seven-Up Bbttling Co . min Brothers Co, Sunderland' Supply Go, t KcTCesson st' Robbins Val.. Bjorn'son, Treas. €!ERA Erin. Hos& Serrr. Assn. _._ Gluek Bret3ng Co. 0. I& Dro~ey Beverage Co. Griggs, Cobpr & Co. F~OUS Brahds, Ince AXOUNT 31,668.80 ' 584.43 u. 70 62.90 81.25 340% 4*& 33.30 * 393.07 4.60 52 ' 55.@ 1,181.39 56.60 550.72 385 .u* 196.72 222o76 137.68 35 032 . 3.47.78 27.90 43 084 45.76 107 e30 . 6.00 20.00 - 89.75 + 21.54 265 57 2l.89 * 63.89 11.65 4 43 030 5oCO 63.00 1,061.74 877.39 49.00 ' 300,oo 62.44 3.00 235 51 501.40 1,065 074 CI I WATEB FUND $2,882.25. The hour being late (&45 P.N.], Bredesen nroved that Neeting be adjourned until Saturday, 3Iarch 1, 1952, at 330 PAL I: .. h 3femberp answering BoLlca3.1 were. Bredesen, Child, Danens and Hav&hoxne* Nayor Pro Tern Child presided in Hayor E;rickson's absence. Reports on Insurance bids taken February 25, 1952, tere presented by Ehnager PEtchell and Everett Davies. Reports showeb the following: *.* 'IXEWE3VS CO3EENkATION - Low Bidder, Hazatae Pzutuals ofStevens Point, T'Esconsin. Bredesents xotion, that llorlanen's Compensation Policy be awarded to Hardware &futuals, wai seconded by Hawtfiorn*e, and &&ousIy+ carried. ($1378.27). COWREHEXSIVE HATERIBL DAFIA(;E - L0.r; Bidder, Shelby IIutual Casualty Go. of Shelby, Qkb--&sr B?tty Doolittle, Agent. 3% Davies pointed out that this, Company may be unqg to accept this coverage^ at qyoted bid, inasmuch as'khey are not low bidders qnthe other policies. Brededen's motion,"bhat Comprehensive Material Damage Coverage be awarded to Shelby Hutual .CasuaLty Co, provided they are willing to accept this policy alone, was sec6nded by Hathhorne and carried. ($498.49) a