HomeMy WebLinkAbout19520310_REGULAR28 3/1/52 c Council conduct a Public Hearing on the mtter of Paving France Avenue as of lionday, April @I.,' 1952, at 7:30 P,EI,,. at the CoponUn,ity Room of the Eaina High School, IIotion seconded by Bredesen and unanimously cardeb. A We Klein's proposal to grade down VUge-or.med street right-of-way in return for fill for his abutthg low property was reported by Ikmager Ifitchell and declined by Council. . Hawthorne moved -for adjournment . Hotion seconded by Bredesen and carried. Neeting adjourned at 5:20 PI& =. I Village Clerk L c I ct 1 I-Iembers answering Rollczill were Child, Danens, Hawthorne and Erickson, Ninutes of the Regular Neeting of Febz%a-W:25;?1952.knd the Adjourned Portion of the February 25th Heeting held Saturday, Fkch 1, were approved as read, by Hotion Child, seconded by Danens and carried. First Hatter of Business ims taking of bids oq Bituminous Surface Pfaterials. Clerk read $ffidavidi of Publication in Edina-Norningsidide Courier and Construction Bulletin for 1rAdverti;sement for Bids-Road Oil and Tar," pubushed in those two publications February 28 and Narch 6, 1952, and the following sealed bids+ were publicly opened and read. c BMN&ITWIS .& ASPHoCOo RS2 (Tank*Cars) E32 (Tank Trucks) SSl (Tank Cars) SSL (Tank Trucks) cT&ck Lots) mcms OIL bo. (At Plant) (At Plant) * BLACKTOP SEXVICE CO. * Eb31L SB?E&L & SONS (At Plant) SflELL'IE OIL GO. . (Tankcars) EXUISI- CUTBACK FIJm . AspMlALT ROADTAR ROADOIL ASPHALT HOTREADYHOTREADY - -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 8.1600 ' . -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- . -0- Si1025 ,125 -0- -0- -0- I ? %0900 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- * -0- $4.70 $4.60 0% I -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- $4.70, $4.60 -0- Child's motion, that bids be referred to Village Hanager for tabulation and report at the nexL regular meeting, was seconded by Danens and carried. Clerk read Affidavit of Publication for "Advertisement fo$ Bids, Cleaning, Painting. and Repairing Village Irater Tank and Tower,Ir appearing February 28 and Earch 6,1952, in Edina-Norningside Courier, and in Construction Bulletin; and the following sealed bids were publicly opened and reaa: * C &Brn BID c ORXGIN& (SAND BLAST BD b,5'75JQ e HissisSippi Valley Tank Goa, IIinneapolis f4idBest Tank & Painting Go!, Edina $1,185.00 * $1,485.00 Master- Cleaninip Service,. Eheapolis - $2, 293Jm Speehon Elevated Tank Service, Rockford, Ill1 " if 62~~50 -0- Feighner Co,, Fremont, Ohio . 8 6m.00 $1,180.00 Sullivan & Sons, Hound, Elinn. $1,45Oe00 $1, 850.00 banens moved next; regular c for referral of bids to Village lbnager for tabulation and report at meeting, Hotion seconded by Child and carried. r * -, c Sealed bids on read Affidavit which appeared Motor Grader were publicly opened and read, the Clerk having of Publication for llAdvertisement for Bids-Xotor Grader, 11 in Edina-Morningside Coukzier and Construction Bulletin, . 7 February 28 and Narch 6, Bids were as follows: BASE MODEL . BID I E2ZRAs TOTAL ,lh. H. Ziegler Coo Caterpillar - 12 $ -3,317.25 Rosholt Equipment Co, Adas -550 $16,206.00 53 00 $16,259 .OO A-W Company Inc, of Hinn, A-W nNaster - 99" $1'7,040.00 695.00 $17,735.00 George To Ryan Company Galion - U8 ~ $16,037.00 706,OO $16,743 .OO Northfield Iron Go. warco l$D-loo $12,392.00 8 3,L$8.00 #15,540.00 Rosenwald-Cooper, Inc. Pettibone- $11,999.00 $ 3,19$% $15,292.50 Notion by Danens, for referral. of *bids to Village Manager for tabulation and report at next regular meeting, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried. The following sealedbids on Police Car were publiclyppened and read, aftel: Clerk had read Affidavit of Publication for "Advertisement for Bids-Police Car,$# w&ch appeared in Edina-Norningside Courier arrdt Construction Bulletin February 28 and March 6: &lrliken - 402 BBT3 TRADELm TRADEIN TYPE - BZD 1942 FORD 3.950 GIrIEV. Dahlberg Bros.,Inc.,Hopkins Ford 2D 8 Cy10 - $1,927.95 $300000 $750000 Boyer-Gilfillan, Mpls. ' 11 $1,795.18 $275.00 - #950.00 Hopkins Std. 2D $$1,52L.56 . =$350000 $ll25.00 Suburban Chevrolet Co. . Chev. Grossman Chev. Co., Mpls. > $1,959.98 $376 00 @.l06.00 Childts motion,-that bids be referred to Village Hanager for tabulation and report at next regular meeting, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried. ,. request from the Community Service Council (a Momandale 2nd Addition group) for development of seven Village-owned lots at 66th and Mildred Avenue for $ark purposes, and for possible acquisition of additional property in the Stow Plat, south of 66th Street, was read. A delegation supportid the petition, stating that they had &ready contacted the Park Board; that this Board is reluctant to undertake any improvement because of lack of funds. Delegation was informed that Park Board must initiate any action for improvement. Child's motion, that letter be referred to the Park Board, for its recommendation at the next regular Council Heeting, was 'seconded by Hawthorne and carried, I@, George Christopher again requested relief from water drained onto his property by Village Storm Sewer. examine this area as soon as frost is out of ground, to see the exact condition, was seconded by Havrthorne and carried. Efr . John Cardarelle presented plat showing easements for street right-of-way abutting the :Virginia Avenue11 addition; stating that the developers are now securing these easements, that &so Evelyn Ifohbabe is now willing to dedicate . t 1 c Child's rnotioa, that'the Public Utilities Committee - I for W.60th Street, No action taken. -. d request was made for permit to face dwelling at 5901 York on W.59th street (instead of on York Avenue in accordance 'with plat) . . Council informed petitioner that he must conform with zoning regulations, or that Council must conduct public hearing before such request cm be granted. Mrs. Lucille Nolan presented plans for remodelling and addition to the Nolan Building,3926 11, 50th Street, to the plan, and Child moved %hat permit be granted. Motion seconded by Hawthorne and carried. 3k. Russell Lund requested that Council take sme action to improve Liquor Store, specifically asking that canopy be removed and front of store be modernized. . Manager Ititchell stated that he would have definite recommendations for Council by next regular meeting, and Council deferred action until after report; is received. Councilman Cooper of Robbinsdale conferred with Council concerning proposed ltdogtt ordinance to be adopted by suburban comunities. kennels have been contacted, and are willing to enter into contracts with the several communities for dog catcher services. The matter of llovrner responsi- bility" for pets was discussed, and Rttorneyldindhorst was invited to meet with the other community attorneys for the drafting of this ordinance, NO action taken by Council. Building Inspector Woehler offered no objection He stated that various- Hanager Ifitchell reported that the proposed site for the Water Tank is a poor site with regard to soil; that location of the Tank at this site will involve an extra expenditure of some $15,000 to $20,000 for dry piling, or ,some extra expenditure for extra footings; that he does not reconmend piling if there is any other alternate site which cau be had. March 15, at 2:3O P.II., to inspect sites for tank and make decision on this matter, was secmded by Danens and carried. Village AttorneF?findhorst requested Council recommendations as to 1Xi.n5mm Lot Requirements" for new plats, in order tbt these requirements might be written into Zoning Ordinance. No formal action was taken, but Council decided upon the following Child's motion, that Council meet Saturday afternoon, - req~rements: - -c %HERE smm OR I.IHERE SEEER OR TJA'ER Frontage - Not less than 75 feet T?ATER colKm!!Pmm - NOT COIl!PEKPhlTED Not less than 90 feet ~ Depth Area - Not less than 9,000 square feet . Not less than 12,000 - Not less than 120 feet Not less than 125 feet c square feet - Er. %Tindhorst reported on %egistered Land Surveys1[ recently filed, pursuant to a 19% law. extent by filing vLth the Register-df Deeds a certified copy of the planning conditions of the Village Zoning Ordinance; that after the filing of these. cez3xificatesy the Countyhditor is restrictkd from platting inta parcels under a certain area (about 25 acres). Mr. WMhorst also inquired ,about the Council*s having ever adopted a Waster Plan" and was informed that they had not done SO. Hawthornets motion, that YillageJlttorney be authorized and directed to pEepare the necessary certificates for filing with the Register of Deeds, was seconded by Child and czqzried. He explained that the Council can control this method of platting to some Some discussion r\as had with regard to the paving of France Avenue. advocated negotiations with the Twin City Rapfa Transit Company for bus service along the present France Avenue line, and exbension of bus service into other parts of the Village, in return for %kina's paving to center of France Avenue. Child's motion, that Cmk Hawthorne and Nanager Nitchell be appointed as a'codttee to enter into such negotiations, was seconded by Danens and carried. Police Report for Nonth of $ebl"y, 1952, was referred to Public Szifety Cormittee, by motion Child seconded by"Danens and carried. The matter of taking bids for the printing of Edina Ordinances was xeviewed,' Adverj' tisement, as drafted by Village Attorney's office, having been filed with Council. Hawthornets notion, that Council advertise for printing bids to be taken Ifonday, April 14, was seconded by Danens and carried. E& Ki.tchell reported that Hemepin County has signified its willingness to aid in correcting a bad drainage situation on r.J.7Oth Street, which will make approval of llCarolaneyK Addition possible. He recomqended approval of Final Plat, and Hawbhorners motion, that Final Plat of *'Carolanell Addition be approved, was seconded by Danens and carried. 14r. IEtcheU. reported that Police Radio channels are filled, but that a radio-telephone is available for the First Aid Panel Trudik; that Bbeapolis Savings and Loan will pay the cost of %tallation and maintenance the first year. He recommended that a radio-telephone be installed. I Hawkhornets motion, authorizing instflation of a radio-telephone in the First Aid Panel Truck, with stipulation that it is to be used for official business onlyy was seconded by Danens and carried. Deputy Clerk presented several plans for a Special Assessment Record systa, the most practiical of which, it was decided, is the Visiblehose &e& Systeq, which it was estimated vmld cost approz&nately f$500. for bids for system, to be taken Eonday, April 3.4. carried. -wa I-k. Hitchell reported that he has not yet received a reply from Hennepin Cornti Engineer Zimermn; that he has had several other calls offering a good grade of pit run gravel, and that he reccxulends that Council advertise for bids for same, Hawthorne's motion, that Council take bids on pit run gravel, Nonday, April Ir;, was seconded by Child and carried. m. llitchell reported on a letter received from 1.k. Everett Davies, with regard to insurance for First Aid Panel Truck. Hawthorners motion, that this matter be referred back to Village Hanager for-further study, was seconded by Child and carried. HavrthoPne , *- 1 I - Ckildrs motion, that Council advertise Motion seconded by Damns and 3/10/52 31 Hr. Etchell reported that he has received several calls fromthe insurance bidders, that considerable premium can be saved by modifying insurance speci- fications to call for bids on automobiles at "stated V$Lu@t. .Hawthorne moved that Council so modify its insurance specifications. Motion lost for Wan.t; of a second. 5 Mr. Mitchell reported Fire Chief Mitzelts request for a change in the fire-call system-present undulating tone to be used for air raid warning; new high pitch (constant) to be used for fire alarm. V5.llage Planager to install proper switches for recommended change, was seconded by Child and carried. Applications for several' plumbers 1 licenses was presented to the Council. Hawthorne's motion, that Plumbers* Licenses, for year April 1, 1952 to April 1, 1953, be approved subject. to approval by Building Inspector and with the stipu- lation that those plumbers doing business fromtheir homes show no outward signs of such business on their premises, was seconded by Danens and'carnied. Licenses covered by the above motion are as follows: - -- Robert Ha Bahneman dba The Babneman Company, 5816 Kellogg Avenue Havhhorne!s motion, authorizing Beldsn-Porter Company, 65 Ndrth 17th St. Earl F. Beaudry, 2901 Lyndale Avenue South 0. Bergerson & Son, -5013 France Avenue South Bjorkman Brothers Cmpany, 708 10th Street South Bowler & Company, 511 East Lake Street Gabriel Buman Plumbing & Heating COay 2209 Joknson Street N.E. lha Carlson Plumbing & Heating Company, 2400 10th Avenue South Wm. Clarke Plumbing & Heating, &coy 253 Plymopth Building . Dahlberg & Karkhoff Plumbing & Heating, 2010 Pnerson Avenue North ?John I;. Doyle Plumbing & Heating, 3751-4th )&venue South Farr Plumbing Company, 7624 Plymouth Avenue Grand Plumbing& Heating Company, 3809 Grand Avenue A. I!. Greening Company, 4252 Nicollet Avenue Henry 31, Karen, 9740 Humboldt Avenue South Harris Brothers Plumbing Company, 2l.7 Nest Lake Street Hoglund & Company, 6532 Eest Lake Street Jas. I). Houghton, 5809 Nicollet Avenue Hughes Heating & Plumbing Company, 330 E. Lake Street Humboldt Plumbing Company, 1307 North Washington Avenue Ralph Hultgren dba Hultgren Plumbing, 5428 Nicollet Avenue J. McClure Kelly & Company, 2601 Stevens Avenue South F. Sa Lamson Company, Inc., 1013 Marquette Avenue LeVahn-Brothers Plumbing eC Heating, &LO8 -dale Avenue North .Re J, Mangan Compny, 925 Park Avenue H. R, Nichols Company, 556 N. Prior Avenue, St. Paul John L. Ries, Shakopee, Itifinn. . Nelvin E. Sagar, 5902 Normandale Road Spetz & Berg, 6021 Lyndale Avenue South Shoppe Plumbing & Heating Company, 2912 Bloomington Avenue Superior Plwdbing & Heating Go., 2625 Louisiana Avenue,St.L. Park Swanson Plumbing & Heating Cow, 6625 Morgan Avenue South, Richfield Twin City Plumbing & Heating Company, Z9lz Bloomington Avenue Xerxes Plumbing & Heating Co., 4949 Xerxes Avenue South (I ~ + ~ '- I i Alist of Election Officials proposed, for Presidential. Primary to be held Tuesday, March 18, was presented for approval. following persons be appointed as Election Officials for the Elarch 18th Presi- dential Primary, was seconded by Child and carried: Hawthorne's motion, that the DISTRICT NO, 1 - Judges: Mrs. L.A. Dyregrov; &so Camille Kortu Clgrhs: Nines. A.H,Vehr, AaH. Senn, Parker Kidder DISTBICT NO. 2 - Judges: $&Sa Eleaqor Iriiarry; MPs. Edna Peterson Clerks: Mines. La Rossiter; C: Hollingsworth; HOC, Webber DISTRICT NO. 3 - Judges: Mks. Russel Smith; $rS. George Zipoy * Clerks: Mines. EoFa Volk, H6l.a Palmer, Eleanor Oren DBTRICT NO. 4 - Judges: Eks. C. 0. Mattson; Mb.a $. A. Schauss Clerks: Mmes. D.C. Beard, ROC. Hallberg, NaC. Dillner DISTRICT NO, 5 - Judges: &ks. J.C. Delaney; lks. E.O. hundson C3erks: Mmes. Sigrid Westerberg, J. J.Duggan, La Engler DZSTRICT NO; 6 - Judges: Mrs. Olaf Bye;- ElIrs. Lewis Jones Clerks: Ifmesa E.L. Nodlin, Roy If&, Verner Berglmd DISTRICT NO. 7 - Judges: Mrs. Nellie Strate; IJIrs. Dorothea Obemeyer Clerks: Mmes. %+ion Bailey, Frances Sonnaberg, Fred Willson DISTRICT NO. 8 - Judges: Mrs. WaF. Ewe; T?IrSa 0. Ca Link Clerks: &es, H. McCraney, 14.P. Stark, lbnley Pemy . < 'c F r t < P c 32 Child moved for payment of Village Payroll, amount $7,423.25 and Liquor Store Payroll, amount #1,192.&), for period March 1 to 15 inclusive and overtime for cm, ~ras seconded by Danens and carried: as posted in detail in Payroll Ledger, and for pqyment of the following Cm NO, TO: Aliom Fum 6830 Davies & Davies, Agents 3Em3.00, r 6831 6834 6836 5738 M32 ~856 1~856 Ll.858 JJ.859 Ll860 Ll861 I3862 Ll.863 Ut364 Alfred So Jones Reinktkd Brosk John R.Coan, Postmaster Suburban Hem. Cy. Relief Board First Natl. Bank Arthur K. Petersen * Reinhard &os. . Brookside Service Station Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. Xid-Vest Tibe Co., Inc. Old Peoria Co., Inc. Griggs, Coopr & Co. Distillers Distributing Coo Griggs, Cooper & Co. Ed. Phillips & Sons Co. 'Famous Bra~d.~, I~c. r- Griggs, Cooper tk Co. c- t l4.12. 18.22, *. LIQUOR mTND $1,529.33- Building Inspector lloehler presented survey and house plan for dwelling to be constructed at Zot 9, Block 7, Westchester Knolls (at Hansen Road and %ndsQr Avenue) wi%h request to face house on Hmsen Road. &. Uoehler explained that th; present placing of the house on the lot is not in accordance with Zoning Ordinance, but that in this case, because of the topography of surrounding land, it will not matter. ' carried, Hawthorne's motion, that permit be granted, was seconded by Danens and Hr. Richard Go Palen presented a study for proposed rezoning. Yd. Pelen was referred to Plarming Codssion for their recommendation. 14PS.fi.t.chdE3led with the Council detailed reports -0; the work done by the Ggineering Dr. Erickson reported the Taxpayers Bssociationts request for the Council IIeeting Agendito appear in Edina-Morningside Courier the Thursdaybefore each meeting, not as a legal publication, but as a news item. Request granted,by Council, with stiyulation that Courier make it plainthat this is tentative agenda only. There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned, by motion Danens, seconded by, Child and carried. Crews during February. No action taken, or -T 1 Neeting adjourned at 12225 AAy Tuesday, &I'd2 11. I VLllage Clerk - I.zcNuTEs OF THE REGIJLfiR-EEETING OF Tm - FBXNA-VI&€.AGE COUNCILj HEID ?%ARCH 24.3 1952, AT 7230 P.N. -- Xeeting PELS convened at 7:30 P.IL, at the Community Room of the Edina High School, ~5th Council 1-Imbers ClKLd, Havrthorne and Erickson present, and Planning Commission Ekmbers Krafft and Zewis and* Planning Consultant-Law also attending. Hayor Erickson announced- the Public Hearing- on the Proposed Rezoning of the several tracts of land listed below,' and Clerk Hawthorne read the Affidavit of Publication by Edina-IIoraingside Courier of Wotice of Hearing-Rezoning',l publhhed Harch 6 and 12, 1952, announcing hearing to ber held at-this- time and place on the proposed rezoning to Cornunity Store District of the following tracts of land: IN GWVDVEZJ HEIGIETS: Lots 1 to 8, indlusive, Block 1, and Lots 1 to 10, inclusive, Block 2; Lots 'I ana Lots 15 to 24 inclusive, Block 3, and Lots 6 to 10 inclusive and bts 16 to 20 %IclusLve, Block 4.- l[N BROOKSIDE HEIG€ES: hts o to 20 inclusive, Block 1, and Lots 1 to 24, inclusive, Block 9 IN TINGRXCE EROS. BROUKSDlE: Lots 2 to 17 inclusive, Block 7, Lots 1 to 7, inclusive, Block 8, -r I -* IhT EDEWDOR ADDITIoiJ: Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 1,