HomeMy WebLinkAbout19520324_REGULAR32 Child moved for payment of Village Payroll, amount $7,423.25 and Liquor Store Payroll, amount #1,192.&), for period March 1 to 15 inclusive and overtime for cm, ~ras seconded by Danens and carried: as posted in detail in Payroll Ledger, and for pqyment of the following Cm NO, TO: Aliom Fum 6830 Davies & Davies, Agents 3Em3.00, r 6831 6834 6836 5738 M32 ~856 1~856 Ll.858 JJ.859 Ll860 Ll861 I3862 Ll.863 Ut364 Alfred So Jones Reinktkd Brosk John R.Coan, Postmaster Suburban Hem. Cy. Relief Board First Natl. Bank Arthur K. Petersen * Reinhard &os. . Brookside Service Station Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. Xid-Vest Tibe Co., Inc. Old Peoria Co., Inc. Griggs, Coopr & Co. Distillers Distributing Coo Griggs, Cooper & Co. Ed. Phillips & Sons Co. 'Famous Bra~d.~, I~c. r- Griggs, Cooper tk Co. c- t l4.12. 18.22, *. LIQUOR mTND $1,529.33- Building Inspector lloehler presented survey and house plan for dwelling to be constructed at Zot 9, Block 7, Westchester Knolls (at Hansen Road and %ndsQr Avenue) wi%h request to face house on Hmsen Road. &. Uoehler explained that th; present placing of the house on the lot is not in accordance with Zoning Ordinance, but that in this case, because of the topography of surrounding land, it will not matter. ' carried, Hawthorne's motion, that permit be granted, was seconded by Danens and Hr. Richard Go Palen presented a study for proposed rezoning. Yd. Pelen was referred to Plarming Codssion for their recommendation. 14PS.fi.t.chdE3led with the Council detailed reports -0; the work done by the Ggineering Dr. Erickson reported the Taxpayers Bssociationts request for the Council IIeeting Agendito appear in Edina-Morningside Courier the Thursdaybefore each meeting, not as a legal publication, but as a news item. Request granted,by Council, with stiyulation that Courier make it plainthat this is tentative agenda only. There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned, by motion Danens, seconded by, Child and carried. Crews during February. No action taken, or -T 1 Neeting adjourned at 12225 AAy Tuesday, &I'd2 11. I VLllage Clerk - I.zcNuTEs OF THE REGIJLfiR-EEETING OF Tm - FBXNA-VI&€.AGE COUNCILj HEID ?%ARCH 24.3 1952, AT 7230 P.N. -- Xeeting PELS convened at 7:30 P.IL, at the Community Room of the Edina High School, ~5th Council 1-Imbers ClKLd, Havrthorne and Erickson present, and Planning Commission Ekmbers Krafft and Zewis and* Planning Consultant-Law also attending. Hayor Erickson announced- the Public Hearing- on the Proposed Rezoning of the several tracts of land listed below,' and Clerk Hawthorne read the Affidavit of Publication by Edina-IIoraingside Courier of Wotice of Hearing-Rezoning',l publhhed Harch 6 and 12, 1952, announcing hearing to ber held at-this- time and place on the proposed rezoning to Cornunity Store District of the following tracts of land: IN GWVDVEZJ HEIGIETS: Lots 1 to 8, indlusive, Block 1, and Lots 1 to 10, inclusive, Block 2; Lots 'I ana Lots 15 to 24 inclusive, Block 3, and Lots 6 to 10 inclusive and bts 16 to 20 %IclusLve, Block 4.- l[N BROOKSIDE HEIG€ES: hts o to 20 inclusive, Block 1, and Lots 1 to 24, inclusive, Block 9 IN TINGRXCE EROS. BROUKSDlE: Lots 2 to 17 inclusive, Block 7, Lots 1 to 7, inclusive, Block 8, -r I -* IhT EDEWDOR ADDITIoiJ: Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 1, 33 3/24/52 IN SECTION 28, TOIJNSlP 117 N., RANGF: 22, TI:: That part of Government Lot 5 lying between Old Hopkins Road, Eden. Addition. That North 708 Feet of. tha? par$ of the East 845 Feet of Government Lot 7 lying North'of Eden Avenue and East of Trunk Highway No. 169. That part of thk West 221.8 feet of Government Lot 8 lying between Bden Avenue and the South Lot Line of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block I, Edenmoor Bddit ion, extended East. .+ Avenue, Tx6nk Highwa? No. 100, an$ the E. Line of Block 1, Grandview Heights - That part of the %Jest 155 feet of Government Lot 8 lying North of c Eden &venue, ,c This property comprises an area as shown on Page 20 of this Minute Book. Planning Commission chairman Kkafft and Planning Consultant Law explained to the large audience that several petitions have been received- by the Commission for the rezoning of small tracts of this property to Community Store District; that'the Commission has made a detailed study of the advantages of this entire area as a Cornunity Store District and finds that because of the growth of the Village westward and because of the highway facilities this Location is an excellent one; that Conmission and Council are of opinion that establish- ment of a Cornunity Store District before an area is developed (rather than afterward) is the best wocedure; and that Commission has recommended this rezoning in the best interests of the Village as a vrh~2.e. Ihager Mitchell explained the plans of the Minnesota Highway Department with regard to the I?. 9th St .-Hy.1OO-Hy0169 intersection. - There were many objections from the audience, most of them being from owners of properties adjicent to the qroposed Comuniky Store District: ' Nr, Carroll Ray, 5221 Interlachen Blvd., Efr. Italter C. Bowen,5013 'tlfilliam &e.; I@. Dougall, owner of several lots in Brookside Heights but not yet an Edina resident; IfPo John M. Lydiard, 5108 Bedford; Arthur Osberg, 5029 Bedford; Robert Bo Bannon, 5045 Bedford; Robert W. Nolting, 5l.40 Ifilliam, all voiced objections to a Community Store District west of Highway. No. 169, for reasons including depreciation to their residential properties, possible further encroachments by commercial interests on properties now residential, creation of traffic hazardsalong Highway No. 169. Mrs. Turnbull, 4816 Westbrook Lane and &s.+ Howell, 4832 Westbrook Lane, asked that Community Store District be kept west of Brookside Avenue, maintaining that the surrounding district does not support business establishments area$ settled there. Mr. Lannan, 5119 Wooddale Glen, suggested that proposed Civic Center I on East side of B_eltline be moved to a neighborhood nearer the school, and a Community Store District established t~ere. &. J. W. Anderson, 5109 Bedford, in summing up the objections of his neighbors, asked that Commission and Council make a detailed study and layout of the proposed Cornunity Store District. neighborhood residents, requesting the following: the area which is east of Highv No. 169. specific and Fietailed planning. of the Councilts rezoning the property without the consent of the omers of neigkiboring property. discretionary powers of the Council, and that-a Court would be likely to uphold the Councilts action unless it could be proved that the action was lfcapriciouslf. - He presented tw petitions, signed by a large number of the Petition No.. 1. - That Council restrict proposed re-zoning to only Petition No. 2. - That Council table proposed rezoning pending more NP. Ray*had'requested the Village Attorney's opinion as to the possibiiity He was informed $hat this power lies within the -> I&. A. G, Bogen, owner of unimproved lots within the proposed rezoned district and also of several. lots in the adjacent neighborhood, spoke in favor of the rezoning, byor Zrickson advised the audience that Coh5J. will take no further action this evening, that Public Hearing is closed; and Child moved for adjournment to Village Hall. Motion seconded %by Hawthorne and carried. I lvleetingwas reconvened at Village Hall at 9:15 P.M., with Members Child, Hawthorne and Erickson answering RoUcdlL Lhutes of the Re&= Xeeting of Xarch 10, 1952, were approved as submitted, by Motion Child, seconded by Hawthorne and carried. 3/24/52 Hayor Erickson announced Public Hearing on proposed TTater 3faincin IJooddale Avenue Clerk read Affidavit, of Publication by Edina-Horxbgside Courier for PubBcation of "Notice of Hearing" 3Iarch 6 and 12, 1952. Engineer ELitchell presented his Estimate of Cost, as follows: Total Cost, $U,682.90, withl,971.25 feet to be assessed $1.29 pr assessable foot for a Trunk $fain and 2,569.87 to be assessed $3*55 per assessable foot for a Lateral. E&. Eitchell stated that Lots 13-20, Block 20 Fairsax Addition were assessed for Watermain hprovaent No. 24 Trunk Charge and therefore cannot be assessed the trunk chaqge for this tmk main. There were no objections to the improvement from the audience, 2nd the Clerk had received no mitten objections prior to the Hearing, ing Resolution andmoved its adoption: ' from 1.1.60th to T.b,61st Street and in Fairfax Avenue from W.60th to 1~,6lst Street. ~ Hawthorne offered the follow RESOLUTION ORDERING IE.IpROVE!-EXl? IWFERI*mN IMPROVElENT NO044 BE IT RBOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Rinnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice 02 hearing to be duly published on the proposed improvement consisting of Construction of Village IJatemain Extension and Appurtenances in Wooddale Avenue from I.1.60th Street to W.6lst Street and in Fairfax Avenue from W.6Oth Street to Irooddale Avenue; and at the hearing held at the tine and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons inkrested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Watermain Improvement -No, 4.4, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in wkiich said improvement is to be constructed, 1 *- Notion for adoption of Resolution was duly seconded by Child, and on Rollca31 there were three ayes and no nays, as follow: and the Resolution was adopted. - . r Child, Hawthorne offered the follovring Resolution 'and moved its adoption: < RESOLUTIXN APPEOVING PUNS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR lGCEFNAIN ~~OVE4ENT NO-* l& AND DIRECTIIG < ADVEXtTISEIJENT F\3R Bn>S BX IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina: 1. The plans and specifications for1Tatemai.n Improvement No, 44 heretofore pre- pared by the Tillage Engine er? and now. on file in the aff ice of the Village Clerk me hereby approved, 2, The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Suburban Press and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the construction of said improvement : ADVERTBEIENT FOR B-fDS FOR lfim*BJN DPRLXEX4ENT NOo.!& VI- OF EDINA - The Edina Village Council trill meet atethe Village Hall, 4801 If. 50th Street, 3keapolis, on Xonday, April l4, 1952, at 7:30 oSclock P.T.T., to open and consider sealed bids for the constkction of Iratemain Improvement No. yS in said Village, - consisting of Construction of Village 1Jater;nain Extensih and Appurtenances in Wooddale Avenue between 1~60th and 1r.6lst Streets and in Fairfax Avenue between irJ,bqth Street and T'looddale Avenue. the plans and specifications for said improvement on file in the office of the Pillage Clerk. $ll bids must be submitted on the basis of cash payment for the ruork. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the undersigned before the time of said meeting and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of Ten percent of the amount of the bid, The work on said improvement must be done as described and specified in BY ORDER OF !IEE VIW;RGE COUNCIL. , Bower Hawtho me Village Clerk Edina, Hinnesota 3. Each and all of the term of the foreg adopted-as the terms and conditions of the ment, I Village ATTmqv.& Clerk 3/24/52 35 < msuant to "Notice of Hearing-Sanitary Sewer, 11 published in Edina-Morningside Courier Febmry 28 and March 6, 1952, Affidavit of Publication for which was * read by Clerk, Public Hearing was next held on proposed Sanitary Sewer in Wooddale and Fairfax Avenues between W.60th and W.6lst Streets. Engineer Mitchell's Estimte of Cost was $9,507.69; hts 8-13 indlusive, Block 1, and-Lots .1-8 inclusive, Block 2, Va3ley View Terrace to bear a Wewer hprovement No. B-1 Trunkt1 assessment of $2.65 plus a Lateral Charge of $3099; and Lots 1-7, Block 1, Valley View Terrace and Lots 13-24, Block 20, Fairfax to be assessed for lateral charge of $3.99 only, having already been assessed vrith the B-1 tmnkrcharge. There were no objections from the floor, and the Clerk had received no written objections, prior to the Heming. offered the "followring Resolution and moved its adoption: t - Hawthorne RESOLUTION ORDERING IIQROWWT = Sm&Y SEXEEt B4PRO?EEE'KC NO.42 BE Tl' RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the pro- posed improvement consisting of Constnxction of Sanitary Sewer and Appurte- nances in Wooddale and Fairfax Avenues between V.60th and W.6lst Streets, and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and behg fully advised of the pertinent facts'does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as SajnZta??yi Sewer Improvanent No. 42, and the area to be spBcially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said improvement is to be constructed. Motion for adoption of the Resolution there were three ayes and no nays, as and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall Hawthorne, aye; Haahorne offered the' following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS BJD SPECIFICM IONS FOR SANTTARY SM.B l3GROVmNT NO. 42 BND DIIEECTDTG ADVXRTISmW FOR BIDS . BE IT KESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Xdina: 1. tofore prepared by the Tillage Engineer and now on file in the office of the. Village Clerk are hereby approved. 2. The Clerk shall cause,to be published twice in the Suburban Press and the Construction Bulletin the following notice. for bids for the construction of c said improvement: The plans and specifications for Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 4.2 here- aDvIi;RTTs"T FOR BIDS FOR SkNEARY SEW3 IMPROIXHE" NO. 42 VJT;WLGE OF EDnVR * The Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall, 4801 IT. 50th Street, Il.linaeapolis, on Xonday, April I&, 1952, at 7t30 otcloclr P.H., to open and consider sealed bids for the construction of Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 42 in said Village, consisting of Construction of Sanitary lateral. Sewer and Appurtenances in Wooddale and Fairfax Avenues between 1.l. 60th and w.61st Streets. fied in the plans and specifications for said impravement on file in the office of the Village Clerk. All bids must be submitted on the basis of cash payment for the vrork. -No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the undersigned before the time of said meeting and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of Ten percent of the amount of the bid. The work on said improvement'mst be done as described and speci- BY OmZFL OF TFlX VILLp1GE COUNCIL. Bower Hawthorne Village Clerk 3. Each and all of the terms of the for hereby adopted as the terms and conditi <* otion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were three ayes and no nays, as follows: Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. Child, aye; Hawthome, aye; and 3/24/52 The next matter of business ms the Public Hearing on proposed Ifatemain Extneion in St.Johns Avenue from IL59th to lT.60th Street, Courier's Affidavit of Publication February 21) andj-kch 6,1952, of "Notice of . I Hearing.'t .-figbeer Ifitchell's Estimate of Cost was $4,297.32 as against 1,197.64 assessable Teet, or s;jrz.79 per assessable foot, There were no objections fmm the audience, and the Clerk had received no vrritien objections prior to the Hearing. Child ofzered the following Resolution a;nd moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of t.h6 Village of Edina, 14Lnnesota, that this Council heretofore caus& noti,ce of hearing to be duly published 6n the 'proposed improvement consisting of Construction of Village 'I.Tatermain and Appurtenances in St.Johns Avenue from W.59th to 'T.1.6Oth St., and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is .hereby designated and shall be-referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Ifatemin Improvement No. 43, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all. lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said improvement is to be constra cted. EIotion for adoption of the Resolution was sew were three ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; and the Zesolution was adopted. Clerk read Edina-Norningside RESOLUTTON OrtDERING DPROVEMENT r Tm-m'SmOWW N0.43 Child, and Erickson, * * 7-/Lfl - Village Clerk Child off ered'the following Resolution and moved its adoption: SOUPP PION APPROTTIiJG PL.S AND SPECIFICATIONS FCR II~~~~N IMPROTTE*ENT NO, 43 AND DIRECTING ADVEFLTISBB€E FOR BIDS BE: IT RESOLBED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina: 1. The plvls and specifications for Watermain Improvement No, 43 heretofore pre- pared by the Village Engineer and now file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. 2. The Clerk shall case to bk published twice in the Suburban Press and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the construction of said improvement: ADVERTLsBbENT FOR BIDS FOR 'CUITEBI~~ IIEW"T NO, 47 r VIu;Rc;E OF EDINA The Edina Village Councii vrill meet at the Village Hall, &GO1 W.50th Street, IGnneapoIis, on Eonday, April l4, 1952, at 7:p o'clock P.bi., to open grid' consider sealed bids forthe construction of Iratemain Improvement No, 43 in said Village, consisting of- Construction of Village IrjTa'termain Ext;ension and Appurtenances in St.Johns Avenue fromM.59th to W.60th St, the planse and specifications for said improvement on file in the office of the Village Clpk. Ah. bids must be submitted on the basis of cash payment for the work. N; bids will. be considerhd unless sealed' and filed kith the undeksigned before the the of said meeting and accompwed by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified- check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of Ten percent of the amount of the bid. The vork on said improvement must be done as described and specified in BY ORDER OF THE.VILLAGE COUUCIL, Bower Ha&hoW Village Clerk Edina , I-linne sot a 3, Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of the arrard of the contract for said improve- ment s Notion for adoption of the Resolutich was seconded by Hawt e threa ayes and no nays, as fo&ows: , aye; and the Resolution was adopted. L &gineer Mitchell recommended that Council advertise for bids for hitary Sewer previously been approved, adoption : . Improvement No, 41 and for Watermain Improvement No. 4.2, vrhicl~ projects have Child offered the fol.l.ar.ring Resolution and moved its 3/24/52 87 RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SfiJXl'ARY SEIm l24P€iOVE?GNT NO. 41 AND DIRECTING ADVERTISB4EN!T FOR BIDS BE IT RESOLVED by the Village CounciLof the Village of Ediha: .- 1. The plans and specifications for Sanitary Sevrer Improvement No.,!& hereto- fore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the TTillage Clerk are hereby approved. 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Bdina-Morningside Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the BDVERTISmT FOR BIDS FOR SANLTARY S~BEt~lMP~v3EMENT NO. 4.l VILLAGE OF EDINA 50th Street, Ninneapolis, on Monday,. April U, 1952, at 7:30 o'clock P.N., to open and consider sealed bids for the construction of Sanitary .Sewer Improve- ment NO. 41 in said Village, consisting of Construction of Sanitary Lateral Sewer and Appurtenances in Tomes Road from W.49th Street to a point approxi- mately 2a feet North thereof. in the plans and specifications for said improvegjent on file in the office of the Village Clerk. for the work,. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the undersigned before the time of said meeting and accompmied by a cashbposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the tlillage Clerk in the amount of Ten percent of the amount of the bid. construction of said improvement; -r I The Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall, 4801 11. The work on said improvement must be done as described and specified All. bids must be submitted on the basis of cash payment BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUMCIL. Bower Hawthorne IC c c Village Clerk I Edina, Minnesota 3. Each and all of the terns of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of the award of the contract for said improvement. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there were three wes and no nays, as follows: Erickson, aye; pd the Resolution was ado r- c c .e I Village ClTrk n Child offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: FZSOUITLON AP€BQ%tNG PLANS AJTD SPEZIFICATIONS .. FOR 3gA-N TMrmovEMEMl NO. 42 AND DIR,ECTmG ADTTERTI~NT FOR BIDS' BE h RiSOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina: 1. The plans and specifications for Watermain Improvement No. ,!#2 heretofore prepared hy the Village agineer and now-on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby adopted. 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edina-Horningside Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the construction of said improvement: .. A,DVBtTXSEMENT FOR BIDS FOR VIma OF EDINA The Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall, 4801 W.50th Stireet, IGnngapolis, on Nonday, April l4, 1952, at 7:30 otclock P&, to open , and consider sealed bids for the construction of Watermain kprovement No. 42 in said Village, consisting of Construction of Village %latemain Extension and Appurtenances in Windsor Avenue between Code Avenue and Hansen Road. The work on said improyement must be done as descriljed and specified in the plans and specifications for said improvement on file in the office of . the Tillage Clerk. AJ1 bids must be submitted on the basis of cash payment - fqr the work. No ;bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the undersigned before the time of said meeting and accompanied 'by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the mount of Ten percent of the mount of the bid. lamam mmNT.Mo. 4.2 + BY @%DER OF THE VILLAGE COuWC&L. Bower Hawthorne Village Clerk Mina, Minnesota 3. hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of the award-of the contract for said improvement Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are - 38J * 3/24/52 I4o%ion for adoption of the Resolution was sew there were three ayes and no nays, as follows: on Rollcall k &bo Dein requested permission to use dirt from the 15foot Village right-of-way abutting on Pearson Bros. lf.56th Street lots, to fill the 15-foot righbof-way abutting his property on Code Avenue, maintaining that he must fill his property to remedy a drainage problem caused by Village's grading of t:r,56th Street. Engineer Hitchell stated that the alleged drainage problem does not enter into the matter, and that he would .not recommend the procedure advocated by Bfr. Klein for the reason that it muld establish a precedent. Nr.. Klein was informed thatc the Councilcannot give atray public dirt; that the Village needs dirt for other projects and that such dirt, if moved from one particular street, must be used on another. himself, from 1~56th Street to Code Avenue. matter to Public Vorks Committee with power to act. Motion seconded by Child and carried. Eanager ZBtchell presented tabulations of the several bids taken Nonday, I*farch 10, his recommendations and Council's action being as follovrsr Nk. Mein maintained that he simply htends to do the moving of the dirt Hawthorne moved for referral of 1. Chevmlet- Company, low bidder, for a Tvm-Door Standard Chevrolet, Nodel 1502, trading in the 19U Ford and retaining 1950 Chevmlet, for net cost of $1,171.56. Child's motion, avmrding bid to Suburban Chevrolet Company as per I&. Xitchellts recomaendation, was seconded by Hawbbrne and carried, 2. Speelnon Elevated Tank Service--$627.50, stating that their proposed starting date will. bring the work into the summer when the tank is sweating; thus prohibiting the best type of job. (the only Bdina bidder) is $305.00 more than that of Feigner Company, Fremont, Ohio, and recommended that bid be awarded to Feigner Company ifl council is not interested in avmding to the Edina 'bidder, Feigner's bid, indiuding Sandblast cleaing, being $1,180.00. Hawthome*s motion, tkiat Council amrd contract for Cleaning and Painting of Hater Tank to Feiaer Conpny, Fremont, Ohio, at their bid price of $1,180.00, was hcqnded by Child and carried. ON POLICE CAR: - >fro Hitchell recommended that Council award bid to Suburban ON CLEANING APTD PATWING OF IUEER TANK. Elk. Nitchell cited the. low bid of He informed the CouncXl that the bid of Ridwest Tank Company 3. all bids on Emulsified Asphalt for the.reason that we do not have storage space for this material as bid. I&. 3-iitchell recommended that bids be awarded to low bidders, as follows: AT PLANT DlElITIERED CUTBACK ASPHALT NGl,2,or 3 #.0995 Gal. ROAD OIL SC 2 or 3 ROAD TAR HOT l33ADY MIX ASPHALT HOT READY MIX Ti53 Hawthorne's motion, awardirig bids to the above named zespective bidders, as per $fro Biit chelll s ,recommendation, was seconded by Child and carried. ON BITUTvmOUS SJRFACE HA!EELAIS0 Nr, Mitchell recommended that Council reject Hawthorne so moved, Motion seconded by Child and carried, Richards Oil Company, 2L)l Fremont Bve. No. 80f020 G21. Richards Oil Coapany $.090O Gal. $LO925 Gal, Republic Greosoting Co. $.1600 Gal. Earl Sewell & Sons,59= C@bgidge.St. Earl Sewell & sons $4.60 Ton $4.60 Ton 4,, OX I.IoTOR GRADE;R. 2-k. Nitchell recommended the purchase of the Caterpillar No. 12, without the ll' scarifier, at a cost of $~5,187.57. He stated as the reasons , for- his recommendation the good performance of the two Caterpillars now obrned by the Village, and the interchangeability of parts among the three graders, Childts motion, that Council purchase Caterpillar Grader No. 12, trithout scarifier, from Ifilliam H. Ziegler Company, at 816,187.57, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried, Park Board ltlinutes of Harch 13, were read, recommending the, following: Park purposes. favo&&y with regard to acquisition of additional property for park purposes &ljacent to the present park property. Stow Realty in the development of their BrookvLew Terrace plat to the end that any property in this development dedicated to the Village for park and playground pur- poses be located adjacent to the presently owned Village property. 1, 2, Acquisition of TaxDelinquent ht1, Block 3, Sunnyslope Section, for (On Petition of Community Service Organization)- That Council act In this connection it might be possible to .r.;oric with 3/24/52 89 (3) (Also on petition of Community Service Council) That Village Engineer make a survey of presently owned Village property to determine practicability of clearing or otherwise fitting any portion of this property for playgmund purposes. YCf, in theagineer's opinion, a suitable area of presently owned or acquired-property c&n be made usable for playground activities at a reasonable cost, the Board is inclined to recommend such action.t' (4) That Engineer advise as to. whether the property Surrounding smith end of East Mirror Lake in-spring Compxnyfs Edina Highlands 2nd Addition has been set aside for park purposes and if so, whether a dedication of this property for such purpose has been made. (5) That Engineer^hiLude in his spring work schedule the following projects: A. Grading and fill of the N.E. corner of 50th and Woddale'to make this lot suitable'for seeding to grass. " (6) Clean, grade and fill in order to seed and beautify the S.W. corner of 50th and Wooddale; Child's motion, that P&k Board recommendations be referrea to Manager Eiitchell for study and report a6 next meeting, was seconded by Hawthorne-and carried. Petition dated March 5; signed by H.N. Gregllson, for the vadation of 'Summit Avenue between Lots 16'to 20,Block & and 15 to 19, Block 3, Grandview Heights, was filed. Hanager WLt'chell recommended that Council hold a heaxing on this petition, inasmuch as the topograpliy of the presently dedicated street would mean considerable cut to bring street to grade. Council conduct Public Hearing Monday, April l.4, on petitzon to vacate portion of Summit Avenue, was seconded by Child and carried. Hawthorne's motion, 'that Petition sigped by owners of more t'han 51% of abutting properties, for Watermain "&ension on W.56th Street from Code Avenue to approxima€ely the E. Iine of Zot 12, Richmond Hills 3rd Addition, was filed. Bngineer Mitchell recomriendedthat Council conduct a Public Hearing 06 this petition, but that watermain be extended to the West line of ht 12. Hearing, Monday, April 21, 1952, a€ 7:30 P.M., on the Extension of Village Watermain and Appurtenances in W.5bth St. from Code Avenue to the W. 'Lot Line of Lot U,.Fiichmond Hills 3rd AddiiZon, said Hearing to be in Comnity Room of the Edina High School, was seconded by Child and carried; Hawth6rnets motion, that Council conduct a Public Mr. Kenneth Sundquist, owner of unplatted property North'of W.60th Streetand Virginia Avenue Addition, conferred with Council concerning his liability for sewer and water assessments on W.bOth Street. He stated that h3 is anable to carry a Watermain assessment at, the present time, and, although he wishes to give an easement for ~~60th Street; to cooperate with developers df Virginia kgenue, he wants some arrangement Ihade to relieve him of Mtemnain assessment. Manager Etchell stated that the watermain connection may be made fmm 1~62nd Street, which would relieve Mr. Swidquist. Pl. Sundquist presented 8 study for plat of his property, shovring a1 lots facing away froa W.60th St. was told to see the Planning Codssion about this plat. IJo action takaby Council. He " ..- a t .i Child's motion for approval of VilIage Payroll, amount $7,613.37 and'Liquor Store Payroll, mount $643.05, for period March 16 to 31, inclusive,'and fdr papent of the following Claims, is seconded-by Hawthorne and carried: . CEUM NO. 6883 6884 6885 6893 689rc 6895 6896 6897 6898 6899 6900 6901 6847 6848 6849 6850 6851 6870 6871 6872 6873 6909 6885 TO: American Linen Supply - NOW. Bell Telephone Ca; Northern States Power Coo NOW. Tire Coo Paper Caknenson & Co. Minneapolis Gas Co. . Mpls. Iron Store Suburban Chevrolet Coo win. H. Zegler Coo -kef Bros., Inc. David Agency Phillips Petroleum Coo Anderson Agency Astleford Eqtipment Co. U.S. supply coo Charles Olson & Sons, Inc. Dependable Motors, Inc. Brooksid e Sere ce Station WOE. Lahr Go. Dahlberg B~os., Inc. D-A Lubricant CO., Inc. - - ?! Northern States Power Coo Northern States Power Co. mom' 3. oo+ 40 :z**. 6W6 6877 6818 6879 68a 6881 6882 6883 6884 6885 6886 6887 . 6888 6889 6890 6892 69u 6912 6913 69u 6915 6916 6917 6918 6919 6920 6321 6922 6923 6924 6925 6926 6927 6928 6929 - 6930 6931 6932 6933 6934 6935 6936 6937 6938 6939 6940 69Q 4942 69&3 6944 - 6945 6946 6947 6948 6949 6950 6951 . 6952 6837 6838 6839 6840 68U 684.2 6843 6844 6845 6846 6861 6862 6863 6864 6865 6891 I P 3/24/52 TO: Kinneapolis Star & Tribune - cons tii ction muetin I Ed. Ryan George E. Thompson H, A, Rogers Go, Review Publications Hilding Dam Ih. S. Heydt &erica Linen Supply Co, Northern States Power Coo Young fie1 Go, f.iiul&-Davis Go, Carl 11. Krahl Alfred S. Jones Oscar Iloberts Co, Underwood Corporation Erin. Hospital. Service Assn, %1arian KO Xidder 'I-hrv EUz, Chaney , N.W. Eel1 Telephone Co, .* r: EA, Pfeiffer -~ Elizabeth Tf. Wehr $11, 81. ll. 81. ll,81. Camille ~~rtum - Xar5.e C, Dyregrdv Edna C. Peterson Eirjorie S, Xossiter Clarice Hollings-tmrth hella B Xeber Eleanor Irizarry. Ruth He Volk Elks. D. Eleanor Oren Xrs. -Ruth 13. Zipoy 32.0 81. c t gelen V, Palmer Ida L. Wth Virginia 1.1, Beard Florence B, Hallberg Edna L. D-er Dora Schauss LO. f*Iattson Gladys V, Cameron 1Iax-y Rose Engler Eke Duggan Sigrid A. IJesterberg ' €Slew& hunds en Fred Asplun& I-Qrtle 1-Qhr Lewis E, Jones . E, L, lil0dli.n PaulaiBerglund ' Olaf TI, Efse Frances Somenberg &bel 3-1, TJiUs6n Dorothea Obermeyer Narian C, Bail&= Ne?_lie Strate * Ethel S, Link &e5 A. Stark Nancy H. Perry' Erma S. Hoty - Bertha T, NcGr&ey 14.00 Tot& Election Saaries Jorgen H. Merson Fred L, Grey Ins. Agency State Treasurer Lew Bonn Co, Rydeen Agency F,H. Geiger Sales Go, Hardware I.iutUdls of-Stephens Pt. Tfisc. A. J. Perreault, Jr; bity' Treasurer Wd. Ryan, County Treasurer City Treasurer Chris Hitzel Bertelson Bros . ., ReGo Tinkh~, MoD, Icip;ls* School Supply- COO c I .* L. I CLAD4 NO. 6866 6867 6868 6869 6876 6884 6887 6902 6903 69% 6906 6905 6907 6852 6853 6869 6874 6890 6909 6910 6953 . -6868 6854 6855 6856 6857 6858 6859 3/24/52 - TO: AMOUNT Richard 6. Sonnaberg $$ 24.00* Glacier Sand & Gravel Go. 46.41- Lyle Signs, Inc. 48. 31. Town & Countxy Hdwe. ' 9.82- Consfruction'Bulletin NOW. Bell. Telephone C6. Milk? r-Davis Co . Jaw-Olson Coo Badger Plleter Tug. Coo Northern States Power COe Naterous Co. Pratts Express coo Roger Whitney heri can Wat erwork6 Ass6 ci&tion Ben Woehler Town & Country'Hdwe. Twin City Testing & Eng. Lab. Oscar Roberts Go. Orfei & Mkriani Suburban Press Plelps Drake Coo Glacier Sand & Gravel Go. E.K. Pottle Arkhur C. Bredesen Dr. HOW. Nelson R.S. Nurry" i Jay W. Craig Coo Jay haig Coe American LAna Supply Coo IL65- Candda Dry Ginger Ale, Inc. Anheus er-Busch, kc. 186.20. Void Clausen & Sons, Sc. 133 000 43526. Coca-Cpla Bottling Coo 52 5&- Cold Spring Distributing Coo 79 99- Gluek Brewing Co. . 88.52. 0.M. Droney Beverage Go. 227e30' Kucther Distributing "Coo 54. 33 Massolt Bottling COO 8.80' Minneapolis Brewing Co. 920.6r Npls. City Club Distributing Go. 2530 50. Morris Distributing Co. - 75orcZ* Northern States Power Co. 43.59- Pabst Sales Go. . 258.75 Purity Co., Inc. 173 070 F.J. Quinn Paper Co. -%085- ' 90 82 74040, Shell Oil Coo 640 45. Minnesota Hospital Service Assn. 3.00 Val. Bjornson, Treas., €'ERA 630 58 Ridland National Bank of Mpls. Distillers Distributing Coo 193 58 92- %in Brothers Coo 115.76* 3y127.80 Famous Brands, Inc. Griggs, Cooper& Coo" Mid-West Wine Coo, Inc. 379.58 ' Eiller-Davis Go. 6.25. Old Peoria Go., Inc. 65.78. Ed. Phillips & Sons Coo Z ,79902s. t. RexDistributing Coo Seven-Up BotKLbg Coo 208.46 659.20* I r- .. LIQUOR FUND $12,045.28 .. Pursuant to October 22, 1951 instructions by Council, Attorney Windhorst presented four statements for the sale price of the one-acre tract immediately West of the Village Hall, described as follows: tfCom.7.3 chains N 870E.from a- point 11.1 cha;ins S. of the Nw cor. of SKL/4 th.-N. 11%. 208.71 ft. tho M. 11' w.54.78 ft. to beg. ex. mad. - Sec.18, Twp.28, R. 24 (A.1.00) .)I Childrs motion for pap& of these claims, as follows, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried:: -* 79' Eo 2OSo7l ftT tho So 11' E0 208.71 fto tho So 6@%0 215.82 fto tho No r CLAlM NO. 6 960 Agnes Craik Cotten 6959 Nard Benton & Ottola Hiller Benton 653.96. 6958 Gersha &.Goodspeed & John Graham ) 361.79 69 57 Jay Fraaier (Goodspeed 326.99. $b 1,996.70 - $2 3/24/52 A list of General fticezlse Applications, for Licenses expiring April 1, 1953, was presented to the Council, hgether with reports of State Health and State Fire inspections. Year April I, 1952 to April 1, 1953, subject to compliance with State Health and Fire Orders, IAS seconded by Hawthorne and carried: Ito, Brauer dba Brauer's Five Cent to $1.00 Store,3905 T1.50th St, 1T.A. Olson dba Bmim Derby Cafe,3915 TJoSOth St, Child's motion, for the granting of the following licenses, for the Food License Off-sale Beer On-sale Beer Pinball (3) Food Cigarette Of f-Sale Beer Food Cigarette Food Cigarette Food Off-sale Beer Cigarette Off-sale Beer hade Beer Food Cigarette On-sale Beer On-SaLe Liqior Food * Theatre Food Food * - Food Cigarette Off-sale Beer 1I.J. Gher dba Garner Food Harket,4380 Brookside Av6. Food Cigarette Henry H. Gregg dba Greggls Phamacy,kq!& Friince Ave. , Food Cigarette Reinhard HackenMuUer dba Hackemuller Neat &rket ,4948 France Food Stanleg Hagen dba Gradview Market,5008 Vernon Ave. Food Cigarette Guy Heagle dba Heaglets Bakery,4943 France Bve; Food X.J. Hove for Hove Compa6y, Inc. Food Cigarette a Food Merlachen. Country Club; 6200 Interlachen Blvd. On-sale Beer 0n-Sh.e T;iquor L. * John R. Cameron dba Cam1 Grocery,%32 11.70th St. Roy Clancy dba Clanqy DAg Company,3948 W.5Oth Stb C.F. Correll. dba Correllfs Dairy Store,3907 tl.54th St. I herican Legion Housing Center,4900 Edkn he. Edina Cowtry Gl~b,4701 lI.50th St. Edina Theatre Corporation,39ll 11. mh Stb Ed Forberg dba Country Chb Ice Cream C0.,5036 France Ave, 11.P. Fuller dba Purity D&ry Store, 5018 France Ave. Fanny-Farmer Candy Shops, Inc,, 5000 France Ave. .. -*- c Cigarette * Food ' Food Donald E. Kanp dba Don's Lunch, 5348 .France Ave. Leo A. HcClellan*s Grocee,3501 S.r.54th St. National Tea Company,3945 lJ.5Oth St. L.R. Nolan dba Nolanrs %=-Terrace Cafe,3926 W.5Oth St. Cigarette Off-Sale Beer Food . Cigarette Food Cigarette On-sale Beer Off-sale Beer Gerald Paulsen dba Grand~ew Heat Market, 5008 Vernon * Food Eks. Zella Schoenauer dba Grandview Cafe,5002 Vernon Avenue Food Cigarette Food Food . Scott Stores &4,39Q6 TT.5Oth St. C Cigarette Geo. 11. Shilson dba ViU5ge Inn,l+930 France Ave. Pinball Off-sale Beer On-sale Beer Food Cigarette Off-SdLe Beer ' Food Cigarette Food r, Cigarette * Off-sale Beer . Cigarette * -. Robert C. *Soltjerg dba Edba Cash Grocery,492r3 'Brookside kve. R, S. Solie dba Hasty Tasty Cafe,3907 lf.50th St. S,B, "Stkson dba Country Cash &'Feed Store,&Ok Valley Vieur"Rd. -I. 1- c- -* 1 Zrs. Emma Tedman dba trooddale Grocery,4429 Valley Vimr Rd. Food Of f-Sale Beer T : I . 43 %! Food Cigarette Of f-Sale Beer '* Food Cigarette Boding Alley (16) Pinball (1) 3/24/52 Geroge L. Trisler dba Trisler's Grocery,5405 France Ave, Martin D. Zipoy dba Zipoy's Grocery John Dorek dba Edina Bowling Center Food \ I Cigarette Off-sale Beer On-Sue Beer Taxicab (16) Verlin BaClfanz dba Edina Taxi Coo The following Plumber's Lic&ises, for period April 1, 1952 to April 1, 1953, vrere approved subject to approval by Building Inspector. Motion granting approval was by Hawthorne. seconded by Child and carried. I c Virgil k. Beck, 31OL7th Ave, No., Hopkins Standard Plbg. & Htg. Go., 412 W, Lake St, Arnold Bing, 4945 Upton Ave, So. Blaylock Plumbing Go., 7731-4th Ave. So, Robert J. Carlson, 5627 NicoUet Ave. Statewide Plbg. & Heating Co., 2200~1~66th St. Fox Plbg. & Heating Co., 4755-4th Ave. So. Klugman Plbg. Coo, la7 Washington Ave. I%, O.F, Kohl Coo, 1088 Marquette kve, Minneapolis Plbg. Co,; l420 Nicollet Ave.- Norblom Plbg. & Htg. CO., 3742 Chicago Ave. Clare Nordwall, 1715 Ghicago kve. Northside Plbg. & Htg, Coo, 1715 Plymouth-Ave. No, A.14. Olson Plbg. CO., 604S Pillsbvy Ave, Edward D. Paulson, 4555 Grand he. So. H. O.*Soderlin, 3731 Chicago Ave. - E. S. Stiles & Son, 6@9 Girard Ave. So, H.B. Stone, 2101 W.67th St. Bermrd P. Nooney, Mooney's Plbg. & Htg. Co., 2816 S. Harriet Castle Plbg. Go., uc;! E, 38th St. Sam Brown, 323 E. Lake St. Johnson Bros. Plbg., 4510 Excelsior Blvd. Tom Notzko, 4l60 Vernon &e. - , C Gage-Reeves, 3867 Uehaha Ave, (I?etr) - At-this time Mayor Erickson was called away from the Xeeting, and Child moved for adjournment to 7:30 P.M., Friday, March 28,at the Village Hall. Motion Xeeti . seconded by Hawthorne and carried. VU-lage Glerk ,Ifembers answering Rollc&l were Bredesen; Child, I ? Rinutes of the Regular IGeting of Yfrch 2&, 1952 motion Child, seconded by 'I'lavhhoraeand ~ carried. Xavor Xrickson called Public Bearing on petition Danens, Hawthorne and Erickson. were approved as submitted, by to vacate a portion of Summit ikenue, ia accordance hith NotiGe 02 Hearing publzshed in Edina-Horninguide Courier Ihrch 27, 1952, and posted on official bulletin boards; recommended %hat street be Yacated inraccordance- with petition. objections from- the floor, - and: Clerk had received no wristen objections przor to the Hearing.. Child offered,the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Itanager D3,tchell There were no RZSQLUTION VAC&TII$G Sm (PWT OF SuLKLT Adm) .TiXEEE%S, pktition of a majority of the owners of real property fronting on the-line of Swnmit Avenue, between-the South plot Lines of Lot 15, Block 3 and Lot 20, Block 4, in Grandview Heights Addition and the I\Tort& L6t Lines of Lot 19, Block 3 and Lot 16, Block 4 in Grandview Heights Lddition as platted, has been duly filed wLth the Billage Council; and said Council kias met at the tirne and place specified in a notice duly published and posted and has heard all interested persons, and it appears in the interest of the public that said portion of said street be vacated, now therefore,