HomeMy WebLinkAbout19520414_ADJOURNEDI 4/u/52 " C' =e e P If 34 ( EE IT RES&ED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that it is deemed necessary and eqedient to make the Vater Hain linprovement heretofore set forth, and that on the 12th day of Nay, 1952, at 7:30 o'clock P.E.,- this Council will meet at the VLllage Hall in said Village and will at said time and place hearthe parties interested therein in reference to such improvement, and t.riu. decide whether or not -to undertake such improvement, in whole or in part. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the area proposed to be assessed for this improvement includes all lots and tracts of land wi-bhin the following boundaries: th. South along Wooddale Avenue to v.62nd Stneet extended East from Concord Avenue; th, West to Highway No. 100;- th. North along Highway No. 100 to a point 430 feet aore or less South of the Northwest corner of the S3/2 of Sec. 19-28-24; the East to Concord Avenue; th. South to Tf.6Oth Street; th. East to point or" Womencing at the centerline of T1.6Oth Street and TJooddale Avenue; beginning,#* .. I I- Eotion for: adqption of.the Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: horne, aye; and Efickson, aye; and th = Child's motion, that Public Hearing be held Nonday, Hay 12, on petition for Sanitary Sewer in Virginia Avenue Addition, was seconded by Ha.c.rthorne 'and carried. Village Attorney TIindhorst reported request for volunteer registration aid in registering voters in the business district, moved that D.eputy Clerk give consideration to having Deputy Registrar, Hrs. Newell, register voters as requested. Discussion was had, and Hawthorne Notion seconded by Child and carried. Bredesen moved for adjoment of Ifeeting until EIonday, April 21, 1952, at 7:30 FJf. at Gomunity Room of Edina High School. Motion seconded by. Hawthorne and unanimouslx carried, I4eeting adjourned at t Nembers answering 33ollcal.l. were Bredesen, -CQild, Danps, Hawthorne and Erickson. Hayor Erickson announced the Public Hearing on proposed Paving and Curb and Gutter in the Edina side of France Avenuzbetween the North Village Limits and TI.49th Streets and between PLTlst Street and a point 214 feet more' or less South of 13; 54th Street. Affidavit of Publication of Wotide of Heqing'l as it appeared in Edina-Xorningside Courier, Edina, on April-3 and 10, 1952,# was read, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Ihnager Ritchell presented'plans arid estimates of cost, as follows: c Curb Line to Vest Edge of Streetcar Ties. --Total Estimated Cost of Paving - &5,&20.18, Less 2/3 of cost to be paid by Tillage - $30,281.20 equals $15,138.98 Net Cost to property owners, to be paid by 3,693.22 assessable feet for a cost of $4.09 per assessable foot for Paving. estimated for construction of 8" Curb and Gutter, to be paid in full by owners of abutting properties, 3,075.35 assessable feet, .for total of $2.22 per assessable foot. foot, for Paving, Curb and Gutter. . BTIKATE NO. 2 - Based ,on Paving of Edina Side of France Avenue from Vest Curb Line of Centerline-of France Avenue. - Total Estimated Cost of Pavipgp $73,8ll,82, Less 2/3 of cost to be paid by Village - $49,207.88 equals $24,603.94 I?& Cost to property owners, to be paid by 3,693.22 assessable feet for a cost of 96.66 per assessable foot for Paving, assessable foot for 8" Curb and gutter (as cited above), making total cost to owners of abutting properties $8.88 per assessable foot, Er. IEtchell explained that Estimate No. 2 is based on the premise that Rdn City Rapid Transit Company is i&lling to remove its tracks, in accordaqce with recent ConZmitment by Hr. Barnes of the Company. BTDUm ?IOs 1 - Based on Paving of Edina Bide of France Avenue from Vest In addition there would be $6,820.93 This would make total. cost to abutting propefiy owners $6.31 pqr assessable I Invaddition there would be the 52.22 per 4/&+52 55 $fro Nitchell explained that the matters of sewer and water conngctions for properties dong this strpet pose problems; that Ninneapolis has refused water service to the Edina side of France Avenue because of insufficient-quantity and pressure of their water; that they will permit sewer connections, which can be made by running connections from manholes to the curb line; but.that this wi.11 mean additional cost to those properties to be thus connected, and that an assessment of $6.30 per front foot must be paid to Einncapolis before service connections cm be made along France Avenue. The cost of running to the curb line would be $S9,lO per 10% for those properties between 3,4$th and W.48th Streets; $105.00 per lot for those between W.48th and W.49th Streets, and between T;f.!jlst and Il.53rd Streets; and $126.28 per lot for those properties between V.53rd and ?.54th Street. property owners, but that State Board of Health regulations will not allow the running of both sewer and water mains in this location. He stated that a Village wateremin 'extension can be ru.q in the boulevard or sidewalk line to serve abutting County Commissioner Earl ISnsworth stated that the County will probably pave a twenty-hro foot strip Q the center of France Avenue between E.5lst and W. 54th Streets, although they cannot do so this year; that if the-Council wishes to proceed with project this year they must stand the cost and wait upon the County for payment in 1953. matter to the County Board on April 22nd, and notify the Council as to its act ion. Mr. hsworth stated that he would present the Mayor Anderson of the Village of Norningside stated that Morningside T.Jill attempt to work with Edina in having its side of France Avenue paved. Mr. E. J. McCubrey, District Engineer for the Hihnesota State Highway Department, stated that France Avenue north of W.50th Street has the Staters Wemporazy ,, courtesy marking," that the State ~$11 not participate in the paving of France Avenue this year, and that he doubts that theyvdll ever do so in the future. i Owners of abuttingproperties asked questions concerning the proposed 8\! curb, and Naaager 3EtcheI.l stated that the purpose of this is to balance Pfinneapolis curb, kd also to serve as storm sewer. Matter of driveway approaches was discussed, with W. Elicchell advancing the opinion -that driveway approaches vrill be built to the sidewalk line. Host of the few objections stemmed from property owners' opinions that Minneapolis will with refuse to pave even though Edina does SO. -Nr. Harry Davis objected to the proposed assessment allocation, stating that in his opinion owners of abutging properties should not be required to pay as much as 1/3 of paving cost inasmuch as all Edina uses France Avenue and inasmuch as paving will actually devaluate abutting properties by making a speedway of France. At this time Nayor Erickson announced that Public Hearing on Paving of France Avenue would be closed unless there were other arguments for or against the project; and, as no further opinions were offered, Hearing was declared closed. Next on the agenda was Public Hearing on Water Ma5.n Extension-in W.56th Street between Code Avenue and-W. Lot Line of Lot 12, Richmond Hills 3rd Addition Affidavit of Publication_.of "Notice of Hearing" as it appeared in Edina- Morningside Courier March 27 and April 3, 1952, was read, approved as to form, and ordered placed on file. amount of $6,365.24 as against 1,833.45 assessable feet, or $34'7 per assessable foot, was read. were no objections filed, either oral or written. that advertisement for bids be delayed until petition for sewer in the same locality is secured. adopt ion: Clerk Hawthorne was excused from Neeting because of illness. Engineer NitcheLl's estimate of cost intota3. Mk. Harry Hansen voted in favor of the improvement, and there Mr. Hansen asked, however, Child offered the following Resolution and moved its IZESOLUTION ORDERIIYG Ibi?ROQEidB" - 'IfamIIiT DPROVEXDJT N0.45 BE XT RESOLVED by the Coqcil -of. the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing $obe duly published on the proposed improvement consisting "or" Construction of Watermain Extension and Appu-rtenances . in IJ.56th Street from Code Avenue to the West Lot Line of Lot 12, Richmond Hills Third Addition; and at the hearing held at the-time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised .of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Water Hain linprovemenb No. 45, and the area to be speciallxassessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the street inwhich said improve- ment is to be constructed. c Notion for adoption of the Resolution was se there were four ayss and no.-nays, as folLows . I C "* and on Rollcall Child, aye; Danens, Erickson, aye; and the Resolutio lltlge 4/21/52 Child's motior,, that Council delay advertisement for Tfatermain Improvement No. 45 until petition for sewer in same area is received, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. lk. E.J. IfcCubrey, District Engineer for the Minnesota State Highway Departaent, presented to Coupcil %ayout 3 from 66th St, to 50th St.in Edina," dated April 8, 1952. Council at some length, and Child offered the following Resolut$on and moved 5ts adoption: Copy 3.--Service Roads on Trunk Highmy 100 Plan was studied by RESOLUTION APPROVING SEFtVJXX ROADS -,TRUNK HIGFNAY NO. 100 * I-, The Commissioner of Highways ofsthe State of Hinnesota.is about to designate the location of Trunk Highway No.. LOO formerly designated as Trunk Highway No. 130, through the 'fiillage of Edina, as shovm upon the general layout plan which is presented herewith and made a part hereof, and in said trunk highway through said VUlage of Edina and is designating the general layout and points of access to said trurik highway as shown on the general layout plan attached h'ereto, r.rhich. said plan is presented heretfith .and made a part of this resolukion, and trill not license or permit hereafter any encroachment of any nature, including curb gas pumps or gas stations or billboards or other structures of anykind ~ whatsoever, on the right of way of said Trunk Highway No. 100 vzW&n the cor- poraLe limits of said Village of Zdina, as shown upon the plan and maps hereto attached, = and lim, In the furtherance of the public well being and safety it is desirable and riecessary to eliminate traffic hazards by etminating any encroach- inents Whatsoevdr including gas pumps or gas stations or billboards OT other structures of any kind whatsoever, notv or hereafter existing in or upon the said Trunk Highway right df way, and safety, that all parking of vehicles on said Trunk Highway be parallel with the curb and at least 20 feet from any crosswalk at all public streets intersecting said Tmt& Highway within the corporate limits of said Village, and l-ds, It is to the best interests of-said Village that all parking of vehicles be parallel to.the curb; IWW, THERJ3FORE,+ BE LT RESOLVED, That said general layout plan for the * location, improvement and designation-of points of access to said Trunk Highpay through sai.d Village be and the same is hereby approved; and BE XT FURTHER RJZSQLmD, That when plans and specifications of said improve- ment on Trunk Highway No. 100 have been completed and submitted to this Council in accordance rdth the above proposal, %he sme will. be approved by further resolution; and BE.IT l?UR!EBR RESOLJIED, That said Village does hereby agree and covenant that it r.lill never permit or suffer, vithin its corporate limits, any encroach- ,men% of any ldnd whatsoever, .including curb gas pumps and gas stations, bill- boards or other structures of any kind whatsoever, upon the right of way of Trunk Highway No. 100 as shown on said plans and that to the above end said Yillage hereby agrees that it f;rilJ, never issue any license, permit, or grant, or give any leave or liberty or any other consent of whatever form for the con- struction or maintenance of any ,encro@ment tvhatsoever, including curb gas pumps and gas stations, billboaids or other structwes of any kind whatsoever, upon said right,of way; and that said Vilbage.t.riU- cooperate insofar as possible to eU.mina$e existing.encroachments constituting traffic hazards and r.rill further tee any necessary action to,eliminate aay encroacheat that may hereafter &st on said Trunk Highway right of way; and parking. of all vehicles on said Trunk Highway to be parallel with the 'curb and at least 20 feet from any crosswalks at all public streets intersecting said Trunk, Highway within the corporate limits of said Village. 'I.JHEREAs, Said Commissioner of Highways proposes to make certain i;nprov.tments I-, The Commissioner of Highways is desirous that the Village of Egina TJ'HEXEB, Said Commissioner of Highways desires, in the interest of public I €33 IT FIJIBHIB RESOLVED, That said VEllage does hereby,agree to require the Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: 1 BredesewaFeChild, aye; Danens kson, aye; and th&Resolution I aye; Erickson, aye; and th& Resolution m9-?9 I State Highway Department District Engineer, E. J. I-fcCubrey presented "Construction -Plan for Grading, Concrete Base and Bituminous Surfacing Trunk Highway 310. 100 at the lhtersection of 'IH.lOO,l@ and 50th Street West, in Edina," plan having been approved by O.C. KZpp, Chief Engineer, April- 8, 1952. >b. HcCubrey stated that the plan for.the Northeast leg of this intersection has been changed some- what because of difficulty in =curing sight of my, thoughly; and Uanens offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Council reviewed Plan 1+/21/52 -RESOLUTION APPEOVING STAm HIGHNAX DWART"!T'S APRIL 8, 1952 CONSTRUCTION PLAN FOR GRADING, CONCRETE AND BI"U"0US SURFACINGTRUNK HIGHWAY NO. 100 AT INTEXEECTION OF T.H.100,169 AND 5OTH STREET BEST IfHERZAS, The,Commissioner of Highways of the State of Xnnesota hits now determined to designate and make 3itm permanent the location of Trunk Highway No. 100,100,169 fomerly designated as Trunk Highway No. 130,5,5,trhough the Village of Edina as shown upon the plans which are presented herewith and made a part hereof, and structing and improving said Trunk Highway through said Village and has prepared plans for said construction,reconstruction and improvement, a copy of which said plans are presented herewith and made a part of this resolution; and IlHEE@B, The Construction, reconstruction and improvement of said Trunk Highway requires a change in the grade of the streets i;l said Village along and upon.which said TrunkHighway passes, said change of grade being designated and shown 01'~ said plans, and lim, It is to the best interests of said Village that said Trunk Highvny be constructed, reconstructed and improved through said Village in accordance with said plans and the standard Ninnesota Highway Specifications and upon the grade designated therein, and TJHEREXS, The Cornmissioner of Highways is desirous that the Village of Edina vrill not license or permit hereafter, any encroachment of any nature, including curb gas pumps or gas stations or billboards or other structures of- any kind' whatsoever, on the right of way of said Trunk Highway No. 1OE>,100,169 within the corporate limits of said Village of Edina as shown upon the plan and maps hereto attached, and TJIEREAS, In the furtherance of the public tell being and safety it is desirable and necessary to eliminate traffic hazards by eliminating any encroach- writs whatsoever incltlding gas pumps or gas stations or, billboards or other structures of any kind whatsoever, how or hereafter exi6ting in or upon the said Trunk Highway right of way, and safety, that all parking of vehicles on said Trunk Highway be paraLle1with the curb and at least 20 feet from any crosswalk at all public streets intersecting said Trunk Highway within the corporate limits of said village, and vehicles be parallel to the curb; construction,reconstmction. and improvement of said Trunk Highway through said Village, be and the same hereby are approved, and said Village hereby consents to the change in grade of the streets along which said Trunk Highway passes, aw shown in said plans; and . FE IT FURTHEX RJBOL~, That said Village does hereby agree and covenant that it will never permit or suffer, idthin its corporate limits, any encroach- ment of any kind whatsoever, including curb gas pumps and gas stations, billboards or other structures of any kind whatsoever, upon the right of way of Tmnk High- way 100,100,169 as shown on said plans and that to the above end said Village hereby agrees that it .Will never issue any license, permit, or grant, or give any leave or liberty or any other consent of whatever form for the construction or maintenance of any encroachment whatsoever, including curb gas pumps and gas stations; billboards or other structures of any kind whatsoever, upon said right of way; and that said Village will cooperate insofar as possible to eliminate existing encroachments constituting traffic hazards and will further take any necessary action to eliminate any encroachment.that may hereafter exist on said Trunk Highway right of way; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That said Village does hzreby agree to rlrquire the parking of- all vehicles on said Trunk Highway to be parallel with the curh and at least 20 feet from any crosswalks at all public streets intersecting said Trunk Highway within the corporate limits of said Village. WHEREAS, Said Conmissioner of Highways is desirous of constructing, recon- ?=&, Said Commissioner of Highways; desires, in the- interest of public ?JwEREAs, It is to the best interests of said Village that all parking of NOiiI, THERIEFORE, BE IT RZSOLW, That said plans and specifications for the i I Motion-for adoption of the Resolutiion ms seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall Id, aye; Daylens, r Nayor Erickson announced Public,Hearing on Petition for Curb and Gutter in Ewing Avenue between W.57th and W.58th Streets; +id the Affidavit of Publication for said No-bice of Hearing, as it appeared in Edina-Norningside Courler March 27 and . April 8, 1952, was read, approved-as to form and ordered placed on file. Engineer ltitchellrs estimate of cost was read as $3,350.35 as against 1,200.97 assessable for $2.79 per assessable foot. break in the- grade of the street- about 2/3- of the way toward 57th Street; and that Curb and Gutter is feasible only if some provision is made for drainage of the street. He recommended the Council approve the project with the understasrding 3-k- Nitchell explained that there is a definite .. h/a/52 advanced that one of the property owners on the street expacts to al10i.r his property to be forfeited for delinquent taxes, and that Village canthen take this property for park purposes. Child offeredthe following Resolution and moved its adoption: 58 that no bids be taken until easements for drainage are procured. jln opinion PELS l?&SOXJJ"IQN ,ORDEKU?G D*lPFiOVEi*ENT STFLEECT IL!PZOKEXEXfl NO, &9 B& IT RESOL. by the Council of the Village of Edina, &Ennesota, that this Council heretofore-caused notice of hearing to be duly publishea on the proposed improvement consisting of Curb and Gutter an Ewing Avenue between V.57th and lf.58th Streets, and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully adesed of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said , improvement; that said inprovement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in &l.subsequent proceedings as Street Improvement No. B-9, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in r.rhich said inprovement,is to be constructed, Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: B Erickson, aye; and the Resolution vas adopted, - I Danens, aye; - -- Village Clerk Childts motion, that Council give no consideration to advertising for bids for Street Improvement ND. B-.9 until after drainage easements are secured. Notion seconded .by Danens and carried. Public Hear-ing was next held on Petition for Blacktopping of &.ling Avenue bat ween IT. 57th and V,5$th Streets. Edina-Norningside Courier's Affidavit of Publication Efarch 27 and April 3, 1952, of llItotice of Hearing" was read, approved-as to form, and ordered placed on file, Engineer Mitchellgs estimate of cost of this project (including 2 Catch Basins and 45 &ea1 Feet of 12II reinforced concrete pipe in place) totalled $2,652.18 as against 1,200.97 .assessable feet, for $2.23 per assessable foot, Engineer NitcheU. once again recomuiended that Council approve project but delay advertising for bids-m.il drainage easements are secured. Danens offered the following Resolution and-myed its adoption: RESOLUTION ORDIBING -Is.IpRovEf.IEMT STRJBT D-E.ROVEW" N0.A-26 BE IT lQSOLVED By the Council of the Village of Edina, l.iinnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published'on the proposed improvement consisting of the Blacktopping of Ewing Avenue between W.57th and IJ,fj€?th Streets ; and atc the hearing held at the time and place Specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does liereby determine to proceed withthe construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Street Improvement No. A-26, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streetw in which said improvement is to be constrlzctpd, . . Motion for adoption of Resolution vrils seconded by Child, and on RollcdL1 there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredesen Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was adopte i c Vill'age Clerk' Bredesen's motion, that Advertisement for Bids on Street Improvement No. 61-26 be deferred until after drainage easements are proceured, vas seconded by Ghfld and - carried. Pursuant to Wotice of Hearing-Proposed Blackbopping %&rg Avenue between' TI. 60th +d IL6lst Str,eets,*t appearing in EdinapI4orningsi.de Courier: fkrch 27 and April 3, 1952, Affidavit of Publication for, which was read, approved as to form and placed on file, Public Hearing was had on the above named project. Engineer Z.fitchell*s estimate of cast on project was $2,299.32 as against 1,196.96 assessable feet, for gL92 per assessable foot. His Estimate of Cost for project as advertised, plus Blacktopping of T.T.60th and ll.6lst Streets from a point 1/2 Block If. of Oaklavm- to a point 1/2 Block E, of Oalclawn, was $3,898,,58 as against 1,598 assessable feet, for $2.44 per assessable foot,, In this connection, E&. NitcheU. asked Council policy with regard to. assessing North-South streets for blacktopping of East-West Streets. making no assessilent against inner lots for East-Vest streets was eqlaine$, with i[=ounci;L r.rilf-ing to study further this qthod of assessment. oiiners froin OaKLaFm Avenue were in the1 audience, an& are willing to wait for their blacktopping until entire street from V.58th to r.1.62nd is blacktopped. to circulate petition for blacktop in Qalclawn between 61st and 6&d, and were asked to notify Council 02 their success, by Konday, April 28. ' Oaklawn . Council's present policy of assessing corner lots for both sides, and of Several property * They offered . Bredesen offered $he \ q... 4/21/52 following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ORDERING ~OVE2~E~ 59 -r STREET IMmzOVE"T N0.A-27 c BE,IT RESOLm by the Council of the Village of Edina, Ellinnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improvement consisting of the Blacktopping of Oaklawn Avenue between If. 6Qth and .%f061st Streets; &.d at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the Views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinen6 facts does hereby determine to-proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to5n all subsequent proceedings as Street Improvement No. A-27, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include ell lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said improve- ment is to be constructed. t - Notion for adoption of Resolution tas seconded by Child, arid on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follo ye; Danens, aye; son, aye; and the Resolution yas h \ Public Hearing was next had on the Proposed Blacktopping of Fairfax Avenue betwe TJ.58th and 11.59th Streets. Edina-Norningside Courier, March 27 and April 3, 1952, was read, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. $l,,.€%i,.&L as agains$, a, John I?. Snyder, 5832 Fairfiax Avenue, was present at the Hearing, and asked information concerning possible blacktopping of Fairfax between If. 59th and W.60th Streets. stated that he mulhprefer that his block be oiled this year, with cost of oil to,be added to blacktopping cost next year; that he felt he could speak for the rest of the owners in his block, inasmuch as he had circulated blacktop petition and knew their views. either oral or written, ha$ been received prior to the Hear$ng. B Bl.3 TT RESOLITED by the Council of the. Village of Edina, I!i!iesota, that $ha Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improve- ment consisting of the Blacktopping of Fairfax Avenue between TStreets; and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the con- struction of said improvement; that said improvement shall be undertaken by Oiling Affidavit of Publication of lrNotice of Hearing" in Village Engineerts estimate of Cost was 900,D: assessable feet, for $2* gy per assessable foot, When informed that this petition calls for oiling only, EJIr. Snyder I No one elserappeared at the Hearing, and o object'ons STF&:ET I1VIPROVEMEXT HO. A-28 adoption: Of h ere ah e I following, moving its RESOLUTION O€?,DEING TMPROVBENT, 53th and W. 59th \ \ i 8 said street in 1952 and completing the blacktopping thereor" in 1952; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent pro- I c.eedings as Street Improvement No. A-28, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said improvement is to be cbnstructed. Notion for adoption of the.Resolution was seco there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: I_ I I I Public Hearing on Proposed Blacktopping of all Streets in Parerood Knolls 2nd Addition was announced.- Affidavit of Publication of *tI;Jotice of Hearing!t in - Edina-Morningside Courier March 27 and.April 3,1952, was read, approved as to form, and ordered placed on file. this project, recommended that Council. gjve no consideration to this project until streets are put into condition to be Blackt;oppedland lake drained as per agreement by Mr. Carl It. Hansen, developer. Circle is now under water, and that the balance of the streets are in poor con- dition, and certainly in no condition for a blacktopping project. against construction at this time, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. Review was had o$ Public Hearing earlier this evening on Paving of France Avenue. Manager Eitchell reiterated his earlier gtzbernent that Council must decide wlnat to do about sewer and water connections for abutting properties--that it is possible to extend either sewer or water main in the Boulde Health Regulations will not allow both. including the $6.30 per front foot to be paid to Hinneapolis at time of house connection. from proposed plans for Concrete Paving in France Avenue. Motion seconded by Danens and carried. Engineer IEtchell presented no Estimate of Cost on Ik. Ilitchell explained that Stauder Child's motion, t '* I t -Sidewalk line, but that State He revikwed the cost of Sewer Connection, Child moved that Sanitary Sewer Connections to Hinneapolis be eliminated 68 5 3Ianager XitcheU. recommended the purchase of a paint spraying machine for painting curbs and street markings, estimting the cost at just-under $500.00. Danens moved for the purchase of the machine. Notion seconded by Child and carried. Manager EEk chell recommended that Village coordinate with Phelps-Drake Company (iuatemnain contractor) in grading W.5&haStreet to make it passable for traffic, He s$ated that a cat and scraper VU be needed, and asked for authorization to employ them. Danens noved that Village Wager be authorized to do the work as reconmended, vAth this cost to be assessed against the future grading of IL58th Street (which has not yet been petitioned for.) carried. Ihnager ISEtchell recommended that the Council increase the rate of pay of I-lrs. Nargot Peterson, Receptionist, from $168.00 to $184.00 per month, effective immediately. was seconded by Bredesen .and carried. Motion seconded by Bredesen and - Danenst mation, for pay increase as recommended by Village Nanager, - There being no further business to come before the Council, Child moved for adjournment. . Notion seconded by Bredesen and carried. Heeting adjourned at lot50 P.1.T. a1 r &ENLEES OF THE REGUI&R-I*~ING OF THE ?BINA VILL..GE COUNCn, H'EXD- KONDAY, APRIL, 28, - 1952, AT 7: 30 P.I.I., AT TW EDINA VII;wIGE: HawG liembers answering, Rollcall were Bredesen, Child and Danens .- Child presided until Nayor Erickson arrived, and Deputy Clerk Gretchen Alden acted as Clerk. Ebutes of Regulw I-Ieeting of April l.4, 1952, and Adjourned Portion of April UC Ebieeting held Nonday, April 21, were approved as read, by motion Dmehs, seconded by Bredesen and carried. Nr, R.H. Stensmd asked for Council disposition of Insurance Bids taken April l4. - Manager 1.litchell presented a tabulation of bids, which showed Hardware I%utuals of Stevens Point, Ifisconsin to be low bidder on policies on the one-year basis stipulated in the specifications, three-year plan, which will. effect an even greater saving to the Village, said pla being as follows: Xr. 1.Etchell then presented Hardware f.iutualst . - - Gross Dividend Net 1st year Combination Gomprehehsive Liability $274.2.63 - Comprehensive Fleet 654.10 - $3396.73 $3396.73 1 2nd year Combination Comprehensive Liability $2156.94 Comprehensive Fleet 654.10 $509.9. $2301 53 e $28u00& c 3rd year Conibination Comprehensive Liability( $21.56 . 94 comprehensive Fleet 654.10 I 4i;zsu.04 $421.66 $23 89 38 Dividend paid at end of 3rd year @&a. 66 ' Plan specifically stated that this premium cost is based on payrolls*and exposures outlined in specifications, and is subject to annual audit; the net cost to the Village, at their current dividend basis of 15$, being $7,665.98. IIr. Nit chell recommended that Council accept this three-year plan. Trustee Bredesen requested that Hardr.rare.l&tuals provide the same type of service to the Village that .it vnuld provide to business houses-which Hr. Stensrud agreed to do upon award of business, Hadtare 3htuals Company* s three-year insurance plan 8s outlined above. seconded by Bredesen and carried. Panens moved for acceptance by the Village of the Notion . 1.b~. I.'iblly Newland, 408 Gri fit Street requested permission to divide the South 120 Fee% of Lot 7, Block L$$e8%a%?&y&!~ between Lots 6 and 7, Block 14, and Lot 6, Block l.4, into two equal lots of 110.5'd.20r, facing on Ifaloney Avenue. - Her request was supported by a mitten request from 2,.ITe Lmpe, prospective pur= chaser of property. I.l[anager and Planning Commission for recommendation and report at next regular meeting, was seconded by Danens and carried. Bredesents motion, that this matter be referred to Village