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Of f-Sale Beer '*
Boding Alley (16)
Pinball (1)
Geroge L. Trisler dba Trisler's Grocery,5405 France Ave,
Martin D. Zipoy dba Zipoy's Grocery
John Dorek dba Edina Bowling Center
Food \
I Cigarette
Off-sale Beer
On-Sue Beer
Taxicab (16) Verlin BaClfanz dba Edina Taxi Coo
The following Plumber's Lic&ises, for period April 1, 1952 to April 1, 1953, vrere
approved subject to approval by Building Inspector. Motion granting approval was
by Hawthorne. seconded by Child and carried.
Virgil k. Beck, 31OL7th Ave, No., Hopkins
Standard Plbg. & Htg. Go., 412 W, Lake St,
Arnold Bing, 4945 Upton Ave, So.
Blaylock Plumbing Go., 7731-4th Ave. So,
Robert J. Carlson, 5627 NicoUet Ave.
Statewide Plbg. & Heating Co., 2200~1~66th St.
Fox Plbg. & Heating Co., 4755-4th Ave. So.
Klugman Plbg. Coo, la7 Washington Ave. I%,
O.F, Kohl Coo, 1088 Marquette kve,
Minneapolis Plbg. Co,; l420 Nicollet Ave.-
Norblom Plbg. & Htg. CO., 3742 Chicago Ave.
Clare Nordwall, 1715 Ghicago kve.
Northside Plbg. & Htg, Coo, 1715 Plymouth-Ave. No,
A.14. Olson Plbg. CO., 604S Pillsbvy Ave,
Edward D. Paulson, 4555 Grand he. So.
H. O.*Soderlin, 3731 Chicago Ave. -
E. S. Stiles & Son, 6@9 Girard Ave. So,
H.B. Stone, 2101 W.67th St.
Bermrd P. Nooney, Mooney's Plbg. & Htg. Co., 2816 S. Harriet
Castle Plbg. Go., uc;! E, 38th St.
Sam Brown, 323 E. Lake St.
Johnson Bros. Plbg., 4510 Excelsior Blvd.
Tom Notzko, 4l60 Vernon &e.
Gage-Reeves, 3867 Uehaha Ave, (I?etr) -
At-this time Mayor Erickson was called away from the Xeeting, and Child moved
for adjournment to 7:30 P.M., Friday, March 28,at the Village Hall. Motion
Xeeti . seconded by Hawthorne and carried.
VU-lage Glerk
,Ifembers answering Rollc&l were Bredesen; Child,
? Rinutes of the Regular IGeting of Yfrch 2&, 1952
motion Child, seconded by 'I'lavhhoraeand ~ carried.
Xavor Xrickson called Public Bearing on petition
Danens, Hawthorne and Erickson.
were approved as submitted, by
to vacate a portion of Summit
ikenue, ia accordance hith NotiGe 02 Hearing publzshed in Edina-Horninguide
Courier Ihrch 27, 1952, and posted on official bulletin boards;
recommended %hat street be Yacated inraccordance- with petition.
objections from- the floor, - and: Clerk had received no wristen objections przor
to the Hearing.. Child offered,the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
Itanager D3,tchell
There were no
.TiXEEE%S, pktition of a majority of the owners of real property fronting
on the-line of Swnmit Avenue, between-the South plot Lines of Lot 15, Block 3 and
Lot 20, Block 4, in Grandview Heights Addition and the I\Tort& L6t Lines of Lot 19,
Block 3 and Lot 16, Block 4 in Grandview Heights Lddition as platted, has been
duly filed wLth the Billage Council; and said Council kias met at the tirne and
place specified in a notice duly published and posted and has heard all interested
persons, and it appears in the interest of the public that said portion of said
street be vacated, now therefore,
44 4/%/52 a __ - . 4 1- -- .El3 JT FLZSOLXD by tke Village Council of the VXLlage of Edina &at Sumit
,\venue between %he South Lot Lines of Lot 15, Block 3 and Lot 20, BLock 4, and the
IIorth Lot Lines of Lot 19, Block 3 and Lot 16, Block 4, all as plattqd in Grandview
Qeigjts Aidition, and as the same is now dedicated'and laid out within the corporate
limits of said KLlage of Zdina, is hereby vacated.
Kotion for adoption of the Besolution was seconded by Hawkhorne, ad on Rollcall-
there were five ayes and no nays,-as follows:
aye; Hawthorne, aye; and &ickson, aye; and the R
Clerk read Mfidavit of Publicat ion for lfAdver$isernent for Bids-fnslirance*r , T.rhich
was published in Edina-Korningside Courier IIarch.13 and 20, 1952; 'and, in accordance
with said Notice, the following sealed bids were publicly opened and read: I GXrniL- AUTO I.L%!ERIiIL
* Lrn.' ,ZLirs; DX3.Gh , TOTAL
Shelby l.iutual Casualty ~0.$2,933.56 $1,790.U.$ 519.24 ;j5,*2.94
Bannitz Ins. kgency 2,893.57
IZirsh G licLeman 1,326156- *1,246;33 7ifjk82 I- 3335g:;71.
. Spr-ing Co. 1,333.24 1;2'?7;13 4.6123 3,071055
Anderson Agency 1,316.69 1,213;uC 779f47 3,309: 30
Anderson Agency ($!ternate)1,326356 1,246;33 785;82 3; 358;71
Hardwar e I-iutu als - 1,208.69 1,220.98 654.10 ;;3,683:77 David Agency 1,316;69 1;213;34 779.47 " 3,309030
Less Premium Discount : -55;12
Advance. Premium ii3 ,028 L 65- I
Less Est. Dividend(l5s) -454.29 2,574.33
Anderson Agency also presented bidh amount of $186.75 for three-year premium
on heavy street eqyipnent Fire policy.
Xotion by Child, that Insurance Bids be =$erred to. the Vi$lage &nager for tabu-
lation and report at ne& regular meeting, was seconded by Danens and carried;
Affidavit of Publication in Zdina&lorningside Fourier l&ch 27 and April 3,1952,
of "Advertisement for Bids-fjravel and ROW was read by Clerk; and, pursuant to
said Notice, the following bids were publicly opened and read.
1 -- I *m
Yd. Ton Yd. Ton Yd. Ton Yd. Ton ---- ---- *.I
i98 070 1.75 1.25 2;52 1.80 3.12 2.30
2;25 *
Glacier Sand & c;l;avel Go. *'91 .65 1;&11:15 2.31 1.65 3.01 2;15
Oscar Roberts Coo i84 ll54 1.10 2.38 1.70
Pfeiffer Const. Co. ' ;85 ;61 1.35 1.00
Blacktop Service Coxpany' 090 '
Edina Sand Ef Gravel Go. .686 ..@ 2.366 1.69
Kotion by Danens, for-referral of bids tQ Village Zianager for tabulation and
report at next, regular meeting, was seconded by Child and carried,
I.&yor Xrickson announced the-taking of bids on Sanitary Sewer Improvements HOS.
41 m-d-42, and ?rater I&,in Improvements Nos.42, 43 and a, pursuant to "Advertise-
ments for Bids*' appeaxing in Edina-Rorningside Courier and in Construction Eulletin,
Eheapolis, Karch 27 and April 3, 1952. Affidavit of Publication for said
advertisements was read by Clerk, and the following bids were publicly opened and
*- I sF;JER 41 * SEt.3ER 32 IT.TPe 42- 3n.P. 43 I3Pe a-
Tomes Rd. Vooddale Uindsor St. Johns ?Tooddale
:j 2,207.50 $10,895.83 $10, 53320 qj 4,169.00 210,1;36.86
8;939;16 .10,401;'?4 - 4,670.85 10,530.01
E. 13. Ferron -
Peter Lametti
'betti Q Sons 2;081;60 7,927;52 9,500.20 4,04.4090 9,426.83
DeGraff Wolff 2,300.00 9,026;Ol 10,501.70 4,048.60 10,301.81
. Orf ei eC I4ariani * I, 658.60 9; 3991 94 10,275 -00 4,6O 5 . SO 11,027.15 *
Bart Carlone 8,843L3.4 9,&8;50 3,928.50 9,438381
Terry Bros; ikc.Co. 1,648.75 8,820,90 9,324.10 4,048.m 9,998,20
< t.
CfiildTs motion, tha-t; bids be referred to Village Engineer for tabulation and report
at next regular meeting, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried.
.- , -.. . _.
I. . .I,
z Attorney Karl Covell, representi28 Mr. Karstens of the Young Fuel Comfpany, 4 -J presented a petition for the rezoning to Commercial. District of Lots 1 to 20,
Block 2, Grandview Heights Addition, for the purpose of constructing a cement
block plant and other related cement building materials cons&ruction.
Planning Commission's recent recommendation for the rezoning of this area was
reviewed, and Hawthorne moved, setting Public Hearing- on Rezoning petition for
Monday, May 12, 1952, 'at 7:30 P.31.
, -
liotion seconded by Child and carried.
. -. --
Mr, Ralph Womsbecker of WK-L Investments, Inc., requestedthat Council
install and-pay for lof1 and. 12" trunk w&er mains between France-and 60th
Street and-France and 68th Street, for water service to "Hollywood Manor"
subdivision, and that C&uncil install an EP main along 'i.f.66th Street from
France to York Avenue, assessing Xollytcrood Manor for half the cost.
Wormsbecker's entire proposition is set forth in detail.in his letter dated
April 11, 1952. Hawthornets motion, that ths request-of If-K-L Investments,
Inc. for installation of trunk water main at expense of Village be uncon-
ditionally denied. Hotion seconded by Child and carried. Child moved that
developers be notified of this action by copy of minutes. Slotion seconded by
Hawthorne and carried, Hith- regard to the Preliminary Plat of itHollymod
Manor! Nanager EEtchell reported that some. of the lot sizes do not now meet
the minimun lot requirements--that when property was originally platted it vas
planned to have both sewer and water; but that now, because neither sewer nor-
water can be installed, lot sizes do not agree with minimum lot requirements
for this type plat. Yktter referred to Pfanager Mitchell for further study.
Final Plat of "Edina Heights" was presented, with Ifmager Ititchell's report of
the Planning Commission's April 9th recommendation for approval.
motion, that Final Plat of "Edina Heights" be approved and that Mayor and Clerk
be authorized to sign it, was seconded by.Child and carried.
14k. and Bks. S. R. Cassel, 5724 Chowen, presented a petition for the cleaning
qd seeding of the park area at the corner of 57th and Chowen.
explained that the Park Board had been contacted, and petitioners referred to
Council. Council explained that maintenance of the parks i? the.PTrk Board's
responsibility. Hawthorne's motion that petition be accepted and referred to
Park Board for action, was seconded by Danens and carried.
Mr, Ralph Zimmem? requested the vacation of the old Hopkjns road, between
Itinnewawa~~venue and Normandale Road.
I&. Cassel
He was asked to secure i? written petition
by abutting property owners. ._
Nr. Gust Johnson presented his final plat of Vouthwoodl', Kanager Hitchell
explained to the Council that the plat,as now filed deviates from the first
plat presented; that'acceptance of this plat by the Council Trsill necessitate
a change in the plans for Storm Sewer No. 19, involving extension of the under-
ground sewer approaately 300 feet, to park area. plr. Johnson mabtained that
he never tmuld have considered giving an easement for this storm sewer had he
knoy $in 6pen ditch was contemplated; that platting his property in any other
manner than that now prescribed tcill'bause hh considerable hardship.
Child's motion, that underground storm sewer in Storm Sewer Improvement No. 19
be extended to empty into'park property as dedicated in plat of ltSouthwoodll,
said work to be done on the Ifextra work't clause of the contract for this Storm "
Sewer, and to be assessed against the entire storm sewer district.
seconded by Danens and unanimously carried.
Hawthorne's motion, that Final Flat of llSouthvmodlr be approved, in accordance
with Planning Commissionts recommendations of April 9, ms seconded by Bredesen
and ufianimously carried.
Mr. Schweigert, 5109 ~~56th Street, reviewed for Couiicil'that matter of tree
deposits on his property by Pearson BroS. (lo.
removed; they have simply been buried, and the stumps are still a nuisance.
Manager YI%chell explained that he has called Pearson Bros. about this, giving
them notice that if debris is not cleaned up
bill. Peyrsons.
asking permanent relief. Messrs. Klein, and other neighbors in this district
added iheir requests for drainage relief . Manager 1.Etchell recommended stom sewer for permanent relief, but stated that some relief may be obtained by '
grading and installation of culverts.
study with view toward storm sewer construction.
Nr. Klein requested Council action on his petition:for fill from Village
He stated that trees have not been
soon the Village will clean up and
Schweigert also complained about the drainage sihation,
Matter referred( to Mznager Mitchell for
Was informed that Public Works Committee had not yet made its report
to Council on this matter.
r. c
A 34r. Allward, omer of Lot 20 and part of Lot 19, Block 2, South White Oaks Addition,
requested'permit to place his dwelling fronting lilaple Road insbad of on ?fe4&h Street
in accordance with plat.
14,aple Road,
psrmit accordikg to plan presented, with dwelling facing Uaple Road, vas seconded by
Child and unmimously carried.
Building Inspector Voehler recomended that.. house front
Hathhornet s notion, that Building Inspector be authorized' &XI igque
Petition signed by some seventeen property owners"& the neighborhood of Belmore
Lane, requesting the opening of Belmore Lane between Norqoe and Van Euren Avenues,
at V'ge expense, was filed, Petition states that such opening will - 1. Eliminate
cave-in hazard to children; 2. Provide drainage for considerable area; 3. Provide
access to persons in entire Vest end of Village,
be referred-to Yeage Enginem for the drafting of plans and estimate of cost for
the opening of Belmore Lane, with report to be at next regular meeting.# 1-fotion
Hawthorne's notion, that petition
seconded by Child and carried, I
One of the gentlemen present forthe above petition requested that Council investi-
gate the possible extensio? of Eonroe Avenue across the 1-Enneapolis Street Rail~my
Co~pany right-of-way, to meet Xonroe Avenue in Hopkins.
Xitchell to investigate and report back to Council,
I&, E, J, Jarnig, 6128 Ridgeway Road, led a delegation of seven Valley View Heights
and Countryside residents, who pleaded for repair of the roads in these two
additions, They requested major repair to broken up blacktop, and asked that
Village blade roads to make them passable until such time as blacktop repabs can
be effected,
April 19, to inspect these roads, and will make report at next; regular Council
Coun~5.l asked I:.fanager
Delegation was informed that Public Works Committee v6ll meet Saturday,
Er, Paul Steiner presented a study of the l!Subclivision of Block 16, Ikndelssobn*t,
vrhich provided for four lots 84tdO8t.
a 33-foot dedication for Tyler Avenue, and because he has-been nab16 to secure
additional land from owner Hermanson it is impossible for him to meet the Council's .
WnLmum Lot Requirements~' as to depth, and for t'nat reason he has increased the
frontage from 60T to $4'. I-&. Voehler recommended this Subdivision inasmuch as
the lots directly across the street from this property are 69' frontage and most
of the houses in the immediate area are small. Planning Commission recommendations
for further str;dy were revievred, and there was considerable Council discussion con-
cerning the deviation from minimum lot depth reqiiirement.
Building Inspector be authorizedto issue building per@.ts as soon as plat is
presented in proper form, was seconded by Danens and carried.
Ek, H,R, Burton supported his petition of April 5, for the rezoning of his Lot 10,
Block 4, Grandview Heights; which petition also exqlained Nr, Burton's view as to
the proposed rezoning project in the Hy.10()-Hyo169-lf.50th Street area. 140 action
taken by Councilo
Xr. Selmer Halla, 5200 Wlson Road, requested drainage relief for his lowlying
property at the Willson Road, Normandale Road, Eden Avenue triangle.
notion, that Village Engineer be directed to study the matter, vas seconded by
Danens and carried. _- I
Hr, GeE>rge Christopher requested drainage relief for the South side of his property
at Tower and Wooddale, emlaining that he cannot use his drivemy, and that stom
water still stands in his yard. He stated that the North side of his property is
now draining well.
Saturday, April 19, to inspzct this and other prpjects.
At the request of I&, J.T.l. Anderson, 5109 Bedford, the written approval of I%*
for the rezoning of the Hy,lOO-Hy.169-V. 50th Street area, TELS read.
placed on file, but no further action taken.
ltr. Steiner eqlained that because of -
Child's motion, that
1. He was told that the"Pub1i.c trorks Committee is to meet on
CeAe Samuelson, St.Louis, om& of five lots in Block 8, Grbdvievr Heights Addition, -
Letter ordered
Er, Lamott of the Ninneapolis Gas Company requested approval of a portion of the
route for 2411 gas main, in order that contract may be awarded for construction.
Vritten report by 3knager Mitchell was filed, citing difficulty in securing easement
for soukherly extension of Blake Road to Highway 169, and the State Highwayts opinion
that such extension would result in a hazardous highway crossing,
motion, that Xaneapolis Gas Company be permLtted to follow their original proposed.
route for their 24" gas main, as recommended by Nanager 14itchell, and as shown on
their-nap, was seconded by Child and unanimously carried.
Police Report for Honth of 3knch, 1952, vas submitted, reviewed, and ordered referred
to Public Safety Committee.
The Statement of Volpe and Boskey, f.lasl?ington, Doc., arnou& $233.&, for services in
connection with Village Water Tank, was presented. be approved for payment, was seconded by Child and unanimously carried. (See Ck.6961)
Notion by Hawthorne, that claim
47 Manager XGtche2.l recommended that Council set Public Hearings Monday, Nay 12, on
the following petitions for improvemeiits filed recently:'
1. Blacktopping of Abbott Avenue between -If. 58th and W. 59th Streets --Siged
2. Blackbopping of Abbot% Avenue between Yo 59th and V.6Oth Streeis '--Signed
3. Blacktopping of W,59th Street between Beard and Xerxes Avenues- --Signed
4. Blacktopping of Oxford Avenue between Hollywood Road and Division Street.
5. Blacktopping of Ty&r Avenue between Maloney Ave. and Belmore Lane--Signed
6. Oiling-Fairfax Avenue between W. 59th and tL60th Streets--Signed by owners
7. Gravelling--Bl streets in Edinbrook Xddition-,-Signed by owners of 63.2% of abutting properties , -
8. Sanitary Sewer--Zenith Avenue between W. 58th and W.6Oth Streets--Signed
by owners of 52.5$ of abutting properties,
9. Sanitary Sewer--Summit Avenue between Interlachen Blvd. and Highway 169,
Signed by owners of seven of fiseen lots,
lo., Grading and. Gmvelling-Zenith Avenue between If. 59th and W.6Oth Streets-
Signed by owners of 60.@ of abutthg properties,
Notion by Hawthorne, that Public Hearings on the above named petitions for
improvements be, set for Monday, Nay 12, 1952, at 7:30 P.N., was seconded by Child
and carried.
&IT. Etchell also recommended Public Hearing Monday, May 12, on petition for
Water Main in Zenith Avenue from rsif,.5W to W,59th Street, signed by owners of 54%
of abutting properties; and Hawthorne movedthat Council hold hearing as
recommended by Manager.
Petition was presented for the Blacktopping of BrooMew Avenue between kS.6lst and
W.62nd Streets, dated I&ch 29, 1952. Office reported that this project *has once
been approved-by Cowlci1;'that it was unde!r con'cqact to Ashworth and Sons; that
at the instructions of the Council, the Vkllage Zngineer ordered Ashworth off .the
contract is still in force; and, if not, that Council schedule Public Heai-ing on
this project for Monday, Iky 12, 1952, at 7:30 P.M., was seconded by Child and
Petitions dated April 7 and April 5, respectively, and carrying some 55% signatures,
requesting the Blacktopping of Zenith Avenue betlteen W.SEfth and W.59th Streets, and
of Zenith Avenue between W.59th .and W,60th. Streets. Manager IEtchell recommended
struction of underground improvements. Hawthorne*s motion, that Council act in
accordance with Manager's recomendations, was seconded by Child and carried,
Peiition dated April 4, 1952, signed by owners of 51.6% percent of abutting
properties, for the Grading and Gravelling of John Street between Maloney Avenue
and Belmore Lane.
Council delay hearing until after survey and a check of right-of-way dedications.
Havrthornet s motion, that Council act in accordance wtth Manager's recomendations,
was seconded by Child and carried,
by owners of 5$% of abutting properties.
by owners of 56% of abutting propeeies. ,-
by owners of 56% of abutting properties.
Signed by owners' of 5&2$ of abutting properties.
< bycomers of 83.4% of abutting properties. I
of 60% of abutting properties (See petition for complaint).
Child seconded motion add it carried.
Hat.rthornets motion, that Manager I4itchell be directed to see if the Ashworth .
I .
that Petitions be accepted, but that-Council delay action on them pending cqn- Pi 1 -
Eclanager Mitchell. recomended tha$ petitio9 be accepted, butthak
Petition, dated March 12, 29.52, signed by owners of seven of fifteen abbtting lots,
for Water Main in Set Avenue between Interlachen Blvd. and Highway No, 169, was
much as this construction is dependent upon con$tmxct.ion OP a new water tank in
this area.
by Child, seconded by Danens and carried.
Manager Hitchel2 suggested that Council delay hearing indefinitely, inas-
Councilts motion, accepting petition, but delaying hearing, was Bade I
Petitions for the Blackrtopping of Lakeview Drive between.Woodda&e and StJohns, and
for Curb and Gutter in Lakeview Drive between VooddaLe and E,Lakeview Drive, carry-
ing 90,5$ and 76.8% of abukting properties, respectively, were filed. Petition for
blackkopping asked, too, that "the street be constructed to permit the drainage of
surface mter &n the Eastecly ckirection and connecting with the drainage of Wood-
dale Avenue,"
sewer be extended on Wooddale from X. 56th to I?. 54th Stre.&,, and a storm sewer con-
sixucted on Lakeview Drive from Wooddale to 1/2 block West, with 2 catch basins to
be set on-Lakeview Drive, Child's motion, accepting petitions for Blacktopping,
'Curb and Gutter in Lakeview Drive, but deferring Hearing until further report by
Manager Hitchel1, was seconded by Danens and carried.
Police Departrnentts petitio3 for the appointment of Special Judge Austin D. -Norton as Fhnicipal Judge at Judge Neville's resignation, was filed. Office requested to
inform Department that Judgets appointment is made by Governor.
Manager Htchell recommended that, to drain Lakeview Drive, storm
?.fro Xtchell reqyested that Council defer action on request for Street Light at
59th and Fairfax filedethis evening. Seconded by Bredesen
and carriedo
Hawthorne so moved.
Requested filed byHrs, J.Leo Nolan, for permission to build sidewalk and curb
on village-oimed property alongisde their new addition on lL50th Street, was
discussed. Emager Hitchell recommended such construction. Child moved that
request be grated, with understanding that construction is to be at direction of
Village Irlknager. Hotion seconded by Hawthorne and carriedo
Park Boardrs recent recommendation for Council acquisition of Lot 1, Block 3,
-yslope .Section of Country Club, was reviewed.
Resolution and moved its adoption:
Havthorne offered the following
I-, The Village Council- of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County,,Enne-
sota, .has received from the Gounty Auditor of Hennepin.County, Knnesota, a list of
lands in said village which became the property of the State of Itinnesota under
the provisions of law declaphg the forfeiture of lands to the State for non-payment
o33xxes, which- said list has been designated as List 11314.44*r, February 18,. 1952;
and -
IlHEEEAS, Each parcel of land described in said list has heretofore been
classified by the Board of. County Commissioners of pennepin County, IZinnesota as
non-conservation land and the sale thereof has heretofore been authorized by said
pard of County Commissioners:
NOV, THFtZEFORl3, BE IT RESOLVED, 9s said Village Council, acting pursuant
to lEmesota Statutes for 1945, Section 282.01,- that tae said classification by
said Eoard of ’County Comissioners of each parcel of land described in said list
as non-conservation -land be and the same is hereby approved and that the sale of
each such parcel of land be and the sane is hereby approved,
The question was on the adaption of the resolution, and the roll bqhg called
there were Five ayes and No Nays, as follows:
c .. B
r Hawthorne offered the following Resolution an4 moved its adoption:
lLot 1, Block 3, Smyslope Section) BE IT EBOL’TIED, that the 14Ayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed
to make application to the Board of County Commissioners of Hennepin County and
the Commissioner of Taxation of the State of Himesota for conveyance of the
following tax-forfeited lands to the Village of Edina for yse as park, said land
being situated within the Village of Edina:
Lot 1, Block 3, Sunnyslope Section Country Club District,
CHotion for adoptibn of Resolution was seconded
were five zyes and no nays, as follows: Bredesen, aye;
Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Res
c AmST-
VUage Clerk
Pursuant to Advertisement for B6s-tfPrbking of Edina Village Ordinances31t published
in the Edina-Xorningside Courier Ikrch 27 and April 3, Affidavit of r.rhich-Publication
was read- by Clerk, approved as to form and placed on file, the following bids were
- publicly opened and read: ON 8 PT, ,orS6FT.
. TYPE ‘ TYPE 87-,354.00
-Syndicate Printing Coo $1,980000 $1,810.00
Edina-Horningside Courier C $3,499 000
- Xiller Davis Company S.fl,377*50
Flus lfodification at unit rate.
Plus Eodification at unit rate.
, Plus Nodification at unit rate.
Notion by Child, that bid be awarded to KLlercDm5.s Company on their bid for
8-Ft. Type, was seconded by Havrthorne and carried.
4/14/52 49
Pursuant to April. 3rd and 10th Publication of "Notice of Bids-Visible Record,"
affidavit of which Publicasion was read by Clerk, approved as to form and order&
placed on file, the follow$ng, sealed bids were publicly opened and read: I
Bertglson Bros. I $836;89 'I sss,90
.. 870.70
Miller Davis CO., 1
Poacher Printing[ Cop
Schaub Of*fice Supply Co; 919.20 -
Motion by Hawthorne; that, bidp be: referred $0 Village Manager for tabulation '
and report at next regular meeting, was seconded by Bredesen and carried.
A list of Sign License applications was-referred to the Village Council for 'their
approval.* , Considerable discuskion followed, and Hawthorne moved that th'e follotving
applications be denied:
Grandview Drugs - app&ica$ion ?or new si& at Hy.169 on North' side of
General Outdoor Advertjsipg Co. - application for renewal of HOLT IJloTOR
s he+lkNe;llis Property
si@ at Highway ~0.169 and Eden Avenue.
Hawthornets motion was seconged by Child and carried,
Hawthorne's motion,-granting the following applications for new signs, was
seconded by Bredesen and, carried: mm LOCATION - SIZE ADVERTISER PEBMIT
156 Dariwipt, Inc, In;t;erlachen & Hy.169 24 Sq.Ft. DARlXIFT
E.G. Thernell Const.Co, SE Cor.bOth& France .%fklO* THE@'E@ 157
lndian Hills Co-rp. N $id& Hy.169 at
Gleason Rd. &.tx@ INDIANHIL!LS 158
Meyers Ouidoor Adv. Co. IT& Cor.Cahil1 Rd. &.Hy,5 (Smisek Prpty.) %rx6t * I-EhWS BE223 160
Grandview Market Roof-5033 Vernon Ave. 6tx31 (V) GRA"D,JCli?X~ MKT. 150
11 *
-- I
Hawthorne's motion, grmting approval for the following sign license renewals for
the year April 1, 1952 to April 1, 1953, was seconded by Child and carried:
Gen.Outdoor Adv.Co. Hy.169-1/2 E.N. #lg 12!&2'
Gen,Outdoor .Adv.Co. I Hy.169 & Olinger Rd. 12!&2! NICOLTJ3T HOTEL
Note: Permission granted for above sign Nay 8, -1950 .
- 61:& I H.Kc,U NURSERY 7 Halla Nursery TGiangle at Hf.100-
Eden-Willson %do .
8 Halla Nursery
201x&' €U4 NURSERY , 13 KP. Johnson Sal& Co. V.View Rd &'Antrim Rd. - 41xL2' PROSPECT HW
Permission granted ,by Carl HeL Andcrsons, 5613 W.5&hs St., for sign
Interlachen Country Club Main Znt. to Club *38f1~60tf IMTZI;RLI1HEN CLUB 14
K.R. Burton, Inc, Interlachen -Blvd. &
I Wrror Lakes Dr. 4ix6f M3RROR LPIKES-EDINA 18
Brede, Lnc. Interlachen Blvd. &
PEEQIIT .- - -
Above Triangle-Over Ent. .
I *,60 grounds -
Highway No. 169 12x45 SHEEmm HOTEL 26
NatLOutdoor Display Go. T 4932 Franc; Ave. So. 5~01 FRAXCLIN mii 31
Hartzell Motor Coo 2 4436 France Ave. So. 32 Sq.Ft. EDINA-GAMGE 33
Edina Hardware 1 4944 France Ave. So, 3*x@ EDrnA HARDI,m 36
Henry H. Gregg 4954 .France Ave. So. 8*8"~3~ GREGG t SPHkRNACfc. 39
Brush's Shoes I 5004 France Ave, So. 5*iL8' EmSH SHOE COO 43
Purity Dairy Store 5018 France he. So. 4'.f11 PURITY DAIRY 44
Niller Hardware Co . 5346 France Ave. So. 2~6' MIZL;ER HD%K 46
Correll' s Dairy Store 3907 1.J; 54th St. 41x61 CORFU3&LtS DAIRY 47
Hove Company, Ipc. 3940 W.5Oth st. (Front) 10txLOt HOVE3 -.
Hart zell Not or Co . 4936 France Ave. So. 92 Sq.Ft. CHRYSI;ER-PLX*fOUTH 32
Henry H. Gregg r 4954 France Ave. So. 2!iLO* PRJ3SC. C~~POUNDID 40
Fanny Farmer Candy Shop 5000 France Aye. So, 18t411&21t FATQIY FARMZR 41
Fanny Farmer Candy Shop 5000 France Asre. So.' 25f~h.21~ FANNY FARIfER 42
National Tea Go, 3945 W*5Oth Sto 3**6' NATL.FOOD STOEZES 48
Natioaal Tea Go. 3945 W. 50th St, 2 i x37 1. NATL.Tm COO 50
Pure Oil Go. 50th & Halifax 6' Circle rPURE 51 54 55 56 Hove Company, Inc.-
Coca-Cola Bottling Co.
.&'Post cocA-coLA- 57 58 Coca-Cola Bottling Co.
60 Nat1.Outdoor Display Co. Brauerts 5Q-$1.00 Store 3905 W.50th St, 2t-t __- BFLIUER'S -
Edina Theatre Corporation 3911 VJ. 50th St, 61x81 EDINATHEATFE 61
Joe's Barber Shop 390& W.5Oth St. 3' J(3ElS BAlBER SHOT? 65
&sty Tasty Shops 3907 lT,SOth Sto 52 Sq.Ft. HASTY TASTY 66
Berg & Farnham 5lst &Eden (Roof) 4'&0t BEQG & FkRNHAM ' '69
F.C.Fish Sign Serv. Lot 2,kud.Subd.l96 ,
* Hy.169 and gl8 ioi~o* ma on - 70
Grandview Direct Serv.Stn.k%.Blvd. & Hy.169 . 4itx3$' DIRSCT SERVI63' ' 73
3940 I?. 50th St. (Rear) 1O'xlO' HOVES
4404 V.View Rd..
4429 V.View Rd.
4429 V.View Rd.
' 41x5' COCA-+COU
/ e\ Cmm - WATION ~ - SIZE mmm m-m .
Grw-dview Direct Serv.Stn. Int.Blvd. & Hy.169 41x8' DIRECT Sl3FtEcE 74
Belleson's Store for 3len 3912 11.50th St, 3w9(- BELIESON~S 77
Trisler's Groceq- - 5405 France Ave. So, 21x3" TRISI;ERtS 86
O,D.Hauschild, Inc, 5050 France Ave. So, 30'xlr41* 0.D.HAUSCHiLD 91
0.D .Haus child, Inc, 92
Thayer & Storm 3911 It, 50th St. ItxlOt.. THEYE@ & STOH-f 93
Scott Stbe &4 3906 1~50th st, . SCOTT STORE 94
Nat1,Outdoor Display Coo 4930 France -4ve. 6til.21 No Adv, at Present 96
&so D.F. XcGuire Shemood Rd & Eden Ave.ktx6,' EDENRXX ADDN, 98
Oscar Roberts Go. 72.00 France Ave, So, Sa& O0R0J3EE4S COO 102
Oscar Roberts Go. 7200 France Ave. So, Small 0,ROEiEBTS CO. 103
Dale Green Coo 7601 Normandale Rd, 10tkl.21 DACE GFLEX 104 m&s RR Their R/r.r 4' 4l',fit 6'' l*E!&S 105 Ayreshire & $169(vr)- 61x8'. -EDINA HIGHLARDS 113
Ayreshire & #169(e) 61x8' EDINNA HIGHWDS lI.4 Spring- Company
Spring Company
spring company Hansen Rd & Hy.169 2*=r12' EDTNA HXG-HLAdS 115 -
Gzandview Direct Serv.Stn. Into Blv, & Hy.169 4tBr DIRECT SRVICE . 74
Country Club Ice Cream Coo 5036 France Ave. CPoCLUB ICE CF8.At-I 76
5050 France live, So; 26til.1.4Y O.D,HAUSCHILD
I . I-I,?.Johnson Sales Coo Prospect Hills 2nd 51kLO' &LP0 JOHNSON_ , 117
lO'X20~ PURE LUBE 125
Hatiox+. Advertising (30. H~,169=Jones Prpty 41~6~ ~~ IBRI 127
Pure Oil Company Hy,l69-Em.Roushar Prpty c.
Note: Permission for &ove sign granted by Frank Roushar 6/18/50 (within 500 ft).
Note: Permission for &ove sign granted by F,'J,Ciskovsk"g & Ler.ris E.&es 3[1/5l
Note: Permission for above sign grated by F.J. Ciskovsky et Lewis E.Jones 3/1/51
Rote: Permission for above, si@ granted by Hartrey Posner,6020 Hy.169 3/1/51
Nation@. Advertising Coo , Hy.169-Jones Prpty 41x6' HANSMU)-POP;[TUC 128
National Advertjsing Coo I Hy.169-2 f.Li,S .. 50th 5th' "DEBEREHUDSON 129
Edina Children's Shop,Inc, 3910 T1.50th St. 21 ft, WEZEE STORE 130
Henry H. Gregg 4954 France Ave, So, 21KL.O' PRESGRrPr, 134
IGtrvin Oreck & Als~~~. 3946 11.50th St. * 75 Sq.Ft, 14ARWIIf ORECK 137
JACOBSEN -uo Heyers Outdoor Adv, Coo
NatLAdvertising Coo Hy.169-Jones Propty Gtx61 3NLKDERSON-US ROY.&& 142
ICECrnl a5 Heyers. Outdoor Adv. Coo
Natl. Advertising Co. , Hye169,Ciskovslq propty 5'xSt WER-= a6
Oscar Roberts Coo' 7200 France 200 SqoFt, 00 .BOBERTS CO, 131
,NW Cor,CBhill Rd, 31x55' DODGE-PLYKOUTH .- *,
Note: Permission for sign grarited by LoJones and F,J,Ciskousky 3/1/5l
Hy,169,7 3E,W,of Xpls.5' Circle DI;-IRY FRESH
Note: Permission for sign gra;nted by LoJones and F,J.Ciskovsky 2/26/50
~ -
Note: Permission for sign graced by Bks. F.J.Ciskouslcy 3/1/51 ."
Brede, Inc, - Hy.169 & Blake Rd. 6'dLt DIAIIOND T TRUCYiS a7
Note: Permission for sign granted by F,J,Ciskovsky 4fi/fl
Ifote: Permission for sign granted by 3Ir. F.J. Hromdko ll/26/%
Hy.169 at Cy,Rd,#l8 .-
' Brede, -Inc, - 17 Cherinak Property 101xl+O* HOVE*S MARKET 153
Steel Post at ST Cor, - GRINDVEW DRUGS -154
Roof ur ' ' : ~ .l4*fi5t C3UNDmi DRUGS 155
Grandview Pharmacy , 5008 Vernon Ave,-On
Grandview P-cy !%OS Vernon Ave.-On
Brede, Inc.
Natl .Advertisiz?g Coo hyi169;TTessey Property 3tx!7t B0'41ER GIPTt.LQ?
Bl9ke Rd &rHy,#169 lO'.x25? CLANCY DRUGS 2k tt
Note: Permikon for $gn granted 4/1/5l-&s .F. J. Ciskovslcg .
Note: Permission for sign granted 19514essey I Edina Theatre Corp, 3711 Tl.5Oth-St. (0, H,) EDINA TEXAG 62
. ClanCy'DXUg Coo I 3?48 IT.50th St. (0. H.) CrnJCY'S 136
Hotion by Cyd, approdg t$e follorJing Plumbers Licenses subject "IC, approwl by
Euilding Bupt, Voehler, :as Feconded by*Hawthorne and carried:
Ed Peters Plurhbing Company, 3036-31st cAve, So,, 1.Iinneapolis
Deters'PlmbiAg CO., 3l.41 Sumter Ave.; St,Louis Park
Paragon Plumbing Co., +94&3l/ch he. So,, Ninneapolis
A, J,KLingelhuts,6320 Lyndaie he. So,, Ibeapolis
Southwest-Edina Plunibing &,Heating Co;, 5501 France Ave. So.; 1Iinneapoli.s
George G. Penny Plumbing Cs),, 1533 N.Lilac Drive, f.Iinneapolis
Brome Plumbing Coo, 55321 lT,36th St., *Einneapol5.s
Bdwest. Plqibing Coo , $0901 Russell Lve So
Roy G. Gustafsp, 3206 Ellopington Avenue
4. -
Richfield Plumbing Co. ,, 76hO Lyndale he. So.; Ninneapolis I-
Hotion by Hawthorne, appro%g the follbwing applications for licenses for the
year April I, 1952 to April I, 1953, was seconded by Danens and carried:
Ferd A. Hollen, dba Grvdv$er.r Pharmacjr,5008Veknon Ave, - OTf-Sale 3.2 Bee2
S,S.Adair, Jr,, dba Edipa Tpxaco, 5400 France i-vew, - Cigarette
Manager Mitchell presented Preliminary Plat of Y3chaefer Courtf1, together with
the Planning Commission*s recornendations that this. preliminary plat be approved.
Motion by Child, for approval of Preliminaw Plat of Wchaefer Court" was seconded
1 <
c by Danens and carried, <
Preliminary Plat of "Clover Lanet at corner of Wooddale Avenue and Valley View
Road'was presented.
Child moved for approval of Preliminary Plat
of aClover- Lanett.
Planning Commissionts recommendations of April 9, for
-approval of plat, were reviewed,
Motion seconded by Hawthorne and carried.
The Final Plat of !'Iverson's FourthAddition*l ha-g been approved by the
Slanning Commission, as reported by Manager Mitchell, Hawthorn6 moved for
approval by Council of Final Plat of Iverson's Fourth Addition, and au$horization
for Mayor and Clerk to sign same. Motion seconded by Bredesen and carried.
The matter of Winhum Lot Requirements" for new plats was discussed at some
length. Council reviewed Planning Conrmissiont s recommendation of April 9! .to
the effect that the 120 foot depth'clause is approved by the Commission
the proposed ordinance a clause to the effect that said 120-foot depth clause
may be waived-by four-fifths vote of Council without amending ordiqance,
providing that other requirements of ordinance are met by developers,
The matter of a dog catcher for the Village was reported on by Trustee
Bredesen, and considerable discussion followed,
Ddhth be hired as dog catcher at the rate of $3.50 per hour for four hours
per week, beginning May1 for the three month period thereafter, said rate
to include truck.
Village 'Attorney $&&horst was instructed to incorporate ink0 .
Bredesen moved that Mk. John
Motion seconded by Hawthorne and carried.
The Planning Commissionts April 9th affirmation of their previous recommendation
for the Rezoning of the .area at W.5Oth-Highwqy #169-Highway #loo, was reviqwed,
Hezoning Hearing of March 24th was discussed, and Child moved that action on
said Rezoning be postponed for further study, with instructions to the Building
Inspector that no builaing permits (either commericial or residential) are- to
be issued in this area without approval of the Council. lhtion seconded by
Hawthorne and carried. t I
Manager Nitchell reported that Planning Commission is requesting Council
decision on matter of office's furnishing Edina-Morningside Courier with
agenda of meetings.
directed to furnish Courier with agenda of all meetings, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. --
Chairman Child of the Public Utilities Committee reportedthe request of Contract
Garbage Collector Arthur K. Petersen for a 595 per collection raise,
referred to next regular meeting.
. .- Mr,. IlE-hche3.l- regorted. ghat *.Everett W. Davies has submitted a policy for
the coverage of the First kid Panel Truck Equipment, premium fbr which is
$)180,00; that Mr. Hitchell recommends accepting policy,
CounciZ advertise for bids for- Insurance Caverage on First hid Panel Truck
Equipmenb, Notion seconded by Bredesen and carried. - -
Hawthorne's motion, that office be authorized and
, 1
Matter 1
Hawthorne moved that
l4r. Ei.tchel1 submitted the report of the Sewer Committee of the Taxpayers
Associakion, which advocated' the hiring of Toltz,King and Day to bring sewer
survey up-to-date, and made other suggestions.
recommendations of Taxpayers Association Sewer Committee be referred to the
Village Public Utilities Committee for study, and that Village Manager be
authorized to so notify %ax$ayers Association, Motioe seconded bz Bredesen
and carried.
Hawthorne's motion; that
Manager Nitchell' s written reporrt of April Uth, requesting policy regarding
disposition of stomn prater deposited on private property, vras filed and
Village does not attempt to solve drainage problems on private Eraperby,
Motion seconded by Bredesen and unanimously carried.
Hawthorne moved that it is the policy of this Council that
Mr. Mitchell reported E?. -JOE. Bora's reqyest for Village installation of
drainage facilities to "take cdre of serious drainage problem in front of
Lots 4 and 5, Block 4, Boranls Edina Manor Addition."
of cost for this project was .$6,139.72.
was seconded by Child and unanimously carried.
was filed, estimated cost being some $l,L+OOe
report at next regular meeting,
l-'Ir. Nitchellts estimate
Bredesen's motion, denying request,
* Nr. Ifitchell's written request for emergency repairs to old road patrol
>fatter referred for study and
f! 52
3hager Xitche~ reported that the property proposed by rthe Village Council for
Lite of Village Vater Tank is not for sale; that there is an area,imraediately
adjacent to said -tract which, although not quite so high as ,the first site proposed,
TKL~. still be satisfactory; that the otrner of this property is novr in the hospital,
butthat there is some chance of securing it from her at a fair price, He presented
a plan, sho@ng his proposed site, .t.rhichwas approved by Council. Hawthorne's motion,
that Village Nanager and Village Attorney be authgrized to take all necessary pre
Mary steps for the acquisition of said property, and to initiate CondemnatLon
proceedings if this seems advisable, was seconded by Bredesen and unanimously carried.
Emager 14itchellts written recommendations of April 10, concerning Eiquor Store,
were filed, incorporating the followi!ng:
le- &lahg canopy to remarin,
4,'- Eliminating window display, for clear view of store's interior.
5, &stallation of fluorescent lights in sales area, .
Closing of stair opening in saies area and providing trap door to be
Installing vsrtical lift friom basement to first flour for carrier.of
used as emergency ei5t from basem&--estimated cost, $600000.
liquor stock,
Child's mQtion, that recommendations of Village Elanager be accepted.
by Hawthorneand carried,
have store tzindovrs cleaned out immediately, vas seconded by Bredesen and carriedo
Liquor Store BIanagerts letter of Ikch 24, with regard to stock piicing,was filed
without action,
Notion seconded
Hawthorne's motion, %hat Village Manager be directed to
Report was made by Ikmager XitcheU. of negotiations between IEinneapolis Street 1
Railway Company and Village Attorneys, in which the Company has agreed to grant
easement for right-of-way for extension of Brookside Avenue, providing:
4 1, Street Railmy Compalzy will be en-bitled to steel portions of bridge,
2. Village will remove approaches and bridge abutments at its o~rn expense,
3. Village will not assess street railway property for any part of cost of
which they trill remove as, soon as requested by Village.
constructing a street crossing.
Child's motion, that offer of Street Railtray Company be approved, and that Village
Uanager and Aktorney be authorized to acquire this property, was seconded by Hawtliorne
and unaninously carried.
Bknager Etchell reported that the State Board of Health has, recomended revision
of the specification for the Sanitary Sewer Eft Station on Yvonne Terrace, whichwill
entail an additional cost of some $l,l+96,00.
contract be authori~ed to comply i.rith orders by the State Board of Health, was seconded
by Bredesen and carried,
Ha.wthoraets motion, that extra work on
Hanager 3Etchell presented revised "Job Classification Ordinance" for the Councilt s
lktter referred to next regular Eeeting, for further study by the
4 "anager 3Etchell's recommendations of April ll, concerning Engine'ering Employees
Plan" and recommending the follorubg: 1.- Ihplogment of Fred Jonas as Assistca;nt
two and one-half years; 2, -2romotion of Robert Obemeyerto Fred Jonagt present
position; Bhintenance of llextral* surveying crew for the next few months (this crew
having originally been hired for eqenditure of $14,000 only: 4, - fiploynent- of an
addition& inspector as soon as possible.
and that promations be authorized, ms seconded by Child and unanimously carried.
Engineer at a starting salary of $385.00 per month, with increases to $450.00 in ..
Hawtihornets motion that plan be accepted I 4
liir, IEtchellts report of a request, for paving of a private alley back of Sunnyside
Road was filed.
private property, vms seconded by Bredesen and carried.
Village Attorney IJindhorstts a&ice of April 8, that Village Oouncil be neutral on
Tazi Cornpar@ claim disputes until such time as they consider it a matter of public
interest not to renew license, was read and discussed,
a requesh by C,S, HoYt; for Council htervention in an accident dispute between him
and the Tazi Company.
Hawkhornets motion that request be denied on grounds that this is
This advice requlked from
No action taken,
Notification from County Supervisor of Assessments, scheduling Board of Review
Eleeting for Tuesday, July 8, was read, Hatrthornefs motion, that Supervisor be
notified tha% Village Assessor has'not yet informed Council that his Books of
Valuation will be available for review at ,that time, and that Counch vrill set
date of Neeting, was seconded by Bredesen and carried.
Buirtding %spector IloeUer reported rewest for a split-up of Lot iLc;L, Trarde? Acrp;
He recommended this, inasmuch as it wZU,harm no-one because of the neSghboring
topography, hwtliorners notion, that Building Inspector be authorized to grat pennit, was semnded by Bredesen and carried.
4/&/52 (7. 5s Childss motion, approving for Paymen:, Village -Payroll, mount $8,398.86 and
Liquor Store Payroll, amount $1,171.86, for period April 1 to 15, inclusive
and Overtime for Harch, as recorded in detail in Payroll Ledger; and for
payment of the following claims$ was seconded by Bredesen and carried: 6-f NO, -TO% 1
6962 George Thompson r. C ANOUEi! - FUND
6963, 6964
6965 6966
6967 6968
6969 6976 6977 -
6973 6974
Mr. Woehler
at the site . Hawthorne's
Arthur Bailey
Phillip Bapon
Jack Lever
R.C. Sonnenberg
Jullie Hens' Wear
Alfred S. Jones
E4orrell & Nichols, Inc.
Hilding Dahl
Bert Merfeld
Suburban Hem. Cy. Relief Bd.
Arthur K. Petersen
$468. 92 POOR FUND -
Bt chell Smilanich 8.&8
Eldred Reitan 8.56
Don Macltillan 34-72 %!ATE33 FUND
Benjamin L. Hart 13 28 $i 65.04
presented Glacier Sand and Gravel Companyts plan for office building
of their gravel pit, together with their request for permit to build.
motion, that representative of the Company be ik&ted to attend the
next regular meeting of the- Council 14th regard to this request, was seconded
by Bredesen and carried.
Draft of 1lAn Ordinance relating to the burning of trash and garbage, repealing
the ,ordinance relating to the burrxh$ of trash passed February 27, 1926," was
presented by Village Attorney l?indhorst, and was referred to next regular
meeting for further study by Council.
Report .was had of Winnesota State Fire School" to be held at the University
April 28 through May 2.
school, said delegates tobe dected by Village Manager and Chief of Fire
Department, was seconded by Bredesen and carried.
Hawthorne's motion, that two delegates be sent to fire
Building Inspector Woehler requested Council policy as to fees for school
building pemits.
for public school buildings, was secondqd by Bredesen and carried.
Mr. Jacobs, developer of Virginia Aveaue Addition,lf requested Council action
as soon as possible on petitions for sanitary 8ewer.and water to serve the
addition. Manager 14itcheI.l presented a plan setting Zorth his recommendations
for the construction of trunk and lateral water mains in this general area;
-said recommendations being, briefly, as follows: Construction of 12" %in in
Concord Avenue from existing main in Southview Lane to W.60th St.; IOWairi in
Concord From 1~60th to W.62nd; in Wooddale from W.6lst St.. to Valley View Road;
and in Valley View Rd. from Wooddale to Hy.100; 611 Main in W.60th St. from
Concord to Parnell Avenue; in Parnell from W.6Oth to tL62nd St,; in Virginia
Ave., from W.60th.to W.62nd; in If., 62nd from Paxaell to Concord; and in Virginia
Lane fromvirginia Ave. to Goncord Avenue.
be assessedtt for the improvement; and the entire plan vms reviewed at some
Hawthorne's motion, authorizing the waiver of permit fees
He presented an "area proposed to
*length by the Council. Chqd offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: -
r FOR 1"EE MAIN IMPROVEMENT <- c . f.$4ERlUS,. the Village Council-desires on its own motion to improve the
following streets by Construction of Village Water Main &tension and Appurte-
nances therein as set forth below:
Pumphouse, to W.6Oth Street?
r-31 - 4.
12" Main in Concord Avenue from existing Nain at -Southview Lane
1011 Nain in Concord Avenue from W.6Oth Street to W.62nd Street.
10" Hain in 'Gfooddale Avenue from 1~61st Street to-Valley View Road.
10" Na¶!n in Valley View Road from 1boddaI.e Ave. to St.Hy. 100. .
. ~5. 611 Hain in Irr.bOth-$treet from Concord Avenue to Parnell Avenue. -
611 &in in Parnell Avenue fromtJ.6Oth Street to W.62nd Street 61' Nain in Virginia Avenue from W.6Oth Street to W.62nd Street.
611 Kain in W.62nd Street from Parnell Avenue to Concord Avenue. 6*! Hain in Virginia Lane from Virginia Avenue to Concord Avenue
all as authorized by Lam 1949, Chapter 119, as amended by Laws 1949, Chapter 430,
now therefore,
I 4/u/52 " C'
=e e
P If
34 (
EE IT RES&ED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that it is
deemed necessary and eqedient to make the Vater Hain linprovement heretofore
set forth, and that on the 12th day of Nay, 1952, at 7:30 o'clock P.E.,- this
Council will meet at the VLllage Hall in said Village and will at said time and
place hearthe parties interested therein in reference to such improvement, and
t.riu. decide whether or not -to undertake such improvement, in whole or in part.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the area proposed to be assessed for this
improvement includes all lots and tracts of land wi-bhin the following boundaries:
th. South along Wooddale Avenue to v.62nd Stneet extended East from Concord
Avenue; th, West to Highway No. 100;- th. North along Highway No. 100 to a point
430 feet aore or less South of the Northwest corner of the S3/2 of Sec. 19-28-24;
the East to Concord Avenue; th. South to Tf.6Oth Street; th. East to point or"
Womencing at the centerline of T1.6Oth Street and TJooddale Avenue;
beginning,#* ..
I- Eotion for: adqption of.the Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall
there were five ayes and no nays, as follows:
horne, aye; and Efickson, aye; and th
= Child's motion, that Public Hearing be held Nonday, Hay 12, on petition for
Sanitary Sewer in Virginia Avenue Addition, was seconded by Ha.c.rthorne 'and carried.
Village Attorney TIindhorst reported request for volunteer registration aid in
registering voters in the business district,
moved that D.eputy Clerk give consideration to having Deputy Registrar, Hrs.
Newell, register voters as requested.
Discussion was had, and Hawthorne
Notion seconded by Child and carried.
Bredesen moved for adjoment of Ifeeting until EIonday, April 21, 1952, at 7:30
FJf. at Gomunity Room of Edina High School. Motion seconded by. Hawthorne and
unanimouslx carried, I4eeting adjourned at
Nembers answering 33ollcal.l. were Bredesen, -CQild, Danps, Hawthorne and Erickson.
Hayor Erickson announced the Public Hearing on proposed Paving and Curb and Gutter
in the Edina side of France Avenuzbetween the North Village Limits and TI.49th
Streets and between PLTlst Street and a point 214 feet more' or less South of 13;
54th Street. Affidavit of Publication of Wotide of Heqing'l as it appeared in
Edina-Xorningside Courier, Edina, on April-3 and 10, 1952,# was read, approved as
to form and ordered placed on file. Ihnager Ritchell presented'plans arid estimates
of cost, as follows: c
Curb Line to Vest Edge of Streetcar Ties. --Total Estimated Cost of Paving -
&5,&20.18, Less 2/3 of cost to be paid by Tillage - $30,281.20 equals $15,138.98
Net Cost to property owners, to be paid by 3,693.22 assessable feet for a cost of $4.09 per assessable foot for Paving.
estimated for construction of 8" Curb and Gutter, to be paid in full by owners of
abutting properties, 3,075.35 assessable feet, .for total of $2.22 per assessable
foot, for Paving, Curb and Gutter.
. BTIKATE NO. 2 - Based ,on Paving of Edina Side of France Avenue from Vest
Curb Line of Centerline-of France Avenue. - Total Estimated Cost of Pavipgp
$73,8ll,82, Less 2/3 of cost to be paid by Village - $49,207.88 equals $24,603.94
I?& Cost to property owners, to be paid by 3,693.22 assessable feet for a cost of 96.66 per assessable foot for Paving,
assessable foot for 8" Curb and gutter (as cited above), making total cost to
owners of abutting properties $8.88 per assessable foot,
Er. IEtchell explained that Estimate No. 2 is based on the premise that Rdn City
Rapid Transit Company is i&lling to remove its tracks, in accordaqce with recent
ConZmitment by Hr. Barnes of the Company.
BTDUm ?IOs 1 - Based on Paving of Edina Bide of France Avenue from Vest
In addition there would be $6,820.93
This would make total. cost to abutting propefiy owners $6.31 pqr assessable
Invaddition there would be the 52.22 per