HomeMy WebLinkAbout19520428_REGULARRE 4/21/52 Manager Mitchell recommended the purchase of a paint spraying machine for painting curbs and street markings., estimating the cost at just under $500.00. Danens moved for the purchase of the machine. Motion seconded by Child and carried. Manager Mitchell recommended that Village coordinate i-dth Phelps -Drake Company (watermain contractor) in grading .T.58th'Street to make it_ passable for traffic. He stated that a cat and scraper trill be needed, and asked for authorization to employ them. Danens moved that Village Manager be authorized to do the work as recommended, rrith this cost to be assessed against the future grading of IT-58th Street (which has not yet been petitioned for.) Motion seconded by Bredesen and carried. Manager Mitchell recommended that the Council increase the rate of pay of Mrs. Margot Peterson, Receptionist, from $168.00 to ;184.00 per month, effective immediately. Danenst motion, for pay increase as recommended by Village Manager, was seconded by Bredesen -and carried. There being no further business to come before the Council, Child moved for adjournment. Motion seconded by Bredesen and carried. Meeting adjourned at 10: 50 P.M. Village Clerk MINUTES OF THE REGULAR.12MING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD, NONAAY., APRIL 28,-1952-,,, AT 7:30 P.TI., AT THE . EDINA VILLAGE HALL Members answering;Rollcall were Bredesen, Child and Danens.- Child presided until Mayor Erickson arrived, and Deputy Clerk Gretchen Alden acted as Clerk. Minutes of Regular Meeting of April 14, 1952, and Adjourned Portion of April 14 Meeting held Monday, April 21, were approved as read, by motion Danehs, seconded by Bredesen and carried. Kr. R.K. Stensrud asked for Council disposition of Insurance Bids taken April 14. Manager Kitchell presented a tabulation of bids, which showed Hardware Mutuals of Stevens Point, Wisconsin to be low bidder on policies on the one -year basis stipulated in the specifications. lair. Mitchell then presented Hardin,re Mutualst three -year plan, which will effect an even greater saving to the Village, said plan being as follows: Gross Dividend Net 1st year Combination Comprehehsive Liability T2:63 Comprehensive Fleet 654.10 - 53396.73 63396.73 2nd year Combination Comprehensive Liability $2156.94 Comprehensive Fleet 654.10 $509.51 $2301.53 X22 011 011 3rd year Combination Comprehensive Liability s�2156.94 Comprehensive Fleet 654.10 $2811-04 *421.66 62389.38 Dividend paid at end of 3rd year X421.66 Plan specifically stated that this premium cost is based on payrolls and exposures outlined in.specifications, and is subject to annual audit; the net cost to the Village, at their-current dividend basis of 15 %, being $7,665.9$• Mr. Kitchell recommended that Council accept this three -year plan. Trustee r Bredesen requested that Hardrrare.14utuals provide the same type of service to the Village that.it would provide to business houses - -which Kr. Stensrud agreed to do upon amsrd of business. Danens moved for acceptance by the Village of the Hardware Zaztuals Company's three -year insurance plan as outlined above. iloti.on seconded by Bredesen and carried. z Mrs. Mblly Newland, 408 Griffit Street, requested permission to divide the South 120 Feet of Lot 7, Block 14e$dq�e &eba Al petween Lots 6 and 7, Block 14, and Lot 6, Block 14, into two equal lots of 110.51x7.201, facing on Maloney Avenue. Her request ryas supported by a written request from A.W. Lampe, prospective pur- chaser of property. Bredesents motion, that this matter be referred to Village Manager and Planning Commission for-recommendation and report at next regular meeting, was seconded by Danens and carried. 4/2$/52 Mr. George Lundblad orally petitioned for the Rezoning to Community Store District of that tract of land lying-in the triangle at the junction of State Highway No. 169 and Eden Avenue. He presented plans for a filling station at this site, stating that this would be a development of approximately $30,000. Danenst motion, that Public Hearing on petition to Rezone be set for Monday, May -26, 1952,_at 7:30 P.M., at the Village Hall. Motion seconded by Bredesen and carried. Mr. Russell Rosendahl, 5632 Beard Avenue, led a delegation supporting petition - for Stop Signs at 57th and Beard, said signs to stop traffic on 57th Street. Manager Mitchell explained that the Police Department has recommended against installation, but that he and Street,Commissioner Jonas have inspected this location, find that a hazard does exist, and recommend installation of signs as requested* ' Danens' motion for Stop Sign installation on W-57th Street at Beard Avenue,.was seconded by Bredesen and carried. Mr. Wallace Benjamin, 5641 Beard Avenue South, led a delegation supporting a petition for the Vacation of that portion of the North -South Alley lying between W.56th and W.57th Streetsland between Beard and Abbott Avenues, specifically lying between Iots 1 to 4 and Lots 5 to 9, inclusive, Block 4, Brookline Addition. Mr. Benjamin explained that petition has been filed because property owners on the South end of the block.do not wish to pay for improvement of an alley which they will never use. Bredesents motion, that Public Hearing on Vacation Petition be set,.for Monday, Play 26, 1952, at 7:30 P.M., at the Village Hall, was,- seconded by Danens and carried. (See - Minutes of.this Meeting for Petition on Grading -and Gravelling of Alley). Mr. George Christopher again inquired as to drain for south side of his property. He stated that the storm grater is still running intoshis baserent. Manager Mitchell explained that Storm Sewer`Contractor, Phelps Drake Company, has been instructed to remedy this situation; that they are now at the other end of this Job, but will makeinecessary correction as soon as they return to north end of. project. _ Mr. Donald Erickson presented plans for a modern office building on the Glacier Sand & Gravel Company property ,7009 France Avenue South. Ile explained that the Company expects to be in business there for another twenty -five years; that they wish to remove the old offices and construct this building at their site. Bredesents motion, that plan be accepted and that Building Inspector be directed to issue permit, was seconded by Danens and carried. Mr. Harold Roberts presented plan, and.application for permit to build new office building at 7300 France Avenue, at the Roberts.gravel; pit area. Mr. Roberts also requested that property.be rezoned to "Industrial" district. Bredesents motion, that plan be accepted, Building Inspector be directed to issue permit, and Planning-Commission be requested to make study of the present n @ravel Pit "area, with regard to possible rezoning, liras seconded by Danens and carried. * Mr. Robert Nevrquist; 307 Harrison Avenue,-presented petition for the Oiling of Harrison Avenue in the 300-- Block. Bredesents motion, that petition be accepted and referred to Village Manager for study.and report at next meeting, was seconded by�Dens and carried. t { Mr. Homer Kinney,5828 Wooddale, complained about the condition of the street. He uss informed that Council must bring street to good condition soon, to accommodate buses. Mr. Jerry Baer, 1439 Summit .,avenue, St. Paul requested permission to operate a Boys' Day Camp at 3316 W.60th Street. He stated that this location would be the nucleus for activities; that boys would,be picked up in the morning end returned home in the evening. Mr. Baer stated that.he vrill confirm with State Health Department and American Camping Association standards. He wishes to begin operations June 23. He was asked to check with the Council again on Msy 26. A delegation was present to hear Council report on the possible opening of Belmore Lane between Monroe and Van Buren Avenues. Mr. Child stated that the Public Works Committee and Manager Mitchell have inspected this site; and that, while they feel that some action should be taken, it will,need considerable study; that Village cannot legally use the dirt from the street to fill low lots, and that-entire matter has been referred to Village Manager for further study. Mr. Fred Swanson, excavator, asked for permission to slope banks to eliminate hazard to children. Permission granted. '1/28/52 Mr. Earl Sharpe, Jr., inquired again about the Code- 1-1.56th Street grading - drainage situation. Manager Mitchell recommended that the intersection be cut dorm and that Code be cut dowm South of TT. 56th Street, frith two culverts installed for drainage purposes. Da-genst motion, that TZanager Mitchell be authorized to make whatever temporary remedies he deems expedient, was seconded by Bredesen -and carried. Mr. Roy Peterson presented a deed for street right-of-way for a portion of Choi -Ten .venue to VT.60th Street. He explained that dedication as drafted is in error as to legal description, but that he will dedicate the right -of way for the street. Petitions for Sanitary SetTer and Skater Main Extensions in Chowen Avenue between W- 58th and 1,460th 33treets, and for the Grading and Gravelling of Chowen Avenue between W.59th and 1.1.60th Streets, were reviewed. Bredesents motion; that Public Hearings_ be set for ITondaya Tiay 26, on the above named Chowen Avenue petitions, was seconded by Danens and carried. Mrs. Vernon Schtreigert reported that Pearson Bros. have not yet cleaned the trees and debris from the rear of her lot. Bredesents motion, that Pearson Brothers be .notified on ,April 29, that if this job is not begun as of that date the Village gill' do the work and bill Pearsons therefor, was seconded by Danens and carried. Messrs, Biel, Mellema and Johnson presented a petition for the Grading and Oiling of the North -South .Alley lying between Beard and Abbott Avenues and between W.56th and 11.57th Streets. (See I•Linutes of earlier in Meeting- Petition for vacation of portion of Alley). These gentlemen explained that their petition does not carry signatures of otmers of 51% pf property, but that they want very much to have the matter settled as soon as possible, inview of the other petition filed this I evening. Bredesents motion, that petition be accepted, and that Hearing thereon be held May 26, was seconded by Danens and carried. Mr. Paul Steiner presented Final Plat of Steiner and Koppelmants First Addition. Manager Mitchell recommended approval thereof, and Bredesen so.moved. Motion seconded by Danens and carried. Messrs. Harry andErnest"Hanson presented petition for Sanitary Sewer in West 56th Street between Code Avenue and Lot 12, Richmond Hills 3rd Addition. 1--lotion by Dan.ens,that petition be accepted, and that Public Hearing thereon be set for Monday,. May 26, at 7:30 P.M.3 zras seconded by BredeAen s � carried. The following applications for plumbers' licenses were presented: Conner's Plumbing Co., 214 S. 10th.St., Unneapolis Raymond E. Haeg,2040 E. Ri.nn. River Road Canfield Plumbing Co., 6937 riay Ave. _ No. Zfotion by Bredesen, that Plumberts Licenses be approved subjectrto approval. by Building Inspector, zras seconded by Danens and carried. ; Bredesen moved for approval of the following Sign Licenses, to April 1, 1953: OIFE? LOCATION N0, SIZE ADVERTISER Nordquist Sign Co. Hy.169,1/2 I11i.E.�Cy.Rd.l$ 10 5'x10' Pockrandt Lbr. Calvary Lutheran Church SE Cor. Hy .15 & CahillrRd 148 3?x 4! Calvary Lutheran r it It Ifff Cor. W.70th & Normandale 149 3?x V It it n u u SE Cor. 1-1-70th & Normandale 161 Wx V Dale Sign & Adv. Co. Hy. #5 and Cahill Rd. 162 61x11t Ranch House .Motion seconded by Danens and carried. r. Inq*i.ry of Mrs. Abdiel Kallestad, 4920 France, concerning dirt allegedly owed her for the grading of 14492 Street, zras referred to Village Attorney for study and answer. Petition, signed by Henry 2. Anderson,5332 Hollywood Road, Gunner V. Johnson,5309 Hollywood Road, and Clinton V. Carlson,5300. Hollywood Road, for permission to sod that portion of Vandervork Avenue north of HollpTood Road within Beverly Hills ,Addition, was read. Petition stated that it is agreeable that Village may open road at any time upon thirty dayst notice to abutting property otmers. Bredesents motion, that Council agree to proposal be petitioners, zras seconded by Danens and carried. Village Attorney Z-Tindhorst reported his legal findings with regard to the proposed paving of France Avenue, stating that it trill be impossible to finance by bond issue the paving of any part of the Ilinneapolis side of the street; that it -nay be illegal to finance this expenditure from the General Fund pending reimbursement next year by Hennepin County. Manager Mitchell presented tabulation of bids on Gravel and Rock Bids taken April 14. He recommended that bid of Edina Sand and Gravel Company, at $.686 per Yard or x049 per ton be accepted insofar as gravel needed for South part of Village is concerned. Danenst motion, awarding bid as per lb?. Mitchell's recommendation, eras seconded•by Bredesen and carried. 4/28/52 �3 Mr. Mitchell recommended that bids be awarded to Pfeiffer Construction Company at their price of $.85 per Yard, p.61 per Ton, at Plant, for any materials (gravel) needed for the north part of the Village., He stated that this ;bid is r.. considerably higher than some of the others, but that the gravel-trill still cost the village less money because of the long haul involved from the Edina Sand and Gravel pits. Danenst motion, awarding bid in accordance with Mr. Mitchellts recommendation, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. Manager Mitchell recommended that award of bids on crushed rock be deferred until after samples can be obtained. So ordered. Manager Mitchell presented tabulations of bids on Sanitary Sewer and Water Main Extension bids taken Monday, April 14, 1952, as follows: SANITARY SEI -.TR IMPROVMVINT N0. hl (In Townes Road from 11.49th St. to 280 ft. North).- Mr. Mitchell recommended that bid be awarded to low bidder, Terry Excavating Company, at $1,64$.75. Bredesents motion, that Terry Excavating Company be awarded bid for Sanitary Sewer Improvement Too. 41, and that Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign contract in name of Village, was seconded by Danens and carried. SANITARY Sh7ZR IMPROVEIZNT N0. 42 'AND IT.ATER 1,YMJ IMPROVEMENT NO. 44 (In Fairfax and I- Tooddale.Avenues between W.60th.and 11.61st.Streets ). Mr. Mitchell explained that contractors have tied these two bids; that Bametti & Sons are low on combined bid ($7,927.52 for Sewer; $9,426.83 for Nater) of $3 7,354.35; that he recommends awarding bid to low bidder, with the understanding that if the Village has any more difficulty with this contractor no further bids will - be approved. Danens moved, accepting bid of low bidder, Lametti & Sons, authorizing Mayor and Clerk to sign contract for same; with the understanding that there will be no backfill on either project until after this Village is notified and inspection made. Motion seconded by Bredesen and carried. WATER ITAM I11PROVE11ENT NO. 42 (In Windsor Avenue between Code Avenue and Hansen Road ). TJIr. Mitchell reported that _low bidder is Bart Carlone; that he recommends awarding bid to him, bid price being $9,145:50. Motion by Danens, awarding bid for Water Main Improvement No. 42 to Bart Carlone, and authorizing Mayor and Clerk to sign contract for same, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. WATER MAIN IMPROVEI ENT NO. 43 (In St.dohns Avenue between IT.59th and IT. 60th Sts. ) Mitchell recommended awarding bid to low bidder, Bart Carlone, at 03,92$.50., Danens' motion, awarding bid to Bart Carlone and authorizing Mayor and,Clerk,to.sign contract for same, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. Office reported that bids, had been tabulated on Visible Record System, bids_ having been taken April 14; that Bertelson Bros., Minneapolis, is low bidder at total cost per specifications of $83$.89 -. It was recommended by Deputy Clerk that Village purchase Ten Binders (instead of 15), Ten Indices (instead of 15) and Two Racks (instead of 3)., together with the full 10,000 printed special - assessment record sheets; which would reduce the cost to $630.46. Motion by Danens, that Bertelson Bros. be awarded the bid for a Visible Record System, at.cost of $630.46, was-seconded by Bredesen and carried. Mr. Russell Lund again recommended improvements to the Liquor Store. He suggested calling in the Harold White Company for -their recommendations. He was informed that full report has been received from the Village Manager, and that it is not the intention of the Council to employ outside aid on this project at this time. Mr. Lund requested that the Liquor Store be authorized to pay its proportionate share of the cost of lighting the W.492 Street Parking Tot, with one more light to be installed between Nolants and the Liquor Store. Bredesents motion, that Commercial Club be authorized.-to make arrangements for installation of another light, between Nolants and Liquor Store, and that proportionate share of Parking Light cost be paid by Liquor Store, was seconded by Danens and carried. Mayor Erickson entered the Meeting at this time._ A gentleman from the audience complained about the condition of Kellogg Avenue, asking that it be oiled at once to relieve the very bad dust situation. Manager Mitchell reported that Kellogg Avenue between IT. 58th and1`:r.61st: Streets was oiled last year; that property owners were notified in 1951 that new Hearings 'would be held before Council acted on their petitions for Blacktopping. He recommended that Council conduct Hearings and Take Bids on May 26, to expedite these projects. Ericksonts motion, that Council conduct Public Hearings an petitions filed in 1.951 ifor the Blacktopping of Kellogg Avenue between W.58th. and j'i,.61st Streets for Monday, Rfiay 26,1952, at 7.30 P.M., and that Council advertise for bids on this work, with bids to be opened Monday, May 26, 1952, at 7:30 P.M., was seconded by Danens and carried. At this time Mayor Erickson took the Chair, and presided for the balance of the Meeting. V 4/28/52 First Edina State Banks request for permission to reduce their pledged collateral from $$25,000 to $700,000-was reviewed. 2-lotion by Danens, that request be granted, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. The request of Mr. Jack A. Hammond, 5845 Fairfax Avenue, for the Village to provide fill for his bouleaard, eras read. ter. Mitchel recommended against this inasmuch as such procedure -is not now the custom and this would be establishing a'precedent. Iloti.on by Child, that request be denied, was seconded by Danens and carried. The complaint of W.S. Kelly,4606 Bruce-, that J.H. Anderson, otmer of lot located at 460$ Bruce, maintains the lot in deplorable condition - -weeds never mowed and sidewalk broken—was reviewed. Child moved that owner of vacant lot be notified that he must mow weeds and repair sidewalk; that if he does not do: so the Village zri11 do the work and assess the-cost thereof against his property. Piotion seconded by Bredesen and carried.. 1 r c < Mr. Kellyts complaint precipitated a•discussion as to broken sidewalks throughout the Village. Child's motion, that Village Manager be directed to make a survey of all sidewalks needing repairs notifying Council of resultw just as soon as possible, -mas seconded: by Bredesen and carried. ° Mr. Austin D. Nortonts report on the Police School attended by himself, Clerk of Court, •and two officers, - as referred. to the Public Safety Committee, by motion Child, seconded by Danens and carried. Two gentlemen in the audience requested Council's disposition of the France Avenue Paving Project. He recommended consulting zrith. the Village of Morningside regarding their present, feeling, and also attempting to secure State Aid for the project, to reduce the cost to the otmers of abutting properties. Childts motion, that further consideration of the France Avenue Paving Project be postponed until an adjourned portion of this Meeting, to be held_ xionday, May 5, at 7:30 P.M., Ziotion seconded by Bredesen and carried. The proprietor of the Edina Laundry requested "Five Minute's Parking for the Laundry and Hooten Cleaners, stating that customers of-the Edina Clinic Building park in these- spaces for- some time; that vi'sits� to the laundry and cleaning establishments seldom take more than five minutes, and that the customers of these establishments are forced to walk some distances with their bundles. Childts-motdon, directing the Village Attorney to prepare the proper-resolution for this change in parking regulations, was seconded by Danens and carried. R Ter. E.C. Stow complained that a tar -paper shack situated on Cahill Road is devaluating the neighboring properties. Chi-ldts motion, that this'matter be referred to Building Inspector for full report at next meeting, was seconded by Danens and carried. ` Notice dated April l$, 1952, from 111ocal No. 221, Rural Hennepin, Cities and Towns Employees, American Federation of State, County and tlunicipal Employees,' that Edina employees now belong to this Union, and that the Union will be bargaining agent for said employees in the future, eras filed. No action taken. Ttrin City Rapid Transit Companyts April 22nd offer to sell the abandoned Hopkins right -of tray for the sum of W8, 500 tras read. This offer, addressed to Hennepin County, Village of Edina and City of Hopkins, stated that sale price includes the full right -of way between present end of line at Brookside Station and the CISStP&P Right-of-may in Hopkins; that it includes the steel trestle bridge over the COMP tracks in Hopkins and also the highiray bridge crossing the streetcar right-of-tray at Brookside. It also stated that it is the Company's understanding that right -of fray will not be subject to real estate taxation pending negotiations as to its sale. Iianager Mitchell reported that he, Hennepin County Highway Engineer Zizmnemman, and I3,r. Frank Laska of Hopkins-had toured this right- of-way today, appraising-it at some 08_,500; frith County to assume 50% of cost, Hopkins, 30;x; and Edina, 20';. Considerable discussion followed. Bredesen moved, authorizing Village Iianager to 'mite TCRT Co.; notifying them that the Village of Edina is not interested in this offer - -at least until such time as the right -of -tray for sale includes the portion from Brookside Station to France Avenue. Motion seconded by Child and unanimously carried. Manager Mtchell presented form of Resolution approving proposed bus route in the Village. He reported that inasmuch as the bus trill travel on Wooddale Avenue, he wishes authorization to Grade, Gravel and Oil S7ooddale between TT. 56th and 1-1. 60th Street at once. He reported that the General Fund must finance, this improvement, because i•Tooddale avenue has already been assessed for street surfacing. Bredesen's motion, that Village Manager be authorized to do•tenatever he deems - necessary to make Wooddale Avenue- between W- 56th and ?1.60th Streets passable for bus traffic, eras seconded by Danens and carried. t Mr. Kitchell then reminded the Council that Sanitary Sewer and 1Tater ITain construction trill soon be going forward on Wooddale Avenue between 60th and 61st Streets; and that there is a valid petition in this office for sewer and water in Virginia Avenue Addition. in this connection he presented plans for Sanitary Sewer to serve Virginia Avenue Addition, which plans included Sanitary Sewer in Valley View Road._ Danens moved that action on petitions for Sanitary Sewer to serve Virginia Avenue.Addition be. tabled. Motion seconded by Bredesen and carried. Child offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION (Approving the operation.by Minneapolis Street Railway Company of a bus line in the Village of Edina and requesting the Minnesota Railroad and � I- Tarehouse Commission to grant authority for such operation) TVIH.EREAS, Residents of the Village of Edina have requested Minneapolis Street Railway Company to inaugurate bus service between Edina and the Minneapolis down- town business district, and r. 11HEREAS, lKi.nneapolis Street Railway Company is willing to inaugurate a 90- day trial operation of local and.express bus service between the Minneapolis downtown business district and the Village of Edina to augment and improve the presently existing transporation service between those areas; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED By the Village Council Qf the Village of Edina, that it approves of the.trial operation by 1inneapolis Street Railway Company of a bus line over the following described route within the Village.of Edina: Commencing at the intersection o� Normandale and Willson Roads; thence southerly on Normandale Road to Valley View Road.; thence southeasterly and easterly on Valley View Road to Wooddale .Avenue; thence northerly on"- 7ooddale Avenue to W.50th Street; thence easterly on hest 50th Street.to France Avenue (Village Limits); returning via the same route. The total length s of the trial bus route (round trip) is approxi- mately 6.93 miles. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the operation of said bus -line be on a trial' basis for a period of ninety.(90) days, under the following conditions: If during the ninety (90) day trial period, the bus line does not carry a reasonable number of passengers and the revenue derived from buses operating offer the above - described route does not at least equal the cost of operating said bus.line, the Village Council does consent that the Minneaota Railroad and Warehouse - Commission permit the discontinuance of said bus line. Buses operating over the above- described route will serve as feeders to the streetcar line at West 50th Street and France Avenue from approximately 6:30 91 until 9:30 Alfa and from approximately 4:30 PX until 7:30 Pty. At other times of the day, from approximately 9:30 21 until 1:30 Pik, buses will operate between the Village of Edina and the Minneapolis downtown business district. The fare to be charged on the trial bus line is to be ten cents (100) r for a one -way ride,-within the Village of Edina; ant.unlimited -ride weekly pass good for rides within the Village of Edina, to be sold for :1.00. The fare for a erne -way through bus ride between the Village of Edina and the City of Minne -_ apolis to be thirty -five (350) cents. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Village Council hereby requests the Railroad and Warehouse Comni.ssion of the State of Minnesota to approve said petition and-issue-its order granting a temporary Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity permitting the trial operation of said bus line'in accordance with the terms.and conditions of this resolution. y Motion for adoption of the Resolution Uqz seconded by Danens, and on Rollealil there were four ayes and no nays, as;_foilows: Bredesen, aye; ld, aye; Danens, aye; Erickson:, aye; and the Rolul a ATTEST: d / . t Mayo Village Clerk - Mr. Richard L. Rossts request for Stolz gigns fox 21orth- -South traffic at inter- section of W. 52nd Street and Halifax: I.venue was read and referred to the Public r Safety Committee for report, by motio=_Child, seconded. by Danens and carried. Petition for ' "Children Safety" signs between 58th and 59th Streets on Beard Avenue was filed. Bredesents motion that signs be installed was seconded by Danens and carried. Mr. H.L. Testerts complaint that Village weect sprayers had damaged his garden was filed. Child's motion that letter be .referred._ to. :Tillage Manager and that he be instructed tQ direct weed sprayerT, ho more careful in their operations this year eras seconded by Danens and carried. 11 4/28 %52 Chicago Bridge & Iron Company's April 25th notification that the Village must secure a revalidation of its priority for Slater Tank Steel back to May 1:5 and extend same to them, teas read. Mr. Mitchell recommended employing a STashington, D.C. represen- tative to expedite this revalidation. Childts - motion, that TTashi,ngton firm of Volpe and Boskey be employed to represent the Village in this matter. Motion seconded by Danens and carried. Chicago Bridge & Iron Company's letter also carried an inquiry as to the site for the Water Tank. Manager Mitchell reported that he has been unable to conclude negotiations for the purchase by the Village of the land wanted for Crater tank site. Childts motion, that Village Attorney be furnished zrith the proper legal description of said property, and that he be authorized to proceed with initiation of condemnation proceedings just as soon as possible, was seconded by Danens and unanimously carried. Mr. Mitchell presented his recommendations, as follotrs, on several petitions 'filed recently: l.- PETITION FOR STOR 1 SMJER IN BEARD AVENUE BET SM 1-1.57TH 111M ST-58TH STREETS, Sl'gnsd.. by ovmers of 87.9% of abutting .properties._ Recommendation- -That Council set Public Hearing on this petition. 2. PERM ION FOR CURB "& GUPTM TN BEARD AVENUE BMMT IT. 57TH AND ST. 58TH STREETS, Signed by otmers_of 82.4% of abutting properties. Recommendation: -That Council set Public Hearing, but that actual construction be delayed until after Storm Seger. 3. PETITION FOR GRADING Xg-D GRAVELLING OF THE NORTH - SOTTH ALLEY BM EEIJ BEUM AM ABBOTT AVEffUES AND BLM.= W. 58th AND 11. 59th STREETS, Signed by otmers of 62.8% of abutting properties. Recommendation—That Council delay Public Hearing on Petition until Engineers have made study of drainage. 4. PETITION FOR GRADING AIM GRAVELLING OF THE NORTH -SOUTH ALLEY BETtTE I YORK MID MMMS AVr: RTES AITD BETI -MEN W. 59th AND T1. 60th STREETS, Signed by ovmers of. 55.6% of abutting properties. Recommendation-- That-Council set - Public Hearing. 5. PETITION FOR SANITARY SMER IN l-MgDSOR AVEITUE BET;,Mff CODE AVENUE Ai1D HANSEN ROAD,, Signed by oumers of 51 %-of Abutting properties. Recommendation- -That Council set Public Hearing 6. PETITION FOR S7i `'ER%AIiJ M EDMMOOR STREET BEVNEEN EDEN MOOR �!UTD SHERI-IOOD, Signed by ovmers of 74.9/ of abutting properties. Recommendation- -That Council set Public Hearing. 7. PETITION FOR BLACKTOPPMG YORK AND XERXES BETI -M ST.67th AND }T.68TH STS., this being an old petition,.on „which Council should take action this year. Recommendation- - that construction be delayed until building is completed. - 8. PETITION FOR BUCKTOPPING LABUML VISTA, this being an old petition. Recommendation- -that no blacktopping be done in this area this year. 9. PETITION FOR UL ERFAM IN PHILBROOK UNE IMME T 1100DDAIE AND TT-58TH STREET Signed by oimers of 100 of properties .developers). Recommendation - -that Publi Hearing be delayed until streets are put to proper grade. 10. PETITION FOR BLAChTOPPING OF DEVER DRIVE, this being a petition filed in 1951, on which Council.approved Oiling in 1951, with possible Blacktopping in 1952. Recommendation --That Council set Public Hearing. 11. PETITION FOR BLACKTOPPING OF DRMT AVENUE BETIEM 1-7. 58th AND ST. 59th STNS, thia being a petition on tr'nich Council approved Oiling in 1951, frith possible Blacktopping in 1952. Recommendation - -That Council set Public Hearing. 12. `” PETITION FOR GRADING AND GRAVELLING OF JOHN STREET BETI7 N MALOI+IEY AVE ME AND BELM.ORE WE, Signed by oimers of.51.6, of abutting properties. Recommendation_ -- that Council set Public Hearing. 13.' PETITION FOR CURB AND GUTTER IN LAKEVMT DRIVE BEENMEN WOODDALE AVENUE AND E.. LAKEIiI7 DRIVE, Signed by ovmers of. 78.6; of abutting properties. Recommendation - that study. ,be. made for storm sewer; that Council set'Public Hearing and delay construction in block - Lakeview Drive, Wooddale to St.Johns. . Childts motion, that :Council accept Manager 11itchellts recommendations on all petitions; that where a Hearing is recommended the Council set Public Hearing for Monday, May 26, 1952, -at 7 :30 P.M.; that Manager Mitchell be directed to furnish the Council tn.th a list of all streets to be oiled, said list to be furnished at adjourned meeting to be held Monday, T2ay 5, was seconded by Danens and carried. The follovring petitions, filed during the last ten days, were read: Petition for Blacktopping, Dalrymple between Southview Lane and Lakeview Drive. Petition for Blacktopping, Stood End Drive ' - Petition for Dust Coat, 11.59th Street between Wooddale and Fairfax Avenues. Petition for'Curb and Gutter, Dalrymple between Southview Lane and Lakeview Drive. Petition for Grading & Gravelling-North-South Alley between 58th and 59th Sts. and between Abbott and 'Zenith Avenues. Petition for Oiling Kellogg between S•7-59th and S•T.60t1I (contingent upon no black- _ topping soon) Petition for Oiling Wooddale between S ^r. 58th and W. 59th Streets. Petition for Oiling STooddale between 17.59th and 1-7.60th Streets ' Childts motion, that consideration of the above petitions be postponed until adjourned meeting of May 5, eras seconded by Danens and carried. 4/2$/ 52 $? Complaint on condition of W.54th Street, filed by J.G. Wells, was read and discussed. Mr. Mitchell reported that he has received many complaints and requests fora dustcoat of oil, whereas street is being redied for.-blacktopping. Bredesents motion, that Manager Mitchell be directed to notify Mr. Wells and other interested parties that blacktopping is going ahead as soon as possible, was seconded by Child and carried. - Mr. Mitchell presented one did for tree tr;ng, explaining that two other bidders had taken specifications but had not returned bids. Because of price of bid tendered, Council requested that Village Manager attempt to secure tree trimmers from the University of Minnesota Forestry School. Mr. Mitchell reported that there is a question on the Special Assessment for the cost of Driveways constructed in connection with Street Improvement No. P..-15; that, in preparing road for Blacktopping, three driveways were left in the air and it was necessary to provide - people with access to their garages; the'question now-being whether to assess driveway costs ,01.1. the. ; entire job or whether to assess them against those three properties for which they were installed. Child's motion, that cost of driveways'be assessed bgainst all properties,-vas seconded by Danens and carried. Mr. Mitchell reported that Ashworth and Sons have notified the Village that they consider Contract for Street Improvement No. -,A -5, Blacktopping of Brook - view Avenue' between W.60th and 11r1.61st, cancelled inasmuch as the Village ordered them off the project at-the time they could have worked on it and inasmuch as they cannot now do this work at-the contract price,. - - Mr.11itchell reported on maintenance of border streets, stating that Minneapolis has offered to maintain Xerxes .Avenue between W.54th and N.58th Streets if Edina will maintain the street between 11-58th and W.62nd Streets. Mr. Mitchell recommended this procedure. Child moved. for acceptance of Minneapolis offer. Motion seconded by Danens-and,carried. r Mr. Mitchell reported that Minneapolis has also offered to maintain the East' half of W.54th Street between France and Zenith Avenues. Bredesen moved for acceptance of Minneapolis offer. Motion Seconded by Danens and carried. Child moved for payment of Village Payroll, amount X7,564.17 and Liquor Store .Payroll, amount $643.05 for period April 16 to 30, inclusive, as recorded in detail in the Payroll Ledger, and for payment of the following claims: dIAIM NO. TO: MOUNT FUi3D 6979 City Treasurer 1 88 g$ 5 6980 City Treasurer 130.00 7055 Clancy Drugs,-Inc. -6.06 6981 Void 6982 Geo. Totten,Cy. Treas. 7.25 6983 Glacier Sand. & Gravel Co. 659.54 6984 Edina Hardviare 5.37 6985'z Voided 6986 J.H. Kilgore Lumber Co. 42.00 6987 Town & Country Hdwe. 8936 6988 Dietrich Lumber Co. 2.70 6989 Thompson Lumber Co. 3.52 6990 Lyle Signs, Inc.. 15.50 6991 Miller Davis .°Co. x, 325.77. 6992 H.A. Rogers Co. 21.90- 6994 Northern States Power Go. 966.34 6995 Rosenviald Cooper, Inc. 104.05 6996` Rosholt Equipment Co. 16.80 6997 American Linen Supply Co. 4.50 6998 N.W. Bell-Telephone Co. 105.47 6999 The Young Fuel Co. '32.02 7000 Aetna Life Insurance Co. 164.50 7001 Edina- Horningside Courier 48.36 7002 Hennepin County Review 213.50 ; 7003 W.R. Nettleton - 1.40 - 7004 Dick Palen Photographs 21.50 7005 Crook & Hanley, Inc. 17.00 7006 Hooten Cleaners 2.00 7032 '"' Geo. A. Totten, Gy. Treasurer 1,656.29 7034 Austin D. Norton - 7.50 7035 Richard E. Olson 7.50 7036 George Thompson 38.85 - 7038 Alfred S. Jones 4.34 7039 F. Richard.Obermeyer 4.62 7046 Petty Cash r 20.98 7047 Schaub Office Supply Co. - 5.45 FUND ,11 R FLND X5,143.33 FiQUIP.REN`TAL ��13 646.10_ TIATER FUND $2,290.09 GARBAGE FUND 13.52 I1IPR04E.FUND X6,015.00. CONST. FUND ;`45,709.72 SEI ER RENTAL 6 - -- 5.03 - 4/2$/5z CLAM NO. T0: MOUNT 7048 Rydeen Agency .,p2� 52.80 7049 Jean Link 6.00 7050 F.H. Giiger Sales Co. 40.00 7051 - I -Zinn. Hosp. Serv. Assn. 4.50 z 6987 Torm & Country Hdwe. 2.25 6994 Northern States Power Co. 27.63 6997 - American Linen Supply Co. 3.00 6998 N.11. Bell ,Telephone Co. 17.70 7007 Brookside Service Station 467.51 7008 Delegard Tool Co. 10.24 7009 H.R. Toll Co. 9.80 7010 Northwestern Tire Co. 12.45 7011 Phillips Petroleum Co. 61.71 7012 Paper, Clamenson & Co. 169.29 7013_ Reinhard Brothers Co. 88.70 7014 The S & 1.1 Tire Co. 11.95 7015 Suburban Chevrolet Co. 16.98 7ol6 Leef Bros., Inc. 1.67 7017 Minneapolis. Gas Company 120.30, 7018 tam. H. Ziegler Co., Inc. 359.40 7019 Neal Swant Service 1.50 7020 Standard Spring Co. -_ 62.45 7021 Northern Welders Supply. Co. 7.50 , 7022 Hennepin County District Boiler Insp. 2.00 7023 A.R. Wii.liams Fire Equip. Co. 40.05 7024 Eutectic Welding Alloys Corp. 70.47 7025 Edina Pure Oil 'Service 6.00 7x33 U.S. supply Co. 74.71 7046 _ Petty Cash 1.44 6987 iotm & Country Hdwe. .Co. 13.78 6993 Northern States Power Co. 489.91 6998 N.W. Bell Telephone Co. 14.38 6999 Young Fuel Co. 68.82 7001 Edina IIorningside Courier 5.49 7002 Hennepin County Review 4.00 7026 Addressograph Multigraph Corp. 12.23 7027 Badger Meter I•Ifg. Co. 1,668.80 7028 Village of Edina 10.56 7046 Petty Cash 2.12 7002 Hennepin County Review 4.00 7026 Addressograph Tiultigraph Corp. 5.02 7029 Paul Soderlind 2.25 7030 F.H. Harmonick 2.25 6978 First National Bank 6992 H.A.Rogers Co. A 28.45 7001 Edina IMorningside Courier 14.98 7031 Jorgen H. Anderson. 12.10 7037 Jorgen H..-Anderson. 27.64 7040 Orfei. & i'lariani 14.,442-75 7041 Phelps Drake Co. _ 7,847.83 7042 Lametti & Lametti _ 391.72 7043 Bart Carlone 298.18 7044 Phelps Drake Co. 21,662.99 7045 Bart Carlone 583.08 7026 Addressograph-iiultigraph Cor-. L1906 American Linen Supply Co. 11.65 L1907 Anheuser - Busch, Inc. 236.69 L1908 Automoatic Alarm Corp. 8.75 L1909 Automoatic Alarm Corp. 25.50 11910 Canada Dry Ginger Ale, Inc. 103.00 11911 Carpenter Paper Co. 23.23 11912 Clausen & Sons, Inc. 473.72 L1913 Coca -Cola Bottling-Co* 54.40 L1914 Cold Spring Distributing, Co. ". 88.02 L1915 0.1-1. Droney Beverage Co. 308.72 4916 Ebin Bros. Co. 1,106.72 L1917 G1uek Brerri.ng Co. - 774.04 L1918 Gold Medal Beverage Co. 39.54 2:791 Kuether Distributing Co. 36.70 FUND ,11 R FLND X5,143.33 FiQUIP.REN`TAL ��13 646.10_ TIATER FUND $2,290.09 GARBAGE FUND 13.52 I1IPR04E.FUND X6,015.00. CONST. FUND ;`45,709.72 SEI ER RENTAL 6 - -- 5.03 - FUND 69 LIQUOR FUND 424,951.5$. The matter of a 50 per house per month increase for contract Garbage Collector, Arthur K. Petersen, was discussed once again at some length. Bredesents motion# that Council grant It??. Petersen a 50 per unit increase beginning July 1, 1952 and through December 31, 1952, with charge to customers to be increased the same amount, was seconded by Danens and carried., Bredesents motion, that Council advertise for bids for Three- Year_Garbage Collection,contract to be effective January 1, 1953, was seconded by Danens and carried. Mr. Mitchell presented the following Tabulations of Assessment: For STREET U PROV=NT NO. A-- 18-- Blacktopping of Abbott Avenue between W.57th and W.58th Streets - _Cost, $1046.3$; Assessable Feet, 1,25$,3; .Assessment per Assessable Foot $1.07. For STREET 114PRO E iIT NO. C -18 -- Grading, Gravelling, Alley Lying between Bedford and Oxford_Avenues and Between Interlachen Blvd. and W.51st Street. - Cost $1,080.66; Assessable Feet, 1,0$0.66; Cost per Assessable Foot For. ST "T IMPROVF11 40T NO. .- 12-- Blacktopping of 111-57th Street between Beard and France Avenues. Cost 01896.44; Assessable Feet - 2,201.3$; Cost per Assessable Foot - X1.77• For STREET DIPROVEIENT N0. A- 14-- Blacktopping of York Avenue between W.56th and 11.58th Streets. . -_Cost $2,383.91;-Assessable, Feet - 2,407.99; Cost per Assessable Foot - $.99• For STRUT S1,7PROV12ENT NO. B-3- -Curb and Gutter in Halifax Avenue from &fisting Curb and Gutter in Halifax ,Avenue to 1,4 54th St. Cost X2,632.70; Assessable Feet - 1,028.4; Cost per Assessable Foot - $2.56. For STREET UTROVEIENT NO. B-5- -Curb and Gutter in South Side of W.54th Street from,France to Beard Avenue. Cost $2,750,50; ,assessable Feet - 1,113.6; Cost per Assessable Foot -- $2.47. For.STREET DiPROV MNT NO. B- 7 - -Curb and Gutter in Beard tivernie from W.58th to TT.59th. Street. $3,04$.96; Assessable Feet - 1,224,48; Cost per Assessable Foot - $2.49. Bredeseni's motion, that Public Hearings on the above names assessments be set for Monday, June 9, 1952, at 7 :30 P.M., was seconded by Child and carried, Building Supt. Woehler reported request for permit to construct a garage on 59th and Oaklavm, in a bank and ahead of the building line. Bredesents motion, that request be denied, was seconded by Child and carried. _ Bredesents motion, that Meeting be adjourned to Monday, May 5, 1952, at 7:30 P.M., was seconded by Danens and carried._ Village Clerk 4/2$/52 CLEM 110. TO:' .AMOUNT L1920 - E.M. Lohmann Company 29.22 L1921 Massolt Bottling Co. 19.20 L1922 Minneapolis Brewing Co. 944.02 L1923 Minneapolis City Club Distr. Co. 111.$4 L1924 Morris-Distributing Co. 197.74 L1925 Northern States Power Co. 45.38 L1926 Northwestern Bell. Telephone Co. 14.00• L1927 Pabst Sales Co. 401.74 L1928 Purity Beverage Co. 125.5$ L1929 Rex Distributing Co. 4$.$4 L1930 Seven -Up Bottling Co. 67.12 L1931 Swiss Wine House 45.80 L1932 Distillers Distributing Co. 2,6$1.19 L1933 Famous Brands, Inc. 1,063.37 L1934 Griggs, Cooper & Co. 9,270.92 L1935 McKesson _& Robbins, Inc. 6,275.11 L1936 E.NI. Lohmann Company, 43.83 L1937_ Mid -Test Ifine Co. 352.28 L1938 Old Peoria Co., Inc. 523.72 L1939 Minnesota Hospital Serv. Assn. 3.00 L1940 Val.Bjorns6n,.Treas. PERA 67.54 L1941 Midland National Bank .of,Sfpls. 159.63 FUND 69 LIQUOR FUND 424,951.5$. The matter of a 50 per house per month increase for contract Garbage Collector, Arthur K. Petersen, was discussed once again at some length. Bredesents motion# that Council grant It??. Petersen a 50 per unit increase beginning July 1, 1952 and through December 31, 1952, with charge to customers to be increased the same amount, was seconded by Danens and carried., Bredesents motion, that Council advertise for bids for Three- Year_Garbage Collection,contract to be effective January 1, 1953, was seconded by Danens and carried. Mr. Mitchell presented the following Tabulations of Assessment: For STREET U PROV=NT NO. A-- 18-- Blacktopping of Abbott Avenue between W.57th and W.58th Streets - _Cost, $1046.3$; Assessable Feet, 1,25$,3; .Assessment per Assessable Foot $1.07. For STREET 114PRO E iIT NO. C -18 -- Grading, Gravelling, Alley Lying between Bedford and Oxford_Avenues and Between Interlachen Blvd. and W.51st Street. - Cost $1,080.66; Assessable Feet, 1,0$0.66; Cost per Assessable Foot For. ST "T IMPROVF11 40T NO. .- 12-- Blacktopping of 111-57th Street between Beard and France Avenues. Cost 01896.44; Assessable Feet - 2,201.3$; Cost per Assessable Foot - X1.77• For STREET DIPROVEIENT N0. A- 14-- Blacktopping of York Avenue between W.56th and 11.58th Streets. . -_Cost $2,383.91;-Assessable, Feet - 2,407.99; Cost per Assessable Foot - $.99• For STRUT S1,7PROV12ENT NO. B-3- -Curb and Gutter in Halifax Avenue from &fisting Curb and Gutter in Halifax ,Avenue to 1,4 54th St. Cost X2,632.70; Assessable Feet - 1,028.4; Cost per Assessable Foot - $2.56. For STREET UTROVEIENT NO. B-5- -Curb and Gutter in South Side of W.54th Street from,France to Beard Avenue. Cost $2,750,50; ,assessable Feet - 1,113.6; Cost per Assessable Foot -- $2.47. For.STREET DiPROV MNT NO. B- 7 - -Curb and Gutter in Beard tivernie from W.58th to TT.59th. Street. $3,04$.96; Assessable Feet - 1,224,48; Cost per Assessable Foot - $2.49. Bredeseni's motion, that Public Hearings on the above names assessments be set for Monday, June 9, 1952, at 7 :30 P.M., was seconded by Child and carried, Building Supt. Woehler reported request for permit to construct a garage on 59th and Oaklavm, in a bank and ahead of the building line. Bredesents motion, that request be denied, was seconded by Child and carried. _ Bredesents motion, that Meeting be adjourned to Monday, May 5, 1952, at 7:30 P.M., was seconded by Danens and carried._ Village Clerk