HomeMy WebLinkAbout19520506_ADJOURNED7103 7105 7132 7uL9 7150 7151 7152 7153 7154 71-55 7156 7157 7156 7159 7160 7161 7163 7164 5/26/52 TO: The Zdina-Xorningside Courier Construction Bulletin H.ii.Eogers Coo Jorgen K. hderson %art Carlone Pfielps-Drake Co . Earl Serdl Earl Yewall Phelps-Drake Co. Lanetti Lametti Lanetti & Lametti Lametti 0: Lametti Lmet'ci & Lametti Phelps-Drake Co. Phelps-Drake Co. Pf eiff er Construction Coo Orfei &: Xariani Phelps-Drake Co, . Lametti & Lametti . - S 36.00 ' 5.2 17 38.03 5270 38 7200 . 98 22.00 21.00. 412.53 220000 206 . 64 174 . 11 1261.69 3782.07 19461.51 593 30 129830 95 30756.06 COIirST~TJCTIOI\f FUlJD 8132 3 5 $ 90,6S1.35 Application'for Food License for Dakiwipt Store on Highway IJo. 169 was filed. Child moved.that Food License be granted subject to approval by Village Health Inspector. Kotion seconded by Bredesen and carried. Child's motion, tlna'c Police Department be instructed to notify Dariwipt people that their sign must be removed fromthe HcNellis shed as of Tuesday, Xay 27, was seconded by Bredesen and-carried. The hour being late, Bredesen moved for adjournment of meeting to lionday, June 2, at 7:30 P.X. seconded Eredesen's motion, znd motion carried. Keeting adjourned at 12:15, Tuesday, Kay 27, after Child Deputy Village Clerk MINVMtS OF ADJOURNED PORTION OF MA'Y 26, 1952 MEETW, ,.HEW -m-29* 1252, AT -7:1$0 Po& 9 AT THEEpWV1W;AGEW. - -8 .I 4. z 1. . 1-- . -.. *. - . Pursuant to Hay 26th motion for adjournment to this date, Messrs Danens and Hawthorn. appeared at the Village Hall, at 7:30 P.N., Monday; June.2, 3952, at 7:30 P.N. Nayor Erickson and Trustee Bredesen were unable.to attend', and because of lacksof a a~orum no meeting was held, unfinished business of Pfay 26 being carried'over to Regular Neeting of - .. -_ . .. z "UTES OB' REGULAR NEZ!CING OF MONDAY, JlTNE 9, I- 1952, -@-7:20 P&,-AT.THE EDJNA V?LTAB J3A&L . -- -. - .- .. * I' . -. *- - .. .f - Hembers answering Rollcall. were DLms, Hawthorne and Erickson, with Bredesen arriving later as recorde-d belo%. c Enutes of the Regular Keeting . of. May 26th were approved as submitted, by motion Hawthorne, seconded by Danens and carri-d. 'First matter on the Agenda was Public Hearing on Pmposed Grading and Gravelling of St.Johns Avenue between W.59th and IT 60th Sts., and of V.6Oth St. from in Edina-Morningside Courier M&.x 22 and 29,1952, was read by Clerk, appFoved as to form, and ordered placed on file. Engineer Ititchell presented two Estimates of Cost, both including Stabilized. Base. The first estimate, with this pro ject feet, for $3.2& per assessable foot;. . the second estimate, taking into consider- totalled @5,053-.63 as against 1,604.05 assessable feet,. for $3.15 per assessable foot. c decrease cost of later blacktopping .job. Theke were no objections to the project, but one owner asked that specifications be,changed so that none of stabilized base is lost through underground construction. Engineer MLtchell recommended that street be graded as soon as water main is in, and some gravel added at that time, Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: St.Johns Avenue to a point 135 Ft. E. plf t Fairfax Avenue. Affidavit of Publication c as an independent pro jecs, totaLLeh'$5,262.51 as against 1,60.4,05 assessable ' ation the possible use of excess dirt from the Fairfax Blacktopping project, ' Engineer Ititchell Bxplained that the stabilized base at this the will .. r 1 C -c - r ..