HomeMy WebLinkAbout19520512_ADJOURNED84 em-: E00 7058 7059 7063 7064 7065 7068 7069 7070 7061 7062 5743. 7057 7066 7067 C TO: George @. Thompson TTilliaa R. Hettleton F.Rici?ard Obemeyer Donald E. Pedersen Richard C. Somenberg Curtis M. Iiolter John R. Coan, Postmahter Richard C. Somenberg. John A. Lever Don DeIhth Suburban Hennepin County Relief Bd. Jorgen HeAnderson Arthur IC, Petersen Uilliam H, Little Carpenter Paper Coo G.B.S. Incorporated 3J-944 Walter D, Giertsen Co. Q945 =946 Griggs Coopsr E Co. . -Ed. Phillips & Sons GO. 1- e I The hour being late, with considerable bu'siness still to coae before the Council, Child moved for adjournment of this meeting to Ronday, Hai 19, 1952, at 7:30 P,I:";. Xotion seconded by Bredesen and carried. 7 ,adjo~;mo~ I illage Clerk 14INJ!CES OF THE ADJOURNED PORTION OF THE T*%Y 12, 1952 REGULAR 14EZTING OF TH% EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, JiBID PICllDAY, ItAY 19,1952 AT 7:30 m0, AT THE .EDW V~GE HUL. C Xembers answering Rollcall were Bredesen, Child and Erickson, with Clerk Hawthorne coming later, as recorded below. Deputy Clerk brought before the Council the matter of the "Dog Control Contract,1r for amendments thereto. with VilLge Attorney regarding these changes, tias seconded by Br9desen and Childts motion, tha'b office be instructed.to consult C%I'&d. Chirldrs motion, approving issuance of Plumberts Ecense for period Nay 2,1952 to April 1, 1953, to Chester Fritz,215l Butler Avenue, South St.Pau&, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. Application of Thorpe Bros., Inc. for permits to'maintain signs, tias presented. Bredesents motion, approving the following sign licenses, to April 1, 1953, was seconded by Child and carried: azm LuCilTIO~~ SIZE Thorpe Bros., Inc, V.View Rd. t3 R.R. Tracks 6Ft - rnrnTLsrn Thorpe &os. 11 11 R* Cresecent .Dr. in V,V.Heights 61iLOt It 11 Discussion was had on Lea:@e of IEnnesota BIdcipaLities Convention to be held An St.Cloud in June. FEtchell to attend Convention as Edina Delegates, was seconded by Bsedesen and Carrie?, imrked for gravel pits-was presented. and referred to Planning Codssion for study and recommendation, vias seconded by Bredesen and carried. Asst. Village Attorney Burris' letter of resignation was submitted. mokion tlat resignation be accepted, to take effect June 1, tss secondea by Child's motion, aut'norizing &qvor Ericlson and I-Ianager t cPetition*for the Rezoning to llCommercial District" of that property now being Child's motion, that petition be accepted 1 Childrs . Bredesen and carried: rc 1. ?.fro Alfred Ydpp's request for the rezoning to Community Store District of the two blocks on 60th Street, Vest from Xerxes &venue, was ret-d. for referral of request to Planning Commission for study and recomiendation, was seconded by Bredesen and carriedo Child's motion, 5/19/52 85 -1 Application of Donald Kemp, for On-sale Beer License at "Don's Cafe," 5348 France Avenue, was discussed at some length, Police recommendation for issuance having been reviewed. Child's motion, for grating of license, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. Public Health Ifursing report for April was reviewed and ordered placed op file. IJ~. F.O. Kuehn's request for Stop Sign at Sunnyside Road and Browndale Avenue was read, Department for their recommendation, was seconded by Sredesen and carried. Child's motion, that petition for stop sign be referred to Police Hanager llitchell ppesented- to Counc51 +he following Oiling petitions, together - with recommendations as listed yith each petition: c 1. Oiliilg of Harrison Avenue in 300-Block. Signed by Owners of 100% of abutting properties - Recommendation: That Oiling be done by Village Street Department at 156: per front foot. - 2, Oiling of- York Avenue betpieen 17.55th and T.T.56th Streets and of ?f+ 56th Street from Xerxes +o -Yorlr Avdnue - Signed by44.7$ of abutting properties. Recormendation: That Oiling be done by Village Street Department. 3. Oiling of W, 58th Street from Wooddale Avenue to- Brookview Avenue. Signed by 45% Plus, 6f abutting property owners. Recormendation: by Village Street Department . 39.3% of abutting properties. Street Department--with recommendation depending to a certain exbent upon agreement with IEnneapolis as to maintenance, Clerk Hawthorile entered tbe meeting during discussion on oiling of the above named projects. That Oiling be done ko Oiling of Xerxes Avenue between Fl.60th and Y.62nd Streets. Signed by Recommendation: That Oiling be done by Village , c Child offeredthe following Resolution and moved its adoption: RIESOLUTION SETTING HEXRING FOR ?ROFOSED OILING DPEOVEiEtTS IXBREAS, the Village Council desires on its own motion to improve %he following streets by the Oiling thereof: 1. Harrison Avenue from PTorth Village Limits to Belmore Lane 2: York Avenue between W.55th and Tf.56kh Streets, and \?.56th Street between Xerxes and York Avenues. 3. Il.58th Street from 1Tooddal.e Avenue to Brookview Avenue c- * 4. Xerxks Avenue% between 'I.iT060th and w.62nd Street - all as authorized by Laws 1949, Chapter 119, as amended by L~WS 1949, Chapter 430, now therefore, 'BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that it is deemed necessary and expedient to make the improvement heretofore set forth, <and that on the 23rd day of June, 1952, at 7:30 o'clock P.EL, this Council will meet at the Village Hall in said Village and will .at sait time and. place hear the,parties interested therein in reference to such improvement, and will decide whether or not to undertake such improvemenk, in whole or in part, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the area proposed to be assessed for 'chis Lxprovement includes allrlots and tracts of land abutting or fronting the strests to be improved. 1 Hotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as fo Hawthorne, aye; and Zrickson, aye; and Petitzon for the Oiling of Beard Avenue between 3657-th and TL58th Streets, signed by bwners of 83% of abutting properties, was filed, together with IbIanager. TEtchell's redommendation that work be deferred until after construction .of I Stom Sewer in this street. Hotion by Child, seconded by Bredesen and carried, tha% Council set Public Hearing on petition for Eonday, June 23, with understand- ing that work will be delayed until after ,%om Sewer Construction, was seoonded by Bredesen and carried. - Woodcrest Drive, between W. 55%h and W. 555 Streets, was represented with two petitions-- one for Grading, Gravelling and Oiling, and the other for Blacktopping, Manager Ni-tchell recommended that Grading,Gravelling and Oiling be done this year, as part of a Blach-topping project to be finished in -1953. Inasmuch as petsitions have been signed by 60% of abukting property owners, Child moved that Public Hearings on these petitions be set for Nonday, June 23, 1952, at 7:30 PJ-4, 14otion seconded by Bredesen and carried. Petition for Grading and Gravelling of W.58th Street between France and Brook- view Avenues was filed, carrying signatures of over 50% of abutting propertieg, (Village-Owned Park Property iiicludes) l!k.nager Ifitchell recommended thzt bids be t-aken the same eaenipg that EtubliceHearing is held, if possible, -in order- that project may begin at once. Childts-motion, accepting petition, setting h-tblic Hearing for Nonday, June 23, at 7:30 P.N., and suthorizling advertise- I < 86 .. 1 c 5/p/ 52 .J ment for bids to be opened June 23, was seconded bylBhdesen and carried. Petition for t'ne Grading and Gravelling of Xerxes Avenue between IT.5Efth and 8.63th Streets, bearing signatures of 30% of abutting properties, was filed. Engineer recornended that Public Hearing be held on the matter, in order that negotiations may proceed with City of E..nneaplis. Child offered the fol.low5ng Resolution -- . and moved its adoption: I - R?BOLUTION SETTING l3EXRING FOR PEOFOSED GBXOING & GFMKZKLIIJG - 1 XEXXES Am,, 11.58TH TO TL 60T~ ST, I 3-, the Village Couqcil desires on its om motion to improve Xerxea j Avenue between lL58th and TJ.60th Streets by Grading and Gravelling, all as author- BE E IU332LW by the Village Council of ?he Village of Edina that it is " - ized by Iavrs 1949, Chapter U.9, as amended by Laws 1949g Ch-apter 430, novf therefore, deemed necessary and expedient to make,the hprovement heretofore set forth, and Ahat on the 305B day of ,June,1952, at 7.30 orclock P.T.E;., this Council 1a-l meet at the Village ,Hall in said Village and will .at said time and place he& the parties interested therein in reference to such improvementi, and will decide whether or not to undertake such impnqement, in whole or in partc bprovanent includes all lots and tracts of land abutting or frontingthe street to be 'improved. i- .. ', ''I . c BE FURTBSR IEESOLTTED, that the area proposed to be assessed forthis _- .. . I. Notion for adoption of the Resolutgon vias . there were four ayes and no nays, as fo e, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the ing of Brookview Avenue between TL62nd ad of 50.8% of 9buttiilg property owners; was filed. nent, with easements to be provided for temporary turn-around. &nager Elitchel1,recommended that Public Hearing be set for this'impmve- ' Child's motion, Hearing for Konday, June 30, a% 7:?0 P&L, Petition for Ornaaental Stkeet Lights in &den Avenue between V.50th and IL 52nd Strpets, signed by owners of 56% of abutting properties, was subaitted. motion, accepting petition and setting Ppblic Fearing for Nonday, July U, 1952, at,7:30 P.L, was seconded by Bredesen End carried. Petition for $greet Lights in Borant s Edina Xinor ura's presented, motion, that petition be referred to Village Nanager 2nd Fublic Utilities Commibtee for recomendations, ms seconded by Child and carriedo Harrthorne's Hawthorne's .. IbIanzger I4itchell reported tht petition for the Blackbopping of %ndsor Avenue has been filed @this office for some time; that utilities are now in at least ! + , part of the, street, and? vfll be in very shortlp '1 Public Hearing on this petition. I.! proposed hprovaent of ?;Tindsor Avenue by Blacktopping, for Konday, Jbne 30, at / 7:30 P.H., was seconded by Havrbhorne and carried. I He recomended setting a Child's motion, petting Public Hearing on -- - The r"ollowing Tabulations of Assessments were reviewed and ordered placed on file in the office of the Clerk: SPFBET Z-Fii!OmEIa IJO. 4-15 .L Blacktopping of Beard Avenue between t.T056th and t.r,57th Streets. - Total gssessable Cost - iC2,5?9.03; Assessable Footage, - 'ad TT.56th Streets. - Total lissessable Cost - $2,2.49b37; Assessable Footage, - 1,199.55; Assessable Cost per Foot, $2.15. 1 EX'RZXC J3.Z€FtOlGXEGT IJO, B-6 - Curb and Gutter in York Avenue between IL55th S63,2; dssesrsable Cost per Foot, $2&9, between W. 58th and IT* 49th SXreets, includinp Turn-Around, Cost - $981.90; Total dssessable Footage +- 1,19&&;- Cost per Assessable Foot, STRZZT lXPEOlEIZX!L' IKL 'C-13 - Grading and Gra$elLing of Zenithhenue between IT. flth and IT. 58th Streets and of f.l.57th Street between kbbott and York Avenues. - Total. $ssessable Cost - $l,l~lLll; Total. Assessable Footage - '2,57008; Cost pzr Assessable Foot, -9.51 S"RlB2 D~~O~~~J'T NO, E-12 - Grading and Gravelling of Fairfax Avenue - Total Assessable c $.82. and Lots 1 through 5, Block 2, Tingdale Bros. Brookside, - Total Assessable Cost - $9,O@dZl; Total Assessable Footage - 1,872.3; Cost per lissessable Foot, $4.83 5/19/52 87 SANITkY SEME€t ILPILOVEIGNT NO. 33 - In Abbott Avenue- between V. 58th and IJ, 59th Streets . Feet - 1,194.00; Construction Cost per Assessable Foot - $2.57, Plus &.@o-per assessable foot for connection charge to &&-rt' Sewer DistPic%. No, 1 - Total Gost Per BsSessable Foot. $3.57. Total Assessable Construction Cost - $3,068.58; Total Assessable TIATBEi NUN JN?ROVEl&JT-NO; 72 - For a11 lots in Edinbrook Addition and Total Assessable Cost, 1 Lots 1 through 5,. Block 2,, Tingdale Bros, Brookside. $L2,75Q,36; Total Assessable Footage, 1,872.3; Cost per Assessable Foot, $6.,81. 'E~ATER MAIN DPBOVENENT NO. 36 - In Westbrook Lane between TT.I&&h and M.49th Streets, .Tota&_Assessable Cost - $4,290.42; Total Assessable Footage, 764.78; Cost per: Assessable Foot, $5.61. 60th Streets..- To$@--&sessable Cost - $4.06, including $,25 per foot connection charge to private water main constructed by Peder 145ckclsen; 88,434.58 being Total Assessable Construction Charge as against $,213.8 assessable feet, for $3.81 per assessable foot for construction, plus the 8.25 connection charge, Childts motion, that Public Hearings on above named assessments be set for Nonday, June 30, 19531, at 7:30 P.N., was seconded by Bredesen and unanimously carried. Manager Eitchell presented Final Plat of ltBel-Air 2nd with his and the Planning Commission*s recommendations for approval. Hawthorne moved for approval of plat, in accordance with 14anagerts recommendations. Notion seconded by Bredesen and carried, IllATER j4AIN IMF'ROVEMENT NO. 37 - Tn Abbott Avenue between W.58th and If. together Nr. EEt chell presented Preliminary Plat for llResendahlt s PILrror Lakes It was .ascertained that this plat is a part of the over-all study of Spring Company's Edina Highlands. HawtIiomets motion, that Council take no action on any of the segments of Spring Companyts Edina Highlands Plat until an agreement is reached as to the park property to be dedicated, was seconded by Bredesen'and carried. Eqk. H.N. Learnedfs plot plan setting forth a proposed subdivision of property at 6228 Brookview Avenue was presented by Mr. Mitchell, who recommended the proposed subdivision himself and reported the Planning Commissionfs May 7th recommendations to this effect. Plot Plan for proposed subdivision of property, and ordering it'placed on file for reference by the Building Inspector, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. Haadhornets motion, that Council accept Nanager IJlitcheU reported the request of V.E. Ifpan for the rezoning to Community Store District of a 282tx40Of parcel of land at St1 Corner of Voodda3.e Avenue and Valley View Road, together with Planning Commission*s NAY 7th recommendations for said.rezoning, Hearing on proposed rezoning be scheduled for Nonday, .June 30, 1952, at 7:30 P.N., was seconded by Child and carried. Hawthornels motion, that Public Efanager Ititchell reported a petition by the persons on Dewey Hill Road for regrading and gravelling, calling to Councilts attention a previous assess-, ment for grading and gravelling. to Public Vorks Cormnittee and Tillage Engineer for consultation with property owners, vag seconded by Bredesen md carried, Manager Nitchellts recommendation, that Council plan no work for 1952 on petitions coming into the office after June 1, was discussed at some lengthp Hawthorne's motion, that Village Manager be authorized to inform citizens who present improvement petitions after June 1,1952, that it is possible that work may not be completed this year, was seconded by' Bredesen and carried. . Hawthornets motion, Ynat matter beaferred Nanager IEtchell recommended a Public Hearing on early petition for the Blacktopping of all Streets in Edinbrook Addition. Public Hearing for Xonday, July l4, 1952, at 7:30 P.H., was seconded by Bredesen and carried. Nanager BEtchell reported that Robert Soelberg, proprietor of Brookside Service . Station, has been parking used cars and cars to be repaired along Brookside Avenue. the back of his service stationproviding culvert is installed at drainage ditch; that IJ~. Soelberg has agreed to pay for installation. Hawthorners motion, that fEr. Soelberg be notified that public streets are not to be used for storing of vehicles and that he shall comply with Village Parking Regulations, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. Child's motion, scheduling Trustee Child stated that I*, Soelberg can park these vehicles at Child's motion, suthorizing installation of culvert at Brookside Serece Station, at expense of Robert Soelberg, proprietor, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried, . 5/19/52 89 Nanager Xitchell recommended that Public Hearings be held' on petitions for Grading, Gi~avelling and Blackbopping all streets in Yirginia Avenue Addition, Itotion by Hawthorne, soheduling these Hearings for Honday, July I&, 1952, at Manager Ritcheil recomended re jec'cion of all bids taken. April L!+, 1952> for Crushed Rock. authorizing Village 3knager to advertise for bids to be' taken June 23 on Crushed Pit Run Gravel, .was seconded by Bredesen and carried. Xanager ETitchellr s written re Nower, was discussed at some cngth. Hawbhoikets motion, that action be 'cabled for present, was seconded by Child and carried,. Manager Nit chell reported to C&incii that eigh-by-seven improvement petitions have been filed this year; necessitating mucp planning and preliminary IJork on the part of the Engineering Department. He advocated the hiring of cngineering consultant to work on special assessment projects qd thus decrease the work of our own department. Hawthornets motion, authorizing Village Tknager to secure the services of a repugable consulting engineering fim, for preliminary plans, specifications and supervision on specig assessment projects, at a cost not to exceed the ordinary Engineering Charges set up by the Village for these projects (6% of contract price) was seconded by Bredesen and carried. "$0 P.N., yas seconded by Bredesen and carried. rL He recommended advertising for bids for Crushed Pit Run Gravel, ' Hawthorne's motion, rejecting crushed rock bids taken April ut, 1952, and, rt, recommending repairs to Graker, Tractor and - - Ekanager Eitchell recomended Aployment of illl ,Assist&t Engineer, in order that he might be free to handle the managerial part of his position. but no action taken. "Job Classification Ordi-nance" was discussed, especially with. relation to merit and chst-of-living increases. No action taken, Ifattei- discussed, L There being no further business to come before t'his, Heeting, Bredesen moved for adjouqment. Notion seconded by Child and unanimously carried. X'feeting adjourned at 11:lO P&. C - Nembers answering Rollcall were Bredescn, Child and Danenso presided until. arrival of Nayor Erickson later in the evening, an$ lleputy Clerk Ninutes of the Regular >Ieetiiig of May 1252952 and Ld journed Portion of Bray 12th Meeting held Ilay 19, were approved as submitted, by rnotion Bredesen, seconded by Danens and carriedr Acting Nayor Child announced that the Public efIearing on proposed Sanitary Sewer for ti. 56th Street b etwe en Code Avenue and Hansen Road will not be had; that it 'is not necessary because this improvement has already been ordered in'on Council.'s P.i.rar Child theq &nnounced public Hear<ng in the pe-bition of George L&dlllad to rezone to Commnity Store Dist-rict certain properties a$ junction of State Highway No. 169 and Eden ilvenue. in Cdina-iriorningside Courier as of Ihy 8 and 15, 19.52, was read, approved as to Uay 6, 1952. on the fact that the Council has not yet honored his ovm petition for rezoningo He stated that hi; objection will be withdrawn upon assurance that his own property wifi be rezoned. Idianiger fEt chell rsported the Planning Colllznissionf s re6omendations of April 9,1952, re-a_filirming _former recommendations for the Fezoning of this and other &operties in this- vicinity. following^ Ordinance, moving 'chat the Council dispense vrith second reading and adopt Or'dina;ce a's read: Tqustee Child c F < '- +Lden acted as Clerk, e own motion, after Pubkic Hearing held lapt fall.< - t 'Affidavit of Publication $or llotice of Hearing 1-t~~ Chh &arson was the only objector, his objections being based . form and ordered placed on file; and Dequty Clerk read Certificate of Posting 'I Danens offered the ,liJ OPaaiJmCZ BQDi\JuXJG THAT CZBTAZt O?dmldCCE I~OPTZD BQILDIRGS ,014 LOTS, ~~~ THS DEiBiTP .OF POPUUTIO?J IN EAY c25, 1931, .AS Amrma, ~EGUUTXI~G THB LCICATBIN,SIZZ AkD rrsE &VD I-BIGIQ OF BUDXJI~GS, THE AliX&:~~W OF BEIlE23iV, IK TI! SAID VIUAGZ, AXD Fa3 SiD PW?IOS TO c *- THE 'iELL2-m OF XDDJA AND POB TEE PukpcrsE OF PmiOTmG - e T€E W&Th, 3JIETi!Y, O.RD%, COl\mTmJCX, P;iO@ETY &$D P < SIVmZ 'ED VII.LIC2L3 ';SIT0 DISTXICT3