HomeMy WebLinkAbout19520512_REGULAR5/5/52 I-Ianager Ifitchell reported Nr, COIL Hansents request for pekmit to build for Cedric fidams on a metes-and-bounds description within the territory .r.r'nich .r.rill eventually be platted as part of the ~~Parkrmod Knollstr subdivisions, but for r.rhich no preliminary plat has as yet been presented, granted vas seconded by Child and carried, 3redesen moved for adjouhment, &lotion seconded by Danens and carried, Neeting adjourned at 12:15 A.?L , Tuesday, Ik. Nitchell conveyed ' Building Inspector's report approving, Hawthorne's motion that request be ? F . Vfllage Clerk .* - \ lrembers answering Bollcall were Bredesen, Child, Danens, Hathhorne and Ericlcson, IEnutes of Regular Ueeting of April 28 and Adjourned Portion of April 28 Iketing held Ronday, 1%~ 5, were approved as iBnbmitted, by motion Hawtholme seconded by Cnild and carried, I-hyor Zrickson announced Public Hearing on proposed 'iIater 1kin Extension to serve Virginia Avenue Addition and a district of some area surrounding it, Affidavit of Publication of Wotice of Hearihg on Proposed Water Hain improvement,^^ as it appeared in Zdina-Xorningside Courier April 2k and Nay 1, 3-952, JJas read, approved . as to form and ordered placed on file, Engineer Hitchell explained that to serve areas outside- of Virginia Avenue Addition it will be necessary to construct 1211 and 10" trunk. mains from the Southview Lane Fumphouse south on Concord Avenue to 1~60th Street; on Concrd from W.60th St. to V.62nd St.; on Vooddale from T7. 61st St. to Valley View Road; and on Valley View Rd, from Wooddale Ave, to Highway No, 100; plus the necessary 61' mains within Virginia Avenue Additipn itself, This construction would mean an estimated Trunk assessment of &34 per front foot for all properties within-the district set forth in Notice of Hearing, and $4,67 per front foot for all properties within said district r&ich can be directly connected to sewer; the total estimated assessment for,trunk line being $j33,=7.09, and for the lateral, 868,281,65; As an alternate, with 611 mains to serye Vjxginia Avenue Addition only, (which would preclude connections by any other properties unless larger mains are constructed at a later date) the cost r.rould be approxi- mately $50,027.22, or a total of $14.07 per assessable foot for those properties within Virginia Avenue Addition. Nr. Olson of Virginia Avenue Addition spoke in favor of'the large project, stating that developers are anxious to have water but do not feel that they should pay for future service to others. &, IId+Iahon, interested as a house builder, spoke in fav&, Harry Jonas,4833 Valley View Road, and K.G,Sundquist, 5944 Concord Avenue, all objected, on grounds that trunk construction is premature in view of present undeveloped state of most propefties within district; that cost will, be pro- hibitive to those owners T.z'no have undeveloped properties, Some discussion was had with regakd to the possibility of Virginia Avenue developers obtaining a franchise for trunk mains; and Child Tdoved that project be referred back to Public Utilities Committee for study as to franchise plan for wter improvanent, by Hawthorne and carried. XTexb matter of business was the proposed kezonbg to Commercial District of Lots. 1 to 10, inclusive, Block 2, Grandview Heights Addition. Affidavit of Publication for "Notice of Hearing on Petition to Rezone,*t as it appeared in Edina-Horningside Courier April 24, 1952, was read, approved as to form and placed on file. VBS also made that Posted Notice of Hearing has been made, as of April 21, 1952, on three Village bulleth boards. rezoning v.ns reported to Council by Nanager NitcheU,. the Hearing, and the Clerk had received no written objections prior to the Hearing. Hawthorne offered the followhg Ordinance, moving that Council dispense with second reading thereof, and adopt Ordinance as read: , Nessrs. ,J.H. Otis,61U Iqomandale, Notion seconded I Rote The Planning Commission's recpmendstion for t There were no objections at I- 5/12/52 75 i THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF TIiE VImm OF EDINA DO ORDAIN AS FOUO3E: * as heretofore mended entitled Sec. 1, Section V of that certain ordinance adopted on May 25, 1931, ordinance regulating the location, size . and use and height of buildings, the arrangement of buildings .on lots, and the density of population in the Village 0-E Edina and for the purpose of psomoting the health, safety, order, convenience, propriety and general welfare in the said Village and for said purpose to divide the Village into districts," is heTeby further amended by adding thereto the following: . llLots 1 to 19% Inclusive, Block 2, ,Grandview Heights Addition are hereby established as a Commercial District." Sec, 2. ~ This 'ordinance shall take effect and be in'force from and after its passage and publication according to law., Notion for adoption of Ordinance as read was seconded by Child., and on Rollcall &here were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Hawthorn:, ;ye; and Erickson, aye; and the so utionF@d, Child, aye; Da s, aye; ATTEST : - 29 // MayoY r Pursuant to IfNotice of Hearing on Proposed Gravelling of All Streets in Edin- brook AdditionYff which appeared in Edina-Morningside Courier on April 24 and May 1,1952, Hayor announced Public Hearing on this proposed improvement. Affidavit Pf Publication of Notice was read, approved as to form and ordered placed on fjle, Fgineer Mitchell explained that petition for grading of Edinbrook Lane has been received in this office since Council votedto act on the earlier gravelling petition. of all streets in Fdinbrook Addition and TrJestbrook Lsne,lJ.l&th to V.49th Sts., as $6,718.95; of which $477.50 is for excavation necessary to this project. ' Iff, Chris Ilurup, 5024 Edinbrook Lane, recomended that the Lane hill be graded dpen at least a fook, and this dirt used to-fill the low spot near thk highway. Some discussion was had, with Engineer IEt chell recommending further survey in view of this new development, and Attorney TJindhorst recommending a new public hearing, witn proper notice given, to include proposed grading, Hawthorne's motion, setting Public Hearing on proposed Grading and Gravelling of all streets in Edinbrook Addition and of Vestbrook Lane, for Nonday, June 9, 1952, was seconded by Child and unanimously carried, directing Zngineer to prep3re plans and specifications for this project and to advertise f9r bids for,same to be taken Eonday, June 9, 1952, vfils seconded He gave his estimate for the Gravelling Hawthorne's motion, - by Child and unanimously carried, ~ L- The petition of I&, and &s. Harvey Emdresen for perinit to move the Stotr house how at 5540 Normandale Road to 5313 West 60th Street was discussed at a Public Hearing, tlLakemoor Crest" be filed before pemnit is granted, tms revievred. L, ilndrews,5909 Hansen Road, and one other neighbor, objected that this house does not confoxm to general character of the houses in the imnediate neighbor- hood. final plat for l%akemoor Crest," was seconded by Child and carriedo Nayor Erickson announced that the Council would conduct Public Hearings on .Blacktopping and piling petitions, pursuant to "NotiGe of Hearing on Proposed Blacktopping and/or Oiling Improvements, I* appearing in Edina-Xorningside Courier April 24 and Xay 1, 1952. Hearing was read, approved as to form and ordered placed on file; and Nayur Erickson announced that Hearings would be held in the order listed in said notice: 1. Petikion filed contained a complaint against Pfeiffer Excavating Company for ttsctllpinglf street after-oiling last year, Xanager Isiitchellgave his estimate for Oiling at $,15 per front foot, but stated that he did not believe an oil coat would help much because of the clay bed in the street;, Ib. Hitchell recommended that a base of 4 to 5" of gravel be laid in the street, to bring gravel base to 9"; that an oil coat be applied; and that blacktop be applied next year, He gave a cost of approximately $2.75 per front foot for this improvement Discussion was had among the people present, who represented ten lots abutting the street, r?rriththe consensus of opinion being that property owners are- willing to pay the larger cost for blacktopping, in the hope of securing a good durable surface. in the office within the next two or three days. Village Engineer to study,the merits of filing claim against Pfeiffer Xxcavating Company for damages to Fairfax Avenue, was seconded by Danens and carried, Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and Moved its adoption: .\. The Building linspectorts recommendation, that Final Plat of Ik, Roger Hat&hornets motion, that petition be tabled pending the filing of the Affidavit of Publication for Notice of Oiling of Fairfax Avenue between W.59th and W.6Oth Street. - Those present promised to have a blacktopping petition Hawthorne's motion, directing 5/12/52 H3SOwpTION SWI'ING HEARING FOR PROPOISED BLFtCKTOPPJCNG OF FAJEFAX Am ECXRmN lTe59TH AND TJo60TH STS, r* %&, the Village Council desires on its own motion to inprove Fairfax Avenue between ?-Jo59th and 1.r.60th Street by construction of Blackbop Surface. therein, all as authorized by Laws 1949, Chapter ll9, as amended by Laws 19Lg9, Chapter 430, now therefore, r c deemed necessary and eqedient to make the improvement heretofore set forth, and that on the 9th day of June, 1952, ,at 7:30 Q'clock P.E-L, this Council will meet at the Village Hall in said Village and will at said time and place hear the parties interested therein in reference to such improvement, and will. decide whether or not to undertake such improvement, in whole or in part. - BE IT FURTHER BESOLW, that the area proposed to be assessed for this improvement includes all lots and tracts of land abutting or fronting the street to be improved. ' BEtI'P RESOLJED by the Village Council of 'the Villa& of Edina that it is . c I &tion for aduption of the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on RoJlca,ll there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and Viilage Clerk Child*s,motion, directing Village Engineer to prepare plans and specific&ions for the proposed Blacktopping of Fairfax Avenue between N. 59th and 1~60th Streets, and authorizing the taking of bids for this project on June 9, 1952,. was seconded by Havrbhorne and carried. &Tor Erickson tms excused from meeting for a telephone call, and Trustee Child presided at the ne% hearing, which was c f - 2, Blacktopping of Abgott Avenue betyeen W.fi&h and W.6Oth Streets. Mi.tchellys Estimate of Cost was $6,275.85 as against 2,353.06 assessable feet, for $2.67 per assessable foot. He recommended Blacktopping this year, inasmuch as all utQities are now in the street. objections had been received prior to the Hearing. Engineer There yere no objections fromthe floor, and no Hawthorne offered the following 1 Resolution and moved its adoption: c c r EE3OLuTION ORDF32ING STFEE2 IfPRW-ENT C I C - fJO0 A-29-BLACKTOPFING OF ABBOTT AmRE BELXZEN Tre5r3TH, &AD W.60TH STS. BE IT RXSOLVED by thecCouncilr of the Viuage of Edina, I.Zihnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be dulycpublished on the proposed improve- ment consisting of the Blacktopping of Abbott Avenue between 'tJ.58th and W.6Oth Streets, and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in sad notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Street Improvement A-29, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said Thprovement is to be constructed, ._ . Xotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredes and Hawthorne, aye; an3. the ilesolution was ado Village m% Clsrk ,/&L. Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: I R?3SOLuTION APPROVIX PLkVS AIJD SPECI- FICATIONS FOR Sw Il4PBO~IEllT NO. A-29 DIRECTIHG ,mm~mmmr FOR ~sms BE IT IBSOLVn, by the Tillage Council of the Village of Edina: prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the construction of said improvement: , -1, The plans and specifications for Street Improvement No, Pa-29 heretofore The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edina-EIorningside Courier 2. .ADmTBB-EW FOR BIDS FOR Sm R*iPB~*IJT NO. A-29 < VILLAGE OF EDUU ' The Ed-ina Village Council will meet at the-villzge Ha, 4801 V.50th Street 511 21 52 77 I$inneapolis, on Honday, June 23,1952, at 7:30 otclock P.E., to open and consider sealed bids forthe construction of Street Improvement No'. A-29 in said Village, consisting of the Blacktopping of Jhbott Avenue between W. 58th and W.60th Streets. The work on said improvement must be done as described and specified in the plans and specifications for said improvement on file in the office of the Village Clerk. All bids must be submitted on the basis of cash payment for the work. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the undersigned before the time of said meeting and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of Ten percent of the amount of the bid. BY ORDEE2 OF THE vULAG3 COUNCIL. Bower IiaTJt horne Srillage Clerk Edina, Wnnesota, Each and all of the terms of the foregoing-advertiseinent for bids are 3. hereby adopted as the terms and conditions said improvement. Dr. Erickson returned to meeting at this time and once again took the Chair. * e3. Blacktopping of ktf.59th Street between Beard and Xerxes Avenues. dhgineer Mitchell's Estimate of Cost was $5,668.05 as against 2,0&7.52 assessable feet, for $2.77 per assessable foot. Hessrs. Comstock and 14cKaig protested, on grounds that they had been given-a figure of $1,75 parcfoot for-cost when they signed the petition for this improvement; that I*, 1Etchellrs estimate will make cost prohibitive to them, inasmuch as they are being assessed the long tray of their . corner lots for this improvement. this year if possible. adoption: < < 14k. -Ei-Lchell recommended the Blacktopping Bredesen offered the following Resolution and moved its RESOLUTION 0R;DERING Sm. E~iPBG'iXEXT NQ. ~-3~--BUC~OPPIl!?G OF Z0.59TH SmET mnm Ern BID 333RXEs Ami 733 IT SO^^ by the Council of the Village of Edina, I-fbnesota, that 'chis Coubcil heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improvement consisting of the Blacktopping of la. 59th Street between Beard and Xerxes &venues, andat the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby detemnine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is herebF desipated and shall be referred to in all-subsequent proceedings as Street Improvement No. A-30, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in i&ich said improvement is to be constructed, 3$otion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and th - -- t ' - were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Village Clerk I Bredesen offered the following Resolution and moved adoption: RESOLUTION APPFLOVING PLANS AND SPXCI- c FICIATIOIVS FOR STREET IMPROWBENT NO. A-30 AND DIRECTING ADVZRT~B~~IT FOR BIDS BT'ZI' RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina.: 1. The plaas and specifications for Street linprovement Nb. A-30 heretofore 'prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file-in the office of the Village The Clerk shall cause to be -published twice in the Edina-Pforningside Clerk are hereby approved. C 2. Courier and the Gonstruction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the construction of said improvement: - ADVERTIS3BNT FOR BIDS FOR STREXT DPROVEMENT IW. A-30 VILLAGE OF EDIItA The Edina Village Council id1 meet at the Village Hall, 4801 W.5Oth Street, PEnneapolis, on Monday, June 23,1952, at 7:30 o'clock P.N., to open and consider sealed bids for the construction of Street Improvement No. A-30 in said Village, consisting of the Blacktopping of W.59th Street between Beard and xerxes Avenues. ' in the plans and specifications for said improvement on file in the office 0% the Village Clerk. wrk. The work on said improvement must be done as described and specified All bids must be submitted on the basis of cash payment for the No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the undersigned 5/12/52 1 n (before the time of said meeting and acconpaked by a cash deposit, bid bond, or c certified cpeck payable to the Village Clerk 5x1 the amount of Tal percent of the amount bid. BY: ORDB OF TKE VIUAGE: CUurUCIL. Bower Hawthorne Village Clerk Edina, Rinnesota 3. Each ahd all of theterms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby adopted as the terns and conditions of the award of the contract for said improvement, 1-fotion for adostion of the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there ayes and no nays, as foUorvs: B aye; Danens, aye; , aye; and Erickson, aye; and the 4. Blacktopping of Brookview Avenue between W.6lst and 11.62nd Street kager EEtchell stated that he had not made up an estimate on this project because he understood a petition for a different improvement would be filedthis evenjng; that he would recommend grading, a good gravel base, and a coat of oil for this street, the cost of the grading and gravelling being “2,112.91 as against7L,196e8& assessable feet, €or 82e2’7 per assessablepfoot, plus $.l5 .per assessable foot for the oil coat. oiling) was filed by Iks. Lindboe,6128 Bsookview Avenue, who explained that water stads at the topeof the hill here, and that drainage is generally bad. 3-fr. Uitchell explained that sewer and water are not yet in this street, although they are very near; that gas main TU go in this summer, Haythorne offered the following Besolution and noved its adoption: Petition for improvement estimated above (grading, gravelling and RESOLUTION 0R.DmIIYG Sm l%PR&@2JT NO. 8-31--BLACKTOPPING OF BROOKVIXY Amm I: BEXIUFXI? W*6lST ~~ TIe62NI1 STIZEETS €$E ICT RESOLYED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Comcil heretofore caused notice of. hearing to be duly published on the proposed improve- ment consisting of the Blakktopping of Brookview Avenue between W.61st arid x62nd Streets, and at the hearing held*at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has daly considered the views of all persons interested, and.being fully advisgd of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed dth the construc- tion of said bprovement; that said jmprovanent is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Street hprovement No. A-31, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include‘all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the street in which said improvenent is to be constgcked, Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall &id,horne*s motion, that Council accept the Engineerts recommendation as to. “* prel-ary wrk only this year; and that Engineer be directed to draft plads and specifications forthe preliminary Grading and Gravelling, with the Council to take bids for same on June 23, 1952, 16th the understanding that Blacktopping z.Till be finished in 1953, was seconded by Danens and unanimously casried. Blacktopping of Tyler Avenue between Belmore Lane and ELoneg Avenue. Engineer Nitchell*s Estimate of Cost was $1,918.03 as against 1,218 assessable feet, for $1.51 assessable foot. Rr. I-EtcheU. recommended only oiling tkds year, inasmuch as street is not yet f’ully improved, with B1acM;opping to follow in 19530 56 Hawthorne offered BE IT RJBOLOED by heretofore caused consisting of the the following Resolution and moved i%s adoption: PtXSOLUTION O€tDERING Sm DE’ROVBS!2JT NO, A*32--BlXCKTOPPIIG OF TYLEB AWm I3ETi;PEEN E5XUXi3 LAiG AND HALOItEX ATEiUE the Counc,il of the Village of Edina, FEnnesota, that this Council notice of hearing to be duly published in the proposed improvement Blacktominn of Wler .iivenue between Belmore ’Lane and Ikloney .&I Avenue, sd at- the hearing heid at ihe time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the vieirs of* all persons interested, and bein’g fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed r.ri-th the construc- tion of said improvenent; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequeat proceedings as Street Ihprovenent >io, A-32; and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots snd Yracts of land abutting ad fronting upon the streets in which sakd improvement is to be constructed. 5/12/52 (19 -- Nayor Erickson (who had returned to Eeeting during disucssion of this project but kho was not presiding) seconded-the motion for adoption of the Resolution; and on Rollcall there Fiere five ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredesen, aye; Child, aye; Danens, aye; Hawthorne, aye; an . was adopted. . #' - Hawtli.lorne~s motion, that Council accept Engineer's recommendations and pr66eed with only the base and oiling of Tyler Avenue this year, with Black-toppidg%o follow in 1953, and directing Engineer to prepare plans and specifications for carried, ,. said base to be taken Monday, Nune 23, was seconded by Erickson and unanimously Y r. 6, r Blacktopping of Oxford Avenue between Hollywood Eoad and Division Street. Nayor Erickson took the Chair at this time, Bgineer PitchellOS Estimate of Cost for the Blacktopping was read at $$1,798.63 as against 1220 assessable feet, for $1&7 per assessable foot; the low estimte being due to condition of present base, be done this year inasmuch as future dwelling construction will undoubtedly injure blacktop. adoption: 'pclr. 1Etchell recommended, however, that only oiling Danens offered the following Resolution and moved its RESOLUTION ORDERING STREET DE'RC"T Id00 d-=33--BLACKTOPPIbIG OF OXFORD AWUE BEDJBE~J H~UXI~OD EOAD Ai33 DNEION ST, BE IT RESOLWD by the Council. of the Tillage of Ed-, Wesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improve- ment consisting of the Blacktopping of Oxford Avenue between Hollywood Boad and Division Street, and at the hearing held at the time and place specified-in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby desig- nated and shall be referred-to in all subsequent proceedings as Street Emprove- ment No, A-33, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all Lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said improvement -is -to be cdnstructed. t T 3lotion for adoption of the Resolution was there were five ayes and no nays, as foll aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and Danens? motion, that Council accept recommendations of Village Engineer, doing odythe oiling in 1952, and deferrbg Blacktopping unti.11953, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried, Eublic He&ring was next had on the proposed Saaitary Sewer in Zenith Avenue between K58th and 1~60th Streets. was pubmitted, approved as tto form and ordered planed on file, Mr. IEfhhelJ read two Estimates of Cost; the first, being on Sewer Construction only, being $6,365.74 as against 2,093.56 assessable feet, or $3.05 per assessable foot. Second Estimate contemplated the grading of the street as a part of the sewer .project, and totalled $9,005.47 as against 2,093.56 asssssable feet, for &030 per assessabli: foot, grade as part of his project, petition for grading in one block--5&h to 59th Street, objection from the people in the 5flOO-Bloc'X as to proposed sewer. I~bsrs. Brockman, 5929, and Holm,5909 Zenith, stated that petition had been presentsd with. a mis-statement.as to probably.cost; that they do not wat sewer at estimated cost and are sure neighbors will not want it either. petition, was seconded by Hiivrbhorne and carried, At this time Nayor Erickson announced Public Hearing on the proposed Nater Xain it3 Zenith Avenue betwee3 W,5&h and V.59th Streets. Engineer Mitchellfs Estimate of Cost was read at $4,361.58 as against 3,293.56 assessable-feet; or $3.65 per assessable foot, plus $.25 per front foot connection charge to private.maiLn owned by Mr. Peder Nickelseni There was some discussion as to this construction, but there were no objections fromthe floor, and no written objections had been made prior'to the meeting, favor of this project. Affidavit of Publication of Notice of Hearing I. I&. IGtchell recommended having the sewer contractor It was brought out, however, that there is no There was considerable Child's motion, for tabling of I i - a, George Sandquist, owner of several lots, spoke in Child offered the following Resolution and moved its , 1 adoption: IIlPTXIVBlEtJT IqO, 46 BE.IT REsOLm by the Council of the Village of Edina, Xinnesota, that this Council heretofore caused,notice of hearing to be duly published on the pro- posed improvement consisting of Village Vater Nain "%tension and lipprtenances in Zenith Avenue between V,58th and TTo59th Streets, and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all sub- squent proceedings as ?rater t1ai.n Improvement No, 46, and the area to be specially assessedtherefor shzll include all lots and tracts of land abutting and front- ing upon the streets in which said jmprovement is to be construc$ed. IIotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and onqRollca31 there vere five ayes and no nays, as follows: Id, aye; Danens, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; a Bredesen VKLIage C1ei.k . Child offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: - ILFSOLbTIOi? Id?PROVIIJG PLUS AND SPZCD?-ICATIOfLS FOB 1TiiT"r;R I-XIN ~*P~O~IlT NO. 46 JU~R DIRECTING ADVERTISBEUT .-FOR BIDS $ EE IT RESOLVED by-the Village Council of the Village of Edinat 1.. The plpns and spFcific2tions for IJater Xain Improvement No. 46 heretofore 2. The Clerk shaU cause to be published twice in the Edina-Uorningside - prepared b3 the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approvedc Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for 6ids for the construction of said improvment: - ADVEZT~E~EXT FOR BID5 FOR - IJAT%R 1.YiBt R4P2OVB-BNT NO. 46 VIIUlm OF EDIitA The Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall, 4&1 ?Te50th Street, I.linneapolis, on N&day, June 23, 1952, +at 730 o'clock P.jL, to open and consider sealed bids for the construction of Water Hain Improvement No, 46 in said Village, consisting of Construction of Village Water Uain Extension and Appurte- C nances in Zenith Avenue between tf.58th and tr.5gth Streets. , The work on sad improvement must be done as described and specified in the plans ad specifications for said improvement on file in the office of the Village Clerk. iill bids must be submitted on the basis of cash paptent for the work. . before the time of said meeting and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check papble to the Village Clerk Zn the mount of Ten percent of the mount of the bid, No bids .c.rill be considered unless sealed and filed with the undersigned BY ORDER OF THE VILMGE COUNCIL, - Bower Hawthorne Sillage Clerk * Edina, Ninnesota 3. hereby adopted as the terns and conditions ofcthe award of the contract for said hpro'reyent . Xo$;on for adoption of the'Resolution was seconded by Ddens, and on EolTcallf. there Each and all. of the terms ofthe foregoing advertiseraent for bids are P 6 The matter of the prqosed Grading and Gravelling of Zenith Avenue between a.59th and V.60th Streets was ne& heard in Public Hearing. Affidavit of Publication of Notice of Hearing, as it appeardd in Edina-Uorningside Courier April 24 and Eay 1, 1952, was read, approved as to form and ordered placed on file, Estimate1 of Cost was read at,. $1,497.69 as agajnst 1,159* 56 assessable feet for q cost of $l,29 per assessable foot. There were no bb jections to this project from the floor, and no -trritten objections had been rbcei-ked prior to the Hearing. \ Rr, Brocla;lan,5929 Zenith, spoke in favor of this project, stating that pamaent grade is what the residents need now, rather than underground improvements. Hawthorne ofifered the follorring Resolution and moved its adoption: Engineerts W.59TH AND V.60TH STS. EIE IT RESOLUZD by the Council of the Village of Edina, Ifinnesota, that this Council heretofoEe caused notice o.f hearing to be duly published on tlie proposed improvenent consisting ofthe Grading and Gravelling of Zenith Avenue between V.59th and M.6Oth Streets, and at the hearing held at the time and place speci- fied in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of a11 persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with,the constructioi? of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall,be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Street Xnprovement No, C-19, and the area to be specially assessedtherefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said improvement is to be constructed. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as fol aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; Hawthorne offered the following Resolutiop and moved its adoption: R"SOLUTI0N APPROVIIjG PLANS AND SPECL E-19 fiTD DIFtECTIIqG ADKBTEE~fl FOB BIDS. BE IT RWOLVD by the Village Council of the Village of Edina: fore 'prepared by the Village Ehgine,er and now on file in the -office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. Courier and the Construction Bullet& .the ,following notice for bids for the construction of said improvement: i F1CBTI;ONS FOP 'STFSEX E$?ROVBEPJT NO, _- I 1. The plans and specifications for Street Improvement No. C-19 hereto- The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edi6a-Norningside 2. -c ADVERTISBGPJT FOR BhS FORI smm IMPR~~ENT NO. c-19 VILL4GE OF EDINA The Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall, 4801 We50th Street, Xinneapolis, on Mznday, June 23,1952, at 7:30 o'clock P.I.I., to open and consider seded bids for the-construction of Street Improvement No. C-19 in said Villagej consisting of the Grading and Gravelling of Zenith Avenue between W. 59th and B.60th Streets. The work on said improvement must be done as described and specified in the plans and specifications for said improvement on file in the office of the Village Clerk. 811 bids must be submitted on the basis of & payment for the work. No bids will be considered &less sealed and filed with the under- signed before the time of said meeting and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of Ten percent^ of tize amount of the bid. BY ORDER OF THE vrum COUNCIL, . Bower Hawthorne Village Clerk * Edina, f.fiinnesota 3. Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids . are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of the award of the contract for * said improvement. c Plotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall Engineer Mitchell recommended the Grading of Zenith between 58th and If. 59th Streets before construction of Water %in lmprovement, with Gravelling thereafter. There was soms desire evidenced by those present in the Zenith 5800 Block for suchwork to be done as soon as possible, and as there seemed to be no objection, Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: . RESOLUTION SETTING PUBLIC l3EXEtmG PROPOSED GRADING AND GRAWLLING OF ZENITH A.UE BEEZEH atJ.58TH AND W.59l'H STFCEZTS IV'HERERS, the Village Council desires on its own motion to improve Zenith Avenue between V,58th and W.59th Streets by the Grading and Gravelling thereof, all. as authorized by Laws 1949, Chapter 119, $s amended by Larvs'1949, Chapter 430, now therefore, 5/12/52 I33 IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that it is 82 deemed necessary and eqedient to make the improvement heretofore set fort;h,and that OII the 23rd day of June, 1952, at 7:30 o'clock P.?-I,, this Council trill meet at the Village Hall in said Village and vriU at said tine and place hear the parties interested therein in reference to such improvement, and will decide lqhether or not to undertake such improvement, in whole or in part. BE IT FURTm EBOLTTED, that the area proposed to be assessed for this improvement includes a13 lots and tracts of 'Jkd abutting or fronting the stTeet to be improved. 1-fotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on RollcaJ-1 there were five ayes and no nays, as f aye: Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; Child, aye; Danens, Village Clerk HavhhoGe's motion, directing Village Engineer to draft plans and specifications for the proposed Grading and Gravelling of Zenith Avenue between Tf.58th and TI, 59th Streets, and authorizing Council to take bids for said vrorlt on Konday, June 23, 1952, at 7:30 P.IL, vas seconded by Danens and carried. Pursuant to Botice of Hearing on Proposed Sanitary Sewer in Summit Avenue between Interlachen Boulevard and Nighway No, 169, Affidavit of Publication for tfdch was read by Clerk, approv%d as to form and placed on file--Hotice having appeared in Edina-fforningside Courtier April 24, and Uay 1, 1952, Ihyor announced public hearing on above named project. Engineer EEtcheU gave 41vo Estimates or" Cost - &. - for construction of Sewer in Summit Avenue between Highway 169 and Lterlachen Blvd., and in Interlachen Blvd., Sdt to High~y 169, tot&. being $5,728.37 as against 722.4 assessable fee%, for $7.93 per assessable foot for lateral sewer, plus the $1.29 td assessment and the $1.00 per foot assessment for connecting to Joint Sewer No, B-1 (the latter two assessments being levied regardless of latera construction). 2. - for construction of Sever in summit Avenue between Interlachen Blvd. and Highway No. 169 only, this cost being $&,891.32 as against 722.5 assessable feet, for ($6.77 per assessable foot, Xr. I-tickelsen spoke for constmc'kion; and there were no objections at the Heering and no written objections had been received prior thereto. Harrthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: I c RESOLUTT.0~~ OrnrnITJQ SAFJEARY , 3EXm ILPEOrn-.i%i\TT IiTO. 43 BE 13: RE3OLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, E.;innesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly publishedoon the proposed h~rovement consisting of ConstructLon of ' Sanitary Lateral Sever and Appurtenances k~ Summit Avenue between Interlachen Blvd. and State Highway TJo. 169-212, and at -the hearing held at the time and place specified in said nof;ice the Council has auly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully.advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvernent is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as SanitmflSewer hprovement No, 43, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting ad fronting upon the street in which said improvement is to be con- struct ed, Ilotion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by B there were three ayes ad two aays, as .- I t Harhhorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: REEiOLTJTION APF3OVIXG PWE SmCIFICATIOlS FOR SiKCTi%Y SEER, IT.;pR~.Zi~~ UO, 43 AND DIRECTING ADVEFiTISE"T FOR BEE BE FT RESOLW-by the Village Council of the Village of Edina: The plans and specifications for Sanitary Sewer hprovement No. 43 heretofore prepared by the Village Zngineer and now on #file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved,, Courier and the Construction Bulletin the followink notics for bids for the construction of said improvement: 1. 2, The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edina-Kozkingside .1zDvERTLsEiBi@ FOR BIDS TOR SANrnBY snm $330rn.Elrn NO. 43 VIXUGE OF EDINA The Edina Village Council ~fiU meet at, the- Village HAL, 4801 IT. 50th street,^ fl.linneapolis, on X&day, June 23, 1952, at 7:30 or clock P.k, to open and consider sealed bids for the construction of Sani.tarycSevrer Smprovement 80. 43 in said Village, consisting of Construction ,of Sanitary Lateral Sktrer I 5/12/52 83 and Appurtenances in Summit Avenue between Interlachen Boulevard and State Highway No 169-212. in the plans and specifications for said improvement on file in the office of the Village Clerk. for the work. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the undersigned before the time of said meeting and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or cectified check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of Ten percent of the mount of the bid. The work on said improvement must be done as described and-specified I 911 bids must be submitted on the basis of: cash payment BY QRDm OF TNE VILUGB COUPJC~. .- Bower Hawkhome - Village Clerk .Edina, Wnnesota - 3. Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are.hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of the award of the contract f oc said improvement . , Bfotionr-for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall there were three ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredesen, aye; ~fi.J& nay; Danens, nay; Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and ... / Mayor -r- A gentleman appeared in support of petition Xiled last fall, for the Grading, Gravel&ing, and Dust coating of York Avenue between TI. 59th and W.6Oth Streets, Hawthorne's motion, setting Public Hearing on Petition for Monday, June 9,1952, at 7:30 P.M., was seconded by Bredesen and carried. r I.. < A UnLtyl Avenue resident appeared in support of petition to change name of Unity Petition for Nonday, June2@, 1952, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. Pursuant to lyf&dvertisement for Bids-Insurance, Morningside Courier April 24 and Nay 1, 1952, Affidavit for which publication wils read by Clerk, approved as to fom and ordered placed on file, the following sealed bid vms publicly opened and read for Insurqnce on First Bid Panel Truck Equipment, this being the only bid received: Davies & Dauies, Hinneapolis Property Floater,lf 63 35% of value to be insured, subject to $100 minimum premium. Hawthorne moved Tor acceptance of bid. Hawthorne then moved directing Village Engineer to ascertain the present owner- ship of the First kid Panel Truck to make sure title rests in Tillage of Edina now; that if it does not, to see that title is changed hediately. seconded by Bredesen and carried. I Avenue to Sherwood Road, Hawthome's motion, setting Public Hearing on rghich appeared in the Edina- - Qiland ,Marine All-Risk Scheduled Notion lost for'want'.of a second. Notion 1 Mr. Peder Nickelsen presented a'preliminary plan of building to be erected on the acreage he wishes to rezone to Community Store District. discussion followed, with Nr. 3Eckelsen being instructed to prysent furhher, more detailed-study. Considerable t- Bk. Ralph Wormsbecker requested approval of Preliminary Flat of 9fHollywood ~ &Ianor.lf Planning Commission's recommendations were reviewed. Hawthorne * s mo%ion apcepting Plapxing Commission Recommendations and approving Preliminary Plat of Hollywood Manor, was seconded by Child and carried.' .Village Attorney wasrdirected to clarify~Winirnum Lot Requirement:' restrictions, said clarification to become part of.0rdinance Codification. Nr. Alfred H. Jones, Village instrument man, requested an increase in saLary and some prompt action on the %Tab Class3ficationr Ordinancet1. Petition was filed for the Grading and Gravelling of that alley lying-between Beard and Abbott Avenues and between W.59th and 9~60th Streets. that petition be accepted, and 'chat 'public Hearing be set for P4onday, June 23, 13-52, at 7:30 P.N. , was,secondedr by Danens and carriedo No action taken. Child1s motion, , Bredesen's motion directing Village Attorney to prepase Ordinance Licensing Real Estate Developerswas seconded by H awthorne and carried. Child's motion, for payment of Village Payroll, mount $7,253.40 and Liqior Store Pay;coU, amount #1,05l+,63, for period May 1 to 15,-inclusive, and Overtime for Apri3,1952, as recorded in detail in Payroll ledger, and for payment of the following claims, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried: I c 84 em-: E00 7058 7059 7063 7064 7065 7068 7069 7070 7061 7062 5743. 7057 7066 7067 C TO: George @. Thompson TTilliaa R. Hettleton F.Rici?ard Obemeyer Donald E. Pedersen Richard C. Somenberg Curtis M. Iiolter John R. Coan, Postmahter Richard C. Somenberg. John A. Lever Don DeIhth Suburban Hennepin County Relief Bd. Jorgen HeAnderson Arthur IC, Petersen Uilliam H, Little Carpenter Paper Coo G.B.S. Incorporated 3J-944 Walter D, Giertsen Co. Q945 =946 Griggs Coopsr E Co. . -Ed. Phillips & Sons GO. 1- e I The hour being late, with considerable bu'siness still to coae before the Council, Child moved for adjournment of this meeting to Ronday, Hai 19, 1952, at 7:30 P,I:";. Xotion seconded by Bredesen and carried. 7 ,adjo~;mo~ I illage Clerk 14INJ!CES OF THE ADJOURNED PORTION OF THE T*%Y 12, 1952 REGULAR 14EZTING OF TH% EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, JiBID PICllDAY, ItAY 19,1952 AT 7:30 m0, AT THE .EDW V~GE HUL. C Xembers answering Rollcall were Bredesen, Child and Erickson, with Clerk Hawthorne coming later, as recorded below. Deputy Clerk brought before the Council the matter of the "Dog Control Contract,1r for amendments thereto. with VilLge Attorney regarding these changes, tias seconded by Br9desen and Childts motion, tha'b office be instructed.to consult C%I'&d. Chirldrs motion, approving issuance of Plumberts Ecense for period Nay 2,1952 to April 1, 1953, to Chester Fritz,215l Butler Avenue, South St.Pau&, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. Application of Thorpe Bros., Inc. for permits to'maintain signs, tias presented. Bredesents motion, approving the following sign licenses, to April 1, 1953, was seconded by Child and carried: azm LuCilTIO~~ SIZE Thorpe Bros., Inc, V.View Rd. t3 R.R. Tracks 6Ft - rnrnTLsrn Thorpe &os. 11 11 R* Cresecent .Dr. in V,V.Heights 61iLOt It 11 Discussion was had on Lea:@e of IEnnesota BIdcipaLities Convention to be held An St.Cloud in June. FEtchell to attend Convention as Edina Delegates, was seconded by Bsedesen and Carrie?, imrked for gravel pits-was presented. and referred to Planning Codssion for study and recommendation, vias seconded by Bredesen and carried. Asst. Village Attorney Burris' letter of resignation was submitted. mokion tlat resignation be accepted, to take effect June 1, tss secondea by Child's motion, aut'norizing &qvor Ericlson and I-Ianager t cPetition*for the Rezoning to llCommercial District" of that property now being Child's motion, that petition be accepted 1 Childrs . Bredesen and carried: rc 1. ?.fro Alfred Ydpp's request for the rezoning to Community Store District of the two blocks on 60th Street, Vest from Xerxes &venue, was ret-d. for referral of request to Planning Commission for study and recomiendation, was seconded by Bredesen and carriedo Child's motion,