HomeMy WebLinkAbout19520526_REGULAR. 5/19/52 89 Nanager Xitchell recommended that Public Hearings be held' on petitions for
Grading, Gi~avelling and Blackbopping all streets in Yirginia Avenue Addition,
Itotion by Hawthorne, soheduling these Hearings for Honday, July I&, 1952, at
Manager Ritcheil recomended re jec'cion of all bids taken. April L!+, 1952> for
Crushed Rock.
authorizing Village 3knager to advertise for bids to be' taken June 23 on Crushed
Pit Run Gravel, .was seconded by Bredesen and carried.
Xanager ETitchellr s written re
Nower, was discussed at some cngth. Hawbhoikets motion, that action be 'cabled
for present, was seconded by Child and carried,.
Manager Nit chell reported to C&incii that eigh-by-seven improvement petitions
have been filed this year; necessitating mucp planning and preliminary IJork on
the part of the Engineering Department. He advocated the hiring of cngineering
consultant to work on special assessment projects qd thus decrease the work of
our own department. Hawthornets motion, authorizing Village Tknager to secure
the services of a repugable consulting engineering fim, for preliminary plans,
specifications and supervision on specig assessment projects, at a cost not
to exceed the ordinary Engineering Charges set up by the Village for these
projects (6% of contract price) was seconded by Bredesen and carried.
"$0 P.N., yas seconded by Bredesen and carried. rL
He recommended advertising for bids for Crushed Pit Run Gravel, ' Hawthorne's motion, rejecting crushed rock bids taken April ut, 1952, and,
rt, recommending repairs to Graker, Tractor and
- -
Ekanager Eitchell recomended Aployment of illl ,Assist&t Engineer, in order that
he might be free to handle the managerial part of his position.
but no action taken.
"Job Classification Ordi-nance" was discussed, especially with. relation to
merit and chst-of-living increases. No action taken,
Ifattei- discussed,
There being no further business to come before t'his, Heeting, Bredesen moved for
adjouqment. Notion seconded by Child and unanimously carried. X'feeting adjourned
at 11:lO P&.
- Nembers answering Rollcall were Bredescn, Child and Danenso
presided until. arrival of Nayor Erickson later in the evening, an$ lleputy Clerk
Ninutes of the Regular >Ieetiiig of May 1252952 and Ld journed Portion of Bray 12th
Meeting held Ilay 19, were approved as submitted, by rnotion Bredesen, seconded by
Danens and carriedr
Acting Nayor Child announced that the Public efIearing on proposed Sanitary Sewer
for ti. 56th Street b etwe en Code Avenue and Hansen Road will not be had; that it
'is not necessary because this improvement has already been ordered in'on Council.'s
P.i.rar Child theq &nnounced public Hear<ng in the pe-bition of George L&dlllad to
rezone to Commnity Store Dist-rict certain properties a$ junction of State
Highway No. 169 and Eden ilvenue.
in Cdina-iriorningside Courier as of Ihy 8 and 15, 19.52, was read, approved as to
Uay 6, 1952.
on the fact that the Council has not yet honored his ovm petition for rezoningo
He stated that hi; objection will be withdrawn upon assurance that his own
property wifi be rezoned. Idianiger fEt chell rsported the Planning Colllznissionf s
re6omendations of April 9,1952, re-a_filirming _former recommendations for the
Fezoning of this and other &operties in this- vicinity.
following^ Ordinance, moving 'chat the Council dispense vrith second reading and
adopt Or'dina;ce a's read:
Tqustee Child
c F < '- +Lden acted as Clerk, e
own motion, after Pubkic Hearing held lapt fall.< -
'Affidavit of Publication $or llotice of Hearing
1-t~~ Chh &arson was the only objector, his objections being based
. form and ordered placed on file; and Dequty Clerk read Certificate of Posting
Danens offered the
*- THE 'iELL2-m OF XDDJA AND POB TEE PukpcrsE OF PmiOTmG - e
T€E W&Th, 3JIETi!Y, O.RD%, COl\mTmJCX, P;iO@ETY &$D
P <
Sec. io Section IV of that- certain ordinance adopted on Kay 25,1931; as
heretofore mended atitled lr;Fn ordinance regulating the location, size and use
and height of buildings, Vne arrangement of buildings on lots, and the density
ofcpopulation in the Village of Edina and for the purpose of prmoting the health,
safetr, order, convenience, propriety and general welfare in the said $illage and
for said purpose to divide the Village into districts,11 is hereby further amended
by inserting innediately afker paragraph (f-5) new paragraphs to be designated
as (f-6) and @-7), rhich paragraphs shall read as follovrs:
II(f-6) - That part of Government' Lot Seven- (7), Section Ttre&ty-Xight (28),
Township One Hundred Seventken (11'7) Nortli, Range Twenty-One (21) Yest
lying North of Old 3den Prairie Road and East of State Highway One Nundred
Sixty-nine-Two Iiundred !helve (169-212) .
"(2-7) (81, Section Twenty-Eight (28), Tac:nship One Hundred Seventeen (117) Eorth,
Range Twenty-one (21) ;:est, measured-along the North line thereof and lying
North of road. A0-1.39;
Sec,2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its
A,- 0 61
The Vest One Hundred Fifty-five (155) Feet of Government Lot Xight,
passage and publication according to law,
l*iotion for adoption of the Brdinance iras seconded by Bredesen knd on Rollcall %here
tare three ayes and no nays, as follows:
aye; and thwQrdinanCe -was adopted. ATTEST: i
Bredesen, aye; Child, aye; and Danens,
&4d Acting &/. IIayor -1-
Deputy Village Clerk c
>ire and Hrs. Harvey indresen presented mitten approval of several neighbors
(including those T~IO had objected at Public Hearing) for the moving Ibf the old
Stow House from 55.40 Bomnandale Road to 5313 ::.60th Street. Acting iiayor Child
that Continuation of Iky 12th Public Hearing on this project uould be *had.
Deputy Clerk subPitted 1.2. Paul TIm Porter's letter trithdravdng Prelimhary Plat
of %akemoor Crest.11 There were no objections at the Hearing, and Damns moved
that request for moving permit be granted, with Building Tnspector directed to
issue pedt.
The mtter of the Rezoning of the Chris Iarson property was again discussed, and
Danens' motion, setting Public Hearing for I.Ionday, July Ut, on %his proposed
rezoning, was seconded by Bredesen and carried.
The next matter on the agenda vas the Taking of Bids on the Blac~,opping of Eellogg
Avenue between 11.5Ekh and '1~61st Streeks,
ment for Bids, rr in EdLna-IIorningside Courier and Construction Bulletin, .I.linneapolis,
lky 8 and 15, 1952, were read, approved as to form, and orclered placed on file.
The Deputy Clerk vlnounced that no bids had been receivedo -Further action delayed
pending outcome of Public Hearing to ba had this eveningo
ITr, Child announced to the audience that there irill be several Public Hearings
on Blacktopping and Oiling this evening; that Council wil.1hear dl persons
iateres'ced on the several projects, as projects are announced. Deputy Clerk
read Affidavits of Publication for Wotice of Hewing on Proposed Blacktopping,lr
and Wotice of Rearing on Progosed Oiling and Blacktopping," both published in
Edina-liiorningside Courier i4ay 8; and 15, 3952, wiiich publications were approved
as to form, and ordered placed on fileo
Estinate of Cost was $19,162..44, as against 3,591.3 assessable feet, for 55.34
per assessable foot, Zngineer 1EtcheU explained that this exceptionally high
estimate is based on an Oil-Stabilized Base; that the soil condition in this .
mea is especially bad for blacktopping, being mostly clay, and present roadbed
must be excavated and remoxied with base being hauled in.
procedure he recornends will insure a road which will. hold upo
several questions fromthe audience as to street gradeand drainage probleb, and
some surprise uith regard to cost.
among those present at the Hearing.
Bredesen movedthat this Public Hearing be continued-to Xonday, June 23, 1952,
and that Council re-advertise for bids to be taken as of that date,
seconded by Danens and carried.
BL4CETOPPliIG - Dever Drive.
zation, was l,jk,266.00 as against 1,4.36.02 assessable feet, or sj2.97 per assessable
1,436.02 qssessable feet, or $3063 per assezsable Toot,
recornended the Oil Stabilization for best results.
5505 Dever Drive,
objected on grounds that his property receives no benefi$ although it does abut
the street.
IIotion seconded by Bredesen and -carried.
riffidavi.bj of Publication of 1'Advertise-
E c
Hearings were then held, as follows:
BLACKIOPPIISG - EEellogg Avenue between ?T, 59th and 11.6lst Street .
He stated that Wne
Twin City
. Testing hboratories report was read, $0 demonstrate soil condition. There were
Hessrs. EuwrelL, Ott, Streifel and Eide were
There was no objection registered.
Engineerls Estimatq. of Cast, using 'Ifater Stabili-
His Xstinate of Cost, using Oil Stabilization, was &5,211.00 as against
Engineer Iliitchell
Xr. BOK. Ecks,5437 Park Place,
I.&. Elmer 0. ,!mderson,
requested the better project.
There were no other objections, oral or written.
BLACKTOPPING - Drew &venue between W. 58th and I?. 59th Streets. bk@neer \ s 91
assessable feet, for $3.64 assessable Peet, There were no objectims, \' to the
Estimate of Cost, using OiL_ Stabilizgtion, was &585.68 as again+ 1 260
to the grade, and was asked to-see I'ir. %na Fp er iliitchell later.
project, either oral or mitten.
BLiICmdTPmG - Dalmple soad between Southview Lane 'and Lakehew flrive,
Engineer's Estimate of Cost, using Oil Stabilization, was +5,533.73 as against 1,454 assessable feet, for d4.49 per assessable foot. iir, Allan A. Ihufgi-, 5613 Dalrpnple Road, inquired as -to when work could be completed. Fie complained
about the dust in this area. Trustee DFens recomaended against blacktopping
this year because of construction work still to be completed on this street, but
1-2. Kaufmann tms insistant that work go ahe$d. Inasmuch as there is still to
be a Hearing on petition for Curb and Gutter in this street, kgineer I."echeU
hecommended that the project be improved butthat Council delay advertisement
for bids until after Curb and Gutter Hearing.
Stabilization, tys $3,335.04 as against 855,16 assessable feet, for :,j3.90 per
assessable foot. LIessrs. Cihak and Archambo were present at the Hearing, as
was I&. John Bloomberg, developer. There were no objections to the projects,
with filr. Bloomberg stating that he will-stand the cost of an oil'coat to lay
the dust until such time as blacktopping is done.
I'Iitchellts estimate of cost, usin Oil Stabilization, was $4,585.68 as against 1,193.36 assessable footage for 9 @83 per assessable foot. His estimate,using
water stabilization, was $3,764.08 as against 1,193.16 assessable feet, for- (j3.16 per assessable foot. 8. delegation of York Avenue residents presented a
petition for the voiding of their former Blachctopping petition, their ieason
being the present high cost of the project and the fact that Sanitavy Sewer is
not yet in the streeto
voiding Blacktoppirig petition and table proposed Blacktopping project, was
seconded by Danens and carried.
Bredesen offered the follovdng Resolution and moved its adoption:
lifford @mn,5g24 Drew, inquQd as
BLKXiYX3?IIJG - IJood End Drive. Xngineerts Estimate of Cost, using Oil
BUiCKTOPPING -. York ivenue between 3'1.58th and 3.59th Streets. Engineer I
Bredesents motion, that Council accept Hay Uth petition
BE IT 7EZ50LVXD by the Council of the Village of Zdina, Ennesota, that this
qouncil heretofore caused notices of hearings to be duly published on the pro-
posed iaprovements consisting of the Blacktopping of the following streets:
2. Dever Drive. 3. Jlrew Avenue between IW. 58th and 11. 59th Streets.
Kellogg Avenue -between 11. 58th and ?Te61st Streets .
Dalrymple Road, between Southview Lane and Lakeview Drive.
York Avenue between ST. 58th and 'W. 59th Streets 5. Vood Znd' Drive. -
and at the hewiqgs held at the time and place specified in said notices the
Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being
fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to-proceed with the
construction of those of the above named improvements listed below; that said
.improvements are hereby designated and shall'be referred to in a11 subsequen'c
proceedings as follows: STRZZT IEPROVZ~BNT NO.
BUCKTOPPDJG - Dever Drive A-3&
BIX.CEC+rOPPII!JG - Drew Avenue between U.5@h and TL59th StSe 11-35
BGLC?DOPPDJG - Wood End Drive A-36
BLiiCKTOPPING - Dalrymple Road between Southview Lane and
Lakeview Drive A237
and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts
of land abutting and-fronting upon,the streets in which each of said improvements
is to be constructed,
1iIotion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Danens, an
were three ayes and no nays, as Tollows: Bredesey; Dan
aye; and the Resolution was adopted.
Bredesen offered the following Besolutidn and moved its adoption:
FOR STPmT Z.PEOV2UiTi'sTS A-34,A-35 idTD A-36 .
333 IT BZSOLV%D by the Village Council of the Village of Edina:
1, ..The plans and specifications for Street Improverilents Nos. A-34, A-35, and A-36, heretofore prepared by the Tillage Engineer and now on file in
the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved.
2. The Clerk shall cause tb be published twice in the Edina-
Ilorningside Courier and the Construction Bulletin the followkg notice for bids
for the construction of said improvements:
5/26/52 - i~~~$I~~~iEI~~ POX BIDS FOR ST~T It - 92
D~~~~~~LMs NOS .A-34, A-3 4, A-36 '- 1 /=- rk VILLAGE OF BIIU -
The E, 'na Village Council ~kll meet-at the Village Hall,l+ElOl lT.50th
Street, on lconday, June 23, 1952, at 7:30 of clock POL, to open and .consider sealed
bids fop the 'construction of Street Inprovements Nos. A-34, 2-35 ad A36 ,in said
Village, consisting oZ tne Blach%opping of the following Streets:
f L-3& - Blacktopping of Dever Drive.
A-35 - Blacktopping of Drew i',.venue between 5:. 58th and ITo 53th Streets,
A-36 - Blach-t;opping of Vood ad Drive,
Bidders my bid on any or all proaects, butthe bid on one project may not be
tied to the bid on any other project.
The work on said improveaeint must be done as described and specified in
the plans and specifications for said improvement on file in the office of the
Village Clerk. LXKL bids must be submT\ted on the basis of cash payment for the
work. 210 bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with thg undersigned
bezore the tiroe of said meeting ad aceonpanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or
certifiedwheck payable to the Tillage Clerk in the mount of ten percent of the amount of the bid, )._ P
i " m I BY 02Dz OF Trn v1m.m COUkTCIIJ.
Bower Hawthorne
*Village Clerk -
1 -c Edina, ITinnesota
3. Each and all of-the terms of tie foregoing advertisenent for bids are c
hereby adopted as the terns and conditions of the award of theicontract for said
improveaent ,
Xotion for adoption or"
were three ayes and no
and the Resolution was
the Resolution was seconde9 by Danens, and on Eollcall there
nays, as follo~rs:c Bredesen, aye; Danens, aye; ad Child, aye;
Deputy Vmage Clerk @&A/ .- L
CounCil then proceeded 15th Hearings on proposed Oilings of the following Streets,
as set Sorth in *tlJootice of lieaxing on Proposed Oiling and Blaclicopping," read in
connection with Blach-topping Hearings . earlier this evening, hearings being had as
f OllOT~S :
front foot , Uo objections r
foot, 110 objections.
15C per front foot quoted by Engineer, but two residents asked that Village itnprove
by gravelling, if possible; and also, that assessment be levied on different basis,
as the will be pqhg assessnents for both ICellogg Avenue Blac%topping (at approxi-
mtely $534 per Tront foot for the faont of their lots) plus the 15$ per foot for
the sides of theiF lots, l35-feet each, *They were informed tha% Village is unable
to gravel without-petition for sane; that this method of assessment for corner lots
is usual in mina.
OPLGjGY.59th Street, Yooddale to Fairfax. Engineer's Zstwte of Cost - 3.56 per
OILItKLYoodland 2oad.
OILGIG -Mchnond Drive, from Ilomandd-e €toad to Bichmond Circle. - 156 per front
OIZE?G 4.59th Street, Oaklarm to Kellogg,
&gineer*s Zstima;te of Cost - 15C-per front foot. -150
IJo objection to the. improvenent at
Bredesen offered the following Besolution and movsd its adoption:
ITOS. 0-25 TO 0-28, TTJC, (OILING) IddD
BZ IT! FESOL, by the Village Council of the Village of Edine as follows:
This'Council. has heretofore caused notice 02 hearings to be duly 1,
published on proposed inproveaents as
B. Oiling ofI?oodland Road.
Oiling of 11.59th Street between 1:oodB.e and Fairfax Lvcmues .
Oiling of Richond Drive between Romandale Road md Richmond Circle,
Oiling of 9.59th Street between 0ak;Lawn And Itellogg iivenues
and at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered
the viem of all persons interested, and being fully advised of t'ne pertinent facts,
does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of those itnprovenents listed
below, rrhich said hpr5vements are hgreby designated and sh4.l be rsferred to as f 0llotTS: STRiZi' IW3.OVZZiIT IiOe
Oiling of ?:.59th Street betileen Tooddale and Fairfax Ave,
'oiling* of TToodhnd 2oad u-26 @25
- Oiling of Richn;ond Drive between iIloz5iaAWeBdzd and
0-g of TT.59th Street between Oa3;lawn and Kellogg Avenues
Bichmond Circle 0-27
2. The area to be specially assessed for said improvements shall include
all lots and tracts or" land fronting an& abutting upon the streets in wktich each
such inproveraent is to be constructed.
5/26/52 i 93 3. Xhe Village Engineer has heretofore submitted to the Council plans
and specifications and an estiate of cost of each of said inprovqmehts, from
which it appears and it is hereby found and determined that tota3, cost of each
of said ir;rprov~riEilts will be less than $500.00; therefore, this Copcfl is
Authorized- by law and does herebF determine to pqchase directly the materials'
for each of said hprovewnts and complete Lhe sane by employment of day labor.
authorized and directed to $upexvise "he work on each of said Ihprovements, and
upon completion thereof, also to submit a detailed report, certified by him,
and file the same with the Village Clerk,. showing h general the campl'ete cost
of the work, and specifically the following: -
4, r The Village Engineer, being a Begistered Zingineer, is hereby
. (a) Final Costs of the various units of work done.
(b) Xaterials; furnished &or the project,- and the -cost of each item thereof .
(c) Cost of labor, cost of equipment- hired, and< supervisory cost,
Said report shall also contain a certificate by sa5d-Engineer that the t&rk was
done according to plans and specifications therefor.
incorporated into ;the costs already accrued and to be accrued for a project
heretofore approved by this Council and known as 'Waclcbopping of tfoodland Road&Itl
Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on-Bo1lcd.L
there were three qyes and no nays, as follows:
Child, aye; and the Resolution was adopted.
5, The costs of Street Improvement No. 0-26, when completed, shall be
Bredesen, aye; Danens, aye; and
Bepu-by Village Clerk
The ne& matter on the agenda was the'Public Hearing omthe proposed Grading
and Gravelling of that XLley between "8.59th and W.60th Streets and between York
and Xerxes &venues ,
I~hy 8 and 15, 1952, of 3'Notice of Hearing,It was read, approved as to form and
ordered placed on fileo: Engineerts Estjmate of Cost for the Grading and
Gravelling, was $406.35, as against 1,405,50 assessable feet, or G.29 per
assessable foot.
5913 York Avenue, asked' for established grade and was told to see kgineering
Department on Tuesday.
its adoption:
-8,Tfidavi.t -of Publicationc in Edina-I.'lorningside Courier
There were rio objections to the improvement. I&, Van Sloun,
Bredesen offered the following Resolution and moved
BE kC RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, IGnnesota, that
this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the
proposed improvement consisting of the Grading and Gravellingcof 'Ghat Alley
Eying 'between W.59th and V,bOth Streets and between York and Xerxes Avenues,
and at the hearing held at the tine and place specified-in said notice the
Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being
fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby detemnine to proceed with the
ccmstmction of said improvement; that said-improvement is hereby designated
and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Street Improvement
No. C-22, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all
lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the & alley in which
said improvement is to be constructed,
specifications and estimate of cost fron said improvenent, -from which it
appears and it is hereby found and determined that total. cost csf said i;!prove-
ment will be less than $500,00; therefore, this Council is authorized by law
and does hereby deternine to purchase directly the materials for said improve-
ment and complete the same by day labor.
an4 directed to supervise the work-on each of said improvements, and upon
completion thereof, also to submit a.detailed report, certified by him, and
file the same with the Village Clerk, showing in generd the complete cost
of the work, and specifically the following:
The Village Engineer has heretofore submitted to the Councilkplans and
The Village Zngineer, being a Xegistered Engineer, is hereby authorized
(a) Final costs of the various units of work done,
(b) IJkterials furnished for the project and the eost of each item thereof,
(c) Cost of labor, cost of equipment hired, ad supervisory cost,
Said report shall also contain a certificate by said Zngineer that the .c.rork
wasr.done according Lo plans and specifications therefor.
- Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Banens, and on FLollcall
there werethree ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredesen, aye; Danens, aye;
and Child, &ye; and the Resolution was adopted.
ATT2ST : -
5/26/52 "gg Acting l.Iayor Child announced that the*Council would next consider the matter of
two petitions concerning that Pfor$h=South Alley between Beard ad Abloott Avenues
and between U.56th and V.57th Streets; that petitions rmuld be discussed together,
the first being for Vacation of the Southern Portion of the Alley, the second being
for improvement of she entire alley. by Grading, Gravelling and Oiling. ldfidavits
of Publication in Xdina-liornin'gside Courier, IIay 8, 15, 1952, of Wotice of Hearing
on Petition to Vacate,I1 and Wotice of Hearing on Proposed Grading, Gravelling and
Oiling of Xley,II were read, approved as to form, and ordered placed on file.
Engideer IJitchellfs 3sthate of Cost for the Grading and Gravelhg was l,j3-75.66 as
agaihst 1,19h.78 assessable feet, or $.>5 per assessable foot, with cost of Oiling
also being $.15, for a total of t.j.30 per assessable foot for enthe @provement.
;Ye recommended against va_cation of alley unless a turn-around is provided for use
of snor.r-plowing equipment. Kessrs.. Zobert E, Biel, 5616 Abbott Lvenue; Herbert
kttmann, 5604 Lbbott Avenue; 0ryill.e A, Parsons, 5620 Abbott Avenue; and Lloyd 8.
Johnson, 5624 2bmtt :-venue, requested that alley be bproved in order that they
night use it as access to th_eir garages, and in order 'chat a grade might be
established to enable them to improve their back yards.
hot have the room for atthched iarages and nust use the alley.
arguments was that alley had been platted at the of purchase of homes on bokh
lboott and Beard Avenues ad that purchasers should have knovm of it and acted
accordingly. 3. Uoyd -i. Johnson stated that he is prepared to start suit Tor
daaages because it. is his opinion that vacation of alley ~.rilL seriously devsKluate
his properky by prohibiting planned eGansion of his home for dwelling purposes
(rather than garage space). I,Iessrs. Vallace Benjamin and Bernard Dvorak,5642. and
5629 Beard Avenue, led the delegation for the Vacation of the South Portion of
the Alley. They stated that they do not use the alley at all; that opening of
the alleyxrill give them drainage troubles; that they sincerely do not rrish an
alley because 02 dirt and hazard to children. They also objected to paying the
cost of an improvement which they maintain does not benefit them in the least, but
stated that the cost item is not at all the most improtant of their objections.
An argument developsd on the floor, and it became apparent that an amicable
settlement could not be made of the problem. Village Attorney :lindhorst informed
the Council that a petition signed by 51% of the owners of abut'cing properties is
necessary for-vacation of alley.
for a notion $0 tab&? both the proposed improvement project and the proposed
vahation of alley until a petition carrying signatures of major4ty of property
owners is presented, for one project or the other. Banens,so moved. Lotion
seconded by Bredesen and carried.
They stated-that they do
One of their
:'ictQg Eayor Child ended $he Hearing by asking
Eapr Erickson entered the Heeting at this the, but did not preside immediately.
Acting Iiayor Child called public Hearing on Proposed Grading and Gravelling of
John Street between Belmore Lane and Ilaloney Avenue, pursuant to Wotice of Hearing,"
published h Zdina-Uohingside Courier 34ay 8 and 15, 1952, Affidavit of Fublication
for irhich vts read, approved as to form and ordered placed on file.
Ilitchell's Zstinate of Cost was 42,340.36 against 1,240 assessabl,e feet, for $1.89
per assessable foot.
Street, objected to the street opening on the gwunds that he would gain no
benefit fromit; that it would damage his property inasmuch as he has several
large evergreens in the right-of-way.
six feet to the Yest of its present location on his property.
objected to this, stating that such a move would create a bad drainage grobleq
for his properties. ib. Richardson, 409 Blake Eoad, omer of Lot LO, Block 12,
Ilendelssohn, objected on grounds that a drainage problem vrill be created by
street opening, and on grounds that his property will derive no benefit therefrom
inasmuch as he and XretDion do not expent to build houses fronting this street.
Bricksonts nokion, reTerring matter to Public Yorks Committee and Village Bgineer,
for %heir recomendations, ins seconded by Bredesen pd carried.
Fublic Hearing was held on the proposed construction of Curb and Gutter in'Lakeview
Drive from 1:ooddaJ.e livenue to East Lakeview Drive, Deputy Clerk read the Affidavit
of Publication for 1'Motice of Hexring," published in E&a-IaIorningside Courier on
ZIay 8 and& 1952, which affidavit was approved as to form and ordered placed on
file, 33ngineer Eitchell~s Zstimate of Cost PELS read as $5,613.3O1 as against 2,$54m31 assessable feet, for cj2.20 per assessable foot. There vere no objections
Trom the owners abutting Lakeview Drive in the two blocks from Xooddale to Concord,
bqt I&,, ?Tilliam E. ara1-~d0~.~,4614 Lakevievr Drive, ad Ik. Bud Johnson, 4611 Lakeview
Drive, requested that curb and gutter installation be omi$ted from their block,
claiming that %heir -drainage is good and that they do not need curb. 1Pe liarshall
V, Diebold, 4612 Lakeview Drive, idio had signed the petition for improvement,
reqgested tha6 his name be txithdravm therefrom. Engineer I2i.tchell concurred in
the opinion that cuTb and gutter is not needed in the third block Yest of ITooddale,
Bredesen ofZered the following Besolution and moved its adoption:
IIr. LE. Dion, 6233 Belmore Lane, owner of six lots on John
He suggested platting the street thirty-.
Xr. Lund, petitioner,
heretofore caused no-Lice of hearing to bo, duly published on the proposed itnproveaent consisting or" Construction of Standard Tillage Curb and Gutter in hkeview Drive .
5/26/52 *t 95 from 'Gs'ooddaLe &venue to East Lakeview Drive, and at the heari-ng held at %he time
and place specified in said no%ice the Council has duly considered the view of
all persons Sterested, and being fdly advised of the pertinent facts does
hereby deteermine to proceed with the construction of said improvement in
Lakeview D+ve between Tbood-dale Avenue and Concord Avenue; that said improve-
ment is hereby designated a.nd shall be'referred to in all subsequent proceed-
ings as Street hprovement fJo, B-lo, and the area to be specially assessed
therefor sliall include a11 lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon
the streets in which said improvement is to be constructed.
Hotion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there
were four ayes and no nays, as follor.rs: Bredesen, aye; Danens, aye; Xrickson,
and Child, aye; and the Resolution was adopted.
Acting LIayor t
Deputy Village Clerk
Bredesen offered the following Resolution and moved its a$opthon:
E23 I" BE3OLVED by the Village Council of.$he Village of Edina:
1, The plans and specifications for Street Inprovement l$o. &IO 1
heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of
the Village.Clerk are hereby approved.
side Courier and.the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for
the construction of said improvement:
2. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edina-Uorning-
VI&fLB OF *mmA P <
-The Edina Village Gouncil will meet at the Tillage Hall, 42301 W.5Oth
Street, I?fiinneapolis, on Tjlonday, June 23, 1952, at 7:30 o'clock FJL3. to open
and consider sealed bids for the construction of Street Improvement ?Joe 510
in said Vi$lage, consisting of Construction of Standard Village Curb an&
Gutter in Lakeview Drive from Wooddale Avenue to Concord AvenEe.
The rrork on mid hprovement must be done as described and specified in
the plans and specifications for said inprovement on file and in the office
of the Village Clerk, All bids must be submitted on the basis of cash pay-.
ment for the work. Ho bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with
?he undersigned before the time of said meetiqg and accompanied by a cash
deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the
amount of Ten percent of the awnt of the bid,
c BY owia OF TI53 VImm COT-iiC:IL
Bower Hatstkorne
Village Clerk
Edina, Xinnesota c
3. Each and a11 of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids
are hereby adopted as the terms+md conditions of the award of the contract for
said improvement
Xotion for adoption of the Eesolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall
there were four ayes and no nays, as follows:
Zrickson, aye; and- Child, aye; and the Resolution was adopted.
Bredesen, aye; Danens, aye;
Nexttcalled was Public Hearing on Proposed Curb id Gutter in Beard I'ivenue
between If. 57th and X. 58th Streets. Affidavit of Fub1ica;tion of rtllotice of
was read, approved as to form and ordered placed on file.
Estimate of Cost, amount $2,916,00 as against 1,200~6 assessable-feet, for
$2.43 assessable foot was read. I&. R,I. Sanford,5733 Beard, reminded the
Council t2na.t Curb and Gutter petition was filed with a petition for Storm
Sewer in this street, and asked Engineer to make sure that height of cu.rb
does not block drainage from.yards into street.
, thatrCounci1 order in the Curb and Gutter inprovement but that advertisement
for bids be delayed pending outcome of Storm Sewer Hearing to de held later
in the summer,
adopt ion :
- Hearing," as it appeared in Edina-TXorningside Courier Kay 8 and 15, 1952,
Engineer I!Etchellts
&I If
Zngineer I-Etchell recommended 1.1 i
Bredesen offered the following Xesolution and moved its
1m303;uTroIq ORD~DJG mmommxr
STWiT E~23OVX~SlE IiJO. B-11
96 5/26/52 32 IT RESOLW by the Council of the Village of Edina, I-linnesota, thzt this
Council heretofore caused notice of' hearing to be duly published on the
proposed jmprovement consist7hg of Construction of Standard Village Curb and
Gutter in Beard ,ivenue beheen 2,57th and tr.56th Streets, and at the hearing
held at the time and pla,ce specified in said notice the Council has duly
considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of
th; pertinent facts does hereby determine t? proceed with the construction of
said improvement; thet safd improvementis hereby desimated and shall be
referred to in all subsequent proceedings as-Street hproveaent Bo. bll, and
the area to be specihly assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts
of land abutting and fronting upon the street in which said improvenent is to
be constructed.
Xotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, . and on Rollcall
there were four ayes and no nays, as
Zrickson, aye; and Child, aye; and the
Acting Hayor
Deputy Village Clerk r
hblic Hearings were called on proposed bprovernent of Chowen Avenue by the
following; with I.iayor Erickson presiding for hearings and balance of meeting:
Co_nstmction of Sanitary Lateral' Sewer and Appurtenances, froq a
Construction of :later &in Extensiog and Appurtenances from Y.59th
Grading ad Grzvelling from a point approximately 450 feet Sokh of
point approaately 275 feet South of S','.5&h Street to IJ.60th Street,
Street to 1~60th Street.
lest 58th Street, to K.60th Streete
Affidavit of Publication on *rNotice of Hearing on Proposed Improvements for
Chowen Avenue,1r vas read, approved as to fomn, and ordered placed on file,
3ngineer YE.tchell's Estimates of Cost on improvements was read as follows:
assessable Too? for %he Laterzl SFwer, plus $1.56 connection charge to T+
Sevrer,&3fij end &LOO connection charge, to Joint Sever District 130, 1. Total,
d5.00 per assessable foot.
2, Vater Ihiq - 44,271.67 against 1260 assessable feet, or $&..18 per
assessable foot for Yater Iiain, plus $,25 per assessable foot connection charge
for connection to private water main owned by Peder Wckelsen.
GFading aid Gravelling - $3,879.90 agakst 1,656 assessable feet, for
$2.3$%sessable foot .
ments being Gll.78 pzr assessable foot,
In connection with the above mqd improvenents, Xnngineer l2itchel.l -i:.arned audience
and Council of a storm sewer problem at 1~60th Street and Chowen Avenue, stating
that a large stom sewer project rcXL be needed in this vicinity within the next
very few years.
this summer, but recommended that Council proceed with presently petitioned
improvenents nov, beczuse of the inconvenience to property owners wwch would
be caused by delax for storm sewer construction.
prhority be given the inprovements: Grading, first; then Sanitary Sever; then
:rater; then Gravelling,
its &option:
1, Sani$ary Sewy - $4,833.05 against 1934 assessable feet, or $2&4 per
Total assessment as estimzted for properties assessed for all three improve-
He suggested that plans be drafted for this proposed storm sewer
He suKgested that a job
Bredesen offered the following Resolution and moved
Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published-on the proposed
improvemen5 consisting or" Construction of Sanitary Lateral Sewer and &ppurtenances
in Chowen Avenue from a poin-b appro:dmately 275 feet South of Ve5&h Street to
Vest 60th Street, and at the hearing held at the tke and place specified in said
notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and
being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed .r;ith
the coqstruction of said hprovement; that said hprovenent is hereby designated
and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedjngs as Sanitary Sewer
Improvement Eo. a, and the,area; to be specially assessed thergfor shatl include
all lots and tracks of land abutting qd-fronting upon the streets in which said
fimprovement is to be constructed.
Eotion for adoption of the S!esolqbion was sec
were four ayes 2nd no nays, as follows: Bred
> .; ad Ericlcson, aye; and the Ee
Bredesen then offered the follorring Eesolution and noved its adoption:
BE IT FOBOLVE1D by the Village Council of tae Village of Edina:
1 1. The plans and specifications for Sanitary Sewer Improvement Mo.44
heretofore prepared by the Village Zngineer and now on file in the office of the
,Village Clerk are -hereby approved.
2. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edhd-IlIorning-
side Courier and the Construction Bulletin the followingnotice for bids for the
construction of said improvement E-
The Edina Village Council.wiL1meet at the Village Hall, 4&31WeSOth
Street, i!linneapolis, on Xonday, June 23, 1952, at 7:30 o'clock P.X., to open and
consider sealed bids for the construction of Sanitary Sewer hprovement IJo,ltL,
in said Village, consisting of Construction of Sanitary Lateral Sewer and
Appurtenances in Chowen Avenue from a point approximately 275 feet South of
V. 56th Street, to U.60th Street.
The work-on said improvement must be done as described and specified
in the plans and specifications for said. improvement on file in the office of
the Village Clerk.
for the work, No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the
undersigned before the the of said meeting and accompanied by a cash deposit,
bid bond, or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the mount of
All bids mist be submitted on the basis of cash payment I
<Ten percent of the momt of the bid. t
- Bower Hawthorne
Village Clerk
Edina, Ximesota
3. Each and all of the terrns of the foregoing advertisement for bids
are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of the award of the contract for
said improvement .
i4otion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Chi
were four ayes and no'naysb as follows:
and Zrickson, aye; and the Resolution
ATrnST :
n Rollcall there
aye; Danens, aye;
Deputy Village Clerk \
Bredesen offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
F1.m l*UdIt DER(YE3iuBHT.,iJo, 47 . .
€53 IT ~~L~ by the Council of.the Pillage of Xdina, I.'linnesota, that this
Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly pu$lished on the proposed
improvement consisthg of Construction or" Village Xater Thin %%ension and
Appurtenances in Chowea Avenue, from W.59th Street to ?:.60th Street, and at the
hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has
duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised
of the pertinent facts d-oes hereby determine to proceed with the construction
of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be
referred to in all subsequent proceedings as lister Nain Improverient No. 47,
and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include a11 lots and tracts
of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said improvement is to
be constructed.
Xotion for adoption of Resolution wa
were four ayes and no nays, as follows:
and Erickson, aye; and the Resolutio
ye; Danens, aye;
Deputy Village Clerk
Bredesen offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: ~soLuTioT\s APPROVIRG PUG AND SPZCIFICATIONS
FOR 'sJrT.EE 2LXQT DiPROVflElfl if0.47 @ID DmCTIiJG
BE IT-IBSOLJBD by the Village Council of theiVillage of Edina:
1. The plans and specifications for TTater Nain hprovment Uor. 47
heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer ani3 now on file-in the offi?e of the
Village Clerk me hereby approved.
98 5/26/52
2. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edina-Iiorninwside
Courier and the Constmction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the con-
struction of said hprovment :.
TXATER I.UIIJ Ii-mamam 110. 47
The Ed*a Village Council xill neet at the Village Hall, 4801 V050th
Street, l.linneapol%s, on 1-ionday, June 23, 1952, at 7:30 P.H., to open and consider
sealed bids for the constructicm of Tfater I.fain+ hprovement Bo. 4'7 in~id trillage,
consisting of Construction of Village Water Ilab &&ension and AppurAenances in
Chowen Avenue between TI. 59th and W. 60th Streets .
the plans and specifications for said inprovenent on file in the office of the
V-ge Clerk. iill bids must be submitted on the basis of cash payment for the
work, No bids v&ll be considered unless sealed and fQed with the undersigned
before-the time of said aeeting and accompanied by a cash deposi%, bid bond, or
certified check-payabler to the Village Clerk in tpe amount of: Ten percent of the
amom$ of the bid:
The work on sai-d improvenent must be done as described and Specified in
Bower Havhinorne
Village Clerk F
Edina, lfinnesota
3. Each and all of the term of the foregoing advertisenent for bids
are hereby adopted as the terns and conditions of the award of-the constract for
said hproveaent .
1-tokion for adoption or" the Besolution was seconded by Danens, and on FLojlcall
there were four ayes and no nays, as f
aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolutio
ii'I T: P&dl Deputy- Village Clerk
Sfedesen offered the following Resolution and moved its adoptiop:
I33 ITcI3ESOLTED by the Cobcil of the Village of Edina, I.E.nnesota, that this
Council heretofore' caused notiCe of hearing to be duly published one the proposed
hprovement consisting of Grading and Gravelling of Chowen Avenue from a point
approxkmtely 450 feet South of V.58th Street, to ?TO6Oth Street, and at the
hearing held at the tine and place specified in said notice the Council has duly
considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the
pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceedwith the copstruction of said
inproveI;zent; that said inprovement is hereby designated and shall be referred to
in dl subsequent proceedings as Street Inprovement 30. (3-21, md the area to be
specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and
fronting upon the streets % which said improvement is to be constructed..
Ilotion for &optibn of the Besolution was s
vere four ayes 2nd no nays, as follows: B:
ckson, aye; and the Besolution was a
STRELY DiPPa33"m iJ0. G-21
Zredesen offered the follorsing Resolution and moved its adoption:
.~~~T~~~~~ Par? BIDS
$33 Iz: T&5OLVZD by the Vwge Council of the Vqage of Xdina:
1. The plans and specifications for Street Improvement ilo. G2l hereto-
fore prepared by the Village Zngineer and now on file in the office of the Village
Clerk are hereby appromd.
The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Xdim-Xorningside
Courier and the Construction Bulletin in the follov5ng notice for bids for the
construction of szid improvenent:
STE?JET EPEWA.EM'i' NO0 E21 vmm OF mmrl -
The Edina Viliaae Council will meet at the Village Hall, 4801 Vo50th
Street, I-Lnneapolis, on Isnday, June 23, 1952, at 730 o'clock P&, to open ad
consider sealed bids for %he construction of Street hprovaent Bo. C-21 in said
Tillage2 consisthg of -the Grading and Gravelling of Chowen Avenue from a point
appro-tely 450 feet South of :3,5€%h Street, to V.6Oth Street.
99 5126152- --
The tmrk on said hprovement Gust be done as described and specified
in the plans and specifications for said improvement on file in the ofrice of
the Village Clerk,
the work. No bids will be considered unless sealed andfiled with the under-
signed before the time of said meeting and accompanied by a cash seposit, bid
bond, or-certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of Ten
percent of the mount of the bid.
All bids must be submitted on the basis of cash payment for
Bower gaiwthorne
Edina, I-Iinnesota.
- Vilxage Clerk
3. hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of the award of the contract for said
Each 2nd all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are
on Bollcall
Id, aye; banens,
Deputy Village Clerk
Xasmuch as the delegation from Lakeview Drive had waited some time for infor-
mation cuncernjng their petition. for Blacktopping, Rayor Erickson asked Zng&eer
EEtchell for report. lk. Ritchell eauplained that action on petition had been
delayed pending matter of storm sewer for Lakeview Drive-Golf Terrace properties,
Bredesen' s motion, that Council accept Petition for Blacktopping of Weview
Drive between Vooddale and 3t.Johns Avenues and schedule Public Hearing on
proposed improvement for Ifonday, June 23, 1952, at @;3O P&, was seconded by
Danens and carried.
Nayor Erickson called Public Hearing on proposed Sanitary Sewer for Vindsor
Avenue between-Code Avenue and Hansen Road.
1Wotice of Bearing,I* as it appeared in Zdina-Korningside Courier I4ay 8 and 15,
1952, vms read, approved as to form and ordered placed on files Engineerrs
Estima$e of Cost in the total qount of $11,789.17 as against 1,622.9 assessable
feet, for $7.26 per assessable foot, was read. Zngineer I~itchell explained
that the necessity of tunneling approximately SO feet under railroad tracks
brings the cost up considerably. A plan of the proposed Sanitary Sewer was
@resented to interested spectators, and it was found that the sewer, as planned,
cannot serve two lots owned by dne of the petitioners,because of the topography.
IJr. I4itdhell explained that service to these lots would necessitate lowering the
entire sewer, and thus increasing the cost to a11 concerned. 3Jo agreement could
be reached, and Child moved to continue Public Hearing ulztilI4onday, July 14..
Motion seconded by Danens and carried.
Affidavit of Publication for
,Next Public Hearing called was that on proposed Ifater lriain in Sdenmooi. Street
Aflfi- from Edenmoor Street in Richmonds Hills 2nd Addition to Shervmod Eoad.
davit of Publication for Wotice of Hearing," as it appeared in Edina-Horningside
Courier, Xay 8 and 15, 1952, yas read, approved as to form and ordered placed on
file, Engineer XdEtchell's Estimate of Cost was in amount of $1,464.79jassess-
able feet, 300.3; Cost per Assessable Foot, $4.88.
from the floor, and the Clerk had received no written objections prior Zo the
There were po objections
Child offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
2aTm MixrN aimomJGI!! NO, 4s
BE IT IzE;SOLm by the Council -of the Village of Sdina, Ermesota, that this
Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed
improvement consisting of Construction of Tillage 2at er 1Iain Extension and
Appurtenances in Edenmoor Street between Edenmoor Street in Eichmond Hills 2nd
Addition and Sherwood Road, and. at the hearing held at the time and place
specified in said notice the Council has dxly considered the views of all
persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does
hereby deternine to proceed with the constkuction of said improvement; that
said improvepent is hereby designated and shall be referred to in-&I-1 sub-
sequent< proceedings as Water Hain Yhprovement Ifo. 48, and the area to be
specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting
arid fronting upon the streets in which said improvement is to be qonstyucted,
I Notion for adoition of -the Resolution wa
there were four ayes and no nays, as fol
Child offered the following 3esolution and noved its adoption: I
5/26/52 ?XSOLGTiGiJ ;iEP2CrfJIITG PidJS i&D SF!ZCIi?ICj~TI(XE!
FO2 XiTX IKUJ ItPXOVESE IsJO, 48 iGtJI2 DmCTIilJG imxixmz.m\rT FOZ ms -
BE flp FGSOLTED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina:
1, The plans and specifications for Xater 1W.n Improvement Uo.48 .
heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the
Village Clerk zee hereby approved.
Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for tine con-
struction of said inprovenent:
2, The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the %&a-Xorningside
'?%EAR IUIii RE3"T 140, &8 m;m OF EDIIJA
The Xikina Village Council. vill meet at the Village Hall, &GO1 11,50th
Street, on IJonday, June 23, 1952, at 7:30 o'clock P.1-1., to open and consider
sealed bids f6T the construction of :later 1W.n Irnprovenent 140, 48 in said Tillage,
consisiting of Construction of Village ?later Ibiain Zxbension and? Appmtenances in
Xdemoor Street between Xdenmoor Street in Richmond Ells 2nd Addition and Sherwood
the plans and specifications for said improvement on file in the office of the'
Village Clerk. :ill bids mst be submitted on the basis of cash papent for the
before the time of said neeting-and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or
certsied check papble to the Village Clerk in the anount of*Ten percent of the
The tmrk on said improvement must be done as described and specified 5n
No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the undersigned
- mount of the bid.
3Y O?I!n. OF Ti33 VrnlG.3
3. Each and all of the
Bower EIawt3orne
r Village Glerk
Sdina, LZnnesota n
terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids
are hereby adopted as the terms and condi'cions of the award of the contract for
said improvement
Ziotion for adoptiofi of the Besolution vms
v;ere four aye3 and no nays, as follows:
and Erickson, aye; and the Besolution was
I on Bollcall there
Deputy Village Clerk
Yest" of IIi@xZt.y Go. 169, which they wish to have rezoned to Cornunit3 Btore
District, repestingthat the Council have a report for them by Ifonday, June 9,
if possibleo
to Ik,l.Z.ckelsen - at the ne,* rsgular meeting, was seconded bj Bredesen and carriedo
A 1-3'. Xoe, -5801 &bot% henue, requested permit to construct garage on corner lot
in qosition in violation of Village Zoning Ordinance.
Ere Xoe stat&g that he must remove trees to comply with ordinance as to position
of garage. Child's motion, that mtter of position.of garage be referred back to
the Building Inspector and issuance of permit left to his decidion;
seconded by Bredesen - ad carried.
1.5. Baer again appsared before. the Council to request perinit to operate a Boy's
Dzy Camp at -the farm locate'd at 331.5 ?~.60th Street.
his opinion this is use of property not confomning with zoning ordinance.
moved, granting temporary peridt for use of 3315 17.60th Street'as Day Cz~p for
Boys, with the understandbg that if there are valid objections the gerixLt will. be
cancelled at once.
Peder Iiickelsen and Harry Gustafson presented detailed plan n"or property
Ghild's motion, that Council study plan and, if possible, report
Dfscussion was had, with '
I 1-Ir. 1;Tindhorst s;G&ed that in
Iiotion seconded by Bredesen and carried.
Ere Child reported the
at a front set-back of
Ordinance realationso
request 02 a Xr. I.zZyall for permission to build dwelling
tmmty-2ive feet, which does not conform with Zoning
Plot plan of property, Lot 12, Skyline Drive, with proposed
setback show& was presented, together with mitten approval, for building, by
neighbors, and tihe reported recormendation of milding Inspector Troehler for
was seconded by Bredesen and carried.
Child*s notion, that hilding Permit be grated as per plan presented,
Village Attorney liindhorst reported that he had written to 1Ir. Ijucban, York Avenue,
as directed by Council; that Ur. Buchrw was to have seen the Council this evening
in response to letter, but did not do so,
as to further action,
steps are necesswy to $XmLnate the present situation, was seconded by Bredesen
and carried.
1.k. Xhdhorst asked for instructions
Child's motion, -khat Attorney be directed to take whztever
Proposed Zlection Districts for the Village wme presented,
outlined in detail. Child offered the following Resolution
vjith boundaries \
€23 IT IXZSOLJIED by the Village Council of the Village of Zdina, Hennepin County,
Einnesota, that said Village,heretofore composed of eight Election Districts,
shall be and hereby is divided into TIELVE XUCTIOR DISTRICTS, which districts
shall be bounded as follows:
North Boundary: North Sillage Limits, from Smyside Eoad to Centerline of - France ivenue .
Centerline of X9 5Gnd Street .
to Centerline of Arden Avenue.
to Centerline of Sunnyside Road; then, on Centerline of Sunnyside Boad,
from Arden Avenue to IJorth Village Mts.
Zast Boundary:
South Boundary:
Test Boundary:
Centerline of France ,$venue, from IJorth Village Limits to
Centerline of Ye52nd Street, from Centerlihe of France Avenue
- Centerline of Arden Avehue, from Cel?'cerline of T-1.52nd Street
IJorth Boundat$es:Cen'cerline of Zden Avenue, from tlillson Goad to J:, 505h Street,
then on Centerline of W.50th Strekt, from Eden Avenue to Centerline of Arden
' Avenue.
Centerline of France Avenue.
t6 Centerline of W.5Oth Street.
line of If. 54th Street to Centerline of TJ, 52nd Street.
to Cente51ine of Wooddale Avenue; South Boimdary of Country Club Golf Course,
from CenOerline of Vooddale Avenue to State Highway No. 100:
Centerline bf ?T,52nd Street, from Centerline of Arden Avenue to
Zast Boundary: Centerline of Arden Avenue, frora Centerline of U.52nd Street
Centerline 03 France iivenue, from Center-
South Boundary: Cente?line^of X.54th Street, from Centerline of France Avenue
?Test Boundary:
3 North Boundary:
Centerline of State Highway No. 100, from South boundary o
(Country Club -Golf Course to Sillson Road
Centerline of W154th Street, from Centerline of France .!ivepue
to Centerline of Xerxes Avenue.
line of Y.54th Street to Cente2line of IJ.58th Street.
to Centerline of France AvGnue.
to Centerline of V. 54th Street .
East Boundary: "Centerline of Xerxes Avenue (East Village Limits), fmrn Ceqter-
South Boundary:
Vest Boundary:
Centerline of W,58th Street, from Centerline of Zerxes Avenue
Centerline of France Avenue, From Centerline of IJ.5Sth Street
North Boundary: Centerline of If. 54kh Street, from Centerline of ITooddale Avenue
to Centerline of France Avenue.
to Centerline of w.62na Street.
to Centerline of Valley View Road; 'cl*ien on Centerline of Valley View Road,
from Centerline of w,62nd Street to Cent erline of Wooddale Avenue.
Road to Centerline of liS.54th Street.
East Boundary:
South Boundary:
Centerline of France Avenue from Centerline of Is.54th Street
Centerline.of lJ,62nd Street, from Centerline of France Avenue
Yest Boundary:
North Eoundary:
Centerline of ITooddale Avenue, from Centerline of Valley View
Centerline of State Highway No. 169-212, from %st Village
I;irnits to Centerline of Olinger Road; then, along Centerline of Olinger Road
to Cedierline of Valley View Road; th6n, along Centerline of Valley View
Road to-and &cross State Highway No. 100, to Centerline of :,r,62nd Street;
then, along Centerline of 1~62nd Street to Centerline of France AGenue.
to f3outh Village Limits,
';:,'est Village Limits.
of State Highway No. 169-212,
East Boundary:
South Bouridary:
Xest Boundary:
North Boundary:
Centerline of France Avenue, from Centerline of w.62nd Street
South Village I;im;its, from Centerline of France Avenue to
Vest Village Limits, from South Village Limits to Centerline
Mosth Village Limits, from Vest Village Limits to a poin'c on
the Morth tillage Line which intersects with Centerline of Olinger Road
ezicended due North.
That line which is the Centerline of'olinger Road extended d.ue
North,from its poht of intersection with North Village Lirai"cs, South to its
point of intersection .i.jith State Eighw2.y 140. 169-212.
Olinger Eoad to Zest Tillage Limits.
169-212, to I;Sorth Village Limits.
East Boundary:
South Boundar;.:
Yest Boundary:
Centerline of State Highway Ita, 169-212, from Centerline of
Vest Village Limits, from Centerline of State Highway 170.
102 I 5/26/52 .. $LS~~;~ICT EO. SmiJ. r
Xorth Boundarj: Xorth Village Units, from a point on
which intersects viYn the Centerline of Olinger 3oad
%ask to the Caterline of State Highway KO. 169-242.
the Rorth Village Line
extended due ilorth,
Zast Bounder;: Centerme of State Kighmy Xoo 169-212, fron iTorth Village
Limits to State Eighmy i3o. 100; then, along Centerline of State Highrray 110.
100 to 51,50th Street; then, 3;as-L along Centerline of :I; 50th Street to Sden
Avenue .
Centerline of Eden Avenue, fron ~, 53th Street- to Cknterline
of State Highmy ITo. 169-212; then, on Centerline of State Kighrray 1~0. 169-
212, fron Centerlbe 02 Eden Avenue to Centerline of Olinger Xoad,
Eghway 169-212, to Xorth Village Limits.
line of Zoocidale Avenue.
Centerline of Country Club Xoad; then, Southerly awoss Countyrj Club TLoad
to the IIorthwest Corner of Lot 3, Rearrangement of Block 16, Country Club
District 3ror.m Section; then, Southerly, to a point directly llorth of the
center of the %dka Elenentary School hilding; then, South in straight line
to Centerline of U.50th Street,
Centerline of TLgth Street, feom a, point due South of Center
or' Zdina Zlenentary School hilding, to Centerline of State Highmy Bo.100.
Centerline of State Highway 130, 100, froii Genteriine of ?I05M.h
South i3oundaq:
Vest i3oundar;;r:
DEmICT 110. EIGillC.
IJorth Boundary:
East Boundary:
Centerline of Olinger Road extiended due 2orth from State
Eorth Village I;imits, from State Highwar No. 169-212, to Center-
Centerline of Yooddale &.venue from IJorth Village Limits to I South Boundary:
YGst Boundary:
Street, 1Jorth to Ceniierline of State Highrray Uo. 169-212; then, Xorth on
Centerline 02 Stzte I-Xghvay IJo'o; 169-212, t6 1Jorth Village Emits.
DIaRICT NO. IKUlE. . ljorth Boundary: *ITor€h Village Linitis, from Centerline of TooddaJ-e Avenue to
Zzst Soundrrrg:
Centerline of Skyside Road;
Centerline of Swiyside Road, from Borth Village mts to
Centerline of Lrdeii ,Avenue; then on Yne Centerline of lzden Avenue, from
Centerline of Sunnyside Road to Centerline 'of 'fl. 50th Streat .
Centerline of 3.Bth Street, from Centerline of Leden Lvenue
to a point due Sov.th or" tne Cent& of the Zdina Zlenentzry School Building.
South of the Center of Zdina Glenentsxy Scfiool Building; then ITortherly, to
the Eorthwest Corner of Lot 3, Rearrangement of Block 16, Country Club
District Brovn Section; then 13ortherly across Country Club Road to the
Centerline of Yooddale Avenue; then IJorth along the Caterline of 'Tooddale
Avenue to the Earth Village limits,
- South Boundapj:
';lest 3oundary: 3eginning at the Centerline of Tfo50th Street at a point due
Xorth aundaq:
Centerline of State Highway 310, 169-=2, from Centerline of
Centerline of TTillson Boad, from Ccrterline of Eden Avenue to
Olinger Road to Centerline of Eden kvenue; "then, on Centerline of Zden
Avenue to Centerline of llillson Road.
Centerline of State 1-Eghm.y No. 100; then on Centerline of State Highmy
iio, 100, fron !Tillson Road to Centerline of Valley View Booad,
LETighway 130. 100 to Centerline of Tracy Avenue.
to Centerline of Olinger Road;'then, on Centerline of Olinger Road, from
Centerline of Tracy Lvenue to Centerline of State Highway Roe 169-212,
Zast Boundary: .
South Boundary:
Yest Zoundary:
Centerline of Valley View Road, fr6n Centerline of State
Centerline of *Tracy Avenue, from Centerline of Valley 7Jie.r.r Road
. 1Jorl;h Boundary: South 3oundary of Country C1ub"Golf Course, from State Highway I Eo. 100 to Centerline of TooddaLe Avenue.
to Centerline of Valley View Road.
Avenue to Centerline of State HZghiray No, 100,
View Eoad to South Boundary of Country Club Golf Course.
East Boundary:
South Boundary:
?Test Boundary:
Centerline of ?fooddale Avenue, from'Centerline of FI. 54th Street
Centerline of Valley Tiew Road, from Centerline of I%oddal-e
Centerline of State Highway Bo, 100, fron Centerline of Valley
~ ;forth Boundary: Centerline of ?l.SE;th Street, from Centerline of France &.venue
to Xast Village Mts.
Village LirEts,
of France Avenue.
CehterLine of ?To 5&h Street.
East. Boundary:
South Boundary:
Vest Boundary:
East Village' Limits, from Centerline of I.7.5Sth Street to South
SouthTillage Emits, from East VLDage Limits to Centerline
Cznterline of France Avenue, from3outh VLLlage Limits to
ZIotion for adoption of Resolution vas sec
were four ayes and no nays, as follor.rs:
and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was
on Rollcall there
ye; Danens, aye;
I 5/26/52
Childfs motion, for -payment of Village ?ayrall,amount $7,761.62, Liquor Store
Payroll, amount G643.05, for period iday 15 to 31, inclusive, a- 3 recorded in
detail in Payroll Ledger, was seconded by Bredesen and carried.
Child's motion, for payment of the following Claims, was seconded by Bredesen
and carried:
21948 -
U949 U9 50 n951 U952
n953 JJ-9 54 U955
n9 57
JJ-959 ~960 1~961
Ll.965 U966
IJ.967 a968
. U972
=973 21974
JJ-975 -
~1976 u977 U978
FUND - Ai;:iOli+T - CULl XO. TO:
u947 herican Linen Supply Coo 11.65
I Anheuser-Busch, Inc. 226.21 168.20 Canada Dry Ginger Lle, Inc.
Clausen &. Sons, Inc. - 556.50 .
Distillers Distributing Co. 3 510.88
Xbin Srothers Co. 1016 . 2 5
FFJXIOUS Brands, kc, 1455.56 '
Gluek Brewing Co. * 266.40 Gold Xedal Beverage Co. 33 . 64
iLiassolt Bottling Co . .. 9 40
14iller-Davis Co . 3.65
Coca-Cola Sottling Co. 73.54
Cold Spring Distributing Co. - 43 60
0.ii. Droney Beverage Coo 666 .i6
-- Kuether Distributing Co . -52.92
Ibiinneapolis Brevcng Co . 1085.38 IEmeapokis City Club Distributing Co. - 196,32
7071 7072
7073 7074
7075 7076
7079 7080 7081 7082
7083 7084 7085 7086
7089 7090
7091 7092
7097 7098 7099
7104 7105 7106
Iiorris Distributing Co.
Iqorthern States Power Co.
Pabst Sal-es Co.
Furity Beverage Co., Inc.
Rex Distr-ibuting Co.
Seven-Up -Bottling Coo
Shell Oil Go.
Xd. P-WLips & Sons Go.
Famous Brands, Inc.
Griggs, Cooper 62 Coo, Inc.
The XoIL -Lohman Coo
iqorthwestern Bell Telephone Co .
Old Peoria Co., Inc,
Rydeen Agency
Ed. Byan,- Sheriff of Henn. Cy.
Jnerican Public TTorks Assn.
Young Fuel Co.
Bos enwald-C oop er , Inc e
iIinn. Fire Zquipnent Co.
iXn.6 Safety i';ppliainces Co,
Crook 6 :-Eanley, Inc.
City Treas., City of IIpls.
:lillimson Stamp Go,
F,H0 Geiger Sales Coo
1Iiller-Davis Hardware
Irelson Dry Goods
Dick Palen Photographs
Griswold Siginal CO .
Bosholt Zquipnent Co.
Republic Greosoting (20.
i1cGovran Contracting Go.
3arl Sewall
Glacier Sand & Gravel Co.
St . Paul Stamp I rorks
Twdn City-Jtamp & Stencil Go,
L,iT. Sickels Co,
Richards Oil Company
Cofimonwealth Electric Co.
I'iidder PJursery
Edina Firemen's Eelief I~SSOC.
th. Ii, Ziegler Coo, Inc.
Edina Pure Oil Service
Town E: Country Hardware
;Xler-Davis Co.
Edina-Xorningside Courier
Construction Eulletin
Hennepin County Review
HOB. Bogers Co.
Suburban Chevrolet Co ,
, XLd-Xest Yine Go., Inc.
Clancy Drugs, InC.
45.22 340 95-
43022 192.80
87 . 28 ~-
1577 e 97
472 e 08
203 . 82
43 0 83
357027 Liquor 'Fund 2tC.42 $13,29 5 . 61
32.35 145.01 - 211.30
100 . 61
-3.00 ,
103.21 -
J-e 55
8-25 40 . 00
-3.50 -
1.18 -
90 88
113,12 *
I 162.99 613 . 62
335.79 44. 59 105.CO
59 70
36 27
32690 90
3009 88.46
120 00
234.25 45.15
Eorthern States Power Co .
ifT.1:. Bell Telephone Co.
3nnesota Hospital Service Assn.
Donald Pederson
George E. Tloqson
F. Zichzrd Obeme;rer
Dich C. ?nutson
::a. K. Zieaer eo., bc.
%ma %.re Oil Service
Town (c; Country ?lardware Co.
Suburban Ciizvrolet Compny
-hericaul L+en Supply Co.
Leef &others, kc,
Ilortkern St?tes Pover Coo
i?.T:. Bell Telephone Co.
Iheapolis Gas Cozpany
u.30 Supply.Co,
2~utual General dgency, Inc.
Texas Cozxpany
Ylopldns Kotor Sales Co.
A-3' Corisany, hc. o$ I5nn.
irnderson ,'~g91cy
2XLys iXnngapolis, Inc.
Bookside Service Station
Dahlberg Brqthers , Inc,
Delegard Tog1 Coo
E.IL Toll Company
i2inneapolis -Iron Store
IXnnesota FQe Zhxtingpisher Co.
Korthvestern Tire Co .
Pnillips PetFoleum Co .
Xeinhard 3ro$hers Conpany
X.Z. L& company
7099 7100
7107 7108
733-4 73-3-5 W6
7u7 7118
.7u9 7120
7121 7122
73-25 ?E6 7127
Tom G Coun<q Iiardware
Eiller-Davis- Cozipany
Hemepin County Xeview
Zoil-Lhorn States Power Co . n
:Jal!o ;?ell Telgphone Co. br
:iissTssippi Vale;. Tank Co.
2aerican Cast- Iron Fipe Co.
aergerson-Casyll Co.
Ci-iy Treasurer, Citzr of I.ijnneapo&is
Phelps-Drake Go . ,. Inc . r'
13.25 262.32
430 007
99.75 430%
C' 075
40 93
3.75 1.50
4.50 e75
I 7101
7134 7135 7136 73-37 7139
7133 First IIationaj. ZWIC of f.Iplss
First Iktionai Bank of ihmeaFolii 3645.35
Superior Plumbing & Beating Cg.
First ITgtionG sank of Iiinneapolis
First Ihtional Sank of IXnnwpolis
E 7162
7151 7152 7153
7154 71-55 7156 7157
7156 7159 7160
5/26/52 TO:
The Zdina-Xorningside Courier
Construction Bulletin
H.ii.Eogers Coo
Jorgen K. hderson
%art Carlone
Pfielps-Drake Co .
Earl Serdl
Earl Yewall
Phelps-Drake Co.
Lanetti Lametti
Lanetti & Lametti
Lametti 0: Lametti
Lmet'ci & Lametti
Phelps-Drake Co.
Phelps-Drake Co.
Pf eiff er Construction Coo
Orfei &: Xariani
Phelps-Drake Co, .
Lametti & Lametti .
S 36.00 '
5.2 17 38.03
5270 38 7200 . 98
206 . 64
174 . 11 1261.69
3782.07 19461.51
593 30
129830 95 30756.06 COIirST~TJCTIOI\f FUlJD
8132 3 5 $ 90,6S1.35
Application'for Food License for Dakiwipt Store on Highway IJo. 169 was filed.
Child moved.that Food License be granted subject to approval by Village Health
Inspector. Kotion seconded by Bredesen and carried.
Child's motion, tlna'c Police Department be instructed to notify Dariwipt people
that their sign must be removed fromthe HcNellis shed as of Tuesday, Xay 27,
was seconded by Bredesen and-carried.
The hour being late, Bredesen moved for adjournment of meeting to lionday,
June 2, at 7:30 P.X.
seconded Eredesen's motion, znd motion carried.
Keeting adjourned at 12:15, Tuesday, Kay 27, after Child
Deputy Village Clerk
MEETW, ,.HEW -m-29* 1252, AT -7:1$0 Po& 9 AT
1. . 1-- . -.. *. - .
Pursuant to Hay 26th motion for adjournment to this date, Messrs Danens and
Hawthorn. appeared at the Village Hall, at 7:30 P.N., Monday; June.2, 3952,
at 7:30 P.N. Nayor Erickson and Trustee Bredesen were unable.to attend', and
because of lacksof a a~orum no meeting was held, unfinished business of Pfay 26
being carried'over to Regular Neeting of - .. -_ .
I- 1952, -@-7:20 P&,-AT.THE EDJNA V?LTAB J3A&L
. -- -. - .- .. * I' . -. *- - .. .f - Hembers answering Rollcall. were DLms, Hawthorne and Erickson, with Bredesen
arriving later as recorde-d belo%.
c Enutes of the Regular Keeting . of. May 26th were approved as submitted, by
motion Hawthorne, seconded by Danens and carri-d.
'First matter on the Agenda was Public Hearing on Pmposed Grading and Gravelling
of St.Johns Avenue between W.59th and IT 60th Sts., and of V.6Oth St. from
in Edina-Morningside Courier M&.x 22 and 29,1952, was read by Clerk, appFoved as
to form, and ordered placed on file. Engineer Ititchell presented two Estimates
of Cost, both including Stabilized. Base. The first estimate, with this pro ject
feet, for $3.2& per assessable foot;. . the second estimate, taking into consider-
totalled @5,053-.63 as against 1,604.05 assessable feet,. for $3.15 per assessable
c decrease cost of later blacktopping .job. Theke were no objections to the project,
but one owner asked that specifications be,changed so that none of stabilized base
is lost through underground construction. Engineer MLtchell recommended that
street be graded as soon as water main is in, and some gravel added at that time,
Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
St.Johns Avenue to a point 135 Ft. E. plf t Fairfax Avenue. Affidavit of Publication
c as an independent pro jecs, totaLLeh'$5,262.51 as against 1,60.4,05 assessable
' ation the possible use of excess dirt from the Fairfax Blacktopping project, '
Engineer Ititchell Bxplained that the stabilized base at this the will
-c -
r ..