HomeMy WebLinkAbout19520609_ADJOURNED-> Nembers answering Rollcall were Danens, Hawthorne, and Erickson. I@. TTilliam Grear, Jr., representing the Dayton Company, presented detailed study for a proposed development comprising an area between Xerxes and France and between TL62nd and Wr70th Streets, and between France and a point just-East of TTooddale Avenue and between lT.64th and W.70th Streets, comprising both residentisil and commercial development; with the proposed Shopping Center development to contain approldmately 160 adres of the total 500 acres to be developed. &, Crew presented the Dayton Company's request for an amendment to the Village-Zoning- Ordinance to permit the construction of a building to a height seventy feet from ground level,- and the Company's petition for the rezoning from Open Development Districk to Community Store District (or Shopping Center District) the following properties: #. That part of the &/4 of Section 30, R.rp.28, Range 24 in the SE Corner thereof 554.59 feet North and South by 500 feet East and West. .I- - 2. The East 500 feet of the SEl./4 of Section 30, Tr.rp.28, Range 24. - 4. All. that part of the SG/4 of Section 29, "VIP. 28, Range 24.' 7 1. 3. Theqlest 7& Acres of Lot 1, Cassints Outlot~. . * *- except that part thereof included in York Terrace. . I_ Block 2, York Terrace. ., mi4 of the sfLL/4 of Section 29, Twp. 28, Range 24. 5.4 Lots 6 to 11 inclusive, Block 1, and Lots 9 to 16, inclusive, 6. The West 70 feet of the East 1QQ &&-of the North S'73 feet, and tihe South 75 feet of the North &8 feet of the East 1/8 of the Considerable review was -had by the Council on~the proposed development, and Hawthorne moved that the D*on Company*s study and application for rezoning be referred to the Planrhg Commission for .its study and recommendation. Notion seconded by Danens and carried. * - I? .. Hawthorne's motion, that Village Attorney be directed to study the proposal of the Dayton Company that the VXLlage Council may wish to consider a new type of zoning for Shopping CentereDistrict, tes seconded by Danens and carried. - Hawthome*s motion, that the Village Attorney be directedto study a possible amendment .%o the Village Zoning. Ordinance, which would permit an increase in- the height of buildings, under certain conditions, was seconded by Danens and carried. t. e cc Hawthorne moved that Public Hearing be set for Wednesday, July 2, 1952, at the Community Room of the Edina High School on the Dayton Companyrs petition for Rezoning and its request for an amendment to Village Zoning Ordinance p6mitting the erection of buildings to a height of seventy feet. Notion seconded by Danens and carried. c The Council reviewed the proposed Personnel Ordinance at some length, with instructions to Village Nanager and Attorney to prepare Ordinance for first reading at June 23rd Xeeting of the Council. Ihager I-Etchell's report5 that the 1940 Notor Patrol can no longer be operated without extensive repairs, was read. Havhhorne*s motion, that Village Hanager be authorized to have 1940 Hotor Patrol repaired at once, was seconded by Danens and carried. Council reviewed Xanager EEtchell's recommendation for purchase of ew@mrrb for for a portable power plant and portable pump for the Fire Department, was seconded by Danens and carried. Xanager Hitchell presented petition, signed by some thirty property owners, objecting to the possible routing of bus service along W.57th Street between Xerxes and France Avenues. Hawthorne moved that petition be filed and that sponsor. of petition be informed that no application for such route has been received by the Council to date. ICotion seconded by Danens and carried. I the Volunteer Fire Department. Hawthorne's motion,. that Council take bids July 28, Elanager EIitchell reported the American Collectors Associationt s request for permit to install banners over the streets, and directional. signs, velcoming mders to their convention to be held June 30th to July 2nd. temporary permit be granted, to expire July 2. Blotion seconded by Danens and carried. Hawthorne's motion, that Request.was made for Grading and Gravelling of Garriso Lan as pe p tition filed last year. %e se? for J 5 14, 1952 Hawthorne*s motion that Fublic Hearing Ivas seconzez by Danens and carried, 122 1 w/52 1-3 - p. Phillip Neville, Municipal Judge, presented his resignation, to take effect July 1. Mr. Neville explained thak, as United States District Attorney, he is unable to officiate as M+cipal Judge. Hawt?orners motion, acceRting resig- nation with regret and instructing Clerk to notify Governor %Elmer Anderson of same, was seconded by Danens and carried. Mr. Neville discussed @th Council the Assistant VilQge Attorney position, recome-nding thqt the -Council increase the salqry ,gar this position ?if necesqary The Council, by motion Hawtho&e, seconded by Danehs and c&&.ed, acdepted with regret the resignation of I@. S.S. Thorpe, Jr., from membership in the Planning Commission, resignation to take effect iwnediately. Manager Mitchell's recommendation for immediate repairs to trees which suffered from last July's storm was discussed at some length. Hawthorne moved,directing that bids be taken for tree repair, in accordance with-ager Ifitchell's specifications, said bids to be accepted July 28. and carried. Manager Mitchell reported tha$ Hennepin County requests a Resolution approving its plan for re-grading t?.70th Street between Cahill Road and Antrim Road, and Antrim Road between W.70th and Wo6&h Streets. be approved, inasmuch as .it solves drainage problems in this area to some exbent. RESOLUTION APPROVING PUN OF c Notion seconded by Danens r- - He recommended that plan Danens offered the follm&ng Resolution and moved its adoption: HENI\IEpJN..COUNTY a@RlAY DEPAH"T FOR THE: IFEG.RAPING OF IL7OTH STRSET AND lUITIXD4 ROD BE IT RESOLVED. by -the Village Council of the Village -of .Edina that this Council does approve the plan presented by the Hennepin County Highway Department for the regrading of W.7Oth Street between Cahill Road and Antrim Road and of htrim Road between WoS7Oth and W.68th Streets, said plan being entitled- "County Road No. 64 - Proposed Grade from W06&h Street to County Road No, 28". there were three ayes and no nays, and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution c Motion for adoption of the Resolution ~ as Manager BtcheU. advocate that Council void $2,900 check issued Last week for $1,000 check at this time as an addition to the earnest money payment for this property. Hawthorne's motion, for issuance of check No. 7180 in the amount of $1,000, to as. Virgenis StolzJnan as additional. earhest money payment for water tank property, and for cancellation of check No. 7178 issued June 9$h for balance of purchase price, was seconded byDanens and carried. ' the balance of the purchase price for the waterytank property, issuing a The hour being late, Danens moved for adjournment. and carried. Meeting.adjourned at llu50 P.N. . Notion seconded by Hawthorne ... fv OF THZ REckrLRR MEXTING OF THE mm VILUGE ccpmcnt, KEI~ MONDAY, r tJW3 23,-1952, AT VWGE-KALZ AND COMJNITY ROOM OF EDINA HIGELSCHOOL ti r c Meeting was convened at 7t30 P.M., at Edina Village Hall, with Bredesen, Danens, Hawthorne and Bickson answering Rollcall. Danenst motion for approval of Minutes of Meetingof June 9, 1952, as submitted, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. Hawthornets'motion, that Meetinibe adjourned to Community Room of Edina High School, was seconded-by Bredesep and carried. I c At 7t45 P.M., the Neeting was reconvened at the High School at order of Mayor, with Bredesen, Danens, Hawthorne and Erickson present. Pfayor Erickson announced that the first matter on the agenda was t-he Public Hkaring on Petition of Peder Mickelsen for the rezQnirrg to Community Store District of Lot 20,Block 1, and Lots 10,ll and 12, Block 2, Brookside Heights, and the N.708 Ft. of that part of the E.845 Ft. of God. Lot 7 lybg Tf. of Trunk Highway No. 169, Sec.28, Twp. 117 N., R. 211r. Affidavit of Publication