HomeMy WebLinkAbout19520609_REGULAR7103 7105 7132 7uL9 7150 7151 7152 7153 7154 71-55 7156 7157 7156 7159 7160 7161 7163 7164 5/26/52 TO: The Zdina-Xorningside Courier Construction Bulletin H.ii.Eogers Coo Jorgen K. hderson %art Carlone Pfielps-Drake Co . Earl Serdl Earl Yewall Phelps-Drake Co. Lanetti Lametti Lanetti & Lametti Lametti 0: Lametti Lmet'ci & Lametti Phelps-Drake Co. Phelps-Drake Co. Pf eiff er Construction Coo Orfei &: Xariani Phelps-Drake Co, . Lametti & Lametti . - S 36.00 ' 5.2 17 38.03 5270 38 7200 . 98 22.00 21.00. 412.53 220000 206 . 64 174 . 11 1261.69 3782.07 19461.51 593 30 129830 95 30756.06 COIirST~TJCTIOI\f FUlJD 8132 3 5 $ 90,6S1.35 Application'for Food License for Dakiwipt Store on Highway IJo. 169 was filed. Child moved.that Food License be granted subject to approval by Village Health Inspector. Kotion seconded by Bredesen and carried. Child's motion, tlna'c Police Department be instructed to notify Dariwipt people that their sign must be removed fromthe HcNellis shed as of Tuesday, Xay 27, was seconded by Bredesen and-carried. The hour being late, Bredesen moved for adjournment of meeting to lionday, June 2, at 7:30 P.X. seconded Eredesen's motion, znd motion carried. Keeting adjourned at 12:15, Tuesday, Kay 27, after Child Deputy Village Clerk MINVMtS OF ADJOURNED PORTION OF MA'Y 26, 1952 MEETW, ,.HEW -m-29* 1252, AT -7:1$0 Po& 9 AT THEEpWV1W;AGEW. - -8 .I 4. z 1. . 1-- . -.. *. - . Pursuant to Hay 26th motion for adjournment to this date, Messrs Danens and Hawthorn. appeared at the Village Hall, at 7:30 P.N., Monday; June.2, 3952, at 7:30 P.N. Nayor Erickson and Trustee Bredesen were unable.to attend', and because of lacksof a a~orum no meeting was held, unfinished business of Pfay 26 being carried'over to Regular Neeting of - .. -_ . .. z "UTES OB' REGULAR NEZ!CING OF MONDAY, JlTNE 9, I- 1952, -@-7:20 P&,-AT.THE EDJNA V?LTAB J3A&L . -- -. - .- .. * I' . -. *- - .. .f - Hembers answering Rollcall. were DLms, Hawthorne and Erickson, with Bredesen arriving later as recorde-d belo%. c Enutes of the Regular Keeting . of. May 26th were approved as submitted, by motion Hawthorne, seconded by Danens and carri-d. 'First matter on the Agenda was Public Hearing on Pmposed Grading and Gravelling of St.Johns Avenue between W.59th and IT 60th Sts., and of V.6Oth St. from in Edina-Morningside Courier M&.x 22 and 29,1952, was read by Clerk, appFoved as to form, and ordered placed on file. Engineer Ititchell presented two Estimates of Cost, both including Stabilized. Base. The first estimate, with this pro ject feet, for $3.2& per assessable foot;. . the second estimate, taking into consider- totalled @5,053-.63 as against 1,604.05 assessable feet,. for $3.15 per assessable foot. c decrease cost of later blacktopping .job. Theke were no objections to the project, but one owner asked that specifications be,changed so that none of stabilized base is lost through underground construction. Engineer MLtchell recommended that street be graded as soon as water main is in, and some gravel added at that time, Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: St.Johns Avenue to a point 135 Ft. E. plf t Fairfax Avenue. Affidavit of Publication c as an independent pro jecs, totaLLeh'$5,262.51 as against 1,60.4,05 assessable ' ation the possible use of excess dirt from the Fairfax Blacktopping project, ' Engineer Ititchell Bxplained that the stabilized base at this the will .. r 1 C -c - r .. 6/9/52 @XJOWPTION ORDERING SNPROTIEEIIENT Sm 11EROK3" N0.C-23 BE IT IBSOLVED by the Council of the Village of 'Edina, Iinnesota, that this Oo~cil heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published'on the prbposed improvement consisting of the Grad-ing and Gravelling of St,Johns Avenue between Vo59th and IL60th Streets, and of~t.TO6Oth Street from StoJohns Avenue to a point -135 feet more or less East of FairfaxAvenue, and at the-hearing held at the time and place speci- fied in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being Ally advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construetion of said improvement; tha% said improvement is hereby designated and shall b& referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Street hprove- men% No, C-23, and the*area to be specially assessed therefor shall Qclude all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in wMch said improvement is to be constructed, Notion for adoption of- the Resolution was d on RoXLcsiU there were three ayes and nonays-as foUorcs: aye; and the Resolutiob was adopted, . - 71 - -. ,L Village Clerk' Hawthorne offered the folloprink Resolution and mved its adoption: 'RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AM> SPECIZ~'ICA!~I~~NS 1 C .FOR ??~O~~~- NOT 623, .-@I JWCTTPJG . ADTEXLTIS&m FOR BIDS'. . .. .. BE- IT RESOLVED by the Village Council ,of-the Village-*of .E@na: ~ prepared by the Village Engineer bd now on file in the office' of .the Village Clerk are hereby approved. - and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the construction of said improvement: - . 12. *The plans and specifications for Street Improvement No, C-23 heretofore . 20 The Clerk shall. cause to be published twice in the Edina-Horningsikle Courier ADVER!'i'BB*W FOR BIBS FOR STRZE2. ~~OVEUENT. NO.G-23 The Edina ViuBge Council @?,l .meet-at the Yiuage Ha, 4801 ?-T.gth St,, Eonday, July ut, 1952, at 7:30 P.&, to open and consider sealed bids for constmc- tion of Tillage Street linprovement No, C-23 consisting of Grading and Gravelling of St.Jobns Avenue from K53th to tL6Oth Street and of %?.both Street from St.Johns' Avenue to a pdkt 135 feet mor<.& less 'East of Fairfax Avenue. for said igprovement on file in office of Village Clerk. Bids must be submitted on basis of cash payment for work. No bids rdll be considered unless sealed and filed withimdersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by cashdeposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to Village Clerk h amount of Ten'percent of amount of bid, %?ark mst be done as described-and specified in plans and sp"e&ications BY ORDE& OF %lZC&E COUNCIL, * .,- - - .-- . - Bower, Hawthorne, Clerk 3. Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby adopted as the terns and conditions of award &tion for adoption of the Resolution was sec were three ayes and no nays, as follows: the Resolution was adoptled, . D 1 Public Hearing ks held on proposed Grading and Gravelling of the North-South Alley between Zenith and Abbott Avenues and betvGen IT, 58th and N. 59th Streets, - pffidavit of Publication in Edina-14brningside CouTier, Max 22 and 29,. 1952, was read by Clerk, approved as to form and qrdered placed on fi&e. Engineer p.fitchell re,ad his Estktte of Cos-t, in total amount of $626.13 as against 1,193 sssessable feet, for s.53 per assessable foot, D$scussion,vras had as to proposed grade, with Eft?-, Joe, 5801 Abbott Avenue maintaining.that the proposed grade rmuld damage his propefiy b~ create* a ,drainage problem for him. Hawthorne's mot-ion, for continuance of Hearing to Bfondw, &me 23, for further study of drainage problem byvillage Engineer, was seconded by Danens and carried. Hayor Erickson announced next Public Hearing to be on proposed Grading, Gravelling and 0-g of Pork Avenue between TL59th and "H.60th Streets. Affidavi% of' Publication for Itotike of Hearing in Edina-Ibrrxkgside Courier MW 22 and 29, 1952, was read bY clerk, approved as to form, and ordered placed on file. Engineer I&tchell*s alternate Estimates of Cost were read - I,- Using Oil Stabilization, #4,584030 as against t . . u58.93 assessatif2 feet, for $3.96 per assessable foot, 2.- Using ?later Stabilization, .- e. 6/9/52 107 g261.81 as against ll58,93 assessable feet, or $2.81 per assessable foot, Mr. Wtchell stated that he very heartily recommends the Oil Stabilization in preference to the water treated stabilization, -among the ten property omers present, who agreedthat they prefer the Oil Stabilization. Trustee Bredesen arrived during above discussion. Hawthorne offeredthe following Resolution and moved its adoption: .RESOLUTION ORDERING lNPRClWQENT 2ZIBEEX. I2uIpRovEMENT NO. E25 . BE IT RESOLVIXl by the Co~cil of- the Village of Edina, Ennesota, that this, Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improvement consisting of Grading,-Gravelling and Oiling of York Avenue between lL59th and W.6Oth Streets, and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in sa&d notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts doss hereby determine to proceed w;ith..themnstrction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shallcbe referred to in all subsequent proceedings as-Street Improvement No, C-25, and the-area to be specially . assessedtherefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and . fronting upon the streets-in which said improvement is to be constructed. . * Discussion was had on the floor, Motion for adoption of there were four ayes Hawthorne, aye; and f - Village Clerk' Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPRWING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. . ADVERTISBW FOR BIDS . .. .-lo .The plans and specifications for Street Iraprovement No, C-25 2, The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edina- I FOR- SmT ~0VXl~- NO? E25-m. RWCTING BE IT RESOLVED by the.Village Coxqcil of,the.Di&lage of idina: - . - heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and-now on.file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved, Morningside Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the construction of-said-improvement: - ADVZRTBEMENT.FOR BIDS STEEZZ IMPRO%"T N0a.C-2 The Edina Village Covqci1,~jJ"meet at the Vizlage Hall; 4601 W.5Oth Street, Nonday, July l.4, 1952, at 7:30 PJL, to open and consider sea;led.-bids for construction.of Village Street Bprovement No. C-25 consisting of Grading, Gravelling and Oiling of York Avenue between W.59th -and W.60th Streets. fications for said improvement on file in office of Village Clerk, be submitted on basis of cash payment for work. unless sealed and filed with undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to Vilhge Clerk in amount of Ten percent of amount of bid. BY (IRDEB OF V-GE COUNCIL, * .--_. ._ Bower Hawthorne, Clerk c 3. Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertiswent for bids are hereby adopted as the.termns and conditions of award of the contract for said improvement. Motion for adoption of the Resolution on Rollcall , there were four ayes and no--nays, as Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; an I The work must be done as described and specifi-ed in plans and speci- Bids must No bids will be considered t VilUge Clerk Public Hearing on Proposed Curb and Gutter in Dalrymple Avenue between Southview Lane and Lakeview Drive. Eorningside Courier lhy 22-and 29, 1952, was read by Clerk, approved as to fom, anti ordered placed on file. $3,6f+5.00 as against 1,476, %-assessable feet, for $2.47 per assessable foot. There were no-objections fromthe floor, and the Clerk had received no written objections prior to the Meeting, Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: - f Affidavit of Publication for Notice of Hearing in Edina- Engineer Nitchell read his Estimate of Cost as 6/9/52 _. - 108 Ri3SOLUTION ORDERING 35*IF'ROVE?iENT r STm DPROVEEENT. N0.B-I2 BE IT Rl3OLVED by the Council of the Village of.Edina, 'ltinnesota, that this Counci 'heretofore-caused notice of hearink to be ,duly published on the proposed inprove- Dent consisting of Construction of Standard Village Curb and Gutter in Dalrymple Avenue between southview. Lape and Lakeview Drive, and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the.Counci1 has duly considered the views of all persons interest;ed, and b_eing fully advised of the pertinent facts. does hereby determine to proceed with thb construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and'shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Street hprovement No.~%U, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shaU wclude.alllots and tracts of land abutting and-fronting upon the streets in which said improvement is to' be constructed. - 7. .1 EQtion. f or, adoption of the Resolution there were four ayes and no--nays, as fo Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the R * I Village .Clerk' &.nager lh.tfchell recommended delaying Advertiseihent- for Bids for this project until fall of this y&, to provide for settlement of street after construction in this swampy area. Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOUPTION APJ?ROV"G PLANS AND SPECIE'ICIITIONS WR STIZEET 2.!I?@9BW..*NO~ E73._QQ. RI@CrING . . ADVERTISEI*iENT.FOR BIDS.. 1- BE 33' RES0LVE;D by the V&age Cotqci&.pf _the Yillage.of Edina: - . . l-?. ,The -plans and specifications for Street hprovement No. E-12 heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and-now on.file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. Courier and-the Construction Bulletin the follmdng notice for bids ?or the con- struction of said improvemento 2. .The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edina-3rorningis!3.de ATIVERTISBfEblT FOR BIDS . - Sm ~OVB~ N0.B-12 The Edina Village Council .meet 3t the -Village Ha, 4.601 W. 50th Street, Efonday, September 8, 1952,. at 7t30 P.M., to open and .consider se-gled bids for construction-of Village Street hprovemp-rb No. B-12, consisting of Construction of -Standard Village Curb and_Gutter.in Dalrpnple Avenue between Southview Lane and Iakevip Drive,, for said iggrovement on file QI office of Village Clerk. Bids must be submitted on basis 9f cash payment for imrk, No bids rdll be considered unless sealed and filed with undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or cGrt5fied check payable to Village Clerk in mount of Ten percent of - Mork must be done as described and specified plans &d specifications amount .of. bid. .- BY OXDER OF VILT;Ac;E COUNCIL. A -. - - -. . . .-- ._ Bower Hawthorne, Clerk 3. Each and dLl'of the temq of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby adopted as the tern &nd conditions of award of the contract for said improve- ment. Xotion for adoption of the Resolution was s were four ayes and no nays,.-as follows: B and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution ps ;n Rollcall there I &or Er&kson next announced the combination Public Hearing and Taking of Bids on the Grading and Gravelling of Edinbrook Addition Streets and Westbrook Lane, Affidavits of Publication for Advertisement of Bids in Edina-l-?orningside Co&*er and Construction Bulletin Hay 22 and 29, 1952, and for tfNotice of Hearing,11 in - Edina-Norningside. Courier Iby 22 and 29, 1952, were read, approved. as to form, and ordered placed on file. Xayor Erickson-gtnnounped that, in this case, bids would be opened before formal public hearing, to give audienceb benefit of actual costs. Clerk publicly opened and pead the. following bids, w@ch ?ere the only bids -t received% The Zpgineer*s*Estimate of Cost, -in amount of 86,975.83 for, construction, plus $718.07 for Engineering-and Clerical Sevices, for a total of $9,693.90 as against 3,679.80 assessable feet, for $2.63 per assessable foot, was then read; inasmuch as this is comparative with bid of low bidder. There was a large delegation of affected property ovmers present, but their aentiment vas in favor of the project providing they can have an oil coat immediately upon its completion. No written objections had been received prioer to the Hearing. Terry &os. Incorporated,St.louis Park @0,155.88 Pfeiffer Construction Coo, Edina I 8 9,318.90 - Hawbhorne offered the following Resolution 6/9/52 and moved its adoption: RESOiX'lION ORDEKING IXPROVEXEXf!. 3- IMPEOVEXEXP.NO,.C-26 . BE IT WOLVBI by the CouqciJ. of .the Village of Edina, TJEnnesota, that th$s Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improvement consisting of Grading and Gravelling of All Streets in Edinbrook Addition and of Westbrodk Lane, and at the hearing held at the time and place . specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interesf;ed, and being-fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby detemine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and'shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Street Improvement No, C-26, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said improvement is to be constructed. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was there were four ayes and no--nays, as follo Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Hawbhorne then offered the following Resolution and' moved its adoption; IzE;sOLTJTION APPROVING PLANS ADID SPECIFICATIONS FOR-S!RE@! m&=x-Not IE-2~AR. COPmG , .ADVERTISwT FOR BIDS. -. . BE IT -REsOLvEDby the Village .Cougcil of -the. Vwage of Edina: . ..l-* _The plans and specifications for Street Improvement No. C-26 heretofore prepared by the Village Ensneer and-now on'file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. . 2, Action of Clerk in causing to be published twice in the Edina- Morningside Courier and the Construction Bulletin the followirig notice for bids forthe construction of-said improvement is hereby approved and- confirmed: WING AND E@AQTLjXGEDrrJBROOK.@DTTION AND , ADVXRTBmNT FOR BIDS - . P%STBROOK LBNE - . .... . The Edina Village .CouncQ yil& meet at the Village Hall, 4801 W. 90th Street, sfonday, -Jye @ 1952, at 7t30 P.B., to open and consider sealed bids for the Grading and Gravelling of a&L streets in Edinbrook Addition and of Westbrook Lane. fications for said improvement on file in office of Village Clerk, be submitted on basis of cash payment for work. No bids will be considered unless sea3ed and filed with undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposis, bid bond, or certified check payable to Village Clerk in amount of Ten percent of amount of bid. BY ORDER OF VILLAm COUNCIL, 3. Each and all-of the terms of the foregoing advertis9en-b for bids - Work must be done as described and specified in plans and speci- Bids must - .I- .- Bower Hawthorne, Clerk. are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions. of award of the contract for said improvement. '6 Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens and Erickson, aye: and the Resolution were four ayes and no nays,-.as follows: Rollcall there e; Ijawthorne, aye; aye; Dy+F .. I n 1, .I r Village Clerk . . ... . Nayor Erickson then called for motion on bids for above named project taken this evening. Company at bid price of $9,11&%, and that-Mayor and Clerk be authorized to enterahto contract with.Company in name of Village, was seconded br Bredesen Hawthornels motion, that bid be awarded to Pfeiffer Construction and carried. -e Mayor Erickson announced that Coimcil would take bids and hold public hearing on Proposed Blacktopping of Fairfax Avenue between W.59th and W.6Oth Streets. Affidavit of. Publication for,"&vertisemen$ of Bids!' in Edina-Rorningside Courier and in Construction Bulletin,,on May 22 and 29,. 1852, was read, approved as to form, and ordered .placed on file,. as was Affidavit of Publication for "Notice of Hearing," in ma-Morningside Courier on Mhy 22 and 29, 1952. Mayor Brickson called for bids on the project.- The Clerk announced that no bids had been received. The Engineer's Estimates of Cost - 1. Using Oil Stabilization, $5,586.75 as against 1,lq.a assessable feet, for $4.65, and - 2. Using Water Stabilization, $4,755.15 as against 1,197.N assessable feet, for $3.97 per assessable foot - were read. M2, 3Etchell explained that he recommends Oil Stabilirration; that k 9 i 6/9/52 according to Twin City.Testing Laboratories, which has made test holes in the street, there. is very little base there at the present time. A pol3 vas taken of the property ovmers in the audience, who decided for Oil. Stabilization. Hawthorne offered the follovdng Resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLVZD by the Council-of the.Vj.llage of .Edina, Ninnesota, that this Counci&, heretofore caused notice of hearing tobe duly published on the proposed improvement consisting of the Blacktopping of Fai3;fax Avenue between IL59th and W,6Oth Streets, and at the hearing held at the-time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent'faets does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated . and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Street Improvement No. A-38, and the area to be specially assessed#therefor shall include all lots . RESOLUTION QRDERING IElJ?€iO~*!&J! sm ~PROV~E~.NO.A-~~ . and tracts ment is to Hotion for there were Hawthorne, of land abutting ani frontbg upon the streets in which said improve- be constructed. adoption of the Resolution As seconded by Dane , and on RoLlcaU four ayes &d no-nays, as follows* aye; and Erickson, aye; and the &.%%Fd&optedq e; Danens, ,.aye; Hawthorne then offered the following Resolution and moved its .adoption= . RESOLUTION APPR-VING PLANS AID SPECEICATIONS FOR STREET D*~OTEl4R'@'- NO. A-38 ,&'Q. COpXfNQG . . BDTTERTISENE~FORB3J>S -. . .. - ]BE IT lXESOLvED by the Village .CoqncQ, ox the.Village .of Edina: . . . 12,. -The plans and specifications for Street Znprovement No, E-38 heretofore prepared by the Village Xngineer and-now on.file in the office of the V'age Clerk are hereby approved. 2, The Clerk's action in causing to be published twice in the Edina- 14orningside Courier and.the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids forthe construction of said improvement are hereby approved and confirmed: . 7 ADVERTIS@ENT FOR BIDS BLQCICITOPPING 0 .FAIRFAX AVE,, X. 59TH TO V.60TH ST. The Edina Village Counc&l VKU meet at the Village 4801 W.5Oth Street, Xonday, June 3, 1952, at 7t30 P.T.I., to open and consider sealed-bids for improvement of Fairfax Avenue between W.59th and N.6Oth Streets by construc- tion of Blacktop surfacing therein. for said hprovement on file in office of XKLlage Clerk, Bids must be submitted on basis of cash payment for imk. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to Village Clerk in amount of Ten percent of amount of bid. It . Work must be done as desdribed &d specified in plans and specifications BY OIZDER OF VI== COUNDIL. 3. - .. . -Bower Hawthorne, Clerk && and all of ihe'tems of the foregoing advertisa&t for bids are hereby adopted*as the terns and conditions of award of the contract for said hprovement , aye; and Erickson, aye; and r Hawthorne's motion, that Council re-advertisement bids to be taken IiZOnday, June 23, 1952, for .the above ~amed project, Street Improvement No. A-38, r.ms,seconded br Bredesen and carried. 3Zyor Erickson announced that Fublic Hearings would be held on bsessments for the Cost of Construction of Improvgnents, as set forth in "Notice of Hearings on Assessnents for 15, 1952, Affidavit of Publication for which Notice was read, approved as to fom and ordered Jplaced on file. Pjlitchell. presented his Analyses of..Assessments an the follor.ring projecds, and action was taken, as follows: appearing in Edina-Norningside Courier l~ky 8 and Pursuarb to said Notice of Hearing, mheer I I I ASSESSMENTS FOR: 6/9/52 Street Itnprovement No. &-12--BUCKTOPPING OF KVTH STREST EETHEXN BW . AND 3?RANCZ AVENUES: . .Total. Assessment, $3,896.44; -Assessable Feet, 2,201.38; Cost -Rer Assessable Foot, &??a There were no objections to the assessment, and no wrkkten objection had been received by Clerk prior to Hearingr Street Improvement No, &Q--BUCKTOPPING OF YO= A'IT"r?lMJE BEX" Wd56TH AID .%57TH STmS: . ,Total. Asskswent, $2,3@*91; Assessable Feet, 2,407.99; Cost per, Assessable Foot, $9.99. ma Bachhn,3121 W.56th Street, complained of a hole in the street aad asked that it be*repaired, 4 There were no objections to the'assessment, however, dnii'no wL.it;ten70bJecti.ons had been receZved by the Clerk prior to the Hearing, ' i , Street hwovement .No. A-l&BLkCIEOPPXNG OF aBBOTT Am 4 B%TIILEEN I?. 57TH Cos't per. Assessable Fbot, $loO?m and no written, objections had, been, received prior to the Hearing, , Assessmer&, $l,O@,66; Assessable Feet,, 1,200.73; .Cost- per Assessable Foot, &90. Several persons objected to-condition of. alJey, stating that there is no gpavelon it, that it is extremely sandy and almost impassable in wet weather. Hawthornet's 'motion, %hat %his as-sessment be deferred, and that Bngineer b& directed to study conditions and make recommendations for further improvement of alley, was seconded by Danens and carried. Street bwovement No. B-3--CuRB AND GUTTEEt IN HALIFBX AYENUS, FROPI EXISTDIG - CURB BND GUTTER IN .WIJ?m Am:TO W.S&TH Sm: - Total-Assessment, , @?,&!.fO; Assessable- Fee$, - 1,028.k.; Cost. per. &sssssable Foot, $2.56, There were no objections to the assessment, and no written objections had been received prior to the Hearing, Street Znprovement No. %.5--CURB AND GUT!EB IN SOUTH SIDE OF %.54TR Sm : .FROX FRANCE ,dVENtB .TO,.BUED. Am: . Tota.Assessment, '$2,7%.59; - .- . Assessable Feet, &,l&6;..cost *per+Assessable Foot, $2.47. , ~ I c e- AND TL58TH STREZTS: Total BSsessme~t, $1,3&38; Assessable .Feet, 1,258.3; There:+tere no ob jections to ,the assessment, Street- Jkprovement Nom C-ULGRADING AND GRASBXXLXNG OF ALIXY EE3XEEN BEDFORD - AND OXFORD AmNUE3-@ ,BEXtB3@J3o551ST .ST@ZT-A"D' IN'EE~CAcHEN BLWZ . Total, - There were - no objpctions to the asseSsment, anc&tno written objections had been , ). received priorLto the Heaking. OL' -1 .' Street hrmmment No. B-7--CmZB .AIW GU"k IN BEARZ, AVEIJUE BlEHEE3 .W. 58TH AND I?, 59TH STREZTSs _Tc$ial Assessment, $3,Q48.96; Assessable Feet, ?.,224.48; .Cost per-Agsessable Foot, $2.49. the assessmen,t;, and-no written-objections had been receiSed prior to the Hear$ng. There were no objectims to .~ Hawthorne offer& the fol&i~g Rbsolu%ibn and mov&l ibs adoption: ' ' J ~oLUTIO$ AQOfirWG AND CONFIRmNG . SmT IMpRot~s~$os, A:l2,A4i,A:le . " ass%&- '-- :-. - .. . _). ..: . . I . , .B-3; l3-5, ,AM) 33-7 B m.RES0LvED by the Village .Council of .the Village of Edina, mesota, as folLows: - 1, It is heGeby'foGd, deteermined and Declared that the proposed assessments for STREET IMPROTI'EEIWS NOS. A-12, A++, &-18, '8-3, B-5, and B-7, and each of ,the, have .be,eG pgoperly- calculated in accordance with the provisions. of Nimesota Statutes Section 412.4.4.l; that notice has been duly published, as rewired by law, that this CokciX would meet to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to amend said proposed assessments as might be necessary, and to adopt the same by resolution; that said proposed assessments have at all tbes since their filing been open for public inspection, and. opportunity has been given to a11 interested persoris'to present .their objections; and that each of the lots, pieces and parcels of land enumerated in the respective assessments was and is speciallybenefited by the constmc- ' tion of the improvements for which.such assessment is levied in the amount set opposite'the descrip!ion of each such lot, piece and. parcel of land, respectively, 2. The ynounts so sei, out are hereby levied against the respective lots, pieces and parcels of land described in said respective assessments,and said proposed assessments are hereby adopted and confirmed as the proper special assessments for said improvements respectively. against each lot, tract or parcel, together with the interest accruing on the full amount thereof from time to twe unpaid, at the rate of, five percent per annum from the date of this resolutgon, shall be' a lfen concurrent with 213~~WS NOS,, A-12, A-U, &le, B-3, B-5, B-7, shall be payable .& equal anpual inst$llments extendhg over a period of:five years, the first of said installments, together with interest; on tlrie entire assessment "from the date hereof to August 15, 1953, to be payable with general taxes for the rear 1952, an& one of the remabxhg instaXQnents, with one year's interest on that and all subsequent installments, to be payable with general taxes for the years 1953, 1954, 195% and 1956," - collectible in the respective *ensuing years. The assessment genera taxes upon.,the. property described therein and all thereof. 3. The tot* mount of each of the assessments entitled STIEEEZ" F 6/9/52 4, Prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, the 3.12 , owner of any lot, piece or paqcel of land assessed gay pay the $Thole of such assessmqnt or any instaeqt thereof without interest %o the Village Treasurer and thereafter such payment may be made with accrued interest, to the County Treasurer; provided that if ang. assessments 05 fndtallments thereof be-prepaid to the Village Treasurer, he shall promptly notify the Village Clerk and County Auditor, and. the assessment,or @st+Lment so prepaid &tll be cancelled on the books of the County&ditor. County Auditor. a certified duplicate. of said assessments, with each then unpaid instdllment and interest set forth separately, to be extended upon the proper tax lists ofthe County, and the County Auditmr sh@ thereafter cause said assessments to be, collected in the manner-prpvidpd by law, Said d6pUcates shall be designated as the tlAssessment Rous for Street Znprov~ents-Ros. A-l2, A-I&, A-18, B-3, B-5, and B-7, -respectively, and all amounts collecbed in respect of the assessments therein conkined shall be similarly designated by-the County Treasurer and - remitted. to the Village Treasurer and by him credkted to the Sinking Fund Accounts \ 5. -The Clerk shall, as sook as ky-be, prepare and transmit to the : - as follows: Street Znprovqent No, 'k-12' - To the Sinking Fund Ssccotmt of the193 First Series Improvement Wd, rc Street Improvements Nos. A-l.4, b?, 63, B-5,!'&7,' - To the Sinking &d - Account of the 19% Second Series hprovement Fund.. -* 4 Itr. Peder Eckelsen reqnested report from Councfi 2s ti> his petition for Rezoning, ment of the property. Hawthorne's motion, _&hat public hearing be held Nonday, June 23, 1952, a€ 7:30 P.&, on rezoning petition, wa3 seconded by Danens and 1%. Xoe, '5801 Abbotf Avenue, again requested that he be allowed to construct his garage in violation of the setback provision of the Zoning Ordinance, After some discussion Nr. Hoe stated that he is vWg to sek Ps garage as far back as txelve feet from the lot line. Hk. ELtcheU. and Nr. Voehler recommended against deviation fromthe Ordinaqce, because of possibXl$ty of estabklshig precedent,. Hawthorne's motion, that permit be &anted for garage to be set back twelve feet from lot line, .vas seconded by Dmens hdca2ried. which has been on file for many months. Council reviewed his plan for develop "C carried. * YL -. . Hessrs. 3eub and Eiladson presented plan for subdivision of Lot 2, Block 4, Sunny- slope Sect5.on.of Comtry.Glub District. They reqqested pmnission to suwvide this very large lot into two p&cels. Planning Commission(s recommendation of June 4th, in favor of subdivision, was getiiewed.. Havthorne's motion, that- public hearing on proposed subdivision be set for Hbnday, June 23; was seconded by Danens and carried. 3k. Jacobs of Virginia Avenue Addition requested information as to the cost of water mains, in connection wtth the Addition, and also with reference to the trunk rnain proposed to be construct@ by the developers of the Addition. Nr. fEtchell presented a detailed Estimate of .Cost, as follovs: The Tot& Cost of a TrunkJlater r;;lain in Concord Avenue from the North- Property Line of. Grade School e-operty to S,6?r~d Street bd in Valley View Road from Concord Avenue to Pa,rne~..A.enue would be 828,921.19, This would be the direct cost to the Vir- Avenue Developers. ,Of this amount, $&$,056.12 would be returned to owners of main,v%% a connection charge for-hteral 1-kins made to properties abutting the trunk main (and therefore receiving la-beral service therefrom) at such times as such abutting properties are connected to said trunk line; this connection charge to abutting properties behg S2.G per front foot. The balance of &U,86!j00i' would be paid by assessments made against properties shown by served by lateral water nabs; this %runk charge being about 5.60; with the exception that abutting properties will also pay a trunk charge of 8.60 as soon as they are connected to trunk water main. 1-k. Jadobs asked permission to study the matter fufiher. He also requested information as to sewer for the addition, and Engineer Eitchell tms asked to review the swer project again. 31essrs. Jack Bora and JOT. KirIuand requested relief for bad drainage situation at Bance Avenue and 60th Street, $6,139.00 for stom sewer constmct~ion.- Nessrs. Bora and Itirkland stated that *lBoran*s Edina Planor" TU be glad to pay its share of, the cost, but that they do not .believe it should stand the entire cost of construction inasmuch as it trill benefit a large area East of France Avenue, Hawthorne's motion, Hitchell at such the as these properties were ' PE,tchesL presented an estimate of Y 6/9/52 llf Village Engineer be directed to study drainage in the area of Boran's Edina Manor, and to make preliminary studiea for a Storm Sewer District in this general area, was seconded by Bredesen and carried, Mr. Kirkland requested immediate grading and gravelling of 'W.58th Street, Manager Mitchellfs estimate of cost required to make this street passable was $150 t0-$200. - additional grading and gravelling requested, and directed to keep the cost thereof for addition to special. assessment project, was seconded by Byedesen and 8 carried, - Mr; KiNand inquired abbut proposed work on the parksat 57th and Chowen, ltr, atchell advised him and the Council that it is expected that work on this &Si Delaney, Clerk-of Cahill School District No, 16, requested infokation as to Council's approval of Hennepin Countyts plans for service road for Cahill School, stating that architect cwot complete plans for School Addition until approval'is granted, Mr. Nitchellts recommendation for approval-of street plans was made. Hawthorne-t s motion, that Council approve Hennepint Countyt s plans for Cahill School service road, was seconded byDanens and carried. Bo +Lloyd C, White, 5420 Woodcrest Drive, owner of Lot 5, B&ock-2, Xinhehahs Woods Addition, requesteg relief frsm proposed assessment for the Blacktopping of Dever 'Drive, He explained that theeforty feet which he ovms abutting Dever Drive is at the back of his lot; that he cannot subdivide the lot for cony struction of a house facing Dever Drive; that he has his-garage entrance at the fkont of the lot; that the Blacktopping of Dever Drive is of no benefit whatsoever to him, Hawthorne's. motion, that it .is the sense of this Council that the Blacktopping of Dever Drive does not benefit Lot 5, Block 2, Ninnehaha Woods Addition, and that the record shall so show in the assessment roll. Motion.seconded by Bredesen and carried, Petitioh -was presented for the Ofling .of Oaklam Avenue between W.61st and W.62nd Streets. set for+Monday, July 14, 1952, and that Village Engineer be directed to make study of dust situation( and to apply dustcoat,,of ,oil under his emergency powers, if he.deems it necessary so fo do, ids seconded by Danens and carried. Dr. Harry Hall, 4902 W,LakeviewDrive, complahed-of a crushed culvert which is causing. water to back up int0.hi.s yard, for action on this matter. Mr, Hoe, 5801 Abbott Avenue, inquired about petition for Stop Signs at 93th Street and Abbott Avenue. Hawthorne's motion,-that petition be referred to Village Manager and Captainof Police for recommenda%ions, and that Nt?, Hoe be notified of Council aci;ion on this matter, was seconded by Bredesen and carried, Inquiry was made as to status of Petition for' the Oiling of W,58th Street between Abbott and Zenith Avenues. accepted-and Public Hearing 'thereon set for Nonday, July U, 1952, was seconded by Danens and. carried. Petition was presented for the Vacation ofthat Alley lying between Beard and Abbott Avenues and between W. 56th and W. 57th Streets, bearing signatures af fifty-one percent of owners--of abutting propefiies. the Ab%ott Avenue property owners objecting to vacation, cited a Statute giving Vacation jurisdiction in platted property to the District Court rather than to municipal governing bodies. calling a public hearing on petition for vacation-be referred to Village Attorney for opinion, was seconded by Bredesen and carried, FE. E, C. Stow asked permission to file Final Plat of Qrookview Heights" in three par%s. Permission granted by*comman consent of Council, requested construction of well and mains for this Subdivision. was referred to Manager Niixhell for study and estete of cost.. &n,ager Etchell. presenked Preliminary Plak of JOG Blomberg * s it Colonial Grove 4th Addition, together with Planning Commission's June 4th mmmmendation for approval,; of same. Hawthorneqs motion, .%hat Preliminary Plat be approved *.* according-to Planning Commission recommendations, was sesonded by Bredesen and carried. . ViUage Attorney Whdhorst recommended the appoLtment of Mr. Trving C, Iverson, 4.910 Arden Avenue,. to-the-position of Assistant Village Attorney, to succeed Assistant Village At%orney to,.succeed &, F3urris, .at $50.00 per month, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. *- i . Hawt;hornefs motion, that Engineer be authorized to do the - ' ' 'project T&PI*be started this week. / * * Hawthorne's motion, that -'petition be accepted and Hearing be He was requested to Village Engineer ' t Hawthorne's motion, that.petition be A Mr, Green, Attorney for Hawthorne's motion, .that matter of -8. He then - This matter .v Donald Burris. kvirthornefs motion, that I@. Lverson-be appointed as 6/9/52 Xr. 1.litchel.l reviewed Planning Cormni@onts June 4th discussion regardihg ewansion of Gravel Pits in the Village. _He vas asked .by Attorney Ifindhorst to prepare a . . histoqr of. gravel pit operations, as basis for work by attorney, %ti?, Windhorst presented offer of Our Lady of Grace Church to sell $certain properties between Eden Avenue, Normandale Road,,and 8.50th Street to the Village for $25,000, He revieyed at some length the stipulation-s contawed in the offer of sale,, Haidhornets motion, that property set forth in offer of Our Lady ofaGrace Church be purchased by Village of Edina for $25,000, and that EIayor-and Clerk be authorized toesign. purchase agrement, was seconded by Bredesen and Unanimously carried, Discussion was had as to the financing of the.new waiier tank and tovmr. Hawthorne*s motion, that Village Nanager be directedto prepare schedule of water rates increases intime for Council. action on increase for October 1, 1992 billing, Notion seconded by &edesen and carried, I &riager IEtcheKL presented to the Council severdl new $mprovement petitions, together with his recommendations on same, as follows: Petition for the GravellinE of All Streets in Bora's Edina l&or--signed by . ovmers of 92.55 of abutting prope6ies.' Recommendation - Public Hearing for J~Y Uj1952. - Petition for Blacktopping - All Streits in'*Edina Bel-Air 2nh Addition-sibed by ~ owners of 100% of abutting.properties. Recommendation - That petition be Petition for Bhcktoppin.q -All Streets in Colonial Grove Third AdcEtion-signed - by owners of 80% per abuttjag properties. - .Recommendation - Th'at petition be .I accepted but Ifublic Bearing on same be delayed until streets &re graded through. accepted but that Public Hearing on sFe be-.delayed until sebtlement of streets after underground construction.^ vi& tT.59th Street, from Abbott Avenue.--signed by ogers of 75% of abutking properties. Petition for- Sanitary Sewer in W. 54th Street Halifax to France Avenu*-signed by owners of over 50% of abutting prope@ieS. Recommendation - bblic.Hearing ** Recomeadation - Public.Hearing for July l4. for July W, 1952. -* Petition for Sanitary Sewer 5x1 '1'?',bEH;h Street, Tames Road to France Avenue-signed .by owners. of 42% of abutting .groperties. . .Recommendation -Public .Hearing for Petition for Water 3W.n fn Bmokview Avenue between W, 5&h and If. 59th Streets,-- - signed by os-ers of 54% of abutting-properties. Recommendation - Public.- . Hearing for July l.4, 19520 1-Iot5on by Hawthorne that Council accept Manager' s re&mmendations and-act accord- ingly, scheduling July Uth Public Hearings as hereinbefore recommended, was seconded by Bredesen and carried, Purchase of a pulvirizer was discussed at some length, with llanager E.Litche2.I recommending purchase as quickly as possible 5.n order to expedite necessary blacktopping repairs. Havhhorne~ s motion, that Council advertise for b'ids to be taken June 23, 1952, on a pulvirizing machine, was seconded by Danens and carried. . In line with authorization previously given by the Councq, Wnager %Etchell reported that he had screened severalapplicants for the position of Assistant Village Engineer, and recommends employment of Nr. Joe Zikan, at a salary of introduced applicant, who w8s internewed by, Council. Hawthorne's motion, for enployment of 1.k. !&kar$ as Assistant Village Engineer, at s&ary.of $450~00 per month, was secqrided by Danens and .carried. . . $&50+00 per month, with salary increas?s to 8500.qO .per-month mx&num. He Clerk read resignation'of t.Tilliam V, Hoffmaz; from Police Department, said resignation to take "effect -June 16,1952. accepted with regrets, was seconded by Bredesen and..carried, Hairkhornel s motion, that resignation be 1-fro 14itcheU reviewed for the Council several old petitions, projects 'which have been approved but for which no bids have been taken, etc., with recommendations and Council action as set forth below: BLACICTOPPING OF KENT PLACE - Petition received a year ago, together vrith petLtLop, f or Blacktopping of.Jlindsor Avenue. ask for petition for grading,--gravelling and o:mg, inasmuch as sanitary Recommendztion - That Council sewer construction is about to beghi and, also3 conStruction of storm sewer is imminent. Action by Council - Hawthorne's motion, that hgheerls recommendation by accepted, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. -. Recommendation- - That. Council delay- -€ubv-c Hearing qn%il after Public Hearing on petition for Grading and Graveug in same street, Hawthorne! s motion, that Engineer's recommendation be accepted, was seconded by 3redesen and carried. v .. BLACmOPPmG OF BBWKVIEY AIIEN'UE BETI.IEEpT 'W.62ND AND TL64TH STREX?S. Action by Council - 115 6/9f 52 BLACKTOPPING OF PmDOD KNOLIS 2ND ADDITION - Petition filed and public hearing held April. 21, .1952.- Recomendation - That Council approve project and advertise for bids for sane. Action by Council - Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ORD-G DPROlUBFNI! S- I1UIPROVElWT.NOo A-39 BE IT FLESOLVED by the Counc&of ..the .Village. of Edina, hesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hewing to be duly published-on the proposed improvment consisting of the BlacMopping of a11 Streets in Parkwood Knolls 2nd Addition, andat the hearing held at the time md place specified in said notice-the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent-facts does hereby deternine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that-said improvement is hereby designated &d shall be referred to in cill subsequent proceedings as Street Improvement NO. A-39, .and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all-lots and tracts-of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said improve- ment is to be constructed. - -- ... Hawthorne then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: . -* RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS , , FOR Sm ~4PIJOVEMENT-NOo A-39-m.DIEECTING f * . ADlIERTI3- Fm BIDS .. . BE IT REXOLVED by the VUlage .Council of the Village of Edina: c ..lo *+The plans and specifications for Street Improvement No. A-39 heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on.file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. side Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the construction of said improvement: . 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edina-Norning- , - ADVEEiTISEMENT FOR BIDS WING, QAVELLING AND STABILIZING lgJ23TREETS m.PmIf61looD m0m.m - -- < . ABDITION - - __ ,. The Edina Village Council killmeet at the Village Hall, 4801 W. 9th Streeb, Minneapolis, on Monday, July l.4, 1952, at 7:30 P.K, to open and consider sealed bids for. the Grading, Gravelling and Stabilizing .of all Streets in Parkwood-Knolls 2nd Addition. in the plans and specifications for said improvement on file in the office of the Village Clerk. for the work; No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with under- signed before time of said meeting and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to Village Clerk in mount of Ten percent of amount of bid; The work on said improvement must be done as described and specified All bids must be submitted on the basis of cash pQment BY ORDXR OF TELLAGE COUNCIL. .-- .- Bower Hawthorne, Clerk 3., Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby adoDted as terms and conditions of award of contract for said " .. improvement. Motion for adoption of the Resolutio there were four ayes and no pays, as I e, aye; and qickson, aye; and t CURB AND GUTTER, EtCCNG AVENUE, Wo5'7TH TO IL5fYlH EITREiT, Public Hearing held April 21, -1952, and project approved as Street kprovenent. No. B-9, but bids delayed for drainage easement. Recomendation - Easements now obtained; bids should be taken July a. Action by Council - Bredesen offered the follotvhg Resolution and moved its adoption: . RFBOLUTION pPPROKU?G PLANS AND SPECIFICATIOlIS FOR STREET REROVBENT NO. B-9 AM) DIRl3CTING . BDVERTI- FOR BIDS . .- BE TI' RESOLTED BY THE Village Council of the Village of Edina: 1-16 6/9/52 1. The plans and specifications for Street hprovement No. B-9 hereto- fore prepared by the Village Engineer and now,on file in the office of. the Village Clerk are hereby appmved. 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edina44orningside Courier and the Construction Baletin the followiing notice for bids for the con- struction of said improvempt: I ADVERTISB*EXT FOR BIDS s* -nPRomxENT NO. .B-9 VII;LAGE OF EDINA Streei, Einneapolis, on Nonday, July U, 1952, at 7r30 P.N., to open and consider sealed bids for Street kprovenent No, B-9 in said Village, consisting ofthe construction of Standard Village Curb and Gutter in Er.ring Avenue between t.J.57th and W.58th Streets. the plans and specifications for said improvement on fjle in the office of the Village Clerk. A31 bids must be submitted on the basis of cash payment for the. r.rork. No bids rJiU be considered unless sealed and filed with the undersigned before. time. of said meeting and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to Village Clerk in amount of Ten percent of amount of bid, The Edina Village C0unC;il. will meet. at the Village Hall, 48Ol If. 50th The wrk on said improvement must be done as described and specified in . BY ORDER OF VILLAGE COUNCIL. 3. Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertiseaent for bids I- .. Bower Hawthorne, Clerk are here& adopted as terms and conditions of award of contract for said improve- ment. Hotion for adoption of Resolution. was seconded by Dane~is, were four ayes and no nays, as follom: aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resoluti Rollcall there Village Clerk c SAwM!&Y SEZER AND WIPER NAIN, PHILEBOOK LIANE, petition file& by Gust Johnson, developer, at -time of final plat. of. "Southwoodtl. RecomendaISon- - that Council hold Public Hearing on improvements July fic,, 1952, Action by Council - Hawthornets notion, that Council accept Engineer?s recommendations and schedule Public Hearing on above named improvements for Ifonday, July l.4, 1952, was seconded by Danens and carried. "* 1 IkTER HAIN FOR W.56TH STREET, CODZ TO, HANh RON), public hearing held April 21, 1952, and project approved as Vaternin kprovement No. 45. That bids be taken July l.4, 1952. Action.by Council - Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Recommendation - RESOLIITION APPFLOVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS - FOR VATEX ITAIN DEROVEUEBT NO. b5 AN~.DIRECTING ~JIVEWISQ.BNT.FOR BIDS . ._ BE E kES0Li by the Villake Council. of the Village. of Edina: . 1. The pla& and specifications-for U&bea &in linprovement No.+5 in said Village, consisting of Watermain and appurtenances in W.56th Street from Code Avenue to the West Lot Line of .kt 12, Richmond Hills Third Mdition, heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Villag? Clerk are hereby approved. Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the construction of said improvement: @ I 2, The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the -a-Norningside ADVERTISEMEW FOR BIDS Tfm-m .IbPROVE%ENT .NO.&.5 . VILLAGE0FEDIN.A The Edina Village Council r&ll meet at the Village Hall, 4801 TL5Oth se ed bids for the construction of Vafx firovement N0.45 ~IJ said Village,' Co&e Avenue to Vest Lot Line OX Lot 12, Richqond Hills 'rhird Addition. in %he:plans and specifications for said improvemftnt on file in the office of the Village Clerk. Au, bids must be submitted on the b@s of cash payment for the work. before the time of said meeting and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of Ten percent of the aount of the bid. Street, Nnneapolis, on Nonday, Jdly U, 2, at 7:30 Po&, to open and consider. *ti co 9 >* isting of construction of Tfatem@in and. appurtenances in V.56th Street from * 1,' 4 The work on said*.improsement @st be done as descrided and specif'ied t No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the undersigned BY ORDER OF THZ VILLkGE COUNCU. 3. Each and a13 of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of the award of the contract for said improvement. * ... . .Bower Hawthorne, Clerk. 6/9/52 - 117 Motion for apoption of the Resok%ion there were four ayes and no- nays, as follo Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and th on Rollcall Vilhge Clerk BL4CKTOPPING OF OAKWMN ATE, W.58TH TO S.r,621vD STRJBT, Public Hearing held on 5800 Block, -and. project appoved as Street Improvement- No. A-13, at estimated cost of $1.59 per assessable foot--March 12, 19!jl;Public Hearing held on 6000 Block, and project approved as Street Improvement No. A-27- April 21, 1952, estimated cost of $1.92 per assessable foot. Petitions not yet in on 5900 and 6100 blocks. Recommendation - That, inasmuch as B1ackt;opping specifications have changed, with resultant higher prices, since approval of Street Improvements A-l3 and A-27, and inasmuch as petitions are not in for the other two blocks in this four-block stretch, and inasmuch-as four blocks should be blacktopped at one time providing residents approve, Council should hold Public Hearing on all four blocks, July YC, 1952. Action by Council - Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RZ3OLUTION SETTING STREET XWRO~VIENT -BET@XN %l'a3B€l AND r.r*bZtD STS. T- the'village Coh5L dgsires on.its own motion to improve1 Oaklawn BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that it is WE'1ARING-BLACKRtOPPING. -OF. OAKL@JN Am I I Avenue between t;r.6&b and W.6@1d Streets by Blacktopping, as authorized by Laws 1949, Chapter 119, as -amende@ by Laws 1949, Chapter 30, now therefore, f deemed necessary and expedient to improve Oaklawn Avenue between W.58th' and W.62nd Streets by Blacktoppkng, and that on the Uth day of July, .1952, at Yt30 P.M., this Council will meet at the Village Hall in said Village and w$Il at said time and place hear the parties interested therein in reference to such improvene~t, and will decide whether or not to undertake such improve- ment, in whole or in part. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was there were four ayes and no nays, Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; as Nayor Mayor Erickson called for an amendment to the TubLic Nursing District" Resolution adopted by *he Village Council on January 28 of this year, and Hawthorne offered.the following Resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLYED by the Village CounciLof thevillage of Edina that the reso- lution adopted by the Village Council January 28, 1952, relating to support of Public Health Nursing District of Rural Hennepin County be hereby amended to read as. follows: " ~WHEEtEW: Pursuant to Sections lkO8 and 345.12, 'Ivlinnesota laws of 1949 -as -amended, provisions were made for the establishment of a public health nu;i.sing district in that portion of Hennepin County outside of the City of Kinneapolis. WBEEAS: On January 4, 1952, the representatives of a number of towns, yillages and cities of rural Hennepin County in a meeting at Robbinsdale, Minnesota, established a public health nursing district pursuant to Sections U5.08 and l45.12, laws of 1949 as amended, and proceededto elect a Conrnittee as provided for in this act-to ad- minister the affairs of such DistricL lrNow, therefore, be it resolved by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that'said Village be included in the public health nursing distribt of rural Hennepin County as organized on January 4, 1952, and that it hereby agrees to contribute an apportionment of the cost and expenses incident to the'carrying out of the purposes of said nursing district as authorized by Section l&O8, filinnesota Statutes, equal to its pro rata share thereof-based upon the population of each of the respective political subdivisions included within said nursing dis- trict as determined by the last Federal census, provided that such apportionment shall not.exceed in any one year thirty-seven cents' per capita, and provided further that no liability shall be incurred by the Village of Edina hereunder until two or more of the participating political subdivisions shall have signed an agreement in writing, authorized by their respective governing bodies, providing for the formation of said nursing district, which agreement shall make pro- vision for the apportionment of the cost and expenses of the said RESOLUTION AUTHORI!ZING PARTICIPATION - IN--RIJ€SING DISTRICT . , . I . 6/9/52 district on the.basis of the population of each participating subdivision accorqg to the last Federal census. The total cos+ and expense for which each parti9ipating political subdivision sh&L be liable shall, however, not exceed thirty-seven cents per capita according to said Federal census, WE IT FURTTHER RESOLm that the President and Clerk be authorized to execute& behalf of the Village an agreement in vrriting to be entered into with one or more political subdivisions of Hennepin County authorized to participate in said nursing+district yhich shall provide for the appor- tionment of the cost and expenses incident to the carrying out of its . purposes on the basis of the population of each parti9ipatini subdivision according to the last Federal censusoft 118 \ and Xotion for adoption- of the Resolution wa there ireye four ages and no .nays, as fo aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution AT I Viilage C - Manager Xitcheh reqyested permission to rent a roller from Glenn Johnson Contrad- ing Company, at rental of $50.00 per day, to aid in blacktop repair operations. Hawbhorne's motion, granting permipion for s$d rental, was seconded by Bredesen ad carried. EIazlager Iitchell. reported that an. additional policeman is needed* during swmner months, to substitute for regular men on vacation, to facilitate traffic control. Hawthorne's mo$ion, authorizingthe employment of an additional policeman for the swrrmer months, 19s seconded by Bredesen and carried, Trustee Danens asked to be excused *om the Eleeting at this time, and th"e sleeting conkinued with Bredesen, Hawthorne, and Erickson in attendance. Nanager Xitche3l reported that considerable grading mu& be done at the site of the new water tank before construction begins. Village Mkntsger be authorized to do the grading necessary for location of new water tank, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. Hawthorne's motion, for issuance of Check No, 71'78, in amount of $2,900, as payment $0 Hrs,Vir@.nus Sto1zma.n for the balance of the $3,000 purchase price of water tower site, described as follows, vas seconded by.Bredesen and carried: of Section meteen (19), Tovmship Twenty=eight (28), Range Twenty-four (a), described as follows: -.Beginning at a point which is 435.4 feet South and 689 feet West of the Northeast corner of said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (lWl/4 of Sll/4); thence Vest along a line drawn parallel to the North line of satd Xorthwest Quarter of the Southwest c2uart;er(NKl/4 of s[.Jl/k), a distance of 1% feet; thence South aJ.ong a line dram parallel to the East line of said Northwest Cuarter of the Southwest Quarter (IWL/4 of RXL/4), a distance of 289.9 feet; thence East along' a line drawn parallel to the-Qorth line of said Northwest Quarter of the Southvest Quarter (NHl./4 of SIE/4), a distancit of f50 feet; thence North dlong a %e dralm paTallelto the East-line of said North- west Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NML/4 of sI.Jl/k), a distance of 289.9 feet to the point of beginning, said tract Qf-land containing 1.0 acres of land, more or less, afl according to the United States Government survey thereof." Plumbers License for Ia.ldivig Alf,3937-l6th Avenue South, lhneapolis, was granted, to April 1, 1953, by motion Hawthome, seconded by Bredesen and carried. Haxhhorners motion, that '!That part of the Nor%hr.rest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (Nf.Jl/li, of §I'll/..) .. Police Report for Itby, 1952, was filed and referred to Public Safety Committee. Requests for Watch Out for ChildrentrSigns at Bridge Street and %myside Road on Drexel Avenue, and In I-Error Lakes-Addition, irere receied, tiotied, ad . referred to Village Ibnager and Captain of Police for recommendation. Hawthoraers motion, for payment of Village Payroll, amount 87,798.42 and Liquor Store Papoll,. amount $1,15l,13, for period-- June 1 to 15, inclusive, and overtime for Hay, all as recorded in detail in PapJJ. Ledger, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. - Hawthorne's motion, for payment of the follovring Cl-, was seconded by Bredesen, and carried: . 6/9/52 CLAD4 NO, TO: CLAIM No.. F. Richard Obeymeyer - ,7170 Dickman Gobutson- 7171 George E.Thompson . . 7172 Albert Huber 7173 Arthur Bailey 7174 Jack Lever '7175 Richard C. Sonnenberg 7176 gQ€iad J. D-th 7117 Suburban Henn*Cy,Relief Bd. 5748 .- .. - _- N.lfoNatlo Bank N.T?.Natl. Bank N.W.Natl. Bank N.ji.Nat1. Bank N.V.Natl.Bank N.li.Natf. Bank N.ii.Natl. Bank N.W,Natl. 'Bank .. .. N.W.Nat1, Bank &S.V€r&us Stol!&lnan Arthur K. Petersen 5'749 5750 5751 . 57 52 57 53 IC t c - 5754 ' C 3755 5756 r -7169 . 7178 I 7179 Distillers- Distributing Go. L1982 Griggs, Cooper & Coo IJ.983 The E.X. Lohman Coo Old Peoria Coo, kc. U985 dutoplatic Alarm Corp. ~ U.986 Ed.Phil1ips & Sons Coo . u9s7 .. Building Supt. Ben lfoehler presented request for permit 'to construct dwelling at corner of Bebore Lane and Arthur Street, facing Belmore Lane instead of Arthur Street.3~ plattqd. Written permission for such construction, given by owners of neighboPing prope-ties, was also presented, together with tk. Woehler's report that Arthur Street is not yet cut through, that most of the homes along Belmore be face itgather than the side streets, and that he would recommend this-location. Hawthorne's motion, that permit be granted in accordance with Building Inspector's recommendation, was seconded by Bredesen. and carried. POOR FUND % 220,27. LI UOR FUND -.* Hadhornets motion, that meeting be;adjourned until Tuesday, June 1'7,1952, at 7:3O P.M., with referral of Personnel Ordinance and Storm Sewer No, 21 problems %til. that time, was secondea by Bredesen and carriedt 12:45 A.N., Tuesday, June 10, 1 . Xeeting adjourned at --. a/!& Village Clerk .. I I