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Distilxers Distributing Co.
Famous Brands, .hc.
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Vtiller Davis Co.
Ed, Phillips & Sons Go.
Ebin Brothers Go. -A
Discussion was had of a Mr. Westphallls request for Village removal. of stumps
in the Creek behind his home.,- Mk. Mitchell reported-that Mk. WestphaU insists.
the steps have floated down from Village water department-property; that
Stre& Commissioner Jonas is equally certain that Village property did not
ever contain said stumps,
do no work on the Greek abujMng private property unless it is evident thatr
some dedaed safety-hazard exists.
Wager Mitchell was informally instructed to
4 The hour being 12250 A.M., Tuesday, June 24, Hawthorne moved for adjou=ent
Ionday, June 30, 1952, %!lotion seGonded bLBredesen and parried, -. to3 "_ - .__ .. .
~. t
, , , , . . . . :e .uer~
JUNE. 23, 1952-WTIpG QF $I@.El3~ArVII@GE
coUI$cIL, 'KEI9 "DAY, JUim 30, .1952> .AT.
7:30,P,M,-, AT THE.T$DLNA VIIJ;AGE: HRL;t ." ..... -.. *.-, Members answering Rollcall were Banens, Hawthorne and Erickson,
Hawthorne's motion, that Minutes of June 17 and 23, 1952 Neetings be approved
as submitted, was seconded by Danens.and carried,
Nayor Erickson announced Public Hearing on petition of I&, V, E, man for%he
Rezoning to Community Store District of a tract of land at Southwest Corner
of W,62nd Street and Wooddale Avenue. Affidavits of Publication in Edina-
Noqingside Courier J-Fe 19 and 26, 1952, and of Posting June 13, 1952, were
read, approved as to form, and ordered placed on file. Planning Commission
recommendations of Nay 7, 1952, approving said- proposed rezoning, were r ead.
Inasmuch as there were no objections fromthe floor, and no written objections
had been received prior to the Hearing; and as there were too few members of
the Council present to amend Zoning Ordinance, Hawthorne movedthat action on
the matter be deferred until four members of the Council are present, Motion
seconded by Danens and carried,
Public Hearing was had on proposed Blacktopping of Edinbrook Addition, pursuant
to "Notice of Hearing-Bi.acktoppingJ~.wbi,ch appeased in Edina-Morningside Courier
June 5 and 12, 1952. Affidavit of,Publication of sai&Notice was read by Clerk,
approved as to form, and ordered placed on file, Engineer I!Etch&ll's Estimate
of Cosf for the Blacktopping of Edinbrook Addition and Westbrook Lane ~ras read
as $8,554.57 as against 3679.33 assessable-feet, for $2..-33 per assessable foot.*
Petition was filed, signed by some fifteen affected property owners .and asking .
that project be completed. this- year if possible, There were no .objections* from .
the floor, and no objections had been received prior to the Hearing, Engineer
Addition, to make a complete job in this area; and it wits called to Councilts
attention that the Blacktopping of Westbrook Lane has already been approved.as
Street Improvement No, 6-22?,. although Council-has not taken bids on this job,
Danens offered the following Resolution and moved its. adoption:
2 Mitchell recommended that Westbrook Lane be Blacktopped dong with3dinbrook
r *
BE XT RE;sOLVXD by the Council. of the .Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this
Council-heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed
improvement consisting of the Blacktopping of all Streets in Edinbrook Addition
and at the hearing held at-the-time and place specified in said notice the
Council has duly cofisidered the views of all persons interested, and being mlly
advised 0-f the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the con- -5 ?'
, 'I, -
struction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and
shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Street Improvement No, 8.43
and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts
of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said improvement'is to be constructed. *c
Hotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall
there were three ayes and. no nays, as follows:
Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was adopted.
[&yor .
II <
Danens ;them offered the folloving Resolution an&' moved its adoption:'
BE E BESOLVEI) by thevillage Council. of the Village 6f. Edina:
The plans and specifications for STREET DPROVEXJENTS NOS, A-22 and A-43
heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and, notq. on file. in the office of -the
Village Clerk are hereby approved.
and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids forpthe construction of
sa5d improvement:
. . lp
2. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the EdinagXorningside Courier
The Edina Village Council wiU. meet at the-Village Hall, 4801 17.5Oth Street.
lcionday, July 28, 1952, at 7:30 P.I.I., to open and consider sealed bids for construction
of Village Street hprovements Nos. A-22 and fi-43y as follows: ' Street Inprovement No, 8-22 - Blacktopping of Vestbrook @ne between TL!&h and
V,4qth Streets
Street Improvement No. A-43 -- Blacktopping of kl StFeets in Edinbrook Addn.
Work must be done as described and specified in plans and specifications
for said improvement on file in offhe of Village Clerk.- Bids must be submitted on
basis of cash payment for work; No bids will. be consider& unless sealed and filed
with undersigned before time of said meet&g &nd accompanied by cash deposit, bid
bond, or certified *check payable to Village Clerk in amount of Ten percent of amount
of bid, I
BY ORDER OF VIXLfUX CbFCIL. - Bower Hawthorne, Clerk
3. Each and all of the terms .of tihe foregoing advertisement for bids are here-
by adopted as the %e&s -and condit5ons of aterd of the contract for said improvement,
Notion for adoption of the I$esolution was
mre three &yes 2nd no nays,- as follows:
aye; and the Resolution vas adopted,
seionded by/kkyrne, and on Roll&U there
Danensfq e; arthorne, aye; and Erickson,
Next Public Hearing was that on Proposed Grading aLd Gravelling of Xerxes Avenue
betxeen W,58th and ~~60th Streets, pursuant to Wotice of hprovanent Hearing11
appearing h'Edina-Korningside Courier June 5 and 12, 1952. ,Affidavit for Publication
oft Notice was read by Clerk, approved as to form, and ordered placed, on file.
Engineer l-Etchell's Estimate of Cost for Improvement of Xdina side of Xerxes Avenue
by Grading and Gravelling was $1,9r+6,70 as against 1,3.75076 assessable feet, for
$1,@ per assessable foot. Nk. ZE$chell explained tbt IEnneapolis is qkhg plans
for improvement of its side of Xerxes Avenue and it is hoped that this may be a joint
project, with possibility of compl9tion this summer, Hr. Witchell presented his
detailed plan for grade, which was inspected by those present, There were no
objections fromthe floor, and no objections had been received prior to the Hearing.
Danenst offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
BE ITrRESOLVED by the Council of the Village. of Edina,.lErmesota, that this Council
heretofore-caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the'proposed improvement
consisting of Grading and Gravelling of Xerxes Avenue between V.55gth and IJ.60th Streets,
and at the Hearing held at the €We and place specified in said notice the Council
has duly considered the viers of all persons interested, and being fully advised of
the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said
improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in
all subsequent proceedings as Street Inprovement No, C-31, and the area to be
specially assessedtherefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and
fronting upon the streets in r.rhjch said improvement is to be constructed,
I- rrl
6/20/52 141 Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne. and on Rollcall
there were three ayes and no nays, as follo
and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was
---7 Villagg Clerk ’
Public Hearing was next called on proposed Grading and Gravelling of Brookview
Avenue between lf.62nd and lf064th Streets, pursuant to “Notice of Improvement
Hearing” published in Mina-Morningside Courier June 5,and 12, 1952. Affidavit
of Publication of Notice vas read, approved as to form and ordered placed on
file. Engineer Etchell presented plan and profile of proposed grade,
exilaining that a cut was not planned at top of hill, for the reason that
reqiiested that crest of hill-be cut dovm, to elimbate- traffic hazard. The
owner of 62% Brookview assented to a cut of not more than three feet in front
of his property, which was agreeable to those present, and which, W, MXtchell
stated, would improve conditions a great-deal% I4r. Mitchell explained hi6
grading plan in detail, stating that roadway would be moved East about fifteen
advocating that road be graded first, then gas main-installed, and gravel- c
laid after gas installation. He stated that he would contact &keapolis-Gas
Company to coordinate construction 8s far as possible.
for project was #1,524,38 as against 2,553.49 assessab3.e feet, or $,bo per
assessable foot,. There were no objections fromthe auaence, and no objections
had-been received by Clerk prior to Hearing. Danens offered &he following -
Resolution and moved its adoption-:-
properties there might suffer from cut, Several persons in the audience - *;& L -? fJfi
- feet, The matter of gas main installation was-discussed, wLth Mr. NitcheU.
His Estimate of Cost
- STREET- lNi330- NO, G32- - *
BE IT RESOLVED by the Coyxil. of the Village of Edina, Knnesota, that this
Coun%il heretofore caused noSice of- hearing to- be duly published on the pro-
posed improvement consisting of the Grading- and Gravell-ing of Brookview Avenue
between tiT.62nd and W.64th Streets, and at the hearing held at the the and
pia-ce sp’ecified in said notice theCouncil has duly considered the views of -
all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does
hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that
sal3 improvement is hereby designated and sha-11 be referred to in all sub-
sequent proceedings as-Street Improvement No, C-32,- and. the area to be - <
specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting
and fronting upon the streets- inwhich said improvement is to be constructedo
Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by. Hawthorne, and on Rollcall
t8ere were three ayes and no nays, as
and Zrickson, aye; and the Resolution
Danens then offeredthe following Resolution and moved its adoption:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Village_CouwS& of the Village of Edina:
~ The plans and specifications for Street Improvement No, C-32 heretofore
prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the .Village
Clerk are hereby approved, ’
The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edina-Horningside
Cour’ier and the Construction Bulletin the follovJing notice for bids for the
..*lo ’
construction of said improvement: -
The Edina Village Counci1,al meet at the Village Hall, 4sOl W.50th
Street, Monday, July 28, 1952, at 7:30 PdL, to open and consider sealed bids.
for construction .of Village Street rnprovernent No, (2-32 consisting of the
Grading and Gravelling of Brookview.Avenue between V.62nd and W,b&th Streets.
tions. for said improvement on file in office of Village Clerk,
submitted on basis of cash payment for work.
sealed and filed with undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied
by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to Village Clerk in
mount of Ten percent of amount of bid,
- Work must be done as described and specified in plans and specifica- Bids must be
No bids will be considered dless
- BY ORDER OF VILLAGE COUNCIL. .--- . ._ Bower Hawthorne, Clerk .
3. Each and.& of the terms of .the foregoing advertisement fo; bids are
hereby adoptedas the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said
Notion far adoption of Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall
e three ayes and no nays, as follows: son, aye; and the Resolution was adopted, Danensprye"Hawthorne, aye;, [(?h!L!?.ih? I
Mdyor -
Clerk read llNotice of Hearings on Assessments for linprovements,If as it appeared in
ma-lforningside Courier June 12, and June. 19, 1952, Affidavit-of Publication for
which notice was approved as to form and ordered placed on file, hrsumt to said Notice, Council held RzbIic Hearings on proposed assessments for the costs
of construction of the following projects:
and f.T057th, Streets. .dT-----E- 2379.03; Assessable Feet-1,199.55; Cost Per Assess. Ft,-82.15
STREET l3~OVl3~ NO, C-12-Grading and Gravelling of Fairfac Avenue between W. 58th gmd IJ,59th Streets, including Turn-hound, 898109p; Assessable
Feet-l,1~7.44; Cost Per Asses+ Ftz - 9.82.
3. Sm DEROVEEENT XO, C-13-Grading and Gravelqng of Zenith Avbnue between T'L57th, and TLT8f;h Streets, .and W,57th Street between Abbott and York Aves,
$193llmlJ-; Assessable Feet-2,570.8; Cost peF Assess, Ft, - e.51
Inclusive, Block 2, Tingdae &os. Brookside, $9,035.04; Assessable Feet-1,882,3;
Cost per tqSsess. ??to - $4.80.
5. SANITARY SEm ~~OVEMEXl! Nb, 52--in Irestbrook hec between U04€kh and
TT.k%h Streets, $3,282,&4; kssessab1.e Feet-794.78; Cost per Ass<ss. Ft, - $4,130 6, SANLTARY SEER R~lmZ0VE"T NO, 33-Cost of Construction-~$3,068,~8;
Cost of Connection-$1,194,00; Total Cost-$&,262.58; Assessable Feet-l,194;
Cost per Assess. Ft, - $3.57. - a Abbott.Ave., lL5€kh to TL59th St, 7. T.TATEIl NAIN IHPROVEbliBT NO, 32-41 Edinbrook Addition and Lots 1 to 6, Bclusive, Block 2, Tingdale Bros. Brookside. - $12,743.17; Assessable Feet-
1,882.3; Cost per Assess. Ft, - 96.77.
8. lam EZAIN IIEi3OW.W NO. 36-h Vestbrook Lane b-etmen ITm48th and
W.49th Streets. - $4,291.81; Assessable Fee+79ke78; Cost per Assess, "G.-$5,40.
9. IJATZR MIX It.TpROVZ" NO, 37--k+Abbott Avenue between Vo5&th and T'L
60th Streets. Cost of Construction-$8,434,58; Cost of Connection to Private Water
Hain mmed by Peder l.Eckelsen-$553.45; Total Cosi;-$8,988,03; Assessable Feet-
2,=3.8; Cost per ALSsess. Ft.-$4,O&
and 5.L56th Streets. $2,%9.37; Assessable Feet-863.2; Cost per Assessable Foot-
and-no xcitten objections-had been received bx the Clerk prior to the Hearing,
Hawbhorne offeredthe following Resolution and moved its adoption:
10 Sw lXF"l~-~ NO, A-1
Blagktopping of Beard Avenue between W.56th
4e SANITARY SEf.IER I!JPROVEEENT NO. 30--Tn EEdinbroOk Addno and Lots 1 to 6,
10. STREET DiPlBVBm NO. &&-Curb and Guttkr in York Avenue between 1.r055th
There were no objections from the floor to any of the above named assessments,
BE IT ltEsOLvED by the Village .Council of the Village of Edina, Ennesota, as
follows: ~ .
ments for STREET ~-EROlEXEXt'S NOS, A-Tfi, B-6, C-12 and C-13; SAwltrARY SEI%R
and each of them, have been properly calculated in accordance with the provisions
of 3kesota-Statukes Section 4l2.442.; that notice has been duly published, as
required by law, that this Council would meet to hear and pass upon all objections,
if any, to amend said proposed assessments as might b? necessary, and to adopt
the same by resolution; that said proposed assessments have at all times since
their filing been open for public inspection, and opportunity has been given to
a31 interested persons to present their objections; and that each of the lots,
pieces and parcels of land enumerated in the.respective assessments was and is
specially benefited by the construction of the improvements for which such
assessment is levied in the amount set opposite the description of each such lot,
piece and parcel of land, respectiveLy,
2. The amounts so set out are hereby levied against the respective lots,
pieces' and parcels of land- described in said respective assessments, and said proposed assessments we hereby adopted and confirmed as the proper specidl assessp
ments for said improvements respectively, The assessment against each lot, tract
or parcel, together with the interest accruing on the full. amount thereof from
time to time unpaid, at the rate of five percent per annm fromthe date of this
resolution, shall be a lien concurrent with general taxes upon the property
described therein and all thereof, 0
ments Nos. ii-15, and 13-6, shall be payable in equal annual inst-ents extending
over a period of five years, the first of said installments, together with interest
on the entire assessment from the date hereof: to Augustl5, 1953, to be'payable tgth
general taxes for the year 1952, and one of the remaining insta-ynts, 75th One
1, It is hereby found, determined and declared that the proposed assess-
II~PROVEIBNTS NOS, 30, 32 and 33, and TlXL'EEt HAIN IMPROVEl-IEI$'I!S NOS, 32, 36 and 37,
3. The total amount of each 09 the assessments entitled Street Improve-
6/30/52 143 years interest on that and all. subsequent hsta,llments, to-be payable rdth
general k&S for the Years-1953, 1954, 1955 and 1956,: collectible in the
The total amount of each ‘of the assessments entitled Street Improvements Nos. C-12 and C-13, shall be payable in equal annual installments
extending Over a Ileriod of three years,%he first of ,said installments, together with interest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to August 15y 19539
to be payable with general taxes for the year 1952, and one of the remaining
installments, with one year’s interest on that and all subsequent instdhents,
to be payable ”trith gmeral taxes for the years 11953 and 1954, collectible in
the respective ensuing years.
The total amount of each ofthe assessments entitled Sanitary
Sewer Improvements NOSO 30, 32 and 33,, and Water Main Improvements NOS. 32, 36 and 37, shall be payable in equal annual installm?nts extending over a period
of ten years, the first of said ihstkllnients, together vrith ”interest on the
entire assessment fromthe date hereof to August 15, 1953, to be payable v~th
general taxes for the year 1952, and one of the remaining installments, with
one year’s interest on that and all subsequentinstallments, to be payable
with general taxes for the years 1953 to 1961 inclusive; collectible in the respect iv& ensuing years.
the owker ‘of &y lot, piece or parcel of land agsessed Thereby may pay the
whole of such assessment or any installment thereof without interest to the
Village Treasurer and thereafter such payment may be mie tEth accrued interest,
to the %ounty Trgasurer; provided that if any assessmerks or installments thereof
be prepaid to the Village Treasurer, he shall promptly” notify the Village Clerk
and County %uditok, and the assessment or instaJ-l,ment so prepaid ‘shall be
cancelled on the books of the County Auditor.
7. The Clerk shall, as soon as may be, prepare and transmit to ”the
County Auditor a certified duplicate of said assessments, trith qach then unpaid
n‘ instkllment and interest set forth separately, to be extended upon the proper tax lists of the County, and the Coukty Auditor shall thereafter cause said
‘assessments to be collected hi the manner provided by law. SaTd duplicates
shall be designated, individually as Assessment” Rolls for Street Improvements
Nos. A71-5, B-6, C-12, C-13; Sanitary Sewer Improvements Nos. 30, 32 and 33>
and Mater Main Improvements Nos. 32, 36 and.37, and all amounts collected in
respect of the assessments therein contained shall be similarly designated by
the County Treasurer and remitted 50 the Village Treasurer and by him credited
to the Sinking Fund Accounts as follows:
respective ensuing years. ._
: 4.
-* __.
60 Prior to certification of the ass”ess&nts to the County AudZtor, I
Street Improvement No. C-12, Sanitary Sgwer Improvement Nos. 30 and 32,
and Water Main ImDrovemerits Nos. 32-and 36 -.To the Sinking Fund Account
of the 1951 First Series linpr6vement Fund.
Street Improvements Nos. 8-15, E$-6, and C-13, Sanitary Sewer Improvement
No. 33, .and Water Main hprovement No. 37 - To the Sinking Fund Account
of the 1951 Second Series Improvement Fund.
J Notion for adoption of Resolution was seco
were three ayes and no nays, as folIows:
Erickson, aye; and the Resolution vas ado
nd on Rollcall there
horne, aye; and
Village Clerk 1
delegation from the a6dQnce asked for award of bids on the proposed Blacktopping of Dever Driye. Engineer Mitchell’s recommendation, for acceptance of the low
bid.of Ashvmrth & Son, in amount of #3,65O.OO. for Oil Stabilization,, was read,
Hawthorne’s motion, awarding bid to Ashworth &Son at their bid price of
$3,650, and authorizing Ekyor and Clerk to enter into contract with Compan
project, was seconded by Danens and carried. (Street Improvement No. A-34 T for
Street linprovement No. A-29 bids taken June 23rd were discussed, being for Blacktopping of Abbott Avenue between W, 58th and W.60th Streets. Engineer
Mitchell recommended award of bid to h.hruo&h and Son, low bidder, at Oil
Stabiliza$ion price of #‘7,034.30; an understanding .to be reached with contractor
th& the intersection of Abbott and 59th Street will be eZiminated if Sa~tary Server is to be constructed along W.59th Street this year. Hawthorne’s motion,
atlarding bid to Ashworth & Son, at $7,034.30, in accordance with Engineerrs
recommendation, was seconded by Danens and carried.
Street Improvemeh No. 8-31 bids--f or Blacktopping of Brookview Avenue between
W. 61st and 1~.62nd Streets-were discussed, with Engineer IEtchell recommending
that Council accept Ashvmrth and Son’s bid for water stabilization, excluding the Mat, at a reduction of $1177’$i.iC~frorn their bid price of $4,547.75.
recomendation is being made because the residents do not wish b1ackt;opping at this time inasmuch as utilities are not yet in the street. PIIr, Mitchell
explained that Ashworth and Son is agreeable to this i3.PrWiFent. Danens for acceptance of bid in accordance with Engineer’s m~~~~~~ndation was
Seconded by Hawthorne and carried.
r I
l!btion by
I Engineer E3chell recommended award of bids for Street &rovement No. A-30--
Blacktopping of If. 59th Street between Beard and Xerxes Avenues--to Ashworth and -
Son at their Oil Stabilization price of $7,&L0,60, with the recommendation that t he one block between Zenith and Abbott Avenues be excluded this year pending .
possible Sanitary Sewer construction here. He stated that Ashvmrth is agreeable
to this arYangement. lfotion by Hawthorne, awarding bids in accordance with
&&eerrs recommendation, was seconded by Danens and carried.
%E-& regards to bids taken June 23, 1952, for Street linprovement No, A-32-Black-
topping of Tyler Avenue between Belmore Lane and 1KLoney Avenue, agineer Ifitchell
asked tha% bids be awarded to low bidder, Ashworth et son, with the stipulation that
21' Wearing Course be delayed to 1953. Notion by Danens, that bid of &hworth &
Son .be *accepted. in accordance with Ehgineerl's recommenclaticin, was seconded by
Hawthorne and carried, Amount of bid, $3,2L7.96.
Zngineer Xitchell, reported that Ashworth and Son is low bidder on each of the
following projects; that he recommends awarding contract to low bidder in, each'
case, at the respective Oil Stabilization prices listed below:
Street Improvement No, A-3~-Blacktopping of Drew Avenue between W.58th and
TL59th Streets - Bid, $3,212.00
Street - Bid, $4,63&98
Street. - Bid, $3.,&,861.00
* Street Improvement No, A-36-Blacktopping Vood End Drive - Bid, @4,097.63
Street Improvement No, A-38-B~ckhopping Fairfax Avenue, t.T059th to ~r.6Oth
street hprovement No, A-l+O--Blacktopping Kellogg Avenue, M058-f;h to 'I.J.6lst
Ifotioh by Danens, awarding bids on Street hprovements Noss A-35, A-36, A-38 and
A-40 in accordance with Engineerts recommendations, was seconded by Hawthorne and
Engineer Biitchell's recommendation for award of bids on Street Improvement Eo. &lo,
Curb and Gutter in Weview Drive bgtween Tfooddale and Concord Avenues, was reviewed.
Hawkhorne's notion, that low .bid of Barnes, -$Tattison, kc, 3 $4,892.89, be accepted,
- was seconded by Danens &d carried.
Xrs Harold R. RosendaKL requested pedssion to extend Sanitary Sever in W0&3th
Street a sufficient distance to serve 4001 ana 4005 W.48th Streets, this work
to be done according to Village Specifications.
T.rill be a Prrblic Hearing on Sanitary Sewer in W048th Streets between Townes m~
Road and France Avenue as of July 1-4. Nr, Rosendahl stated %hat he trishes to
begin-construction at once; that he has. contacted 'N04m Street residents, who
do not object to his r;ril;hdrar.ring from petition, Hawkhornets motion, that permission
for extension to Sanitary Sewer begranted, v&th the understanding that upon
completion it Pril.& be dedicated to Village, was seconded by Danens and carried,
Bfessrs. Jacobs and Olson inquired "again about possibilities for Sanitary Sewer
Service for Virginia Avenue Addition, Engineer Ifitchell* s written recommendations
were reviewed by Council. Hawthorne* s motion, that 1.ktnager-Engineer be authorized
to study the best manner of prodding sanktary sewer Serkice for Virginia Avenue
Addition and other adjahing areas, 60- consult with Tolt5, Ping and Day with
regard to possible overcrowding of present sewer outlet; and to present firm
report on this subject at next regular meeting, tras seconded by Danens and carried.
Hr, Donald Burris presented Dr. Harry Jensents request for permit to extend his
building at 3939 W.5Oth Street to the front lot kine.
for the reason that this proposed exbension id71 project ahead of his new building
ne@ door.
platted because of some irregularity iii title here; that he.believes this
alsosexists on the Jensen properby. He stated that National Tea Company'was re- stricted somg years ago frombuilding to the lot line. Considerable discussion
was had, and HawLhorne moved that it 2s the sense of the Council that any propedy
owner in the Comaunity Store District on the South Side of T'1.5Oth Street is
entitled to build: to his property .? Xine.
I,%. Russell Zunh presented drawing for the proposed remodeling of the Village
Liqyr Store,
renodeling possibilities with Council, with drawing as a guide; possible self-
service or self-selecti6n being discussed.
Commission be invited to meet with Couricil at some' future date before July 25,
to discuss any and all matters" relating to the Liquor Store, said %reeking to be
arranged by Eanager I-Etchell, was seconded by Danens and carried.
Council was reminded that there
B4k. Russell hd objected,
He explained that"his contractor declined to build to the lot line as
Notion lost for want of a second.
A representative of Paulle-Itidway Fixt;ure & Show Case Coo, aismssed
HaVthorne 's motion, that Liquor
32r. knd reported that First Ed.ina Stat"e Bank has purchased the sixby-six feet -
of property directly Vest of the Edina Post Office; that they intend to purchase
some of the property now used as Parking Lot, 16th the idea of estab1ishi;ng a
side parking lot for the bank, rather than the rear 2.0% 'advocated in the eighty-foot bading restrictions set up forthis street. Council. informally
approved proposed side parking lot,
-- -
6/30/52 145 Areport was made by Village Manager Mitchell and County Commissioner Jens
Chri-tensen of the Meeting for Purchase of Twin City Rapid Transit Company's
right-of-way to Hopldns. -&.rX&tchell reported that Commitkee has voted to
offer $75,000 for right-of-way from Brookside Turn-hound- to Hopkins; with '
Edina to share in purchase .price to %he extent of some $l2,000, together with
St.Louis Park, Efdpkins, and Hennepin County. a. Christensen cited fact that
right-of-yay narrows from100 feet-outside of Nimeapolis to approximately -
thirty-three feet at 3lst Street in Ninneapolis.
Christensen that Edina is not interested in purdhase, at least mtil such
time as more complete plans are available.
Council -informed Mi..
No action taken.
Attorney Windhorst reported that there seems to be little .hope of securing
refund from Minneapo'lis Water Department for overchmge in water rates from
January 1, 1949, to July I, 1952, in a total anount of $439.00, without
bringing suit therefor; but that Minneapolis has expressed a certain willing-
nesa'to adjust the rate -as of July 1, 1952, providing claim for old overcharge
is foregiven; that he would recommend against a suit because of high costs,
thereof, which ivould probably leave the Village with little of the $$&39.00,
and because of the resultant ill will between %he two municipalities. Hawthorne's
motion, that City of Minneapolis be requested to furnish water to the Village
of Edina at an adjusted low rate of g.20 per 100 cubic feet beginning Jay I,
1952, was seconded by Danens and carried.
%. Harold Utley of Ernst and Ernst, Auditors, presented to the Council his
June 30th letter of recommendations, which included the establishment of a
Construction Fund as of December 31, 1951, with loan from General ?hmd to
said Constfiction Fund of #50,000, and subsequent loans from Improvement
Funds (from monies provided by sale of bonds) eo Construction.Fund for use
on projects for which bonds were issued.
Resolution and moved its adoption:
I -
I- I
HatJthorne offered the following
* RESOLUTION FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF - * CONSTRUCTION .FUND M- OF DBCENBER 31, E RESOLVED that the Council of the Tillage of Edina hereby authorize the Clerk
to*cre&te and'maintain as of Dec'ember 31, 19%; an account to be known as
the Construction Fund, and that there be credited to said fund as of said
date'and as a loan from the General 'Fund the sum of $50,000.
FURT-HER EBSOLVED that all proceeds of improvement bonds sales shall be loaned
from. the bbrovement Fund to the Construction Fun& an4 that the disbursements
in payment of construction costs of all public improvements, the cost of which
is provided for in whole or in part by the sale of Improvement Bonds, be
paid out of said Construction Fund.
Motion for adoption of the Resolution res seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there were three ayes and no nays, as follows: Dan S, ; Hawthorne, aye;
Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. pxd,g'.
Danenst motion, authorizing payment of the following Claims, was seconded by
Hawthome and carried:.
4% 532.70 .5,021.22 7279 7280 Lametti& Sons
7281 DeGraf f Wolf f 3 331.3 5
7282 Earl Sew+ll & Sons 230.U.
7283. Terry &xcavating Co,. 1,181.70
Lametti iit hetti 3,&33.32
123446.83 7284
8, 307 a00 7285 7286 j3wt Carlone
7287 Earl Sewall & Sons 689,85 -
7288 Earl Sewall & Sons 1,367022 7A.67 33
Earl Sewali & Sons
Phelps-Drake Go.
Lametti & Lametti 7289 7290 Earl $et?Jall & Sons
Earl SeT.razI & Sons 7291
225.00 1,420.76 CONSTRUCTION FUND
7292 , Orfei & Mariani 17,820.71 $64,475.10.
Danens' motion, authorizing payment of Check No, 7278 of June 27, 1952, to
KirstenN. Pedersen and Emmy V. Pedersen, husband and wife, for four easements
for Chowen &venue right-of-wax at $150.00 per easement, was seconded by
Hawthorne and carried.
Manager Etchell's mitten recommendations, dated June 24, 1952, for award of
the following Grading and Gravelling bids to Gibbish Excavating Company, low bidder, were treviewed. Mr. Etchell reported orally that since June 2.4, W.
146 6/30/52 Gibbish has asked to be allowed to withdraw his bids, on the following:
Gradihg and Gravelling - Wooddale Avenue, Tower Street to VaUey Vi& Road -
Gibbish bid, $8,576.45; Ashworth and Son bid, $13,Qne99.
Street 3inprovements No. (3-19 & C=28--Grading and Gravelling of Zenith Avenue
between N, 58th apd 1~60th Streets. -Gibbish, $2,782.50;- khworth, $4,390.00
Street kprovement No. C-2L-Gqading. and Gravelling of Chowen Avenue between
W.5Pth.and lL6Oth Streets. - Gibbish, $2,942.50; Ashworth, ($5,862.50
Stkeet Kjnpmyenent No. C-27-Grading ad Gravelling of 'f.T,5&h St., France to
Brookview Ave. - Gibbish, $3,974.00; Rsht.rorth, $5,780.00
Considerable discussion ms had with regard to award of these bids, with it being
brought out in discussion that Gibbish Excavating has provided the required bidders
bond with his bids. Er. &.tcheU reiterated that award of bids to Gibbbh means
a savings of some $10,000 to the Village. Hawthorne's motion, that bids for the
.above named four Grading and Gravelling projects be awarded to GibbishExcavating
Company at bid prices; that Xayor and Clerk be directed to enter into cohtract with
Conpany for said projects, and that bid security of Ashworth and Son Company, next
low bidder, be held until Gibbish Excavating Company has entered into contract and
furnished .rec.pired performance bond for these projects, was seconded by Danens and
Haurt40rnets motion that award of bids for Syitary Sewer Improvement No, 43-in
Stlmmit Avenue between Interlachen Blvd. and IT, 51st Street--be deferred until
the meeting of Nonday, .July 28, 1952, was seconded by Danens and carried,
Xngineer EEtcheU reported that easements had 'been secured for Chowen Avenue, with
the possible exception of one lot on which there is a title discrepancy. He
recommended that award of bids on Sanitary Sewer and Vater Ekin Improvements for
this street be made to Terry Excavating Company, lo6 bidder on combined bid for
both projects. Hawthorne's motion, that Council accept bids of Terry Excavating
Company for Sanitary Sewer zinprovement No, 44 and Water Isfain Improvement No. 45
at bid prices of $4,2U,80 and $3,890,00 respectively, award to be made subject
to clearance of easements, was seconded by Danens and carrieds
hgineer NitcheU-' s recomendationf;for' award of bids for Vater 1W.a Improvement
No. 4G-h Edenaoor Street--to Orfei andtHariani, second low bidder,* at $1,240.40,
vas reviewed; IZr. 7Etchell eqlaining that this bid is only $17.00 higher than the
low bid; that Orfei is doing an excellent job on the Brookside sewer project, and
that he muld like to keep the number of working contractors in the Village to a
minimum, Hayrthorne's motion, for award of bid for ITater 1.Sai.n Improvement No. 46 & 48
to Orfei and espective y
for apnrd of bid for Tlater Main N0.46-Zenith Ave, to low bidder Orfei & kkrsani, and
sewn ed by Danens and carried. P -
E%ar.sthorne's notion, that bids for Repair to Blacktopping of Valley View Heights &d
Country Side &ddi%ions be tabled to a future meeting, was seconded by Danens and
The resignation of Austin ,Do Norton, as Special Judge of EjrUnicipal Court, vas. read,
resignation tendered because of Governor1.s appointment of Nr. Norton as 1.iUnicipal
Judge for Edina.
be notified of the vacancy in office of Special Judge. 1-fotion seconded by Danens
and carried.
Judge Horton's letter of appreciation for Council cooperation in matters of Court
procedure, etc., vas read and ordered placed on file.
Hawthorne moved that resignation be accepted and that Governor
Request by Edha-Xorningside Courier, for cancellation of 10% discount feature of
Official Publication contract. was. read and reviewed at some length.
moved that Ebina-Horningside Courier be notified that no change in contract can be
made until 1953. Xotion seconded by Danens and carried,
The matter of assessment for Stom Sewer for Lot I&, Block 9, Golf Terrace Heights
(Lake Harvey) came before the Council.
owm, be notified that this lot is scheduled for assessment for Storm Sewer No. 19;
that if he desires to escape ,assessment lot may be deeded to Village, vas seconded
by Danens and carried.
Harrthorne -I Hat&horn&ls motion, that 14r. Carl 1.1. Hansen,
Engineer 1sEtchell presented p2bq and specifications for the Paving of the Edha
Side of France Avenue, recormamding that the street North of tL49th Street be made tr.renty-four feet wide to the-back of the cprb. Hawthorne's motion, that paving
North of '1T.49thrStreet be twenty-four feet wide to back of curb, vas seconded by
Danens and carried. .-
XitcheU. rLcommended that bids for- the Paving of France Avenue be taken on
Nonday, July I& but because of early puplicatioh of E&a-1-forningside Courier,
official publication, changed his recommendation to make July 28M3;e date for
accepting bids. Hawthorne offered the follotdng ResolutSon and moved its
adoption: I
BE'IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village'of Edina:
fore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the
Village Clerk are hereby approved.
Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the
construction of said improvement:-
1. The plans and specifications for Street Zmprovement No. E-1 hereto-
2. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edina-Norningside
t The Edina Village Council TKU. meet at the Village Hall, 4tBl IT~50th
Street, l!4Lnneapolis5 on Monday, July 28, 1952, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., to open
and consider seded bids for the construction of concrete pavement and appurte-
nances on France Avenue from 17.46th Street to the existing pavement at West
49th Street and on France Avenue fromthe existing pavement at West 51st
Street to West 54th Street.
in the plans and specifications for said improvement on file in the office of
the Village Clerk. All bids must be submitted on the basis of cash payment
for the rmrk.
undersigned before the time for said meeting and accompanied by a cash
deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in an
mount of at least 10% of the mount of the bid.
The work on said improvement must be'done as described and specified
No bids will. be considered unless sealed and filed with the
.- . ,BOWER HAJ?I'HO"E, Clerk
3. Each and all of the terms of- the foregoing advertisement for bids are
hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said
I - - improvement.
Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and onBollcaJ-1
there were three ayes and no nays, as fol
and Erickson, aye; and the Re,solution was
I M&or
. Pillage Clerk
Nanager W.tchell?s recommendation for approval of extension of 211." Gas Main
in Parkwood Road from Shaeger Road to Blake Road was made.
tha$ Gas Nain Extension be approved was seconded by Danens and carried.
Hawthorne's motion
Manager Mitchell's request for a warming house to be moved to Village Hall
Grounds to house .engineering crew for the balance of the summer was approved
by motion Hawthorne, seconded by Danens and carried.
Manager Mitchell reported request of Rolling Greed Association for - 1. regular
mowing and clippirlg of s*bbery at three kntrances to Rolling Green. - 2.
mowing of triangles at road.intersections. - 3. monthly mowing of boulevards
on vacant lots. - 4. trimming of boulevard trees.
Village Manager be directed to investigate request of Rolling Green Association
and to take whatever action he deems appropriate, wits seconded by Danens and
Hawthorne?s motion, that
Planning Commission's approving recommendation of June 25, for subdiviszon of
the South I20 3%. of Lot 7, Block14, Mendelssohn Addition and a vacated alley
between Lots 6 and 7,-Block 14 and Lot 6, Block 14, into two equal lots of
110,5 Ft.d.20 Ft, facing on EiLoney-Avenue, was: reviewed. Hawthorne? s motion,
setting Public Hearing on proposed subdivision for Nonday, July 28, 2952, was
seconded by Danens and carried.
Letters from Hessrs. Frank J, Lynch and Ufred R, Nelson, requesting 30 dayst
delay in awarding Curb and Gutter and Blacktopping 'projects on Lakeview Drive,
pending settlement of possible stom sewer project xibzmz- for Golf Terraqe-
Lakeview Drive, were placed on file and ordered answerkd by Village fhnager,
by rdotion,.Hav&horne, seconded by Danens an% carri'ed.
Ek. Peder Eickelsents letter requesting prompt action on his petition to
rezone was read, ad, by motion Hawthorne, seconded by Danens, was ordered
placed on file to be considered when this Zoning is nextbefore I the C~uncil.~
Motion carrieci.
Natter of Fire Insurance on Liquor Store Stock (Reporting Form) was brought
before Council.
Agency,' was seconded by Danens and carried.
Hawthorne's motion, that insurance be renewed with Anderson
148 6130152 Nr. Ni-bcheU. reported the Police Department's recommendations for instUation of
Stop Signs at certain locations, and Wwthorne offered the following Resolution
and moved its adoption:
BE IT REsOLm by the Village Council of Edina that signs to stop traffic entering
intersections be installed in the following lo(;ations, and that the Police Depart-
merit of Edina be directed to enforce said posted signs: ..-
I. A Stop Sign at intersection of Voodland Circle and France Avenue, to
- 2, A Stop Sign at Southeast Corner of &den Avenue, at intersection with
3* Stop qigns on Sunnyside Road at intersection with Browndale Avenue,
4. Stos Signs on 'i.T.56th Street at its intersection with Brookview Avenue,
stop traffic entering France &venue.
Sunnyside Road, to stop traffic entering Sunnyside Road.
to ,s$p East rand lfest traffic at BroimcJale Avenue.
to stop East and IJest traffic at Brookyievr Avenue.
Hotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall
there were three ayes and no nays, as follows:
Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was adopted, I-
Vmage Clerk
The matter of an amendment to thq Village Zoning Ordinance, establishing 'a Shopping
Center District, was brought before the Council.
be referred to Tillage Planning Commission for study and recommendation to the
Council, was seconded by Danens and carried.
The hour being late, Danens moved for adjournment to Vednesday, July .2, at 7r30 P.lL,
at the Community Room of the Edina High School.
and carried. Neeting adjourned at 12:50 A.T.T., Tuesday, July 1.
The request of 1-k. Vernon R. Clauson,408 Blake Road, for the re-routing of a drain-
tile down the alley between Griffith Avenue and-Blake Road and between Belmore I;me c and ** Haloney Avenue, said drain tile having formerly been a cross-lot drain on lots
wEch are now being improved, was read. Ettorney tlindhorst ruled that Village r.Till
not be liable for dmges providhg water is drained to same location as formerly.
Hawthorne's motion, that permission be granted for drain tile re-routing, with the
stipulation that Village assumes no liability for either water damage or for
Hawthorne's motion, that amendment
Notion was seconded by Hawthorne
1952, AT THE .cammm~ ROOH OF THE EDINA
Council Ifembers present were Bredeseq, Danens, Hawkhome and Erickson, and Planning
Commission Embers attending were Gafft, OdeU, RaugLand, Ryerse, Lewis and Hiattt,
w5%h Planning Consultants Nichols and Law also in attendance. Nayor Eriikson
presided. 1
Clerk Hawthorne read Affidavits of Publicat5on and Posting for 6he publication in
Edina-Xorningside Courier June 19, 1952 .and posting on Offi&idl Edina Bulletin
BoSrds 3me 18, 1952, of "Notice of Hearing on Petition to Rezone and Propusak
to Amend the Zoning Ordinance of Edina," which affidavits were approved zs to form
and ordered placed on file. .
&yor Erickson eqlained that, pursuant to notice read, Public Hearing was beihg
conilucted on the petition of The Dayton Company for the rezoning of certain properties
and for permit to build a commercial building to a height of seventy feet above
ground level.
together with 1.k. Victor Grugn, Architect, explained %he Dayton Companyts Xaster
Flan of "Southdale,ll containing some 500 acres between r.r.62n4 and V.70th Streets
and between Xerxes Avenue and a point just East of Wooddale Avenue. Slides were
shown, to emlain proposed location of Y3outhdale Shopping Center11 in relation to
proposkd apartment-house buffers and residential developments. Er. Gruen stated
thzt the object of locating the proposed Shopping Center away from the main
highway is to disperse traffic along the various through-streets around it.
slide of the proposed Shopping Cenfer was shown, locat,jng the proposed Garden
Court, the underground truck entrances, and large two-level pazking areas. Kessrs.
Crear and Gwen e,wplained that this is" a ItEaster Plan,lI only; that details. have
He introduced 142. Tim. J. Crear, Vice President of the Company, who,