HomeMy WebLinkAbout19520623_REGULAR122 1 w/52 1-3 - p. Phillip Neville, Municipal Judge, presented his resignation, to take effect July 1. Mr. Neville explained thak, as United States District Attorney, he is unable to officiate as M+cipal Judge. Hawt?orners motion, acceRting resig- nation with regret and instructing Clerk to notify Governor %Elmer Anderson of same, was seconded by Danens and carried. Mr. Neville discussed @th Council the Assistant VilQge Attorney position, recome-nding thqt the -Council increase the salqry ,gar this position ?if necesqary The Council, by motion Hawtho&e, seconded by Danehs and c&&.ed, acdepted with regret the resignation of I@. S.S. Thorpe, Jr., from membership in the Planning Commission, resignation to take effect iwnediately. Manager Mitchell's recommendation for immediate repairs to trees which suffered from last July's storm was discussed at some length. Hawthorne moved,directing that bids be taken for tree repair, in accordance with-ager Ifitchell's specifications, said bids to be accepted July 28. and carried. Manager Mitchell reported tha$ Hennepin County requests a Resolution approving its plan for re-grading t?.70th Street between Cahill Road and Antrim Road, and Antrim Road between W.70th and Wo6&h Streets. be approved, inasmuch as .it solves drainage problems in this area to some exbent. RESOLUTION APPROVING PUN OF c Notion seconded by Danens r- - He recommended that plan Danens offered the follm&ng Resolution and moved its adoption: HENI\IEpJN..COUNTY a@RlAY DEPAH"T FOR THE: IFEG.RAPING OF IL7OTH STRSET AND lUITIXD4 ROD BE IT RESOLVED. by -the Village Council of the Village -of .Edina that this Council does approve the plan presented by the Hennepin County Highway Department for the regrading of W.7Oth Street between Cahill Road and Antrim Road and of htrim Road between WoS7Oth and W.68th Streets, said plan being entitled- "County Road No. 64 - Proposed Grade from W06&h Street to County Road No, 28". there were three ayes and no nays, and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution c Motion for adoption of the Resolution ~ as Manager BtcheU. advocate that Council void $2,900 check issued Last week for $1,000 check at this time as an addition to the earnest money payment for this property. Hawthorne's motion, for issuance of check No. 7180 in the amount of $1,000, to as. Virgenis StolzJnan as additional. earhest money payment for water tank property, and for cancellation of check No. 7178 issued June 9$h for balance of purchase price, was seconded byDanens and carried. ' the balance of the purchase price for the waterytank property, issuing a The hour being late, Danens moved for adjournment. and carried. Meeting.adjourned at llu50 P.N. . Notion seconded by Hawthorne ... fv OF THZ REckrLRR MEXTING OF THE mm VILUGE ccpmcnt, KEI~ MONDAY, r tJW3 23,-1952, AT VWGE-KALZ AND commrry ROOM OF EDINA HIGELSCHOOL ti r c Meeting was convened at 7t30 P.M., at Edina Village Hall, with Bredesen, Danens, Hawthorne and Bickson answering Rollcall. Danenst motion for approval of Minutes of Meetingof June 9, 1952, as submitted, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. Hawthornets'motion, that Meetinibe adjourned to Community Room of Edina High School, was seconded-by Bredesep and carried. I c At 7t45 P.M., the Neeting was reconvened at the High School at order of Mayor, with Bredesen, Danens, Hawthorne and Erickson present. Pfayor Erickson announced that the first matter on the agenda was t-he Public Hkaring on Petition of Peder Mickelsen for the rezQnirrg to Community Store District of Lot 20,Block 1, and Lots 10,ll and 12, Block 2, Brookside Heights, and the N.708 Ft. of that part of the E.845 Ft. of God. Lot 7 lybg Tf. of Trunk Highway No. 169, Sec.28, Twp. 117 N., R. 211r. Affidavit of Publication 122 6/23/52 of Notice of Hearing, published in Edina-Morningside Courier June 12 and lg,l952, and of Posting June 13th, 1952, vas read by Clerk, approved as to form and. ordered $ placed on file. Hr. John Anderson, a09 Bedford Avenue, led a large delegation in opposition to the rezoning, citing a lack of need for further commerci&, develop ment in this neighborhood, danger of tracffic problems, as reasons for opposition; and asking that rezoning be kept South of W.52nd Street in case Council does see fit to rezone. 1-fessrs. R.lLNolting, 5l.40 ITilliam Ave. , l~.C,Bol~d, 5013 IKLIiam Ave., J+K Lfliard, 5108 Bedford Ave., A. Osberg, 5029 Bedford Ave., J.P. Emning, Bedford Ave., and R.R. Pfelcher, 5016 Hankerson Ave,, supported Ik, Anderson in his objections. I&. Peder Hickelsen, petitioner, stated that he thought .there would be real value to the'neighborhood in~this -propose& shopping district; that he had already had requests for space in the proposed building. Haw%horne*s motion, that the Planning Commission be requested to restudy the Nickelsen petition, together with their entire ftra plan for rezoning in this area, in the 1igti-b of the Dayton request Fd other recent changes in Edina, was seconded by Bredeseh and carried, Council's next matter of business vas the petition of Nr, Edmund IL Iienke and others for the changing of the street name of Wnity Avenuett to Whemrood Road,1t Clerk read copy of notices mailed to affected property ovmers. Uessrs. . ~ Joslin and Arthur lki$z,5619 and 5609 Unity Avenue, supported the petition, citingwail delivery &-up as their reason for name change. Council was reminded that t1Shemrcmd Road11 is an ezisting street Vest of the *Beltline; Whenrood Avenuell being-the South extension of Unity Avenue beginning at V.62nd Streetw Hawthorne - offered the foUov~g Ordinance, moving that Council dispense with second reading thereof and adopt Ordinqnce as read: . AN ORDlXrWCE A"DING THAT ORDINANCE ADOPTED. BY THE EDINA VLUgGE CWNCIL HAY 27, 1935 CERL'AIN ROADS, .STREETS AND AVENUES IN THE . ENTITLBI AN ORDINA?XE NM*W AND RE"G .VILLAGE OF EDINA r The Village Council of Edina do ordain as follovn: Section 1, wntitled rlAn Ordinance Naming and Renaming Certain Roads, Streets and Avenues in the ViUage of Edina,*! is hereby amended by. inserting immediately after paragraph eleven of said Ordinance an unriumbered paragraph 7~hich shall read as fonows: n c That Ordinance adopted by the Edina Village Council Ehy 27,1935, "That Unity Avenue, an e&sting street lying between Lakeview Drive and Southview Lane, shall be renamed Whmrood dvenuett. Section 2. and publication according to law.' This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after i% passage lciotion for adoption was duly seconded ayes and no nays, as follows, Bredesen, Erickson, aye; and the Ordinance was there were fQur . '- *- ~ Pursuant to nNotice of Hearing on Proposed Subdivision of ht 2,' Block 4, Country Club District %myslope Section,ll published in Edina-Norningside Courier June 12, and posted on official Village -letin Boards June 10, 1952, affidavits for which publishing and posting were read by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file, the Council considered the petition of Mr. H.A. Jeub, @LO HXLltop Lane for permit to subdivide the above named lot into two parcels and to construct a drrelling thereon facing Dale Drive. The Planning Commission! s recoynendations of June 4th, for this subdivision, were read. and the Clerk had received no written objections prior to the hearing. carried. There were no objections from the floor, Bredesen's 'motion for approval of subdivision and dwelling site was seconded by Danens and . c Clerk read t1Notice of Hewing-Grading and Gravelling-Alley,l~ and presented Affidavit of Publication for Hay 22 and 29,1952, in Edina440rningside-Courier. Affidavit was approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Pursuant to Notice, Council considered again the porposed grading and gravelling of the North-South Alley lying between Zenith and Abbott Avenues and between lT.!%h and lL59th Streets-this Hearing having been continued from June 9th, to allovr Engheer to make further study as to drainage. Engineer f.Iitchell stated that ditching of the alley, at Lots 21 to %, inclusive,-Block 3, would alleviate the drainage problem to a great extent; that this would bring the cost up fromthe fdmer estimate to appromtely 75# per foot. Upon inquiry as to installation of curb, he stated thatthis xould be a great deal more expensive,and that he r.rould recommend the cheaper expedient. There were no objectPions from the floorii and no written 0bjc;ctions had been received prior to the Hearing. Bredesen offered the followhg Resolqtion and . moved its adoption: n. * .- -3 r .. I t - 6/23/52 128 RESOLUTION ORDERING TMPROWENT BE: e RESOLW by the Council of the Village of $ha, Ennesota, tgat this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on .the proposed improvement consisting of Grading and Gravelling of the North-South Alley between Zenith and Abbott Avenues and betweenW.5Gt.h and N.59th Streets, and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of a11 persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertiment facts does hereby determine to proceed with * the construction of said improvewnt; that said improvement is herebr designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedipgs-as Grading Improvement No, C-24, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and-tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said improvement is to be constructed. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall GRADING DPROVBvlENT NO, C- t there were four ayes and no nays, as 20110 Hawthorne. aye; and Erickson. aye; and tbd?&olut Bredesen,,am Danens, aye; Bredesen offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING PUNS AND SPECIJ?LCBIONS . ' FOR GRADING IWROVEME2JT NO, C-U, AND DIRlXTWG .. .ADVEFtTISEZEiVT FOR BIDS * BE FT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina: 1, The plans and specifications for Grading Improvement No, C-24 heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of ' the Village- Clerk are- hereby approved: 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edina-Morningside Courier and the Construction Bulletin the fallowing notice for bids for the construction of said improvement: AD~ISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR . GWIXG IMPBOIIEXE%T NO. C-24 The Edina VSlage Council will meet at the Village Hall, 4801 W. 90th Street, Monday, July 2.4, 1952, at ,7:3Q P.M., to open and. consider sealed bids for constructionyof Village Grading Improvement No, C-24 consisting of Grading and Gravelling of the North-South Alley between Zenith and Abbott Avenues and between W. 58th and I?, 59th Streets. fications for said improvement-on file in-office of Village Clerk, be submitted on basis of cash payment for work. unless sealed and filed with undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit,-bid bond, or certified check payable to Village Clerk in amount of Ten percent of aaount of bid. Work must be done as described and specified in plans and speci- Bids must No bids will be considered BY ORDEZ OF Vmm COUNCIL, 3. Each and all of the tern of the foregoing advertisement for bids . Bower Hawthorne, Clerk. are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said improvement. Motion for adoption of the Resolution there were four ayes and no nays, as Hawt;horne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and and on Rollcall Ekyor ( Pursuant to "Notice of Hearing, Blaclctopping and/or Oiling Improvements, 11 which was published in Edina-Eorningside Courier on M&y 29 and June 5, 1952, Affidavit of Publication for which was read by Clerk, approved as to form, and ordered placed on file, Public Hearings were held, in the order listed below, on the foll.owing projects; . of Cost, $015 per assessable .foot, No objections from audience, and no objections received by Clerk prior to 'Elleeting, Estimate of Cost, $,I5 per assessable.foot, No objections from audience, and .no objections received by Clerk prior to Eeeting, ~~~ ,yERXEs AND YORK Am, inasmuch as W.56th Street between Xerxes and York is already blacktopped, estimate of cost for Oiling of Xork Avenue between W.55th and W.56th Streets was $015 per assessable foot, objections had been received by the Clerk prior tokhe Hearing, OILING OF-BMRD AmWE BETWEN K5'7TH dND FL58TH STRE;EIIS: - Engineerrs Estimate OILING OF If. 58TH STREET aETlr;fEEN t?OODDAX;E AND BROOKXDXs1J Av%NUXS: - Engineerrs 01 Engineer reported that notice is in error, His There were no objections from the audience, and no $24 6/23/52 OILING OF HgRRIsON ATT"a aETIEEN NORTH Vma LIKtTS AND B€!X&lORTi LW: Xngineerts Estimate of ,Cost, $015 per assessable foot. No objections from the audience, and no objections received by Clerk prior to Hearing, OILING OF XERXES Am BETHEEN 1?.60TH AtVD W062ND SmS: Engineer's .Estimate of sost, s.15 per assessable foot. a No objections from the audience, and no objections received by Clerk prior to Hearing, WING, GItAYi3ZING AND OILING OR BLACKTOPPING OF TJOODCIZEST DRIVE EEJ!t.TEEEJ lL55TH AND IL55h STFGXTS: kgineer Elitchell read his Estima€e of Cost for . Grading, Gravelling and Blacktopping, at $3,6$f+.53 as gainst 677.9 assessable feet, or $S,U,per assessable foot; explaining that there is no base at all for bituminous sueace for this street. There were no objec5ions %romthe audience, and no objections had been received prior to the Hearing, I-&, Ititchell then recommended that Council order, in the Blacktopping improvement, with the under- standing that the Grading, Gravelling and Stabil$zation work would be done this year, with Blackkopping project to be completed 'later. Resolution md moved its adoption:. 1 : Bt the close of the above Hearings, Bredesen offered the following I* RESOLUTION ORJXBING STREET IttPROVE3!EN'T NOS, 0-29 TO G33, .INCLUSIVE (OILING) AND AUTHOR- IZING CONSTRUCTION BY DAY LABOR UNDER SUPER- VISION OF VI- BtGINEER . BE IT RESOLWED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina as follows: published on proposed improvements as follows: 1, This Council has heretofore caused notice of hearings to be duly A. Bo C. D. E. Oiling of Beard Avenue between 17.57th and If. 58th Streets. Oiling of W.58th Street between Ilooddale and Brookview Avenue. Oiling of York Avenue between W.55th and W.56th Streets and of W.56th Oiling of Harrison Avenue between North Village Limits and Belmore Lane. Oiling of Xerxes Avenue Betveep W.6Oth and 'If.62nd Streets Ssreet between Xerxes and York Avbues, and at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of those improve- ments listed below, w'dch said improvements are hereby designated and shall be referred to as,follows: . I STREET I€4PRO~~~ NO. Oiling of' Beard Avenue between W.57th and tL58th Streets . 0-29 Oiling of IL58th Street between 1IJooddal.e and Brookview Avenues Oiling of York &venue between lL55th and IL'56th Streets Oiling of Harrison Avenue between North Village Limits and 0-30 0-31 Belmore Lane 0-32 0-33 Oiling of .Xerxes Avenue between W.60th and ll.62nd Streets 2. The area to be specially assessed for said improvements shall The Village Engbeer has heretofore subnitted to the Council,plans include all lots and tracts of land fronting and abutting upon the streets in which each such improvement is to be constructed, and specifications and an estimate of cost of each of said improvements and an estimate of cost of each of said improvements, from rJfiich it appears and it is hereby found and detedned that total cost of each of said improvements will be less than $500.00; therefore, this Council is authorized by law and does hereby determine to purchase directlythe materials for each of saig improvements and complete the same by employment of day labor. authorized and directed to supervise the mrk on each of said improveiients, and upon comple$ion thereof, also-to submit a detailed report, certifie$ by him, and file the same with the Village Clerk, showing in general the complete cost of the work, and specifically the following: 3. 4. The Village Engineer, being a Registered Engineer, is hereby I (a) (b) (c) Final Costs of the various units of work done.. Haterials furnished for the project, and the cost of each item thereof. Cost of labor, cost of equipnent hired, and supervisory cost. Said Feport shall also contain a certificate by said Engineer that the work was done according to plans and specifications therefor. Notion for adoption of the Resolution was there were four ayes and no nays, as fol Hawthopne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the, 1 Village Clerk 1. * Bredesen offered the following Resolution apd moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLm by the Council of, the Village of Edina, IEnnesotk, that this Council. heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improvement consisting of Grading Gravelling and Oiling of "loodcrest Drive RESOLUTION OIUERIXG It@R.OVB-B"T STREET DEBOVBE"T .NO.C-30 c. - 125 6/23/52 between W.55th and ToT,55& Streets, and at the Hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of I all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvemept is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all sub- . sequent procee-@rigs as Street hprovement No, C-30, and the area to be I specially assessed therefor shall include all, lots .and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets 5.a which said improvement is to be constructed. Motion for adoption of Resklution was there were four ayes and no nays, as f Hawthorne, aye; and Zrickson, aye; and Bredesen offered the follow$ng Resolution and moved its adoption: - RESOLUTION ApmcwING PUNS AND SPECIFICATIONS. I . ADTIERTBEMENT FOR BIDS ~ FOR STREMt IMPROVEKEKC NO, C-30 &VD.DIRECTING BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina: fore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved, Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the construction of said improvement: 1, The plans and specifications for Street Improvement No. C-30 hereto- 2, The Clerk shall cause to be pub$ished twice in the Edina-Morningside I ADVERTIsEMEIisr FOR BIDS c STREET IMFROVEWT NO. c-30 The Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall, &a1 $3'. 50th Street, Monday, JUy,U+, 1952, at 7:30 P.M;, to open and consider sealed bids for construction of Village Street Xnprovement No,'&30, consist- ing of Grading, Gravelling and Oiling of Woodcrest Drive between W.55th and IT, 55& Streets, fications for said improvement on file in office of Village Clerk, be submitted on basis of cash payment for work. unless sealed and filed vrjth undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to Village Clerk in amount of Ten percent of amount 02 bid, BY ORDEXt OF VIL;LAGE COUNCIL, Work must be done as described and specified in plans &d speci- Bids must No bids will be considered .- Botrer Hawthorne, Clerk 3. Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said improvement. Motion for adoption of the Resolution there were four ayes and no nays, as on Rollcall e, aye; and Erickson, aye; and t Bredesen offered the follovring Resolution and moved its adoption: RJBOLUTION ORDEBING mJ?RO~N!I! S!tXB3T ~O~T NO.A-&2 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Xtinnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the pro- posed improvement consisting of the Blacktopping of Woodcrest Driqe between W.55th and 11.55& Streets, .and at the Hearing held at the time and place speci- fied in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all. persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby deter- mine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improve- ment is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceed- ings as Street Improvement No, A-42, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said improvement is to be constructed. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall I c there were four ayes and no nays, as Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and ATTEST: L Nayor Village Clerk c t 6/23/52 Public Hea;ring vas held on proposed Blacktopping of LakevZevr Drive from Vooddale Avenue to St,Johns Avenue, pursuant to "Notice of Hearingt'. published in Edina; Norningside Courier June 5 and 12, 1952, Affidavit of Publication for which was read by Clerk, approved as to form, and ordered placed on file. Engineer IE.tcheU*s Estimate of Cost was read. at $4,585.68 as against 1,159.23 assessable feet, for $3.96 per assessable foot, Mk, Hitchell reported that the matters of Curb and Gutter and Blacktop construction are contingent upon the people's opinion as to storm sewer construction; that if storm sewer is desired it should be constructed before either curb or blacktop is begun, Nr. R.1, Pittelkow supportedthe blacktopping petition, stating that he km of no sentiment for a storm sewer," and asking that curb and gutter and blacktopping construction be started immedi&ely. IIr. I.Etchell stated that he had notified Eall affected property owners concerning possibilities of storm sewer; and, as there were no storm sewer proponents at the Hearing and no objection to the immediate construction of Blacktopping, Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLm by the Council of the Village of Edina, BEnnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improve- ment consisting of Blacktopping of Lakevievr Drive between Vooddale and St. Johns Avenues, and at the hearing held at-the time-and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of %he pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designat,ed and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Street Improvement No.A-&L, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and,tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets invhich said improvement is to be constructed. Notion for adoption of the Resolution 'vas seconde there Gere foe ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution * i RESOLUTION 0RJ)EFWG IMPROVEWEXt STRIBT DPEO~~ NO. A-4l . me, I r Bredesen offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOE S!EUET IWROVEIENfr-NO. A-4l.AND DIFBCTING : ADVERTISEWWT FOR BIDS . BE TT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of .Edina: 1, The plans and specifications for Street 3inprovement No. A4 heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file 51 the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edina-Xomingside Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the 2. - construction of saXd improvement: ADVERTISE~EXI! FOR BIDS STEGT. DPROIENT NO&-43 The Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall, 4861 W.50th Street, Ifonday, July l.4, 1952, at 7:3O P.M., to open and consider sealed bids for construction of Village Street Improvement No. A-&L consisting of Blacktopping of Lakeview Drive between ?Tooddale and St. Johns Avenues. for sed improvement on file in office of Village Clerk. Bids'must be submitted on basis of cash payment for work, No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, bid.bond, or certified check payable to Village Clerk in anount of Ten percent of amount of bid, Work must be done as described and specified in plans and specifications I BY OIzD%R OF VILLKGE COUNCIL. - Bower Hawbhorne, -Clerk, 3. Each and a31 of the terms of the foregoing advertisement ;or bids are hereby approved as the terns and conditions of award of the contract for said improvement. Notion for adoption of the Resolution was were four ayes and no nays, as follows: and Erickson, aye; ahd the Resolution 'wiss d on Rollcall there B -*: Villdge Clerk/ The nexb Public Hearing was that on the proposed Grading and Gravelling of W05&h Street between France and Brookview Avenues, Affidavit of Publication for Notice of Hearing in Edina4forningside Courier 3fay 29 and June 5, 1952, was read, approved as to form, and ordered plaeed on file. Engineer l*fitcheJJ.ls Estimate ! r 127 -. 6/23/52 of Cost was read as $8,030.34 as against 3,058.64 assessable feet, -for $2.63 per assessable foot, for water stabilization; $3.62 for grading, gravelling and8 oil stabilization. Mr. NLtGhell recommended the oil stabilization, inasmuch as it VU effeck a permanent base. There were no objections to the improvement from the audience, and the Clerk had received no written objections prior to the Hearing. Bredesen offered tGe following Resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLvED'by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the pro- posed improvement consisting of the Grading and Gravelling of W.58th Street . between France and Brookview Avenues, and at the hearing held at the time and pIace specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that sarid improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all sub- sequent proceedings as Street Improvement No. C-27, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said improvement is to be constructed. Motion for adoption of Resolution was se were four ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; and Ericksos, aye; and the Resolutio I I ~OLUT~ON ORDBRING ~OVEHENT sm nmigmmxr NO. c-27 - Rollcall there aye; Hawthorne, Mayor 1 Village Clerk Bredesen offered the following Resolution- and moved its adoption: RF;sOLUTION @PROVING PLAWS AND SPECIFICATIONSa , . ADVERTEEi@&TT mRBlDS - FOR STREEZ' ~BOVEEENT-NO. c-27 m DIRECTING t €93 IT RES0L;vJED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina: prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are herebx approved. The action of the Clerk in causing to be published twice @ the Eea- Morningside Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the construction of said improvement is hereby approved and confirmed: 1. The plans and specifications for Street Improvement No. C-27 heretofore 2. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS GRADING AND GRhELLING - W. 58TH STREET, FRANCE TO BROOKKCEX AVE. The Edina Village Council dll'meet at the Village Hall, 4801 W.5ot;h Street, Monday, June 23, 1952, at 7:30 P.l4., to open and consider sealed,bids for the Grading and Gravelling of W.58th Street between France and Brookview Avenues. fications for said improverrzent on file in office of Village Clerk. .be submitted on basis of cash payment for work. unless sealed and filed with undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond; or certified check payable to Village Clerk in amount of,Ten percent of amount of bid. BY ORDm OF VImGE CQIJNCIL. Work must be done as described and specified in plans and speci- Bids Fst No bids r.rill be considered Bower Hawthorne, Clerk. 3. Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby adopted as the terms and' conditions of award of the contract for said improvement. Motion for adoption of the Resolut there were four ayes and no nays, e, aye; and Erickson, aye; and * Pursuant to "Notice of Hearing-Propos ed Grading .and Gravelling-Zenith Avenue between W. 58th .and W. 59th Streets," Affidavit of Publication for which was read, approved as to form and ordered placed on file (publication being May 29 and June 5, 1952), Public Hearing was had on the above named improve- ment. ,Engineer Mitchell*s.Estimate of Cost was read as $2,090.53 as against 1,193.56 assessable feet, for $1.75 per assessable foot. There were no objections fromthe audience, and the Clerk had received no objections prior to the Hearing. adopt ion: Bredesen offered the following Resolution and moved its I** 6/23/52 t RESQLUTIOPJ ORDEIUNG TtfEtOVE2ENT 138 Sm D*PROWEZEBJT NO.E.28 BE 23 RESOLKED.by the CounciL of the Village of Edina, EEmesota, that this Council heretofore-caused notice of hearing to be duly-published on the proposed improvement consisting of Grading and Gravelling of Zdth Avenue between tk58th and ?T,59th Streets, and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the constmction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Street Tmprovement No. C-28, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said improvement is to be constructed, &tion for adoption of the Resolution was s were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Br and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was a c Bredesen offeredthe following Resolution and moved its adoption: €@SOUPTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET ~!PROVEWWl!_ NO, E28 .AND DIRECTING ADKEBT~E!AEXW FOR BIDS I BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of. the-Village of Edina: 1. The plans and specifications for Street %provement No, E28 heretofore 2, The action of the Clerk in causing to be published twice in the Edina- prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved, Horningside Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the construction of said improvement is hereby approved and confirmed, AINEXPIS~~ FOE BIDS * GRAD3NG AM) GRA'tTEmGmITH AVENUE, If. 58TH TO X59TH sTREXT The Edina Village Council -will meet at the Village Ha, 4801 Sf.5Oth Vork must be done as described and specified in plans and specifications Street, Bfonday, June 23, l9%, at 7:30 P.N., to open and consider sealed bids for Grading and Ghrelling of Zenith Avenue. between If, 58th and IT, 59th Streets, for said improvement on file in office of Village Clerk, on bas5s of cash payment for work. filed w2th undersigned begore time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to Village Clezk in amount of,Ten percent of amount of bid. Bids must be submitted No bids .trill be considered unless sea3ed and BY ORDEB OF l?XLL!4GE COUNCIL, Bower Hawthorne, Clerk. 3. Each and all of the terns of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby adopted as the tems and conditions of award of the contract for said improvement. Notion for adoption of the Resolution vas seconded by Danen were four ayes and no nays, as follows: on Rollcall there Bred the Resolution was ado Kayor Erickson announced Public Hearing on proposed Grading and Gravelling of that Alley lbg Between Beard. and Abbott Avenues andsbetvreen W.59th and TJ,60th Streets. Clerk read Mfitlavit of Publication for publication in Edina-Norningside Courier Nay 29 and June 5, 1952, which was approved ,as to fom, and ordered placed on file. Engineer Ritchell's Estimate of Cost was read as $976.66 as against &,425 assessable feet, for 55.69 per? assessable foot, Vacation of this Alley had been filed since proceedings had been initiated for its improvement, said petition carrying signatures of 5l.S of the owners but ciirrYing the signatures of two owners who had already petitToned for alley improvement, Pillage At$orney ITindhorst ruled that inasmuch as petition €or improvement 'precebled petitjon for vacation, and inasmuch as the Council now has 'kfore it the improve- ment petition, Hearing need not be held on petition for vacation. Re. C.J. Essen, 5928 Abbott asked 50 go on record as being definitely opposed to the alley, *Those residents at 5905, 5909 and 5913 Beard Avenue expressed themselves in favor-of the improvement, in order that they might bui&d garages at the back of their lots; and Ur, Clifford R, Strom stated that he has a garage at the alley, having securkd a permit from the Village Building Inspector to construct it there, and ~riU. feel . himself damaged if the improvement is not made, There was considerable argument from the floor. Bredesen offered the following Resolution and moved its,adoption: Clerk Hawthorne reported that a Petition for Fd3SOLUTION OmING IMPROVEMENT GRQDING IIPRWEEENT .NO. C-29 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, 3Ennesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the pro- posed improvement consisting of Grading and Gravelling of that Alley between Beard and Abbott Avenues and between W,59th and ?f.6Oth-Streetsy and at the hearing held at the time and place specifiedvin said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said-improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Grading linprovment No, C-29,, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and. tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said improve- ment is to be constructed. Motion for adoption of the Resolution. was there were four ayes and no nays, as follo on Rollcall Bredesen offered the following Resolukion and moved its adoption: ~OLUTION- AF'PROVIXG PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR GRADING ~ It.PROVEX.QJT NO, . C-29- &I DIY@CTQG . &I~TISBGNT FOR BIDS . BE IT RESOLVED by the Village ,Coqnc%l of. the Village of Edina: fore pr3pared by the Village Engineel. and. now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the construction of said improvernent: - - . + 1; The plans and. specifications. for- Grading hprovement .No, Cy29 hereto- The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edina-Xorningside 2. % ADVERTISDENT FOR BIDS GRADING movmmr NO. .~29 - The Edina Village-Council yjll'meet at the Village Hall, 4GOlW.YXh Street, Monday, July U, 1952, at 7:30 P.M., to open and consider sealed bids for construction of Village Grading hprovenent No, C-29 considting of Grading and Gravelling 'of thae alley between.+Beard and Abbott Avenues and between 1?,59th and t?,60th Streets. ficaEons for said improvernent on file in office of Village Clerk. be suknitted on basis-of cash payment for work. unless sealed and filed with undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, bid Pond, or certified check payable to Village Clerk in amount of Ten percent of amount of bid, - Work must be done as described and specified in plans and speci- Bids must No bids will be considered + r BY ORDER OF VIUAGE COUNCIL t r ._ Bower Hawthorne, Clerk. -t - 3. hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said improvement. Each and all of the tern of the foregoing advertisement for bids are - .. 4 aye; and Erickson, aye; and t Those present from Kellogg Avenue reqilested that Council continue its Hearing on proposed Blacktopping of Kellogg Avenue between %I, 58th. and lJ..blst Streets; requesting that bids on this. project- be opened, Because it became evident that bzdders had beerl filing all blacktopping bids in one sealed envelope, %yor Erickson announced that Council would open bids on the following Blacktopping projects, pursuant to Notices published in Edina-Norhirigside . Cou"rer and Construction Bulletin on dates listed below, Affidavits of which Fublications were read by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file: Blacktoppirig of Kellogg Avenue, W.58th to W.6lst Street - Publication of Advertisement for Bids, Courier and-Cionstruction Bulletin, Jqe 5 and 12, 1952. Stre'et Iinprovements Nas. A-29 and A-30 - Blacktopping of Abbott Avenue between FJ,5&h and W,6Oth Streets, and of lJ.59th Street between Qeard and Xerxes Av&nues, respectively - Publication of Advertisement for Bids, Courier and W. .61st and W.62nd Street - Publication of Advertisement for Bids, Courier Construction Bulletin, Nay 22 and 29, 1952, --c Street Eprovement No, A-31 - Blacktopping of Brookview Avenue between 130 6/23/52 and Construction Bulletin, ?-fay 29 wd June 5, 1952, Street Improvement No, A732 - Blacktopping of Tyler avenue between Belmore Lane and Xaloney Avenue - Publication in Courier and Construction, Nay 29 and June 5, 1952. Street Improvements Mos. A-34, A-35 and-A-36 - Blacktopping of Dever Drive, of Drew Avenue between Wm58th and 11.59th Streets, and of Irood End Drive, respectively - Publication b Courier and Construction Bulletin, ZuFe 5 and12, 1952 Street Improvement No, A-38 - Blacktopping of Fairfk Avenue between FL59th and lfo60th Sl;reets - Publication. in Courier and Construction Bulletin, June 12 The following sealed bids were then publicly opened and read: and $93 1952. - - ASHNORTH & SONS BUCKTOP BEXRD TO AViE. Vat er Stabillbation Oil Stabilization . 7;4lOe6O sm ~.~mmam NO, a-31 BLACKTOPPING - BROOKVIEW AVE.. V.61ST TO.lT.62ND STREFP, . Water. Stabilization $4,547;75 ' Oil Stabilization 5; 176 . 47 $5,487.80 STREEfT ILPiWDW NO. A-32- , BLACKTOPPING - TYEX Am,. BI;ACICTOPPING -. DZVER DRIW Ifater Stabilization Vater Stabilization . . $33633.68 - Oil Stabilization 1 49097.63 $49339.49 '91.59TH TO TT06OTH STEEEP. .* STIzEMt IMPROlJEUEKC NO. A-38 BLACKTOPPING - FAlcRFkx @JEWE& ?Tat er St absization $3; 976 9i % - Qil Stabilization .4,6Uo98 $4,891.51 . REPAIF6 TO S-S IN VDY V" IIEIGIIS1S AND COUNTRYSIDE (Pursuant to Publication of Ad, for Bids in Courier and Const, Bulletin Jure 12 and 19,- 1952). VSer Stabilization a $36,286.31 - I Qil- Stabilization n Uy270.83 843,78Ioll LI Danens' motion, that all Blackbopping bids be referred to Village Engineer for tabulation and report at next meeting, was seconded by Br'kdesen and carried. council then proceeded with Continuation of May 26th Public Hearing on Proposed Blac?&oppbg of KeElogg Avenue Qetureen' Wm z€%$ and V.63.st Streets, oh, the; basis rof the above bids taken thZs evening. 3%. IE%chell stated that these bids prill lower his estimates considerably, to approximately $&,e per front foot, %fro Phillidp NOXWIL,~~~~ Kellogg, went on record as favoring a less expensive blacktop job and installation of curb and gutter; Nessrs. R, 0, 6036, Ggrald (re Peplin, 6032, and R, W, Nielson, 6044 Keuogg, expressed themselves in favor of the project only if the 6100 Block is also blacktoppec t&Ls summer, Several persons in the 5900 mock asked that project be expedited to selieve them of dust and drainage troubles. ' Bredesen offered the following Resolution and ST~T n~momm NO, A-40 BE IT RESOLPED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the pro- posed improvenent consisting of the Blacktopping of Kellogg Avenue between W,5&h and IT.6lst Streets, and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to i.n aU. sub- sequent proceedings as Street lmprovement No. A-40, and thebares to be abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said improvement is to be co_nstruct ed, Motion for adoption of the Resolution wa there were f6ur ayes and no nays, a Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; ) ‘ specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land P and on Rollcall Village y7L,a, Clerk Brekesen offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: ‘ RESOLUTION APmZOVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS . FOR STREE2 Ip.IpROV”S@- NO, A-4.0 JdVD .CON?TTzMI1\G . ADVIBTEZNENT FOR BIDS ,* IT RESOLVED by the Village Council-of the Village of Edina: . 1, The plans ana specificLations for Street .hprovement No. A-40 hereto- fore prepared by the Village Xngineer and now on file in the office. of the Courier and-the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the Village Clerk are hereby approved. construction of said improvement:: x.. BLACKTOPTXNGKELLQCX~ .Am, . BEZMTBN W, 5EfT-H ANI) ’IL61ST STS. - 2, . The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edina-Morningside aDVERTISEMFNT FOR BIDS . r* ” The Edina Village Council will meet at the Village’HaU, ,4801 lie 50th Street, Monday, June 23, 1952, at 7:30 POL, to open and consider sealed bids for construction of Blacktopping of Rellogg Avenue between tJ.58th and tcJ;blst Streets, Work must be done as described and specified in plans and speci- fications for said improvement on”fi1e in office of Village Clerk, must be submitted on basis of cash payment for work, No bids will be con- .sidered unless sealed and filed with undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to Village Clerk in amount of Ten percent of amount of bid. Bids BY ORDER OF VILL4GE OOUNCIL. .. .- . - Bower-Hawthorne, Clerk, 3. hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for sid improvement, Motion for adoption of the Resolution was sec Each and all’of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are f r Hadhorne then offgred the follovdng Resolution and moved its adoptionr RBSOLUTION SETTmTG $TREET IXPROVENENT HEARING-BL~~KTOPPING OF-KELWGG AVENUE BEXHfBN Wo6lST STd AND 3ToVIBW RD, - %- the Village Council deswed on its own motion to improve Kellogg Avenue between 1‘,61st Street and Valley View Road by Blacldopping, as authorized by hvm 1949, Chapter 1’19, as amended by hws 1949, Chapter 30, novrtherefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of-the Village of Edina that it is deemed necessary and expedient to improve Kellogg Avenue between Tf.61st Street and Valley View Road by Blacktopping, and that on the 34th day of July, 1952, at 7:30 P.N., this Council will meet at the Village Hall in said Village and Will at said time and place hear the parties interested therein in reference to such improvement, and vdlldecide whether or not to undertake such improve- ment in whole or in part, I ' 132 6/23/52 -- and on Rollcall I . The next bids to be publicly opened and read were those on several. Grading and Gravelling projects, the Cleqk having read Affidaets of Publicat5on for Advertise- ments for bids in Edina-Norningsid6 Courier and Construction Bulletin as follows, all said Advertisements for Bids having been approved asto form and ordered placed on file: Grading and Gravelling - Wooddale Avenue, Tower Street to Valley View Road - June I2 and 19, 1952. Grading qnd Gravelling - Zeni'bh Avenue - Iby 29 and June 5, 1952. Grading and,Gravelling - Street Improvement.No. C-21 - Chowen &venue from a pt. approximately 450 ft. South of W.5&h St., to X6O€h St. - June 5 and.12, 1952* Grading and Gravelling - W.5@h Street between France and Brookview Avenues - &y 29 and June 5, 1952. Bids were as follow: - - . EIBBISH ASH'VORTH Pl?KDFER RAY TJI=RRY J. A. ZXCAVAT. & SON , . CONST. __ SKELTON 3ROS. DANENS TT.58TH.ST0, l?fLANm TOBR~KVIEXAVE, $39&.00 $ &'$0.00 $ 84.S6.40 8 9384.00 8 9710.40 8105rC0.00 Bredesen's motion for referral of bids to Palage Engineer for tabulation and report.was seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Pursuant to Advertisement for Bids for Street Improvement No. E-10, Curb and Gutter, published in Edina-Norningside Courier and Construction Bulletin June 5 and 12, 1952, Affidavit of PubJLcation for u&ch vas read by Clerk, approved as to forn and placed on file, the following bids were publicly opened and read: s= IE.IpIom-rn NO.3-10 I . I. .- BARNES VICTOR CARTSON ARNoIs lUP"ISON,mC, & SONS, INC, BCKE-W '. .. CURB m mm-mavm;r DEI'KE, TD0DDAT.Z TO COUCORD. $&,892.89 $5,262.25 86; 352.~3 ... .* - .I D&ens' motion referring bids to Village Engineer for tabulation and report at next regular meet-ing, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Clerk.then read Affidavits of Publication for the follovkg Advertisemehts for Bids which appeared in the Edina-lbmingside Courier and Construction Bulletin - as follows: For Sanitary Sewer hprovement No. Blvd. and State Hightq No. 169 -4dsYdy 22 and 29, 1952. For Sanitazy Sever Improvement No. 44 - in Chowen Avenue from a point approxL- nate3.y 275 feet South of V.58.t;h Street to T?.60th Street - Ads, June 5 and 12,1952 For ?rater Win=hprovement No. 46 - Zenith Avenue between 1T058th and W.59th Streets - Ads, Xay 22 and 29, 1952. FOP TJater 3hi.n Improvement No. 47 - in dhowen Avenue between 11.59th and 1?*60th Streets - Ads,. June 5 and $2, 1952. For Flater &,j.n Tmpropenent No. 4$ - in Edenmoor Street bet.r.reeneEdenmoos St. in Richmond Hills 2nd Addn and Shwmod Road - Ads, June 5 and 12, 1952. and the following bids were publicly. opened and read: - in Summit Avenue between kterlachen .c - J Terry Excavating Co. .4364.70 . li2u.m Phelps-Drake Coo 5485.00 . 4582.70 Wolff Const. co. 594k.m 605&35 Bart Carlone 7289.20 4636.25 Ferron Const. Coo 10399.00 4974.90 Lametti & Sons I - 4290 048 Harry IZrech - - R & W Const. Co. - P Bredesent s motion, that bids be referred to-Village Engineer ?or tabulation and report was seconded by Danens and carried. r t Pursuant to llAdvertis&nent for Bids for Road Itaterials Pull-Type Mixer," published in-Edina-Norningside Courier Wd ConstrFction. Bulletin June 12 and 39, 1952, Affidavit9 of Publication for which were read by Clerk,.approved as to form and ordered placed on file, the folbowing bid was publicly opened .. and read, being the only bid received:: BORCHE3RT-INGERSOW;, INC. 2l51 Un5versity.Ave., St, Paul One New Seaman Model G6. Rilvi-Xixer complete with gasoline engine of approx. 90 H.P., %speed transmissioq with 64%. hydraulically controlled SCK type rotor with all-pupoie tines,hood Fnners and depth gauge, mounted on pneumatic tires; approx wt. 4,700#c Danenst motion, referring bid to Village Engjneer for tabulation,and repo*rt, Pursuant to ?Advertisement for Bids-Crushed Pic I?un Gravelyi1 published in Edina-Nornbgside Courier and Construction Bulletin June 5 and l2, 1952, Affidavits of Publication for which were read by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file, Bayor Erickson called fpr bids. No bids were entered, and Hawthornets motion, directing Advertisement for Bids to be tbn Elonday, July 14, 1952, at, ?:30 P.BI., wa-s seconded by Bredesen and carried. * Price $49 2J-8*00 c was seconded by Bredesen and carried. -. ' b Hawthornets motion, directing Village Engineer to prepare plans ,and speci- fications,.for the Blacktopping of Kellogg Avenue between %61st Street and VaUey: View Roatl, and to advertise. for bids for this project to be opened Nonday, July l.4, 1952, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. Hawthorne's motion, that Council recess and reconvene in ten minutes at the Village Hall, 'was seconded by Bredesen and carried. Council-Neeting was reconvened .at 10:25 P.M;, at the Village Hall, with Bredesen, Danens, Hawthorne and Ericksgn-present. Manager IGtchell reported on the Seaman hlvi-lfixer bid received this evening, recommending that Council purchase at once, in order that it may be used , this summer for badly needed blacktopping repairs. Hawthorne's motion that the &$,218,00 bid of Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. be accepted, and that Nayor and Clerk be authorized to enter into contract with the Company in the name of the Village for purchase of Seaman Fulvi-Mixer, was seconded by Panens- and carried. Mk. W. D. Nordell, owaer of I& 5, Block 4, Virginia Averme Mdition, requested permit to face his-home pn Concord Avenue, in violation of Zoning Addition,*and cited the facing qf homes in the immediate neighborhood. Hawthorne's motion that permit be granted was seconded by Bredesen and carried6 ,: I ' Ordinance; He presented Letter. of assent from developers of Virginia Avenue I' t 1% Mk. Richard Haw'thorne, contracton, 5736 Drew Avenue, requested that Council purchase easements from K,N. and EmmyjPedersen for right-of-way in Chowen "A'ventte between W.59th and W,GOth Streets, aL1 other easements for said right- of-way having been given off. Nanager Mitchell stated that it is expydient that this right-of-way be secured immediately, inasmuch as tllree contracts for construction projects 3x1 this street have been taken tonight and award thereof tvill depend on full, right-of-way. He stated that the Pedersbns will accept a minimwn of $150.00 per easement for four easements; that this payment is demanded for damage9 to nursery business now located on bts U, 15,17 and 18, Auditor's Subdivision No. 312; that he, E. IEtchell, believes this is a fair settlement under the circu~ns~ances. Attorney Windhorst ruled that cost of land acquisition may be assessed as part of the gradhg and gravelling project. !' Bredesen's motion, authorizing Village Manager to 139- I 6/23/52 acquire easements for Chowen Avenue frOm K.N. Pedersen and Bmy V. Pedersen, husband and wife, over Lots L+,15,&7 and lg, Auditorts Subdivision No. 312, at a r.W be assessed agabst the cost of grading and gravelling said street, TBS s,econded by Danens and carried, 15th Hawthorne not voting. Hr. E. C.-Stotr presented the Stow Companyls petition for a Storm Sewer District to care for the drainage of properties from 66th to 70th Street-and-from Norman- dale Road to the Railroad Tracks. Considerable discussion was had. Bredesen moved that petition be accepted and that Village Engineer be instructed to make survey of-storm sewer area and report as soon as convenient. Ro-kion seconded by Danens and carried. Governor C.Elmer Anderson's notification that he .will appoint &nicipal Judge for Edina before July 1, to fill vacancy created by Judge Neville's resignation, was discussed. Hayor Erickson consulted Attorney Tlhdhorst about .a possible Attorney's Poll on this matter. No action taken $fro Ih. To Litchke's letter concerning lowering of Beard Avenue Grade between W. 55th and M. 56th Streets was read and ordered placed on file, by motion Danens, seconded by-Bredesen and carried. The following Petitions for Oiling were presented, each having been signed by owners of more than 51% of abutting properties:. Zenith Avenue, Tl.57th to TL58t;h Street York Avenue, TI. !Sth- to TL 59th Street lL59th Street, Kellogg Ave. to Wooddale Ave. i\ JU '-, cost not Bo exceed %OO.OO, with the understanding that said acquisition price t ". Chowen Avenue, IL5&h to Tl.59th Street . r* T c &Tanager IEtcheU. recommended that Public Hearings be scheduled foy Honday, July 28, 1952, at 7:30 P.II., on the above named petigions, and Hawthorne so moved. Notion . seconded by Bredesen and carried. Petition: for the Vacation of that portion of the 'ITtt Alley in Block 7, Harriet Illanor Second Addition which runs North and South,,paraUel to Zenith and York Avenues between If.5pt;h and V.60th Streets, was filed,. signed by owners of 90% of abutting properties. Hawthorne's motion, setithg Publ5.c Hearing on Retition to Vacate for Nonday, July 28, 1952, at: -7:.30 P.T.T., I- seconded by Bredlesen and carried. 1 c t 35r. H.3. Burton's petition for Rezoning to Community Store District OB Lot 10, Block 4, Grandview Hc5ights Addition, was reviewed. Bredesen's motion, setting Public Hearing on Petition to Rezone for Xonday, Jay a, 1952, at 7:30 P.lG, was. seconded by Danehs and carried. . *a Ik. Hermann H. Strachauer, Chairman of Park Board, reported Community Service Council's request for acquis3tion by pchase of properties inEbks 19 and 20, Normandale 2nd Addition, at an estimated cost of between &,OOO-and @j,OOO, He recommended said acquisition on ei-bher loan or free grant to Park Board, for park and playground. Discussion was had, dth Hr. E&. Stow evidencing a willing- ness to contribute a possible $2500 in lieu of park dedication in his proposed plat Sbuth of 66th Street. Hawthorne's motion, that Council approve in theory the Park Board's plan for Fcquisition for property in the vicinity of W.66th Street and. Hldred Avenue, and that Park Board be encouraged to negotiate with owners and come back with definite request for loan, pas seconded by Bredesen and vie+ PWeapol5.s Gas Company1s Financial Statement, filed in accordance with Franchise, K~S reviewed and ordered referred to Public Utilities Committee forlrepo& Xiidland National Bank's June 13th notification of Exchange oft $5,000 1-7/8$ Certificates of Indebtedness maturing June 1, 1953 to replace the $5,000 1-7/8;& Certificates now being held by Edina, maturing July 1, 1952, was read, motion authorizing said exchange.was seconded by Bredesen md carried. Attorney Whdhorst reported on the proposed agreement between Villages of St.Louis Park and Edina and Cities of Robbinsdale and Hopkins "for Formation of Nursing District," specifyingthat cost and incidental expenses incident to the operation . of the District will be apportioned to the respective municipalities pro raga on . the basis of their respective populations according to the lwt federal census. Bredesents motion, authori.ting lfayor and Clerk to sign said agreement in the name of the Village of Edina was seconded by Danens and carried. Complaint vas had on the condition of-the Edina Taxicabs. V-ge Nanager be directed to notify Edina Taxi, Cab Coo to clean up their cabs forthwith, yas seconded by Bredesen and carried. Petition for Storm Sewer betieen W.57th and 'I.TO5€%h Street in Beak Avenue &is reviewed, stipulation of petition- being that. "cost be assessed against the sane benefited properties as determined by decisions hd proposals passed by Village Hamthonets Hawthorne's motion, that . 6/23/52 185 - -. Council during hearings on Storm Sewer #21tt. lfanager IBtchell reported that this proposed storiii sewer ~d.l.1 benefit only the abutting pepe&ies inasmuch as storm watersnow eventually reaches th? trunk sewer c&ru$$,ea in 1950, - Hawthorne s motion, setting Public Hearing on petitio&& Stom- @,ewm for Monday, July 28, 1952, at 7t30 P,lf:, was seconded by Bxedasen and c,a;r;J1ed. Attorney Windhorst reported ' on proposed Resolution for $&ng of France Avenue, and Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: f 1- The Village of Edina proposes to imprd% %ha% pfi%!$P dc I France Avenue Qdng in said Village between ast Street and the Southdine gf 54qh Street by placing thereon a nine inch uniform thickness Portland cement surface with a six inch crown and by the construction of $'six curb; and the east side of said portion of France Avenue from 51st Street to the cenbf line of 54th Street in the same manner as set forth in the preceding paragraph, and WHEXEAS The County of Hennepin has indicated that it will reimburse the Village of Edina and the-City of PEnneapolis by paying to saidrmmicipalitiewi an amount equal to the cost of constructing the center 22 feet of said pavement, and $. is to be made on.or before June 30, 1953, WlEW The City of heapolis is considering the"improvement of - %&@AS Said payment by the County of Hennepin to said municpalities Na?, THEREFORE, IT RESOLVED That the Council of the Village of Edina accepts said proposal of the County of Hemepin insofar as it relates to the reimbursement to the Village of Ebina for the-cost-of constructing the westerly 11 feet of the center.22 feet of said pavement from 5lst Street to the south line of 54th Street. c FURTm RESOLVED That the Clerk of the Village of Edina is hereby authorized and instructed.to send a copy of this resolution to the County Board of Hennepin County and to advise said County Board that the Village of EdW proposes .Eo proceed with the constmction of said pavemen% in reliance r on said agreement for reimbursement by the County of Hennepin. -t Motion for -adoption of Resolution was se were four' wes and no nays, as follows: "aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resoluti n Rollcall $heqe aye; Hawthorne, Villsige Clerk ' The matter "of propssed Vacation of that alley between Abbott and Beard Avenues and between W.56th and W.5'7th Streets was reviewed by the Coyncil, with presentZtion of Attorney Windhorstts opinion that LLCouncil has power to vacate str'eets and alleys.,in platted propertiy't notwithstanding Attorney General's opinion that "the proceedings of a town board are ineffective to Hawthorne moved that 5% be the policy of this Council that no action be taken on disputed e street or alley vacations but that Council recommend to petithoneys that roceedings for vacation be instituted in District Court. Motion secondgd by gredesen and carried. Mr, Wallace E (Sene) Cooperts application for Plumber's Licerqe was submitted, together with report by Building Inspector that there .are still f;hirteen Final Inspections outstanding on Yf. Cooper's work. Motion by Hawthorne, that application be tabled pending completion of Final Inspections, was seconded by Danens and carried. * vacate,a street and alley constituting part of a p1at.l' I&, Mitchell reported that Hootens and the Edina Laundry are &ous for,their Hawthorne offered the following five-minute parking zone heretofore discussed. Besolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION FOR FTVE-MINUTE: PAFXING I / ZONEX?.&9& STJXEET c BE IT RFsOLvlED by the Village Counci3 of the Village of Sdina, Tilinnesota, that a five-minute paking time kt ;be established on-the north side of West 4% Street, from the intersection of said West 49& Street and Halifax Avenue to a point 94.1 feet east of said intersection, Said parking time 1id.t shall be effective from and after t.he posting of appropriate signs, until further action by this Council, The police chief of the Village is hereby directed to accomplish such posting. Motion for adoption of Resolution was s there were four ayes and no nays, as fo Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and 6/23/52 First Re ding vas had of "An Ordinanc6 to Establish a Position-Classification Plan, a+ t ompensation Plan, A Nerit System, and a Basic Personnel Policy for the Tflage of Edha, Ri.nne~ota.~~ Hawthorne*s motion scheduling Second Reading of Ordinanqe was seconded by Bredesen and carriedcl ~ Trustee Danens was excused from 1-ieeting at this time-12:00 14. Iwfanager &kchell recommended against installation of Stop Signs at 56th and Abbott, Bredesents motion that request for Stop Signs be denied. Kotion seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Nanager 'E;zitchell recommended against Stop Signs at 52nd and Halifax. Bredesents motion that request for Stop Signs be denied. Xotion seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Discussion was had on many recent requests for llSlovr-Children'l signs in the newly developed areas, w5th 2lanager Etchell being informally instructed to use his best judgnent in the installation of requested signs, Petition for Grading and Gravelling of North-South &ley between 3L5Ekh and W.59th Streets and between Beard and Abbot6 Avenues was reviewed. that Public Hearing be scheduled for Elonday, Jyly 28, 1952, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. f t r Hawthorne's motion, Discussion was had as to the traffiz, hazards created by the presence of shrubs at corners and in right-of-ways. to instructed the Police Department to make a detailed survey of shrub hazards and report back to Council by July 28, ~ms seconded by Bredesen and carried. Hawthorners mokion, that ViLlage 1,kriager be directed 3knager EitcheU. reported that the following Assessments have been tabulated, filing them with the Clerk: in Browndale Park, by Connection with St.Louis Park Trunk Sewer - Total Cost, Qz1,133.60; Total assessable feet, 2,6@..7; Cost per Assessable foot - 808.00 $1,050.20; Total Assessable feet - 590; tost per Assessable foot - $1.78. BUCKTOPPING OF TL49TH STREET BETWEN FRANCE AVENUE AND lWLJ3 ROAD. - Total Cost, $3,216.54; Total Assessable feet - 2,130.16; Cost per-Assessable foot - 81.30 Assessable feet - 343.05; Cost per Assessable foot - $1.90 ATENU3 AND E. L!J DRIVE AND THAT PART OF CONCORD AYEWE ADJOINING fx)T 1,BLOCK 8 AND LOT 1, BLOCK 7, GOLF TERRACE HEIGETS ADDN, - Total Cost, $3,531.48; TotaJ. ~ Assessable feet -- 1,908.91; Cost per Assessable foot - $1.8!je STREE3! IN PRO^^^ NO, A-10 - BLACKTOPPING OF DmI AVEMUE BE" TL57TH AND lL58TH S-S. - Totdl Cos% $1,933.77; *Tot& Assessable feet - 1,201.10; Cost per Assessable foot - #1.61. GRAVEL.]t;7NG.- OXFORD ANI) BEDFORD AVENUES EZX" lNTEFUAdHEN BLVD. Total Cost, $1,071.94; Total Assessable footage - 2,8!%52; Cost per Assessable SANlTARY sEi.JER DE&NED3T NO, 26 - 'Construction of Sanitary Lateral. Sewers BLRCKTOPPING OF TEND ROaD BETI'IEEN NORHANDAl2 AND UNITY AVEMUES. - Total Cost, E STREEX R*.IPROVE~ NO, A-7 - BLACKTOPPING OF ZENlfIlH AgENm ?3ROX'A PODQ 1/2 BLOCK SOUTH OF W.56TH STREET TO %EST 57TH STREElf, - Total Cost, $$go%; Total. Sw IT;IpRovEI.1ENT NO, A-9 - BLACKTOPPING OF IAKEVllQl' DRIVE BM?.T%ETs STaJOHLJS GEUDING AND W,DT STm, AND TIEST !jlST STREET BETE.IEE;N OXFORD AND BEDFORD A-. foot - 8.375. Havthornets motion, that Rlblic Hearings be scheduled on PAposed Assessments as tabulated above, for Honday, July 28, and that Village Clerk be directed to piiblish Notice of said Assessments Hearings, was seconded 9y Bredesen and carried. lianager IEtchell reported that; it is expedient that Concord Avenue be opened and improved between Southview Lane and WB60th Street, for use-by School Buses in the fall; that attempts to secure easements from Grace and Ka-kllind have been unsuccessful todate; that all other easements have been secured. the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Hawthorne offered RESOLWION SI$TTING STREET D*PFiW*W KEARIE OPENING, GRADING, GRAYELLING AND OILING OF CONCORD AV_EENUE l3EXIEEN SObmmJ LANE AND W.6OTH STREET VHIkEAS the Village Council desires on its OIM motion to improve Concord Avenue between Southview Lane and 17.60th Street by Opening, Grading, GraveUhg and Oiling, as authorized. by Laws 1949, Chapter 119, as meinded by Laws 1949, Chapter 30, now therefore, - BE *IT RESOLVED by the Village CQWC~~ *of the Village of Edina that it is deemed necessary and expedient to improve Concord Avenue between Southview Lane and If.60th Street by Opening, Grading, Gravelling and OilLing, and that on the lkth day of July, 1952, at 7t30 P.IL, thss Council will. meet at the-ViLlage Hall in said Village and trill at said time and place hear the parties interested therein in reference to such improvement, and will decide &&her or not to undertake such improvernent in whole or in part. r I37 . 6/23/52 I 2 r .. Bredesen moved for pawent of Village Pgyroll, amount $7,926.57 and Iiiquor Store Payroll, mount' 8643.05, for period June 26 t6"30, inclusive, as recorded in detafl in PayrollZedger, Hotion seconded by Rawthorne and carried, Bredesents motion, for payment. of the following CXaims, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried: P - c 7183 7184 '7185 7186 718'7 71g8 ne9 7191 7192 '7193 -7194 719 5 7196 7197 7198 7199 7200 7201 7202 7203 7204 7205 720'7 7208 7209 7206 $217 7218 723.9 7220 7221 7222 7223 7225 7226 7227 7228 7229 7230 7231 7232 '7234 7235 7236 7237 7238 7190 7219 7222 7225 7230 7231 + (r *I 62.50 <" 62.a Internaticfnal City TJIents ASSOC. * k0.00 Berg & Faibhan Co, * 10x5 25026 19'7.45 U7.W 32.50 198000 ' Richard C," Sonnenberg A, V, Huber * L. - (.e A, & A. IXectric Coo W, H, Barbrer Coo Century Rgdio & Camera Shop 5. A. Danens & Sons, Inc, J, A, Dm&s & Sons, Inc, F, H, Geiier Sales Coo H, Godfre$ Nelson Hoff Rubb& Stamp Coo Minn, Toro, Inc, Miller Hsdmre r 40 .OO 15000 *. 5.25 37LQO 1040 St, Paul $tamp Works 10019 Terry Bro$hers, -Inc. 1OQoOO Bertelson Brothers 10.35 Glenn Johxison Contracting Coo 32.00 Clancy Drugg, Inc. 6030 * P n .. Nelson Dr$ Goods 1.18 Earl Sewail, Contractor 1,090*25 Edina Hardware "2&9 - n Robert Sakmy" 93.00 - - L- @ 370% - 76.20 19.25 - 85000 t Ed, Ryan, *Sheriff J, H, Kilgore Coo Paper Calii;eqson & Coo Hennepin eounty Review Republ3.c fireosotbg Co. - - 329i60 George E, Thompson h73.3- IQls. Sta? & Tribune 5.60 Dickman -C ., &ut son 17."78 - No W. Bel.& Telephone Coo. 100."46 ' Richards Oil Go. ' 671.23 u, So' Supply coo 3.96 Town & Country Hardware Go. 18002 Geo. Totten, Jr, Co.'Treas. . * 36050 J. A, l3anens & Sons, Inc, 27000 27.00 Twin City_Testing & Eng, Lab, Modern Sqitary Supply Co, 1.97 970.97 Reinhard Brothers Coo Northern States Power Coo - 10005 36020 American Linen Supply Co. H. A, Roggrs Cor The 'Edina, Norningside Courigr 35.29 Bertelson- Brothers S5.00 %78007 Geo. A, T&kan, Jr. Coo Treas. Cons t ruc<ion Bulletin Glacier S,and & Gravel Coo E, C, Pfe+iffer E, C, Pfe-iffer J, A, Qqns & Sons, Inc. Richards ,Oil Co. P F, Richard Obermexer 27 023 *. rc 60.00 I_ LI - e* n c @ 77.60 198;: 50 360.00 7. 90% * c P - * 4OoOO '-353.22 Geo, A, Tottyn, Jr; Coo Treas. 2m50 Twin Citx Testing & Eng. Lab "24.0mOO H+ A. Rogers Coo- 17.82 Edina Pfoqningside Courier - E n c c C= P 1338 6/23/52 CLAllf NO. /g 7242 7243 724k 7245 7246 7247 - 4. I 7248 7249 7258 7251 1252 7253 7254 7255 7256 723.8 7220 7226 7227 7228 7229 7233 723-8 7221 7257 . 7258 7259 7260 . 7261 7262 7263 7264 7265 7266 7267 7268 7269 7270 7224 . 7273 7274 L7331 L7332 L7333 L7334 L7335 L7336 wa37 L'7338 L7339< . L7340 L7341 L7342 Ln43 L734rc L7345 L7346 . L7347 L7348 ,L73%9 n.988 n990 u9sq TJ-991 TO: A-21 Company, Inc.* of Itinn. Hardware I~Iutual David Agency Harteell Notor Coo Twin City Bolt & Supply Coo Dahlberg Bros., Inc. Delegard Tool Co, Firestone Stores D-A Lubricant Co. 1T.E .Lahr Coo Qls. Iron Store Phillips Petroleum Coo I&. H. Zieglef Coo, Inc. Leif Brothers,' Inc. Standard Spririg Coo Ifpls. Gas ,Co. N. IT. Bell Texephone Coo Hodem Sanitar;S Supply Coo Reinhard BrotEers Co, Northern States Power Coo American Linen Supply Coe No If . BeU. Telephone COO 1-Etchell Smil%ich James Cardarene Robert 1.1. Clehrth Dzvid Po Platter Eueller Coo E. C. Pfeiffe5 Feighner Coo (. Phelps-Drake Coo , Inc. central .Suppl$ Coo. Hem. Co-op. Exchange, Inc+ tratrous Coo Northern Stat& Power Co. Japs-Olson COT 1-Ipls. School Supply Coo H-R Toll. COO' c U. so supply coo a;lillyS-EZpls 0 , Inc. TOX- & COUnte H~vE. Coo Donald ZhEilI~ c c Village of St; Louis Park Japs-Olson Co. 32083 Japs-Olson Co; 32;83 #ks. Jay Eurr5y 075 n 075 R. E. Biel Crook & Hanley, Inc. . t e n c C" c * E c Jorgen Andersbn American Lineh Supply Coo Anheuser-Ehsch, Inc. Canada Dry Giiiger Ale, Inc, Clausen & Son&, Inc. Coca-Cola Botfiling Coe Cold' Spring Distributing COO. David Agency.' 0. >I. Droney Bev. COO Famous Brands; In% Gluek Brewing Coo Cold T-Iedal Beverage Coo Kuether Distfibutine; CO, Ifarchant .Calc^ulators, Inc. c 3bssOlt BottXbg Coo Xid4TeSt Win6 COO, Into liller Davis Coo P c 3Ipls. Breurinz Coo 3,702.17 * Hpls. City Club Distributing C6. Collector of "bternal Revenue 1,iorris Distributing Co. . 197.84 Northern States Power COO 38.68 The National Cash Register COO . 19.06 . 2gs.os 50.00 9 ,Did Peoria Go., Inc. 150.08 U992 (f Pabst Sales COO 396.32 U993 Purity Beverage COO $29 004 FUND - ,..' -, 189 CLAIM NO. m994 .^ L1995 Ll-996 32997. U99S 3J.999 L2000 L2001 L2002 L2003 L2004. TO: F.J. &uinn Paper Cor Rex Distributing Co+ Seven-Up Bottling :Co, Distilxers Distributing Co. Famous Brands, .hc. G&S, Ihcorporated Griggs,.Cooper & Co, ItcKesson & Robbins Vtiller Davis Co. Ed, Phillips & Sons Go. - Ebin Brothers Go. -A Discussion was had of a Mr. Westphallls request for Village removal. of stumps in the Creek behind his home.,- Mk. Mitchell reported-that Mk. WestphaU insists. the steps have floated down from Village water department-property; that Stre& Commissioner Jonas is equally certain that Village property did not ever contain said stumps, do no work on the Greek abujMng private property unless it is evident thatr some dedaed safety-hazard exists. Wager Mitchell was informally instructed to 4 The hour being 12250 A.M., Tuesday, June 24, Hawthorne moved for adjou=ent Ionday, June 30, 1952, %!lotion seGonded bLBredesen and parried, -. to3 "_ - .__ .. . ~. t , , , , . . . . :e .uer~ -- l%IWTES OF THE ADJOURNED PORTION OF THE' JUNE. 23, 1952-WTIpG QF $I@.El3~ArVII@GE coUI$cIL, 'KEI9 "DAY, JUim 30, .1952> .AT. 7:30,P,M,-, AT THE.T$DLNA VIIJ;AGE: HRL;t ." ..... -.. *.-, Members answering Rollcall were Banens, Hawthorne and Erickson, Hawthorne's motion, that Minutes of June 17 and 23, 1952 Neetings be approved as submitted, was seconded by Danens.and carried, A Nayor Erickson announced Public Hearing on petition of I&, V, E, man for%he Rezoning to Community Store District of a tract of land at Southwest Corner of W,62nd Street and Wooddale Avenue. Affidavits of Publication in Edina- Noqingside Courier J-Fe 19 and 26, 1952, and of Posting June 13, 1952, were read, approved as to form, and ordered placed on file. Planning Commission recommendations of Nay 7, 1952, approving said- proposed rezoning, were r ead. Inasmuch as there were no objections fromthe floor, and no written objections had been received prior to the Hearing; and as there were too few members of the Council present to amend Zoning Ordinance, Hawthorne movedthat action on the matter be deferred until four members of the Council are present, Motion seconded by Danens and carried, Public Hearing was had on proposed Blacktopping of Edinbrook Addition, pursuant to "Notice of Hearing-Bi.acktoppingJ~.wbi,ch appeased in Edina-Morningside Courier June 5 and 12, 1952. Affidavit of,Publication of sai&Notice vms read by Clerk, approved as to form, and ordered placed on file, Engineer I!Etch&ll's Estimate of Cosf for the Blacktopping of Edinbrook Addition and Westbrook Lane ~ras read as $8,554.57 as against 3679.33 assessable-feet, for $2..-33 per assessable foot.* Petition was filed, signed by some fifteen affected property owners .and asking . that project be completed. this- year if possible, There were no .objections* from . the floor, and no objections had been received prior to the Hearing, Engineer Addition, to make a complete job in this area; and it wits called to Councilts attention that the Blacktopping of Westbrook Lane has already been approved.as Street Improvement No, 6-22?,. although Council-has not taken bids on this job, Danens offered the following Resolution and moved its. adoption: 2 Mitchell recommended that Westbrook Lane be Blacktopped dong with3dinbrook RESOLUTION ORDBRING lMPROV.EXE~ r * BE XT RE;sOLVXD by the Council. of the .Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council-heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improvement consisting of the Blacktopping of all Streets in Edinbrook Addition and at the hearing held at-the-time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly cofisidered the views of all persons interested, and being mlly advised 0-f the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the con- -5 ?' a , 'I, -