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148 6130152 Nr. Ni-bcheU. reported the Police Department's recommendations for instUation of
Stop Signs at certain locations, and Wwthorne offered the following Resolution
and moved its adoption:
BE IT REsOLm by the Village Council of Edina that signs to stop traffic entering
intersections be installed in the following lo(;ations, and that the Police Depart-
merit of Edina be directed to enforce said posted signs: ..-
I. A Stop Sign at intersection of Voodland Circle and France Avenue, to
- 2, A Stop Sign at Southeast Corner of &den Avenue, at intersection with
3* Stop qigns on Sunnyside Road at intersection with Browndale Avenue,
4. Stos Signs on 'i.T.56th Street at its intersection with Brookview Avenue,
stop traffic entering France &venue.
Sunnyside Road, to stop traffic entering Sunnyside Road.
to ,s$p East rand lfest traffic at BroimcJale Avenue.
to stop East and IJest traffic at Brookyievr Avenue.
Hotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall
there were three ayes and no nays, as follows:
Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was adopted, I-
Vmage Clerk
The matter of an amendment to thq Village Zoning Ordinance, establishing 'a Shopping
Center District, was brought before the Council.
be referred to Tillage Planning Commission for study and recommendation to the
Council, was seconded by Danens and carried.
The hour being late, Danens moved for adjournment to Vednesday, July .2, at 7r30 P.lL,
at the Community Room of the Edina High School.
and carried. Neeting adjourned at 12:50 A.T.T., Tuesday, July 1.
The request of 1-k. Vernon R. Clauson,408 Blake Road, for the re-routing of a drain-
tile down the alley between Griffith Avenue and-Blake Road and between Belmore I;me c and ** Haloney Avenue, said drain tile having formerly been a cross-lot drain on lots
wEch are now being improved, was read. Ettorney tlindhorst ruled that Village r.Till
not be liable for dmges providhg water is drained to same location as formerly.
Hawthorne's motion, that permission be granted for drain tile re-routing, with the
stipulation that Village assumes no liability for either water damage or for
Hawthorne's motion, that amendment
Notion was seconded by Hawthorne
1952, AT THE .cammm~ ROOH OF THE EDINA
Council Ifembers present were Bredeseq, Danens, Hawkhome and Erickson, and Planning
Commission Embers attending were Gafft, OdeU, RaugLand, Ryerse, Lewis and Hiattt,
w5%h Planning Consultants Nichols and Law also in attendance. Nayor Eriikson
presided. 1
Clerk Hawthorne read Affidavits of Publicat5on and Posting for 6he publication in
Edina-Xorningside Courier June 19, 1952 .and posting on Offi&idl Edina Bulletin
BoSrds 3me 18, 1952, of "Notice of Hearing on Petition to Rezone and Propusak
to Amend the Zoning Ordinance of Edina," which affidavits were approved zs to form
and ordered placed on file. .
&yor Erickson eqlained that, pursuant to notice read, Public Hearing was beihg
conilucted on the petition of The Dayton Company for the rezoning of certain properties
and for permit to build a commercial building to a height of seventy feet above
ground level.
together with 1.k. Victor Grugn, Architect, explained %he Dayton Companyts Xaster
Flan of "Southdale,ll containing some 500 acres between r.r.62n4 and V.70th Streets
and between Xerxes Avenue and a point just East of Wooddale Avenue. Slides were
shown, to emlain proposed location of Y3outhdale Shopping Center11 in relation to
proposkd apartment-house buffers and residential developments. Er. Gruen stated
thzt the object of locating the proposed Shopping Center away from the main
highway is to disperse traffic along the various through-streets around it.
slide of the proposed Shopping Cenfer was shown, locat,jng the proposed Garden
Court, the underground truck entrances, and large two-level pazking areas. Kessrs.
Crear and Gwen e,wplained that this is" a ItEaster Plan,lI only; that details. have
He introduced 142. Tim. J. Crear, Vice President of the Company, who,
I49 7/2/52 not been entirely worked out; that Council, Commission, and citizens must take
the plan with some faith that the Company &11 concur &sofar as possible with
the p€an presented this evening, Mr.'Gmen introduced Ifre Donald Dayton,
President ofthe Company, who stated that the Dayton Company, as a retail
store, depends upon the good will of its Beighbors, that plan presented
Centers, that the Dayton Company is proud and happy to locate-ih the Village
of Edina--but only.if Edina vmts them; that if they are not welcome they
tvill appreciate knowitig it immediately, before mor& moneys are spent on
land acquisition and further plans,
Chairman Krafft of the Plmjng Commission read the June 25,1952 recommendations
of %he Commission, "that the Planning Commission recommend to the Council that
property be rezoned-Community. S%ore Districb, that Planning Commission is in
accord and that Council take proper steps to accommodate The Dayton Company's
request as to the height of buildings at this same location.".
Mayor Erickson then announced the Meeting to be open for questions fromthe
%tonight is result of a survey showing demand fof out-of-city Shopping
I&. Carl F, Struck, 6601 Normandale Road, ihquired as to whether ?X,66th Street
will become a two-lane highway; Mr. Harley E. Hyre, Jr,, 5724 Zenith Avenue, wished to know about Xerxes and France Avenues; and Hi-. Hosmer-Brotm,11.503
Browndale Avenue, asked abhut burden of payment for road improvements. In
reply, Architect Gruen explained that the plan calls for two-lane highways
only ih the immediate vicinity of the Shopping Center, and principaI1y"for
dispersement of traffic,
and France Avenue are County Roads and that, therefore, improvements $Then
and as needed will be made by County; that it is not Village policy to pay
for/!$%d improvements from the General Fund; that cost of such improvements
will be borne by benefited properties,
route heavy truck traffic on France Avenue from State Highway NO. Five, $0
proposed Shopping Center.
Clerk Hawthorne stated that both West' 66th Street
He also stated-that Council Will
A lady in the audience directed a question to the Council as to finances and
supervision of the proposed school shown in the plan. MP, Dayton answered by stating that the Master Plan leaves room for a school to be constructed;
that such school must, or^.course, be a part of the present pyblic sehool
system and that, as such, moneys for same will be provided in the tax
structure; that he believes that additional revenue to be received by the
addition of the Dayton Company valuation increase will aid materially in-
school financing.
Nr. HA, Bruntjen,4730 We66th Street, inquired as to the standards for the
proposed residential developments around the Shopping Center, and Mr, Dayton
explained that it is the plan of the Dayton Company to establish a code of
minirmun standards for said developments; that the Comphy does plan to
alllow residential developments by other developers, but only under their
minimum standards plan, as to which they expect to cooperate with Edina
Council and Planning Commission to preserve present standards of de&opment,
fi. &en.advised that apartments are planned as a buffer between Shopping
Center and residential developments, and as housing for Shopping Center
employees. Present Village lfinimwn Standards of Development were cited as to
Mr. A. G. Grimm, 5437 Normandale Road, Vice President of 'the Edina Taxpayers
Association, inquired as to The Daflon Compwyrs plans for sewage disposal
in view of probable impossibility of securing a sanitary sewer outzetr I%?,
Dayton stated that the Company is prepared to construct a dewage disposal
plant if necessary; that the Company is aware of present sewage outlet
t difficulties an: is 'consulting with the Village of Richfield and their sewer
engineers, the Orr Company, in the hope that they my.be allowed to connect
rdth Richfield sewer outget. c
3k. Hyre and one other gentleman spoke in favor of further planning by the
Council and Commission before rezoning.
these bodies, statingthat a proposition comparable to the Dayton Companyts
is a plan which Council and Commission have long awaited, believing that .
it is better to rezone before residential development rather than after,
and that further exbension 09 commercid. enterprises W. on W.5Oth Street is
not practicable because of neighboring residential areas , 'He stated that
standards for residential development have raised considerably in the last
ten years under supervision of the Commission; that Commission has conducted-
considerable research as to commercial developments and that proposed
development by Dayton Company more than meets their standards; that
Council and Commission can do no more until property is zoned.
properties neighboring the Dayton project.
Clerk Ha.wZ;horne then spoke for
Nayor Erickson asked for other objections, and, as there were none raised, 'asked.
fro favorable comments.
l.kE HOE. Ijndorr,5512 Park Place, spoke in favor of proposal as providing additional,
tax base; ~ Nr. H.E.Bur$on, 5845 Zenith Avenue, developer, favored development
because of its quality and possibility of its setting pattern for future develop-
ments in this area. Ke. H.E. Brunt jen,4730 WE66th Street, stressed the accessi-
bility of the Shopping Center and asked to be considered heartily in favor of
project .
Nayor Erickson then requested a show-of-hands vote for and against proposal,
which resulted in an overwhelming vote in favor, with only three objections from
an pdience of approxjmately 350 persons,
Hawthorne offered the following Ordinance, moving that Council dispense with
second reading and adopt Ordinance as read:
The Council of the Village of Edina, Her&ep& County, IEnnesota, does ordain as
f 0llOr.rs :
Hennepin Co-mty, Ennesota, as passed by the Village Council on the 25th day of
Nay, 1931, as thereafter amended, is hereby further amended by adding the
following additional paragraphs immediately f ollovhg paragraph (f-7) :
Sec, 1. Section Tv of the Zoning OPdinance of the Village of Edina,?
(f-8) That part of the Northeast Quarter (NEl/lc) of Section 30,
T01~shi.p 28N, Range 2417 in the Southeast (SE Corner thereof 554.59 Feet North (N) and Sou€h (S) by 500 Feet East (E) and .
Irest (11) .
(f-9) The East (E) 500 Feet of the Southeast Quarter (S1/4) of
Section 30, Tovmship 28N, .Range 24.T, ,
The TTest (11) Seven and one-half (78) acres of Lot One (l),
Cassinrs Outlots, c
(f-11) ill1 that part of the Southwest Cuarter (SXL/4) of Section'
29, Township 28N, Range
included in York Terrace.
except that part thereof
(f-12) Lots Six (6) to li2even (11) ibclusive of Block One (1) and. *
York Terrace.
The West 07) Sevknty (70) Feet of the East (E) One Hundred
(100). Feet of the North One Hundred and Seventy-three (173)
Feet and the South (S) Seventy-Five (75) Feet of the North
(21) Two Hundred and Forty-eight (248) Feet of the East One-
Eighth @1/8) of the Northeast Quarter (El/,!+) of the
Southwest c?uarter (Sr.XL/4) of Section 29, Totdshkp 28N,
Range 2&1,
* Lots Wne (9) to Sixteen (16) inclusive, Block Two (Z),
(f-13) i'
(c -
Sec., 2. This Ordinance sh& tdce affect and be in force kom and after
its "adoption according to law.
Eotion for adoption of ordinance 1 was seconded by
aye; and Brickson, aye; and the Ordinmce I
esen, 'and on Rollcall there
. were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredes aye; Hawthorne,
An" a,&
Village Clesk
The ma$ter of amendmerit to Zoning Ordinance concerning height of building was
referred back to the Planning Commission for additional study and recommendation,
by motion Hawthorne, seaonded by Bredesen and carried.
The Council next discussed the Davies-Blackwell eviction case, Tillage Attorney
Ttindhorst being delegated to obtain fill information as to Village responsibility,
and to contact the Suburban Hennepin County Relief Board if the situation so
warrants .
lfanager 1-EtcheU. reported that an excavator has uncovered human bones while digging a basement on private property at 70th Street and I.iooddaLe Avenue. Village Attorney
TEndhorst was delegated to ascertain Village responsibility in this matter.