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All members of the Council were present, to act as Board of Re~ew.
Village 'Assessor Klex Creighton presented his Books of Valuation, Bed Estate
totals being $7,307,50O; Personal Property being $801,500, for a total Valuation
of $3,109,000, as compared with his $7,099,604 total for 1951,
,4ttorney Stanely Kane, representing Tb. Ben Friedman of the Edina Theatre Corp,
recpested a reduction in Edina Theatrefs valuation because of decrease in value of
this one-pu-rpose building due to effects of- television on theatre industry. ETr,
Creighton stated 'Ghat Edina Theatre properties are assessed at total of $:.5,000,
with an assessed valuation of $SS,OOO. He reminded Council that properties Eilso
include three stores,
Theatre Corp. , and the 'recornendation of Xre Creighton was requested,
that Knneapolis and some surrounding cornunities are reducing valuations of
Theatre Buildings to the extent of 20$, and that he would recommend this reduction
for Edina.
of 20$ in the valuatiofi of the Edina Theatre Building be accepted,
seconded the motion, and it carried.
Mr. Creighton explained that the valuation of the Bachman property on 56th and York
had been reduced some time ago; that %heremis no reduction now in order, in his
dwelling valuation be denied.
T!k, Friedman asked for rgduction to the exbent of 25% of
Considerable discussion was -had by Counqil on the request of Edina "
He stated
Child moved that Assessor Creightonts recornendation for a reduction
Harhhorne moved %ha% application of PIIr, H-enry Bachman for reduction in
Notion seconded pby Child and carried.
Hav-bhorne then moved that Books of Valuation be approved as submitte'd by Assessor.
1.lotion secoiided by Child and carried.
There being no further business to come before the Board of Review, Hawthorne
moved for adjournmat. Hotion seconded b
. .- -_ 1
&aib ers answering Rollcall were Bredesen, Child, Danens, Hawtho me and Erickson.
&Iunicipal Judge Austin D. Nortonrs recomnendation of July 28, for the emp1o;gment of
Nr. Curtis Roy, 5729 France .Lvenue, as Assistant Village Attorney, to handle
traffic court matters, was reviewed. Haw-thornets motion, that Curtis Roy be
appointed as Assistant Village Attorney, at $50.00 per month, was seconded by
Bredesen wd carried.
Letter from Nr. Fred Re Y)ssanna, President of the E.Enneapolis Street Railway Company,
requesting approvd of Edina Council for the removal of the Company's tracks and
apprutenances, was read.
removal. of lb.nnea$olis Street Bailway Coqoany' s tracks and appurtenances in Prance
Avenue between-ITorth Village Wts and tfe54th Street, was seconded by Child and
unanimously carried.
- 14anager IEtcheh then reported that the Street Railway Company's request to Xlrinne-
apolis Council for rmokl of tracks had been presented only this afternoon, and
only at his own request. He recommended that a citizens comittee be formed to
attend l$inneapolis Council Committee Neeting on Wednesday, August 6, to rnake sure
that the request is approved.
moved its adoption:
Hatlrthorne' s motion, that Council approve the proposed
c. *
Clerk Hav'chorne offered the follovsing Resolution and
IrnE3:WOLIS 5mzT T,AI&?Ip;T CX-iPmY'S mcm Lrn
BIZ Tr REOLKi3D by the Village. Council .of the Village of Edha, Hennepin County,
llinnesota, that this Council does =prove the removd. by the l-rknneapolis Street
Ra,ilway Company,
and wires in the
'EEnneapolis , Xinneka, of its tracks and aypurtenmces, poles
Ed-ina side of France Avenue between S.r,lbth and W.54th Streets,