HomeMy WebLinkAbout19520714_REGULAR7/2/52 151 There being no further business to come before this Meeting, Danens moved for adjoumenk. Motion seconded by Bredesen 9:30 PeM, . .- .I .. - .. I . Gouncil Members Bredesen, Danens and Hai.rtho&e were present to 'act as Boaed of Review, Village Assessor Creightod appeared before the Board to request additional . time in which to complete his books 02 valuations, explaining that because of new property divisions he will.. not have completed his work until about I+- the last of July. Hawthornets motion, that when Meeting is adjourned this evening it be - so adjourned to Vednesday, July 30, at 7:30 P.M., at Edina Tillage Hal, was seconded by Bredesen' and carriedr Attorney Stanley D. Cane, representing Edina Theatre Corporation, and Messrs. Ben Friedman and John Hurley of Edina Theatre, were present to 'request a %ubstantial reduction'* in the theatre valuation. They were asked to return on July 30. ' - Nr. Henrx Bachman,5601 York, requested decrease in valuation in his property, stating that the grade established since he built has placed his lot helow grade Level, and that he has been informed that he will be unable to connect to'the Sanitary Sewer. Assessor Creighton made appointment to see PIIr. Bachman this ne& week. There being no further business to colzze'before this Neeting, Bredesen mbved for adjournment in accordance with Hawthorne's earlier motion, Motion seconded by Danens and carried. c t P 4 Fiembers answerink Rollcall were Bredesen, DGens , Hawthorne, and Erickson. Knutes of Pleetings of-June 23 and 30 and July 2,1952, were approved as submitted, by motion Hawthorne, seconded by Danens and carried, Nayor Erickson annoinced Public Hearings, to be held -on the petitions for property from Open Develope& DistrXct to Commercial. District; and thaV of Iuk. H.R. Burton for the. rezoning of Lot 10,. Block 4, Grandview Heights from Open Development District to Community Store District; Publication and Posting of Notice of Hearing were read by Clerk, approved as to foq and ordered placed on file'. ' Planning Commission Recommendations for the rezoning of these two poperties were read. from the floor'to the rezoning of the Christ krson property, and no objections hzd- been received by the Clerk prior to the Hearing* John Anderson, 5109 Bedford objected to r&oning of the Burton property, and asked to be allowed to come before the Planning Commission before Council took action on this project. Continuations of Public Hearings on petitions of V.E. tzijTman and of Peder Nickelsen to rezone to Comnunity Store District were had; with no objections to the proposed 3Jyman rezoning, and with I&. John Anderson, 5109 Bedford Avenue asking that Council delay Nickelsen Bezoning until he has had opport~ity to consult with Planning Co&ssion. , - reu>n$ng--that of Mr. A.Christ Larson,for the rezoning of his unplatted f 1 .. xffidavi~s of ' There were no objections - s I52 Hawthorne's rcotion, that Council action on rezoning petitions of Kessrs. ' Peder I-tickelsen and HOBo Burton be delayed until after next meeting of Plming Comission, was seconded by Bredesen and carried, C" Hawthorne offered the following Ordinance, moving that Council waive second reading and adopt Ordinance as read tonight: The Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, E.nnesota, does ordain as f 0llOT.rs : County, Ifknesota, as passed by the Village Council on the 25th day of >Iay,1931, as thereafter amended, is hereby further amended by adding 'the following additional pzragraph immediately f ollovring paragraph (f-13) : That tract of land situated in Section 19, Totmship 28N, Range 24.1, Sec, 1. Section IT of the Zoning Ordinance of the Viuage of Edina, Hennepin (f-14) described as follovrs: Quarter (SEX/4) of the SoCthwest Quarter (SLL/4); thence I.lest along the South line thereof 4OO,O feet; thence North and-parallel to the East Line of said Southeast Guarter (SEl/4) of Southwest Cuarter (SIi/4) 4lLO feet to the center of Valley Viers Road as travelled; thence SoutheasteFly along the said center line of Valley View Road 422,O feet to the East line of said Southeast Curter (SEX74] of Southidst Quart& (SJl/4) ; thence South 282.0 feet to the place of beginning, "Beginning at the Southeast Corner of the Southeas$ . .- Sec, 2, Section V of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, 1.5inneso-ta, as passed by the Village Council on the 25th dw of I-Ikii, 1931, as thereafter amended, is hereby further amended by adding thereto the following: ?hat Tract of Tjnd situated in Section 28, Totmship ll'7Ii, Range 21U, described as follows: Comencing at the Southarest, corner of Government Lot Eight; thence Uorth 925 Ft;. to Cen"c-erline of' Eden Prairie Road; thence 3Jortheasterly along said Centerline 246 3%. to a point 22L8 Feet East at right angles from ??est Line of Lot Ei@t; then South 259.4 F't, parallel with %est line of lot Eight; then Southerly-796.4 Ft. to a point in the South line of Lot Ei&t distant 246.8 Ft, East from. beginning; then STest 246.8 Ft. to beginning, except road. Sec, 3. 1 This-Ordinance shall be in effect from and after its passage and publication according to 1ar.r. &tion for adoption of Ordinance vas seco four ayes and no nays, as follows: Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was adopted, nd on Rollcall there were aye; Hawthorne, we; and Bredesen, ..e Village Clerk hblic Hearings ?rere ne:& held on several proposed Sanitary Sewer Extensions, in accordance with IiNotice of HearinpSanitary Sewer hprovements,lt published in Edina- I.io&side Courier June 19 and 26, 1952, Affidavit of Publimtion for which was read by Clerk, approved as to f om and ordered placed on file, Itlayor Erickson announced that gearings would be conducted in the order named in the Notice, and, accordingly, first Hearing was as follows: €TAL+Em ATD FRJNCE ATGWES: $2r710.5B as against ,s$mssessabfe Feet, for (j5.23 per assessable fUOtm There vere no objections from the audience, and there had been no written objections filed prior to the Hearing. adoption: PUBLIC HEALT1IpG C&T PROPOSED SAHlfltARY L4"EtAL SEVER IN 'Wa54TH STRXET BETTm Engineer's Estimte of Cost was read at a total of Hhhhorne bffered the following Resolution and moved its msomIor3 OBDEXLNG nrnom~~a$~ SANE&Y SE%EEt IXE'itOVEiliEXl! NO. 4.6 BE IT RE30IKEO by the Council of the Village of Edina, I-tinnesota, that this Council heretofpre caused hotice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improvaent consisting of Constru6tion 6f Sanitary Lateral Sewer and Appurtenmces in V.54th Street between Halifax and France Avenues, and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered th8 views of all prsons interested, and being advised of the pertinent facts does herem determine to proc-eed with the constp$tion of said improvement; that said hprovement is here- by designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Sanitary Sewer Improvement ITo. &6, and the area to be specially assessed theregor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the street in which said improvement is to be cons@uctedm , 1 c ther? were four qes and no nays, as follows: B Hawthorne then offered the follo&ng Resolution and moved its adoption: R3SOLKTTION APPROVING PLANS AlYD SPECIFICmIONS FOR SANITAEiY. SEPLl3R IPER0"EXW NP. 46 AND DIRECTING mmrsmma FOR BIDS BE IT RESOIXED bxthe Village Comcil of the Village of Edina: 1. The plans and specipcations for Sanitary Sewer bprovement No, 46 here- The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edina-Morningside tofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved, Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the con- struction of said improvement: - AS)VERTI~~ FOR BIDS FOR 2, SAmITARY ~ SEEIIER IXPROVEZENT N0.46 The Edina Village Council dl1 meet at the Village Ha3-1, 4EiOl W.5Oth Street, Nonday, July 28, 1952, at 7:30 P.E., to open and consider sealed-bids for construction of Village Sanitary Sewer bprovement No, 46 consisting of Construction of Sanitary Lateral Sewer and Appurtenances in Halifax Avenue from an existing manhole approximately 75 ft, North of Centerline of W.54th Street to said W.54th Street, and in lzf.54th Street from Halifax Avenue to France Avenue, for said improvement on file in office of Village Clerk, on basis of cash payment for work. filed with undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to Village Clerk in amount of Ten percent of amount of bid, IIJork must be done as descr4bed and specified in plans and specifications Bids must be su6mitted No bids will be considered unless sealed and BY ORDER OF VILUm COUNCIL _. - .- Bower Hawthorne, Clerk. 3. hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said improvement, Hotion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on Ro1lcall"there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredesen, yq anens, aye; Haihhorne, aye; and %rickson, aye; and the Resolution Each and all of-the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are @&d$- 1 myor TOYNES EOBD TO ER&@TCE AVENUE: .Engineer*s-Est-@ate of Cost, for a Sanitary Lateral Sewer3.n TT.48th Street, extending from a point approzdmately 90 feet East of Tomes Road and running Easterly 190 feet, was $1,416.42 as against 266.5 Assessable Feet, for $5.31 per assessable foot, Engineer Ifitchell explained that because of topography it is not feasible to exbend sewer beyond this point; also, that I%?. Bosendahl, sponsor of sewer petition, has now received- Councilrs permission to install his-own main to serve his properties. delegation of three persons from Tomes Road objected to sewer extension and two requested that their nanes be withdrawn from petition. speakers in favor of plm. was seconded by Danens and unanimously carried. A There were no Haidhornets motion, for abandonment of project, .' pPUBLIC HEXRlkG ON PROPWZD SANITARY LAzERa S&'!IIER IN TJ.59TH STREEX' BETI-, Engineer's Estimate of Cpst was @,019,22 as against 1,193.56 Assessable Feet, for a construction cost of $4.21' per, Assessable Foot, plus $1.00 per Assessable Foot for connection to Joint Sewer Districk No, 1, 142. H.R. Burton inquired as to method of assessment and was toldthat Zenith Avenue residents must stand entire cost of project; whereupon Re. Burton and Er, Thomas J. Loosen requested that their names be withdrawn from petition. be constructed to drain into the 1$.5&h Street sewer, saying he would think that it couldthus serve all but two or three lots at the south end of the block, Hawbhomels motion, that Hearing be held over untif next meeting, to a310tv Enaneer to make study of these suggestions, was seconded by Danens and carrised. Later in-the evening, l~k, George Sandquist, sponsor of petition, stated that proposed new construction method is agreeable to him, although one of his lots dill not be served. . ABBQTT AND ZERITH A-3 AND Z$NITH A'm BEZ!@XN 37.59H AND TTe58TH STRE23TSa Mi., Burton suggested that sewer - P "CC t P -Pt .* 7h-4152 . Continuation was had of Nay 26th'public Hearing on proposed Lateral Sanitaq 154 Sewer and Appurtenances In Windsor Avenue between.Code Axmnue and Hansen Road, Engineer IEtchelXts Estim-te of Cost for Sewer to serve two lots at TIest Xnd of IEndsor Avenue was @.3,452.16 as, against 1,835.8 Assessable Feet, orq$7& per assessable foot, as,against the $7.26 per assessable foot quoted for the shallower sewer at the original Hearing, There vres no one present at this time, and Hawthorne moved for tabling of ma%%er Until later in evening. Notion seconded by Bredesen and carried. Later, petitioner Harlan Bursh appeared, to request that-project be begun hediately, so that several new houses he is building can be serviced. There were no objections, and no mitten objections had been filed prior to the Hearing. Hawthorne offered the foUov5ng Resolution and moved its adoption: msoI;uTIoir OEDEE'JNG IXPRO~NT heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improvement consisting of Construction of Sanitary Lateral Sewer and *Appurtenances in T'findsor Avenue between Code Avenue and Hansen Road, and at the Hearing held at the pime and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improve- ment is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Sanitarg Sewer linprovement No, 45, and the area to be specially assessed therefor, shall include all lots and tracts of land-abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said improvement is to be constructed. l.KXIOIT for adoption of Resolution was seconded by four ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredesen, vas adopted, Village Clerk Hawthorne then offered the following Resolutfon and moved its adoption: REsOI3J!TIOlT APPBOVING PLUS AllfD SF!ZCIFIClff IONS DIRECTING Af3TTERT&B-~l'T FOB BbS . . E3E IIP RESOLVED by the VUage Council of the Village of IMina: - 1, The plans and specifications for Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 45 heretofore prepred by the Village Bngineer and notr on file in the office of the Village Clerk &re herhby approved. and the Construction Bulletin the follotLng notice for bids for the construction of said iaprovement: 2. The Clerk shall caiise to be published twice kt the Bdina-Horningside Courier ADVXFLTI~*~ FOR BIDS FCIR SBrnrnX m;m IXPo UOO 45 The Edina Village Council IKU meet at the Village Hall, @Ol IT.5Oth Street, lbnday, August ll, 1952, at 7:30 Poll., to open and consider sealed bids for construction of Sanitq SeTzr kprofrement Bo. 45 in sdd Village, *consisting of Construction of Sanitwy Lateral Sewer in TTindsor Avenue between Code Avenue and Hansen-Road. plans 2nd specifications for said improvement on file in the office of the Village Clerk, All bids must be submitted on the basis of cash payment for the work. T~XL be considered unless sealed and filed with the undersigned before-the time of saTd meeting and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified chekk pqable to the Village Clerk in the amount of Ten percent of the amount of the bid, -The work on said japrovement must be done as described and speciTied in the No bids t i BY 033llZR OF THE VfLL4GE COUIJCIL, . - Boifer Hawthorne, Clerk 30 Each and all of the terns bf the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of contract for said im,rrrovementd 1-fotion for adoktion of Re'solution was seconded by four- ayes and no nays, as fiollovrs: Bredesen, aye; Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was adopted, -* -- - c WLlage Clerk' Furs&& to Votice of Hearing-Sanit ary Sewer and Water %fain linprovements-Philbrook -e," published 'in Edim-Gorningside Courier June 19 and 26, 1.952, AffTdavit of Publlcation for which vas read, approved as to form and ordered placed on file, I4ayor Erickson announced Public Hearings on the above named t.rm projects, 'Engineer 3EtclxeXl. read his Estiubtes of Cost as follows: For Sardtary Lateral Sewer in Philbrook Lane, $S,016,& as against 2,535 Assessable Feet, for $3.16 per assessable foot construction cost, plus $1.00 per assessable foot for connection to Joint Sewer District Iqo. I., For TFater I.Iain Ekxbension, $8 615.16 as ag-st 2,535 Assessable Feet, for $3.40 Lateral Charge; 13.78 Trunk Charge; 64.18 Total. 7/14/52 $55 -5- There were no objections at the Hearing, and no objections had been filed with Clerk prior thereto. Engineer Nitchell recommended Ordering projects, but asked that Council delay advertising for bids until the roadway for Philbrook Lane is proven as to location, . its adopt ion : Hawthorne offered the foUotVing Resolution and moved REXDLUTION 0R.D-G I~J~~~~T SANITARY SB&3R ~~OVEiENT N0.49 1 BE TT RESOLV3D by the Council of the Village of Edina, Ikesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be d4y published-on the proposed ' imnrovement consisting of Construction of Sanitary Lateral Sewer and Appurtenances in Philbrook Lane, and& the Hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of d.1 persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertjnent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said 'improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be reterred to in a2.1 subsequent proceedings as Sanitary Sewer hprovement No, 49, and the area to be 'specitilly assessed-therefor shall include all lots and tracts of l&d abutting and fronting upon the streets in which-said improvement is to be constructed. , and on Rollcall there Danens, aye; Hawthorne, ckson, aye; and the Reso Hawthome offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: R3HEUTION ORDERING DlT?EOTTENEN!i! IJATEFi. YAIN , DJI~?ROVEEENT N0.49 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of e the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore chsed notice of hearing to be duly published-on the proposed improvement consisting of Construction-of Village 'Eqatemain Xxtension in Philbrook Lane, and at the Hearhg held at the time and place specified in. sad notice the Council has duly considered the'views of all persons interested, and being fully addsed of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and- shall be referred to in all subsequent pmceedings as Vatemin Improvement No. 49, and the area to be speciaXly assessed therefor shall include aLI lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said improvement is to be constructed. - Public Hearing was next hid" on proposed Water 2Mn Extension in Brookview Avenue between W.58th and 'td.59Lh Streets. Wotice of Hearhg," which .appeared in Zdina-Xorningside Courier June 39 and 26, and FJ'nich ins approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Estimate of Cost was read as $5,180.66 as agaLnst 1,196.96 Assessable Feet,. for $4.22 per assessable foot, for Late&, plus g.78 for Trunk Hain, or a total of $5000 per assessable foot. objections had been filed prior thereto, Resolution and moved its adoption: ' Clerk read AffMavit of Publication for Zngineer Ifitchell*s There were no objections at the Hearing, and no Hawthorne offered the follouring ~OLUTION OFtDEEXIXG IN~?ROVBJBNT - l~AT33RMA3N l2PNmGNT NO. 50 BE IT ZtESOLVEXl by the Council of.?;he yillags of Edina, ~lEni--iesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be dluly published on the proposed improve- ment consisting of Construction of Village Water 3bin Extension and Appurtenances in Brookview Avenue betweqn W.5&h and TI.59th Streets, and at the Hearing held at the time and place specified-in said notice the Council has duXy considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceea with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in a11 subsequent proceedings as Watermain Improvemat No. 50 and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said improvement is to be constructed. r Motion for adoption of aye; and Erickson, aye; the were four Wes and no nays, as follows: asle; Hawbhorne, I%& ' '7h-4152 iiai.rthorne then offered the followin Resolution and moved its adoption: %SOLUl!ION d PBOVIPJG PLAlTS AND ~CIFICAmONS '/ FOR :.f~-NIN. D~~O~~IENT NO. .To AND DIilECTJii? mvERTm*nw FOR BrnS . ' . \ BE IT.RESOLVZD by ihe Village-Council of the Village of Edina: ' le The plans and specifications for tlatemain ImpGovement No. B, heretofore 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in $he Edina-Morningside prepsed by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the con- struction of said improvement: ADVERTISB*Eifl! FOR BIDS FOR TiZTm-U ItPXXEEXT NO050 The Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall, 4801 IT.50th Street, Nmday, July 28, 1952, at 7r30 P,,li., to open and consider sealed bids for construction of Village S'jatemain Improvenent No. 50 consisting of Construction of Village Watermain Extension and Appurtenances in Brookview Avenue between TI.fi&h and W,59th Streets. ,4 for said inprovenat on file in office of Village Clerk, Bids mst be submitted onCbasis of cash pqjment for mPk. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with undersigned before time of said meeting and acconpaxied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to Village Clerk in amount of Ten percent of mount of bid. Work must be done as described and specified in plans and specifications BY GtDB OF VILLi4m COUNCIL, - Bower Hawthorne, Clerk 3. Each &d all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby adopted as the terns and conditions of award of the contract for said improvement 3Iotion for adoptzon of the Resolution tss seconded by Danens, and on RollcaXl there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: and Erickson, qe; and the Resolution was adopt de anens, aye; Hawthorne, aye; Tf, Bredesen ATm % ,/-, /? ~.-~/'',27~'~,~ X'asor Village Clerk Clerk read Affidavit of F'ublicatick in Edina-Sorningside Courier &me 19 and 26, 1952, of "Notice of Hearing-Opening, Grading and Gravelling of Garrison be, Grading and Gravelling of Vooddale Avenue, Valley View Road to Garrison Lane;" and, pursuant to said Notice of Hearing, Nwor Erickson announced Public-Hearing on this project. Febt, or 91.75 per-Assessable Foot,, Grade of the he, and was"to1d there vnuld be a cut of 611- at hs-s residence. were no objections at the Hearing, and no objections had been filed prior %hereto. He also explained that some easements are not yet in on this project. ofzered the following Besolution and moved its adoption: His Estimate of Cost was $3,660096 as against 2,095.10 Assessable Nr. Jordan, 4432 Garrison Lane, inquired as to There Hawthorne €@SOLUTION ORDERING ILEROVEZ5XC STmT DEROVE?.~BI"T NOoCL32- BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, I.linnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be dully published on'the proposed improve- mbnt consisting of Opening, Grading and Gravelling of Garrison.be, and Grading and Gravelling of Wooddale Avenue betveen Valley View Road and Garrison Lane, and at thgHearing held at thk tifne and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the vi$& of a12 persons interested, and being rUUy advised of the pefiinent facts does hereby determine to proceed wi%h the construction of said improvement; that said inprovement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subseqyent proceedings .as Street hprovehent No. 0-33 and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracks of land abutting and fronting upon the stree%;s" in which said improvement is to be constructed. I , c - Xotion for adoption of Resolution was duly there were four ayes and no nays, as J aye; and Erickson, aye; and the ResolutZon was Kayor Village Clerk c , ADTEZI!P~X~T FOR BIDS . BE I!l IESOLVb by the Village Council of the Village of Edjna: 1, The plans and specifhations for Street Improvement No. C-33 heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the ViSlage Clerk ~ are hereby approved. 7/14/52- 157 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in Edina-Horningside Courier and the Cons"t;c%ion B ulletin the following notice for bids for the construction of sxid *improvement r * 'I .AllmTEBvWT FOR BID5 STm nlPRomma IT0 . c-p: The Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall, 4801 W.5Oth Street, Xonday, August 11, 1952, at 7:30 PJVT., to open and consider sealed bids for construction of Tillage Street hprovement No. C-P: consisting of Grading and Gravelljng of Garrison Lane and of Uooddale Avenue between Valley View Road and Garrison be. . for said improvemat on file in office of Village Clerk, dn basis of cash payment for work. filed dth undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, bidtbond, or eerkified check payable to Village Clerk in amount of Ten percent of amount of bid. 'work must be done as described and specifTed in plans and specifications Bids must be submitted No bids will be considered unless sealed and .? BY OR13ER OF VILLGE COUNCIL. c c .. Bower Hawthorne, Clerk 3. Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the codtract for said improvement. XI Notion for adoption of Resolution was secon were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Br ens, aye; .Hawthorne, 1 aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolu3ion , and on RolLcal.1 there c I P. 1 /- Village Clerk Hawthorne's motion, that Pillage Attorney and Village Nanager be authorized and directed ..to take whatever steps are necessary to secure necessary righhof-way for above named project, was seconded by Danens and carried, c c ?+ \ At this time, Tk, Swant introduced four property owners along3fooddal.e Avenue, who dl objected strenuously to the improvement of Wooddale Avenue between Valley View Road and Garrison Lane, because of the resultant cost to themselves. Hessrs. Simeon Strand, V.E. Wpnan, Geroge Tedman, and Floyd Eller, aU thought that their properties would not benefit from improvement. Discussion was had, during which it was pointed out that I&. Wymanfs property has been rezoned toe Community Store District, and khat the%dman psoperty is also being used for comerEal purposes. There was no rZzrther action taken by Council, earlier c action being confirmed informally, *- Pursuant to Wotice of Hearing--Opening, Grading, Gravelling and Oiling of Concord Avenue from Southview Lane to W.60th Street," published in Edina- Nomings!i.de Courier June 26 and July 3, 1952, Affidavit of Publication for which was read by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file, Public Hearing was announced on this proposed project. 3hgineer IEtchell explained that easements are not yet in for full right-of-way, and that further. study is needed by the Engineering Department on this project, He suggested that Bblic Hearing be conthued until. Nonday, July 28, 1952, at 7:3O P.& Hawthorne so moved. c Notion seconded by Danens and carried. Edina Manor,11 which appeared-inBdina-Morningside Courier June 19 and 26, 1952; v&i.ch Aff5.davi.t was approved as to- form. and wdered placed .on file. Public Hearing was then conducted on this project, with Xngineer l.EtcheI.l's Estimate of Cost read at $16,364.65 as against 5,746.17 assessable feet, for $2085 per Assessable Foot., Xr. J,%, Boran, developer, Tequested that bids be &laye& until Xngineer Mitchell has effected remedy for drainage situation, and until the Gas Mains have been instaled. Danens offered the following Besolution -e $$&Clerk read Affidavit of Publica%ion for "Notice of Hearing-Gravelling, Borant s '' I *.a - and moved- its adoption: (.. SOLUTION OrnrnhG B,rnOrnrn Council heretof&e caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improvement consisting of the Gravelling of All Streets in Barans Edina Hanor Addition, and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in satd notice tke Cwncil has duly considered the views of all persws interest'ed, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby detemipe to proceed vdth the construction of said improvement; tha% said improvement is- hereby desigrlated and shall be-referred to in-all subseqyent proceedingcj as Street Improvement No, C-34, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include a11 lots and tracts of land abut€ing and fronting upon the streets in which"said improvement is to be constructed* ~ *i - c d1 1- $58 * Ibtion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall ' there were four ayes and no nays, as followst Havhimme, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the reso - /b 07 Village Clerk - Continuation was had of lky 26th Hewing on the proposed Grading and Gravelling of John Street between Naloney Avenue and Belmore Lane, Engineer 1EtcheI.l eqlained that Publiclforks Committee has inspectedthis project, and is agreeable to moving the northern part of the street Vestward to savs: TCr. Archie E, Dion from damages; that lk, Deon agreed to dedicating 36 feet of his property to the Village, but that this dedication has not been received to date, Hr, A.V. Clarke, 315 John Street, objected to grading tha street thought; advocatbg, instead, a dead-end, turn-around, He gave as his reasons porbab&e increase in traffic, both on John Street and on Belmore he; -and also a drainage problem which ~dll be createdo He filed a petition, sigred by some eleven property owners, against the grqding through. Hav&horne*s motion, that Public Hearing be continued to August 11, 1952, at 7:30 P.l.lO, was seconded by Bredesen and carried, Pursuant to Wotice of Hearing-Oiling and/or Blacktopping, Oaklawn Avenue between W028th and f-T,62nd Street," which appeared in Edina-Mo+gside Courier June 19 and 26, 1952, Affidavit for which Publication was read, approved as tto fom .and ocdered placed on file, Public Hearirig was'next held on this proposed project. explained to the audience that petitions have been received and Blacktopping projects approved for the 5800 and 6000 Blacks, but that Council has delayed advertising for bids, hoping that petitions 1:puld come in for the other tm blocks; that 5800 and 6000 Block projects were approved before change in specifications; that it is expected that costs prill now be higher than qpoted, There vas a large delegation from this area, -and, inasmuch as Engineer Hitchell asked for continuation of Hearing until July 28, in order that? Engineering Department might make more complete study of drainage factor, etc., Hawthorne so moved. Notion seconded by Bredesen and unanimously carried. Th-e next matter to come before the Council vas Hearing on Proposed Blacktopping of Kellogg Avenue betveen Tl.6lst Street and Qalley Yiew Ro_ad, which ~ias had pqsuant ko I1Potice of Hearing" vwch appeared in Edina-Horningside Courier June 26 and July 3, 1952. form azld ordered placed on file, Engineer Ifitchellts Est9ate of Cost was read as $l+3226.67 as against 959.20 Assessable Feet, for {$&I. per dssgssable Foot. 1.k. D, R, Itinnell, 6104 IZellogg Avenue, stated that ,he wishes the blacktopping but objects toothe cost thereof; and he inqyired as to possibility of this project being included vith Blackbopping of three blockstto the North. Council must take bids; that indusion by _contractor of this block is questionable; that bids for this 6200 Block are being takFn this evening. 1% was moved, seconded and Carrie$ that action be delayed unkil bids are received: At this-time, the Council cdLled f0"r sealed bids on several construction projects, pursuant to Advertisements, for Bids appzarhg in Edina-liorningside Courier as stated below, Affidayi.$s for which Publications yere read by Clerk, approved as to fom, and ordered placed on file:, .- It was t .t / , Clerk read Affidavit of Publkcation, of said Notice, which {ras approved as to It vas explained t'flat . GIBBISH Pl?EIFFER 1.10 E, ASHZOR3H 1 EXCAVAT. -CODTSTa IBAFFT & SONS ?/U/52 * Further consideration was then given to Public Hearing on Blacktopping of f59 I I _- ~ Kellogg Avenue between ’i?T,6lst Street to Valley View Road, with no objections being offered. Danens offered the follovsing Resolution and moved its adoption: REEOLUTION ORDERING IMRXJVB5NT ADDITION TO ST~, IT~~~BNT NO. A-40 BE IT. RESOLVED by the Council of-the Viuage of Edina, linnesot& that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to”be duly published on the proposed improvement consisting of the Blacktopping of Kellogg Avenue between 1~,6lst Street and Valley View Road,”and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby deternine to proceed vd€h the construction of said iaprovement. BE IT FURTHER RE;SOLvED that Street Tmprovement No. A-40, the Blacktopping of said Kellogg Avenue between W. 58th and IJ.6lst Streets,. was ordered at Village Council Ifeeting of Jk&y 23, 1952, after duly authorized procedure initiating said improvement , BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the improvement of Kellogg Avenue between W.6lst Street and Valley View Road is hereby designated and shall be referred to i.n’d.1 subsequent proceedings as a prt of Street Improvement No, A-40; and the area to be specially assessed-therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the portion of the street to be improved by said Blacktoppbg construction, Notion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there I were four ayes and no nays, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the as follows: Nayor Village Clerk Hawthorne then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: c RESOLUTION BPPROVD!JG PUNS AND SPECIFICATIONS, FOB ADDITION. TO STREET IN@OVBENT BO. AdtO @!ID DIRECTliTG AI”BE3dm F&. BIDS* BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Cou~cil. of the Pillage of Xdina: 1. The plans .and specifiFations for Addition to Street Improvement No,A-40 heretofore prepared by the Village EngineBr and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby apprbved. The action of Clerk in causing to be published twice in the Edina- Norningside Courier and the Construction Bulletin the follovcing notice for bids for the construction of said improvements is hereby confimed, c 2. ADVEEtTISBElJT mlB BIDS B~I~TOPP~GGG ATE. BXZEEXBI 3~61s~ ST, EC V.VE3 ID. The Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall, @Ol W.50th Street, Nonday, July U, 1952, at ?:3O P.M., to open and consider sealed bids for Blacktopping of Kellogg Avenue between W.6lst Street and Valley View Roade Work must be done as described and specified in plans- and specifications for said improvement on file in office of Village Clerk. on basis of cash payment for work. No bids will be constructed unless sealed and filed with undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposLt, bid bopd, or certified check payable to Village Clerk in amount of Ten percent of amount of bid, Bids must be submitted BY ORIE% OF WGE .GOUNCli;l. -- ~ - Bower Hawthorne, Clerk. 3. hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said improvement. Notion for adoption of Resolution was secdnded by Danens, and on Rollcall there rmre four ayes and no nays, as follows: Danens, we; Haurbhorne, Each and all of the tem’of the foregoing advertisement for bids are aye; and Erickson, aye; and the L/ Mayor Village Clerk Danens moved for referral of Grading and Gravelling and Blacktopping bids taken thLs evening to Village Engineer for tabulation and report at nextlmeeting, with Engineer to negotiate with Blacktopping Contractor Bshworbh with regard to the proposed contract for the Blacktopping of Kellogg Avenue between W.6lst Street and Valley View Boad, to see if thqs can be included with contract for and carried, Street lk&overnent No. A-40. Notion seconded by Bredesen 7/14/52 1 Public Hearing vas next had on propdsed Blacktopping of Tlindsor Avenue betvmen Nomandale Road and Kent Place, pursuant to "Notice of Imbrovement Hearing,!' which appeared in Edina-l.forningsi.de Courier June 19 and 26, 1952. ) of Publication for said Notice, which was approved as to form and ordered placed on file, Engineerrs Estimate bf Cost vas $lg,2OO.f& as against 2,195.75 assessable feet, for $4.65 psr assessable feet. There wsre no objections to the project, but -hm persons inquired as to Pearson Bros. * liability in the matter. They were informed thkt this is matter between buyer and seller. Danens offered the following Resolution and mved its adoption: Clerk &ad Affidavit BESOLUTION QWERDG DPRDVEI*~ STREElT RJEWEElBT NO. A-44 BE flt RESOI. by the Council of the Village of Edina, Ennesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearbg to be duly published on $he proposed improvement consisting of the Blacktopping of IEndsor'Avenue bet-&een Normandale Road and Kent Place, and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice. the Councfi has duly considered the views of all persons interested, &d being fully advised of* the 'pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said hprovemen-b; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all1 subsequent pro6eedings as Skreet Improvement No. A-44, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and frontkg upon the streets in which said improvement is to be constructed. c l-fotion for adoption of Resolution ?fils duly seconded by Bredesen, and. on Rollcal there and 'Brickson, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. were four ayes.and no nays, as follows: Rayor Village Clerk - Engineer 'fEtchel1 recomended delaying the taking of bids on this project, in order that street might have time to settle after underground construction, Danenst motion, accepting Engineerrs re~ommdation, vas seconded by Hawthorne and carrieda . Pursuant to Wotice of Hearing-Oiling,tl published in Zdina-Norningside Courier on JWe-19 and 26, 1952, Council conducted Public Hearing on proposed Oiling of T.TO5$th Street between Zenith and %bot% Avenues. Engineerts Estimate of Cost vas G.15 per front foot. filed prior to Hearing. slane~s offered the foUbwing Resolution and moved its adoption: * There were nor objections from the floor, wd no objections had been PEXILUTION ORDBUI4G STmT ITfPFtOVEl*EWC NOaO-35 Sm AUT'ROEIZDJG CONSTRUCTIOLt BY DAY LrlBOR AKD UmER SU~VLsIO;\T OF VIIJ24GZ BNGINEZR BE &T &SOL?EIJ by the Village Council 02 the Village of Edina as follows: 1. This Council has heretofore caused .f notice of hearing to be duly published Oiling of - 3L5E';th Street betiregn Zenith and Abbott Avenues on proposed hpmvement as follows: and at the time and place -qecir^ied in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby detemine to proceed with the constrirction of that improvment, which said hpr0venen.t is hereby designated and shall be referred to as follow: c r STm B.lJ?€iQ~XT~E $10, Oiling of 'Ye58th Street between Zenith & Abbott Aves. 0-*35 e 2, The area to be spsc;ially assessed for said improvement shall include all The Village &ginear has heretofore sutsnitted to the CounckL plans and I lots and tracts of land frontjng and abutting upon the streets in which each improve- ment is to be constructed. specifications and an estimate of cost of each of said hprovments, fron r.rhich 5% appears and it is hereby-found and deterqhed that tot& cost of said ilrprovement TEIJ. be less than $5~,00; therefore, this Council is authorized & law and does hereby determine to pkchase directly the materials fop each of said improvemmts; and complete the sane by emplojment of day labor. directed to supervise the work on each improvement, and upon completion thereof, also to suWt a detailed report, certified by him, and file the same with the Viu-age Clerk, shoving in general the complete cost of the work, and specificay the follovring : c 3. 4. The Village Engineer, being a Registered Ehgjneer, is hereby autharized and (a) (b) (c) Find Costs o€ %he various units of work done, IJaterials furnished for the project, and the cost of each item thereof. Cost,of labor, cost of equipment hired, and supervisory cost, S&d report shd,l also mnth a certificate by said Engineer that the wrk was done according to plans and spacifications therefor. 3.btion for adoption of %he Resolution was seconded :.TTere four ayes ad no nays, as €O~~OVTS: Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution vas adopted, e-* I$a$or R .c I 'j Public Hgaring was conducted on proposed installation of Ornamental Street Eights in Arden Avenue betrreen W,5Oth and W,52nd Streets, pursuant to tlNotice of Improve- ment Hearing" published @I Edina-Ho-wingsid-e Courier June 12 and 19, L952,. Affidavit of Publication for said Notice was read by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Engineer &Etchell stated that he cannot give a full and complete estimate of cost because petition does not state how many lights are wanted; that he does have an esthte of $300.00 per light, installed, He showed Council and audience several different types of lights, no objections whatsoever to the cost of the project, everyone present being in agreement that lights should be installed, to the location of the lights; with Messrs, Gus French .and J,L. Lehar, 5011 and 5028, respectively, insisting that lights be located away from their residences, Dr, Dostal, 5113, stated he would not object to a light located in front of his home. E@. Alden D, Sheffield, 5007 Arden, requested an equitable placeme$ of lights, regardless of objections, Nd the matter of a recept Northern States Power survey was discussed, moved its adoption$ There were The only srgment seemedto be as Hawthorne offered the follotving Resolution and MSOLUT ION OstzDERIf\TG DPR0"ENT STRIET IMPROlQ."T NO,. F-1 E@ IT RESbLm by t<e Council of the Village of Edina, Pfinnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed , improvement, consisting of Constructi,on and Installation of Ornamental Street Lights in Arden Avenue between W.50th and W.52nd Streets, and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council ha& duly con- sidered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinentp facts dbes hereby deterqhe to proceed with the construction of said hprovement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be r'eferred to in dl1 subsequent proceedings as Street Improvement No. F-1, and the area tobe specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said improvement is to be constructed, -3Iotion for adoption of Resolution was duly seconded by Danens, and on Roilcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Hawthorne, aye-; and Brickson, aye; and the R io .w adopted, derp Danens, aye; I W&%-4 cc X4yor c ,. . Hawthorne? s motion, directing Villgge Engineer "to prepare plans and specifications forrsubmission to Council and resident? of area, on the abdire named project, was seconded by Bredesen and carried, Council then took bids on the followjng materials and construction projects, in &ccordance kith Advertisement@ for Bids,.affidavits for publication having been read by Clerk, approved as to form and then placed on file: c STRET D~P.NO,B;.~ ~~A~~ ~llzt.,i;Jo. 45 \ CURB & GUTTER IN IN W,56TH ST., COD3 musm PIT BZNG-57TH TO 58th Am. TO HANSEN RDo RUN GMYEL M,G, Astleford Go. &L50 hYdr Bart Carlone $5,453 030 . Terry Excavating Coo .5,831-*73 4004 Tl078th St, FOB Plant Barnes-Xattison Coo $4,060,09 Fit agerdls Bros. $3$62.72 Vfctor Carlson $3,822,18 Danenst Botion, referring bids to Village Epgineer for tabulation and report at next meeting, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. :I n Wr. Ralph S, Ibberson, 4609 Lakeview Drive, objected to installation of -curb and guttep at his.residence, explaining that it will aggrav$e his present drainage difficulties, and %hat, inasmuch as ,it will not be installed around his "entire corner lot, it will devaluate his property rather than benefit it, Xhen told that the contract has already been awarded, MF. Ibbersoq made the statement that'he will pay the cost of instdlation, if necessary, butthat he most decidedlytdoes not want it' installed, HawthorngTs motion, that matter be referred to Village Zngineer for negotiationvrith contractor for deletion of this portion from contract, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. I&. John E, %~~e~,6224. Brookview Avenue, retracted his pemisslon for three@ foot aut at crest of Brookview Avenue hill in front of his residence: explaining that his 'statement at Public Hearing on this project was in error, and that cut of tKis extent will seriously damage him by making it necessary for him to completely build his driveway over. hill at Brookview &venue be a maximwn of eighteen inches, was seconded by Danens and carried, Hawthorne's Iqotion, that cut on crest of 7/U/52 ibiessrs Jacobs and Olson of Virginia Avenue Addition appeared to request that the matters of Sanitary Sever and Vater service for the Addition be settled, sta&i.ng that they vish both, and on an. assessment basis of ten- years, if possible. Engineer i-Etchell read the July 7th report of Tolta, King and Day, hc,, Engineering Con- sultants on EC!ina Sanitary Sewer matters, vhich states in part - YCt therefore appears that this 1.IinneapoEs outlet is adequate for sone years to come, eqecially if every effort is made to elinbate infiltration,t1 Some review vas had as to the -various means of pc~yingon this construction, and Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLVTION SETTING lXG&UNG SNM!ARY SEER X*E'B@JBEUT F-, the-Village Council desires on its of;R1. motion to improve the follorr.- irlg streets by Construction of Village Sdtary Sewer Extensions &d Appurtenances therein as set forth be1or.r: c 1. Construction of 10" Sanitary District Sever and Appurtenances- in Concord Avenue between V.60th and V.62nd Stlteets. - 2. Construction of 10" Sanitary District Sewer and Appurtenances in Valley View Road between Concord and Parnell Avenues. 3. Construction of 911 Lateral Sanitary Sewer in Virginia Avenue and Parnell Avenue betireen TL60th and TL62nd Streets; in IT.60th and TT.62nd Streets between Concord and Panell Avenue; in Virginia Lane between Concord and Virginia Avenues all as authorized by Laws 1949, Chapter 119, as amended by Laws 1949, Chapter 430, now therefore, " BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that it is deemed necessary and eqzdient to make the Sanitary Sewer Bprovment heretofore set forth, and tbt on the Uth day of August, 1952, at 7~30 o'clock P.fL, this Council vsill meet at the Tillage Hall in said Village and rill .at said time and place hear the parties-interested therein in reference to such improvement, and xCLl. decide whether or not to undertake such improvemnt, in whole or in part. improvements includes all lots and tracts of land within an area described as follovrs f East &ong.Centerline of TT.60th Street a distance of 165 Ft. more or less; tho South along a line parallel 76th Concord iivenue to a point 500 FL mote or less South from the Centerline of TL6Oth St.; tho East to Centerline of Concord he,; th. South to a point 168 Ft. more or less South of Centerline of Valley Weir Road; tho E. 165 Ft. more or less; tho South to Centerline of-TT.62nd Street; th. 17. along Centerline of IJe62nd Street to a point 165 Ft. more or less Vest of Centerline of Parnell Avenue; th, North to a point 165 Ft. North of Centerline of f.T,60th Street; th. East to a point 165 Ft, West of the Centerline df Concord Avenue; th. South to the Centerline of TJO6Oth Street; th. East to beginningo 1-lotion for adoption of Besolution was seconded by Bredesen, md .on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; and Erickson, snd the Resolution was r BE I2 ?3JFtT€ilE! RESOLVED, That the area proposed to be assessed for these 1rBeginn5ag at the intersection of Concord Avenue and lT.60th Street; the c Bredes Danens, %e; Hawthorne, -t - \ - Tillage Clerk c- ElaTrthorme then offered the following Resolution and moved its Ldoption:. , R"SOWT1aJ SETTING HEkIFLIlXi FOR 17ATEX 1*XLN Z*PROVE%NT T-, the Village Council desires on its own motion io improve the follov~ng streets by Construction of Village Vater r.lzin Exbension and AppuAe- nms therein as set forth below: of the Centerline of FJ.59th-Street to 17, 60th Street. 1, 2, 3. 4, 6, 6!! "iizin 7. Ef, 12" P%&n in Concord Avenue, from a point 230 Ft, more opr less, Forth 1011 &in in Concord Avenue from 1~60th Street to TI06B~ld Street. 1Ofl I-hin in Vdleg View Rosd from Concord Avenue to Parnell Avenue. 61t 11- in V.6Oth fjtreet froh Concord Avenue ,to Parnell Avenue. - 611 &.in in Parnell Avenue from 1J.bOth Street to T.1.62nd Street Virginia Avenue from V.60th Street to TT.62nd 'Street. 611 1;ain in V.62nd Street from Parnell Avenue to Concord Avenue >la j.n Virginia La;ne from Virginia Avenue to Concord Avenue. all as authorized by Lws 1949, Chapter 119, as amended by Lavrs 1949, Chapter 430, now therefore . €93 XL' m0LSIX.D by the Village Council, of the Village of Edina that it is dsemed necessary and kcpedient to make the Water Hain hprovement heretofore set forth, and that on the llth day of August, 1952, at 7:3? P.fL, this Council 1d3.l meet: at the Village Hall in said Village and vrill at said time and place hear the parties interested therein in reference to such improvement, and >rill decide whether or not to undertake such hpmvment, in whole or in part. BE IT PUFiT€EB PZSOLmD, that the area,proposed to be assessed for this inprovaent includes a3.I lots and tracts of land within the fo3loriing boundaries: Worrmencing at the centerline of S.J.6Oth Street qd Wooddale Avenue; th. South along Vooddale :ivenue to I7.67ad Street extended East from Concord rlvmue; I 163 --_ 7/r4/52 - th. Irest to figkitray No. LOO; tho North along Highway No. 100 to a, point 430 feet, more or less, South of the Northwest corner of the S1/2 of Se~~l9-28-24; tho East to Concord Avenue; th. South to TJ.60th Street; th. East to poin-t of beginning. Notion for adoption of Resolution was seconded. by Bredesen, and on Rollcd.2. there were four ayes and no-nays, as follow Hawthorne, aye; and Xrickson, aye; and t Village i:wT Clerk ? 1- Bk. Kenneth Gustafson recpested that the matter of opening Concord Avenue . between,l-~.6Oth and W.62nd Streets come before the Council at the same time as the opening of Concord north of W.6Oth Street, and Havrbhorne offered the i t , aye; Danens, aye; QIayor -. following Resolution and moved its adoption: 1 RESOLUTION SETTING HlGBING AmUE, W.60TH TO 7.1.62NB SIT. STREET ll4J?€D~~-COi'lCORD - TmW, the Village Council desires an its own motion to improve Concord Ayenue between W.6Oth and 21.62nd Streets by Opening, Grading and Gravelling same, &1 as authorized by Laws 19.49, Chapter 119, as amended by Laws 1949, Chapter 430, now therefore, is deemed necessary and expedient to make the 'Street hprovement heretofore ,set forth, and that on the 28th day of July, 1952, at 7:30 p&, this Council will meet at the Village Hal1 in said Village and will at said time and place hear the parties interested therein in reference to such hprovenent, and will decide whether or not ti0 undertake such improvement, in whole or in part, this improvement includes all lots and tracts of land abutting and front- ing the street to be improved. P'lotion for adoption of the Resoluti there were four ayes and no nws, as Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; - BE IT RXSOLm by the Village Council of .the Village of Edina that it BE IT FUFLTKER RESOL'VED, thqt the area proposed to be assessed for -F Village Clerk -- Deputy Clerk Alden reported that she had failed to make proper publication of Notice of Hearing for the Grading and Gravelling of All. Styeets in Virginia Avenue Addition, which hearing had been scheduled for this meetin$; and asked that Hearing be set for Itonday, July 2G. Hawthorne so moved. gotion seconded Xr. E. C. Sharpe, Jr., 5004*W.56th Street, requested repairs io Code Avenue and W.56th Street, stating that his basement is still fa of vrater, I4itchelL stated that the Village crew will. be $n to repair the street just as soon as equipment can be gotten into,this corner, Petition was filed by Stephen F. Nugent, 5601 Beard It.venue South, for Curb and Gutter at his residence. have this construction made on an assessment basis. Public Hearing on this proposed project be scheduled for July 28, and that Councfl advertise for bids'to be taken on July 28, was se-wnded by Danens and \ 1 by Danens and carried, - En,..ineer I It was explained that this property oprner id-shes to Hawthornets motion thak c$rried. I? -- I I Kessrs, Anderson and Gebo appeared again, to request the Rekning to Co&unitg Store District of- Id 3, Block 1, Edenmoor AdditLon, 5241 Eden Ayenue, motion, 'chat Public Hearing on this matter be seheduled for Honday, July 28, A delegation of property owners requested that the Village Attorneyts Opinion with reference to AlleyVacations be read--this in special reference to pro- posed vacation of alley between W..56th and V.57th Streets and Abbott and Beard Avenues. Attorney TSindhorstts opinion af June. 23 vras read in response to this request. Delegation of property owners then reviewed for Council. various Hawthorne's at 7:30 POXo, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. I c c + - petitions filed, as follows: 1 1. 2. 3. Petition for Vacation of South Portion of Alley - Sihed by less than Petition for Grading,Gravelling and Oilingbf Entire Alley - Signed Gy Petition-for Vacation of Ehtire llley - Signed by owners in excess of 513; of owners of entire alley. r less khan 51s of owners of entire alley. 52.g of entire alley, and filed after Public Hewing of'lfay 26. % 7/1&/52 , Clerk Hawthorne eqlaiaed to the delegation that while khe Village Council does not like alleys, it has been Council policy while he has been on the Council not to vacate platted alleys if even one pzrson-will be damaged by vacation; that Attorney Vindhorst has stated that petitioners may take their problems to District Comt, T.rhich has pover to set damages; that, 5n the hope that vacation petitioners r.rill secure a District Court ruling, he vKLl move that the petibion €or the Vacation of the Alley between V.56th wid W.57th Streets and between Abbott and Beard Avenues be rejected, Hotion was..seconded by Danens and unanimously carried. Xessrs. Ben jamin and I.Iellema, and Mtorney Green were present, as well as severd. others. once again, to work out a solution satisfactory to aXL and then bring their sugestions to the Council. $64 Council requested that neighbors attempt, . &so Goddington, 306 Blake Road, complained of a drainage problem resulting-from a culvert being laid in the alley in Block 13, IIendelssohn; and Ilrs. -7J.R. hderson, k02 Bhke Eoad, asked Council if this alley had not been vacated years ago. Hav&horne*s motion, directing Village Engineer to study the drainage problem in this areaand report back to Council, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. - The Village of Richfieldts July-7th invitation for joint Richfield-Edina Council Xeeting on Sanitary Sewer, was read. notified that Edina Council will be glad to mzet with-them on Ifonday, kugust 4, to discuss proposed joint sewer project, vas seconded by Bredesen and carrieda Proposals of Eebenberg & Kaplan, and of Loren B. kbbett, wchitects, with regard to services €or the new Village Hall, were read, and were referred to Village Hall Citizens Gemittee, by motion cHzwthome, seconded by Bredesen and carried. Police Report for June vas reviewedand ordered placed on file, by motion Hawthorne, seconded by Bredesen, and 'carried. The following improvement petitions were filed, all bearing signatures of ovmers of more than 515 of abut-bing properties: Streets and between 1Ebt.ot-b and Zenith Avenues. Eighmy 169 and Elk Richirood Drive, and of Richwood Drive. Hawthorne's motion, that Richfield be t L 1, 2. 3. & Petition for Grading and Gravelling of '€-Alley between Tf059th and lT.60th Petition.for Grading, Gravelling and Oiling of Shewood Road between Pet5tion for Oiling Benton Avenue, Hansen Road and Vest. Petition for Blackbopping Code Avenue, ~y.56th Street to TTindsor. F Hawthorne's motion, accepting petitions and scheduling Public Hearings on them for Ibnday, August ll, 1952, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. 1-k. Keith Le Carlsonts inquiry concerning Assessment €or Street Improvment No. C-13 was read, and was referred to the Deputy Village Clerk for answer, by motion Hawthorne, seconded by Danens and carried. The Spring Companyts protest against amount of Assessment for Sanitary Setrer B-1 was read, and 'tias referred to the Deputy Village Clerk for answer, by motion Hairthorne, seconded by Bredesen and carried. Ilk. Carl 1% Hansents request for permit to construct six dml.lings in ItParhcood Knolls Third Addition11 vas read. I-Ianager KitcheLl reported that FinaLPlat has not get been approved. Bredesents notion, that Council adhere to its present policy of issuing no building permits until after approval. of final plat, was seconded by Hairthome and carried, The following Abplications for Sign Permits were presented, office reporting that locations have not get been inspected: Pearson Bms. - for 41x8' Sign at Corner of Shkmmod &ad and Hy.169 *-I t' F 1. 2. PyrPnid Coo 3. Brede, Inc. 4. Brede, Inc. - for 4t.S. Sign on V.7Oth Street at Lee Valley Circle. - for lO'x4.0' Sign on H;7.169-1/2 ZEle E. of Cy.Rd. 18 on Elmer .Chermak property.--1%ambin 1.lotorsIf - for 14tx3.4.t Sign on North Side,of Hy.5 just 11. of c c Cahill Road - T.F. Smisek property - ~~Tydol-V~eedoll*. &wthorne*s motion, that signs be approved subject to approval of,$ign hspector, was secondFd by Bredesen and carried, Building Inspector Voehler reported the request of- H.18. Bloomberg to construct a dwelling in Colonial Grove Third Addition,- facing ~1056th Street instead of Woodland Circle as per lot plat, this procedure in this case, inasmuch as Bloomberg is developer of this Addition. Hawthornets motion, that, permit be granted, was seconded by Dqms and carried. I&, Voehler then reported 1.k. Bloomberg's request for pedt to construct dvrelling in Colonial Grove Third Addition, .r.rith encroachment of four or five feet on minimum setback; this because back yard slopes off abruptly. that request be denied. I He reportedtha't he sees no objectiops to Hawthorne moved Kotion seconded by Danens and carriedo __ 7/11&/52- F- %$ti Hawthorne moved for Second Reading and Final, Adoption of the following Ordinance: AN ORDINAWE - . TO &EXD THE ZOr\TmrC.ORDINl!!JJc;E OF THE ll'ILLAGZ OF Ehl!TA, HEWPIN COUMCY, c c 3mmorilp, The Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin Countyy, Wmesota, does ordain as follows: Sec. 1. Section XV of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Edina, Hemepin County, Nkaesota, as passed by the Tillage Council on the 25th day of &y, 1931, as thereafter amended, is hereby further amended by adding the following additional paragraphs .hediat ely following paragraph (f-7) : (f-8) That part of the Northeast Qqarter (NE1/4) of Section 30, Township 28N, Mge 24W in the Southeast (SE) Corner thereof 554.59 Feet North (N) and South (5) by 500 Feet East (Z) and tiest (IT) Section 30; Township 28N, Range 24.V. The IIest (I?) Seven and one-hdf (7&) acres of Lot One (l), Cassints Outlots. I All that part of the Southwest Quarter (%ll/4) of Section 29, Torimship 28N, Range 24H, except that gart thereof included in York Terrace. Lots Six (6) to Eleven (11) inclusive of Block One (1) and . Lots Nine (9) to Sixteen (16) inclusive, Block Tim (2), York Terrace. The Vest (Ig) Seventy ('70) Feet of the East (E) One" Hundred (100) Feet *of the North One hundred and Seventy-three (173) Feet and the South (S) Seventy-Five (75) Feet of the North (N) Two Hundred and Forty-eight (a8) Feet of the &st One- Eighth ('E1/8) of the Northeast Quarter (NE3../4) of the Southwest Yuarter (%D./4) of Section 29, Tovmship,. 28N, Range 2yra. (f-9)- The East (E) 500 Feet of the Southeast Quarter (SEL/4) of i' - (f-LO) (f-11) (f-12) (f-13) Sec. 2. This Ordinance shall take effect and bk in force from and a€ter its;: adoption and according to law. Notion for Fin& Adoption of the:zbove Ordinance was sebonded by Bredesen, and Yillage Clerk - The matter of the proposed "Trash Burning Ordinancelt was reviewed at sbme iength. First Reading PELS had of the following Ordinance, and Bredesen moved that Council dispense with Second Reading and adopt Ordinance as read: AN ORDINBJCE RXLATDJG TO THE BURKIITG OF TRASH J!JD GlEBAiE, l3233ALING THE OEtDDTANC3 RE- LATING.TO THE BURNDIG OF 'IBii I PBSSED FIBRUiXRY 27,1926 c The Village Council of the Village of Edina do ordain as foilo.r&: Section 1. The Ordinance-of the Village of Edina entitled, trAn Ordinance Relating to the Burning of Trash" which passed %he Village Council February 27, 1926, is herebz repealed, The term ltgarbageft as used herein shall mean and include the refuse animal and vegetable,mattey froh kitchens, pan!ries, dining rooms or other parts of hotels, restiiprants, boarding houses, tenement houses, dwelling houses, market houses and pGblic or private institutions-in the Village of Edina, the refuse anina3 mtter from butcher shops and freezing iocker plants, the refuse fruits and vegetables from stores and commission houses, the refuse animal and vegetable matter from grocery stores, fish stores and poultry stores and all refuse accumula%ion contain$ng animal or vegetable matter %hat attends the prepara$ion, use, cooking or storing of meat, fish, fowl, €ood, fruit or vegetablgs. associations, corporations, firms or cQ-partnerships, both singular and plurd. this Village except in an incinerator located rcit-hin the confines of an enclosed building or basement, provided, howevgr, that the operation of such incinerator must not-*o;late any fire ordinance or reglation of this Village. No person shall burp any sweepings, trash, lder, leaves, straw, papers, grass or other combustible material in any street, alley, yard or upon any lotrrdthin the JMts of this Village except in the manner hereinafter in this ordinance permitted, provided, however, that such bum-kg shall not violate r 4 Section 2, Section 3. The word Ifperson1r as used herein shall include persons, Section 4* No persons shall burn any garbage vrithh the limits of Section 5. any fire ordinance or regulation of this Village. -- 7/u/52 Section 60 hy of the refuse or material described in Section 5 of this 166 ' ordinance may be burned within the fire limits of this Village in a refuse burner constructed in a substantial mer of iron, steel, brick, concrete or stone, which shall be a closed receptacle with a tight door at the bottom, if any 'opeIling there exists, and the top opening shall be protected in a secure manner by a wire screen of not lesscthan nine gauge wire with a mesh not to exceed one inch, If such refuse burner is constructed of iron or steel, it shdl not be thiqner than 2.4 B.Y. gage. shall not be burned within tvrenty (20) feet of any building, structure or flammable material nor xithin ten (10) feet of any fence, partition or neighboping paperty line. The Fire- Wts of this Village shall be such as may be set by the Village Provided, however, that such refuse 'or 'material Council by Rqsolution, from time to time. - 'Section 7. Any of the refuse or material described in Section 5 of this ordinance may be burned outside the fire ljmits of this Villzge, if under the constant supervision of an adult person, between the hours or" 6 A.IL and 9 P01L, prooided that if such refuse consists of materials other than leaves, straw and grass it shall be burned in a burner constructed according 60 specificat'ions con- tained in Section 6 of this ordinance or in a burner constructep of wire 03 simiLar metal construction, If constructed of wire, %he burner shall be of not less than No 9 gauge wire vith a mesh not greater than two inches by four Ziiches and strengthened by three or more one inch by one-quarter inch hoops at the top and bottom, Provided, however, that such refuse or material shall not be burned within twenty (20) feet of any building, structure or flammable material nor within ten (10) feet of any fence, partition or neighboring property line. Vnis ordinance shdl, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not to- exceed One Hundred Dol2ars (~~100.00) or by imprisonment not to exceed ninety I Section 8. Any person who shall violate any of-the provisions of (90) days. Section 9. Section 10. This ordinance shallltake effect and be in force from and All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here- after its passage and publication according to law. with are hereby repedled. . -* Kotion for adoption of Ordinance vas seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nsys, as follows: Bredes and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was adopt F 3 Village Cle%k I&, James Iiaditt of Phelps-Drake Company, Contracters for Sanitary Sever Improve- ment No, 37, protested the withholding of estimate payments pending restoration of Blacktop. 3ngineer Hitchell read from Sanitary Sewer Specificationsa clause supporting his contention that blacktop is to be restored by Contractor as part of contract price. Considerable discussion was had, and Council suggested that I4essrs. Haditt and IEtchell confer, to see just how much money is involved, and make report to Council at a later meeting, Bredesen moved for papent of Village Payroll, amount %,EK)9,16 and Liquor Store ?apoll, amount CjlJ53.24, for period July 1 to 15, inclusive and overtime for June, as recorded in detail in Payroll kdger, and for payment of the following Claims: Xotion seconded by Danens and carried. 3 - - TO: - CLrn.1 NO. 7293 Japs Olson Company 72<4 7295 7306 <7307 7308 7309 7310 73u 7312 7296 7297 57 58 5757 7298 7299 7300 7301 - i3rki.n 3. Danieisen Bober% F. FitzsWons,Cy.Aud. Dickrnan C. Ifnutson George 3. Thompson " F. Iiichard Obemeyer Lee -R. Xeredith Ealph 77, Corey James A. Huckins Villian J; Deauth Brookside Service Station Arthur K. Petersen Suburban Hem, Cy, Relief Bd. First TJatl. Bank of Npls. Leon Do Iiarris 1,H. i.ioore t. COT. EochreU, - Archie 1.1. Smith z (Continued next p&e) I CLTIDI NO, 7302 : 7303 73% 7305 L200 5 ~2006 22007 L2008 ~2009 L2010 L2011 , L2012 ?/1&/52 Al;ouNT TO: Jzlmes 1.1. Thomson ;,;15 .OO Rm S4 Tinkhm 15;OO - Francis I<. TTalsh 15.00 Rose Hary Griak 35.00 Griggs, Cooper 0 Go. ~Lirnn. ltunicipal Liquor Stores Xssn. LO,OO State of Xim.-Liquor Control Corn. 10,OO Jaderson Agency- 267.00 Griggs, Cooper & Co. 4831 * 53 Ed,. Phillips & Sons Co. 973 17 5213 . 8.4 XcKesson & Robbins 193.55 RcKesson & Robbins 278. 95 Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RXSOLU'i'ION XSTULISHIPTG EZECTION POLLING . VILLAGE OF EDINA. . . PISCES FOR_~ZXl3CTION-DISTRICTS IN TI33 bi3 IT TCESOLTZD BY TI33 COhCa OF THE: V1I;tACS OF EDINA, That Polling Places for Zlections to be held in the.Vi.Xlage of.Ed5na shdl be at the followipg locations: FOE VOTING DISTRICT NO, 1 - Edina Covenant Church, 50th 3%. and Tndianola Zve, FOR VOTING DISTRICT NO. 2 - St. Stephens Church, 50th St, and Sfooddale he. FOR VOTING DISTRICT NO. 3 - St.Feters Lutheran School, 3808 T. .Fuller St. FOR VOTDJG DISTEICT NO, 4 - Edina Community Lutheran Church, 4111 W.54th Stb FOR VOTING DISTRICT NO, 5 - Nomandale Lutheran Church, Nomandale +and FOE VOTING DISTFLICT EO, 6 - Temporam Structure at Van Euren and iTdoney J-ms. FOR VOTING DISTRICT NO. 7 - C;range-&d.b, Sdin Avenue,and Eormndale Road. ' FOR VOTING DISTRICT NO, 8 - Vest-3htrance to Edina School, 50th C. TJooddale. FOR VOTING DBTECCT NO. 9 - East Entrance to*Edina School, 50th tk 1JooddaI.e. FOR VOTING DISTRXCT NO.10 - Our Lady of Grace Church, 5300 Iformandale-Rd. FOE VOTING DISTRICT H0,U - Colonial Church or" Edina, 56th Stm & Wooddale be. FOR VOTING DISTRICT N0.12 - Temporary Structure at Corner W.6Oth St. & France I Valley View Roads. Ave ,, Ifotion for ad-option of Resolution was seconded by Danens, and 0;; Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Danens, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and %rickson, aye; and the lfayor Vill5ge Clerk Building Inspector Woehler recommended purchase of Polling Place site at Van Buren and Naloney Avenues, to insure continued use of this site. DFscussion was had as to using Interlachen Club in case Van Buren site is no longer availabel. Council rejected recommendation, feeling that expense of taking this lot off the tax rolls would more than balance any expen'diture necessary for renting other polling place site. The matte'r of the proposed "Personnel1' Ordinance again came before the Council, together yith Village AttorneyIEndhorstrs opinion on same. Bredesen moved for Final Reading of the follovhg Ordinance, and for its adoption as read: c AN ORDmmm TO ESTABLISH A POSITION-CIdESIFIClSIOlJ PLAN, A CONPEUSATION PLAN, .A E.sERIT SYSTEM, AND A BUIC i?l3FtSONllEL POLICY FOR TEIE Vmlm OF EDINA, "E3OTA The Village Council of the.ViLlage of Edina does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. system of municipal personnel administration for all employees of the Village of PURPOSE; OF THX ORDIN~CB. It shall be the purpose of this ordinance to establish a uniform and equitable I Edina based upon (1) the merit principle of selection, promotion and retention of employees; (2) established wage ranges for job classifications; (3). automatic cost-of-living adjustments in pay, and; (4) employee participation in the formulation of municipal personnel policies DEFINITIONS: '!Part-time employment" shall me& employment regularly engaged in on Wasual employmentlf shall mean employment which is incidental to the a spheduled, less than full-time, basis. main functions of the Village government, normally for short duration, and compensated for on an hourly basis, scheduled,,full-time work week-basis for less Vnan twelve (12) months in any one calendar year. Weasonal employment1r shall mean employment regularly engaged in on a - 7/u/52 { Wenefitsl! means privileges granted to an employes in the forin of v&,tion leave, sick leave, overtime allowances, holidays, military leave, military induction pay, or pay received in lieu of accrued leaye upon termination of employment , the foll&ing fiscal year are estimated, considered, and adopted according to lair. wise provided by law. - !Qudget the1' means that period during which budget requirenents for Viscal year" shall be Januaqr 1 to DGcember 31, inclusive or as other- tlAppointing authorityIf shall mean the Council. Sc;TIOl? 2, created, shall be subject-to the provisions of this ordinance, except that: POSITIONS COTXRED BY*THE ORDINANCE, All offices and posi-fiions in the municipal empliy, now existhg or hereafter (1) The following of€ices and positions*shall be wholly exempt from the - provisions of this ordinance: a. OfficisiLs elected by the people. e. Clerks of Court b. IIepbers of Boards and Codssions f, Health Officers 8. Village Attorneys g. Yolunteer Fire Department de Village lfanager et Ihgineer and ordinances shall be exempt fromthose provisions of this ordinance which are inconsistent kith Civil Service provisions of law. I (2) Those eqloyees who are subject to the provisions of Civil Service Status d * S@XION 3. KECl3,IJkEm ? Pill appoi&ments in the'municipal servick shgU 6e made according to merit and fitness . - c +. A. kiy $rLamination. J Tken required by law or by the appointing ahthority, merit and fitness nay be ascertained by mitten, oral, or other ex&n&tions and shdl relate to those matters tfhich 7rU.l. tes'c fairly the capakity and fitness of the cahdidate to discharge efficiently the duties of the position for which such examinations are held, - 3. :;ithout Examination. In case of appointment to positions for whikh examinations are not reqpired the appointing authority may appoint any person who appears to neet the re&irenents listed in the class specifications and whom the appointing authority deems qualified to perform the duties of the position. * ShION 4* l3KX~CYI!ION FdWIITH3CN THE SERVICE, .It shall be the policy to fill vacaricies in the municipal service by promotion of permanent mplopes, insofar as practicable. s%CTIOX 5. PROB:iTIOI?FiRY ERIOD. A, Purpose. .The probationar3 priod shall be regwded as an integral. part of the examination process and shall be utilized for closely observing the enployee's viork, for securing the most effective adjustment of the employee to his position, and for rejecting any employee whose. performance does not meet the recpired work standards, B, Duration. All original sppointments shall be probationary and' subject to a probationary period of six (6) months of service after appointment. At any time during the probationary pe@od an employee may be transferred or dismissed if his kerforname does not meet the required standards. Bnployees who sh&L not have conpleted six (6) months of full-time service as or" the effective date of this ordinance shall receive credit for such full-time service as they shall have performed in fulfilling the probation- ary period re9irement. C. Applies to Fronotions. All promokions shall be subject to a probationary period of six (6) months. If an employee who has been promoted is found unsuited for the work of the class of positions to vhich promoted, he may be reinstated to the position or other position in the class from which he was promoted, provided that he was a pemanent employee and that a vacancy exists, D. Affects Leave Benefits. probationary psriod, an employee VTU not be entitled to sick leave, vacation leave, and vacation leave, the sick leave and vacation leave to be accrued from the start of probationary employment. E. How Completed. (1) Rn employee vho has completes six months of probationary sehce, and . xiho has not received before completion of six (6) months service a witten notice frok the appointing authority that his services are terminated shall be considered to have successfully completed the probationary period and shall automatically receive status as a permanent employee, (2) Any employee who voluntasily or involuntarily leaves the emplogment of the Village and later is rehired, is subject to the sane-probationary period as a new employee. Duringthe initial probationary period, but not during a promotional After six months of service an employee will be entitled to sick leave I SECTIOiV 6. PEOVISIONAI; LPPOIHXZNTS 7/14/52 ;. IC39 A, When $lade. - _. iance to the public, but not otherwise, the appointing authority may make a provisional appointment to a position in a class for which examinations are ordinarily given and for which appropriate employinent lists are not then available, .I3 . Eligibility. the recruitment procedure provided for in Section 3. If necessary to prevent the stoppage of public business or inconven- The person so appointed need not be on an emploment list based on c. Iihits. No person shall receive more than one provisional appointment in any one calendar year. D. Termination. When an eligible applicant is available, the appointing authority shall give mitten notice to the provisional appointee that a~1 eligible applicant is available for the position and the provisional appointee shall be removed thirty (30) days after notice is given unless he voluntarily terminates his services at an earlier date. E. ijenefits. other beenefits shall be given for service rendered under a provisional appointment , unless said provisional appointee shall have completed six months employment, in which case he shall be entitled to the sane vacation leave and sick leave allowances that are provided for probationary or permanent employees. No credit shill be allowed in the rating of examinations, and no . *! SECTION 7. POSITION-CLGSIF'ICATION PLAN. .There shsill be established. and maintained a position-cdlssification plan for all positions covered by the provisims of this ordinance. All positions shall be grouped in classes having d definite range of difficulty and res- ponsibility. For each class of positions there shall be: a class title descriptive of the duties of positions within the class; ,a wrikten class specification which will contain a description of the nature of the work and of the relative responsibility of the positions in the class; examples of work which are illustrative of duties of positions allocated to the class; reqyire- ments as to knowledge, abilities and skills necessary for performance of the work; and a statement of experience and training desirable for recruitment into the class. ' A. filocation of New Positions. Each new position in the municipal service shall be analyzed and allocated to the proper class by the appointing a?;ithority. When a new position is created for which no appropriate class exists, or when the duties of an existing position are sufficiently changed so that no appropriate class eAsts, the appointing au-Lhority shall create a new class md shall cause an appropriate class specification to be mitten for said class. B. RevLew of Plan. authority and necessary' adjustments made therein not less often than once . The position-classif ication plan shall be reviewed by the appointing each three years. 1;. Filing of Plan. cation ,plan shall be placed on file with the Village Clerk. so filed, and subsequently adjusted shall have the sqe effect as though it were a part hereof. Upon adoption of this ordinance a copy of the position-classifi- The plan SECTION 8. COiXE€TSJQION PLAN. There shall be established a compensation plan for all positions subject to this ordinance. A. Elements of the Plan. The compensation plan shall consist of: (1) 3ach numbered pay range in the following Basic Table consists BasicrT&1e of Numbered Pay Ranges, - of a mintmum rate and maxLnnnm rate vsith four intermediate pay steps at approximately four percent (4%) intervals, identified as stips llfll?, WBIJ, ItCII, llDll, 2lElt 9 -and ltFlf, -. - -- __. .- (See Next Page for Table) J. 2 3 4 5 6 7 .8 9 .lo 11 . 12 13 14 15 16 17. . 18 =-l? 20 21 22 23 24 . 25 26 27 28 -c 29 30 . 31 32 L 33 34 35 36 37 38 - 39 40 41 42 -43 44 45 . 46 47 -48 49 50 " 51 52 53 54 - 55 L2l 126 131 136 141 U? 153 159 165 172 179 193 201 209 217 - 226 235 *. 254 264 275 286 297 309 323- 334 347 361. 375 390 406 422 ,439 -457 475 494 5u 535 556 578 601 625 650 676 703 731 760 790 822 186 121 126 131 136 141 147 153 159 165 172 179 186 193 201 209 21.7 226 235 24.k 254 264 275 286 297 309 321 334 347 361 375 390 406 422 439 457 47 5 494 53-4 535 556 578 601 625 650 ' 676 703 731 760 790. 822 855 112 116 121 126 3-31 136 141 147 3-53 159 165 172 179 186 193 201 209 217 226 235 244 254 264 275 286 297 309 321 334 347 361 375 390 406 422 439 457 47 5 494 514 53 5 556 578 601 625 650 676 703 731 760 790 822 855 889 116 121 126 131 136 UlJ. 147 153 159 165 * 172 179 186 193 201 209 217 226 235 2.U.b 254 264 275 286 297 309 323- 334 347 361 375 390 406 422 439 457 475 494 5l4 533 5 56 578 ' 601 625 650 676 703 731 760 790 822 855 E589 925 121 126 131 . 136 J-4l- u7 153 * 159 165. 172 179 186 193 201 209 . 217 226 235 244 254 26.4 275 286 297 309 321 33k 347 363. 375 390 406 422 439 457 475 494 m 535 556 578 601 . 625 650 676 * 703 ,731 760 790 822 855 889 925 962 326 131 136 ui-r u7 153 159 165 172 179 186 193 201 209 217 226 235 244 254 264 . 275 . 286 297 . 309 321, 33k 3k7 361. 375 390 406 422 439 457 475 494 53-4 53 5 556 578 601 625 650 676 703 731 760 790 822 855 889 925 962 * 1000 R (2) An imual Schedule of Pay Ranpes. There shall be assigned annually at budget time, to each of the classes of positions covered in Section 7 above, one of the pay Pages contarined in the Basic Table of Numbered Pay Ranges. The totd of all classes of positions in the mUnicipaZ service together with the corres- ponding number of the pay range assigned shall comprise the Annual Schedule of Pay Ranges. pay rates shall be considered and provided for by the Council in the budget, at which time the Council shall'tiake into account: Assignment of pay-rate ranges and individual (a) Vage levels and other economic factors; (b) Cost-of-living changes; (c) Quality and length of euployee service. The budget and all its provisions become effective the first day of _the ensuing fiscal year. The hua2 Schedule of Pay Ranges shdl be established by Reso- lution of the Council upon adoption of this ordinance and annually there- after iranediately after adoption of the annual budget, and shall be filed with the Village Clerk and shall have the same effect as though it were a part hereof. .L 171 7/u/52 . The Village Council may at any time at its discretion and by its carried motion adjust any employee's pay range if an increase is warranted prior to annual adjustments.. SECTION 9. COST-OF-&IVIJ!JG .ADJUST'I!!ZNTS, I A. How Computed. be conducted an investigation to determine the Wonsuersf Price Index" (hereafter designated as C.P.I.) as reported by-the U. S. .Depa&ment of Labor (Bureau of Labor Statistics) or other appropriate Federal Agency for 1-rheapolis, or the nation as a whole if the C.P.I. for I~beapofis Bo Base for Computation. and June, 1952, shall be taken as the base figure for future cost-of.; living adjustments. Thereafter, prior to preparation of the annual budget, the average of the C.P.I. figures for Karch 15, June 15 and September 15 just past shall be computed. C, adjusted. to the nearest pay step which corresponds to the changes in costsof-living according to the following schedule: Prior to or during the preparation of the annual budget there shdl is not available. c The average of the C.P.I. figwes for December, 1951, Karch, 1952, Pay Rate Adjusted to C.P.1, Rates of pay for each. class of position and each employee shall be Individual rates of pay shd1 be adjusted from range to range If an increase (or decrease) of over 2% but less than 6% has occurred between the base figure and the average of the C,F.I. figures for Narch 15, June 15 and September 15 just past, the salary of each employee shall be adjusted to the correspond- ing step of the Inexti consecutive higher (or lower) pay range number. If the increase (or decrease) is 6% or more but less than lo$, the salary of each employee shall be adjusted to the corresponding step of the second consecutive higher (or lower) pay range number, and so on depending upon the extent of changes in C.P.I. figures. All cost-of-living adjustments shall be effective the first day of the ensuing fiscal year, 2. Nerit Increases in Pay (See Table) ordinance is adopted, each employee will be assigned a cost-of-living line number as well as a merit letter, depending on his pay group (Example 23-C). one merit letter per year, effective on each January 1st until the highest classification (F) in his pay group is reached. living increases or decreases do not change an employee's merit letter. I .-I Dm Effective Date. Note on Table, letters ttXtt to ItFrt inclusive. At the time this This employee will be entitled to an advancement of Cost-of- - SECTION LO. TOTAL R.EZW"E'TIOION*I $1 A. IIonetary Pay. '- i Any salary range established for a class shall represent the total remuneration for full-time employment in the class, but shall not be considered as reimbursement for official travel or other eqenses which may be allowed for the conduct of official business. Unless approved by the appointing authority, no employee shd.1 receive pay from the municipality in addition to the salary authorized for any position or prevent employees from working in more than one position when authorized, Bo Payment in Kind. lodsng, utilities, and the like shall be deducted from his gross pay. appointing authority shall determine the value of such maintenance, giving consideration to such factors as the condition of each indiv;,dual employ- ment, the additional service valud of the employee to the municipality as a redt of such maintenance and the estimated cash value of such allowances , , - positions to which he has been appointed. This shall not operate to The value. of maintenance received by an employee in the form of meals, The \ SECTION 11. TOEK WEEK AND TJOFX DAYS. , Except for employees.& the PoLice Department and Liqyor Store, the regular work week shall be forty (40) hours, Xonday through Friday, and the regular work * day shall be eight (8) working hours. The regular work week for Pol5ce Department and Liquor -Store employees shdl be forty-four (M) hours and the regular work days shall be eight (8) hours. 1 r SECT ION 12 . FULL-Tj2JE SELVICE 0 By full-time service is meant work for that number of hours which make up the regularly scheduled weekly or monthly period or service in the class, exclusive of leave with pay2 lfiere, in different depadments or divisions of the municipal governrnent, different regularly established work weeks prevail, 3-72 the full-time period to which the pay rate applies' shall be the prevailing work week or she respective department or division. ~~ - Persons whose employment is entirely part time or casual shall not be entitled to sick leave and vacat5on leaveo I -so SECTION UL. HOWY DAILY l?,AW, .A. When Used. I ~ Upon approval of the appointing authority, employees in specified clagses may be compensated at hourly or daily-rates of pay vhen cond5tions Bt How Determined. . Such hourly r&e shall be determined by dividing the monthly rate by 4-1/3 times the number of hours regularLyxorked by employees OS the class in a week. The daily rate shqll be determined by dividing the monthly rate by 4-1/3 times the number of days regularly-worked by employees of the class in a week. of emp1oymer;lt warrat such action. *TI < r SECTION 1511 PAY PAT33 IN TFtXNSFER, PROXTOTION OR DZ*LWIONS. .If an employee &is transferred, promoted or.demoted, his rate of pay for the new class shall be determined as follows: (1) In the case of transfer or promotion, if the rate of pay in the forner class is less than the minimum rate est&l;ished for the class of the new position the rate shall be advanced to the mhhm of the class ta which transferred or promoted; In the case of transfer or demotion, if the rate. of par in the former class is more than the maxinun rate established for the class of the new position the rate of pay shall be reduced to the maximum rate or an intermediate step of the range of the class to which transferreg or demoted, such determination to be made by the appointing authori%y; In case of transfer for the good of the service or the employee, and not in the nature of a promotion or damtion, if the rate of pay of the former class falls within the range of the new class, the pay shall remain the same or shall be the ne:& higher mount to place the pay on step, unless othenxiss agreed to by the em;ljloyee; In all cases of Promotion the pay shall be increased by an mount equal to at least one step of the pay range from which promoted, and in case of demotion shall remain the sane or be authority. t - (2) (3) - (4) . - . reduced to a lower step at the discretion of the appointing S3t;TIOX 16 * OVZ-TI3Z PAXZiiJT. (1) Overtime shall be allp.i.red and paid.to any aployee on the basis of one and one-half times the regular rate of pay conputed on an hourly basis Overtime fqr an employee (other than Police Department and Liquor Store Enployees) is defined as ,work beyond forty (40) ,hours- in any one week, and for xork on Saturdays, Sundays, and Legal Holidqys ,, Overtine for Police Department Xaployees and Liquor Store Employees is defined as work beyond forty-four (4-4) hours in any one week, Overtine will be confined to emergency and necessaz mrk (2) (3) (4) c I zuthorieed by the appropriate Department &ad. t. &ETIOrJ 17. VACEEIOIT 3233l3. A. HOW Tiuch. Each parmment enployee in o-illa-~~ service one 3rezr or more as of Xay 1 each 3ear shall earn ten working days3 annual v3,cation. Each pemznent employee in Village service six months but less than one year as of Ihy 1 each year shall earn five .r.rorlrcing dayst vacation. B. ?&en Taken. authority shall deternine the time at which vacation leave mrztg be tzken and no new employee nay use vacation leave prior to completion of skx months of serviceo C . Accumulation. - Vacation leave nay be used as earned, provided that the appginting lhployees my accumulate vacation leave to a ma;iimum of fiftem working days c D. Terminal. Leave. - proEer notice of such ternination of emplo3tment shall be compensated for vacation leave accrued to the date of sepr&iono Any employee leaving the dcipal service in good standing afteq giving c 7/1&/52 $78 E. ?*Jki.ving Vacation Prohibited, no employee shall be permitted to waive such leave for the purpose of receiving d-ouble pay. A. 32igibililt;V. and permanent employees at the rate of'one vmkLng day for each calendar month of.full-time service or major fraction thereof. B. Accrual. personal illness, legal. quarantine, or death or serious illness in me bediate family.. C. Time Taken. Sick leave earned-in any one calendar year shall be taken (if necessary) in the.year in which earned or in the following c$Lendar year, D. Proof Required. mitten evidence that he has been absent as authorized in Section 18 (B) above. major part thereof he may be required to provide evidence that he is. again physically able to perform his du%ies. E. Penalty. this Section, may be cause for disciplinary action, including transfer, suspension, demotion or dismissal. As vacation leave is grantedto employees for a period of xiecreation, .(i ~CTIOt~ 18. SICK milam Sick leave with pay shall be granted to all provisio@L probationaqJ, Sick leave may be granted only for absence from duty because of Employees claiming sick leave may be required to file competent If he has been incapacitated forthe period of his absence or a Claiming sick leave when physically fit, except as permitted in * F. No Terminal. Sick Leave, No sick leave benefits of any kind shall be granted after termination of employment. SECTION 19. ACCRUkl, DURING ZEAVE. to be trorking, for the purpose of accumulating additional vacation leave or sick leave, Employees using earned vacation leave or sick leave shall be considered SECTIOBT 20 3ELITmY LEkm. ASL municipal employees vtlo : (1) (2) (3) Are members of the National Guard; &-e manbers of the OTficers' Reserve Corps of the United States Shall be subjected to call or induction into the federal service by the President of the United States; or when ordered by proper authority to active non-civilian duty, . of America, or ofthe Enlisted Reserve; shall be entitled to a leave of absence for the periodl of such active service without loss of status, and if such employee shall have been in the full-time service of the municipality fay at least sixmonths immediately preceding caJ1 to service he shall receive the difference between his regular municipal pay and the lesser military pay for a period of 15 dqys of such military leave in the case of Reserve or National Guard personnel, and full pay for 15 days in the case of active n&li%ary duty of prolonged duration. . SECTION 21. U3AVl3 TiTTHOUT PAY, . Am Limits. . A permanent employee may be granted leave of absence without pay or benefits for a period of not to exceed ninety (90) da,ys, unless a request for extension is approved by the department head and the appointing authority, for sickness, disability, jury duty, or other good and sufficient reasons which are considered to be in the best interests of the municipality, - . Jj, Jury Duty. In the case of jury duty, however, an employee shall receive-an amount of compensation' which will equal the difference between the employee's regular pay and compensation paid for jury duty. C . Approval Required. head and the appointing authority. Leizve without pay shall require the advance approval 02 the department D . Exceptions . Attmdance at official meetings, where the good of the municipaJ.ity' s service is involved, shall be considered as time on duty within the mean- ing ofthis ordinance, except that such attendance at meetings outEzi.de the State or as otherrdse specified by the appointing authority must be' approved in advance by the appointing authority, SZC!i!ION 22. HOLIDAYS, or nronthly basis, may observe seven paid holidays unless such imployees are required to be on regular duty. New Yearts Day Labor Day Decoration Day Thanksgiving Day The Village Hall shall *be closed .$or business on only the seven (7) Then a holiday falls on Sunday and it is customarily celebrated on the All employees 1-2~0 are required to be on duty on any holidy shall either ' 811 paid Village qloyees, whether working on a full-time, houyly, daily, The seven paid holidays shall be t Fourth of July Christmas Day . T'lashington' s Birthday holidays specifically listed above, r .- following Eonday, that Eonday shall be considered the holiday. be given the following day as a holiday or given an addition& day of vaca-bion leave, at the discretion of the appointing authority, SEC'Z!ION 23. ~SX-NATIOXOTJ, .Any employee vishingto leave the municipal, service in good standing shall file with his deprtment head, at least 14. days before leaving, a r.rritten resigrzation, stating the effective date of the resignation and the reason for leaving, Failure to comply with this procedure may be considered cause for denying such employee future enpAoyment by the rmZnicipdLity and denying -telsninal leave benefits . considered by the departzent head as a resignation vithout benefits, Unauthorized absence from york for. a period of thee vrorking'days may be sc;rIoiJ a, ~IEVLWCE FOUCY. It shall be the policy of the municipality to adjust grievances of employees prcmptly and fairly. T'lithin the framevark of existing laws and regulations, every effort shall be made to adjust grievances in a manner mutually satisfscto~j to employees and managenent. An enployee who believes he has received inequitable treatment because of some condition of his emplay- ment nay personally or through his repres_entative, appeal for relief, from that condition. c An employee shall take up any grievance irith his iamediate supervisor first. IT the matter is not then settled, the employee may discuss the-matter with his department head. If the grievance arises out of a matter over which the supervisor or department head has no control, the employee may request his supervisor or department head to carry such grievance on his behdlf to the appropriate authority. The supervisor or department head shall be obligated to transmit such an appeal to the appropriate authority regardless of his evaluation of the didity of the grievance. The supervisor or department head shall furnish to the employee A. Proper Channels of lippeal. 11) (2) . Beport in TTritininn. a dated statement in writing of the results of such an appear, G, decisions of their department heads in grievance matters may do SO. appeals must be miting, must be dated, and must state fully - the - -- nature of the grievance, and the steps which have been taken to >chieve,its settlement, D, Protection of Employees, receiving' and acting upon, grievances ,of employees under their jurisdiction. In the presentation of grievances at any supervisory level, employees shall be free fron restraint, interference, discrimination, ox reprisal, Appeals from Decisions of Department Hezds. Bnployees who -desire to appeal to the appropriate authority Such Officials of the Tillage at a11 levels shall be responsible for sxmm 25 UX-OFFS. The appointing autkority may lay-off any employee vhenever such action is made necessary by reason of shortage of work or funds, the abolitionrof a position, or because of changes in organization, laid off while there are temporary, provisional, or probationary employees servi-ng in the same class of positions for &ich the pemanent employee is qualified, eligible and avzilable. However, no perrpanent enployee sha2.L be SECTXOX 26, SUSPEZSI6iJ. ary reasons. calendar year, .The appointing authority my suspend an employee without pay for disciplin- Such suspensions shall not exceed thirty (30) days in any one SZCTION . DZ~ rom . An employee may be demoted by the appointing authority for inefficient performance of his duty, for disciplinary reasons, or for pod and sufficient reasoao 7/U/52 SECTION 28. Drsmsuxs, after completion oP-the initial probationary period, shall be dismissed Bo officer or employee subject to the provisions of this ordinance I 1 from the shall be 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 . 11. I 12. 13. 14, SmTZON In \ municipal service except for cause. Xvidence of the follovhg sufficient cause for dismissal: kcompetance or ineff%ciency in the ferformance of his duties; Conviction of a criminal offence or of a misdepeanor involving moral turpitude; 'Violation of any lawful or official regulation, or order or failure to obey any lawful order made and given by his superior officer there such violation or failure to obey amounts to an act of insubordination or a breach of proper discipline, or has resulted or reasonably might be expected to result, in loss or injury to the municipality or to the public; Intoxication on duty; Contraction of an infectious disease; Physical or mental defect tzlnich, in the judgment of the appoint- ing authority, incapacitates the employee for the proper perfor- mance of the duties of his position; Vanton use of offensive conduct or language toward the public or municipal officers 'or employees; Failure to pay or make reasonable. provisions for future payment of just debts due or owing by him, causing thereby annoyance to officers and employees of the municipality; Carelessness and negligence in the liandling or control of municipal property; Inducing or attempting to induce an officer or employee of the municipality to cow% an unlawful act or to act in viola'cion of any lawful and reasonable official regulation or order; Taking any fee, gift or other valuable thing in the course 0% his rdrk or in connection with it, from any citizen for his personal use, when such fee', gift or thing is given in the hope or expectation of receiving a favor or better treatment than that accorded other citizens; Conduct in private life which brings discredit upon the mnicipil seGice; Proven dishonesty in the performance of his duties; Violations of the provisions-of this ordinance. 29. RIGHT OF AP~LL. all cases of suspension, demotion and dismissal the reasons for such action must be presented'in a dated written statement to the employee affected. Up06 the employee's dated written request %o the appointing authority, filed with the V'illage.Clerk within five (5) working dap of receipt of the statement of reasons, an employee shall be granted a hearing before the appointing authority, said hearing ty be held not later than ten (10) days prom the date of filing of a request for a hearing. SXTION 30. PZOHBLTLONS. . 120 person.shal1 wiL1fully or cormptly make any false statement, cerbificate, mark, rating, or report in regard to any test, certificate, or appointment held or made under the municipal personnel system or in any manner comait or attempt to commit any fraud preventing the impartial execution of the prosfisions of t'nis ordinance. ment to or promotion in the municipal service shall either directly or indirectly give, render, or pay any money, service, or other valuable consideration to any person for or on account of or in connection with . his test, proposed appo*intment, promotion, or proposed promotion. $To person seeking employ- c SECTION 31. POLM'ICAL ACTMTY, TJo employee shall seek or accept election, nomination, or appointment as am officer of a political club or organization or take an act5ve part in municipal, county, state' or national political cqyaim, except on behalf of his own candidacy; nor shall any employee serve as a member of a committee of such club or 'organization; nor seek signatures to my petition provided by any law; nor act as a worker at the polls; nor distribute badges or pamphlets, dodgers or handbills of any kind favorbg or opposing any candid.ate"for election or for nomination to a public office, whether national, state, county, or municipal. However, this section shall not be construed to prevent any employee from becoming or continuing to be a mzrdber of a politicd- club or organi- zation, or from attendance at a politicd. meeting, or from enjoying entire freedom from all interference in casting his vote, or from seeking or accepting election or appointment t,o public office. 7/3-4452 Any employee i:ho shjll become a candidate of any kective public office, shal mtomatically receive a leave of abaence without pay, and shall. perfom 176 - -- no duties connected 75th the psition held by him until he is no longer a candidate. created. by his absence mr be filled and his services terminated. SEWION 32. BPMYEi33t ADTiSORY BOL!dD. serve in an advisor7 capacity in the formulation of personnel policy ad administration of the personnel program, and in the consideration of any matters affecting the. quality of service of the municipal departments. Such Board may investigate, consider, and report or make recornendations on personnel matters. However, if the needs of %he mnicipd service require, the vacancy There shd1 be established and maintained an Employees' Advisory Board to A, Eake-up and Selection. The Ihployees' Advisory Board shall consist of: (a) Three employees subject to the provisions of this ordinance, elected by the employees subject to the provisions of thks ordimme; TWO councilmen, or one councilman and the Village 'Shager, to be selected by a majority of the council at the first meeting of each January. All nembers shall be selected r.ci.%hin 30 days after adoption of this ordinance, and thereafter mesnbers shall be selected during the month of January, to take office the following Februaw 1, It shall be the duty of the Tillage Clerk to arrange for necessary elections and to notify the Council when vacancies occur which must be filled from the c0,uncil. (b) Provisions shXL be made in the selection of the three elected menders so that go tm of the elected members shall be from the same department, provided, however, that no elected members shall be precluded from completing his term on the Employees' Advisory Ebard because of transfer or ?xomotion, Bo c. I D. Term of Offici of %plo;gee 1.fenibers. that in the first election the employee receiving the highest number of votes s'nall serve for a term of three years, the employees receiv- ing the ne& highest number of votes shall serve for a term of ttn years, ad the employee receiving the third highest number of votes shall serve a term of one year. There shall be no re-electiori for consecutive terms, but persons who have been off the Ehnployeers Advisory Board for one rear shall then be eligible for re-election. Vacancies. 3-1 case of a vacancy among the elected members, a new member shall be chosen by the two remaining elected rnmbers to replace the elected member, if the uneqired tern is less ,than one year; If the uneqired term is more than one year, the vacancy shall be filled by a special employee election, . e Each of the elected employee members shd.1 serve three years, except . -. Function. The function of-the Employees' Advisory Board shall be solely advisory and no member shall have or attempt to exercise any admini- strative authority beyond that of his regylar position. sxmoir 33.. BL~~G CLAUSE. .This Ordinance shall. take effect and be in force from and after its passage - and publication accord,ing to latr uld its approval. by a majority of the voters voting on the question at a General or Special Blection. I. I-lotion for adop%ion of Ordinance waa seco were four ayes and no nays, as follows: orne, and on Rollcd.1 there j Danens, we; Hawthorne, . and %rickson, aye; and the Ordinanc The hour being very late, Trustee Danens asked to be excused at this time, Hawthorne*s mo'cion, that a Special,Village Zlection be conducted on Tuesday, SepGember 9, 1952, between the hours of 7:OQ ldlt. ad 8:OO P.1-I, on the question of the adoption of 1?FJr Ordinance to Establish a Position-Classification Plan, a Compensation Plan, a Kerit System, and a Basic Personnel Policy for the Tillage of %dina5 ISnnesota,*r rias seconded by Bredesen and carried. L Hawbhorne's motion, that sdaries of Village Ihployees be establishbd at the foliowing.rates, effechive August 1, 1952, was seconded by Bredesen ad carried: 177 7/14/52 Salary Schedule %f fective Lupust 1,19 52 NB POSITION SIu_.PRY PZR 1.10, - $375.00 286.00 Laura ;Tright Spec, Assessments Clerk 264.00 Deputy Clerk Deputy Trea'surer . ' . -- Gretchen So Udeh Bernice EL Johnson Helene tfozis Billing Clerk 235.00 186.00 217.00 Nargot Peterson Receptionist Lillie 12. Berry Secretary Lois Nein Assistant Eookkeeper 186 . 00 Jean Link Joseph Zikan Assistant Engineer ~ Liquor Store Bookkeeper 217.00 457.00 Fred J. Jonas .%sistant Engineer 390.00 Robert Obermeyer . Endneering Aid 347 00 George Thompson Sewer Inspector 297 OO Jack Pleridith . I Draftsman 297.00 Donald Pedersen Rod-Chainman 26&.00 Donald F. Hazzard Instrument Han 32r.00 John Lef f-ingwell Bod-C hainman t 26'4.00 John E. Olson Chainman 264. 00 Fred R, Obergeyer kspeitor 29"l&o Dickman C, Ihutson Instrument Thn 334.00 Alfred S. Jones Instrument Ean 334.00 275.00 I 264.00 Xalph V. Corey Chaintnan James A. Euckins Inspector Dale D. Holstrom -Chainman 264.00 David Anderson Inspector 264.00 Elwood Reitan -* Chainman Ray Nyberg Plumbing Inspe cto'r 264.00. I 361.00 Sam Roberts Util-ity IIan 321 . 00 Ben Tloehler Supt . Utilities 439 00 Robert Ludgate Laborer 254.00 Lloyd XcGary IJm. 5. Heydt c HildiagvD&i I Henry Yrobleski Bert l'igrfeld - Robert Christy George Butler Irving Cummings John Richards Robert Lindbery Police Captain Police Desk Patrobin Patrolman Patrolman Patrolman Patro&m Patrolman Patrolman Patrolman - Janitgr Karry Jonas Street Supt. Pet er Dahlgren PIachine Opr . Arthur Jens en Xachine Opr . . ,Joseph Psa'co1,e . Xachine Opr. - !!I. J. Nerfeld Truck Driver - John Trzcy Truck Driver Xayne Tracy, Utility 'ihn Oscar H. fiJelson Street Labor Gerald D, Peterson - Street Labor Paul Blake P&hanic I;TdLt er Poltiske * Utility Nan Charles Johnson - Truck Driver Jacqb Skaak , Park Labor Jmes IIciYellis Park Labor Paul Books Park Labor -1 - I - iiquor Store Prmager ' 500.00 Frank Kippley ,- Harry Casey Asst, Naiiager b32~00 . Christian Nattson Liquor Store Clerk 254oOO 3 ' Extra Clerks-Liquor Store ?"g6000 ' 1 c: \I .. &.nager 1!Iitchell reported that Hemepin County is reqyesting a atslope easement" for the grading of X7Oth Street, motion that Village Attorney be directed to consult xith County Atkoorney on this.rnatter was seconded by Bredesen 2nd carried. After discussion, Hawthornet s . The hour being U:4O A.K., Tuesday, July 15, Hawbhorne moved for adjourn- ment, Xotion seconded by Bredesen c 1