HomeMy WebLinkAbout19520728_ADJOURNED7/30/52 193 .. All members of the Council were present, to act as Board of Re~ew. Village 'Assessor Klex Creighton presented his Books of Valuation, Bed Estate totals being $7,307,50O; Personal Property being $801,500, for a total Valuation of $3,109,000, as compared with his $7,099,604 total for 1951, ,4ttorney Stanely Kane, representing Tb. Ben Friedman of the Edina Theatre Corp, recpested a reduction in Edina Theatrefs valuation because of decrease in value of this one-pu-rpose building due to effects of- television on theatre industry. ETr, Creighton stated 'Ghat Edina Theatre properties are assessed at total of $:.5,000, with an assessed valuation of $SS,OOO. He reminded Council that properties Eilso include three stores, valuation. Theatre Corp. , and the 'recornendation of Xre Creighton was requested, that Knneapolis and some surrounding cornunities are reducing valuations of Theatre Buildings to the extent of 20$, and that he would recommend this reduction for Edina. of 20$ in the valuatiofi of the Edina Theatre Building be accepted, seconded the motion, and it carried. Mr. Creighton explained that the valuation of the Bachman property on 56th and York had been reduced some time ago; that %heremis no reduction now in order, in his opinion. dwelling valuation be denied. T!k, Friedman asked for rgduction to the exbent of 25% of Considerable discussion was -had by Counqil on the request of Edina " He stated Child moved that Assessor Creightonts recornendation for a reduction Hawthorne I. Harhhorne moved %ha% application of PIIr, H-enry Bachman for reduction in Notion seconded pby Child and carried. Hav-bhorne then moved that Books of Valuation be approved as submitte'd by Assessor. 1.lotion secoiided by Child and carried. There being no further business to come before the Board of Review, Hawthorne moved for adjournmat. Hotion seconded b . .- -_ 1 &aib ers answering Rollcall were Bredesen, Child, Danens, Hawtho me and Erickson. &Iunicipal Judge Austin D. Nortonrs recomnendation of July 28, for the emp1o;gment of Nr. Curtis Roy, 5729 France .Lvenue, as Assistant Village Attorney, to handle traffic court matters, was reviewed. Haw-thornets motion, that Curtis Roy be appointed as Assistant Village Attorney, at $50.00 per month, was seconded by Bredesen wd carried. Letter from Nr. Fred Re Y)ssanna, President of the E.Enneapolis Street Railway Company, requesting approvd of Edina Council for the removal of the Company's tracks and apprutenances, was read. removal. of lb.nnea$olis Street Bailway Coqoany' s tracks and appurtenances in Prance Avenue between-ITorth Village Wts and tfe54th Street, was seconded by Child and unanimously carried. - 14anager IEtcheh then reported that the Street Railway Company's request to Xlrinne- apolis Council for rmokl of tracks had been presented only this afternoon, and only at his own request. He recommended that a citizens comittee be formed to attend l$inneapolis Council Committee Neeting on Wednesday, August 6, to rnake sure that the request is approved. moved its adoption: Hatlrthorne' s motion, that Council approve the proposed c. * Clerk Hav'chorne offered the follovsing Resolution and Ri3SOLuTIOIJ BF2OTING ?XG~OVAL OF IrnE3:WOLIS 5mzT T,AI&?Ip;T CX-iPmY'S mcm Lrn I%PPURT58BTCES, POIZS dl\TT) 'XEZS 'LpJ~l?€UI~cE: AJBRE BIZ Tr REOLKi3D by the Village. Council .of the Village of Edha, Hennepin County, llinnesota, that this Council does =prove the removd. by the l-rknneapolis Street Ra,ilway Company, and wires in the 'EEnneapolis , Xinneka, of its tracks and aypurtenmces, poles Ed-ina side of France Avenue between S.r,lbth and W.54th Streets, f 194 7/3/52 Xotion for adoption of Yne Resolution uas seconded by Cifild, and on RoUcdl there were five ayes and no nc?;;5, as follows: Bredes Hawthorne, aye; and Ericlcson, ase; and the I3 c ViLlage Clerk Hawthorne then moved-that the Edina Village Council order the IZinneapolis Street Bail-rmy Company to cornpleler ther rmoving of tracks and appurtenwces, poles and dres in the Edina side-of Prance Avenue bptvreen Ikst 46th Street'and'TJest 54th Street not later than I;ugus% 20th, 3.952, notifying the Coqmy that if SaLd: removal work is not started by August Ilth, 1952, the Villlage vrill rmove said tracks and appurtenances, poles and wires and dispose of the materials necessary to cbpenskte for the cost of the removal, Kotion was seconded by Danens and caxried, Rr, Fred Ossanna's letter of July 15, requesting Council approval ok proposed Bus Zoute in Frznce il-venue and Tl,57th Street, was read, Petition against Bus along ?To 57th Stfeet was reviewed and discussed at some length, offered the follodng Resolution and moved its adoption: KZSOLUTI02i AR$OVIi?G PROFi>SU -- . -1- Clerk RavtHorne IF03 BUS ROlJC33 IT B.IEODlXD by the Village Council of the Pillage of Edba, Hennepin Gomty, Ennesota, that this Council does approve the Jay 15, 1952 proposal of the Enneapolis Street Railpray Compny, f.Enneapolis, Irinnesqt a, to saugurate and maintain bus service over the following described route: Womnenciw at the intersection of ?7.5'&h Street and York Avenues South; thence T.reslerly on Ifo 9th Street to France Avenue; thence norkherly oh 2race Avenue to Wo44th Street; return trip over the same routeo" E& IT FURTEE ~SOLSED vnat this'~ouncil urge the linneapozs Street %away Coqaay- to make application to the IKnnesota Rqilroad and Trarehouse Codssion for Certificate of Public Convenien ce and Necessity, authoyrizing tiie operation of said bus line: Xotion for acloption of ihe Resolution vas seconded b and on Rollcall there were five ayes ad no nays, as follows: Danens, aye; I-aw+,homc, aye; and Grickson, aye; * was adopted, Br c T&Lage Clerk Coqncil requested Village I-Imger to Mom those p&t$oners who call, vho have signed petition against ,&IS Xoute along W,57th Street, that Council*s action iqpro~&-~g this route is a matter of eqxdiencg; "clzrat Council hopes route v5ll be changed after bus has been in operation for a %he, . Litter from I-Iennepin County Comniskioner, Ezrl, I'iinstmrth, stating tbxt monies ZQP the purpose of participating 5.n the France Avenue Paving Project are being included in thz 1953 budget Tr'nich is now being prepared and that 3fteer Jaufzr3~ I (assuning thzt budget is approved) an agreement can be enterell in'co betmen I-fennepin County .w-d Villqe of Edina, was read, discussed, and, ordered placed on filea ? %. c :< 1 I Xanager I&bcI-,~ll resorted that the Bemepin County Highmf Department, in approvhs specil'ications for the Paving-of France Avenue between 2.1, 5lst and ::054th Streets, has requested %ha$ the pavement be undisturbed for a period of -zt least five yearg, insofar as any mt for sewer and zrater c6nnections is conceped, that sa& ?,ction bz taken xrith regard to pa~he; bztveen W,&6th -and ?f049th Str.zets. Clerk Haxthorne off wed the folloxing Resolu-bion and aoved its adoption: Ee racomended that Council tala? action to insure this, and asked XXX&LECO:S TNHI33PilDlG IIISTmGiiXE OF F&*3iC3 AVZTlG PAVIXG F02 FZXUD OF Fm -a'$& BT3 IT iGSOLm by the Village Council of the fJillage of Edina, Hemepin Coun-by, IUnnesots, - "chat Vne Concrete Paking in France Avenue between I.T,t$bth md V&%h Ssreets ,and betrreen ';least ad XO!%.th Streets shall raab undisturbed for e period of five yezrs fro2 tiie dkte of its completion; and that no cut shall be made therein for any typ of utility serviceo i 7130152 a95 salaries negotiations, Council agreed to meet with representative Saturday, i Clerk read letter dated July 22, 19.52, from E.%, Parker 3. IJokn, Business Eepsgsentstive of Ibeapolis CAty and County &ployees, rewesting meeting %or Sefhnber 13,: at 2:00 Pe%, at the Village bll,, Phnager Utchell &formed the Council that Ifatemain exbension should be made from Southview Lane to the new Grade School propkrty; along Concord Avenue, just He gave the Council an IkASmate of Cost in the amotmt of $9,612.00 for a 1.6" line fron Concord Avenue through easement in* school property to proposed water toTmer; and an Estimate of Cost in' amount of $?,55,!+.33 for a. 126t line in Concord Avenue from the existing main opposite Southview Lane pump- house to the proposed 16" line going Vest to water tower site, folloxdn,o Resolution and-moved its adoption: L i -as soon as possible. Child'offered the RESOLUTION SZTTING HZARiHG ' FOR IJAEEeDq DE'PX" YHEWS, the Village Council desires on its' own' motion to improveA Concord -Avenue betwe& Southvie; Lane and a point 230 fekt, faore or less, North S9 - Wo 59th Street, by Construction of Village Vater $-fain Exbension and :lppurtenznces therein, all as authorized by Laws 1-949, Chapter 119, as amended by Laws 1949, Chapter 430, now therefore - EB IT FXESOL8XD by the, Village Council of the Village of Edina that it is deemed necessary and expedient to make the Watermain Improvement heretofore set forth, and that on the 25th day of August, 1952, at 7:30 P.Mo, this Council r+&Ll meet at the billage Hall in said Village and will at said time and place hear the parties interested therein in reference to such inprovement, and wXl.1 decide whether or not to undertake such improv^ement, in whole or in prte imprqvement includes all lots and tracts of land vrith r- frontage or abutting on the above named street. Eifot4on for adoption of tQe Eesolution vas seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nap, as follows: Danens, aye; Havthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; AmST: BE IT XJRTHl3R KESOSJ'ED, that tlie area propo'sed to be assessed for this 1 97 ;/,,u 1 t'i1l.a ge Clerk Childts motion, that pims anti specifications for abve narhed Water I.la5n Ehension in Concorcj Avenue be approved, and that Coimcil take bids for same as of Elonday, August 25, 1952, at 7:3O P.X., was-seconded by Hawthorne and Carrie@* The, hour,, being late, eth considerable bushess yet to come before the Council, Bredegen moved fog ad joumment. Xeeting adjourned at 11:20 Pol$, I * i Notion seconded by Hawthorne and Zarriedo i t T ,/+ Tillage Clerk SlXNU'JXS OF '131E ?GG.ULB S*WING OF THE *.- c EDINA VILLA& COUIJCIL, HEp I.;oIJDAY9 AUGUST 11, 19 52, AT 7: 30 PJJS. , AT THX XDINA vLLzI1c;E HALL t Ifembers answering Ilollodl were Child, Danens , Bredesen, Hawthorne, and - Erickson. Pursuant to l?Adver$is ements for- Bid?," pubfiished in Xdina-l%r@ngside Courier and Construction Bulletin, on the dates specified below, affidavits of publit cation for dXich were read by Clerk, approved as to Tom and ordered placed- on file, the following bids were publicly opened and read: t STE?.ET IkPFdWEIflS m.. A-22 - Blacktopping of Vestbrook Lane between V.423th and Jfe49th Streets A-43 and - Blacktopping of All Streets in Edinbrook Addn, I .STRZX IiP~O~~;IIpT KO, Advertised July 31 an$ August 7, 1952. bid for both projects. &€FDRTH AUD SOIJS, St,Louis Park - (Ody Bidder) $6,932.30 entered as * SW?T II.!E', B-9 Curb and Gutter SrnT 11-3?, B-8 Curb and. Gutter Yvonne Terrace Adv. 7/31 & 23/7/52 Barnes-Xatt ison eo . $5, 4-32 00 $4,158090 ,Fit zgerald Bro s 4,202 e 17 5 , 345 20 Victor Carlson 8: Sons 5,499 .eo 4,53906?