HomeMy WebLinkAbout19520728_REGULAR" bTembers answer3ng RoUca3.l were Bredesen, Danens,' Child, and Erickson. Deputy Clerk Gretchen Alden- acted as Clerk, Enutes of lIee%ing of July ul., 1952, were approved a"s submitted, by motion Bredesen, betition date; July 15, 1952, signed by James Go Clarke and others, for the lovering seconded by Danens and carried. 3 of the Brookvikt.r Avenue grade at last three feet adjacent to 6224 Brookview (and il withdrawing their nanzs from original grzding petition if this grade is not established) 1' vas filed. 1-s. James Clarke supported his petition, 1.2. Tz. B. Pauly opsosed it, filing petition, signed by hiself and two other property oTm.ers, requesting grade ".\ be established as per Council*s resolution of July ul. (at l8It). Ik. Pauly stated ' i that the lor;.e<ing of the grade three feet will damage his property considerably, ' It vas establfshed that petition filed by I&. Clarke carries signatures of otmers \ of nore than 35 of property abutting Broohievr Avenue betveen 11.62nd -and V,64th Sts, Bredesen moved that Petition for Grading and Gravelling of 13rookvier.T Avenue, filed some months ago, b-2 !richdrawn becase of difference in opinionc Kotion seconded by bids to be taken this evening for Grading and Gravelling of Bro0lrvier.s Lve-rrue between 1 Child and carried, Bredesen's notion, that Coun& return to bidders, unopened, the I ~r.62nd and TL64th Streets, was seconded by Cud and carried. petition fij-ed by Jaes Clarkesand others be accepted, ad that Wilic Heaing on sane be set for I;ondaJ., August 25, 1952, at 7:30 POX., Kotion seconded by Banens and carried, dffidavits for Publications in Ed5.m-Korningside Courier md Construction Billetin on the dates Iisted below, for projecis as hereinafter named, were read, approved as to $oxxi, and ord-ered placed on file; and sealed bids for these projects were pub7icly opened and read, as follows: P Child mved that I '\ 1 ( 1 ST.I;;PS.ITOS. SAI!.SEZR- X*YI'Z ;2iilJ ST*I;i?*Z-l SToaP*E-l3 A-22 Q jl-43 ItPo IT0.46 IiiPJKI. 59 F.iViIG - CRB.&CUrjl.TSR BIJ,CZTOPPI1IG TI. 54th St Bmokvie~r, E'IXJKZ ;IVz. 5601. Beard Zestbrook, b Balifzx to 5Sth to TI. 46~V. 54 Avenue Edinbrook France 59th St, AdVo Adv, ?.dv. ;idV. Jdv. 7/10 Ec 7/17 7/17 & 7/& 7/10 a 7/17 7/17 c"t, 7/24. 7/17 &; 2.4 83, 29s. 64 Fielding C: Shkpley Li%,9578h2 hderson IC: So& :Idter D. Giehsen 73,4@0 . 00 STictor Carlson C Sons s5,2h10s3 CleEent F. Scdly Const.@,470.&3 Eernes-IbiattiCon, kc. 99,899.88. Ij - 795.40 Lshmrth & §on Go. Sa% Carlone Terry Bcca&kn_r Co. 6~32.90 - -5,U2.31 * {j 5,S37.20 +") r. 5,602.GO S 5,536879 Harrr J, Ikech 4,939 . 94 5, u2.90 Orfei & IIari&i 5,139 55 5,192, 95 Child-ts notidn, referring Street hprovment 110. 3-1 bids to TTiLl,age Xngineer for tabulation &d report at ne25 regular meeting, ~~33 seconded by Danens and carried, Ci.lilca*s notiin, rejecting bid for Street kprovaents Tbs. 11-22 and A-43, ad * ordering Coqcil to re-advertise for bids -bo be taken IJondq, hpst ll, VBS seconded by Bredesen spd carried. Sredesen's nqtion, aT;larding bid for Street Inprovment No. €3-13 to Barnes-TTattison, Inc,, at $795.40, ims seconded by Child and carried. Child's noti& that bids for Sanitary Sewer Improvement Tfo, &6 and 'I;Tatemain hprovement No. 50 be referred to Vill.zge Engineer for tabulation and repox$ at next, neeting, was seconded by Danens and carriedo L Cui-C'iL*s- ne:& zction TELS to take bids on Fire Equipment and .on Tree Trimdng and Bemoval, in accordance 76th Adxe%tisements for Bids appe2rjng'in ql%i.na-lToMlingside Courier znd Constru!ction Xlletin on July 17 and 24, 1952, kffidadts of Public~tion for xhich vere'read, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Bids were publicly opzned D. J. YOU read, as * f OllO~rS : Eelley Sales Go. 365.00 A. a, 11miams 580.00 365.00 630.00 363.00 I.Iinn, Fire Equip. Go. Sillrs Tree Seraice 7 ~m. *. Fire &A. Co, $ 630.00 370.00 $ 1293.00 Rolts Bursery 2120 0 00 . 7/28/52 Danens' motion, that Fire Xquipment be referred to ViUage Engineer for tabula'cion .and report at next meeting, was seconded by Bredesen and carried, 179 Danens' motion, that Tree Trimming bids be referred to Village Engineer for tabulation.stnd report at next meeting, was seconded by Child and carried, Health Officer Campbell complained to Council that 3k. Floyd Blakeborough, 5909 Concord Avenue, is using an outside privy, whereas his residence should be connected to the sanitary sewer in Concord Avenue. Dr. Campbell reported that he has received compbaints fromthe neighbors in this area, and recommends that I&. Blakeborough be serxikd with notice to install an inside toilet and connect sqne to the sanitary sewer. of property at 5909 Concord Avenue be notified that he must install an inside toilet and connect same to the sanitary sewer-rdthin thirty days from receipt of order, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. Child's motion, that owner Nayor Erickson announced Contination of Public Hearing held July 14, 1952, on the Proposed 3lacktopping of OaWav&-henue between If. 53th and Valley View Road. Council explained to audience that Public gearing has been. held to clarify the possibility of blacktopping this entire four blocks at once; that Council has previously approved the blacktopping of the 5800 and 6000 Blocks, but that approval was made previous to the adoption' of new specifications; that Council now r.rishes to learn the sentiment of those people to be benefited, as to whether or not any or all of the stree_t ?vi11 be blacktopped under the .new specifications. Engineer Ifitchell gave his Estimate of Cost for this project as $l9,088.OO, or $4.04 per assessable foot. Nr. Frank Boushar,61.O,S Oaklam, speaking for the people in his block, stated that the 6100 block wants only oiling; no blacktopping. I&, Steven Badger,5836 Oaklam, asked for stabilized base for his block at this the, with possible blacktopping next year. There was considerable opposition to the cost of blacktopping. W.58th and Valley View Road at this $be, was seconded by Danens and carried. Audience was "cold that another petition would be needed before blacktopping can be considered. - Child's motion, that Council decide not to blacktop, Oaklawn Avenue between J Continuation was had of July l&th Public Hearing on Proposed Samnitary Seirer and I'tppurtenances in IJ,T%h Street- between Abbott and Zenith Avenues and in Zenith Avenue between IT. 59th and IS. 58th Streets. that Hearing had been continued to allow him to prepare Estimate of Cost on - proposed Sanitary Sewer in Zenith Avenue from thq existing manhole North of .T$.5&h Street, to a point 100 feet, more ,or less, Nok.t;h of Centerline of W.59t;h Street; that his Estimate of Cost on this project is $3,853.& as against 1,100 assessable feet, for $3.50 per assessable foot for Lateral. Sewer, plus $1.00 per assessable foot for connection "to Joint Sewer District No. 1, total $4.50 per front foot, and the Clerk had received no objections prios to this Public Hearing. offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: \ Engineer Nit chell announced There were no objections from the au.dience, Child D3OLUTIOIJ OLRD3331.TG E2E'RO'mGIJT S,&TITl&Y SZGE IkiF2.0V3XIT'I' €SO.&? fa ZT XXXV3D bythe Council of the Village of Xdina, Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to 'be duly posed improveriient consisting of Lateral Sanitary ;ewer 11.59th Street between Abbott and- Zenith *%venues and Ln I.Ermesota, that this published on the pro- and Appurtemnces in Zenith Avenue between ?T.;$th Street and ?Te5€%h Street, and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all . hereby determine to proceed with the improveillent of Zenith Avenue betveen the existing mhole just North of 3.5&h Stree5 and a point 100 feet, -more or less, North of the Centerline of We 59th Street by construction of sanitaxy Lateral Sewer and Appurtenances therein; that said improvement is hereby designated 2nd shall be referred to in all subseqyient proceedings as Sanitay Sewer hprovement No. 47, and the area to be specidly assessed therefor shall include LLl lots and tracts of land abubting and fronting upon the street to be improved. Hotion for adoption of the Resolution was s there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Danens, aye; and Erickson, .aye; and the Res - persons interested, and being i"V.lly advised of the pertinent facts does c I-fayor c. Village Clerk Engineer IEtchell recommended that Council take bids for this project on L~ugust 25, and Child offered the follow5ng Besolution and moved its adoption: 1, The pl&s and specifications for SanitarF-Sever Bprovement No. 47, hereto- The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edina-I.forningside Courier fore prepared by the TTi’llage Engineer and G0r.r on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. and the Construction Bulletin-the following notice for bids for the construction of said improvement: - 2. .kTXE~ISEBX 303 BIDS ‘ s&Tn&Y Sam ~“P~O~XlE NO* 47 The Edina Village Council vfll neet at the Village Hall, 4lBl M,5Oth Street, I.’ionday, August 25, 1952, at 7:30 P.L, to open and consider sealed bids Tor construc- tion of Villzge Sanitary Semr kprovement No. 47, consisting of construction of Sanitary Lateral Sewer in Zenith Avenue between the existing manhole just Earth of W*5&h Street and a point 100 feet, more or less, Horth of 3,59th Street, Work must be done as described and specified in pliuls and specifications for said improvenent on file in the office of Billage Clerk, Bids nust be submitted on basis of cash payment for work, filed with undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check papble to Village Clerk in amount of Ten percent of mount of bid. No bids T.riu be considered unless sealed and BY OK!XB (2‘ VZI3iGZ COU3JCIL. Bower Hawthorne, Clerk - 3* Each and all of %he terms of the foregoing advertisement fgr bids are hereby adopted as the terms and condfitions of amrd of the contract for said improve- ment. r, Ifotion Cor adoption og the Resolution was seconded were four ayes and no nap, as follows: Bredes ens, aye-; Child, aye; and Xric&on, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. I P t s, and on RoLlcalL there Village- Clerk Council next held Continuation of .Public Hearing on the Opening, Grading, Gravelling - and 0-g of Concord Aveme between Southview Lane and W.60th Street, original Hearling having been held July I&. Engineer llitchellts Estimate of Cost was $19,2&6.68 as against $3,879 assessable feet, or $4.96 per assessable foot, that the extension -of .Concord Avenue xi11 be a very difficult road to build. as a, good deal- of it is through a swamp; that he would racomend locating the; road else- Trhere if possible, but that it is ex-pedient that road be built at once to accommodate sckol ,buses to the new Edina Grade School. There were no objectims to the improve ment from tHe audience, and no objections had been filed with the Council. prior to the Public Hearing. Er. IJitchelll added Dane& offered the following Resolution and moved its adopt5on: EEXU.JTIOIJ GiDEBEJG IIE’B~~*~TT Sw l3mOVEI-mT NO. E35 BE IT WOLm by the Council of the Village of Edina, I-linnesota, that this Council . herekofore- caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improvement consisting of the Opening, Grading, GravelAing and Oiling of Concord Avenue between Soutknriew be and T.S.60th Street, and at the hearing held at the tine and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the v$et.rs of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine- to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in dL1 subsequent proceedings as Street hprovew ’ Dent 310, G-35, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land &butting and fronting upan the streets in which said 5mprovenen-b is to be constructed, Xotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded were four ayes and no nays, as follovrs: and ;irickson, aye; and the Besolution yfas adopted,* lirn63Z Village cle& n, and on Eollcdll there Bre 3% Eitchell recommded that Council advertise for bids for the Grading of “chis street to be taken Au&st ll, if possible, delaying advertisment for the balance of the project until after proposed water main construction, Danens -offered the followjng Resolution and noved its adoption: FOR STF@ZT DppLOV3ZIJfr NO, C-35 AKD DBXCTING I .&DEXLTEEI*ZItT FOR BIDS BE IT l33SOLVED by the Village.Counci1 of the Village of Edina: The plans and specifications for Street kprovement No. C-35, heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Tillage The Clerk shall cause-to be published twice in the Edina-ltomingside Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the construction of szid improvement: 1. Clerk are hereby approved, r- - 2. 1 -AJI~TIS~~ENT FOE BIDS STREZT lXPROI?E2ENT NB. .C-35 The Bdina Village Council will meet at the Vil3lage Hall, 4801 W,5Oth Street, Ifonday, liu& 11, 1952, at 7:30 P.N., .to open and consider sealed bids for construction of Village Street Improvement 3To. C-35, consisting of Grading of Concord Avenue between Southview Lane and tT.60th Street. Vork must be done as described and specified in plans and specifications for said improvement on file in office of Village Clerk, Bids must be submitted on basis of cash payment for work. IT0 bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to Village Clerk in amount of Ten percent of amount of bid, BY ORDEE OF V~LKZ coumn. : . - Bower Hawthorne, Clerk 3. hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said impro vement Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollca.11 there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: *aye; and Zrickson, aye; and the Resolut Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are I , aye; Child, aye: Danens, PursuaJlt to "Notice of Hearing-Proposed linprovements,lt published in Edina- Morningside Courier July 17 and- 24, 1952, Council conducted Public Hepxring on proposed Opening, Grading and Gravelling of Concord Avenue between W.6Oth and tJ.62nd Streets, Affidavit of Publication-for Hotice of Hearing was read, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Engineer Uitchellts estimate of cost was not read, but there were no-objectLons to the improvement, either from the audience or filed privious to Hearing. Nr, l-Etchell recommended that project be approved, and that bids be taken on August 11. the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Bredesen offered 1 B33OLUTION ORDERING DI€'LKWZ&ENT Sw l32mmlfl IJO. C-S6 BE IT PXEX3OLJED by the Council of the Village of Edina, lthnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly ,published on the proposed improvement consisting of Opening, Grading, Gravelling of Conqord Avenue between 1~60th and U,62nd Streets, and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the Views of all persons interested, and being fully addsed 03 the-pertinent facts d-oes hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement: that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be rsferred to in dl subsequent proceedings as Street linprovernent No. 36, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said improvement is to be constructed, ICotion for adoption of Eesolution was duly seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follo Danens, aye; Haturthorne, aye; and Erickson, ' I. Bredesen offered the following Resolution and moved, its adoption: RESOLUTION LPFZZOVIHG PWJS ANS, ;jP3Cz;FIC&TONS BE IT IBSOL~b by the Village Council of the Tillage of Edina: prepared by the Tillage Engineer and now on file -in the office of the Village -Clerk are hereby approved. FOR STREXT E4l?RC)~*~~JT- 80. C-36-LND DlTLECTmG . ADVZRTISEi.~T FOE, BDS ~ . 1. The plans and specifications for Street hpprovement No. C-36 hereiofore 1 7/2$/52 182 2, he Clerk shdl cause to be published twice in the Edina-3:orningside Courier and the ConstricLion Bulletin the follovjng notice for bids for the construction of said hprovment: ADViBTISEXiT I?OZ BIDS SlYEZI! WEOVXXIT, ,KO. C-36 The Ekna Village Council xill meet at the Village Hall, L&Ol 7T.50th Street, lIonday, &ust 11, 1952, a.t 7:30 POIT., to open,and consider se&ed bids for construction of Village Street linprovement No. C-36, consisting of Opening arld Grading of Concord rivenue between ?To6Oth and V06PM Streets, for said hprovdent on file in office of QiXLage Clerk. on basis of cash psFilpent for vork. Eled @th undersigned before tine of s&d meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check papble $0 .Tiillage Clerk in ,=opt o$ Ten parcent of amount of bid,, i T?ork must be done as described urd specified in pI.ans and specifications Bids must be submitted No bids 1~2-1 be considered unless sealed and BY CBDZli! OP,?li%U.T=: dOlJl$CIL, . Bower Haw-bhorne, Clerk 3. hereby adopted as the terns and conditions of qi&d o$ the contract for said imp- ovement . Each and dl o2,the terns of the foreping advertisaent for bids are Eotion r"or adoption 03 t'ne Eesolution vas seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there wers four ayes and no nqs, as follows: Br %rickson, are; ad the Besolution was adopt @la, ge; Dmens, aye; 1 Taxage Clerk .CounciL~s next, m'tter of business was Public Heqring on Petition to vacate/the T-lXLey.in BlocE Seven, Hgrriet IIanor Second Addition which rqs North and South, prallel to Zenith ad York kvenues, between Tf.59th and 1;'.60th Streets. Lffid.avits of hblicztion and Posting of ttlIotice of Hearing!', July 3 and July 1, 1952, respectivelr, ?rere read, approved as to form-and ordered placed on file. IIanager IXtchell recornended Vacation becwse of difference in elevations betwean Zenith and York 2veme sides of alley. There irere no objections from the audience, 2and no .;rriYien objectbns had been filed psior to the Hearing. Besolution ad moved its adoption: b that portion of Child or"fered the following RE3OLTjTION *VAClEhJG AKLLJ3Y 7. c (EJoEm-4omB mmY mmJ 1 Z@JEq &!ID YOXi-~l'~i~RIi23 .@ID 17. 59TH iX4D TJ06DTE ST'RBTS) ?.-', a lmjority of the ovpers of the land abutting on the alley herein- efter described, in the,Villrtge of Edina, Hennepin Count;?, iwesota, have petitioned Tor the vacation of sed Zller; and petition on July 2$, 1952, at 7:30 Pel!., has been aven md nade, ad a hearing has been had thereop b:r the Tillage Coupcil; Ihesot;., tht 3lERiXS t:m weeks' pxiblished and posted notice of a hearing to be had on seid ?JOY, TH~l?OIB,~BZ IT ?L3SOLVD by the Edina Village Council, Hennepin County, That portion of t'ne T-rZLley in Block Seven, Harriet Emor Gecond Addition, which runs Uorth and South, parallel b Zenith and York iivenues between 59th ad lr.60th Streets, is hereby vacated; provided tht the Village 0-f Edina excepts from cl?is vacation proceeding and reserves unto itself and its assigns an easenent for dl1 public utility purposes, incluaing without liniting the general nature of said reservation, an easement for electric, gas, sever, vmter and.. telephone equipment on, over, and under the Yest ten feet in width of the alley hereby vacated. IZotion for adoption of the. Resolution was were four ayes ad no nays, as followi: and Zrickson, aye; and the Resolution was 4 I ilkyor Tillage Clerk /. hbxc Hearing vas had on petition of 4.. IT. Lampe for the Subdixision of Lots 6 aEd 7 and Fortion of vacated alley 5n Block 14, TIendelssohn to tr-io lots facing ICaoney Lvenue. 1952, in Xfina-1zornin@.de Courier, vas read. for said subdivision r:as reviewed, subdivided, supported petition. Child's motion, for approyal of subdivision, ws seconded by Danens ad carried. 1'Lffidavit of Fublication of Uotice of Hearing published July 10, Planning Comission' s recomiendation 1.h. 110X.l.y Bewland, owner of property to be There were no objections, either oral of mitten. - -- - ~ .*' ";;i28/52 '* * -: 983 Pursuant to "Notice of Hearing on Petition to Rezone,f' published in Edina- Norningside Coxkier July-17 and 24, 1952, and posted July 18, 1952, Affidavits of which Publication and Posting were read by Clerk, approved as to form and ordejred placed on file, Council conducted Public Hearing on petition of PJessrs. Anderson and Gebo fox. the rezoning to Community Store District LOB 3, Block 1, %denmoor Addition-5241 Eden Avenue. for rezoning were reviewed. The plan- of the windowshade display room proposed to be constructed on this property was presented. i%r. Francis IfcGuire and IZL-S. Jesse XcGuire protested proposed rezoning because of their interest in Edenmoor Addition as a residentid developkent; 16th NPS. HcGuire stating that Lot 3, Block 1 had been sold to petitioner for expeess purpose of constructing a house thereon. moved for adoption of rrh Ordinance to Anend the Zoning Ordinance of the Vsllage of Edina, Hennepin County, l~fBnnesota,f~ and rezoning to Community Store District Lot 3, Block 1, Edenmoor Addition. adoption. Upon Rollcall, Bredesen voted aye; Child, not voting; Danens, aye; and Erickson, nay; and the motion for adoption of the Ordinance was lost for want of a feu-fifths affirmative vote of the Cou-ncil. Planning Commission's repeated recommendations Considerable discussion was had on this matter, after which Bredesen Trustee Danens seconded the motion for r Council's next Public Hearing was that on proposed Grading and Gravelling of a11 streets in Virginia Avenue Addition. Affidavit of Publication for "Notice of Hearing, Propsed Improvements, If published in Zdina-Norningside Courier July 17 and 24, 1952, was read. Ptanager Mitchell reported that he has neither plans nor estimates of cost; that there is considerable preliminary survey work before such plans and estimates can be prepared. IJ~. Jacobs and one other gBntleman inquired as to whether it is Cdv.ncilts interition to inelude lf.bOth,lP.62nd Streels between %oncoJ.d and Parnell, and Parnell Avenue between 1~60th and U:62nd Streets in this project; these streets bordering Virginia, Avenue Addition.. There seeme6 to "be some difference of opinion on this matter, and Child moved 'chat Public Hez?rihg be pos%poned until Zngineer Nitchell has more fd1y completed plans and estimates for this work. Notion seconded by Danens and carried, Affidavit of Publication for Wotice of Hearing, Proposed hprovements,tf published in Xdina-Norningside Courier July 17 and 24, 1952, ~,6s read, Spproved as to fom, and ordered placed on file. Public Hearing on proposed Curb and Gutter abutting 5601 Beard Avenue South. There was no objection fim this one petitioner, ^and Child offered the followjng Resolution &d moved its adoption: Pursuant to said Notice, the Council conducted R?3SOLUTION OPaaIi'JG ITipEzOVEIEI'IT Sw lX€'mTm*ENT 110. B-13 BE IT BESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Xdina, Ninnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improvement consisting OS Construction of Standard Village CQrb and Gutter in FT.56th Street 2nd in Beard Avenue, abutting Lot 12, Block 4; Harriet Lawn Addition (5601 Beard Avenue South), and at the hearing held at the tiue hand place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does dhereby determine to proceed with the const-izlction of said hprovement; that safd hprove- ment is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subseqent proceedings as Street Improvement No, B-13, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall indlude all lots and tr6cts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said improvement is to be instructed. . Xotion for adoption of Resolutidn was secon qre Pour ayes and no nays, as follows: and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was Bre hild, aye; Danens, aye; ,, ' Hayor -c t '* I- Village Clerk .. Child then offered the following Eesbtion &d moved iks adoption: " RE3OLVrIOIis APPROVDIG PL!S AT'TD SBCIE'ICATIOBIS . - ' FOE STRZZ' ILPEOVZBJT NO; 5-13 BCD DIBECTING c- liDv3TIST~@I~E IQX BIDS . BE IT-FS$OLVXD by the Village Council of the Village of Pd' ma: prepared by the Tillage Enginee? and now on file in the office of ~ the Village Clerk are hereby approved. 14orningside Courier. and the Construction Bulletin the f olloi&ng ilotice for bids for cpnstruction of ;aid improv&ent is hereby approved and confirmed: 1.. The plans and specifications for Street Improvement No. B-13 heretofore 2. The action of the'Clerk in causing to be pubEshkd twice in the Edina- t JU"ISB*mT I;YIR BIDS r- .. C?J.RB iiND GUTTER . L. 7/28/52 - The Zriina ViXktge Council irill meet at the Village Hall, @OL t.l;5Oth The xork mst be done as described and specified in plans and speci- ' Street, I-Iondayb July 28, 1952, at 7:30 Polio, to open and consider sealed bids for construction of Standard ViUage Curb and Gutter abutting IJ'o. 5601 Beard Ave. ficjtions fop said imgroyenent on file in office of Village Glerk. Bids must be submitted on basis of cash payment for work; 30 bids will'= considered unless sealed and filed with undersigned before time oT said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit; bid-bond, or certified check payable to Village Clerk .in amount of Ten percent of amount of bid, BY ORDIB OF ll'IIZdim Ix)UiKXL, tB4 Bower Hawthorne, Clerk 3. Each and all of'the terns of the foregoing advertiswent for bids are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said improvement. IXotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Bredesen and on Rollcall ,. r r. Uayor Brickson ne,% announced Public Hearing on Proposed Storm Sewer in Beard Lvenue between If. 57th md. TJ. 58th Sqreets, pursuant to Wotice of Hearing4tom SeGer,*[ pllished in Edina-3lorningside Courier July 3 and 10, 19'52, Affidavit of Putslicazlion for wkich vas read, approved as '.to form and ordered placed on file. Bngineer T.Iitchell!s Estimate of Cost in total mount of $6,496,85 as against 699,561 squa2e feet, or $,0093 per square foot, was read, with Rrq EEtcheU. explaining that only the properites abutting .the street in which sewer is to be constru6ted ~i5I.l be assessed, inasmuch as tater ^now eventually reaches trunk stom sewer on 56th md Beard, this newly proposed construction being for a lateral stdm sewer. 'f-lessrs. Roger Sanford and Russell Lwson took issue with this statement, claiming that their p6tition asked that %he new sewer be considered a p& of the trunk setrep, arid that; it should be considered as such because water draihg into Beard livenwe from V.5&h Street covers a large water shed and they should not be forced to stand the cost of draining an entire district, offered the following Ztesolution and moved its zidoption: Child REiOLUTION SEXTING €IE!!&nG "OR STOEU2 S% JER. II-PROIG2XZ2*JT! +TI .I%=, the Village Council desires on its own motion to improve Beard Avenue betveen Appurtenances therein, all as authorized by Lam 1949., Chapter U9, as amended by - ?3E IT B.ZSOLm by the Village Council of t'he Village of Edina that it is deemed necessary and ewedient to make the Storm Sewer Improment heretofore -set forth, and th& on the 25th day of August, 1952, at 7:30 POX,, this Council xKLl meet at the Village Bdl in said Village and rrill at said tlme and place hear the parties interested therein in reference to such improvement, and will 'decide whether or not to underbake such hprovement, in Tihole or in part. 57th and TI, 58th Streets by Construction of Village Storm Sewer and - Laws 1949, Chapter 430, now therefore ' El3 IIT FU'EiTEZiE RESOLVED, tlizt the area proposed to be assessed for this hpmvment includes all lots and teacts of land within the following boundaries: Cor, of Lot 4, 31. 2, Brookline 2nd Addn; JGh. E, to lJl3 Cor, of Lot 3, BL, 2, Brook;Line 2nd 2ddn; th. XEXy, dong a line parallel to'centerline of Chmen he, to TET car, of Lot 5, 31, 2, Edixa Hills; "c, Say to Choiren hep; th. Zly in Choven ,Tveo .to Beard he,; the 15. in Beard live, to a pt. 65 fte more or less, N. of Centerline of intersection of ir,56th St, and Beard Ave,; th, E. to E, lot line of Lot 10, 31, 4, Uhite hv, Coots Hidden Valley; th, No to TSE; coro of said lot; tho E. -Lo 1% cor. of Zot 15, 31. 4, I.hite Inv. Coo?s Kidden Valley; th. S, along E. me of said lot, -to :1,56Yn St.; tho 3, to If4 .alley between Abbott and Zenith Lives,; th. S, along scid dley to SW cor. of Lot 2, B1. 5, BrookJine $Adition; tho E. to a pt, midva~~ betmen the E, end Yo lot Lines of Lot 3, BI, 5, Zzookline Addition; the 5. to 3.57th St,; th, By to a pt. between 3, and 11, lot lines of Lot 22, Bl. 3, 3roolrdine Addition; tho Sly along a line midway between E, and 11. lot lines of Lot 22 through Lot 12, EL 3, BrookJine Addition, to H,5&h St,; tho E, in ?T05&h St, to a pt. midway between E. and 8. lot lines of Lot 1, B1.-2, Harriet oE-Fots 1 through 8, B1. 2, Harriet Hanor 2nd Addition, to a pto on the N. lot line of Lot 9, Bl. 2, Harriet Ihnor 2nd Addition, which is 71 ft. E, of the centerline of the IT-S allley between Zenith and York Avenues; th, 11. along E. lot line of Lot 9, 31. 2, Hsrriet 1Tmor 2nd Addition to the N-S alley between Zenith and York &ves.;. th, So dong said Uey to SE cor. of Lot 16, 31. 2, Harriet Emor 2nd Ad&tion; tho 17, dong S, lot line of said kt L6, to Zenith he,; th, S. in. Zenith .!!ve, to its intersection Trith ??,59th 5t.;.tho-W. along B.59th St. to a pt. 71 ft. 30 Of centerline of ET& dley betvreen Abbott and Beard Aves.; th, S, on a line midxmy IIBeginning at intersection of G.57th Szl, and Drew kve,; tho N, to 1SI.J 2nd Addition; th, S. along a line midway between E, and TI. 10% lines betvjeen 3, and TI, 10% lines of Lots 1 through 9, B1* 5, HWX'iet &nCIr ''dn' 985 7/2$/52 to the %TI alley between 1.~.60th and lT.59th Sts.; th. ?-To along said alley, to ,- Beard he.; th. N. on Beard Ave.-to a pt. 58 ft. S. of the ISE Cor of kt 9, Auditor's Subdivision No. 312; th. If'. to a 6%. 82.5 ft. more or less,.l;T.s of the centerline of Bead Ave.; th.-N. along-a line parallel pith the center- line of Beard &ve.,to VO5$th St.; tho We along W.58th St. to a. pto 82;3 ft. E. of centerline of Chowen Ave.; the S. along a line parallel with centerline of Chowen Lve. to a pt. 255 ft. more or less, So of centerline of N.58th St.;-th. 11. to Chowen he.; th. H. along Chowen he. to Tf.57th St.; th. TT. along S057th St. to pt. of be@nning. Notion for ad.option of Besolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there were four eyes and no nays, .and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution -. as follows: ,$/!&I+! Nayor Village Cl&k - Danens' motion, that Village En-eer be directed to advertise for Bids for Proposed Storm Sewer in Beard Avenue between W.57th and W.58kh Street, said -bids to be taken Ifonday, August 25, 1952, at 7:30 PIN., yas seconded by Bredesen and carried. Beard Avenue delegation incp$red as to status of their petition for Curb and Gutter in Beard Avenue between V.57th and TiT.58th Streets. Public Hearing on petition be sdheduled for Ifonday, August 25, 1952, at 7:3O Pol~e, was seconded by Danens and carried. MI-. Russell krson, 5GQO BeaEd, asked to go on record as stating that the grade of W.5&h Street, at Beard Avenue, is not correct Public Hearing was next had on proposed Grading and Gravelling of North-South Alley between Beard and Abbott Avenues and between ?To 5&h and T;T, 59th Streets, pursuant to "No the of Hearing, 11 published in Edina-Tbrningside Courier July 10 and 1.7, ,1952, which was-read, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Engineer I-EtcheU explained that he had not prepared a31 3stLmate of Cost for the reason that he would recommend construction of a stom sewer this alley to relieve a bad drainage situation; and the cost of the project as contemplated will depend entirely upon possible storm sewer constructiono Childrs notion, that Public Hearing 06 Grading and Gravelling of rflley be continued to Nonday, jlugust 25, 1952, immediately after Storm Sewer Hewing, Xotion seconded by Bredesen and carried. Child's motion, that C r / Dr.-Bri&son vms called to the telephone, and Trustee Child presided at the ne>& Public Hearings. Affidavit of Publication for "Notice of Hearings-Oiling Tmprovements,P' published in Edina-Uorningside Courier July 3 and 10, 1952, was read; and pursuant to said notice, hblic Hearings were conducted on the petitions for Oiling the following streets : front foot. No Objections. front foot. front foot. 2Jo Objections.. I fi per front foot e Nayor: Xrickson having returned during' these Hearings, Bredesen offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: 1. 2. 3. 4. Chowen kvenue between Wo5%h and t'f.59th Sts. - Xst-ted Cost, $.l5 per Zenith Avenue between ?ti. 57th and 58th Sts. - Estimated Cost, $.15 psr lk,, Harley Hyre,, 5742 Zenith, objected to quality of job. York Avenue betwem ?fe5$th and W.59th Streets*- &sthated Cost,$,l5 per Y.59th Street between Kellobg and Wooddale Avenues - Estimated Cost, .,).l5 No Ob jectionso RE-I;OLUTION ORDZBI?TG STREST SIJIPROVZ~;!';TS e36 TO 0-'39 , IRCLUSJXZ, &XD AWEO3IgKG CQI'JS~UCTIOIJ BY DAY I,&3OEt ;tiI\rD UNDZE SEf%RYBIOi\j OF VILUGX BJGUm BE IT SZSOLKGD by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, as follom: TIis.Councilhaq heretofore caused notice of hearings to be duly, published on proposed improvement as f 0llo.c~~: Chowen Lvenue between ?J, 58th and I.T. 59th Streets, Zenith kvenue between W.57th and T:Jo5&h Streets, York Avenue between 11,5ath and TJ.59th Streets. id. 59th Street between' Kellogg and Yooddale ."venues , 1. 8. E, C. D. and a% the tiae and place specif'ied 5x1 said notice the Council has duly considered the Views 02 &L persons interested, and %eing fully adrl.sed. of ;the pertLnent facts does hereby de-bermine to proceed -with the construction of those iriprove- ments listed below, r.rhic'n said 'improvements are hereby designated and shall be referred to as follqurs: t I86 uhing of oiling- of ( O_ifi;lgof Oilingof I York Avenue between tJ0 5Sth and-W. 59th Streets - 0-38 ff, 59th St2eet beti.reen IZellbgc- and T-Zoosidde-hres - 0-39 2. *The uea to be specially assessed fop said hprovments shall include all 3. The Village 3naneer has heretofore subnitted to-the Council pkns and lot; and tracts bf land frontkg andabutting upon the streets in -t:'nich each such kprovment is to be onstructed. specifications and xi esthate of cost of each of said bproveiients, from vhich it appar.s and it is hereby found and determined "chat total cost gf each of said hprovaents will be less than \j500.00; therefore, this Council is authorized by law and does hereby determine tb purchase directly %lie naterials for each of said irnproveinerits and conplete the sane by emplopent of day labor, and directed to supervise the vnrk on each ol" said improvenents, and- upon conpletion thereor", also Lo submit a def;rtiled report, certified by him, and f5.h Lhe sme with the ViLlage Clerk, shov5ng in general. the complete cost of the work, and specifLcal1-S. &,, The T'33aEe Xngineer, being a ReGstered Engineer, is hereby authorized c I the follovrjngt I (a) Final Costs if the vari6us units of work done. cb) Extm5.&s furnished for %he project; and the cost of each iten thereof, (c) Gost of labor, cost of equipment hired, and supervisory costa Said report shall also contein a certificate by said Znginezr that the work was done according to plans. and specifications thereforo lIotioE for adoptioh of the Besolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there were four aps and no nars, as fo aFe; and Child, are; and the Besolution was c- 77 >/&Z- VilJage Clerk The next, mtter of business was Fublic Heartags on Assessments. pursuant to 1flJotice of Hearjngs on Assessments for Ihprovenents,'! published j.n Ed5na-lZorningside Courier June 26 and July 3, 1952, Affidavit of -Publiwtion for %h&h TBS read, approved as to form, and ordered placed on file, . Hearings were held in'the order published in the Notice, =znd as follows: Hearings vere held 1, &~SESSSZ~'? FOR S&KLThRY SENEX NO; 26 - In Browndale Park, Tabulation of Assessment yas read, in total,.qoynt of '~~21~~3.60 as against 2,6U.7 assessable feet, for $SoOO per assessable front foot,' There were no objections to the assess- ment, and no objection had been receiveti prior to the Hearing, U.iIITY A.m, as.a&nst 593 assessable feet, for (Z"r.78 per assessable foot, A delegation of three objected to met'nod of assessment, ask5ng that entire district be assessed for this inprowment because entire Golf Terrace district uses Thd Road as an entrance to Nornz.nd6L.e. Delegation hs informed that this is usual method of assessrrient, and that street vas improved as result of petition by owners of abutting properties, vho agreed at that time, to pay for projeck. Delegakion then asked for imediate repair of street, stating that it is in a lrdeplor+ble conditien.1f 3. -&SESSIEWI! FOB &!CX?fOPP3NG (JF ZEKING Am FRO% IT, PTH Sk TO A PUIIE 1/2,3LOCIC ?$!jjI- OF IJ.36TH Sm. Tabulation of Assessment was read, 21 total amom% oi' $ ,6%,$0 as against '1,343.05 assessable feet, for $lmgD p@? assessable foot.,No objections to assessment, and no objections had,been received .prior to the Hearinge 4, i'Q333SSZlZT Fi);lt 3GCIr;TOPPIEJG OF ll.f,ksTH Sm ??RON FFUXTCE AVER& TO- KU33 ROliD. Tabulakion of A.sses;;ment ?asv read, in-total. amount of-$3,236,54 as agahst 2,130.16 assessable,f eet, for $l,5L per assessable foot, A delegation of property oyrners objected to qufility of this project, maintaining that 5% is not yet complete because there is, in some places, as much as 18" difference between Blacktop mat and' concrete curb. and Attorney be directed to investigate this project, and that Council delay lnaking assesment until report is received from them. 2. ASSZ3SlmTT FOR BL4CKTOPPING OF XDD XOD BE7i'iEZN ITO~*WIDAU AmlUE AlIIJI) Tabulation of. Assessment yas .read, in total amount of :L;1,0500~0 I Bredesent s motion, that -Village En-eer Xotion seconded -by Danens i of Assessnent read in total amount. of :,$3, 531,rCS as- agarnsr, ~,yutr.ys as3essaue and no written objections had been received prior to the Hearing. - feet, for $1.85 per assessable foot, There were no obxjections from the audience, ~ __ ___ I___,.__Ic .-abulation of Assessment read in tots. amount ____ - -,201,10 assessable feet, for $1.61 per assessable foot. , , _- There were no Objections from the audience, and no mitt& objections had been - received prior to the Re~ing. 7/28/52 187 7. ASS%SXim FOR G&?DDJG &TD GX?VBLLING B.ftOQBm2 ~IG~Ts &)DI~~o&- In Oxford and Bedford. Avenues between Interlachen Bl-v&.and 71.5ls-t St,, and in TJm51st St. between Oxford and Bedford Avenues. TabuLation of Assessment was read as $l,O7le94, as against Z,G58.52 assessable foot, for objections had been received prior to the Hearing. Bredesen offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT BESOLVED b37 the Village CouncZL of the Village of Edina, I-esota, as f OUO?J3 : for the following construction psojects: ' $.375 per assessable foot, There were no objections fron the audience, ad no *- RESOLUTION ADOFTIKG AND COIQ,?!33~(G &3sssPE1Q"s 1. It is hereby found, determined and declaredpthat the proposed assessments A. - Sanitary Sewer Hoe 26--Construction of Sanitary Sewer in Browndale Park I , from Forth Village LMts to W.&th Street., vis; Ifackey, Brook, Coolidge, and BrormdalB Avenues from North Village Limits to lJ.44th Street, and Browndale Avenue Boad and Unity Avenue. 1/2 Block South of 31, 56th Street to 9.57th Street. Johns Avenue and East Lakeview Drive, and that part of Concord Avenue adjoining Lot 1, Block-8, and Lot 1, Block 7, CTolf Terrace Heights. Stre& Improvement DJo. A-l&-Blacktopping of Drew Avenue from TI. 57th Street to W. 58th Street. Strget Improvement No. r",--Grading and Gravelling of Streets in Brookside Heights as follows: Oxford and Bedford Avenues between Interlachen Blvd. and W. %st Street, ,and $1, Qst Street between Oxford and Bedford Avenues, .'l;f04.4th Street from East Boundary %ne of Block 10, Bromdale Park to Bo - Street rolprovernent No. 56--Blacktopping of Wind Road between komdnd..ale C. - Street hprovement ITo. AM7--Blacktopping of Zenith Avenue from a point D. - Street Improvement No. P,-9--Black'copping of Lakeview Drive between St, - E. F, and each of them have been properly calculated in accordance dth the provisions of BIinnesota Statutes Section 4l2.&41; "chat notice has been duly published, as required by lais, that this Council would meet to hear and pass upon d.1 obJections, if any, to anend said proposed assessmen'ts as might be necessary, and to adopt the same by resolution; that said proposed assessments have at all times since their filing been open for public inspection, and opportunity has been given to all interested persons to present their Objections; and that each ofthe lots, pieces and parcels of land enumerated in the respective assessments was and is speciallxbenefited by the construction of the improvements for which such assessment is levied in the amount set opposite the description of each such lot, piece and parcel of land respectively. 2. The amounts so set out are hereby levied against the respective lots, pieces and parcels of land described in said respective assessments, aJld said proposed assessnents are hereby adopted and confirmed as'the proper special assessments for said improvements, respectively. The assessment against each lot, tract or parcel, together.with the interest accruing on the full amount thereof, from time to time unpaid, at the rate of five percent per annum from the date of this resolution, shall be a lien concurrent with general taxes upon the property described therein and all thereof. ' A-9 and A-10 shall be payable in equal annual instaJ_hents extending over a period of five years, the first of said insltallments, together with interest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to August 15, 1953, to be payable with general. taxes for the year 1952, and one 0% the remaining installments, with one year's interest on that and all subsequent installments, to be payable with general taxes for the years 1953 to 1956 inclusive, collectible in the respective ensuing years . The total amount of the assessment for Street Improvement No057 &all be payable in eyud annual installments e,$ending over a periog of three years, the 'first of said installments, together with interest on the entire assessuent from the date hereof to Lugust 15, 1953, to be paTable with genera taxes fpr the year 1952, and.one of the remaining installments, with one year's interest on that and all subserluent instdlments, to be payable with general taxes for the years 1953 and 3,954, collectible in the respective ensuing yearse The total amount of the assessment for Sanitary Sewer hprovement ~10~26 sh'zJ_l be payable in equal annual installments e,xbending over a period of ten years, the first of said installments, together with interest 'on the entire aSSes^Sment from the date hereof to August 15, 1953, to be payable with general %+xes for the year 1952, and one of the remaihing installments, with one year's interes-t, on that , and all1 subsequent installments, to be payable with general taxes for the yems * of any lot, piece or parcel of land assessed hereby may pay the whole of such assessment or any installment thereof rdthout interest to the Village Treasurer and thereafter such papnent may be made with accrued interest, to the County Treasurer; provided that if any assessments or instdlments thereoL be prepaid to the Village Treasurer, he shalll promptly notify the Village Clerk ad County ?Luditor, and the assessment or instclhent so prepaid shall be cancelled on the brooks of the County Auditorb 3. The total amount of the assessments for Street Improvements '56, A-7, 4. ' 5. - 1953 to 1961. inclusive, collectible in the respective ensuing years. 6, Prior to certification of the assessment to the Comty hditor, the ok~~r - 7/28/52 - '7;. The Clerk shd-1, as soon as may be, prepzre md'transnit .i;o the county &ditor a, sertiU-ed duplicate of said assessments, with each then unpeid sins-tsil- ment and interest ,set forth separately, to be &ended upon the proper tzc lists or" the Comtr, and the Countx Auditor shall thereafter" cause said assessrrents to be collected in the mnner provided bsr law. Said 'du.$icates shd.1 be desipated, respectively as Assessment Bog for Street Improvemen6s 56 and 57, A-7, A-9 *d iL-10, ad Sanitary Sewer &provenen% NO. 26, and all mounts conected in respect _I of the assesments therein contained shdll be sirailerly designated by the County Treasurer and reiitted to the TXLage Treasurer and by him credited to the Sinking Fund Account of the Follovring F'unds: Street hpmvaents 56 and 57 - Ta the .Sinking Fund ficcount of tne Permanent Tmprovement Xevolving Fund. . Street kprovenents 2-7, A-9 and A-10, and Sanitary Sever Improvernefit ITo, 26- To the Sinlring Fund liccouylc of 1950 kprovments Second Series Fund. Notion .fir adoption, of the Resolution vas seconded by Bhild, and on Rollcall there - z were four ayes ad no pays, as follows: and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was Village Clerk Xessrs, Sehlin and Jarnig led a delpation from Valley View Heights and Countryside Additrions, pleading once ag&n for repsirs to blaclrtop which has disintegrated. ZngLneer-?Stchell reported that bids have been taken by %he Council, said bids being way high. ficat ions rather than on specifications fomerlf adopted by Council, Discussion for additional cost of new spzcificakions, inasmuch as old ones had failed to hold up in this case. Delegation uras adwant 5h its opinion that bo further assessment should be made, Danens' mot%on, that Council. advertise for bids to be taken Eonday$ ="iugust 25, 1952, on specifidation6 revised by- Village Sngineer to cmfommore closely to spacificationp in effect at tine of original blacktopping of these two Additions, tms seconded by Bredesen and carriedo Delegation inquired about Street Lights for Valley View I-Iei&ts and Countryside Additions, and Tillage Bnngineer was asked to check order issued to Northern States Power some months ago for these Lightss, , I&, and lks. Zverett IJelson inquired about assessments for Sanitary Sewer and Water Xain Construction for a psurcel of property approxinately 150 feet lon& abuttink f'l,S€kh Street, just Vest of France Avenue--asking that the property be assessed for 89 feet rather than the actual 150 foot "front footageIr. also inquired as to vhether this property may be jllcluded in the assessnents &OILS even though property is outside assesshent district as published €or improveaent Hearing. Attorney 'I'Jindkrorst for his opinion, was seconded by Danens and carried. I-&, Nitz, 401 Itionroe Avenue, inquired about status of petition filed somet$ne ago for Grading and Gravelling of Belmore he between T.Tonroe and V3n Buren Avenues, stating that he lmom of a contractor who ~riU do the work for the dirt obtained fro= praject. Attorney T'findhorst for his opinion, and that if i% is his position that contract can be aixpded for dirt as only consideration for payment, that the project be done at once, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. lskb John Bloomberg =de application for pennit to build on a 10% in Colonial Grove Tv Addition, stating that plat had not been filed, onlybecause it has been hpossible to make final survey in present wet ireqther COnditiOnSa Childrs motion, that permit be granted with the understanding that Final Plat be same as Pre-ry Plat, hd with further understanding that this permit= establishes no precedent ayld is issued only because of the fact that wet vieather prohibits proposed - filing of fins plat, was seconded by eedesen and carried. presenZ location to one on the South side of Xarket (11.492) Streek. motion, that pennit be granted subject to approval ofvillage I-I-ger and Police Captain, was 'seconded by Bredesen and carried, Yeo John-Sdt- reyested permit to sell firewood in Edina, a J.weapolis license and other documents of verification as to his Character* Bredesen noved that permit be granted subject to approval of Police It GWtain. - I&. B. N. Bloomberg, deikloper, recpested permits for extraordinary house place- ment on Lots 3 and 4, Block 6, Colonial Grove 3rd Addsit;ion. He ewlained that easement-for Tdc Se:;rer mikes it tinpossible to place dvrelljllgs at their usual Setbacko %hion seconded by Child and carriedl, .. L " During Ciiscussion it was brought aut t'n"at bids were taken on new speci- - vas then had as to possibility of abutting property ovners' being further assessed .c They Bredesen' s motion, that Gestions be ref erred to "fTil2age Childts motion, that this matter be referred to I - r. c 3b. Gust reFested pe.mission to move his Cash-and-Carry Ice House frm its Childts ~ He prodBced . ISotion seconded by Cad and carried. ' 'I Bredesen nov& tht permission be grzntedo I8 '+ 7/28/52 I89 -r YE. Bloonberg asked for a dustcoat for his Colonial Grove Third Addition. Trustee Danens,advocaked that Council advertise for bids for Curb and-Gutter In - Yvonn& Terrace, offering €he following Resolution and moveing its adoption: P -i' E1%SOLTJTION &PEOVI?YG PiXNS ANb SFECIFICizTIONS FOE STmT QjT I\TO. E-8 BID D&t?iCCTaJG AD~TBX~~ FOR BIDS < BE IT IBSOLXED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina: prepared by the Village Engheer and now on file in the office of the Tihage -c I 1. TEe plans and specifications for Street hprovement No. B-8 heretofore The Clerk shall muse to be published twice in the Edina-lilorningside Clerk are hereby approved. t Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the 2. f- construckion of said hprovement: c ADVIBTISZiD4T FOR BDS S-T . E-EOm\IT 1JO.B-8 The Bna Village Council S.siU- meet at the Village Hall, 4801 IT, 50th Street, Xonday, Xught 11, 1952, at 7:30 P.H., tocopen and consider sealed bids for eonstmction of Village Street Tmproyement No. E-8 consisting or" cms6mction of Standard Tillage Curb "and Gutter. in Yvonne Terrace between Nomandale Boad and 'T.Jarvri,ck Place . for said itnprovenent on file in office of Village clerk. on basis of cash payment 'for work. filed with undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to Village Clerk in amount of ten percent of mount of bid, , Vork must be done as described and spec$fied in plans and specifications Bids must be &mitted EJo bids ivill be considered unless sealed and BY OmEX OF VILLAGE COUNCIL. - Bower Hawthorne, Clerk 3. hereby adopted as the terms -and conditions of award of the contract for said improvement . &fotion for adoption of thce Resolution T&S seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are were four ayes and no kaxs, as follows: and Erickson, aye; and the Besolution l%l$0r Vi$lage Clerk aye; - I&-. 3. C. Stow, developer, filed petition for Ifatemin &x%erlsion in the following streets in Brookview Heights Addition: TJarren Avenue, Xidge View Drive, Puggp Plaza, including Circle around parko 3k* IKt chell ci'ced the work ahead of himself. and 'the &@neering Department, recommend-ing that if Council approve this project they employ Engheer kleigh Smith as a con- sulting engineer, a study of this project and .&e a report to the Village Council not later than the first week in October, was seconded by Dkens and carried. urgency, but was told that this is the very best 'that the Council can do. pI&mager Nit chell presented Tabulations of Bids Taken July 14, recommending that low bids be accepted as follows: Danens- Drive Horth, Xeadow Ridge Morth, Bredesen's motion, that Engineer 1)Etchel.l be instructed to make Nk. Stow pleaded 1. For Grading and Gravelling of Alley between A6bot-b and Beard Avenues and between TJ.59th and 1~60th Streets - Zow bidder, Ashworth and Son, amount For Grading and Gravelling of Alley between Abbott and Zenitb Avenues 2nd between 'T.J. 5&h and If. 59th Sqreets - Low bidder, Pfeiffer Const. CO., amount For Grading and Gravelling of St.Johns Avenue, W.59th to 'iT.60th Streets, ect.- Low bidder, Ashworth & Son, amount $49675.43. For Grading, Gravesing and Oiling of Voodcrest Drive - &. Son, amount :3.2,9&8,66. For Grading, Gravelling and StabilizatiGn of York >-venue, W.59th to f.T.60th Streets - Low bidder, Ashworth & Son, amount $3,289.67. Child' s motion, that Tillage Engineer[ s 'recommendati'ons be followed and th& the above.named bids be acc.epted, was seconded by Danens and carried. $1, 187 50 2. 3707 e 08 -. 3. 4. 5. bidder, Ashworth Manager IIitchell notifjre3 the Council that, pursuant to Councill instructions, he had seen Ashworth and Son concerning their bid for the Blacktopping of Rellogg !!venue between 5%61st Street and Valley View Road, and had been able to get thEm to rednce their bid to the same price as bid on the balance of Kellogg Avenue. He zecommended awarding *contract to Ashworth and Son at price of &,316.&4. Bredesen so moved. Noti+on seconded by Danens and carried. IIr. Nitchell recommended that low bid of Xshworth ana Son, mount f'3,187,N,be accepted for the Blacktopping or" Lakeview Drive between TTooddale and St,Johns Avenues . -? & Child so moved. Hotion- seconded by Bredesen qd 'carried6 \ .- 190 7/28/52& ;&mager-IEtchell advocated that bids for Cub and Gutter in B:Tling Avenue betTr&en X.flth and TJ.58th Streets be rejected in fairness to bidders, inasmuch as some bidders recefved more complete specifications than other. rejecting &I bids t&en July 14, 1952, for Curb and Gutter in Er.ring Jvenue be'ctreen Yonth and ?T05Sth Streets, and authorLzing that new bids be taken Honday, Aumst U, 1952, was seconded by Child and cZrriedo 1.k. EitcheUfs recornendation for acceptance of low bid of dart Carlone, amount %,453.30, for Tla-bemain adension in 8.56th Street between Code Avenue and-Hansen '/ Bredesenrs notion, t Road, was acceptad, by motion Bredesen, seconded by Danens and carried. \ Council nex% perused Payrolls and Claims presented for payment, with Bredesen moving for papent of Village Payroll, amount $8,354.01 and Xquor Store Payroll, amount $643.05, for period July 16 to 31, inclusive, and for papent of Claims as follows; motSon being seconded by Child and carrieda $629.08 be paid out of Construdtion Fund, rather than General Fund, with motion seconded Ey BredeSen and carried, this change being recorded below: &*:mal CUB1 NO, I" * 733-3 Griswold Sipal Coo - 2166.10 73u Henry H3.r- 7075 7315 Ros envald-Goope T, Inc . 6.19 - 7316 3bk Iiurd Ikpping COO 10,q0 97 . 60 7317 7318 Clmcy Drugs, hc. '7319 Hennepin Count;. Beview 37.50 7320 l.€cGoira Contracting Co . 32. 65 r. 7323. Dietriclr Lmber Co . 92.35 7323 City of Epls - City Treasurer 16s. 85 7324 Glen Johnson Contracting Coo 232.00 Child then moved that Claim No. 7329, in amount of e. FUND - Republic Creosot-hg Co . 10 50 7325 imerican Tdqe;.rrit er Co . 70 50 7326 Thompson Lumber Coo 10 040 7327 Lsegue of Tk. Iiunicipdities 4.00 7328 Tfmim.son S-Limp Coo 11000 164,68 7329 7365 Earl Ser.sd-1, - 7367 Lumber Stores, Inc. * 5 4.0 7368 Glacier Sand G Gravel Coo 88.06 7369 Craofc & Haler, Inc. 19 30 7370 herican Linen Coo 6.00 7372 John Bo Coan, Postmaster 60.15 Lyle Signs, Into 260.02 7383 7391 Berg 8 Franh-m Coo W30 l riller Hardvdr e 8.35 3.24 7392 7593 *. 3rovm's Clothing 7594 "Garlbon Harness Store 9.00 6 . 10 7395 7397 l.k0 Fire Zcbin,Puisher Co, 11.25 listl6ford Bquipent Coo 58.25 2Sko15 7398 7399 * H..z. doger;; CO. 7k00 E!.lcr-Davis Co 1176.02 7401 Zorcbert-Ingersoll, kc. 4215000 7403 T0i.n & Count~y :Idr.reo 9,50 7404 Bertelson Brothers 8. $6 7407 Xd Epn, SheriLf 02 Kcnno Cy, 130 50 7409 liinn. Fire 3quipment Coo 18.25 r Edina Sand C: Gravel Coo 668.24 F.'& GeiGer Sales Coo ~0.00 743-0 74u 34e 80 10 74 Construction Iiulletin Edina-Xorningside Courier 20.12 7415 7-422 JohnR. Corn, Postmaster * Vjlhp of ZdrLrla 11.64 103.01 7423 ?~~orth~r:es'cem Bell Tel. COO 7Wk Iipls.-St= E: Tribune village of-zdina ' 7425 7.426 7443. &lph Yo Corey 7u2 7u 7u5 7447 Fred R. Obemeyer 7Jillage of St.Louis Park See Const. Fund .-- Dick Paen li3hotogrzphs 73% Petty Cash t '23.69 *- Y" -c 743-4 25000 25.00 21035 16 94 18.13 7 1 Janes 2. Huckins Dichm C. fiutson G~o. E. Thompson Prof. Bobert h. pi?illips 7&3. Jack I-ieridith I 5.60 30 94 10.00 43 0x9 960 0 55 (Error - Voided) 7446- I'forthzrn States Power COO Richasds Oil coo 966.55 * Grn>K& ma $1.0~3 53-0 26 . . 74-48 7k39 Da-tid 2aderson %OoOo .. . n sf, c - 7/28/52 CLnDjI NO, g& 7330 . . . Jari Products, Inc. 191 7355 73 56 73 57 7358 73 59 * 7360 7361 7362 7363 7364 7370 74-19 7378 7379 7310 7381 7382 7396 740 5 7406 7Lr.08 7416 7.417 7427 7421 7403 7424 7365 7368 7371 7389 7399 ' 7412 74u 7415 743.8 7.420 7452 7453 74-94 7455 7456 7457 . 7329 7366 7403 7421 7426 - 7371 7371, 7396 7387 7388 7390 7396 7L!.03 742.4 7421 7373 737 5 7384 t "neinhard Bros,. CO, A-?T coo of Irinn. D4 Lubricant Coo, Inc. Phillips Petroleum COa Delegrad Tool Coo Xurray Auto Go., Inc. TT3. L&r Company. Lsef Brothers, Inc. ?&I. 13, Siegler ?;'anner C032pzny 2ierican Linen Co. Iipls. Iron S-iore Ftosholt Equipment Coo Sttzndard Spring Co. The S Q If Co$~pany Stiburban Chev. Co. Petty Cash Dahlberg 3roso, Inc. \H.E. Toll Co, 1-ipls. Iron Store Steele Si@ Service Brookside Service Station Hpls. Gas Cod ' Northern Stahes Power Goa Town & Country Hdwe. N. I,!. Bell Telephone Co, u.3. Supply coo 2.56 '. 78.00 I .. 68.55 7.35 26.07 5.86 7.78 -60.06 TIK~~ City Testing & &go Lab. R.li.- Lundbeck Co. 1- dd.dre ss o graph-Nultigraph Go . Xutual General Agencg, Inc. Pete I'Tolloy, Jr e Badger Pieter TWg. Coo Petty Cash Tovrn 0 Country Hdrve. Northwestern Bell Te1. Coo Northern States Power Coo xari Jetmll r. 1 - $270 . 00 Glacier S2nd-& Gravel Co, L!.7.95 Twin City Testing e: Eng. Lab. LOO . 00 Jorgen Anderson 10 . 22 H.A. Xogers Go. h7.58 Robert J. Ellison 1050 00 Construction Bulletin - 293.60 Edina-Tfornings'ide Courier 159o.50 Phelps-Drake Co . , Inc . 536 . 61 8. C. Pfeiffer 183 . 60 Bart Carlone 3364.65 Pfei-Tfer Const. Coo .. 6073.33 zarl Sewall A: Sons 21.4.15 Rielps-Dre!:e C onpany 42897 76 I1 " . 11 8269.61 Earl Sewall-& Sons 9.30 Orfei & Ikrimi 8608.75 Village of St.Louis Park (See Gen.Fund)- 629.08 Richards Oil. Co. 234. 52 - Biunicipal Eqyipment Co 336.85 Town CC: Comhry €Idwe. 1.62 Village of Xdina 100 e00 ITorthern Stakes Power Co . 2.72 TJilliam Corwin Peder 3Eckelsen D.?J. KcCo~Ck (Continued on Next Page) 75*00r 28.05 7 a 20' , 97.52 10.00 2101 . 50 10 71 8.94 13.25 ' 651.67 4r 50 27.50 .. L. 50 CONSTEUCTION FUJlD ;:)73,000 0 21 CONSTEUCTION FUJlD ;:)73,000 0 21 1 1. 7/28/52 192 GLrn.1 EO* Ili.:OtSE 7367 7385 7kOO iXLler-Davis Go . 7403 Village of E&na 7426 CaroXyn Speer 7428 Elizabeth Berg 7429 7431. David C, IJelby Barbara Elia- 1432 Cary3. fkady * 7433 Betty Lou Hannah 7434 Dorothy Hansdn . 7k35 Gretchen Pusch 7436 Susan Ddelson ' 7437 12arXLyn Ihbbdtt 7438 I2013 American Linen Supply Coo U.65 L2Ol.4 Anheuser-Euseh, Inc. * 392.28 L2015 Canada Drg Ginger ;&e, Inca 2056.48 ~016 Chusen $t Sobs, BC. 779 90 Limber Store; LQCm 355005 - 1TQ6O Jobn E. Corn; Postnaster ' -15000 Ikrtin Pdo&y ilssos., T~CO - 42.00 42.75 Tovm E Gountry 3&ea .. la74 25.00 - 9k.50 70.00 - 85.00 105,OO Crook & Harile;;, kc. \ ;;;; * 48.00 * 150.00 300 .oo - 1~0.00 * 150.00 150 .OO F. It2017 Coca-Cola Bottling Go. of 1.E.m. 62.72 L2020 Gluek .Bre:.ring Co L202L Void L.2022 Xftzether Dist3ibuting COO L2018 Cold Spring Distributing Coo 122002 It2019 m a6.16 32023 X.lassolt Bottling Coo 30.00 OXt, Droney Beverage Coo 6%- 51 l. 110 m 17 I2024 1-iinneqolis Brewing Co 1443.73 . 247078 &ls, City Club DistributinS Coo * 269.1.4 I2025 ~2026 Xorris Distributing GO L2027 u028 Pabst Sales Coo 32029. L2030 j?urity Beverage GO. Horthvrestern Bell Telephone Goo 28.65 s5.28 Petty Cash 13.45 221.48 38.37 107.83 3.36 178a90 F. J. &*Taper Go. Eex Distributing Corn Seven-Up Boktlbg 60 o vm.zge of EcEna-Yater Dept. P.XKlimd National Bank of I*ZplS Val. Bjornsan, Treas. PEFLA. libin Brothe2s Coo Fmous Brands, Inc. &iggs, Coo$er CO, f.IcKesson E Bobbins $Ed-y:.;*est :like Go., EICm IEller-Dav5.s Coo . Old Peoria Goa , .kCo a. philllifs G Sons CO. E2031 * -193 o 88 uo35 w . 3vOQ 1,2032 Ti2033 I2034 I2036 i.me:sota Eospital Service Assn. L2037 UO39 E2040 U0.G L20.44 32045 122046 UOk? 67 045 Distillers Distribu-king COO 2051.~46 227.33 628. $0 275104-2 3409.46 669.75 L2043 c 269.30 -7 12038 I22041 Faous B??mds, mcb 4.00 2707.32 .c Judge Austin 1Jo&onts request for reimbtrrsement for services of IJrO Curtis Boy as ,4ssistant Pillage Attorney was read. Roy be compen- sated for his services as prosecuting at%orney,for Village, as recommended by Judge Norton, vas seconded by Child and carriedc Xan&er 1.5t chell reported that he has thoroughly checked Proposd. Forms furnished contractors by the Village; and that such ProFosal Forms carry no provision for maintenance of roads Steer Sewer and Water- Constmzction, although Estimates of Cost. %dude such provisions. No action takerib Bedesenls mot;ion, tht I-fanager IEtcheU recornended that curb and gutter be constructed in front of the Ralph Ibberson residence on 1akevier.i Drive, for purpose of unifodty in block. 110 Foxpal Action take5, dthough it TELS concensus of opinion th& ik. Xi.tchel3-t~ recornendation be accept Ed. The hour being veq late, wtth considerable addikiond. business yet to cane to Councilt s attention, Bredesen moved for adjournment of meeting to ".ednesday, July 30, 1952, kaaedLately &%er Board of FLevier;r I*Ieeting. Islotion seconded by Child and carried. Xee%ing adjourned at 1:20 i%%.lI.3 T *. Village Clerk