HomeMy WebLinkAbout19520811_REGULAR7130152 a95 salaries negotiations, Council agreed to meet with representative Saturday, i Clerk read letter dated July 22, 19.52, from E.%, Parker 3. IJokn, Business Eepsgsentstive of Ibeapolis CAty and County &ployees, rewesting meeting %or Sefhnber 13,: at 2:00 Pe%, at the Village bll,, Phnager Utchell &formed the Council that Ifatemain exbension should be made from Southview Lane to the new Grade School propkrty; along Concord Avenue, just He gave the Council an IkASmate of Cost in the amotmt of $9,612.00 for a 1.6" line fron Concord Avenue through easement in* school property to proposed water toTmer; and an Estimate of Cost in' amount of $?,55,!+.33 for a. 126t line in Concord Avenue from the existing main opposite Southview Lane pump- house to the proposed 16" line going Vest to water tower site, folloxdn,o Resolution and-moved its adoption: L i -as soon as possible. Child'offered the RESOLUTION SZTTING HZARiHG ' FOR IJAEEeDq DE'PX" YHEWS, the Village Council desires on its' own' motion to improveA Concord -Avenue betwe& Southvie; Lane and a point 230 fekt, faore or less, North S9 - Wo 59th Street, by Construction of Village Vater $-fain Exbension and :lppurtenznces therein, all as authorized by Laws 1-949, Chapter 119, as amended by Laws 1949, Chapter 430, now therefore - EB IT FXESOL8XD by the, Village Council of the Village of Edina that it is deemed necessary and expedient to make the Watermain Improvement heretofore set forth, and that on the 25th day of August, 1952, at 7:30 P.Mo, this Council r+&Ll meet at the billage Hall in said Village and will at said time and place hear the parties interested therein in reference to such inprovement, and wXl.1 decide whether or not to undertake such improv^ement, in whole or in prte imprqvement includes all lots and tracts of land vrith r- frontage or abutting on the above named street. Eifot4on for adoption of tQe Eesolution vas seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nap, as follows: Danens, aye; Havthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; AmST: BE IT XJRTHl3R KESOSJ'ED, that tlie area propo'sed to be assessed for this 1 97 ;/,,u 1 t'i1l.a ge Clerk Childts motion, that pims anti specifications for abve narhed Water I.la5n Ehension in Concorcj Avenue be approved, and that Coimcil take bids for same as of Elonday, August 25, 1952, at 7:3O P.X., was-seconded by Hawthorne and Carrie@* The, hour,, being late, eth considerable bushess yet to come before the Council, Bredegen moved fog ad joumment. Xeeting adjourned at 11:20 Pol$, I * i Notion seconded by Hawthorne and Zarriedo i t T ,/+ Tillage Clerk SlXNU'JXS OF '131E ?GG.ULB S*WING OF THE *.- c EDINA VILLA& COUIJCIL, HEp I.;oIJDAY9 AUGUST 11, 19 52, AT 7: 30 PJJS. , AT THX XDINA vLLzI1c;E HALL t Ifembers answering Ilollodl were Child, Danens , Bredesen, Hawthorne, and - Erickson. Pursuant to l?Adver$is ements for- Bid?," pubfiished in Xdina-l%r@ngside Courier and Construction Bulletin, on the dates specified below, affidavits of publit cation for dXich were read by Clerk, approved as to Tom and ordered placed- on file, the following bids were publicly opened and read: t STE?.ET IkPFdWEIflS m.. A-22 - Blacktopping of Vestbrook Lane between V.423th and Jfe49th Streets A-43 and - Blacktopping of All Streets in Edinbrook Addn, I .STRZX IiP~O~~;IIpT KO, Advertised July 31 an$ August 7, 1952. bid for both projects. &€FDRTH AUD SOIJS, St,Louis Park - (Ody Bidder) $6,932.30 entered as * SW?T II.!E', B-9 Curb and Gutter SrnT 11-3?, B-8 Curb and. Gutter Yvonne Terrace Adv. 7/31 & 23/7/52 Barnes-Xatt ison eo . $5, 4-32 00 $4,158090 ,Fit zgerald Bro s 4,202 e 17 5 , 345 20 Victor Carlson 8: Sons 5,499 .eo 4,53906? Lsh?;orth B Sons (?Tat er St ab. > 37,141.48 $13,930~65 (Oil St5b. ) 8,4980U. Terry Excavating Coo (TIater Stab,) 27,343 o 0 5 *c (0% Stab. 3 ' 9,097020 $4, 068m4.8 (3,149 e 34 c $8,736.63 Pfeiffer Const. Coo (T?ater Stab,) (Oil Stab,) 10,197 e 93 J.2. Danms & Son $2,783 e 70 3 825.35 ('?at er Stab.) (Oil Stab.) Orfei & Ewiani $l&, 438 15 16,299.20 7 u., 094. 67 Bart Carlone ? l49739.55 r I C llotion by Bredesen, for referrd of albids to Tillage &gineer for tabulation and report at nex% meeting, iias seconded by Child end czrried, 3hager 7E.t chel3.I s *r&conmendations fox' award of bids taken JULY 28, 1952, .and action by Council, were as follows: - FOR Ph.K!XG OF F&XJCE L~VE~UE~ Ilr. Kitchell recom3ended delaying of amrd of contract to Yalter Giertsen Company, low bidder, until it is certain that streetcar tracks u rill be raoved. Cednesday, August 13, a'z 7:30 P.1-f. for discussion Qn the Prance Avenue project, with 7%?. Eitchell to have report then as to what Street Eail.~.ray COTQ~~UI~ officials wiU do as to rail rmoval. and also as to bus service inasmuch as Edinats shuttle bus service from 44th to 54th Street xill be discontinued on Tiednesday, Hawthorne's motion, that spec$&, meeting be held Xednesday, August 13, at 7:3O POIT., was seconded by Child and unanimously carried, FOR ?TATERUXC1$ BZ'FLOV~ZTTT 110, 50-112 Brookview Avenue between l.T.56th and Ti. 59t h Streets. incorrect, raising their bid considerably; \that Orfei B Ihriani is second-low bidder at &192.95; that he muld recomend acceptance of this bid inasmuch as this cmtractor is well Eno-r.m, and it $s doubtful that low bidder, Harry J. Ilrech can handle this work. in az10un.i; of *')5,192.95 be accepted. France Avenue. is ol?l;r p200 higher than that of low bidder, Harry d. Yeech; that he reconnends acceptingc second-lovr bid for same reason as stated abve (for T.laterm&n No, 50) o Danens proved, Child seconded, that bid of Orfei h IlaPiani in mount of $5,139*55 be amrd of bid to A.B. Villims in amount of $580.00 for 3000 Tbatt Generator and Ef290.00 for 1Iarsh Fire hp, Dr, zrickson suggested that special. meeting be held on 1.k. Eitchell explained that extensions of Terq &cava%i.ng Co~any were . Child moved, Bredesen seconded, that the bid of Orfei E: 1.Tahn.I. Notion'unanimously carried, I-k. IZtchell reported that the Bid of Orfei & Hariani, at %,139.5$, FtX SA3El'LRX SB,ZR IIIP30VEXIJT IJO, ' 46f-In M. 54th- Street from Halifax Avenue to **- . accepted. Kotion carried unaninouslyo FOR FIR?, PULP .QD 3000 ITATY! GZEBATOR~--I.b, lLitchellts recomendation was for Bredesen so moved, Hawthorne seconded, and motion . carried, for acceptance of the'low bid of Bill's TSee Service, in'the amount of $1,293.00. FOR TEB Tl?XJXG, TFEZ l3.XOVAL .4IXD flEPATR-Iir, I-Etchell*s recomendation vas Bredesen- so moved, Kmthorne secofided, and motion carsied, fJeirt matter on the r1,nenda was Public Hearing on proposed Grading and Gravelling of the T-,c;lley lying betveen Zenith and ilbbottpilvenues and betsieen 8059th 2nd rr.60th Streets . Xf idavit of Puiilicat ion for Xot ice of Hearing in Edina-Ibrningside Courier July 2.4 and 31, 1952, was read, approved as to fora and ordered placed on file. or ')LO5 ,ppr assessablc~ fbot, its adoption: B3 IT E'3EOLV.D by the Co-meil onhe Village of Edinb, 'Ifiinn&!ota, that this Council Qeretofore caused no-Lice of',iXXWing to be duly publisyed on the propsed irtprovemnt consistinE of the Gradin? arid 'Gravelling of the T-it17r6-~. lyine betxqn Zenith. and Abbott ,',TTenues and betveFn T. 5Fh .mYi T~oGOlth Streets,' an5 at the hegrkg held at the ' t5me and place specgfied in%&d notice YneTCouncil h&s duly considered the View of all perTons interested, ad being fully advised of +&e pertinent facts'does hereby dete&e $0 prixeed rrith the c6~st-ruction of said inprovwmt; that said byrove- Pnt is hereby designated ad shall be referred to in d-1 subsequent proceedings as T&&$&ghprove&nt Eo. C-38, ad the area to. be specially assessed therefor shall' include all lots &d tracts of land abutti-ng and fronting upon the alley in u:hich said 5mprov&en% is to be constructed, < ci_ JI' C I c r f I Pire I-Xtchzll'a Sstimate of Cost was $1,486.08 for 1,41S060 assessable *feet, Child offered the f oU+wing Resolution ad moved .. ,I PJSOLUTIOIT OhrnlG ZmGG2:JT G@DING I=PI;OIXLX~TT .:IO*+ C-39fc. . .- . 1- I - -c c *< +< 6/11/52 I-Iotion 202 adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, Zild on Rollcall there i;fe%e five-ayes and no nap, as follo~?rs: Damns, aye; Ha&home, ajre; and Erickson, c Child then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: jXE23OLuTIOI$ IPI3OVING PUdG ,UTD 5F2 CEIC,ZtlrfQ7S FOR GFiiIDIIG D*!iIXIlOVEdmT ITO. C-3s :QlD D~~CTII~G ADVZRTEZ~ZI~IT XI2 EZDS BF IT K32OLVED by- the Village Council of the Village of Edina: 1.- The plans and specifications forGfadi& Improvement No. C-38 prepared by the Village Zngineer and now on file in the office of. the Clerk are hereby approved. hereto fore Village E + 2, The Clkrk-sha.11 cause to be published trsice in the Edina-izorningside Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the constraction of said iapqovement: ADV3FLTISEiZNT FOB BIDS , Street, I~Iondzy, September 8, 1952, at\ 7:30 P.X., to open and consider sealed bids for construction of Village Gradiig improvement Igo, (3-38 conscstkg of the Grading and Gravelling of the T-Alley lyhg between lenith and ,llSoo.l;t Avenues and between IT,59th and Y.6Oth Streets. fications for said improvement on file in office of Village Clerk., be submitted on basis of cash payment for work, unless sealed and filed viith undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash depo-sit, bid bopd, or certified check papble to Village Clerk in anount 01 Ten percent of amount of bid, f;rork must be done as described and specified in plans and specib Bids must No bids v&ll be considered BY ORDB OF ITm4G CUUNCIze - Bower Hawthorne, Clerk* 3. hereby adopted as the terns and conditions of award of the contract for said hpi-ovement . Each and all of the terns of the foregoing advertisement for bids are 197 i ' PIotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there vrere five ayes and no nays, as follow Danens , aye; Iiawthorne, aye; and %rickson, Village Cle/rk - Fublic Hearing was nexk had on the Grading, Gravelling 2nd Oiling of Shemrood ihxqer i\li%cheUfs Xstimate OP Cost was read a,t $6,409.66 as ageinst 4,4.58 assessable . feet, for a totak Grading and Gravelling Cost of $1.32, plus 154 per assessable foot for Oiling--totalling $1.47 per foot. Prior to the read%& of the Cost, kffidavit of Fublication fn Edina-lbrningside Courier July 24- and 31, of Wotice (of Hearing" had been read, approved as to form znd ordered placed on file, Child offered the follot&ng Besolution and moved its adoption: Roadc b&;reen I.lighway 169 tmd. Richwood Drive and of Richwood Drive. - WSOLUTIO8 ORD%KCf\IG 3liPEOTCJ3~ STFEZT IimOW-314T 30, (3-37 - BE IT 833UL.D by the Council of the Village of Edina, Knnesota, t'mt this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be d.v.1~ published on the proposed improvement consisting of the Grading, Gravelling and Oiling of ShemJood Eoad between Heighway 169 and Richwood Drive and of Richwood Drive, and at >he hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, md being fully ailvised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed. writh the construction of sslid inprovexent; tbat said improvement is hereby designated 2.nd shd-1 be referred to in all subsequent FGoceedings as Street bprovement 1\50, C-37, md the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land ahtting and fronting upon the streets in ir'hich said improTrem&t is to be cxJns%mctXd. a Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and. on Rollcall there were five ages znd no nays, as follows: Daner&, aye; f<apJt;horne, aye; end Xriclcson, solution was . adopted. re; Child, aye; Village Clerk. .- 198 LJDrnTISEZIT ?c?Z BIDS 33 1T RXSOZ, by the Village Council of the Village of Mina: 1, The plans and specifie%ions for Street hprovenent Noo C-37 heretofore prepared by the Village Xngineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hzreb7 appmved. and the Construction BuIletin th? following notice for bids for the construction of said hprovaent : t 2. The Clerk shall muse to be published tr.rice in tie Edina-IZornZngside Courier ilDKiBTI3E~XIE FOR BIDS - STRZZT JEPiXl''.ZX ITO. C-37 The Edina Village Council, Trill neet at the IEUage Hall, &801 W.5Oth Street, Eond23, August 25, 1952, st 7~30 P.IL, to open and consider sealed bids for construc- tion of Village Street hpmvaent ITo. C-37, consisting of Grading and Gravelling of Shemood Eoad between Highvay 169 and Richwood Drive and of EichViood Drive. for said kprovenent on file in office of Village Clerk, Bids must be submitted on basis of cash papent for wrk. No bids r?i.ll be considered unless seded and filed .t;.;,th undersigned before tine of said meeting and acconpnied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check papble*?o Village Clerk in amount of Ten psrcent of . aomt of bid, < c < Xork mst be done as described and spqcified in plans and specifications l3Y OFDm OF mhG3 CCUNCIL. Bower Hawtfiorne, Clerk 3 herebr adopted-as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said hprovaent . Each ar_d all of the terns of the Toregoing advertisment for bids are , Cotion far adoption of the Besolution vas seco there were five ayes and no nqy, as follows: are; Hawthorne, aye; and' %rickson, aye; and c ' Affidavit of Publication for "lfotice of Newtng'r published in Cdina-Xorningside Coude% July 24 and 31, 1952, vas read, and ordered placed on file. Pursuant to kaid'Notice, Public 13e:ring was had on proposetl Oiling of Benton >+venue from Ransen Road west. lk, Xitchellts Esthate of Cost for this iqrovaent tras read at &l5 per fmnt foot. Child offered the foUov,6ng Eesolution.and moved its adoption: oh the yroFosed bprovment of Benton Avenue from Nanses Eoad,??est, ad at-the the and @ace specified in s3id not'ice the Count5.l has duly eonsidered the t.iemi of all persons bterested, and being fully aav-ised of the pertinent facts does hereby deternine to proceed xLth the construction of said improvement, v?&ch said inprovenent is hereby desimated md shaU be referred to as Street-Improve ment 130. O-kO, - The area to be specikly assessed €or said hprovment shall include aU lots and tracts of land fronting 2nd abutting upon the street in rhich said improvement is to be constructed. The TTillaSe Sngineer has hereto,i"ore submitted to VIe Council plms and specifications and an estimate of cost of said improvment, from Ti.hich it appears and it is hereby found and detemnined that tot& cost of said hpravenent rill be less than <&CO.OO; therejfore, this Council is authorized by law and does hereby determine to purchpse directly the ma$eerials for each of said hproveraents and complete Vfle same br aploynant of dciy labor, and directed to suFervise the vorlc on said hproveaent, and upon conpletion thereof, &so to subdt a detailed report, certified by hin, and file the sme with the Village Clerk, &io~&.n~ in general the coyplete cost of the work, and specifically the. f ollovring: (a)- Find Costs of the various units of vork done. (b) '&teri&s furnished for the project, and the cost of each iten thertof. (c) Cost of labor, cost of equipent hired, and supervisory cost. 2. 3, bo The Villqe Xnyineer, be5n.g a ReGstered xnn,.ineer, is .herebx authorized Said report shall dso contain a certificate by said Sngineer that $he vork VES done aceoxking to plans and specifications therefor. t Kotion for adoFtion of Besolution vas seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall there were five qes and no aqs, as follo~rs: Bredesen, aye; Child, are; Danens, aye; 8/11/52 2 :-Iax&home aye; and Erickson, we; and the ?2%7 . ~ / /7 I - Public Hearing on proposed Blacktopping of Code Avenue between fJ056th Street and Yindsor Avenue was had ne&, pursuant to "Notice of Hewingst' published in Ekna- Xorniiigside Courier July 24 and 31, l952,,whfchAwas read, approved as to fom and ordered placed on file. for 868.92 assessable feet, or $4.80 per assessable foot, Spectators asked for tern of assessment and were ittQ&ld 'be five years. Resolution and moved its adoption: Hanager Mirtchell's Estimate of Cost was read at :j4,160070 Child offered the following r. RX305CVrirION ORDERIIJC. fiE?ROKXXUT STFa Bip:dmD~n HO, I&--45 BE IT RZXOLWD by the Council of the Village of Zdina, Ikbmeso-ta; that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed impmvement consisting hf the nacktopping of Cob& kveflue between and Tlindsor Avenue, end at tkIe Hearing held at the time ana place spscified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, andt being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby d&emnine 50 proceed ' with the constrv-c:ion of said improvement; that said ixrprove-nent ik hereby dpsignated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedinzs as Str,eet li-iprovenent ,445, and the area to be spscially assessed therefor shall include all lots md tracts of land abutting and fronthg upon the streets in which said hpovement is to be constructed, I-Iotion for adoption of Xesolution was seconded by Bredescn, and on Rollcall there weqe five ayes and no nays, ps follows: 56th Street Bredes and the Reso I Village Clerk Child then offered the following Resolution and moTred its adop-Lion: Itl3SOLUTLCIJ ,@PEOTJliTG PENS A" SECIFICAT ICIJS FOR 3TXLZT I€4J?I#VEiXt~ IJO. A4.5 .UD DmCTIIJG mmTrsmm FOB am3 r BZ Si' =;SOLED by the Village Council of Yne Tillage of Zdiha: The plans and specifications for Street Zprovement &To, A45 heretofore prepared by the Village Zngineer md now on file iq the office of the Village Clerk are hereby apnroved.. The Clerk slizll cause to be published twice in the Edina-Xorningside Cou-der ad the Construction Bulletin the follo-r.ri_ng notice for bids for the construction ~f said hprovenent: 1, 2. DV3?3TTIT 3'02 3IDS 1 STEZXT IEI?FOVZZI?'I' iil0. A-45 The Xdina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall, 4-801 72,50th Street, Uondqr, for construction of Tillage Street Improvement Bo, A-45 consisting of Blzcletopping of Code Lvenue between We 56th Street and Windsor Lvenue, Plork must :be* done as described and specified in plans and specifications for s;id bprovaent on file in offic&.of Tillage Clerk, Bids must be subnitted on basis of cash papent for work. No bids will be considered unlld$s sealed. and filed uith undersigned before time of said meeting and. accomQanied by cash cteposi%, bid bond, or cert-sied check payable L. .. to Villlage Clerk in amount of Ten percent of amount of bid, . Bower €lawthome, Clerk * 25; 1952, at 7:30 PalL, to open-and consider sealed bids 3Y OFXGR OF VILULG~ CCTTKXL, 3, improvment Sach and all -of tlie terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are T. hereby adopted .as the terms and conditions of award of the 'contract for said r 1.lotion for adoption of the Resolution bhere were five ayes and no nars, as follows: Danens, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, Village Clerk - 200 Clerk read 2ffid&it of Fublicztion for Wotice of He&ingll FubEshed in Edina- IIorningside Courier July 21, and 31, 1952, on proposed Tfatemain kprovaent in Virginia .tLvenue Lddition, Concord and Parnell Avenues, V. 60th and ?I,, 62nd Streets Pursuat to said Eotice, Public Heming vas called on this improvenent. discussion vas had, xith petition being filed against 3.ter and Sever in Valley V3.er.r Road from Parnell Avenue to Highmy Ho, 100 (petition not being pertinent to Hearing). C@ld*s motion, for continuance of Fublic Hearing on r;later Ihin Improvement to 14onday, August 25, 1952, at 7:30 F.II., vas seconded by Ha:hhorne and carried, Fublic' Hearing was kd on proposed Sanitary Sever in Concora Avenue betimen :1060th and tr.62nd Streets, Tirgihia Avenue Lddition, et&, pursuant to lliTotice of- Hearing ProFosed Sanitary Sever hprotwkient,tt published in Edina-IJorningside Courier July 24 and 31, Ufklar5t of Wolicztion for which vas read, approved as to form, and ordered plzced on file, Hearing to Ilbndizy, August 25, 1952, at 7:30 P.K. carried, Considerable c 1 Discussion was had, and Hawthorne moved for continuance of Eotion seconded by Child and I Petition datedFAugust 3, 1952, requesting that all prior petitions for vacation, partial vacation, or gra.ding of the Alley betveen Abbott and Beard Avenues between 770'56th and TT.57th Street; and asking for the Vacxbion of that portion of said alley between ?lo57th Street and the southerly boundary of Lot One, Block Eight, Brookce Addition, and the Grading of the balace of said alley, was filed, Hawthornets notion;that Public Hearing be scheduled on said petition for Ironday, Septaber .22, 1952, at 7:30 POTI., was seconded by Child and car&ed. At this time Ihyor Erickson was 'calk$ out of the IIeeting, and Tm.stee Child presided, Petition objecting to F.R. Lien %'la%, tlf'festwood Court,1t. vas read and discussed, Hatithomers motson, that this petition-be tabled pendhg final action on pbt, was seconded br Bredesen and carrieda Petition signed by eight people on Lakeview Drive, objecttng to Ilr. Ealph Ibberson's request that Council instill no curb and gutter in front of his home on Lzkevietr Drive, was read. Discussion vas had and It&. IEtchell recomnended that we follow out the original contract to put in curb and gutter on the entire street. Child moved, Hawthorne seconded, that we accept 1%. 1Iitchell.t s recornendat ion. Ilotion carried, . . -I Petition dated liugst 8, 1952, by the Test Ed- Improvement Association, in objection to acceptance of Final Plat of Carl IX. Iiansents Parh-Jood Knolls Third Addition, xas read. when final plat is. received, about Septaber 8th. carried, Iia.wt2iornefs motion, that petition be filed for. consideration Trotion seconded by 3redesen and Petition was filed for the Blacktopping of Oaklawn fivenue between 71. 5&h and ?To 62nd Streets. not have owners of this maher be &veri to meeting. Petition vas filed fo ,$n&tallation of Street Eght at intersection of Ldleviev Drive avld St .Lndrem, 7 Soxtiiview he md St .hnd.rerrs fivenue, Hawthorne' s notion that petition be referred-to I~ilLage Clanager rrith power to act v:as seconded by Bredesen ?and carried. Coinplaint on garbage pick-up service, by Ers, S.3, Clocld_3n, Jr, 5021 Oxford -'nnu.e, was read. Gordon Stasney spoke in favor, but another spectator said Stasney does of tEe $roperty on the petition. Havkliomets motion, that IXtchell for study and recommendation at the ne;& r 1 < -I. Hawthorne noved, Danens seconded, thzt the letter be referred Lo Tillage * I-iaager for mswer. Xotion cwried, Claim or" inrood Yager, Delano, I-iinnesota, in amount of X6.89, for damages suffered to Es autonobile at 5010 Gent Avenue, was read, FImthorne noved, Dmens seconded, that claim be referred to Village Attorney for investigation and report, cerried ,, Lgtter from Richrird Olsorl, Clerk of Court, requestinz salary increase, IELS reEd, Ha~d2iorne'~oved that letter be referreci to the Tillage Ihnrtger 2nd Judge of Tkni- cipd Court for rammendation and report, Ifotion seconded by Bredesen, carriedo Edina Cormnercid. CLubfs Augnst 6th request for a Stop and Cm sign zt 53th and Rzlifa: KT~S rezd, reply to 1.2. Oredson th'c signs would be ordered. carriedo . IIotion H31,.t'norne raoved that letter be referred to 12. IXtchell for Kotion seconded by Danens and 201 8/U/ 52 Nr. Jd Kamond, 5845 Pairfax Lvenue, asked what could be done abut the water filling in his lot at 59th and 1Tooddd.e; Ere Xitchell stated that something rkuld be done in the near future, probably that th street would be cut clown from Wooddale Jco the west so- that water would run down 59th Street. 3Ir. J. E. Danielson presented a plan for his house on Lot 1, Block 2, Edina Highlands. Bredesen and carried. Location of house on lot was approved by notion Danens, seconded by - Dr. I;. Paul Carson, Jr., 5407 South Blake Road, asked for information as to what was done 'about his problem of assessments for Sanitary Sewer E-1. stated that he had asked for the assessment to be cut in half but was being assessed for the full 17% lots. TJr. George Christopher, 5656 Voodda2.e Avenue, asked if the contractors could fix the road so that he can cross the street and park his car ndarer his home. ~ He 3zs told there has been some trouble with @ibbisQ Company but that this will be taken care of eventually. 'Fir. Floyd Blakeborough, 5909 Concord &venue, read. a no-tice dated July 29 received 2rom this office regarding installing an inside toilet and hooking up .r.riLIi the sewer, room in his present home. tJas told. to contact the Health Officer first and get his recommendations before coming before the Council. He No action taken. t He asked for an extension of six months in order to malce /\ E. C. Stow once agarinsrequested water extension to Ms Subdivision and presented plat showing locations wherewater is wanted. about 65 or 66 home's served and was asked by the Council to get confirmation from buildiing contractors who are planning to put in these houses. moved that Council authorize I&, Stow to have his engineer lay out the plans ?or this vater.system and that the payment $or his services be authbrized. seconded the motion and it was carried manimously. A delegation fromthe herican Legion Hall presented plans to alter the building, Hawthorne moved and Child seconded the motion that the amendment to the permit be allowed. Kotion carried. Village ,'&ttorney f'Jindhorst*s opinion with regard to the Grading of Belmore Lane, was read as follows: . ltIt is my opinion that the council of the Village of Xdinn has the authority to enter into a contract for the grading of Beltilore Lane between Konroe -',venue and Van Buren Avenue under a contract by which the compensation of the contractor will consist of the right.to sell and dispose of the dirt which it is necessary to remove in order t@ bring that-street to a grade established by the council. expenditure of less than &,OOO by the Tillage of Edina, it vSl not be necessary to advertise for bids. the law with respect to public contracts should be follorred,--If the council wishes to avoid all risk of controbersy, it would be ny recommendation that prior to undektalcing the contract here proposed, the written consent of the owners of the abutting lots to the removal of the dirt be obt-ained.tt Discussion was had, and petitioners were asked to obtain dirt releases. Hawthorne moved to have the matter laid over until the nex+ meeting. seconded by Danens and carriedo He said there ~15.11 be He offered F to have his engineer do the work of drawing plans and specifications, Hawthorne Child - t Ihasmuch as this contra& involves the However, all other applicable provisions of * Ikkion If?. Vernon Schvreiger, 5109 Yest 56th Street, asked what could be done about disposing of {later on Code Avenue. -Ee. Ifitchell explained that improvement of the street by blacKcopping tlriLl include water relief. I Jra Bay Kirkman, &808 Golf Terrace, asked about the ,07_2ns on Lakeview Drive a-d the Belt Line. Uk. S. A. I-Iustad, 5528 OakJawn, asked pe-dssion to build a garage less than five feet from property line, pe-dt having been refused by Building Inspector Yoehler because such is in viola.tion of zoning ordinance. lette? simed by I-iessrs , Donald S . Burris end Del 4QZ.stad, arjoinhg property ot.mers, aEreeing Zo -the construction of the garage within. kro feet from the lot line. C-hildts motion, that- permit be granted fbr constmetioh of a garage witlib -ho feet of lot line, subject to approval by neikhbors, v~s seconded by Hawthorne Ecnd carried. 1 Ilk, &md asked about 'nis,petitian for C-rading of Ja'm qtreet from Behore Lme $0 Ildoney ,:venue, he being the ovmer of six lotsad Ere Archie Dione Cvrne? of the bdmce of the-block, Hwthorne surgested that Kessrs. Lund and Xitchell work out the gradentogether, and I$. Dione nentioned that there are many large trees in the way of a straight cut. *Ere Lund was told to Eet a dedication of the land for a tu-m-around, * Ur. I-Iustad presented Discussion VJ~S had about grade. ,i Xe,, Yojack s&d he had received noti.ce a'uput gradin: the alley b'@t;Treen Lsnith and Abbott Lvenues and be-hzcn YD59th and V.60th Streets; til&% he could not under- stand vhy this project nu.s'c be undertzken 2% tixis the. project has bean approved by Gomcil earlier this evening. He T~S inforned that A delegation 02 Tive nen frm Valley Tierr Heichts inquired as to the nrogress of their blackbopping problems , bids for the blacktopping project would be taken Auwst 25, Eathhorne rezd a telegram from E,H. 'Paradeau,L,l6l Bloomin&ch Avenue, regardhg - the purchase of 2% feet of streBtcar cai?.se The ibchulicd Code was laid over Until the ne:& rehlar Council Keetinp, Lenflny discussion had, DeLega$ion T.J&S- inforned that &. Gar1 Em Hansents August Uth letter, reguesting approval 02 Find Plat for Parhood Knolls Third Addition, was read by Clerk. Plat was presented, and Eke XitcheU recornended thak it be approved by Counc& Comission recornendations of ,;u,E;ust 6, 1952, made aner objections received by Best Zdina Improvment Associction, T;rhich read as follow: Wotion made by %Terse, sewnded by Hiatt, and carried that this plat confoms to the preliminzry plat ' previously accepted, that it neets all of the requirernents of the Village, and that the Conmission cannot legally object bbcause it does meet; all le&iL require;ren%se9t Dmens moved for acceptance of Find Plat. - I&, &Etchell read Planning Hawthorne sec6nded noKon and it carried, Ri-, Carl 1:. Easen*s petition for the Gra+elling and 3lacErtopping of aJ.1 Streets in Parkwood Knolls .Third 2dditkon i:as filed, Na;trthorne*s motion, that Goimci.1 schedule Public Eearing and Advertise for Bids for the Grading, Gravelling and Blacktopping of all Streets in Parkwood Sholls Third Addition on Eonday, Septezbere, 1952, was semnded by Danens and carried, IZr. Carl 1.1. -Hansen*s request for the Grevelling and 51.zcl.rtopping of the streets in frar'hood Ilnolls ti~s gear was xedewed, ~5th KavSlorne movinf that Council advertise for bids for the Grading, Gravelling and Blaclrtoppbg of 211 streets in Pzrh:ood Iholls 2nd i'dditlon, to be taken Tbnday, Septenber 9, 1952. Damns and carried. Slotion seconded by 1.2, Hansents 'resest that BlaASopping hprovenents b6 assessed ovar a 'per5od of ten years vas revieis.ed. for tbis type of improvem~nt, Iie ISS info.imed that five yeaqs is the tern of assesmat Xt?. Hansen's request for permission to plove his tract office from 5.436 ?Tooddale Avenue to Lot S, Bloc!; 1, Parhood Iholls Third Addition, to face South on Pzrhrood Eoad, was reado 3redesen and carried, "I0 and Pks. Xverett G. ITelson, 57kO Frpce Avenue Sohth, appeared at this time to inq&e abou.t the specid assessments Tor Sanitary Sewer and IJater IEn kproveaents on the- property, Tillage itttorney T'Tindborst t s cornmunicat ion stating that the Nelsons' property my be assessed, for Sanitary .Ser:.er Improvonent No, 35 and ?rater Xain hprovenent Plo. 39 azter they comply idth certain conditions set forth by him, was read, -?To fora& action taken, but Council agrehd to levj assessment as reqpested by the Nelsons. Kayor Srj.ckson returned at this tine, and presided for the balmce of the evening. Petition was filed zcainst Bus Boute 'dong ?f,57,th 3treet mi filed, Chis petition demanding a public hearing, hearing on the matter of this bus line rill be conducted by the Street Xailmy md Yarehouse Coanission, and that if petitioners wish to discuss foute Zurther with Council after that, we 76ll be glad to schedule a public hearing'at a later d&ee Danens -seconded by notLon and it was unanimously carried, ?imager i.Zt che31 presented the s^ollor.ring Tabulations of Assessdents and- 2ssessnent Bolls t Concord Lvenue, ad St,Johns ,*-venue betmeen Tower S'creet and 'If, 56th Street, Total. Assessable Cost $3,3S9.gL as against 1,7h7.19 assessable reek, for %9L, pr HavLhornets notion, that permit be &raked, was secondcd by Baihhorne moved that signers be notified that a public STfiSEl IIPiXNEZTT EO. rZ-8 - Blacktopping, of Tower Street between St,Johnas and assessable footr . ,kddi%ion am3. dl Streets in Prospec% Hills 2nd Addikion. Total, Assessable Cost * <"11,35Ef,€Kl as a_rainst 10,593.51 assesszble feet, for 31,U per assessable foot, Beard Avenues.. Total*Assessable Cost $560,59 as against tr.63,3 assessable feet, SW852l3i' EPiXJLE3CT iJ0.. &I1 A B1acM;opping of al.1 Streets in Prospect €Ells ST€EZT ICPIOVZIX~T EO, .i'.-l9 - Bla&opping of Ti.57th Street betyreela Abbott; and , for $1.21 per assessable foot. - 203 8/11/& - -.. STEX! JiZLLm3LT 1;fO. A-20 - BLACI20PPIHG OF TI; j7TH SWZT BZEEIi ZIDTlTH TiKI) ABEO'i"i' AlXfbLIS, able feet, for $1078 per assessable foot, Avenue to Emehaha Creek. assessable feet of Residentid- Property and 302 assessable feet of business property, for $1.80 per front foot for Residential property and *$?.71 per hont fbot for Business property. CST"XZT LXBOGBJT 310, C-15 - Grading and Gravelling of St,Johns Avenue . between I!. 59th Street and Turnaround near M. 58th Street . Total Assessable Cost :::X,209.61 as against 1,197.64 assessable feet, for ~)l.Ol pzr assessable foot. STOZ4 3ZER IIPPG~JZNT NO. 16 - In Y!&th Street between Brownd.ale Avenue and Glenn Avenue. Total Assessable Cost 53,306,96, with 2t3.525 thereof to be assessed,. for :;942.24 as against 120,8QO Square Feet, for {j00O78 per hssesseble v.60th Streets. Feet, for T33.93 psr 3.ssessable foot. and a, point 450 feet North thereof, .Total Assesss?ble Cost v')3,231aOO as against 900 assessable feet, for ;;3,59 per .k$essable Foot. Streetse Total Assessable Cost r.JlO,L:93eO8 as against 2,395.68 assassahl-e fee-L, for $Lb.38 pei- assessable foot. Total Lssessable Cost $967.43 as against 3i3e 5 assess- - ST&P iIEGOEEi~JT ROO B-4 - Curb and Gutter in UOT4th Street from France Total Assessable Cost $5,931.21 as against 1,892 Foot 4 S!iIUTiB33 SZEE EJP2OVXEifT NO. 34 In Ashcroft Avenue between Y.58th and Total 2ssessabl.e Cost $9,L;L5.02 as against 2,395,,68 Sssesssble i Siil!TIT$GiY SEZR DE'XND-E3IT XO. 39 .- In 3t . Johns Lvenue betweFn Yo 59th Street ?J.iTE%XtN ILPEOVZiZ%T XO. 38 - Ik Ashcroft Lvenue betirem TI. 59th and 'J,6Oth * .?IILT?E~~*LII.J IIPZmi.Z$E ?TO= 40 - In St.Johns Avenue from To 59th Street to a point 450 feet North. Tot& .lsse_ssqble Cost ,~~4,581000 as adrainst 900 feet, for ',:5,09 per assessable f oo%, I Har.rthorne*s motion, that Assessment Hearings for the above named assessments be scheduledyfor I-Iond8yj September 22, at 7:30 POL, at the Xdina Village Hall., and the Clerk be autlaoriaed to publish Botice of Assessment Hearings for same, was seconded by Child and carried. The following,list of applicants for Election Judges end Clerks was preserited to the Council, for appointment in their respective districts: DISTRICT 140. 1 Phes, I;. A. Dyregrov, Parker Kidder, %leanor Irizarry, Edna Peterson and HOC. TTeber. -i ' -DISTRICT RO. 2 / ?.heso Leslie Rossiter and Clarice Bollingsworth Phes. kkssell Smith, George Zipoy, E.F. Voa, Helen Palmer, and Janice DISTRICT >TO. 3 Haw% home DIST~ICT NO, 5 Phes. rJ.C. EnFLer. D~TRICT no. 6 . Ymes. Olaf r. < Schauss, DOC, Beard, ROC. HdLberg, -2deline Lindboe and Patricia Delaney, EeLo htundsel?, Sigrid 'Ilesterherg, JeJa Dugpan and I;. < L Byej LevLs Jones, XaLo Nodlin, Roy TZyhr, ad Xarl Spencer. - c DISTRICT NO. 7 c - c DISTRICT TTO. 8 Ernes. Nellie Strate, Francis Sonnenberg .I Bi~es. H, IIcCraney, >LP. Stark, Xanley Perry, &ma Hoyt, and J. F. Salisbury DET.EICT HO. 9 . Ihes. Camille Kortum, S.H. Yehr, DISWJCT IJO. 10 Ikes Dorothea Obemeyer, Hax-ion Bobb Chaney, O.C, Link, S.F. HuEhes Bailey, Fred IKLlson, Ruth Hodgson, Betty DISTRICT 'NO. 11 Ihss , Jordis Balfany, H.C. Dillner, Florence Freudenthal, Oscar Blood DISTIXCT IiSO. 12 .- kes. '%leanor Oren, Hope Lindgren, PIildred Bagley Hawthorne moved that the above named applicants be aGpointed to serve as election officialls in th6ir districts, and that the following applicants be appointed to Iks. iiaurine Neville,> E st4 Nary Powers, lks. George If. Strong, I-2s. :ielter Ullman, Xrs. Gladys Cme&a; %&filer, &s. Xalph %cite, I.ks, Edith Thste, Iks. Slizabeth Covnick Hotion seconded by Danens and carried& The matter of the Grading and Gravelling of all streets cme once again Gefore the Council, with Danens moving, Hawtbrne seconaing motion thst Council adve-rtise for bids for this project, to be opened i-Ionday, iiLl-,nlstr 2 5, 1-49, at 7:30 PONO I'lotion urranimousla carried. serve in €he districts needing additional officials: L- P Boranrs Edina or --_, . Tke matter-of the Stone fkal'plat (3 lots) tws laid ov&. Discussion on France liveme paving vas se; over to %dngsday, Aukst 13. Etchell 12s ask& to EetJn touch with Street F!!lvray CcpAmy and find out hovi Petition for the Blacktopping of Westwood Court, dated [qust 6, i952, vas filedo Hatrthornet s motion, thzt this pztLtion be tabled Fending action on Final Plat, Ik-iager f-lit cheU reported that Lttorney! s inability to hegotiate with Shes. 'Grabe and Kate Xind for easemnts for Coocord.Avenue; that it is e;pXE.ent that right- of-my be secured at once for, this property, . Bredesen offered $he following Ilesolution and moved its adoption: 1.2. uch they r6ll charge to raove %heir tracks. :Q t! xas seconded by Bredesen and carried. ./ ,. RZSOLWIOX FOR CQTSJSEXQ*m@IQ4 FOR CCXCCORD Amdm PJMT-OF-15lY .- %Vrn'S .a , It is necessary, advisable and in the-public interest that-the Village - of Edina lay out, establish and extend Concord Avenue of sufficient 12th to " T,Tm, In order to accomplish such purpose, it is necessary ,to acquire an ezse- rnent for street purposed in the follorring described land, to-wit: serwice the property adjacent thereto, and v- The ?Jest 3 feet -of the South Quartet of the Southeast Quarter of %he Morthwest Quarker (Sl/l+ of SEl/4 of WL/4 sf Section Bheteen (l9), To~mship Twenty-eight (2$), IEhnge Twenty-f our (24) , which property is owned by Grace TEnd, a widow, and The ?Jest 30 feet of %he ETorth 281.Q feet of the Siuth 6ll,21 feet of the Southeast ;Jusl?Aer of the Uorthvest Cuarter (sEL/4 qT Nl/k) I df Section Bineteen (l9), Township TwentyTeiEht (2$) , Bvge Trrenty- four {2.4), which property is owned by Kate Vind, sinEJe, and c XEIWLS, The Tillage of F&na has offered to purchase such easenents from the above owners zt prices deened by the council to be favorable, and TT-, The orners*.of such land hzve refused to accept the Village's offer, and ?3RmcLs, The Villap is advised and believes that the most feasible location for such a street is on the land abve described, and it has becom necessary to procure title to such lands by Yrirht of eminent dofnab - t *< .,3LuR3AS, By reason of such refusal to sell to the Villaie the lanh above descfibed, -. - NO? TI.ZXZFOX, Be it resolved that the Village of 3dina proceed to pro&re easenents in the ~bove desceibed lmd- under its right oft enknent dor&n and tha% the Village Attorney and the law fim of Dorsey, Cohw, Barhr, Scott be instructed md d.irected to file the necess-my complaint therefor and to prosecute such action to a successful conclusion or ,Wn;tXL. it is abandoned, dismissed or teminatad by Vne Village or by the Court; that the Tfil-laf=e ?ii;torney, the said law Ti-rn of Dorsey, Colnan, Barker, Scott & Barber, the Ihpr and Clerk of 6he Village do all kfiings mcessary to be done in the ,comence?en$, prosecu%ion and successful termination of such action. ,: , brber ;Totion -for adoption of the Besolution TJ~ were five ayes and no nays, as follovrs: HaTatinorne, qre; and Zriclaon, aye; and t aye; Dak~s, aye; . I -- . I. T3.Iag.e Clerk, iZt'ci?ell ms asl:ea to get the ComrJittee together to act on the nkr Tillage Hall. subject to recor;mendstions by Comittee, It was decided to award the contract to an architect on Septmbkr Wfl, I_ "" The I;lat-tei. of mother menber, to succeed 2-2. S.S, Thorp on the Plannkg Cormission wzs referred to I2mager Ilitchell, Zor reconrqndations frjn Planning Connission Chairam fkafft Zlotion was mzde b;sr Cmd, seconded by Danens ar,d carried, for :mpent of the $469 It I2 Suburbm Hem, Cy.Relief Board CLIDJI NO, 7479 7472 7467 ' 7465 7466 7464 * 7470 Y575 9 Y57 59 7471 7463 6473 1 7k7k 7k75 7476 , 7477 - 7478' L2048 L20 11.9 L20 50 L20 51 L2052 8/11/52 TO: - Artknrr 11, Petersen X&.na-Norningside Courier ,- I -* NJ,ITo Natl. Bmk I1 11 I1 - NOW, Natl, Bank H ,?.I, Greg ers on First Rational Bank David .'hd&son &gene Thomas Ralph Corey David Tinderson Fred Richard Obermeyer Dichan Ihutson George Thompson James Huckins Griggs,Cooper eC Go, NcKesson & Robbins, Inc. Griggs,Cooper 63 eo. Ed. Phillips & Sons Coo Griggs,Cooper Coo 2; 793.03 Hawthorne moved for adjournment Notion seconded by Bredesen LI and carriedo -- Pursuant to due call and notice, Council convened in Special. Session on Yednesday, August 13, 1952, at 7:30 P.IL, 16th Bredesen, Child, Danens and Hawthorne ,, Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved -its adoption: ~SOLUTIOB >PEBOVDIG 3iZLOT PUBLICATION OF" 0;fFICIrlL IWI'ICB A" AUTI-:OXZ~G FOSTING- 3JD I I BE IT RXSOIVXD by the Village Council of the-TTiLlage of Edina: 1. Village of Sdina on Septeniber 9, 1952, will read as follows: Tillage Council of an ordinance establishing a merit system, classified and unclassified positions, a position classification plan, a promotion plan, a personnel board, a cornpensakion plan, an exmination and appoinbnent plan and a basic personnel policy for the employees of the Village of Edina, 2, Cou.i.ier on August 21, 1952. 3. in the Vkllage for ten days prior to the election, 4. and pos-Led on the Village Bulletin Boards shd1 read as follovs: That the text of the ballot which will be presented to the voters of the %hall the voters of the Village of Edina approve the abption by the .- EIiIinnesota.~~ YES ( ) NO 1 'I 'Ilktat the full text of this ballot be published in the Xdina Iiorningside That the full text of 'chis ballot be posted on official Bulletin Boards Flat the fo'm of Notice to be published -in the Cdina-Eobmringside Courier I F