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TO: -
Artknrr 11, Petersen
X&.na-Norningside Courier
,- I -*
NJ,ITo Natl. Bmk
I1 11 I1
NOW, Natl, Bank
H ,?.I, Greg ers on
First Rational Bank
David .'hd&son
&gene Thomas
Ralph Corey
David Tinderson
Fred Richard Obermeyer
Dichan Ihutson
George Thompson
James Huckins
Griggs,Cooper eC Go,
NcKesson & Robbins, Inc.
Griggs,Cooper 63 eo.
Ed. Phillips & Sons Coo
Griggs,Cooper Coo 2; 793.03
Hawthorne moved for adjournment Notion seconded by Bredesen
and carriedo
Pursuant to due call and notice, Council convened in Special. Session on
Yednesday, August 13, 1952, at 7:30 P.IL, 16th Bredesen, Child, Danens and
Hawthorne ,,
Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved -its adoption:
BE IT RXSOIVXD by the Village Council of the-TTiLlage of Edina:
Village of Sdina on Septeniber 9, 1952, will read as follows:
Tillage Council of an ordinance establishing a merit system, classified and
unclassified positions, a position classification plan, a promotion plan, a
personnel board, a cornpensakion plan, an exmination and appoinbnent plan
and a basic personnel policy for the employees of the Village of Edina,
Cou.i.ier on August 21, 1952.
3. in the Vkllage for ten days prior to the election,
4. and pos-Led on the Village Bulletin Boards shd1 read as follovs:
That the text of the ballot which will be presented to the voters of the
%hall the voters of the Village of Edina approve the abption by the
.- EIiIinnesota.~~ YES ( ) NO 1 'I
'Ilktat the full text of this ballot be published in the Xdina Iiorningside
That the full text of 'chis ballot be posted on official Bulletin Boards
Flat the fo'm of Notice to be published -in the Cdina-Eobmringside Courier
206 -- wITIrn1'
The Villtige Council. of %he Tillace of %dim, Counts 02 I-Iennepin, State of
i.Ennesota,c hereby gives notice:
Special Election ~-5l.l be conducted by the Tillage Council of the Village of Z'dinz
on Septeraber 9, 1952, betmen the hours of 7 A.L and 8 P.1T0, on the question OB
i;.l=c"c'aer or not Yne voters of the Village of Ediila sML1 approve %he adoption by
the Tillage Council on July 14., 1952, of litn ordinancz eslsbl5shing a merit s,rrsten,
classiTiei5 and unclassUieA positions, a position clzssification plul, a prorotion
plan, a Fersonnelboard, a coripensation plan,
and a basic pemsoniiel ,policy for the employees of tke Village of Edina, ZZmssota,
The full te;ct of this ordinance was published in the Edina-Korningside Courier on
Aagust 21st, 1952.
The text of the ballot xhich TU be presented to the voters of the Village of Edina
Counca of an ordinance establ5shing a nerit s3st'm, classiFied ad unclassified
positions, a &&tion classificstion plan, a promotion plan, a prsonnel bo%rd,
a com&nsation plm, sn exahination cnd appintnent plan and a basic personnel
policy for the employees of the Village of Edina, IEnneaotrt,
Th& pursuant to Szction 2, Chapter 675, LZKS of I"%xiiesota 1951, a
exmination and eppointnent plan
r r
"t .-
on SeGtgnber 9, 1952, xill read as follows: +n
the voters of the Village of Xdina approve the adoption by the Village
( 1 ire ( 1
A *Yes' vote will., hdicate amroval of thc proposed p1.m and a 'Mol vote 1511 Tf a rxqjority of the rroters of the Village of Tdina indicate disa>proval thereof.
vote tYesr on the abovs-qusstion, the above mentioned ordinance rlill have been
approved ad -trill be pu6 into effect by the Village Council of -the IJW-lage of Zdina
in accordaxe with the provisions of Chapter 675, Lam of lEnneso%z 19%.
This notice is ,+veil pwzumt to the requirments of Section 212.37, IEnnesota , Stzrbutes 19k9. c
Tillage Gleyk
r BY. EQ.3' &TXXlX?E .
-c c
;lotion for adoption 02 the IZesolxtxi.on was seconded by Danens, and on ZolldalL1 +here
:rere fpre axes and no nays, as fol10r.r~:
ad Hawthoiwe, apj and the 3esolution *vas ;ATyym
Bredes 4
T v"illage Clerk, ;,,/J&-
;Imager i5.tchell rzporteci ti?at he had attended the pub1~I-c hearhy at the Court
3ouse at 2:OO POI:., irhere -Yby discussed the rwooval. of the streetcar tracks ad
establis'mmt 02 a shuttle bus,* zf. 'bus dl1 be run from 4&%h and France to 57th ad
Yo& on a 7&mhute bzsiia during rush hours. Strebtcar Co-qany said they riould
take up the tr3ct:s ne:& 1Ic?ndq noming. 1%. Osscmna, v.ts asked ~hn shuttle buses
?;-odd start md he asxercd tkey~rould start as soon as aLJproval IELS given. %go
Zrickson said tbere is soae possibilitp- %h.& they ni@t .get Federd funds to help
rLth the eqeme of pavin~ France ,lvenue^,
Council to secure additional data and.. rqort back at next mectring.
neets tomorrow at 10 LL
1.k. 3rickson 75s instructed b;r City
City Council
Har.rt'ilorne~s notion, thst Tillage I.Ianager-En,crineer elplore the poss5bUites of
secming Federal aid for 'che Village also. Danens seconded and motion carriedo
HzwLlfiorne mved that Zclina. continue thz operrtion of the free shuttle bus until
the Tr.5.n Ci%y hpid Trcnsit Lus starts in operation.
carrhd c
Danens seconded ad motion
ks service on Yooddfie Avenue vas dhcussed at lrzlflt'n pad it was decided that %he
best place to stop and tdce on and unload passengers rnuld be in front of the
Stow Realty Co.~pmy,
to Yooddde, etc., and on the return trip, it vould turn left Cron 5Wn Street
onto 'f"a.lir"ax, Yhen right on 492 Street, then rizht on Braice and stop at Stow
Nas.rt'norne noved tht the Tillap Treasurer be authorized to draw ~50,000 advznce
on. the June, 1952 Tax Settlcraent.
Nawtlthorne1s rLo-LLon, appmvinc issumce of check in mount of :':25,000 for pnchase
of Our kd~ of Grace Church property, in accordance wLth previous negotiations,
was seconded by Danens end carriedo
Th bus rrill turn f roxx France Avenue onto 50th Street, then
c OIr~p~y.
Daens seconded the notLon, and it carried.
8/13/52 -
-1 delegation fro&?,T.57th Street was in the audience to poteSt the bus on
57th Street, 51-edesen told them that he had discussed Yne situaticjn with
Ik. Peterson or" the Railway and Ifmehouse Commission and they agreed that
::.58th Street T;ou.ld be the logical route for the buso However, until repairs
are all in on V.56th Street the bus wtll have to be routed along V.57th Street. z
Bredesenls motion, that Bus be rer6ut6.d to 3.5Fn Street as sodn as this street
is ready to take the traffic, was secdnded by Danens and carried.
Nr. 1.Ii.tchell reported that the work of Gibbish Company is improving, ad
stated that he had instructed the contractor to finish Tfooddale Lvenue before
beginning &y *other nrk.
The matter of the r&erhole at 60th Street and Abbott ilvenue was brou@t before
the Council, tLth Nanager Liitchell asking for authority to secure sufficient
equipment to'drain this spot.
Bredesen moved, Danens se&nded, motion 'chat I&. Pfitchell be given authority
to rent equipment to take care of water hole at 60th and Lbbott at 2, cost not
to exceed $500. Notion.
m. -I
He thought it could be done for about $500. -,.
%Imager NitcheU recommended purchase of a new police car to replace the older
of the two cars now in operation.
on Police Car as of.September 8,,1952, to replace the older squad car, was
seconded by Danens and carried. c +
There being no further business to come before this Special Neeting, Eredesen
moved for cldjournment, Eotion seconded? by Danms and carried. Ibfeeting
Haidhornets motion, tflat Council teXe bid.s
Fursusnt to due call and notice, the Council mnv ed in Special Sbssion at
the Village Hal1 on I.ilonday, ,4ugust 18, 1952, at 6 POX., for a Kecting with
the Eichfield Village Council regarding connection to proposed Tiichfield
interceptor sewer; and aaso for discussion as to France Avenue Paving project.
Xembers: present were Bredesen, Child, Danens and Eric1;son. Engineer Arndt Duvdl,
Toltz, King end Day, was also present, representing 3dina;
Richfield Csunc-il members present were Joph D. Shields, Fred C. Beller, Ootlo
Lindeberg, Tom '.Jalters; TKt'n I.Iessrs. alen, 2nd Trafton, znd 27.t'corneg LeFevere;
and H.Kayeron and Bobert Huston of-G,X. Or? Zhgineering Co~~pany also
IIessrs. ",ill.iam Crear, Jr. , and Hema Guttman represented Y3ou6hdaXe Center. -
r epr es enking Bichfi eld 'C r
IIcnager %Et chell stated that Edina now has appro:cimately 2,000 connections to
the Sanitary Sewer which connects with. Xinneapolis sewer at 54th and. Xerxes,
and is using 1.25 cubic feet of the four cubic feet allotted to Edina by
lSinnea4polis; that present connection will Lake care of 3dina for some lY;tle
%&ne, but .that Edina *has been advised that sometime in the future capacity of
this connection will be reached, that cooperation uith Village of Richfield
is logical answer+'co Edinats future sewer problems; that this Neeting is for
the prupose of planning said connections, if possible.
Hr. H. fiayeron of GJZ, Oqr Zngineering Com&ny, Richfieldt s sever consultants,
explained that plans forthe Bichfi@d interceptor are very nearly complete;
that Xdina must soon decide - 1.
sewer? 2. How much sewage xi11 they empty into tne interceptor sever? 3. Does
Xdina rrish to-divide its sewage between L'ne 65$h and 75th Street auklets, or
does it rrmt to empty all sewage into either one.
Considerable discussion was ha& as $0 emoun: of flow, -i;ith XcnaEer IE'cchell
recoa-i.zrding an estimate of 152- Cubjc Feet per second, bithout anticipated
flow from Southdde.
report to flow md place ofrconnection to the Richfield TJillage Covncll'
witkin the nexb week,,. ..
Does Xdina wish to connect to Ynis sanitary
fIessrs. IEtchel1 and Duval were rpquested to hsse &lie&