HomeMy WebLinkAbout19520818_SPECIAL8/13/52 -
-1 delegation fro&?,T.57th Street was in the audience to poteSt the bus on
57th Street, 51-edesen told them that he had discussed Yne situaticjn with
Ik. Peterson or" the Railway and Ifmehouse Commission and they agreed that
::.58th Street T;ou.ld be the logical route for the buso However, until repairs
are all in on V.56th Street the bus wtll have to be routed along V.57th Street. z
Bredesenls motion, that Bus be rer6ut6.d to 3.5Fn Street as sodn as this street
is ready to take the traffic, tms secdnded by Danens and carried.
Nr. 1.Ii.tchell reported that the work of Gibbish Company is improving, ad
stated that he had instructed the contractor to finish Tfooddale Lvenue before
beginning &y *other nrk.
The matter of the r&erhole at 60th Street and Abbott ilvenue was brou@t before
the Council, tLth Nanager Liitchell asking for authority to secure sufficient
equipment to'drain this spot.
Bredesen moved, Danens se&nded, motion 'chat I&. Pfitchell be given authority
to rent equipment to take care of water hole at 60th and Lbbott at 2, cost not
to exceed $500. Notion.
m. -I
He thought it could be done for about $500. -,.
%Imager NitcheU recommended purchase of a new police car to replace the older
of the two cars now in operation.
on Police Car as of.September 8,,1952, to replace the older squad car, was
seconded by Danens and carried. c +
There being no further business to come before this Special Neeting, Eredesen
moved for cldjournment, Eotion seconded? by Danms and carried. Ibfeeting
Haidhornets motion, tflat Council teXe bid.s
Fursusnt to due call and notice, the Council mnv ed in Special Sbssion at
the Village Hal1 on I.ilonday, ,4ugust 18, 1952, at 6 POX., for a Kecting with
the Eichfield Village Council regarding connection to proposed Tiichfield
interceptor sewer; and aaso for discussion as to France Avenue Paving project.
Xembers: present were Bredesen, Child, Danens and Eric1;son. Engineer Arndt Duvdl,
Toltz, King end Day, was also present, representing 3dina;
Richfield Csunc-il members present were Joph D. Shields, Fred C. Beller, Ootlo
Lindeberg, Tom '.Jalters; TKt'n I.Iessrs. alen, 2nd Trafton, znd 27.t'corneg LeFevere;
and H.Kayeron and Bobert Huston of-G,X. Or? Zhgineering Co~~pany also
IIessrs. ",ill.iam Crear, Jr. , and Hema Guttman represented Y3ou6hdaXe Center. -
r epr es enking Bichfi eld 'C r
IIcnager %Et chell stated that Edina now has appro:cimately 2,000 connections to
the Sanitary Sewer which connects with. Xinneapolis sewer at 54th and. Xerxes,
and is using 1.25 cubic feet of the four cubic feet allotted to Edina by
lSinnea4polis; that present connection will Lake care of 3dina for some lY;tle
%&ne, but .that Edina *has been advised that sometime in the future capacity of
this connection will be reached, that cooperation uith Village of Richfield
is logical answer+'co Edinats future sewer problems; that this Neeting is for
the prupose of planning said connections, if possible.
Tlr. H. fiayeron of GJZ, Oqr Zngineering Com&ny, Richfieldt s sever consultants,
explained that plans forthe Bichfi@d interceptor are very nearly complete;
that Xdina must soon decide - 1.
sewer? 2. How much sewage xi11 they empty into tne interceptor sever? 3. Does
Xdina rrish to-divide its sewage between L'ne 65$h and 75th Street auklets, or
does it rrmt to empty all sewage into either one.
Considerable discussion was ha& as $0 emoun: of flow, -i;ith XcnaEer IE'cchell
recoa-i.zrding an estimate of 152- Cubjc Feet per second, bithout anticipated
flow from Southdde.
report to flow md place ofrconnection to the Richfield TJillage Covncll'
witkin the nexb week,,. ..
Does Xdina wish to connect to Ynis sanitary
fIessrs. IEtchel1 and Duval were rpquested to hsse &lie&
- .- . EDINAVILLA(;E,~ _. .- -- - . _-" *- *
&mbers answering Rollcall were Bredesen, Child and D&as. Child presided, and
Health Officer Canpbell and Ifr, Floyd Blakehorough appeared again in the matter of
the Notice served on Hr, Blakeborough ko install an inside toilet and connect same
to Sanitary Sewer. XI-, Blakeborough maintahed that he is financially unable to
make this improvement; that it means an addition to his home besides cost of
plumbing; that he has applied for a loan but has not received it and cannot go
ahead until money is available, Dr. Campbell. and Council were adamant in their
order that improvement be made, but,*bymotion Bredesen, seconded by Danens and
carried, agreed to &ve Hr. Blakeborough*an exbension of two weeks* time to make
Pursuant to nAdvelrtisetnents for Bids," appearing in Edina-Xorningside Courier and
ConstructionJ3uUetin on July 3l. and August 7, and on August l.4 and ast, respectively,
M2idavits of Publications for which were read by Clerk, approved as to fonn and
ordered placed. on file; the followbg bids were publicly opened and read: SANSTARY mIER mP. NO. 47
Deputy Clerk Gretchen Alden acted as Clerk. ... .
further PhS. 3
r Zenitli-Ave. Petween TL5tEth . Concord Ave, from SView and IT, 59th Streets Lane,S,, IL. and again So .P -
Harry J, Rrech 824.fi71.75 - Orfei & Eariani. .3,f9902!7 24,613.. 89.
Wolff Const, Go. 279695.76
Phelps-Drake Co. ,- %,311*95
Terry Excavating Coo 49 683.75 28,160.00.
Bredesen moved for referral of Sanitary Sewer bids to Village Engineer for tabu- latl'on and report at next regular meeting, Bfotion -I seconded by Danens and carried.
Manager 35itchell recommended that Council consider award of Ifstebain Exhnsion bidsthis evening because of urgency of construction, here. Bredesents motion,
that Watermain bids be referred to Village Engineer for tabuiation and report
later In this meeting. Notion seconded by Danens and carried.
Fursuant to t'Advertisvents for Bids," appearing in Edina-Norningside Courier and
C6nstruction-Bulletin on dates li.sted,'for each project, BffUaVits of Publication
for which advertisements were read by Clerk, approved as to fonn and ordered placed
on file, the following bids were publicly opened and readt
COWJXYSXUE ADDITIONS. - Oil Stab. &7,476.80
Vater Stab, $23,038e40
&%8d7&%5%0mts mmA IwoR .
(Adv08/l4 & 21/52) Oil Stab. 816,732033 $19,007 83
Xater Stab, .I39475064 . IlC9928075