HomeMy WebLinkAbout19520825_ADJOURNED4/2/52 __ t 217 t P .r (- lmSe OF Tm ADJOURJU3D PORTIOh OF- THEc AUGUST 25, 1952 &IEEX'*JZ;=OF THE, EDINA VmkGB COUNCfi,- HE@ TFSDAY, SEPTEIBEE fa .1 2, - 1952, AT 7:30 P.M., AT THE EDINA Nembers p%esent were ". Bredesen, Child, Danens &d- Hawthorn?, with- Child presiding . Discussion was had- concerning the problems bf certifying several large aksessments to the County Auditor-by October 10, 1952, to-meet Auditorts deadl$ne. Clerk &den explained that completion of this work would entail consideraple overtime. be aythoriaed to use .whatever oyertime is, necessary to complete work before October- 10-deadline, was seconded by Child and garried, NFnager $Et&hell explained tbat in- several, of the areas 'for which he is presen%- ing Assessment Rolls there are tracts of unplatted property which abut more,than one,dedicated Avenue, and in some cases, a dedicated street &SO. -He cited the prqperty of Katherine Cornelius as an example; this tract abutting France. Avenue, Park Place and W.62nd Street. Nr. Nitchell asked for confirmation of the method-of assessing these qplatted properties on both adjacent avenues but not on the street. ,Bredesenls mo-bion, confirming above stated method of assessmenfj for unplatted properties, was seconded by Danens-and carried. Mr. Mitchell then presented his Analysis 0; Assessment, and,AsseksmenteRoll for Storm Sewer hpTovement No. 19; Total Cpst being $158, 152.03 as against 10,370,624.78,Assess~ble Feet, for g.01525 per-Assessable Square Foot. -Cost and Bssessment,Roll were reviewed at some length,by the Council, and, Hawthorne -e vqa kRLi .. - -I t c- Deputy Hawthorne* s motion, that Deputy Clerk and Special Assessment Clerk - P- -- - offered the following Resolution and moved $ts adoption: ,- . - REISOLUTION PBOVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT c ** HEARlTJG - STOm Sl3'WC.R Il&ROVXb&!KC %O. 19 -- BEfIT RESOLWQ by the Council of thepTillage of+Ed$na, as follows: -- .n 1. The Clerk and hgineer having calculated*the proper amount to be . specially, assessed for STOT SE'k?ERr DPROVBWT NO. 19 against the respective assessable lots, pieces wd parcels of land within the district affected thereby, and said proposed assessment having been filed with the, Clgrk, the same is hereby apprpyed, and said Clerk shall keep the same on file, in his office and open to public,inspdction pending hearing thereon as herein_prov$ded. = . ~ 2. This Council shall meet at the time and place specified in the form of notice hereinafter contained,to pass upon said proposed assessment, and the Clerk is hereby directed to cause notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting to Ise published in the official newspaper at least 30 days prior to said meeting, vhich notice shall be in substantially the following form: NOTICE OF WING ON izSSESSmT F(>R A STOB~~SBEBR IKPROVZFENT NO. 19 NOTIC33 IS HZXGBY Gm that the Council of the Village of Edina will meet at the Community Room of the Fdina-Xorningside High School on Nonday, October 6, 1952, at 7:30 P.K, to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assess- ment for Storm Sewer ljnprovement No. 19, which assessment is now on file in the Said Storm Sewer hprovaent No, 19 ,consists of the following: Construction of 4811 Storm Sewer and Appurtenances along 10 Ft. easement on N. line of Southwood Addition from Ivlinnehaha Creek to Wooddale he.; Construction of 42" Sewer and Appurtenances in Wooddale Ave. from N. line of Southwood Addn. to I?'. 5&h St.; th. W. along 111.58th St, to Concord kve.; Construction of 3611 Storm Sewer and Appurtenances in Concord Ave. from W.5gth St. to Southview Lane to St.hdrews Ave.; th. N. on St.Andrews ilve. to Lakeview Drive; Construc"con. of 2.411 Storm Sewer and iZppurtenances in Wooddale kve., . from Tower St. to, N. line of Southwood Addn.; in Lakeviety Dr. from St.,%ndrews Ave. to Easement through Lot 5, B1, 9, Golf Terrace Hts.; along easement through Lot 5, B1. 9, Golf Terrace Hts. from Lake- view'Dr. to Lake Harvey;. Construction of 1211 Storm Sewer &oni easement through Lots&, 5, ,12 & 13, Blosk 3, Golf Terrace Hts. 1st Addn. from St.Andrews Ave. to Dalrymple Live.; in easenent through Lots L, and 5, 31, 5, Golf Terrace Hts. 2nd Addn. from,Oak Drive to Lexington Ave.; in Lexington Ave. from above named ease- ment to easement line dong Lots 18?and 19, Bl. l, Subd, of Littel Park; in easem ment dong Lots 8, 9, 18 & 19, Subd. of Littel Park from Lexihgton &ve. to W.56th St.; in TJ.56tE St. from,easement line between Lots 8, 9, 18 & 19% B1. 1, Subdo of Littel Pqk to Fiooddale he.; in T1ooddaI.e he. from t.r,56th St. to Tower St, The area to be assessed for said &provement includes all lots and tracts of land within the boundaries hereinafter described: . office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection. 238 I Corn, at iW Cor. of Lot 20, Bl. 10, South Harriet Park; tho E. along B. lot line of said Lot 20, 66 ft. more or less; th, S. to S, line of Lot 18, 31. 11, South Harriet Park; th. Eo to SE Cor. of said Lot 18; th. So on 33. lotclines of Lots 17 through U, Bl. 11, South Harriet Park, to IS. 56th St.; th. L.62 ft. more or less; th. S. md EFtly through center of Lots 3 through 8, BL 2,rColonial Square to E. lot line or" Lot 3, €31. 2, Colonial Square, 63 ft. more or less No from SE Cor. of said Lot 3; th. S. along E. line of Lot 3, Bl. 2, Colonial. Square to E. line of Lot 9, Colod&l Grove Addn.; th. If. 35 fk. along Ne lot line of said kt 9; th. S. 70 ft. more or less; tho ST to SIT Cor. of said Lot 9; th. S. along SI lot line of Lot 10; Colonial Grove Addn, for 30 ft. more or less; th, SEly 70 ft. more or less to center of said Lot 10; tho S. to S. lot line of Lot ll, Colonial Grove Addn; tho SElythrough center of Lot-12, Colonikl Grove Addn. torSE Cor. thereof; th. E. in S. lot line of I& 2l, Colonial Grove 2nd Addn, to centerline of OaXLavm he. -$,ended S.; th. So through center of Lot 9, Colonial Grove 2nd Addn; kh. S, in'OaKlatm he; if extended S. to V.58th.St.; th. I?. to a pt. in the No lot line of Lot a, B1. 3, Fairfax Addn. 67 ft. more or-less W. from E. lot line of said Lot 24; th. S. to S. lot line of Lot 16, Bl. 3, Fairfax Addrif. tho 17. to sT;J; Cor. of Lot 9, B1. 4, Fairfax Adda.; tho S. to centerline of 1.J.56th St.; tho If. to S. lot line of Lot 13, B1. 5, Fairfax, 40 ft, more or less 17. from SE Cor. of said Lot 13; th. NKly through said Lot 13 to SE Cor. of Lot 10, B1. 6, Fairfax Addn,; th. NKLy thmygh said Lot" 10, to,IEI Cor, of Lot 16, 81. 6, Fairfax Addn.; tho SEly to SIT Cor. of Lot 12, Bl. 7, Fairfax Addn.; th. W. to centerline of Ashcroft Ave.; th. S. in Ashcroft Atre. to centerline of W. 60th St.; th. SILy to SE Cor. of Lot 5, B1. 2, Virginia Ave. Addn,; th. along S. lot lines of Lots 5 and 12, BL 2, Vir&nia Ave. kddn. to SE Cor. of Lot 5, B1. 1, Virginia he. ltddn.; th. along S. lot line of Lot 5, B1. I, Virginia-Ave. Addn. to ST Cor. of Lot 12, Bl. 1, Virginia Ave. Addn.; th. NZLy to centerline of lJ.@th St. extended 27.; th, IJ. to State Highway No. 100; tho No in- State Hi&way No.%OO to-Yvonne Terrace; tho IT. to SI1 Cor. of Lot 2, Stow*s Yvonne Terrace; th. H. to S. lot line of B1. 2, Nylund's Place; th. IT. 66 ft. more or less to center of Lot 2, Nylundts Place; th. No to W.56th St.; tho N. to a Pt. in E. lot line of Lo% 24, B1. 1, Edina Park 30 ft. more or less S. from NE Cor. of said Lot a; th. IT. through Lots 24 to 20, Incl., to a pt. in Lot 19, Bl. 1, Edina Parkdist. 30 ft. TI. from E. lot line. of said Lot 19; th, N. to Nff Cor. of Lot 26, B1. 1, Vestchester Knolls; th. E. to NE Cor. of said Lot 26; th. N. to NI.l Cor. of Lot 5, B1. 2, Richmond Hills; th. H. to N. lot line of Lot 14, B1, 1, Richmond Hills; tho N. 70 ft. more or less; th. E. 570 ft. more or less, to State Highway No. 100; th. across State Highway No. 100 to NW Cor. of Lot 3, BL. 1, Golf Terrace Hts.; tho Ne 270 ft, more or less; th. E. l3& ft. more or less; th. S. 270 ft. more or less to the IW Cor. of Lot 7, B1. 3, Hansen & Parks lst Addn.; th. S. in the M. lot line of said Lot 7 a distance of 60 ft. more or less;'th, E. through Lots 7 to 1 incl., €31. 3, and Lots 6 through I, incl., Bl. 1, Hansen & Parks 1st Addn. to Wooddale Ave.; tho lJEly to point of beginningO1* Assessment for said Storm Sewer hpmvement No. 19 will. be payable in ten equal annual consecutive instzUments extending over a period of ten years, the first of said instaUments to be payzble with taxes for the year 1952 collectible in 1953, S-JitkZ interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of Resolution Levying Assessment to August 15, 1953. T.rill be added interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid installments. TO each subsequent installment BY ORDER OF TFE VILLiiGE COUIKIL. c ECi??LEEi UKCHORIJE, Village Clerk E .r c - $totion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollczll there .r.rere four ayes and no nays, as follows: and Child, aye; and the Resolution was adopted, Bredesen, aye; Dmas, aye; HaT.rthorne, - Acting Nayor .. TXllage Clerk ~, /k, I lpwger T'Etchell next presented Analysis of Assessment, and Assessment Boll. foc Sa-itary Setsr fmprovemcnt -No. 35, Assessable Cost being computed as fol7-om: Total ASsessable Cost for Trunk Constructian 418,624.72 As Qairist W,494.13 Assessable Front Feet for a *I. - Trunk Construction Cost of $ 090 Ft, Plus Connection Charge to Joint Sewer Dist,No. 1 E 1.00 Ft. Total .Assessable Gost for Lateral Construction $20,694,,13 Tot& 19s8essable Cost for Trunk $1.90 Fto di39,318.85 952,740.06 - - As Ag&st 10,065 Assessable-Front Feet, for a - Lateed Construction Cost of c $5*24*Fts Totd bsehnent - Trunk a3pld bteral Sewers S7.U (i92,058*91 - ,- 'i- . I 9/2/52 - % .- 219 Review was had by Council of said Analysis of Assessment, and Assessment Roll for Sanitary Sewer Ihpkvement No. 35, and Hawthorne offered th e following Resolution and moved its adoption: IBSOLUTION PROVIDING FOR BS!3SSNBNT HEARING -.SANDARY SEblER IMPBO~:~\3T 35 .- *. 'BE IT RE;SOLG by the Council of the Vklage of Edina, as follows: 1. The Clerk and Zngineer having calculated the proper amount to be specially assessed for SiUJITARY SBEE DEROVEIBNT NO, 35 against the respective assessabFe lots, pieces and parcels of land within the distric$ affected thereby, and said proposed assessment having been filed with the Clerk, the same is hereby appro yed, (I and said Clerk shall keep the same on file in his office and open to public inspection pending hearing thezeon as herein provided. form of notice hereinafter contained to pass upon said pyoposed assessment, and the Clerk is hereby directed to'cause notice of the time, place and purpose of said Feetpg to be published in the official newspager at least 30 days prior to said meeting, w''i&h notice shall be in substantially the follordng form: NOTICS OF I-BXRIEJG ON ASSESSIbmE 2, Thik Council shaJ.1 meet at the time and place specified in the FOR SANITARY SZXER IJPFtO'VBJlESST No035 NOTICE IS HZEEBY GIVEN that the Council of the Village of Edina idll meet at the Community Room OF the Edinz-Xorningside High School on Nonday, October 6, 1952, at 7:30 P.M., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessment for Sanitary Sewer Tmprovement No. 35, which assessment is now on file in the Office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspec- tion. Said Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 35 consists of the followin& Construction of Sanitary Sewer Eirtensions and kppurtenances as follows: 1011 District sewer in 11. 58th St.'from Existing Manhole 245.88 FL TI. -of HaJ.33.x Ave. to Halifax Ave. ; th. Sly along Halifax Ave. to Grimes he.; th. Sly along Grimes Ave. to W.6Oth St, (in Zdina &nor Addn.); th. E,. along ~~60th St. to France Ave.; tho N, * dong France Ave, to W.60th St. (between France & Xerxes); tho E. along ??.both St. to Xerxes Ave, 91' Lateral Sewer Extensions and Appurtenances in Halifax Ave. from Grimes Ave. to tJ.6Oth St.; in Grimes he; in V.58th St. from Halifax Ave. to a point 427.12 ft. E..thereof; in Abbott he, from Wo60th Sto to Wo59th St, 'The a$ea to be aisessed for said Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 35 includes all lots and %rats 'of land Ki-bh5.n the boundaries hereinafter described: c.- "Commencing 230 feet South of the centerline of W.5gth St. and Xerxes Ave.; th. S. along Xerxes Ave. to 1~62nd 3t. e%ended East; th. W. to Beard Ave. extended South; th. North to a point u2.5 fC. Si of the centerline of Bo 60th St.; th. W. +o a point 720 ft. more or less West of the Centerline of France Ave.; th. North to the Southwest corner of Lot 19, Bl. 2 of-the Edina &nor Addition; th. Northerly along the N. boundary line of Edina manor Addition to a point 165 ft. more or less North of the Centerline of 'iT.5$th St.; th. East to a point 265.75 ft. Vest of the Centerline of France Ave.; th. $outh to Il.5sth St.; th. E. to France Ave.; th. S. to TT.60th St.; th. E. to a point 165 ft. Vest of the Centerline of Drew he.; th. N. to the Southwest mrner of bt 42, Auditors Subdivision No. 312; th. E. to a point 165 ft. E. of the Centerline of Drew hve.; th. North to the Southwest Corner of Lot 23, Auditors Subdivision No. 312; th. East to a point 165 ft. East of the Genterline of Chowen Ave.; th. South to ~'I.60th St.; th. East to the Southwest Cor, of Lot 13, B1. 5, Harriet Nanor-2nd Addition; th. North to NW Cor. of Lot 13,- B1. 5, Harriet Nanor 2nd Addition; th. 'E. to N-S Alley between Beard and Abbott Aves.; th. N. to' II.59th St.; th. E. to N-S &ley between Abbott and Zenith Jives.,; th. N. to Jf.58th St.; tk. E. to- N-S Alley between York and, Xerxes -Aves.; th. S. to SI? Cor, of Lot 4, Block 1, Harriet Nanor 2nd Addition; th. E. to ,beginning.11 Assessment for said Sanitary Sewer &provement- No. 35 td.ll be payable in - ten equal, .consecutive annual installments ehending over a period sf ten - years, the first of said installments to be pwble v&h%aices for the year 1952 collectible in 1953, with interest on the entire assesslaent at the rate of 5% per ami& from the date of the res6lution levying the assessment %o - August 15, 1953. the same rate.for one year on dl unpaid installments. - f - To each subsequent installment will be added interest at BY OFLiBR OF THE V'ImGE COUNCIL BONB Hfit.SltHO€UDJ, Village Clerk 220 9/2/52 - I-lotion for adoption of'the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows:< Bredesen, aye; Danens, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Child, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. ATTEST: Hanager Etitchell*s Analysis of Assessment for Watermain Impmvenent No. 39 shoived assessable' costs and footage to be as follows: . - Total Assessable Cost for Trunk Construction Cost par Assessable Foot for Trunk 3 0 72 Totd Assessable Cost for Lat era1 Construction Cost per Assessable Foot for Laterals $15,873.83 Total Assessable Footage for Trunk - 22,046.99 $a, 94l.93 "Total Assessable Footage for Laterals - 10,155.43 s4.13_ Tota3. Assessable Cost-Trunk and Laterals 6 Le5 IS57y815.76 Review was had of the Analysis and of the Assessment Roll, and Hawthorne offered the following R'esolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION FROVIDING FOR MsESS*W F. - 1. The Clerk and Engineer having calculated the proper amount to be specialy assessed for 1I''m.mJ IfspROIEXBXC NO. 39 against the respective+ assessable lots, pieces and parcels. of land within the district affected thereby, and said. proposed assessment having been filed with the Clerk, the same is hereby approved, and said Clerk shdl keep the same on file'in his office and open to public fispectZon pending hearing thereon as herein provided. c + 2. This Council shall meet at the time and place specified in the form of notice' hereindfter contained -to pass upon saicl proposed assessszent, and the Clerk is" hereby directed to cause notice of the time,. place and purpose of said meeting to be pub_lshed in the offircial newspaper at least 30 dzys ;prior to said meeting, which notice shall be in substantidly the following form: 7WTICE OF KEARmG ON iBSE1;SSKENF- FOR c mm.mar mmom.ain NO. 39 NOTICE IS IBmY GIVE21 that the Council of the Village of 3dinawill meet at the CommWnity Room of the Edina-ZIorningside High School in Efonday, October 6, 1952, at 7:3Q P.ZI., to" hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessment for TTatermain Improvement No. 39, which assessment is now on file in the Office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection: Said*Vatern&in Impkbent No. 39 consists of the following: 'Construction of Villaie TI'atem&n Wension aid Appurtenances in 1. 11.5Gth Street from Park Place'to France Avenue. * = 2. 3. To serve all lots in Eoran*s Edina knor not aIready'9erved by watermains . In M.6Oth Street from France Avenue to Xerxes Avenue. *. The &ea to be assbssed fo? said fJaterm& linprovement Eo; 39 includes all-lots 1%egkbi&g at the*intersection of Park Place and V.56th St.; th. North 329,62 ft. more-or less, tb the'llorth ljne of the SEl./4 of SI31f4 of f$E1/4 of Sec. 19, Twp. 28, E. 24X; th. E. alohg said l/4 Section Line a distance of 65y01 feet more or 1ess;'th. South 165 ft: more or less; th. E. 358.11 ft. nrore or less; _tho S. 165 ft.- more or less, to tbe Tenterline of V-.58th St.; th. E. di-ong-T;.5&h St-. to Frvlce ilve.; th. S. along France Ave.Cto f.1.60th St.; th. E. dongV.6Othr St". to %he s;T Cor. of Lot 13,- Block 5, Harriet lknor 2nd rlddn.; th. N. to the 381 Co'r. of sgid lot; tho E." to the NE Cor. of Lot 11, Block 5, Harrikt 1-knor '2nd Addn.;^ th. South to t1.6Wn St.; th. E. to the SIT Cor. of ' Lot 13, Block 6, Harriet lhof 2nd Addn.; th. E. to the 131f Cor. of said lot; th. 33. to the E Cor. of Lot 71, Block 7, Harriet Elanor 2nd iiddn.; th. S. to 1~~60th St.; tki. %. to the SIT Cor. of Lot 13, Block 8, Harriet IJanor 2nd Ad&.; the N. to the 131 Gor. of said Lot l3;-th. E. to Xemes &e.; tho 3. .along Xerxes be. to 11.62nd 5t. if extended; th. W. along 17. 62nd St. to Park Place; th. N. along Park Place to B.5(lth St. to point of beginning.1r Assessment for sed Pratermain lhprovement No. 39 r.rill be payable in.ten equal, consecutive annual. inst&lments extending over a period of ten yeas, the first of said installnents to be payable with taxes-for the year 1952 collectible in and tract; ok la& within the boundaries hereinafljer described: .. 9/2/52 22% 1953, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per mum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to August 15, 1953. To each subsequent iristallment will be added interest at the same rate for one year on ) all unpaid instttZlments. BY ORDm OF THE VIL;LRGE COUNCIL, - r -* - BONER HAIEHQRNE village Clerk .. 7. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was secondGd by Danens, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Hawthorne, aye; and Child, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. Bredesen, aye; Danens, aye; Nanager T.litchell presented his Analysis of Assessment, and Assessment Roll for Watermain Jinprovement No, 34, explaining that the Total. Assessable Cost of $19,443.87 has been divided equally among the thirty-seven lots in Richmond Hills Second Addition; that ,lpsessmen.t has been spread in this manner, here, because of the many irregularly shaped lots in the subdivision, and with the approval of Pearson Bros, GO., owners of all lots in the subdivision. cost per lot is $525.51. moved its adoption: The Hawthorne offered the following Resolution- and H3SOLUTION PROVIDING FOR ASSESSNEXT ' KELARINGI~JA~fiIN IMpROVB5NT N0.34 BE IT RZSDLVED by the Council of the Village of Bdina, as follows: -- 1. The Clerk and Engineer having calculated the proper amount to be apecially assessed for I.JA"UN INPRWB~ NO. 34 against the r'espective assessable lots, pieces and parcels of.land within the district affected thereby, and said proposed assessmerit having been filed with the Clerk, the same is hereby approved, and said Clerk shall keep the same on file in his office and open to public inspection pending hearing thereon as herein provided . 2. .This Council shall meet at the tige and place specified in the - form of notice herewafter containedto pass upon said proposed assessment, and the Clerk is hereby directed to cause notice of the time, p1ace"and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper at least 30 days prior to said meeting, which notice shaZl be in substantially the follorving form: .NOTICE OF HEARING ON BSSB3.EBE FOR * *. NOTICZ IS HEREBY C;IvEN that the Council of the 'Village of Edina will meet at the Community Room of the Edina-Morningside Heigh School on Monday, October 6, 1952, at 7:30 P.T-I., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the - proposed assessment (for t?ater Main Improvement No. 34, wlnich assessment 5s now on Sile-in the Office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection. Said Water Hain Improvement No. 34 consists -of consXruction of Vkllage Xater Nain extension and appurtenances to serve dllots-in Richmond Hills 2nd Addition and the area to be assessed will include all lots and tracts of land within the above named-subdivision. Assessment for said Vatemin Improvement No, 34 will be payable in ten equal consecutive annual installments eeending over a period of ten years, the first of said payments to be payable with taxes for the year 1952 collectible in 1953, with interest on the entire assessment'at the rate of 5$ per annum from the date of %he resolukion levying the assessmebt to August 15, -1953. To each subsequent installment-will be added interest at the same rate for om year on all unpdd installments. .I < Village Clerk - t Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there were-four ayes and no nays, as follows: BredeSen; aye; Danens, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Child, ?ye; and the rs, Ar-C-ina ?fayop 222 9/2/52 I-Ianager 1SEtchel.l presented Analysis of Assessment, and Assessnent RoU, for I Sanitary Semr Improvement Xo. 37, as follow: Total Bssessable Cost for Trunk Construction Total Assessable Footage for Trunk - 34,730639 Cost per Assessable Foot, for Trunk Construction - $1.09 3%. Plus $LOO per .Front Foot for Connection to (including Cost of Yvonne Terrace Lift Station) $37,856 .13 Joint Sewer District No, 1 - - 1.00 F't, $34,730.39 Total. Assessable Cost for Trunk Sever 62.09 E%, \$72,586, 52 1 Total Assess&ble Cost for Lateral Construction Total. Assessable Footage for Laterals - 15,130.59 Cost par Assessable Foot for Lateral Construction $4.68 F't. $70,811 . 16 - Total Assessable Cost - Trunk and Lateral. sj6.77 $1433 397s 68 Considerable review vas had of this assessment, and Hathhorne offered the follotring Resolution and moved its adoption: r. .I RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR AssEsSm HEP;RING - SANDmY SEXEXt IKPEOlCZi*ZtE 37 , BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, as follows: 1: The Clerk and Engineer having calculated the proper mount to be specially assessed for SAKLTARY 3EYI3R I1.IPROV"T NO, 37-against the respective assessable lots, pieces and parcels of .land within the district affected thereby, and satd proposed assessment having been filed with the Clerk, the sane is hereby approved, and said Clerk shall keep the same on fib in his office and open to public inspection pending hearing thereon as herein provided. 2. This Council shall meet at the time and place specified in the form of notice hereinafter cobtained to pass upon said proposed assessment, and the Clerk is hereby directed to cause notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper at least 30 days prior, to said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially the folloving form: NOTIE OF HEARING ON AsSESSl.IENT FOR sANnkRY.smm x*mm*&n NO, 37 W0TIC;E IS €EREBY GIVEX that the Council of the Village of Edina ~.riU meet at the Community Room of the Edina-Xorningside High School on Xonday, October 6,1952, at ?:3O P.N., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assess- ment for Sanitary Sever Improvement No. 37, which ,assessment is now on file in the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection. Said Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 37 consists of the following: Cons%ruction of 12** Sanitary Sewer and Appurtenances in Golf Terrace from efisting manhole on Meview Drive to lhdsor he.; th. S, along State Hy. 100 to Kent Ave. Construction of 31)" Sanitary Sewer and Appurtenances in Kent he, from S%ate Highway lto. 100 to Kent Place; th. IJly along Kent Place to Tlindsor Ave.; th B. along W..ndsor he. to Code Ave.; in State Hy. No. 100 from Tlindsor he. Construction of 91* Sanitary Sewer and Appurtenances in Eichnond Dr5.v; from Code Ave. to State Hy. -100; in Richmond Lane; in Richmond Circle; in Tl.56th St. from State Hy. 100 to a pt. 147 ft. IT. of Bernard Place; in Code Ave., from Richwood Drive to ~~56th St.; in Tljndsor Ave. from State Hy. 100 to Kent Place; in IJarwick Place from S.56th St. t,o Kent Ave,; in Yvonne Terrace from Stzte Highway 130, 100 to Lift Station. The area to be assessed for said improvement includes all lots and tracts of land within the boundaries hereinafter described: Womencing at the SE Cor. of Lot 24, Stow's Yvonne Terrace; th. E. to State.Highway No. 100; th. N. along the Vest Bight-of-Tray line of said State Zighvay No. 100 to the SE Cor. of Lot 9, Block 7, Tingdale Bros. Bmokside; th. 1Xl.y along the S. lot lines of Lots 9 and 10, Block 7, TingdalLe Bros. Brookside to the SE Cor. of Lot 7, Block &, Tingdale Bros. Brookside; tho N, to the KE Cor. of said Lot 7; th. If. to the sI.l Cor. of &t 4, Block 8, TingdaZe Bms; Bmokside; th. Wly across State Highwar No. 169-212 to the SE Cor. of Lot 30, Block 3, Grandview Heights; th. 3KLy along the Vest Right-of-TJw line of Highway Xo. 169-222 to the SF: Cor. of Lot 10, Block 4, Grandview Heights; th. 11. to the ST.l*Cor. of said lot; th. N. to the NE Cor. of kt 13, BIock 1, Brookside Heights; th. IT. to the North-South alley between Ililliam and Hankerson Avenues; th. S, dong said alley to the 533 Cor. of Lot 18, Block 9, Brookside Heights; th. If. to the 1JE Cor. of Lot 17, Block 8, Brookside Heights; th. S. to the SE Cor. of said lot; th. 11, to the SE Cor. of Lot 17, Block 7, Brookside Heights; th. 11. to the IE Cor. of said lot; th. W..to the NI.l-Cor, of Lot 8, to S, lrine of Our Lady of Grace churchproperty. -- ~ . Construction of One Lift; Station in Yvonne Terrace. - - 9/2/52 223 Block 6, Brookside Heights; tho S. along the West line of Sec. 28, Twp.ll7, range 21, 20 a pt. 270 ft. more or less, Ne of'the centerline of Y.56th St. exbended Vest; th. SEly 580 ft. more or less, to a pt, on aline excbended Mest from the E3 Cor. of Lot 14, Nylund's Place and running parallel to W.56th St.; th. Ely to.the SE Cor. of Lot 14, Nylund's Place; th. SEly to the Nrks Cor. of Lot 12, Stow's Yvonne Terrace; th, SEZy to the S. lot line of Lot 14, Stor&s Yvonne Terrace; th. East along the South lot lines of . Lots Ur. to 24, inclusive, Stow's Yvonne Terrace, to the SE Cor. of Lot 24, Stow's Yvonne Terrace, which is the point of beginning. Assessment for said Sanitary Sewer 7inprovement No. 37 will be payable in ten equal, consecutive annual installments exbending over a period 02 ten years, the first of said installments to be payable with taxes for the year 1952 collectible in 1953, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to August 15, 1953, To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid installments. . BY ORJER OF THE VIX4GE COUNCIL. . -. - BUIiEFi UfisilHOFNE Village Clerk Xotion for adoption of the Resolution wzs seconded by Danens, and on Roll- call there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredesen, aye; Danens, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Child, aye; and the Resolution was adopted, Village Clerk Clerk Hawbhorne was excused from the meeting at this time, I I t r t- rn “I , ., . I ? I 1 I C 1.k. I-Etchell reported that he has authorized Toltz, IZing and Dzy to nake a field sarvey in comection with proposed connection to Richfield Sanitary Sewr Outlet. There was considerable discussion on the matter of this proposed outlet. formal action was taken, but Council inforndlly approved 1-k. IZitchellts reported No action. Trustee Bredesen recomended that the Council enter a program of tree trinming on an assessment basis. a per tree basis) were discussed. Inasmuch as Council did not have the necessary legal information at hand, Deputy Clerk was requested to secure Attorney Tlindhorst * s opinion as to the legality of per-lot assessment for tree trimming, and the necessary procedure for such assessmerits. Pros and Cons of assessing on a per lot basis (rather than on 11 225 9/%/52 On W.57th Street, at Abb'ott, Drew, Zvring, York and Xerxes. 031 W.5$th Stleeet, at Terxes, York, .Zenith, Abbott and Evring. On W.59th Street, at Beayd,,Abbott, Zenith apd York. bnager Ifit cheU recommended the installation of the following Streets Lights. 4 He also recommended that two ornamental Bghts in Edina Highlands be lighted, thus completing this ommental lighting system. be installed as recommended by Village Engigeer, and that Council authorize the lighting of two ornamental streets in Edina Highlands, was seconded by Danens and carried. . Bredesen' s motion, that lights I EIanager Mitchell recommended the regrading of ,N.6Oth Street between France and ,Xerxes Avenues, for a remedy of the bad drainage situation existing in this area, and asking that project be begun just as soon as possible. motion, that Council conduct Public Hearing on proposed improvement as of Monday, Septembern22, 1952, at 7:30 P.N., and authorize Village Clerk to enter AdvGrtisement for Bids for this project ty be taken Ronday, Septeher 22, Bredesents was seconded by Danens and carried. - 3 Xanager Mitchell reported on Hennepin County Highimy Department 1 s arrangement with 3fr. Ralph G.,Pugh, 5517 Interlachen Blvd., who is willing to grant a slope easement to the County providing he will be allowed to run a dtah tilerNorth into the old Cooper property; with some portion of said tile to be maintained by the Village, Danenst motion, granting power to act on this matter to Public Utilities Chairman Child and 7r'illage Nanager MLtchell, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. - Nanager Ifitchell reported that Edina Bel-Air streets are now ready for Blacl&op. He recommended that Cguncil advertise for bids to be taken September 22. Bredesen offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: FOR STREET IKPROVEXEXT-NO. A-25 m DIRECTING 1 RESOLUTION APEiOVING P5;h'_Sz AI@ SPECIFICATION$ c ADVERTISEXENT FOR BIDS .BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina: IC The plans and specifications for Street bprovenent No, A-25 heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of-the Village Clerk are hereby approved. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edina-Norningside Courier and the Construction Bulletin the follovring notice for bids for the construction of said impromment : 2. *c ADWTISBENT FOR BIDS The Edina Village Council yill meet at the Village Hall, 4Wl, lil.50th STFCEEX DIPRWW NO. A-25 f Street, Nonday, September 22, 1952, at, 7:30 P.M., to open and'consider sealed bids for construction of Village Street Tmprovement No. A-25, consisting of the -Blacktopping of ,all SGreets in Edina Bel-Air Addition--Drew ,and Ewing Avenues between 1~60th And W.61st Streets, and W.61st Street between Drew and Ewing Avenues. e C Work must be done and eescribfd znd specified in p1Gs ind speci- No bids dl1 be considered fications for said improvement on file In office of Village Clerk.' Bids must ba submitted on basis of cash payment for work. unless sealed and filed with undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to Village Clerk in amount of Ten percent of amount of bid. BY ORDER OF VILLActE COUNCIL. - -. ; . . Bower Hawthorne, Clerk. 3. hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said hprovement . Pfotion for adoption of the Resolution was keconded b there were three ayes and no nays, as follo aye; and the Resolution was adopt Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are C , and on Rollcall e; Danens, aye; ... -a - 14mager IVEtcheU reported that the State Highway Department has requested to be allovred to cut off the service road at 63rd and PSormandale on the East side, Discussion %vas had, and Danens moved authorizing Pillage 14mqger to act to the best of his discretion in this matter, . Motion gecohded by Bredesen and carried. Bredesen's motion for adjoument was seconded by Panens and carried. Neeting i 1 Tarre' Clerk c