HomeMy WebLinkAbout19520825_REGULAR8/LB/52 "%ere being nothing _i"tur%is;er to be d.one on the proposed connection to %he Eich~isld Ezezer at t'nis -Line, this Fortion of %he meeting- vas adjourned, and the BichfieLd { council left, IJeA matter on the apmda t.ai discussion of the Dace irvenue Paxinf Project, r.;ith Ihager Zitchell 'reporthc-that the Street Xailvmy Coapmy r:iU raove tracts - t'his weeke Biertsen Conpnp, 2-L the price of 'Tib3,663.30, which repjfesents their oqiginal bid &us the retZining valL ?"alter I). GLerSsen Coipmy at $SS,663,3O, was seconded by Bredesen and unanimously czrried, Kr, Xitchell recoimznded award or" bids on Street Improvments Nos. C-35 znd. C-36 to low bidder, 3, A. Dams k Sons, at <~2,7t3le?0 and iiG25.35 respectively. so noved. I-Iotion seconded bjr Child and unanimously carried, There being no further hsiness to come before the Specid Xeeting, cCchild moved for c i-le recornended that bid be warded immediately, to low bidder, ?:alter D, Childt~~notion, airardjng bid for France l~venue Pav5ng to c Sredesen I adjouhent. Kotion seconded by Brcdesen 1 Village CLerk HINIEZS OP THE KEGuLdx WB"i OF THE' AU~ST-.Zf;,_1<)~2,-.AT.?:~ _Po&, I n>rWl_vI~GE_@Wca. "ED .~*~O@fi,. - - .- . EDINAVILLA(;E,~ _. .- -- - . _-" *- * &mbers answering Rollcall were Bredesen, Child and D&as. Child presided, and Health Officer Canpbell and Ifr, Floyd Blakehorough appeared again in the matter of the Notice served on Hr, Blakeborough ko install an inside toilet and connect same to Sanitary Sewer. XI-, Blakeborough maintahed that he is financially unable to make this improvement; that it means an addition to his home besides cost of plumbing; that he has applied for a loan but has not received it and cannot go ahead until money is available, Dr. Campbell. and Council were adamant in their order that improvement be made, but,*bymotion Bredesen, seconded by Danens and carried, agreed to &ve Hr. Blakeborough*an exbension of two weeks* time to make Pursuant to nAdvelrtisetnents for Bids," appearing in Edina-Xorningside Courier and ConstructionJ3uUetin on July 3l. and August 7, and on August l.4 and ast, respectively, M2idavits of Publications for which were read by Clerk, approved as to fonn and ordered placed. on file; the followbg bids were publicly opened and read: SANSTARY mIER mP. NO. 47 Deputy Clerk Gretchen Alden acted as Clerk. ... . *. further PhS. 3 f f.IATER EIAIN xX!g3~SIOoN r Zenitli-Ave. Petween TL5tEth . Concord Ave, from SView and IT, 59th Streets Lane,S,, IL. and again So .P - Harry J, Rrech 824.fi71.75 - Orfei & Eariani. .3,f9902!7 24,613.. 89. Wolff Const, Go. 279695.76 Phelps-Drake Co. ,- %,311*95 Terry Excavating Coo 49 683.75 28,160.00. Bredesen moved for referral of Sanitary Sewer bids to Village Engineer for tabu- latl'on and report at next regular meeting, Bfotion -I seconded by Danens and carried. Manager 35itchell recommended that Council consider award of Ifstebain Exhnsion bidsthis evening because of urgency of construction, here. Bredesents motion, that Watermain bids be referred to Village Engineer for tabuiation and report later In this meeting. Notion seconded by Danens and carried. Fursuant to t'Advertisvents for Bids," appearing in Edina-Norningside Courier and C6nstruction-Bulletin on dates li.sted,'for each project, BffUaVits of Publication for which advertisements were read by Clerk, approved as to fonn and ordered placed on file, the following bids were publicly opened and readt I smmm & PFEIFFER -TERRY SON CO. CONST. COO mc. CO. REPAIR BY GxAI)IG, GWPlELL~& BLGmPPIEG - VALUP %LEU €ITS. &' COWJXYSXUE ADDITIONS. - Oil Stab. &7,476.80 Vater Stab, $23,038e40 &%8d7&%5%0mts mmA IwoR . (Adv08/l4 & 21/52) Oil Stab. 816,732033 $19,007 83 Xater Stab, .I39475064 . IlC9928075 1 , 1 J -. '8/25/25 A delegation froxnValley View Hei&ts-Countrjrside requested that bids be 209 awarded this evening, if possible; as did I&. Boran if &rants Edina &nor. Bredesen's motion that bids be referred to Village Engineer for tabulation and repprt;, with the Edina Wor and Richwood Drive projects to be considek*.;Cr at ne& aeetSng and the other projects to be reported on later this evening, - was seconded by Danens &d carried. "Public Hearhg 4s cdled on proposed Stom Sewer in Beard Avenue between 1'Jo57th and %5&h Streets. Affidavit of Publi&io'n for Notice of Hearing j.n Edjna- Mo*gside Courier AUgUst 7 and 14, 1952, was approved and ordered placed on file. I&. 6hild spoke for the Public Utilities Committee, recommending that Stom Sewer 'Construction 'be abandoned, inasmuch as Engineer MitcheU believes curb and gutter will take the water by surface" drdinage. Enfieer MitcheU- added that 6he predent 2Zrr stom sewer contemplated will not bring satisfactdry results; that a larger pipe is needed, which may mean the relaying of the sewer already in. He stated that water will stand at the drains during a heavy rain but that, otherwise', curb and gutter kill prove a satisfactory solution, he believes. Several persons from the block spoke for Storm Sewer extension, on a district-assessment basis; while others in the proposed assessment district . objeEted to being so assessed. Village Attorney Windhorst stated that izf h2s * opinion benefit must be provhd before assessment qm be made, butthat, if such benefit can be proved, it is legal to assess for this textension to the ZgamEit storm sewer. An argument developed $n the floor, and as no agreement could be _reached, Bzedesen moved for continuance of Public Hearing on prqpossd Stoq Sewer until Konday, September 8, for repoz$s from Village Engineer and Village Attorney as to water shed and assessable,area, respectively. Motion seconded by Danens and carried. Ne& Public Hep-ing'was $Gat on proposed Curb and Gutter in Beard Avenue bet-en W.57th and-W.58th Strgets. Affidavit of Publication for Notice of Hkarbg in Edina-Morningside Courier July 31 B;nd Augyst 7, 1952, was approved as to fom and ordered placed on file. Engineer Etchell's Estimate of cost for a 6lv Curb, 18" Gutter, was $3,343.19 as against 1,206.6 assessable feet, for $2.78 per assessable foot. The matter of Storm Sewer construc$ion*before curb, ad gutter construction was discussed, with Mr. Mitchell so rkcommending; and the matter of a 4" curb (rather than 611) was cogsidered because one lot is too low for the 6tt,curb. Mr. Hitchell explained that cost of 4Ir curb will be somewhat less than-that of the 6'1, bit that because we do not have previous bids on a 41: curb he cannot tell what the reduction will be. Bredesen moved for Continuance of Public Hearing on Proposed Curb and Gutter in Beard Avenue * between t.J. 57th and I?. 58th Streets. until Monday, September 8. Motion seconded by Danens and carried. Nayor Pro Ten Child announced Continuation of July 26th Public Hewing on. propoaed Grading qd Gravelling of North-South Alley betyeen Beard and Abbott Avenues and between lf.58th and W.59th Streets. *>hag& Mitchell requested that this Hearing, too, be continued. to September 8,' because cost. is contingent upon possible connection with Stom< Sewer. Bredesen so moved. Motion seconded by Danens and carried. Bids far Street lmprovements A-22 and A43 (Bhckkopping of Westbrook Lane and all streets in Edinbrook Addition) taken hgust 11, 1952, were discussed. Engineer, Etchell reported that bids taken August 11 a're &lo0 higher than those taken a mon.&h before, butthat 1atter.proposd.s do Cbclude blacMop bum and repairs to driveways, which speceicationk were not included 5n predous bids. Upon question by the Council, &&, Etch$!. stated that these streets will hold up until next Spring, without addition of BlrqcM;op inat. notion, that Council reSect bid of Ashworth & Son, taken August n,. and re-. advertise for blacktop@ng bids next spring,'was seconded by Dctnens and carried* Manager Mitchell 'recomendei that Co&~cil 'defer action on August ll bids for Street fmprovement No. E33 (Grading and GraveWbg of Garrison Lane, etc.) uti1 Monday, September 8, inasmuch as we do not have all easements for these rlghts-of-my. His tabulation of bids showed Ashimrth & Sons Lo be low bidder, *th $7,l&4S for Water Stabilization; $8,498.11 for Oil Stabili%ation. &a EIitchell stated that because this is a dead-end street and wi31 bear only light traffic, Water Stabilization will hold up. Discussion was had as to fill already provided by the Village; and, upon advice by Attorneyllbdhorst, Dane=* moved that the bid of Ashworth & Son Company for Water StabiUzation be accepted on condition that contractor will accept with it- of fill deleted therefrom and tht delivery of contract be delayed until necessary easements are secured. Motion seconded by Bredesen and carried. &. &fj.tcheU*s recommendation for award of bid .taken August 11 for Sanitazy Sewer Impmvement No. 45 (in Windsor Avenue between Code Avenue and-Hansen BO&) to low bidder, Orfei and Kar%a#jt, at #L1,00&06?, subject to aPPrOva of plans by State Board of Health; was filed. i3redesents motion for award of contract in accordance with &, Etchellts recommendation was seconded by Danens and carried. i . * c - ' I ' bredesen's * Manager 3EtcheU pres&ted Tabulations of Bids on Street and Gutter in Yvonne Terrace) showing Fi.zigerals+ Bros.to Barnes-Nattison second, and Victor Carlson andsons high _. . Imprcrpement No. B-8 (Curb be low, with 555,345.20; bidder, with $5,499.80, At this time 'a petition b$ affected property owners was filed, requesting. bid be awarded to Victor Carlson &Sons and agreeing to pay W-erence in cost, Petition signed by owners of eighteen of the twenty-four lots affected. Danens' motion, that bid be arJarded to Victor Carlson & Sons at $5,499.80 was seconded bg Bredesen and carried. I-hager Mitchell presented Tabulation of <Bids on Street Improvement No. B-9 (Curb and Gutter in &ring Avenue between TL57th and 1?.5€kh Streets), showing low bmer -to be Barnes4httison Company, with $&,158,90, secdnd low bid to be that of Fitzgerals Bros., at $k,202.17, and high bid that of Victor Carlson & Sons, at $4,539.67. He recommended that bid be awarded to high bidder, Victor Carlson and Sons; and upon request by Council for explanation of his recommendation stated that Village is now having difficulties with the work of the low bidder, on Lakeview DrTve, that F55zgeral.s Bros. has done no recent work in the Village; and that the work of Vtctor Carlson has always been mas6 s&iisfactory. Danens moved for award of bid to Victor Carlson & Sons, at $4,539.67. I Notion seconded by Bredesen and carried. * Continuation of Lug;* -x-& 1952 Public Hearings on proposed Sani.%m Sewer and Tratermaia hprovements, as listed below was had, these two improvaents being heard together L. SANITARY SlZER - Sn Concord Avenue Betureen lL6O$h id 1~62nd Streets; In Valley View Road between Concord and ParnellAvenues; 5q IL6Oth and 1~62nd Streets 6etFen Concor'd and Panell Avenues; in Virginia Avenue and Farnell Avenue between W.60th and V.62nd Streets; and in VirgSnLa-kne. - In qoncord kveque f'mm a point 230 Ft, more or-less No 02 t.r,59th strget, ,to 7L6Oth Street; in Concord Avenue from Ih60th to TL62nd Street; in Valley View Road from Concord to Parnell Avenue; 5n Fh60th ~d4~62nd Streets from Concord to ParneU Bvenlje; iq Virginia Lane from Virginia Avenue to Concord Avenue; and in Virginia Avenue and Parneh Avenue between lL6Oth and %62nd Sfreets. c r Hessrs. -Jacobs and Olson, speaking for the developers of Virginia Avenue Addition, spoke lin .favor of both projects but stated that they are willing to abandon the water project in favor of the sanitarg sewer; that they are not prepared to enter into the same type of connection charge agreement as that of $fro Peder E.ckelsen, although they will consider being assessed over a ten-year period. for entire cost of water mains, with connection chsrrges t6 be returned to properby owners as connections are made from outside Virginia Avenue &idition, this latter agreement because of the amount of bookkeeping invqlved in mkhg come* tion charge refbuds to some fifty-eight different property ormers in Virginia Avenue Addi6ion. * 8 c . c - * inaslinrch as they benefit practically the seme area: 0- - - 2. . Village AttorneyVindhorst advised against I The pmposed Sanitary Sewer was discussed for well over an hour, with Ifessrs. Kennth Sundquist, James Otis, Harry Jonas, Emil Fro&, IUlian Uvato, and others - entering the discussion. 3k. Sund&ist explained that he does not want a lateral sewer charge on Ms prope*&y North of ILbOth Street, and it was also explained that the property West of Parnell Avenue and North-of Valley View Road VU suffer by a lateral sewer. After sone discussion, it was agreed by VirginTa Avenue developers that the &both Street sewer and that porE3on of the Parnell sewer North of Valley View Road -could be excluded, in' the interests of having the ba3ance of the sewer construcked at this the, and this seemed agreeable to evergone concerned. Xhager NitcheU's Xstimate of Cost was 8 39.45 8-38 , as .again& 7,8&1.2 assessable feet, for $ 50°3 per assessable foot; for construction, plus 82.65 for connection to Trunk Sewer No. B-1, for total of $7.68 per Assessable Foot. Bredesen offered \he following Resolution and moved its adoption: BE: IT BZSOLVED by the CouncFl of. the Vill.age<of BcIina, Manesota, that this Council heretofgre-caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improve- ment consisting of construction of Sanitary Sewer and Appwkenances as follows: 10" Sanitary District Sewer and Appurtenances in Concord &venuerbehsen V.60th and V.62ng Streets, and in Valley View Road between Concord and Parnell Avenues. betweea.Concord and Pama Avaues, in Virginia and Parnell Avenues between W.6Oth anG 1?.62nd Streets, and in VirgiMa Lane between Concord and Virwa Avenues, .. and at the hearing held at the time and place specjfied jn sad notice the Council ha9 duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised ofthe pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement as follows: and 1~.62nc1 Streets, and in Valley View Xoad between Concord and Parn'ell Avaues. and Parnell Avenues, in Virginia Avenue between lr.6Oth and IhbZnd Streets, in Pmen A-e between Valley View Road ,and 1&6?1d Street, md in Virginla Lane between Concord and VSg- Avenues t I RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEIENT . . smnmy :snm .~t.mm.m No. 50 t 9'1 Sanitary Lateral Sewer and Bppurbenances in 11.6Oth and T:r,62nd Streets 10" Sanitary District Sewer and Appurtenances in Concord Avenue between V060th 911 sanitary ~teral :ewer aud Appyrtenances in 1'1,62nd -Street between Concord . c - 6/2g32- - 211 .- that said improvement is. hereby desigmted and shall'ba referred to in all. sub- sequent proceedings as Sanitary-Sewer hprovement No. %, 'and the area tq be specially assessed therefor shall include all. lots and tracts of land within. an area described as follows: "Beginning at the intersection of Concord Avenue and W.6ot.h Street; thence East. along the Centerline of 14.60th Street a distance of-.l65 feet more or less; thence South along a line mrallel.with Concord Avenue to a poht 500 feet more or less South from the Centerline of W.60th Street; thence Vest to the Centerline of Concord Avenue; thence South $0 a point 168 feet mme or 1ess.South of tihe Centerline of Valley View Road; thence East 165 feet more or less; thence South to Centerline of 16,62nd Street; thence Vest along Centerline of Tf.62nd Street to a p$nt 165 feet more or less f?est of Centerline of Parnell Avenue; theace North to a poht*165 feet South of the Centerline of Valley View Road; thence East to Centerline of ParneU. Avenue; thence North to Centerline of W.60th Street; thence East to point of begSnniag." Motion for adoption os the. Reso&ution was were three ayes and no naysl as follow: aye; and the Resolution was adopted. ~ / a I \/- - seconded by DAnens, and on Rollcall' there ens, aye;.-and Child; *Mr t Bredesen offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPl"G PJXNS AND SPECE?ICATIONS , FsIR.s~~m.-m-m ~?%Ov.wmT NO, - %.AND. - -- DmmING FOR BIDS . BE I!J! RBSOLVED by the ViUageiCouncil-.of the Yill.age.of Edina: . ,1* -The plans ad specifications for Sanitary Sewer Inprovement No, 50, heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on 'file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved, 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edina-Morningside Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice.for bids for the construction of said improvaent: ADVERTISIEMENT FOR BIDS c SAN'ITAR? 3EkER lX€!€iOV"T N0.50 The Edina Village Council .-.meet *at the Tillage Hall, 4803. W. 50th Street, Nonday, SeptemberrZZ, 1952; at 7:30 PiM., to open and consider sealed bids for construction of Village Sadtarr Sewer Improvement No. 50 consisting of: 1. - 10" Sanitary Bistrict Sewer and Appurtenances in Concord Avenue between W.60th and W.62nd Streets, and in Valley View Road between Concord and Parnell Avenues. 2. - 9" Sanitary Lateral Sewer and Appurtenances in W.62nd Streets between Concord-and Parnell Avenues, in Virginia Avenue between W.60th and W,62nd Streets, in ParneU Avenue between Valley View Road and W.62nd Street, in Virginia he between Concord and Virginia Avenues" Work must be done as described ahd specified Zn'plans and specifi- cations for dd bnprovement on file Sn office of Village Clerk. submLtted on basis of cash payment for work, sealed and filed with undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to Village Clerk-in amount Bids must be No bids will be oonsidered anl.ess of ten percent of mount of bid. .- t BY ORDEFt OF VEWE COUNCIL. .-.._ .- . ._ Bdwer Hawthorne, Clerk. 3. hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said improvment. Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens and on Rollcall there were three ayes ahd no nays, and Cbild, aye; and the Resolption was Each and all of the t ems of the f6regoing advertisement for bids are Village C1ei.k Manager Mitchell reported that petition presented some time ago for Grading and Gravelling of all streets iq Virginia Avenue Addition also includes streets on the border of the addition: West 60th St. between Concord and ParneI.1; Concord between W.60th and W.62qd Sts.; Parnell Ave. between tf.6Oth and W.6Znd Sts.; and W.62nd St. between Concord and. Parnell, He reminded Council that matter of Concord Grading and Gravelling has almadiqpbeen approvedby the @ounC'-i;L. He recommended setting a Pucblic' Hearing and the taking of bids as soon as possible. Bredesen*s motion, that %ounc^il set Heasing on Grading and dravelling of the above named sBreets, and as recommended by ETanager IEtchell, for Monday, September 22, 1952, and that Clerk be authorized to advertise for bids on this project to be taken as of %he same date, was seconded by Danens and carried. ' 212 - 6/25/52 I Bredesenrs motion, that the Vatemnab project for Virginia Avemie gddition and border streets be abandoned, .was seconded by Danens and carried. Public Hearing was held on proposed Grading and Gravelling of Brookvriew &vmue between K62nd and I.T,6Z+th Streets vith three-foot cut at crest of a; the Grading apd Gravelling of said street on different specifications having former* been approved by the Village Council as Street Improvement No, C-32. Affidavit of Publication of Notice of Hearing, in Edina-filornirigside Courier July 31 and bsst 7, was approved as to fom and ordered placed on file. Immediately upon announcement of the Hearing the delegation for the three-foot cut spoke out in strong %erns in favor of this change in specifications, Hessrs. Bohannen, Linnell.and Bing offering their arguments; better drainage; safety of childredn, etc. Nr. Pauly, 6224 Brookview stated that it was his opinion his property would be seriously damaged by this cut; that retaining waJ.1 would be necessary; that he mst move his drive- way, which will kill a large old evergreen; that the Village will be expected to pay him damages if the street improvanent is done. Sir. Etchell advocated a - .. Ape rather than a retaining wall for this property, stating that such udl should not be necessary, Nr. Hi.tchell's Estimate oPCost for Grading and GramiLling, with Water Stabilization, was $!+,060.00 as against 2,553 assessable feet, or $1.60 per assessable foot; with oil. stabilization, $$4,545.72, or a.78 per assessable foot, He recornended oil stabilization forthis.streef, and this seened agreeable to %hose present. Bredesen offeredthe follotdng Resolution and moved its adoption: KE;SOLVTIUN AF'l?ROVING PUNS AND SPECmCATICWS . - ADV'EEBB*Bm FOB BIDS. FOR STREXZ 3?@~-NNO. CL32-AHD.I1IEECTS BE ITP RESOLVED by the Village Council of the "Village of: .Edina: prepaered by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are' hereby approved, said plans and specifications including a threefoot cut at crest of hill. 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published tvrice in the Edina-NcarningsLde Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the construction of said improvanent: . -1. The plans and specifications for Street ~ Improvement IJo. E32 heretofore ADE-ZRTISEPENT FOR BIDS STREET IHF'ROVBENT NO, .C-32 The Edina Village Council *.meet. at the Village Hall, 4801 IL5Oth Street; &ndayi September 22, 1952, at 7:30 P&, to open and. consider sealed bids far constmction of Village*Street Xnprovment-No. C-32 consisting of Grading and Gravebing of Brookview Avenue between V062nd and IL64th Streets. cations for said imgrovement on file in office of Village Clerk. Bids must be submitted on basis of cash papent for vork. No bids will be cmsidered &Less sealed ande filed with undersigned before time of said meeting and accampanied, by cash depqsit, bid bo&, or certified check payable to VXllage Clerk in amount of Ten percent of amount* of bid. Vork must be done as described and specified in plans and specifi. BY ORDER OF VrUAGE COUNCIL. . - Bower Hahhorne, * Clerk - 3. Each gd dl of the terms of %he foregoing advertisements for bids are hereby &opted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said improvement, lbtion for adoption ofthe Resolution was seconded were three ayes ad no nays, as follows: 'Br aye; and the Resolution was adopted, . - I Village Clerk priblic Hearing tias had on proposed Watermain Exbension in Concord Avenue bet&= Soubhview be and a point 230 feet, more or less, North of W.59th Street. Affidavit of Publication for Notice of Hearing 51 Edina-Norn&gs5de Courier August 7 and 14, 1952, was approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Ifanager HSxhell expXained that this main, which will be the I*feedertf nab from the new elevated water tank to the water sjrstem will act.rhally,run from Concord, thence Vest and South to the tank, itself; that Public Hearing is not being held on.this portion because cost is intended to be borne byFTatemmrks Fund. his Estimated Cost for the Concord Aveme Biain, from Southview Lyle to Easement in School Propeyty, was @6,lo7.l2*for a 12" Maih, of which the Village will bear the estimated difference. 5.h cost betwien- E!! and estimated cost of the 6" main- (ivhich is the-assessable cos$ to abutting propeAy owners) being $9,962.73-a~ against 2,02$.42 assessable feet dong Concord Amue, for $4.91 per Assessable Foot, Hr. Fred Rodgers inwired concerning the proposed .assessment for his property, inasmuch as 'he has &ready paid ,a Consurnerls Deposit. He was asked to appear at the Assessment Hearing to have this matter settled. . He stated that Erain ($6,044.39) , the c 8/25/52 Bredesen offered the f oflowing Resolution- and- moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ORDBBING JXFROVEXEXT 223 WATEREXLN TMIIROVEBEXC NO.51 i BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Wnneska, that tiis Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published an the pro- posed improvement consisting of Construction of Village Watermain Extension in Concord Avenue between Southview Lane and a point 230 feet, more or less, Uorth of W.59th Street, and at the hearing held at the time and place,specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised ofthe pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed, with the construction of said improvement as follows: Wonstzuction os Village Watedn Extension beginning at the intersection of Concord Avenue and Southview Lane; thence South along the,centerline of Concord Avenue to a point which is 454.4 Feet South-of thp NE corner of tho thence W.7& Feet; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall. be referred to i.p all subsequent proceedings as Watermain Improvement No. 51, and the area tg be sbecially assessed the difference in cost between construction of 12" main and 611 main in Concord Avenue km shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting-upon the street in which said improyement is,to be constructed, the balance of the cost of constructLon of this improvement being borne by the Naterworks Fund of the Village of Edina. F Motion for adoption of Resolution was sew , and on Rollcall there were three ayes and no nays, as follows: Danens, aye; and Child, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. of the swl/k of the swl/lc of Sec. 19, Twp. 28, R. , thence South 126 Feet," I / r c c Village Clerk Bredesen off eked the fol2oWing Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION AWROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. FOR 11~31N I&BOVENEXT NO. !jl ARD DIREWING c ADlEXTI~ FOR BIDS . ~. BE IT RESOLVED by the Village.Counci1 of the Village of Edina:: . 1. The plans add specifications for Watennain Iinprovement No. 51 heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on Sile in the office of the Village * Clerk are hereby approved. The action of the Clerk in causing to be published-twice in the Edina- Morningside Oouridr and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids forthe ynstruction Improvement is hereby confirmed: c ADVERT~S~~ BIDS . Street, Monday, -August 25, 1952, at 7r30 P.M., to open and consider seated bids for construction of Village Watermain Extension as follows: intersection of 'Concord Avenue and Southview Lane; thence South along the ' centerline of Concord Avenue to a point which-is 454.4 feet South of the NE corner of the Nwl/lt of the Swl/k of Sec. 19, Twp. 28, R. 24W; thence W.764 Feet; for saia improvement on file in office of Vi;Uage-Clerk. 3ids must be submitted on basis of cash payment for work. No bids will be consi@re$ unless sealed and filed with undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by cavh deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to Village Clerk in amount of Ten percent of amount of bid. 2. *a+ 4 - WA- llxrENsIm% The Edina Village Council will meet. at :he Village Hall, 4801 lJ.5Oth "Beghxing at the * thence South 126 Feetoit Work must-be-done as described and specified in plans and specifications BY ORDER OF VIWE COuNCILo ~ .- Bower Hawthorne, Clerk t + Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded were three ayes an& no nays, as follows: aye; and the Resolutionms adopted. . I Myor .. *c *so R. B. Woods appeared before the Corn&. to reqgest'permit to build a double dwelling in W.49th Street between France Avenue and Maple Road. Bredesen's motion, that Public Hearing on this reques$ be scheduled for Monday, Septmber 8, -Mer Mitchell reported on bids received this evening for Repair by Grading, Gravelling and Blacktopping of Streets in Valley View Heights and Coutltryside Additions. @27,&76.80 for Oil Stabiliaation be accepted. Bredesen' s motion, for acceptance of bid in accordance with recommendation by Village Engineer was seconded by Danens and carried. 1952, kt 7:30 P.M., was-seconded by Danens and carried. t- * He reconmended that the bid of Ashworth and Sons CO., axom% 218 8/25/52 Petitions filed at Heeting of August U, for Blacktopping each of the four blocks. between IL58th and W.62nd Streets on' Oaklawn Avenue were discussed. There was a considerable delegation present to promote the blacktopping, and also several objectors to the project, An argument developed on the floor, and Attorney lEnd- horst stated that Public Hearing mst be held before Council may make decision on project. .Bredesen's motion, that Council schedule Phblic Hearing for Ifonday, September 22, 1952, at 7~30 P.M., uas seconded by Dmms and carried. Mr. Roy Peterson was present .to request action on petitions for Sanitary Sewer and TTatermain in Drew Avenue between F?.5%h and T?.60th Streets, said petitions bearing signatures of .owners of 52% of abutting properties. Bedesents motion, that petitions be accepted, that Public Heasings on proposed impmvvements be scheduled for "onday, September 22, 1952, and that bids on said projects be opened the same evening, waseseconded by Danens and ca-ried. Nr. George E. Calrsonts request for pmit to construct Sanitary Sewer in Intew lachen Blvd. from Brookside to William Avenue on a franchise basis which will allow collection for connection to said sewer, was reviewed by Council. Bredesents motion that petition be accepted and that the matter be laid over to the next meeting for answer to Nr, Carlson, was seconded by Dmens and carried. 3ira Burlchart filed application for permit to constkt a sign on the Stow pmperty at W.493 Street and France Avenue. Bredesenls motion, that permit be granted subject to Building Inspectorts approval, was seconded by Danens and carried. ¶%e owners of 5605 and 5617 Zenith Avenue requested pekts to build garages . within one foot of the* lot lines (this being in violation of Zoning Ordinance). Bredesenls motion, that action be delayed for Building Inspector's repod, was - seconded by Panens and carried. t r . , Nits, 401 lvbnroe Avenue, presented signatures of five property owners releasing their claim to the dirt to be excavated *om Belmore I;me. releases be accepted, and that matter be left for Hr.-Nitz to contact contractor Swanson with regard to his doing the grading, said contractor having evidenced an interest in this job, was seconded by Danens and -&de Bredesen's motion that $fro Pearson, 400 Monroe Avenue, inquired again as to Council*s action with Fegard to two deep water holes in this area. fill private property. Xr, E, W, Davies explained that I-Enneapolis has requested Edinats release from persondl injury liabuty for those volunteer firemen who are taking trdning with the Ninneapolfs Fire Deparhent. Release, drafted by City Attorneygs office, was presented. Village Attorney 'I%ndhorst asked 4x1 be allowed to check With the Village"'s ugdwiter to make sure that they have no objection and that our firemen will be covered in MinneapXis .by our insurance ,coverages. , Bredesen's motion, authorizing signatures of mor and Clerk to release, subject only'to Village Attorney's sewring remired verification from Village underwriters, xes seconded by Danens and carried. G&nager Mitchell' presented tabulition of bids taken this ewnbg for 1Vaterinai.n Extension in Concord Avenue from Southview Lane, thence South, West arid agah South (Ifatermain Improvement No. a), shotJing the low bidder to be Phelps-Drake Cornpay, at $24,3ll.95, recommending that bLd be awarded to low bidder. ' Bredesents motzon, that bid for 1Jaternai.n bprovement No. 51 be awarded to He was infomed that the Village will not *c C" L Phelps-Drake Company, was seconded by Danens and carried. I*&. Eitchell presented Final Plat of Clover. Lane Addition, reportink Pl- Comissionts approvd. Bredesen moved for approval by Council of Find Plat of Clover Lane Addition. Hotion seconded by Danens and carried. Gredesents motion, for appovd. of Village Paymu, -oat #8,940.02 and Liquor Fund Payroll, amount '$659.& for period Auwt 16 to 31, inclusive, as recorded in detail fn PagroU. Ledger, and for payment of the followbg Claw, was seconded by Danens and carried: c-1 NO, 'Ti)= 5762 City Treas., City of WSO Berg"& Farnham "Northern States Powis Co. City Treas.," City of IQls. 7526 7536 7 537 FUND- $1,281.78 - mm - J.S.D. NO. L c $125152 TO: CLAIM NO. - 7495 Burroughs Adding Machine Coo 7493 . l&i.tm. Fire Extinguisher Coo 7492 Richfield Lumber Co. 7491 Dietrich ltbr. Coo . 7487 Wabner Hdwe. Cor 74S6 John Dakh 74s Dick Palen Photographs 7480 I4Xller Hardware 7497 3!&ller-Davis Co. 7499 Town & Country Hdwe, 75w Edina Lamdry r 7504 U.S. Supply coo 7505 American Linen Coo 7504 Hennepin County Review 7507 Republic Creosoting Coo 7508 Reinhard Bros, Coo 7509 Nidwest Cap Mfg. Coo 7 53-3 7 522 Jay's Cameras 7524 Carlbom Harness Store 7525 H,V. Johnston Culvert Coo 7 526 Berg & Farnham 7 527 LA. Rogers Coo 7 529 Bsrtelson Bros. 7530 herLCan Typewriter Coo 7 531 Ibn. Fire Ecpip. Coo 7532 NiW, BeU. Tel, Coo 7 534 lfpls, Star and Tribune 7 536 Northern States Paver Coo 7538 MoreU & Nichols, Inc. 7544 e ~R&son'S Dry Goods 7498 Ed. RyBn,.Sheriff of Hem, Cy. 7 548 Earl Sewall, Contractor 7549 Glacier Sand & Gravel Cot 7547 League of Eim, Municipalities 7550 Construction Bulletin 7556 P. H. Geiger Coo 7557 Bichards- Oil Coo 7558 E, C, Pfeiffer 7559 * Delaney Bros. LI 7 561 7562 S. J, Tennis 7563 C, A, Johnstone 7564 Zverett A. Davies - 7 565 3ill's Tree .Service 7 570 Gibbish. Excavating Coo . 7494 Paper-Chenson Co. 7490 A-WCO, bc. of Minn. 7489 Xpls. Iron Store 74s .H, R, Toll Company 7k8L .Delega,rd Tool Co. '. 7485 ChICy DrUg COO Century Radio & Camera Go. r b _. J, A. Danens & Son, fnc. ci 74% *D-A hbricmt COO, 3nc, 7489 -Tom & COWtq Hd~eo -Electric Welding hllO$s C0rp0 7 501 - 794 3. so Supply co. 7505 -American Linen Supply CO. 750s -Riahard Bros. Coo 7 510 -WOE, Lahr Coo 753.2 -B & B-Seat Cover Go. 7521 -Baldwin Supply Coo .Edina Pure Oil Coo 7 523 7 528. Brookside Service Station 7 532 N.W. Bell Tel. Coo 7535 Mpls. Gas coo 7536. - Northern States Power Go., 7543 r ',. d 7 539 -0 TOZQ, hco Chas, Olson & Sons, hc. 7483 * Control Supply Coo 7m Waterous Coo 7532 NOW. Bell Tel, Coo 7 533 City'Treas,, Waterworks Fund 7 536 7 540 7559 Delaney Bros. 7499 TOW & COUntTy Hdweo Northern States Power Co. A. L. Stanchfield Co. 215 I ' 7552 7536 7553 7518 7554 7519 7555 7520 7 561 7532 7502 793 . 7% 7517 75u 7542 1499 7527 7548 7549 7550 7557 7558 75& 7567 7568 7569 7571 6/25/52 TO: Everett &e& - Town & Count'rg Hdwe. c Espil Eridcsob James Hafaker c Larry Wilson ** ZlondLd .EfWl&Uan Tom Simpson- c Carolyn Spew Vestgate Mo*or Sales Coo Robert W. Reid c J. A. Danen$&Son, hc. F Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. &so Roger W. TWdin r August Johntson Mrs. J. Bo Faegre, Jr. Eldo Johnson ce r A. H. ZowleP r A. H. Ryden' b Town & COWtrg Hd-0 H. A. Rogers Go, h Earl SeG, Conbractor Glakier Sand & Gravel Coo ConstmcLiob FIuUetin E. C, Pfeiffer Tolto, King &Day, Inc. WoI.f.f Corrstmc%ion Go. n- Pfeiffsr Cokrsto 00. e Pfeiffer C6nst. Coo c Rich& Oil'Coo Gibbish EXCk&&lg COe -e \ 12056 lhheuser-Brisch, 3hc. 423 *72 Canada Dry"Ginger me, b~i W.92 c 992.38 m!v Coca-Cola Bottling Coo 79.60 I2060 Cold Spr- Distr. Go. c r.124.u U059 I2061 0. M. Dmney.Beverage Coo 1,128.62 E2062 Gleuk Brewing Co. * 96.83 Gold Meda3"BePerage cob I U5.m Kuether Distr. Coo I r10%62 32063 GO64 32065 Zkssolt &€%ling coo 16.80 D67 Minneapolis City Club Distr. Coo 261.48 Erris DisZPibuting Coo 206.60 C Pabst Sales Coi .. 508.73 m68 I2069 t 189.68 L2070 Rex Distributing Coo L2072 Seven-Up Bottling Coo b * 87.52 32071 La73 Carpenter 'Paper Co, . 16.87 Northern States Power Coo 86.26 c .* =0&5 UW4 L Ut65 UO75 ECO, Inca * mow American &en Supply Co. L2076 m77 brim hinting company EIinnesota *Form Printirlg Service 96.00 Miller-Daiis Coo c -7.15 L2078 L2079 Distilles Distributing Go. 4,10903k I2081 Ebin &-os; Coo c* 331.82 m80 9%& F~US BrkdS, InCo . '81.86 L2082 me3 =osz, 32085 L2086 Bredesents motion, for the voiding of Check No. 7281 fssued June 30,1952 to De'l;r;tff TqoWf for P&i& Pa,yment Noc 3. on Vatemin Impropenent No. 41, in favor of No., 7568 issued tohight to WoUf Constmction Coo, was seconded by Danens and carried. s Bredesents motion for adjournment;/was seconded by Danens and carried. Meeting adjourned at 3,205 A+G,- Tuesday, the 26th. chusen & sons, hcb . a066 Einneapolib Brewing Coo 1,751085 Purity Beverage Coo 2630% The E.M. hhm8m Coo, kc. Hckesson & Robbins, Inc. n 181b80 Gria~, COOP= & COO. n 1&.82052 UQUOR FUND Ed. Philzips & sons coo 5$15,844&- h. t. to Tuesday, September 2, 1952, at 7:30 U-& rs;.rrh,, *Village Clerk rC c