HomeMy WebLinkAbout19520908_REGULAR7 c IXCNUTB OF THE FiEGULAR-IBETJNG OF THE - - EDIRA VILLAGE COUNCIL, .fIEI;D IiONDiE, SEFTZ'tJBEX 8, 1952, AT ~ 7t30 P.I*L, AT THE I < EDINA VIW;AIE HALL I &mbers ansvrering Rollcall were Child, Danens and Hawthorne, Child presiding Until the arrival of Nayor Erickson, as recorded below. c Pursuant to Affidavit of Publication in Edina-l{orningside Courier and Construction Bulletin August 28 and September-4, 1952, for-I'Advertisement for Bids-Police Car," which Affidavit vas read by Clerk, approved as-to form and ordered.placed on file, the fohowing bids were publicly opened and read; net bids as set forth here including trade-in alXowance on old car: Downtown Chevrolet Co~pany, l.Iinneapo3.5.s 7 $@9.99 e c Barrington Bhevrolet Company, It 754.W Boyer-Gilfillan, Enneapolis (Ford) 365.61 Suburban Chevrolet Company, Hopkins 440.81 Grossman Cheholet Company, Enneapolis 397.76 Bob Knowles Company, f.linneapolis . 495000 I Hawthorne's motion, that bids be referred to Village Engineer for tabulation and report at next meeting, was seconded by Danens and carried. 1 . Clerk read Affidavit. of Publication for Advertisement for Bids-Street Improvement No. bl2 in %a-1-forningside Courier and Construction Augps;t 28 and September 4, 1952. Said Affidavit was approved as to form and ordered placed on file, and the oizly bid received was publhly opened and read, as follows:: Hatkhornets motion, that bid be referred to Village Engineer for later report, was seconded by Danens and carried. Sealed bids were next publicly opened and read on the Grading, Gravelling and Blacktopping of all.' streets in Parkwod Knolls 2nd and Parkmod E~olls 3rd Mdns., pursuant to Midavit of Publication for. Advertisement for Bids appearing Edina-Horningside Courier and Construction Bulletin August 28 and September 4, 1952; said Affidavit having been read by Clerk, approved as to form, and ordered placed on file. Said bids were as followst PARKNOOD I(N0I;TS PARKGIfoOD ~OLIS Victar Carlson & Son $3, 854000 - SECOND ADDN.. - THIRD ADDITION Ashworth & Son Coo (Oil Stab.) ?$lt3,003 010 b.2,286.04 (Vat 6r Stab. ) 169W.30 .I Havkhokets moC!on, that bids be referred €0 Village Engineer for tabulation and hnager E.tchell*s tabulations of bids taken August 25, 1952, were presented. He recommended that .bid for Grading and Gravelling of Boran's Edina &nor (Street bpmyement No. G34) be awarded to low bidder, Pfeiffer Const. CO., with Oil Stabilization, at their bid price of $16,733.18. Notion by Hawthorne that bid be accepted and contract awarded to Pfeiffer Construction Company was seconded by Danens with the stipulation that Pfeiffer and Village have a definite under- standing that no Village equipment wXl.l. be used on this project, Hr. Hitchell recommended award of bids taken August 25, 1952, for the Blacktopping . of Code Avenue between W.56th Street and lhdsor Avenue (Street Improvement N0.A-45) to 10% bidder, Ashwokth & Sbn, at their Oil Stabilization Price of $4,249.00, explained that he had contacted the Cornpan$ and that %hey -fl be r.rilling to take Oil Stabilization on the same base price as bid on previous projects. Danens motion, that contract be awarded to Ashworth & Son at Oil Stabilizat$on price, was seconded by Havrbhorne and carried. Sone discuksion was had with regard to bids taken August 25, for Sanitary Sewer .hprovement No. 47. 1.I.r. i.iitchellreported that Harry Krech is low bidder, at $2,577.75; next; low bidder being $500.00 higher. awarding bid to Ilrech because of his lack of experience. low bid be accepted, vas seconded by Danens and carried. Xr. Nitchell recommended that Council award bids for Grading and Gravelling of Sherrmod Road and Richwood Drive (Street Tmprovemient No. C-37) to low bidder, Pfeiffer Construction Company. - Construction Company, at $4,920.68, vas seconded by Danens and carried. report, vas seconded by Danens and -carried. F c c - He He stated that he is waq of Hawthorne's motion that Hawthorne's motion for award of bid to Pfeiffer * Continuatign was had of Public Hearing on Proposed between W.57th and lf05&h Streets held August 25, 1952. public Utilities Committee explained that Engineer Nitchsll. believes Curb ad Gutter in this street will alleviate drainage problems in all but exceptionally heavy rains. A petition, signed by some hundred property owners in the district, opposing storm sewer construction, tms filed. Hawthornex s motion, that project be abandened, vas seconded by Danens and carried. st"rm ._- Sewer in Beard Avenue Chairman Child of the I 227 9/8/52 - Continuation was then had of August 25, 1952 Public Heming on proposed Curb and Gutter in Beard Avenue between kJ.57th and W,58th Streets, Xngineer Yftchell recommended installation of 6” Curb in the block, except for that stretch in the dddle‘of the block where-lots are exceptionally low, where he recommends 41’ curb. His Estimate of cost for this combination 6tt-411 Curb was $3.03 per assessable foot, whereas 4” all along the block would be $3,331,80 as against 1,200 assessable feet, for$2.78 per assessable foot, pXan is to lower catchbasia6” and have 611 crown instead of nonnal 41: crown on the street. When asked if-there were plans for a cut at 58th Street, he stated that there are not such plans, but that Beard Avenue between 57th and 58th Street will have’ good drainage when this curb and gutter project is completed. objections had been received prior to the Hearing, following Resolution and moved its adoption: ’1 He sta%d that the There were no objections from the audience, and no witten Hawkhome offered the RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPZCIFICAT IONS - FOR STRZZI! D4PROvE”T B.11 AM3 DIElECTING ADVERTImGNT FOR BIDS BE E RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edinal 1, The plans and specifications for Street Gprovement NO, €3-11 heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. Courier- and the Con&rbction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the construction of’ said improvement: 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published tvdce in the Edina-Norningsi.de ADVjISBBm FOR BIDS - ‘ S-?REEl! ~~O~~T NO. B-11 The Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall, 4801 We50th Street, Nonday, October 13, 1952, at 7r30 P.M.; to open and -consider sealed bids for construction of Village Street hprovanent No. U, consisting of Construction of Standard Village Curb and Gutter in Beard Avenue between W,57th and W~58th Streets. fications for said improvement on file in office of Village Clerk, must be submitted on basis of cash payment for vmrk. sidered unless sealed and filed with undergigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to Village Clerk in amount of Ten percent of amount of bid. Workmust be done as described and specified in plans and speci- No bids will *be con- Bids * BY ORDER OF VI- CQBRCIL , - B0”WER l”HORNE, Clerk. r 3. Each and all of the terms‘of the foregoing adverkisment ‘for bids are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said improvement . z- Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Danens, .aye; HawbhoPne, aye; and Child, aye; and the Resolution was adopted.. - I Acting Nayor Village Clerk Next matter on agenda was Continuation of August 25, 1952 Public Hearing on* proposed Grading and Gravelling of Nokth-South Alley between Beard and Abbott Avenues and between IT. 58th and If, 59th Street; this construction being contingent upon Storm Sewer kbwdoned this 7even;ing. of project be kept t6 a nominal amount, Engineer Etchell’s Estimate of Cost for Grading, without Storm Sewer, was $1,404.00 against 1,200 assessable feet, for $Ll7 per assessable foot,. He explained that even after pqoject is conp&eted there will be a drainage problem at Lot 22; that this is a low spot and that putting alley through vrilk not help this problem at d1, ’There were no objections from the audience, and no written objectidns had beenrfiled prior to the Public Hearing. Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RXSOLUTION ORDBING DPROKGKEKC -. WDING 2’lFROlEMENT 80, C-39 , BE IT BSOLNED by the Counci1,of the-Village of Edina, N5.nnesotaY that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the pro- posed improvement consisting of the Grading and Gravelling of that North-South Alley betvteen Beard and Abbott Avenues and between WO5&h and W.59th Streets, and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons kterested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine $0 proceedydgh the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby desigqated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Grading Tmprovement NO. C-39, andtthe area to be specially.assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the alley in which said improvement is to be constructed. -c--. - A petition was filed asking that cost 9/8/52 t 24otion for adoption'6f the Besolu%ion was seaonded by Danens, and on Rollcall. there were three ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. Danens, aye; Hawbhorne, aye; and c e Acting Hayor c Village Clerk Hawkhorne offered the following Resolution -afid moved its adoption:: t I RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIE'ICMIOIJS FOR GRADING DPROVElDW NO, E39 AAD DII1EmING . ,.bDllEFEISEItEH!F FOB BIDS . BZ IT RESOLVED by the Village Council'of the.Village of Edina: 1, 'The plans and specifications for Grading Jinprovkment No, C-39 heretofore. preFed by the Village Engineer and rib- on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. 2, The Clerk shall cause Courier and the Cbnstruction Bulletin the following notice for bids for the con- struction of said improvement: be published twice in the Edina-Norningside c I- ADvERTISm-ENT FOR BIDS GRADIiVG BENXE3~ NO. E3 The Edina Village Council r.iill meet at. the Village Ha&, 4801 8,50th Street, sfonday, October 13, 1952, at 7t30 P.X., to open and consider sealed bids for construction of VWage &_ding Improvement No, C-39, consisting of Grading and Grayelling ef the North-Sout~ Alley between Beard.and Abbott Avenues and between IJ. 58th and TL59th Streets. for said improvement on fi'le in office of Village Clerk. Bids must be submitted on basis of cash papent for vmk, No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed v&th undersigned before time of said meeting and "accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or cqtified check payable to Village Clerk in amowst of Ten percent of amount af bid. Work must be done as desbkibed and specified" in plans and specifications BY ORDEB, OF VIma- COUNCXL. Bower Hawthorne, Clerk 3. Each and all of-the terms of the foregofig advertisement for bids are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said * improvement . r 3lotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rolleall there were three ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. 0 . Danens, aye; Hathhorne, aye; and t r Acting 8kyor Village Clerk 4 P Next Public Hearing was that on petition of T.lrs. R.B. Woodb'for permit to construct a double dwelling on the West part of Lot 19, Auditor's Subdivision No, 172 (3940- 42 I?, 49th Street). within five hundred feet of proposed building site, was read by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. -1f.r. Leo Qui& objected on grounds that this is part of South T=te Oaks. %hen informed that it is not included in this plat he vrithdrew his objections, and no other objec'tzions &re faed. HarJthornefs motion that permit be granted, was seconded by banens and carried, Mr. Blakeborough, 5909 Concord Averhe, 'pleaded 'for another extension of time for installation of inside plumbing in his residence; "stating that he is unable to finance the project, ana that plumbers rKLl not make installation without a guarantee of %heir money. customary proceedings on this matter, tu"ds' SeQonded'by Danens and carried. comer of 54th and ?Joodda,le, s$ating khat he and his neighbors have been asking for a remedy for at least, five years. Xanager Nitchell recommended the re-grading of Wooddale Avenue from W,S&th Street to Lakeview Drive, with Hawbhome suggesting the regrading of 7T.54kh Street as another method of remedying this problem, Hadhornets motLon, that matter be referred to Public Vorks Committee for investigation and recommendation, was seconded by Danens and carried, &. B, J, 1.TitcheU, 5624 Chovren Avenue, complained of the blacktopping on his street, stating that it is breaking up badiy; that there is a hump in the street at the point where tvm projects joined-this street having been blackbpped by tvm contractors. Pfatter referred to IIanager Hit chell for investigation and report. Copy of notice of - hearing, mailed August 28, to property owners I t Hawthorne's motion, that Council direct VUlage Attorney to start b Bo €3. Odell, 5337 Wooddale Ave,, complained of the drainage situation at the He wated to know whether these projects have both been - finished. .. 9/8/52 *- 229 Petition, dated September 2, 1952, and signed by,omers of some 8.4% of affected property, was filed requesting the Opening, Grading and Gravelling of Halifax Lane between W.54th Street and Woodland Circle. that petition be accepted and that Public Hearing pn propos3d improvement be scheduled for Moiday, October 13, 1952, was seconded by Danens and carried. Attorney Donald Burris presented request by Mr. E.. 0. Martinson, builder, for approvalr of the location of a house at 5801 Drew Avenue South, which was erroheously built eighteen inches 90 close to the property line on the 58th Street side. 5805 Drew Ave. for approval of location. Hawthomess motion for approval of building permit for delling at 5801 Drew Avenue South at its present location on lot, was seconded by Danens and carried. Havhhome*s motion, I Written request was accompanied by request of Byron Reese, . - lfr. Beryl Nhite, 6200 Concord, inquired about proposed grade of W.62nd Street between Concord.and Parnell Avenues. ready for inspection'the week of September 15. He was informed that profiles would be I Messrs. Ruddy and Johnson presented Preliminary Plat of "Greenleaf Manor:' September 3rd recommendation for approval was reviewed. Messrs. Ruddy and Johnson asked Council for approval of temporary permits for construction of four basements on Greenleaf Nanor before approval. of Final Plat; stating thatcthey wish to dig basements and use fill for the street. Hawthornets motion, that pBuilding Inspector by authorized to issue temporary permits for four dwellings, subject to all of the laws and ordinances of $he Village except that on approval of Final Plat, with stipulation that none of buildings will be occupied untilFina1 Plat is accepted and final permit issued, was seconded by Danens and carried. - being a subdivision of Lots 43, 44 and 45, Warden Acres.- Planning Commission's Hawthorne's motion for approval of Preliminary Plat was seconded by Danens and carried. - I. Dr. Km Paul Carsons objected, again, to the assessment levied for Outlet Charge to Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. B-1 against his ten acre tract. Natter was discussed, and then referred -to'Village Manager and Village Attorney with instructions to report back to Council not later than October 1. This referral was by motion Hawthorne, seconded by Danens and carried. - - A delegation from-the Edina Taxpayers Ass&iation received report given by Assessor Alex Creighton to Deputy Clerk illden, recommending against any action by the Village Council with regard to the proposed increase in tax valuations to 35% of full and tfue valuations. I G. Orfei of Orfei tz &riani, Contractors for Sanitary Sewer ImprovmGnt Nor 36, presented statement for $6,009.38 for extra vmrk on this project along Highways 169 and 212, necessary because of added depth of Sanitary Sewer from Brookside Avenue. Nanager l.litche&l and the Public Ub5.2~ Committee for recommendation and report, was seconded by, Hawthorne and carried. Attorney Ward Lewis asked that Council delay its approval of theCFin;il Piat of Westwood Court until agreement can be reached as to proposed set-backrfiDr buildings therein; i.e.,,60 fee$ from lot line. Hawthorne's motion, that consideration of Final Plat of Westwood Court be delayed untilcl-Teeting of September 22, 1952, was seconded by Danens and carried?, Danenst motion that this statement be referred to ..I r Mr. Nolting inquired about proposed Rezoning along State Highway Nom 169; and request by Uford-Gebo Company for the rezonisg to Community Store District of Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, Edenmoor-Additioq was read. Hawkhornets motion, that matters of rezoning along Highway Nom 169 be referred to Keeting of September 22, was seconded by Danens and carried. r Petition by Carroll Construction Company -was filed, for the Vacation of "That portion of Benton Avenue which lies South of the South lot lines of Lots 7 and 8, Block 2, and which property is bounded on the Wm by the extension Southerly of the West line of said Lot 7 and bounded on the South and Southeast by the present Northerly grade line of Benton Avenue as said avenue is nozq graded, aqd which said property to be vacated is bounded on the North by the said South linqs of said Lots 7 and 8, Block 2, Edina Heights Additi0n.1~ Public Hearing be-scheduled for October 13, 1952, at 7:30 Palfa, was seconded by Danens and carried. Hawthorne's motion, that petition be accepted and that e<&. Carl 14. Hansen asked that Council expedita the Blacktopping of Parkwood - ' \~k Knolls 2nd. and 3rd Additions. Public Hearing vms had on Blackkopping of 1.'' 'k ',&q Parkwood bolls 3rd Addition, pursuant to "Notice of Hearing" appearing in Y" Edina-Nomingside Courier on August 28 and-September 4. Mrm -Mitchell ". 230 9/8/52 explained to Ifr, Hansen, desreloper and sole owner of Parkwood Knolls 3rd Addition, $hat accokding to bids on the Blacktopping projects taken this evening, the assessable cost would be about 85.05 per assessable foot. &. Hansen stated repeatedly that although he considers the price to be high he will. approve the . project at these prices because he wishes to have the vrork done the right way and ju$ as soon as possible.- I& was reported that Ashworth & Son, only bidder on this' project, is able to begin work at once if they are awarded the bid. There were no objections to the improvement, and no tnitten objections had been filed p@or to the Hearing, Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and c movedits adoption: I c IZESOlGUTION ORDEEING D4PROvEp.1I3NT STFEET XMPX"T NO. A-46 e BE; fT RESOLW by the Council of the V'age of Edina, Ennesota, that this Council heretofore wsed notice of hearing to be duly published on the-proposed improve-= ment consisting of Grading, Gravelling and Blacktopping of all streets in Parkmod Knolls 3rd Addition, and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed - rhth the construction of said impmvenent; that said improvement is 'hereby desig- nated and sha1 be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Street Improve- ment No. A-46 and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall indude all lots and tracts of land abutting and fronting upon the streets in which said improvement is to be constructed, si'lotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danen5, and on Rollcall there were three qes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. - I Danens, aye; -.Havthorn&, aye; and Acting "Nayor Village Clerk Hawthorne theneoffered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: c. RESOLUTION APPROTTING PLANS AND SSECIFICmIONS FOR STREET IMJ?lWB~-NO, A-46 AND. COIQF~IING ~.&DVXR,'I!ISEf@NT FOR BIDS FOR STFEE2 IE*ERWItQJTS NOS. &-39 AND A-46 BE IT RESOLVED by the Tfllage Council of the Village of idha: 1. The plans and specifications for Street linprovpment No, A-46 heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk we hereby approved. The action of the Clerk in causing to be published ticice in the Edina- Horningside Courier and the Construction Bulletin the folloxhg notice for bids for the construction of said impmvementcis hereby approved and confirmed: 2. e ADVERTI~J~ FOR BZDS WnG, GRBVELLINGAND BLACKTOPPING 1 C PARKftJDOD KNOiltLs 2wD AKD 3RD ADDNS, The Edina Village Council xill.meet ab the Village Hall, 4801 W.SOth Street, Xonday, September 8, 1952, at 7:30 P.lL, to open and consider sealed bids for the f ollorving: 1. Knolls? 2nd Addition (Street. Improvement No, 8-39) .- 8 - 2, Knolls 3rd Addition; I Grading and Gravelling and Blacktopping of All Streets in Parhmod Grading, Gravelling and Blacktopping of all streets in Paskrvood Work mst be done as described and specified in plans and specifications for said improvement on file in ofrice of Village Clerk. on basis of cpsh payment for work. Xilea vith undersigned before time of said meeting and- accompanjed by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to Village Clerk in amount of Ten percent of amount of bid, BY ORDER OF VTIXABS COUNCIL, Bower Hawthorne, Clerk hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said improvement, C Bids must be subuted No bids rLl1 be considered unless sealed and r 3. Each and dl of the terns of the foregoing adverkisemmt for bids are ' Hotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there were three ayes and no nays, as follows: Hawthorne, aye? and the Besolution was adopted. Danens, aye; Child, aye; and 1 t # ViUage Clerk s Plotion by Hawbhorne for award of Blacktopping Bids taken this evening for Parkmod Knolls 2nd and Parkwood Knolls 3rd Additions, at 0il.Stabilistion _. ir price as recommended by-lhgineer PEtchell, amounts 6$18,003.10 and $l2,286.04, c - -et0 Ashworth and Son, was seconded by Danens and carried. ** s"& \ 3) . .. . -. .. . ,. ... t C 9/8/52 I281 Mayor Erickson Meeting. Eo Co Stow arrived at this time and presided for the balance of the 1 was present-when letters from Harold Franzen, Alice 4'. Johnson, Alex E. Carlson, and &.-Ao Collins, purchasers of a tota of 66 lots in his Brookview Heights Subd&vision, were read, requesting water improvements for this subdivision. &. Hitchell read Zngineer Arleigh Smith's estimate of cost in amount of $68,000 for mains in Brookview Heights First Subdivision, and $14,000 for a well. ' Public Utilities Supt. Ben Woehler recommended construction of either tank or reservoir before system is put into operation. k heated argument was had, and Hawthorne moved that Council agree to discuss thk matter of water service for Brookview Heights atpthe meeting of JVovember IO. Notioa seconded by Child and carried. &. George E. Carlsbnts petitibn for permit to construct and pay for Sanitary Sewer in hterlachen Blvd. from Highway No. 169 to William Avenue came once again before the Council. Mr. Carlsonts attorney was present to hear the objections raised by laublic Utilities Chairman Child: Le., objections' to our adding additional territory to sewage district at present time; fact that construction of this line does not free thisqparticular district from future assessments for sanitary lateral sewer; fact that sewer wi3.l be built at side of road rather than through the center in usual manner of construction; necessity of removing trees'for installation. Mr. Child rechmended against sewer for above reasons, and Hawthorne movkd that petition be denied. seconded by Danens and carried. I Notion .- Twin City Rapid" Transit Companyr s proposed itResolution fipprovin'g Route and Fare for buses frbm W.lilcth to Wo5&h Street, with extra fare of lo$ to be charged for a one-way ride within the Village of Edina was re5d--this route being along France Avenue. was brought out tht those people resid'ing South of- W.54th Street are refusing to ride the bus beyond W. 54th Street because of the *extra fare being charged, and that, therefore, the bus beyond W.54th Street is not receiving a fair trial. No action wasltahn on the proposed Resolution, but Hawthorne Considerable discussion was had, during which it offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: + c €CESOUPTION AUTHORIZING ROUTE OF SHUTTIE BUS FRON NORTH EDINA VILLAGE LIMTPS TO W. 54TH Sw , AS .TRBNSFE;R F'RO14 STREEX'CAR E . BE IT REBOLVED by $he Village Council of the-Pillage 0% Edina that it authorizes the Weapolis Street Railway Company to operate a shuttle bus line in France Avenue from W.46th Street to W.54th Street, and return, as a transfer from and $0 Como-Harriet-Hopkins Streetcar Line, at no extra fare. Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there were four aygs and no nays, as fol Hawthorne, aye; and Erickson, aye; and th c n Hennepin County Hi&wayts August 25th request for Village participation to the extent of $327;05 in a drainage installation on County Road No. 64 to divert runoff 02 water onto Lots 13 and 14, Block 1, LaBuena Vista and carry water along €he easterly road ditch of County Road No. 64 toward intersection of 68th Street and County Roaa 39, was read. stated that this 5s a good solution for a bad drainage situation,-and that he would recommend' that Village grant Countyt s request. that expenditure be approved was seconded by Hawthorne and carrLed. I&. Ff. Bergerud's application for permit to construct sign on Xnterlachen Blvd. vm'S denied, .by motion Hawthorne, seconded by Child and chrried. Chicago Bridge and Iron Company's request for -information as to funds avilable for water tank construction was .referred to Nanager Mitchell for answer. PfitcheU. reported that mills have accepted- our water tank steel for third kger Nitchell Childjs motion quarter . Xub&ic Utilities Supt. Woehler's request Convention at Sioux Falls, with expenses seconded by Hawthorne and carried, for permission to attend the AIM& paid, was approved by motion Child, i Hawthorne's motion directing Village Nanager Etchell to attend the meeting at Red Owl, Hopkins, on September 12, was seconded by Child valuations and carried. 9/8/52 232 - Nanager EIitcheU, presinted to the Council the following petitions for improvements, recommending that Council schedule Public Hearings on them for Honday, 0,ctober 27, 1952t Petition for Vatemain Improvement in Xerxes Avenue, 57th to 58th Street. Petition for Black$opping in Erdng Avenue between IT. 58th and lL6Oth S%reets, Petition for Curb and Gutter in 3sing Avenue bettmen,lr.58th and W.6Oth Streets Petition for Curb and Gutter in Chowen Avenue between W45$th and TL59th Streets Petition for Grading and Gravelling of Ashcrofb Avenue bptween %J;5$th and V. Petition for Grading and Oiling in Behore Lane between Harrikon Avenue an$ 60th Streets Blake Road . Hatddmrnets motion, that Public Hearings on above named petitions be scheduled for Honday, Octpber 27, 1952, at 7:30 PJL, was seconded by Danws and carried. I&. Loren B. Abbettts inquiry as to appointment of architects for Village Hall was read. Council Eeviewed Village HaU Citizens t Committee's recopendation? c that-firms of 31cEnary & Krafft and wg & Raugland be 9ppointed as architects, Eommitteefs recommenda$ipns be accepted, and that I'icEnary & 1c;rafft and Lang & a Village Hall to cost between $l5O,OOO and $200,000. Hawthorne and carried. Tk, Robert Soelberg's request *for pgrmit to remodel service station at Brookside and Merla+phen vas reviewed. Danens' motion, that pennit be granted, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried. . T i) with $!&nary and Krafft %o be supervisingt firm. Cwd moved that Citizens be notified of their appoiniitnent, with instructions. to draft plans for Notion seconded by c. Southddle Center's application for permit to construct sign on 1?.66th Street was granted by motion Child, seconded by Hawbhorpe and carried. -. Application of Glen Farlson for permit to sell cigaret$es at &andview Direct Service Station was reviewed, Hawthorne* s motion, that cigarette license be issued to April 1, 1953, vas seconded by.Chi3.d and carqed. Child moved for payment of Village Payroli, amount $$10,200.39 and Liquor Store Payroll, mount $l,276.56 for period September I to 15, 1952 and overtime Tor recorded in detail in payroll ledger, and for payment of the follmring August,- as claims: am NO. 7 576 7 577 7 578 7579 * 7581 75-92 7583 7584 7585 7586 7588 7589 7.591 7592 7593 7594 7595. 7596 . 7597 7598 7599 7601 7603 7604 7575 75w 7589 5764 7590 c e F F. Bichard Obermeyer David Anderson Donald Pedersen , BziLph Corey Donald Haeaard George Thompson Jack Xeredith Robert Oberineyer Edina 1-Tormingsi.de Courier 11 11 It Alex Creighton - Viola Doty Francis Kidd Edwin Y. Daniel Phyllis, C. Broom llinifred Creighton , A,, C. Stringer 3. A? Creigkrton 1 XTS. Dorothy IC. Otis Dorothy Fischer Bill's Tree Service th. John I)&*iuth Sukrban Electric Coo I Pf eif fer Construction Coo Arthur KO Peterson 1 Suburban Hennepin County Relief Board Edina-Xorningside Courier .c 233 CLAIM NO'. L2087 E2088 I2089 L2090 L20 91 L2092 320 93 L2094 DO95 Ebin Brothers r Gob Edina Commercial Club Ed. Phillips & Sons CO. Griggs, Cooper & GO, * NcKesson & Robbins Mid-West Wine Co. , Inc, Northwest ern Bell Telephone Coo Old Peoria Go., kc. Motion for approval of cla;imS and payrolls was seconded by Danens and carried, n, ,fpger Mitchell recommded that Council take bids for Sanitary Sewer and ab , .?i 'L ,;'I, as of Monday, September 22, 1952, at 7:30 P.N., was seconded by Danens and Water Main in Philbrook Lane as of ?donday, September 22, 1952. authorizing bids to be taken for-Sanitary Sewer and Water Elkin in Philbrook Lane Childts motion, I I .I \ carried. \ - kager Xitchell recommended the appoin-bment of a Sewage Committee for consul- tation with Richfield as to Richfield Sewer Outlet,- Havrthorne*s motion, that members Cwld and. Danens, Viliage Attorney lfddhorst , ~ Village Nanager Nit chell, and the-present Chairmain of the Edina Taxpayers Association Sewage Comnittee- be appointed as Edina Sewage Committee,. was seconded by Child and carried. fi. Mit'chell recomendedt that Council. advertise- for bids for Stopand-Go Signal '- for the 50th and Halifax-intersection as soon as possible, Hawthornets motion, that Council take bids on Stop-and-Go signal as-of Monday, October 13, 1952, was seconded by Danens and carried. &. Mitchell stated that the VilXage Public Works Crew and Equipment is too busy to undertake the construction work necessary for the Grading and Gravelling of the following alleys; which construction has been approved by the Council. for Ilwork by day labor under supervision of Village Engineer":' He requestetl permis5ion' to rentr the< ewipment necessary to effect this construc- tion thZs f&dl. equipment aizd hire "operators on- an hourly basis- for construction of two alleys, 0 *c -# 7- Alley between York and Xerxes ad between W.59th and W.60th Streets. Alley-between York and Zenith and between tL58th and W~59th Streets. * Hairthornets motion; that Village Nanager be authorized to rent named above; was se'conded by CUld and carried.- *c -c petitions signed by Themell Company and others, for Sanitary Seber and Water Ndn 3nprovementx.in Chowen Avenue between W.6Oth. and - wa61st Streets. He recommended' thak Council hold a Public Hearing and take b&ds- 13, 1952.* Hadhornets motion, accepting lbnager's scheduling Public Hearing .and authorizing taking of bids for Monday, October 13, 1952, at- 7:30 P*.M., was seconded by Child and carried. Discussion was had of the petitidns for Street Vacations on the agenda but no action was taken,' and matter was laid over to next' heeting. Hawthorne moved for adjournment. I Motion seconded by Danens and carried. Meeting adjourned at 12~20 A.M., Tuesday, S-er 9 c OF THE MEETING OF.l?HE EDINA c I CANVASSING BOARD, HELD THURSDAY, THE EDINA VILJ;Act;4: HPi . r qE€TBm 11, 1952, AT 9:30 A& AT Council Ifembers Child, Bredesen, -Danens, .and Hawthorne met at the Village Hall, 'Thursday, September 11, 1952, as a,Canvassing Board to review returns of the September 9th Special Village Election on adoption of :'An Ordinance Establishing a Merit System, Calssified and Unclassified Positions, a Position Classification Ph, a Promotion plan, a Personnel Board, a Compensation Plan, an Examination andtAppointment P1af1 &nd a Basic Personnel Policy for the Employees of the 'Village of Edina,- Einnesota.~ Returns were as foUowst (C. TOTUL 7 .3723- BXi 815 NO Aft-er review by all members present,.Hawthorne*s motion that Results of Village Special. Election held September 9, 1952, on Ordinance Adopting a Position Classi- fication Plan, be accepted. Xotion seconded by Bredesen id carried. Hawthorne then moved for adjou$nm&t df Canvassing Board Meeting, I Notion f seconded by Danens and carried. Clerk